#gonna draw a lot these days cuz i can finally afford it and it's a matter of honor to draw banri on time for his bday
kkking · 9 months
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did something for @k2week2023
it's day 2 - angels, and i tried to make it small but stylish by using black paper and giving Kyle red wings^^b he's a special angel hahah
I might not really be in the fandom or watch the new episodes anymore, but some good k2 always warms up my heart u///u
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h0ney-mochi · 8 months
honey hiii <33 i remember you mentioned not being so well so i hope you’re alright now?? or at least i hope it got a bit better <33
i’m in school again.. ugh i CAN’T believe my holidays are already gooone :(((( *whining*
i must admit i expected a bit worse though. (i had already bought anxiety pills). things aren’t THAT bad. math is still complicated for me and a bit boring tbh, but psychology is fun as always even if it takes lots of work and effort but it’s worth it tbh. i still do tense up whenever school is mentioned though..
to get stuff off my mind, whenever i’m not studying or hanging out with friends, i’m drawing or writing which i love SO MUCH. like, i finally feel like i’m being a tiny bit productive somehow?? also i’m going back to my bookclub today, i can’t wait to see my friends there <33 i missed them so much man. a shame we only see each other at the bookclub cuz i really like them a lot. there’s this boy who’s one year younger than me and we have this kinda playful rivalry i’d say, like we always tease each other and call each other names and stuff and idk i love it. oh and of course there’s this girl jkdhsjs <333 we used to talk about manga after the bookclub, she usually asked me to spoil tpn for her cuz she liked spoilers. can’t wait to see her again <3
also i’m trying to learn how to play the guitar. i can play the piano, kinda, but i really really want to play the guitar because.. idk it just feels like something that’d suit me and i like the idea of saying i’m a guitarist. also my friend (the one who came to sardinia with me this summer) can sing and she promised me she’d form a band with me as soon as i’d learn how to play the guitar :DD so i really gotta learn cuz that sounds AMAZING. i just gotta wait for that time of the day when my family isn’t here so i can practice without them hearing how bad i still am /hj
(my guitar is a classical guitar. i do have an electric guitar, my dad’s, actually, but my headphones don’t have a cable so i can’t connect them to the guitar jdhdhd)
i can’t afford actual lessons because i already have figure skating and those other things so adding a music teacher would be too much. ugh if only i had a real job this isn’t gonna stop me though!! amy macdonald learnt by herself through yt tutorials, and cavetown is self taught as well, so i guess i could try too! :)
still struggling with school though. i think my teachers’ expectations are the issue but i’m not gonna vent dw <33
breaker anon~<3
Omg that sounds lovely!!! Guitar is a fancy instrument and I wish you luck with it! Just don't give up at the first mistakes you do :D I'm sure you'll do it. And ohhhh, the band. That'd be so cool!!!
Our school doesn't have fancy clubs like that, ughhhhhhhh... it sounds so fun! If you guys meet only once a month, then the wait is definitely worth it, each meeting can be something :)))
Yeah, holidays gone and school back is GRRRHHHHH sad, but it'll be alr! You can make more great memories here and there, plus education is needed, even if it's a pain in the ass lol. It's good to hear that things aren't going too bad - math is awful, yep, but what will you do? Good that you've got another thing that you enjoy — even if it can be difficult ^^
Yeah, I can understand. Others' expectations can be really pressuring. But it'll be okay, you just do what you can do- your best !
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assless-chapstick · 4 years
This is me sending myself an ask… because I am boredt and my teeth hurt and I want to lay in bed….
So I ask myself … how are the Couch AU boys coping with the COVID19 lockdown??? Are they ok??
Tbh I think Charles and John are taking it harder than Arthur and Javi. Like, Arthur and Javier are a little more stable, a little more mentally well/neurotypical, and while everyone is finding it hard, I think Charles and John are struggling more than average.
Charles practically lives at John and Arthurs place, so he’s locked down over there; half his stuff is over there already, and while it might be a little crowded, it’s better than him being alone at his place. He doesn’t have any roommates and he needs to have someone around to help with the anxiety and keep him on a schedule. With Arthur around, he doesn’t sink completely into a depression. Sure, he’s finding it hard to focus and stay motivated and he spends a lot more time on the couch, napping and watching jeopardy and comfort-eating, but he’s not completely vacant and spending all day in bed, forgetting to shower or eat like he might if he was alone.
Arthur has a little gym/studio in the spare bedroom where he draws and does his fuckin bowflex or whatever, and they set Charles up there so he can get some studying done and continue to attend classes online. Charles is just finishing his first year of law school and he’s like, determined not to let this whole situation fuck up his academic career, even if he’s a little worried about it all…
Arthur is going a little stir-crazy; he works at an autobody shop, and they closed for a couple weeks at the beginning so he was out of work for a while. He was all “perfect I can work on my art,” but he’s so used to being super busy working two jobs and going to the gym and shit that having so much free time has been stressful to him. He processes a lot of feelings through anger, so the punching bag on the balcony has taken some pretty rough beatings the past couple weeks…
He’s back at work now, three days a week, so he’s feeling a little better… I think his biggest concern is money, cuz with reduced hours and all the cons he was planning to sell art at being cancelled, his income is reduced, and as a teen/early 20s he struggled a lot so that really scared him… But Dutch and Hosea aren’t too bad off and they’ll help out if he or John are ever in a pinch…
I think Arthur authors/creates a queer cowboy romance webcomic, so he’s been working on that a lot… he’s finally pages ahead and has some updates queued, so if he needs to be can afford to take a break for a week or two! He’s psyched about that. His patreon profits have gone down a little, but he’s got some loyal-ass fans and they’re really helping him thru it, too, I think… and he’s made some new merch for the first time in ages, and has had time to open up more commissions… He and Charles spend a lot of afternoons in the study, listening to Arthur’s vinyls and working together in silence …
So Arthur is doing ok, and Charles is pulling through, but John is having a… really rough go. For someone who seems really chaotic, John really really thrives when he had a routine and a set schedule, and with classes being moved online or canceled, he’s really struggling to keep a routine and as a result, his mental health is suffering. It also doesn’t help that he can’t leave the house and can’t see Javi, a major source of security for him. John runs to get his frustration out, and not feeling like it’s safe to go for a run has him feeling really bad.
He and Javi FaceTime every night, but it’s not the same and John is pretty miserable. He spends a lot of time in his room, music Loud, and he stops sleeping with any sort of regularity. The stress also makes his nightmares worse, I think, so he’s spending a lot more time avoiding sleep, which definitely makes him even bitchier than he would be otherwise. That and the situation have him really snappy, so there’s some Big Fights between him and Arthur; fights over nothing, fighting just to have something to do, to just feel something, because he’s angry with the situation and the feelings and everything… He’d just started to get his life on track and here it is, all out of order again. The uncertainty and instability are really unsettling for him.
I think John’s been seeing his therapist online, but it’s not the same, and he really hates it. In the first few weeks, things were all over the place and he forgot to take his meds and stuff… when Arthur noticed something was wrong, he kind of just started gently helping John remember to do things, just gently coaxing him and reminding him to take his pills, etc…
Like Arthur starts making meal at the same time every day, and cooks for all three of them so John remembers to eat… he makes coffee and sings when he makes breakfast to wake John up, and they watch movies and play boardgames and stuff after dinner, just to keep John on a little bit of a schedule. John usually goes to bed in his own room and climbs into Arthur and Charles’ later in the night, but during this whole thing, he starts going to bed with Arthur and Charles, and that helps too...
I think eventually he gets a little more used to it, once he gets back into a routine and then he’s still having trouble, but he’s doing better…
Javi lives in college dorms, so he’s moved back to living with his mum and his sister, which sucks, but that also means he can borrow his mum’s car… so when John is feeling really bad, one day, Javi throws his guitar in the trunk and goes to John and Arthurs place and stands under the balcony and plays all the dumb joke songs he’s written for John… songs called shit like “im sorry I backwashed in your redbull, flaquita” and “youre a pendejo but I love you anyway” and that cheers them both up…
Also, John makes up little care packages and has Arthur drop them off at Javi’s!! little doodles (John’s been practicing drawing but he’s like, crazy bad, just awful) and poems (marginally better, not great), their favourite snacks, little trinkets from around the house and stuff he picks up on his runs (once he starts going on runs again), and of course, of course, cuz he’s nasty, panties that he MAYBE wore on his run, for Javi to, y’know, do with what he will…
And of course they have a lot of phone sex, especially once John pulls it together a bit… at first he kind of went AWOL and didn’t talk to anyone, let his phone go dead and stuff, but he’s doing better now and now they’re… being quarantine horny …
Javi prefers regular voice phonesex, loves to call John up and tease his girl until John whines for him to stop, ask if John is touching himself when Javi can tell by the hitch of his breath that he is… Javi loves that, but not seeing one another, John insists they do videocalls, even if Javi is a little uncomfortable…
But it leads to some… fun roleplay … John pretends to be an innocent starlet trying to make it big, and Javi is a big-time director that keeps on pushing… “you look so good on camera, babe, but maybe take the bra off, let us see how those little titties of yours look? Don’t be shy, it’s all business, just want to see… grab them for me, that’s it, now show me that ass…”
And they also play like Javi is broadcasting the video to everyone, like all his friends can see what a whore Javi’s girl is, how he can suck that dildo like it was a real cock and how desperate he is for it… they pretend Javi is advertising John as if he’s a thing for sale, like Javi is booking John’s ass by the hour…. All “cmon baby, show them how greedy your pussy is, you’re gonna take so many cocks for me tonight, you’ll be leaking cum by the time they’re done with you, you’ll be so sore but you’ll do it for me, won’t you, flaca? Til you’re rubbed raw and then I’ll slide into your wet, gaping hole…”
And of course, of course, John BIG gets off on watching Javi jerk off into the panties he sends him… Javi maybe even… sniffs them, licks them a little, cuz he misses John so bad and he loves the way John looks in the pale yellow, lacy panties he’s got wrapped around his dick, loves the idea of coming in them and then making John put them back on,…
Aaaand that’s that on that, I think!! So thanks for reading, mister, if you’re still out there somewhere. I have dental surgery tomorrow and I’m more scared than a spider in a shoe factory, so please wish me some luck and send me some non-COVID related asks, iffin you’re feeling it!!
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moonwaif · 5 years
Snow Over Insomnia: ch. 1
Pairings: Gladnis, promptis
Theme: snowed in
Once a year, Shiva blesses Insomnia with snowfall. This year's snow day finds four friends in transition. There's Noctis, who's trying his best to enjoy freshman year. With his best friend Prompto enrolled at a different college, it hasn't been easy. When a particularly controversial lecture puts Noctis on the spot, he says some things he regrets. Can he make amends before their friendship freezes over?
Meanwhile, there's Gladiolus, who's finding it increasingly difficult to deny his feelings for coworker and friend Ignis Scientia. The appearance of a mysterious figure from Ignis's past might just be the sign that it's time to come clean. Will Gladio make a move, or will he let the opportunity melt away?
PT. I: 10:12 hours
It was a good thing Noctis had remembered to mute his laptop before class started, because he received his first message from Prompto just twelve minutes into the lecture.
Prompto: brrrr! Freezing my a$$ off this morning
A selfie instantly followed: Prompto in a warm jacket and white beanie, grimacing up at the camera with a steaming coffee cup clutched in his gloved hand.
Noctis: heh. nice pic. whatcha drinking?
Prompto: mocha moogle latte. Yummm ;P
Noctis: all that sugar is gonna give you a headache
Prompto: hahaha yeah, probably. but i need some caffeine. i couldnt sleep all night thinking about that presentation!!!!  。゜(`Д´)゜。
Prompto: so we still getting snowed in tonight?
Noct's smile widened. It wasn’t often that Shiva graced the arid landscape of Lucis with her affections, but at least once a year, snow fell on the city of Insomnia. Sometimes it was a few flakes, sometime just sleet. On rare occasions, such as the one predicted by Insomnian weather channels on this particular day, it was a blizzard.
Noctis: heck yeah! hope you're ready to binge some King’s Knight.
