#goldenlace fic
rumbelleshowdown · 1 year
Sonnenblume here! A bit late I know but I just voted and have some compliments for my fellow writers.
TheMostDisturbed - I loved “The Sacred Stone of Beatha!” It created so much intrigue! Omg it would make such a good full-length fic!!! You managed to tell so much story with what was really just one scene! Imagining Rumple fighting off those creatures reminded me of Howl fighting off those monsters in Howl’s Moving Castle. (Amazing film of you haven’t seen it)
Beast of Gold - To Love Most Late was such a good alternative take on what happened after Belle left. Take that, Regina!
Rose Daughter - Hooow did you craft suck a compelling world/story in so few words? While not sacrificing rich description and detail? That’s something I’ve always struggled with and I definitely think it was a weak point in my own submission. I loved finfolk Rumple and I’m honestly scared of being eliminated in the first round, being up against a story as good as yours.
Smokey Willow - I LOVED the descriptions of the lightning and it honestly upsets me that there isn’t more to read of “Evening of Judgement”! I want to know what the arrangement is and what’s going to happen in the morning!!! Omgggg! 😱
Home Alone - The idea behind “The Heart and the Dagger” is sooo good and I would love to read more of it! The situation Rumple and Belle are in seems so impossible. I want to know how they get together again!!! Because obviously they have to. (I need a happy ending!!!) I also think it’s super creative how you had them “sharing a bed” even when miles apart.
Onelastedit - “Love is a Battlefield” was soooo cuuute! I love the domesticity. Made me feel all warm and snuggly inside. 🥰
Fabletales - Ooohhh that cliffhanger at the end of “Before the Storm” was meeean! But the twist was so good!!! Rumple and Nymph Belle fought, then talked it out and are now a couple. That’s like- totally what happened next!
Spindle - I loved “Premonition!” Rumple would totally go overboard if it was for the sake of saving a kid. And I loved your take on the Enchanted Castle. I don’t see sentience in the castle in a lot of fics. Yours was really good! I also loved the domesticity of Rumple and Belle being together in the castle at the beginning, indulging in their respective hobbies and being content in each other’s presence. But then seeing Belle all worried about Rumple was sweet too. 🥰
Gideon’s Quest - It was really bold of you to tell a Rumbelle story entirely from Gideon’s point of view. And of course Belle would tell her son all sorts of stories, and Rumple would want his son to figure things out on his own. Leave it to him to teach his boy how to be clever. Best parents! And the twist as to why they were on the trip was great!
Lucretia Victrix - Yours was a take I did NOT see coming. But I totally loved the whole ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ partners in crime thing! Sort of reminds me of what Neal and Emma were getting up to when they were young, but something tells me Rumple makes things a little violent than the scams and petty theft they were doing. Yowzas. Also I adored your descriptions of the desert in the first paragraph. Those words were so ✨pretty!✨
Ace of Hearts - Robert and Belle were so cuuute! Mr. Gold as the chivalrous knight in shining cashmere. Such a gentleman. And he was so sweet when he asked for permission to kiss her. Then things sure were headed in a steamy direction at the end tho… 👀
Squizzel - Mr. Gold toootally doesn’t get hard-ons in seedy bars… 👀 Seriously I loved the sultry tension between Lacey and Mr. Gold in this. You definitely captured the essence of GoldenLace perfectly in this one! And Lacey was so BOLD with that kiss tho! She totally loved taking the most feared man in town off-guard. And the most feared man in town wasn’t exactly complaining either. 😏 And then Gold as the knight in shining armor is always great. I could almost hear his cane hitting Gaston’s hand. It made me cringe but I still cheered.
All of you did such great jobs and it was sooo hard deciding which ones to vote for!!! 😫 Good luck everybody!
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barpurplewrites · 6 years
A Pressing Appointment - Chapter 1
@a-monthly-rumbelling Smut: “I’m starting to think you just like me pinning you up against things, sweetheart.”
Sheriff Lacey French rolled her eyes. She’d known who would be slap bang in the middle of the fight the moment the call had come in. At her side Deputy Graham laughed softly; “Just for once it would be nice to haul someone else to the station on a Saturday night.”
Lacey snorted as squared her shoulders and hollered; “Break it up! Now!”
The angry shouts and indiscriminate heckling died down. A few people slunk away, and others casually turned back to their drinks. The heart of the disturbance became clear and an angry Scottish voice shouted a challenge to the departing crowd. Lacey stepped forward and ducked as a broken pool cue sung wildly towards her. She grabbed an elbow and twisted him into the pool table.
“Hey! Hey! I’m no causing trouble.”
The pool cue clattered to the floor and he blew his hair out of his face, twisting his head so he could give her a cheery smile that must have hurt his split lip.
“Evening Sheriff. Is there a problem?”
She couldn’t decide which was more annoying; the man himself, or the fact that even bleeding and sweaty from fighting she found him attractive. The frustration showed in her voice as she snapped; “What do you think Gold?”
“Well if that wee scrote Nottingham hadnae cheated we’d be just dandy.”
Graham was patching Nottingham up, from here it looked like he was going to need stitches for the gash on his head. She snicked the cuffs around Gold’s wrists and hauled him upright; “Same as last month then. Come on you know the drill.”
The Rabbit Hole regulars were indifferent as Gold was led out in cuffs. It was such a regular occurrence that it wasn’t worth gawping at. Lacey knew as well as everyone else that there would be no charges, and that Little John would let Gold work off the damages behind the bar. In two weeks Gold would be drinking again and then a week or so later he would kick off over something starting the cycle over again.
It drove Lacey mad. Thanks to his frequent nights in the cells she’d had plenty of conversations with Gold. He was smart, well-read and funny in a dry way. When he was sober he worked hard, but for some reason he couldn’t resist the siren call of alcohol. He’d told her once that he drank to drown his demons, but he wouldn’t expand on the nature of those demons. Getting to know the man behind the bar-brawling whiskey swigging exterior had only fuelled her attraction.
She pushed Gold against the side of the cruiser as she dragged open the door; “One of these days you’re gonna get your arse seriously kicked, Gold.”
He grinned at her and winced as the movement pulled on his split lip; “Hasnae happened yet Sheriff.”
“Yeah, luck of the Irish.”
She shoved him into the back seat and closed the door, as he shouted indignantly; “I’m Scottish and you bloody well know it!”
Lacey huffed, of course she knew, but her suggesting he was Irish, or Welsh was the quickest way to get Gold to shut up. When anyone else questioned his heritage, he was likely to start a fight, but they had an unspoken understanding that when she did it her temper was wearing thin. Tonight, she wasn’t in the mood to parry his banter.
