#god ANYWAY i hope u have some great cocktails today
eviestvincent · 7 years
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bbugyu · 4 years
can i kiss you yet? + hong joshua
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a mutual friend always made a great excuse to see you, but he definitely wanted more.
wc.2.4k | joshua x gn!reader, fluff, first snow au, foreigners in korea squad up, josh is a tutor u are an ambiguous worker everything is vague shhh, there are really no warning this is just fluff, oh drinking, but only the once, miss park chaeyoung please text me back
haha..... i am....... im not........... im in my joshie feels ok do not talk to me about it im embarrassed. thanks @babiemingoo for ruining my life by saying joshua would fall in love with me, and i quote, "no cap."
you spent a lot of time with joshua. by proxy, mostly, but you enjoyed his company nonetheless. your best friend called him her brother - they weren't related by blood, but by circumstance, having separately moved to korea at an old enough age to take care of themselves but young enough to still need the support of someone going through something similar. they were neighbors, and rosie had no way of stopping him from barging through her front door at all hours of the day. she always yelled at him to let her have some privacy. he insisted that if she was doing something that required privacy, then she should tell him beforehand. you always just laughed from your spot on the couch.
joshua would smile and put up a hand when he pretended to notice you for the first time, as though you weren't the express reason he had made an excuse to show up. "hi, y/n."
you would smile back and wiggle your fingers at him. "hi, josh."
this happened almost every time you came over to rosie's apartment, and while you never intended to see him, you would be lying if you said it wasn't a lovely benefit.
she rolled her eyes. "don't you have a job?"
"that's the great thing about being an online tutor," joshua said, making himself comfortable on the opposite end of the couch from you. "flexible scheduling."
you realized you had never asked him about his work. "what do you tutor?"
he looked at you, and you thought you saw a flash of nervousness in his eyes before he grinned. "english. and korean. and algebra. and calculus, sometimes."
"that's, like," you paused, your head knocking to one side. "impressive?"
"is it?" he laughed. "i just voice chat with high school students in sweats."
you shrugged. "i'm bad at math and i'm pretty sure i'd be bad at teaching, so anything like that is impressive to me."
he nodded, the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. it was hard for him to believe that you could be bad at anything, but he figured math was an okay thing to be lacking in. "noted."
rosie coughed loudly, making you both direct your attention to where she was leaning against the kitchen counter. "if you guys are done, i would love someone's help deciding what kind of pizza to get."
when you left hours later, rosie asked joshua why he even came over, trying to imply that he was taking too long to admit he liked you.
he pouted out his lips and shook his head. "no reason. i just heard you talking to someone and wanted to make sure you're not inviting over weirdos."
she gave him a sideways glare, knowing that if that were the truth, he would have come over when mingyu showed up the day before. or wonwoo last week. or any of her other friends that frequented her studio apartment. but conveniently, he only ever barged in when it was you, and she had a suspicion that it was because he had learned to recognize your laugh through the thin walls.
the first time you ever met joshua, it was at a bar. you and some work friends had agreed to get drinks together, and when your coworker-turned-bestie got a call from her neighbor saying she got a package, you nudged her.
"is he your oppa, like, just a guy, or like a boyfriend?"
she squinted at you, registering your language switch "ew! oh my god, he's just a guy. he's like a brother."
you heard an indignant noise over the line at her exclamation, and you giggled as you guided the straw in your cocktail to your lips.
"am i lying, joshua?" rosie said, rolling her eyes. "are you not like my brother?"
"joshua?" your eyebrows quirked up, realizing he had an english name, and only processing after the fact that he also understood her. "is he like us?"
"foreign?" rosie asked, looking at you. "yeah, he's from la."
you looked at her expectantly. "well, is joshua free tonight?"
she laughed at you, but redirected the question over the phone anyways, then promptly invited him out to join you at the bar, and he said he could be there in 45 minutes. he arrived with 6 minutes to spare (not that you were watching the clock, but you totally were), and rosie waved him down to join your table, quickly introducing him to the coworkers you had deemed fun enough to hang out with.
