#god is a sociopath
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“The Christian god is a ruthless, dictatorial, narcissistic, sociopathic mass murderer. If I go to Hell for not worshipping him, so much the better.”
I wouldn’t want to spend eternity with the evil monster from the bible they call “Lord,” and I sure wouldn’t want to spend eternity with people so morally bereft they regard this despicable beast as “good.”
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hiddenramen · 9 months
why are people acting like burning man is some bourgeois orgy exclusively for one percenters when tickets for all nine days of burning man can cost significantly less than like, resale tickets for a single taylor swift concert. you can get tickets to burning man for $300 lmfao
i know we all want to pretend that this is another fyre fest but there are like. regular normal ass people who go to burning man. the worst thing about burning man is that it's lame and caters to libertarians and crunchy granola people who smell like patchouli and try to get you to babysit them when they drop shrooms. none of that warrants being left to die of trench illness in a nevada desert.
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separatist-apologist · 3 months
I'm back home and you know what that means:
Cassian sat on the edge of the bed, letting his weight wake Tomas gently from sleep. The man looked up, bleary eyed and still unaware that Cassian had pressed the barrel of his gun into his mouth.
“Shhh,” Cassian murmured as he brushed a piece of Tomas’s hair from his frightened eyes. “My finger might slip if you move too quickly.”
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markantonys · 2 months
i have spilled so much ink about gawyn but really i only need 2 passages to explain why he is Like That
1. My blood shed before hers; my life given before hers...That was the oath he had taken when barely tall enough to peer into Elayne's cradle. ... Gareth Bryne had had to explain to him what it meant, but even then he had known he had to keep that oath if he failed at everything else in his life. (LOC prologue)
2. From Morgase, Queen of Andor, to her beloved son, Gawyn. May he be a living sword for his sister and Andor. (ACOS prologue)
like yeah, no wonder he does what he does in AMOL. people will be like "gawyn is so stupid for not thinking about the fact that his death would hurt egwene" as if he's being maliciously stupid and careless, when in fact, he has such little self-worth that he genuinely does not consider himself a valuable human being whose loss would impact anyone or anything. his life given before hers. a living sword. this has been his mindset since toddlerhood and nobody ever noticed it enough to try and counteract it. gawyn is exactly what rand would have been like at the last battle if he hadn't had a mental health intervention.
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funscarypdr · 8 months
obsessed with ashton “abandonment issues” greymoore making a reckless decision without asking for help and finding someone at his back, at his hands, grasping to help anyway
obsessed with ashton “what was it like to wake up and find them there, that’s something you know that i don’t” greymoore knowing now
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marmelade-sky · 2 months
I watch Dune part two, I open tumblr, I am confronted with two million feyd rautha x reader posts, I close tumblr.
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jellbloom-blushroom · 5 months
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killer shots from everyone…..
except you Howie, my majestic mountain goat🩷
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foolishnpd · 9 months
reading my old diary like babygirl you sure are exhibiting Symptoms™
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Luke 14:26 KJV
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 19:29 KJV
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
Mark 10:29-30 KJV
And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
This is not someone who is selfless and only thinking of those he loves. Parents put their own needs, wishes and desires behind the needs of their children. They don’t make their own desires priority number one. It’s children who seek to have their needs met however they can; this makes sense for a helpless child, but not for an immortal demigod.
Jesus is explicitly clear: humans don’t matter. Not your wife, not your children, not even you. Nobody matters but Jesus, and his unquenchable thirst for adoration.
Screw everything important in this world. Feed his endless hunger for applause and praise, and he’ll reward you for leaving them to fend for themselves -- in first-century Middle East, no less.
This is a taker, not a giver. This is someone who wants what he wants, is willing to burn everything to get it, and won’t take no for an answer. The Jesus character is a narcissist and a sociopath. Which is in keeping with an insecure, needy deity who creates humans for the primary purpose of supplying worship and praise.
It’s a good thing all of this is complete fiction. 
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passer-ine · 1 year
I wish everyone with stigmatized and villainized disorders a very good day. I hope your pillow is the perfect temperature tonight. I hope the water you drink tastes really good and refreshing. I hope you step outside, and the air is fresh and feels nice. I hope your blankets are soft and warm. I hope your favorite song comes on next.
Your disorder does not make you abusive, evil, manipulative, violent, or dangerous. No disorder makes people bad.
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brookheimer · 1 year
if shiv actually cared about the state of america she wouldn't fuck matsson. like if she were actually really a liberal she'd leave matsson to roman so that way he wouldn't run rejected to mencken and set fire to democracy as foreplay. honest to god if shiv gets dicked down by matsson she will be singlehandedly responsible for america's descent into fascism
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corpium · 22 days
God what is it with some people and trying to win the sob story Olympics
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slaygentford · 2 years
You know what else is so insane. “I’ve killed so many, but never anyone I-“ yeah she had no trouble tossing him onto the grill and so on but specifically. Specifically. “I’ve killed so many -“ okay, psycho who kept a womans left tit in her dresser. Okay me and uncle les call it kill juice. Okay this is what the meat calls lovers lane. Yeah. Sure. She’s killed so many and definitely reflects on how many she’s killed in any kind of ethics based empathetic way. I’ve killed so many :( Louis for once in your life will you take your words out of Claudia’s fucking mouth.
