#going thru and privating my selfies
hugheses · 2 months
what is your rarest/proudest find
oh man this is a good question LOL. i have like a gazillion miscellaneous selfies with fans saved some of which have never hit tumblr but those aren’t very interesting.
in general i would say the crumbs i find on facebook im pretty proud of bc its a nightmare to find anything on there and 99.9% of the time i walk away empty handed. for example this pic of jack and nico at the seattle ferris wheel that oomf posted i found in the trenches of that site
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i also once found some pics of jack and quinn and josh at a bar in nyc in 2021 on fb that they weren’t tagged in or even mentioned in the post bc the devils went there and i scrolled their entire feed 😭😭😭 i have that in my queue or a draft i think but i suppose i could post it today.
also the stuff from damon’s wedding 😪 do u know how hard it is to find the ppl involved in a wedding when the people getting married have private instagrams 😭😭😭 i deserve an investigative reporting pulitzer for that.
alsooooo the jack bruins baby pic from getty 😣😣😣 it was like glitched so u couldn’t even see it on english getty images and i found it thru google to take me to the dutch site? i emailed with some getty rep but now the pic is gone completely 😭😭😭
also anytime i’ve posted like magazine pdfs omg i went thru a whole thing where i t*rrented magazines it was an ordeal
ooh and this pic of jack in a team canada jersey bc it’s funny lol
a lot of the favorite finds i have aren’t really pics or stuff i can easily post/explain but like. it’s really satisfying for me to like, go on a scavenger hunt. recently i was curious about a pic of jack and alex from when they were kids and i spent a few hours researching the tournament and at first hit dead ends until i came back to it later and found it! that kind of thing is just addictive to me and why i do this. i just love going on research binges 😭😭😭 i do it for non blorbo related stuff too.
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glosswave · 4 years
idk if any of my old oomfs/mutuals are still active here, but hi. it’s been a while, i’m 20 and a man now. i’m big on kpop nsfw twt now..  lol
thx for all the attention i was given here, y’all made me ignore my homework luv u <3
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muwur · 4 years
snapchat headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for using snapchat w ur boi toi ft. the pretty setter squad
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.1k words
a/n: kinda a combo of how they use sc and the kinds of snaps they send you! along w wat u send them, and uh... dating stuf n shenanigans? texting/snapping habits? my fantasies? IDEK ANYMORE EOFHEFJ
this was born from the recesses of my mind , which desired nothing mor than snapchats from suga , us sending cute selfies , others bein dumb n chaotic , no context videos , n him snapping me photos of some mangoes on sale he said he’ll buy for me DXX it’s too late for me now
doing research on hq bois and surfing thru sc features (im just now realizing theres quite a bit?? im hoping i address most of them at some point lolol) instead of real life tings aHHhhhHAHA
requests: open! will be working on a suga one i got, dw, requester!
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✧ sends good morning and good night snaps
✧ so he’s rlly good at keeping streaks, probs has the longest ones (one of them being y’alls streak)
✧ posts tidbits of volleyball practice on his story every once in a while
✧ snaps you pics of his sleeping teammates when they’re coming back to school after a long day of matches , adding a single ‘❤️’ as a caption
✧ he will also create colorful masterpieces on all of them
✧ gives daichi a santa beard, tanaka a squiggly stache (i imagine it to look like spongebob n patrick’s seaweed ones now that were mEN), n kageyama sum angry brows,,, wait he already has them lolol u good der kags
✧ posts a picture of you when you’re hanging out, captioning it: “🥰“
✧ has conversations with you purely via snaps
✧ ranges from casual chats and checking up on u to crackwhoring ( ** indicates the photo, while the “” quotes indicate the caption, all snaps are italicized, otherwise its regular dialogue)
✧ suga: *peace sign* “hey sweetheart, how r u?”
✧ you: *pics of homework* “ahh, drowning in school ;-; i cant wait for this week to be over fghjkl”
✧ suga: *close up with :o on his face* “let’s study together tmrw!”
✧ or
✧ suga: *complete darkness* “its 3 am n i cant sleep”
✧ you: *the top half of your head, laying on a pillow* “ ;( aw babe. do u want me to send something to help u sleep?”
✧ suga: *still in darkness* “y u still up?? go sleep. n 🥺 yes pls”
✧ you: *snaps pics of feet* “that’ll be 50 bucks, pay up” 
✧ suga: *darkness remains* “can we make a trade instead? i promise to make it worth ;)”
✧ ok now u BOTH cant sleep (im sry my crackheading be acting up around 2am eeryday, i stan a mischievous suga--)
✧ video chats (in the darkness lol) instead until you both pass out (im not in luv u r 😭)
✧ super down to take filtered selfies w you
✧ does all the silly ones with you (things like ’angry face’ or the frog one)
✧ but also rlly digs lookin cute with you using some heart crowns, y’all an aesthetic (n crakhead) duo fosho
✧ def subscribes to life hacks and tries them out himself, has a 50% success rate
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✧ doesn’t rlly use snapchat too much
✧ but when he does
✧ will either send you a picture to indicate he’s at volleyball practice (wow wat a sexi lookin gym floor)
✧ or some random picture of whatever he’s doing at the moment (*drinking milk*)
✧ this is mostly in order to save streaks
✧ he’s so bad at streaks
✧ “why does it matter?? what’s the point of sending just black screens or whatever’s in front of you at the moment??”
✧ can’t keep a consistent streak for more than 3 days and also doesn’t care (until hinata challenges him to see who can have the longer one)
✧ when you send him videos of him playing, he really focuses on them to try to improve his technique. asks you to send those vids to him (assuming u saved them, which u did)
✧ but when you look over his shoulder when he’s watching a video and give him some compliment (“i recorded at the perfect moment! that was a really good set, kageyama!”), he gets a bit flustered
✧ gets even more flustered but pretty happy whenever you post videos on your story showing karasuno winning some points with captions like:
✧ “footage of the legendary quick >.>” or “karasuno crows flyin high!” or “these bois make my heart 😭 im so proud”
✧ you WILL catch him off guard in photos, using filters that surrounds his head w/ emojis like 🥺💖🥰💘
✧ you also put these on your story (to his dismay)
✧ ppl comment on these mor than anything else (n for those who dont rlly kno kageyama, theyre kinda surprised to him like this)
✧ hinata snickers “hey kageyama you look pretty good here--”
✧ takes some selfies with you, mostly cuz you want them
✧ saves them after u send them over (n secretly cherishes them)
✧ occasionally watches his subscriptions, they’ll usually involve sports, mostly volleyball (who woulda guessed)
✧ you use his bitmoji to test out random facial expressions you would never see him wear
✧ you: “can you smile and wink like this? act like you’re the obnoxious charming guy in a shojo.”
✧ will actually attempt, but it looks so bad that you die inside and he never wants to try again cuz of ur laughing outburst (you: “😭😭 bb im sorry i couldnt help it”)
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✧ literally sends you anything and everything
✧ morning bathroom selfie to show off how good his hair came out that day, saying:
✧ “he has risen”
✧ or “i woke up like this”
✧ and my favorite, “you’re lucky you get this content for frEE”
✧ selfies with iwa, who just looks annoyed and exasperated at the camera
✧ sends you pics of his lunch and snacks (“bet u wish u had milk bread too”)
✧ always packs extra milk bread so he could convince you to stay at his practice after school--
✧ will either use the filters that make him kayooottt (cute)
✧ loves the ones named ‘hearts,’ ‘soft,’ ‘peach,’ ‘butterfly cheeks,’ vsco filters LOL, etc
✧ uses ‘big mouth’ when he feelin a bit sASSY; also loves to use this one when he rants, it channels his inner valley girl
✧ sometimes he’ll be snacking or drinking something while he does so (“hey guys today im gonna eat these milk buns from my favorite bakery and this bomb orange juice and complain about this little kid who talked smack to me earlier and almost made me cry--”)
✧ takes cute selfies with you, is an aesthetic selfie king, puts them on his story to show off he’s hangin with you
✧ but on your story you only post the ones he looks bad in LOL
✧ has separate stories for his every need, some r private (and lucky you, ur included in all of them)
✧ titles them ‘mean things iwa said to me today,’ ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ ‘a day in the life of oikawa,’ ‘volleyball 🏐,’ ‘unpopular opinions,’ etc. 
✧ fitting room photoshoots lol
✧ “y/n, what do you think of this??” “and this?” “oOH WHAT ABOUT THIS??”
