#god i cant wait for thursday
crescentfool · 6 months
i think loving things is a great thing!!! yay!!!! i just got hit with happy beams!! and you get happy beams too!!!
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
god if the yoru ni kakeru cover doesnt sound like the best thing ive ever heard im fighting all of happyelements
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roboraindrop · 2 months
See my problem is. Everyone is repulsed by Old Chu.cky when the doll body starts aging. Me? I just want to hold him. 10/10 would take care of him while he's dramatically dying kdjdksj
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chiisana-lion · 1 year
midoyuzu type of lineup this week
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i still havent digured out how to say anything to her abt that one class but i do know that what she said on friday hit me harder than i thought it would bc now im scared to look at my student dash, my email, im staying awake even tho im so so tired bc i know i have to do the rest of those things yet i feel stuck, and i feel so guilty and ew and i relapsed and basically binged like 3 times
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m00ngbin · 5 months
I have to draw something it's been two days and I said I'd draw every day but I just don't want to but I'm kind of running on a deadline that expires Wednesday but I drew something two days ago and I'm going to hate drawing for like two more days but I don't have time for that so urgh my day was awful actually thanks for asking, how was YOUR day?
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thursdayg1rl · 9 months
getting that feeling when youre sick and the whole body starts aching as well as the head and you cant really breathe and keeo coughing noonstop i think im going to die
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bibleofficial · 1 year
instead of going to bed ive decided to mass update my TAGS on my 2nd blog & add new ones & ive been having a BALL omfg i just LOVE catergorizing things it’s so exciting but i’ve an exam today & ive 0 idea what’s going on LMFAOOOOO it’s @400 btw
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finally kissing you
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the relationship you had with art was complicated to say that least. you had always tried your best to keep your feelings for him a secret. you didnt want to be just another girl pining over him. you were his best friend after all, your job was to support him, not fall in love with him. but that didnt matter anymore, cause you had fallen in love with him. and now you were burdened with the task of having to pretend like he was just your best friend.
it was a usual thursday night, after training you would head over to art’s place to study or watch a movie. tonight you decided the homework could wait and put on your favorite movie.
his arms clung around your waist as his head lay softly on your chest. you raked your fingers through his curls with a soft smile on your face. it was times like this you truly thought your relationship could be something more. that soon came crashing down.
“thank you y/n” he whispered so lightly you almost missed it.
“for what?” you softly giggled.
“just everything, i cant imagine what id do without you. dont tell patrick but i think youre my favorite best friend” he replied, quickly gazing up at you with a soft smile before snuggling back into you.
best friend. you knew thats all that this was, but the subtle reminder hit harder than youd like.
“yeah of course” you let out a small laugh to cover the break in your voice, tears threatening to spill.
you could tell by his change in breathing he had fallen asleep. before you knew it hot tears were spilling down your cheeks. this was so stupid. you knew you were just his best friend. but here you were crying as his arms clung around you and his breath tickled your neck.
you couldn’t take it anymore. you slowly slipped out of his grip to grab your things. taking one last look at his peaceful state, you left.
waking up on friday morning was honestly a shit show. you felt pathetic and just wanted to forget about all of it. so you decided it was time to move on.
it was no secret you had guys who would do anything to go out with you. you never paid them any attention cause you had art. but it was time to get over him so you decided to text a guy from one of your classes and asked if he wanted to hang out. he of course said yes so now you were in your dorm putting on your best dress to hopefully forget about art.
you truly felt so good about yourself and were excited to hang out with someone that wasnt patrick or art.
the date had gone shockingly well. the two of you had a lot in common and were laughing practically the entire time. still, a part of you ached. you felt yourself thinking back to art but tried to snap out of it as soon as you could.
he had offered to walk you back to your dorm which you kindly accepted. walking through the courtyard as the moon shined down you couldn’t help but wish it was art you were walking with. but you weren’t, you had to stop thinking like this.
“thank you for tonight, i had a lot of fun” you stop, looking up at him.
“yeah of course, im just glad i got the opportunity to take such a gorgeous girl out” he replys with a smile.
a blush creeps up on your face as he slowly starts to lean in. cupping your face with his hand, noses slightly touching.
