#title is from ‘london beckoned songs about money written by machines’ by panic at the disco
amewinterswriting · 1 year
Song Title Questionnaire
Tagged by @violets-in-her-arms-writes and this looked unusual so why not?
【rules】 using only the song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the question and tag 10 people.
【tag 】 ​tagging @red-pen-ally and OPEN to anyone who wants to give it a go. Since it's not quite a usual writblr one, I didn't want to tag people who only want to do writing related tag games.
【artist】 I reckon Panic! At the Disco could be fun for this!
what is your gender? ➳ ME!
how do you feel? ➳ High Hopes
if you could go anywhere? ➳ Behind the Sea
favourite mode of transportation? ➳ Old Fashioned
your best friend? ➳ Crazy = Genius
favourite time of day? ➳ Nine in the Afternoon
if your life was a t.v. show? ➳ Nearly Witches
relationship status? ➳ She's a Handsome Woman
your fear? ➳ London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
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saturnwritings · 4 years
the weather today is slightly sarcastic
—in exile, tommy is visited by techno, and while he wants to convince himself that he hates the fucking traitor, he's left feeling more comforted than dream ever made him feel.
word count: 1265
warnings: emotional manipulation (on dream’s side, only briefly mentioned)
“You’re really falling for that bullshit?”
A familiar monotone voice filled his ears, and Tommy shivered. Technoblade stood, leaning against a tree near the building of logsteadshire. Tommy mentally cursed himself for not noticing, the new blue bourgeoisie ‘retirement’ outfit stood out obviously from all the dull browns and greens of the trees. 
Tommy narrowed his eyes, his attitude a full 180 from when Dream was visiting. Dream, his only friend, at least that was what Dream told him. And who was he to not believe him? No one visited, no one cared, Dream was his only friend. 
“What do you want, Techno.” Techno laughed, amused.
“I just wanted to check up on my little brother, see how he’s doing.” Anger bubbled in Tommy’s gut in response to Techno’s patronizing tone. Tommy huffed.
Just moments ago Dream was waving goodbye as he exited through the Nether portal, Tommy already reminiscing on everything they had done that day: riptide practice, chest room expansion, Dream convincing him to take down more of the Nether bridge, villager trading, and more! Now Technoblade was here. Techno, the traitor, the smug pig hybrid dressed up in a bourgeoisie outfit son-of-a-bitch. 
(What was the saying about putting makeup on a pig?)
“...Shut up,” was the only thing Tommy could think to say. Techno smirked, his tusks glinting in the subdued moonlight. 
(Jesus, even the weather was dreary.)
An awkward silence filled the air, before a curious expression overtook Technoblade’s face. “So why were you hanging out Dream? Was he here to mock you about being an exile-Andy again?” Tommy grumbled.
“No. We were hanging out.” His matter-of-fact tone a facade of confidence. Techno rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sure you were, Tommy.”
Tommy was getting fed up with his brother. Dream and him were friends! They played games together and hung out and Dream always came to visit. He didn’t care what Techno thought, he betrayed them. 
(Why was he still trying to prove himself, then?)
“It’s true! Dream and I are friends. We- we’re- we hangout all the time and, and he actually cares about me unlike you. He gave me a trident, and we had cake together, he even let me keep my items today, and- and said he’d take me back to L’manburg for Christmas!”
He crossed his arms, “God, Tommy, you’re getting excited about Dream letting you keep your own items? Wow, some friend he is, huh,” Techno snorted and shook his head, “Jesus, how brainwashed are you?”
Techno laughed mockingly, but when Tommy cast his gaze aside and puffed his cheeks, Techno’s eyes widened. “Wait… you actually thought they cared about you? That they were going to let you back if you were on your best behaviour?” 
Something about Techno in that moment brought Tommy back to when they were all younger. When they hadn’t gone through all the hardships of war, when they were still a whole family, when Techno and Wilbur would always tease Tommy, for being younger, for being smaller. Something about Techno ridiculing him made him feel comforted, cared about, he knew it should embarrass him, but his mind was telling him it didn’t.