"and this is y/n," she said, grabbing your arm. she leaned over to joshua, pretending to whisper. "the other foreigner."
you laughed and shook his hand, saying it was nice to meet him. he smiled back, warmly, and returned the sentiment. he was korean, you realized, despite being from america, and he was incredibly handsome. like, absurdly so, in a way that felt impossible in reality, yet here he was, gaze flickering over your face as you brought your (new) drink to your lips, and the liquid almost caught in your throat when you saw an entire galaxy twinkling in his eyes. you blinked when he went to get a drink, thinking you must be drunker than you thought to have mistaken the reflection of the fairy lights that littered the bar as galaxies, but for some reason, your initial impression seemed to suit him more.
months later, you went to rosie's apartment just to drop off some food - you were teaching yourself how to make korean side dishes, and she volunteered to be your auxiliary food tester if you made too much, which, big surprise, you absolutely did. she made fun of your cooler bag and your big puffy jacket, saying you reminded her of the grandma down the hall, and you laughed heartily as you made your way to her kitchen.
she had an essay to write, so you didn't stick around. shortly after you announced your leave and exited to the hall, the next door opened.
"oh," joshua said, hand still gripping the handle of his front door as he made surprised eye contact with you. "you're leaving already?"
you pursed your lips to hide a smile, wrapping your scarf around your neck. "already?"
"you usually, um," he paused, his hand going to the back of his neck, the other pushing into the pocket of his jeans. "you're usually around for a few hours."
you giggled. "i was just dropping off some food, rosie has an essay to write."
he puffed out a cheek and nodded slowly as he let it deflate. "i guess i shouldn't bother her, then."
you watched him avoid your gaze, then peeked slyly past him into his apartment. you had never been, but it looked neat. neutral. comforting. it seemed like him.
the jig was up, joshua thought, studying your eyes briefly. you clearly knew he only ever barged into his neighbor's apartment because you were there. he had obviously just given it away, but maybe you had always known, and you had just let him think he was convincing when he said he had no idea you were over. but maybe he was okay with that, because you never complained. and maybe that meant you liked seeing him, too.
"are you busy?" he asked suddenly. "i don't mean to keep you, but-"
you shook your head quickly. "i don't have plans."
"uh," he turned to his apartment before looking back at you briefly. "let me grab a jacket, i'll walk you home."
you couldn't help but smile. "okay."
joshua made sure he was quick to get his winter coat and a scarf, but instinctively adjusted his bangs in a mirror and checked his breath. he silently scolded himself for making this out to be something that it wasn't - he was walking you home, not taking you out. but he hoped he would work up the nerve to ask before the end of the walk.
"ready?" you asked, pushing off the wall you were leaning against as you waited.
he smiled at you, silently hoping he was. "yeah, let's go. it's gonna start getting dark soon."
when the two of you exited the apartment building, hands shoved into pockets, joshua commented that it felt like it was gonna snow.
"i think the forecast said tomorrow," you mused, looking up at the overcast sky.
he stared at you as you walked beside him, your lips curved upward in a vague smile as you thought about how much you liked the snow, and when you looked over and caught his gaze, he redirected his eyes just a little too late, then laughed at his own behavior. "sorry, you looked really cute just then."
you couldn't help but smile, nuzzling down into your scarf to hide it. "as opposed to normally, when i don't."
"not what i said," he defended immediately. "i think you always look cute."
you giggled into your scarf, hoping he couldn't see how flustered you felt. "thank you. i think you always look cute, too."
you caught a small smile sneak onto his face as he looked down at his shoes. "thanks."
joshua had never once seemed shy to you. a little hesitant, maybe, when you had first met him, but he exuded confidence. you got the impression that he knew himself better than anyone, and he was happy to express himself genuinely around people that accepted him. he was a bit of a smooth talker, you thought. he had a way of saying exactly what people wanted to hear, whether it was true or not. but today, now, he seemed genuinely reserved. quieter. like he wasn't quite sure what to say to you as you walked side by side on the sidewalk, headed to your apartment.
