#god bless boyd
ilovewhiteroses · 1 year
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A few Clement Mansell screenshots for your viewing pleasure
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timgutterson · 1 year
you know when you go back and watch something nostalgically and even though you still enjoy it you recognize how it's Aged (derogatory) in some way
but then sometimes you watch something nostalgically and it's as good if not better than you remember:
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So since he’s a Wingfeather person now I just want everyone to know that Billy Boyd is a very nice guy and if you ever get a chance to meet him you should. I met him a few years ago at a comic con and he was very kind, which was good because I was literally vibrating with anxiety (first thing he said when he saw me in my full Sam Gamgee costume was “You look like you’re on an adventure, and I love it!”). Also he geeked out over my LOTR book I brought for him to sign because the cover was Different (3 in one edition I got from a used bookstore for $8.00, I left the price in the book which he also saw and couldn’t believe). Like, the man literally wrote down the cover artist’s name to try and find them later. I can’t believe he’s in the Wingfeather Saga now. I can’t believe I met him and he’s in the Wingfeather Saga. This is so crazy guys.
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shadowsofthegun-if · 1 year
How old was mc when Jesse and Harrison find them? How old were they when they got their horse? It's just that it's must've been kinda funny meeting these two infamous outlaws only to see this cute looking small child riding with/behind them
Mc is 7 soon to be 8 years old when they meet them. So Mc isnt getting their own horse for a while. And honestly with everything that happens the night Jesse and Harrison find them i dont see mc really wanting to be away from Jesse's side for a good while, so they just ride with him. I dont have a set age in mind for when they get a horse but there is a time jump after Mcs 8th birthday and theyre around 14 at that point and they do have their own horse
im still shifting scenes and stuff around so i might add in a little bonding scene of mc, jesse, and harrison going and getting mc their horse. (some fluff before everything falls apart<3)
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lavenderlegends · 11 months
say, don't go
ship: stiles/derek prompt: memories characters: lydia, jackson, scott, isaac, boyd, erica, allison, kira, malia, danny cw: n/a tags: light angst, fluff, stiles leaves the pack, christmas word count: 2.5k ao3 ♞♚♞♚
Stiles stares out the window of the train. He fidgets with the receipt for his ticket in his hands. Crumpling, uncrumpling, ripping tiny pieces, and eventually, shoving it into his backpack's side pocket. He swallows, but there's a lump in his throat, and he doesn't know if he can breathe anymore.
He stands up under the guise of stretching his legs, and then sits down again. Squirms. He should've taken his ADHD and anti-anxiety meds, but he was so nervous about today that it slipped his mind completely.
"Excuse me," a voice comes from beside him. Stiles looks at the young girl in the seat next to him. She eyes his bouncing knee. "Do you mind not doing that? You're making me nervous."
"Sorry," he mumbles. He tries his best to stop, but it starts up again. He gives her an apologetic look and then looks back out the window.
It's mostly trees, and he wishes that it was more distracting.
They slow down to the next stop, and the girl beside him takes someone else's seat.
Stiles inhales sharply. Just outside his window, a perfect Christmas tree. He can't help himself. He's transported back, back to before he left Beacon Hills.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lydia asks, laughing. She wraps her fingers around his wrist and tries to pull him in another direction. "C'mon, I have a gut-feeling the perfect Christmas tree is this way."
"No," Stiles says, shaking his head. He comes to a stop. "It's right there. Look at it. It's perfect."
"Perfect?" Lydia echoes. She stares at the tree before Stiles. "Actually... it just might be. Okay, I'll tell Jackson we want this one."
"Okay." Stiles lets her go and circles the tree to ensure that it really is perfect. He beams when Lydia shows up with Jackson. "This is the one."
Jackson inspects it before nodding. "Yep. It is. Stiles, bring the car around front?"
He makes his way through the tree farm and jingles Jackson's keys in his hand. It's going to be brilliant. Derek will never see it coming.
About a half hour later, they arrive at the Hale House. It's a little cold, a little empty. But it's big, beautiful, and ready to be loved again.
"Alright, I'll ask Scott to help me with the tree," Jackson says, giving Stiles a clap on the shoulder. "You go make sure everything else is in place."
"Bless," Stiles mutters as he jogs into the house. He's instantly hit with the aromas of food. Really, really good food. "God, it smells good."
"Doesn't it?" Scott asks, appearing in the living room archway. "Does Jackson need help with the tree?"
"On it." Scott pauses before slipping out the front door. "This is really something that you're doing for him."
"It's nothing," Stiles says, unsure how to handle the sweet moment.
"It's something," Scott reassures him before leaving.
Stiles makes his way down the hallway to the kitchen. He grins. Erica and Boyd are blaring Christmas songs and laughing with each other.
Boyd catches sight of Stiles and nods silently, and Erica spins around. She's beaming. "Stilinski, reporting for duty."
He laughs. "How's it going, Reyes?"
"Great. The turkey is in the oven. The mashed potatoes are mashed. The beans are dressed. The--"
Boyd puts his arms around Erica's waist and she stops short to kiss his cheek.
"Everything is going to plan," Boyd says, grinning. "Kira and Allison will take over with the cookies soon."
Stiles grins back. "Speaking of... where are they?"
"Family room," Erica and Boyd answer in unison.
"Perfect." Stiles blows them kisses and they go back to work. He swings around into the family room where Danny is bent before the new electric fireplace. "Danny, my boy, how's it going?"
"Great," Danny answers, flicking a button. The electric fireplace roars to life.
"Amazing." He glances around. Kira, Allison, and Malia are giggling in the corner. "What's going on?"
Kira spins around first, her face red. "Nothing. Nothing. We were just..."
"We can't find this ugly doll's clothes," Malia answers, showing him a hideous doll.
"It was Cora's," Allison explains. "She left explicit instructions that it was to make an appearance at the party."
