#god the weather really did a 180 huh
vooruitmariek · 2 years
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The April showers are here so just in time... Made a spring postcard set :)
Available on my Etsy.
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dasomlimie · 3 years
sorry about this but yk part 3 of baji boyfriend headcannon? let’s say. If you guys went swimming or to the beach, he lets you ride his motorcycle, his/your birthday. You guys are doing late night couple cooking? (i hc he is the worse cook to man kind, his food taste like how blob fish look.) -yata yata
a/n ; more bf!Baji because anon said so, i'll put "keep reading" thingy tomorrow
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ok when you mentioned about beach the first i think was how his hair would be wet and he would either look like a very handsome greek god or him having a seaweed on his head there's no in between
would be the type that throw you to the water no matter what like one time you were done applying sunscreen then suddenly you were in the water
if you go to the water park he would try to drag you to ride every ride then would swear he would protect you even though he was lowkey scared of it
his hair would be in a man bun
anyways in the end the both of you would be extremely tired bcs he would never let you rest
ok now move on to late night ride we all love this
he would text you at the most random time if you're up and ask you to come out
then you come out w your sleep wear [ idk about others but i wear either sweatpant or shorts depend on the weather and some random big ass tshirt to sleep so yeah lets say you wear some sweat and oversized t-shirts when meeting him rn ]
he was leaning on his bike [ imagine how hot he was ] with extra helmet and jacket you were half asleep [ maybe ] when he said something you couldn't make out it was something like "i can't sleep lets get a take out and sit somewhere"
what he mean by somewhere was abandoned building a.k.a your secret hang out w Baji, oh back to the earlier he would help you wear your helmet and pat the top of it [ once someone did this to me and i freshen up because i was shocked like its feel like being bonk like *bonk* then suddenly you wake up ]
then slip his jacket on you, he have a soft smile "sorry for waking you up" he whisper kissing the back of your hand before hopping on his bike you following after him
"hold on tights bubs dont wanna my baby to fall off" he said w a chuckled then heart start thumping loudly when you wrap your arm around his waist then rest your cheeks on his back like you never did that before
after getting your food and you freshen up, less sleepy the both of you would laugh your ass off about something then when you calm down Baji would place you into his lap wrapping his arm around you then his head resting either on your shoulder or on top of your head the both of you would having a heart to heart talk followed by how the both of you appreciate one another :( it was all so sweet i wanna cry
then suddenly you both laugh about stupid thing as if you both didn't give a heart to heart speeches
either you know how to ride a bike, he would be impressed 🤩 and update into the gc of the toman boys
or no, then he would try and teach you how to ride the bike AOBSSKBSKSBSKS so cute it would also goes two way
one, you learn suprisingly quick
two, you keep failing w changing gear? break? huh idk anything about bike AOBSSKBSKSBSKS
of course if the both of you live together [ aged up ofc ] you would try to cook together and it was mainly you cooking and Baji was by your side his hands keep being slapped by you when he keep trying the food or eat the ingredients [ i remember when i was trying raw carrot and lowkey like it i keep eating the chopped one and end up being scolded by my mum because i ate almost all of it and being told to cut the carrot again ]
and then he would end up hugging you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder not wanting to let you go
and if he tried to cook i don't think he is a bad cooker— he is a bad cooker but hear me out first ok? hear me out
he only know how to make peyoung yakisoba the instant one ofc and its taste really good like woah
now move on to he cook another things, he would burn down the kitchen instead of burning down the food like you leave him for a minutes and suddenly the stove was on fire while the uncooked food look like it haven't been touched weird but ive done this before dont even ask how
ok but if he really put an effort and carefully try to cook he would be a pretty decently cook.... jk lol haha
his food would be either burnt or half cooked
sometimes would look ugly af then pretty af [ but it was raw thought ]
his mother lowkey know all about you!!!! because he always talk about you to his mother aodbskdbsi so cute
his mother like you very very much maybe not when you first met but suddenly you both clicked then boom bestfriend
he would be type of boyfriend who yell your name in no matter what places and wouldn't be ashamed how excited he was looking at you
now lets talk about jealousy...... Baji is a very fine guy we all can see it how he have his own fangirl [ most of it was older than him, and they were afraid of him tbh but there's always a bold one ]
if one of his fans try to flirt with him he would look at them then say this with a very serious voice that send you shiver down to your spine "i have girlfriend" then when he saw you he literally turn 180 and smile at you like a simp he is
like he smile "y/n!" he yelled jog toward you then hug you tightly to show that girl he have s/o
that type of guy that would protect you from you bully confronting them then suddenly they're on their knee apologizing to you <3
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!%! © HNEULWH— i did not allow my work to be used or adapted in any form without my permission !#//
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Werewolf - 6
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: 310mc (JP)
Translation: Bella & hyenahunt
Hiyori: This is truly worthy of some super sleuthing! As the great detective that I am, you should just leave it to me, Natsume-kun!
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[Location: Seisou Hall Common Room]
Hiyori: Jun-kun! Aren't you so glad we got to see that just now?
Jun: You mean the cat sittin' all cozily out in the courtyard, right? Yeah.
It was real cute... though it ran away when I tried to pet it. Wonder if it got lost and wandered in?
Hiyori: If it was a lost cat I would have loved to welcome it into my home...
But I can't do something as irresponsible as that, what with all the unpredictable travelling we do for work.
And besides, we can't have our Bloody Mary getting jealous, of course!
Natsume: ......
Hiyori: Hm? If it isn't Natsume-kun! Right as I was thinking I could feel some despair in the air!
