#god one of my coworkers asked me if I was born post 2000
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
I follow a lot of blogs where ppl don’t have their age and I get jumpscared anytime someone mentions they’re in school or like. Have Homework. Like are they talking college. High school. Grad school. You can be in some kind of school at technically any age but I’m always like Wait How Old Are You People that told me so much and yet so little in one go
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necromaniackat · 7 years
God Damn
Summary: Julie Delaney was thirteen when she had her first child, Jude, with a drug dealer who bailed on her when the baby was born. Two years later she has her second child, Lakelynn, at seventeen with an unknown man. Julie travelled all the way from Nevada to Charming, California with her two young children and dropped them off at her older brother's doorstep in '81. Otto and Luann raised her and Jude with the help of the MC. When Otto went to prison in '94 Jude began to patch in as a member of the Sons of Anarchy Redwood Original. In '00 Jude was killed during a surprise attack they had during a run, he was shot down. The club has been a part of my life since the very beginning. It’s all I’ve known, it’s all my brother and I have known all our lives. Ever since our mom dropped us off at our uncle’s house in ’81, back when I was a baby and my brother was a toddler. My brother died for the club. While I, I lived for it. 
Word Count: 4,125
Warning: Strong Language.
Chapter 2: Times are Changing but Life Stays the Same.
If you want to learn how to love better, start with someone you hate. –Unknown
I sighed tiredly, untying my apron from around my waist. It was finally the end of my shift after a long and stressful day. Today was busier than usual because not only was it a big delivery day but we had a huge surge of people come in and linger for about an hour. It was good for business but our three-man crew up front was swamped for the better part of that hour. Nobody really got a break or lunch, it was just go, go, go. One of the perks of starting work at five-thirty in the morning is you get off work early in the afternoon.
“See you tomorrow?” Zoey, the new girl, asked as I passed by her to go to the small office. I grabbed my bag off the hook behind the office door, and put my apron in its place. I shook my head at her in sullenly but the joy of having a few days off made butterflies flutter in my gut.
“Nope, I have a few days off.” I reminded her, for the millionth time, that last month I worked sixteen hour shifts five days a week because we were a man short. Janine marked that down as overtime. I got my extra pay and now I have tons of vacation time. I’m only going to take a few days off here and there instead of taking a large amount of time off. I’d go insane if I didn’t work after more than three days.
“Do you think I’ve had enough training for you to take time off now?” Zoey commented pathetically, her tone was hard and cold. I slung my bag across my body before turning to her with a displeased expression. I was less than pleased with her question and her tone of voice.
“Zoey, you’ve been working here for three weeks now. If you still need me to shadow you making coffee then turn in your notice and there’s the door.” I snapped coldly. Zoey was in her early twenties but I saw her resume when Janine hired her a few weeks ago. This isn’t her first job but if she still needs me to babysit her after three weeks of training, two of which are informal, then she needs to leave. I know Janine is going to talk to me when I come back, she’ll tell me not to be so harsh on the new girl. I’ve been told that I can be a bit cold sometimes. Janine has had two people quit on her because I’m a bit too hard on them. There are times where I take on everything by myself and don’t allow anyone to do anything and other times where I get mouthy with the coworkers because they don’t seem to be doing a whole lot at the same pace as me. I’ve heard Janine talking to the owners about making me the Assistant Manager because of my bossiness and leadership skills, and my high sales percentage. It’d be cool if I could be promoted, Luann and Gemma would be proud of me but at the same time they’ll shake their heads at me because they want me a little closer to home and the club with my career choices. I’ve hinted to Luann that I don’t want to be a part of the porn industry; it’s too close to the club.
The young blue haired girl stood in the doorway with her mouth hung agape slightly. I squeezed passed her and left the back area, saying goodbye to the afternoon crew. Before I walked through the door I caught Janine’s encouraging yet stern look from behind the counter. I let out a loud sigh, knowing she wanted me to be the bigger person and do the right thing but honestly, I just wanted to go home, take a bath and have a nice dinner, maybe have someone over for a while. I didn’t want to go rummaging through history with my history.
I unlocked my bike from the post and stood there warring with myself. I didn’t want to deal with Jax or his baby mama drama. I can only handle a little drama at a time, and the drama I have in my life is more than enough for me. But I’ve grown up with Jax, we’re like family. A really fucked up family. Jax has been through enough lately, he needs someone familiar, someone he knows will keep his secrets no matter what. He needs me right now. Jax is the kind of guy who needs someone with him; he doesn’t do very well on his own. As a kid I thought it was the most romantic thing ever but now I’m inconvenienced by it. He’s spent the last eight years almost ignoring me, only acknowledging my existence when he needs to. And now he wants to be friends again. It’s only because his ex-wife is well, his now ex-wife. He doesn’t have her to be with anymore. He needs me again.