"what kind of food did you bring to roseanne?" he asked, trying to fill the quiet.
"standard fare," you said, smiling at how he used her full name. "kimchi, seasoned beansprouts, sweet potatoes, fishcakes."
"oh, korean?" he asked, looking at you. "i didn't know you cooked like that."
your lip quirked into a smile at the reaction. "i'm practicing. gotta please a korean husband if i wanna get a permanent visa, y'know."
"right," he said, nodding at your joking tone. "a korean husband."
you blinked, eyes focusing on something in the air, then looked up. "oh my god, is it snowing?"
joshua tore his gaze from you, looking around at the flakes that were gently falling from the sky. "i told you it was gonna snow."
"but the forecast said tomorrow!" you laughed, pulling a hand out of your pocket to try to catch some flakes. "has it snowed yet since new year?"
his heart fluttered lightly as he watched you shove your hand back into your pocket. "no, not yet."
you looked over at him and giggled at how much snow had gathered on his dark hair. "oh, jeez, it's starting to come down." you reached out to him, brushing some flakes off his bangs, and he hoped you thought his ears were just red from the cold. "if we don't hurry, you're not gonna be able to walk home."
that wouldn't be the end of the world, joshua thought. maybe if the snow fell heavy enough, you would tell him to sleep on your couch instead of trekking home. maybe the two of you could chat, alone, just enjoying company until too late in the night. and maybe your heating would go out again, like you often complained about, and maybe the two of you could wind up under the same blanket as you got sleepier.
"do you know that belief?" he asked, glancing at you as you walked. "what koreans say about first snow?"
you looked over to him. "no," you said shortly, switching to korean. "what is it?"
he laughed, but continued in english. "they say that if you're with someone during the first snow of the year, you'll stay together for a long time."
you stopped in your tracks, and he only made it two steps in front of you before he turned, looking at you questioningly. "together?"
he gave a short affirmation, blinking and looking away as he shifted his stance. "yeah, like-" he paused. "supposedly, if you confess during the first snow, it's good luck. or something like that."
you stared at him, studying his eyes as he avoided your gaze, a tiny smile creeping across your face. "josh."
he looked at you, eyebrows quirked. "w'sup?"
you giggled. "are you talking about us right now?"
"oh, are you confessing to me?" he asked, eyes wide and making you laugh as he slowly closed the short distance between you. "confessing during the first snow, wow. you must really like me. y'know, i always kind of thought you had a crush on me."
you rolled your eyes. "yet it took you four months to mention it?"
his nose scrunched up as he grimaced apologetically. "i'm sorry for making you wait," he said, quietly and in korean, close enough that you felt his breath on your skin. you just shook your head at him.
"i made you wait, too."
he looked between your eyes, and you couldn't help but feel like the snow was melting around you from his warm you felt. "can i kiss you yet?"
you let out a breathy giggle, enjoying the way his eyes creased as he smiled at you. "of course you can."
this moment, joshua realized, was one that he had imagined a million times in his head. in a million different scenarios throughout the last four months, he had imagined how incredible it would be to feel your lips against his. and when he finally found himself there, his fingers brushing against your cheek as he pulled you into him, the first snow of the year falling around you, he realized he had imagined it all wrong. because despite thinking that you definitely had the most beautiful lips that he could ever press his to, he had not accounted for the fact that you were smiling, and he was too, and that made them the sweetest. the most fun. the most exciting.
and he hoped you would let him keep kissing you for a long time.
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probablymango · 6 years
Dungeons and Arcana
Chapter 1: New Game
Lucio rubbed his face, trying hard not to glare at the others at the table with him. “Explain to me again, what is it you want to do?”