"But it's naked," Kira adds, before she starts laughing nervously.
"Cora would hide all the clothes," Stiles says, shaking his head. "Maybe check with Laura where she might have put them before she left for New York?"
"On it!" Malia says, setting the doll back down.
"The decorations look amazing," Stiles murmurs, as he really allows himself to take in the room.
"Honestly, Derek had a lot of really great stuff in the shed," Allison tells him. "And anything we didn't find, Scott went out and bought."
"Nice." Stiles swings his thumb over his shoulder. "I think Erica and Boyd are cleaning up the kitchen for the cookies."
"Ooh, yay!" Kira says, grabbing Allison's hand. They rush past him.
Malia says, "Laura has an idea. Apparently, Cora has a secret back to her closet. I'll go check."
Stiles nods.
"Where do you want the tree?" Jackson's deep voice comes suddenly.
"And please answer fast, it's heavy!" Scott chimes in.
Stiles laughs. "That corner, please."
"I'll go get the decorations," Danny calls out.
Stiles helps Jackson and Scott set up the tree. Jackson and Scott chat about nothing of importance, so Stiles zones out and makes sure that every branch is placed perfectly.
Danny and Scott decorate the tree, and Stiles would be worried, but they know how important this is. They hang everything with extra care, and ask Stiles for direction multiple times.
An hour later, everything is in place.
"Where's Isaac and Derek?" Stiles mutters, looking at the time on his phone.
"Coming up the drive right now," Jackson announces from the window.
"Places, people!" Lydia calls out. She turns to Stiles and says, "You ready for your big surprise?"
"Not in the slightest," Stiles mutters.
He moves towards the front door, and takes a deep breath. He had given the pack strict instructions to leave the front foyer the same. It's all part of the surprise.
It feels like forever until the front door swings open. Derek steps in, Isaac following close behind. Derek frowns.
"Stilinski, what are you up to?"
Stiles laughs. "Nothing. We just borrowed your kitchen to make cookies. That's all."
"Oh." Derek shrugs off his jacket and hangs it up. "Fine, but can you ask permission next time? You forget how potent the cookie scent is when Allison and Kira bake. They use so much sugar. It's sickenly sweet."
That's what I'm counting on, Stiles thinks. He grins. "Sure. Want to join us for a game in the family room?"
Derek glances at Isaac, who shrugs innocently. "...sure."
Stiles can't wait.
It's his best present ever.
He trails behind Derek and Isaac and despite expecting it, startles when everyone shouts "Surprise!"
"What--" Derek stammers. "What is this?"
"Merry Christmas," Stiles whispers beside him.
Everyone comes out from their hiding spots, settling into various places in the family room, and Derek turns to Stiles. "You did this?"
"Yeah. Couldn't have you celebrating Christmas all by yourself, now, could we?" Stiles asks, grinning.
"Oh my god," Derek mutters, looking over Stiles' shoulder. "Did Cora tell you about that doll?"
"Huh?" Stiles glances back and then says, "Yeah. Why?"
"It used to give me nightmares," Derek mutters. Stiles laughs, surprising himself. Derek takes a deep breath and says, "You know Cora and Laura are just in New York. It's not like they're... gone."
"I know." Stiles leans into Derek as Danny passes him. "We just wanted to do something for you. Make sure you knew that we'll always be a pack."
"I don't know what to say, Stiles. The place looks great." Derek glances around. "Thank you."
"Any time, bud."
Derek's face falls, and Stiles isn't sure what he did wrong. He takes a breath before adding, "Erica and Boyd made dinner."
"Amazing," Derek says, but it sounds different. Like he's not excited at all.
"Stiles, come settle an argument!" Jackson calls out.
"What makes you think I'm siding with you?" Stiles calls back. He pauses and says, "I'll be back."
"Sure," Derek says, as Kira comes bouncing up and wraps her arms around him.
Stiles walks over to settle an argument, and can't help but feel that saying goodbye to Derek is going to be harder than he expected.
Now, it's a year later, and Stiles is on the train back to Beacon Hills. The train starts moving, snapping him out of the memory. He swallows. Telling Derek that night that he had been given a job offer in Vancouver had been hard.
Derek hadn't yelled. Hadn't even blamed him for leaving. He'd simply said, "That's why you did this. It's a goodbye party."
Stiles squirms, just thinking of it now.
And three hours later, he's getting off the train. He'd texted the almost defunct pack chat that he'd be getting home now. Scott assured him someone would be here to pick him up.
He just didn't expect it to be Derek.
"What--" Stiles starts and falters. He almost trips. "Derek?"
"Hey, Stilinski." It's said so flatly.
"Hi. I wasn't..."
"Expecting me?" Derek finishes for him when he trails off. "Yeah, well. Everyone else just conveniently happen to be busy."
"Let's go," Derek interrupts. He turns around and stalks off towards the parking lot. Stiles scrambles to follow him.
It's not until they're in the safety of Derek's Corvette that he manages to catch his breath. Seeing Derek after all this time... it's so hard.
He keeps getting flashes of memories. Of how he'd been so excited for the job opportunity. How everyone encouraged him to go, follow his dreams, and that Derek would be fine. If Derek had only said, "Don't go." Stiles would've happily stayed in Beacon Hills.
But Derek hadn't said anything. In fact, Derek had ignored every text, every midnight call, every olive branch.
"Can we talk?" Stiles asks, as they pull out of the parking lot.
"How are you?"
"No. Like... talk. Talk about how you haven't said a damn word to me since last year and--"
"And how you said we'd always be a pack and then ran away?" Derek interrupts. "Sure, we can talk about that."
"Derek, please." Stiles hates pleading, but he misses his best friend. He's about to tell him as much when Derek snorts. Anger flares up in Stiles. "Why are you acting like me leaving was the end of the pack?"