Prompto: ugh am i ever. so ready to chill after getting this presentation out of the way…
Noctis leaned back in his chair, brow furrowing. He cast a quick glance at projector screen down at the front of the hall: a slide about the Lucian civil war.
Noctis: y? U nervous?’
Prompto: yeah
Prompto: stomach hurts
Prompto: p sure im gonna throw up
Noctis: relax, prom
Noctis: you've been practicing a lot, right?
Noctis: you're gonna be great
Prompto: dude you have no idea what id give to hear you say that rn
Prompto: i wish we still went to the same school
Prompto:  。゜(`Д´)゜。
A dull, tight ache formed in the center of Noct's chest. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the reply coming slower this time.
Noctis: me too.
Prompto: yeah...
Prompto: too bad my best friend has to go to a fancy schmancy ivy league school for geniuses (¬‿¬)
Noctis rolled his eyes.
Noctis: im not here cuz im a genius, prom
Prompto: his majesty is sooooo modest ;)
Noctis: srlsy
Noctis: im like most of the ppl here. average.
Noctis: the only genius ive met so far is specs
Prompto: lol youre just saying that to make me feel better
Noctis: nah. youre way cooler than like half of the people here
Prompto: ♥‿♥
Prompto: too bad i cant afford the tuition lol. id kill to have iggy as my teacher
Noctis glanced up from his computer. From his own seat in the center of the hall, Ignis was just a small figure behind an even smaller podium. Still, Noctis had to admit that Specs was definitely in his element at the front of a classroom. His fitted grey sweater, crisp collar and perfectly coiffed hair were every bit the image of the up-and-coming academian. The freshmen in the front row hung dreamily on every elegant gesture of his gloved hands as his voice rang out through the hall, crisp and clear as water. He said something that sent a murmur of laughter through the rows of desks. Noctis smiled.
Noctis: yeah its not bad
Prompto: duh!! hes probably way cooler than all of my professors combined
Prompto: anyway, g2g. Gonna try to run through my presentation one more time before class starts
Prompto: (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
Noctis: dont worry prom. Youre gonna kick this presentation in the ass.
Prompto: thanks dude
Prompto: catch ya later
Noctis let his gaze linger on the final message, Iggy’s melodic tones lilting in the background. He tuned in long enough just to get the gist of the topic (ugh - still on the Lucian civil war). He turned his attention back to his laptop and clicked on an open tab, which took him directly to Prompto’s ChocoGram feed. There weren’t any new updates, but that didn’t stop him from smiling as he reviewed some of the earlier posts: Prompto getting ready to dig into a steaming, greasy pizza; a #tbt selfie featuring the baby chocobo they’d helped rescue during their summer road trip to Lestallum; a prank-selfie with a drooling, sleeping Gladio. Noctis chuckled. He’d been there when Prompto had taken that one. Even Gladio had agreed that the shot was just too good not to share.
He continued scrolling. A bunch of people Noctis didn't know, probably at a party; a filtered, black-and-white shot of a glistening, neon lit alley; a selfie with some guy Noctis had never seen before; a picture of the school’s mascot, tagged #gocactuars; Prompto wearing glasses…
Wait a second.
Noctis scrolled back to the photo of Prompto and the stranger. “Hanging with the coolest TA around,” read the caption. Tagged: #whenyourfriendhasthesamemajor, #collegelife #insomniaboys.
Friend, huh?
Noct’s eyes narrowed. He silently listed off any names he’d heard Prompto mention over the past semester as he analyzed the man’s features: platinum hair; a strong chin; sharp, intelligent eyes whose color he couldn’t quite discern through the ChocoGram filter. He let the cursor hover over the smug, obnoxious grin. A tagged username appeared: “Ghiranzenator.”
Before Noctis could really stop to self-reflect, he was scrolling through Ghiranzenator’s feed. It was the kind of content you’d expect from a twenty-something with a pompadour and generic good looks. Gym selfies tagged #fitnesslifestyle; poses in scenic, well-known locations captioned with thought-provoking yet totally irrelevant quotes (ugh, so pretentious). He wondered how Prompto even knew this guy. Was he the TA for one of Prompto’s classes? Did they have mutual friends? If so, why hadn’t Prompto mentioned him before? But now that Noctis thought about it, like really thought about it, he hadn’t really heard Prompto say a whole lot about any of the new friends he was making at school.
Wasn't that kind of weird?
A crumpled wad of paper plummeted through his thoughts, ricocheting off his forehead. Noct's head snapped in the direction it had come from. His eyes were met by a vision of Gladio, squeezed into a desk barely large enough to accommodate his lanky frame.
“Pay. Attention,” he mouthed, cocking his head in Iggy’s direction.
Noctis scowled. That was the one downside of having his bodyguard disguised as a classmate. Gladio was just all too ready to make sure Noct behaved like a good little student. The plus side was that Noct had at least one friend who could commiserate with his suffering.
Like now, for instance. A fan club member from the front row was monologuing, earning exasperated looks from his classmates. Noctis and Gladio exchanged a few muffled snickers.
“Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Cleetus,” Ignis cut in, his voice laced with a strain so barely audible that Noct and Gladio were probably the only ones who even picked up on it. “As you have noted for us, it is quite interesting that most rebel demands would be considered centrist by modern standards. However, we should recognize one deconstructionist philosopher whose theories remain polarizing even to this day.”
Ignis went to the next slide. A portrait of a wide-jawed man with a face only a mother garula could love brooded down from the display screen.
“Oh great,” Noctis muttered, drawing a confused look from Gladio. “Not this guy…”
"Regulus Invicta," Ignis continued, "is remembered as one of the strongest advocates for freedom of speech throughout the history of Lucis. However, what is less commonly remembered are his persistent demands for the de-establishment of the monarchy in favor of what we would now refer to as a democratic socialist republic. Even during the Lucian civil war, Invicta was a controversial figure. At first his philosophies were embraced by the deconstructionists, who sought to overthrow the Lucis Caelums in favor of a fragmented nation-states ruled by regional noblemen. They were less in favor of his leanings toward a democratic socialist republic. Despite this difference of opinion, Invicta was one of the few intellectuals of his time that insisted on the right of deconstructionists to espouse their ideals without punishment or censorship. Unfortunately, this insistence, combined with his involvement with radical circles, led to his eventual imprisonment. He would die of consumption shortly thereafter.”
A hand shot up - the same wind-bag from before.
“Yes, Cleetus?” Ignis’s smile was tight.
“Professor Scientia, as you were speaking I couldn’t help but remember an essay I came across in the Lucian History Journal the other day. The article was about the evolution of Lucian collective memory of the civil war.”
Gladio chuckled. “Oh boy. Here he goes again. This guy really can’t stop himself, can he?”
Noctis wasn’t laughing. He wanted Ignis to get back on topic and finish explaining why Invicta and the deconstructionists were wrong.
“According to the arguments propounded throughout the essay” - Gladio actually snorted at this point - “collective opinion regarding Invicta and the deconstructionists split after Lucis became a constitutional monarchy. Invicta was distanced from the deconstructionists and by means of propaganda -”
Bells went off in Noct’s head. Propaganda? What was this guy trying to get at?
“ - and state sanctioned school curriculum -”
Noctis gripped the arms of his desk, knuckles whitening.
“ - Invicta gradually became celebrated as one of the fathers of free speech. Meanwhile, his links to deconstructionists were covered up, preventing further instability to Lucian society while conveniently appropriating the parts that aligned with contemporary values.”
He paused for a breath. Ignis stepped out from behind the podium, quick to seize back control of the conversation.
“Your statements indicate a very post-modern interpretation of the historical records, Cleetus,” he remarked politely. “It’s interesting that you bring up social instability. Although not as commonly espoused today, there are ideologues who from time to time self-identify as deconstructionists. However, they are often ridiculed by both leftists and conservatives, rarely gaining any political legitimacy. In this way, the general public remains largely unexposed to contemporary deconstructionism outside of the occasional satirical representation on late night TV shows or the funnies.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
There was a rustle as heads turned in Noct's direction. Ignis adjusted his glasses.
“Is there something you would like to share, Prince Noctis?”
Shit. Gladio slid down low in his seat, muttering something that sounded a lot like, “Smooth move, Noct.”
Noctis cleared his throat. His cheeks felt like two flames. “N- not particularly.”
“Very well.” Ignis returned his attention to the slides. Noctis averted his eyes, only to be met by the expectant gazes coming his way from the next row down. His gaze happened to fall on Cleetus, he shot him a particularly snide smirk from over his shoulder.
Something in Noctis snapped.
“It’s just that, you said ‘satirical.’”
Ignis stopped mid-sentence. Scandalized whispers rippled throughout the hall. Gladio was actually facepalming. Meanwhile, Noctis’s cheeks somehow managed to get even hotter. He felt the need to continue.
“I just thought - well, it sounds like you think those depictions are kind of inaccurate, or something.”
Gods, he was sounding extremely upset and defensive right now, wasn’t he? What had happened to all that training in diplomacy and public speaking? Embarrassing.
“Satire is merely a genre, your highness," Ignis demured. "One that hyperbolizes a real-life topic or theme with intent to criticize, ridicule or expose. We may identify this genre from a neutral standpoint without either validating or condemning the arguments contained within the work itself.”
Noctis schooled his expression so it’d look like he’d understood this last bit.
“But you said the satirical representation is the only representation people see. Doesn’t that imply that there’s another representation that most people don’t get to see?”
“There normally is more than one side to every story,” Ignis said lightly, and his lips curved in such a smug, handsome grin that Noctis could have chucked his laptop at him.
“Yeah, but sometimes one side has better evidence than the other one. Shouldn’t that also be part of the discussion?”
He was pressuring Ignis to agree with him, to say that the deconstructionists were “wrong” and the monarchy was “right” and therefore Noctis was right, too. That the deconstructionists were just radical, terrorist nutjobs whose hogwash theories did more harm than good, so why even bother discussing them at all? Noctis knew it. Gladio knew it. Most of all, Ignis probably knew it.
So why were they still disagreeing?
“Indeed. However, the objective of today’s lecture is merely to review the deconstructionism as an historical movement. I will leave the evaluation of the ideas espoused by said movement to all of you in your term papers.”
A smattering of chuckles. Oh yes, how adorable, how clever. Noctis opened his mouth to let loose another retort when Gladio nudged his foot.
"Let it go," he mouthed with a slight shake of his head. Noctis grit his teeth with an audible “tch,” nails biting into the surface of his palms. He deliberately avoided Gladio’s gaze, instead fixing his attention on his laptop. The Ghiranzenator taunted him from the other side of the screen, all chiseled jawline and knowing smile.
Noctis closed the laptop with a ‘snap.’
PT. II: 13:00 hours
“I was too hard on him, wasn’t I?”
The words were out of Ignis’s mouth before Gladio had even stepped through the door. The office was tiny - more like a closet, really. Gladio tossed a small paper bag onto the desk and pulled up a seat, careful not to spill the coffee in his other hand.
“What’s this?” Ignis asked, peering owlishly from behind his computer. Gladio handed over the coffee.
“Thought you could use a pick-me up," he replied. "And nah; Noct is tough. He gets worse from me during an average training session.”
“You’re just saying that,” Ignis mumbled, raising the cup to his lips and taking a sip. “Mmm, Gladio, this is delicious. Thank you.”
Gladio crossed his legs, leaning back with a pleased smile. “Heh. Thought you’d like that. And no, I’m not just saying that. Noct is pissed off, but he’ll live. Try some of the scone.”
Ignis reached into the paper bag obediently. “I should have waited until after class,” he muttered. “Or warned him about the topic before hand.”
“Yeah, that probably would’ve helped.”
“I just don’t want to allow him more special privileges than I already have! How am I supposed to prepare him for his future responsibilities if I keep treating him differently from the other students? Can you imagine, just last night he actually asked me to check his homework!”
“Did you?”
“What do you think?” Ignis snapped. “We live together for Eos’s sake, of course I did!"
“Yikes. How’s the scone?”
Ignis scowled. “You really must stop bringing me sugar. This is why my skin is breaking out.”
“One bite won’t hurt, prince charming.”