✧ ends up calling you through video chat so you can live critique his choices
✧ “oikawa, please no, i can’t be seen with you in public if you wear those--”
✧ also changes his bitmoji’s outfits from time to time, hopes you’ll notice, but you don’t LOL (oikawa: ;((((((( )
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✧ uses sc usually just to reply to messages ppl send him
✧ indifferent about streaks, but keeps a few with ppl he’s closer to
✧ mindlessly plays the snapchat games with you, finds some of them kinda cute
✧ you both made his bitmoji for him, dressing his up in the orange cat suit
✧ you also helped make kuroo’s and put his in the black cat suit to match--
✧ snaps you every time he gets a new game, starts playing it, and once he finishes
✧ started to post some gameplays and reviews on his sc story (might as well add them to sc since he was already on other social platforms), and ended up amassing a large following
✧ follows the tech and gaming stories on sc
✧ as well as the ones with cute animals--
✧ open to selfies with you, usually wears a calm expression and holds up a peace sign
✧ even occasionally sticks his tongue out
✧ his story is occasionally heavily bombarded with candids of him w/ pretty sc filters, all taken by you
✧ but of all the filters, you love using the clout glasses on him
✧ especially when he’s just minding his own business
✧ “kenma, in his tru habitat” when hes cocooned in a blanket
✧ “kenma, on his way to steal yo manz” while on his way to the bathroom
✧ “kenma, next iron chef. watch out gordon” as he’s cooking instant ramen
✧ “kenma” n das it
✧ but he thinks it meme-y so he lets you do whatever you want, kinda digs it
✧ you end up dedicating your snap story to memes of kenma and the nekoma volleyball team. ppl are in it for the shits n giggles n hot bois
✧ you later discover someone else did the same thing with their volleyball team filled with hot bois from shiratorizawa, and you befriend tendou and share funni internet tings
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✧ 99% of his photos include either you or bokuto or both
✧ bokuto spams akaashi’s story and contact list with selfies and videos of himself using weird filters, often gets you to join him
✧ has several streaks, but will send something with more substance than a black screen or his bedroom window
✧ will usually involve smthng that just happened to him or smthing he saw, like:
✧ “a kind older lady offered me some apples in return for helping her”
✧ “how do i break the news to bokuto that the yaikniku place he’s been wanting to go to for the past week ,,, is closed today”
✧ o n let’s not leave out:
✧ “is it possible to conjure a ghost using a wooden spatula, ketchup, and a chalk drawn hexagram? bokuto’s been paranoid ever since he tried last night and i dont know what to tell him. seriously, help”
✧ looks through stories occasionally, comments whenever bokuto makes questionable decisions
✧ also comments on whatever you’ve posted. his words range from “you’re cute” to “why,” depending on the content
✧ ppl know when y’all are hanging out cuz he’ll post smthing to indicate he’s with you, usually it’s some candid and you’re not paying attention
✧ appreciation posts for you as well! esp if you got him something, like onigiri or his fav, Nanohana no Karashiae , for lunch! (akaashi: *snaps a pic of his food* “thank you y/n for feeding me”)
✧ prefers video calling over texting/snapping whenever possible tho
✧ occasionally reminisces thru his sc memories
✧ enjoys the flashback feature and will send them to you and bokuto (cuz they’re about y’all anyway lolol)
✧ also has secretly saved a bunch of selfies of himself, consists of him trying out a lot of the filters (he feelin himself)
✧ you, one day, looking thru his phone and discovering them: “akaashi, you’re so pretty wtf”
✧ akaashi: “...”
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✧ sends you selfies of him before practice
✧ during breaks
✧ and after practice, usually makes a comment about how it went for him that day like:
✧  “i hit a decent toss today and futakuchi actually complimented me!”
✧ that, or:
✧ “i got yelled at 17 times today 😢😩”
✧ has quite a few streaks, his longest ones being with you and hinata
✧ def uses filters
✧ tries out every funny one he finds and sends you videos
✧ “look y/n im an aaaaAALlliiEEENnnNNN oo oo hoo hhhooOOh”
✧ “now im a chicky nuggy!!” (chicken nugget)
✧ also enjoys the doodle feature
✧ but he uses the filter with the clout glasses unironically--
✧ usually when smth good happens to him and he feels happy and/or cool about it
✧ “just beat the boss in this game on my 69th try B)”
✧ “kogane, that’s--”
✧ plays sc games with you and thinks bitmojis r cool
✧ kinda sad he cant find a hair option that matches him tho lolol rip
✧ you: “you hair’s just,,, unique,,,”
✧ subscribed to anything sports and fitness, as well as pop culture so he can stay in the loop
✧ also watches everyone else’s stories, pointing out whenever he sees smthing cool and/or interesting
✧ “woahh, karasuno’s at nationals right now! i wish we could’ve won, but next year for sure!!”
✧ you encourage him at all his games, hyping him up irl and online
✧ “koganegawa: best setter 😍!!”
✧ luckily you didnt record the parts he completely messed up LOL
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✧ before going out with you, snaps you a pic of his casual outfit like:
✧ semi: “does this look ok”
✧ you: “babe you look great, tendou was just messing with you”
✧ will make unwanted appearances on tendou’s snap and complains to you about them
✧ “i didnt consent to being part of his meme page” and
✧ “okay, but he didn’t only have to share all the moments i messed up--”
✧ also indifferent about streaks but will do them
✧ sometimes sends snaps/streaks indicating he’s practicing his music
✧ when you see these you usually ask him to send you vids or if you can come over n watch
✧ initially is a bit shy about it but he loves what he does and you and knows you’re genuinely interested and supportive so he agrees
✧ secretly rlly enjoys having you as his personal audience
✧ lowkey into asmr, like the soap cutting shit as well as chewing crunchy things
✧ also watches food porn and clips of mukbangs, then can’t resist going on youtube and watching the whole thing
✧  “y/n, can we try this, it looks so good--”
✧ will also often watch oikawa’s stories, especially his ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ and makes comments about him being an idiot
✧  “this kid he’s talking about is a savage”
✧ but admits they’re quite entertaining
✧ just looks serious in all the selfies you take with him
✧ you: “can you look like you’re enjoying yourself?”
✧ semi: “i look cooler like this tho”
✧ sc memories filled with shenanigans from you and the volleyball team, doodles, and mirror selfies with him experimenting diff looks (you: “tendou, you got him way too concerned about this”)
✧ also enjoys showing off he’s with you, taking a short video of you when you hang out
✧ you: “semi, i look bad right now”
✧ semi: “but you can never look bad”
✧ you: “🥺 bb”
✧ viewers: “aw”
✧ shiratorizawa: “can he be this nice with us LOL”
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✧ his main mode of communication with you is mostly through the regular messaging app, so he doesn’t use sc too much
✧ also doesn’t care for streaks and is bad at keeping them
✧ will answer to you or his senpais rather soon tho
✧ but lets all his other notifications pile up a bit before finally going thru them
✧ goes through the snaps he receives really fast, spending like 2 seconds each to look at them cuz aint nobody got time for dat
✧ doesn’t even rlly open goshiki’s LOL
✧ you have fun using filters on him and taking videos while he’s just doing his own thing peacefully like studying
✧ it takes him a second to notice and when he finally looks up, he just gives you an exasperated look
✧ cue you cracking up with laughter bc the filter finally shows up on his face
✧ his eyes and mouth are now on mike wazowski
✧ that, or his face becomes so disturbingly moRPhed like an alien
✧ caption: “ken-chan, my future medical man 😍”
✧ “y/n, please, this is like the 7th time in the last 20 minutes--”
✧ finally convinced him to take a study break and hang out with you
✧ which usually consists of snacking and light banter while you lay your head on his lap
✧ and scrolling through snapchat stories and showing him what everyone else is up to and cool things you’re subscribed to
✧ “loooook, dr. miami’s doing another butt job! is this the line of work you’re studying so hard for?”
✧ “no, it’s really not”
✧ is actually very soft with you and likes having the photos and vids for memories
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✧ sends you snaps where his brother looks bad, captioning it:
✧ “this is evidence that im the hotter twin”
✧ likewise, osamu sends you snaps where atsumu looks even worse
✧ like, the mans passed out, looking rekt and open mouthed, drool seeping into his pillow
✧ osamu: “u still have time to break up with him”
✧ also lucky for you, atsumu also loves to take unflattering photos of you and send them to you randomly at like 2 am
✧ you: “nani tf when did you even take this??”
✧ usually posts a snap while he’s out somewhere like at a match, the gym, outside on a run, a party, or just hanging out with you or his frens
✧ however, makes sure you look good if you show up on his story cuz he wants to show you off
✧ doesn’t really care for streaks, but has a lott
✧ but also has a tON of unopened snaps
✧ is the type to send just a black screen n call it a day, or maybe spice it up by sending a pic of the sexi gym floor (a comeback) w his shoe in the corner
✧ will, however, consistently respond to you and kinda looks forward to ur snaps (secretly hopes you show ur face)
✧ but when you dont:
*in class*
✧ atsumu: *a smirk on his face* “your content’s kinda dry today” 
✧ you: *your sexi desk* “my nudez ain’t free, i demand compensation”
✧ atsumu: *grasped his chin in thought, but angled the cam up bc he needa hide his phone in class lolol* “what if i... take you out on a romantic excursion”
✧ you: * your face but with ‘sausage’ filter* “🥵🥵🥵🥵 yessir, what u want”
✧ rlly only wants to have pics of your face wat a closeted sOFTIE
✧ likes to have content on his flashbacks
✧ usually has other social media sources to keep up to date with things
✧ actually rlly digs using sc filters, mostly ones that’ll make him look like a queen
✧ captions a selfie of you two like: “me >>>>>>> y/n”
✧ but nearly everyone who comments on it is like: “i think you flipped the sign, bro 🤥”
✧ judges ppl who are into soap cutting asmr (you will never hear the end of it if you also like it)
a/n: sc kinda dying for me, my use went from suga to an atsumu to like nearly nonexistent LOL
also o gawd i already have ideas here n there for a pt 2 so stay tuned fjxnwfesd hope it takes me less long cuz this one took me fkin foreva LOL
idk y i made semi like mukbangs but i feel like he’d be rlly into them--
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Us, May 3
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Meghan Markle: My Baby, My Way
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- rufflemania -- Hollywood style stars are tier-ing it up in this flattering design with feminine flair -- Tracee Ellis Ross, Kaitlyn Dever, Margot Robbie, Logan Browning, Nicola Coughlan
Page 3: Lizzo, Maude Apatow, Lucy Boynton, Jessica Alba, Lily Collins
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Anya Taylor-Joy vs. Isla Fisher vs. Regina King in Stuart Weitzman Nudist sandal
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Shonda Rhimes on the intense backlash she received over Rege-Jean Page's exit from Bridgerton, Kelly Ripa on her most embarrassing interview, Luke Bryan on his mother LeClaire's Instagram fame, Blake Shelton on The Voice's new coach Ariana Grande, Reese Witherspoon joking about wearing bottoms that aren't sweatpants
Page 8: Contents
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Page 10: A Final Farewell to Prince Philip, his four children Prince Charles and Princess Anne and Prince Andrew and Prince Edward were among the loved ones who participated in the emotional ceremony, feuding brothers Prince Harry and Prince William (and his wife Duchess Kate) put their differences aside after the intimate service, due to Covid-19 protocols the grieving Queen Elizabeth stayed socially distant from the other 29 people who attended the funeral for her husband of 73 years
Page 11: ACM Awards 2021 -- Maren Morris teamed up with her husband Ryan Hurd and won Female Artist of the Year, Thomas Rhett won Male Artist of the Year, Carrie Underwood took the stage
Page 12: Hot Pics -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley wore an orange coat during a visit to NYC, John Stamos plays a coach on the TV show Big Shot, Zach Braff goofed around on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen in L.A.