She went back inside briefly to check Graham was alright handling the fallout, and to tell him he could head home once he was done.
As expected Gold was quiet all the way back to the station. He co-operated as she pulled him from the back of the car but dragged his feet as she steered him into the station.
“What you don’t want your Saturday night bed?”
Gold huffed at her; “Not tired yet, I’ve a full pint back at the pub, y’know,” – he shrugged, - “Well I did until I lobbed it at someone.”
Lacey unlocked the cuffs and pushed him against the bars of the cell, so she could pat him down. He twisted his head and looked at her over his shoulder.
“I’m starting to think you just like pinning me up against things, sweetheart.”
She threw his wallet on the desk behind her; “Yeah, sure this is my dream Saturday night, patting down your skinny arse and filling out forms with your ridiculous first name.”
He turned around and gave her a lopsided smile; “That one is my Pa’s fault, I hadnae a choice in the matter.”
She stepped forward to unlock the cell, but he didn’t step to the side like he usually did, so she was basically pinning him to the bars with her body. He gave her a told-you-so smirk and her last bit of patience snapped. She leaned in even closer, so they were chest to chest; “Maybe I keep pinning you against things in the hopes that you’ll return the favour and kiss me senseless while you’re at it.”
She watched his throat bob as he swallowed. What the hell was she doing? This wasn’t right, he was in custody and she had a duty of care which certainly didn’t include propositioning him. She twisted the key and stepped back.
“Inside Gold, sleep it off.”
He hesitated but walked backwards into the cell and closed the door. She didn’t look at him as she locked the cell, but she knew he was watching her, she could feel his eyes on her as she moved to her desk to start the paperwork. After a few minutes she heard the cot creak as he lay down, and not long after that there was a gentle snore. Lacey glanced up at his sleeping form and blew out a sigh. She’d had a few day dreams about letting him know her feelings for him, but this shitstorm was not one of them.
The night dragged, but finally the clock ticked around to six and Lacey tapped her keys against the bars of Gold’s cell.
“Rise and shine. I’ve got some coffee on the go if you want one.”
He shuffled his feet and darted past her; “Not this morning, thanks Sheriff.”
She watched him all but run out of the station and banged her head off the bars. Looks like he remembered everything from last night and was deeply uncomfortable about it. Fan-fucking-tastic.
 Lacey was driving back into town after a call to one of the farmhouses. Mrs Shoemann had reported an intruder, which had turned out to be one of her eldest sons coming home for a surprise visit. Joel really needed to remember that his Mom was blind as a bat, always lost her glasses and could swing a frying pan like a baseball pro.
It had been a week since she had seen Gold, so when he drove past her she did a double take. What the hell was he doing driving the Game of Thorns van? She flicked the flashers on and pulled a U-turn. If he was drunk driving a stolen vehicle she was going to throw the book at him, literally.
He pulled to the side of the road carefully and stepped down from the cab.
“If this is about the tail light I’ve told Moe about it and he’s getting the van into the garage as soon as they’ve got a space.”
Lacey glared at him and stepped in close, so she could sniff his breath. He wobbled back and landed on the step of the cab.
“Have you been drinking Gold? What the hell are you doing driving? Have you stolen this van?”
He glared back at her; “No, working and no!”
She reached for her cuffs; “If you’re going to bullshit me I’m arresting you now.”
He surged to his feet and grabbed her upper arms before spinning them around and pinning her against the side of the van. She gasped, and his lips crashed into hers. There wasn’t a hint of booze on his breath, just a faint trace of coffee. It took her a heartbeat to return his bruising kiss but once she’d got her brain in gear she did so with enthusiasm.
Gold pulled back and let go of her. He was panting for breath, and still looked angry.
“I’ve no had a drink in a week. I got meself a proper job at the flower shop, and I’m working to pay Little John back for the damage. I wanted to clean me act up before I pinned ye against something and snogged ye senseless.”
She took all of that in, she need to apologise for pulling him over and suspecting the worst, but right now something else was more important. She grabbed the open neck of his shirt and hauled him into her.
“I can still think clearly, best try harder on the snogging me senseless part.”
He growled at her and lunged for her mouth. The heat was still there, but the anger had turned to passion. Lacey got her fingers into his hair and tugged his head to one side to position them better. Gold pressed against her and got one of his legs between hers. The friction was so close to being in the right place, but with their clothes in the way it was never going to be enough. She could feel him getting hard and for a crazy moment she considered reaching for his belt buckle right here on the side of the road. Reluctantly she pulled on his hair to break the kiss.
“What time do you get off?”
Gold rested his forehead against hers and gave a breathless chuckle; “I finish work at five, can be at your place by six and as to when I get off, that’s up to you sweetheart.”
Lacey grinned; “That’s going to depend on your manners, Gold.”
He pulled a face of mock hurt; “It may surprise you know I was brought up right, I know it’s ladies first,” – he pressed a teasing kiss to her lips, - “And since I’m a true gentleman, it’s also ladies second and third if I can manage it.”
It was far to tempting to drag him into the back of the cruiser and put that to the test. She took a shaky breath and gently pushed him away. He eased back with a grin on his face, which looked ridiculous since her lipstick was smeared across his lips. He was going to need a few minutes to put himself back together before he went back to work, she was going to need the same.
“Drive safe, Mr Gold. I’ll see you at six.”
The grin was still plastered on his face as he climbed back into the van. She could feel her own smile wide on her face as she waved him off and walked back to her cruiser. Tonight was going to be a hell of a lot of fun.
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galactic-pirates · 7 years
Golden Lace: Same time tomorrow?
11. “Same time tomorrow?”
Lacey sprawlednaked on the bed as she watched Gold dress. It was a warm night so she felt noneed to grab for the sheet, enjoying the breeze from the window against hersweat slicked skin. A minute ago Gold had been naked and panting next to her,but the moment he recovered his breath he stood and grabbed his clothes. It wasthe same every single time.
“Same timetomorrow?” Lacey checked, as she did at this point every single time.
“Yes,” Goldconfirmed, as he fastened his right cuff-link, his gaze trailing over herappreciatively.
She watched hisdeft movements, his nimble fingers twisting and turning the fabric as he tied aperfect knot for his tie. A moment later he shrugged his jacket on, and lookedas impeccable as he had an hour earlier, when he’d knocked at her door. Hishand curled round the handle and he hesitated, turning back to look at her oncelast time.
“Same timetomorrow,” Gold repeated, before pulling open the door and disappearing intothe night.
The door shutfirmly behind him and Lacey groaned, grabbing his pillow and putting it overher face. His scent invaded her nose, she huffed in annoyance and chucked thepillow over to the other side of the room. Damn him anyway, just screw themagnificent bastard. She snorted at the irony in her words, screwing him waskinda the problem. Their arrangementhad been going on for years, ever since her last knockdown drag-out fight withher dad had resulted in her storming out vowing never to return, and her dadscreaming after her that she’d cross his threshold again over his dead body.