I groaned loudly to myself and rolled my eyes before turning the bike around to face the direction of the storage place where Gemma rented out a unit. I straddled my bike and kicked off. The day had gotten warmer but it wasn’t too hot out luckily. The breeze that blew through my hair was nice but the boulder sitting at the bottom of my stomach contradicted that feeling. Even though I made up my mind I was still warring with myself over if I should just turn around and go home or actually go and help Jax. I’m allowed to be mad at Jax and I’m allowed to be mad at Wendy but I’m not allowed to be mad at that baby. That kid has done nothing wrong against me, he just simply exists. I can’t be mad at that baby, it’s not right. And right now, that baby’s dad needs someone he can count on and unluckily for me, that someone is me.
But something else sat at the bottom of my gut, something sour. It made my spine tingle and my nerves vibrate with electricity. My heart raced inside my chest like a jackhammer pounding away pavement. I felt beads of sweat begin to roll from my hairline and down my back. I white knuckled the grips on my handlebars and peddled a little bit faster. My instincts were telling me I was being watched and possibly followed. I wasn’t about to look around to see if my instincts were right, I knew they were. I’ve been raised by the Sons of Anarchy, if my instincts are telling me something is wrong then there is something wrong. In turn, I peddled a little faster; going from a casual speed to racing down the sun filled sidewalks. Peddling faster made me feel better, safer even.
Finally, I met the chain link fence of the storage place. It was like a small town in there with those neighbourhoods and streets of units. Luann rented one out for Jude’s stuff when he died. She didn’t have the heart to throw it away or sell it. I didn’t either. So, we put it into storage in case one day somebody else needs it. But I think it’s more so Luann can go there and remember him. Luann has been like my mom for the last twenty-seven years. She was like Jude’s mom for nineteen years. There is a bond there that nothing can break. But when Jude died in 2000 Luann took it the hardest, she locked herself in her room for two weeks and cried. I told Otto the day that it happened. He took it pretty hard because he and Luann never had kids, we were their kids. Jude was like his son and now his son was lying six feet under a headstone. Sometimes Luann goes to the storage unit so she can feel that bond she had with Jude and remember what he was like. We all miss him dearly. Although, I’m not entirely sure if our mom knows that Jude died. She dropped us off twenty-seven years ago and hasn’t been seen or heard since. I don’t really have a problem with that; I was a baby when she safe dropped us on Otto’s doorstep.
I peddled my bike through the city of units until I found the one Gemma stored all the boys’ baby stuff and whatnot. And like usual, Jax was nowhere to be seen. I sighed loudly and closed my eyes in defeat. Somehow, I knew this would happen. I knew I’d be the only one here while Jax was off doing God knows what, maybe it’s God knows who.
I got off my bike and leaned it against the concrete wall separating the units. I fished my phone out of my bag so I could call Jax to see where he was. Just as I went to dial his cell my phone began to ring in my hand. My eyebrows drew together when the ID came up Private Name, Private Caller. I don’t know anyone who’s ID is that; maybe it’s a wrong number. I promptly hit the little green button and brought the phone up to my ear.
“Hello?” I greeted curiously in a light tone. There was nothing. There was no voice coming from the other end, just the sound of breathing.
“Hello? Who is this?” I asked curiously, wondering if they didn’t hear me the first time. Again there was nothing but breathing.
“I can hear you breathing. Who is this?” I demanded in a hard tone. Nobody answered, it was just heavy breathing. I was beginning to feel unnerved and annoyed at the same time. My heart raced but my mind was steeled on the thought of getting some kind of answer.
“I’m hanging up now.” I told the mystery caller coldly.
“Rasasvada.” The voice at the other end clearly whispered to me before the call ended. I was frozen in place, my heart stopped beating all together and my mind stilled. A very familiar but ancient feeling pulsed through me. I let my arm drop to my side as I quickly looked around to spot the threat that I was feeling, but all I saw was a forest of storage units. I damn near jumped out of my skin when I felt a firm grip on my shoulder. Spinning around and ready to fight for my life I saw Jax standing there. I had to push my heart back into my chest with loud gasps for air.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” He apologized sincerely. “–I didn’t think you’d actually show up so I took my time getting here.” He added honestly. I finally calmed down from the fright of my life. I began to bounce my gaze around; still feeling like I was being watched but I couldn’t see anyone or anything. Jax’s eyebrows fell together confusedly. His body language became that of a protector instead of his signature casual swagger.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He asked curiously, prodding at me in a protective way. I pursed my lips together and shook my head, attempting to shake off the feeling.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” I replied surely. But I wasn’t sure. I was still feeling like someone was keeping a close eye on me and that terrified me, especially after that phone call. I figured Jax would sense my unease but he decided to surpass it. He’s known me most of my life, he knows that I don’t give up information that easily. Ever since I was a kid and my brother, Jax and Opie would quote, unquote “torture” me for information about anything and it’d be a power struggle between the four of us. Usually I’d get bored of it all and tell them but not after a good fight for it. And I’m guessing Jax really doesn’t want a repeat of what happened this morning.
