#god how am i making LOON angst now is that what life has come to
creppersfunpalooza · 9 months
at this point i have more ideas for the Everything Is Normal au than the actual main plot of Hypercluster
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captainsrogers7 · 6 years
Babysitting Part 5
Loki x Reader
Summary:  You have been assigned to watch over Loki. Over the few weeks you have spent with him you two grow close to each other. When its finally for him to return to Asgard, you enter a stage of misery and depression. That is until Thor surprises you with something.
Word Count: 1.635
Warnings: Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
You and Loki have been hiding your secret relationship for  two weeks now, and yesterday you were told the very thing that terrified you,  Loki was going to be returned to Asgard in less than a week. You hadn’t told him yet because you were still trying to process this information.
“Y/n, are you alright?” Loki asked, “You seem distracted.”
You had introduced Loki to the game of Scrabble, needless to say you weren’t winning. Apparently in Asgard they had a killer English class.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry just zoning out.” 
Loki had just played the word ‘prestigious’ on a triple word score.  He used the ‘p’ from your ‘pompous’. 
“How are you so good at this game? You’ve never played before. Or is there something that you aren’t telling me?” you laughed.
“Darling, I assure you, I have never played this in my life.” he placed a hand over his heart, “Besides it’s not my fault you are getting terrible letters.”
You both laughed, but you stopped in the middle and began to cry. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Please don’t say nothing, I know you’re lying.” Loki was rubbing your shoulders.
“Yesterday I was told that you would be taken to Asgard in 5 days.” these words made Loki tear up as well.
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I needed to process it first, it hit me hard.” you weren’t holding your tears back anymore, they were free falling and Loki was trying to wipe them away instead of wiping his own tear soaked face.
“Well I’ll guess we’ll have to make what time we have left count.” he tried to smile.
You couldn’t speak without crying more, all you could manage was a small nod. Loki kissed you, it wasn’t much of a kiss since you were both crying uncontrollably. 
Your sentimental moment was interrupted by a pounding on the door.
“Y/n! Come out here now!” it was Jonathan, obviously drunk. You could tell he was drunk by the slurs in his words.
“Let me handle this,” Loki said, “I’ve had just about enough of this drunk-”
“NO!” you spoke before you thought, “I can handle this.”
You got up out of your seat, wiped away your tears, brushed your hair out of your face, and marched to the door. You glanced through the peephole and saw that Jonathan was holding a bottle whiskey, and rapped on the door once again, making you jump back. You slowly opened it, he pushed it open and began searching for something.
“Where is he? Where is that thing?” he demanded, “I ant to beat him! I should have done this the first time I saw you kiss him, that disgusting monster.”
You slapped him without thinking. He stopped and looked at you. This surprise turned into rage as he grabbed you by the wrist and threw you to the ground, “And now you think you have feeling for him, he’s been playing with your mind. He doesn’t love you, I. Love. You.” 
“Jonathan, stop!” you cried, “You need to leave!”
“No! I need you, all I need is you,” you could smell the whiskey on his breath as he got closer and closer to your face, “I can barely imagine what he’s done to you.”
This made you think back to the amazing nights you’ve shared with Loki, kissing, laughing, cuddling... other things. Jonathan noticed your reminiscing. 
“Oh my god, you think he loves you. I knew you were naive but seriously can you really believe that someone you killed 80 people in two days has feelings?” he wasn’t yelling anymore, “He was using magic on you, he wanted to get information about S.H.I.E.L.D.  he never loved you y/n.”
You turned around trying to hide your tears, then you noticed that Loki was missing he wasn’t in the kitchen. You noticed that the door was wide open, maybe Jonathan was right. Perhaps Loki was using you just to get information, you answered all of his questions about you job, and now he was missing.
“You’re right.” you mumbled, “He didn’t love me.”
You faced Jonathan. Once turned around you saw him, Loki. He was standing behind Jonathan. You saw the hurt that filled his eyes, the betrayal. He raised his hands a a green aura emitted from them, he waved them over Jonathan’s head and the drunk fell to the floor.
“Do you really believe what the loon was saying?” he asked, he voice breaking, “Do you really think that I would have gone through all of that if I didn’t care about you, I have ways of getting information from people I wouldn’t have stooped so low as to make you think something like that. I may be a monster but I have been deceived and it is not a good feeling, I would never inflict that unto anyone.” 
He was crying, you felt horrible. You didn’t know what to say, you knew you had hurt him.