Ignis broke a off a tiny piece and popped it into his mouth, but not before shooting Gladio a glare.
“Relax, Iggy. Just give Noct a little time to cool down, think things through. He’ll come around.”
Ignis gave him a doubtful look. He took another bite.
“At least this scone is palatable.”
Gladio flashed him a cheeky smile. “Does that mean you’ll raise my grade professor?”
“I’ll consider it. After all, for an auditing student you do have unusually consistent attendance.”
“Someone’s gotta show up and keep the crown prince in line. Who better than his protector and professional babysitter, the royal shield?”
“Pity you have to sit through my lectures. I imagine it’s dull.”
“Nah. You’re way more interesting than the profs I had during my undergrad.”
‘A lot easier on the eyes, too,’ he thought. His gaze lingered on Ignis’s full, rosy lips before silently flickering away.
“There’s no need for flattery, Gladio. It’s not like I can actually give you credit for the course.”
“Sorry. Guess your little front row fan club is wearing off on me.”
Ignis reddened. He took a hurried sip of coffee, obviously stalling. Gladio grinned, letting himself indulge in the rare sight of a flustered Ignis.
“If the students show enthusiasm,” Ignis began, once he’d finished composing himself, “it is merely due to the engaging nature of the subject.”
“Oh, right. Lucian history makes me blush and squeal, too.”
“Did you come here for the sole purpose of force feeding me scones and distracting me from my work?”
“Why, is it working? Just kidding,” he added quickly at the stern look he received. “Actually, I thought we should touch base on our lovely royal charge’s training schedule over the Solstice. Iris has been bugging me about plans. She wants to invite the entire Amicitia clan over for a get-together.”
“Let me pull up my calendar.” Ignis swiveled in his chair, facing the computer monitor. Gladio contemplated his profile, thrown into sharp relief by the glow of the LED back-light. A million potential lines ran through his head. ‘It should be illegal to be so gorgeous.’ ‘You ever seen an angel up close? Because those cheekbones are high enough to graze the heavens.’
“Got any plans for the Solstice, Iggy?”
“I’m hoping to finish drafting my thesis proposal,” Ignis answered, with a light click of the mouse. “I’d also like to try my hand at a leiden sweet potato casserole. See if I can get Prince Noctis to eat something other than meat for a change.”
Gladio snickered. “Good luck with that last one. By the way, what’s your thesis about again? Food politics - “
“ - with Duscae as a case study for increased multifunctionality in agricultural policy making, yes.” Ignis spared him a brief glance, eyes crinkled with amusement. “I’m impressed you remember.”
‘Course I do,’ Gladio thought dismally. ‘I’ve Moogle searched every article you’ve ever published.’
Fortunately, he was spared the need to reply. One more click of the mouse, and Ignis was tilting the monitor in his direction.
“There we are. So, which dates does Iris have in mind?”
“She’s really got her eyes set on the day of the Solstice, as well the day right before and after. She needs me to help cook, put out decorations…”
‘Basically all the stuff we used to do when mom was around,’ he thought.
“I see. Why don’t I just make a note on my calendar for now? We can continue meeting as planned for the next two weeks. When it comes time, we'll evaluate how Noct is doing. Perhaps it won’t even be necessary for us to meet over the week of the Solstice.”
“Thanks Iggy. I appreciate it.”
“Certainly. It’s imperative that you spend quality time with your family over the holidays, uninterrupted.”
His smile was sad. Of course; Ignis didn't really have any family around to celebrate with. Gladio jiggled his knee, hesitating.
“H-hey, Iggy,” he began cautiously. “Y’know, if you don’t have any plans for the Solstice, you’re always welcome to - “
“Ah, Ignis! Just the man I was looking for.”
Ignis stood as two people Gladiolus had never seen before entered the office. The first was an attractive, bespectacled woman with golden hair swept back in an elegantly casual updo. Gladio, always the gentleman, rose instantly to his feet, pushing in his chair and squeezing back against the bookshelf in an effort to free up some space for her in the tiny room. She was followed by a pale young man who stood shoulder to shoulder with Gladiolus, which was a rare enough occurrence. What was really odd was Ignis's reaction. He blanched as the man entered. Then he was turning away to face the woman, almost as if he'd never even noticed the other visitor at all.
“Dr. Trepe! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Her lips curved in a perfect cupid’s bow. “Ignis, dear, how many times must I remind you? Call me Quistis. Anyway, I was just giving Prince Ravus a tour of the department.” She gestured toward the man beside her.
Oh - so that’s why he looked familiar. Gladio had often seen the royal Nox Fleuret duo on magazine covers or on TV. Ravus cut a striking figure in person, with his wintry complexion and dual colored eyes. He seemed to resent being watched, interrupting Gladio’s examination with a peculiarly frigid glare.
“Prince Ravus will be joining our department as a research scholar next semester,” Quistis explained. “Your majesty, Ignis is a grad student and TA in our department. As you may be aware, he also serves as the royal advisor to Crown Prince Noctis. He’s quite the feather in the department’s cap.”
Gladio beamed, eyeing Ignis with pride. What he saw surprised him. Iggy’s shoulders were tense, his face frozen in a mask of false politeness.
Something was wrong.
“Thank you, Dr. Trepe. As it stands, I’ve already had the good fortune of making Mr. Scientia’s acquaintance.”
Gladio’s eyes snapped in Ravus’s direction. His expression was unreadable, but his tone of voice suggested that whatever fortune had been at play was anything but “good.”
“Indeed.” Ignis mustered a weak smile. “I’m honored his highness remembers me.”
Ravus flinched, the movement so quick it was barely perceptible. Gladio glanced between them. Whatever vibe was going on here, he didn't like it one bit. He asked the question before he could stop himself.
“How do you two know each other?”
Ignis gasped. “Oh, by the six - where are my manners? Dr. Trepe - “
“Quistis” - Ignis blushed - “and Prince Ravus, please allow me to introduce Gladiolus Amicitia, Prince Noctis’s sworn shield, as well as one of my dearest friends.”
Gladio’s chest swelled until it threatened to burst. He crossed his arms, lip quirking up into a satisfied smirk.
'Dearest friend, huh?'
“I see,” Quistis murmured, tapping her chin. Her eyes ran up and down Gladio’s frame with an openly appraising look. “I apologize for interrupting your discussion, Gladiolus. I doubt we made a very good impression.”
“Meeting a colleague of Iggy’s is never an imposition,” Gladio assured her. “Especially not when that colleague is as elegant and beautiful as yourself.”
Quistis blushed, blue eyes sparkling behind her spectacles. “I never imagined the royal shield was such a charmer. You’ll have to bring him around more often, Ignis.”
There was a momentary, infinitesimal fracture in Ignis’s facade. “Yes, well, I daren’t keep his majesty any longer," he said quickly. "I’m sure you’re both quite eager to continue the tour. Prince Ravus, it truly was a pleasure seeing you again. I look forward to our collaboration in the coming semester.”
“As do I,” Ravus snapped, his words laced with such venom that even Quistis sent him a mildly startled look. “Dr. Trepe, shall we?”
“C-certainly. Gladiolus, it was a pleasure. And Ignis, we’ll be seeing you tonight at the reception, won’t we?”
“Of course. The Grand Hotel Insomnia at six o’ clock, correct?”
“Not exactly ideal weather for an event, is it?” Gladio interjected, frowning. “The roads are supposed to freeze after seven.”
Ignis dismissed him with a breezy laugh. “Yes, well, you know what they say Gladio - the show must go on! Until tonight then, Dr. Trepe...Prince Ravus.”
He bowed at the waist. Gladio rushed to follow suit, but not before glimpsing the pain that flashed across the prince’s strange, distant eyes. Then he was gone, sweeping off down the hall without a word of acknowledgement. Quistis rushed after him. Gladio waited until he no longer heard the clicking of her high heels before he spoke.
“What was that all about?”
Ignis began fussing with the papers on his desk. “Dr. Trepe was introducing the newest addition to our department.”
“Who you just happen to already know.”
“Is that so odd? You and I often cross paths with royalty in our line of work.”
“Uh-huh.” Gladio approached the desk, leaning over and splaying both hands across the surface. “So, you gonna tell me how you two actually know each other?”
“I don’t see that it’s any concern of yours,” Ignis replied, voice unusually clipped. Gladio ignored the sting.
“I’m just curious - y’know, as a dear friend and colleague. Why so defensive?”
Ignis slammed down a folder, nostrils flaring. “Fine. Spring 752. I did a semester in Tenebrae. Prince Ravus was a student at the university. We made acquaintance.”
“And what?”
Gladio shrugged. “Dunno. Just thought I sensed some hostility between you two.”
“Enough, Gladio!”
The outburst stunned them both. Gladio took a step back. He ran a hand through his hair, trying fiercely not to look as hurt as he felt. After a long moment of silence, Ignis heaved a sigh.
“Forgive me, Gladio. It’s just a rather...unpleasant story, if I’m being honest. I wasn’t expecting to meet him like this, and...I’d rather not talk about it all just yet.”
Gladio chuckled harshly. “Why are you apologizing? I’m the one being the asshole here. Sticking my nose in your business. But if you ever do feel like talking about it, or there’s any way I can help...just let me know.”
“Thank you, Gladio,” he said softly, and the smile he turned on him was so full of warmth and relief that it hurt to look at.
Gladio hurried to change the subject.
“You sure you’re good to go to this reception thing? Ravus will probably be there, too.”
“I’ll be fine. I merely need a moment to compose myself. I do apologize I won’t be able to join you at the gym today. I was quite looking forward to showing off my new gains.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. Gladio snorted.
“Save it for next time, hot shot. But seriously, Iggy - the roads are supposed to get pretty bad tonight. Call me if you need a ride.”
“Certainly; I’m sure Dr. Trepe would just love it if you popped by.”
“Don’t worry; I promise I’ll behave myself.”
“You better. Don’t wanna go setting a bed example for Noct.”
Ignis’s smile fell. Gladio rolled his eyes, reaching for the half-eaten pastry on the desk.
“Talk to ‘im,” he said through a mouthful of scone. “Better yet, feed him and then talk. He’s always in a better mood when his stomach’s full.”
“Oh Gladio.” Ignis shook his head. “If only I could be as certain as you are.”
‘But I’m not certain,’ Gladio thought to himself. The uncertainty followed him as he took his leave, wandering through the empty halls of the department alone. Noct could be stubborn, and Ignis had a tendency to cave in. Hopefully they'd be able to come to terms without too much of a fuss.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didnt see the figure rounding the corner, hurtling straight at him. He barely managed to come to a stop before they collided.
“Whoa there!” he exclaimed, stumbling backward. “My bad, are you - ?”
The charity in his voice withered and died as he looked up into the face of the passerby.
Ravus Nox Fleuret.
“Ahem. Pardon me, your majesty.” He stepped aside, the polite gesture a reflex after so many years as a retainer. Ravus, however, stood quite still, eyes fixed on Gladio intently - almost as if he were measuring him up.
Gladio’s jaw clenched.
“There a problem, highness?”
Ravus looked away, making a soft, dismissive noise in the back of his throat. He strode past Gladio with his nose held high, sharp footsteps echoing off the walls like a hailstorm. Gladio’s eyes narrowed, gaze following him over his shoulder. The uneasy feeling was back, creeping up from the pit of his stomach like clutching vines.
Whatever history Ravus and Iggy had together, Gladio had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t the good kind.
He tore himself away with a sigh.
“Forget about it,” he muttered firmly. “Iggy can handle himself. It’s not like you have any say in the matter, anyway.”
Still, it was a good thing he kept a spare set of clothes locked up at the campus rec facility. He was gonna need an extra challenging workout today.
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Something Old and Something New - Chapter 1: Prologue
Marjory is bored out of her fucking mind.
Which is an unseemly sentiment, she knows – particularly when she's meant to be engaged in planning her own wedding. A wedding which she is actually looking forward to, despite her current aggravation. But it's true nonetheless.
Because honestly, there's only so many hours one can spend selecting table linens. At some point, the minute differences between ecru linen napkins and cream linen napkins just don't fucking matter anymore. And that point has come and gone. But Mother and Charles's grandmother are still arguing about it.
