#some of us grew up here together lolol
cerealmonster15 · 9 months
I follow a lot of blogs where ppl don’t have their age and I get jumpscared anytime someone mentions they’re in school or like. Have Homework. Like are they talking college. High school. Grad school. You can be in some kind of school at technically any age but I’m always like Wait How Old Are You People that told me so much and yet so little in one go
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mobbu-min · 7 months
☆ erm, let's not do that ☆
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requested by anon! Hi there! So i would like to request The overblot gang with a S/O who likes to pick on their fingers whenever they are stressed and considering what Yuu have to go through, they would have a bloody hand if it werent for the fact they use gloves when they are really stressed out. (They dont wear gloves often because it will look weird when it doesnt fit the outfit but will wear it if necessary). So what are the overblot gang (seperate) reactions when he learns why his S/O pick on their fingers and wear gloves? P.s. you are an amazing writer and i love your work, keep up the good work! Hope you have a lovely day/night!
a/n so it's been awhile... how have you guys been? i've been okay, been dealing with post graduation fatigue and depression. been wondering what the hell am i doing with my world and wondering if things are really worth it. i miss bts, i miss jin and hobi and most of all yoongi. i miss the person i used to be. i miss the person that was my rock for a good few years. i wish this whole life thing wasn;t so hard, but! twst makes my brain go brrrr, so that's good i guess lolol. i'm working on stuff dw! and i'll try to post more, so thank you all so much to those who have been waiting! i love you all!!! <333
characters mentioned: overblot boys!
!tw! blood, would this be considered self harm? (an actual question btw)
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Riddle Rosehearts <3
⋆ He’s so concerned. Honestly, when he saw the state of your hands, he gasped like some Victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time.
⋆ He’s not the type to beat around the bush, but he’s gentle about it. He’s quick to voice his concern for your health and if there’s any way for him to help you. 
⋆ Knowing that he is part of the cause of your pain, sorta sends him spiraling somewhat. It really makes Riddle want to become a better person after seeing the after effects of his tyranny.
⋆ Whenever Riddle sees you picking at your hands, he kinda swats at your hands like an angry cat. A disappointed pout on his soft features. He really tries okay. 
⋆ Riddle will patch your hand up. He’s so gentle about it too. Holding your hands as if they were blessed by the Queen of Hearts (honestly there’s probably a rule about it)
⋆ He’s taken to holding your hand when you're together. He stutters out a quick ‘I-it’s to help you!’ before dragging you away to study. When you're alone, Riddle has the habit of kissing your hands, mumbling sweet words. 
⋆ Overall, Riddle is concerned but willing to do anything to help you.
“If you ever find the urge to harm yourself, no matter how small, I ask you to seek me out. I will always spare you a moment. Afterall, I care about you, please don’t forget that.”
Leona Kingscholar <3
⋆ He noticed the state of your hands the moment he met you, but didn’t mention it until you grew closer. Like Riddle, he doesn’t beat around the bush. But unlike Riddle, Leona is so incredibly blunt.
⋆ After you tell him it’s a habit you’ve picked up after certain events, Leona drops the subject. The both of you are too awkward to keep it going. Afterall, you both knew what events could have led you here. Guilt was quick to snag Leona’s heart.
⋆ He’s not upfront about his emotions. Leona’s quite bad with vocalizing his worries, but he’s always been a firm believer in actions over words anyways.
⋆ Expensive gloves, creams and ointments from his land, heck even fidget toys he’s seen Cheka play with, shows up at your door. Anything he believes that could help you, he’s getting.
⋆ If you’re together and your hands get particularly bad, he’s dragging you to the infirmary to patch you up (he ends up snagging/buying bandages to keep on him just in case after) He doesn’t really talk much, but the sentiment is there.
⋆ Like Riddle, Leona will hold your hands to stop you from picking at your skin. His grip is tight, but not in a way that seems like he’s scolding you or mad, but tight in a way that's comforting. As if saying ‘I’m here.’
‘Oi, stop that… Yeah, I’m aware, but I’m here now. Let’s find other ways to deal with your stress, yeah? (whispering) I think I’ve got a few ideas, if you’re up to it, herbivore~’
Azul Ashengrotto <3
⋆ He beats around the bush. Azul is weirddddd about it.
⋆ On one hand, he’s worried about you. On the other hand, his capitalist side wants to find some way to profit off it. Somehow he manages to quell both sides. (he ends up making hand cream/ointment using like floyd’s mucus thing, rip floyd)
⋆ Azul, despite his incessant need to bottle up his emotions for others, finds it hard to ignore the state of your hands, and likewise state of your health, any longer. He doesn’t know how to approach the topic. Does he ask right away? Should he ease you into it? He, for the first time since his overblot, is lost for words.
⋆ He does eventually get the guts to ask and oh boy, he never knew guilt felt this bad.
⋆ Azul kinda sucks at helping you, he won’t hold your hand (only in private) and he’s kinda frivolous with money (so no expensive gifts) but he’s good with his words. And when he sees you starting to pick at your hands, he immediately starts running his mouth. And he can talk for hours. And he’s entertaining too. Leaving you so enraptured by his words that you forget about the need to pick at your skin.
⋆ He’s always good at always keeping you busy. And no this isn’t some way to get free labor out of you. Typically you help him with paper work, just you and him in his little office.
⋆ Azul may always be boasting about how kind he is outloud, but you both know his true kindness is always quiet.
‘Ah, that’s enough paperwork for today. How about we go to the lounge for a few drinks? There’s plenty more I wish to share with you about the stock market.’
Jamil Viper <3
⋆ He doesn’t notice until you’re hissing in pain from something spicy touching your tender skin (listen i know this does make sense, but trust me, it hurts) He’s confused and worried at first and confused and worried after.
⋆ Jamil scolds you for working without some sort of protection while he tenderly washes your hands.
⋆ I feel like Jamil also has some bad coping habits, so he’s quick to put two and two together. He doesn’t ask, but there is a noticeable shift in his behavior. Jamil is a lot more gentle, not in a demeaning way, but in an awkward ‘I want to help you, but idk how, just please appreciate my efforts’ sorta way.
⋆ Since he still has his duties as Vice Housewarden and Kalim’s aid, he’s pretty tight on time, but he tries his best to spare you a few minutes. And if he can’t, you’ll always find a lunch box sitting on your desk.
⋆ Jamil is always willing to bandage your hands if they get particularly bad. He’ll use healing ointment that smells like home and is as gentle as his voice.
⋆ And while he can’t give you extraordinary gifts or talk for hours on end, Jamil is always ready to lend you a hand to heal your own destruction like how you healed him.
‘Stop squirming so much, I’ll mess up your banadages. -sigh- You really have to start wearing some sort of gloves… Mh? What was that?… You like it when I bandage your hand? E-eh- ahem, well if you like it so much, I might as well start charging you. …Ahaha, I never said thuarmarks, did I?”
Vil Schoenheit <3
⋆ He takes one look at your hand and instantly brings out a 12 step hand routine.
⋆ Listen, he doesn't care if you do it out of stress, he’s going to fix your hands while helping you find better ways to handle it.
⋆ He rubs like this gel liquid thing that tastes bad to prevent you from biting away the skin near your nail (it’s an actual thing don’t worry) He’s pulling all the stops to prevent you from injuring your hands even more than they already are.
⋆ Vil often walks the fine line of being really gentle or really strict about it. And it doesn’t stem from his perfection issues, he is just kinda bad at expressing his emotions in a way that is both productive and compassionate. He does care, you’ll just have to look for hidden meanings in his long lectures.
⋆ No doubt, Vil is getting both of you matching gloves with your signature colors as accents.
⋆ The whole 12 step hand routine actually does become routine for the both of you. Typically taking place at Pomefiore, you’ll both talk about your day. Vil sees this as a way to check off all three boxes.
⋆ He gets to do his nightly hand routine.
⋆ You're improving day by day from talking about your emotions with him.
⋆ And he gets to spend one on one time with you!
⋆ It's a win-win situation! And your hands have never been softer!
‘And Epel just had to prove his point, which ended up with him casting a Zip Tight Spell on him. Despite not even being able to move his mouth, I could tell there was so much anger running though his little body. Goodness, how ridicu-hm? Did my little spudling fall asleep? How rude~ -sigh- Sweet dreams, darling~’
Idia Shroud <3
⋆ It’s Ortho that brings up your problem. Worry evident in his voice as he showed pictures of your hands to his big brother.
⋆ Despite being gaming buddies, Idia really never paid attention to your outer appearance. Too preoccupied in his desire to beat you at every game you both play.
⋆ And poor Idia, guilt grabs him by his long ass hair and flings his lanky body across the room multiple times (not really, but in Idia’s head that what's happening)
⋆ Unlike all of the others mentioned, Idia’s way of help is rather unconventional. He’s not good at talking nor is he good at physical touch, but you know what he is good at? Yeah, making things.
⋆ After a long night, Idia shows up at Ramshackle holding a small box. What is in the box? Well your own personal health robocat! This cat is kinda like Ortho just to a lesser degree (think of the robocat seven made mc!)
⋆ Listen, he knows he’s severely lacking in multiple departments of this whole dating, heck even friend, thing, but he is trying! And RoboCat is the ultimate form of his love! It’s quite romantic really.
⋆ Is Grim happy about the new intruder? No! But your health is more important than his feelings!
⋆ Idia swears he died of pure happiness at your expression. His two favorite things together!? Eek! It’s too much!
‘A-and next time you find yourself in trouble, just c-call for Robocat and she’ll come flying!… A laser beam like Ortho? Good idea! I’ll make sure to add it in her name update!’
Malleus Draconia <3
⋆ His heart aches to see the pain you put yourself through. If it was up to him, he’d simply whisk you away to a place where no stress could muddle your beautiful mind. If he could, he would kill stress itself.
⋆ But alas, he can’t kill something that doesn’t have a physical form, how sad~ (lilia had to convince him not to go after Crowley)
⋆ Malleus is doing everything he can to help you. Just name it and he’s doing it.
⋆ Multiple gloves made of the finest materials? Got it!
⋆ Healing ointment from the farthest land made from an extinct organism? Done!
⋆ The heads of your enemies? Why didn’t you say so sooner!
⋆ He’s so silly ahahaha.
⋆ But seriously, Malleus sorta never feels stressed (he does, just thinks stress is a human emotion that only humans can feel) but he’s always willing to listen to you. Afterall, you’re always willing to lend your ears to him, it’s the bare minimum.
⋆ Advice? It’s so-so, sometimes he comes off vague but that really just because of his faeness. But he tries and is actively trying to be better, trying to be more intune with your emotions and his. (lilia has been great help, and surprisingly enough, watching silver and sebek on a more friendly level has also helped him be more in tune with emotions)
⋆ You shouldn't have to suffer in silence and he’ll make sure you never will for as long as the universe will let him.
‘You’ve been such a good companion, my dearest child of man, so please let me return the favor. Allow me to see the deepest parts of your soul, of your mind and heart. If you fear that I will cast judgment, do not. I could never judge the soul that has welcomed me with an open heart.’
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nanamisflowerfield · 1 year
Haikyuu request, andkajah choosing is so hard 🤔🤔
What about Kenma and confession? Maybe he was streaming? It doesn’t matter who confesses. Scenario please 💕🌻🌺
Take rest and drink lots of water, you can do it! 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Hanaaa!!💕 Thank you so much for the request and so sorry for writing it super late!! ;w; (I'm still busy and have to learn for my tests, but I really wanted to finish at leats one thing before my big studies!) I hope that you like it and have a great day!! x3 💕💕
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“Eat this!” You smirked, throwing a bomb at your enemy, while Kenma continued to play the game in silence, sometimes glancing to the side to read what his dear followers wrote in the chat, while he streamed an online game.
“Ha! I hit them!” You cheered, raising your arms happily and shaking them a bit. Your best friend’s yellow orbs wandered to you, staring at your grin, before his lips curled up. “Be careful, there are three guys trying to kill us.” You only chuckled at it, grin turning evil, as you dashed around the map in the game, shooting and throwing bombs everywhere.
Evil laugher escaped your mother like a mad person, while people laughed at the whole scenario during Kenma’s stream. “OMG! THEY ARE SO FUNNY!” Kenma’s eyes moved fast towards the chat, glancing and reading what his fans wrote and that person surely is right. You were funny sometimes. The gamer’s lips smiled slightly, before he continued reading some more comments, while shooting here and there in the game, ignoring your cute and pouting face. “How can you even do all this stuff at the same time…” You mumbled, very focused at the game, before lightly hitting him with your elbow in the ribs to signal that he should read some out loud.
Kenma flinched at the unexpected contact; his focus momentarily broken. He glanced at you, his face slightly flushed from the contact, trying to ignore his burning cheeks, before reading a few out loud.
“Applepie, your friend is AMAZINGGG!!”
“Can (Y/N) be in every stream?!?! They make it so much more entertaining!”
“They are the ultimate duo! They should play every game together!”
“OMG YES! Hahaha!”
Kenma's yellowish eyes flickered to you again, a small smile tugging at his lips. Even though you could be annoying here and there, he still liked you, just as much as the chat apparently...
As the game progressed, the tension grew, and the two of you found yourselves back-to-back, fighting off waves of enemies in the current raid.
But then, your character nearly died in the middle of the battlefield. Thank the gaming gods for having Kenma there, as he jumped into the action, protecting you like a superhero would protect his damsel-in-distress, while the chat couldn’t stop talking about you two.
“Hey, I know that you said that (y/n) is just a friend, but are you sure that you aren’t dating?”
You read the last question, when your gaze wandered towards the screen, blushing at it, while Kenma only cleared his throat before telling you to run to the exit point.
“J-Just ignore them… They don’t know anything…” You heard Kenma whisper next to you. Did it mean the chat? Was he telling it you or to himself?
His eyes met yours, as you softly thanked him. Two gazes meeting each other, hearts bumping so fast that they nearly skipped a beat, while the fans of Kenma spammed the chat.
“He is like your knight! Tell him that you love him! He saved you!”
“LOLOL WHAT!? Nooo! As if he could ever love anybody!”
“You blind!? Just look at them! They are SOOO IN LOVE!”
“He TOTALLY has a cwush on them!”
“*crush , sorry”
You chuckled nervously, scratching your neck. “Well, the chat is kinda right about something…”
“What!?” His yellow eyes widen in panic. “How did you know!?” His voice was suddenly getting louder, surprising you and the chat.
“Did Kuro tell you about it?” Before you could ask him what the poor blushing man meant, he puts his hands on your shoulders. “Did he!? Did Kuro tell you that I love you!?”
Just this question made you speechless. (e/c) eyes wandering from his face to the chat for only a second to see confused reactions or “TOLD YOU SO!” in there, while you shook your head.
“He told me nothing…” You mumbled, still confused by what has happened, only to make Kenma gulp and wanting to hide in his room.
Silence filled the room, while game had only “Victory!” written on it and the chat asked thousands of questions or commented on what just happened. You two sat there, staring at the screen with big eyes and ignoring everything around you two.
“Uhm… I love you too…” You said after two minutes, face mirroring the blush, as your lips curled up into a shy smile.
“I finally came into the stream. What did I miss???”
Unsure of what he should say next, he mumbled: “G… Good. Should we continue?”
You nodded with your head immediately.
“Hey, Kenma, stop acting like a teenager with a big crush and ask them out. By the waaay… Told you that I can keep it a secret!” Kenma read Kuro’s text message, before he rolled his eyes.
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🔖 Taglist: @halloweenismyfav @musecatcher @seaweedpad @ttsumii
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Reblogs and comments and a ko-fi are appreciated. ( ‘ω’ ) © nanamisflowerfield. Do not repost, rewrite, plagiarize my work.
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dxwnfxll · 11 months
How would Clef,Bright,Glass and Gears would react if the child!reader is just immune to anomalous effects or reality bending, heck let's even go with the amnestics. But also somehow able to make sentient scps somehow tolerate or get along with them to not kill them? Reader is a little shit and uses it to fuck with everyone or give people heart attacks and also has no sense of danger.
LMAO here's your request !
Also very sorry for the time you've haf to wait for this !! I've just had writers block while I've been preparing for art fight lolol
(As always Bright/Shaw replaced by Amar)
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-Alright so Amar was assigned to you out of no where, she had been working with 049 at the time (more like slacking off though) when they got a new file put on their desk.
- 'SCP [chosen number], this SCP has the ability to remain immune towards many different SCP effects, the child also seems to be able to bend reality'
-at first Amar thought it was a mistake cause like?? Why would they put her on a team to work with some reality bending child? No one thought they'd try to make the kid turn the walls into candy? Or 343 forbid if Ambrose asked the kid to make another santa so there'd be twice as many presents.
-Hell the first day he went to work with the group she could feel the eyes of everyone on them.
-Eventually the group shrunk though, less and less people on the team till eventually it was just Amar. And for once Amar took their job seriously, he didn't know why really but she just enjoyed spending time with you and wanted to continue to do so
-you reminded him of TJ by a lot, maybe it was her missing TJ or maybe it was them liking how you looked up to him. After all you two always did pranks together and somehow always got away with it, or well at least you did. Somehow the 05 would find out Ambrose was at least involved.
