chateautangerine · 1 year
@goldfanged asked: [ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender and receiver lay under the stars to stargaze 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 (accepting)
It is exceedingly rare in the concrete Manhattan wilderness to find so much as a lone twinkle within the nighttime sky, but three hours out where the roads merge into the Keystone State and where white dots pepper and wheel all above, there is a lonely suburb tucked by the lemon trees showered in stars. 
Cliff is a city boy born and raised in Dallas, now a citizen of New York. The twinkles he sees are the flashes of radio towers and helicopters crawling by. 
Tonight, he watches a falling star, and he feels marvelously small. 
“Hey, Theo. I appreciate you coming all this way for me,” Cliff says in that sighing way of his, disappearing like a feather. He cracks open seltzer. “And for filling my car.” 
Moments earlier, he’d run on empty and parked on the side of the road. Theo had miraculously been not too far. Now they’re here, Cliff sitting on the hood with the smell of lemons and too-long grass wafting in the air. A breeze blows. He looks over.
10:34 and crickets chirping. Dandelions at their feet. Theo has this way about them where they seem to wear the night, dark and unknowable and starry, and maybe they've eaten constellations. That's why their teeth are gold.
Safe and comforting. Like the glow-in-the-dark stars he had as a boy.
"I can't help but wonder what you wished for?" he asks almost no one, light and soft around bites of burger. He stops eating, then, and he catches himself. "...It won't happen if you tell me."
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silntfangs · 1 year
                                   Blood blood blood blood.
@goldfanged asked: "it's just a nosebleed."
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               IF   ONLY   IT   WAS   THAT   SIMPLE.   THE   SMELL   WAS   OVERWHELMING.   It   could   have   been   simple,   but   he   had   yet   to   feed   tonight.   Dwayne   didn’t   like   how   fresh   it   smelled,   probably   still   warm   as   it   dripped.   He   couldn’t   help   eyeing   their   nose,   watching   as   they   slowly   cleaned   it   with   a   tissue.   He   grunted,   a   sound   strange   in   his   throat   as   he   forced   it.   He   then   glanced   away   with   his   body   partly   sitting   and   partly   leaning   on   his   bike   behind   him.   His   arms   crossed   over   his   chest,   “   What’d   you   do?   Run   into   something…   ”                   DWAYNE   FELT   HIMSELF   TRAIL   OFF   AS   A   NEW   SCENT   CAME   THROUGH   his   nostrils.   It   was   different,   ancient,   and   similar   to   a   canine.   His   brows   pulled   together   as   he   concentrated.   He   had   never   smelled   anything   like   it   before.   And,   if   he   guessed   it,   it   was   coming   from   the   person   in   front   of   him,   “   Here.   ”   he   said,   one   ringed   hand   digging   through   a   pouch   on   the   side   of   his   bike. He   pulled   out   more   tissues,   or   napkins   rather,   and   handed   them   over.    Having   Laddie   around   meant   kid   messes afterall.  
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the27percent · 1 year
atieno knows that they can't be surprised when they see theo in the evenings. if one didn't know better, they could be accused of seeking the other out on purpose during these times. it's not exactly.. inaccurate. if atieno happens to be around, they would be glad to see theo. appreciating his company in ways that inspires a lot of thought.
but for now they are appreciating the absolute silence of the night, the comfort of isolation, of the quiet that can be overwhelming to those not versed in it.
atieno chuckles in response to theo's statement. "suppose i couldn't expect anything different from you." not with the nature he has.
their own nature couldn't bring much different either. atieno is stepping closer, sensing that they have permission to move towards him, to stand close to his side.
"although i can be about during the day, the night time.. that's truly when i'm closer to myself, closer to being the way i'd like around here. for obvious reasons really. "
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kxllerblond · 1 year
❝ you always seem to find a way to keep me on my toes. ❞
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❝-—Yeah, well, maybe I need to cool it with that. You hardly need to be any taller than you already are. Maybe less time on your toes will give my poor neck a break. ❞
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - Black tides on dirty beaches shall baptize the soils beneath you.” // @goldfanged liked for a lyrical starter
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acuityfeed · 1 year
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  “&– -Certainly you aren't this forgiving with everyone, right? Someone's sure to take advantage of that, or turn against you should they figure things out.” // @goldfanged liked for a oneliner starter
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enypneon · 1 year
℻ @goldfanged ••• (*continued!)