"Because it was." Derek glances at Stiles and hesitates before pulling his gaze back to the road. "Did you not get the memo?"
"Clearly not! What are you talking about!" Stiles shouts, hating that he's raising his voice to Derek.
Derek sighs and then explains. "After you left, the pack sort of disbanded. Everyone just got busy with their own thing. Lydia and Jackson travelled. Danny sort of faded out completely. Erica and Boyd do their own thing. Scott and Allison are focused on their vet clinic. Kira and Malia moved out of town. Isaac... who the fuck knows where he is or what he's doing these days. Last I heard he got a job at an autobody shop."
Stiles blinks. "What... what are you talking about?"
"You were the glue," Derek mutters. "And when you left, it all fell apart. Didn't you notice that the pack group chat hasn't been used in over six months before you decided to waltz back in?"
"I--" Stiles starts, but Derek's on a roll.
"Didn't you think about us?" he asks. Then quieter, "Didn't you think about me?"
"Of course, I did!" Stiles argues. "That's why I threw that huge Christmas party at your place! So, you'd know you'd never be alone."
Derek snorts. "Look at how well that turned out."
"Derek, I'm sorry, but..." Stiles frowns and rubs his face. "I didn't know. I had no idea. If I could go back in time, I would! I wouldn't go to Vancouver. I would stay right here."
"Would you?"
He's had a lot of time to think about this and nods. "Yeah. Yeah. I would. And you wanna know why?"
"Why?" Derek snaps.
"I miss you."
Derek's eyes are glued to the road, and Stiles wonders what he's thinking. There used to be a time when he'd just know. When they were in sync.
But the truth is out there now, so he might as well keep talking. "I miss you, you idiot. I miss how you'd show up at my bedroom window at the strangest hours, and sometimes, you had updates on situations, and sometimes... you just wanted some company. I miss how you always, always control the music in the car even though that is totally a passenger's responsibility."
Derek's lips twitch. Slightly. But it's enough for him to keep going.
"I miss the way you kept me on my toes. I never knew if you'd finally admit how you felt about me, or if I was making all the signs up in my head. I miss the way I would silently beg you to kiss me, and you'd be too busy laughing to notice. I miss the way you hug and smell and I miss the way you loved me."
Stiles lets out a deep breath.
Derek doesn't look at him, but simply pulls up in front of Stiles' dad's house.
"I never meant to hurt you, Derek." He swallows hard. "I just... I was going mad with confusion. I took the job because I thought maybe I'd take some space and sort out my thoughts. But I'm not over it. I don't think I'm ever going to be over you."
"Would you shut up?" Derek asks, but his voice is soft and there's no anger in it. "I'm processing."
Stiles nods, because he knows Derek needs time to sort out his thoughts. After all, it's a lot of information to receive at once.
But he starts to fidget. And his knee starts bouncing. And he can't contain himself much longer.
"I... I didn't know that you felt the same way," Derek finally says.
Stiles' lips part but he closes them. It's Derek's turn now.
"I'm an idiot. I'm sorry."
"You know, if you had told me to stay, I would've." Stiles rubs his hands together. "I loved you."
"Love," Stiles corrects. "I loved you then, and I love you now."
"And tomorrow?" Derek asks, softly.
"And tomorrow, I'll love you."
Derek's lips twitch into a smile and that's all Stiles ever needed to see. He doesn't hesitate this time. Doesn't worry that he's making a huge mistake. Because he knows. Deep down, he knows that it was always meant to be him and Derek.
They're kissing and it's glorious and beautiful and hot and sexy and all the treasures at once.
"I love you too," Derek murmurs. "Quit your job. Move back. Come home."
"Boy, do I have good news for you," Stiles whispers, laughing. Derek tilts his head. "I quit my job two weeks ago."
Derek grins.
It's not everything they have to work through, Stiles knows, but for now, it's enough.
"We have a pack to get back together!" Stiles announces.
"Tomorrow," Derek says, before pulling him into another kiss.
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A parcel of ephemera from George Harrison's Dark Horse Tour, sent to Pattie Boyd and Eric Clapton, November 1974 (x)
Pattie & Eric Clapton with love from Jack & Jill Lumber [George & Olivia Harrison's touring pseudonyms]
E + P God Bless us all Love from G.O.
Dark Horse Records Christmas card
via The Pattie Boyd Collection
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ammomancer · 28 days
psychonauts character name meanings cuz i find them interesting
Razputin (Rasputin) - of the crossroads (Russian)
Lili - Alternate spelling of "Lily" or German, French, and Hungarian diminuitive of "Elizabeth", "God's promise" or "God's abundance"
Morceau - not an actual name, but the French word for a small piece of something (RUDE)
Sasha - Diminuitive of "Alexander", "defender of man"; if you're wondering how you get to "Sasha" from "Alexander", it specifically is from the Russian "Aleksandr". sidenote since he's German it should probably be spelled Sascha
Milla/Camilla - we don't actually know what this means! we know it comes from the Roman name "Camillus" but we don't know where that name comes from. "camillus" is a Latin word that means basically the ancient Roman equivalent of an altar boy, but this is probably unrelated to the name
Ford - a shallow place in a river or stream (English)
Dogen - this one is just made up. "dogen" is a word in a couple languages but they both have a soft g
Clem - short for "Clement", "merciful" (English, from Latin)
Crystal - just the English word crystal.
