gay-nidoking · 5 months
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I can't believe I never posted this!! This is a commission done by @littlestpersimmon of my and my husband's beloved dnd characters, Amnon (tiefling) and Golnar (half-orc)! It is absolutely gorgeous and I stare at it weekly! Definitely give him a follow if you haven't already, his art is gorgeous!
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tired-reader-writer · 5 months
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The man turns to meet his eyes, face much kinder than it was before when they first met. “Did you know her name?”
“Golnar,” he answers readily, and his heart does a little leap at how the man's eyes lit with approval.
“Golnar,” he echoes. “Thank you.”
—Winds of Wolfsong, chapter 1
So, yeah! I decided to dip my toes a little into making graphics with my writing, this is the first I've made! Also, apologies for the paleness in the last picture— I lifted a picture of a character from another anime, Sohma Akira from Fruits Baskets, and he's much, much paler than Ayunnen.
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cosmic-dichotomy · 1 year
Necomancers hate them! Local half-orc has huge ass and even bigger heart
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The Stormbringers were a tribe of orcs that were, for centuries, feared. Their warhorses were said to bring a fear into your heart like you were facing a tempest.
The leader was a powerful wizard named Ferin. Her style of necromancer was particularly heinous: she drained the life of her victims, using them to fuel her own life, and then puppeted their bodies in battle. Those she drained were utterly destroyed, not merely killed. Their very souls fueled her.
It was into this tribe that Golnar was born. Its life was already storied, for its mother was a noblewoman, Zoreh Tilki, who had eloped with its father shortly before its birth. Its father was Ferin’s own son, Fregga.
A band of adventurers, led by the paladins Selna and Sturm marched on the Stormbringers to “liberate” the noblewoman Zoreh among others. Led by their own self-righteousness, they slaughtered almost the entire clan, sparing only the other elves and humans they believed had been kidnapped and bewitched by Ferin. Selna also refused to allow the young children to be killed, a choice that nearly brought her and Sturm to blows. Only Golnar and its infant brother Firouz survived the night.
During that night of death and justice, Death looked upon the child Golnar, and Loved them. While it has been maintained that Golnar was made to serve Death, it was on this night that, despite every warrior swearing that they kept their blade from the children, Golnar received a wound over their heart. This is Death’s mark upon them, for their heart beats despite the deep hole.
The orphans were raised by Selna, or at least were allowed to live in her house. When a sickness went through their community, Golnar became truly enshrined with Death. They began working as a healer at fourteen, learning at the shoulder of Selna. Even after the plague was gone, Golnar chose to heal. But their focus was on the elderly, the ill, the frail, the dying. As time went on, they began to dream of the gods of death, and became dedicated to them.
In its dreams, Golnar serves Death still. While it sleeps, its soul is transported to Death’s domain where it tend the souls of the recently deceased as a soul gardener, digging grave-plots for the souls to slumber until their next step. Over the years, it seems that Death became truly fond of Golnar, doting on it and favoring it with magic and gifts. When it dies, its soul will return to his domain for eternity, to serve him in death as it did in life.
As an aspiring Gravedigger Paladin, Golnar’s adventuring life is primarily that of a monster hunter. They target the undead and those who raise them, as well as those who cause great amounts of unnecessary death. These types of jobs are not very frequent, so functionally Golnar is a traveling healer. They tend to the sick and dying, but also ease the pains of birth and broken bone with holy magic, a gentle hand, and an even gentler manner. They never stay in one place for long, both due to their calling.
Unfortunately, the way it’s lived its life has led to Golnar being a recluse. It is so preoccupied with death that it’s lost sight of what makes death worth it all: the life you’ve lived. It has no friends, no close family, nothing to look forward to or care about besides the dead and dying, and see no value in its own soul except for what it’ll be when it dies.
Golnar is also a romantic, a devoted soul who has a great deal of love inside that has only ever been aimed towards the dead and dying. It has a strong sense of politeness and chivalry, and loves stories and song. It doesn’t remember its surname, but has taken the moniker “Strifeslayer” to remind itself what it aims for. Its heart and kindness are obvious to any who speak to Golnar, but said heart is guarded and uncertain. Though it has had quite a few flings and dalliances, the one intended long-term romantic entanglement Golnar allowed itself in its youth ended when its partner abandoned it and the community they had been defending to a grim fate. Golnar prevailed, but it never sought out its first love again. It fears that its purpose and dedication have left them with a heart incapable of experiencing deep lasting love.
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cypherthesilliest · 4 months
My Ocs and their flags :>
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soul-of-vengeance · 11 months
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Golnar: Well... I said I'd do it, so I guess I'll have to.