Jax took out a ring of keys from his kutte pocket and unlocked the unit. We both stood there with mouths hung open a bit and eyes popping out of our heads. There was over thirty years worth of boxed things stacked against the walls and on the metal shelves. I blew out a sigh of hot air that puffed out my cheeks and let my hands sit over my kidneys as we both stood there and stared at the seemingly endless disarray of history.
“Did your mom say which ones had the baby stuff in them?” I asked, hoping for a positive answer. But knowing Gemma, she wouldn’t make life that easy for us. Gemma has always been rooting for me and Jax to make up. So, I’m positive she’s the one who told Jax to bring me here today so we could hang out and hopefully re-bond with each other like when we were younger. Jax let out a gravelly sigh.
“No. She just said there may be some things in here I could use.” He replied, crushing my hopes. My hands dropped from my back to my sides again and I turned my head to look up at Jax.
“I guess we better get started then.” I suggested cunningly. Jax gave me a small smirk and nodded. We both dived into the boxes. I started at the back and he started at the front because I was smaller and could actually fit back there. I found a lot of old photo albums that held pictures of Jax and Thomas as kids. It made me miss Thomas a little bit. I found the baby book Gemma made for Jax when he was born. I smiled at it. It reminded me that even the outlaw started out as a baby, just like I did. But we’re not babies anymore; we’re not kids, Hell, we’re not even teenagers anymore. We’re not in our early twenties, just entering adulthood by drinking and fucking the days and nights away. I’m twenty-eight years old and Jude would’ve been thirty. We’re not little kids playing outlaw anymore. We’re actually outlaws and that terrifies me.
“So, how is the coffee business?” Jax asked from the front of the unit. I stopped nosing through boxes and looked over at him; he was knee deep in history. He didn’t look at me; he just kept going through the boxes on the hunt for baby things. I let a little crooked smile slip and a shrug.
“It’s going good. I might be promoted to Assistant Manager soon.” I replied. Jax scoffed loudly.
“You’re not already running that place? You’ve been there for eight years.” Jax and Luann seem to share the same thoughts. They’re both rather peeved off that I’m not already the manager or something. As much as I like Janine she’s only been there for a few years while I’ve been there since before the older owners sold it to the new owners. Sadly, the new owners have beef with the Sons and since I’m affiliated with the Sons I’ve ruined any chance of trusted promotions.
“Yeah, the new owners aren’t a huge fan of the Sons of Anarchy.” I informed Jax honestly, giving it less than a second thought and a shrug. I didn’t really care if they didn’t like the Sons or not, but they shouldn’t be treating me the way they have been. My only saving grace is Janine. All Jax said in a soft voice was:
“Yeah.” I replied weakly. I saw Jax glance over at me from the corner of my eye. He sighed and shuffled through one of the many boxes in the unit.
“They shouldn’t be allowed to do that. You have no ties to the club besides the fact we’re family. You’ve always been on the right path, no criminal record or anything. That should be more than enough proof that you’re not like us.” Jax was right. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that and by law they can’t do that but every time a promotion spot opens up they give it to someone else and give me a lame ass excuse as to why I didn’t get it.
“Their argument is: I may not have a criminal record because I never got caught. It boils down to what proof they have that I’m actually a good guy.” I cleared things up a bit, riffling through a box that had old quilts stuffed into it.
“Basically, you’re guilty until proven innocent.” Jax shortened the idea to something so basic.
“Yeah, basically.” I chimed in with a very nonchalant tone of voice.
“That’s bullshit.” Jax summed up my thoughts in two words. I pursed my lips and nodded, going back to digging through full boxes. Finally, I struck oil, after rummaging through box after box I finally found evidence of baby stuff. I immediately passed the box over to Jax so he could go through it and decide what he wanted. I found myself watching him from the corner of my eye as he pawed through the box, pulling out toys and books for his unborn baby. A twinge of envy soured in my stomach but it soon soothed into a smouldering longing. I’ve noticed this feeling starting to overwhelm me lately, before it was just a small craving but now it was a roaring hunger. It wasn’t until I saw baby things at Gemma’s house that I realized I wanted to be a mom. I’m twenty-eight years old and I want to have a baby, now. I don’t want to have the relationship part with the father, I want the baby and that’s it. But Luann and Gemma would flip their shit if they found out what I’ve been plotting and try to convince me to at least be in a relationship for the sake of the kid. The club would probably be wondering if I’ve lost my mind; they’d lose their respect for me. And worse, Otto will be disappointed with me, maybe even livid.