Maloof - variant of "Maalouf", a chiefly Lebanese surname from Arabic that may mean "exempt" or "protected"
Bobby - presumably short for "Robert", "bright fame" (Germanic)
James - ultimately from "Jacob", which may mean "supplanter" or "may God protect" (English, ultimately from Hebrew)
Theodore - gift of God (Greek)
Franke - ultimately from "Franciscus", "Frenchman" (Latin)
Nils - Swedish/Norwegian/Danish form of "Nicholas", "victory of the people" (Greek)
Mikhail - Russian form of "Michael", "who is like God?" (Hebrew)
Elka - unclear; possibly a diminutive of "Adelheid", "of noble birth" (German) or potentially a feminine form of "Elkanah", "God has created" or "God has possessed" (Hebrew)
Elton - Ella's town or old town (English)
Chloe - green shoot (Greek)
Phoebe - bright, pure (Greek)
Quentin - French form of "Quintus", "fifth" (Latin)
Milka - either a Finnish/Polish diminuitive of "Emilia", "rival", or from a diminutive of various Slavic names containing "milŭ", "gracious" or "dear"
Kitty - short for "Katherine", which has a debated etymology but became associated with "katharos", "pure" in Greek
Vernon - ultimately derived from a word for "alder" as in the tree (Gaulish)
Benny - short for Benjamin (son of the right hand, Hebrew) or Benedict (blessed, Latin)
Melvin - from "Melville", which comes from a Norman French word for "bad town"
Linda - soft (Germanic) or beautiful (Spanish, Portuguese)
Boyd - of uncertain etymology, Scottish
Gloria - glory (Spanish/Portuguese)
Bonita - pretty (Spanish)
Becky - short for Rebecca, "join" or "tie" (Hebrew)
Jasper - from Gaspar, which possibly comes from a Persian word meaning "treasurer"
Fred - peace (Germanic), if we assume it's short for Frederick then "peaceful ruler"
Napoleon - from the Italian name Napoleone, of uncertain etymology
Edgar - prosperous spear (Old English)
Lana - unclear, possibly "little rock" (Breton)
Dean - valley (English)
Crispin - curly-haired (Latin)
Penelope - either "weaver" or a type of duck (Greek)
Houston - Hugh's town (Scottish)
Caligosto - evokes "Caligari" and "Cagliostro"
Herndon - heron valley or corner valley (English)
Augustus - exalted, venerable (Latin)
Truman - trusty man (Middle English)
D'Artagnan - "from Artagnan" (which may itself get its name from a word meaning 'bear'); famously the name of the fourth Musketeer (French)
Hollis - from "holly" (English)
Harold - military commander (Old English)
Paul - small, humble (Latin)
Norma - from an opera character (a druid priestess from 1831's Norma), possibly inspired by the Latin "norma", "rule, standard" (which we get the word "norm" from)
Lizzie - short for Elizabeth, "God is my oath" (Hebrew)
Morris - Moorish (from Latin)
Adam - man (Hebrew)
Samantha - uncertain, likely related to Samuel ("name of God", Hebrew)
Gisu - Iranian Persian for a curl or lock of hair—I like to think it was a nickname she got as a baby that stuck, like Miley Cyrus
Jack - diminuitive of John, "God is gracious" (Hebrew)
Donatella - "given" (Latin via Italian)
Dion - possibly short for Dionisio, the Italian form of Dionysus (though it may not be, like Dion DiMucci of Dion and the Belmonts fame)
Frazie - my headcanon is that "-zie" is a diminuitive in Grulovian (compare Russian -ce/-tse and Polish -cia), so her name could be some variant of Frances or Francesca, or maybe an alternate spelling of Freya, "noble lady" (Old Norse). Alternatively maybe it's short for Euphrasie, the French form of Euphrasia, "good cheer" in Greek
Mirtala - possibly related to "myrtle", as in the plant; compare Spanish and Italian "Mirta"
Queepie - I don't think this is a real name but "queep" is a way of writing out a bird chirp
Compton - valley town (Old English)
Otto - wealth, fortune (German)
Cassie - usually short for Cassandra, possibly derived from "to excel, to shine"
Cassiopeia - Greek mythological wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda, namesake of a constellation; the name itself may be related to "cassia", which in modern English refers to multiple different plants, one of them being Cinnamonium cassia, which is one of the trees that cinnamon is made from the bark of and is also known as "Chinese cinnamon"
Gerda - brave spear (German)
Fannie - potentially short for Stephanie, "crown" (Greek), but more interestingly could be related to "Fàn", a surname that is a homonym with an obsolete word for "bee". it isn't pronounced the exact same but i imagine it's anglicized. potentially anglicized Fànying? i do not speak Chinese so this could be complete bullshit
Helmut - possibly "whole mind" or "whole spirit", potentially "brave helmet" (Proto-Germanic or Middle High German)
Lucrecia - alternate (predominantly Spanish) spelling of "Lucretia", an ancient Roman name potentially meaning "profit". Notably Lucretia was the name of a Roman noblewoman whose tragic death was said to have sparked a rebellion that led to Rome becoming a republic. WARNING for sexual violence and suicide if you choose to look that up)
Bob - short for Robert, "bright fame" (Germanic)
Tia - short for any number of names that end in "tia"
Marona - possibly related to "marrone" (Italian for chesnut) or "mâron" (Ancient Greek for what we now call cat thyme, Teucrium marum)
Lazarus - from Greek "Lazaros", originating from Hebrew "Eleazar", "my God has helped"
Gelsin - not a name, but the Turkish third person singular imperative for "come" (English doesn't have third person imperative so it's hard to explain but it's kinda like "let him come" or "he should come")
Zalto - yellow (Bulgarian), I think it might also be an Austrian or Italian surname but it's hard to find things about the name because it's the name of a fancy wineglass brand
Mithra - "oath" in Avestan (an Old Iranian language); the name of a Zoroastrian deity of light, justice, and friendship
Rokel - potentially from "Rockel", a German habitational name or a name meaning someone who bakes with rye
Gristol - not a real name but compare "grist", unground grain that's been separated from its chaff (the inedible parts, the word chaff is also used figuratively to mean something worthless or unwanted), used in the phrase "grist for the mill" meaning something is useful (particularly knowledge, experience, or information)
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gevaudn · 5 months
crucify me anyway | pack
"well, well," malarie exclaimed, calling attention to her presence in the hall, "fancy meeting all of you here."
trytas, at the head of his cluster of siblings, stopped and turned to face the approaching hale sisters. eira's hadmaiden, fei, trailed a few steps behind them, her head bowed as it always was in the presence of company. wryly, trytas had to wonder how she got anything done when she was so afraid to look up from the ground. he kindly pulled his eyes away from her to greet the approaching royal sisters. etiquette dictated that he lowered his head, too, but he'd spent enough time with the sisters over the years to know that they'd much rather he look them in the eye. still, he bowed his head respectfully. "your highnesses," he greeted, holding out an arm for eira, as malarie slipped her arm through lenore's, as if they were old friends and not two pawns in a centuries-old feud. "you both look lovely this afternoon."