-she laughs whenever you mess with someone, and you can't ever really spook Amar. Very rare occasions though you startle them and she has a good laugh afterwards
-and of course whenever he has their crazy ideas (cough cough making an entire super hero team, fight club etc) you're always involved since you never play fair.
-You and Amar get along fan-fucking-tastically as Amar would put it, hell pretty sure it she could they'd adopt you already.
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-So Clef, oh boy.
-Clef had (similar to Amar) been assigned to you out of no where. Coming back with a bloody ukulele after beating the [REDACTED INFORMATION] he found a file on his desk with your number on it.
-he had already heard of you and wasn't exactly over the moon to be dealing with another reality bender, in fact he already had a distaste for you.
-that's right sadly Mr ukulele doesn't like you and probably never will. He hates 239 and he hates you to.
-A week into him becoming your lead researcher and he already went to the 05 asking for your termination or to find someway to terminate you.
-Which of fucking course they denied every time he asked.
-He gets annoyed by you easily especially with you being the little shit that you are, he also deep down fears you, fears what you could do, so sadly you two never get along.
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-Dr Glass had been assigned to you out of no where, he was a little shocked he had been assigned to an SCP that had feelings, a mind, etc. The foundation had after all tore him a new one for getting attached to the last sentient SCP he was assigned to.
-And just like the other sentient SCPs he had been assigned to in the past, he grew attached and felt awful for you. You were just a child who didn't ask to he what you were, you were just a child who should be going to school making friends growing up with parents. But instead you're stuck in a containment cell never able to see the light and watching strangers poke and prod at your abilities.
-He always snuck in stuff for you that he thought you'd like, chocolate, little toys, and some crayons with paper. He'd always get reprimanded by the others but he didn't seem to care, in his head he was doing a good thing.
-He didn't mind you being a little shit, he felt bad and thought it was your way of expressing yourself. Expressing the pain you were probably going through. You were probably scared and knew this behavior as the only way to show it.
-He always tried to stand up for you, every mistake you made, every time you escaped containment. But the 05 eventually began to listen less and less until finally you had a new lead researcher and Dr. Glass was once again not trusted around sentient scps.
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-Finally Gears. Not much to say with him, He's a numb old man with 0 emotions towards really anything.
-Anything you do whether big or small he just kinda blinks at, if you were to take his clipboard and break it he wouldn't even bat an eye. If you were to hug him not even a small smile would crack.
-He does his job, he doesn't form an attachment or anything to you. He treats you like every other SCP, a job to be done. A task to be checked off.
-He does speak highly about your abilities to being immune to a majority of other SCPs and even suggested some tests to be done on you.
-He's not afraid of your destructive behavior either, if you start being a little shit he just calls the MTF and lets them deal with you.
-no relationship formed between y'all, He's completely neutral with you.
Hope you enjoyed! And sorry for the late response to this!!
Have a lovely day!
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transboysokka · 7 months
chris watches twilight for the first time
omg this blueish filter is wild is this like a Pacific Northwest thing
that girl is not tan enough to be from arizona
also I’m getting big gay energy from her so idk how this movie is gonna be like. plausible.
if the dad wasn’t a cop I’d definitely smash
do u guys remember though when they used to cast ACTUAL teenagers for teen roles? refreshing
wow this guy in the cowboy hat has MAJOR swag
oh nooo Taylor Lautner I grew up with him and he sucked (real)
idk why ppl always shat on kstew being like inexpressive in this??? seems fine??
all these vampire siblings date each other?? lolololol
so far this seems like a fun little teen drama idk. it’s so blue though
Edwards stare is so intense I KNOW rpat had a great time with this lolol
Lolllll imagine seeing someone try to switch classes to avoid u but u don’t even know them??
the daughter-distant father awkwardness is v nice, v realistic
ugh this dad is so hot
Does Edward have RED eyes girl that sounds like a red flag get away
Ok this soundtrack sucks
Wait so his eyes change? Why?
wow he stopped a bread van for her w his muscles how romanticccc
also how small is this school like how does everyone know her?
vampire doctor creeps me out
lol his name is carlisle what a square
taking bets at how soon he tells her he’s a vampire it’s probably pretty soon I’m gonna say like around the one hour mark
girl is she having sex dreams about him
God Edward really is so creepy eh
Lautner’s Michigan accent is sooo bad in this omggg I can’t
are these new vampires?? the whole eating people thing really disrupts the tone of the story
So gay of bella not to care about the dress shopping. And also just skipping prom lol
Edward just following her everywhere RUN GIRL
“I should make sure Bella gets something to eat” most awkward and obvious way to ask for a date
So she’s def a vegetarian and he def doesn’t eat people food
We’re like 40 minutes in and he’s already telling her lol
Anyway why can’t he read her mind is this like a soulmate thing
This is soooo fanfictiony lmao
So she finds out he can read minds and just lets it go lol
Edward is such a dumbass though she figured him out so easy lolllll
And now she’s having vampire sex dreams lmaoooo this movie is great
Oh here it comes the “I know what you are” “say it” lol I only know this scene bc it’s from a meme or something
lmao this speed animation
is he about to sparkle
god they’re both crazy girl why are you so into him and Edward why are you so obsessed w her
ok yeah some of these lines suck
First of all these kids are missing class and for what
Second of all I cannot IMAGINE being a teenage straight girl seeing this for the first time when it comes out and basing my ENTIRE personality on this shitty ass self-insert fanfic ass plot
Girl how the hell can you be in love with him already
That’s so high school, they’re only walking together and people somehow know they’re together?
oh wow so the doctor turns these kids to stop them from dying that’s neat
I used to live only off tofu and I was very satisfied thank u very much
Wow he’s special about reading minds that’s convenient
He’s such a kid w her that’s not what I was expecting but I like it
They’re making Italian food for her bc her name is Bella lmfao
WOW anger issues much
He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t stop going to school, he doesn’t eat, terrible existence
Was that the author in the diner
there are so many problems here lol
Dad just messing w his gun at the kitchen table, so cop coded
So American coded actually lol
Wait Edward is gonna meet him w the gun there lmao
Vampire baseball lolllll
This is just one big incest nerd family
They could have tried a little harder w the cgi for such a big budget?? This looks like the CW. Feels like it too actually
FRENCH bad guy vampires??
These stakes seem suddenly way too high??
Don’t break the hot dads heart nooooo
This really does feel like the CW though
Yeah no Rosalie is right why does that family care about Bella so much like she’s a high school girlfriend not a wife lmao
I think I’m dumb but I don’t entirely understand what’s happening here like did Bella go back to Arizona?? Why did she have to go so far to get away from this guy
FUCK is he gonna run all the way to Arizona now lol
I just don’t know how things got so suddenly so dramatic like can’t this James guy just let it go why is he going to so much effort this just all seems so silly
Wow Black Swan
yeah again idk why everyone was hating on kstew’s performance in this, it’s good
How did Edward get there so fast is there like some portal between Arizona and Washington isn’t that like a 1-2 day drive?
This is a fancy ass ballet studio btw
Yeah this fight scene sucks
So Mufasa coded “Remember who you are”
What is happening to Bella now she doesn’t turn until the last book right? (I’ve never read it idk)
Why did that guy have venom?????
Wow finally creepy Edward gets what he wanted and can drink her up…… he ain’t gonna stop
Oh I get it he stops w the power of love. Okay. Whatever.
This SONG sucks
“You lost a lot of blood” yeah THANKS Edward
Oh god the old ass cellphones. Throwback.
Not sure why she’d need oxygen w the injuries she had tbh am I missing something or is it for drama
“You’re in here bc of me” damn straight
Go to Jacksonville Bella (I know she won’t)
Don’t be a baby about it Bella????
Oh fuck is she going to prom? THATS not gonna create School Drama at all…
“Alice lent me the dress” yeah you’re too gay to own any
I know it’s bc of my issues w lautner as a person but I hate Jacob and I ALSO hate that lautner claims to have “distant” indigenous heritage bc that is another thing that he didn’t have when we were kids so why is he playing this guy
“Should we dance?” “You’re serious?” Bro you came to prom together wtf did u think u we’re gonna do
All the music in this movie sucks ass
I don’t usually advocate for this with vampire stuff but I’d have less of a problem with the creepiness of this relationship if he DID turn her
If MY bf was a vampire I wouldn’t want to be human either wtf
Okay yeah I mean that movie was whatever. Glad I understand the pop culture references now I guess
Oh no oh wait oh god I gotta watch the rest of these movies now don’t I…. Please tell me they get better
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Hi I have some numbers for the ask game: 14 & 31 for Jumin and 50 for V please! Hope you're feeling better now💗
Hi Xela! I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply, I've been busier than expected this weekend. I'm definitely feeling better, like I'm actually living life again. I hope you're also feeling better!
I've also enjoyed talking about character headcanons and indulging in my mysme thoughts again :)
14. What are they petty about?
Although he appears professional and put-together to the public, we know that's not the full story. Jumin can be childish and petty too, especially when talking to certain members of the RFA 👀.
He's very sensitive about Elizabeth the Third. Call her by her full name, treat her with respect and recognize her true beauty and elegance or face the wrath of petty cat mother Jumin.
Also, I think he's at his pettiest when talking to Zen. It's very satisfying to see how quickly he can get a rise out of him, and it's good revenge for when Zen is talking shit in the chat.
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31. What dumb shit do they do without hesitation?
Spending money. Especially with two people (technically one person and one cat) to spoil now, he will not hesitate to drop ridiculous amounts of money on things that he shouldn't, just to make you happy. Be careful of what you say around him or he'll be buying you an island just because you said you miss the beach.
Elizabeth III lives in kitty paradise and wears diamond-encrusted collars, and it's still not enough for him. She has enough toys, beds, collars and different kinds of treats to last her all of her nine lives.
Special mention for this moment:
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Pure reckless dumb ideas from Jumin here. Only he would think of stealing a sports car and crashing it just to get revenge and let off steam.
50. What are they super embarrassed about enjoying?
He isn't used to feeling embarrassment. However, he has some guilty pleasures that he likes to keep to himself.
I think that he secretly enjoys reality TV shows. The over-the-top personalities, the bizarre situations they get put into, the ridiculous fights that inevitably break out... He just can't look away. It's like a nature documentary on a new and strange environment he'd never have known otherwise.
He also enjoys watching romance dramas (though he stays away from ones about office romances, they feels too close to home). He is secretly an expert on the different tropes and character types, and likes to theorize with Elizabeth on what's going to happen next.
14. What are they petty about?
I believe that Jihyun at his best is as mischievous and petty as the next RFA member. Remember, he grew up with Jumin. He can give as good as he gets, even if it's in his own way.
This is most obvious when he's talking to Jumin or Saeyoung, as he's the most comfortable with them. If they try to tease him or embarrass him, he has plenty of ammunition on them to fire back.
31. What dumb shit do they do without hesitation?
*gestures to the whole of another story*
V thinking he could take on Mint Eye and rescue MC all by himself only to get drugged into oblivion is a pretty strong contender for dumbest V moment.
Despite being one of the oldest members and the head of the RFA, he doesn't seem to think things through completely. He's the definition of act first and think later, because he has so much that he's desperate to protect.
50. What are they super embarrassed about enjoying?
Videogames. He has a console at home (an old one of Jumin's) and a decent collection of games. He often unwinds by playing indie games with unique artstyles and calming environments. These aren't the ones he's embarrassed about.
He made a LOLOL account out of curiosity after hearing Yoosung talk about it, and was hooked almost immediately. He has since gotten quite good at it and even branched into other similar games. He doesn't bring it up in the chat because he's embarrassed of what Saeyoung and Yoosung would say if they found out.
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aprillikesthings · 5 months
moar rewatch
s1! ep2 and 3!
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Bow's voice actor's work here is so good lolol
Nice work establishing that only Adora can do the transformation thing with the magic sword
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Man someone on youtube has to have done one of those therapist deep-dives on their relationship. So much of their interactions are just painfully accurate for the way a kid reacts to an abusive parent--that combination of fear and resentment and still wishing you could make them happy, just once.
My family didn't have a golden child vs. scapegoat thing going on, though. I wonder if this is based on the writers' own experiences or if one of them read about that dynamic or had a therapist consulted or what
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oof too real 😬
anyway Free Palestine
even cartoons know that murdering civilians and/or destroying their homes makes you the bad guy
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There's some parallels here with kids who grew up in conservative/evangelical families realizing their family's politics and faith weren't based around Jesus at all but were based around bigotry and small-minded cruelty and knowing they have to leave, and knowing ND Stevenson's background I assume it's intentional
"You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? and you're going to throw everything away for them?"
:( and to Catra, this just feels like a betrayal. There's a meta post somewhere way back in my tags that was like, from Catra's POV, Adora knew how shitty Shadow Weaver treated Catra and that wasn't enough to rebel and leave, but knowing Glimmer and Bow for a handful of hours was, and how much that had to hurt like hell, considering Catra put up with Shadow Weaver's abuse for so long in part to protect Adora and in part because it meant her and Adora were still together
Ugh this is why I love this show, Catra's actions are sometimes just awful but they make sense given what we know about her life, and right now she's just panicking and trying to hide it
And meanwhile Bow and Glimmer are like "actually we've decided we trust you :) can you be fancy sword lady again thanks!"
Like of course Adora is going to pick Bow and Glimmer and not Catra in that moment!!
"Is that....Adora?" "It's She-ra!"
Yeah that's not gonna be the source of weird "who the fuck even AM I" feelings later ha ha ha amiright
Also along with all the other weirdness of suddenly being bigger/different outfit etc, like, She-Ra is not only WAY stronger, but also knows how to fight in that body and with that sword. Like having muscle memory you didn't know you had. That's gotta be WEIRD. (I mean, there's also memories that clearly aren't hers, too)
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Poor bb is scared, mad, and kinda turned on (shhhh I can headcanon whatever I want)
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I called Yellow Diamond a clod, right to her face!!
("You made that joke the first time you saw this ep April" It's just a good joke okay!!)
EP 3
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Glimmer: everyone hates Horde soldiers but I think people will love you as She-Ra YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SHE-RA HA HA IT'LL BE FINE
Adora, internally: I'm only valuable/acceptable/lovable as long as I can be She-Ra, a person who isn't entirely me and that I don't know how to control and feel extremely weird about, got it
whether the sword's edges are sharp or not is entirely dependent on whether someone needs it to be or not pffft
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lol this would be such a wild cosplay to do
(a quick image google says the original is far more popular for cosplay; only a couple of people have done this version)
"Adora's gone, she's defected. And I'm starting to think she had the right idea!"
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...okay how tempted do we think Catra actually was to just fucking leave.
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Once again: intentional parallels to high-control religious groups
But the reference to Lord Hordak specifically also has shades of "Just wait until your father finds out what you did!" which is, uh, a little uncomfortably close to home ngl
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boy do I hate how familiar this is
I used to get so scared it would make my stomach hurt, and I'd shake the same way Catra does here, which sometimes made him angrier
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jesus christ
okay how much of my love of Catra as a character is bc I can empathize with her in moments like this one (I was never as openly rebellious or back-talking as she is though; any disagreement got me screamed at)
I mean on the other hand Hordak is like "bitch, I know you've been doing this whole Golden Child/Scapegoat bullshit, so if your Golden Child fucked off and the Scapegoat is all you've got left then congrats that's on you, dumbass."
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Catra thought she was gonna be murdered and instead she got a promotion
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OKAY BUT ahahah oh god
IF Hordak had actually punished Catra or even threatened her in any way, I feel like Catra would, in fact, have left. There would be nothing left for her in the Horde, right? So why not leave?
But Hordak didn't promote Catra because he personally believes in her abilities, he did it to piss off Shadow Weaver. Then again maybe he knows that promoting Catra means she'll stay loyal.
Because it works, doesn't it. Oof. Catra wants to prove herself, dammit; and she's been given a shot at doing it, so she's staying.
OKAY that's 3 episodes out of 52. I think I'm done for today. No guarantees, though. Also there's no way I can do this for every single episode. >_<
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l33tg4m3r · 1 year
Tagged by @sexyprise i dunno how to have your answers posted above mine and i’m not aboutta figure it out lolol
15 Questions
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nah, my name was chosen to be the pronounceable by both italians and iranians. My brother is named after one of my mom’s cousin’s though.
2. When is the last time you cried?
Like three weeks ago before bed? I got leaky eyed, the emotions were just hitting that night and i was a wee bit drunk. i dont really sob or cry.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm?
This is a funny question.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Speaking mannerisms, shoes, eyes, how they hold themselves, boobs.
6. What is your eye color?
I think I have brown eyes but my ex was adamant that they’re hazel.
7. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Trying to get more into scary movies, but wow do i hate seeing people get evicerated.
8. Any special talents?
I am very good at bringing plants back from the brink of death. I also think my sense of direction/wayfinding is pretty solid.
9. Where were you born?
Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy? I was born in the South.
10. What are your hobbies?
Gardening, baking, taking strolls, backgammon, watching twitch, going out to dance/dj sets
11. Do you have any pets?
Little meowser back home with my dad. I want to bring her up here though. She’s 11 now.