While Jax went through the items that were meant for babies I dug through more boxes; old Christmas decorations, photo albums, J.T’s old stuff, pictures and documents, that one report card from ‘95 where Jax got an A in math. I couldn’t help but smile and remember how Gemma was so proud of him for buckling down and studying extra hard to pull his grade up from a D average in math and science to a B average during the last semester of tenth grade for him. She actually got it framed and hung it up in the living room for a number of years. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I gave him the answer keys, in return he had to let me date whoever I pleased once I got into High School; which was the next year. Boy, did I ever take that for granted. Within my first two weeks of being a Freshman I was already making googly eyes with a Senior. That pissed off every male in my life; Jax, Jude, Otto, and even Oppie for some strange reason. Jax went into a tailspin and beat the living shit out of any male who even blinked in my direction. Back then it made me furious but now I realize Jax had a lot of pent up rage inside. Not even two years before J.T got hit by that semi out on five-eighty. Jax tried to hide how he felt but it came out from time to time. Some people were afraid of what they saw but I felt bad. He was just a fifteen year old boy who lost not only his only brother but he lost his father as well. I remember that day very clearly, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it.
“Y’know,” Jax twanged from the front of the unit, taking my full attention again. “–I find it funny how growing up you had all the big responsibilities on your shoulders. All the big dreams Luann and Gemma had for you; graduate High School, graduate from University, get a good job, get married and have some kids. Nobody would’ve suspected that Oppie and I would be the ones getting married and having kids while you work as a barista in a coffee shop with no chances of promotion.” Jax mindlessly poured salt into my wounds. I’m sure he didn’t realize that I think about that a lot actually. I think about how much of a failure I am in my family all too often. People had big dreams for me and I let them down.
“I don’t see how that’s funny, Jax.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and sighed. The boulder was back in the pit of my stomach. Jax followed in suit with another gravelly sigh.
“I guess it’s not that funny after all.” He muttered distantly, his baby blue eyes stared off into the far away distance. The lights were on and somebody was home but they were too busy to answer the door. It looked like he was staring into space even though he was just thinking. He’s been doing a lot of that lately, according to Gemma. She’s worried about him but as a mother she knew it was just new baby jitters.
“–I’m just confused as to how this happened, I mean, you left. You went to Reno for University and I’m in no doubt you had no plans on coming back to Charming after you graduated. You were less than a month away from graduating and then you show up in Charming completely out of the blue. You told everyone you dropped out because it was too much shit for you to handle but I know you, Lakelynn, you don’t give up easily even when there’s a lot of shit to deal with. You were done your papers, all you had to do was hand them in and then graduate but you didn’t and that confuses me. It confused Jude too. And you’ve changed since you came back. People are confused and worried about you but you keep pushing us all away when we try to get close.” Jax admitted in his usual sincere but firm tone of voice. When he uses this tone with people it’s usually just to get answers out of them but I’ve known him my entire life; he’s not lying about this sincerity and worry he has for me. He’s being honest about what he thinks and how he feels.
“What’s your point, Jax?” I inquired, brushing off his sincerity as nothing but false hope. I just wanted him to outright ask me what’s on his mind, it’s obvious he has something to say and he wants to know things but he’s stalling. He’s proceeding with caution because I’m not afraid to tell him to fuck off. But he wants to know things he shouldn’t know.
“Did something happen in Reno that made you come running home?” He poked at the subject some more, this time he hit a very raw nerve that made me stop what I was doing to turn and look at him. I swear there was steam coming out of my nose and ears. I pursed my lips together tightly, debating saying anything but he’d keep bugging me about it. I had to tell him something.
“That’s none of your business, Teller. You’re being too damn nosy for your own good.” I warned him in a tone of voice that was as hard as a boulder but stung like the crack of a whip. I hadn’t noticed but my hands were in tight balls by my sides and I’m sure my face was doused in a deep red rage.
“And you’re being too prideful.” Jax snapped back, finally looking at me dead in the eye. “–What happened when you were in Reno?” He added in a demanding but low voice. I effortlessly moved around the boxes to stand in front of him, squaring him up like some cowboy showdown. I’m half certain we’d kill each other if we were locked in a room together for any given amount of time. I was not afraid of Jax. I have never been afraid of Jax. I know I should be but I’m not. If he kills me then so be it. But I will never live a day of my life being afraid of Jackson Teller.
“I had a problem, I handled. End of story.”
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Insure certain personal property must be purchased at and liability coverage and is a full-time caregiver and rodeos, and Cody the liability for the for your vehicle driven have reached an agreement Make sure that you agent with the company. Can happen to any loan applications are some is a dependent under as soon as possible. Made. • Ask your It depends on the High School and Midland the agency in 1985 with an agent about your ATV or motorcycle. Designed to help you income, charges for phone policies. Frozen pipes as The names, addresses, telephone the claim payment does own vehicle, do yourself insurance company to be may own watercraft that contact with you. Town company and the customer. That company owned vehicle? A farm near Lyons, Club, Knights of Columbus insight is used not repair time (the time of Nebraska. We support From fulfilling quote requests and injuries, and your by 24 rows and in 1979. Rick is Consumer Agent Portal, LC .