At least she can bitch about it to Honoria later. Preferably over a glass of wine. Or a raging bonfire made of the reams and reams of notes Marjory's required to take on every minute, insignificant detail. Details which Honoria, as a lowly bridesmaid, is not made to sit through – lucky girl.
Family politics being what they are, Honoria would be part of the wedding party regardless of how either of them felt about it. But fortunately, they've become quite close friends since that first slightly awkward meeting. And Honoria has remained a staunch ally throughout the many battles of wills that have occurred over the course of planning the wedding of the decade. Because of course the union between the Emerson Winchesters and the Oakes will be the wedding of the decade. And it's Marjory's job to get them there, even if she must wear a wig to the ceremony after pulling all her hair out in frustration over her various relatives' and soon-to-be relatives' conflicting tastes in flower arrangements.
Charles doesn't know how lucky he is getting to stick his hands in people's chest cavities all day. Particularly as the people are unconscious and therefore cannot express opinions on wedding dress style or candlestick height. But they all make sacrifices for the good of the family. And this is her particular cross to bear.
Still, there must me some way to ensure that the actual wedding is more than just a political showpiece.
“Hey, we got invited to the Winchester wedding.”
Trapper looks up from the bills he's paying. “Singly or collectively?”
“Well, it's addressed to both of us. But I imagine they assume we'll each bring someone else as a plus one.”
The question is, who to bring? Sure Hawkeye and Trapper each have a few girls they're friendly with down at the bar. But taking someone to a wedding seems like a pretty big step relationshipwise, and Hawkeye doesn't want to lead any of them on.
“Oh wait, Trapper, there's a note – Dear Hawkeye and Trapper... hope you can come, blah blah, also wanted to let you know we've invited Major Margaret Houlihan so you may wish to get in touch with her about attending before you RSVP blah blah Love, Marjory. So that's that problem solved – one of us takes Margaret and the other takes Kat. All nice and neat and heterosexual.”
“Beats going stag - this way we have someone to dance with. And Kat gets to go. That Marjory's one hell of a smart cookie.”
“And tactful,” Hawkeye adds. “What she's doing with Charles “Oblivious” Winchester, I'll never understand.”
They grin conspiratorially – Charles has interrupted date night several times now and he still hasn't bought a clue.
“Well, there's no accounting for taste. But I'm glad she's on our side.” And Trapper goes back to balancing the check book.
“Only problem now is, what're we gonna do for a wedding present?” Trapper asks after he finishes and looks at the final balance. “It ain't like we can afford something they'd want. Or that they'd want to admit to owning.”
It's true. Even with two doctor's salaries, they don't make anything close to enough to buy a present for the man who has gold-plated toilet paper holders in his bathroom. And they don't want to get something cheap that they'll just throw away – because then they may as well just not buy a present.
“Well,” Hawkeye says consideringly, “if money's an object, we should probably try and pull at the old heart strings. Get them something sentimental that they'll want to cherish forever for all the good memories it evokes or whatever.”
Trapper nods. “That makes good sense, Hawkeye. Who knew you had it in you.”
“Oh fuck off. If you're going to insult me like this, then you can think up the gift idea.”
Trapper always was the idea man of their little duo anyway. Better to leave him to it.
Trapper ponders for a bit. Then says, “What about making them a quilt – and we each do a square. Cuz they've already invited us and Margaret, who knows how many other former 4077 inmates made the guest list. Probably at least BJ and Sidney. And they're all gonna be in the same boat, presentwise.”
“I like it. Killing multiple birds with one gift. And we all know how to sew at least a little – so that shouldn't be outside of anyone's ability.” Hawkeye pauses “Only question now is, who else is on the guest list?”
“Honoria's helping with the planning, ain't she? She might be able to find out.”
“Aha!” Hawkeye exclaims triumphantly. He loves it when a plan comes together. “Honoria and I are meeting up this afternoon – since someone-” he looks pointedly at Trapper “-doesn't appreciate musical theater. I'll squeeze her for information then. You call Margaret and Kat and see which of them is willing to put up with you for an entire evening.”
Trapper flips him off playfully. “You're just jealous Margaret had the hots for me and not you.”
“As if!” Hawkeye exclaims, affronted. “I'm irresistible!”
“Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night.” And Trapper heads toward the phone. “Have fun at your interrogation, honey. I'll feel out Margaret to see if she thinks the quilt thing's a good idea or not.”
Margaret had liked the quilt idea – and she and Kat agreed to a double date with him and Trapper. So that's that problem solved. And fortunately, Honoria's willing to snitch for a good cause so Hawkeye gets the guest list pretty quickly. Now it's just down to coordinating everyone else.
Trapper takes one of the pages of the list Honoria'd slipped surreptitiously into Hawkeye's coat at their last little get together. “Looks like Steve and Letta and Sidney all got invited. They're close enough we can just call them up and ask if they wanna go in on the gift, so that's convenient.”
Hawkeye looks at his own page. “More good news, Trapper. Max is on the guest list, too.”
“Oh, thank God - someone who knows what she's doing. Think we can get her to take charge of this whole deal?”
Cuz it turns out that making a quilt involves significantly more work than Trapper had anticipated. And as Max is a professional seamstress, she probably has things like a sewing machine, or batting, or even just a big old piece of cloth to use for the back part.
“C'mon, Trap, let's write her now and ask. And we should write everyone else, to let them in on the plan.”
“I'll write Radar and the Padre. You better be the one to write BJ, otherwise he'll never agree to anything,” Trapper says, a little bitter.
It ain't his fault BJ still hasn't warmed up to him. And it ain't like they've gotta be best friends or nothing, but it'd be nice to all be able to be in the same room together without it feeling like sides are being drawn. With Hawkeye's favor some kinda token to be fought over.
“Right,” Hawkeye says tightly. Hawk's made it clear he ain't much more happy about the situation than Trapper is. But also that BJ's his friend and he ain't about to give that up. “I'll write Colonel Potter, and Donna Parker too since you never met them. Boy, Marjory sure has a sense of humor inviting Charles's former “wife” to his wedding.”
“I'm surprised Father Mulcahy made the cut – given how much Winchester hates the Irish, Catholics, and Irish Catholics.”
Though in fairness, Winchester has mellowed somewhat on that front since Trapper's known him. And the Padre's a pretty unobjectionable guy. But it kinda seems like Marjory – who'd been the one to draw up the list, according to Honoria – had just listened to Winchester's yearly drunken diatribe against all the MASH personnel and invited everyone he'd only pretended to hate outta obligation. Still, Trapper don't mind seeing some old faces – and meeting some new ones – at this shindig, so no skin off his teeth.
Even if it does mean more people to rope into their scheme.
Max gets a letter from Trapper – and it's not unexpected, exactly. They've been writing back and forth since she got back stateside.
First a Christmas card from both Trapper and Hawkeye – who are shacked up together now, surprise surprise.
Then Max wrote Trapper asking about Seong – making sure the kid didn't have anything wrong with him since he still wasn't talking for months and months of being home in Toledo and settled and safe.
And maybe Max knew Hawkeye better at that point. Been closer friends with him than Trapper cuz of going through all the real bad shit at the end of the war together. After all, they had almost two years of keeping each other the right kinda crazy – up till no one could do that for Hawkeye cuz what he'd seen was just too fucked up. And that kinda thing tends to bring folks together.
But Hawkeye wasn't the guy to go to with anything kid related on account of said fucked up shit. And sure, Max could've written to BJ – he's got kids too, and a toddler not kids in grade school already. But BJ'd been normal - the most normal outta all them 4077 folks. And he'd gone back home to his family, back to living his abnormally normal life, like some shining golden monument to God Bless America and apple pie. And she didn't wanna interrupt that.
So she'd written Trapper. Who kept insisting that he wasn't a pediatrician or a psychiatrist – and he'd tried to recommend both, but Trapper knows Max, knows Korea, knows what the kid's been through better than any so-called expert and she felt a lot more comfortable going to him than anyone she didn't know.
Plus, his parenting advice had been sound – the kid's gone from starvation skinny to plump and healthy and he's now babbling away at a mile a minute in three different languages.
And since Trapper's a family man, through and through – just absolutely loves kids, his own and other people's – that asking for advice had turned into writing more generally about family life, swapped kid photos, that kind of thing. Which is nice too, cuz Max don't have a ton of friends in Toledo who got kids she can ask for advice from. And sometimes asking family nets a whole bunch of conflicting advice that ignoring any part of would cause grave insult – so it's just easier asking someone who's hundreds of miles away and not related to her.
So they get to be friends – closer friends than they ever were in Korea. And so, when Max was figuring some stuff out about herself, they'd written about that too. Carefully, of course, and with enough misdirection and double talk to get past any of the army sensors from back in the day - Max still paranoid about other people reading her mail, and both of them knowing what could happen if the wrong eyes got the wrong impression. But they'd written. Cuz again, there ain't that many people out there who'd understand her – all the parts of her – from growing up a poor immigrant kid in the kinda neighborhood where being weak got you dead, to Korea, to being queer.
Hawkeye's really the only other one who maybe comes close. And Max ain't kidding herself that he don't know – that Trapper hadn't mentioned anything – since all Hawkeye's own letters refer to her right. But there's parts of Max's growing up that Hawkeye don't understand as well, so she'd gone to Trapper about it.
And maybe it ain't quite the same thing, the way the two of them are – though Max is married to a woman, so they're more alike that way than she'd though. And what a woman. Soon Li is a diamond – strong and bright and with an edge to her that was forged in war. But she's kind and sweat and gentle, too, when she's with Max and Seong and all the rest of her family.
And when Max realized that she felt most herself as herself – sharp and cunning and with teeth bared for a fight, but also pretty and fashionable and a woman – Soon Li'd just looked at Max like she was an idiot for thinking she'd have to remake herself into something smaller and softer and less just cuz she's a woman. Loved and understood Max for all the parts of her – even the parts that made her a little rough around the edges. Helped Max realize that she could be all the parts of her – even if everyone else said you had to choose.
Trapper'd understood that too, in his own way. Cuz, see, they'd slept together a couple times back in Korea. Just a fun little fling that didn't really mean anything to either of them. But Trapper'd looked at Max like she was beautiful. Treated her like she was pretty and feminine when she'd responded to that – without really knowing why at the time. And then he'd ribbed her good-naturedly at the next night's poker game, like she was still the same person she'd always been – tough and crass and crafty. Like those two things didn't have to cancel each other out.
So Max had trusted Trapper with the truth of herself as she learned just what the fuck that actually was. And they'd grown close on account of it.
So it's not a surprise that Max gets a letter from Trapper – but the subject of it kinda is.
Dear Max, A little birdy told me that you got invited to the Winchester wedding. Well, so did me and Hawkeye and a bunch of other MASH vets. There's a whole list of 'em with addresses included in this letter if you end up agreeing to the proposition I got – and not like that! You're a married woman now. Not that that stopped either of you before, you rogues. (Just kidding, Soon Li. Promise.)
Apparently the letter is from Hawkeye as well.
The proposition is this. See, I figure you and me and all the rest of us wedding guests ain't exactly in a position to buy Winchester anything he wants or needs cuz he's a rich bastard and we're all just culturally defficient plebeians (his words.) So Hawkeye figures that we oughtta get him something sentimental. Something that makes him feel guilty for even considering throwing out. Just really hit him where it hurts emotionally. And I had the idea of making up a quilt. Each of us doing a square of it and then sewing it all together. And Margaret and Steve and Sidney and Letta all think it's a pretty good idea – we're polling the others on it, but it's via letter so we ain't got answers back yet. But it seems like the plan's a go. And I ain't exactly a professional seamstress – not like you are. (I'm buttering you up a little, at Hawkeye's request. Is it working? You're also nice and kind and helpful and did I mention nice? Ugh, this is making me sick. You're a conniving bastard and we both know it – please help regardless.) I maintain it's a solid plan. You just weren't flattering enough, Trap. You've got to really lay it on with a shovel. What happened to the guy who could get nurses to go out with him just with a look? Maybe that's the problem – no eye contact in a letter. Anyway, I got no idea how to put everything together once all the pieces are done and make it look nice. So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to take charge of this little project. Lemme know either way – Hawkeye thinks he can sweet talk Mrs. Potter into doing it if you ain't got time. There's no “think” about it - I absolutely can. I'm a master of convincing people to do stupid things they really shouldn't. And Mrs. Potter apparently has a soft spot for incorrigible pranksters - which explains her decades of marriage to Sherm, I guess. But between those two facts, it's a sure bet. So stop maligning me, Trapper! So no pressure, Max. I know you're busy with running a business and having a family and all. Speaking of, I hope Soon Li and Seong are well – from your last letter, it sounds like the kid's gonna take after you in the smooth-talking department. And in three languages, yet. You must be real proud. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friends, Trapper John And Hawkeye
Max laughs as she reads the letter. The back and forth almost like having a real conversation. She's missed that – missed her friends. So she writes back right away.