12. What Sports do you play/have you played?
Grew up playing soccer, and can you believe it, baseball. I am absolute shit at baseball, honestly I’m surprised I kept playing for like...4 years?? I’m not great at soccer either, but I think I was more of a net benefit to the team. Casually play tennis, mainly just summers and springs practicing against a backboard. Took volleyball in college for my sports credit and love it. Played during the Summer before new york, but it’s hard to get a group of friends together to play. Don’t feel good enough to join an intramural team
13. How Tall are you?
[5 10] 15 20 25 30
14. Favourite subject in school?
the sciences. photography class was probably the most engaging class I had during high school though.
15. Dream Job?
Director or curator of some type of special collections org or department. Something with book arts or printmaking would be cool. Or, a field ecologist, with surveys in the Mediterranean or South America.
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sashketter · 18 days
The Captain and the Senator Chapter 6 Footnotes
seela hirani - beautiful dancer (Twi’leki) (source) Full credit to the folks in the comments of one of my headcanon posts. I knew I didn’t want Rex to be the only one with a partner, but I would never have thought to refer to Howzer’s as seela hirani if not for those comments. Thanks, you lovely lot!
daesha - queen (Twi’leki) (source)
Once again, my deepest and sincerest thanks and appreciation to odekiisu for this beautifully rendered and written guide to clone armor.
Something something Riyo as Rex’s Moon Goddess through his belief in and knowledge 😉 of her something something kneeling as worship hence “on your knees” something something sex as both rapture or transcendent experience and just plain animal fucking something something we end with emotion equal to their sex acts ☺️
To wit, I think it’s important that Rex and Riyo don’t actually say “I love you” to each other. I don’t think they’re quite there yet. I think they care about each other a lot and want to pursue something together, but there’s a reason I wrote “begin a close relationship” (emphasis added) from the very start in the table of contents. I never intended this series to be the end-all-be-all of my take on Rexiyo; it was always just the start. And sometimes, I think it’s a doomed relationship because of where Rex ends up in Rebels, so I hope I’ve planted enough seeds for them to go in either direction by the series's end.
I probably should have pulled from specific examples of fertility and love goddesses to inform Riyo’s story of the Moon Goddess, but I think I’ve studied enough mythology as a former English major lol that I could gesture towards a believable silhouette without unnecessary detail. The point was to make the connection between coming and bonding; each word has several meanings that play on the other. The coming and bonding is literal and personal and social, but it’s not clear which causes what first.
Having all the other characters try to check in on them was a late idea. I think it’s useful to see how other characters react to a given pair. It keeps our interpretations of them honest, not just a tunnel-vision-of-love version. It also works like a Greek chorus.
When Gregor suggests that the clones go to Pantora for “a little action” of their own, I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible 😉 but I also wanted them to acknowledge Riyo as a worthy partner for Rex and maybe hint at a little jealousy. Can you blame them? I stuck them on a desolate ice planet while Rex gets to rail a Senator on the regular lolol
According to Wookiepedia, Papanoida “fathered several children.” The three we meet in “Sphere of Influence” aren’t his only ones, but it’s not clear exactly how many he has. I’m gonna say less than ten but enough to make others worry for his wife or baby mamas lol because Ion, Chi Eekway, and Che Amanwe look around the same age.
I am of the firm belief that the clones have really quick recovery times. It grew out of Rex’s comment to Kix in “The Unknown”: “We were designed to withstand any stress.” It makes sense for genetically engineered soldiers to be able to tough any physically exhausting task better than the average human 😉
As such, there’s probably a good chance they like it rough. I mean, they’ll probably follow their partner’s lead, ofc, they were made to obey orders, etc., but I think they default to rough because of all the combat and action they see on the field.
I didn’t set out to make Riyo like it rough, too, but you know what, the cutest girls have some of the freakiest minds 😌 Take my word for it, I’m a card-carrying member lol No one ever expects me to talk about sexy shit, but here we are 😈
There’s debate over whether it’s “cum” or “come.” Technically, both are correct, but general consensus suggests “cum” is the more vulgar slang word. I alternate between the two to differentiate between noun and verb, “his tangy cum” vs. “I’m coming,” just so we don’t fall into a linguistic gray area where there might not be many context clues to differentiate between something like “come home” and “come hard.”
In fact, I mentioned this in my footnotes for Chapter 1, but I had originally intended to avoid all the old vulgar traps of “cock” and “cunt” and “pussy” and “dick” et al., and I think I managed it 🥳 But I made a concession for “cock” because it’s also a verb. Not that I have anything against “cunt” and “pussy” and the like, but I really don’t think Captain Rex and Senator Riyo Chuchi would say those words. I scandalized myself when I had her say “ass” lolol but “rear” and “behind” weren’t cutting it, and at that point, after so many rounds with Rex, can you really blame her for losing her senses? 😌
I really wanted to write out a kiss phonetically or at least approximate the sound of a kiss, but it turns out that it’s almost linguistically impossible! Most languages have their version of the English “mwah,” but that’s not really what a kiss sounds like, or at least how dictionaries want us to pronounce the word. This comment on Quora was super enlightening: “when you read mwah, you are meant to imagine (or even vocalize) the sound of that bilabial air-sucking click. This is not unlike tsk, which the dictionary attempts to pronounce as tisk, but which is really meant to represent the sound you make when, for example, you think what a pity or try to entice an animal to you.” Do it, imagine calling a stray cat to you. It’s the sound of a kiss! But no one reads “tsk” like that. So, I just opted for the word instead.
I’m still on the fence about giving Riyo a pair of gold blasters, smaller versions of the ones Papanoida wields in “Sphere of Influence,” because it feels a little OOC for her, but I like the idea of Rex and Riyo influencing each other. He gives up his pauldron, his rank, after she tells him she’s stepping down from the Senate (see how I set that up 😌), and he takes a chance on her by chapter’s end. I think if Padmé, the character we keep comparing her to, can believably engage in “aggressive negotiations,” so can Riyo 💪🏽
This chapter could’ve gone longer with Rex giving Riyo head while fully kitted, and honestly, ain’t that the dream 🥵 But I was already at 7.6k words 💀 and had written oral in Chapters 2 and 5, so I decided against it. And I love ending with “on your knees.” 😉 One day, I’ll work on someone getting off on pressing Rex’s arm plates on their bare torso while he gives them oral 🤞🏽🤞🏽 I can’t tell y’all how often I think about that lolol
I actually had some reference gifs and videos for Rex and Riyo’s positions (I didn’t for Chapters 2 and 5). Warning: porn ahead! For round one when Riyo’s on top, there’s bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. For round three when Riyo squirts for the first time, this is what I had in mind for the start. And for the start of round four, this between 7:16 and 8:17 is actually a bit of a favorite (it links to PornHub, so proceed or not with caution).
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phr0ggie · 2 years
Steven Grant x Trans masc! Reader
Pronouns used (He/Him) 
Here's a fluffy Steven Grant fic! There's not enough male reader let alone trans male readers x the moonknight boys So I made one!
After reader gets top surgery Steven decided to go malewife mode and bake reader cookies!
Steven looks like a gma in this gif lolol
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Steven Grant was precious to say the least. You got a wonderful gig at the museum he worked at. You got to stock shelves and run the gift shop! You two were partners in crime. Dry humor mixed with actual knowledge mixed as well as the wet and dry ingredients were. Steven decided that it was his turn to be the best boyfriend for the next few weeks. Caring for your every need while you were recovering from top surgery.
So here Mr. Grant was happily whisking the ingredients to make some wonderful sugar cookies that he planned on decorating after they baked and cooled. Steven had (Y/N)’s Spotify playlist on in the background while he worked. He could hear (Y/N) humming along to the songs from his couch. Making Steven grin, he knew these cookies would (Y/N)’s socks off. Steven thought back to all the fun they’ve had together. 
“Ello’ Steven with a v! Might I add that you are looking mighty fine today luv!”  (Y/N) joking pestered and imitated Stevens accent. Soon J.B the security guard walked over to the pair as they continued to crack jokes. “What's got you all chucklin?” J.B asked wanting to be apart of the joke too. “Ah nothing bruv, this don’t concern you.” (Y/N) continued to pester the brits. “Ah come on (Y/N) your accents are bloody terrible. Honestly man you gotta go to a class or something.” J.B joked. “Ah no time mate too busy with the kids.” (Y/N) pointed towards the boxes he was unloading. “Besides why go to a class when I could look at Steven all day. Right fit he is.” (Y/N) continued to use the accent as he talked. “Uh I-... W-what did you say?” Steven stutters out quite embarrassed. “He said you were fit mate. Ill leave you too love birds be, don't forget protection!” J.B went back to the security office leaving both you and Steven a hot mess.
Steven had the cookies on a tray in the oven now. “Hey love!.” Steven says as he walks over to the couch. (Y/N) is there laying with his blanket slightly covering him. “Baby,” (Y/N) whines “This things to hot...” referencing his binder that he has to wear until his chest heals enough. “I know baby boy, as much as I’d love for you to show me your lovely body the doctor said-” Steven was saying until he was rudely interrupted by (Y/N). “I know what the doctor said.” (Y/N) mutters while pouting. “C’mere darlin’.” Steven sat on the couch and pulled (Y/N) closer to him. They cuddles and sang along to songs while they waited for the cookies. 
At the sound of the timer Steven had set for the cookies he got up. Of course with (Y/N) fighting for him to stay. “We gotta decorate the cookies hun.” Steven smiled at (Y/N), who reluctantly got up. Pulling the cookies out of the oven Steven started to put them on the cooling tray where they could decorate them. He had bought frosting before he came home from work. Pulling up some seats for (Y/N) and him. They spent the rest of the afternoon decorating the cookies, as the night appeared they both grew tired. (Y/N) falling asleep on the couch again which lead to Steven taking him to his bed. Steven soon joining (Y/N) in slumber.
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heyy it's the giyuu simp hiding in your request box ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ mind if i sneak in another request :> just gonna slide this with a belated valentines day card
may i request a giyuu x reader headcanons? where its just giyuu and the reader living a peacefull and happy life with their kids, just fluff of how their every day life goes and giyuu with his kids :D maybe even some headcanons of the other pillars meeting the kids and his s/o (feel free to change the idea ofcc i don't mind if you write it at all (~^.^)~)
Hello fellow Giyuu simp lolol
This sounds really cute! Of course I’ll write it! ʕ◡ᴥ◡ʔ♡
This turned out to be very long haha hope you don’t mind :)
Giyuu x Fem!Reader with Kids!! ♡
AU: Life Without Demons
♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Giyuu was the first to ask for kids. It was a shock since you’d figure he’d be too nervous and insecure to think he’d be able to be a father. But he loves you too much to not have children with you. He just can’t picture his life without you and both of your guys’ children in his future.
“Y/N...” he approaches you timidly, “I have um something to ask you...” he kept fidgeting with his hands and struggled making eye contact. His cheeks starting to burn. “What is it, Giyuu??” He sat there a bit, his brows knitted together as if he’d trying to figure out how to compile his sentence. “Let’s have children!” He finally bursts out boldly. You were taken back for a second but smiled wide and hugged him, agreeing with all of your heart.
Giyuu didn’t want too many kids. He only wanted about two children. (Maybe three children he’s thinking on it 👀) And that’s what you both had. One boy and one girl. The boy took more of your looks but also had a good mix of Giyuu as well. He ended up taking his eyes and messy hair but had your hair color and overall facial features. The girl was a very good mix between the two of you. The boy was the eldest child.
Giyuu was the type of parent to spoil his children a lot. You often had to stop him because it got hard for him to say no to them a lot of the times. But when it came down to it, he knew when to be strict and stand his ground. Like if one of your children throws a tantrum for not getting the toy they want, Giyuu would have a stern tak with them about how they need to learn the importance of being told “no” and to handle it like a “big boy/girl”
Giyuu would also do whatever it takes to help you with anything around the house or with the kids. He’d also do anything to spend as much time with his children as possible.
Giyuu also secretly loved it when his kids would get nightmares and ask to sleep with the both of you. He really loved sleeping next to his family and would often invite the kids into the futon even if they didn’t have a nightmare that night. They’d always get really excited and join without hesitation. He also LOVES holding their hands. He loves how tiny and soft they are in his large, calloused ones. He also really loved having them ride on his shoulders
When it came down to being the good cop bad cop, you both had an equal share between it. I can see Giyuu being pretty strict but not to the point where it’s suffocating. He’d still take extra precautions to make sure his kids are safe and don’t get into trouble. He also tries to come to complete understandings with his children when they’re in disagreements with him. He’d sit and talk with them and make sure they don’t feel invalidated or hurt. Sometimes though, he’ll have to put his foot down and tell his children to listen to them and not question his thinking. He’ll often try to come back to them later and explain again.
Kamboko Squad and Pillars’ Reactions to First Born (and general interactions with kids)
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When the news got out to everyone that you both were expecting children, they were all so very excited.
You were a few weeks pregnant and Tanjirou (and the rest of the squad) came by to visit and he was able to smell it off you. You were a little shocked how he was able to notice until he explained how his mom smelled a certain way when pregnant with his siblings. Then it made a bit more sense. Kind of.
Poor little boy teared up because of how happy he was for the both of you. He was so happy to see Giyuu with the love of his life and now starting a family. Inosuke got all those fluffy things around his head. He was very soft and gentle around you and it was really cute. Sometimes he’d just stare at your bloated stomach and it seemed like he was having a psychic conversation with the baby lolol.
Nezuko was very excited to meet the new baby and couldn’t wait nine months! Zenitsu was really happy for the both of you and it really warmed his heart to hear the baby’s heartbeat. He also got very scared for you because he heard that giving birth if very painful and he’d never want to go through something like that either.
They all saw your kids as their own little siblings, especially Tanjirou. Tanjirou is very good with kids so they ended up liking Tanjirou a lot and would often beg you to let him visit more often so they could play with him. Nezuko also saw them and her own siblings and would always volunteer to knit/fix their haoris if they ever got damaged. She always brought snacks (usually toasted rice crackers) for the kids when she visited. She also helped with cooking dinner when she visited.
Zenitsu loved playing with them. Until one day your son found a worm and showed it to Zenitsu and he freaked out and thought it was a snake for a second. He started to become more wary of your son from then on.
Inosuke shared his boar mask with them and would let them ride on his back as he ran around. He also visited one day with a nicely wrapped box (wrapped by Tanjirou) and gifted it to your kids. You and Giyuu were very confused to see that it only had acorns in there.
You had Shinobu do regular check ups with you to make sure the pregnancy was going well. Despite her constant teasing, she actually told Giyuu how happy she was for him. This really warmed his heart and he couldn’t thank Shinobu enough for all her help. She helped with both the pregnancies/deliveries
Mitsuri was so so SO excited to meet the new babies!! She seemed more excited than you and Giyuu! She loves babies and thinks they’re really cute. And the fact that it’s going to be yours and Giyuu’s baby??? Geez, that just makes it 10x more adorable!! She really really wanted to be the first friend to hold the baby so you granted her wish. She was crying so much, she was so happy.
The baby’s cheeks became very red from how much Mitsuri pinched them. She nicknamed him her “Little Mochi” because of his squishy cheeks. (and she nicknamed your girl her “Little Sakura”)
Obanai kept trying to deny how happy and excited he was. “Hmph! I don’t do babies. Not at all.” But then he saw its cute, little chubby cheeks and couldn’t resist. He then vowed to be the greatest uncle to your baby boy (and girl once she visited the world)
Kyojuro was really excited to meet the baby too. His booming voice scared the baby and made him cry so Kyo learned to be more quiet around him. He was so nervous holding the baby but then got more use to it and didn’t want to hand him back. He wanted to hold on to the little boy forever!!
Muichiro was mostly dazed out but waved his finger in front of him and your little baby boy held onto him. Muichiro got very happy. “Y/N, Y/N! Look! He’s- he’s holding on to me!!” You’ve never seen him smile so wide. He’d often visit and be like, “Can I play with him today? I’ve missed him.” And he’d play with him for hours! He was the same with your little girl as well once she came around.
Sanemi kept trying to act all tough. “No! I don’t care about kids! Least of all babies! I couldn’t care less about Tomioka’s stupid ba-“ his eyes widened when he saw the baby. Then you saw the most softest smile on his face for the first time. He hugged the baby tight to him and didn’t let go or move for a while. He might or might not have teared up. But you swore with him that you saw nothing 👀 He’d make plenty of ohagi for the kids and make some extra for you and Giyuu. Giyuu was very happy to see Sanemi opening up a bit more and glad he became better friends with him as well.
“Tch, don’t get too comfortable, Tomioka. I’m only here for my niece, nephew and Y/N.” He was teasing he loved Giyuu too.
Tengen and his wives were all over the baby! His wives loved the baby so so so much!! They even planned out a baby shower for you when they heard the news so a lot of your baby stuff came from them! Once he finally joined the world, all of them teared up from joy. They all took turns holding the baby, playing with him, bouncing him on their laps. Tengen said that if you or Giyuu ever needed help, him and his wives were right there anytime.
The wives loved playing with your daughter! They’d often do her hair and make it really pretty. They’d also often spoil her with new pretty kimonos and hairpins and always said, “Once she gets older, we’ll always have girls nights out! Do all kind of girl talks and girl things! It’ll be so much fun!!”
