#golden demise
hyliandude · 2 years
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Obsessed with these “Elden” pokemon by @golden_demise on instagram!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Golden Demise
Artist: Deruchenko Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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kenro199x · 2 years
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Tamashi Nations - Godzilla: King of The Monsters - King Ghidorah (2019) Special Color Version, Bandai Spirits S.H.MonsterArts Tamashi Nations
After what seemed like infinite delays, my King Ghidorah has finally arrived! I have the original one, which was nice but had some stability issues. This one is a bit better on that front and aesthetically better. Ghidorah is golden here with silver tips on the horns and under the necks. The figure is still massive and is a shelf killer, but the presence is undeniable.
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ezlo-x · 10 months
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Golden Goddesses/Origins AU -
Tee hee its finally done~ I wanted to get these out already so I can FINALLY move on 💥 gotta admit I didn't like how Fierce Deity's pose ended up looking like, after so many attempts I couldn't get it right so I hand you her static ref for the sillies <3 threw Ghirahim and Fi in there cause why da hell not. They're not gods but whatever <3
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
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Observe: Illustrations for an upcoming chapter of The Golden Demise by @the-chronomancer, featuring Ghidorah and Dr. Vivienne Graham! GO READ THE GOLDEN DEMISE. IT'S REAL GOOD.
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kheprriverse · 8 months
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Happy Halloween! Here’s Majora’s design for my au :D
This was a super long process but totally worth it in the end, she turned out a lot better than expected. Pieces of that process can be found on my kofi for members! Eventually I’ll make a more simplified version of this design, for easier use lol.
Masterpost | Lineup | Ko-fi
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archi-pelago · 1 year
more zonai au
wanted to doodle the god of time for this au, meet "Ordona" aka the Fierce Deity of Time
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Link is an ancestor of his and he's extremely hands off, usually passing shit onto Hylia or Demise or the three goddesses bc he's not invested in basically anything. when he is, its only when time and space is at risk, which isn't very often, but if he gets involved he's got a worse temper than Demise
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Link bullies an Ocarina of Time out of him! here's a size comparison. Considering Zonai!Link is about the same size as Sidon, this dude's a bit toll. He also didn't used to be a god of time until he defeated Majora a long time ago through his music, when he was still very very young
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it was a sad affair, and one of the reasons he doesn't participate in wars between the gods anymore. Majora nearly decimated the Zonai population and they never really recovered, even after Ordona took the helm. (as a result he's THRILLED that Link turned into a Zonai. hell yes my sonboy. furry upon thee!!)
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breezypunk · 1 month
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golden retriever boyfriend not happy that cat is getting more attention, must intervene.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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put all of their concepts into a rough size comparison! (all of this can still change but this is the current idea; only demise and hylias true form will show up in the comic tho) pls note that they are of the same kind (deities) but the main three are NOT related
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onlyzhuyilong · 2 months
In which Long Ge (36) gets freaked out by the lighting of candles on his birthday cake - pleads to the audience if they can relate, proceeds to forget how to use a camera phone in the midst of showing his bday cake. (Chaos)
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jellyfishvibes · 3 months
I poked my Hylia design slightly and now have a more fleshed out loz pantheon
the worms are whispering for me to redesign demise and ghirahim too but i must resist
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It's the Year of the Dragon ladies and gentlemen...
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...so, have a great day!
With this self-proclaimed devil...
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Golden Demise
Artist: Deruchenko Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mango-unit · 2 months
something about termina, lorule, demise, and the flames of the dark rites
ok so i was thinking about the sword of demise and the goddess sword
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the goddess sword is the blade of the goddess hylia, and is also the sword spirit fi, who is capable of dowsing. this capability is what allows her to track zelda, the reincarnation of hylia.
the sword if demise is the blade of the demon king demise, and is also the sword spirit ghirahim, who has the capability to track zelda, the reincarnation of hylia. this implies some dowsing ability.
in its default form, the goddess sword bears little resemblance to the blade of demise. however, when tempered in the sacred flames of the golden goddesses, it becomes the master sword.
both blades (masyer sword and sword of demise) feature winged hilts, embedded gems, and depictions of the triforce engraved in the steel. the sword of demise is very clearly a demonic counterpart to the master sword - although it was fully forged first. also, its triforce is upside down.
considering that hylia and demise have parallel blades, it is a fair assumption that demise is the demonic parallel to hylia, and was granted the role of king by some greater entities (just as hylia was). i revisit this later once i have some more laid out, bear with me.
it is also a fair assumption that, as the blade of demise resembles the master sword more than the goddess blade, it was similarly tempered in demonic flames.
and i think ive got a pretty strong contender.