Asra smiles, setting down his glass. “We want to bring two more people into the game with us.”
“I got that. Who are they, do I know them, what are their experience, and do I need to start a new campaign?” He hated getting new players. Not that he wants to keep others from playing, but it meant having to learn them, figure out how they play characters, see what they could and couldn’t deal with, merging them into pre-existing campaigns was a bitch.
Julian raises his hand a bit. “My sister, she’s got a bit of experience from playing with me.”
Lucio nods, then looks at the other two.
“Our roommate, Muriel. You’ve probably met him before, or well, at least seen him.” Mordenkainen answered, making vaguely descriptive hand gestures. “Tall guy, beefy, wears a hoodie all the time, and has the big service dog. Ring any bells?”
It did, mostly because the guy was like a huge brick wall, but he wasn’t very social, so Lucio didn’t know him very well. “Does he have any experience?”
Asra and Mordenkainen look between each other with small looks of worry. “... We’ve tried…” “But neither of us are good dms so….” “Not really….”
“Jesus christ.” He groans, rubbing his face and pushing his glasses further up his face. “...... I’m going to have to meet them both, then we’ll see about a new campaign. Nadia!” He looked over his shoulder towards the kitchen.
“What?” Nadia yells back.
“You’re going to need to make a new character!”
“Okay! What kind of campaign?”
“Not sure yet! Probably just a self inserts and fantasy!”
Lucio rolls his eyes then turns back to the three in front of him. “Same time or do we need to reschedule for the others?”
“Muriel is good with us.” Asra smiles brightly, lightly jumping in his seat.
Julian thinks for a bit, then pulls his cell out of his scrubs pocket. “... I’ll have to check in with her for that, but let’s stick with the same time for now.”
Lucio nods, ideas of what to make the campaign starting to form. “Good, good, please get them in contact with me before then please. I need to meet them first, even if it’s over webcam.”
Nadia came out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of grapes and milk shake. “So we’ve got more people coming?”
“Yes.” Rang in everyone else.
She nods, thoughtfully sipping at her shake. “We’ll have to order more food then. Do any of them have allergies?”
“Portia does, but I doubt that’ll stop her from eating what’s presented.”
“Still, best to make preparations anyways. What’s she allergic to?”
“Dairy, but she doesn’t acknowledge that fact.”
“Oh.” She makes a face. “Is…. is there a non-dairy pizza? Hmm, I’ll keep an eye out for non-dairy snacks that taste good.”
Julian sighs with relief. “Thank you. I can try to get her to send a list of snacks she likes, if that’d help?”
Nadia and Julian start to discuss food, while Lucio turns to the other two. “So, I know of Muriel, but what’s he like? Asides from being a big boy.”
“Shy, not outgoing, and suffers from anxiety.” Asra says, ruffling his brown hair. “We figured that doing it with friends would be the best chance at having him play and plus you’re pretty good, so we figured you’d be best at being one of his first dms.”
Lucio sighs in defeat. “We’ll talk more about this later.” He glances at the clock, then groans. “After work, it’s time to go.” He and Asra stand up, grabbing their bags and coats. “Bye Noddy!”
“Bye Mayor!” Asra grins, sliding on his obnoxiously colored green, pink, and orange jacket.
“Not mayor yet.” She laughs, waving them farewell. “Don’t forget your arm charger!”
“Thank you!” Lucio quickly grabs it from the counter, then goes out to the car. “What do you plan on playing tonight?”
Asra buckles himself, as he makes his signature cat face. “What do you mean?”
Lucio narrowed his eyes at him as he buckled himself in and pulled out. “Do you plan on being a memey little shit with the music tonight or do you plan on doing normal bar music?”
“Oh, you know.” He grins, giving Lucio the answer he knew. The bar was going to be filled with meme songs, most of them were going to give him a headache.
“You little shit.” He groaned, already feeling the headache forming from just thinking of what he was going to hear for the hours they were working together. “Can you at least put on good meme music?”