Jun: Oh, you're right. Heya~
Hiyori: What's the matter? You shouldn’t be spreading gloomy vibes all over the place, you know? They'll just infect everyone around you, you see.
And I was in such a good mood, too! What a foul weather!
Natsume: I’m in an extremely bad mood right NOW. Leave me ALONE.
Jun: Hmm. Well then, wanna play some game again? Pick something fun and maybe your mood'll clear up a bit, whether you win or lose.
If you'd like, I can let you win, too? You could even pick something you're a pro at if you want — wouldn't bother me.
Natsume: I'm not in the MOOD. I won't feel like playing games for as long as I have all these worries weighing on my MIND, you KNOW.
Hiyori: Oh, that’s no good now, is it? If there's something troubling you, you should come have a heart-to-heart with me! How fortunate you are, to be blessed with advice from me of all people ☆
Natsume: ...Are you joKING? No way. You're not the least bit reliaBLE.
I don't approve of you inserting yourself into other people's affairs in the first PLACE. We call that "meddling," you KNOW?
Hiyori: Heheh. Tweak the meaning slightly and even meddling can turn right into care!
Everyone would be so much happier if they'd look instead at the bright side of life ♪
Not to mention, I'm always the one who soothes Jun-kun's woes. So knowing that, you should just kick back, relax, and tell me everything!
Jun: You're usually the source of my woes to begin with, Ohii-san.
Hiyori: Feeling bashful, are we, Jun-kun? You're so cute when you are ☆
Jun: Bashful's the last thing I am, actually....
Natsume: HonestLY. I don't understand how you can stay so needlessly optimisTIC, Tomoe-senpai.
Hiyori: Yes, yes. You see, this is what you'd call an adult's composure. I'm on a different level entirely when it comes to experience — after all, I'm basically your senior in life!
Jun: Well, putting Ohii-san and his advice aside...
If you're at your wit's end over something, Sakasaki-san, it might help to ask around for opinions, y'know~?
In times like these, you could totally have some kinda breakthrough just by looking at it from a different angle.
Natsume: A breakTHROUGH…?
(It is true that asking Sora hasn't gotten me anyWHERE, and I don’t even have an inkling of what the problem is in the first plaCE. I'm well and truly STUMPED.
Hrmm… These two were with me when Sora started acting strangeLY, so perhaps they might know someTHING...)
But it literalLY, physically pains me to rely on the two of THEM...
Jun: Sakasaki-saaan? You kinda said that out loud, y'knooow~? Please keep stuff like that to yourself.
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Natsume: I'm sooo sorRY. That was on purPOSE ♪
Jun: Man, both you and Ohii-san are such pleasant people, huh.
Natsume: But it's exactly as you SAY. I feel completely and utterly STUMPED.
You SEE, it's because of Sora that I'm so glooMY.
We met him in the kitchen some time ago, RIGHT?
Jun: Yeah. We did, now that you mention it~
Natsume: Since THEN, Sora's been acting oddLY. He's been aloof for some reaSON.
As you might exPECT, it's worrying ME. He ran away in the blink of an eye when I went to visit his room just NOW.
Hiyori: Hmm~ Are you sure it's not because of you, Natsume-kun?
Like maybe you said or did something to upset him. That's my deduction, anyway!
Natsume: I'm sure it isN'T. Sora only acts like this at the dorms; he's his usual self when we're doing WORK.
He's not the kind of person who does a total 180 between his public and private life eiTHER.
If I'd really done or said something to HIM, then it'd be strange for his attitude to change only based on where we ARE.
Jun: Mmm... It does sound like a real mystery...
We're not gonna find any answers standing around thinking about it, so why not just straight-up ask Harukawa-kun why he ran away that time?
Natsume: Absolutely NOT.
Jun: You're practically pulling your hair out over this, so why not? Isn't hearing it straight from him the quickest way to get a guaranteed answer?
Natsume: I certainly could force him to tell me exactly what's going ON...
But that wouldn't be FAIR. Sora doesn't belong to ME. He's his own perSON.
If he doesn't want to talk to ME, then I'm not going to corner HIM.
Hiyori: Ah-ha~ ♪ I can see right through you. You're trying to put up a front, aren't you! You don't want to let your adoring junior see you looking lame in the slightest, correct?
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Natsume: God, you're so annoYING...
AnyWAY, that's THAT. If Sora's decided he's not going to talk to me about IT, I'm not going to make him, BUT...
If I could just figure out what's going ON, then I might be able to do something about IT.
You two saw him that day too, didn't YOU? Did you notice anything OFF? Anything's better than noTHING… I'm not expecting that much from you, anYWAY.
Jun: Easier said than done.... Nothing really happened that day, right? I can't think of anything that could've been—
Hiyori: Heh heh heh.... Interesting.... Reaaally interesting!
Natsume: What? Did you figure something OUT, Tomoe-senpai?
Hiyori: Nope, not in the slightest! But I do believe Sora-kun's hiding some sort of important secret!
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Hiyori: This is truly worthy of some super sleuthing! As the great detective that I am, you should just leave it to me, Natsume-kun!
In the name of my dear old grandfather, I'll solve this mystery for everyone! After all, only a single truth prevails ♪ [1]
Natsume: ...Just what is he so obsessed with this TIME?
Jun: The detective mangas I've been lending him, I'm guessing?
Ohii-san, I'm just saying but you got things a little wrong, y'know?
Natsume: (Sigh) I feel like reaching back into the past and punching myself for even trying to talk with THEM...
