#going thru it rn tbh
bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Lil fluffy self indulgent blurb about Eddie and a reader with chronic pain
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You hear his van pull up, Ronnie James Dio's voice is still recognizable from inside the trailer. You hear him get out of the van and walk up the stairs. He's already started talking to you before the door is fully open, excited to tell you about his D&D session and all the nonsense he put the party through. Once he sees you hunched over on the couch, curled in on yourself with a heat pack. His demeanor switches, he approaches you and gently places his hand on your back.
"You okay? Sorry, obviously you aren't okay. What's going on?"
"Ambushed by an assassin vine again. Don't worry, I showed it who's boss."
He lets out a little huff and continues rubbing your back as he squats down next to you.
"Yeah? Did ya tear it to shreds?"
You whimper a little at the pain overtaking your body and reply,
"Eventually. Tried pummeling it into the ground, but it turns out that's where plants live so that ended up making it stronger. Y'know, nutrients in the soil and what not."
"Ah, rookie mistake."
"Yeah, luckily I had some ladybug friends who owed me a favor. They came to my rescue and devoured the wretched beast before it could finish me off."
He laughs and says, "Close call. Sounds like you rolled a nat 20 on your death saving throw."
He kisses your forehead and whispers,
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Will you tell me about the session? Need to have references for next time I'm in peril."
He shakes his head and sits on the couch with you, your head now laying in his lap as he brushes his fingers through your hair.
"Why is there going to be a next time?"
"You know me, Ed. Always getting into shenanigans."
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lucky-draws · 2 months
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the shit twins 👍
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jefferythejelly · 11 months
i feel like i need more "rent lowering gunshots" type posts on here
dreamnap fuck raw and then go "that was awesome brother" "i love you brother"
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
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Hey, do you remember that really homoerotic scene from Skyfall? No? That's okay, here's a Vettonso version of it :)
- explanation & w/o text:
Hi hello, finally my weird psychosexual relationship with Casino Royale has come to fruition. Yeah this is directly based off a scene from Skyfall, but I def envision the vibe as being more like Casino Royale hehe. I can't believe I made that inspo board for this AU almost 4 weeks ago, and then ended up drawing a four panel "comic" about it. Ahhhh proud of myself, a bit, a tad. I think this took 20+ hours across the span of a week? God. Anyways I digress! The AU!!
First of all, their Bond song would be "My Way of Life" by Frank Sinatra. It's so toxic, codependent and obsessive, I'm in love with it. And it really suits Fernando and his motivations and outlook in this AU. Basically, MI6(in the context of James Bond) in this AU is an analog for Ferrari. It picks theses guys up, tells them that they're Ferrari MI6's most special boy, chews them up, and then spits them out when they're finished extracting all their talent and skill and life force.
Much like with Ferrari, Seb in this AU replaces Fernando after Fernando loses favor and becomes undesirable. Now Seb is the new golden boy, and Fernando has turned to a life of crime! Fernando resents Seb for this of course, but also becomes obsessed with him and the idea of him , and how they are connected. It's weird to watch someone else basically go down your exact same path and unknowingly make all the same mistakes(buying into the mysticism of it all too much, being overly cocky, having naive beliefs and goals, etc.) He is caught between wanting to doom Seb even more but also wanting to "save" him, by corrupting him and convincing him to work together.
Basically: He's both a Bond girl and Bond villain.
Fernando is in such a weird place in this AU. I think he's just very dramatic. Seb is just casually living his best 007(005?) life, and Nando is watching him with binoculars, whispering to himself: "DOESN'T HE UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE NARRATIVE FOILS!?" Yeah he hates Seb, but like the song lyrics say, their lives and dreams are inherently tied up together. He would feel lost without Seb, because Seb basically, unknowingly, destroyed and then took over his life. Maybe he'll feel satisifed if he manipulates Seb into going down the exact same path a bit better.
About the drawings themselves. Still can't believe this scene is a real thing that actually happened, insane to me. But in this AU, after the events of these drawings, Fernando definitely kicked all his henchman out of the room, and fucked Seb in the chair. And then against the wall. And then on the floor. Hey man, Seb is already looking mighty delicious with his unbuttoned attire and being tied up.
I think the general plot would be that Fernando keeps trying to seduce him to the dark side, and Seb keeps making him think it worked, only to escape at the end of the encounter. Leading Fernando to just come up with increasingly more violent and kinky traps. Seb goes along with it(read: enjoys it), leaving Fernando satisifed, only to somehow escape and wink and make kissy faces at Fernando in the process. (Fernando smoking cigarette in bed: "How do I make him stay. Sigh.")
I like to think though that Fernando does win in the end, by realizing, ah wait shit I do need to actually explain my motivations to Seb. And Seb is so worn down by his job, not Fernando, and how he's being treated, that he listens, really actually listens, and realizes Fernando does really have valid reasons. And then they become evil crime husbands yayyyy. Wow you thought this was a espionage AU? Well it is, but just not the outcome you'd expect.