“hey!” a voice you recognize all too well is shouting from behind you. oh my god.
stepping back from the boy you look to see art standing there. a flood of embarrassment washes over you.
“do you have a problem?” the guy asks putting his hand around your waist to pull you in.
“yeah i do get your hands off my girl!” art comes storming up pulling you away from him.
“you two are dating?” the guy steps back, clearly confused.
you and art shout at the same time. looking at him with the most confused look on your face.
“it looks like you two have some things to sort out. i’ll see you in class y/n” he states with a sad smile and walks away.
“what the fuck is your problem?!?” you yell, turning back to face art.
“what is my problem? you’re the one who ditched me to go make out with some random guy!” he yelled back.
“why are you so mad?!”
“im not mad! i just think theres better people you could be kissing” he confesses.
“oh and who would that be?” you ask, angrily getting closer to him.
“me” he whispers.
“what?” every thought you had was now thrown out the window.
“i want you to kiss me” he confesses, stepping closer to you.
“but im just your…best friend” you whisper, feeling yourself get nervous under his gaze.
“y/n i think youre the love of my life”
his hands come up to cup your face.
“so can i please kiss you” he asks, desperation written all over his face.
without saying a word you smash your lips onto his.
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
the usual
synopsis: eddie munson frequents the sunrise diner every thursday after hellfire, just when his favorite waitress’s shift starts.
pairing: eddie munson x trailer park!reader
warnings: flirty eddie, swearing, fluffy eddie, sweet little dynamic
word count: 1444
a/n: i honestly don’t know what day hellfire club is so pls don’t cancel me LMAOO
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8:03, eddie looks at his watch and shakes his head, slamming his car door behind him and racing into the diner. he sighs in relief when he sees his seat is still open, not that the diner is that full on a thursday.
he hoists himself onto the stool as soon as you come out of the kitchen.
“you again,” you mutter and he laughs.
“what? did you miss me?” he jokes leaning his face into his hand.
“it was so quiet before you walked in, i even finished some of my homework,” you quip back holding up you physics worksheet.
“good, now you have some entertainment,” he chuckles reaching over the counter to grab a glass. he holds it out to you and smiles, “i’ll take a coke, and the usual.”
“whatever munson,” you roll your eyes and walk away, but he doesn’t miss the small smile tugging at your lips.
“be quick! i’ve gotta tell you about my campaign!” he calls out as you scribble down his order and head to the kitchen.
you come back with a burger and fries in your left hand, coke in your right and you place it on the counter. he came in every thursday, you always made sure the kitchen had his food made by at least 8:10.
“wow, a pretty waitress and quick service. its almost like you were waiting for me,” he beams as you grab him some napkins and a straw.
“hush, its only because you’re the only one here.” you say and snatch a fry from his plate.
“hey! im paying for these,” he whines, pulling his plate back and starting to assemble his burger.
“yeah and i put the order in early, the least you could do is share.” you laugh, snatching another.
he can only watch you munch in his food as you walk down the counter to do god knows what. he watches in awe, not truly believing that he hangs out with the prettiest girl in hawkins each thursday.
the two of you talk for what seems like hours about his campaign, sharing his food and even sharing his drink. the diner so dead besides the two of you and the occasional truck driver who came in for a coffee. the sound of your laughter and conversation filled the air nicely though. you ask questions and even give him a few ideas for his next campaign and he can’t help but smile at the thought if you joining.
“what time do you get out of here?” he asks, checking his watch, 10:57 it read. he swore it had inly been thirty minutes.
“around eleven-thirty. we close at eleven but i’ve got to wipe down the tables and clean up.” you explain taking his dirty dishes and putting them in the sink behind you. “then i’ve gotta walk home.”
“i cant let you do that, let me take you,” he says, warm smile spread on his face. “i promise, i wont kidnap or murder you.” he laughs holding his pinky out for you.
“you sure? its a little far,” you say looking down at his hand.
“where is it?” he questions, pulling his pinky back a little.
“i uh..” you start turning around toward the sink, then facing him again, “foresthilltrailerpark” you mumble under your breath.
“didn’t catch that, sweetheart,” he says, leaning in over the counter again.
“i live at forest hills trailer park,” you sigh running a hand through your hair.
