#god I am incapable of keeping anything short and concise. whatever
cleric4vampire · 1 month
tagged by @bhaalsdeepbat and @justabiteofspite, thank you friends! <3
would you believe me if I said after all this time I've never written smut involving astarion before. yeah I know crazy right
I wasn't even supposed to do this (yet)! This is from the tav!Aune longfic I mentioned previously. It's split into a number of parts. This little bit is from Part Four, which takes place post-game. I was working on the outline and then I blinked and suddenly I was writing actual prose, oops:
"No touching." His voice brooked no impertinence. He pinned her wrist against the chair's armrest to punctuate the point, then brought the one he still held up to his mouth. As the soft plush of his lips brushed against her skin, Aune felt heat start to gather around her ears, her neck, her chest - which began to rise and fall in such a way that was hard to ignore. She swallowed with some difficulty, her throat tight and aching with her tense anticipation. He had never fed from her wrist before. She wondered how it might feel, how it might differ from the other places he had supped from. Astarion parted his lips just slightly, blowing breath onto her wrist. His indolent gaze rested heavy on her as he drew out the moment. The sensuous red of his irises peeking out past lowered eyelids and dark lashes... he was the seamless combination of coyness and danger personified. The fire that enticed with its glow; flirtatious flames beckoning, crooning, Don't you want to press yourself into me? Find out for yourself whether I am warm and never burning? Whether I will embrace you with tenderness or with ruination?
tagging @dragon--sage @anderstrevelyan @witch-from-a-block-of-flats @diaphanouso <3
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parkers-gal · 3 years
yay! okay so I was thinking, what I'd the reader and Tom had a fight, could be over anything, but the reader was pregnant and a few years after, they bump into each other and they get back together. Sorry if it doesn't make sense.
this has been sitting in my inbox for a fat couple of months… sorry 😭
wc: 1.7k ! <3
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“No, because you’re selfish and you can’t handle the fact that my life doesn’t revolve around you and your needs.” Tom spits out the words angrily, viciously, voice harsh and crisp.
You’re both frustrated beyond belief, and the bubble that had been overblown had finally popped, splattering your relationship and all the joyful aspects of it. Right now, you felt as if all that was left was the toxicity of two unbearable people who happened to love each other. You knew, deep down, that you loved each other enough to get through this, but with every passing moment, with every exchanged word, you realized at least one of you wouldn’t survive the damage.
“No, Tom. You’re selfish. You’re conceited and you only care about being a goddamn movie star. What happened to the family man, huh? What happened to staying tied down with me and your brothers?”
“Nothing happened to him! I’m still that person. I am a family guy.”
“Not to me, you aren't.”
“Well you’re not family!” He seethes through his teeth, anger radiating off of his short-tempered demeanor. You don’t even know how to react, so you spend the time soaking in the situation and how you should respond instead of actually doing it.
“You’re a fucking jackass. I asked when I could spend time with you and now you don’t even consider me as part of the family.”
“No,” He’s clear and concise even through the anger. “You asked when I’m going to stop living my life.”
“I said no such thing.”
“You didn’t have to! We both know that’s what you meant.”
“You’re not even on the same page as me anymore,” You scoff, arms crossing. “Seems like all this time in Hollywood made you forget that you’re not always the main character.”
“Fuck that, Y/N! Fuck! That!”
“No, Tom. Fuck. You.” You over-express your emotions, and after two more minutes of unbearable silence and screaming, he’s leaving your apartment just as fast as he arrived. You’re in shock, fingers shaking while you clear your throat, which is frayed and sore from all the yelling.
You sit back, elbows on your knees while your hands smoothen out your forehead. Tear after tear escapes your sobbing body, and eventually, you fall asleep on the couch.
In the weeks to come, you’ve realized the blow-out of a breakup could’ve been handled so much differently, but Tom hasn’t seemed to cool down at all — he’s petty enough to unfollow you on all social media, and you figure it’s time to let the hatred be mutual. You don’t touch your imessages, however, letting the love in those texts linger for a little longer.
Before you know it, you’re throwing up into the toilet boil, coughing violently at the action and spitting the bitter taste as best you can. You clean up, and when you check your phone, a small notification from your period tracker app alerts you that this is the second period in a row that has gone by without a hello.
Worried, you call Aisha, your closest friend and confidant. She’s over in no time, bringing along her girlfriend while you rant on the phone about your worries. They stop at the drugstore on the way.