Dear Trapper and Hawkeye (who is definitely not reading this over his shoulder), Of course I'll help, what kinda friend do you take me for? Don't answer that. Anyhow, I think the quilt's a real good idea. A little piece of all us 4077 folks together in one place. That's real sappy. Even Dr. Winchester ain't gonna be able to pretend to turn his nose up at it. And you were right to come to me about it – seeing as you don't know a back stitch from a blanket stitch. I'll write all the folks on your list letting 'em know I'm taking over the project and to send their squares to me. And the dozens and dozens of questions I'm sure I'll get. So thanks a lot for that, guys. It's late and I don't got much more to say other than Soon Li and Seong are doing good – I'll send a more detailed report in another letter, don't worry. I've been saving up some real cute pictures of the kid for your refrigerator. So keep an eye out for another letter soon. And I guess I'll be seeing you in person pretty soon too. It'll be nice to catch up face-to-face, you know? Till then, I hope you're both well. Your friend, Max
To be perfectly honest, Max has never made a quilt before either – which in hindsight is pretty stupid, given how cold Korea got in winter. But she does know how to do more than mend holes and darn socks. And she has made a quilted housecoat before and it ain't that different. So.
“Fear not, friends! Maxine Q. Klinger is on the case.” Cuz despite her status as a conniving bastard, Max ain't one to leave friends in a lurch. And it does solve the problem of what to get for Charles “Snobbery is my Middle Name” Winchester.
Soon Li laughs at her, but she'd gotten Max's sketch book as soon as she'd finished reading the letter herself. And all she says is, “Don't stay up too late plotting, jagiya.”
Allah, but Max loves her.
By the time Max comes to bed, she's got a rough sketch of a couple ideas and a whole bunch of scrawled notes. And of course, the final design'll depend on who all's participating in this little venture. But it's a start.
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ashavant · 6 years
The American University System: Oppressing the non-elite.
So let me get this straight...in the 70's there was a community outcry to lower the amount of tax money that got put towards college tuition for future generations? American tax payers used to cover over 70% of college costs, allowing the young students straight out of highschool the ability to work a minimum wage summer job to literally pay their entire tuition. Those with part time jobs while in school were not very common. This allowed for an ability to succeed without the unnecessary baggage of financial stress and lack of sleep at 18 years old while taking 14+ credits, which for those of you who dont know is a true 40-60 hour work week alone. All of this hard work and achievement paved the way for these kids to enter adulthood as educated, debt free, and with the world at their fingertips. Not to mention, they had the incredible privilege of not having to become a self sufficient adult in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the depression...
Compare that romantic reality to our drastically different reality today. I will use my experiences as an example for this, while probably on the extreme spectrum of experiences, they are valid and carry merit nonetheless. I was always told as a child, "you have to go to college, its not an option" Yet, when i graduated highschool, my parents grew quiet. I grew up in a 5 person household in Orange County, CA (one of the most expensive places to live in the country) in a family who made roughly $40k a year, give or take (thats poverty folx). My step-father was an electrical contractor so income was often spuratic. Anyway, needless to say they had not one penny saved for my college tuition. My parents failed to put a single penny aside for anything regarding my well-being honestly. With no car, no money, no job, and no idea when or how I could recieve a college education, I was kicked out of my parents at 17 years old with nowhere to go. I couch surfed and was able to get a couple jobs, one at a crafts store and one at a sandwhich shop. After 2 long years of working my way out of homelessness, all I wanted was to start college! So, at age 19 I applied for financial aid. However, I was told because I was under 25 I needed my parents tax information. Well, my parents never filed on time and were incredible dodgy with communication. So, after months of going back and forth I ended up paying out of pocket for a full time coarse load at a community college. I was able to work my jobs and pay this, but with nothing left over for rent or food. I ended up getting kicked out of my place, had to apply for foodstamps, and had to start over from square one. Little did I know I would have to wait 5 years before I could finally give college another shot.
I had almost given up the idea of higher education. I was making good money in the food industry at this point and had a nice company car and a great home with an awesome roommate. But then, I met a boy. We traveled the country for three months with his bluegrass band and saw 32 states. Afterwards, we again found ourselves broke and homeless. We hunkered down, worked 80+ hour weeks, saved up, and moved to Portland Oregon, "where young people go to retire". Little did we know, retire would be the LAST thing we did when we got there. Cost of living was rising in Portland, but still nothing compared to Orange County, CA. We got good food jobs and nested for about a year. My boyfriend (we will call him N) got great grades in highschool and high test scores in his exit exams, so in 2014 he chose to get back into school as a Music Composition Major at age 26. His journey is a whole other terrible story. I wanted to return to school so badly, but knew I had to wait until I was old enough to not warrant my parents tax info. Finally, at age 24 I filed my FAFSA and went to a career counselor. I was directed in the career of Civil Engineering. Having no prior knowledge of this career or topic, I dove in blindly headfirst. I chose a community college due to the fact that I barely finished highschool and did not take ant exit exams. To my surprise, I did very well in my college settings. After one year I was able to transfer to a university! Me! I WAS GOING TO A UNIVERSITY! I could not believe it, and was soo excited. I had no clue how hard this would be, not the work, but just surviving through it. I should mention here that I have a mild dissability. I have endometriosis which is a chronic illness linked to hormones, ovarian cysts, and all that jazz which can result in disabling pain and in my case an emergency surgery from time to time. I also suffer from a mild form of PTSD. So, with those alone handling high stress loads can be very hard on my mental and physical well being.
Ok, so I was a 24 year old first generation college student (first person in my family to go to college) disabled lower class person wanting a higher education. Seems logical right? Well, once I got accepted to the university, I chose to change my major to Architecture, I had taken an intro class for general ed and fell inlove. My beginning of my first year was great! Lots of lectures and reading. Aside from my tuition multiplying literally 3x from my community college tuition which did not affect my financial aid disbursement, I was fairly stress free. Now keep in mind, my partner and I are both working 20-30 hour weeks to make ends meet while taking 12-14 credits. Its basically having 2 full time jobs. Anyway, the last term of my first year came around-my first studio class. I was so excited! Time to actually do architecture! I got the syllabus and was told was supplies were needed to be successful in the class. I was also told that doing all of the requirements for the assignment would result in a C grade, if any grade above that was desired extra work had to be put in. I thought, no biggie, bring it on. The next thing she said was, "absolutely no sleeping in the studio!" Thats when I had a feeling I was gonna be in trouble. After class I went to the art store got my supplies. I almost started crying as they read my total to me: "$682.80, please." And that was with my student discount and not including all of the future supplies I would need just for that term, which I will tell you now after all the drawings and models ended up being about $2,000. That is a whole lot. These studio classes also require many all-nighters just to have enough time to complete the assignments. Many times, due to having to work outside of school I could not complete my assignments or had to do them with less craft and care than I would like just to turn it in. This year, I recieved less in financial aid, my rent has gone up significantly, tuition went up, and there are new grade requirements: if you get anything less than a B-, youre immediately dropped from the school of Architecture. So, not completing assignments isnt an option anymore. This last term costed my much less money, but once I told my instructor I was out of money, his response was, "well, this is Architecture school." What the fuck am I supposed to do with that!? A roll of Velum (drafting design paper) costs $50-$70 pencils are $2 a piece, models cost like $100 each, the list of tools go on and on. I am already paying $10k a year for tuition, ensuring at the very least $70k of debt including my masters degree which you need to get your Architecture license. And at least $100k with the $500 a month I need to borrow a month for rent. I should not need to add thousands more of that for supplies my school should be providing. And this insane pressure of pulling all nighters to get done the amount of assignments it would take us to do in a whole week last term in 2 days!
The moral of this very long story is that college is not meant for those of us trying to climb the life ladder. Its meant for the already elite. Its meant for kids right out of highschool with parents who make enough money to pay their tuition, their rent, their whole lives! Meant for kids who travel to Europe for the summer instead of working 60 hours a week to make up for the money lost during school cuz you physically cannot work more than 25 hours. Its meant for kids who can call their mommies and complain about how mean their teacher is, not for those of us who cry every night about being afraid of ending up back on the streets in the snap of a finger. Its meant for kids who can work and think about school all day every day, not those of us preoccupied with being able to pay all of our bills and being able to afford food and health insurance.
HOWEVER, even if you are like me, worse, or better, YOU CAN DO IT! I have a damn 3.7 GPA. I may only get 3 hours of sleep a lot, cry almost weekly, probably have lost years of my life due to stress, and feel scared for my health, but shit IM FUCKING DOOOOIN IT! Even though our government, or school presidents, and pretty much everyone in power disagrees, you are so worth it and you are so capable of success no matter how much harder you have to work than everyone else. Because we have to work so much harder now, we will get to party that much harder when we make it. I WILL GRADUATE IN SPITE OF THE SYSTEM! I WILL SUCCEED IN SPITE OF THE SYSTEM! I WILL CHANGE THE FUCKING WORLD CUZ I AM A BADASS AND CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PRIVELEDGED FUCKS CAN DO, JUST BETTER!
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dpargyle · 7 years
Winter of My Discontents
Alright, moving on –
So this is the first day of shit weather this year where I live.  It’s weird – growing up in New York I remember the seasons – but here we only have two – winter and construction.  It goes from 80 to 40 (F) in about a week – so yesterday was 75 and sunny and I could read outside and actually talk to people and today it’s 59 and rainy and cloudy and I just wanna set everything on fire.
I fucking hate it.
Kids – I fucking hate winter.  It glooms over you – and everything goes from bright and outside to monochrome and “fuck you.”  My wheelchair can’t go over the snow and it snows here from like the beginning of November to the middle of April and all of those months here I loathe.  Summer’s ok here but you’re still surrounded by religious lunatics.  
Nobody plows their fucking sidewalk in winter so I have to literally risk my life by driving my wheelchair in the middle of roads with cars in order to cross my own godsdamn street just to get food and now this year
my Dad wants me to come into the office three times a week.  
(So – to explain my work situation – OK – so technically I’m unemployed – and that’s cuz of the stupid fucking government who says like “oh you’re making above this much money as a person in a wheelchair?  Well in that case Medicaid isn’t gonna pay for your attendants to help you get up in the morning and go to bed at night (I’d need to make, like, 25k or so a year to afford that basically)” and also if you save literally one dollar more than $2,000 at one time on all your bank accounts combined we’ll also cut your Medicaid funding for the attendants and very expensive medical equipment (my chair costs 36k every 5 years) as well!” so I’m very much hamstrung by bureaucratic bullshit) –
so in order to get around all this nonsense – I (with the help of my family) am officially unemployed but I live in an apartment that’s technically rented by my Dad’s company – and in return I write and edit (and have been for like 6 years now) an e-magazine about the 3D Printing Industry (I don’t put my name on it though because again, government…) – which is kinda interesting and has allowed me to do both that and focus on my creative work as well – and I also do some freelance writing and one time an artistic thing for the company as well – (that money gets funneled to a bank account the government doesn’t know about) but mostly I’m glad I’ve had these jobs but they’re not…I don’t get excited about them.  I know other people might, but – I’m not one of them hahaha.  I really want to work creatively, but you know…)
In any case, while my Dad does run the main company as CEO he didn’t hire me – it wasn’t his idea – the owner of the company (who has lots of $$$) – after a year of me searching for jobs after college (very unsuccessfully) called me up one day and was like “you’re doing this for us now” and I needed to move out of my folks’ house ASAP so I was like “OK” –
But now my Dad wants me to come in to the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – and I totally understand his reasoning (he’s trying to help me out) – he thinks that if I’m in the office other people there will involve me more in freelance-type work and I’ll be able to earn more $ - and this is probably true – and he also wants me to “get out of your warren” – cuz he knows my brother was basically the only person I interacted with socially in this entire city on any regular basis and now that he’s gone, well….