“Did Phil and I teach you nothing? Trust no one, Tommy. People might say they’re on your side but you have to realize that they’re not.” 
There was silence for a second, and Tommy shifted in his place, “What about you?” Techno chuckled, before moving forward and resting a hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
“That’s different. We’re on your side ‘cause we’re family, we have to stick up for each other.” He gave a lopsided grin. Tommy was again reminded of old Techno, a specific memory of them flashed through his mind, but it was still oh so vivid.
(“Stance wider, Tommy.”
“I know, I know, I’m trying!” Wilbur chuckled from under the apple tree.
“Try harder!”
Tommy huffed, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Distracted, he lost his footing, and he felt a wooden sword clash against his shins right before he fell to the ground.
“Ow…” Tommy closed an eye and rubbed the side of his head that had collided with the dirt, his own wooden sword dropped to the side of him. He heard Phil scold Wilbur in the distance. He almost started to tear up before hearing his brother speak.
“Here.” He looked up to see Techno with an outstretched hand. He grabbed it and was pulled up. 
Tommy bit the inside of his cheek before looking away childishly. 
“Your problem was that you got distracted. You were too focused on what people around you were saying that you forgot what your main goal was.” Tommy listened to his brother’s explanation.
“You’ve been reading The Art of War again, haven’t you.”
Techno gave a lopsided grin.)
Tommy felt conflicted as he reminisced.
“Dream and Tubbo and everyone else in L’manburg? They’re not your friends. To them, we’re nothing but pests. It’s ‘cause we always try to take them down, foil their plans, but, you know, someone has to do it, right?” Techno raised his eyebrows and nudged Tommy.
Tommy didn’t respond. His jaw was clenched, his eyes were strained, he didn’t realize he was clenching his hands so much until he felt something wet drip down them, and saw the crimson liquid fall, almost gracefully, down his arm.
“Dream’s my friend…” He started. He didn’t know what he was even going to say, so it didn’t really matter that Techno interrupted him.
“You think you’re special? You think you’re different to everyone else, to all the other pawns Dream likes to play around with?!” Techno’s exasperated tone showed Tommy how worked up he was getting.
“Tommy, the world we live in belongs to the enemy!”
Techno stared at him, Tommy squinted.
“Everything - everyone - is being controlled by him. Even you, Tommy, as much as you don’t want to believe it, you’re being used. He’s manipulating you! He’s not your friend, let alone your only friend!”
“Well, who is then?!” Tommy cut him off, “Who else is my friend? No one else visits me, no one- no one cares like he does!”
He was yelling. Techno’s face was expressionless, with only a hint of unamused. In between his yelling, the only thing you could hear was the faint crackling of the nearby campfire and the distance chirping of birds and cicadas. Tommy could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes, before falling and rolling down his cheeks. 
“You know, everyone says they care about me. Some people visit, but only, like, once, before leaving. Everyone leaves pity presents, Ranboo even sends letters, but, but no one actually, genuinely cares,” Tommy sniffled, “I have no one.”
Silence once again filled the air, the only addition was Tommy’s small sniffles.
“You have Phil, and you have me. Because, Tommy, as much as I hate to admit it, we’re family. And while I will never understand why you care so much about L’manburg and everyone else, I do care about you, and so does Phil,” he sucked in a breath, “and so does Wilbur.”
Tommy’s eyes widened.
“You have us, because no matter what side you fight for, you always have your family. And,” he paused “And I know that Wilbur would not have wanted you to be alone, either.”
Techno gave a small smile.
“The Retirement Home will always welcome you if you need anything.”
With that, Techno turned around and disappeared into the forest, leaving Tommy to stand there, shocked.