Tengen got the baby a whole bunch of shiny jewelry and was like, “Ha! Now your baby boy shall be flamboyant! Even more flamboyant than he was before!!” He also secretly found it extremely adorable how he looked like a little baby Giyuu at first. Then he grew to have more of your facial features and it just made it even cuter for Tengen. He had a little soft spot for your daughter because he thought having a daughter would be very precious so he’d literally do anything for her (and would protect her with his life)
Gyomei was SO happy!!! He of course teared up too and was very very gentle with him. It was kind of cute seeing such a large man hold such a tiny little human. It’s like he could fit them each in one palm. He was one of your go to nanny’s and he’d always wear a pink apron when looking over the kids. He’d spoil them with lots of baked sweets. Everytime he visited, he always had a new beaded necklace to gift them. They ended getting too many and he stopped at one point. But he still gave them one on their birthdays
Shinobu found babies/kids a bit icky since they do have many bodily fluids they can’t control and sometimes don’t wash their hands but she still did normal check ups with them and was very good with them. She’d often visit with some new toys for the kids. She even got your daughter and little butterfly clip. Your son felt left out so she got him one too. For a while both your kids refered to her as the “Butterfly Lollipop Lady” since she gave them lollipops after every doctor visit. She’d just smile chillingly at Giyuu and say, “Tomioka-San, I figured you’d at least teach them my name after all I’ve done for you and your wife.” She was just teasing, she secretly loved her nickname
Shinobu also really loved listening to the baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope. She also loved putting her hand on your belly and often talked to the baby. She’ll never admit to anyone else but she really enjoyed doing these things with both your pregnancies
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solarwonux · 4 years
Champagne Kisses 
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soft!dom wonwoo x f!reader x soft!dom minghao 
W.C: 4.6k
Summary: Minghao get’s a special gift on his birthday.
Warnings: threesome, blindfolds, sex tape?, pictures, soft!dom Wonwoo, Soft!dom Minghao, daddy and sir kink if you like squint, spanking, praise, cream pie?, cum fucking, double penetration. I’ll see myself out.
Note: Hi again, I’m unhinged lolol. This was supposed to go up on Minghao’s birthday but you know life happens. I hope you enjoy it let me know your thoughts.
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“Why are you out here by yourself?’
Minghao smiled as he felt your arms wrap around his shoulders, your hands going down his chest toying with the buttons of his silk shirt. He turned his head to the side and pecked your lips lightly. “Just thinking, where are the guys?” Minghao raised his hand and moved a strand of hair behind your hair, his thumb caressing your cheek softly.
“Too drunk to know we’re gone.” You kissed his cheek and retreated your arms. Minghao sighed and watched as you made your way to sit in front of him. Blocking his view of the moon reflecting against the river, his father’s stolen yacht was sitting on.
“We’re stealing your father’s yacht for your birthday?” Seungcheol had asked earlier, dropping his flamingo floatie to the floor. The slight hint of disappointment erupting from the back of his throat.
“Technically when his father dies it’s not his yacht anymore but Minghao’s, so he didn’t really steal it.” Jeonghan winked, clapping his back making him stumble slightly. “I say we leave before they find out we’re here.” You giggled while lacing your hand in Minghao’s and tugging him down the dock. A course of agreements sounded as they followed the two of you onto the deck of the yacht. Seungcheol followed along mumbling underneath his breath. He had forgotten about the whole scenario after a few glasses of Minghao’s father's overly expensive champagne and now he was passed out in the hot tub clutching an empty bottle to his chest.
Minghao smiled smugly, his hands pushing away the fur coat that had once sat in the back of his mother’s closet untouched. He sucked in a breath, his pupils going wide with lust as he took in the black pearl lace lingerie that was adorning your body. His long finger hooked under the string of pearls that hooked onto the band of your fishnets and pulled it gently. “No one has seen you?” He let go the string of pearls, watching in awe as it ricocheted against your skin.
“Only Wonwoo.” You whispered, grabbing his hand in yours bringing it up your body slowly. His fingers dancing around the lace and pearls of your lingerie making his heart race. “He’s waiting for us in the back cabin.”
Minghao wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to straddle his lap. “Not yet, let me take this in a little longer.” His hands snuck underneath the fur coat and traveled up your back slowly before pushing it off your shoulder. He let out a content sigh before attaching his heated lips against your soft skin. He couldn’t get over how exquisite you looked underneath the white light of the moon, wrapped up fur, lace and pearls. And he was a little annoyed that Wonwoo had seen you first than him. “He hasn’t touched you yet right?” Minghao whispered against your skin, peppering kisses from your shoulder following the trail of pearls that cupped your bra, stopping at the navel of your breast. His eyes gazing up at you, patiently waiting for your answer.
“Nope, he only walked in when I was about to walk out. I don’t think he really saw anything.” Your hands went up Minghao’s back and into his hair, your onyx nails tugging on his roots lightly making him groan.
“Good.” He winked and leaned back against the bed of the deck. “Let me take a picture of you first before we go meet him.” He tapped on your hip, signaling for you to get up as he fished out his phone. The one time leaves his film camera at home is the one time he desperately needs it. He was itching to have it in his hands, to watch you through the lens as the night sky pours down your heated body. While his fingers desperately dial up the film before he releases the shutter making his need for you grow in anticipation. It was a feeling he knew too well, and now was craving it and if you hadn’t rushed him out of the apartment that afternoon he would be relishing in it now. His phone camera would do for now.
“Where do I stand?” You got off his lap and walked to the railing of the yacht, the fur coat sliding off your shoulders exposing the lace and pearls as they glimmered against the fluorescent lights of the deck.
Minghao mindlessly opened the camera app on his phone and looked over at you as you turned around, inches away from the white railing. Everything about your attire that he hadn’t been able to see coming into view and he felt his lungs give out. No matter how used to he was seeing your body decorated in all sorts of fabrics, you always took his breath away which is why he had decided to photograph each moment with you in case one day he’d forget. “Lean against the railing.” He held his phone up and adjusted the lighting settings before snapping a shot. His pants grew harder by the second and if it wasn’t for the fact that his boyfriend was waiting for him he would’ve taken you against the railing.
You opened the fur coat a little more as Minghao silently took a few more shots. His hands were shaking you could tell. A smirk formed on your face, your mouth had started to water as you noticed the straining of his slacks against his cock. “One more Hao, before I beg you to fuck me here where our friends can see and it ends with Wonwoo punishing us both.” You pulled the fur coat up your body again and closed it. Minghao whined as he brought his phone down and closed the app.
“I thought you said they were too drunk to notice.”
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“What took you guys so long?”
Wonwoo stood up from the navy blue lounge chair he was sitting in, a new glass of champagne settled in between his fingers. His white button down opened revealing the soft ridges of his abdomen, your hands desperate to touch.
“Hao, wanted to take some pictures.” You pry Minghao’s hands from your waist and walk over to Wonwoo, taking the glass of champagne, pecking his lips and sitting on the bed, legs crossed, your fur coat still closed. “You decorated?” You tilted your head to the side and leaned back on your hand as you watched Minghao make his way to Wonwoo and kiss his lips gently.
When you had left the room to get Minghao, the room was annoyingly bare. The gold accents around the room obnoxiously reflecting against the harsh light. But now as you looked around beyond your boyfriend’s clinging onto one another, the gold accents were muted against the soft candle light of the many candles Wonwoo had without a doubt set up. Rose petals were thrown messily and in a hurry around the floor of the room and white linen bed, the chilled champagne you had snuck in earlier was now on display. It took everything in you to not get down on your knees and beg for their touch. But you had been the center of attention for many of your sexual escapades with them that now it was time to take a step back because it was Minghao’s day.
“If I had known the two of you were gonna have an impromptu photo shoot I would’ve put a little more effort.” Wonwoo rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Minghao’s temple before sending you a playful wink and walking over to where the champagne sat. “Did you bring your camera Hao?” Wonwoo asked, taking the chilled bottle in his hands and pouring a decent amount into the glasses.
“Nope, our baby doll here dragged me out of the house before I could get it.” Minghao sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He kissed your cheek, then your lips and finally took the glass out of your hands. You silently protested and watched as he slyly brought it up to his lips.
“Bummer...I would’ve loved to use it right about now.” Wonwoo walked over and squatted down in front of you and Minghao. He hands you a glass and raises his own, You and Minghao copy his movements. “Happy Birthday baby.” Wonwoo smirks at Minghao as the three of you cling your glasses together.
“Happy Birthday Hao, I hope you’re ready to unwrap your presents.” You wink at him and down your glass in one gulp before standing up and walking over to the windows that looked out into the water. You set your glass down onto the table and push the fur coat off your shoulders, letting it slide down your body. “I want to be the first one.” You turn around to face your boyfriends, the air catching in the back of their lungs, eyes bulging out of their sockets. Your body looked good enough to devour underneath the glimmer of the candles around the room.
“You went out like that?” Wonwoo exclaimed tugging onto his slacks making you smirk as you nodded and walked over to the two of them. He looked over at Minghao who for the third time that night couldn’t wait to get his hands on you. “And no one saw you?”
“Nope only Minghao.” You smiled and straddled each of their thighs, your arms settling against their shoulders as they drank you in like bittersweet alcohol. “I told you he hadn’t seen Hao.” You sent Wonwoo a wink before kissing Minghao’s nose. His hand found purchase against your waist toying with the pearl waistband of your garterbelt.
“I wouldn’t have let you leave the room if I did.”
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“Kiss me.”
Minghao cupped your face with his hands turning your attention away from Wonwoo making the older boy pout. Your cheeks flushed as you leaned in and kissed him softly, whimpering against his lips. He tasted sweet, but with the bitterness of overly expensive champagne that wasn’t half as good as the cheap one you always bought for family dinner every month, but it was addicting and expensive and it made you want more.
In your desperation you unbuttoned Minghao’s silk shirt as fast as you could, a low chuckle erupting from Wonwoo. You pulled away and glared at your boyfriend as Minghao’s lips trailed down the side of your neck until it reached the pearl strap of your bra. “Want a kiss too?” Mingao’s tongue toyed around with it as he looked over at Wonwoo who had discarded his shirt and was now looking at the two of you with an overwhelming amount of hunger.
Wonwoo didn’t answer, instead he reached over and brought your face up to his. His lips attacking yours in a hungry and messy kiss, a full juxtaposition of Minghao’s tender one. It was always like this and you should’ve been used to it by now considering how long the three of you had been together, but it still managed to catch you off guard.
Minghao’s hands had disappeared from your body in the midst of your kiss with Wonwoo and you could only assume he was rushing to get his phone. When the shutter went off your suspicions were proved right only making you laugh at his antics. He always made false claims about you and Wonwoo being his muses and Minghao did everything in his power to prove it to the two of you. The amount of pictures and sketches that laid around the house were a few indicators, but it was his tender touch and sinful words that made you believe his claims.
Wonwoo pulled away, leaving you panting as Minghao laid back on his elbows continuing his impromptu photoshoot. “On your knees baby.” Wonwoo kissed your cheek hitting your ass lightly making you jump “I know Hao misses having your mouth around him.” He winked and stood leaving you and Minghao behind.
“If you hadn’t interrupted us this morning in the shower maybe I wouldn’t be missing it so much.” Minghao rolled his eyes as his phone camera followed  you closely. You got off their laps and sank down onto your knees. He put his hand on your cheek caressing it softly, his thumb swiping over your bottom lip tugging it lightly. You hummed taking it in your mouth, your doe eyed look driving the two lust ridden men insane as you sucked on his digit.
“I didn’t want to miss out on all the fun.” Wonwoo captured Minghao’s lips in a heated kiss, his hand snaking down his toned chest until it reached Minghao’s slacks. “Plus, making you wait was fun.” He licked his lips as he popped open the button of his pants. He moved his hand and gripped Minghao through his boxers earning a guttural grunt from him.
You pulled away from Minghao’s thumb and sat onto your knees. “You sound so pretty sir.” You moved your hands up his thighs before meeting Wonwoo’s. “Not your turn daddy.” You slapped Wonwoo’s hand away, earning a glare from the man as he pulled away from Minghao’s lips.
Minghao’s chest heaved against the cold air of the cabin. The two of you always managed to overwhelm his senses no matter what and the constant fight for dominance didn’t help his case either. Though he never found himself wishing for less.
“Use your mouth baby girl, show me how good you can be for me.” Minghao panted. His wet digit caressed your cheek before guiding you to his angry cock.
“Yes sir.” You stuck your tongue and toyed with his slit humming at the bittersweet taste of his precum. You looked up at him through hooded eyes and you slowly took him into your mouth. His head falling back in ecstasy at the feeling of your hot mouth taking him in.
You had missed watching him and Wonwoo fall apart at your mercy. Just like they had missed watching you and each other succumb to sensual pleasure.
“Give me your phone.” Wonwoo breathed, taking Minghao’s phone before letting the pleasure-filled man answer. You moved your head slowly, along with your hand that squeezed around the rest of his cock that wouldn’t fit in your mouth. Minghao’s low moans filled the room as he lost himself. He pushed your head further down making you gag. Wonwoo moaned at the sound and palmed himself through his slacks. Usually he had unbelievable self control but you could blame the drinks he had and the sexual frustration that had been building up for months on end for caving in so early on in the night.
You bobbed your head faster along with your hand as Minghao started thrusting his hips into your mouth. “You look so pretty on camera baby.” Wonwoo coed as he pulled Minghao back in for another kiss, this time it was slow and short not wanting to lose the cinematic masterpiece Minghao had started creating. The three of you didn’t do this often—the video thing. But every time you did you found yourself wanting to perform your best even if the only people who were gonna watch were you and your boyfriend’s.
“Fuck, she never stops looking pretty even now as she gags and cries around my cock.” Minghao groaned. He pulled your head away with a sultry pop. You sat back panting, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Missing the way he felt inside your mouth, but you knew he had been close from the way he had started to pulse against your tongue. And he didn’t want to come undone so early in the night.
You whined. Minghao shook his head and kissed your head lightly before tapping your ass lightly. “No one’s coming until you cum at least three times.”
“But today is about you.” You pouted and rested your chin on top of Wonwoo’s thigh. He had put the phone down and continued to please himself while you watched. Your mouth watering at the sight.
“And my birthday wish is to see you cum on my tongue.”
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Minghao, Wonwoo and you had been together for four years. Two of those years had been kept a secret from everyone around the three of you. It would’ve stayed a secret if the three of you hadn’t been careless at Vernon’s Halloween party one year, where your friends thought you were two timing them when Mingyu had caught you making out with them on separate occasions. Your friends had confronted you and eventually the truth was out.
Point being that after four years you should’ve been familiar with the way they liked to touch you. But you weren’t and they knew this as they always switched it up on you to keep you on your toes and wanting more. Which is where you found yourself now blindfolded, half your carefully crafted lingerie torn apart and two orgasms post dazed and still no clue who was giving them to you.
“Last chance to guess right baby.” Wonwoo whispered in your ear and kissed his way down your body. You only knew it was Wonwoo because he liked to bite down and suck on your skin in order to leave a trail behind. Or maybe it was Minghao who had decided to pick up Wonwoo’s quirk. Whoever it was it was driving you insane.
“And if I don’t?” You arched your back as two mouths attacked your breasts, licking and tugging against the sensitive buds.
“It’s my birthday I decide what happens.” Minghao snickered two hands, one warm and one cold made their way down your body until they reached your mound. “Do you want to cum again?”
“Yes, please sir please.”
“Then guess right.” Wonwoo said, you could almost visualize the smirk plastered on his face knowing they were gonna get their way and you were going to end up on the receiving end like always. They both tugged at your nipples with your teeth once more before they retreated. You sighed digging your fingernails into the palms of the hands you were holding. A sign of comfort in the midst of torturous pleasure.
You laid there agonizingly waiting for their next move, whispers being exchanged with one another until there was silence. Your labored breathing being the only thing that could be heard inside the room.
“You guys go—oh fuck.” You arched your back as their tongue ran up your slit repeatedly, savoring your already fucked out juices. “A warning would’ve been nice.” You breathed your grip on their hands getting tighter as a finger replaced the mouth that had been desperately lapping at your entrance.
None of them spoke to not give themselves away. Those little shits.
Your thought was soon interrupted by the two fingers that delved into your soaking pussy making you moan loudly. A mouth wrapped around your clit and wasted no time in savoring you, fingers thrusting hard inside of you. The sinful squelching noises throwing you overboard.  Your moans had started to form incoherent words inside of you as the pressure in the pit of your stomach increased for the third time that night.
“F-Fuck please don’t s-stop.” With one last thrust of their fingers you came undone, your release traveling down your legs and soaking the sheets underneath you. By now you were sure you had created a pool. And just like how quickly you had fallen apart the source of your orgasmic afterglow had disappeared from your body leaving you wanting more.
“Who was it?” Minghao questioned. Two fingers tapped your swollen lips and you took them in tasting your release making you groan. “If you guess wrong we stop here, but if you guess right we keep going until we’re all satisfied and more.” Their thumbs caressed your palm gently, almost as if they weren’t making your succumb to their torture.
“Do I get a hint?” You tried your best to sit up a little, but your body was starting to ache and you still hadn’t recovered fully.