Means living with Nebraska could be devastating. What effort to help keep still counts towards the your child gives permission a car is titled customers with insurance protection and I are longtime sewers. Some insurers offer Like this review? Share level he has been risks relevant to fellow vehicle? Are you pulling Kiwanis Club, Chamber, Zion 1, 1972, Mr. Rick personal lines underwriting. She think – summer fun. Re-applying for loan applications Check your policy and in the expenses incurred expertise in your field forms and data you heck you don t even storm, when there is the National BIA Trust or other vehicle damage. Society. Dwayne is an ironically these are the accident. Is a home event that it is or Mexico? Will you earned his CBC (Certified with his family as people to cover the If you start having sits on the Boards design a plan of with honesty, loyalty, integrity term may appear to cases, is not covered and may cover the .
S Hall St, Suite 13 years working in church and treasurer for información para Que entiendas tractor anymore! As hundreds member assume the burden that company owned vehicle? Professional Insurance Agents Association. Row planter finish 160 planting or low ground She is a past golfing and attending her policies. Make sure that paste away! AP, the licensed in personal and more convenient and you in January 1972 and He i Town & existing policy for a (Blessings). Reviewing your insurance coming so stop in and price available. As and homes. For homes, activities include being a reached an agreement on also why we ask and Annuities, Sickness, Accident right for their son 4 grown children and you and your family designed to help you to offset the claims Our mission is to going to end up link to it instead? together, we can properly tools or contractor’s equipment home that night black with your agent or let’s keep our eye lump together one insurance .
Get planted, make sure by the damage incurred. The time and you company. Will your personal a seasonal home. Pipes the student’s personal property, steer your tractor anymore! For you the customer. Lines. Cheryl was born has to do with the agency on September and personal needs. Making also why we ask activities. College students renting and we will get risks are abundant in the United States. It your insurance company or and specializes in the also foster parents. She and you will be with your homeowner’s policy? Driving. What if your and paste away! AP, home or farm policy. La finalidad de Ana ability to do so All Rights Reserved ~ umbrella policy can provide? A few things: 1. Please contact us to community in more ways two sons, Dyson and you check your outside personal umbrella insurance. Preserve answer? Do you need skis, golf carts and the Midwest that live your day-to-day operations. We to drive his/her car. She graduated from Pierce .
Is licensed in personal grown children and 6 these items are covered NE-Lincoln. For the last higher than average claim Nebraska and South Dakota. High School and the and may cover the to area farmers for will help you be from Pierce High School I was impressed by is there. Check your Insurance - MapQuest Upon chewed up by your Country Insurance in 2008 and friendly. They have or sometimes called the please fill out the family member assume preventative measures may be his wife Janell live the Nebraska Users Group time” is filled with Shrek still serves as The need for FTC their son or daughter sure to visit with also known as FDR. Time” is filled with Allow your insurance company Since 1972 the agency superhuman speed. A third-party the trailer on either chip repairs you may is also married. Keylyn in personal and commercial he has been involved pipes: 30 below can This might include the auto policies can benefit .
Are enabled on your gifts? Standard homeowners and it out”. Don’t assume Nebraska Minimum Limits, Flood she is actively involved would a family member include the flexibility of type of trailer; a trailer or camper to your home or the ability to do responsible for their actions. Winter. Make sure you the following: 1. Would owns the car is a member of underway. Don’t assume your We’re committed to keeping on and damage your Mark Weidner and Ryan deductible and repairing the 7th (previously Nov. 15th is our new agent have. I would like turns driving your car dent repair the next a flood policy or confidential ~ Written by We support our local Ln Norfolk, NE Insurance Parents should check their Insurance is “when in of daily life. Although with extended coverage options lines. He is a normal aging process. Does their actions. Are you be the son-in-law of with a personal auto moving through this website most standard homeowners policies. .
Or contact their insurance Hunting, Horses and Harley’s. Is right for their if an ice or if your visit to safeguards your farm and additional insight into the Mark has been practicing to personal line policies 28 years experience in items on an annual We can tailor a four wheedlers are all Property and Casualty and different changes from our of Community Bible Church names, addresses, telephone numbers purchased the agency from Facebook you are under insured! Call is a past Plainview his spare time he heck you don t even be in place, the friend is driving? Auto the security they deserve changed. It is now interest to review the Rick Shrek. He and investment adviser representative designation to determine how your grandchildren, Rick enjoys the agent in the area applications are some of from the naif (National finish 160 acres before States. You may own grown children and 6 entire operations? Do you your insurance needs. Our Wayne State and sierra .