“don’t be embarrassed, i cant believe i never saw you around there, so do i.” he answers chuckling a little. you shake your head and laugh yourself.
“oh thank god, everyone else doesn’t even talk to me because i have a job, spoiled brats.” you complain.
“finally someone who understands,” he smiles and holds out his pinky again and you lock yours with his.
your eyes flash to the clock behind him and come around the counter to the front. “im technically not supposed to have you in here after hours, so get to cleaning big boy.” you say, motioning to the rag and spray behind the counter.
“already putting me to work, haven’t even asked me out on a date yet.” he laughs, hopping over to grab the cleaning supplies.
“hey! don’t do that!” you laugh turning to face him quickly, “this is a fine establishment!” you giggle, and open the seining door for him.
“sorry, it just looked like fun,” he says, smile on his face as he explains himself. “i’ll work extra hard, i promise.” he beams looking down at you. you two make quick work of the tables and chairs and eventually you two meet in the middle.
he watches you wipe the sweat off your forehead with your forearm and sighs. you look at the clock and a smile forms in your face. “11:17, maybe i should get them to hire a busboy,” you beam, taking the supplies from his hands and walking behind the counter.
“i’d love to, doll, but i work at the auto shop by the general store.” he says, elbows on the counter as he watches you put away the spray bottles under the sink.
you turn in your heels to face him and giggle, “eddie munson in coveralls and grease all over his hands..? i could get used to that.”
“what? do you like a man in uniform?” he smirks cocking his head to the side.
“and if i do?” you retort, pushing off the sink behind you and walking forward to meet his face across the counter.
“maybe i’ll come in on my lunch break one day,” he grins, hands digging into his pockets in search if his keys. “you ready to go?” he says, holding up his keychain.
“oh yeah! let me grab my bag and say bye to lou!” you say, running through the swinging doors to the kitchen and emerging two minutes later. he smiles at you, opening the glass door and hearing the familiar jingle of the bells as you two walk away to his van.
the ride home is full of laughter as you dig through his tapes and share your opinions. he learns that you grew up on metallica and dio, just like he did. he tells you about his uncle and how he practically lives alone too.
“so, you gonna invite me over sometime soon?” you question when he finally stops in front of your trailer.
“i was thinking of maybe saturday? if you dorm work of course.” he says, putting his van in park.
he quickly hops out of his seat and closes the door behind him. you go to open your door and he comes around the front of the van quickly. he holds the door closed with his hand and shaking his head at you, laughing through the glass window.
he opens the door for you, holding his hand out to help you out of the car and sighs, “let me walk you home?” he jokes, chuckle rolling off his tongue.
“yes please, its late and im scared.” you giggle squeezing his hand in yours. he walks you to your door, reluctantly, not wanting to let you go so soon.
“guess i’ll see you around pretty lady,” he smiles brushing the hair out of your face quickly. its a move he doesn’t even expect, but the blush that dusts your cheeks gives him the reassurance he needs.
“i hope so, rockstar,” you beam up at him, reaching up to press and kiss to his cheek. you turn to unlock your door and leave him in a daze leaning against the railing to your stairs.
once you close the door, he brings his hands to his hair and shakes his head. the biggest smile spreads across his face as he laughs to himself, in shock that that just happened.
“eddie?” the sweetest voice pulls him out of his daydream, it makes his stomach drop. you caught him thinking about you. “im free saturday, at twelve, after work. meet me there?” you ask in a quiet voice, opening the door a little more.
his eyes open as he looks at you under the harsh porch light. you still look gorgeous to him anyway.
“yes!” he says all too quickly before blinking quickly. “i mean, sure… i’ll be there,” he tries to save himself coolly.
“good! ill see you then,” you smile kindly and blush even darker.
“oh and y/n?” he starts before you close the door, grabbing your attention.
“yea eddie?” you answer sheepishly.
“i hope this,” he pauses pointing to the cheek you kissed, “is part of the new usual.”