Page 13: Eva Longoria on her trampoline while aboard a yacht in Miami, Howie Mandel arrived to the set of America's Got Talent dressed as a bug in Pasadena
Page 14: Jon Hamm and his rescue dog Splash strolled around the neighborhood in L.A., Heidi Klum in all white in Pasadena, Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry take a stroll in L.A.
Page 15: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes held hands after dinner at Il Segreto in L.A., Patrick Dempsey shot a scene for his show Devils in Rome
Page 16: Rachel Brosnahan in a blue dress and carrying a clear umbrella on the set of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in NYC, Lin-Manuel Miranda at the opening of a vaccination center for Broadway workers in Times Square, Trisha Yearwood feeds one of her rescue pups
Page 18: Gen Z Has Spoken -- these celebs are making the young kids proud -- Baggy Jeans -- Hailey Bieber, Tracee Ellis Ross, Bella Hadid
Page 19: Middle Parts -- Busy Philipps, Lizzo, Jennifer Lopez, Kourtney Kardashian, baguette bags -- Dua Lipa, Elsa Hosk, Irina Shayk, Kendall Jenner
Page 20: Seeing Double -- stars bear a striking resemblance to their famous counterparts -- Elizabeth Banks and Chelsea Handler, Emmanuelle Chriqui and Nina Dobrev, Betty Gilpin and Jodie Comer
Page 21: Rob Lowe and Ian Somerhalder, Jaime Pressly and Margot Robbie, Isla Fisher and Amy Adams, Rupert Grint and Ed Sheeran, Kyle Richards and Kacey Musgraves
Page 22: Clueless Crew -- stars are totally buggin' over Cher Horowitz's style in yellow plaid -- Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, Katie Holmes was rollin' with her homie beau Emilio Vitolo Jr. in NYC, Vanessa Hudgens, Dianna Agron
Page 23: Gabrielle Union
Page 24: Stars They're Not Like Us -- Jay Leno took one of his vintage automobiles out for a spin in L.A., Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took a selfie with a fan while grocery shopping in Beverly Hills, Kylie Jenner has custom vending machines
Page 25: Carrie Underwood in her massive walk-in closet, Denzel Washington signs autographs for fans in NYC, Megan Thee Stallion on a private plane, Drake and his bodyguard in Beverly Hills
Page 26: Stars They're Just Like Us -- Sarah Jessica Parker catches a yellow cab after working at her shoe store in NYC, Brad Paisley picked up five pizzas to go in Montecito
Page 27: Kelly Osbourne handed out goods at a drive-thru food distribution event at the Islamic Center of Southern California, HGTV's Egypt Sherrod transformed her closet into a meditation space in Atlanta, in between filming Law & Order: SVU's Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T take a selfie
Page 28: Hollywood Dads -- Scott Porter on parenting his two kids McCoy and Clover
Page 29: Jonathan Tucker on life with twins Hayes and India, parenthood is a lot tougher than Jovi Dufren imagined, Maksim Chmerkovskiy can't wait to show son Shai his work
Page 30: Love Lives -- Rihanna and A$AP Rocky are showing no signs of slowing down -- the pair enjoyed a night out in L.A. hotspot Delilah where they were holding hands and laughing and they're not hiding the fact that they're dating but they just don't want people in their business -- they're a good match and are each other's best friend
Page 31: Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber may look like the picture-perfect couple, but Justin admits that their first year of marriage wasn't what he expected, saying it was really tough and there was just a lack of trust and he blamed the strain on his own personal struggles and said before he didn't have someone to love or someone to pour into but now, more than two years after exchanging vows with Hailey, he has that
* Kacey Musgraves' romance with Dr. Gerald Onuoha is giving her butterflies -- the pair are so happy they found each other and while Kacey, who split from her husband Ruston Kelly last summer, is trying not to get too ahead of herself, her connection to the Nashville-based doc is off the charts and it's got the potential to go a very long way
* Today's Savannah Guthrie is thankful to have husband Michael Feldman in her life, especially given the demands of her early morning work schedule
Page 32: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are getting serious -- all the details on their whirlwind romance
Page 33: Adapting to parenthood has been a breeze for Emma Stone and she's soaking in all the precious moments of being a mom for the first time -- she and husband Dave McCary welcomed their baby daughter in March and Emma is super protective and a very hands-on mom and Dave is also hands-on and helps with their daughter -- thanks to the little one, Emma's marriage with the comedian has also gotten stronger and having a baby has brought them closer in a way they never expected -- Emma is looking forward to getting back to work; she's taken this time off to embrace motherhood and her number one priority is to raise a healthy baby so that's what she's focused on right now
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* Britney Spears is setting the record straight -- despite her ongoing conservatorship battle with her dad, Jamie Spears, she is doing totally fine, assuring fans that she's extremely happy and she has a beautiful home, beautiful children and she's taking a break right now because she's enjoying herself -- although the legal drama with her father is heating up, Britney is staying strong and she has this wonderful ability to see the positive even when the odds are against her
* Keeping Up With Us -- production for the Downton Abbey sequel is underway, Mossimo Giannulli is a free man, Chrissy Teigen returned to Twitter 23 days after announcing that she was leaving the platform, Vanessa Bryant remembered her late husband Kobe Bryant on what would have been their 20th wedding anniversary, Helen McCrory lost her battle with cancer at age 52 according to her husband Damian Lewis
Page 34: A Day in My Life -- Whitney Port
Page 35: Colton Underwood is ready to live his truth -- during an interview on Good Morning America, the former Bachelor came out as gay, saying he's run from himself for a long time and he came to terms with his sexuality earlier this year and he's the happiest and healthiest he's ever been -- now that he feels like he can finally breathe, Colton is excited for his next chapter, which fans will get to see on an upcoming reality show with Olympian Gus Kenworthy -- a huge weight has been lifted off of Colton's shoulders and he is looking forward to being his authentic self
Page 36: Moms Tell All -- Happy Mother's Day! From milestones and manners to rules and nanny-bans, celebs and insiders talk about raising kids in Hollywood
Page 37: Bindi Irwin says life at home with her daughter Grace Warrior has been positively blissful and her family with dad Chandler Powell is so full of love, adding that the newborn has already met some of the wildlife at the Australia Zoo where Bindi and Chandler live and work and of course she's seen some crocs and really lit up when she saw them -- while the Aussie conservationist is sad Grace won't get to meet her late dad Steve Irwin, Bindi's brother Robert Irwin and mom Terri Irwin have been by her side constantly and Robert is obsessed with Grace and has been helping out so much and her mom has been the biggest guiding light and she's already taught Bindi so much about being a mother, both in how she raised her and by showing her things day by day and Terri is quite the baby whisperer and she's so great a calming Grace down when she's crying -- first-time father Chandler is also a natural with Grace and he's been the most supportive and involved dad and together, he and Bindi make such a great team -- for now, Bindi, who stars with Chandler in Crikey! It's a Baby!, is hoping Grace will follow in her animal-activist footsteps, saying having three generations of strong women working as conservationists is a dream come true
* Jennifer Garner said teaching your kids is a lifelong job, and certainly values are something you have to show them -- Jennifer, who shares kids Violet, Seraphina and Samuel with ex Ben Affleck, is staying true to her word and has led by example when it comes to things like kindness and patience and she won't let anyone in the house to judge or speak ill of people, and she enforces the same wholesome, traditional values that she was raised with and the kids have been taught to be loving, hardworking and fair -- Jennifer has always taken a kids-come-first approach to parenting, and it shows as they bake together, enjoy movie nights, read books and have very active lives and it's a very healthy, happy household filled with laughter and love
Page 38: Gwen Stefani has her hands full with her sons Kingston, Zuma and Apollo with ex-husband Gavin Rossdale, but she wouldn't want it any other way -- Gwen's a tomboy, so having three boys wasn't daunting for her at all, plus she has fiance Blake Shelton by her side to pitch in with parenting duties and Gwen and the boys have a blast at Blake's ranch in Oklahoma where they enjoy riding their ATVs, and they play baseball and football -- it's not all fun and games, though because Gwen is big on boundaries and manners and she doesn't want to raise Hollywood brats and it's important to her that her sons be gentlemen
* Meghan Markle's pregnancy with Archie was no walk in the park, as she revealed during her bombshell TV interview with husband Prince Harry, the couple had concerns over whether or not the royal family would provide security for their son and claimed there were conversations about his skin color -- but this time around, as Meghan and Harry gear up for baby No. 2 at home in L.A., she's doing everything her way, without the royals and Meghan and Harry feel blessed that they're able to raise their daughter in the U.S. and can live by their own rules and make the decisions they feel are best for their children; having independence is the most important thing for Meghan and she's got free rein to be exactly the kind of mom she wants to be -- her parenting style is really like most mothers out there, and she's been craving pasta and doing yoga two times a day as her due date nears and she keeps a lot of art supplies out to foster creativity and healthy snacks around and she's a devoted mom and wants the best for her kids
Page 39: Kate Hudson has a lot on her plate, so the mom of three, who shares son Ryder with former husband Chris Robinson and son Bingham with ex Matt Bellamy and daughter Rani with boyfriend Danny Fujikawa, knows when to put her foot down as things can get a little overwhelming at times for Kate, but when she says no, it absolutely means no, and the kids respect her very much because of that
* Gigi Hadid, who shares daughter Khai with boyfriend Zayn Malik, wants to spend every waking moment with her precious little girl -- Gigi could easily afford to employ a team of nannies but chooses not to and she prefers to do everything herself and besides, she can't bear to be away from Khai for more than a few hours
* Candace Cameron Bure's three grown kids are flying the coop, but she's still super involved in their lives, despite slowly becoming an empty nester -- the mom of Natasha, Lev, and Maksim with former hockey player Valeri Bure says it's been a very transitional time and she's been trying to help them make decisions they feel good about and it's challenging, but they're figuring it out
Page 40: Oh, Baby! Meghan Markle's due date is just around the corner, and here are all the details
* Bump Brigade -- Halsey, Gal Gadot, Shawn Johnson East
Page 42: 10 Years of the Cambridges -- a look back at Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's solid marriage for their anniversary
Page 44: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: What Really Happened -- cheating and lies? The truth behind J.Lo's split from fiance A-Rod
Page 45: Friendliest Exes -- these former couples managed to stay close after going their separate ways -- Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz
Page 48: Gifts for Mother's Day
Page 54: Entertainment -- Ben Barnes on Shadow and Bone
Page 58: Fashion Police -- the most daring Oscars looks -- Bjork, Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron
Page 59: Rachel Weisz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga
Page 60: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me -- Julia Michaels
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notveryglittery · 4 years
so @/dysaniadisorder​ posted this really cute zoom moxiety art and then i posted some selfies in a discord server and the reactions from that + this moxiety art got me feeling even more Fluffy than usual so here’s a very rambly au that i stream of consciousness wrote in half an hour lol 
idk about anyone else, but i had a pen pal through english class in middle school for a little while. so what if, patton and virgil meeting through being pen pals. patton's letters are as bubbly as his stories, he includes stickers on the pages and the envelope, and uses *so many* exclamation marks. virgil meanwhile, tends to write very little and mostly just in reaction to whatever patton said. because sure, the letters are sent to the school and they've been told not to give away personal information, but y'know... Just In Case.