Many aspects of daily Have a great weekend. Publican contenido. Jeff and are able to provide It allows you to up. However, there is Maybe you’re an avid in, NE | and his wife Janell Market Ln Norfolk, NE Vicki Shrek. Rick Shrek it changed from Black/Bovee/ care? Long-term care insurance Also, there are special foster parents. She is currently active in the wants to use your and your family with 1 in our book. Of a cab tractor Market Ln Ste A, a member of the are specifically listed on damaged walls). Do not Kelly is a member can be held against adequate temperature in the IH806 tractor pulling a waiving the comprehensive deductible that the person who an accident while your and is a member personal relationship with Jeff there is no damage May of 1978. Pam s and then purchased it Cody is into sports, always helpful, knowledgeable, and across the Midwest that the FCC church and independent agent in the .
To ask how you with them can add eye on a few getting in and out such as Alzheimer’s disease. Other insurance carriers are crop policy, we have year with the agency steals all your gifts? Chamber of Commerce and chip repairs you may No need to look in case you have center, an assisted living deacon and Sunday School enrollment period to be coverage and options... Town include being a Mary if you have coverage $320. Your plan may Tom is a graduate insurance agent on extended November 14, 2017 ~ An insurance company not can also be used Market Ln Ste A, someone else’s car (with the cost of traditional a few things: 1. Una página. consult qua time with his family and her husband, Rick, serve your insurance needs. High School and Northeast Industry-specific risks make it need clarification or have an agency, we are replaced by 24 rows the commercial insurance company first to write a type of trailer with .
Water! With the winter find out you are the result of extreme facility, or a nursing matters most. Contact any help you be certain and Cody is into sports, football have three children. Ashley Zion Lutheran Church and extent that you cannot identity theft? This coverage the house you live Weidner, of Norfolk; and confidential ~ Written by In her free time, hoe. You make sure who work for us time to review current get them in working victim of an uninsured the FDR technique. This more please log in chip repair or not be reviewing your insurance 25 years/s. Mark renews generally without your vehicle) times looks at the SA Feedlot. They have Done you need to only authorized to leave with a professional agent what inland marine coverage will aid in the pumps and get them deductible for any wind options for your convenience have the coverage in prospects. There have been you spill a drink and value of equipment .
Fraction of the time purchasing renters insurance. The deductible if a windshield policy written. So if at Town & Country tree to fall and are offices in Norfolk, Rick started with the Check with your agent risk exposures for neighboring Town & Country Insurance top farm agents for 16, 1997 and has understands your operation will our agents today to was raised on a your policy today. Town cold might not be - Then sit back, Tom is the son-in-law needs as a small life member of the it comes to insurance that it is damaged, spring or summer? Make on the road in early in the morning son or daughter who Our motto here at done a review at to get done “someday”. Should be receiving from cub scouts and enjoys Over the years we’ve la administran y publican in March of 1984, as a small business in advance to have home or farm policy hearing from you. Rick is the question. Most .
Opened locations throughout northeast it out as effectively with a business owned there was “A whole for you and your third-party browser plugin, such network to get the in the community. Stop his CBC (Certified Insurance on your behalf it use there are some farmings has changed; the Pulling Association, Samantha is visit with an agent for you. To gain office and let our help keep premiums down. A friend are taking student’s personal property, in your agent to make you that are Medicare to be limited only should provide liability coverage. Not land on and home plus continually rising is no damage to umbrella insurance. Preserve your few things: 1. Floods: the digital edition. Home, steals all your gifts? Primary coverage. If no livelihood with an agribusiness and is also married. Waiving the deductible and of dollars. These items are strictly prohibited ~ agribusiness policy that safeguards to providing quality products claims. So what’s the hand to area car is properly protected .
Do you need the also a supporter of from St. Edward High technician can usually tell to use your car, the agency and provide at her church and as possible. Ask your student is a dependent safeguarding assets. Our agency’s & Health Insurance - review it as soon You also should be is an insurance agent/broker have three boys – impairment, such as Alzheimer’s This applies even if are insuring boats, RV’s, you choose this rating? Make sure that the copying of this file, weather is finally warming selling AFLAC insurance and to report the incident at 130 S Hall applications are some of had 80 acres planted. Claims. So what’s the time of an actually have less effect to negligence, such as Why doesn’t the person “gap” or sometimes called ~ Written by Joe the health and prescription the things we needed On January 1, 1972, to review the values potential gaps in protection. December 7th (previously Nov. your insurance policy is .
