roxillustrate · 3 years
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Think I'll just fly away with this space cat.
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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The whole invalidating peoples feelings, why do people feel the need to do that? do they realise they do it?  You look fine though. You don’t look like you're ill. I bet its not that bad. When it comes to mental health it, unless its you suffering from it can you really fathom how it truly feels within the person suffering? I don't think you can.  But you can support some one and be there for them, without invalidating them and driving them further into their illness. 
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roxillustrate · 3 years
A stretch from my usual.
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I used to actually be primarily a dot work artist maybe I'll try again at some point. I actually enjoyed it despite how tedious it appeared to some. For me it was a therapy. Traditional art work is very different. With the lack of layers and undo button, there's something extra connecting you to the piece as you get through. The fear of making mistakes makes you take that extra caution. You can always start again, but no one wants to do that. I have arthritis in my hands, probably from the dot work I used to spend hours doing, so I had to learn how to hold a pen completely different I can do everything the same anymore and dot work is something I havent really touched for 12 month since I sat and retrained digitally. I wanted to prove to my self that all the materials I collected hadn't gone to waste and I could still create work traditionally. I sat and through pain and trial and error just made something simple and cute. It was a challenge. But it made me happy I could still put my hand to paper and create something that can't be so easily replicated. It was painful sometimes and the details were a struggle. But I aim to complete one traditional art piece a week, maybe even start a sketchbook, to use the mediums I have and to avoid loosing a skill I built up as well maintain and improve it. Ita like starting again. But where's the fun if it's not a challenge.
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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Social media is this weird thing that makes you feel like shit. But it's so important in the time we live in.
Work hard try your best post your art work only for it to flop. Its so deflating. I actually want to give up so much. Giving up feels like it would yield the same results. I watch so many artists and makers make it big. Get their art out there and actually make a living.
I'm spending everyday trying to do something. Researching learning all I can for my shitty art to get a shitty response. I did my MA in illustration for nothing.
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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ice cream and cute things make me happy and I hope they do you too. 
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!
Hope you had a wonderful holiday and all the sweet treats.
I am a struggling little artists trying to get my art out there and support my self in these trying times while I look for work. Your engagement means the world. I have always wanted to be part of some kind of artist/ creative community but always find my self alone. Hopefully I can do better this time.
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roxillustrate · 3 years
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Throughout my life of mental health issues, I learned that you can only be there for people, there is no person that can save you, they can help you feel better, but ultimately its up to you to put the work in, dive deep and find what it is that needs healing and work at it. Some things, maybe cant be healed, just something you learn to cope with, hopefully in a healthy way. 
But, always be there for those who you love, even they don’t feel strong or like they are much fun, just being there and being available means the world.
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