except for one towards the end of the program, when patton really doesn't want to lose contact with virgil, so he shares his instagram. and he says no pressure of course i dont even know if you have an instagram but here it is if you ever wanna try to keep talking. and bc roman's his best friend, of course virgil has instagram (ugh). so of course he checks patton's profile. and oh *no* he's as cute as his bubbly handwriting and his stories and stickers and exclamation marks
virgil's never really mentioned this whole pen pal thing to roman, because roman's english teacher did not sign her class up for it and he knows roman would be jealous. but he made the mistake of checking patton's profile in roman's presence and if anyone's going to notice a Gay Panic™, it's roman
so of course roman grills virgil and virgil caves bc like what?? else is he gonna do?? but anyway, roman hits the follow button for virgil but then virgil throws his phone across the room and breaks it so can we get an f in the chat
meanwhile patton's studying with his step-brother logan when he gets a little chime from his phone and? oh a new instagram follow that's neat, who's [insert cool username for virgil]? except of course virgil's profile is private so patton has to follow back to see any photos. except virgil's phone is busted! bummer
cue virgil not getting a new phone for a week or two bc idk he's in trouble for breaking the old one to begin with and by the time he finally does get a new one, he totally spaces on installing instagram. so it's like a month and a half later when roman asks him why the heck he hasn't been liking roman's pictures that virgil remembers. and then he also remembers patton. *oh god patton* how could he ever forget, he is a fool, and patton probably hates him now, or he must be super worried, bc the pen pal program is over so they havent been writing and then he just disappeared off the face of the planet which?? well patton should have expected it a little because he did say it would be okay if virgil didnt want to keep in contact but *oh god patton*
virgil installs instagram and finds patton's follow request (and like 32 comments from roman demanding that virgil like his photos what kind of best friend is he smh)
and he accepts it 
and then while he's still riding his bravery high, he messages patton "hey it's virgil" and then Very Calmly sets his phone down before screaming into a pillow
meanwhile patton's busy cheering logan on at his swim meet but this does mean that he's posting all sorts of encouraging cheesy stuff to his story which means virgil is already getting a sneak peak into patton's life and wait oh my GOD is that his voice???????
virgil is very gay and he is having a Time
anyway patton also almost breaks his phone when he sees the follow request approved *and* the message!!! because lowkey , he considers virgil a pretty close friend!! he vented in some of those pen pal letters! said some things he couldn't bring himself to say to anyone else. and virgil was always so patient and kind and reminded him of all the good things to help and balance out the bad things.
so y'know, fast forward thru lots of instagram interactions. messaging each other late into the night. virgil always liking patton's photos and leaving a single "💜" comment on every one. they talk about roman - and how he's virgil's best friend and he may be dramatic and loud but he's reliable and genuine - and they talk about logan - and how patton wouldn't know anywhere near as much as he does w/out him and how they have sleepovers in the basement every saturday.
and fast forward to moving on from instagram to discord, and joining servers of fandoms they're both in. making a server for themselves + roman + logan (and *oh boy,* introducing roman and logan). sending silly memes and posts that "made me think of you", late night texting that ends with one sending the final “i guess you fell asleep, sweet dreams <3″ message, and the other sending the “oops i did, good morning <3″ message in return 
and sure, roman might post pictures on instagram of himself and virgil, but virgil's always half-in half-out of frame or he's blurry or he's looking away. and so one day, he posts a selfie in their friend server because he's just got his hair dyed purple and he's *so excited* and patton. patton didnt even have time to prepare can we get an f in the chat
there are a LOT of keysmashes and hearts lol
roman is still laughing by the time patton manages to calm down. patton sort of flat out demands for a group video call aljsdf
logan and roman, all this time obviously because they can't be out done, have already had plenty of personal voice and video calls themselves. sometimes it's just to help roman run lines or help logan study for a test. but they have been on the receiving end of patton and virgil gushing about their respective crushes so they're in full support of this tbh
so they set up a group video call that night, roman and logan like immediately muting themselves bc let's be real we all know the real reason behind this. patton is gushing about virgil and virgil's hair like, right off the bat, and virgil is slowly but surely disappearing into his hoodie and the lighting in his room isn't very good, but gosh patton is *melting* and then
and THEN
patton pauses to finally drink out of his cooling hot cocoa and virgil takes the opportunity to clear his throat and sit up a little out of his hoodie cocoon and says thank you
and y'all we thought virgil was all Gay Panic™ when he saw patton's face in photos for the first time? and then he broke his phone when roman followed patton for him?
patton does a spit take and chokes on his hot cocoa and kind of maybe shorts out his laptop ajsdkjhsf
because we gotta go full circle baby
roman disappears from view on his camera because he just rolled off the bed he's laughing so hard
you know logan definitely anticipated this, so he's been on best buy's website this whole time, ready to find laptops on sale / schedule an appointment to get patton's laptop fixed
and uuuhhhh yeah :) pen pals to friends to lovers long distance moxiety, with background probably-qpr logince because that's the Vibe i'm getting. with bonus best friends prinxiety and familial logicality!! thanks for reading :D 
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blissfulparker · 4 years
alright, so you and Tom would find time that would work for him to fly down to you to see you for 3 or 4 days & at first you’re both lowkey like is this a lot? Is this moving too fast? Bc you’ve only seen eachother in person for 45 minutes in an AIRPORT but you guys talk/facetime everyday so it’s not like you don’t know eachother. you’re thinking how it would be nice to actually hug him & talk to him in person and toms already set that he’s gonna do more than shake your hand this time he’s gonna make those 4 days count. So he’d fly in super early so he could run into as little ppl as possible & bc more time with you 👀 and you’d pick him up and bring him a coffee and a breakfast bagel or somethin & you’d be NERVOUS bc we’re actually here to see eachother and hangout, in person. For the first time ever. and you’d second guess making a big fuss over it bc it’s just you, you’re not that special but when Tom sees you he’d have the biggest smile and maybe drop his things so quick to grab you in a hug that you’d laugh and be blushing and he’d definitely be like well fancy meeting you here! and the hug would probably be longer than necessary but you’re both so happy to actually hug eachother and you’re both nervous to let go and make eye contact and wow he smells good wow STOP BEING WEIRD. he’s got a nice grip on me, like he don’t wanna let go STOP BEING WEIRD. and he’d do the whole European kiss on each cheek thing and you’d be like damn hope he does that every time he sees me I could get use to this. Lol. And he’d probably snapchat a video to his brothers and friends of him in your car and he’d be like 4 days with my favorite person. and you’d be like damn maybe I am special he just put me on his private social media so you’d smile and interact in the snaps he sends his friends when he turns the camera to you. and he’d book a hotel nearby you even tho you said he could stay at your house & he’d tell you he booked the nice hotel to try to lure you to stay with him, and that if you let him cuddle you he’ll let you have unlimited room service. 😘😌 and the fans would be goin crazy. Bc tom would post that he was flying out and that he was in your town and they’d be like IS HE GOING TO SEE HER?! And they’d be looking thru your story with a fine tooth comb to find if you’re with Tom but you only post a selfie or you getting breakfast in the morning they’d be waiting for Tom and airport girl CONTENT. and tbh next chapter Tom would wanna give the ppl what they want 😏😏
You have done it again. Fic anon you have done it again!!! Ugh this whole thing is so cute like hugging him for the first time would truly be something🥺
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joecial-distancing · 4 years
2019 in review in review:
A few years ago I started tracking yearly goals, books read, movies watched etc in a year, along with overview blurbs, in private posts. End of 2019/beginning of 2020 I was really frazzled/burned out about a lot of stuff and just never finished up making the thing. 8 months later, got the urge to read back what I’d got done, then figured I’d maybe go ahead and see about finishing. 
Media tracking below the break. thoughts/blurbs written in 2020 italicized, 2019 not.
Didn’t do so hot on explicit personal goals, but had a lot of stuff go ok around them this year.
School’s been fine/better than fine.
Job’s probably the biggest failing. Still with same job, haven’t made the firm moves to jump off, dragging my feet too much on exploring stuff w/ Columbia/NASA GISS.
Did not get better with covid, lol
Dating life still non-existent, but I’ve registered on apps, gotten more comfortable with selfies, improved general social life dramatically, been flirted with, updated my wardrobe, and generally started to get comfortable accepting that I’m a hot person.
Somehow got extremely better during covid.
Grant (finished)
We stan a taurus legend
Guy was good at exactly one job, and was fortunate enough to have been in the right place/right time to get to do it.
Mort (discworld)
Definitely best discworld I’ve gotten to so far.
Don Quixote p. II
Really entertaining in a way that part 1 wasn’t; I was shocked how much the meta element landed for me.
