#good omens 2 easter eggs
cataclysmic-cathexis · 11 months
Teeny tidbits from Season 2 that are references to the book
1. Milton Keynes
There's a joke in the book, when the Arrangement is being described, that neither Aziraphale or Crowley were responsible for the building of Milton Keynes but both reported it as a success to their superiors. In the footnote, it describes Milton Keynes as a new city "built to be modern, efficient, healthy, and, all in all, a pleasant place to live. Many Britons find this amusing."
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When Crowley and Aziraphale enter the Dirty Donkey, Aziraphale miracles this man so he gets up from his table. He's reading a newspaper with a headline about Milton Keynes - "Modern, Efficient, Healthy and Pleasant living accommodation in Milton Keynes".
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2. Shakespeare's Lost Plays
When describing the publishers that printed Agnes Nutter's book of prophecies, Bilton & Scaggs, the book enumerates their three great publishing disasters. The second disaster is that they obtained one of Shakespeare's lost plays called The Comedie of Robin Hoode, or, The Forest of Sherwoode - but then they lost it. Another of the fictional plays is Golde Diggers of 1589. Both of these plays can be seen in the box of Gabriel's stuff when Crowley is looking into it.
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(The Trapping of the Mouse = The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie, and Golde Diggers of 1589 = Gold Diggers of 1933, a film by Busby Berkeley).
I'll update if I find any more :)
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foolishxprincipalitee · 2 months
This is a Good Omens 2 Easter egg I've yet to see anyone else point out.
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When Aziraphale is in Edinburgh investigating the record mystery, he borrows a cell phone from a Scottish man to call Crowley.
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The busted old phone has a Union Jack wallpaper.
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Once Crowley hangs up, Aziraphale miraculously repairs the phone to say thank you, as well as putting blessings upon Twitter and Grindr.
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The blessed phone also now has a Scottish flag wallpaper! 😇
I interpret this as a pretty clear statement from Neil Gaiman supporting Scottish independence.
Made a video about this for TikTok too.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
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Terry Pratchett painting in the Dirty Donkey pub ❤❤❤
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livhowlett · 5 months
I don't of anyone has notice but there's an 'Amazing Mr.Fell" poster in the magic shop
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Right over Crowley/David's shoulder
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An Ineffable timeline of costumes: more additions!
Some of them taken from the trivia section in Prime Video and behind the scenes with Kate Carin.
Others taken from the TV script. (N.A. and brother Francis).
Part 1 is here. (And all links thus to other parts).
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miss-americanbi · 11 months
soul-crushing thought of the evening: what if aziraphale’s favorite color is yellow because that’s the color of crowley’s eyes
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blueskyandpudding · 11 months
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Michael Sheen & David Tennant looking like an old married couple in Good Omens season 2 Easter Eggs
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gahellhimself-blog · 8 months
The easter egg of the last comic.
who noticed it?
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wee-snek · 7 months
What does it meaannnnnnn????
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In S2 E3 when Crowley and Shax are talking out on the street, the glasses she’s wearing in one of her weird little disguises look very familiar.
Sorry for the low photo quality, but these are the same sunglasses, no?
I don’t know what exactly to extrapolate here. Simplest explanation is that Crowley left things behind in the flat, and Shax is just taking his stuff.
But if that’s true, was anything else left behind? I don’t want to imagine Hell getting their hands on any important keepsakes (the eagle statue from 1941?) or, worse, any compromising evidence Crowley may have acquired or kept.
To be honest, I don’t know what this means, but surely it means something!!!!
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aduckwithears · 7 months
Good Omens: A Matter of Life and Death
Easter eggs and references! We know from the obvious placement of the movie poster in the title sequence and Maggie's shop (and even from Neil's asks) that inspiration was drawn from this movie.
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I'm not going to dive deep into a lot of meta connections, but I wanted to share some of the parallels. For a great summary of the movie (A Matter of Life and Death aka Stairway to Heaven by Powell and Pressburger) and some general info relating it to Good Omens pop over to this article. This will contain some spoilers for the movie - now on with the show!
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This one is before the movie even starts - The Archers is the production company of Powell and Pressburger - their target logo looks a lot like the one in the magic show portion of the title sequence.
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We open in space - looking at stars and supernova, talking about the big, expansive universe. Fascinating how our view of the cosmos has been changed by modern telescopes (Crowley is so proud).
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June (our heroine) is an American radio operator and picks up British squadron leader Peter's plane as he is crashing into the channel. They form an instant connection. Her hair was the inspiration for the Starmaker's amazing do.
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Peter's fellow airman dies and ends up in Heaven, waiting for him. The angel administrators are very serious, very organized, very well dressed, and Heaven as a whole is colorless.
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But Peter doesn't die - in fact he washes up on the beach near June, where they meet and immediately fall in love. Conductor 71 (the heavenly employee who was meant to collect Peter but lost him in the fog) is sent to convince him to come to Heaven, stopping time and freezing June to have a conversation with Peter.
I'll stop here to keep this from getting too long... More to come?
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 11 months
Good Omens 2 Movie Reference - Fallen
At the end of episode 3 (around the 40 min mark), Shax is threatening Crowley and is trying to freak him out by jumping from body to body and talking to him from different people:
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I think this is a reference to Fallen (1998), in which Denzel Washington plays a good cop being tormented by the demon Azazel - and who threatens Denzel's character in a manner very similar to Shax's:
I've queued the clip up to the relevant bit - watch it through to the end. It's an underrated gem of a film - properly creepy!
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Guys. Let's talk about the Eccles cakes. Shall we?
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When Crowley orders six shots of espresso, Aziraphale considerately asks for something that "calms people down". Nina then suggests him to get Eccles cakes.
Now the word, "Eccles" originally means "The church". It foreshadowed the season finale where Aziraphale asks Crowley to join heaven. It is a callback to Crowley being the (sauntered-vaguely-downwards) fallen angel. Crowley was given a choice to join heaven again. To eat the Eccles cake. But he doesn't. He doesn't want to be calmed down and hushed. He has found his voice, his own side. He knows the truth about Heaven and Hell and God.
The Eccles cake is also called the "squashed fly cake' because the inside is filled with black currants. This could be a metaphor for hell. How Crowley was also asked back to hell and he said no.
Aziraphale ordering Eccles cakes shows the inner struggle that he is facing. He cares for Crowley. He wants to be there for him. But at the same time, he believes whole heartedly in heaven. He still thinks of God's plan as ineffable. As indubitable. He believes that Crowley and he will be happier in Heaven. He fails to see that even if heaven seems to be the side of "truth and light", on the inside it's all squashed flies. It's just as bad as hell. That when heaven ends life on earth it will be just as dead as hell ended it.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
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(Reece Shearsmith (Furfur) and Steve Pemberton (Mr Glozier - one of the Nazis) made together a brilliant (if a bit disturbing :D) tv series called Inside No. 9)
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elektricangel · 11 months
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I see you, John Finnemore 🥃 🚖 ✈️
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Today is Sir Terry Pratchett's birthday. So, why not celebrate with some of the easter eggs we have in Good Omens that are all about him.
Mind how you go.
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libraearthtravelco · 9 months
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Asked a friend who is into plants what kind of plants she thought Crowley had...
[gulp] Im dying... Im dead.
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