Tommy was alone again, but something in his mind told him it was only physical.
a/n: im counting this as a vent because its so dialogue heavy even though i know thats not a vent but i was really just self projecting onto tommy and techno in this haha also this is based on one of the songs from the ratatouille musical on tiktok the song is ‘django’s reprise’ from @/fettuccinefettuqueen
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prettyoddfever · 4 years
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here’s the set list from Panic! at the Disco’s first show in las vegas on august 12, 2005 and the master cd from after they finished recording in july 2005 (taken from scott’s instagram). 
if you ever see interviews with the band from a fall 2005 tour and ryan calls a song something odd or asks brendon “what did we end up calling that one?” it’s because the songs had been called something completely different... like for the longest time the demo for camisado was “relax relapse” (so some fans were super confused why that favorite wasn’t on the album). Some of the working song titles on the cd above also remained the familiar shortened names that the band kept using on their set lists waaaaay into the future (like Jon even used some in 2008).
intro = introduction
applause = the only difference between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage
NYC = london beckoned songs about money written by machines
nails = nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks 
relax = camisado
time to dance.
sweat = lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
interlude = intermission
cabaret = but it’s better if you do
flam chorus = i write sins not tragedies
esteban = i constantly thank god for esteban
top hats = there’s a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven’t thought of it yet
favorite things = build god then we’ll talk
“We saw that Fall Out Boy had a couple song titles that were really long. We were like, ‘Oh, that’s fun.’ We started doing it. Bands like Name Taken and a lot of the bands in the scene were doing cool stuff like that, so we took it a step further. Nobody had song titles that were as long as ours.” - Brendon to Kerrang (x)
also: can we take a minute to appreciate brendon’s initial autograph on that set list? ha I remember so many kids who met him in fall 2005 saying he signed something for them & it looked like a heartbeat line
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crying-overit-all · 3 years
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im kinda bored rn so imma just do this lol
1. song i discovered this month- lets go by stuck in the sound
2. a song that always makes me smile- dream boy by waterparks, that song is always going hard
3. a song that makes me cry- heroes by david bowie
4. song ik all the words to- holding onto you by twenty one pilots
5. a song that proves i have good taste- uhh music taste is subjective technically no one has good taste 🧍‍♀️
6. a song title in all lowercase- wonderful life by bring me the horizon
7. a song title in all uppercase- like a rockstar by chase atlantic
8. an underrated song- idk like i said music is subjective
9. song title with three words- plug in baby by muse
10. a song from my childhood- break your heart by taio cruz. what a throwback
11. a song that reminds me of summer- borderline by tame impala, though ive never experienced a summer listening to it, i think it fits the summer vibe
12. a song i feel embarrassed listening to- anything by the smiths lmaoo theyre a guilty pleasure
13. the first song that plays on shuffle- i dont have one big playlist i just have little individual ones lol
14. a song that someone showed me- the cult of dionysus by the orion experience
15. a song from a movie soundtrack- fox on the run by sweet (from the guardians of the galaxy soundtrack)
16. a song with no words- waltz of the flowers by pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky
17. a song about being 17- icarus by with confidence (its not about being seventeen but its mentioned a few times)
18. a song that reminds me of someone- wish you were gay by billie eilish reminds me of a group of friends i have
19. a song to drive to- i dont even have a drivers permit bc i cant find where to get it on the dmv website smh
20. a song with a number in the title- 100 bad days by ajr
21. a song i listen to at 3am- im up at three am almost everyday and i listen to a lot of music during that time, nothing specific. its almost three am rn and im listening to cinnamon girl by lana del rey lol
22. a song with a long title- london beckoned songs about money written machines by panic at the disco
23. a song with a color in the title- blue velvet by bobby vinton
24. a song ive had stuck in my head- none at the moment
25. a song in a different language- una mañana by josé josé
26. a song that helps you fall asleep- i cant fall asleep to music anymore
27. a song that describes how i feel right now- i dont really listen to music that describes how i feel about stuff lol
28. a song i used to hate but love now- heaven knows im miserable now by the smiths
29. a song i want/have downloaded- when i used a mobile i had the whole three cheers for sweet revenge album by my chemical romance downloaded on itunes i miss it
30. a song i want to share- hm im not really sure if i have one lol
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cryptiboy · 4 years
what emo bands or songs would you recommend?
hello anon thank you so much,, before we begin this roller coaster I wanna add that my boyfriend @autitransylveon also has very good emo music taste that differs from mine, so I definitely reccomend also going and asking him,,
Literally the way I ordered these is not important, you are probably better off listening to them in order of how cool the titles sound to you, some of these don’t fit under “emo” music I feel like but they are emotional and have emo vibes to me so I put them in anyway,, also a lot of these have topics and lyrics that are very seriously upsetting because it is emo music so watch out for that!!! I hope this helped introduce you to some new songs and bands and stuff!!!