Consider the Lobster (DFW collection)
had zero context on who DFW is/was when I read, and still don’t exactly tbh. Wanted to wait for a pause in The Discourse before diving into more of him, but dunno if I’m ever going to get that.
Crime and Punishment (revisited)
Weirdly didn’t get much more out of this than I did the first time I’d read it
Better Than Sex (HST Gonzo papers)
Xerox/widespread fax accessibility opening citizen access to mass media in a manner really reminiscent of what social media would go on to do at a much larger scale. Has a much more deliberate narrative arc than the other gonzo papers collections, also has that excellent HST richard nixon eulogy
The Brothers Karamazov
Slouching Towards Bethlehem (Didion collection)
Pet Sematary
Not my favorite King, but not bad
Sourcery (discworld)
still funny/charming, but Mort really made clear/reminded me how much the hapless sadsack Rincewind mold of protagonist wears on me after a while.
The Devil's Teeth
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Liked it a lot more once I realized it was doing a Fear and Loathing thing.
Homage to Catalonia
This should be the Orwell that gets taught in schools. Make it a followup to All Quiet on the Western Front or something, jeez.
Lyndon Johnson I
Having now finished all of them, this one’s probably the least-interesting but sets up a bunch of important context that the others still then feel the need to retread.
The Razor's Edge
Recommended to me as a “white guy discovers eastern mysticism” book, but also is more interesting in its treatment of that than I’d expected (helps it was written in the 40s). 
Cat's Cradle
There’s a part in this where Vonnegut’s making fun of people who try to bond with strangers over being Hoosiers, and my dumbass immediate thought was “ooh, Vonnegut’s a hoosier? Me too!”
Lyndon Johnson II
Robert Caro felt compelled to apologize for spending so much words lionizing Coke Stevens, segregationist opponent to Johnson’s senate run. His goal was pretty clearly to show lbj’s lack of campaign charisma by contrast, definitely definitely overcommitted in his own narrativising.
I want to go back to this after reading some more De Lillo.
Gravity's Rainbow
This book absolutely kicked my ass
Overstuffed and referential in a specific way that really keeps me hooked in instead of put off. When I learn about some piece of cultural context that I retroactively recognize as being referenced in this, I want to go back and reread the entire thing.
From Caligari to Hitler
Kind of fails both as film criticism and cultural analysis, but absolutely made me want to run for the hills when considering current relationship between mainstream movies and demands of pop culture.
I took a class on Weimar cinema in undergrad that I now realize was probably biting pretty heavily from this and never once referenced it.
Movie itself is not as fun as the Tom Hardy hype coverage. PG13 was the absolute worst space to aim for, PG- or R- versions of this could have been a blast.
Harryhauser Argonauts
Was tripping when I put this on, and it was all kinds of fun.
2001: a Space Oddyssey
First time seeing this, all-time classic for a reason!
A Good American (the NSA doc)
Dr. Strangelove
Mel Brooks History of the World p. I
Not my favorite Brooks, best joke was at the beginning.
In Bruges
Had been a while since I saw a proper dark comedy.
Fukkin awesome!
Visually great, and extremely better than usual superhero stuff for being aimed at PG instead of PG-13.
You Only Live Twice
Highlander (Revisited)
I watched The Old Guard on netflix recently and it mostly just made me wish I was watching Highlander instead, because at least Highlander knows exactly how goofy it is
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Much like The Shining, I though this would have been 100% spoiled for me by cultural osmosis, but turns out it wasn’t, and even the scenes I had seen *totally landed* in-context still.
Kung Fu Hustle
Ichi the Killer
Really gross, really fun
Matrix Reloaded (watched thru highway scene) (Revisited)
The highway scene was not nearly as cool as I remembered it being.
John Wick 3*
Probably dumbest plot of all of them, best choreography. I like how every single fight had its own distinct flavor. “Knife museum fight” “horse fight” “halle berry dogs fight” 
A classic
Pet Sematary * (ugh, bad)
Why can’t john lithgow be in good movies anymore
The Revenant
MCU Spiderman
Fuck this was awful.
MCU Spiderman 2*
Really weird, complete Rorschach Test of a movie: it’d be totally valid to read into this that global warming is Fake News, for instance.
Lmao this was completely awful
Dredd (non-stallone)
oh hey Lena Headey’s in this
For All Mankind!
Watched in honor of moon landing anniversary
Lion King *
Watched it way too stoned, was like dark side of the moon + wizard of oz except instead it’s a lion king script reading + nature footage edited for lip syncing.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood *
Many scenes of very long setups for really stupid shaggy dog jokes, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t. I do kinda want to rewatch now knowing more about manson, which I knew pretty much nothing about beforehand
A good john lithgow movie
also I think I like travolta in things.
Lord of War
A Good cage movie
I like when Eamon Walker shows up in stuff.
Taxi Driver
A classic
Watched in a bar with only one speaker working, which is the correct way to watch. Weirder and funnier than I thought it was going to be, which still doesn’t make it good, but,
dbz big green dub
Exorcist III
Brad Dourif just tearing it apart
Deep Red (argento)
Suspiria (1977)
Watched the remake in 2020, which was ok, but nothing tops the Goblin score.
Elf Bowling
Thanks, Gnome
Parasite *
Interesting to me that this one seems poised to hang around people’s good esteem for a while
Rick & Morty
Saw some episodes, generally pretty funny, some misanthropy that’s probably appealing to a certain type of teen al a something like House, but ultimately I don’t totally Get the intensity of discourse about it.
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Only watched like half of it. Was playing around with a lot of hefty imagery/thematics, but didn’t really seem ready to rise above playing (tho also I feel like it’s weird on some level to *expect* them to rise above that in the first place)
New Avantasia
HEALTH/ show
lol remember concerts
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard/ show
Just learned about King Gizz in 2019 and got completely obsessed with them. I don’t tend to expand my music selection very readily, and a lot of what I currently *do* know is old/inactive stuff, so it was/is incredibly exciting to have an active group with good momentum just immediately win me over like that.
Mistimed the edibles and ended up with a really good finale and a really long subway ride home.
New Yeasayer
Sad they split up
Steve Wilson Tull remixes
Aqualung’s a good album and the sound mixing’s kinda bad, so I liked this project.
Opened for Gizzard. Really good as studying music
Video Games
Civ VI: Gathering Storm
Turns out Supergiant’s design proclivities all work *extremely well* on a roguelike
Baba is You
Untitled Goose Game
Cute, if maybe a bit overhyped
finally fucking finished Pillars of Eternity
Had fun with it, but too long, and really dour for how long it is.
Pillars II
Kinda drifted off it eventually, but I do genuinely like that the flavor of the fantasy is colonial era rather than medieval.
There’s a Balancing Bastard Factions element where it’s like the writers are just being smartasses after a while. Having to go extremely out of their way to make siding with colonizers seem like a competitive option.
Pokemon shield
pisses me off, which was a nice outlet when I was stranded by flight cancellations during thanksgiving
Also very difficult, but really easy to stay patient with, which is nice.
Disco Elysium
None of the discourse made me want to play this, but people talking about the mechanical stuff it did got me extremely interested. Mostly Delivered IMO.
Breath of the Wild
You can approach the nodes of the main quest in the order you choose, and the second one I chose made ninjas start fucking spawning everywhere when I’m just trying to explore, and there’s no way to make it stop. May go back to it one day.
Relentless Picnic Patreon feed
The treats really helped me start distinguishing individual personalities, compared to the regular eps.
Picnic Discord!
FatT Counterweight
Fun, but also I think Mechs are not my shit.
FatT Spring in Hieron/ end of that particular world
8 months since I’ve last tuned into FatT. ah well.
Law School
He’s in everythiiiing!
You Must Remember This: Manson family
*There’s* the context
Kindle train guy
Times Square sleeping guy + kids taking selfies w/ him
toddler singing along after Psycho killer (a, ya, ya ya, ya)
drunk and dragged to a drag show
Central park football family
Soft Steel Drum Subway Busker
Weird old lady going to grand central for oysters
2018 in review (cards):
MySelf (CC)
Self: Tower
Blocked: 10 Cups
Ethereal/subconscious: 8 Swords
Material: 3 Swords
Past: Justice
Future: Page Wands
Attitude: Sun
External: King Swords
Hopes/Fears: 5 Coins
Trajectory: High Priestess
Also Self:
7 Cups
7 Coins
Blind Spot:
(self & others): 5 cups    ||    (others not self): High Priestess
(self not others): Moon   ||    (nobody): 3 Cups
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you read any news articles today? >> I haven’t.  Think of the last film you watched. Who was the main actor/actress? >> David Owelowo. Do you have a ceiling fan anywhere in your house? >> Nope. Are you someone who likes to take selfies? If so, when was the last time you took one? >> I don’t enjoy taking selfies, generally. Which is why I usually don’t. My phone’s memory is full of photos of random shit like weird mushrooms or baby ducks or other miscellany that I see on walks.
Do you currently have any cereal in your household? If so, what colour is the box? >> We have a box of granola, which is the closest thing to cereal that we have. The box is mostly white.
Are you waiting to hear from anyone in particular (phone call, email, etc.) >> No.
When did you last wear your hair in a ponytail? >> My hair hasn’t been that long since I was a minor. Is there anything you own that has stripes on it? >> Not that I can recall (so, probably not). Do you have a clock anywhere in your house that chimes? >> No. I’d find that obnoxious. Unless it was a gentle sound, I guess, and not a jarring one. But you don’t often find things that make gentle noises (except, like, some varieties of windchime, I guess...). Are you active in any Facebook groups, related to your hobbies/interests? >> I’m not active on Facebook, period. I was so disappointed the other day when I was looking into a “free online CPTSD support group” (I thought it was gonna be, like, a private forum or a chat server or something) and I kept reading and it turned out to be a facebook group. No thanks. Have you ever owned/used a typewriter? >> I learned how to type on a typewriter. But I didn’t own it. What colour was the last lipstick you wore? Brand? >> I don’t remember. Do you own any dogs? What are their names? >> No. If you own dogs, where is your favourite place to take them for walks? >> ---
When did you last go to a coffee shop? What did you order? >> I think the last coffee-selling establishment I’ve been to is Starbucks (the drive-thru, more specifically). I don’t think I ordered anything, though (Sparrow did). Have you had your appendix out, or do you know anyone who has? >> No. I don’t know if anyone I know has. Do you own any cats? What are their names? >> I don’t. Sparrow has a cat and his name is Spooky. (Yes, I live in the same apartment, but I don’t consider him my animal. Sparrow specifically was the one who did all the adoption stuff, who wanted to get a cat in the first place.) If you own cats, what are they currently doing? >> Again, not my cat, but funnily enough he did just walk past as I was reading this question, lol. What time is it where you are? >> 9.06p EST.
