#goated with the awesomesauce
wiicoded · 3 months
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clarice is not a witch but i wanted an excuse to draw them so 🤫🤫🤫🤫
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pankenlewd · 1 year
thank you for providing a new phrase for my gender collection :3 thoughts on girlboy creatures with short hair and epic hips and pretty faces?
epic hips? win waist? pelvis goated with the awesomesauce? ?
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parasitoidism · 4 months
(Hope I’m using this feature right I haven’t used tumblr in years but I was forced to redownload for stupid smt fanart 😞) super curious if uve fully played p4a/p4au in story mode bc episode p4 and p3 r so like aweeee… I love seeing the p3 gang grown up. Especially since yukari is the goat as always and has a super sweet friendship w junpei ^_^
I HAVE NOT.. its on my list though i want to see labrys and sho they seem so awesomesauce. i promise i will play the fighting game visual novel soon
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babehog · 2 years
Goated with the sauce? Awesomesauce?
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diedraechin · 7 years
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Yep, you read that right.  I’m having a party on my blog for my birthday (July 16th)! 🍾🎂🎉
Up for grabs are TWO ficlets.  That’s right, there will be two winners. :D  And it’s not hard to enter.  Seriously.  Reblogging isn’t even required (though it is appreciated).
How to Enter the Ficlet Raffle:
So I thought about how this would work.  Basically I want to celebrate with the people who follow me; who enjoy what I put out there into the tumblrverse and ao3.  I want to thank you all for being so awesome.  So here’s how it’s going to work.
You have to be following me.  No exceptions.  New followers are more than welcome to join in.  As long as you’re following me by 11:59pm CEST on July 16th you are eligible. :D
You have to comment on this post with something that you think will make me smile.  Because it’s for my birthday. :D That can be a simple “Happy Birthday!” (Guaranteed smile right there).  It could be a link to a picture of a goat or a cat (or a Yuuri or a Viktor or a whatever).  It could be a joke (dad jokes and puns are very appreciated on this blog).  It could be a compliment.  It could be a series of emojis.  It could be just about anything!  (Seriously, comments always make me smile.)
If you do want to reblog this, you get a SECOND entry. :D  Two tries to win!
And you have to do this by 11:59pm CEST on July 16th, 2017.  
What is the Prize?
A Ficlet.  By Me!  Written to a prompt of your choice. :D  I think you all know what I write by now. :)  Length will probably be somewhere between 1k to 3k words... because lets face it, I don’t know how to write something short.  I’m not guaranteeing length, but I will definitely aim for at least 1000 words.
I’m pretty open, but tend to write fairly vanilla when it comes to kinks, so keep that in mind.  Definitely no watersports of any kind... Doesn’t have to be explicit either, you know I tend to write fluffy and silly, but it can be if you want.
It doesn’t have to be related to any of the stories I’ve written, but if you want it to be, that’s all right.  I’m super easy.
There will be TWO winners because I’m ridiculous like that.  
Also you’re probably going to see this on my blog at least every other day up to the end of the raffle.
Winners will be selected at random using a number randomizer thingy on the 17th.  I’ll announce it here.  (You’ll have until the 19th to reply) if you don’t reply, you forfeit your AWESOME ficlet and I’ll draw another name.  Cool?  Cool.
**The AWESOMESAUCE banner graphic was made by none other than @io-edits-sassy  (Have I mentioned lately that he’s the best?  Cause he is totally the best)**
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dumbfinntales · 7 years
After Hollow Knight I’ve felt this serious metroidvania itch. I mean there’s plenty to choose from, but I really didn’t know what I wanted to play. As I was choosing what to play next I remembered that a long long time ago I downloaded Guacamelee on my PS4 since it was free on PS+. Just in case, y’know? Looks like that decision finally proved to be useful.
Since I already had the game I felt like giving it a go! I watched my brother play the game for a while, but other than that I have no prior experience with it. I played it for about an hour, a little over and here’s my thoughts.
I’m really liking the setting. The luchadore theme that they’re going for is great. I guess the games theme has a more specific name, but I don’t know really what else to call it. For a metroidvania it has a bigger emphasis on platforming and combat. Very little exploration so far, most things I’ve done were combat or platforming challenges. You also get run around in towns and do little sidequests for NPC’s. That’s neat.
I have to say while the combat is fun, it doesn’t feel very fluid. Neither does the movement in general. It’s only ever so slightly delayed or “floaty” that makes controlling the game uncomfortable. The character feels like he slides around a bit and making fast precise jumps doesn’t feel as precise as I hoped. Getting close to enemies, hitting them or even rolling feels slightly off. I’m getting used to the games pace, but I was expecting better controls from a game like this. Now don’t get me wrong, the controls aren’t bad. They just feel slightly off, at least to me they do. It doesn’t ruin the experience, but makes you wish it was just a bit better. You feel me?
Also memes. Yeah I already kinda knew this, but there’s meme references on billboards around the towns. The dialogue can be pretty bad too. They unironically used the term “awesomesauce” or something on those lines. There’s also this wise looking old guy, but he speaks like a teenager. “Dude seriously don’t smash my stuff” isn’t a line I expected from a wise mentor. Well neither did I expect him to turn into a goat, but still. The games sense of humor isn’t really reaching me.
Overall it has it’s quirks, but I’m liking it so far. I’ve only unlocked two special moves. We’ll see how fun the combat gets later.
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keirchapple · 7 years
Queens,Farms & Birthdays, Oh my! | Atlanta Portrait Photographer
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The other weekend, Belkis and I had the chance to shoot with one of our favorite clients and partners, the amazing Lynn Green, of Lynn’s Creations, LLC. Lynn has been a long time client and supporter of my work and has always given me the opportunity create new images for her important events. She wanted to celebrate her birthday this year with some new images and we chose the Goat Farm as the best place to have some fun. 
Here are a few images from our shoot, the day was pure AWESOMESAUCE!!
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wiicoded · 3 months
Goated with the awesomesauce.
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flexciadsouza · 7 years
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What was your day like guys??? I had a super fun evening at #GOATfestivalindia today! While people are cribbing about #sunburn and #supersonic not happening in Goa, I had fun at #wonderwall a few weeks back, and this weekend - #GOATfestival, earthy real, music festivals right on the beach with some good international DJ lineup amongst other things. I also engaged in some yoga, and checked out stuff at their pop up stores today! So much fun with @tinomung! #boho #gypsysoul 😍✌ Also a shout out to Maryann for this lovely makeup, apt for a beach day. #awesomesauce (at Goat Festival Goa)
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