The cause of your problems is discovered that day, and you collapse on the bathroom floor in agony, hands wiping at your face — through all the anger and fear and worry, you still love Tom. So much that Aisha even attempts to call Tom. But, alas, it’s sent straight to voicemail, and you realize he might’ve gone to extreme extents in blocking everyone.
You’re stuck going to the ultrasound with two lesbians and a frail old cat. Aisha is as supportive as ever, but as the doctor explains the process of each option, you feel sicker and sicker about the idea of getting rid of the fetus. In the end, you choose to keep the child you’re bearing, even if your ex-lover isn’t even in the picture.
Inevitably, the months pass, and as baby Charlie is brought into the wonderful world, you realize life as a single mother isn’t as scary as you thought it would be. In the first few months of your pregnancy, you’d kept tabs on what film Tom was doing and which was coming out next, but after the hormones and cravings, you’d decided to let the past sizzle and fade out in the way it was meant to all along.
It’s been almost three years since that fateful breakup, and Charlie is just reaching two and a half years old. You’re still single, and you’re okay with that. Charlie is all you need, all you’ve ever wanted, and the most important thing in your life. He’s young, and school is still a couple years away, but you enjoy having the toddler by your side, walking hand in hand with you because you’re his guardian, his provider, his only parent. You make him your only priority, because you don’t want him to grow up without anyone to love, or anyone to love him.
It’s hard, though. It’s hard because he’s a constant reminder of what didn’t happen, a constant reminder of what went wrong and of what you no longer have. You miss Tom more than words can express, and Charlie’s mop of brown curls reminds you of all the moments you’d run your fingers through Tom’s hair. You reminisce more than you’d like to, about Tom and your past, and though Charlie is technically half of the Brit, he’s one hundred percent yours. Because you’re the only one here, and that’s alright.
“Mummy,” Charlie tugs on your shirt’s hem while you move the shopping cart forward through the aisle. “Can we get the goldfish with superheroes?”
You jutt your lip out in a smile, nodding happily. “Of course we can, bub.”
As you step forward, you pit stop in the aisle, nearly tripping on the cart. You make direct eye contact with the man you used to love with your entire heart. The man who walked out with your heart and never gave it back. He’s staring right back at you, curls looking as fluffy as ever, face still a soft glow. Your breath hitches, and it’s then that you realize Charlie is still talking.
“Mummy?” He asks, and it’s just loud enough for Tom to hear. Harry, who’s beside Tom with an arm full of crackers and chips. Tom moves forward a few steps, hastily in an attempt to get more information.
“Uh, hi,” His smile is tight lipped as he stands at the other end of your shopping cart. Charlie shies away from strangers, standing behind your leg and holding your shirt with his grubby hands.
“Hi,” you return his awkward, reserved demeanor.
“Mummy who’s this?”
“‘Mummy?’” Tom has a follow up question for everything, and you internally panic, unsure on how to approach this.
You’d spent so long deciding how you should tell Tom that he was a dad. You spent hours debating on if you should pick up the phone or drive over just to tell him a truth you’ve kept inside for so long. You’ve abandoned social media, only sharing aspects of your life you can afford to post. Charlie is only occasionally on your page, but it’s not like Tom would see that, not after all that’s happened.
Your mouth opens and closes while you debate on how to reply. You’re physically incapable of saying your response, and it makes you even more nervous. You’re nervous on how he might react, what he’ll say, but most importantly, if he’ll stay.
“Is this…?
“My kid…” You fill in. “I- I mean our… our kid.” You pull your bottom lip between your rows of teeth, and you watch as Tom’s face undergoes thousands of expressions all at once. He’s surprised, shocked, happy, afraid, uncertain. You want the world to swallow you whole, suck you up so you don’t have to go through any of this again. But you don’t. Instead, you hold Charlie’s hand a little tighter.
“Our kid?” He drops a can of soup and you flinch at the loud noise.
“Mummy, who’s that?”
“That’s…” You don’t know how to answer his question. Instead, you lean down to his level, comfortingly and gently. “He’s a man.”
“Who’s that man?”
“He’s… your daddy.”
“I thought… no daddy?”
You purse your lips and furrow your brows. Tom’s watching the entire encounter from his place, but after a few beats, he steps forward, entering your bubble. Charlie doesn’t cower away this time, but looks up in curiosity.
“Hi, Charlie,” Tom extends his hand, adjusting his jeans so he can lean down just as you are, kneeling beside the young boy.