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❝ hmm. ❞ lucien frowns annoyed, however, it's lacking commitment and therefore it's not convincing. 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝. ❝ i think i was hoping for you to say no. ❞ they turn away from the invitation. ❝ but how am i to deny these endearing words? ❞ their grin is wide, REVEALING that lucien has already changed their mind. ❝ let's meet there then, i've to take care of a few matters first. ❞
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c1tyhaunts · 1 year
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@goldfanged: "That kind of talk is bound to put sights on the both of us." (X)
"S'posed that's the point, bud. Can't live life a little too easy now, can we? Otherwise, there be nothing to be excited about."
INSTIGATOR: a culmination of a causer, a provoker, a problem—someone who initiates actions, despite apprehension. A word often aligned with the deathless archeologist who now lives their life with a target on their back, knowing the only consequence they'll get is a flashback and a headache. Things Elvira DeLauris grew more accustomed to as the days pass by.
But, where's the fun in their sole demise? Why not drag others into the fray of her bad decision-making?
Poor, poor good-natured stranger; the bar was rustling with strange music, stranger faces, and a brewing argument under the red flashing lights. The night was young and Elvira was spitting fire at whoever eyed her wrong. And here they stood between herself and the target of her ire. Her sharp gaze glowed deep and vibrant beneath the neon lights, up and towards the taller man before them. Ire withstanding, even to the person trying to help.
"You typically get in between club disputes, buddy?" Tauntingly left Elvira's lips, humor-laced annoyance. "Last I check, most people try to mind their business, less they got a stake in the claim. You trying to start something yourself?"
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dadukos · 2 years
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 — the bar of the den - luxury hotel. 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — theo.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐅𝐎𝐆 — she holds, tight, but the cold does not stay long. it dissipates, too quickly, and too quickly the drink becomes lukewarm — relief is ephemeral, the one luxury this place can't offer. she promised herself a hundred times that she would not cry over herself, commiseration stings harder in a place like this. yet monday nights are the loneliest, and there isn't much to do if not long for another life, dirt-poor and broken, but true. her gaze wanders somewhere outside, to the blackness of the night, thoughts of anguish floating lazily in her head. what good is immortality when you're only half - living ? suddenly, fred grabs her glass and downs the content in one gulp — in turning, she's surprised to find a witness to her gloom. blinks once, establishes him as not a threat ( for now ), and then returns to lean against the bar top, pointing with one finger to a bottle just behind the counter, nearer to the stranger than it is to her. ❝ would you mind passing me that ? ❞ she asks, eyes fixed on the label of top-grade whiskey whose flavor she couldn't care less about. with half a smirk, fred shrugs. ❝ barkeep's gone left me for dead, i might as well just prove him right ❞. —— @goldfanged.
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grahamed · 1 year
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𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐃 now a days, they felt weird, they left his skin on fire & left him wandering the streets hours upon hours during the night. had he known someone was tempering with his mind would he then do something about it but alas, there was no warning signs on the fact that the reason to said dreams being the way they were was because of the fact of someone opening the possibilities of inflammation of the active tissue. a literal fire behind his skull, no where to boil over but into the stream of his nerves. —- where was this ? there was an strong ache traveling from the sole of his feet up through his spine as he gained back consciousness. ( help me. )
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for @goldfanged
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chateautangerine · 1 year
@goldfanged for: send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse (accepting)
He came to me as wakefulness teething on the corners of a dream, and we met in the parking lot by old Santori’s where I found flowers on the ground — the remains of lost love.
Dark hair, Irish coffee;
Thick eyebrows, bushels of thistle;
Unusually tall, 6’4”-6’6”; 
Four gold teeth;
A scar along the side of his neck. I imagine the horn of a great bull cleaving into him and of hooves against earth. Matador.
Below the rainclouds, he looked to be the Undertaker with his dark mane but eyes rampant and savage with loveliness.
His name is Theo.
Stay strong, matador.
[ another passage ] 
I’ve boned up reading the dictionary and cleaned a glass of gin. Theo is odd. He disappears in the night like a werewolf.
Little red riding hood...
Here's a passage for you:
Under the wide, glowing eye of a merciless moon he bellowed as his bones crunched and his hair thickened and spread until he was clothed in it. The evening sun declined before him beyond an endless swale and the dark fell here like a thunderclap, his crouching body snapping among the crickets and the gnashing weeds. This was his becoming. A thing that can not come back. He hunted a nearby town with its mudshacks and domes until there was not a soul save he, and he was lost of himself and not again in all the world's turning would he return for upon the dawning of the east, he found he delighted in it, and he did not weep.
Although I doubt he'll tear into anyone. Why won't he call me?
[ another passage ]
Theo tells me he used to be in love. Or maybe I asked him - although I can't rightly say why.
He sounded torn up about it — I believe he's still in love with whoever left him by Santori's. Speaking of: why do I get the feeling he sees through me? Does he see through me? He's very perceptive — and never tells what's on his mind.