@depressed-pansexual's Amnon taking advantage of Golnar's lawful nature
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littleskrimp · 2 years
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I just know it’s been hard for her to witness the mistreatment of her character that she loved portraying. I know it’s even harder to walk away from the character of Gigi/the ship of Gini but I’m honestly glad she’s no longer in that dumpster fire of a show. She deserves better, anyway. ❤️
Gigi Ghorbani/Gini, you will always be famous. 🥹
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aktinopterygia · 7 days
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d00kie · 2 years
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what a shitty start to a shittier season probably 😀
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metamatar · 2 years
5 part series on the History of Iran from 1901 to present day featuring academics Golnar Nikpour and Eskandar Sadeghi. 9 hours in total, very detailed, from a decidedly leftist perspective. Really enjoyed learning about the construction of Iranian national identity, the British and American motivations and tactics in the coup and the shifting political economy of oil in the Middle East.
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tumbmcb · 2 years
The L word GenQ y una temporada 4
Tengo un presentimiento que se ha acrecentado según lo comentarios de Rosie y Marja y es que GenQ tenga una 4ta temporada. Sí, porque todo lo malo merece una oportunidad para hacerse peor.
Soy una GINI y Gigi Fan, así que, si no te gusta esta pareja y esta temporada te ha gustado, puedes dejar de leer esto aquí. Aclaro que no es nada personal con las actrices, ellas hacen su trabajo, ni tampoco algo que tenga que ver con su físico o raza. 
Esto lo hago como un ejercicio personal y un cierre ante la impotencia y desilusión que me produjo esta temporada.
Intentaré analizar lo que va de esta temporada y tratar predecir de manera muy pesimista lo que podría pasar con GINI en una hipotética cuarta temporada.
Creo que la Showrunner preveía el hate que le vendría por parte de los Fandom de Tibette y Gini para esta tercera temporada. Entonces, intentó infructuosamente de "divertirnos" con el Show de Sinley y compañía y la amistad entre Sophie y Dani. Sabía que controlaría parte del hate venidero si aceptaba juntar a Bette y Tina, así que lo hizo rápidamente y para luego tener muchos capítulos para desarrollar su genialidad, escudándose en una nueva aparición de esta pareja legendaria en los dos últimos dos capítulos y más con una supuesta boda entre ellas.
Le quedaba el hate por parte del GINI fandom, el cual ella decide simplemente ignorar, subestimar y creer que con su "creatividad" y buenas intenciones le puede pasar por encima sin problema. Entonces, empieza el show de la Showruner, queriendo demostrar su “potencial” y poder tratando de anular a Gigi y con ello a GINI, la pareja más poderosa y promisoria de esta nueva generación.
Entonces tiene ideas, ideas muy divertidas según ella y que nosotros (GINI fandom) recibiríamos felizmente, las analizo a continuación:
Dani: Cree que con darnos a una Dani "feliz" nos bastaría... primera equivocación. ¿Por qué? Porque tenemos ahora a una Dani que decreció según las dos temporadas pasada, es como que ha vuelto su época universitaria. Recuerdo esa conversación de Finley y Dani en la temporada 2, donde Dani le dice a Finley que debe madurar y Finley le responde que son de la misma edad. Ahora siguen sin parecer de la misma edad, pero por que ahora Finley parece más madura, ¡si! Mucho más madura que Dani.
Diversión y risas: Dinámica de grupo de amigos como en la serie original,  en lo cual vuelve a fallar intentándolo con los GQ ya que como grupo les falta mucho. Si quería una dinámica de grupo de amigos realmente divertida, solo tenía que dale más tiempo en pantalla a Shane y Alice.
Otras parejas:
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- Micah y Maribel: Su drama de pareja y la trama del donante, meh. Ahí tampoco logra conectar con la audiencia.
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- Shane y Tes:  Shane engañando de nuevo, que original, ni la misma Kate M. estaba contenta con eso, vuelve a fallar, por que sé que hay gente a quienes si le interesaba esta pareja.
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- Sinley:  su pareja favorita, que difícil es conectar con esta relación. Ahora tiene a una Finley más centrada, pero a la misma Sophie de siempre,  lo cual lleva a su rompimiento, eso sí no si antes darnos gran tiempo en pantalla con ellos. Terminaron,  punto positivo para nuestra incomprendida Showrunner, ojalá traiga de vuelta a Rebecca, pero claro eso no ocurrirá.