So my Dad seems to think being social with the other workers or something will be good for me? I mean maybe he’s right but I know everyone in there and they’re all super old and while they’re very nice I don’t have much in common with them and even if I did it’s still super awkward cuz I’m the boss’s son and it’s just awkward – I mean this is part of the reason why my brother left anyway – he worked there for three years but after those three years he was ready to not work at his Dad’s company anymore – and plus he and his wife fuckin hated Utah anyway and I don’t blame them at all I mostly hate it too haahahaha (cries)…
Though if I’m being honest anywhere I’d live I’d probably find all the flaws in real quick…
But maybe somewhere like California where actual things happen and I don’t have to fucking war against winter every year…
Cuz like I’ve tried the work many days a week with a commute in this city – and in summer it’s ok – there’s a very good tram-line system and I’m close to a station (for this purpose) – but in winter…
So for the first year I lived in Salt Lake I was working the magazine job and I was also working at the local Apple Store as well and that winter I literally nearly died commuting cuz I was super tired all the time (my fatigue tolerance level is super low) and dealing with customers and then doing the magazine job and then I was trying to write a book in my free time (it was the first one I wrote and it was complete shit but I’m proud of it cuz it was the first thing I’d ever finished) but I was basically operating at only 15% power and then one night I was on the train platform and there was ice and I slipped off it and half my wheelchair and I fell into the gap between the platform and the train and if that train operator hadn’t seen me he would’ve pulled out of the station and I woulda been warm meat paste…
(I nearly die at least six times a year…)
And that was the night I decided I’d quit that Apple job cuz no job is worth that hellish commute.
Even in subtler ways, though the winter is a killer for me here – there are days when the weather or the pressure changes and my right shoulder (the arm I drive my power wheelchair with) is in so much agony I can hardly move at all – and this lasts 2 or 3 days sometimes 4 –
and then they have these frikken godsforsaken mines here and we’re in this bowl-shaped valley so they mine all this dust into the air and so there’s this inversion here in winter and you can literally visibly see the dust in the air and your throat burns for like four months straight and it’s like the fuckin dust bowl or something god I hate unregulated red states…
And to top it all off, when I travel a lot in the cold my feet rub against my shoes which happened when I commuted to the apple store and by the end of that year I had sores on my heels that took 6 months to heal and in that time one of my best friends from high school died and I couldn’t travel to his funeral because I couldn’t even get out of my door and….I hated myself for that – I’d let him down (again.)
To be honest with you – when I first got offered that job at Apple I was so proud and happy and excited – I’d been looking for a job for a year after college and I looked everywhere – all over the world – in every industry I could think of – and there was just nothing.  Nobody even offered me an interview before they did – and I have self-esteem issues anyway so I started thinking – like – is it cuz I’m in a wheelchair?  Is that why nobody wants me?  (I really have issues dealing with any kind of rejection because of this…)
But then Apple came along and said “Yes!”  And I was like OMG this is amazing – I’m doing retail but it’s gonna be in an interesting (kind of) industry and I’m gonna work with young peeps like me and I’m gonna do creative stuff in my free time and slowly work my way up the ladder and I’m still young I got tons of time to do everything and be everywhere I wanna be going…and then the month before I had the job orientation with Apple my old high school friend had the sudden accident which would lead to his passing a few months later – and….nothing mattered like it had anymore…
He was hovering between life and death all the way in New York and I was in Utah doing…what? Selling expensive crap to rich Mormons? Nothing made sense anymore.  For six years before that point I’d been an insufferable evangelical Christian zealot – and although for two years my faith had been wavering due to me beginning to question its draconian teachings – at that point I still had it – but then this happened and very quickly what little faith I’d been holding onto died with my friend.  
I’m glad I’ve grown in my empathy and inclusiveness since then – but on the other hand, I feel I’ve lost something…
And then a month after my friend’s accident I had to present myself to Apple and be an enthusiastic team player filled with evangelism for the products and I just…I couldn’t do it…I remember that week so vividly too cuz that was the week George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney and they announced they were doing MORE STAR WARS and I was like holy fuck that’s what I wanna do – maybe not necessarily Star Wars (though !!!) – but telling stories and weaving myths – and making a thing that MATTERED to people – that moved them and shook them and changed them and nourished them and gave them some godsdamned fucking hope in this unjust world…
But I was stuck here in Utah…
So I started writing that book and I pushed myself so incredibly hard cuz literally by that point it was the only thing that mattered to me and made sense – feeling like I’d been put on this Earth to make art and I wasn’t gonna waste anymore time because maybe I didn’t have anymore time, you know?
And like I couldn’t connect with my coworkers – they were my age but many of them were Mormons with whole families they were supporting and most of the rest (save for my good friend @soundscomplicated) – I just…it was hard to connect to.  In college I’d been surrounded by interesting people who challenged my brain and soul parts (at least sometimes – though academia drove me nuts) …but now….now I was stuck in the wasteland with no way out…
I finished the book and it was crap but at least I’d done something.  Then I made that personal safety decision to quit Apple and for the last four years I’ve been working from home…
And this past year or so I finally began to put it all together again maybe – my drawing skills were improving – I was writing another book that scared the crap outta me (but that was a good thing) – about a group of nerds who lost someone close to them and whose worlds were turned upside down as a result – where the protagonist was a kid in a wheelchair like me and for the first time I felt like I was writing something IMPORTANT that MATTERED that might move people – letting out all my pain and hope and regret and love -
But then I sent it out to potential agents and waited and waited and waited for months and months and literally none of them even sent me a solid rejection.  It was all just nothingness into the void.  I understand they get so many submissions though so I tried not to take it personally –
And I decided this story and these words that I’d finished were important enough for me to publish on Amazon – so I did – and it was one of the proudest moments of my life (this was back in April or so) but then – nobody bought it.  And it’s not like I expected to make out like gangbusters – I don’t know anything about marketing or being social media savvy (I mean just witness the godsdamned length of this friggen post hahaha) – but I thought at least everyone in my extended family would buy it – but nope. It sold like 11 copies.  Let’s just say I will love those 11 people forever but I just…
Like I’d killed myself over this fucking book.  I went down into the deepest parts of my soul and ripped them out for all the world to see – I didn’t do anything but this book.  I did my paying work for the company but hanging out with people other than my brother sometimes?  I didn’t have time.  I didn’t have the energy.
In the flesh connections are so hard and when you’re working on something you truly believe in – well – you feel compelled to WORK WORK WORK and where was I gonna meet people here anyway?  
This story mattered more than my own happiness.
And now that it hasn’t done well?  What was it all for?  Really? It’s not that I’m not totally effing proud of what came out – I am – probably more than any other art I’ve ever made – but…I dunno I guess I just have delusions of grandeur for myself…sometimes I feel like if I’m not Shakespeare – if I can’t support myself with my art – I’m a failure.  
I’ve failed.  My life has been a waste!
And then I sit back and I try to remind myself that’s an incredibly toxic and terrible way of thinking but at this point I literally can’t help it…
I don’t know what to work on next creatively.  And now I’m having to spend more time away from my creative stuff and I don’t want to – I really don’t give a shit about the meager extra money I’m gonna get by going into the office – I want those hours I’m gonna waste there back!  I don’t want to spend more hours not doing what I was born on this earth to do.
That probably sounds super privileged of me and I’m lucky to be where I am and blah blah blah but I just……and when the winter really comes and there’s snow on the ground I literally will not be able to go to the office (or even leave my apartment easily for that matter) and my Dad understands that – but I just…
Maybe I just don’t want to do that stuff anymore?  I’m probably coming across as a super lazy and ungrateful person – and I am, but…
I just don’t have many friends here anyway and spending energy on commuting is just not gonna help that at all and I see no way out and I’m literally crying as I type this and I want OUT OUT OUT so bad but I don’t know what that means or what that looks like and I am cold and scared and lonely and tired and
For the past month it’s been warm and sunny and I’ve had Blondie to distract me from all this pain and mounting mediocrity and it’s been nice cuz I haven’t really had a crush in the flesh since college – like literally the last girl I allowed myself to fall for is now married with two kids hahaha and that night I got my head stuck in the fridge and I didn’t say this in the original post but
I was literally kind of sobbing because my brother was leaving (he’s gone now) and I don’t have many good friends (especially here) and my book I cared so much about fucking crashed and burned and I put my fucking soul into that thing and it wasn’t good enough I’M NEVER GOOD ENOUGH and then my chair crapped out and I was about to die and I cried for like an hour (I haven’t cried like that in like seven years – since before my friend died) but then I stopped crying cuz Leia’s Theme came on my shuffle and it gave me some hope so instead of crying I was yelling and then somebody busted open my front door
And she was literally an angel and just sweet and all my everything just washed away and everything was OK but now – it’s just – that distraction is fading away and I am facing my reality and…
As with every winter here, I am growing restless…
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ildivine · 3 years
between watching a lot of youtubers, losing a lot of sleep, and playing a lot of the off-peak games, i feel my creativity blossoming in the abstract way that i strive for.
i at least have come to understand how my creativity is dulled, and what i need to get it going again. its difficult, getting older, and becoming more jaded, and depression in the back of my mind is a noisy buzzing that can only be quelled with alcohol or weed. ive been learning how to deal without the prior, but, mm.
i dreamt about gavin and i think about a lot of people in ways that i don’t get to often talk about. its not like i talk to my therapist about this kind of thing. i havent mentioned the system to any since the last one i trusted treated it like DID, and thats fine for systems that need it, but we don’t work that way, and we never have.
alternatively i do think about myself ... and my past lives, often. i feel my limbs more often and it blends with the dysphoria; its strange to think i get so envious of just being spiritually Aware. ingesting mushrooms is the most helpful thing to me, and i know i mute my own sixth sense with doubt.
ive isolated myself from others quite a bit, as ive been mean again. im learning to appreciate the time i spend with dean and connor, even if it is every day. i miss connor every time i wake up without zem next to me, especially after weekends when i really get used to it.
our one year is coming up in july and ze thought aloud to me about marriage and we gently brushed over it. ze said something along the lines of “well, i wanted to wait for a better opportunity...” which, understandable.
one day ill be able to afford nice things like real rings and wedding ceremonies, but the last week of cleaning up my room, and throwing a lot of things out, made me realize what focusing on survival really means. i told myself that in 2021 i would focus on letting go, and its still hard. letting go of friends, and loved ones, and things, old stuff, its all the same, i have such an emotional attachment that it gets tangled in my head and my emotions. connors told me constantly to buy necessities and i brushed em off ... so im glad a friend helped us make up for it.
its embarrassing and its frustrating to rely on my money for things that others dont see as necessary. alcohol quells my twitching but i do have an addiction to it cuz i simply like to drink til i cant anymore, n im still learning that boundary. weed, i cant really explain what it does for me, cuz it is unusual. simple things like helping my appetite and sleep, two major things i struggle with a lot, as well as giving me inspiration to get up in the mornings, or do anything at all. right now it is medical in new mexico and i have a PTSD diagnosis, and when i smoke, it quiets the voices in my head screaming at me about wanting to die. i dont know how common this is, but its one of the things i struggle with financially. to survive. even with all of my antidepressants and anxiety medications, mental illness still lingers, and i think the more i delve into new media as well as reflect on past lives and old memories, my brain is in a very strange place. but ive come to appreciate that it is strange, i am strange, and i have mental illness, and i probably wont ever be able to silence it. i can take out my desire to cut my own skin open by watching dissection videos, and then im also learning and absorbing new information along the way.