She vaguelyremembered staying with Ruby for a few nights but then her Granny had startedmaking disapproving noises, so to avoid problems for her friend Lacey had left.Lacey knew she was stubborn, to the point of stupidity sometimes, but a coupleof nights on the streets had convinced her to try and mend fences with her dad.He hadn’t wanted to hear it, and that was when Gold had found her, or she’dfound him. It was kinda fuzzy and she didn’t really remember. Gold had offeredher a deal; an apartment of her own and money, and in return she fucked himwhenever he wanted. She found him attractive anyway so it was a pretty sweetdeal.
They’d falleninto a routine. The same ritual of what they said, and it was the same timealmost everyday. The sex had got pretty routine as well but then Lacey guessedthat’s what happened when you fucked the same person for a long time. Gold washer first long-term relationship, if you could call their deal a relationship,so that kind of thing was new to her. It might be routine but it was stillsatisfying, it just a little hollow as it was pretty much the same every singletime. She kept meaning to suggest a different position, or that they shouldexperiment a little, but it’s like the moment he knocked she was locked intofollowing a script and the ideas went out of her head until after he was gone.
Lacey sighedand rolled out of bed, padding over to the attached bathroom. She’d shower,watch an episode of something stupid on the TV and then go to bed - just likealways.
The nextmorning Lacey woke up to a frantic banging on her door. She rubbed at her eyesas she stumbled to the door. This was new and she really couldn’t imagine whatthe hell was so important. She threw the door open, the stinging insult she wasforming dying on her lips at the sight of Gold. It wasn’t their deal whichstole her words, she owed him a lot but he didn’t own her, she would tell himwhat she thought if she damn well wanted, but she didn’t want to hurt himbecause he already looked terrible. He was wearing the same clothes she’d seenhim in the night before, that awful checked shirt which didn’t suit him at all.
“What’s thematter Gold?” Lacey demanded, stepping back to let him inside.
“I just … Ihad to see you,” Gold admitted breathlessly, running a hand through hisdisheveled hair.
He stared ather like he was drinking her in, like he hadn’t seen her in years, like he hadn’tfucked her just the night before. Lacey shifted uncomfortably. This was new,and usually new was good, but new that freaked her the hell out was not welcomeat all.
“Yeah well I’mhere, same as always,” Lacey said sarcastically. “Coffee or do you want to …”she gestured behind her towards the bedroom.
“No,” Goldexclaimed. “No you don’t … we don’t.” He shook his head. “I consider our dealfulfilled. This apartment, your …” he swallowed. “Your allowance, it’s allstill yours, you’ve more than …” he licked his lips. “You’ve more than earnedit. If you wish I’ll never darken your door again.”
Lacey frownedand stared at him distrustfully. That made no sense. She got what she did for ‘servicesrendered’ and no ‘services’ surely meant no ‘reward’. This was clearly a testbut she didn’t go in for that kind of crap. She’d have to go when he calledanyway, so for now she’d take her free days. He’d be back soon enough.
“Alright, thenget out of here,” Lacey said dismissively.
Gold’s facefell but he nodded. “As you wish.” He strode back to the door and wrenched itopen, he turned and gave her one last longing glance, before disappearing, thedoor shutting firmly behind him - same as always.
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The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards – Winners!
Thank you to everyone who voted and helped spread word about this event, the fandom surprised me again. Congratulations all winners, you are really loved! Here is the masterlist.
*Categories with two winners had the same number of votes.
Best Fix-It
The Life You Save May Be Your Own by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Comfort
The Gift of Magi by @findingtallahassee
Best Date
The Worst That Could Happen by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Happy Moment
Quia Parata Sunt Omnia by @thatvermillionflycatcher
Best Exes
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Misunderstanding
Dripping in Gold by @maplesyrupao3
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Coming Home by @scribbles-by-kate
Best Love and Hate
Unfailing Faith by @mrs-stiltskin
Best Reencounter
The Bookshop Owner by @imgilmoregirl
Best Underage
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
Best Rape/Non-Con
Old Habits Die Hard by @dowehaveadeal
Best Major Character Death
A Safe Place by @lotus0kid
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Death Becomes Her by @crysania
Best Gideon
The Bond Between Us by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Baelfire
Caged Love by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Rose – The Dark Children by @imgilmoregirl
Best Family Long Fic
Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
Best Family One Shot
To Keep Out The Dark by @rufeepeach
Best Pregnancy
Heat of the Moment by @thescholarlystrumpet
Best First Time
Bravery Will Follow by @emospritelet
Best PWP
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best Threesome
Love and Trust by @emospritelet
Best Romance
A Dozen Roses by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Best Hate-Sex
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Kink
The Party by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Movie AU
The Parent Trap by @imgilmoregirl
Best TV Show AU
Home by @winterswanderlust
What Once Was… by @barpurplewrites
Best Modern AU
The Tie That Binds by @ishtarelisheba
Best Curse AU
Shape Of Love by @Rumpelstiltskin_wait
Best Creature AU
Heavenly Bodies by @maplesyrupao3
Best Historical AU
Dark Sight by @maplesyrupao3
Best Drama
Angel’s Unaware by @ethereal-wishes
Best Angst
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Hurt/Comfort
I Must Be Warmer Now by @ifishouldvanish
Best Series
Reckless Abandon by @rufeepeach
Best Roleplay
The Fate of Pierrot by @thatvermillionflycatcher
Best Sketch
Sea wizard by @nia-sketches
Best Manip
Lust by @virgidearie
Best Digital Art
Precious Moments by @licieoic
Best Gif-Set
I miss you - we miss you too son by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art
The Gold Family - King of Loopholes by @nropay-gallery
Best Cosplay
wizard world chicago - @klairabelle, @delintthedarkone, @druidkitty, @snafu-moofins
Best Fan Video
Rumbelle Forever / OUAT/ Belle & Rumplestiltskin by @spellbound
Once Upon A Time There Was a Beast by @allicamallison
Best Artist
Best RushBelle
Love and Trust by @emospritelet
Best WovenLace
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best Rushacey
The Worst That Could Happen by @thatravenclawbitch
Best WovenBelle
Off Duty by @emospritelet
Best GoldenLace
Recovery by @justadearie
Best Swanfire
Waiting Game by @emospritelet
Best CuriousArcher
Stolen Books and True Love by @imgilmoregirl
Best Gidrick
The Light That Waits by @likehandlingroses
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Dark Heart by @emospritelet
Best Anyelle Fic
Let’s Spend The Night Together by @ifishouldvanish
No Light Over London by @lotus0kid
Best Commenter
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emospritelet · 7 years
Eighth Day (Dec 20th): Kissing under the mistletoe - Waiting Game!GoldenLace + their daughter
This gave me all the feels…
The original Waiting Game fic is 7 chapters.  As a synopsis Lacey is in Neal’s college dorm, and she and Gold have a one-night-stand.  After which there’s a massive misunderstanding and she won’t speak to him, but then finds out she’s pregnant.  Cue yelling and drama and Gold trying to do the right thing and Swanfire being the peacemakers.  I wrote ficlets after the fic was finished and leading up to the birth here, here, here and here.