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- Sophie:  su personaje favorito,  emplea tanto esfuerzo para hacer que nos agrade Sophie, le da un protagonismo excesivo en la serie, la pone al nivel de Alice y Shane en ese capítulo musical innecesario y ahora trata de hacerla divertida con Dani, haciendo chistes posando de mejor amiga, pero no lo es y se siente incómodo y forzado. El único apoyo que le ha dado a Dani es decirle que salga con cualquiera, cómo hubiese querido que Dani tuviera en este “proceso de ruptura” un par de diálogos con Bette, pero como no hubo dicho proceso, entonces no era necesaria Bette.
Gigi: El trabajo más arduo de nuestra Showrunner aparte de vendernos a Sophie es anular a Gigi.
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Siempre ha dicho que es un personaje utilitario y de esa manera lo trata, así trata a la que quizás después de Jennifer Beals, tiene la fuerza y carisma innata para liderar esta serie. Entonces no solo termina la relación bandera de esta nueva versión, si no que no tuvimos ni un sólo capítulo feliz de GINI, no nos merecíamos nada positivo y la desaparece de la manera más anodina y ridícula.
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Muchos escritores de fanfics pudieron hacerlo mejor, pero ella quería hacerlo de esta manera, como queriendo reafirmar que no le interesa o no le interesamos en absoluto.
Reemplazando a Gigi:
Trae a un personaje como Roxy, la primera cita/amiga de una Dani que parecía que después de pocas semanas ya había superado a la mujer con la que quería vivir. Le da un momento de bajón solo para que la misma Roxy le asegurara después, que como ya lloró, esto está superado… que ridículo.
Nos trae luego a Dre, quien creo adivinar será esa “The One” para Dani. Le da aparición en 5 capítulos, nos dio esos besos, escenas sexys y cotidianas que añorábamos con Gigi, intentando que quizás conectemos con Dre de la misma manera que lo hicimos con Gigi, pero eso no, eso no se encuentra tan fácilmente, mejor eso te sucede dos veces.
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Ahora tenemos en el capítulo 9 Dani diciéndole probablemente “I love you” por accidente a Dre, un te amo que seguramente Dani lo reafirmará antes de terminar la temporada, como una epifanía.
Pero el tema de Roxy no está olvidado,  ya que después de su aparición y la han mantenido presente en los capítulos 5 (mensaje de voz) y el capítulo 8 (mencionada por Dani). Esto me dice que probablemente cuando Roxy vuelva (capítulos 9 y 10 ) llegue a crear algo de fricción entre Dani y Dre y que allí finalmente Dani se dé cuenta que efectivamente está enamorada de Dre y que ella es “The One”.
Pero esperen, quizá la showrunner no esté del todo satisfecha de la forma en que masacró a Gigi y GINI, puede hacerlo aún más doloroso, así que en el Capítulo 10 Dani recibirá una llamada o mensaje de Gigi, pidiéndole que vean para hablar y ahí termine esta temporada... un esperanzador Cliffhanger para nosotros.
Pero no se animen, porque Luego en la T4 podríamos enterarnos (por un comentario aislado) que Dani ignoró este mensaje, justo después de que veamos la escena de apertura de la temporada 4 con Dani y Dre en la cama y que esta sea la nueva pareja que nuestra Showruner quiera desarrollar.
Como puede ser Dre, puede ser Roxy o quizás la The One de Dani sea Sophie.
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dani-nunez-arms · 1 year
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me when lesbian realtor named gigi ghorbani was mentioned with her fiancé nat
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sarcasticdolphin · 1 year
“Named” Todolf fae au. If you are new since I did the other fae au stuff, then I recommend you read the earlier drabbles in this verse on ao3.
This one is for the lovely @adridoesstuff :) after you mentioned fae au yesterday this idea has refused to leave my mind.
Cut because fae au, though strictly speaking this drabble isn’t actually all that bad.
Even after he’s fae, fully and properly, he and Tod only watch at the mingling, lying contently in each other’s arms. They enjoy each other in the privacy of their bed, sometimes before, so Rudolf can feel the deep ache as they listen to the sounds of pleasure around them as they exchange lazy kisses, and sometimes after, their lust stoked by the lust of the others as it permeates the air.
It’s one of the times when Tod has thoroughly and utterly sated them both beforehand, so much so that Rudolf is amazed that he even managed to walk in himself, that the thought first comes into Rudolf’s mind, between the moans all around them, filtering through the gossamer curtains. 
Rudolf hadn’t been looking at all at the others, content to gaze up at Tod as his fingers lazily drew spirals on the king’s bare chest. Tod’s arm was around him, his thumb making gentle little soothing motions just at Rudolf’s waist.
Rudolf. His name. It was the only thing left, that had come before Tod. He didn’t remember the surface world. Tod had told him of it on occasion, and had shown him a few sketches. But Rudolf didn’t care to remember anything before the sunless sky, before Tod’s arms, before Tod. Tod is his world, his life, his everything.