You look down, avoiding your worries and Tom’s gaze. He’s tearing up, and you want to cry too. You’re in a fucking supermarket, for god’s sake. This wasn’t how you envisioned any of this planning out, and though you’re mentally kicking yourself for letting it happen this way, you can’t help but feel like maybe this was meant to be. Written in the stars or whatever the folks say — you’re just grateful Charlie has at least a sliver of hope for two parents. Not that you can’t handle it, because you can, but you know someone like Tom wouldn’t want to miss something as important as this.
“I’m To- I’m…” He swallows thickly, making brief eye contact with you before looking back at Charlie. “I’m your dad.”
“Do you love my mummy?” He’s not shameless, but he’s still that shy little boy. “My friend says daddy’s love mommy’s so you must love mine, right?”
Tom lets a tear fall while he exhales a chuckle. He swipes the drop with the tips of his fingers, and the hand gripping Charlie’s squeezes it a little tighter. A glance in your direction is all it takes for him to answer Charlie’s question. “Yeah, buddy. I do.”
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want more? my masterlist.
taglist tingz :) 🏷️  want to join? fill out this form.
th + pp taglist: @spideyspeaches @strawberrytom (no smut) @turtletaylor98 @parkerpeterparker2004 @peterbenjiparker @kelieah​
permanent taglist: @mayrapreciado20​ @tomhollandlol @roseke​ @supremethunda​ @wonderfulfluffer​ @farfromtommy​ @mamaparker28​ (no smut/tw) @pxxerfect​ (no smut) @seutarose @pixiedustsupplyco​ @itssmadelyn​ @white-wolf1940​ @woopwoopwoop222 @chrisosterfield​ (no tw)
th taglist: @lmaotshollandd
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eurydicees · 3 years
You gave us amazing theater associations for the Hosts, but what about films??? Are there certain movies you feel vibe for the hosts or they would like?? For me, for whatever reason, "In the Mood for Love" makes me think of Kaoru
oooh okay lemme think about this. i’ve never seen “in the mood for love” but i just googled it and it looks like a cool movie! 
under the cut bc wow i am incapable of being concise, but after much, much thinking, here are my thoughts: 
*just a note, these are gonna be super america-centric, because i am american and do not have the emotional capacity to research japanese movies right now. maybe i’ll come back to this one day and do it with more accurate movies that the hosts would like, but for now this is just movies that make me think of the hosts. 
“let it snow:” god i’m exposing my terrible taste in movies in sentence #1 but here we go. this is based on a series of short stories, including a story by john green, and it’s just. sweet romances about a group of teenagers. visually, it’s a really beautiful movie. plotwise, debatable. i also watched it with some of my best friends during winter vacation, so i definitely just associate it with good memories, so that might be part of it. but tamaki is a hopeless romantic, and i think he would like a super cheesy romance. it is a christmas movie, so maybe not, but even if it’s not true to like. japan, i personally associate it with him. 
“kiki’s delivery service:” genuinely one of my all time favorite movies, i love it so much. i tend think of it as a movie about learning to let yourself relax and step back from your work; making your way in the world when you don’t really know what you’re doing; letting yourself recover from burnout; and learning to let yourself love. that feels a lil kyoya. 
“parasite:” i think it would be really fucking funny if she watched this with the hosts. 
“cabin in the woods:” this is a great bad movie. it’s a horror comedy, it’s got zombies, it’s got weird gods, it’s got evil scientists, it’s the source of the “we have defeated the evil” and the “who had ___ on the board” memes. iconic, truly. i have this headcanon that the twins really like horror films, but hikaru secretly gets scared really easily, so they only watch horror comedy and then talk a really big game about it— and this is like. peak horror comedy. 
“eurovision song contest: the story of fire saga:” god this is such a weird fucking movie, and i could not tell you if it’s actually like. a *good* movie, but it’s definitely entertaining. i think kaoru would like the music, just because it’s so weird and fun. also he’s a romantic, and this is a cute romance. again, weird movie, and idk why, but i think kaoru would be into that. 
“hugo:” what an iconic movie. i saw it in theaters and got yelled at for opening a thing of m&ms. but i digress. what’s really cool about it is that the first ~10 minutes are completely silent, and i Love that as part of the film, because you really never see that in modern movies, and i love it. it’s also just a sweet movie about kids helping a filmmaker via the power of art and love and clocks. idk if the rest of the movie fits, but i do like the silent film part.