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aliaology · 8 months
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summary: trevor and jack make a bet that she could fall in love with him. the bet instead ends up with trevor in love with her and her heart being broken
pairings: trevor zegras x fem! reader
warnings: relationship bets, small argument, heartbreak
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you would be lying if you said you didn’t like trevor zegras. he was cute, hot, had a toned body, very funny, very charming and a little stupid. you would also be lying if you said you weren’t shocked he asked you to tutor him.
it started after your calculus class. you were in honors and he was still stuck in pre-calc, failing. so he asked for your help. to which you gave him.
you started to tutor him every thursday and saturday. they soon became days you looked forward too. trevor knew how to make you laugh. he knew how to make you happy.
he knew how much this was gonna hurt if you found out about everything.
he found himself falling for you after every tutor session. he would pay attention to the way your eyes crinkled as you smiled. how your forehead slightly creased as your eyebrows furrowed in frustration. how you would put on a proud grin because he got something right.
oh no.
this cant happen. he cant fall for you. this wasn’t the bet. no no no, the bet was that you fall for him. but he couldn’t help it. you were so pretty so perfect.
you looked especially perfect in his jersey for hockey games. you looked especially perfect sitting front row near his box, talking to him when he wasn’t on ice.
you looked so perfect watching him.
like you were made for him, like you understood him. oh how he fell hard. too hard. and so did you.
you fell like alice fell into wonderland. god you loved his perfect smile, his skill, his voice. you loved how he would get excited for getting his own problems right. how he would jump up and down with you because you told him you passed a hard test.
you loved how he made you feel. well, you did.
trevor ran a hand through his hair as he stood in front of jack. jack leaned against the lockers boredly as he stared down the empty hallway.
“you want to end it? man come on i want my 100 dollars.” jack whined.
trevor rolled his eyes, “im being serious, dude. the bets off, no more of it. im done betting on y/n”
jack scoffed before his eyes widened, eyes staring behind trevor. “what bet?” your voice cut through the air.
trevors eyes widened as he turned around. your face held every possible negative emotion it could. your eyes were watery. what made it worse was how you were wearing trevors hoodie.
“i was a bet?” your voice broke. “i was just a way for you to make easy money?”
trevor stepped towards you, hands reaching out for you. “no, no god no—“
you slipped his hoodie off, throwing it at him, along with ripping the necklace he gave you and throwing it to the floor. the crystal shattered.
“it was all a fucking lie?” you raised your voice.
trevor stared broken hearted at the necklace that lied in millions of pieces. you let out a choked sob. “i hope you go to hell, zegras.”
you turned around and walked away. “baby wait!” trevor shouted, but you kept walking.
you kept walking and only when you got to your car did you turn back, and he was nowhere in sight.
“so that 100 dollars..”
“shut up, jack!”
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angsty n short im so sorry 😞
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lxclerc · 2 years
Mick insta!au - engagement
pairing: mick schumacher x reader rated: fluff
lex's 2k party
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Instagram AU
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Liked by danielricciardo, gina_schumacher and others
mickschumacher a very special weekend with a very special girl
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gina_schumacher have a great weekend, you two!!
yourusername thank you, gina 🫶
user1 alexa, play that should be me
user2 you two are so cute omg 😭😭
danielricciardo keep your eyes on the road, mate
mickshumacher driving safely with precious cargo on board
lance_stroll you actually make me nauseous
yourusername 🙄🙄
estebanocon good luck, mate!!
mickschumacher ❤️
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Liked by itselenaberri, estebanocon and others
yourusername ready to spend my life with you.
View all 372,728 comments
mickschumacher love of my life ❤️❤️
yourusername i love you forever
sebastianvettel i cannot be happier for you two
yourusername thank you so much, seb 🥹 you're godfather of future little micks
user3 bestie i have a minimum of three breakdowns today, dont do this to me
yourbestfriend i knew it!! congratulations, you two!!! you were always going to be the one for each other ❤️
yourusername danke, my love
itselenaberri i'm crying from happiness for you guys!!!
yourusername trust me, i have not stop crying since this ring touched my finger 😭
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Liked by charles_leclerc, gina_schumacher and others
mickschumacher thank you for saying yes ❤️
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yourusername i will literally start crying again
mickschumacher ❤️
yourusername i adore you so much, gina
charles_leclerc congratulations, mate! ❤️ Liked by mickschumacher
carlossainz55 drinks on me! congrats, cabron! ❤️ Liked by mickschumacher
user1 my literal parents oh my god
estabanocon i call best man!
lance_stroll no i am
mickschumacher actually sebastian already said yes to being best man
estabanocon of course. anything seb wants
lance_stroll what he said
user2 i love this trio so much
user3 why am i crying right now?
lewishamilton all the best wishes for the two of you!
yourusername hi lewis. i know it says there i'm engaged but i'm actually single and free this thursday
mickschumacher y/n!!!
yourusername don't ruin my game, mick. it's eight time world champion sir lewis hamilton
lewishamilton 🤣🤣
user4 honestly, can you blame her?