Translation Notes:
[1]: Hiyori references two famous detective manga series in this line — the first is a reference to The Kindaichi Case Files, where the main character's catchphrase is "In the name of my grandpa!". The second is from Detective Conan, with "One truth prevails!". In both cases, he gets them slightly incorrect, hence Jun's comment: お爺さま instead of じっちゃん (a more formal way of saying grandfather), and 真 相 instead of 真実 (both meaning truth but pronounced differently)
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saturnwritings · 4 years
the weather today is slightly sarcastic
—in exile, tommy is visited by techno, and while he wants to convince himself that he hates the fucking traitor, he's left feeling more comforted than dream ever made him feel.
word count: 1265
warnings: emotional manipulation (on dream’s side, only briefly mentioned)
“You’re really falling for that bullshit?”
A familiar monotone voice filled his ears, and Tommy shivered. Technoblade stood, leaning against a tree near the building of logsteadshire. Tommy mentally cursed himself for not noticing, the new blue bourgeoisie ‘retirement’ outfit stood out obviously from all the dull browns and greens of the trees. 
Tommy narrowed his eyes, his attitude a full 180 from when Dream was visiting. Dream, his only friend, at least that was what Dream told him. And who was he to not believe him? No one visited, no one cared, Dream was his only friend. 
“What do you want, Techno.” Techno laughed, amused.
“I just wanted to check up on my little brother, see how he’s doing.” Anger bubbled in Tommy’s gut in response to Techno’s patronizing tone. Tommy huffed.
Just moments ago Dream was waving goodbye as he exited through the Nether portal, Tommy already reminiscing on everything they had done that day: riptide practice, chest room expansion, Dream convincing him to take down more of the Nether bridge, villager trading, and more! Now Technoblade was here. Techno, the traitor, the smug pig hybrid dressed up in a bourgeoisie outfit son-of-a-bitch. 
(What was the saying about putting makeup on a pig?)
“...Shut up,” was the only thing Tommy could think to say. Techno smirked, his tusks glinting in the subdued moonlight. 
(Jesus, even the weather was dreary.)
An awkward silence filled the air, before a curious expression overtook Technoblade’s face. “So why were you hanging out Dream? Was he here to mock you about being an exile-Andy again?” Tommy grumbled.
“No. We were hanging out.” His matter-of-fact tone a facade of confidence. Techno rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sure you were, Tommy.”
Tommy was getting fed up with his brother. Dream and him were friends! They played games together and hung out and Dream always came to visit. He didn’t care what Techno thought, he betrayed them. 
(Why was he still trying to prove himself, then?)
“It’s true! Dream and I are friends. We- we’re- we hangout all the time and, and he actually cares about me unlike you. He gave me a trident, and we had cake together, he even let me keep my items today, and- and said he’d take me back to L’manburg for Christmas!”
He crossed his arms, “God, Tommy, you’re getting excited about Dream letting you keep your own items? Wow, some friend he is, huh,” Techno snorted and shook his head, “Jesus, how brainwashed are you?”
Techno laughed mockingly, but when Tommy cast his gaze aside and puffed his cheeks, Techno’s eyes widened. “Wait… you actually thought they cared about you? That they were going to let you back if you were on your best behaviour?” 
Something about Techno in that moment brought Tommy back to when they were all younger. When they hadn’t gone through all the hardships of war, when they were still a whole family, when Techno and Wilbur would always tease Tommy, for being younger, for being smaller. Something about Techno ridiculing him made him feel comforted, cared about, he knew it should embarrass him, but his mind was telling him it didn’t.
“Did Phil and I teach you nothing? Trust no one, Tommy. People might say they’re on your side but you have to realize that they’re not.” 
There was silence for a second, and Tommy shifted in his place, “What about you?” Techno chuckled, before moving forward and resting a hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
“That’s different. We’re on your side ‘cause we’re family, we have to stick up for each other.” He gave a lopsided grin. Tommy was again reminded of old Techno, a specific memory of them flashed through his mind, but it was still oh so vivid.
(“Stance wider, Tommy.”
“I know, I know, I’m trying!” Wilbur chuckled from under the apple tree.
“Try harder!”
Tommy huffed, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Distracted, he lost his footing, and he felt a wooden sword clash against his shins right before he fell to the ground.
“Ow…” Tommy closed an eye and rubbed the side of his head that had collided with the dirt, his own wooden sword dropped to the side of him. He heard Phil scold Wilbur in the distance. He almost started to tear up before hearing his brother speak.
“Here.” He looked up to see Techno with an outstretched hand. He grabbed it and was pulled up. 
Tommy bit the inside of his cheek before looking away childishly. 
“Your problem was that you got distracted. You were too focused on what people around you were saying that you forgot what your main goal was.” Tommy listened to his brother’s explanation.
“You’ve been reading The Art of War again, haven’t you.”
Techno gave a lopsided grin.)
Tommy felt conflicted as he reminisced.
“Dream and Tubbo and everyone else in L’manburg? They’re not your friends. To them, we’re nothing but pests. It’s ‘cause we always try to take them down, foil their plans, but, you know, someone has to do it, right?” Techno raised his eyebrows and nudged Tommy.
Tommy didn’t respond. His jaw was clenched, his eyes were strained, he didn’t realize he was clenching his hands so much until he felt something wet drip down them, and saw the crimson liquid fall, almost gracefully, down his arm.
“Dream’s my friend…” He started. He didn’t know what he was even going to say, so it didn’t really matter that Techno interrupted him.
“You think you’re special? You think you’re different to everyone else, to all the other pawns Dream likes to play around with?!” Techno’s exasperated tone showed Tommy how worked up he was getting.