Faces - Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Icicles - The Scary Jokes
Feelin’ So Matryoshka - The Scary Jokes
Felt Like I Had Died - Left At London
I Don’t Trust U Anymore - Left At London
Personal Space Invader - AJJ
Heartilation - AJJ
Kokopelli Face Tattoo - AJJ
Toxicity - System Of A Down
Chop Suey - System Of A Down
Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace
Pain - Three Days Grace
Get Out Alive - Three Days Grace
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Basket Case - Green Day
My Lovenote Has Gone Flat - leathermouth
Attention Reader - Pencey Prep
Brother - Gerard Way
Empty - Kevin Abstract
Rock Baby - Foxx Bodies
Annie - Foxx Bodies
Thrash Unreal - Against Me!
Black Me Out - Against Me!
In Too Deep - Sum 41
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Yer Killin’ Me - Remo Drive
February - Beach Bunny
Torniquet - Evanescence
Bring Me To Life (Synthesis) - Evanescence
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Touch Up - Mother Mother
Oh Ana - Mother Mother
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Body - Mother Mother
Oleander - Mother Mother
Little Pistol - Mother Mother
Infinitesimal - Mother Mother
Dark Days - PUP
Reservoir - PUP
Sleep In The Heat - PUP
Bare Hands - PUP
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage The Elephant
Halo - Cage The Elephant
Cold Cold Cold - Cage The Elephant
Aberdeen - Cage The Elephant
Pressure - Paramore
That’s What You Get - Paramore
We Are Broken - Paramore
Careful - Paramore
Brick By Boring Brick - Paramore
Turn It Off - Paramore
All I Wanted - Paramore
Monster - Paramore
Decode - Paramore
Papercut - Linkin Park
Numb - Linkin Park
Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
Faint - Linkin Park
Thnks Fr The Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
20 Dollar Nosebleed - Fall Out Boy
Time To Dance - Panic! At The Disco
Camisado - Panic! At The Disco
Northern Downpour - Panic! At The Disco
The Ballad Of Mona Lisa - Panic! At The Disco
London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines - Panic! At The Disco
New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco
I put My Chemical Romance songs seperately, because it’s Different they’re Special to me I tried to keep this list to a minimum,, anyway emo ass MCR songs:
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Headfirst For Halos
Demolition Lovers
I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
Thank You For The Venom
Cemetery Drive
I Don’t Love You
This Is How I Dissapear
Famous Last Words
The Kids From Yesterday
Fake Your Death
All The Angels
Kill All Your Friends
Desert Song
Bury Me In Black
The World Is Ugly
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rules: only using song titles from one artist/band, answer the questions and then tag 10 people.
Also side note had to wait until I could get to a computer because mobile wouldn't let me post it.
Tagged by @idkhaylijah
Tagging: @eternityunicorn @mollytuna @snowflake-bunny @humans-areweird
@bbcbecausebenedictcumberbatch @highladyofravenclaw @seasofgalaxies If you want to and anyone feeling it!
artist - Panic At The Disco
what is your gender? Girl That You Love
how are you feeling?   Impossible Year
if you could go anywhere, where would you go?  London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines
your best friends?  Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time
if your life was a tv show?  Crazy=Genius
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nearlybitches · 4 years
London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines: Lyric Analysis
Here is an analysis of the lyrics and meaning of this song. This post is part of a masterpost for the songs off AFYCSO. You can find the masterpost here. Enjoy!
  Much like The Only Difference, this song is a commentary about the music industry. The song title comes from the quote, “[e]xtremely torrid tunage from London beckoned songs about money written by machines the novel” in the novel Shampoo Planet by Douglas Copeland. This song is particular centers around how the band thinks they will be viewed by the music industry.