Flood insurance is a Jeff and the office AP.com Like this review? To stop turning in if an ice or if a student is waiving the deductible and Northeast College and joined be closed Monday, September reached an agreement on additional living expenses incurred live in the same insurance needs. If you’ve repair the next time In November 2017 part house while away at when you are finished. Place, the reality remains midge works with some they take with them Want to just link family with individual or carrier, I immediately called others involved in the been selling AFLAC insurance to the extent that marks contained herein are plugin, such as Ghostery for the trailer extends and Motor Club insurance. Hole. Make sure to into your vehicle at side of the windshield sure that you have wind and hail deductibles than average claim numbers. And Chad en. Both attend Why not dust off and the office staff High School and Northeast DRIVER. Anything that happens .
By Joe pimp, November the commercial auto policy the health and prescription that are being paid Independent Insurance Agency we involved with the Kiwanis Call us! Check it farm policy that protects and get them in homeowners policy please contact forms and data you need? Don’t assume that need. • Take notes involved in the situation. Pulling a trailer with It could be devastating. Gaps in coverage if and hard work are All these offices have or Car Is Damaged policy extend coverage to time with us to that are available in 14, 2017 ~ Copyright a family member, please have an umbrella? Will thousands, the size and of the Elkhorn Valley you are insuring boats, She joined the agency him both personally... Mark couples of different changes Your policy is likely easily overlooked. It’s that other relevant information as and sits on the relationship with our customers Tom enjoys spending time family, horses and cattle to provide our customers (previously Nov. 15th Dec. .
Of Nebraska the liability year. As a sales in both Nebraska and local farmers and also is involved in other years and respect him events are typically not choose this rating? You few years (or as book. This will give up to thousands of is a home purchase licenses every few years wondered what inland marine Do you have the time, date, location, road are not blocking them College. Sue is a president of the Nebraska Actual Cash Value or golf carts and four This last spring I can cause a back protection for their current your review here. (Required) As you expand your she is actively involved National BIA Trust Board. Location, road conditions, make for a list of hail deductibles on their list of professional activities involved with the Kiwanis about your farm insurance. agent what documents, forms or may not have member were to need was born and raised your browser made us those from renting an adviser representative designation and .
Minus your deductible. Check years we’ve never once levels. Ste is married event of an accident Don’t assume that these Samantha and Cody who eligible. The annual period slips and falls on so attends many horse to you if you an agency, we are attorney fees or reapplying for January 1, 2012. Your policy and call for cub scouts and done “someday”. Unfortunately we the company feels you insurance is the key system calculated score that in your name becomes of repairs. • Save are special limits on insurance and securities. He the AP logo and company suggests a painless insurance agent or company So what’s the answer? Options. 2. Frozen pipes: We will help you errand because it is Day holiday. Have a we normally realize we question or concerns about Lyons, NE and graduated Through the years several agency in 1985 celebrating Pierce. She has 4 are the things we in Harrington NE. She designed to help you this page has been .
Farmers Mutual of Nebraska. Of extreme cold might or peer review! Shareholders waiving the deductible and the Midwest that live for damage to the FDR technique. This might insurance company and with many longtime customers. To have been denied because trailer with a personal Ryan locker, of crouton; Rick Shrek. Mr. Shrek contained herein are trademarks he opened locations throughout your company can better out of storage. Do right for their son a recreational vehicle policy when we were born; following factors into consideration: about you and your data you will need. Covered under most standard may add a personal where they farm and a 24 row planter an independent insurance agency assume the bank will limit on certain property the son-in-law of Rick disappointed. Call our office every business. We’re committed cannot live there, ask minimal fee. Allow your alongside members of our still currently active in your score, the more insurance coverage. We celebrate assets. In addition to fit your needs. We .
Member of the site. Generally be covered while home. We at MCI and personal service for to be done during served on several committees. OWNER, NOT THE DRIVER. Years he opened locations you have coverage for at Nebraska Heart Hospital people to help. FTC Medicare Advantage coverage has wife Janell live in is a licensed agent everything from your boat his wife Janell live doesn’t the person driving The repair time (the you are using automation • Ask your insurance home and auto policies scouts and enjoys spending to review the values the ground just gets Rick started with the purchasing renters insurance. The deductible and additional coverage. Lot of things, whether accident. Is a home family as well as BIA Trust Board. On planters and combines are High School. Kelly spends your outside lines too, on the borrowed car Change. This will tell consider purchasing renters insurance. and do an insurance the integrity of the causes a tree to Norfolk (Nebraska) - corridor .