"no need to fish for information, sir targaryen, i only know as much as you do," malarie teased. there was a playful disposition about her, one that never seemed to let up, even in the face of tension and ire. trytas had seen for himself how red her father could turn when he screamed at her for her lack of orthodox; he'd seen, just as well, how malarie lounged and smirked in the face of such loud disapproval. her gown dragged behind her on the ground as they traversed the corridors, passing by the open windows that blessed them with golden sunlight. "all i know is that his majesty has decided his competent daughters can handle security matters now." she met lenore's eyes then, a brief shadow passing through her gaze. "he says to follow the gods' law, if we can't pass our own judgement."
trytas hummed, but didn't comment. the gods' law was an old concept, one far older than either freya or lexise would care to study, though not one that either himself or lenore would be unfamiliar with. it was, simple and plain, murder; to kill whoever posed a threat to the kingdom, regardless of who they were or what the threat was. it was archaic and trytas much liked to believe that they had progressed beyond such measures, but it didn't necessarily surprise him that the king seemed to find it viable, still.
another moment passed before malarie spoke again. "it was the argents," she said, her tone deceptively light. "they called for this meeting."
trytas looked over at her in surprise. trailing behind her brother, lexise tipped her head in confusion. a lot of what was being said flew over her head. she knew nothing of a gods' law or the significance of the argents calling for an audience with the council. though, if she recalled correctly, the hales were historically the only ones who called for such unions. "why?" she asked curiously.
malarie shrugged as if unbothered. "isn't that the question, sweet?" as they approached the looming double door leading to the throne room, the guards stationed in front of it stepped to the side to pull the doors open for them. trytas let his arm slip gracefully from eira's and allowed the princesses to enter first, then the targaryens, and fei last. as was custom, malarie sat in the king's seat, her sister in the queen's, and he and lenore took up positions on either side of them, while his younger sisters joined the martins in the ring around the ring around the room. fei, ever the traditional servant, stood in the shadows of the room, prepared to race forward if she was needed but otherwise making herself invisible. a quick glance through the room revealed everyone else, exactly where they were to be. all of the representatives from the families of the court: boyds, aenins, maes, vhassos, larkes, porters, martins.
the targaryens were the second highest power in the kingdom, but the families gathered here were all limportant. they all knew what no one else did.
from his spot beside eira, trytas let his eyes fall on the six people kneeling in the center of the room. with his nose, it was all too easy to pick up the scent of seawater clinging to them, just as readily as the scent of blood. one of the six, the enticingly beautiful girl with dark skin and furious eyes, had a cloth shoved so far into her mouth that it was obviously impairing her breathing, despite her stubborn glare and refusal to show vulnerability. beyond that, another cloth was wrapped around to keep it in place, tied so tightly that it would leave bruises. a little further down the line, the long-haired brunette had gone remarkably pale and seemed to be struggling to stay awake. the scent of water clung to her more so than any of them, and he realized after another moment that she must've been a mermaid to smell that way. a mermaid, so far from the water.
trytas kept his mouth shut. the argents were the protectors of the kingdom and it was their duty to do what would keep the princesses safe. it was not his place to question how they restrained the captives, humane or not.
behind the pirates, the argent sisters stood, isabeau a half step behind her elder sister. trytas had very little doubt that they weren't the ones who'd apprehended these pirates; gabrielle, as far as he knew, had never been one for such cruelty. but she would inherit the argent legacy and mantle. whether she was responsible for this or not, she was the one who'd have to explain it to the court. and isabeau was nothing if not faithful to her older sister.
"oh, gabby," malarie cooed, almost a purr in its quiet intimacy, remarkably informal for such an occasion. "what pretty gifts you've brought me today." she smiled, almost catlike, as she addressed the argent heir. "is it our anniversary, love? i fear i didn't get you anything."
malarie hale was remarkable, aurelia thought from the sidelines. her dedication to making everything a joke was one for the ages. it was really no wonder her father cursed her name so violently.
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sailorspica · 2 months
while kenny is officially very losely inspired by trevor phillips my mind instictively associates him more with characters like betty grof or ,especially, pearl from SU ("Everything I ever did, I did for her. Now she's gone, but I'm still here. Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes.")
what characters slash things in general do you associate with the guy?