Stop stalling, make a name for yourself
Boy, you better put that pen to paper, charm your way out
If you talk, you better walk, you better back your shit up
With more than good hooks while you're all under the gun
Start talking "a sensationalist"
Oh, he's slightly clever to just a certain extent
The opening line can be seen as the band talking to themselves in a way. They got signed to a record label now they need to ‘stop stalling’ and make their album. The verse as a whole is talking about how they can feel the pressure to be successful. They have to ‘back their shit up’ (have something to show for it) if they want to be famous or successful. ‘Good hooks’ is likely referencing having good music (both lyric-wise and instrument-wise) while the gun is a metaphor for pressure. Sensationalism is a journalist tactic for making headlining stories, though it often comes at the expense of accuracy. In this case, the band doesn’t want to become ‘the sensationalist’ because they want to be more impactful and truthful. They want to have music that means something instead of something that will simply be popular. 
(Panic!, meet the press)
It's time for us to take a chance 
Panic! is often the abbreviation for the band so they’re talking about themselves. They’re stepping into the music industry and taking a chance. 
Well, we're just a wet dream for the webzine
Make us it, make us hip, make a scene
Or shrug us off your shoulders
Don't approve a single word that we wrote
This is basically talking about what will happen to the band. They’re either A. become the ‘next big thing’ and be successful (the first two lines) or B. never really make it as a band (the last two lines). For newer/younger fans, a webzine was basically a magazine that was published on the internet. 
I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs
Boy, you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue
I could see this either being a metaphor for cracking under pressure or letting the fame get to your head. 
Well, keep quiet, let us sing like the doves
Then decide if it's done with purpose or lack thereof
This is likely talking about how people were judging them before they’d even put out a record. Doves are symbolic of peace. I believe this is Ryan essentially saying to wait and see, listen to the record before you judge them. 
Just for the record, the weather today
Is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of
A: indifference, or B: disinterest
In what the critics say
This has to be my favorite line in the song just because of the way it’s worded. “Just for the record, the weather today” is a reference to Diary by Chuck Palahniuk in which the character Misty writes journal entries in her diary using that phrase to describe her emotions. This stanza is basically saying they’re going to do what they want and they don’t care what the critics have to say.
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geronimo-11 · 4 years
Tagged by: @minilev thank you!! This was fun! 😊
Rules:  Only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people.
My artist of choice: Panic! At the Disco
What’s your gender?: She’s a Handsome Woman
How are you feeling?: High Hopes
If you could go anywhere: London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines
Your best friend(s): I Constantly Thank God for Esteban
Favourite time of the day: Nine in the Afternoon
If your life was a TV show: Hey Look Ma, I Made It
Relationship status: Impossible Year
Tagging: @ms-sakurai @mtwalker @chyrstis @shellibisshe @sharky-broshaw @seedlingsinner @foofygoldfish @returnofthepd3
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queenofavalon3 · 4 years
rules: only using song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people
Thank you @foreverhauntinghearts for the tag❤
Artist: Panic! at the Disco
Gender: Girls/Girls/Boys
Feeling: Impossible Year
Favourite mode of transportation: The Overpass
Best Friend: Sarah Smiles
Travel anywhere: London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines 🇬🇧
Favourite time of day: When the Day Met the Night☉🌙
If my life was a tv show: I Wanna Be Free
Relationship status: Build God, Then We'll Talk
I'll tag💜 @candicewright @merlinmyrddin @fueledbyprocrastination @a-small-batch-of-dragons and @anyone who wants to do it
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ttrashbbin · 4 years
Rules: only using song titles from one artist/band cleverly answer the questions and tag 10 people.
Tagged by: no one, I wanna do this, sorry guys haha
Band/artist: Panic! At The Disco
What is your gender: She had the world
How are you feeling: To Weird To Live, To Rare To Die
If you could go anywhere: London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
Favourite mode of transportation: Ready to Go
Favourite time of day: Nine In The Afternoon
If your life was a TV show: Crazy=Genius
Relationship Status: build God, then Talk
I tag: @badwolfinthetxrdis @imtootiredallthetime @bewarethebitchbites @sunniebelle @klaus-sweetbaby-hargreeves @travelersmindpalace
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pucciverse · 5 years
6 14 15 16
6 - answered!