“Excuse you, but Smash Mouth is great music.” He laughs, watching the buildings pass by.
“No, no it’s not. And please, for the love of god, don’t play What’s New Pussycat, because I swear, I will jump over the bar and strangle you for it.”
“Kinky.” He snickers, poking at his shoulder.
“It’s not a kink thing you perverted little shit!” He groans, keeping his eyes on the road as he blindly slaps at Asra.
Asra snorts, weakly batting his hand away. “What if I play, It’s Not Unusual?”
“That’s worse!” He groans, putting his hand back on the wheel. “Just… Please, take some of the patrons’ requests.”
“I’ll consider it.”
It was quiet for the next few minutes, but as Lucio finished parking, his speakers came to life with-
The culprit ran into the bar, laughing with bastardly delight. Lucio groaned, rubbing his face as he turned off the car, and grabbed his bag. He hoped today will be slow, so he could write, but since Asra took over the music selection, more people started coming in. It was good for business, but not good for his creativity. He went inside, clocked himself in, and went to his usual part of the bar, the one with the plug-in built into the counter. He plugged in his phone and arm, hoping people chose the other bartenders, but knowing he’s never that lucky.
His fear was confirmed about 10 minutes into his shift. Asra had some weird remix playing as a sickly looking older man came to the bar in front of him. Worm man, or Vlastomil, as his name tag reads, comes in regularly. The only reason Lucio even remembers this fucker is solely because he stands out; super pale, an almost leprechaun face, dark clothes, and is usually saying something about worms. He assumes the man works at the bait shop, but honestly didn't care enough to find out. “What will it be, sir?”
“Drunken worm cocktail.”
He gets out the ingredients, passion fruit vodka, peach schnapps, cointreu, coconut rum, sweet and sour, cranberry juice, and gummy worms. It looked tasty, white bottom, with red top, ice, and gummy worms resting on the top. “Here you go.”
“Thank you.” He sets down $15 and walks away to a darker part of the room. A weird, but alright person.
He stares at him for a bit, then picks up his phone and starts typing.  Vlastomil…. Sounds like a perfect fantasy name….  He quickly made some notes, then put away his phone as another person came over. “Hi, how can I help you?”
The man in front of him was beautiful, like almost a model. Long hair in a braid, brown that somehow beautifully turns to blond, and clothes that looked a bit more expensive than this area normally gets. Dammit, he didn’t need an instant crush on a stranger. “What kinds of wine do you have?”
“... Uh, I’ll have to check the list.” Not many people wanted straight wine, so he forgot the actual names of them. “We have…. Pinot Grigio.. Some Chardonnay… uhhh.. Pinot Noir… Rose and Cabernet Sauvignon?”
He raises an eyebrow and has a small smile. “Not used to serving?”
“Not used to serving straight wine. Which would you like?”
He stares at the bottles for a bit. “Pinot Noir.”
“You got it.” He pours him a glass and hands it to him, then watches as he awkwardly holds the glass, probably expecting a wine glass instead of the regular ass glasses they have.
“Thank you.” He continues to stay at the bar, drinking as he looked around, sipping thoughtfully at his wine. “Hmp, this is just like him too.”
He shouldn’t butt in or even mention that he heard it, but his nosiness is getting the better of him. “Who?”
He sighs, leaning back into the bar. “My ex, he used to bring this home constantly. Should have expected the bad after taste of him with it.”
“That’s rough buddy.” Did he really just say that? He’s been dming too long, now he sounds like an actual NPC!
He snorts softly, turning to smile at him. “I didn’t think bartenders actually said that.”
They don’t, I’m just too used to fantasy. “I like going beyond people’s expectations.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He turns back around, continuing to sip at his wine.
Lucio looked over at Asra, only to see him gesturing to…. Do something? He looked at his phone and, oh, he sent a text.