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the sacred flames are three flames containing the power of the golden goddesses. the flames of the dark rites are three flames containing the power of the demons. in fact, there are theories that the flames of the dark rites are actually the origin of all demonic power, although i dont subscribe to it.
i believe that there are three dark demons, just as there are three golden goddesses. the sacred flames contain the power of the golden goddesses, and embody the virtues of power, wisdom, and courage. the flames of the dark rights contain the power of the dark demons, and embody the virtues of destruction, sorrow, and despair.
i believe that demise tempered his blade in the flames of the dark rites, just as link tempered hylias blade in the sacred flames. this is why the sword of demise resembles the master sword so closely.
these dark demons, the parallels to the golden goddesses, left demise in charge of their domain, just as the golden goddesses did to hylia.
and, just as the golden goddesses created the light realm (hyrule and its sister kingdoms), the dark demons created the dark realm (lorule and its sister kingdoms). this connects to the master sword and demise sword - the master sword features the triforce of light (embodying wisdom, courage, and power) while the demise sword features the triforce of dark (embodying sorrow, despair, and destruction).
the gods rule the light realm. the demons rule the dark realm.
the triforce of dark, bearing the virtues of destruction, sorrow, and despair, was the original triforce of lorule. it, due to it having corrupted virtues, pointed towards the ground. just as the golden goddesses left behind the triforce (to sustain the light realm) and the sacred flames, the dark demons left behind their triforce (to sustain the dark realm) and the flames of the dark rites. the golden goddesses placed hylia in charge of the light realm; the dark demons placed demise in charge of the dark realm.
due to the dark realm being founded upon more corrupted virtues, the people were more cruel and paranoid. because of this, the primary settlement of the kingdom isnt even named - its just a town for thieves to rest before they head back out to rob and crime. i believe that this led to the era of chaos, the war over the triforce, happening much earlier than it would have in the light realm, even without demises interference. i will revisit this.
as for the actual layout of the dark realm, just to cover some bases.
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look at the eastern border of termina and the western border of lorule
to the southeast termina, there is swampy jungle marsh
to the southwest lorule, there is swampy jungle marsh
just north of that marsh in termina is a desert
just north of that marsh in lorule is a desert
to the north of both kingdoms is a mountain range said to be cursed into eternal winter
i believe that termina is directly to the west of lorule. the small bit of desert in lorule connects to the ikana desert of termina, and the curse placed upon the termina range extended to death mountain.
there is more in-game evidence for this, in both albw and majoras mask.
the ikana desert bleeds into lorulian territory, so it would stand to reason there would be some transferred iconography. that is exactly what we see. in the stone tower temple - in the ikana desert - we see depictions of the triforce, being licked by demons. the triforce is right-side-up, if youre talking about the light realm, but its upside down, if youre talking about the dark realm. this would imply some connection with the tower and inversion, since such a key symbol is inverted.
oh wouldnt you know the entire dungeon flips upside down.
so, if we say its an inverted dark triforce, it actually serves as a guide to those who travel through the dungeon: it is a dungeon of inversion. similarly, since its a symbol of the dark demons who created the world, it is a simultaneous depiction of defiance against the gods and worship of the dark demons.
when inverted (resembling the light triforce), a pathetic, naked figure with a forked tongue (a weak demon) is licking the triforce from above. this seems to imply that those who defy the dark demons (the gods, represented by the inverted dark triforce) are lesser than even the weakest of demons.