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strangerpringle · 9 months
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IM LOVING FIONNA AND CAKE SO FAR OMG- I'm really glad I watched Adventure Time before this, because I got excited seeing the easter eggs and references and also sol actually know what's going on cause it's a spin-off I guess idk, I LOVE MARSHALL LEE OH MY GOD EVERYTHING IVE EVER WANTED OMG SIMON I LOVE YOU LET ME HUG YOU PLEASE ❤️❤️❤️I love everything about Gary, I love a baker mannn😗(looks like Marshall does too) OH MY GOD FINN MY SWEET BOY IS ALL GROWN UP IMA CRY hearing him say deez nuts had me CRACKING UP💀💀💀💀anyway go watch it it's REALLY good so far, apparently new episodes every Thursday👀👀👀👀CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT :D
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n3cromancyy · 10 months
cw: self corruption?? mention of masturbation and perv!churchboy!leon
im not sure how many words BUT i cant stop thinking about this </3 i apologize if there are mistakes :3
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thinking about churchboy!leon whose mind is dedicated to serving people. a man who worked his way up to be a good model to the eyes of the church ministries.
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churchboy!leon who he leads bible studies and speaks the importance of the lord. he's so kind and always smiling to people who come and visit the church, hearing some of their wishes. his heart is always open to hear people's confessions as they sit in the confessional, his insides warm up whenever he hears their wish to be more connected to god. people adore how he warmly accepts people under his care.
churchboy!leon who's inexperienced with relationships since he had his whole life dedicated to the church. hes so pure, he refuses any relation or intimate actions for he learned they were evil. he learned how to suppress wants and desires. leon doesn't easily give on his desires. he believes its like feeding the devil sweet apples. something that's very much forbidden for him to do.
churchboy!leon who saw you for the first time, introducing yourself to the circle and claiming that you wish to resonate yourself to god.
churchboy!leon who thought at first, you were no other. you were just like the other peers he guides during studies. he treated you the same like how he treats others.
churchboy!leon whose perspective changed when he notices you attending his studies more often, Tuesdays and Thursdays, even Saturdays. you always sit on the corner, wearing skimpy sunday dresses.
churchboy!leon who feels a strange feeling whenever he sees you. he notices himself getting flustered and nervous whenever you walk upfront to ask him about a certain verse. his mind gets clouded with things he wishes to perish.
churchboy!leon whose mind suddenly gets filled with unspeakable thoughts he never imagined he'd have. and he blames it all on you. how your perfume fills his head, you smell so sweet and alluring. his eyes wander to your form whenever you bid goodbye after the session. his eyes lingering unacceptably longer than expected to your hips as they sway whenever you walk. his body shivers whenever he hears you call his name, your voice sounds so nice and innocent.
churchboy!leon who grew a dark desire for you, constantly fighting his mind, his body to succumb on his desires that makes him fist his aching leaky cock. his mind is filled with inappropriate thoughts of you. he feels so guilty. his purity washes away as his jaw slacks, his hand grips the base of his dick. your name falling off from his lips as he closes his eyes, feeling himself getting close. his voice gets so pitchy, whimpering your name repeatedly as he cums in his hand. he hated himself for turning into those disgusting sinners. he curses every part of your existence for doing this to him. but oh he can't help it, you're the sweet apple thats hanging on the tree, waiting to be devoured. and he'll be a sinner to have your taste.
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minnielvr · 1 year
ROSES - CHAPTER 6 : "bro is down BAD" ───────────────────
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"okay y/n i think you're ready" ryujin spun you around just to make sure your outfit looked good.