“Tommy, the world we live in belongs to the enemy!”
Techno stared at him, Tommy squinted.
“Everything - everyone - is being controlled by him. Even you, Tommy, as much as you don’t want to believe it, you’re being used. He’s manipulating you! He’s not your friend, let alone your only friend!”
“Well, who is then?!” Tommy cut him off, “Who else is my friend? No one else visits me, no one- no one cares like he does!”
He was yelling. Techno’s face was expressionless, with only a hint of unamused. In between his yelling, the only thing you could hear was the faint crackling of the nearby campfire and the distance chirping of birds and cicadas. Tommy could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes, before falling and rolling down his cheeks. 
“You know, everyone says they care about me. Some people visit, but only, like, once, before leaving. Everyone leaves pity presents, Ranboo even sends letters, but, but no one actually, genuinely cares,” Tommy sniffled, “I have no one.”
Silence once again filled the air, the only addition was Tommy’s small sniffles.
“You have Phil, and you have me. Because, Tommy, as much as I hate to admit it, we’re family. And while I will never understand why you care so much about L’manburg and everyone else, I do care about you, and so does Phil,” he sucked in a breath, “and so does Wilbur.”
Tommy’s eyes widened.
“You have us, because no matter what side you fight for, you always have your family. And,” he paused “And I know that Wilbur would not have wanted you to be alone, either.”
Techno gave a small smile.
“The Retirement Home will always welcome you if you need anything.”
With that, Techno turned around and disappeared into the forest, leaving Tommy to stand there, shocked.
Tommy was alone again, but something in his mind told him it was only physical.
a/n: im counting this as a vent because its so dialogue heavy even though i know thats not a vent but i was really just self projecting onto tommy and techno in this haha also this is based on one of the songs from the ratatouille musical on tiktok the song is ‘django’s reprise’ from @/fettuccinefettuqueen
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marithlizard · 4 years
First Impressions: RWBY v8c9, “Witch”
"Witch", huh?  Presumably Salem.  Are we going to get more backstory lore? Because YES PLEASE.
The Atlas army vs. the whale whose teeth loom like mountains on the horizon.  They look like toys. I can't help thinking these soldier mooks equal any Huntsman in courage, if not in skill.  And this is the first real large-scale action any of them have seen - that anyone in the world has seen in their lifetimes.
eyy Ren has gotten over the snappishness as well as the despairing angst.    Suddenly gaining control of his evolving Semblance must help a lot with the feelings of powerlessness.  (And though we haven't seen him use it on Jaune or Yang, I'm thinking being able to know for certain how much your friends care about you and have your back  is a source of power in itself.)
They're discussing fairy tales MY HEART
Ozpin continuing to confirm he has handed over the reins completely to Oscar.   I don't like this about the accelerating merge, though. It feels like we're going to lose Oz  very soon. And yet,  Jinn's vision definitely showed us Oz and host coexisting in middle age.  Did they not use magic in that lifetime?  Or is the merge somehow not about "losing" either one of them?
Team FNKI in a line of regular soldiers!  They've got to have mobilized all the students, but I wonder if we'll see any others besi-  Neon. Neon you are wearing rollerskates to the apocalypse.  
...well, why not?  
Marrow,  YOU'RE just a kid.  You can't be more than a few years older, and you're not that much more seasoned. Though I understand the feeling.
So, Hazel, you're ready to rejoin fact-based reality?  Or at least listen to someone who pretty much definitionally can't be lying?  
(Actually...the only information we have about Jinn comes from her, and it'd be a hell of an interesting twist if she was editing facts to fit her own agenda.  I don't think it's very likely for meta reasons, but it'd make a great fic premise, wouldn't it?)
Huh.  He sounds much much calmer, and like he's been thinking through everything for the last few hours.  
....what? He's not even going to ask???  THAT is a surprise.  The existence of Jinn and knowing Oscar  gave him the password in good faith  were enough to deradicalize a violent extremist. (Wish it was that easy in RL.)
Oscar's little wave
(You know, now that I think of it,  Ozpin has never interacted with Jinn himself.  She's greeted him twice and he hasn't answered.  Does he resent her for not answering his predecessor's questions more helpfully?  Mistrust her?  )
yes rescue Emerald good
"Just to be  clear" - oh god I thought that was Salem's voice and nearly jumped out of my seat.
"I'll come back for it"  crap crap crap  Hazel's redemption arc is going to be short, painful, and fatal.   And Salem will keep the lamp, if not have the password.
And we'll just all turn our backs on the divine artifact-entity and walk away.  I guess they don't think she's enough of a person to say goodbye to?  
And our eavesdropper is...the one person who CAN'T summon Jinn or ask her a question.  
Oh no. No.  Please don't have the fandom descend into "Jinn is ablist" discourse. (ETA: upon thinking further I take it back,  the gods suck and providing a Relic that not everyone can use is in its way a tiny symbol of their callous attitude to people. ) 
RJY working smoothly together, nice. 
Robyn said people are always suspicious of her, and her truthsense ability has a clearly visible limiting condition.    But Ren can apparently read the emotions of everyone around him all the time without them knowing.  Surely that would make a lot of people uncomfortable.  (Although I expect  the writers to ignore this, and will be pleasantly surprised if they explore it at all.)
That's always the way isn't it, you roll a 4 on your concentration check right when a demonic jellyfish is floating by.
Huh, they separated from Oscar?  And Hazel is worried about him? I'm still dizzy from the speed of this 180.  
uh...hi, Salem.  Nice...weather outside the whale today?  Seen any good dismemberments lately?