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I'm fond of him. Very much so.
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the27percent · 2 years
A simple statement - that of course, is enough to inspire a warm smile from Atieno. They should have figured that Theo would answer in such a way ... and yet the entity is deeply comforted by hearing him say it.
With his hand around their shoulder, Atieno easily leans closer until their head is resting against their friend - settling into this side embrace.
"I mean.. I guess that's the idea. I'm still getting used to the idea of letting that be true for me." Atieno speaks casually but with a honesty that feels ... vulnerable.
Ati sighs when they feel Theo's head resting on top of theirs, it feels nice being this close.
"Hadn't really figured this was an option with you. I just had a lot of low thoughts and emotions catching up with me. I have a history of them.. but didn't realize how prolonged it has been."
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The chatter echoing off the walls dimmed into a soft, unnoticeable drone at this point. Especially when something next to her held the strong scent of moss, earth, and rainfall and the feeling of something ancient, wild, and kinetic. She could already envision huffs of steam coiling between gleaming canines, and the churning of soil through claws. Eventually her eyes refocused and caught their reflection against the glass pane of the display case, housing an ancient bronze rendition of the Lupa Capitolina. Beneath the wolf's weathered and corroded frame sat two equally weathered and corroded infants, Romulus and Remus. Roxanne's eyes never left the she-wolf's fearsome gaze when she spoke.
❝Fancy that, I'd meet a child of Lupa here. But it's no surprise really...❞
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kxllerblond · 2 years
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@goldfanged ASKED: 16. …lazily. :) / kiss meme (not accepting)
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It was an easy thrill to chase, that slow and languid path to distraction against the lips of another. There was no rush in the way he let the other crowd him against the counter-—the edge of it digging into his back with no success at pulling his focus away from Theo.
It was easy to forget the why or the what that had landed them there, everything was easier when he forced himself to just not think for five minutes. His cooling coffee was left forgotten, fading from scolding to lukewarm in the wake of their lazy and languid kissing. It's not until Clark lifts a hand to Theo's face to gently urge them back.
It's a rare, almost timid smile that graces his own kiss-swollen lips that greets them. ❝ We'll be here all day if one of us isn't the bad guy here and stops it. ❞
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riddlethat · 2 years
@goldfanged asked: [ laugh ]  for your muse to laugh at something mine did word prompts compilation (accepting)
Edward leans backwards against a table. He's finished setting up his next clue for the Dark Knight, had just ransacked a building not two hours ago and planted the riddle front-and-center, the note waiting to be found and seen, admired.
He'd stolen something, too, as a little souvenir, hiding it curiously behind his back. Edward smiles, and he wags his finger to stop Theo from moving. "Can you guess what I have?" he plays.
The Riddler and his incessant, little games.
He spins his cane, and he points it to them.
“I am used in goodbyes and I’m sorrys; in winter, I am few. You give me to say, ‘I remember’," he croons, absolutely incorrigible, "and of course, ‘I love you.'"
Maybe Theo knows. They should. It doesn't matter. Edward steps aside, and a bundle comes into view.
A bouquet of marigolds.
"Flowers," he says, unabashedly sly.
There is no sound save for the humming of computers. Pipes crackle. The marigolds: bright and intentional. Then, not so suddenly, a laugh—Theo with their shining gold teeth, a soft, rolling sound that wouldn't stir you from sleep—because Edward is entirely too clever for his own good, and finally someone recognizes his sheer and insurmountable brilliance. Edward is fun.
He picks the bouquet up with a flourish, stretches it out to Theo, then tosses his hand as a showman does, smiling and bright. He looks like a cat, and he turns on his heels.
"Just don't tell him I told you."
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ebonyforged · 2 years
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@goldfanged: everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse. (accepting)
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     It's been a while since she was last called away by such inconvenient timing.
     "Ah." Is all she says, straightening from her slouched position on the sofa like a cat that heard a bump in the night. But all is quiet, save for the shuffling of the demon shoving her feet into her boots.
     "I'm being summoned." she says simply, can't quite remember in the moment if she ever explained to Theo what that means. They're not in danger, but her Master's tug on her mind is insistent nonetheless. It may simply be companionship they're after. They could have just called. "Duty calls."
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     Her duties aren't so pressing that she foregoes a proper goodbye, though. Bending down over where Theo is still comfortable on the couch, Ebony takes a hold of his chin to press a firm kiss just beside his lips. She lingers, hums against their skin, and pulls away with a dramatic 'mwah!'. Her cheap lipstick leaves a red stain that she neglects to mention before she's heading out the door.
     "Bye, wolfie. I'll call you!"
     The door barely closes before she's gone with a wisp of smoke.
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