#goddamn fascists
clonerightsagenda · 16 days
I don't care what kind of hotshot future surgeons they have, I can't believe that they replaced all the specials' bones with synthetics, for multiple reasons (some would be difficult and dangerous to remove without damaging important tissue, you need your pelvis/sternum/spine for marrow production, 16 year olds aren't done growing although idk if Dr. Cable cares about that) but now I am imagining 35 year old Tally alone in the wild with the world gone to shit yet again because of and despite of her best efforts staring at her own cast-off 16-year-old skull.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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pillow that loves you
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
"It’s interesting how often people cite “CDC guidance” as their reason for unmasking. Although the CDC has absolutely participated in and cosigned the mainstream minimizing of the illness, even the CDC still acknowledges that vulnerable people are at risk from COVID infection. They simply encourage the public to let those people die.
During an interview with the BBC in the fall, Dr. Fauci famously said aloud “You’ll find the vulnerable will fall by the wayside. They’ll get infected, they’ll get hospitalized, and some will die.” Should he have characterized any other vulnerable group this way (“You’ll find Native people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find trans people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find Black people will fall by the wayside,” “You’ll find women will fall by the wayside”) there would surely have been an almighty backlash. But to say medically vulnerable people must die so the rest of us may have brunch indoors does not beget such a reaction- never mind that all the above-named groups- Native people, trans people, Black people and women- are at a higher risk for Long COVID, and other poor outcomes from COVID." ... "The move to frame the requirement of a public safety measure- no different from requiring seatbelts, helmets, pants and shoes in public- as a violation of bodily autonomy came directly from groups like the Atlas Network, which, as you might gather from its Ayn-Rand-worshipping name, opposes all public regulation. Meanwhile, we continue to violate the bodily autonomy of disabled people by making participation in public life contingent on accepting forcible, continual reinfections. Since Biden’s COVID normalization campaign, MAGA-style rhetoric about how disabled people should “stay home forever” and how they are “useless” and “weak” has absolutely infiltrated left spaces. Many disabled people, in fact, are effectively “staying home forever.” They are shielding themselves from a disease that may kill them, and certainly would likely lower their baseline health, and have been for years. Meanwhile, the pleas of these incredibly isolated people for the bare minimum of solidarity- please at least mask up indoors when not eating or drinking- are ignored because that is apparently too difficult for the mental health of abled people." ... "A last point I will address, I did see questions about how we are supposed to “force” people to mask. Disabled people, vulnerable people, and left groups generally do not have the power of the state. We are not going to be engaging in “policing,” because nobody is going to end up in jail, physically hurt, on probation, or with limited job prospects because of our community care. Simply write “masks required” on your event invites, distribute masks wherever possible (contact your local Mask Bloc!), and do your best to spread information while modeling good praxis by masking yourself. For the most part, people are following the crowd. They will do what the majority is doing, and many will be happy to mask if it is normalized instead of stigmatized.
A left that purges its spaces of everyone who values community care, everyone who is willing to experience a minor inconvenience for the well-being of another, everyone who thinks it’s all of us or none of us, is a drastically weakened left. A left that does not incorporate disability praxis is drastically limiting its own scope and ability to be effectual. A left that mocks vulnerable groups and seeks to justify harm to them is not grounded in real justice and has only a superficial understanding of its own aims. Join us in masking, keep your comrades safe, and relish the beauty of avoiding illness while knowing you did your part to protect others. It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, I promise you that."
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acebytaemin · 2 months
we literally need to start shaming people for ignorance again
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If I could Thanos snap a single time, I think I might use it to teach all the "But she supports Israel! :(" crowd what the Overton Window is and how we shift it left.
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collectorcookie · 3 months
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Mmmmmm i love knowing my life hinges on the fact how much some random white guys in a fancy room can paint me as disgusting, inhuman, immoral, stealing resources etc. towards some other white people who will then use me as a black sheep for anything they suffered ever. And then we can call that democracy ❤️
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kerryeurodynes · 2 months
getting into work and immediately being berated by one of my direct reports even after being told his tone was unacceptable was NOT how i wanted to start my day this morning (aka a few hours ago already) lmao. that’s a one way ticket to a write up i have to figure out how to give you buddy (he’s 3rd shift, so)! enjoy! kick rocks! i was here and officially on the clock not even for a full minute man
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yourpalmalika · 9 months
just read harry and kim's postdance argument if you fail the red dance check on fayde. Nope! Never doing that ever!
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for no fucking reason: real life dictatorships in the 20th and 21th centuries are almost always allowed to thrive because of some empire's interests. If not, they get heavily demonized then dismantled by said empire over a relatively short period of time (unless exceptional circumstances, tho it's almost always applicable). the examples are countless; please read declassified reports and interviews from the CIA/KGB/other intelligence agencies across the world to lose your mind about it, especially those involving what happened during the Cold War and what happened in the Middle East (and still does).
characters like ganondorf are the epitomy of the fantasy that colonized/"exotic" countries naturally spawn evil incarnate and must be controlled/stumped/imprisoned/destroyed by the "responsible ones" while the perfect good place is perfect and utterly blameless about what went down and how the local population suffered (which, in real life, the empires of the world are most definitively not that --the amount of dictators that were ushered into power by western interests is staggering and we fucking love to see it don't we). And also, a blameless victim to whichever retribution eventually comes back their way.
It is a rethoric that denies interconnectivity and historical responsibility.
this is what I criticize about the narrative choices of a fictional conflict that *does not exist in real life* and has been entirely made up by human beings: the cowardice of blamelessness, and what little this kind of narrative brings to the table --especially today when we should be looking at the root cause of broken systems of violence instead of endlessly scapegoating minorities.
and well, especially given how effective this narrative apparently seems to be.
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anakinh · 2 months
gotta say my taking a break from cr was probably good because the moment i come back i am reading bad takes and getting angry. goddamn it
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sscarletvenus · 5 months
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*** election campaign ads on youtube AND on this hellsite too.... **** kys!!!
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dandylion-s · 5 months
The way that indian media JUMPS on any news of violence against zionists but will stay absolutely silent on the thousands of children killed in Palestine...like get me the hell out of here
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
So hard being an “I hate attack on Titan and think it’s fucking bad” bitch in an “I love attack on Titan 🥺” world
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campanellamaria · 5 months
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yes I suppose the strongest word we could describe genocide with is """"''''unflashy"""'''''
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ryuutchi · 2 years
How have I encountered MULTIPLE people who tell me IRL ageplay with my partner is fine, but somehow the exact same scenarios written straight down out of my brain mean I must desire exactly what I'm fantasizing
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lilithfairen · 1 year
RWBY hatedom, stanning another angry white dudebro shitting on the series: "How dare the fans say anything negative about him! What an awful fandom! These people are so unreasonable!"
Me, one of the sort of people whose existence in a fictional setting is no small part of why angry white dudebros like him hate the show and the people who make and enjoy it:
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