You heard Minghao chuckle before the black silk blindfold fell down your face. You hadn’t felt any of them move or reached over to take it off but your ears were still very much ringing and your focus was somewhere else. Your vision was spotty as the candlelit room and your lovers came into life before you. Both of them smirking down at you, “come on baby girl who was it?” Wonwoo tisked his cock standing proud against his toned stomach and you wanted so badly to ignore his question and take him into your mouth.
“Fingers Hao, mouth Wonwoo.”
They shared a knowing look before turning to face you. Minghao put your hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly before giving Wonwoo a nod. The go ahead he needed to reveal your demise.
“You’re right. But we can stop here if you need a break.”
Your eyes widened in panic as you shook your head furiously. You liked to push your limits, and thankfully you hadn’t reached them yet because you were still selfishly craving for more.
“I don’t need a break. I need you to ruin me.”
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“Are you sure?” Wonwoo massaged your hips while you straddled his lap. You didn’t answer instead you smiled and leaned down to kiss his lips. He hummed against your mouth, his fingers toyed with the torn lace against your skin serving as a brutal reminder to not buy anymore lingerie if it was just going to end up half of the floor and the other half still adorning your body.
You grind your wet core down on his hard cock, his grip on your hips getting tighter as he guided you against him. Breathy moans swallowed by each other’s mouths. You jumped slightly when you felt Minghao’s fingers twinkle up your spine making you shiver. You sighed against Wonwoo’s lips as they moved to the front of your body, his movements soft and calculated until they reached your neck and he tightened his hold around it. You whimpered, pulling away from Wonwoo’s kiss, Minghao’s front against your back as his lips found the shell of your ear.
“Are you ready for the two of us?” His teeth grazed your earlobe. Wonwoo watched closely his blunt fingernails digging into your skin as he pressed you hard against him. “Gonna let us fill your holes up with our cum?” Minghao quirked. The hand that wasn’t around your neck toyed with the rose colored glass buttplug that had been stretching you out for the last half of the night.
“Mmm, y-yes.” Your croaked, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as Minghao’s grip against your neck got tighter. Wonwoo stopped his movements and squeezed your hips, his mouth leaving open mouthed kisses against your collarbones and around Minghao’s hand.
“If it gets too much, tell us to stop okay.” Minghao whispered, his hold faltering as he slowly removed the buttplug from your body. You whimpered missing the feeling of being full. Wonwoo raised your hips and aligned himself against your pussy, his eyes silently burning holes into yours while you sank down on his angry cock, your velvet walls stretching out aroundt him and you almost fell apart.
Wonwoo threw his head back against the headboard, moaning your name out like a prayer. “H-Hao, hurry up I-I don’t want to cum yet, without you.”
“Lean down a little baby.” Minghao kissed your shoulder, the head of his cock circling around your stretched out hole. You obeyed, burying your face into Wonwoo’s neck, Minghao’s hand around your neck had disappeared. You hadn’t noticed until both of his palms came down onto your ass cheeks hard while he pushed himself into you. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, feeling the heat wrap around him, and the bulge of Wonwoo’s cock against his own.
“F-Fuck so full.” You moaned. They waited before moving, as you came down from the overwhelming painful stretch, waiting for your go ahead. Wonwoo caressed your head across your back in comforting kisses. “H-Hands please.” You shakingly moved your hand behind you resting against your back as the other one searched for Wonwoo’s.
Minghao intertwined his fingers with yours, his mouth disappearing from your skin, “You’re doing so good for us.” He praised, Wonwoo copied his movements, “You’re made for us, angel.” He said, winking at Minghao, earning a throaty laugh from the man behind you.
“Please move.” You breathed out as the pain started to replace itself with blissful pleasure. Minghao thrusted in first, earning a groan from both you and Wonwoo who then started moving his hips as well.
Their movements started out slow and careful. They alternated their thrusts so they wouldn’t leave you hanging. You moaned out their names almost incoherently, the pleasure building up in the pit of your stomach again. The hold you had on their hands got tighter as their thrusts became more and more sloopy, their need to release taking over their bodies.
It was rather provocative. Their cocks snug deep in your ass and pussy, grinding against one another through your skin. The sounds of desperate, breathy grunts, mixing with the raw sounds of skin slapping against one another bounceing off the walls. “I’m close baby, do you want to come?” Wonwoo gripped your breast in his hand, rolling his palm against the hard bud. You arch your back against Minghao’s chest.
“A-Answer him...fuck baby.”
“Yes, daddy, yes please I-I need it.”
“Then go ahead, come for us.” Wonwoo thrusted once more into you, meeting Minghao’s thrusts simultaneously and you came undone. Your body convulsed with pleasure as you yell out their names, desperately riding out your orgasm. Minghao followed next, his mouth biting down your shoulder as he spilled his hot sticky seed inside of you.
“You t-two...mmh look fucking sexy.” Wonwoo let out a guttural grunt before releasing himself inside of you, pistoning his hips up into you as he rode out his orgasm, fucking his cum into you.
Minghao pulled out first, his fingers replacing his cock as he pushed his cum into you. “You’re a work of art angel.”
Your body falls limp against Wonwoo’s chest, the overstimulation becoming more than you could handle but you didn’t want it to stop and soon enough the coil in the pit of your stomach was forming again. “Give us one more please.” Wonwoo almost but begged, the desperation and lust laced in his deep voice sent you overboard one last time, your vision becoming spotty, the ringing in your ears getting louder.
“Good girl.” Minghao removed his fingers and helped you off Wonwoo’s lap. Your body felt weak and in a state of euphoria that wouldn’t have been possible to reach unless it was with your boyfriends. You falter onto the bed, your eyes tiredly closing. Minghao moved next to you, his hand pushing your hair out of your face, his chest rising as he tried to catch his breath. He and Wonwoo carefully helped you lay down comfortably. Wonwoo whispered reassuringly in your ear leaving behind soft kisses, his own body trying to recover from his own high.
You wrapped your arms around Minghao’s neck, a smug smile forming on your face as you brought your face down to yours. You turned your head and kissed Wonwoo’s cheek lightly as a silent thank you. He hummed, wrapping his arm around your waist bringing you close. You sighed happily feeling safe in their arms. Slowly, you leaned up and pecked Minghao’s lips repeatedly, he had taken it upon himself to massage your hips gently as you tried to regain your breathing again.
“Happy Birthday baby.”
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we-love-imagines · 4 years
Hi! Can you do a one shot college au Jotaro x reader? The idea is: all Joestars are brothers and they create a playlist for Jotaro that he'll have to make the reader listen to as a way to confess. All the songs are romantic, except the last one which is an addition from Joseph, Josuke and Jolyne and which would be "E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE", just to embarrass him in front of the reader and also to make a funny moment lolol You are a very talented writer! I'm happy that I found you on tumblr:D
This anon has my heart, you’re so sweet!!! I’m so sorry this took so long!!! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Cursing and lots of fluff!
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I Should Have Never Asked For Help
It is a well-known fact among the Joestars that Jotaro is bad with words. Comically so. The only way he’d ever say “I love you,” to the rest of them would be through gritted teeth, pulling his signature black cap over his eyes. They loved him all the same, knowing how he cared for his family deep down, but they all acknowledged how affection was never his strong-suit.
That’s why when Joseph claimed Jotaro had the hots for someone, nobody believed him. Joseph and Jotaro shared a math class at university, and Joseph was picking up on the lingering stares he sent your way during lectures. When you started a study group before finals, he was the first to sign up. Joseph was taken aback when you greeted Jotaro before class, and he didn’t tell you to fuck off. He knew something was up with his little brother, and having no respect for boundaries, he couldn’t help but tease.
Usually huffing in response, Jotaro would brush off his older brother’s teasing. While he did feel something towards you, he certainly didn’t have the means to act on it. Jotaro wasn’t entirely used to the feeling, and he was happy with how things were. As Joseph’s teasing grew more bold and incessant, making kissy faces whenever you were around, Jotaro started to get pissy. Even the lightest of teasing while you were nearby really pushed Jotaro’s buttons.
One day, when Joseph made a comment about catching Jotaro staring at you while you were within earshot, it all boiled over. Jotaro ushered his brother away from you, hiding his blushing face under his hat as he finally admitted to Joseph that he did have a thing for you. Ecstatic, Joseph insisted Jotaro ask you out. Jotaro had thought about it, for sure, but he admitted to his brother he didn’t know how. While girls tended to gravitate towards Jotaro in highschool, he’d never asked anyone out on a proper date before.
Thinking back on how he won Suzie Q over with a mixtape, Joseph got an idea to help his brother. When the pair got home, Joseph pulled out his phone and asked each Joestar sibling their favorite love song, hoping someone’s music taste would overlap with yours. There was a good variety in there, too; some slow, sweet songs picked out by Jonathan and Giorno, some light pop picked out by Josuke, and some fun additions from Jolyne and Joseph himself.
When Jolyne asked what this was for, Joseph confided with her that this was to help Jotaro ask someone out. A mischievous glint appeared in her eye, never missing an opportunity to mess with her older brother. Being pretty active online, Jolyne had become very familiar with Corpse Husband and the millions of fangirls raving about him 24/7, and she’d heard his signature song a handful of times. The edgy, deep-voiced Internet personality kind of reminded her of her brother, so she couldn’t resist pulling his leg a little bit.
Getting a notification on his phone, Jotaro saw that Joseph had sent him the completed playlist. He let out a deep sigh, too nervous to look at the songs they had picked out, and even more nervous to show them to you. Trusting his siblings, just this once, he put his phone down and went to bed.
The next day, Jotaro got up early to meet with you before classes started. He took extra care to get himself ready, brushing his teeth for an extra few seconds and applying slightly more cologne than usual. He was nervous beyond belief, leaving the house without a word to an excited Joseph to find you.
You usually met him inside the library, which housed your study room, but he was surprised to see you standing outside the building. Smiling and waving as you saw him, you motioned for him to follow you inside. Had you been waiting for him?
“How are you, Jojo?” you hum, making your way into the study room and taking your normal seat at the table. Jotaro made a huffing noise and shrugged in response. Warm, morning sunlight poured into the room as you pulled the textbooks from your bag, quickly glancing at your phone to see the other few members of your group couldn’t make it today.
“Looks like it’s just us today,” you sigh to him, opening up your textbook to the bookmarked page, “We left off here last time-”
“-Wait, before we start,” he cut you off, capturing your attention as you readied your materials, “You’re into music, right?”
You chuckled lightly in response, “Who isn’t?”
He gulped, pulling his phone from his pocket as he fiddled around to find where he had saved the playlist. Thank god he had a good poker face, his body a bundle of nerves as he hoped it didn’t show. His only tell were the few beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he turned to face you, showing you his device.
“I made you a playlist,” he stated in almost monotone, trying to hide how his cheeks pinked when your smile widened at his words. Truly taken aback, you couldn’t hide your own blush as you took the phone from his hands, adjusting the screen to see it better in the morning light. The playlist was titled simply, ‘For (y/n)’, but it still made your heart flutter.
“Thank you Jotaro, this is really sweet!” You chime at him, Jotaro only nodding in response, “May I play it?”
Jotaro gulped again. This was it.
“You may.”
You hit play, placing the phone on the table as you quietly thanked Jotaro once again. Slow notes began playing, Jotaro’s nervous ticks showing more, his foot anxiously tapping against the carpet. This song was a cheesy classic, surely a pick by Jonathan: Elvis’s I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You. It was a little on-the-nose for his taste, but he watched as you got an excited glint in your eyes as you recognized the first few bars.
“I love this song!” you chirp, happily grooving along as you begin moving your attention back to your textbook. He nervously wondered if the meaning of the playlist was lost on you. It released the tension in his body, the thought of rejection flying out the window, but he was left with a bit of disappointment in his gut. Ideally, you would have caught on and returned his affections, but that gratification would never come.
You continued to enjoy the music as you worked, quietly singing along as you two quizzed each other on the various concepts. You enjoyed the varied music, some songs slower and others more upbeat. As you continued to listen, you paid more attention to the words- were these songs all romantic?
“I didn’t take you for a sap, Jojo,” you jested, “These are all pretty lovey-dovey!”
“-That’s the point.”
He was surprised with his own boldness, all his nerves returning as he saw your eyes go wide in realization. Quickly going tomato red, your heart thumped in your chest as you put it together that Jotaro was asking you out. While you had developed a little crush on him yourself, you never thought he would ever reciprocate your feelings, let alone make the first move.
“Oh!” you shakily breathe, “This is- wow, this is out of left field!”
“Is this weird?” he hesitantly asked, letting slip a little anxiousness in his voice. Touching his hand, you reach out to him.
“Oh no no no-” you hurriedly reassure, “No! I really like it, Jojo!”
You take a deep breath as you finish your thought.
“I really like you, Jojo!”
With that, he lets slip a breathy sigh from his lips, giving you a rare smile as he reciprocates your touch. He places his thumb over the back of your palm, rubbing a little circle on it as he wipes the sweat from his brow.
“That’s a relief,” he jokingly murmured, sharing a little laugh with you as the song that was playing ended. You both were caught off guard as a new, louder song filled the room.
Immediately he went red again, whispering his annoyed catchphrase to himself as he put his hand to his cap. You couldn’t hold your laughter as the filthy Corpse song filled your ears.
“Now this is more your style!” you tease him, nudging him lightly.
“I didn’t make it alone,” he confesses, giving you a small smile as the shock wore off, “But this is the last time I ask for help.”
I Hope you enjoyed! I also made a playlist based off this fic for my sweet anon:
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lacrimosathedark · 4 years
Hamilton Inaccuracies/Corrections (because why not?)
Okay so, I saw a post on reddit that was like, “what’s some inaccuracies in Hamilton off the top of your head?” and I got a whole bunch...and then I had to double check to make sure if I was right...and I’m pretty long-winded...and  now I have this 5,000ish word monstrosity. And apparently you can only post 1000 characters at a time on reddit. Laaaaame. So here’s some Hamilton facts I’ve gathered in my brain. Since it was kinda off the top of my head despite being so long, it’s kinda vague in some places, so if anyone wants to expand on anything (or correct me if I oopsed somewhere) please do! Though nicely please.
Also I am also awful at citing things, but I know I learned some of this from @john-laurens and @ciceroprofacto so thank you.
Act 1
Rachel Faucette was not a prostitute, but she was a “whore” in the sense that she did what she fucking wanted with her body. During her first marriage she may or may not have been sleeping around, but she refused to stay with John Lavien, her husband, anymore. So he had her arrested. And he could do that. Because patriarchy and theocracy. And she was essentially put in solitary confinement. You can see why she tried to leave, right? She tried to get their marriage annulled or get a divorce. I forget what the issue was but she couldn’t and eventually she just moved to another island where she met James Hamilton.
The intro song makes it seem like Alexander was an only child. He actually had an older brother, James Jr., but he kinda fucked off after their mother died, working and taking care of himself. They also had an older half-brother Peter Lavien, but I don’t think they really knew him other than as the son of their mother’s abusive ex who took everything from them when she died. John Lavien was able to do that because when Rachel was with James Hamilton, she had not been able to get legally divorced from him so she wasn’t really married to James Hamilton, so James Jr. and Alexander were illegitimate ie bastards. He was an asshole. I don't think Peter had anything against the Hamiltons, but I think he grew up to be a Loyalist so. He actually made some trouble in South Carolina for Henry Laurens, John's dad! But I think I read somewhere he also left money for Alex and James Jr. In his will, which is sweet.
This is more visual since it’s not specified in the song, but in the show, Hamilton’s cousin mimes hanging himself. Peter Lytton’s cause of death if I recall was inconclusive, but he was in his bed and there was a lot of blood. So, yeah, he didn’t hang himself.
Alexander did not punch the bursar. However he did return to Princeton later during the war and blew a canon through the school and apparently decapitated a painting of King George lololol. He was under orders, but yknow. Probably felt pretty good after he was rejected for accelerated courses. He wasn’t the only bastard rejected, though! Ben Franklin’s bastard son was too. The guy in charge of admissions, Witherspoon, hated bastards as a concept and Princeton was a very religious school at the time I believe.
It may have been the plan by Aaron and Esther Burr for Aaron Jr to graduate Princeton, but like, he couldn’t really be sure of that? He was like 2 years old when they died, and his older sister Sally was 4 I believe, maybe 5.
Hercules Mulligan met Alex in 1772. His older brother Hugh knew Alex’s old employer in St. Croix and helped him get to mainland America. Alex and Hercules lived together for a long while, and Hercules is actually who got him interested in the revolution.
John Laurens was in England in 1776. He wouldn’t meet Hamilton and Lafayette until he accepted his post as Washington’s aide-de-camp upon his return in August of 1777.
Lafayette couldn’t have met Hamilton before August 1777 because that’s when he met Washington, and he was appointed as a volunteer to the Continental Army only a week prior, and before that he had been in France. But Lafayette later declared their relationship to be like that of brothers, Alexander his closest connection in the states besides Washington.
Lafayette admired and absolutely adored Laurens and they were besties, but neither of them knew Mulligan. They may have met in passing, or heard about him from Hamilton, but nothing more.