If someone had told Lacey twelve months earlier that she would not only be a mother, but also be deeply in love with the child’s father, she would have thought they were high.  She had been quite happy in her studies, enjoying the challenge of her different classes as she worked towards her dream of becoming a journalist, and she had given no thought to settling down with anyone until that was accomplished.  She certainly hadn’t anticipated that she would sleep with her best friend’s dad.  Let alone get knocked up by him.  And now she lived in a large salmon-pink house in a small town called Storybrooke, owned by a certain lawyer called Rufus Gold, with their newborn daughter.  It had taken some adjusting to, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Her feelings for Gold had come as a shock, and although she had never told him how she felt (to be fair, he hadn’t exactly done likewise) she couldn’t imagine being without him.  She watched him as he lit candles on the mantelpiece, adding to the low, warm light of the room glinting on his short hair.  God, he was beautiful!  Good enough to eat, and if she hadn’t given birth less than a week ago she would have been tempted to drag him upstairs to show him exactly how much she wanted him.
Their first Christmas together had been less of a celebration than she was used to, largely because she was heavily pregnant and very uncomfortable.  Their daughter had been due to arrive on the fifth of January, but had decided to make her entrance a week early, which had also rendered New Year’s Eve null and void.  They had named her Matilda, for one of Gold’s aunts and one of Lacey’s favourite fictional characters.  Tilly for short.
Lacey gazed down at their daughter as she suckled, one tiny arm waving.  It looked as though she was almost done, the nipple slipping from her mouth, and Lacey looked over at Gold as she started to grumble.
“Can you take her?” she asked.
He was there almost immediately, scooping up his daughter in a blanket and crooning to her as she hiccoughed a little.  Lacey buttoned her shirt, getting to her feet to join them.  Gold was swaying gently under the light as he murmured what sounded like a Christmas song.  Mistletoe still hung from the shade, its green fronds brushing the top of his head.  She slipped an arm around him, resting her head against his shoulder, and he kissed her hair.
“Tired?” he asked, and she sighed.
“A little.  Happy, though.”
“Yes.”  She felt him smile against her hair.  “Yes, me too.”
There was silence for a moment, and she closed her eyes with a contented sigh.  The room was warm, and she breathed in the scent of Gold’s cologne and Matilda’s baby smell, thinking that there was nowhere in the world she would rather be.  Gold kissed her head again.
“I love you, Lacey,” he whispered, and she sucked in a breath, turning to face him.
“You do?” she said softly, and he smiled, his eyes crinkling.
“How could I not?” he said.  “You’re wonderful.  Beautiful as a sun-kissed valley, and fierce as a lioness.  You poke fun at me, you challenge me… “  He shook his head, still smiling.  “Every minute of every day with you is exciting.  Breathtaking.”
She swallowed hard, wanting to cry, and he moved closer, his thumb stroking over her cheek.
“And you’ll be a wonderful mother to our daughter,” he added softly.  “I know - I know this hasn’t been easy.  I know this wasn’t what you planned - it wasn’t what I planned, but honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Yeah,” she whispered.  “Yeah, I feel the same.”
“Well, then.”
He was smiling at her, his eyes glinting, and she wanted to cry.  She had gone into this pregnancy feeling terrified: convinced he would reject her, that he would reject them both.  That she would have to try to find a way to raise her child against all the odds.  That she would become everything her father had always expected her to.  And instead Gold had taken responsibility immediately: getting them the best medical care, moving her into his house, and helping her to arrange a deferral of her college studies.
She had never been sure what that meant - whether he was simply doing what he thought he should, or whether he had real feelings for her.  He had told her at the start that he wanted to make a go of things, but they had never really discussed what that would look like, and she had been too insecure to make the first move in discussing their relationship.  Admittedly, they had slept together quite a few times since she had moved in, but she had initiated every one, and had gone back to her own room afterwards.  He had never pursued her, had never pushed her or asked her to stay, and as Matilda’s birth had drawn nearer she found herself wanting him to.  She had wanted him to want her, as much as she wanted him.  And now he did.
“Say it again,” she breathed, and his grin widened.
“I love you,” he said sincerely.  “I love both of you.”
Lacey kissed him, her mouth pulling at his before she settled back on her heels with a contented sound.
“Well, I love you too,” she said.  “Have done for awhile.  If you want me to list a bunch of romantic reasons like you just did, you’ll need to get me drunk.”
Gold chuckled at that, and kissed her again.
“I don’t need the reasons.”
Tilly’s hand got free of the blanket, waving frantically and hitting Gold in the face, making them both chuckle.
“She’s a cheeky one,” said Lacey.  “I’m guessing she’ll run rings around us if we let her.” 
“We may have to be stern,” he agreed, and she snorted.
“Yeah, like you could ever be stern with her,” she said.  “I know damn well who’s gonna be the bad cop here.”
He grinned, kissing her forehead, and she snuggled against him and sighed contentedly.  Life was good.  Life was perfect.
12 days of Ficmas
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mariequitecontrarie · 7 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
So I have like three of these sitting in my inbox (thank you to the kind, wonderful people who thought of me!!!), but I have been reluctant to respond because, well, I suck lately. I haven’t updated anything and I haven’t written anything new. If I’m being honest, it makes me feel like a fraud to even put my faves out there, but I’m keeping the faith that more writing is ahead for me and that my best work is NOT in the rear view mirror. 
All of Me – This one’s my baby to end all babies. Still my favorite to write and talk about and answer questions on, and by far my most popular fic. I love the slow, sweet falling in love between Belle and Gold, love Belle’s journey toward self-love, I love the family and friendship connections and the side of Swanfire. I love the cute things Henry does and says, I love that Gold is the one who has a stable, loving family, instead of him being the featured outsider. The only thing I don’t love is how long it takes me to update. But it’s one of those stories I just can’t rush through.