Hazel,  you are a terrible liar and you can't bluff.   Admittedly the stakes are a lot  higher here than in the weekly WTCH poker game.
No one can accuse Yang of not understanding the core competencies.
"Juan"???  I did hear that correctly, yes?  Marrow not remembering Jaune's name is hilarious.  And I was about to say understandable, but no, they worked with the Ace Ops for weeks!  Did you just have him mentally filed as "the blond himbo tank"?
O-kayyyyyy.    I can't blame Emerald,  but this could go so horribly wrong so fast. 
Isn't Hazel-disguised-as-Oscar  way too heavy to pick up like tha-  OHHHHHHHHH.  Now things make much more sense.  Oscar was the one worried about Hazel earlier,  and failing utterly to bluff.  Infinitely more in character.
Awkward Semblance is also extremely convenient in short-cutting negotiations. Nice.
I do not, in fact, have any doubt that Winter would blow up her sister.   And in this situation  I can't say it's the wrong thing to do.  As far as they know their bomb is the only hope.
Wow. I really did not think we’d go to toe to toe with Salem herself at this point in the plot.  It's so traditional to save the final boss fight for, well, the final boss.  She's terrifying and unstoppable, but not actually more terrifying than the giant whale.    
Her regen is just like  the Hound's body morphing, but far smoother and faster with a thousand "deaths" of practice.
She sounds more normal right now, oddly.   Her voice is lacking both the measured slowness and the resonance it has when she's making speeches.  I like the idea of that falling away when she's surprised and exasperated.  
Our heroes are very very lucky that RWBY is not a darker show, or those Grimmhand  restraints would be doing a lot of gross agonizing damage with their nails.   There's no reason she'd want to be gentle at this point.
Yeah, there's the sonorous voice again. Although it wavers again with that "Why do you Keep. Coming. Back?"   Does she not know? How can she not know, Jinn's vision said Ozma told her everything.  Perhaps she means: why do you keep fighting  me instead of hiding like the hermit.
Yang, don't give her information,  gah!   "Her again."  She sounds pleased.  I think we are going to find out Summer's fate this volume after all.  Salem will reveal it to break Ruby’s spirit.  Prediction: it will work. 
(EDIT: I completely missed the significance of Yang calling Summer “my mom”.  Wow.)
She definitely intends to turn Emerald into something like the Hound.
"No more Gretchens."   Oh, of course that's what Oscar said he needed before they could leave, the cane.
Hazel's life expectancy is minutes long but at least it included a satisfying KAPOW.   And every single sparkly crystal he owns.  Somehow he seems smaller here, less bulky than he did at Haven.  Less a titan and more a man.
yigh he's pounding her into mush.  Which he has several times before, apparently.  This is all to buy you time, Emerald, why are you not running.   (I know, I know.   She's never had someone actually help her and care about her, only scraps of affection to establish control.    At this moment Cinder's hold on her is breaking forever.)
(Neo, on the other hand.  Will she bring the lamp to Cinder, who frankly has been a totally crap partner and deserves no loyalty?    Is she still after revenge?   My bet is still firmly on her planning to backstab Cinder as soon as Ruby is gone.  But beyond that, we don't know her thoughts at all.  She might join the heroes, or disappear like Raven to hide while the apocalypse works itself out.)
That's true, Oscar, but what can you do to stop her?  
Hah!  Clever,  Hazel.  And she's actually screaming in pain from the fire, whereas she didn't make a sound when being pulverized.
What does the cane DO?  It's impressive as heck, but I can't tell.  Channeling his magic, certainly.  Are we going to lose Oz  right now?  With no chance to talk to Ruby or Qrow or anyone, to reconcile?  It seems all too likely, and such a waste.
Which makes me think, in turn, that perhaps we will lose Oscar too in a way.  Unexpected - I have always thought the merge would end with Oscar holding all the memories.  But maybe he won't be quite either of them anymore, even if he remembers both and the others still call him Oscar.  And that thought also makes me sad.
Anyway,  good episode, though now the title doesn’t seem particularly relevant. Hazel was much more the focus. 
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whatarubberchicken · 4 years
Oh My God, They Were Quarantined
This was meant to be more, but some things happened and well.... Here’s some light-hearted shenanigans.
Warning: Adrinette with DJWifi on the side. There will be adult humor (some innuendos) and brief talk about the quarantine. If you are triggered by either of these things, please do not read.
That being said, hope you enjoy!
Oh My God, They Were Quarantined
Alya picked up the phone on the second ring.
“Hello, this is Al—”
“Alya, help….” Marinette’s pleading tone was music to her ears. Alya chuckled and adjusted the phone so she could continue painting her toenails while talking.
“No can do, M. Six feet away is where I’ll stay,” she sang, enjoying her bestie’s groan of despair. “As mandated by both federal and local guidelines.”
“Alya, please. Let me come stay with you—we can say we have the virus—”
“I am not faking the plague so you can get away from your crush, Marinette,” Alya laughed. “I’m quite enjoying having my boyfriend all to myself while we both ‘work from home,’ if you know what I mean.” She winked at her own reflection in the bedroom mirror and continued painting.
Marinette groaned. “Alya, I didn’t need to hear that….”
“Then you definitely don’t wanna third-wheel over here. I promise you, we’re not quiet.”
“Please tell me you’re using protection.”
“Of course, I’m not stupid,” she said, rolling her eyes and starting on her other foot. “Besides, if I remember correctly, you were the one who insisted you could be roommates with the love of your life—”
“Because I thought our schedules would never let us be here at the same time!”