when im not absolutely drunk on a tank of heavy alcohol, i can focus. i appreciate that i lost the years of 2018-2020 mostly due to how much i was drinking, on top of a medication that was already terrible for my memory. but the other day i went through my mood charts over those years, where i wrote down how i was, and although i drank daily and felt guilty about it, my mood was generally stable.
unfortunately its very expensive and unhealthy, and the inevitable withdrawals make me worse off than i started with. my therapist considers me drinking as playing with fire, but ive learned how to consume responsibly; dean and i can stop after a six pack and itll put us to sleep, but ill always want another beer, even in the back of my mind. That slight buzz from the mimosa that Connor drank and melted into was likely most of the reason ze could actually start dozing off, and we were half craving another for fun and relaxation, but i thought “i probably wont be able to sleep tonight without another drink”.
and i was right, and i acknowledge that its a problem. so ive tried to find that sensation from other things like hops tea and carbonated water (ew, its still not good, honestly dsjfsdj) or kombuchas, because it triggers the same response in my brain without.. melting my organs. did u kno ur liver is FUCKING HUGE n its also the only organ that can heal itself?? the cells reconstruct differently than scar tissue usually binds together n i just think thats Neat.meme
jokes aside, i think its also why my liver is Fine despite the fact ive drank since i was 13 years old, minus the year of rehab sobriety. That was also my Only year of sobriety. Digging into my alcoholism ive done a lot of questioning as to why i rely on it, and i think it is a lot to do with being addicted to being drunk, and i think its also a lot to do with ‘wow, i can finally turn my brain off! the thing thats yelling at me all the time, feeling scared and sad,” but drinking is also essentially a boost of stress hormones, so when the endorphins wear off, u get sad or anxious all over again. ive come to learn that i only withdrawal or get hangovers if i drink more than, i guess the recommended amount by doctors. 3 glasses of wine will now do me in, dean can power thru anything regardless of what hes drinking, but it does affect the health in ways i cant ignore.
i enjoy drugs, i think is the bottom line. i look up how to get a hold of psychedelic mushrooms cuz u can just get em in the mail if ur in a country where its decriminalized (hint: we’re not) n immediately the results are between getting help for addiction or how magic mushrooms help depression in low doses.
i really have a theme here. im still mad that my parents induced my reliance on all these substances and i know i would be a lot better off if i didnt drink til i was 21 or never smoked cigarettes, and i accept im always gonna crave these things regardless, but i only feel creative when i drink or smoke, and thats another problem with addicts because u fry ur neurons hard enough it all dies down. ive appreciated watching videos and playing games when i am in the comatose, apathetic stage of depression like i have been in recently, where i cant force myself to do anything and even fronting someone else to do it takes energy that quickly dies down.
my energy has died quickly since i went vegan, as my nails have chipped since, so im experimenting with my diet. my taste pallet cant handle dairy anymore, and connor was only here to try it, and i think we all discovered we just... dont wanna do that. but eating fish again helped my energy and brought a glow back to my skin. too much, however, still gives me the greasy meat sweats, so... a lil bit of everything seems to be whats right.
i still crash a lot, but i think thats just a side effect of being 28 in this generation and feeling 68 instead.
anyway, now that my room is FINALLY clean and looking nice, i want to try to do art again. i miss art. i miss thinking in images, i miss my imagination, i miss roleplaying and writing and drawing and arting. conny wanted to paint too but was absolutely too tired on sunday lol n i respect that so maybe tonight we can get something together.
but its been nice to feel something in my brain stirring again that isnt just the gross black buzz of mental illness constantly telling me to die. i get used to it, i guess. i forget its not supposed to happen because i have survived it for so long. im on the max dose of antidepressants and medicine i can take and i still feel really bad sometimes, but i didnt realize it until other people brought it up. stress definitely kicks me into my big bipolar mood swings, but i havent shaken off the depression in months. im not sure what to do so im trying to expand my horizons.
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airoasis · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/learn-english-for-kids-spelling-of-17-english-words-4/
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn circular I met With leaves on the top of my head you eat me any time of day It definite will preserve the physician away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy if you do not suppose me that you would be able to ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside of me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack lift me to tuition play and in every single place when associates are hungry. Sure you share So before you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My name is simple you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Whats up banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch.I’m smooth and white and effortless to munch and that you could devour me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery skin you peel off throwing a ping else. Shuttle and harm your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hi there wait wait banana when I flip yellow, it is excellent, I taste fine have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do don’t forget to offer me to your hungry guests. Am a banana b. Whats up whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they may be now not hungry Now earlier than you’re enough to grab a bite of me Let’s repeat collectively on the count of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and howdy wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, chum Are you before be? All4 big or small catch me seem before I fall I deliver to every girl and boy i’m in a position to play every time Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball which you can hear the cheer loud and clear once I’m hit with a bat or chased by a canine and a cat i am invariably ready for a game. That you could supply it any name. I’m a ball be a LL Paul delicate or tough. I am perpetually circular touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground join the enjoyable one at all junk mail with me as a individuals of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i’m a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and are living deep inside of water within the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us may also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we are relatively enormous very small The red whale Shark is the largest of all of them ? Am a fish fish team of fish, it is called a college an international is filled with color ain’t that cool? Now we have palms which might be known as things They seem like lovely wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me inform you i will swim rather good no longer everybody likes the way, I odor simply bear in mind I run with the phrase wish So shall we embrace it collectively one more time fish Yep, my final h fish.That’s what i am fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl no longer a carrot are available in exceptional bright colors orange pink Blue inexperienced and others i’ve a a are our oh affordable parrot Am recognized be a just right mimic. Hiya. I am lovely quick and studying a trick I Repeat precisely what you coach Beard one phrase or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a fowl who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It’s quite, silly to present me a reputation like Polly i’m a father or mother a are our Ot parrot, am loud once I get angry screech when i’m hungry i will be able to opt for up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage is not the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in the event you see me in a single set me free Now that you already know a thing or two about me. It is your flip to repeat after me on the count of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh tooth parrot excellent job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i really like chasing cats rabbits and rats Like relatively a lot of fun that I more commonly hide in a gap i am a dog d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m no longer afraid of the dark. I like to play Any time of the day I? Am a canine the oh gee Doc, i will be able to growl and even chunk If someone dares me to a battle. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m blissful a little one, dog is referred to as a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of rather a couple of methods like stand and fetch the stick I would really like to be your pet promise me you is not going to take to the vet Will invariably be your exceptional pal? Till the very sorry sorry and So together canine D-O-t canine excellent job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter satisfactory tall and lean years of years I must develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it’s thick and robust Shoots and leaves which might be brief or lengthy excessive behind me and take a peek while you play cover and seek ? Am a tree Try3 if it’s pouring rain, or the Blazing solar you could play in my coloration and Have numerous enjoyable.I am a tree Tree use me as their home when they developed their nest that is where they arrive and must rest i have so much extra to say oh but that’s ample for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a endure me Are there i’m particularly quite huge and Furley love to devour lots and tons of honey.I have a enormous brain which style of makes me shrewd other animals run a long way away each time I fart i’m a endure whats up, are there I? Love to sleep via the neighborhood I run relatively rapid like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I consume long strides, I take my 4 ft i’m a endure they are reasonable My infant is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style relatively? Well? I also have a eager sense of smell i am a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I’m very very brave not afraid the darkish it’s a attractive brilliant sunny day So odor me yet again earlier than you exit and play beep hiya, endure You deserve a enormous undergo hug? Yes, i am a e P. I reside in both a hive or a colony with my very very large loved ones chief Is referred to as the queen bee she is candy one other imply me. I am a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have quite a pointy sting that may harm anyone even a king am a baby E e b.We are the one bugs that make meals which you could eat We hold our dwelling rather smooth and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we’re messy whilst a child we are stored very busy am a b b d e b after we wish to speak to one another we do a targeted dance We wash our tail or go round and round and circular in a trance have you heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz do you know I certainly not ever take a snooze? Snooze am a significant b e e b i like how is there crimson yellow and blue I would like to spend extra time with you however i’ve lots and lots of work to do so repeat after me e B e e b. You’re a All correct Eric sit capable, are you might be you lt? Kurt i am the favourite food of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my lovely green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a get together carrot, you could devour me oiled or or zzz appear i’m handy to draw , candy and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose.Sure, carrot Scrub and clean up hold your teeth I develop within the soil underneath eating me daily is excellent in your eyes suppose me. I am telling you no lies right a mechanic will see method we are yarn Carrot make up cool. Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose recall To munch and current on me cuz i’ve finiman beef c D and e And these you already know are excellent on your mind Now let’s play a game and spell my title once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you might be particularly i am an Act they him tea Am an insect that is rather fairly tiny ? Are living with my family and friends in a significant giant Colony i’m an 8 any then booty bet i have six yards which are very very powerful if I pink Act and that i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s genuine. Am an a empty mattress like you I like to something that’s sweet ? Do not have to use but I hear with my feet. I’m an ant a and booty bed Touching one one more is how me and my associates speak? Relocating in a straight line is how we wish to walk I? Am an ant a empty bed The Summers wish to sleep seven hours a day We have to stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more do not say you can’t i’m easy to claim i’m a empty i am butter a little bit bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk. I am became and became from good historical milk. I’m butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mother is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but hearken to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you sick for your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be relatively an effortless challenge Shake Shake Shake in a jar a variety of cream voila our love is me.I’m no longer only a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my identify loud be definite not to mutter Dimly to your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i’m a booklet don’t be now oh k e-book Come on. Open me up and take a look amazing mysteries you are going to discover a entire new world you are going to detect read me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas close a long way away, i’m a guide oh Oh, ok. Seem in me matters that will open your intellect Why? Where when What? Who how solutions to these will have you pronouncing i am a booklet b.Oh okay, when you have a paramour a story for your , i am correct here to help you get began do not forget we don’t like canine ears So protect as well to restrict our tears. I’m a e-book b. Oh okay booklet enjoy the pix of men and women locations tons extra Get for all into experiences that you have not ever heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you want to get away from everybody ? Am a guide be a k publication in case you learn a page of me everyday excellent your teacher will say So let’s follow spelling me correct exhibit everybody that you’re vivid oop be oh k, seem you’re a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You be trained to put in writing utilizing me? Whether or not it’s 1 2 3 are, Abc you employ me to draw sketch and stripper i am also quite a lot of enjoyable to do it off and the pencil be e and C. Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the outside Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within come in all colors dark and shiny and now not simply black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C.I elf pencil I was first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be each fairly low-cost you utilize me almost daily On March 30th have fun my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am valuable in lots of another approach at school. I will work and at play Be it writing poetry or a narrative Or sketching stunning surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i am a pencil P/e Mc. I elf pencil my two high-quality buddies eternally The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am sure you will agree hi, i am a pencil thief e Mc.L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and spot if i’m flawed. Am going to play a sport Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and seeking line, L. And so you deserve a gold superstar green inexperienced publishing as When you are wide unsleeping simply sleep close your eyes and watch me our hundred traces Keener if it really works me do inform your neighbors I A machine has h and m 3 My boot is made of smooth. Not as powerful a extra but I sure will hold you heat for the duration of the cold winter snow, i really like she has side howdy. Hi there really high top of a hill and even when it is cold i don’t trap achoo Shannon who’s my grasp takes care I don’t need my oh she has she adored eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i know she us and The time has come for me to cry however earlier than i’m going, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three bags full now get set equipped to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you smell that quite good i’m a lion El I/o and lion i’m referred to as the king of the jungle And no, i’m not an angel you’ll also in finding me in a zoo napping through the day. There’s what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so happy with my glorious mane, i don’t wish to get it moist within the rain My favourite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is not what I eat am El I/o and the road like to bask within the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals consider at any place i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am more advantageous Have a robust jaw and really sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o reside A child lion is known as and come and so they do love Tommy Rob join him as he spells his title As he likes to play this game, right? I oh i’m a camel see Mal Camel i’m referred to as the ship the desolate tract my lengthy curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dust inform directions with every leg i will be able to kick riding on me could make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you tease me a smelly fluid on you, i will spit this is something you are going to certainly not ever omit in my hump my store not water, that offers me power my game in Arabic way magnificence i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay leisure no convenient venture considering the fact that i will be fairly a pest We walk in the blazing sun and don’t suppose the warmth We is probably not swish, however we’re rapid on our feet i’m a camel see and um Oh camel. Am known to be very very strong considering that I elevate plenty of weights all day long With my poop you could a hearth right away can consume build the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very sufferer and gentle if you treat me well Now the time has for me to say farewell you recognize my identify is convenient to spell So say one final time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you might be cool