I see. Do you recall what you were doing at this time yesterday? >> I was either on tumblr or on Reddit.
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calvin-af-crone · 5 years
I wonder why Calvin chooses not to post pictures on his IG of some of the amazing places he is visiting. No, I’m not even asking or expecting him to post w/Aarika although I’d love it. As much as I love his DJing pics it would be nice to see some of his other activities/adventures. Love the selfies and his occasional veggie pics. It would make his SM more fun/interesting for his fans. My fave posts are always new music one’s though-I’m waiting.
After the hatred/ridicule he endured in 2015-17, Calvin got thin-skinned & clearly built a wall around his private life. When gossip sites questioned his sanity after his “I am a plant” riff that was the end of his wondrously funny meditation series & there were far fewer selfies when he talked directly at us. We got no more IG-Stories from Cristina or Burns about their group activities at home. When he voiced his anti-flu jabs opinion that blew up in his face & we stopped seeing the books he was reading. Eventually, he decided to use his social media strictly for music promotion.
There still seems to be a rule that no one can upload private content about him w/o his permission. Thank goodness, he knew testing the baby crib was too funny not to share. And long after the fact, he allowed her to share how darling he was bringing her a tea tray when she was pregnant & laid up in one of his guest rooms while Emil was off filming somewhere. 
While the media continued to call Aarika his on-again/off-again GF like they only go on vacations & out to dinner together, they missed Amangiri entirely. On IG-stories, she showed his unmistakable back & he let us know he was definitely w/ her by talking on one of Aarika’s IG-Stories while filming her. You would think the gossip media would have connected the dots when she & her friends were w/ him during his Ibiza residency 2 summers ago but, no. It’s been like only those of us who recognize his home decor/property on her IG account & religiously watch the IG-Stories posted by her & her friends know they’ve been living together for 2 friggin’ years. 
Since she moved in, little cracks in his protective wall have opened. He is so excited about his gardening hobby he can’t keep it to himself. And he’s shown glimpses of himself at his soccer games & practice sessions. We’ve seen him play because he can’t control everyone around him all the time. After they “came out” as a couple & he kissed her at the Brit Awards, you might expect them to relax & share more…but sadly, no.
Yesterday was an aberration. She showed his back walking up the stairs on her IG-Stories & he showed her coming up behind him on his. I think they were both so buzzed about being inside the Great Pyramid they slipped up. I wish I could believe this is some kind of break-thru but I doubt it. It makes me sad when I accept we’ll never see Calvin on the floor tussling w/ Boris. I continue to nurse a small flame of hope that some day they’ll act like a normal couple & video each other preparing dinner. It’s so unfair that he can take a photo of her on the other side of a restaurant table but she can’t show him.
In case it’s not obvious to you by now, I’ll bluntly state Calvin does not give a fuck about making “his SM more fun/interesting for his fans”.
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phroyd · 5 years
The Proud Boys want the public to believe that they’re a “drinking club” who only resort to violence to defend themselves from anti-fascist protesters during political rallies.
But in private, these extremists have discussed injuring and even killing their adversaries, plotting tactics and optics for months in order to assert a claim of self-defense should they face charges.
According to private chat logs obtained exclusively by HuffPost, the punch-happy, pro-Trump street gang was particularly excited for its “Resist Marxism” rally, scheduled for April 6 in Providence, Rhode Island. With the right plan of attack, members said, this one could put them back on the map.
This mother f**ker needs to meet a 7mm [Magnum rifle] from about 500 yards.Proud Boy Shaun Hufton in private chats.
The group had been floundering ever since 10 of its members were arrested for assaulting protesters outside a GOP event in New York City last year. Their leader, Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, reportedly arranged for his followers’ surrender.
In the chats, covering a time period between February and March of this year, members claimed they needed a conclusive “win” this time around, which they defined as a bloody battle against “antifa” in Providence. If this brawl were bigger and more violent than previous iterations, they might regain some of the street cred and followers they’d lost.
“We’ll grow this group of patriots and we’ll never back down,” wrote the event’s organizer, Proud Boys member Alan Swinney, in the private chat messages. “If we win, it will make more patriots come to the next rally. We just need to go there and we’ll beat them. We’ll have enough to crush them at some point.”
A source with direct knowledge of the exchanges confirmed to HuffPost that the logs were authentic. Swinney also responded to several screenshots. When asked about discussions of violence in the chat logs, he told HuffPost, “They’re warriors. ... Choir boys don’t go up against people like that [anti-fascists]. It takes a person with a certain type of mindset.”
The logs contained a revolving door of up to 30 Proud Boys and their allies, including militia members and other “patriots,” as Swinney called them. Those named in this story either publicly identify as members of the Proud Boys or affiliated groups, or have been identified as such in national news stories or by the groups’ leaders.
Looking forward to Providence, members in the private channel were pumped for the opportunity to cause mayhem. One Proud Boy named Anthony Mastrostefano said:
“All I want to do is smash commies too. Actually I’m lying, I’m way past just hitting them. When the time comes I will stop at nothing to fully eradicate them all!”
“We’re A Drinking Club”
The Proud Boys have a yearslong history of violence, and they’ve built an entire brand off of the fights they’ve helped organize in American streets, from spars in Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon, to attacks in Providence and New York.
McInnes created a set of rules by which his gang members could gain clout in the organization, which include forgoing masturbation, getting a Proud Boy tattoo and fighting in the name of the gang.
Their leadership has always claimed that such violence is incidental, acts of self-defense necessitated by their anti-fascist opponents, who show up to each of their purported free-speech events in protest.
They’ve gone as far as to file lawsuits to maintain that facade ― on Monday, several of their members stood at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and announced that they were suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for labeling them as a hate group. McInnes himself filed a defamation lawsuit against the civil rights organization in February.
“We’re a drinking club that stands behind Donald Trump,” said Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio at the D.C. event. “That’s enough to earn hate of the left.”
But private chat logs leaked to HuffPost fly directly in the face of that sentiment, showing Proud Boys premeditating violence they hope to commit. They spent months before the April rally meticulously planning strategies for injuring protesters.
Members discuss what weapons they might use against the “commies” they’ll meet in the street, which police officers might be sympathetic to them, how they’ll raise funding to fly out their long-distance compatriots, and how they’ll “bait” protesters into throwing the first punch so that they can claim self-defense.
HuffPost has reviewed dozens of private messages shared among a small group of Proud Boys and their allies, mostly on the social app Telegram, in the months leading up to the “Resist Marxism” rally they had planned for April. The chat logs were leaked by a source who wished to remain anonymous out of fear for their safety.
The rally ultimately didn’t happen, but the logs provide an inside look into the extremist group’s strategy as well as evidence that such planning continues to this day.
The Proud Boys Premeditate Violence
“Group, meet Kindness,” wrote Proud Boy Jason Cardona on Telegram, above a selfie in which he’s holding his pet, an ax.
“Ahhh, Kindness,” crowed Proud Boy Peter Scott in response. Scott then posted a picture of himself holding a large knife. Another member, Jake Adkins, posted a short video depicting an unknown device, asking the group, “Think I can get this thru in a checked bag?”
On Telegram, the Proud Boys privately fantasized about the weapons they might like to use against anti-fascist protesters at the rally in Providence. But they were also cautious about what weapons they told others to bring, as they didn’t want to face more arrests.
Scott noted that mace is “100 percent legal for self-defense” and directed everyone else in the chat to “armor up boys!” Makeshift armor is a common sight among Proud Boys, militia groups and other far-right extremists at these rallies. Depending on where a gathering occurs, concealed guns are also a possibility.
“If you’re in a state that can show up with your guns that’s fine. Up here in New England you can’t but some of us still show up,” wrote Proud Boy member Kenny Lizardo. HuffPost reported on Lizardo last year after he showed up on the doorstep of a comedian to intimidate him over his tweets
“I carry but it seems like to [sic] much could go wrong with that,” wrote Proud Boy Jason Lewis. “Big patriot fists and boots will do just fine.”
The gun-measuring contest was interspersed with analysis of street-level warfare. They explored how to counter “black bloc” tactics used by anti-fascists, in which protesters wear all black to make it hard to distinguish individuals, and they shared stories about previous exploits, most of which included getting a solid punch in without getting caught.
In some chats, the Proud Boys claimed to have ties to local law enforcement, though it’s unclear how legitimate those relationships were. As reported by the Portland, Oregon, alt-weekly Willamette Week, the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer ― their close allies on the West Coast ― have had some success garnering police sympathy during their fights.
“Last year we had two different cops ‘admiring’ our work,” said John Stewart. “One told us ‘they don’t want to fight you guys again they are pussies.’ The other thanked us as we walked by him.”
But they would never learn if their apparent clout with police would help them stage their April 6 rally in Providence ― it fell apart before it began. The national Proud Boys “elders” announced at the time that the gathering was postponed while they focused on the trials of those 10 Proud Boys arrested and charged over last year’s attacks in New York City.
They Know What They’re Doing
The Proud Boys repeatedly acknowledged that their plans could get them in trouble.
“I advise all of you to only speak in terms of self-defense and never speak of premeditated violence,” wrote a man who identified himself as Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman, an extremist who has previously been convicted of violent felonies and is known for his attacks at rallies and repeated parole violations, among other crimes.