“—and who has insisted for years that she can be just a friend—”
“Alya, I am begging you!” Marinette pleaded. “I can’t take it anymore! He keeps trying to help me!”
Alya burst out laughing. “That’s what has you freaking out?”
“You don’t understand,” Marinette hissed. “He tried to make me breakfast this morning!”
Alya gave a low whistle. “Nice.” Go, Agreste! Maybe there was hope for him after all.
“No! Not nice. I was in my warm-weather pjs!”
A laugh escaped her. “You can call it a negligee, M. I won’t judge,” Alya said, unable to hide her grin at the thought of Adrien walking into her bestie’s room with a breakfast tray and coming face-to-face with Marinette in nothing but skimpy silk.
Oh Lord. These two were her favorite sitcom.
“Lemme guess, he dropped the tray.”
“More like flung it across the room and ran away screaming that he didn’t see anything!”
Alya facepalmed, shaking in silent laughter. That boy. He had everything going for him: looks, money, charm… but his innocence was gonna make it so Adrien Agreste died a virgin.
“And what did you do?” she couldn’t help asking.
“What do you think?! I hid in my room until he tried to get the vacuum, and then I had to intervene! He broke it last time!”
Alya snorted in laughter. “And you forgot to get dressed first, didn’t you.”
On the other end of the phone, she could hear Marinette groan in despair. “You know me too well.”
Alya said a silent prayer for one Sunshine Prince, who had to witness a vision like Marinette vacuuming up his mess in a negligee. She wondered how he’d survived. If he’d survived.
“How’d loverboy react?” she had to ask.
“He ran into the shower. Said he’d gotten some of it on him.”
Uh huh. Sure, he did. That had probably been the coldest shower in all of Paris.
“Well, at least he didn’t come out in nothing but a towel,” Alya joked, examining her hands and deciding against another coat of nail polish. Her attention sharpened when Marinette made a sound between a squeak and a dying whale. She sat up straight.
“He didn’t!”
“He forgot his clothes!”
Yeah, suuuure he did! Now Alya offered up a prayer for one Sweet Princess. Adrien Agreste in a towel and—no doubt—still blushing at his roommate? “Girl….”
“And he apologized again when he saw me out there and then fled to his bedroom,” Marinette finished, sounding exhausted.
Yup, that sounded pretty much on point for these two oblivious idiots. Two pining, barely-adults in a two-bedroom apartment, both of them seething with sexual tension.
She loved them so much.
“Now, he’s out on the balcony, singing Frozen songs!”
“I’m sorry, what?” The complete 180 from the previous conversation was blowing Alya’s mind.
“Remember how I told you he wants to help me? He read a blog about how plants grow better if you talk to them,” Marinette explained. “In fact, as soon as we were both dressed, he wouldn’t shut up about it. How he’s determined to help around the apartment while we’re both home. So, now he’s out there, singing ‘Let It Grow,’ to my flowers and herbs.”
Alya snickered.
“I swear, M. You’re the only girl I know who wants to marry a legit Disney princess.”
“Will you please help me?” Marinette begged.
“Sure. Here’s what you do,” Alya said, finally putting away her nail polish, “tonight, after he’s gone to bed, I want you to march right up to his bedroom—”
“Alya, no!”
“—bust the door in—”
“—and tell him you want to ride him like a champion racehorse and you’re a jockey with something to prove.”
“I’m hanging up on you,” Marinette grumbled.
“It’s either that or Candyland and Yahtzee all night, M,” Alya sang. Surely, one of them had to make a move soon, right? They couldn’t stay this way forever! They would die! She would die!!
“That’s not a bad idea….”
“WHAT? Oh, come on!” Alya moaned. “At least make it strip-Yahtzee—M?” Alya pulled the phone away from her cheek to pout at it. Marinette had actually hung up on her. And if she knew those two innocents, they really would be playing board games instead of trying to relieve some of the tension that had been brewing between them for years.
Darn it.
“Lahiffe!” she yelled into the living room. “Are you the one who suggested that Sunshine Boy go out into their living room in nothing but a towel?!”
“Yes!” her boyfriend called back. “Did he actually do it? He hasn’t called me back yet.”
“That’s because he’s too busy singing at flowers.”
Nino appeared in the doorway to their bedroom, pouting just as much as Alya was. “He was serious about that? I swear, that kid is such a hopeless romantic.”
“Does he really believe that Mari is gonna suddenly fall for him in the middle of a love song?”
Nino shrugged. “Knowing Mari, you gotta admit there’s a chance, Alya.”
“Ugh!” Alya flopped down on their bed. “It’s the middle of the day and my girl could be busy getting ravished by the love of her life!” She flung a hand to her forehead dramatically and then peeked out one eye. “That was a hint, by the way.”
“Yes, ma-am!”
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
January 27: Thoughts on The 100 2x09, Remember Me
...For some reason I was really angry at the beginning of this? Also there’s a lot of Lxa bashing. Sorry. And some Clarke criticism but in the latter case, I mean it well.
Also this is really long whoops.
So...I miss when killing off main characters was a big deal and people actually reacted to it.
I truly cannot take Lxa seriously I’m sorry. I don’t find her... intimidating at all.
I’ve already complained repeatedly about her complete bad faith deal making at every turn so I won’t go into it again but nevertheless, here she is, again, moving the goal posts of the negotiation. ‘I’ll withdraw my army if you cure the Reapers. No, if you give up your friend. No, if you give me his body.’ Clarke should have double crossed her immediately.
