natticusthegomamon · 3 years
GomAugust 2021 doodle roundup
[[Posted some scribbles on @DailyGomamon on twitter, figured I’d post ‘em here too. Sorry I just haven’t been “feeling it” lately with digimon so that’s kinda why I left. That and tumblr supposedly died with the lewd stuff getting banned lol]]
Day 1: Alternate Type - Plant
This is just Zasso (my Veggiemon OC) as a Gomamon. I think the silt eyes make him look a little less cute lol. The fuzz around his neck is from his Argomon form, (the eye patterns might've been a lil too freaky lookin' on a goma xD)
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Day 2: IRL Gomamon Pose (v2) - Ref photo here
Pretty self explanatory. Sea lions are so long tho so I had to shorten the butt half a little for the gomamon version. Not sure if it's OK as is, or should have a chin/lower muzzle line/a line above the muzzle (front view goma problems lol)
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Day 3: Alternate Universe (Lilo & Stitch) 
Gomamon as an illegal genetic experiment. Inspired by @Konnestra's (on twitter) alien/mon crossover arts, they're making some original designs now too, go check 'em out!
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Day 4: Redraw! - original doodle here
 My Asta-Gomamon doodle I originally drew in 2011, now redrawn in 2021! I might've improved a little I guess *shrug*
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ It’s the start of Goma-August! GomAugust? Gomaugust? Well whatever, I’m gonna try to do a thing and draw every day... I may only stay motivated for like 3 days but whatever XD ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ Rave!Gomamon! Based on those Rave Pikachu mascots~ ]] 
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ Okay, so I've been in a really big Megaten mood lately. Have a stripey Gomamon - part demon, part monster? XD ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ Been playing a lot of SMT Dx2 lately, so here's a Gomamon playing with a  Naga xD (I draw nagas worse than gomamons so that's why there's only his tail half ^^; ) ]] 
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ Had to work until 7pm yesterday. Wasn’t too happy about that... ]]
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natticusthegomamon · 6 years
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[[ Oops, uploaded day 2 of Gomaugust to twitter but forgot here ^^; Natticus ended up a little rounder than intended because pen isn’t erasable x.x ]]
“That feel when you eat all the shrimp~”
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