“No, if that’s how you feel then we shall return to not speaking and you leave every night. I think that would be for the best.” he walked to his room.
For the next 20 minutes you heard him rummaging through drawers, obviously taking your possessions out of them. At quarter after seven he came out with a bag; your bag. 
“Your shift is almost over.” he said rather coldly, “I expect you’ve contacted someone.”
“Well then you shall spend the night on the couch, you can contact someone in the morning.” that was all he said before going back into his room.
“Loki wait,” he stopped, “I’m sorry for what I said, I wasn’t thinking. I thought that if I made myself think that then maybe you leaving wouldn’t hurt as bad. I love you and I can’t explain how sorry I am for what i did.”
“You should’ve thought about that earlier.” he walked into his and slammed the door.
You burst into tears and fell onto the couch. How could you have let this happen? You loved him, you loved him more than you’ve ever loved anyone in your life. To make matters worse he was leaving in five days to be put into prison. 
You fell asleep crying and woke up to yelling from the bedroom. Without thinking you shot up and ran in. You saw Loki destroying his room, kicking things, throwing things, and he was yelling. 
“How could you let this happen-” he stopped an turned to you, “What do you want?”
“You scared me, I wanted to know if you were all right. Are you?”
“No I’m not alright! The love of my life thought that I was manipulating her and then she expects it to all be forgotten because she said the words I’ve wanted her to say since she first kissed me.”
He was talking about you, you slowly walked in. 
“Y/n please, no.” you didn’t listen.
You got face to face with him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Loki, I love you. I can go scream it from the rooftops, I’ll go tell the Avengers, proclaim it to my boss. None of the consequences matter because all I wanted is you.” you closed the space between you with a kiss. 
He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He turned around and threw you onto the bed. He crawled over top of you and kissed all along you neck, your jaw, and finally he made it back to your lips. All this came to an abrupt stopped when he literally jumped off the bed and shaking his head.
“I can’t do this, not now that I know I’m leaving soon.”
You got off the bed and went to him, “Please, it’s okay. Once more won’t hurt me, please.” you had started crying once again. 
“No!” he yelled and stormed out of the room.
“Where are you going?” you followed him.
As you rounded the corner of the doorway, you saw the door open, and a head of raven hair disappeared through it. You bolted after him. He had made it to the end of the hallway before an alarm went off. 
“Loki come back, if they find you out you’ll be leaving for Asgard sooner!”
He turned his eyes were red with tears, “That’s what I want, y/n. I can’t hurt you anymore.”
A small group of armed S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives came around the corner. Once they saw Loki they opened fire. You screamed for them to stop but it didn’t matter. They got close enough to put him in handcuffs. They had him on the ground surrounded when Thor came running through the corridor, he looked from Loki to you and back to Loki at least three times. 
“Brother what have you done?”
Loki didn’t say anything, he took his punishment with dignity. He was lifted up off the floor and was escorted down the hallway. Thor came to you.
“Did he do anything to you, hurt you?” he sounded very concerned.
“No, if anything I hurt him. I have to go,” you went and grabbed your bag, “I can’t do this, I can’t lose him.”
You ran down the hallway, trying to find him. You were about to give up when you heard Natasha and Bruce walking down the hallway. 
“Finally there getting him out of here, y/n shouldn’t have dealt with him for so long. I can hardly think of what she’s like if that’s what he’s acting like. I mean-” Natasha stopped short once she caught sight of you.
“Oh my god! Y/n are you alright? What happened?” she ran to you leaving Bruce looking very confused.
“I cant’ lose him Natasha.” you were sobbing harder than ever, “I don’t know what I’ll do without him.” 
Tags:  @bellag8 @bethany-zor-el-danvers @marvelouslyme96 @kaylee-h101 @literally-dead-inside @daisycubbins@midnightgrace444424 @suddenlysmittenxwrites @pandaking83@snail-gardens @thepowerofawkwardcompelsyou @anxiousteen13@her-me-tic @thalzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz @negasonictw @jojosevillo@choiluana @toni-marie-7887 @zoey-odinson-stark @mel-ithilethiel@hippogriffarts @sarahivi @imlovinit17 @soft-laufeyson@annoyingcandyfucker @5aftermidnight @ania-swissweet@epicistepic @weebtrash21 @hiddlestoner3059 @1800-fight-me@sbluehi @hhfgunfyjhfryhv @marvel-cinematic-universe0123 @unlikelygalaxygiver
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