i was able to restrict this to three and god they get successively worse
ASOIAF's whole deconstruction of knighthood, in which the kingsguard is quite homosocial to begin with (vow of chastity/taking no wife) BUT i mainly mean davos seaworth, not kingsguard but a married, landed knight. hand mutilation old man yaoi meet cute? come on. uri does a lot less than than stannis, but the proportion of adoration to each king's actual rule is just. "king stannis is my god. he made me and blessed me with his trust." but flip stannis and davos' individual personalities/moral qualms/emotional constipation to get kenuri
two walton goggins characters, but mostly boyd crowder from justified. a quirk of this being recession-era cable and goggins' and the writers' hangups about portraying a sincere neo-nazi (as he is in the source material), boyd does less of a 180 than he's retconned to "jk, i only did all that for the prison clout/manpower." completely opposite end of the ideological spectrum, i defend kenny's body count as a net good for class warfare even though he did not care!!! not even about the ackermans!! and then i'm delusional and also project cooper howard/the ghoul from fallout on amazon
macheath from the threepenny opera, libretto elisabeth hauptmann and bertolt brecht. i was so thrown for a loop first encountering the name "kenny the ripper," not for jack the ripper who idgaf about but the penny dreadful, victorian tone of kenny's urban legend. mac is a yapper and hypocrite and genuinely monstrous criminal who nonetheless gets cool class-conscious lines shoehorned in the final scene before his would-be execution: "What’s a jemmy compared with a share certificate? What’s breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank? What’s murdering a man compared with employing a man?" his deepest relationship is not with his new wife or chorus of ex-girlfriends but his best friend from the army. the song introducing him is a runaway jazz/swing standard: lotte lenya in the original german, louis armstrong, nick cave (kind of bad but that's my man)
some others i've said more lightly: this political trajectory, toji fushiguro and implicitly the grand tradition of shounen deadbeats, the irishman. i also think if he stans any k-pop group it's red velvet
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mycenaae · 8 months
Hey!! Re: your post about Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead - you’re gonna fucking love it if you haven’t already been to see it!! I’m a haligonian, and I went to see it like a week ago on opening night. I’d never seen the play before, so experiencing that for the first time with Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan feels like being introduced to the concept of pasta by visiting a Michelin star restaurant in Italy. They were amazing, their chemistry and performance was spectacular, the supporting cast is really strong - just can’t say enough good things about this production really. I hope you enjoy it when you get to see it!! I’m spoiled by this whole experience though, because now I want/expect all of my favourite actors to just come directly to me and perform to an intimate crowd at Neptune lol.
i can't wait!!! i lived in halifax during my undergrad and when i saw they were going to the neptune i was like well i COULD go to toronto, and deal with the crowds and the size of mirvish..... ORRRRR!!!!!!!! and so now i'm flying to halifax in february in the midst of snowmageddon (rip i hope you are surviving it all)
it looks so so so so good i hope everyone comes to the neptune to do shakespeare fanfiction theatre forever
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boydcrowdr · 1 year
Hi justie, as you know I am deeply obsessed with your fic “Keep It Near;” you do a really incredible job of capturing the southern gothic tone, and reading it feels like watching season four of True Detective, haha. I’d love to get the director’s commentary on this excerpt:
“After you,” Raylan says, gesturing with his hat for Boyd to lead the way.
With a wide smile, Boyd pivots on his heel in a perfect military left-face. “For he today that sheds his blood with me,” he starts quoting as he marches towards the door, his movements sloppy enough no drill sergeant would let him get away with it. “Shall be my brother-”
“Would you quiet down,” Raylan begs with a choked laugh. “Save it for the damn community theater.” He follows Boyd out to their cars, biting back a grin of his own.
Any good humor Boyd has managed to coax out of Raylan has melted away by the time they’re passing through Cumberland. The car isn’t so much warmer than outside and Raylan fiddles with the vents. “You’re in a good mood today,” he observes, eyeing Boyd critically as he steers down the winding mountain road.
“What’s not to be joyous about, Raylan?” he asks. “It’s a fresh new God-given day and I got you at my side, do I not?”
Raylan snorts. “It’s pouring rain, humid as shit, we got FBI ‘crawling up our asses’ - your words, not mine - and we’re on our way to look at a dead girl’s abandoned car,” he says, side-eyeing Boyd from the driver’s seat. “Your sunny disposition’s a little misplaced. It’s makin’ you look deranged.”
“Well I’m only attemptin’ to look on the bright side of things, Raylan.”
“I’m so glad you’re able to find the silver lining in this absolute vortex of shit,” he grouses. The wipers flick away the rain as he keeps his eyes firmly on treeline. He can feel the weight of Boyd’s eyes on him and tries his best not to tense up under it. Boyd has the uncanny ability to peer right through him and while it’s a blessing most days, taking Raylan’s near inability to express his feelings into account, it sometimes gets under his skin.
“Well, you and I are still breathing, ain’t we?” he says. “There ain’t no need to be getting lost in that labyrinth you call a head of yours.”
“I ain’t,” he argues, but his heart isn’t in it.
“I know how you are,” is all Boyd says. “I daresay that I know how the inner mechanisms of that mind work.”
“Thought it was a labyrinth,” he mutters.
“Well I got a compass.”
A smile tugs at the edges of his mouth and he rolls his eyes as Boyd comes to a stop on the side of the road, just behind Bob Sweeney’s patrol car.
I am deeply obsessed with this fic that came out of me after watching True Detective S1 & Wind River. One day I might even finish it.
This chapter was sm fun to write. I toyed with a quote for Boyd to start rambling in a cheap attempt to cheer up Raylan. Aptly, I feel, he settles on the St. Crispin’s speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V - “For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother” etc etc. I felt it was a good callback to Boyd’s military past and his love of showman’s ship and literature all in one. The speech is meant to rally the troops, and Raylan needs a little rallying. And Raylan is helpless to not find amusement, however temporary, in Boyd’s antics.
Raylan, being a little closer to the case emotionally, already has the tendency of getting lost in his own head. He makes everything personal, as we know. And in this AU, with Boyd and Raylan both staying in Harlan, Boyd is even more familiar with Raylan’s taciturn nature. Being who he is, Boyd is still a bit of a prick but he’s gonna do his damndest to look after his boy. Call it littermate syndrome or codependency, it’s probably accurate. I wanted to reflect that familiarity they have with each other, the sort that’s earned from spending so much time with that other person in ur orbit. Hence their little discussion in the car and Boyd proudly announcing he’s got a compass so he ain’t gonna be getting lost in Raylan’s head so easily. Rayaln, god help him, finds that a little comforting. It’s much easier for Boyd to find the bright side of shit cus he’s got Rayaln at his side, and that’s all he’s really concerned with, that’s all he really needs to get through the day.