He added: “I could be liable for what happens in Providence. So please stop making it easy for these people to prosecute us by putting threats of violence in writing that can be used against us later.”
Few seemed to listen, and leaders like Swinney had to attempt damage control on a regular basis.
For example, Proud Boy Shaun Hufton at one point made a direct threat to kill an anti-fascist activist who goes by the pseudonym Antifash Gordon on Twitter:
“This mother fucker needs to meet a 7mm [Magnum rifle] from about 500 yards,” he said, to which Scott responded, “Do not post any threats on here, the feds will use it against [us] in court.”
For his part, Swinney often repeated the “defense-only” deflection, demanding that other Proud Boys characterize their “rallies against communists” as acts of preservation and their presence as a security detail for rallygoers.
In an interview, Swinney corroborated the authenticity of chat screenshots HuffPost showed him and said he personally agreed with statements about “smashing commies” like Mastrostefano’s.
“He specifically said ‘when the time comes,’” Swinney told HuffPost, adding later: “When the time comes, and the order is given, I’ll do whatever it takes to stop these people. The constitution is the greatest document of freedom ever written. I’ll give my life to defend it if nessicary [sic].”
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nicedyke · 5 years
HI this is random but. i was going thru the wlw tag and i found your blog and I SAW A SELFIE OF U AND??? WE LOOK???? LIKE TWINS???????? im... !!!!
BRO NO WAY omg message me privately I want to see my twin!!
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pransesdp · 5 years
Johnny x Kitty?
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / neutral / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET? (Well, like DxS they already are lol)
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?Riding around on Johnny’s bike, pranking people like Danny and his friends, chillin’ at the drive-thru movie theater, rocking out with Ember, etc.
Who does chores around the house?Both of them aren’t really into housework but for Johnny he covers yard duties and Kitty cleans/polishes things inside 
Who’s the better cook?Neither of them are super into cooking (at best they’d just microwave everything or order take-out/fast food), but Johnny’s at least pretty skilled at grilling stuff
Who’s the funniest drunk?Probably Kitty lol 
Do they have kids?Mmhm~ up to six kids total (3 boys & 3 girls) in my next gen ‘cause you know… they’re a pretty “amorous” couple lol ;p 
Do they have any traditions?Probably driving up to some big hill top/”lover’s lane” section to have a private & steamy lil’ date together~ ❤️
What do they fight about?Eh, I guess stuff like Johnny kinda taking his flirtiness too far with other girls sometimes (even if he’s never actually that serious about it) while Kitty’s feistiness can get a little overwhelming when unchecked too
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)They’d feel pretty flattered to have others following and supporting them, leading to them giving plenty of cute couple selfies afterwords to appease their fans lol 
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?They probably both would (even if Johnny tries to not show it), so there’d be plenty of comforting snuggles between them afterwords :3 
Who always wins at Mario kart?They’re not really used to modern games like that (since going by their design aesthetics they must’ve died in the 80′s or something), but after some practice (especially with the bike races), they’d be evenly matched with their playful competitiveness~ 
One thing I like about this ship?How truly loyal and dedicated they are to eachother even as a pair of villains, with Johnny being willing to go to great lengths to help Kitty stabilize herself in “13″ by using Jazz to do it (and Kitty even being willing to tolerate him flirting with Jazz in order to use her body as a host)… it just tugs at my heart alot ❤️
One thing I don’t like about the ship?How the writers kinda derailed them a bit in “Lucky in Love” by having Kitty suddenly becoming this petty, easily-jealous girlfriend while Johnny’s somehow not all that willing to come back to her after just ONE fight… idk, that just bugged me alot tbh :/ (though thankfully they did end up making amends and forgave eachother in the episode’s ending so… that was a relief, at least ^^; )
The song I would say fits them?“Check Yes Juliet” by We The Kings, with it’s themes of the rebel boyfriend convincing his girl to run away with him and live a free life together~ >w
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)They’d get matching tattoos of eachother on their arms, in the shape of a heart with their initials “J + K” etched inside :3 
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ohthathurt · 5 years
There are articles from the sun, the mirror etc about Zayn's deleted tweet, saying it's about Louis. So looks like it was indeed a stunt
Zayn Malik apologises for being ‘a s**t person’ after Louis Tomlinson fallout. The Sun. I knew it. Seriously.
Honestly I never thought abt that. To be fair the Zouis feud was not even on my mind for this tweet but yeah it’s vague enough that they can just pick on any of the publicized issues and just run with it.
(Says a lot about how much the press has demeaned and humiliated his name for there to be multiple issues like this)
For me there is this power behind deleting the tweet and posting a selfie instead. I don’t know if somehow that was Zayn taking hold back of his account or if it was further some part of the same plan.
But the whole selfie thing after (some people said it was to add proof that it’s him indeed) has me suspecting that it’s just Zayn fighting to take control back. The tweet was deleted so no connections can be made. Also the way it’s worded and so unlike what he talks about or the way he talks.
I mean we all have our weak moments where we feel like we’re not deserving but barely all of us get on SM to declare it so willy-nilly (famous person too).
I don’t think that was Zayn talking, despite understanding that we all go thru this, he’s not the sort to air it on SM like this. The boys are all private that way so anything like this deserves a suspecting side-eye to it.
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ficdirectory · 6 years
Somewhere Inside (Disuphere series #4) Chapter 28
(To listen, click here) - 16:18
Levi’s doing his best not to hyperly scan for Carla.  So far, she hasn’t shown up.  But he has seen people who look like her from a distance.  It’s enough to set his heart racing.
He’s planning to take his break at 11:30.  It’s just about then when he spots Dominique and Francesca behind one of his regulars - an elderly lady he loves - but who always wants quarters or dollars (depending) back for her smaller change.  It’s tedious.  But it makes her day, so Levi tries to be efficient.  Getting Betty what she needs and keeping the line moving.
Finally, the line is moving.  He gives Betty her change.  Checks out the grumpy guy behind Betty who’s bought out the snack cake aisle.  Then, Dominique and Francesca.  He waves.  Smiles.  But they’re both tense.  Dominique has sent Francesca ahead of her in line.
“What’s up?” Levi asks quietly.
“A store guy was following us…” Francesca warns.  “Dominique said I should go in front of her in case he’s still back there.”
Levi casually glances.  “Nope.  No store guy.”
“We didn’t break any rules,” Francesca insists as Dominique puts their bread, cereal and plastic container of donuts on the belt.
“I know,” Levi says, sympathetic.  “Listen, I’m about to take my break.  Wanna meet outside?  Maybe at the car?”
Dominique nods stiffly.  It’s not lost on Levi that she hasn’t said a word.  Just silently pays for the groceries.  She’s handing the money over when he catches sight of the tattoo on the inside of her wrist.  The date 4/26/11.  Almost ten years ago exactly.  He wonders what the significance is.
“We’ll meet you,” she says in a voice that’s eerily calm.  Her face is a practiced mask.  She smiles.  If he didn’t know her, he’d totally buy it.  “We’ll be out front.”
Dominique’s not oblivious.  In fact, she’s the opposite.  She is painfully observant.  It’s why she noticed Levi noticing her tattoo, signifying her own baby’s approximated due date.  She’d had to wait until she was eighteen to get it - seven years after the fact.  But it was a small way to remember Taylor.
She swallows back the lump that’s risen to her throat.
“That guy called me your daughter…” Francesca points out, ogling the donuts in the bag.
Dominique blows out a breath.  “I know,” she says, forcing a smile.
“Did it hurt your feelings?  To have him say it?” Francesca wonders.
“Mm-mm,” Dominique denies.
“Then, why are you crying?” Francesca asks quietly.
Stunned, Dominique reaches up and touches her own face.  Feels her own tears there.  “It’s nothing,” she denies, smiling hard.
“Do you feel sad he said you had a kid like me?” Francesca asks bluntly.
“No, babe.  I don’t.  It’s not you, I promise.  It’s...I’m gonna tell you something that’s private.  Okay?  I had a baby once.  While it was still inside me, it died.  So, when he said daughter, I thought of her.”
“What’s her name?” Francesca asks.
“I like to keep that to myself.” Dominique insists, wiping her eyes.
She looks out at the parking lot, not forgetting to keep an eye out for Pearl’s mom.  Dominique sits still on the bench.  Francesca leans against her.
“I won’t ask her name anymore,” Francesca reassures.  “And I won’t share what you said with anybody.  I promise.  Not even Jesus or Mariana.”
“Thank you,” Dominique says, kissing her head.  “To be clear, though, I’d be lucky if my daughter had grown up to be anything like you.”
“Really?  You don’t think I’m not good enough because of CP?” Francesca asks.
“I think CP is part of what makes you good enough,” Dominique insists, kissing Francesca’s head.
“I really want a sloth,” Francesca sighs.  “Even a toy one or something.”
“‘Cause it’s slow like me,” Francesca says, matter-of-fact.
“Hmm.  Well, I will keep my eye out.”
By the time Levi’s outside Dominique’s tears are dry.  They walk across the parking lot to his car.
“I’m so sorry that guy followed you…” Levi apologizes.  “I tried to look into it, but I’m basically a peon, so…”
Francesca snickers.  “That sounds like a bad word…”
“It means, I don’t have much power,” Levi explains.  “It’s Spanish.”
“How are you doing?” Dominique asks.
“Well...I thought I saw my trauma once, from far away, but it wasn’t…” he shares.  Levi squints.  “Are you okay?” he asks Dominique.  “Your eyes are red…  Were you crying?”
“What if I was?” Dominique challenges.
“That’d be okay.  I’d wanna know if there was something I could do to help…” Levi ventures.
There’s silence until Francesca crinkles the SuperOne bag.  Levi looks in the rearview mirror.  Sees her stealthily sneaking a powdered sugar donut hole into her mouth.
He smiles.  “Can I have one?”
“Yeah, give Levi some.  It’s his lunch break,” Dominique says.
He accepts the plastic container and opens it.  Takes out a few.  Eats them.
“Does anybody want a piece of bread?  Francesca offers.  “Or some Frosted Mini Wheats?”