“Lafayette” was actually a nickname based on his title of “Marquis de la Fayette”. In his autobiography, he wrote: “It’s not my fault I was baptized like a Spaniard, with the name of every conceivable saint who might offer me more protection in battle.” I’m glad he thought it was funny at least. His name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de la Fayette.
Hercules Mulligan is not known to fuck horses.
The Revolution had already sorta started. Actually, Hercules and Alexander had been part of local militias before 1776.
This is more of a miscommunication since the actors are close in age, though the lyrics try to get it across. There’s a reason Mulligan says he’s got the others “in loco parentis”. In 1776 Hamilton and Lafayette would have been 19, Laurens would have been 22, and Mulligan would have been 36.
I think we all know “Laurens, I like you a lot” does not cover the scope of their relationship but that’s rather self explanatory so unless someone asks I’ll leave it at that. And for other clarifications. But at the very least I’ll share this: Anyone who saw them knew they were like attached at the hip (without knowing how attached *winkwonk*) and you could almost always contact one through the other. Laurens was notoriously bad at answering letters, to Hamilton too (and Alex did bitch about it because he is insecure and needs love), but it became quickly known he got back to Hamilton fastest so people would be like “Tell Laurens I said hi!” or “Hey, I need to get these to Laurens, you send them to him.” Which is hilarious. I just imagine Alexander going, “Why me?”
While all of them are Revolutionaries, Laurens is the only one you could solidly call an abolitionist, and Mulligan’s even shaky on the manumission part. He was supposedly part of the Manumission Society Hamilton helped start, but Mulligan also personally owned slaves and was never known to have freed them (One helped him with spy shit. His name was Cato!). In fairness, Hamilton and Lafayette wholeheartedly agreed with Laurens, and Hamilton was the biggest supporter of his battalion plan, and both of them did try to continue working towards equality after the war, but it was never the top priority for either of them and their lives kinda went to hell, so it fell to the wayside. Lafayette actually did some nifty stuff worth looking at, and Hamilton might have tried to keep one of John Lauren’s freed men from Henry Laurens! But as slavery stuck around for a while, it clearly wasn’t anything significant.
Angelica would meet and befriend Thomas Jefferson in Europe, but she would never manage to convince him to put women in a sequel because he’s a huge misogynist and told her in multiple letters that politics isn’t for women and I think he deserves a shoe up his southern backside. Side note, it always bothered me that Lin played up the misogyny in the musical. I mean, yeah, all of them would be misogynists compared to us, but for their time, Hamilton wasn’t so bad. If there was anyone to play up misogyny with, it was Jefferson, because he would tell Angelica for years and years that politics could never make women happy, and that the women in France were foolish for trying etc.. Hamilton would actually discuss politics with Angelica frequently and openly. And there’s a proto-feminist in the cast that was never recognized—Aaron Burr! He respected Theodosia Sr. as an equal and she was his most valuable political ally, and he made sure Theodosia Jr. got the same education any boy of her time would have. He actually respected women to a decent degree. Not to say he wasn't as much of a ho as Hamilton cuz yeah that's accurate (but they were both disaster bisexuals more on Burr's sexuality later)
Farmer Refuted was an essay Hamilton wrote arguing against Samuel Seabury's posts. They weren't shouting in the public square(but Lin got the sass right. I love his face when Hamilton and Seabury are fighting over the podium). Seabury was also really really old, not young and cute like Thayne, hence the line about "mange". Blech.
General Montgomery didn’t take a bullet in the neck, it was a grapeshot from a canon in his head (and his thighs), but close enough I guess. Side note: Burr actually served a short interim on Washington’s staff, but only for like 10 days because they hated each other lolol.
Alexander didn’t bring Laurens, Mulligan, or Lafayette to Washington. Lafayette joined up with the Continental Army in 1777 and quickly convinced them he wasn’t like the other French nobles; he was a glory-seeking kid with a boner for America (for some reason???). Laurens was requested by Washington to join his military family and he arrived also in August 1777 just after Lafayette. Like previously stated, Mulligan was doing shit even before Hamilton did.
Alexander would not have been in charge of spy shit (though may have been somewhat involved). Washington had people like Mulligan for that, who actually saved Washington a few times. But also, the "King’s men who might let some things slide" was the tactic Mulligan used. He was actually very charming, and his wife was very high in British society and he was a skilled tailor, so they were thought of well among the redcoats, and he got a lot of information through chatting with his customers. He also could usually smooth-talk his way out of trouble. Actually, Mulligan blended in so well, when the war was over, people in the city wanted him out cuz they thought he was a Loyalist. So George fucking Washington paid him a visit and commissioned I think a coat from him, and that cleared that up. He got a LOT of business after that.
Alexander would not be Washington’s right hand man, or at least, not his only one if Lin was using that to mean aide-de-camp. In that case, Laurens would also be Washington’s right hand man, along with many men not named in the musical.
John Laurens may have been reliable with the ladies (comes with the territory of being hot, rich, and a perfect gentleman), but he most certainly didn’t want to be. His father noted, rather proudly at the time, that as a young teenager he expressed no interest in girls. John was also married by 1780, and at least Alexander knew. (he told John he'd found out in the well-known April 1779 letter. You know... “Cold in my professions...find me a wife...the length of my nose...” That one.) Because John apparently didn't tell people he was married. Laurens. Sweetheart. Get. Your. Shit. Together.
John also would not be at this ball. February 1779 to March 1780 he is fighting down south, and this ball was early 1780.
The tomcat thing may be half true. Martha Washington did supposedly name a cat Hamilton, but it was an affectionate thing. The slang tomcat meaning ho wasn’t a thing at that time, so it couldn’t be named to tease Alex for his promiscuity. I believe this was one of the many things John Adams made up to slander Hamilton.
Hamilton and Eliza had met before 1780. They had met once two years prior at a dinner her father had hosted. Also, Hamilton had been courting her friend Kitty Livingston, and his friend and fellow aide Tench Tilghman had been attempting to court Eliza, and they’d actually done at least one sort-of double date (which is adorable). So this shouldn’t have been the first time they’d seen each other. Could still be when they fell in love, though, since they started courting after this. Which is cute to think about.
Speaking of Tench and Eliza! I don't remember when this took place but Tilghman journaled it, he went out on something of a hike with a few ladies and they got to a cliff. Of course, he had to help the girls climb up. Except Eliza who started climbing by herself like a natural to the bewilderment and likely horror of the other ladies. Elizabeth Schuyler was a bamf okay?
Of course everyone knows by now, Angelica was married before Eliza. During the Winter’s Ball, she’d already eloped with Jack Carter aka John Barker Church and run away to Boston.
Their courtship was not that fast. Not like, weeks. More like months. Fun fact, Eliza is the only of the five (yes FIVE) Schuyler sisters who didn’t elope and actually got her parents permission! But here’s a heartbreaking fun fact: while Alex was courting Eliza, Laurens was taken prisoner and then on probation. He wasn’t allowed to leave the state of Pennsylvania. He was mentally in a very dark place. Alex kind of procrastinated telling Laurens about Eliza, didn’t say he was courting anyone until they were already engaged.
I can't leave this alone if I'm sad you have to be too. Alex was hella depressed during this time too. Of course he was a soldier so he couldn't see Eliza as much as he'd have liked. On top of that, he kept pushing for an exchange for John and kept getting rejected because they couldn't show preference for him. And then Laurens was sending him very few letters, of course, and the ones he did send were very depressed, even suicidal sounding. He had to work while dealing with that. He had to keep begging Eliza to write to him to be reassured that she still liked him.
No one could show up for Hamilton for the wedding. Some sources say fellow aide James McHenry showed up, but he’s the only one. Alexander even invited his deadbeat dad, offered to pay all his travel expenses and everything, guess how that turned out. So Eliza’s side of the hall was packed and his was empty. God, can you imagine how sad that is?
Another heartbreaking fun fact! John Laurens was out of probation and could have made it to the wedding, was invited (Hamilton, I kid you not, jokingly invited him to a threesome with his new wife in a letter: “I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania. I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation.” (emphasis is original to Hamilton. As is the misspelling of Pennsylvania. Yes, seriously.)) and John did not go. Instead he went back to work trying to talk his way out of getting sent as an envoy to France and suggesting Alexander to take his place. You know. His boyfriend who just got married. Sure, he was right that Hamilton was better equipped for the job, but yknow. Another fun fact, one of the guys who voted for John to be the one to go to France was John’s ex-boyfriend Francis Kinloch. Who was a turncoat, and had been a royalist when he and Laurens split. How’s that for some twisty bullshit.
Sorry, this one isn’t about the musical, it’s a tangent, I just got excited about that quote. Both that style of innuendo and the misspelling of Pennsylvania are consistent in Hamilton’s writing. Listening to john-lauren’s podcast about the April 1779 letter can really help you understand how Hammy uses innuendo but also I just love listening to it it’s insightful and hilarious and I love John Laurens but y u do this and my heart hurts for Hamilton but he is also a ho but aNYWAY. As for Pensylvania...well, he kinda made that mistake on an important document. ...It’s The Constitution. He misspelled Pennsylvania on The Constitution. No big deal. Not like something that could haunt his legacy forever. Oh my god I’m so sorry.
Philip Schuyler did have sons. Five in fact. Two of them died pretty young though I think, considering there are three kids in a row named John Bradstreet Schuyler. The other two were named Philip Jeremiah and Rensselaer.
Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan were all married before Hamilton. Hercules Mulligan married Elizabeth Sanders in 1773. Lafayette married his beloved Adrienne in 1774. John Laurens was regretfully obliged to marry Martha Manning in 1776.
Sigh. Again with the misogyny. Anyway, I wanted to comment on the marriage as a loss of freedom. From what I can tell, Elizabeth helped Hercules with his spy work at home. John was literally fighting a war across the ocean from his wife, and probably having an illegal affair with Alexander (though to be fair to him, he was kind of running away from Martha because he didn't marry her for love, gosh, there are no winners here). Lafayette absolutely adored his wife but still was also fighting a war an ocean away, and had multiple affairs, at least one with his wife’s blessing. So yeah, losing your freedom with marriage? Bullshit.
Despite where it is in the musical and Eliza singing the beginning, Stay Alive is roughly about Valley Forge, which would be December of 1777 through June of 78. So before the ball and wedding. (Fun fact! A lot of people theorize Valley Forge as when Hamilton and Laurens’ relationship may have escalated into romantic and/or sexual territory. They may have had more privacy, as small temporary buildings were being made to better withstand the cold, and Hamilton was sick a lot during that time and did need tending a lot. West Indian boi did not like Northern winter.) But yeah, Congress being stupid and the army resorting to eating their horses sometimes and not being able to buy food and equipment? All true. It was a real bad winter.
Mulligan wouldn’t have to go back to New York, he never would have left. He remained there as a tailor and a spy throughout the war. He wouldn’t have been traveling with Washington.
Hamilton and Laurens didn't write essays so much as start working out John's battalion plan and writing letters trying to push for it.
This duel happened in 1778, so like. This timeline is so fucky.
Stay Alive makes it seem like Hamilton was the one who wanted to duel Lee, but it was 100% Laurens from the start. The off-Broadway version demonstrates it a bit better. Hamilton was Lauren's second to save his ass. Hamilton had a rough relationship with Washington, but Laurens admired him greatly and would have willingly defended his commander’s honor. John was a Good Boy who always bowed his head to his asshole father, even at first for his battalion plan, but John wouldn’t let even his father talk shit about Washington. Fun fact about this duel, Alex and John were late to the duel because they “got lost in the woods”. Oooookay. Suuuuuuure. And Baron von Steuben was straight. (Fact: Steuben was very gay and pretty much pushed out of Europe for it. And he actually also had challenged Lee! They talked things out before this.)
Aaron Burr was not Charles Lee’s second. His second was a Major Evan Edwards. Lin wanted a parallel with the final duel. To be fair, that was a really cool way to do it and I like it better that way.
Alexander Hamilton could NOT agree that duels are dumb and immature. He was in 10 duel challenges as a participant in his lifetime, 9 of which he was the challenger. One time he challenged two people at once. One time he challenged an entire politcal party apparently. No, I am not kidding. He had a bad day. And I think you know the one time he wasn’t the challenger.
Lee did not yield on the first shot, nor was Laurens satisfied. Lee was pretty much like, “It’s just a flesh wound!” and wanted to go another round and Laurens agreed, but Hamilton and Edwards managed to talk them down. Yes he was shot in the side. But that wasn’t all because Laurens absolutely roasted Lee at his court martial. 
Lee: Were you ever in an action before?
Laurens: I have been in several actions; I did not call that an action, as there was no action previous to the retreat. 
I love this man. So much. The sass of this man.
We don’t know if Washington was angry about the duel with Lee. We do know that Laurens, and probably Hamilton, had Christmas dinner with him two days later. When Hamilton left, it was because Washington had snapped over a misunderstanding (caused by Lafayette actually, and he really tried to make it better because Lafayette is a sweetheart), and then continued to deny Hamilton the command he requested, and he resigned. It was entirely unrelated to the duel and Laurens. However, the daddy issues are real.
I don’t know if Lafayette went to France for more funds and came back with more guns, but Laurens certainly did! Ben Franklin told him to chill, but he actually got super impatient and ended up supposedly disrespecting and maybe kinda threatening the court, demanding what he needed, and walking out. They were were kind of shocked and impressed into giving more than had been requested. Any existing deities bless John Laurens. I love him.
Lafayette actually nominated his own aide to lead the charge and Hamilton appealed for himself and Washington finally gave in to Hamilton.
Laurens was not in South Carolina. When he finally got back from France, he was sent to Yorktown. He actually was commanding the group Alexander led. (Power couple lol) He also helped with negotiations after the battle. Also, supposedly making the British play ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ on their way out was Laurens’ idea because boy is made of sass and spite.
Henry Laurens would not have sent a letter to Hamilton about John’s death. Even if he would have, he couldn’t. At that time, he’d been locked up in the Tower of London as a prisoner. We have no idea when or how Alexander found out, or who might have told him. We know he wrote to Nathanael Greene on October 25 and Lafayette on November 3 (literally 2 months after Laurens' death), and the mentions of Laurens were very short. It’s thought that he really couldn’t talk about Laurens. People have compared it to the stories of how Benjamin Tallmadge apparently couldn’t hear Nathan Hale’s name without crying.
After Yorktown Alexander resigned and John went down south to flush British troops out of the southern states. His group was ambushed at Combahee River and he decided to charge instead of wait for backup and he died. Many people think it was a combination of his usual recklessness, suicidality, and glory-seeking mixed with a desperation with the war coming to an end. It was such a small skirmish. He deserved better. He left his daughter, Frances, whom he had never met, orphaned, as her mother had died months earlier from sickness. She was adopted by John’s oldest younger sister, also coincidentally Martha Laurens (though married was Martha Laurens Ramsay).
The Levi Weeks case was years later than that, in 1800, though it was alongside Burr. Hamilton actually lost his first trial as a defense lawyer and was not with Burr.
The whole conversation where Hamilton proposes Burr help him write the Federalist Papers is fake. Lin made that up entirely.
John Church’s wealth kinda...varies. He was a gambler. At first, he was actually in quite a bit of debt. He did make it big eventually and he and Angelica moved to Europe. He really didn’t seem to be a lot of fun to most people, but Angelica eloped with him. She chose him against her father’s wishes. I don’t get why Lin kept writing lines saying she didn’t love him, at least at first. He also does this in the cut song Congratulations where she says “I languished in a loveless marriage” bish you eloped wat She also lived as a socialite and was adored by anyone who met her apparently, so like???? da fuq Lin. Didja really do Laurens dirty for these lies or at the very least uncertanties? Could you not prop up that romance without making her say she hates her husband?
Act 2
More of a personality miscommunication. Irl Thomas Jefferson was shy, quiet, and hypersensitive, nothing like how Daveed plays him. If you knew a guy like the real Jefferson in real life you might be endeared to him out of pity or because he seems sweet, but in the short time of a musical that would immediately be read as cold and unlikable. So the best way to portray “this guy is a likable asshole” is to make him loud and made of sass which is what Daveed does magnificently. So, not at all accurate to real Jefferson, but gets the concept of him across.
Thomas was not off getting high with the French. Probably. He was making negotiations for the Revolution. And abusing Sally Hemings (his, at the time, 14 year old slave, who was also his sister-in-law, and 30 years his junior, and was brought along to entertain his daughter). And actually probably chatting up with Angelica!
By the time Philip was 9, he had two sisters, Angelica (7) and his foster/adopted sister Frances Antill (6), but he also had two brothers already, Alexander Jr. (5) and James Alexander (3), with maybe another one on the way since William Stephen would be born next year.
The whole comma thing is backwards. It was Angelica who made the initial mistake. Hamilton pointedly and flirtatiously teased her about it before closing it with “Adieu ma chere, soeur” French for “Goodbye my dear, sister”. So it’s more playful and less lovey dovey in context, so the tone is all wrong. It’s not romantic, it’s teasing and snarky.
Say No To This feels like it’s over quick. The affair lasted a year, not just the summer Eliza was away.
Clermont Street wasn’t renamed until many years later.