“willy wonka and the chocolate factory:” i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one. 
honorable mentions: 
tamaki and kyoya: 
“whisper of the heart:” i keep saying i’m going to write a tamakyo whisper of the heart au and i keep not doing it, which is so tragic of me. it’s genuinely such a perfect movie for them. like you’ve got a beautiful cat, you’ve got a boy whose a lil standoffish and closed off, and a girl who comes into his life by force and makes him open up, you’ve got violin x singer. also the boy goes off to study in another country (i think it’s england or france, but i forget the details) and that’s just. perfect. also i really love this movie and i want happiness for them 
“carol:” this is just. such a good movie. oh, it has its issues, and there’s probably a callout post for it somewhere, but like. it’s a *beautiful* film aesthetically. it’s a love story between an older lesbian and a more newly-discovering-her-own-homosexuality woman (both full adults, dw), and it’s just a really beautiful story. tamaki is def a hopeless romantic, and i think he would love films about secret/forbidden/true love. 
“always be my maybe:” i’ve only watched this movie once, but i LOVED it. tamaki as a hopeless romantic would like really heartfelt but cheesy romance movies, and this fits the bill. it’s about a couple who keep meeting and getting together and then falling apart and then getting back together again, rinse and repeat. but not in like an unhealthy way, just in a… life does this sometimes kinda way. (it could also work as a parallel to tamakyo and i am incapable of thinking about anything else.) 
“pride” (2014): i think he would like true story-based movies, and this one is iconic queer history movie, and i adore it. it is american history, though, so idk. but also, english is canonically one of his favorite subjects, so maybe so. 
“pet sematary:” on the same note as hikaru liking horror movies that aren’t actually that scary (i am defining this as not scary because *i* got through it), i think he’d like this one. they watch it as a group and it makes tamaki cry, and hikaru teases him about this for ages. 
“miracle” (2004): i don’t remember if mori liking hockey is canon or something i made up in my head and then decided was legit, but now when i think about mori and sports, i think about hockey. anyways, this is a solid sports movie about an underdog ice hockey team; it’s been a while since i’ve watched it, but i feel like mori would like sports movies, and he likes ice hockey imo, and so here we are.
anyways pls let me know your thoughts! i had so much fun with this, let me know what movies you guys think of!
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whiskeyant · 5 years
The Rules, Part 2
Characters: Bucky x reader
Summary: You both agreed to the rules before this began. It never occurred to you that either would ever want more.
Warnings: Light smut, light angst, fluff
A/N: By popular demand, here is part 2!! Thank you everyone for reading, hope you enjoy!!
Words: 1.5k
Part 1
Bucky manages to avoid you for two weeks. He jumps on missions, taking everything from international ordeals down to running errands for the team. He finds any excuse to be out of the house, and he knows he is not subtle when he leaves any room that you walk into. His excuses sound weak even to him.
He has just come back from a four-day stint in Venezuela, delaying the homecoming so that he arrives well past midnight to avoid potentially running into you.
He knows he is being unfair to you; you had been clear and concise about the arrangement. It wasn’t your fault that he let himself slip into feelings. He couldn’t avoid you forever, but he also couldn’t ignore the pain in his chest when he looked at you, or the memory of you walking out of his room that night.
It hurts to see you, but it is killing him to avoid you. He misses you, terribly so. And if he has to swallow his sorrow, apologize and swear to you it would not happen again, then he would. He would do anything if it meant that he could touch you again. In whatever capacity you would allow him.
He is half way back to his room when he steels himself and changes course. He has to see you, tonight. He has to apologize, to talk, to see if whatever you two had was salvageable. And if it wasn’t? It would break him, but at least Bucky could tell himself he tried.
 He stands before your door, hand raised to knock. But his fear holds him back. Could he really do this? Could he watch you deny him again like you did that night? Could he stand to have you shut him out for good?
No, he thinks, he can’t. But he also can’t stand to not be around you. He can’t stand himself avoiding you out of his own shame and pity. So, if it takes rejection and stung pride for him to be able to rekindle a friendship between you two, that’s the price he has to pay.
He wishes he had stopped by his room first, changed out of his tactical gear and showered before coming to you. But he knew if he delayed this any longer, he would lose his nerve entirely. It had to be now, while he still had the strength.
He knocks gently, trying to be considerate of the hour. He holds his breath, waiting to hear you on the other side.
He knocks again, slightly louder. “(Y/N)?” he whispers to your door, “Its Bucky, can… can we talk?” His heart is hammering against his ribs and he feels vaguely nauseous. Breath bated, he waits.
And waits.