Meet Me in the Courtyard – Nothing crazy unique about this fic–it’s one of those typical Belle and Gold have crushes on each other and can’t seem to figure out a way to be together Storybrooke AUs, but it’s got a touch more angst than a typical Marie story, and that makes it unique for me. Also it’s awkward and Belle and Gold are ridiculous DORKS and Ruby is kind of a jerk and not always the sort of friend she should and could be, but that’s also realistic. Sometimes friends disappoint us; sometimes relationships don’t hit the ground running, and I like that this fic reflects those uncomfortable moments in life. I love where this fic is headed, too!
Passing Inspection -- I love this story because it grew out of an innocent what-if prompt and exploded into an entire universe in which Neal never dies and Belle and Rumple marry and go on to have more kids. This fic is about Belle and Neal getting to know each other post 3A and both figuring out how they fit into Rumplestiltskin’s life and how they become a family. It also launched my Gold Family series, of which I am immensely fond and proud.
Fourteen Days -- My precious, wounded misunderstood Lacey. This is pure GoldenLace -- no curse, no Rumple, no Belle. I love the day-to-day vignette style of this story and I love how hard Lacey fights not to fall in love with Gold and totally belly-flop fails because he’s sweet and amazing and loves her no matter what demons are in her past. 
Morning Glory -- My first foray into Macelle! Joseph and Belle are such soft, precious darlings, and Merlin is such an annoyingly fun character that I want to simultaneously hug and slap (I feel like Joseph identifies with this problem). I love the entire Morning Glory series, and I’m working on a new story for Belle and Joseph and how their family begins to grow. These characters are super close to my heart.
Happy Beginnings (I know, the request was for five, but I had to sneak this in). This is probably my favorite post-episode fic I’ve ever written. It takes place after the Season 6 finale, and I feel like it wraps up a lot of the loose ends between Rumple and Belle. It took me a long time to sort through the emotions and post this story, and I love that I challenged myself to do so and accomplished it!
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silwenworld · 4 years
Chapters: 8/14 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Lacey/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Characters: Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle | Lacey, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Widow Lucas | Granny, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Hades (Once Upon a Time), Emma Swan Additional Tags: James Bond AU, OUAT Characters as James Bond Characters, but not all of them, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, injuries, mentions of torture, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Everyone flirts with Gold but who can blame them, he can, And now with smut, Smut, Rumbelle - Freeform, Maybe It's Belle Maybe It's Lacey, I’m not telling Summary:
A James Bond AU. Ten years ago, Agent Robert Gold had lost almost everything, and now the only thing keeping him moving is a promise given a long time ago. He won't rest till he gets all those responsible. But is the current case really connected or has he finally cracked? How does Lacey French, the woman from the casino that seems not to have ever existed, fit in all of this? The clock is ticking, old enemies are done with hiding, and when he can't even trust the MI6, can he trust Lacey while knowing he shouldn't?
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Hey. I'm sorry I often ask you about anyelle but you are like the cool anyelle person :) Also I adore your GoldenLace. Anyway, in honor of Valentines day I wondered if you had any headcanons about how the various anyelles would spend the day?
I think I like being the cool Anyelle person! :D Lacey is shockingly fun to write, too, because she does not care about your petty peasantly opinions. :)
Hmm, headcanons. This is a surprisingly hard question to think of because I’m not much for the whole Valentines Day thing. Whether it’s because I don’t believe in the whole commercialized aspect (see: THIS) or because I’m an unattached virgin thinking about making myself a tray of cookies at the moment, I can’t say. Contrariwise, I adore all forms of fanfic tropes on the subject, so:
In space I don’t think they’d know the day, and on Earth I suspect Rush might forget until the eleventh hour. But when all the stars aligned correctly, I’m pretty sure he would give Belle his undivided attention. :3
Probably some guilty pining if your MacAvoy in question is still a priest, but I see him as the type to try and make everything just right and being a nervous wreck about it. His Belle will probably have to reassure him with lots of kisses and such, but I don’t think that’s much of a sacrifice.
Somebody else is getting sliced up for a “steak” dinner if Ives is cooking. No doubt. A Belle might not understand what she’s eating, but a Hierophant will probably think it’s romantic and spend the better part of the night showing gratitude with all that….virility. (That movie needs more Ives in it, but then, I’m not sure the screen can handle that much smolder.)
Some RC characters I just don’t quite see putting much stock in Valentines Day: Nosty, Renard, obviously Durza, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a big deal for Will Plunkett. I think of Danny as the sort that Belle needs to take the first step with, but I could see her or Lacey surprising him with a little something she’d wear to bed.
Poor Barney Thomson would fret too much about accidentally killing his girl to try a surprise, but maybe dinner and some snuggling would suit him better.
Actually, Belle/Lacey in general are probably very forwards about it. If Rush stayed late in his office, guess who’s coming around with a cup of coffee and some incentive to take a long break? Lacey would probably be bigger on the sex part, and there are some delightful fics where she dirty-talks poor little priests in the confession booth. Though, both ladies would surprise their Bobby with some pretty new underthings.
(Or in Lacey’s case….maybe a surprise of nothing, ha!)
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 5 years
The House Of Scarlet
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/311rlXX
by Black_Lotus
With her father struggling to keep his business running and pay for his daughter's university tuition, Belle is left with two options, either drop out or pay for it some other way. Belle goes for the latter when an invitation to join The House Of Scarlet comes along from the site's House Manager. However, is Belle French cut out to be part of such a website and what happens when a killer gets in?
This is a repost of an old fic. To be honest with you it was awful the first time around, full of spelling mistakes and grammar errors However, I've gone through it, taken out the mistakes and padded the plot to make it more readable and I hope you all enjoy.
Words: 7263, Chapters: 1/18, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle (Once Upon a Time), Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale, Maurice | Moe French, Aurora (Once Upon a Time), Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Tamara (Once Upon a Time), Ariel (Once Upon a Time), Cinderella | Ashley Boyd, Tinker Bell (Once Upon a Time), Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Cruella de Vil (Once Upon a Time), Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Knave of Hearts | Will Scarlet, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Magic Mirror | Sidney Glass, Pinocchio | August Booth, Isaac Heller, Sheriff of Nottingham | Keith, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Queen of Hearts | Cora
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Aurora/Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Hints of GoldenLace
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Curse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, porn site, Porn Website, B-Movie Horror Inspired, Murder, Character Death, Minor Character Death, Attempted Murder, Gold Runs A Porn Site, Horror-Comedy, Cameras, Torture, Mutilation, Boss/Employee Relationship, Older Man/Younger Woman, True Love, People actually like Gold for once, Brave Rumple, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, guns and knives, Lingerie, Dancing, POV Third Person, Poetry Use, Cover Art, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Hunted, This sort of sounds darker than it really is
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/311rlXX
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Hello there! It's Santa again. :-) I've taken a look at your prompt, and there are so many ways I could go with this and so many ideas to be had! So I need your help to narrow them down and let me know what you want to see in this fic. First of all, do you prefer a Dark Castle or Storybrooke setting? AU, or more canon based? ~ Santa
I always have a hard time answering questions like this one... I don’t know if I’ve ever written a prompt for one of these with a setting or plot idea in mind. I’ve always been the sort that wants a surprise. To me that’s the best thing ever! But to help you out a little at least, there are a few things I’m not fond of... Lacey isn’t my fav. I’ll read GoldenLace but it’s not a go to and I’ll usually scroll past it if there’s something else available. There’s wonderful GoldenLace that I’ve read and enjoyed, but it’s not something I seek. I’ve got a couple of squicks which I should probably mention too: poly of any kind and oral.So, setting? Um? I love and seek out every setting you mentioned. I’d say if there’s one that calls to you, do that one. The thing that will make me the very happiest is the story you love and want to write. This is always so exciting! I love this event and I can’t wait to get to know you too!