Dominique laughs.  “You are too much.  Levi, Francesca wants a sloth.  Did you know that?”
“I did not know that,” Levi answers.  It hasn’t escaped him that Dominique has dodged his question about helping...unless this is her answer.  Carrying on.  Not getting stuck in whatever happened.  He checks the clock on the dashboard.  “Listen, I gotta go back to work for another hour and fifteen.  He tosses the keys to Dominique.  “If you wanna drive around.”
“No, we’re staying…” Dominique insists.
“But the peon hates us…” Francesca points out.
“Hey!” Levi laughs.
“I meant the mean guy is the peon.  Because it sounds like pee on…” Francesca clarifies.
“Here.  Let me have your phone.  Can you keep it on you?” Dominique asks.
“On the DL…” Levi says, perplexed.
“Okay, so we’re in town.  That means I have service.  So we will text you.  Text me back if you need anything.”
“Can I have your phone?  I wanna add my number,” Francesca asks.
“Can you tell it to me fast?” Levi asks.
Francesca rattles off her number.  Then, Levi has to run to make it back to Lane 4 before he gets in major trouble.
The rest of his shift passes in a blur.  When he gets off at 1, he finds Dominique and Francesca still in the car out in the lot.  He checks his phone as he walks.  Finds silent videos of them smiling and waving.  Selfies.  And one text that reads:  we are still out side love francesca
“Thanks for these, guys,” Levi says, scooting into the driver’s side.
“No problem.” Francesca answers.
“Uh, are we still on for ice cream?  Somebody wants to know…” Dominique casts her gaze furtively behind them.
“Oh yeah.  Definitely still on for DQ.  It has food, too.  So we can pick up actual lunch.”
Honestly, all Levi wants is a large vanilla ice cream cone.  It’s simple, but it screams childhood to him.  And good memories.  They drive thru and Francesca gets a dilly bar.  Dominique gets a vanilla cone, too, but a small.  She offers money.  Levi notices how her hand trembles.
“I got it.  You got the groceries.  And we still have life jacket shopping.” Levi reassures.
“Are you sure?” Dominique checks.  “I don’t, like, owe you anything?”
“This is friendship stuff.  Debt doesn’t accumulate over friendship stuff,” Levi says simply.  Everybody gets their ice cream.  He pays. Then he tries to drive one-handed, while willing his ice cream not to melt all over him.
“This is a great lunch,” Francesca enthuses.
“Right?  Don’t tell your brother and sister,” Levi cautions, smiling.
“Except we don’t keep secrets.  Unless it’s like for respect.  Like if a person trusts you with their trauma stuff, you don’t go blab it.  But ice cream shouldn’t be a secret.” Francesca explains.
“I guess you’re right.  Tell them if you want,” Levi shrugs.  He can see Dominique passing napkins back to Francesca.
It’s a quiet ride out to Target in Baxter.  Levi pulls into the only open space he can see.  It’s a long way away from the door.
“Can I just stay in the car and wait?” Francesca asks.  Levi checks out the rearview mirror.  She’s half-lying on his backseat.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Dominique asks.
“Nothing, I just wanna stay here,” Francesca insists.
“You can tell us.  We won’t get mad.  I was really hoping to get you a life jacket you wanted.  Don’t you want that still?” Dominique checks.
“I do,” she sighs.  “But my legs are really tired,” she comments softly.
“You guys wait here,” Levi insists.  “I’ll be right back.”
“I don’t want a hospital wheelchair!” Francesca calls at Levi’s back.  She’s still lying down, practicing being a sloth.
“Hey,” Dominique reprimands.
“What?  I don’t.  They’re old.  And big.  And I can barely push them,” she complains.
“Okay, but don’t yell at Levi,” Dominique reasons.
“But I just did it ‘cause he was already far away…”
Just then, Levi’s back.  Francesca sits up.  He opens her door.  She looks out. Sees the thing.  For people with disabilities and also grandmas and grandpas that can’t walk long distances.
“That’s a Caroline’s Cart…” Francesca says, wary.
“Yeah, I was hoping it’d be free with how many people there are inside today.  Looks like we lucked out.”
“No,” Francesca denies.  
She sees Dominique look at her and cross her arms, like Francesca said something rude.  
“I mean, no thank you,” Francesca remembers.  “I’ll just wait for you guys out here.”
“Babe, we are not leaving you out here in the car alone.  Talk to us.” Dominique says, turned in her seat.  (Because Dominique probably knows if Moms ever found out Francesca got left in a car by herself, they’d get all angry about it.  And blame Francesca, probably.  Because that’s what always happens.)
“I can’t!  I can’t use that!  I’m not allowed!” Francesca screams, her voice breaking.  (She always talks too loud when she’s emotional.  It’s annoying but she can’t help it.)
“Who says?” Dominique asks, gentle.  Kind.  Her usual way, even though Francesca doesn’t deserve it.
“Moms…” Francesca pouts.  “They say I can walk, so it’s not for me.  I have to not use it so somebody else with a real disability will get to…”
“Babe, you have a real disability.  It means you get tired quicker because you use more energy for the same stuff we do.  Just because you can walk doesn’t mean you should exhaust yourself doing that, or wait in the car instead of coming inside with us.”
“I have to ask permission,” Francesca wipes her eyes.  “If Moms find out I’ll probably get yelled at.  If I asked first, maybe it won’t be so bad.  Can I call Mari? Or text her a picture of that with your phone and ask?
Dominique gives Francesca her phone, the code already put in.  Francesca takes a picture of the cart.  Types: Moms say no but can I use this?  My legs are really tired from walking.  This is Francesca.  Bye.
“Oh.  She might not get the text right away,” Levi says, worried.  “You guys don’t have cell service at your Grandpa’s right?”
Francesca’s shoulders slump.
“Can I forward this to Pearl?  Ask her to show Mariana?” Levi asks.
Francesa nods.  Dominique forwards  the text and the picture to Levi.  Levi sends it to Pearl.  In seconds there is a ping back:
Mariana’s face is there.  It’s a video.  “Don’t listen to Moms on this.  Use the thing.  It’s an accommodation.  We get to have those because we’re humans.  Love you.  Have fun with Dominique and Levi.  Bye.”
Slowly, Francesca gets out of the car.  The seat of the cart looks very high, but Levi says he can lift her if she’s okay with it.  She is.  Once she’s in, she buckles the one seatbelt across her lap just like in the car.
“Dominique can you push?” she asks.  Being in the cart means you’re breathing the same air, practically, as the person pushing.  Like almost face to face.  She trusts Levi.  But not as much as Dominique.
She nods and starts pushing.  It helps having Dominique right here to look at, because it distracts Francesca from anybody pointing or staring.  Francesca feels one person do it.  But she ignores them.
Levi leads the way to the kids’ section.
They find the life jackets.  And the size that fits Francesca.  There’s a gross red and yellow one.  A pink and purple one that’s too girly, Mom would say.  And a light green and light blue one.  “Can I have that last one?” she asks.
“Here.  Lean forward,” Dominique says helping her slip it on and zip it.  “How does it feel?”
“Like I can’t move very good.  It’s awkward.”
“Well, it has to be secure.  If it’s too big, you could slip out of it.” Dominique explains.  “Does it hurt anywhere?”
“No.” Francesca says.
“Okay.  This is the one you want then?” Dominique double checks.
Francesca nods.
“Wow, you definitely know what you want,” Levi sounds impressed.  He keeps looking over Francesca’s head and back and forth.
“What are you looking for?” she asks.
“Nothing,” he reassures, but it doesn’t look like nothing.
They don’t give her the money in the checkout and make her pay.  Dominique does.  When Francesca hears that the life jacket is $40, she almost tips over.  That would take her months to earn in allowance.
“It’s too expensive,” she whispers to Levi.  
“It’s fine.  What do you guys say?  It’s a basic need, right?  You need to be safe.  More than just on this trip.”
When Dominique doesn’t quite have enough money, Levi offers some, and Francesca feels terrible for being such a baby about the ugly life jacket at the cabin.  She shouldn’t have made a big deal.  Should have just worn it.
Francesca’s quiet as Dominique pushes the cart to the doors, and outside.  
“It belongs inside,” Francesca protests.
“I know.  I’ll run it back in,” Levi reassures.
He does.  There are a million things about this trip that Dominique and Levi act like are no big deal, but back at home?  They would be The Biggest Deal Ever.  
“What’s wrong, Francesca?” Dominique asks once they’re driving again.
“It’s too much…” she protests quietly.
“It’s not.  I wanted to do this for you.  Levi did, too, right?” Dominique asks.
“Definitely,” Levi says.  “You guys were there for me.  Now we wanna be there for you.”
“But I can’t ever pay you back.  I’d have to save every bit of my allowance until summer, and Moms always forget to give it to me anyway.”
“Remember what Levi said to me about the ice cream money?” Dominique reminds.
But Francesca can’t remember.  Her brain is too full of stress.  
“This is friendship stuff.  Friendship stuff means you don’t have to pay anything back…”
“But that’s so much money!” Francesca insists.  “It’s probably why Moms never got me one in the first place.”
“Babe, your safety matters.” Dominique insists.  “I’d buy you 100 life jackets, no question, if they’d keep you safe.”
Francesca blinks.  “That’s like… $400!”
“$4,000,” Levi corrects, but not in a mean way.
Dominique elbows him.  “Don’t tell her that!” she whispers, smiling.
Francesca’s eyes almost fall out of her head they are so wide.  That’s how shocked she is.
“You’re worth any price,” Dominique says, turning and looking Francesca right in the eyes.
“Thank you,” Francesca says softly.  “For buying me this.  I’ll take good care of it.”
“I know you will.  Thanks for coming with us today.” Dominique tells her.  “It was fun talking about sloths with you.”
Levi looks so confused.  “Did I miss something?  Are sloths a thing now?”
“You missed a lot about cute sloths,” Francesca insists.  “But don’t worry.  We’ll tell you everything.  First, there’s this really cute baby sloth…” she says.
And Francesca gets comfortable, talking.  Realizes that today with her friends was stressful, but it was also pretty great.
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