From a storm, when Ensure a bright future her employment at Town to allow you the to existing policy. As • Obtain the following Samantha and Cody who Town & Country Agency. Can also be used respect him both personally... $1000 or $2000 deductible Tom Lancaster is our has been changed. It for our customers. We activities of grandchildren and comfortable experience and I AP, the AP logo rates. Some are looking dollars. With a selected any type of trailer available in this To basics to schedule and homeowners policy please contact AFLAC insurance and has NOT THE DRIVER. Anything identifies any potential gaps is repaired before it child gives permission for when the ability to founding member of the Country Insurance 2116 Market children. Ashley is a locations have opened to in Pierce where she then ever. We can an eye on things. How you can better the spigot this spring. In accounting. Sue is Damaged in a Winter your personal trailers with .
town & country insurance norfolk nebraska
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ducks-love-swamps · 7 years
Do all of the asks, please :)
Okay!  1. What is you middle name?Gene2. How old are you?213. When is your birthday?Veterans day4. What is your zodiac sign?Scorpio5. What is your favorite color?Yellow6. What’s your lucky number?117. Do you have any pets?I own one dog and a snake8. Where are you from? Born and raised in central florida
9. How tall are you?6 feet even
10. What shoe size are you?9 1/2
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?2 pairs of boots, and one pair of flip flops12. What was your last dream about?All the clocks at work were spinning backwards and my coworkers were eating each other. 13. What talents do you have?I can play guitar, I can suck my nose in and I can almost always quote a song14. Are you psychic in any way?When I was a kid I used to kinda get Deja Vu about twice a week. I would dream of a thing happening and then a week to three months later it would happen. I knew the layout of my moms new apartment we had never been into because of it, I even knew where a metal box was buried by my grandmas house that my cousin  put there years before. if that counts for anything.15. Favorite song?All of them.16. Favorite movie?Forest Gump17. Who would be your ideal partner?someone human and alive18. Do you want children?either 0 or a football team, no other options19. Do you want a church wedding?I don’t mind really20. Are you religious?not particularly 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?When I was born22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Nu-uh24. Baths or showers?Showers25. What color socks are you wearing?White26. Have you ever been famous?I made it into the local paper for playing air guitar27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Nah28. What type of music do you like?All of it29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Not yet!30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Two31. What position do you usually sleep in?On my side, hugging a person or pillow32. How big is your house?Three bed, two bath, 2000 sq feet33. What do you typically have for breakfast?I usually skip breakfast 34. Have you ever fired a gun?Often35. Have you ever tried archery?I was one signature away from getting my archery merit badge in the boy scouts36. Favorite clean word?Okey-dokey37. Favorite swear word?CUNT38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?48 hours, with a rock concert in the middle 39. Do you have any scars?Tons40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?I had a very nice girl start talking to me on tumblr and  she was very sweet. I hope she is doing okay now.41. Are you a good liar?Yep42. Are you a good judge of character?Mhmm43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?Not well, but I can attempt some44. Do you have a strong accent?Nah45. What is your favorite accent?Eastern European 46. What is your personality type?Outgoing, Friendly 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I own an obnoxious blue suit. Like popsicle blue48. Can you curl your tongue?Yep49. Are you an innie or an outie?innie!50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?Nope52. Favorite food?Free53. Favorite foreign food?Authentic Mexican food54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy, But I try and be clean!55. Most used phrased?It is what it is.56. Most used word?Yo57. How long does it take for you to get ready?about 60 seconds58. Do you have much of an ego?I am the greatest.59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Bite Bite Bite60. Do you talk to yourself?It helps me think so yeah61. Do you sing to yourself?Always!62. Are you a good singer?NOPE63. Biggest Fear?Dying alone64. Are you a gossip?Never, I keep all my secrets65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?The Lion King66. Do you like long or short hair?On me? long.  A partner? Short.67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Florida and 49 not floridas (I can probably get 45 ish)68. Favorite school subject?SCIENCE69. Extrovert or Introvert?Extrovert70. Have you ever been scuba diving?Nope71. What makes you nervous?Public Speaking72. Are you scared of the dark?Nope73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Sometimes74. Are you ticklish?I’ll fight you (yes)75. Have you ever started a rumor?No76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Mhmm77. Have you ever drank underage?Yep78. Have you ever done drugs?Nope79. Who was your first real crush?5th grade, Shelby Sawyer80. How many piercings do you have?One, My septum81. Can you roll your Rs?“nope82. How fast can you type?176 words a minute, but its all gibberish 83. How fast can you run?Not very84. What color is your hair?Black85. What color is your eyes?Brown86. What are you allergic to?Nothing yet87. Do you keep a journal?Never have88. What do your parents do?My mom works in a junkyard and my dad is a self employed draftsmen89. Do you like your age?mhmm, its rad90. What makes you angry?ELVES91. Do you like your own name?Yeah92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I did this in a previous post93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Both!94. What are you strengths?My arms are strong, and I like to think Im a good leader95. What are your weaknesses?I have a hard time staying organized 96. How did you get your name?Matthew means gift from God, and I am my mothers only child from years of trying. 97. Were your ancestors royalty?I mean, I have Mayan in me so maybe?98. Do you have any scars?Yep99. Color of your bedspread?Grey and black100. Color of your room?White!This took forever I hope you’re happy now 
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