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barpurplewrites · 6 years
Blown to Art - Chapter 2
Story so far (HERE)
Gold had called Neal to tell him about the Caddy’s ultimate demise.
“I love the Caddy Pops, but she was in the garage more than on the road these days. I was getting worried about you driving her to be honest.”
They reminisced about the car that had been a fixed point in their lives. Neal’s first driving lessons. The time when he was seven or eight and had hidden plastic dinosaurs in the ashtrays. The time when Neal was eighteen and Gold had discovered a pair of panties under the front seat.
“I told you that wasn’t what you thought. They fell out of Emma’s bag when she was looking for her wallet!”
“Aye and I never believed a word of it, son. Especially since Henry was born about nine months later.”
Neal laughed at that and changed the subject; “What sort of car are you thinking of getting now?”
“Not given it any thought, there’s no rush. How’s Henry doing with his maths?”
Neal was happy to tell his Pops of Henry’s improvement in maths, but he was worried.
Emma frown at him as he wandered into the kitchen; “What’s the matter?”
“Pops has had to scrap the Caddy.”
She slipped her phone out of her back pocket; “So, we’re hitting Auto Trader for him, right?”
Neal wrapped an arm around her waist. Emma was always practical, and she was right, they would have to find a new car for Pops because he wouldn’t have the heart to do it for himself.
 It took Gold a moment to place the ringing sound. His own bloody doorbell; Neal had fitted a new one a few weeks back and somehow kept changing the tune every time he stopped by. Gold had no idea how he was doing it, but the fact that Regina had been forced to knock after he failed to answer after four rings, and had chipped a nail in the process made the mild annoyance worth it.
It wasn’t a huffy Madam Mayor on his doorstep this morning. It was a mechanic in a brightly coloured scarf.
“Hi ya Gold. Gonna invite me in? It’s brass monkeys out here.”
His eyes narrowed suspiciously; “I don’t recall us having an appointment Miss French.”
She stomped her feet and tucked her hands into her armpits; “We didn’t, but y’know manners and all would suggest you invite me in.”
He felt the shades of his aunties pointing out that she was right, and he’d been raised better than to leave a guest on the doorstep. He was half expecting to feel a bony finger jab him in the ribs, his aunts favourite way of chastising him. All these years later he still missed that playful poke and tutting sound.
With more flourish than necessary he stepped back and waved his arm to welcome his unexpected guest inside. Lacey hopped across the doorstep and sighed happily as she unwound her scarf. She sniffed the air and followed her nose towards the kitchen. Gold closed the front door and followed along after her.
He found her helping herself to a cup from the coffee pot.
“Manners Miss French?”
She wrapped her hands around the cup and shrugged; “They are frozen since you made me wait so long out there.”
He found his lips twisting into a smirk at her cheek.
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this invasion?”
“Was worried about you. Your shop’s not been open for almost a week.”
He distracted himself by pouring a fresh cup of coffee. The morning after Lacey had dropped him home he’d foolishly hoped that the Caddy would be on the drive, just as it had been for the past twenty odd years. The sight of the bare drive and the knowledge that his Caddy would never sit there again had depressed him so much he’d turned around and gone back to bed. He’d not felt this bad since his car crash. He forced himself out of bed the next day but couldn’t face the idea of leaving the house. It hadn’t gotten any easier over the past week.
Lacey was waiting for an answer, so he just gave a half-hearted shrug and said; “Perks of being my own boss, I can have a day oy two off if I want.”
She took a sip of coffee and hummed at him.
“You just happened to fancy a week off right after your Caddy gave up the ghost?”
“She was just a car.”
“I’m calling bullshit on that.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. Nobody talked to him like this, apart from Neal, but he was his son and had more leeway than most folks. For some reason he couldn’t muster up a sneer and a snide remark for Lacey. His eye almost fell out of his head as she moved closer and covered one of his hands with her own.
“The Caddy was part of your life forever. You can mourn her, but you can’t shut yourself away. It’s not healthy.”
He stared at their joined hands. He wasn’t used to receiving comforting touches from anyone who wasn’t family. Her touch was pleasant and made it easier for him to face the fact that he was well on his way to becoming a shut-in.
“Suppose you’re going to tell me I need to look for a new car. Neal’s been sending links to Auto Trader all week.”
She gave his hand a little squeeze; “You’re gonna have to buy a new car at some point, and sooner would be better. I could come with you and look at some if you want. Y’know kick the tires and hiss through my teeth in a professional capacity.”
She grinned at him and he found himself chuckling. He’d had to buy the Caddy on his own and he’d been terrified. At that point he was still limping around on crutches after the accident, so physically he was in better shape this time, and the idea of having Lacey with him soothed the mental stress a heck of a lot.
Before he could take her up on her generous offer the doorbell rang again. Lacey bounced on her heels; “Don’t worry I know who that is. Come on!”
She used her grip on his hand to drag him along in her wake towards the front door. Through the panes of stained glass, he could see the outline of a large truck parked on the street in front of his house. Before Lacey could open the door, he pulled on her hand.
“What is this? I’m not ready to look at new cars.”
Lacey squeezed his hand again; “It’s okay. I would never spring something that big on you. This is a surprise, a memorial, for the Caddy.”
He had no idea what to make of that, but he nodded slowly and let her open the door.
His driveway was in chaos led by Jefferson Madden, Storybrooke’s own eccentric artist. Amidst the bodies of a moving crew Gold could make out what looked like a sofa with some very familiar leather seats. His hand tightened on Lacey’s. His mouth was suddenly to dry to ask what the hell was happening.
Madden finally finished whatever required him to be barking orders at the crew. They moved back, and Gold took his first look at the cause of this fuss. He would have stumbled down the steps if Lacey hadn’t been there to hold him steady. Madden had laid out two loveseats and a table, all made from parts of the Caddy.