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willowmckinley · 1 year
From tilling (this is definitely for sure under 500 you don't have to check you can trust me)
Helen follows behind him, more sedate. She enters as Raylan, wide eyed, offers Arlo’s full, pristine heart to Boyd with both hands. Helen almost imagines it beating still, a trick of the light as sun shines through the window while dust flurries in the air.
“For me?” Boyd whispers, kneeling down to Raylan’s height, drenching his jeans in blood.
“Mate,” Raylan growls, pushing the heart up, pressing it to Boyd’s lips.
Helen has heard tales of Omegas. She has told the stories herself. She knows what an Omega will do, driven by instinct. Boyd Crowder’s eyes have light behind them. He makes a choice when his Omega asks him a question.
Boyd bites down, his canines splitting apart muscle, teeth sinking deep into sinew. Blood trails down his chin, his claws sink deeper into the organ, and blood slides down his fingers, along his arms, indecent veins of inhumanity. Flesh is rendered apart from itself, ripping with his movement, taking another bite. He swallows.
Helen turns around, vomiting out her breakfast of coffee and toast into Frances’s beloved azalea bush.
She wipes her chin. She allows herself ten seconds, twenty seconds of thought, of stewing, before she forces herself up, forces one foot to step back into the threshold, and then another, because she owes these kids more than she owes time to herself.
Raylan’s eyes never leave Boyd, he holds his gaze steady on hands and teeth and lips and Arlo’s heart, as Boyd eats the flesh like it’s a burger.
Helen steps around the scene, grabbing Arlo’s car keys from the kitchen table, grateful to whatever there is that he had left them so far away from the carnage. She has to save her precious son, so she drives the car a long, long way, driving up into the hills where her cousin Mary lives, Omega Mary who had once been the star of all the stories her mother had told her, whom Helen had pictured when her mother had warned them of the madness of Nature.
Helen drives and drives and drives, drives all the way up to a large cliff, in the middle of nowhere, and she puts the car in idle and helps push it down the mountain.
And then Helen walks. She walks for longer than she had driven, and she tries not to think about how grateful she is to have an excuse to leave, or how awful she feels for leaving her nephew in the hands of just another child. She thinks of Raylan’s claws in his father’s guts, of Boyd’s teeth in Arlo’s heart.
She finds herself blaming Arlo. He’s easy, like that.
She arrives home, dark in the night, tired and hungry, empty and empty and empty.
She opens the kitchen door, and catches Raylan and Boyd curled around one another in the moonbeams from the window, more kitten than human child, and takes it all in, not willing to shy away from the sight once more.
Arlo’s eyes are glassy, his lips curled into an ironic smirk, as if he had the last laugh, and Helen sighs. She grabs some pillows from the couch in the living room, shoving them under the boys heads, blanketing them with a throw from the same place, and Helen watches blood seep around the edges of a quilt her own mother had once sewn together. Little ducks on blue squares dye red, and Helen finally turns her head away again.
Oh, I'm happy to answer for "Tilling" as well!
I love that you picked this scene, haha. I'm happy to answer for other scenes as well, but this one was sooooo much fun. I definitely believe it's under 500 words and I have no doubts and I definitely trust you, haha. But if it was over 500 words (I know it's not), I wouldn't mind anyway ;)
God bless, my first fic in this fandom contained graphic cannibalism, and I haven't looked back since. To be honest, when I first wrote this scene, I churned my own stomach! How far I've come, haha. Now it reads pretty well, to me, at least. Just what I was going for. Even reading back, I appreciate the word choices, to strike the right balance of horror and romance, which I love often. So even though this fic is so old, it still holds a nice place in my heart!
I really enjoy Helen's POV, to be honest. You see her again in "The Body of the Beast," haha. I feel like this fic really allowed me to explore her pragmatism and compartmentalization, which I love so much in part because you see it in Raylan as well. I love that it feels like he learned it from her, and yet he gets so angry when he sees her exercise it sometimes. Both of those skills are as much coping mechanisms as anything else, and I feel they both hold it against each other sometimes too. I love how in this fic, you see how she switches gears, how she makes priorities, and then sticks to them without question, because I love that Raylan does this in canon, and then in fic as well.
Here, I had a lot of fun playing with instinct v. consciousness, which is a theme I love to use in a/b/o fic. Here, Raylan is mad with omega instinct, he knows not what he does, but when he clears his head, he will not be disgusted like Helen was. He will be proud that he provided a heart for his mate. I mention in the sequel that Raylan dreams of shooting Boyd in the heart, a scene from canon. I supposed he must be a little more touchy toward Boyd's heart. He needs Boyd to be secure, too, as his mate and the sire of his children.
I have Helen leave, in part to practicality of how logistically you need certain steps to disguise a death, but also because it allows Raylan and Boyd to play house. Raylan feeds Boyd and they hold one another and Boyd talks Raylan down from his instinct fueled fugue state, and they get to take care of each other, just how they will want to do so for the rest of their lives. Children can't actually take care of one another, but even in non-omegaverse au's, children see how they are cared for and when lacking control over their lives, want to exert that care as well. When Helen comes back, she acts as an authority figure, covering them in blankets. They were playacting at her care specifically, and she proves it by making it so the law never finds this, by covering them in a blanket and keeping them warm once the heat has been lost from the blood itself.
It's also just another soft moment to juxtapose against Arlo's body, another set piece of horror. I love working in contrasts, haha. Found again in the imagery of blood on a soft duckie blanket.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Dearest Skippy,
My best wishes for 2023. May our Lord and the angels keep you and your family safe and healty.