14 - a song with the name of a place in the title
I was doing a toss up between Beverly Hills by Weezer and London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines by Panic! so....both!
15 - a song that reminds you of traveling
God anything from the album From Under the Cork Tree or Pretty. Odd honestly those are my Go To travel albums BUT to be specific....A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More “Touch Me” by FOB is my peak road trip song
16 - Favorite childhood song
For whatever reason Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison was my fucking JAM when I was a kid like. Absolutely obsessed with that song. Also What’s New Pussycat by Tom Jones but that’s a whole fucking meme now skkxdkkf
Thanks for asking 🥺💘
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mydark-aesthetic · 6 years
Repost! Do not reblog 👿
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag some people 💀
Artist/Band: Panic! at the Disco
Favorite time of day:  Nine in the Afternoon
What is your gender: Girl that you love
How do you feel: Mad as Rabbits
If you could go anywhere:  London (beckoned songs about money written by machines)
Favorite mode of transportation: Nicotine
Your best friend: I constantly thank god for Esteban
If your life was a tv show: Impossible Year
Relationship status: Build God, then we’ll talk
Your fear: The end of all things
Tagged by: @trash-lux
I tag: @ultra-sassybitch  @emotionaltrinityfreak @i-write-memes-not-tragedies666 @xbandsarelifexx @cheezyjacketslut @brendons-chemical-forehead
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dickplinko · 6 years
Ok so we all know about Panic! And FOB being infamous for using sentences as song titles. I think their should be a band added to this club. Mayday Parade. Just hear me out by looking at this list of the the three bands and there songs. In case anyone is wondering I went in order of albums oldest to most recent and then first to last on the albums.
Panic! At The Disco
The Only Difference Between Suicide And Martyrdom Is The Press Coverage
London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet
The Green gentalmen (things have changed)
The piano knows something I dont know
From a mountain in the middle of the cabins
Ready to go [get out of my mind]
Don't threaten me with a good time
That is 10 songs
Fall Out Boy
Tell that mick that he just made my list of things to do today
Grand theft autum/where is your boy
Sending post cards from a plane crash [wish you were here]
Reinventing the wheel to run myself over
Our lawyer made us change the lyrics to this song so we wouldn't get sued
Of all the gin joints in the world
I've got a dark alley and a band idea that you should shut your mouth (summer song)
Sophomore slump or comeback of the year
Champagne for my real freinds, real pain for my sham freinds
I slept with some one in fall out boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me
A little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me
Get busy living or get busy dying (do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows)
Snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers
My heart is the worst kinda of weapons
I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off (me and you)
I've got all this ringing in my ears but Jones on my fingers
Headfirst slide into Cooperstown on a bad bet
My songs know what you did in the dark
That was 18 songs
Mayday Parade
When I get home your so dead
The last something that meant anything
If you wanted a song written about you all you had to do was ask
I'd hate to be you when people find out what this song is about
Champagne is for celebrating (I'll have a martini)
You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, I'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds
It's hard to be religous when certain people don't get incinerated by bolts of lighting
If you can't live with out me, why aren't you dead yet?
I'd rather make mistakes than nothing at all
Without the bitter the sweetness isn't as sweet
Happy endings are stories that haven't ended yet
The torment of existing weighed against the horror of nonbeing
Nothing you can live without, nothing you can do about
One of them will destroy the other
Keep in mind, transmogrification is a new technology
Look up and see infinity, look down and see nothing
That was 16 songs
So conclusions Panic! actually has the least.
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caitsbooks · 6 years
Tag Game: Song Questions
I was tagged by @drinkcoffee-readbooks
Rules: Using only song title from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions then tag 10 people.