Snek meme bastard: is that valerius? Me: Who is that and why should I care? Snek meme bastard: cuz hes muriels cuz Me: ….. Me: Can u try that again with proper spelling? Snek meme bastard: valerius is muriels cousin Snek meme bastard: is that valerius? Me: not sure Snek meme bastard: ASK Me: NO Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: please Me: no Snek meme bastard: ………. Snek meme bastard: ill give you $20 bucks if you do Me: …… if he calls the cops im bringing you to jail with me
He groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose, then looks back up at the handsome man in front of him. “What’s your name?”
He looks up at him. “.... any reason you want to know?”
Shit, shit, what does he say? “Why wouldn’t I like to know the name of an attractive person at my bar?” He grins, dying on the inside. He really needs to stop hanging out with MC, they were giving him bad habits of unnecessary flirting with everyone who sticks around for more than 5 minutes.
He looks at him for a bit, then laughs. “You…” He snorts, setting down his drink. “Where.. How did you learn to talk like that?”
“I have no idea of what you mean.” Well, at least he got the stranger to laugh, hopefully that means good things and not being considered a creep. “I speak like a regular people.”
He laughs more, then tries to take a sip of his wine. “I’ll…” He snickers. “I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me your’s.”
“I’m Lucio of Vesuvia!” He adds a bit of lordly flair to the way he says it, deciding to commit to the weird way of talking for this man. “And you are?”
He giggles, barely able to talk at this point. “I’m- hehehe- I’m Consul Valerius, at your service!” He goes back to laughing.
His phone lights up, warning him that Asra wanted to call. Fuck that, it’s too loud for that to work out. He declines the call to see that Asra had texted him. A lot.
Snek meme bastard: is it him? Snek meme bastard: hey Snek meme bastard: lucio Snek meme bastard: lucio Snek meme bastard: is it him? Snek meme bastard: LUCIO Snek meme bastard: lucy Snek meme bastard: i said get a name not flirt Snek meme bastard: …… Snek meme bastard: bitch Snek meme bastard: dude Snek meme bastard: respond or i will rick roll the entire club Snek meme bastard: im serious Snek meme bastard: just say if he is or isnt Snek meme bastard: 3 Snek meme bastard: 2 Snek meme bastard: 1 Me: WAIT
But it was too late, the room was filling with the beginning of Never Going to Give You Up, sending almost every person in the bar into a collective flight or fight response. Some were booing Asra, others just loudly complaining, some were laughing, and even fewer actually left. Asra stared directly at Lucio, demanding a response.
Me: YES HIS NAME IS VALERIUS Me: TURN IT OFF Snek meme bastard: :3
The music was changed to.. Something else, the song wasn’t familiar, so that was good. He sighs, rubbing his face. “Sorry about that. Our DJ is a…. He’s a bastard and let’s leave it at that…”
He shrugs, finishing his glass of wine. “It’s alright, odd choices in music, but he seems alright.”
After the song, one of the other DJs took over for a bit, then Asra made, as straight as he could, for them. “Valerius?”
“Who wants to know.” His mood immediately dropped back to being serious.
“Muriel’s roommate, Asra.”
He glances at Lucio, as if to get confirmation.
“This is my bastard coworker, Asra, the memelord.” Lucio sighs, gesturing at him.
Asra grins, then starts talking to Valerius, but Lucio stopped listening so that he could make some more notes. Vesuvia and Valerius… wonderful names..
“Excuse me!” A loud person, yelled at Lucio. He looked up to see Vulgora, one of the few people you actually remembered the name of. They were constantly getting into fights and just overall loud. “Get me a beer!”
“Any specific kind?”
“A beer!”
Lucio nodded, getting the cheapest beer he could find and putting it in a glass, then handing it to them. “Here you go.” Vulgora and the bar had a deal, they could drink as much as they wanted and the bill would be put directly on their bank account. The bill on most days was too many drinks, on worst days, over hundreds of dollars for repairs. He didn’t understand why they were let back in after the first time, but at least they were paying for it.