And waits.
He thumps his forehead against your door, struggling past the lump that has been lodged in his throat.
“Please, (Y/N), just open the door…”
Bucky feels as if his heart has been tore from his chest. He should have seen this coming, he suspects as he begins the trek back to his own room. He broke the rules, then broke them some more, and then ignored you.
What did he really expect?
He shoves open his bedroom door, rubbing away the tears that had formed in his eyes on the walk back. He keeps the lights off; he can’t stand to see his bed empty. He heaves a heavy sigh as he unclips his tactical belt, tossing it on the bed behind him with a thump.
Bucky stills at the sound. He turns slowly, and the lamp by his bedside is flicked on, dousing his room in light.
You sit up on his bed, his heavy belt in your lap as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
“The fuck was that for,” you mumble, mid-yawn.
“(Y/N),” Bucky stutters, frozen in place. “What… what are you doing here?”
“I… You’ve been avoiding me,�� You blink, adjusting to the light. You fix your eyes on Bucky’s boots, unable to look directly at him.
“But why... why are you in my bed?” Bucky’s breath feels erratic, he forces himself to slow, forces himself not to get his hopes up. You could be here for any number of reasons. You could just be here for a quick fuck, or to set him straight and end this for good.
You swallow thickly and, swinging your legs off the side of his bed, you stand before him. You fidget, and Bucky hates how small and nervous you look. He wants to crush you against his chest, bring you back into bed, and never let you go. But he forces himself to stand still. The inches between you feel like miles.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper to the floor, “I shouldn’t have come here.” You move to walk past him, arms folded, shrinking in on yourself. Whatever part of Bucky’s heart that had remained intact shatters at the sight.
“Wait,” he reaches out to stop you, but falters short. “Please… just wait.” He doesn’t care that he sounds desperate and pleading, he just can’t watch you walk out of his room again. Not if he could convince you to stay. You face the door, keeping your back to him.
“(Y/N) … Please…”
“I shouldn’t have left that night,” you confess to the floorboards. Bucky’s heart stops cleanly in his chest.
“What are you saying?” He has to be sure. He can’t delude himself, can’t throw himself at your feet, until he is absolutely sure.
“I was scared, Bucky… I still am.” You take a shuddering breath, finally turning to face him.
He takes a step toward you, hand still outstretched. “You never have to be scared with me, doll.” He needs you to know, needs you to understand just how far he’s fallen for you.
You step toward him, closing the distance. Bucky can see the shine of unshed tears in your eyes, and he wonders how he never noticed that this has been just as hard for you as it has been for him. Your eyes are shining, lips quivering, and you can barely choke out your next words.
“I can’t do this, anymore, Bucky.”
Something lodges itself in his throat, making it difficult for him to breathe. He’d been a fool, he thinks. He sways on his feet and moves to step away from you, to give you the distance you need, but you grab his shirt to steady him, pulling him closer.
“I can’t do light and breezy, Bucky… I want more,” you look nervous, eyes searching his face for reassurance. “And I think… I think you do, too.”
Bucky stares on, nodding dumbly at your words, incapable of speech. He’s dreaming, he thinks, fooling himself into believing that you stand before him, asking him for what he so desperately desires.
“Am I?” He blurts out. You quirk an eyebrow in question. “Fooling myself, I mean.” He can barely breathe past the nerves in his throat. But you smile, oh god, that smile, and rock up onto your toes to press your lips hesitantly against his.
All coherent thought leaves him at the feeling of you. He stands stock-still as you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. A heartbeat later he finds himself, and pulls you flush against him, hands locking on your hips.
He wonders how he ever felt alive before now.
You push him backward onto his bed, flipping off the light and bathing the room in darkness as you both turn frantic for more contact. It only takes him a moment to rid you of your sleep-clothes, tossing them onto the floor. It takes you a moment longer, unclipping his gear from his mission and disposing them carefully, but soon enough you are both bare before each other.
It feels different tonight, Bucky reflects as he hovers over you. It feels better, more intimate, than all the other quick tumbles you two have shared. He kisses up and down your throat, keeping tabs on what spots conceive which sounds. You are a symphony, bringing him closer and pressing your lips against his, breathing your moans into him. He moves slowly inside you, relishing every moment, desperate to show you exactly how he feels for you.
A moan tears through you as you reach your end, and Bucky crushes his mouth against yours to swallow the sound. Your arms cinch around him, cradling him as he reaches his own climax, and he whispers sweet nonsense against your mouth.