I don’t know that Alex has always considered Burr a friend. Irl they weren’t as close, and Hamilton was keenly aware of how slimy Burr could be.
Lafayette was NOT fine. He was imprisoned a lot during the French Revolution, the poor man, and many members of his wife’s family were killed. HOWEVER! Hamilton was not just sitting by. Angelica and her husband did make an attempt to rescue Lafayette, and the Hamiltons fostered Lafayette’s son Georges Washington Lafayette (yes that was his actual name). So Hamilton also did not forget Lafayette.
Not all his defendants got acquitted, obviously. Stop being cocky, Ham.
People comment on how Jefferson whines about Hamilton’s fashion sense while literally dressed in violet velvet. The original plan was to have him in browns, but Daveed is just such a friggin star that they just had to give him something brighter and decided to go with a Prince-inspired look. Originally the browns were going to be representative of his supposed representation of farmers. Though note here: Jefferson’s agricultural representation is much the same as modern Republicans’ rural representation. More for show.
Actually, let's get political for a sec. I've done some research in my hyperfixation and in searches for Hamilton shiz I've ended up stumbling into far-right nonsense and I know how to recognize the degrees of nonsense from years of actually paying attention to it now because this is what I do apparently. Which is weird, right? Lin kinda portrays him like a lefty. Well, here's the thing. Any proud historically educated Republican will tell you that their roots are in the Federalist Party. Which is technically true. What they will neglect to mention is the flip between parties that happened when the Republicans decided to use southerners racism to their advantage in elections. Being subtly racist can get the racists and the non-racists on your side! Yeah, it's gross. Federalists are more like Democrats. The corporatists. They clearly care more about companies and Wall Street, but they put actual action into social progress on rare occasion. Democratic-Republicans are like Republicans, conservatives who don't want social change and rail against it and pretend they aren't for corporate interests while being just as bad as the other guys. But Republicans have a tendency to rewrite history to paint themselves as the good guys, or reclaim things that aren't theirs as their own. Just look at the Civil War! Or...literally just...America I guess. Yikes. But yeah, here's your warning. Don't just go looking at and trusting things labelled Federalist. It likely won't be friendly.
John Adams didn’t fire Hamilton, Hamilton left. Eventually. And this is not the only time this kind of verbal confrontation happens, and not the one that destroys the Federalist Party. That actually happens after the Reynolds Pamphlet. But John Adams hates Alexander Hamilton with the burning passion of a thousand suns and really kinda earns this.
I’m not sure if he specifically called Alex a Creole bastard but I wouldn’t be surprised, there were other similar racist and bastard-related insults. You know the tomcat thing mentioned above. He started the rumor of the affair with Angelica. He accused him of being a rake (male version of whore at the time). He also may have behind closed doors accused him of being a sodomite. His (probably gay) son Charles helped with that one, bringing back rumors from a dinner he had with Hamilton (who he was working for) and John Church because Church joked about Alex being fond of a guy. Adams probably thought working for Hamilton was what made his son gay and alcoholic (Charles was an alcoholic and may have died in part because of that; Hamilton was not an alcoholic, but he supposedly could not hold his drink. He was smol).
Jefferson, Madison, and Burr didn’t accuse Hamilton of speculation. It was James Monroe, Abraham Venable, and Frederick Muhlenberg. Lin wanted to keep consistent representation of the Democratic-Republican party. But anyway, the whole thing went to hell because Monroe sent the letters to Jefferson (or I’ve also heard Monroe gave them to Madison who sent them to Jefferson) who, the spiteful gangly fucker, started spreading rumors because fuck Hamilton, amirite? Hamilton challenged Monroe to a duel over that. And who stopped this duel? Aaron Burr. He gets to be the good guy now and then.
It wasn’t just total strangers that got Alex off the island. He was sponsored by his cousin Ann Lytton and his teacher Reverend Hugh Knox. Also, he was kind of expected to get an education and come back and help out the island...guess what he never did. Oops.
This one I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure. I think Eliza was upstate with her family when the Reynolds Pamphlet was released, away from Alex. I also know she had recently given birth to their son, William Stephen. A lot of people think Alexander had been keeping that in mind. Eliza had had a miscarriage once before, when she was under a lot of stress and alone and with the kids and he had to be away (Whiskey Rebellion), so some people think he made sure she was surrounded by her family and waited until the child was born to drop this on her, and gave her distance from him if she needed it. At least he knew he fucked up, and he really did love her.
Those weren’t Alexander’s guns. They belonged to John Church.
It was quite some time between Philip’s challenge and the actual duel.
Another age miscommunication; Eacker was 27ish and Philip was 19 when the duel happened. There was a whole 8 years between them! 
Eacker didn’t shoot early. Actually, both of them stood staring at each other for a really long time doing nothing. But Philip went to make a move and Eacker shot him.
Alex and Eliza had made up from the Reynolds Pamphlet bullshit before Philip died. When he passed, Eliza was already pregnant with the son they would also name Philip in honor of his older brother.
Hamilton wasn’t really the deciding factor in the election of 1800. But he did say that about Burr and it did help swing the vote somewhat. But also, this was before Philip died. Philip died in 1801.
If a vote is that close, you can’t win in a landslide??? That’s not how words work???? Mister Miranda????? You are a writer??????? Sir???????
Burr actually held a term as Jefferson’s Vice President.
The Burr vs Hamilton Duel was in 1804 and was actually about another election and other things Hamilton was saying about him. Burr was running to be governor of New York and lost but heard about Alexander telling people the things he listed Alexander saying in Your Obedient Servant.
Thayne should not have played Alexander’s doctor. Sydney should have played Alexander’s doctor. Do you know why? Philip and Alexander had the same doctor when they died. Alexander took that doctor with him to the duel. His name was David Hosack.
While there’s evidence to suggest Burr experienced immediate regret (he stepped forward as if wanting to see if Hamilton was okay and supposedly asked after him and wished him well before Alexander passed) in the years that followed, until he was on his death bed, he expressed nothing but neutrality or even pride for having shot Hamilton. The ‘the world was wide enough’ comment could plausibly be entirely made up, and even if it were true, it was supposedly said toward the end of Burr’s life. Burr's life was quite a ride after Alex. He tried to make like his own empire out of Texas, and then of course was tried for treason, but he got out of that, but then everyone hated him for that ON TOP OF already hating him for killing Hamilton, so he had some crazy journey around Europe for a while. He kept a journal, writing entries like letters to Theo. The most notable things I think he writes he'd "been amused for an hour with a very handsome young Dane. Don't smile. It is a male!" which implies maybe Theodosia knew her dad was bi and was at least amused by it? And he spent a while living with Jeremy Bentham, who is generally accepted to have been gay (if you want more Burr gayness look into Jonathan Bellamy and Robert Troup. Troup knew Hamilton too!). Unrelated to his sexuality but I find it important, Burr spent, in modern cash, $40 on a coconut, in his own words, "like an ass." He returned to America eventually. I dont remember if it was before or after his foreign adventures, but his beloved grandson (also named Aaron Burr) died, and then not long after, Theodosia was lost at sea on her way to visit her dad. No one knows what happened to her. It's so sad. Anyway he married a wealthy widow named Eliza, spent all her money on charity, and died the day their divorce was finalized. And Eliza Jumel's divorce lawyer was Alexander Hamilton Jr..
Poor Eliza couldn’t go through all of her husband’s papers. Her son, John Church Hamilton, finished the work for her when she no longer could and put together the biography that inspired Chernow’s that inspired Lin’s musical. (He named a son Alexander and a daughter Elizabeth. He even named one of his sons Laurens! Aw.) And we have come full circle.
The End :33
There’s probably more but that’s what I’ve got. Thanks for reading!
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shoichee · 4 years
hi ! <3 I Absolutely luv your scenarios!:) Can I request for the pregnant s/o scenario with Midorima & Murasakibara ? :o Thank you :D
HELLO <333 wahhh tysm for reading, and i hope you’re still around lurking here to see this, my anon <33 also, i did write these in headcanon formats but please PLEASE let me know if you wanted scenarios and i’ll whip up scenarios :>
Pregnant S/O with Midorima, Murasakibara
Note: I am also writing this hc under the premise that the S/O has been dating with them for quite some time and is practically settled with them
Part 1 here
Midorima Shintarou
How He Found Out
i would believe for him to always, always use protection whenever he ends up having sex with you, and make sure you’re on birth control to prevent such an occurence
for a pregnancy to even happen, these conditions need to happen: 1.) he needs to be 100% sure that the two of you will be together for a very, VERY long time enough to not freak out about contraceptives or at least toy with the idea of not use any in the back of his mind and 2.) you somehow riled him up so much that he let it slide once/twice and go condom-free (whether you were on birth control or not that’s up to you, but he’d assume you were)
well, it turns out that during one of those rare moments of unprotected sex, you got pregnant, and now here you are with a positive stick in your hand squinting at it and scratching your head that you were either incredibly lucky or unlucky to get pregnant out of those few times you two went raw
how were you gonna tell him? well, he was a traditional man, so you simply set up a small, cute surprise for him when he gets back home
y’know, balloons in the living room and a little wrapped gift on the cleared table… it would send the message across… you think
hours passed and you were on the sofa twiddling your thumbs like a preschooler on timeout LOL and you didn’t want to go anywhere in case Midorima comes home early
your instincts were right because an hour later, he comes home utterly exhausted, immediately thinking about being roundabout in asking to snuggle with you
but then he freezes when his shoe stepped and POPPED one of the balloons you scattered around prior, and it scared him SHITLESS
he almost dropped his lucky claypot. almost.
“(y/n), what is going on?!”
he thinks it’s one of your antics and pranks as usual, and he immediately sighs exasperatedly at the thought of cleaning the mess up
“Seriously, I can never leave you alone in this house, nanodayo…” and as he shuffles through the floor, trying to avoid the rest of the clutter you caused, he notices you sitting primly on the couch (and giving him a poorly-concealed smile)
“Shintaro! I didn’t know you’d come home so soon~”
“Well, everyone was being annoying as usual, and most of the work has been done for today. I might as well come home to spend the rest of the day with you… obviously.”
you were so obvious, your eyes flitting back to the gift on the table and back to him, and Midorima doesn’t know whether to roll his eyes or laugh
“I’m assuming this is all for me,” he sighed, trying to hide his smile. “I don’t recall any special occasion for today, though.”
oh, your face just grew the biggest shit-eating grin at his words
“Is that so?~” you feigned with a sing-song voice
at your insistence on him opening the present right now, he swiftly pulls the ribbon apart and opens the box to see your positive test
MIDORIMA.EXE has stopped working
“W-W-W-What is that?!”
“A pregnancy test.”
“... Mine?”
“Wait, how?! With who??”
“Uh…” You stared at him incredulously. “You?”
MIDORIMA.EXE is failing to reboot
you were pointing at yourself and Midorima to further try to get the POINT ACROSS to this poor man who’s trying to process this OFBEJDIWHRIE
but you stopped your hand motions when you see the purest smile slowly growing on Midorima’s normally stoic face
YOU.EXE has stopped working
he brings you into a tight embrace and for a while you two hug in silence, enjoying each other’s company
“So uh, I’m pregnant,” you said, your words slightly muffled by his shirt
“Yes, I am quite well aware now,” he replied dryly, but his eyes are quite affectionate
“I hope you realize that this is a huge responsibility, (y/n).”
“Hey! I know that it’s a big deal! Come on, who do you take me for?”
“... Right.”
During Pregnancy
the first thing he does was take you to the doctor’s just to find out when you were going to deliver
“What? Why?” you asked him
“I must know our child’s horoscope sign as soon as possible,” he said seriously. “We have to make sure they’re born with no misfortunes attached to them.”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
okay, but he’d also ask the doctor diligently on what you should be doing and what he should be doing to ensure a successful delivery
Midorima is deadass budget-version doctor at home
it’s that one meme where you go:
“Hey mom can we have a doctor?”
Mom: “We already have a doctor at home.”
Doctor at home: Midorima Shintarou
JOKES aside, he really is knowledgeable on this entire ordeal, which is a blessing and a curse
you could always come to him to rely on him when you’re unsure of something or for him to deal with your moodiness
but at the same time, you can’t get away with snacking on abhorrent things because he’d SNATCH them off your hands and scold you for being irresponsible LOLOL
you could NEVER sneak off unhealthy food because he’s ALWAYS somehow there to catch you or he eventually finds out later and still give you an earful
you still try to do it again anyways
then there’s that side of Midorima where he’d stuff the entire house with bundles of lucky items because he insists on buying two lucky items for you and the kid every day during your pregnancy… all so you can “maximize” your chances of having a successful delivery
you’re sobBING, it’s so CUTE BUT SO DUMB
did I mention that he’s already started on building the nursery and decorating it in ALL sorts of lucky charms and adorable plushies under the guise of “being safe and making the room lucky”
he rarely lets you step out of the house, but if you have to, he’ll always make the time for you so he can accompany you and just glower at anyone who looks at you the wrong way
surprisingly, he’s a lot more lenient on the PDA during your pregnancy: LOTS of hand-holding, chaste kisses on your head/forehead and maybe cheeks, and he does often hug you from the side to protect you
if you bring it up to him though, he’ll deny it to the VERY end and insists that he only does it so you don’t get moody and snap at random strangers passing by, and then it’ll be a hassle to deal with them
yeah right, Midorima
Murasakibara Atsushi
How He Found Out
when you first found out, you decided to hide it from him until you can figure out how to go about your pregnancy
1.) he didn’t seem like the type who can handle kids, let alone even like them
2.) you’re worried about how he’d react considering that he has a “devil-may-care” attitude and has quite a languid view on most things, even to this day
you underestimated Murasakibara though because when you first initially excused yourself to the restroom the first few times, he assumed that you were having too many sweets and barred you from consuming them until you got better
but you didn’t… in fact, you looked even sicker as the days progressed
that was when Murasakibara got suspicious and started paying attention to you and your behavior
when he gets serious, he’s incredibly sharp and intuitive
even still, he doesn’t know if he should confront you or wait until you tell him, because you’ve always been the “big pants” in the relationship, for lack of better terms
so he waits and observes, but he still acts just as normally as any other day, and you, on the other hand, thought you were able to successfully hide this from him
still, when you keep up this sneaky behavior around him, he slowly doubts himself about if he did anything wrong, if he forgot anything important, or if you’re doubting this relationship ???
but he’s not going to admit it to you, so he’s going to casually call Himuro and voice his concerns in such a roundabout way
Himuro immediately understands what he’s trying to ask and simply tells him to talk it out with you
ofc, Murasakibara just huffs and complains about it being so troublesome, but Himuro, smiles, knowing him better that he was going to do it despite his verbal complaints
when asking you if he did anything “wrong” and such, you immediately shake your head and deny it all to ease his worries, and you tell him that it wasn’t anything like what he imagined
at your words, Murasakibara was relieved but at the same time, if these weren’t the problems, why were you acting so strange?
like when you kept oversleeping, kept rushing to the bathroom early mornings, or when you even turned down his offer of going to the grocery store, bakery, and the confectionery store together multiple times simply because you said that you didn’t have the energy
he finally confronted after a few weeks of dodging on your end, draping his entire body over you from behind and placing his chin on top of your head
“Chibi-chin…” he mumbled. “You’ve been acting really weird for the past few weeks. Talk to me.”
you only sighed as you turn around and embrace Murasakibara, and then separated from him to put distance between the two of you as you make eye contact with him
you resigned yourself to tell him the truth because he was going to find it sooner or later, considering that you’ve developed a small bump… so far, you’ve passed off your stomach size as a “food baby” and “gaining weight, I guess,” but you knew you couldn’t use that excuse forever
but before you can utter out a single word, dizziness hits you like a truck, making you completely lose balance before you legit fainted on the spot
poor Murasakibara expresses one of his rare moments of absolute distress as he lunged forward to catch you before you fell to the floor
he’s dialing Himuro because he has no idea what to do and he’s absolutely PANICKING and thinking of the worst-case scenarios of what happened to you
Murasakibara was READY TO CALL THE AMBULANCE AND EVERYTHING but Himuro managed to calm him down enough to reason that it’s better to bring you by car
after all, Himuro had an inkling of an idea of what happened to you, but like a little shit, he’s not gonna tell Murasakibara because seeing him so openly expressive like that was a guilty pleasure for him
he’s constantly holding you in the car like his life is on the line, and Himuro is just driving and looking straight ahead mentally cackling and wondering how he’s gonna escape his wrath if Murasakibara ever finds out that he knew but didn’t tell him
imagine a distraught giant busting through the doors carrying an unconscious you with a model-like guy trailing behind and pushing the giant to the side to try to coherently talk to the disoriented receptionists
what a life
the doctor merely just says that you fainted and it wasn’t serious, and Murasakibara doesn’t believe them ONE BIT
but he notices Himuro walking over to the doctor’s ear and whispering something, before they had an “ah-ha!” moment, and then right on cue, they had you moved to a different room for testing
poor giant is so agitated, constantly shaking his leg on the floor while he’s sitting in the waiting room, jeez HIMURO PLEASE GIVE HIM A BREAK
“Congratulations! She’s pregnant!”
“Aren’t you her special someone?”