With their drink in hand, Vulgora started chugging as they went to find someone to arm wrestle, and Lucio went back to his phone. Vulgora… that’s a rather unique name…
There was tapping on the counter, he looked up to see one of his greatest fears: Dr. Valdemar. The doctor might not have done anything specifically harmful to him, but waking up in the middle of surgery was still lucid led to….. Visual nightmares that have haunted him for over 6 years. “..... How can I help you?”
“Have you seen Dearil?”
“Uhh.. no?” Name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place who it was.
They look around, contemplating their next words. “Dark orange hair, reddish brown eyes, and is probably carrying a skull?”
No, no he has not. Well, maybe, there’s a lot of people here. He shrugs. “Can’t help you, sorry.”
They nod, setting down a bill. “Thanks anyways.” They wandered into the crowd, hopefully to never be seen again.
…. They would make a great villain. He typed some more at his phone. He was getting a lot of V names tonight.
“Um, sir?” There was a lady in front of him. “Do you serve food here?”
“The bar with food is over there.” He points to the other side.
“Thank you.” She smiles, walking away and someone said “Volta!” as she approached.
This place has a surprising amount of people with Vs in their first name… He went back to his phone, waiting on Asra to stop talking to the cute guy.
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Girls you know you better watch out. Some guys, some guys are only about that thing, that thing, that thing
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Sorry I’ve been MIA y’all. I’ve been busy going on terrible dates and getting lied to by stupid fuckboys. I mean, I was gonna write about this hella funny story a coworker told me, how she went through a fat boy phrase in college and one night while she was on top she noticed that the guy kept stretching his arm out and scratching his face. She at first thought he was stretching but then it really started to get to her so she stopped and turned on the light. This MF was eating cake. I LITERALLY COULDN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. So my coworker being the down ass chick she is, she went with it, kept going and he fed her cake. #Badass 
Anyways back to my dating stories, since I apparently have been getting a lot of “have you updated your blog?” “So what happened with you and diplomat” “Did you go on a date with Mergers & Acquisition”. blah blah blah
Betches, get excited because I just drank glasses or rosé and I’m mad AF. Sit down and put on your seatbelt, because it’s gonna be one hell of a ride, because my love life is f-u-c-k-e-d.
Yes, I went on a date with mergers & acquisition. Just drinks (God forbid he takes a girl out to dinner and drinks). Because he clearly relies on his looks and his $245K paycheck. Yup, I looked that shit up on glassdoor. I mean you have no soul to do that job so you must make a shitton of money. Was he cute? Yeah. Was he intelligent? I mean he tried too hard IMO. Was he cocky? OMG EYE ROLL. He was pretty straight forward and was like I’m not looking for anything serious. So I got the prettiest cocktails and peaced out. 
Next fuckboy on the list. Diplomat. I mean I thought we were done. I saw a psychic she told me he wasn’t for me and that he was going to contact me again, and not to let him in because he still won’t know what he wants. I was skeptical.So I was out to dinner with my friend and he freaking facetime calls me. I’m like um that’s weird. He must be dialing the wrong number. My friend Daniella was like no one accidentally facetimes someone. I ignore it. I’m like oh if he wants to talk to me, he’ll text me. The next day he doesn’t call or text. I’m like totes accident. Few days later he has the nerve to text me “Hey”. I’m like umm hi? I’m surprised you’re texting me since we stopped talking. Diplomat was like, don’t be like that. I’m like why are you texting me? He’s like because I want to and missed you? Blurb of our convo:
Diplomat: So your not open to us talking or hanging out occasionally? I’m busy with school and work. I’m not very diligent in my personal relationships. It’s not a reflection on you or how I feel about you.
Me: So you just want to hook up?
Diplomat: No. Just see each other when we can. Is that okay? I’m not too interested in a serious thing, not with my schedule. 