He drops his head to your chest, peppering kisses along your skin. You both bask in the after-silence, trying to catch your breath. Bucky places a gentle kiss on the underside of you jaw.
“Stay,” he murmurs against your skin as he maneuvers to lay beside you. You snuggle into his warmth, turning to kiss him once more. He squeezes you close as you both drift off into sleep, smiling even as you dream.
You weren’t going anywhere.
@hiddles-rose @if-n0t-l8ter-when @lokissoul @dracris33 @wintersoldierswhore @chipilerendi @booksteaandarainyday @marvel-witch @this-side-of-midnight5 @littledarlinhavefaithinme @wkemeup @delicatecapnerd
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babyybitchhh · 5 years
So I know you like Hisoka. What about Illumi, Chrollo, Feitan or Kite? Palm?
Illumi is ... okay. I like him just fine as a character but sexually I’m as dry as a desert. I know he’s very popular in the self insert portion of the fandom and I definitely understand WHY, but he honestly doesn’t do anything for me. Kind of boring/not all that interesting if I’m being frank but that’s, like, a personal opinion my man. Also I thought he looked ten times more attractive with short hair. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s really hard for me to take Chrollo seriously. Like, he’s a good looking dude. He’s got the personality that, in theory, should make my pussy do a handstand and that voice? Ugh. Ngl that shit really almost won me over. But when I look at him all I see is a Personal Jesus, Loaded God Complex emo reject and I just can’t do it. I can’t. He’s the type of dude who’d take you to a Victorian era cemetery for a picnic on the first date like this some Jack and Sally shit, smh. Mad respect if that’s your thing but I am physically incapable of hopping aboard the melodrama express.
Feitan is just Hiei 2.0 but somehow twice as edgy and I for one support Togashi’s decision to recycle this character design because (if we ever get to the point where we learn more about Feitan) I’m sure we’d see what Hiei would’ve been like as a straight antagonist. As his own individual personality, I like Feitan quite a bit and I’ve read at least one fic that really made me feel some type of way (if you guys haven’t read agentcupcakes HxH stuff, check her out. 10/10 work tbh) but I dunno ... honestly I think I’m just SO preoccupied with Hisoka that I only have room left in my heart for bad dad Ging can’t really vibe with anyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Kite was a cool dude and I liked him quite a bit. Again, I’m not personally interested in him but I don’t fault anyone who is. I’d like to see what else Togashi might have planned for him but we’re never gonna get off this got damn boat. 😭 Actually though the fans of Berserk (the other big hiatus shonen, for any of the uninitiated out there) were stuck saying the exact same thing for a few years I do believe and low and behold, they finally got off the boat earlier this year, if memory serves. So, I mean, I might be biased because Togashi has always kept me well fed but I have no doubt we’ll get a HxH update in 2020. But yeah. Rip to twink Kite, loli Kite is different.
Palm is one of my very few hard no’s. There just wasn’t anything I liked about her tbh and I was high key disappointed that she didn’t bite the bullet. Not even because of anything she did or whatever (I know certain parts of the fandom want to crucify her for going on a date with Gon but 1: she didn’t DO anything to him. The only people making it weird and sexual are the ones labeling her a pedophile while completely ignoring the fact she also got all blushy over Knov too. The bitch is lonely and insecure, she’ll fall in love with anyone who shows her kindness regardless of circumstance and 2: Gon was not only all for it and comfortable with the suggestion ((Killua had the real problem lmao)) but he’s also gone on dates with older women before and we don’t know what any of THOSE cougars taught him. All I’m saying is that no harm no foul is a universal code of conduct for good reason and people need to let it go where Palm is concerned because there are other facets of her personality that are extremely unappealing not to mention ... you know. Actually canon.) but everything about her narrative was building up towards her getting killed one way or another and while I usually appreciate Togashi’s trope subversion I just think she threw TOO MANY death flags when all was said and done. So her walking away from that arc with a power up just feels empty and hollow to me. It’s as if ... the only reason she DID survive was just so Togashi could flip the script on the weird, antisocial, depressed/anxiety riddled archetype that so often sacrifices themselves for the greater good in anime and I think Palm’s storyline is one of my ONLY complaints about HxH. Really left me unimpressed and disappointed tbh. 😷
Sorry for the essay, I’m a long winded slut and I can’t help it no matter how much I try to keep stuff like this short and concise. It’s in my blood. Give me other characters to talk about, let’s see who I can ramble about for the longest. 🤣
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