Gold blinked as he moved closer. Under the glass topped table was the Caddy’s engine, cleaned and polished to a shine it hadn’t had since he’d first bought her. As he looked he realised that this wasn’t the whole engine, just the top bit that he had seen each time he raised the hood. He cocked his head to one side and saw that the table was closer to a chest with the Caddy’s doors cut down to provide the box sides.
“They open with the handles, which now I’ve said it out loud is rather obvious.”
Madden was turning his top hat nervously between his hands, clearly waiting for Gold’s approval, but Gold was still too stunned to say anything. He gave a vague nod and moved around to look at the loveseats that had been created from the Caddy’s seats. They were perfect. He could tell which had been the front seats because the rubbed spot where his cane had rested as he drove was still there.
“I don’t know what to say.”
Lacey shifted on the balls of her feet, she looked as anxious as Madden.
“It didn’t feel right to send her for scrap, and this way she’s still with you in a way.”
Madden cut to the heart of the matter; “Do you like it?”
Gold schooled his face into the hard mask of landlord and stalked across the drive to stand in front of Lacey. She tilted her chin up and stare at him. The look of defiance in her eyes made it impossible for him to keep a straight face. His mask cracked as a huge grin bloomed on his face.
“I love it. It’s amazing.”
Lacey whooped with joy and threw her arms around his neck. Gold’s balance was further compromised as Madden joined the impromptu hug.
“Wonderful! Wonderful. And some of my best work, if I do say so myself.”
Gold wasn’t listening in the slightest as Madden bounced away to explain about the techniques he’d used. He was far to busy enjoying the feel of Lacey pressed against him in a tight hug. The sadness he felt when she eased away from him was over shadowed by her bright smile.
“So, where you gonna put your new sofas?”
He ducked his head a little and shyly asked; “Maybe you could help me decide?”
 Just over a year later a new Cadillac sat in the drive of the pink house. It wasn’t the only change to have happened in the past year.
Gold snapped a picture of young Henry sitting on what had been the back seats of the Caddy carefully holding baby Hope. Lacey had to fight back a giggle as she whispered in Gold’s ear; “Fitting place for their first photo together since they were both conceived on those seats.”
Gold kissed the giggle from her lips; “Let’s not mention that, I think Neal’s still in shock about finally being a big brother.”
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galactic-pirates · 7 years
So I'm just gonna send you a few prompt thingies and you as little or as many as you like? So first up: #2, Golden Lace
Thank you so much!
2. “You’re too young to hate the world.”
“Do I want toknow how you got up here?” Gold asked exasperatedly.
Lacey turned tolook at him, the breeze tugging at the loose tendrils of her hair where it hadescaped her ponytail. She snorted and resumed staring at the horizon,negligently flicking the ash from her cigarette down onto the ground below.Absently she registered that Gold was moving. She heard him wince and gasp ashe clambered out of the coaster car, shuffling along and then carefullylevering himself down, so he was sitting next to her on the track, their legshanging over the edge. She ignored him, taking another deep puff on hercigarette.
Gold sighed.“You’re too young to hate the world.”
“Seriously?”Lacey demanded, twisting to glare at him. “If this is the part when you tell meI have my whole fucking life ahead of me, then I’m leaving. I didn’t ask you tocome up here, this is my spot, and I have had it up to here with people tryingto sell me that crap.”
He took a deepbreath, the air whistling around his teeth, he clucked his tongue and Laceyknew he was trying to work out what to say. In the end he said nothing and shegave him a mental point for that, because really what the fuck could he say?Storybrooke Carnival was a dying trade. The crowds grew smaller every year, theequipment grew older and there was no money to invest in upgrades or new rides.Sooner or later they would have to shut up shop and then what would become ofthem? They had nowhere to go.
Lacey had grownup at the carnival, it was the only life she’d ever known. Moving around fromplace to place, she’d never been to school, she didn’t have any qualificationsor any money. The future looked pretty damn bleak, and that just made her age aburden, not a gift. Gold was the owner of the carnival, and the ringmaster; heworked harder than any of them and while a lot of the carnies hated Gold fortheir misfortune, Lacey never had. It wasn’t his fault the world had changedand carnivals weren’t the draw they once were. Gold did his best but sometimesthat just wasn’t good enough.
“You’re right,”Gold muttered softly. “I am sorry Lacey.”
“Don’t be,”Lacey said awkwardly but forcefully. “It’s not your fault.”
“No,” Goldaccepted. “But I should have done more for you.The writing was on the wall years ago, which is when we lost a lot of people.All the families got out but …”
“Dad isstubborn. The carnival was his life, he wasn’t about to walk away,” Laceyfinished bitterly.
She’d beenfifteen when the company had halved in size, she’d lost friends that day. Ruby,the apprentice fortune teller, Ariel one of the dancers; Emma who had beentraining to start a magic act and Neal, her partner for the act, and Gold’sson. Neal had left with the Nolan’s and hadn’t been seen at the carnival since.There had been a lot of whispers about it, about how even Gold’s own soncouldn’t stand him. Her dad had used it as an example in their arguments, proofthat he was the better father, but Lacey had always reckoned the reverse wastrue.
“Besides whereelse can we get a view like this?” Lacey said irreverently, things were gettinga little too damn heavy for her liking.
She gestured tothe horizon, the distant city lights, the light of the moon, the stars in thesky. The top of the coaster gave them quite a vista. One last puff of hercigarette and she stubbed it out, tossing the butt over the side, to be whippedaway by the wind. She shivered, her light jacket providing little protectionfrom the cool night air.
“Here.” Goldshrugged off his heavier jacket and draped it around her shoulders. Sheshuffled closer, feeling the warmth from his thigh radiate through her jeans.“Lacey …” Gold whispered and she turned, burying her face against his chest.His arm came up to wrap around her.
“We shouldprobably get down,” Lacey suggested reluctantly a few minutes later.
She didn’t wantto admit, not even to herself, how safe and right Gold’s arms had felt aroundher. It wasn’t just the coaster that made her cold, but with him holding hereven her heart seemed to warm. This wasn’t the first time he’d come to findher, and she doubted it would be the last. Two lonely souls, who were in thismess until the end. If nothing else maybe they could help each other forget theworld for a little while. Lacey smirked, it would certainly be an entertainingdiversion from the train wreck of their lives.
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The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards!
The Once Upon a Time series finale is coming and with that, some people will surely leave the fandom, so as our last chance of gathering everybody for an event we are creating The Rumbelle Happy Ending Awards as a way to celebrate this incredible couple and all the people who worked creating fanfictions and all kinds of art for them along these seven years. TEA has been recently reformed HERE and using it as inspiration we are here starting another event to show our authors and artists how much we love them!