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femmesandhoney · 4 months
idk theo really is teenage girl coded to me like longs for freedom, molded since childhood to be perfect and yet still is a failure, seen as heartless both literally and metaphorically, a chimera of parts thrown together to serve someone else and ur life and body aren't yours, like damn bruh. chill w that.
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fujoshi-pushing-forty · 8 months
Each new episode of Only Friends reveals a twisted layer of P'Jojo and Ninews' psyches, leaving me torn between fascination and sheer terror
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I have a problem with fics end with Izaya quits being an informant. He's famous and powerful, he can choose whom he gonna work for.
Does he has to quit everything he was to be a better person?
this is literally what the first post i ever made was about but im gonna expand on it a little~
i think "being a better person" is kind of like, a loaded statement, like... being "better" is like, by whos standards do we define better? what constitutes better? does better mean, better for the individual? or better for other people around the individual? is it balance? does "better for the individual" mean what makes the individual happier, or what makes them healthier?
by that logic, if its "better means, they're healthier, and don't hurt themselves or others," then just throw izaya in a psych ward! he's healthier, he's getting help and medicine and isn't hurting people and can't hurt himself because he's watched too closely!
obviously this is a terrible idea.
i personally think that being a better person shouldn't be the main goal. i mean- it's good if it happens! and its good to hope it happens! but it shouldn't be the main goal. like.... wanting to stumble across a stray kitten while on a walk. every Cat Person wants their moment where they get to help a lost little kitty and rescue it and hand rear it and all of that. i do too! it's good if you find a lost, scared, and alone stray kitten, who probably wouldn't have survived without you! it's good to hope to get the chance to both help a creature that needs it, and to have a personal desire fulfilled! but if you go on a walk for the sole purpose of finding a cat, you're gonna be pissed and miserable every second that you don't see one, and you might end up snatching the first cat you see and stealing someone's lost pet
ya know?
i think... first and foremost, izaya needs to figure out what makes him happy. does his current job make him happy? is he fulfilled doing it? is it genuinely entertaining, fun, and interesting for him to track information down, and to see peoples' reactions to said info? if yes... he should keep it! durarara is a story about fucked up people doing fucked up things- if you think izaya's job is immoral, everyone better have a different career by the end.
inversely, is he unhappy doing it? is his constant exposure to people who have loved ones, families, stable relationships, hurting him? is he getting an unhealthy sort of enjoyment in seeing peoples' messed up relationships, to cope with his own shitty relationships? or did he simply just find something he'd rather be doing? if so, then... hit da bricks!
and ideally, the fic is about izaya's growth as a person, and him slowly becoming happier- that's what they're usually like, from what i've seen. he'll slowly become a better person, simply by lieu of just, things happening. he's received genuine care and affection, so he has a reason to improve- i kind of talked about this in this post i made while high; aspd is very challenging to recover from, and if you don't have a support system in place, it's a lose/lose situation: either do your best to conform to society's standards and remain bored and lonely, or let your disorder's urges take over but you're at least not depressed. it's kind of hard to find the drive to recover if you feel completely alone in the world.
so if izaya is growing as a person and becoming closer to other people, he'll become happier, become less likely to do insane fuck-with-people shit, because he has no real reason to besides "it's fun-" he's not running from anything anymore. and he can slowly walk back on doing it until he replaces it with something else that's fun- whether it be more "societally acceptable" versions of fun like things to do with your partner, or if he still has a twisted idea of fun but doesn't fuck with, yk, suicidal high schoolers.
he absolutely doesn't have to completely change who he is to become better- if he did that, then he wouldn't be himself anymore! and i don't think him totally changing himself would make him better- he's perfectly capable of growing and improving as a person, while still keeping traits that are less societally acceptable, like his job or his tendency to mess with people- and as for the things that are actually hurting both himself and others (messing with suidical people, his quest to become immortal and go to valhalla (which... also counts as a suicide- just, his weird attitude towards suicide in general) and fwiw, said immortal quest is why he messed with mikado and masomi and co. in the first place, that and It's Fun- see how him having people who care about him, who help him, lead to helping others around him?
he doesn't want to become immortal and kill himself, because he has something worth living for- doesn't need to ruin peoples' lives to gain that immortality- doesn't ruin peoples' lives.
he doesn't need to mess with random people For Funsies because he has someone he cares about in his life, making recovery more possible and the idea of going through the roughness of it less miserable- doesn't need to mess with random people in order to be happy- recovers enough so that he doesn't act on the urge enough to catfish random people and mock their sucidality for The Reaction- doesn't mess with random people
him keeping his info broker job at least provides some sort of service to somebody, doesn't lead to him being miserable, and isn't completely meaningless. is it societally taboo? yeah. is that taboo deserved? yeah. could you say someone, somewhere benefits, for a reason other than "yeah it's fun and i wanted to do it?" also yeah, and isn't that what durarara is all about?
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