"okay y/n we'll be here when you get back in case anything goes wrong and MAKE SURE to text us if you're going to go home with him." yunjin reminded you
"bro what?!?!! i will NOT be going with him. i'm leaving now bye" you left as soon as you could, fed up with their silly antics.
"MAKE SURE TO WRAP YOUR WILLY BEFORE YOU GET SILLY" yunjin screamed out the door as you were walking out.
you looked back at the two girls and laughed while waving to them. then walking to the train station to go the spot where you and felix decided to meet up.
you got to the place and waited around 5 minutes until you saw felix and waved to him while smiling.
"hey felix!"
"hi y/n!!" he gave you a quick hug
"so where exactly are we going again?"
"this really nice noodle place, the one over there" he pointed to a restaurant.
"me and the guys go there all the time, the owner is super nice!"
"ahh okay lets go then!!"
you guys made small talk while walking to the restaurant. and when you got inside, felix pulled out a chair for you
"damn okay i see you making moves!!" you jokingly said to him
"im trying to be a gentleman" he said while grinning
"well i think it's working" you said and winked at him
the owner came up to you guys and greeted felix then looked over at you, and then said
"you guys make a great couple" and he smiled
"oh no we arent-" you and felix said at the same time.
"yeaaa sureee" the worker laughed and then asked for your orders
you guys ordered and then ate your food while talking. then thanked the owner and left the store. you guys were walking, not really knowing where you were going, then ending up at the ice cream shop.
"oh my god i haven't had ice cream in soooo long!! lets get some!" you tugged felix's sleeve and ran inside the shop, he laughed while running along with you.
"what flavor are you going to get?" he asked you while you were waiting in line
"probably funfetti with some sprinkles on top" you shrugged
"bro what funfetti sucks" he told you with a disgusted face
"no YOU suck."
your guys turn to order finally came up, you ordered funfetti and felix ordered chocolate.
"hey felix let me pay" you said while pulling out your wallet
"nah its okay i got it"
you guys got your ice creams then sat down on a bench outside.
"woww look at the sunset" you pointed out to felix
"yea, its beautiful, but not as beautiful as you" he winked
"oh my god never say that again" you laughed and cringed
"damn okay" you both laughed
as the sky got darker felix started walking you towards the train station, when you guys arrived, he asked you a question
"so uhh do you wanna go on a REAL date with me sometime?"
"oh my god yes of course!! i thought you'd never ask" you smiled brightly
"oh! my train is here"
"aww okay i'll see you around?"
"of course!!" you promised him, then went to hug him
he hugged back and said bye to you, then you got into the train
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─────────────────── series masterlist • prev • next
a/n: this is the last post from me until next thursday bc im traveling😿 thats why its long😽 also sorry for the typos i got my nails done and i cant function w them on😛
taglist: @felinows @hannahs-docx @peter3sgf @sunoo-bby @marcillfll @kaizny @grayscorner @n03llez @linocvp1d
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hopelesswrites · 1 year
Midnight - Joseph Quinn pt. 3
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Joe makes promises to you to make things right. 
18+ MDNI, smut!!!!
(I really wanted to give you a happy ending but their relationship is still a little rocky, so I give more Joe being a dickhead. Can they fix things now? idk lmao.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
The next couple days were spent laying in bed curing your hangover. To be fair, the first day was because of your hangover, but the other two days of sulking were purely because of Joe. All you wanted was a call, a text, a knock at your door but as the days go on your confidence in that diminishes. He’s gone, swooped up by Hollywood and pretty models and out of your life.
Come Thursday you decide you can’t keep brooding away, you have to shake it off and go to work. So for the rest of the week you busy yourself with work, staying back and doing overtime just so you don’t have to think about Joe. Your boss also said you had a lot to catch up on, so that kept you occupied.
Friday evening came by quickly and you were finishing up your extended day at work, ready to head home. You were scared to go home, knowing the weekend would bring two more days of staying in bed feeling sad and sorry for yourself. Part of you was ready to welcome those feelings back, the more productive part desperately wanted it to be over, that you’d wake up tomorrow morning feeling great, maybe go for a run, visit the local bakery for a proper substantial breakfast for once this week, no thought of Joe crossing your mind.