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/learn-english-for-kids-spelling-of-17-english-words-4/
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn circular I met With leaves on the top of my head you eat me any time of day It definite will preserve the physician away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy if you do not suppose me that you would be able to ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside of me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack lift me to tuition play and in every single place when associates are hungry. Sure you share So before you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My name is simple you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Whats up banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch.I’m smooth and white and effortless to munch and that you could devour me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery skin you peel off throwing a ping else. Shuttle and harm your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hi there wait wait banana when I flip yellow, it is excellent, I taste fine have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do don’t forget to offer me to your hungry guests. Am a banana b. Whats up whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they may be now not hungry Now earlier than you’re enough to grab a bite of me Let’s repeat collectively on the count of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and howdy wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, chum Are you before be? All4 big or small catch me seem before I fall I deliver to every girl and boy i’m in a position to play every time Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball which you can hear the cheer loud and clear once I’m hit with a bat or chased by a canine and a cat i am invariably ready for a game. That you could supply it any name. I’m a ball be a LL Paul delicate or tough. I am perpetually circular touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground join the enjoyable one at all junk mail with me as a individuals of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i’m a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and are living deep inside of water within the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us may also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we are relatively enormous very small The red whale Shark is the largest of all of them ? Am a fish fish team of fish, it is called a college an international is filled with color ain’t that cool? Now we have palms which might be known as things They seem like lovely wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me inform you i will swim rather good no longer everybody likes the way, I odor simply bear in mind I run with the phrase wish So shall we embrace it collectively one more time fish Yep, my final h fish.That’s what i am fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl no longer a carrot are available in exceptional bright colors orange pink Blue inexperienced and others i’ve a a are our oh affordable parrot Am recognized be a just right mimic. Hiya. I am lovely quick and studying a trick I Repeat precisely what you coach Beard one phrase or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a fowl who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It’s quite, silly to present me a reputation like Polly i’m a father or mother a are our Ot parrot, am loud once I get angry screech when i’m hungry i will be able to opt for up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage is not the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in the event you see me in a single set me free Now that you already know a thing or two about me. It is your flip to repeat after me on the count of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh tooth parrot excellent job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i really like chasing cats rabbits and rats Like relatively a lot of fun that I more commonly hide in a gap i am a dog d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m no longer afraid of the dark. I like to play Any time of the day I? Am a canine the oh gee Doc, i will be able to growl and even chunk If someone dares me to a battle. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m blissful a little one, dog is referred to as a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of rather a couple of methods like stand and fetch the stick I would really like to be your pet promise me you is not going to take to the vet Will invariably be your exceptional pal? Till the very sorry sorry and So together canine D-O-t canine excellent job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter satisfactory tall and lean years of years I must develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it’s thick and robust Shoots and leaves which might be brief or lengthy excessive behind me and take a peek while you play cover and seek ? Am a tree Try3 if it’s pouring rain, or the Blazing solar you could play in my coloration and Have numerous enjoyable.I am a tree Tree use me as their home when they developed their nest that is where they arrive and must rest i have so much extra to say oh but that’s ample for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a endure me Are there i’m particularly quite huge and Furley love to devour lots and tons of honey.I have a enormous brain which style of makes me shrewd other animals run a long way away each time I fart i’m a endure whats up, are there I? Love to sleep via the neighborhood I run relatively rapid like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I consume long strides, I take my 4 ft i’m a endure they are reasonable My infant is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style relatively? Well? I also have a eager sense of smell i am a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I’m very very brave not afraid the darkish it’s a attractive brilliant sunny day So odor me yet again earlier than you exit and play beep hiya, endure You deserve a enormous undergo hug? Yes, i am a e P. I reside in both a hive or a colony with my very very large loved ones chief Is referred to as the queen bee she is candy one other imply me. I am a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have quite a pointy sting that may harm anyone even a king am a baby E e b.We are the one bugs that make meals which you could eat We hold our dwelling rather smooth and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we’re messy whilst a child we are stored very busy am a b b d e b after we wish to speak to one another we do a targeted dance We wash our tail or go round and round and circular in a trance have you heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz do you know I certainly not ever take a snooze? Snooze am a significant b e e b i like how is there crimson yellow and blue I would like to spend extra time with you however i’ve lots and lots of work to do so repeat after me e B e e b. You’re a All correct Eric sit capable, are you might be you lt? Kurt i am the favourite food of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my lovely green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a get together carrot, you could devour me oiled or or zzz appear i’m handy to draw , candy and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose.Sure, carrot Scrub and clean up hold your teeth I develop within the soil underneath eating me daily is excellent in your eyes suppose me. I am telling you no lies right a mechanic will see method we are yarn Carrot make up cool. Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose recall To munch and current on me cuz i’ve finiman beef c D and e And these you already know are excellent on your mind Now let’s play a game and spell my title once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you might be particularly i am an Act they him tea Am an insect that is rather fairly tiny ? Are living with my family and friends in a significant giant Colony i’m an 8 any then booty bet i have six yards which are very very powerful if I pink Act and that i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s genuine. Am an a empty mattress like you I like to something that’s sweet ? Do not have to use but I hear with my feet. I’m an ant a and booty bed Touching one one more is how me and my associates speak? Relocating in a straight line is how we wish to walk I? Am an ant a empty bed The Summers wish to sleep seven hours a day We have to stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more do not say you can’t i’m easy to claim i’m a empty i am butter a little bit bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk. I am became and became from good historical milk. I’m butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mother is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but hearken to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you sick for your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be relatively an effortless challenge Shake Shake Shake in a jar a variety of cream voila our love is me.I’m no longer only a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my identify loud be definite not to mutter Dimly to your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i’m a booklet don’t be now oh k e-book Come on. Open me up and take a look amazing mysteries you are going to discover a entire new world you are going to detect read me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas close a long way away, i’m a guide oh Oh, ok. Seem in me matters that will open your intellect Why? Where when What? Who how solutions to these will have you pronouncing i am a booklet b.Oh okay, when you have a paramour a story for your , i am correct here to help you get began do not forget we don’t like canine ears So protect as well to restrict our tears. I’m a e-book b. Oh okay booklet enjoy the pix of men and women locations tons extra Get for all into experiences that you have not ever heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you want to get away from everybody ? Am a guide be a k publication in case you learn a page of me everyday excellent your teacher will say So let’s follow spelling me correct exhibit everybody that you’re vivid oop be oh k, seem you’re a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You be trained to put in writing utilizing me? Whether or not it’s 1 2 3 are, Abc you employ me to draw sketch and stripper i am also quite a lot of enjoyable to do it off and the pencil be e and C. Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the outside Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within come in all colors dark and shiny and now not simply black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C.I elf pencil I was first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be each fairly low-cost you utilize me almost daily On March 30th have fun my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am valuable in lots of another approach at school. I will work and at play Be it writing poetry or a narrative Or sketching stunning surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i am a pencil P/e Mc. I elf pencil my two high-quality buddies eternally The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am sure you will agree hi, i am a pencil thief e Mc.L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and spot if i’m flawed. Am going to play a sport Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and seeking line, L. And so you deserve a gold superstar green inexperienced publishing as When you are wide unsleeping simply sleep close your eyes and watch me our hundred traces Keener if it really works me do inform your neighbors I A machine has h and m 3 My boot is made of smooth. Not as powerful a extra but I sure will hold you heat for the duration of the cold winter snow, i really like she has side howdy. Hi there really high top of a hill and even when it is cold i don’t trap achoo Shannon who’s my grasp takes care I don’t need my oh she has she adored eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i know she us and The time has come for me to cry however earlier than i’m going, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three bags full now get set equipped to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you smell that quite good i’m a lion El I/o and lion i’m referred to as the king of the jungle And no, i’m not an angel you’ll also in finding me in a zoo napping through the day. There’s what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so happy with my glorious mane, i don’t wish to get it moist within the rain My favourite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is not what I eat am El I/o and the road like to bask within the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals consider at any place i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am more advantageous Have a robust jaw and really sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o reside A child lion is known as and come and so they do love Tommy Rob join him as he spells his title As he likes to play this game, right? I oh i’m a camel see Mal Camel i’m referred to as the ship the desolate tract my lengthy curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dust inform directions with every leg i will be able to kick riding on me could make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you tease me a smelly fluid on you, i will spit this is something you are going to certainly not ever omit in my hump my store not water, that offers me power my game in Arabic way magnificence i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay leisure no convenient venture considering the fact that i will be fairly a pest We walk in the blazing sun and don’t suppose the warmth We is probably not swish, however we’re rapid on our feet i’m a camel see and um Oh camel. Am known to be very very strong considering that I elevate plenty of weights all day long With my poop you could a hearth right away can consume build the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very sufferer and gentle if you treat me well Now the time has for me to say farewell you recognize my identify is convenient to spell So say one final time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you might be cool
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milo-gin · 6 years
don’t read this (seriously don’t)
i really hate doing life updates, but as much as I hate it I need tumblr to be my platform to get rid of some pains. My dog died today. He probably had like 4 years more, but some dumbass ran him over. I’m so mad right now. I cannot even explain. As some of you know my brother also passed away this year in may, but the way time goes by it feels like it was just yesterday. I literally feel like shit. I have shit to do for Uni, I have a stupid trip on saturday that I wish I woulda said “no” to now, but as everyone says “life goes on” In all honesty I hate opening up to people cuz I dont want anyone to care about me. I keep a lot to myself cuz I want no one to miss me. In fact I’ve plotted for years and been investigating how much it’ll cost to just take my life, and I’m saving up for that.  I’ll start by being a piece of shit to everyone around me, and make the world hate me. Believe me when I say, Im a good person. If you asked me to do something for you, I’d drop what Im doing and I’d prioritize your stuff over mine. Time and time again I keep finding that it matters very little how good you are to others. In the end, everyone just takes advantage. They use you. Even if you’ve taken a piece of your self and you’re all incomplete with holes everywhere. NO ONE is willing to give you a piece of them. I said before I wasn’t gonna do it, but I have no clue what Im living for. There is no point (to me) I find no joy in anything. Not drawing or going out, movies or anime, and I even stopped singing since november last year which to me says a lot. Music is a huge part of my life. It has kept me alive, but now I don’t even have that. 
BTS also made a huge impact. I can literally say if it wasn’t for them and mostly Yoongi i’d be dead, but right now im just really fed up.  Im not gonna do it right now because even death costs money. So Im making a call to my own blog to keep this morbid secret. That probably in a few years, I’ll move to a very cold country or comeback after leaving. Without saying a word and I’ll just end it all. Im just giving myself some time because at this point. It’s all I can do. I’m taking one day at a time. I only have today, but just to create a goal for myself. I’ll work hard to afford my last bed. As advice I want to say Milo, remember if you comeback to this crap world...when someone dies, when someone’s pet dies...learn to stay quiet. If you have nothing to say and you’re awkward that’s your own fault. Do what no one did when you lost someone. Everyone had an opinion of your brother, your life, your dog. They all could predict what would happen to the other dog that is still left, probably wondering where his company went. Just stay quiet. Someone’s life is their own and they have value, so you have no say in whatever happens mostly when loss is involved. Speak when you’re asked to. Learn to be the polite, and kind you that you were before, go back to being naive, go back to being your usual sad and very sensitive self. Your quiet self. Go back to that. We used to cry a lot, remember. We were so sad too. Even with that, we were better than now. We are monster that learned to hide. I’ll keep you company though. I know I’m hideous, but please help me be you again. Help me find the piece I left behind.  I hope to meet you soon. I loved how sunday in complete silence felt. I’ll go back to being you. I miss you. I hope that when I find you...I’ll be finally able to pay for our new bed. Afford our new house and sleep. Forever  
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