Also I know that I ultimately did think it was reasonable for Finn to face Grounder justice (except insofar as that justice was itself morally untenable--that is, the Torture Porn) but now that he’s dead, I think there’s no real moral argument to be made that the Grounders deserve his body. I understand their traditions, which in fact I found quite moving when I first watched this ep, but surely his people have, or could make up, some traditions for his burial also. He is still their friend. This seems like little more than an excuse to be cruel. And Clarke’s so fucking broken she just goes with it. It’s truly awful. I mean she’s doing the only thing she can do I guess but it’s laughable that she sounds as if she has any sort of upper hand, you’re getting played bitch.
(Yeah I know, Lxa is being ‘groundbreaking’ and ‘revolutionary’ by even semi-accepting capital punishment without torture and taking his body is a way of appeasing her harder line advisers but like cry me a river--she’s either the all powerful commander or she’s fucking not.)
“We want the same things.” Lol if you wanted the same things you would have stuck to the original deal. No I’m not over this at all I guess.
I also still can’t get over how Clarke has literally never earned true leadership in the eyes of her own people and yet she continues to be randomly viewed as a leader by the Grounders and thus retains pretty much full de facto control over her own people’s power structure.
Also Kane shut the fuck up. I completely forgot about this but they really did put him through an off-screen 180 where all of a sudden Lxa is a God to him and can literally do nothing wrong and to this day we have never been given an explanation how that came to be. Guess it’s easier to tell not show huh?!?
ALSO I get we’re suppose to see a sort of racism-corollary to lines like “I don’t think they know what peace is” like obviously this rubs one the wrong way automatically. But Abby’s not really wrong. And despite what Kane thinks, Lxa has given, again, NO indication at all that she is interested in peace. She has given a lot of indications that she wants to do whatever she can to wring as much from the Sky People as she can without giving anything in return and hey we’re only halfway through the season and she’s already psychologically broken Clarke (also the only person she acknowledges as the leader even though she is not, cannot emphasize this enough, the leader of anything... and thus the only person L really has to break) and sunk-cost-fallacy-ed her into submission. Now that Finn is dead Clarke would cut off her own tit to make Lxa happy because anything else is “letting him die in vain.”
...Why am I so angry lol?
I understand the positions of both Clarke and Raven in this scene, which is fucking brutal, but I sympathize more with Raven. Clarke’s basically just a messenger, but what the Grounders are demanding is (I know I already said it) cruel, and cruel to Raven above all. And Clarke is almost all business. I think that’s what she needs to be for herself but it’s not helpful to the situation.
Anyway here are my faves in Mount Weather. It’s almost hard to watch these scenes because I want to, like, memorize them. Partially for the C/M story and partially just because. Today’s adventure is getting to a radio to send a message to the Ark-wide channel, which is a term for a thing that exists. Also I forgot how snarky everyone / Miller was to Maya. Which, I get. But--are they not thinking about how her own people have experimented on her? Like she is expendable to them, this is just a known fact at this time. So yes, there is a real risk to her, Nathan.
“Oh, is that all?” / “No--there’s more.” Monty’s so one-track he didn’t even hear the sarcasm. I love him.
“Their army has been getting their ass kicked by Mount Weather forever.” Bellamy speaking the truth. Do they need the alliance, or do they just need the Grounders to back the fuck off from attacking them? (Spoiler: they do not need the alliance.)
Ah Bellarke, always quick to reassure each other. Blindly, even.
“Since I don’t take orders from you, I’m going to need a better reason” is one of my favorite lines, and underrated. Finally someone reminding Clarke she’s not actually in charge of everyone and everything all the time. (I realize this sounds like I dislike Clarke. I don’t. I just find certain traits of hers frustrating. But this just makes her a good character.) Also you can see that, rather like her moment with Raven, she falls back on being business like and direct and issuing orders to avoid talking about feelings or breaking apart.
The United States War Room survives the apocalypse.
I’m sorry but it’s ridiculous to think that Lxa invented the concept of an alliance lol.
I guess Clarke needs to go all in on the alliance because of Finn, but... I also think this is part of who she is. Her sense of practicality outweighs any human desire to hold a grudge, and I think she assumes a level of practicality in others too, automatically, such that she underestimates wariness in others. Like Bellamy and Gustus and everyone is right to be uncertain about this literally hours-old alliance--not even an official alliance, since L’s latest demand hasn’t technically been met!--and Clarke’s like ‘yeah I’ll sleep next to people who would have killed me six hours ago np!’ because now that she’s in, she’s in. She’s neither angry nor afraid.
Linctavia like “Google Earth, always taking pictures.”
Is Lincoln wearing Ark clothes?
I know Raven is made to look kind of wan and sunken and sad but yet this scene where she’s being disarmed is honestly like peak hotness for me and I don’t know why. I like my women sullen and covered in knives?
Interesting how allegedly only the warriors knew English and yet Lxa’s big announcement re: get in line with me or die is made in English. Just going to point out yet again what a big mistake that throwaway S1 line is.
What a sad life to lead, where random declarations followed by “or death” have to form the entirety of your belief system “Don’t be upset that your wife and child are dead...or I’ll beat you to a pulp.” I truly don’t understand how we were ever supposed to get in line with this society as sympathetic or interesting. So much so that they get a whole prequel I guess???
I’d rather have a Mount Weather prequel except not really, don’t ruin it for me.
I love Miller’s canonical insane superhuman strength. This is a trait often overlooked in fics.
The usual comment on Mount Weather scenes: I love all of it.