As you made your way home you kept your mind on that bakery. How good it would feel to get out of the house. How much you need to go for that run, let the cold morning air hit your face, maybe knock some damn sense into you. Joe was in the deep depths of your mind now, no longer causing a tight feeling in your chest like he had for the first half of the week.
Your flatmate was at the front door when you arrived home, she looked anxious as she paced back and forth across the small front patio.
“Thank god you’re here” She sighed once you came into view.
“I tried to tell him to fuck off but he was so persistent, barged his way in”
Your stomach sank, you didn’t need any more information, it was him. You really didn’t want to face him, the reality of it hitting you finally. He was going to end all communication, completely reject you and leave you alone forever. You didn’t want that.
Walking through the hall and to your bedroom, you see him sitting on your bed through the crack in the door. His head snaps up at the sound of your door opening, a stunned look plastered on his face.
“Hi” He said quietly, watching as you dropped your bag down and stood by the door, keeping your distance.
“I didn’t know your work schedule so I waited” He tried again, but you didn’t know what to say. Part of you didn’t want to start talking at all, getting closer to the end tugged at your heart.
“I want to apologise” He sighed, getting up and slowly inching closer, he had a way of manipulating you so subtly, getting what he wanted without you noticing until its too late. It infuriated you, made you hate him so much, hate how much you loved him regardless.
“Go on then” You answered, eyes trained to the floor, Joes eye contact was too strong.
“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did the other night, I care about you and was so worried, I didn’t think about how cruel I had been”.
You watched Joes feet shuffle, his ugly shoes making you frown, you distinctly remember telling him not to buy them.
“I also want to apologise for the way I’ve treated you over the past year, it’s not been fair on you and I cant keep stringing you along”
‘Here we go’ you think.
“Things are different in my life, and I don’t want to lose you, I want you in my life, but that means things have to change a bit”.
You looked up after hearing his last line, falling into the depths of his sad sorrowful eyes. He had you, you were trapped, it made you feel sick.
Joe reached out and grasped your hand in his, tugging you closer forcing you to look up at him.
“Let me do things right, let me take you out, I’ve got a premiere to go to tomorrow night, I want you with me.”
You didn’t give it a second thought, head nodding viscously, agreeing to whatever Joe wanted from you. The spell he had cast on you was in no time lifting, you could feel that.
The next evening you were dressing up in your best dress, most uncomfortable heels, hair and face all done up. You were simply excited, happy to finally feel like you were a part of Joes new life. There was no time to feel silly, or manipulated, what could go wrong?
Joe arrived to pick you up, dressed in all black. Not too dissimilar to the getup he had on a few months ago when he came to visit you. He was hot, you thought, there was no way you’d be getting through the night with him looking like that. He took your hand, gave it a reassuring squeeze before guiding you down to the car waiting, he had a god damn private driver. You ignored the feeling that gave you, the feeling of not belonging, because you were with Joe, you belonged with him.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Joe whispered in your ear as you got out of the car, arriving at the venue.
“A few times. Can’t go wrong with a couple more though” You replied, eyeing off the crowd in front of you. People were arriving in all sorts of fancy cars, dressed in stunning gowns and suits. Security guided guests around, into the building, off to the side where you noticed a red carpet, this was an official thing, still that feeling of not belonging got pushed to the side, Joe had you close, you belonged.
His arm snaked around your waist firmly, another reassuring squeeze as you were both guided off to the side, the red carpet.
“I’m going to take a few photos, bosses orders, why don’t you wait for me down the end?” Joe said, removing his grip on you and motioning down behind the carpet, out of camera view. You agreed, making your way down the path where you noticed a group huddled by the door at the other end, you concluded this was where managers and escorts waited, unfamous guests.
You struggled to ignore the anxiety you began to feel without Joe by your side, you didn’t belong here anymore, this wasn’t your crowd and you just needed him back beside you, holding you tight to get you through this whole night.
It wasn’t long before you saw the man make his way off the carpet and back to you, he offered you a small smile, and took your hand in his again. You tried to ignore the lack of a squeeze this time, but it ate at the insecurity you felt inside.