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#ah well this was certainly a project....#rn i feel like im devolving into illness so im glad i could finish this up before it possibly gets worse#this is my magnum opus as of rn. just bcs ive not really drawn such a longform thing for them!! happy w it :)#i think i def like the first one the best#it made me suffer so bad but i think i soften on my own art after a few days#like i finish it and know its 'good' but cant help but critique every little thing#but ive had that one done for almost a week so now i look at it and really love it#i was originally just going to draw that one only but then realized i really like the full dialog so. might as well.#generally i liked this though bcs even if it ws difficult. it was nice to have really direct and clear reference#like ah ik where im going w this rather than it being an image in my head that i cant represent the way that I want#ah anyways all my vettonso aus tend to be just wanting to explore specific dynamics of theirs#and this one is basically how i feel about their mutual relationship to the institution of ferrari and how it affects their dynamic#basically: THEY'RE MIRRORS!!!#there's always something to be said abt nando being resentful abt seb bcs of 2010/2012/etc and then seb taking his seat at ferrari#but then witnessing seb basically go thru the same trials and tribulations and failures at ferrari#and realizing huh wait maybe he's not who i was villianizing him as. maybe hes at my level too. maybe he's not infallible. maybe hes like m#a very bitter nando who has to fight btwn his impulse to ruin seb further or to relate to him and start to like him#so yeah that's ^ basically what i want to portray in this au(just like all AUs tbh)#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#catie.rambling.txt#catie.art.#vettonso#bond au
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canisonicscrewyou · 9 days
my eye-spy sitcom best friendcore ass apartment. btw. just thought you should know. I kind of recommend zooming in if you want to.
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Constant Visual Stimulation. No Escape.
bonus: the newest addition that we stole rescued from my place of work yesterday after taking these pics. a lovely lady.
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milkweedman · 1 year
A customer just came into the store, asked what i was making (knitting a square for my handspun scrap blanket), and then told me it was very impressive to see people practicing dead crafts, and that it must be hard to recreate it from old manuscripts and museum pieces.
She left before i could say its not a dead craft--it's still being improved on and practiced by more people than one might think !
The most ancient of human handcrafts isnt gonna die out that quickly...
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cloudcastor · 2 months
I had a minor surgery/procedure today I was super nervous about but everything went well!!! everyone was so attentive and nice, it made the experience an absolute breeze and I felt really comfortable and reassured ;;_;; couldn't ask for a better care team!!!
just got a couple days of healing ahead but super blown away...just had to share it out into the world!!! the care team even wrote me a handwritten note and added it in to my stuff ;;_;;
there has been A LOT of personal stuff going on the last couple months but finally getting to chip away at stuff, and getting medical providers that are helping eith the burden... I'm extremely lucky and thankful to have that experience !!!! can’t wait to get back to art…. can’t wait to hopefully feel some kind of relief soon!
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keikbird · 2 years
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My executives failed me today. (Was productive, but too slow)
They better fuckin start functioning tomorrow (is getting just over 3 hours of sleep) ((setting up a third alarm))
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emily-e-draws · 16 days
Are you going to sell the catpile picture as a print?
Happy to, thanks for asking!! You can find it on my INPRNT now!
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inkmaze · 3 months
being normal [lying] being normal [lying] being normal [lying]
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muzzleroars · 1 year
do you think v1 likes to touch gabriels wings……
yes definitely!! i think these two have an endless fascination with how the other one works and what they're made of - gabriel is sort of more methodical and generally careful about it whereas v1 has a bad habit of just trying to pull gabe apart, at least at first. this went for his wings as well, which are tangible in a sense, although v1 can find what they feel like difficult to process as i like to think of them as light made material. gabriel allowed the initial touch (it feels odd on his end too, ghostly yet sensitive), but quickly regretted not laying down ground rules bc v1 immediately ripped out a few feathers lol this startles gabe, which startles v1, which automatically leads to a bit of a scuffle before gabe could explain to it that it can't just pull out feathers like it pulls off parts of his armor. after it tries to make it up to him by putting the feathers back (it learns they don't reattach, gabe says it's ok, he'll grow new ones), it can actually give them proper, gentle touches, its mind deeply interested in how it feels like touching energy. his wings are barely there yet electric, searing with heat but never burning to the touch, each feather made of air and diamonds. it thrills in gliding its hands over them and for gabe, the touches now are tender, intimate in many ways since he's hardly allowed anyone else so close to his wings. because of that it quickly becomes a staple of how they show affection, v1 reaching to stroke his feathers in their quieter moments while gabe soon starts wrapping his wings around them both, for shelter, for warmth, for comfort.
bonus fallen angel gabe route: i really like the idea that if gabe falls instead of dying, his wings become excruciatingly painful, heavy and agonizing to use or touch. he can fly for very short bursts if he really needs to, but largely he's grounded due to the pain being so severe. there's a lot for him to deal with because of it, physically and emotionally, but it hurts when v1 can no longer give him even the softest touches, when he has to constantly tuck his wings away. but while his wings will never work again like they once did, i do like v1 working in light contact a little at a time, as much as gabe can tolerate, until he can enjoy small touches again (sort of the way he once slowly got v1 used to having its blood ports handled). it means that he really only lets his wings out with v1, but there's something even more euphoric about it now, to have contact that only v1 knows how to properly perform. his wings feel different now too, burning like ice instead of fire, feathers brittle like glass and biting in splinters, but v1 loves it just the same. maybe it can even help him preen a little :]
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localrobosexual · 10 months
i think i'm gonna try one of those weekly meal prep delivery services because genuinely at this point trying to plan meals every week and setting aside the time to grocery shop and prep and cook and all that shit is really getting to me and it's not lookin good here folks lol
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ghstslut · 1 year
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squish <3
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xosupernova · 2 years
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
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i have a crush on him.
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