when oriented correctly (resembling the dark triforce), that same pathetic demon is now below the triforce, straining to lick its tip. this seems to depict how most demons, even those greater than the gods, are still lesser than the dark demons who created the world and struggle for just a small taste of their power. this is a flattering image for their creator deities.
so, now that weve discussed the connection to the lorulian dark triforce in majoras mask, we can now discuss the connection to terminas culture in a link between worlds - although this is even more blatant.
thieves town, on the western edge of the kingdom bordering termina, has a group of people who wear masks depicting the faces of monsters in an attempt to become those monsters themselves.
termina is littered with magical masks that transform its wearer into the monster it depicts.
this seems pretty direct. they picked up the culture or myths of those masks from termina and, seeking salvation from the pain of human life in the dark realm, developed a religion from the concept of transformative masks.
so there is a connection to the other kingdoms culture and icons in both games, and theyre both along the proposed common border with similar geographic features.
now as for the mountains: there is a misconception held by some that the curse on biggoron is what caused the winter on terminas mountain. that isnt the case. the curse on biggoron caused the blizzard, yes; but he was only there in termina in the first place to investigate the endless winter.
the mountains were cursed a significant time before majoras mask, allowing for the time it took for biggoron to learn of the curse and travel to termina; this curse affected death mountain in lorule.
now, i said i would revisit what i said about the era of chaos happening earlier in lorule.
i think that there are two things at play: the dark world, which is more aggressive, had the era of chaos earlier as a result. and the light world, which was attacked by demise, had the era of chaos greatly delayed as a result (the hylians were sent to the sky).
i believe that the lorulian sages destroyed the dark triforce just before the events of skyward sword. the world began to unravel, which prompted demise (the dark realms guardian deity, equivalent to hylia) to seek out a new one. this led him to the light realm - to the triforce left by the golden goddesses.
demise did pretty much the same thing hilda would eventually do, except through much more active bloodshed and conquering. he was fighting to save the world he was tasked with protecting, and he was sealed and killed as a result. his attack led to skyloft, which further delayed the light realm era of chaos (and the sealing of the triforce).
the dark realm was left without a guardian deity. this prompted the giants to offer the people of termina the oath to order. they would sleep in the furthest reaches of the kingdom, and their power would sustain the land - and if the people ever needed their intervention, they could play a song which would awaken them.
they became the new guardians of termina, akin to the role the dragons serve in the light realm. lorule, however, had no being to protect it from the decay caused by the absence of the triforce. so it, slowly, ever so slowly, began to rot.
its probably a good idea to wrap this up now, so im gonna recap everything discussed here really quickly.
- termina is directly west of lorule, both are in the dark world
- the lorule desert is a small section of the ikana desert
- the stone tower temple depicts an inverted lorulian triforce, hinting at its ability to flip
- the thieves town picked up the culture of wearing masks to transform into monsters from termina
- the dark world was created by three dark demons who embodied the virtues of destruction, sorrow, and despair; these virtues were embodied in the dark triforce, and in the flames of the dark rites, the demonic counterpart to the sacred flames
- demise is the dark realm equivalent to hylia, tasked with defending the world
- demise tempered his blade in the flames of the dark rites, as link tempered hylias blade in the sacred flames
- the more aggressive dark realm battles over the triforce earlier, and so destroyed it before the events if skyward sword
- this led to demise seeking out the triforce of the light realm, further delaying the era of chaos in the light realm by forcing the hylians to escape to the skies
- the absence of a guardian being led to the giants delivering the oath to order
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dragonsballsz · 1 year
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guess who's going to the trans march today~
(not frieza. it's me. i'm going. frieza isn't.)
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
Also I have so many more stupid ideas for Oocca Hylia
Like, I never considered the design being TMM-canon, but I'm tempted because it would be so funny
Demise has to return to the demon kingdom and somehow cover up that the Triforce was given to a fucking chicken instead of him, so he lies and says she stole it (omitting the chicken part of course, this must be relayed as a legendary battle with a duplicitous trickster deity so as to preserve his pride), then has to fully commit to the story and declare war on a neighboring country
That's so fucking funny I can't stop thinking about it
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