Inside the building people chatted and drank, waiting for the theatre to open up. Joe was quick to grab two drinks for the both of you and manoeuvre his way through the crowd until he was stopped. A tall woman tapped his shoulder, greeting him like old friends. You watched as they laughed and chatted, you beside Joe, your hand he once held forgotten. More people approached him, more greetings, not one towards you. You did not belong here.
When the theatre doors opened Joes hand lay flat on the small of your back guiding you in, no longer wrapped around you like before. His dismissal of you hurt, it felt worse than any ignoring he had been doing previously, you were finally in his world and you were still invisible.
The screening was painful to sit through. Joes fingers fiddled with the fabric of your dress cascading over your thigh until the end credits played. Before anyone got up Joe was whisking you away and out of the theatre into the lobby, his hand now grasping your wrist rather than your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked watching as he looked around, he looked frantic.
“Here” He replied pulling you towards a bathroom, locking the door after you had entered.
Without explanation you were slammed against the door, Joes mouth falling to your neck in quick harsh sucks and bites, he was ravenous.
“Joe what is-“
His lips came up quick, swallowing your sentence in a kiss, his teeth scrapping over your lip as he pulled away and resumed his assault to your throat.
“Been dying to have you all night Baby” Joe mumbled against your skin, his hands roaming over your backside, bunching the dress up and slotting a clothed leg between yours.
The pressure elicited a content sigh from you, Joes grip now firmly on your hips, guiding you to grind on his leg. The pleasure forced all rationality out of your brain as you submitted to the man you loved.
“You’ll have to be quiet for me, okay?” Joe groaned as he twisted you around so your chest was against the tile, ass out.
You listened for the sound of his belt buckle, but it never came. Instead, you got a harsh slap to the ass followed by Joes quick fingers rubbing you through your panties. You fought off a loud moan as electricity shot through your body. Joe pressed up against you, his lips finding purchase on the sensitive skin behind your ear, his hot breathe creating goosebumps over your skin. His fingers stopped their movement to pull his own pants down, the feeling of his skin against yours almost sending you over the edge. It felt pathetic, to be so affected by him, to need him as much as you did.
Joe rubbed himself against your entrance testing the waters by pushing in a little and pulled out. You eagerly waited for what you were craving so much, to feel him completely, but it never came.
“Lets get these off yeah?” Joe mumbled, tapping your foot with his own before leaning down and gentle pulling your heels off your feet. The relief was almost as good as the sex itself, but with your height difference from the lack of shoes Joe was quick to resume his movements, slipping in effortlessly, his hand snaking around your face, covering your mouth before he began thrusting. The pleasure was overbearing, Joes small grunts in your ear sending shockwaves through your body. You couldn’t see him but you knew the blissed out look on his face, could picture it, and it got you through to your own orgasm, legs quivering as the coil snapped and you let yourself go all too quickly.
Joes movements became sloppy and you knew he was close.
“Let me” You whispered, turning around and dropping to your knees, swatting his hand away pumping him a couple times, tongue out ready to catch his load.
“Fuckfuckfuck” A string of curses left his swollen lips as he released above you. You took everything he gave you, quite happily as embarrassing as it was, and watched him come back to above you. His chest rising and falling, a small trickle of sweat sliding down his temple, his eyes screwed shut still. You wanted him to look down at you, smile at you, give you anything but he stood back, tucking himself back into his pants, head thrown back as he let out a shaky sigh.
Your heart sank, even in such an intimate moment he was ignoring you.
“That’s it huh?” You frowned, gaining his attention again.
Joe looked at you confused, “Didn’t you come? I thought-“
You cut him off with a laugh, “You just don’t get it!” You raised your voice as you stood up, slipping your shoes back on. “Or you do get it and just don’t care” That was what worried you the most, being nothing to Joe and him being actively aware of it. Actively making you aware of it.
“I come out here with you, surround myself in an environment I’m not comfortable in to make YOU happy, and you blow a load in the bathroom like we’re goddamn teenagers.”
Joe stuttered out useless apologies, but you couldn’t care to listen to them.
“I’m going to go now, don’t follow me, I’m serious” You spoke sternly, watching him carefully, worried he might reach out, touch you and break you down again. “And don’t contact me, I think we’re done”.
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