The Artist I choose: Panic! At The Disco
What is your gender? She's a Handsome Woman
How do you feel? Bitersweet
If you could go anywhere:  London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines
Favourite mode of transportation: Behind the Sea
Your best friend:  I Constantly Thank God For Esteban
Favourite time of the day: Nine in the Afternoon
If your life was a TV show: Impossible Year
Relationship status: High Hopes
You fear: Girls/Girls/Boys
I tag: @utterly-booked @lorienkittybooks @acrylic-kitten
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alexenglish · 7 years
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so I got tagged to list my nine favorite albums of all time by a handful of people who I know and love and can’t find because Tumblr’s search function is actually more trash than it used to be-- so if you tagged me, thank you! 
I definitely went the nostalgic route with this one. for me, favorite album definitely means it has to have longevity. if I get bored of it after a few years well, what’s the use. the only recent ones are ones I connected with on a deep, emotional level and I hope they stay with me as long as the others have. 
Fall Out Boy Take This to Your Grave this is just one of those albums that’s going to stick with me forever. I found it through YouTube after I’d listened to Dance Dance for approximately 7 hours straight and needed to know more about this band. I still go through phases where it’s all I’ll listen to for weeks. favorite tracks: Calm Before the Strom & Patron Saints of Fakes and Liars
Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree this genuinely my favorite album of all time. if I could only listen to one album for the rest of my life it’d be this one. favorite track: Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
Coheed and Cambria Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness this is the album that bumped all the other contenders off my top nine. every track is absolutely immersive. there’s literally no beating the guitar solos. favorite track: Welcome Home
Panic! at the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat Out this was one of the defining albums of my LIFE. I love everything they put out, but this album is so engrained in my soul, I don’t think Brendon could make an album that surpasses it. favorite tracks: London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines & Time to Dance
Evans Blue The Melody and the Energetic Nature of Volume idk what to say about this album except I fucking love it and it’s some of my favorite lyric writing like, ever. favorite track: Beg
Escape the Fate Dying Is Your Latest Fashion I LOVE THIS ALBUM I AIN’T EVER GUNNA STOP LOVING THIS ALBUM. this album is the literal embodiment of my teenage angst and I love it for that, and I love it for the fact that as I grow older, it takes a new meaning like it’s growing with me. favorite tracks: The Guillotine & There’s No Sympathy For The Dead
Dance Gavin Dance self titled another album I have nothing to say about except I fuckin’ love it and it made me who I am. favorite track: Alex English (OBVI)
Halsey Badlands I cried the first time I heard this album. it’s kinda scary how much I relate to this album and my interpretation of the songs. I feel like this album hits everything I’ve ever felt about myself, my mental health, my relationships. the fact that she even has a cover of I Walk The Line tacked onto when it’s one of my favorite songs is kinda, y’know, fate or whatever. favorite tracks: Ghost & Strange Love
Zayn Mind of Mine yeah yeah, no one is surprised. when I first got it I didn’t stop listening to it nonstop for 6 months. six months of just. Mind of Mine. all the time. as much as I could. I really don’t know how to explain the ways in which I connect with this album, but it’s rooted in my soul place. favorite track: Do Something Good
honorable mention: Kendrick Lamar Damn., Niall Horan Flicker, A Skylit Drive Wires...and the Concept of Breathing, My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
I promise my taste in music extends outside of Local Scene Kid genres, but you really wouldn’t know it looking at this, would you?
tag you’re it: @robynzain @slimthiccniall @raleighrambles @sleepy-skittles @clarz @hobrien @wepush @nightwideopen @aweekofsaturdays @queerlylonnie @queerlylibra 
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badassindistress · 7 years
I was tagged by @wingsandscales to do this fun songtitle game:
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people.
Artist/band chosen: Panic! at the disco
What is your gender: Girl that you love
How do you feel: Victorious
If you could go anywhere:  London beckoned songs about money written by machines
Favourite mode of transport: Pas de cheval
Your best friend: I have friends in holy spaces
Favourite time of day:  Nine in the afternoon
If your life was a TV show: She had the world/Time to dance
Relationship status: Build God, then we'll talk
Your fear: The end of all things
I tag: @adorablecrab @desperadore @montparnassee @petalproufaerie @tissueboxesforseals @fishandchipsandvinegar and everyone else who wants to
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