The nominations will be happening between May 14 and May 31, with the voting period starting a week after it. So please, reblog this post to share it with the whole fandom. Let’s make this event as big as TEA is. One last time.
For the Rumbelle authors and artists out there: make a “for your consideration” list. It will help divulge the event and it will also help people to know what to vote for.
Good luck everybody! Under the cut you’ll find the rules and the categories for this event.
1.       ALL categories will have five nominees. The five people with most votes.
2.       TEA Winners are NOT eligible.
3.       Yes, you can nominee yourself.
4.       Yes, you can vote for yourself.
5.       Anonymously voting and nomining are not allowed.
6.       You can only vote once.
7.       The votes must be submitted.
Best Fix-It
Best Comfort
Best Date
Best Laugh
Best Happy Moment
Best Exes
Best Misunderstanding
Best Post-Belle’s Death
Best Love and Hate
Best Reencounter
AO3 Trigger Warnings
Best Underage
Best Rape/Non-Con
Best Major Character Death
Best Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Best Gideon
Best Baelfire
Best Belle/Rumple original child
Best Family Long Fic
Best Family One Shot
Best Pregnancy
Best First Time
Best PWP
Best Threesome
Best Romance
Best Hate-Sex
Best Kink
Best Movie AU
Best TV Show AU
Best Modern AU
Best Curse AU
Best Creature AU
Best Historical AU
Best of the Best
Best Drama
Best Romance
Best Angst
Best Hurt/Comfort
Best Series
Best Roleplay
Best Sketch
Best Manip
Best Digital Art
Best Gif-Set
Best Graphic Art
Best Cosplay
Best Fan Video
Best Artist
Special Matching
Best RushBelle
Best WovenLace
Best Rushacey
Best WovenBelle
Best GoldenLace
Best Side-Paring
Best Swanfire
Best Snowing
Best CuriousArcher
Best SwanQueen
Best Gidrick
Best OutlawQueen
Golden Categories
Best Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
Best Anyelle Fic
Best Commenter
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emospritelet · 7 years
So that's a no to EC!GoldenLace running into RushBelle during date night?
I won’t write it in the main fic, but never rule out a ficlet
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poca-staks · 7 years
Someone send me some break-up to make-up fics to sooth my broken heart. No goldenlace please.
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galactic-pirates · 7 years
Tomorrow!Golden Lace 8!
An anon also prompted:
More, more more~! More “Same time tomorrow” What did Lacey think after a week of Gold not showing up?
8. “Your smile is not as bright as it used to be.”
Lacey tappedher fingernail against the formica top of the diners table. There was a lightsprinkle of sugar that had escaped the packet, and she swirled the tinycrystals around with her finger. It had been a week, an entire week since shehad seen Gold, since he had turned up at her apartment first thing in themorning acting weird. He’d said that he wouldn’t ‘darken her door again’ ifthat’s what she wished, she’d told him to leave and he’d gone.
She’d figuredhe’d be back soon enough, she earned her apartment and her money from fuckinghim after all and he’d want his due, but it had been a week and she’d heardnothing from him. It was weird, it was different, and that unsettled her. Forso long life had been routine, everything had been the same as always -predictable and safe. She’d tried pushing at the boundaries because that’s whatshe did but she liked predictable, she liked what she could control.
Ruby woundthrough the tables holding the coffee pot. Impulsively Lacey shot to her feetand headed for the exit, before Ruby could offer her a refill and give her anexcuse to stay lounging in the corner booth for another half hour. It was easyto hide, easy to avoid the issue, bury her head in the sand and just wait forthe shit to hit the fan. Sometimes that’s what she did because saying fuck it,and ignoring the world, felt right. Other times she got angry, and frustrated,and said fuck it and charged full-bore fists clenched into the mess. This was oneof those times.
Lacey strodedown the sidewalk, and crossed the street to Gold’s pawnshop. She threw thedoor open, Gold looked up from the counter and blinked at her sudden entrance.
“Lacey,sweetheart …” Gold said breathlessly.
“Don’t!” Laceybarked. “I want to know what the hell is up with you.”
Gold’sexpression turned agonized and his gaze fell, so that he was staring intentlyat the counter, his fingers tapping nervously on the glass. “I haven’t treatedyou how I should have.”
“Bullshit.” Laceysnorted. “We have a deal.”
“I told you Irelease you from it,” Gold said softly. “The apartment is yours and I willcontinue to pay …”
“Why?” Laceyshook her head in confusion. “I don’t get it Gold. You pay me, we fuck. Why payme if you aren’t getting your jollies?”
Gold pressedhis lips together firmly, his eyes glittered. Lacey stared at him in horror, itlooked like he was about to cry. If he did then she was so out of here, shedidn’t sign up for this. If Gold was having some kind of mental break - guiltclawed at her insides. It wasn’t like he had anyone who gave a damn, the personhe was closest to in town was her, but they just fucked, it wasn’t like therewere feelings involved. She didn’t think about herself in those terms, butplainly put she was his whore, she wasn’t his girlfriend.
“I …” Goldcleared his throat. “I’ve seen you a few times this week out and about. Is thiswhat has been bothering you? Your smile is not as bright as it used to be.”
“Yeah well.”Lacey shrugged uncomfortably. “Not knowing what the fuck is going on, and ifI’m going to be homeless tomorrow is kind of a drag.”
“You’ll neverbe homeless - never!” Gold stated forcefully. He took a deep shuddering breath.“You’ll always have a home.”
“Well excuse mefor not trusting you. One minute it’s ‘same time tomorrow’ and the next it’s ‘pleasedepend on my charity’. How the hell do I know next week you won’t say ‘sorrythis well has run dry’ and kick me out?” Lacey demanded.
Gold lookedpained, agony etching on his features like she was hitting him with every word.He glanced round the shop desperately, as if he were searching for inspiration.“Fine, what if you work for me then? The place is filthy.”
“You want me toclean?” Lacey checked dubiously.
Gold noddedhesitantly. Lacey sighed, and shrugged, it wasn’t like she had a lot of optionsand at least if she was providing some kind of ‘service’ then she’d earn herpayday. Plus if she spent a little more time with Gold, then maybe she couldwork out what the hell was going on with him. The last time they’d beentogether he’d been perfectly normal, then he’d left to do the last of his rentcollection, and nothing had been the same since. Lacey checked her watch, itwas just gone 10am, which seemed about right.
“I’m notstarting today, so how about same time tomorrow?” Lacey suggested, internallywincing at her choice of words.
“Sounds good,”Gold agreed in a strangled tone of voice. “Same time tomorrow.”
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