The thing is that if everyone were on board with the funeral ceremony, it is touching. Murderer and murdered together, and the people who’ve been hurt, on both sides, saying goodbye as a group. It’s just that Clarke’s people were coerced into this--they weren’t convinced it would be a fitting ceremony, just told ‘well this is how it is and if you don’t like it, we could perhaps... KILL YOU?”
Is this a new revelation that Mount Weather crashed the Exodus ship (still a really satisfying belated explanation imo)? Or did we know that because, unlike Monty et al, we knew about the jamming signals already? Can’t remember.
You can see how L came to believe what she believes but nevertheless this is bad advice lol. “Don’t care about other people.” Okay, I’ll just stop doing that then.
Mmmm, a feast in a subway station. Delicious. Fucking full pig head as the centerpiece. Very DC.
Kane (handing over pure space moonshine probably): Just don’t drink too much of it. Clarke (five minutes later): Guzzles whole bottle at once. #partygriff is officially canon.
Waiting until tomorrow to start the war? Procrastinators. Clarke didn’t kill Finn for this.
I love Certified Dramatic Ho Bellamy knocking the cup out of Clarke’s hand even though she had made no move whatsoever to drink it.
“When you plunged your knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish that it was mine.” Lxa, also a certified Dramatic Ho.
Clarke kinda deserved to be punched in the face given that it wouldn’t actually make sense for Raven to try to poison Lxa--and make Finn’s death mean nothing? And put them all in danger in enemy territory? Nonsense. Nevertheless it’s hard not to feel bad for her when she follows this accusation up with a psychotic break.
Hmmm, do I think Abby turning in Jake was the same as Clarke killing Finn? Not really. She didn’t directly kill Jake, that was Jaha, and Jaha is who Clarke should really be mad at. That said, I don’t think she was really saving anyone in the direct way Clarke was. So, apples and oranges. Crazy awkward moment to bring it up, though lol. “Oh Clarke, you’ll feel better eventually--remember that time I killed your Dad? I got over that! Wait--does talking about your dead father upset you? That’s a surprise!” Nevertheless I appreciate major actions having consequences as that’s a semi-rarity on this show.
Monty Green: hero.
“Lxa needs this alliance as much as we do.” - True, if she intends to get her people out of MW. “She’s shown herself to be flexible.” - Not true. She’s given the bare minimum of concessions. Kane, please crawl back out of her colon for like 5 seconds, get some air.
Interesting that Raven and Bellamy are chilling near each other. I wonder what they were discussing. Tbh Bellamy’s feelings on everything in this episode are rather opaque. Other than understanding why Clarke mercy-killed Finn and being skeptical of the alliance.
“Kill one person and destroy the alliance” is literally only merciful because the default in this society is “kill everyone all the time for any reason.” Like, I guess??? That’s mercy by comparison?? But forgive me if I am not moved to admiration.
“This time justice will be done” says the woman who used the barest sliver of evidence to decide that a random person was guilty so she could have a public execution. A public execution to replace the other public execution, in fact, not to avenge a death because Gustus isn’t dead. (Yet.)
Kane’s really okay with letting Raven be tortured to death, huh? Gah he’s fucking annoying.
Bellarke: Crime Solving Duo. That’s some satisfying teamwork. Clarke figures out how the scheme worked. Bellamy figures out who’s behind the scheme. With all the evidence put together, the motive becomes clear. (Honesty, they should have been suspicious that the poison not only didn’t kill Gustus, it barely harmed him lol.)
Check out all the Department of Homeland Security stuff on Monty’s computer. This is perhaps Dante’s log in? There’s a set of “personal” files too. And a set of President’s Office files, which one would assume not everyone would have.
Anyway, I have a Thing for tense sequences of hackers...hacking.
When I first watched this season I was often so tense my whole body hurt and it’s mostly because of MW scenes like this one where Monty is caught. Like aaaaah it still gets me. He almost makes it... and then almost makes it again, with his silly little salute... (Never forget that he is A Dork.)
On the one hand, Raven being tortured and then seeing Gustus tortured to death allows her to see why Clarke killing Finn was an act of mercy, to forgive her, and to move on, so the narrative can continue with them as allies and nominal friends. And it works, basically. But I also think there’s something to the theory that they were never the same, that the wound never really healed.
I’m sorry but Octavia’s face when Clarke’s like “Yeah B, you’re expendable, go get yourself killed, have a map!!” is hilarious. Like, he’s just said that Gustus doing anything for Lxa made sense, and Octavia responded with “Look at the thanks he got” which seems to me like She Knows and then 5 seconds later Bellamy is basically thrown away by the person we all know he’d do anything for... I mean the face is fair. Also this is Bellamy’s idea and it’s a good idea and so he was right before and Clarke is also right now, but it’s still so... annoying.... like “okay, I’m done caring about you lol bye.”
And Raven’s just totally confused. It’s been a damn long day I guess.
Why are they all such fucking hotties? It’s hard to pay attention to “the plot.”
So the ashes Abby tries to give to Clarke are the same ashes, perhaps, that Jasper scatters in S3? This vial looks smaller. Why did she not immediately give them to Raven? That would seem to be the obvious thing to do.
And here we see Clarke, under L’s direct influence, becoming Increasingly Insufferable. I love her but this is obviously supposed to be her descent into the abyss: she treats her friends like little expendable minions, she turns her back on Finn’s memory, and then she ends the episode by dramatically walking into a dark room in slow motion to creepy chamber music. I mean this is the hero’s fall guys!! That’s what it always was!!!
If only they’d handled Bellamy’s hero’s fall in 3A, and Clarke’s rise again in 3B, as well.
That ending is a straight up horror movie thanks that’s why this is my favorite season.
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