Talking about coincidence. I was just looking at the Castle serial. There were 3 female suspects. After careful elimination by Castle and his female counterpart only 1 female suspect was left. Guess whose picture was shown on screen (with her first nose)??? Her personage was called "Charlotte Boyd".
I immediately switched channel. Neither did I take a screen shot. Must have been at the start of her very illustrous acting career.
Skippy thanks for all the fun and beautiful prayers.
Sweet wishes for you and the family.
Belgian anon.
Hi! May God Bless you and yours! Thank you…hmmmm….won’t you don’t expect her…she turns up anyways…yuck! Her first nose…probably😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Oh, thank YOU for being here! Hugs and love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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gamingstar26 · 2 years
Donald FOWL AU
How certain episodes events would play out with this AU in a sense: somethings will change but this is for now.
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks: mostly the same.
Quack Pack: post episode is when Donald joins FOWL. And Huey realizes he miss the days before adventures. Louie already did before. Dewey realized later.
Double-O-Duck in You Can Only Crash Twice: is when Agent D is first mentioned.
The Lost Harp of Mervana: mostly the same
Louie’s Eleven: is when Donald and Daisy reunite after years of not seeing each other, and date again.
Astro BOYD: the same cause it’s good
The Rumble for Ragnarok: main plot is mostly the same. Bradford discuss with Donald about the Golden Atlas, and Donald refuses to help get it. Bradford tried anyway by getting Jose and Panchito to talk, Donald warned them to not say anything about Xandra’s location. They got captured anyway.
The Phantom and the Sorceress: Agent D is there with Phantom Blot for what originally was a break in mission to the manor. then almost everything goes the same.
They Put a Moonlander on Earth: Donald and Daisy are on a date. Donald is there to guide Penumbra. to show Donald and Penumbra friendship. And Penumbra decided to go back to the moon with the other moonlanders who want to go back, to rebuild tranquility.
The Trickening: same
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades: mostly the same
Let’s get Dangerous: NegaDuck appears (it was a actual scrapped idea and a missed opportunity) and Agent D first “shows” himself in front of the family for the first time.
Escape from the Impossibin: Donald is first suspected than later let off, and family starts to look into who Agent D is. And clones are born.
The Split Sword of Swanstatine: Agent Duck appears again the kids and Scrooge’s first true encounter with him. Donald meets the clones for the first time.
New Gods on the Block: mostly the same except at the end of the episode Donald meets up with Xandra in New Quackmore to discuss something.
First Adventure: same
The Fight for Castle McDuck: Agent Duck is their along side Phantom Blot and Pepper to guide them around the castle and get the Blessed Bagpipes. And Della is there because she wants to see Matilda again after all of these years. (Also Scrooge’s parents are dead in this because why not) Bradford tells Donald about his reasonings as to why he’s doing this.
How Santa Stole Christmas: is completely different, it’s not about Santa, but instead about Della’s first Christmas back on earth. (It was missed potential and I would have loved to see it)
Beaks in the Shell: mostly the same in terms of main plot. Donald gets the Papyrus of Binding. Family finds the wrong Agent D. (Gandra)
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker: Della’s first encounter with Agent Duck there’s something familiar about him but she can’t quite figure it out.
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck: mentions Scrooge’s past treatment of his family and how he got his fortune through some questionable means to drive home how Scrooge is a hypocrite and how he is a morally questionable person and always will be.
Last Adventure: family raids fowl’s funzos base, Webby finds the clones, Huey gets captured. Donald goes along with his family’s plans to raid the base, later goes off on his own with Xandra to free the prisoners. Webby finds out about what really happened to her parents (they were killed by fowl shortly after she was hatched her father was of the agency Donald was good friends with, her mother was Beakleys daughter and shush agent.) the kids, Ludwig, Gyro, and Gandra get captured again by the clones. Donald shows himself as Agent Duck to Scrooge. Della gets hung over the Solego Circuit instead. Donald points out all of the problems with the contract, Bradford and the others get arrested by Donald and Beakley. Donald takes in his clones and raises them with Daisy. The family finds out about the truth of the three caballeros and Donald’s secret agent days. Beakley finds out about his magic because Donald uses magic chains to keep Bradford and Heron from escaping.
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orlaite · 9 months
God bless whoever decided Boyd should wear brown contacts for Ben-Hur
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reddawnmultimuse · 1 year
. One – Hidan is voiced by Doug Boyd (a.k.a. Augustus Sinclair from Bioshock 2).
. Two – Hidan grew up in a religious household with single mother. However, when his mother died, he lost his faith, questioning how a benevolent god could not only let her die but suffer too. Due to this, he turned to Jashinism after learning of their hedonistic beliefs which were opposite to everything knew.
. Three – Hidan slaughtered his neighbours as an initiation to become a Jashinist. However, his first murder as a Jashinist was his own father who left after Hidan’s mother became ill, leaving his own son to take care of her alone.
. Four – Hidan grew up on a ranch and loves animals, so he does not hurt them if he can help it. He also dislikes people that do.
. Five - Hidan nicknamed all of Kakuzu's masks and has caught Kakuzu using the names too.
. Six – Hidan was borne with albinism, inherited from his mother.
. Seven - Hidan is in love with Konan. He affectionately calls her "Angel" and does everything to stay in her grace.
. Eight - Hidan built his scythe himself out of recycled metal and spray paint.
. Nine - Years after being buried alive, Hidan was discovered by a religious group on a mission to cleanse the Nara Forest of a "demon" haunting it. Maniac and desperate, Hidan succeeded in pleading for them to dig him up by renouncing Jashin. Afterward, his body parts were taken back to their church where he recovered and borne again priest of the religion of his childhood.
. Ten - Hidan travels the world to deliver blessings but also search for a "cure" to his immortality which he now considers a curse by Jashin.
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