The gentle fingers that stroke his cheek, that tilt his chin up to gaze at Tod’s luminous eyes are so welcome, though Rudolf can tell Tod has recognized the turmoil in his thoughts. He leans up, pressing a little kiss to Tod’s jawline.
I’m fine. We’ll talk later.
Tod presses a kiss to his brow in turn and cradles him closer, slotting their legs more properly together.
They continue to lay there, Rudolf rarely moving, just listening to the sounds around them, feeling the steady rise and fall of Tod’s chest, the beating of his heart, the warmth of his skin. He is loathed to do so but he does break the spell after a time, slipping more fully into Tod’s lap, humming at the ache in his body as he and Tod trade deeply possessive kisses. Tod’s fingers find Rudolf’s and they mesh together as Tod pulls Rudolf closer still. 
They kiss again, and Tod lazily flips them so Rudolf is gazing up at him, hands arched above his head for a moment before they go to Tod’s shoulders, giving little tugs. Tod doesn’t indulge him immediately, slowly lowering himself until they are chest to chest, legs fully intertwined once more. A few more slow kisses follow before Tod shifts them once more, returning Rudolf to his earlier place, tucked into Tod’s side.
The mingling is long over by the time they stand once more in their chambers, Rudolf’s clever fingers keeping busy as he helps Tod into his sleeping garb. His own is easy enough to attend to alone, but Tod never minds the help. It’s different, in a way. Where once they were opposites - Rudolf in garb white as snow, even for sleep, and Tod in inky black - now they are mirror images, the black stark against their pale skin.
But even as Tod reclines in bed, Rudolf nuzzling close, kissing the king’s jaw once more, he speaks.
“Something troubles you.”
“Yes, Majesty.” Tod has never asked him to use his title. Never when he was small, never even at court, with the others. But Rudolf likes the way it sounds, and he thinks Tod quite likes the way it flows off his tongue.
Perhaps once Tod would have had to tip Rudolf’s chin up so their eyes would meet, but not anymore. Rudolf meets the king’s eyes with ease, feeling the king’s thumb begins to make little soothing circles by his waist, where the sleep pants and shirt meet.
“I was just thinking about what I remember, from when I was young. And the thought occurred to me - this name, Rudolf. It’s from the surface, from the human world.”
Tod’s grip adjusts a little as they settle further, but he doesn’t speak, waiting patiently as Rudolf finds the right words.
“I don’t remember anything of the surface. And I find I mislike having my name be such a constant reminder, of there. I-” Rudolf’s eyes had been shifting, not downward but away from Tod’s. He looks back at the king, who is listening intently. “I was hoping you would give me a new one.”
“Oh, my precious prince.” Tod presses a kiss to Rudolf’s brow. “It would be my honor.”
They lay together for a long moment before Tod rises, much to Rudolf’s dissatisfaction, but he goes along with the king to their little balcony, the one that overlooks the gardens. The trees and fruits are so different in the dim light. Some wilted and withered, asleep, while a select few are fully blossomed, their own sleep being something for the day. 
Tod’s arm remains around him, as they take in the gardens for a long moment before the king turns to him, touching their foreheads.
“Golnar.” One of the king’s hands has moved to stroke Rudolf’s cheek as he pronounces the new name.
Rud- Golnar. It will take some getting used to, but he quite likes the name the king has chosen. Golnar is his name now. He raises himself onto his toes to kiss the king’s cheek in thanks. 
“Thank you.”
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cosmic-dichotomy · 11 months
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Another phone ship meme, this time with Golnar and @depressed-pansexual 's Amnon
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adler-obsessed · 3 months
may i ask what was the devastating conclusion to that one mother daughter duo from your own wip where the vibes were the worst war criminal alive had a child she accidentally raised to be even worse
anon, the funny thing is I know that this is most likely asking about Ilaris and one of her children. for the life of me though, i cannot work out which one you mean.
the answer though for all of them is tragedy
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soul-of-vengeance · 11 months
My miiiiind
Golnar is the most miserable paladin ever. Its oath isn't even really a choice, it was manipulated by fate and other paladins to fulfill a debt owed by an ancestor it doesn't remember. Death loves Golnar SO much and that is ruining its life. It can never dream, never rest, never stop, it won't even get to really die!!!
Golnar believes its worth begins and ends with death! It is good only for the dead and dying, and the best thing it will ever do...is die! Because then Death can have it to cherish forever
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littleskrimp · 2 years
So, we finally get to see these two being lovey dovey and we finally get to see Dani being all 😍 at Gigi but at what cost???
I find it sus that they dropped this out of nowhere knowing the Gini fandom is on edge after seeing the lack of Gini content in the teasers. 👀
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