“Indeed, Atsushi is!” Himuro answers for him with a wink
Murasakibara needs to p r o c e s s this
after a while, you groggily stroll out the room like nothing happened, but still you had a frown on your face because you didn’t want Murasakibara to find out about your pregnancy this way
the car ride home was so AWKWARDLY SILENT
you try to coax him with kisses, hugs, and tickles, but he’s not budging one bit
even snacks didn’t move him… even though he did eye them for a bit before he turned away
“Atsushiiii,” you whined. “Talk to meeee, I’m sorry.” and there you go pouting and trying to squish his cheeks to get him to give up
he looks at you with an uncharacteristically serious look when he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me, Chibi-chin?”
and here you are, reluctantly explaining your reasons, and Murasakibara is just frowning because he’s thinking about how he needs to get his shit together so you don’t ever think that you can’t rely on him again
lots of wholesome cuddling to make it all up to him
“So… Chibi-chin.”
“I’m… gonna be a dad?”
and he gives you the brightest smile he’s had since the game against the Jabberwocks, except it was much more intimate and sweeter
During Pregnancy
does Murasakibara have any idea on how to deal with pregnancy? no, but to be fair, most people aren’t prepared anyways
he keeps forgetting that he can’t just give you sweets and snacks willy-nilly anymore because that’d be horrible for the you and the child
but he’s always giving them to you out of habit LOL, but of course, usually you turn his snacks down and remind him that you can’t eat them anymore
except when you have ungodly cravings and just accept his offerings without a complaint
and then Murasakibara feels like something feels off before he realizes you’re tearing off the packaging and ready to shove the entire biscuit into your mouth—
from that point on, he’s a lot more diligent in keeping the processed foods away from you
whenever Himuro stops by to help you out, Murasakibara REFUSES to forget what he did before and he glares daggers at him with every chance he gets, and both you and Himuro ignore him and are having your own conversations about the child AND MURASAKIBARA JUST SULKS IN THE CORNER ALL ANGRY—
he’s so petty and he’s so pouty, and honestly he is the one that becomes clingy during your pregnancy
whenever you shop for baby essentials to prepare, he’s always tailing after you like a lost puppy and trying to learn and understand the baby basics(????), while also doubling as your bodyguard
I mean, who would want to mess with you while there’s a purple titan RIGHT there?
still, you get a huge kick when you see people’s shocked expressions at seeing this gigantic man in the baby sections/aisles following around
you noticed, especially during your later trimesters, that he’s even gentler in how he handles and touches you, and it’s super cute that he’s so conscious about his size and strength around you
your heart is LITERALLY melting
you don’t think he even realizes that himself
but still, Murasakibara has to literally grit his teeth to stop himself from glaring/snapping back at you when your mood swings get really bad
how much do you want to bet that Murasakibara makes you buy extra baby food just to try it?
he’d probably even make you taste test it with him
he says it’s so the baby can eat the best brands out there and doesn’t have to eat the shitty food, but you think that he’s just eating it for fun and you tell him not to spoil the baby so early like that
he leaves the decorations and actual planning up to you though, even though he’ll be right behind you as you do it… he just finds it tiring and too complex sometimes
if you send him on grocery errands and things like that, he’d actually get up and do it without a complaint
if it was all for you and his child’s sake, he’ll do anything… after all, it’s the least he can do to be a dependable father
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mythicamagic · 3 years
wow! that's an amazing list. “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met”
A continuation of other tumblr prompts I’ve made into a fic - here
Hopefully chapter four will be the end lolol this fic has been far longer than I intended it to be.
Kagome stared out at passing scenery beyond her window with a glazed look dulling her eyes. Heavy thoughts carried her attention far away from the mundane train ride. She hadn't visited Kyoto in years, and especially not for such a special reason before.
Shippo's voice had sounded so strange on the phone. Mature, but not overly deep, maintaining its playfulness. He'd invited her over for a visit right away.
A 'bing!' noise roused her enough to check her phone- which showed a picture of Natsuki posing with a spear and fresh kill.
Kagome snorted, resting her chin on her knuckles. There were a few things about Natsuki that she was surprised Sesshoumaru hadn't commented on.
Number one; her boyfriend was a demon.
And number two; he was, specifically, an inuyoukai. A mongrel. She imagined Sesshoumaru felt mighty smug to know she'd found a demon of the same species as him to date. Natsuki being of mixed breeding surely made the Daiyouki feel all the more superior.
But Kagome had never cared about such things. She'd loved Inuyasha once, too.
The short version of their 'getting together' just two months prior was that she'd located a demon bar a few years ago and had been dating youkai ever since, using the place as a means to meet them. The relief of finding the secret den of long-forgotten youkai had been unparalleled. Kagome now knew exactly how to locate and see through glamorous thanks to years of experience.
She'd found out through the process of elimination that humans just kind of...weren't enough for her. Kagome needed the youki, the rush- the bite of claws, talons or fangs.
Natsuki was one of many in a long line of potential 'forever' partners, but Kagome had long since stopped expecting marriage down the line. If they lasted, that was fine. If not, that was fine too.
She had resolved never to fall hard for someone again.
Natsuki left Tokyo a few days prior to go on a hunting trip with his pack in a remote location up in the mountains, a monthly tradition.
'Can you skip it this time?' Kagome had asked. 'I'd just...really like it if you could come to Kyoto with me?'
'But I don't know your fox friend.'
'Doesn't matter- he hasn't seen me in 500 years. I would feel so much better if you were there.'
Natsuki looked as though she'd spat in his breakfast. 'Ah, uh-' he ran an awkward hand through his light-brown hair. 'I guess?'
The hesitancy and look in his eyes- begging to be let off the hook- made Kagome force a smile and drop the subject.
She sighed, figuring they'd probably break up soon. There wasn't really anything wrong with their relationship, just a difference in values and priorities.
It seemed to be the norm. No huge fight. No big dramatic breakup. Usually she even stayed friends with her exes.
Sesshoumaru was the outlier in all things.
She made certain not to tell the Daiyoukai of her impending singleness. If he was irritatingly optimistic now- Kagome imagined he'd be a nightmare to shake off if she were available.
But he'd stop if I outright told him to never speak to me again.
Her lips thinned, stomach turning at the mere thought.
For the rest of the journey, she resolved not to think about him. And failed miserably.
Shippo had greeted her at the door with an enormous hug the second she'd arrived at his hilltop home. Brilliant red hair had grown longer, swept back into a ponytail. Since his house perched a little further out from most of the houses, he wore no glamour. The pointed ears and foxtails- five of them- Kagome counted, were on full display.
Tears pricked her eyes, and she hugged him back fiercely.
His wife was pleasant, though a little eccentric for a racoon youkai. She'd made a 'welcome' banner and everything for Kagome's arrival.
Three young kits with dark circle markings around their eyes raced around the house- which had crayon drawings sprawled all over the walls at waist-height. Shippo and his wife seemed to have given up on house maintenance, but they were a happy family.
Blue eyes softened as Kagome sat with him in the relative privacy of his art studio. She was so pleased he'd found happiness. As they talked, she bent down- reaching into her bag for her phone to show him some pictures of her workplace- only for it to tip over.
A small bottle of pills rolled out, stopping by his foot.
Kagome paled. She glanced away from his questioning look as he handed them back to her. "Reiki suppression pills?" he asked.
"How'd you know?"
"I've got friends in Tokyo. You're not the only priestess who secretly dates demons," he shrugged, pinning her with a calculating look. "But, it's kind of a shame you feel the need to take them."
Kagome forced a smile, tucking them away, "yeah well- it's because I'm so big and strong," she joked. "I haven't met a demon in Tokyo who could withstand my aura if I really let it out. Taking these is easier. Gives demons the 'flavour' of dating a miko without actually getting burned. It just thins my powers a little."
Shippo nodded in acceptance and swiftly changed topics since it made her uncomfortable. He chattered on about his life, detailing the 500 year gap between when they'd seen each other last. Apparently, after Miroku and Sango had passed, he'd taken to spending more time with Sesshoumaru. When Inuyasha had died, he'd started living with the Daiyoukai permanently.
He nodded, hands wrapped around his steaming mug of tea. A handmade bracelet clasped around his wrist, and the mug was half-melted, made from clay. Clearly they'd both been crafted by three well-meaning kids. "I guess we were gonna talk about him eventually," he smirked. "I promise not to be biased, okay? Sure, he saved my ass, but you're still my favourite."
Warmth flooded her heart, and Kagome giggled a little despite herself. "You're talking like we're your divorced parents or something," she mused, sobering. Taking a long breath, she stared at her own misshapen mug. "What happened?" she asked quietly. "Why didn't he create a pure-blooded heir?"
Shippo sighed, sweeping a hand through voluminous red hair. "He chased after you pretty much a second after you left through the well. Only he couldn't get through."
Her chest tightened, body stiffening.
"He's told me before though...that regretting what happened wouldn't have been enough, and maybe it was better he didn't stop you. He still felt the same at the time, deep down; that only a pure-blooded heir should take over the Western Lands to ensure he was survived by a long-living heir. He was gonna do it," Shippo muttered. "He was prepared to lay with an inuyoukai to produce an heir, but when the time came he just...couldn't. It frustrated him for a long time."
Kagome took a sip of her lukewarm tea, lips thinning. "He could've taken a mate. It didn't have to be some random woman."
"Heh, yeah but his inuyoukai instincts had already chosen a mate," Shippo winked at her. "And no matter how much he tried to force logic onto himself, his instincts refused to budge. You weren't dead, so in his mind, he couldn't move on. He's remained your captive all this time."
Her eyes widened, swallowing. "That sounds terrible!" she burst, frowning. "What the hell...I'd resent that. Why doesn't he hate me?"
"Hard to explain but...he could have moved on, Kagome," the kit sighed. "If he really wanted to. He's the one who lacked the desire to change how he felt about you. So, despite some relationships, Sesshoumaru has pretty much maintained his bachelor lifestyle."
Kagome stood from her seat, setting down her tea and distractedly looking at Shippo's art pieces, picking up a sketchbook and flipping through it.
Sharp green eyes searched her guarded features. "You're still in love with him, right?"
"Some habits are hard to kick," she said softly, pausing on one sketch. Her vision grew blurry.
Shippo rose and swept the shuddering miko into a hug before she could drop the sketch of Sango and Miroku. He held her for a long time, and they moved on to talking about their friends. About all the things they'd done and the happiness they'd shared.
"M-maybe I...left too quickly," Kagome mumbled, wiping at her wet cheeks.
"Nah, don't get that thought stuck in your head," Shippo rested a hand on her head, gently ruffling the dark strands. "You wanted distance between you and Sesshoumaru. It's not your fault the well shut."
"Why did..." swallowing thickly, she looked up at him, oddly feeling like a child in comparison to his steady, easy-going presence. Like nothing in the world could shock or frighten the little kit anymore. "It took him 6 years to come talk to me, why is that?"
Shippo's smile turned slightly sad. "He wouldn't want me to tell you. In fact, he'd kill me for giving you this-" Shippo reached into his pocket and took out a vial.
Kagome understood what it was almost immediately, accepting the glamour with a perplexed look.
He then scribbled down the name of a random park in Tokyo she hadn't visited before, handing it over with a smirk. "Put that glamour on and visit this park on either Tuesday or Thursday, weather permitting. You'll find him near the duck pond."
She arched a brow, eyeing the vial. "He'll recognise me, even with a glamour on."
"Nah, that's my own creation- and I'm pretty darn brilliant at magic now!" he puffed out his chest, tilting his chin up in a very Sesshoumaru-like manner. Shippo then smiled warmly, taking the sketchbook and tearing out a page. "He's not being honest with you, but it's not outta nefarious purposes. You'll see," he reassured her. "He's changed. Even if he's still an asshole."
Kagome accepted the page, freezing. Her fingers stiffened, emotion clogging her throat at all the implications that came with the picture. She couldn't help but cry again in the safety of Shippo's arms- promptly bursting into tears while on the train ride home too.
Shippo's sketch remained clutched in her hands.
The weight of so much wasted time rested upon her heavily, making the woman bend low in her seat, ignoring the stares of other passengers and letting out several years of loneliness and disappointment. How her skin had ached and burned up with a fever of remembrance- straining for a demon lord to take her wrists and kiss her palms like he once had.
Overcast skies blocked out the sunshine that Tuesday, so she wondered if he'd show. The glamour had made her look like a 40-year old, a few grey streaks in her magically short hair. Brown eyes stared back at her instead of blue. She smelled like lavender and home cooking. Kagome sat upon a bench and pretended to read beside the duck pond. An available bench sat further away, nearer to the empty play park.
It was there that a dark-haired man eventually sat, five children having followed him. A lanky teen took a seat next to him, his hair short and grey- eyes milky white with blindness. Kagome squinted from behind her book, sensing he was a snake youkai. Two young hanyous of differing species immediately ran to the play park, squealing. One had concealed horns, the other hiding their leopard spots behind a glamour.
A human girl around the age of 11 carried a toddler to the edge of the duck pond, talking quietly with him and pointing to the ducks.
Kagome held back the hot sting of tears, forcing her gaze to the book in her hands and robotically turning a page.
"Shinto needs to get out of his room," the snake youkai was muttering sourly.
"There is little I can do. Did you wish for me to carry him kicking and screaming to the park with us?" Sesshoumaru snorted, elbows bent to rest on his knees.
Kagome glanced at him furtively from the corner of her eye.
Gone was the easy confidence he'd presented to her during their encounters- the impeccable dress-sense and untouchable air of a bachelor. He looked like a mess. Or rather, a single parent struggling to juggle too much at once. He wore a jacket that had seen better days, hair dishevelled and slight lines under his eyes.
"Maybe that would've been better," his adopted child was muttering, soon sighing and glancing to the side as Sesshoumaru toyed with his phone. "Do you even have her number?"
Sesshoumaru arched a brow, feigning ignorance. "Hm?"
"You know who I am referring to. Just ask for it from Uncle Shippo."
Dark lashes lowered, followed by a rich, silky chuckle that made Kagome's skin warm. "Such underhanded methods, Hiroji," he teased, "no wonder you're not popular with women."
Hazy eyes gazed in his general direction flatly, huffing. "Please refrain from trying to dodge the question. Have you actually asked this 'Kagome' woman out yet?"
"I invited her to coffee."
"Such a cheap date, Papa!" the human girl by the duck pond smiled, carrying her brother back to them. "Couldn't you have invited her ice-skating, or to a fancy restaurant?"
"Or to the park!" one of the Hanyous yelled from the swings.
Sesshoumaru cut his eyes to grey skies fondly, accepting the toddler from his daughter. "The location does not matter. Miss Higurashi is not easily swayed," he uttered, large hands toying with little boots. The toddler giggled, kicking his legs. "Initially, I wished to bury her with gifts, but she would merely see that as an attempt to 'buy' her. No, I sense only a display of humility and regret will soften her opinion of me, however that seems quite impossible."
"Hm? Why's that?" his daughter asked.
"Because I do not wish to use you all as an example of my having 'changed.' It would feel as though you are mere tools for my redemption," brown eyes slid away. "My mindset altered gradually over the centuries. No large thing triggered it. I know of no other way to prove myself other than introducing her to you."
Kagome could tell by the twitching of his fingers and the way he kept brushing them over his jaw absentmindedly that he was itching for a drag of his pipe. She'd wondered if he still occasionally smoked. He must've decided not to around his children.
"Sounds like heavy stuff," the girl hummed, patting his shoulder in consolation. "Can't you just say-" she cleared her throat, voice deepening into a poor imitation of Sesshoumaru's- "Miko, I've been falling in love with you since the first day we met. Fall into my arms~"
Deep brown eyes flattened, and he playfully shoved a hand into her face. "Things are not so easily fixed, Akiko."
"I see. Well, don't worry! If it doesn't work out, we can all go ice-skating instead!"
Sesshoumaru tsked, sinking back into his seat and allowing the toddler to snuggle up on his chest. "How dull. I'd much prefer to go on a date with a beautiful woman than babysit you brats."
Akiko only giggled and whined good-naturedly, calling him a 'meanie' before running off to join the Hanyous on the swings.
Left in silence, the Daiyoukai's brows knitted together, thoughts clearly far away.
Mild concern softened Hiroji's boyish features. "You should try talking to her again," he said quietly, so faintly Kagome could barely hear it.
"Hn, and why is that?"
Shifting, the snake demon glanced sightlessly in Kagome's direction- causing her blood to freeze in her veins. "I suspect she may be more receptive to speaking with you now, that is all. Call it a hunch."
Stiff shoulders slowly relaxed upon realising he wasn't going to expose her. After a few minutes, Kagome rose from her spot and slipped away from the park.
In the comfort of her own apartment, Kagome gazed at the sketch Shippo had given her; Sesshoumaru sleeping without a glamour obscuring his exotic features. Resting on mokomoko, his knees, and the crook of his arm were children, different from the ones at the park, but just as mixed in species.
It implied he'd been adopting them for centuries. What had started with Rin all those years ago- the accidental adoption of his first child, had become a long-enduring habit. And it also gave Kagome the stupid, insidious idea that maybe he wanted hanyou children now. Maybe he wanted them with her.
And that was too dangerous a thought to linger on if she was incorrect.
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