You bet your ass I was like, Umm no. You can’t date me and then fucking flake and then text me like 2 weeks later and then act like every thing is okay and then ask if we can casually hook up. 
I then changed my mind a week later. I’m like okay we can talk. In my mind I’m like it’s okay he’ll just be an option while I go date other guys. TBH, it’s because he’s a really good kisser and great at cuddling. He’s all excited and is like okay, next Saturday, I’ll take you out to dinner and a movie. I text him Wednesday because I haven’t heard from him for a few days, and was like “hey”, you know super casual. THIS MOTHER FUCKER GOES:
“Hey. Sorry I can’t meet up this weekend. I actually just got back with my ex girlfriend. How’s everything?”
I legit almost broke my new iphone 7. First of all, I never knew his exgf was in the picture. Because literally a week before he was all “Come stay at my apt (in NJ) and we can grab dinner by me. OH was I gonna 3rd wheel with your ex you clearly were talking to? 1 week later you’re with her? Two, you’re gonna text me ‘How’s everything’?! Well it was good until I fucking found out you were a bigger dick than I thought. I thought you were too busy to date. Whatever. OVER IT. I texted him “Oh okay, good luck with everything”... 8 hours later. And you bet your ass I had read receipts on his texts. This clueless asshole texts me back. “You took a long time to respond to me after reading my text”. UMM WHAT? Don’t you have a girlfriend you should be talking to? I mean I got back with my ex after breaking up once. It only lasted 3 months because we constantly fought after that. Soooo good luck with that diplomat. You know what they say, you broke up for a reason.
On to the next... So I matched with this guy on Bumble. He’s a physical therapist who lives in Brooklyn. He was sweet and smart. Girls, let me teach you something valuable about online dating... Pay attention to the type of pictures a guy posts. PT only had selfies/ pictures from the chest up.... Keep this tidbit in mind. 
So we talk for a loooonnnggg time. I find out he knows how to tango and salsa. I’m taking classes so I’m like this is perfect, you can go to my classes with me. At one point I’m like are we fucking pen pals now? We talk like ever day for a month. He schedules our first date on a Thursday. He asks if we can do Saturday instead. Friday rolls around he asks if we can reschedule to Tuesday. Umm okay. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! So I’m like okay clearly we’re not gonna see each other. So I text him “It seems you are pretty busy now, it seems things aren’t going to work out, best of luck to you”. I mean this text was carefully crafted by  4 of my best friends. I guess in this day and age, we’re used to fuck boys messing around/juggling a schedule of dating 10 girls in like 1 week. But his text completely threw me off guard and made me feel like the biggest asshole.
PT: No it’s just that I take care of my father, he’s sick. So if you could just bare with me. That’d be nice.
Hi, my name is Millennial in Manhattan, and I’m the biggest asshole. So I of course apologized profusely. He agreed to still go out for dinner. So I patiently wait. And wait. He finally asks me to dinner on a Tuesday evening. I meet him for dim sum in Chinatown. I get to the restaurant. He showed up to the restaurant early and tells me he’s sitting down at the first table. I walk in 5 minutes late. I get to the table. He stands up. And no lie, he must be like 5′3″. I’m 5′5″ and I thought I was average height. He’s also larger than the pics he’s sent me, with slightly less hair. I get caught off guard. I don’t want to be rude so I sit through dinner, make convo and ignore the fact that he has small hands that are not proportionate to his arms. Ladies, if a guy on his online dating profile doesn’t show a full body pic, he must be overweight or short. But in all honesty, I did/do really feel really bad for him. He must’ve been self conscious about his height, he was really sweet and was respectful to me. So no, I will not make fun of him because he deserves better than that. 
So I had one hell of a week. PT didn’t turn out to the be the guy I thought he was. And Diplomat was well diplomat.  Today at work I was like I should prob take a break from dating...
Well that was until I agreed to drinks with a financial wealth advisor from Wells Fargo and some guy who lives in the UWS. Here’s to hoping for more amusing blog posts. 
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