#good room brookyn
viciouscyclesradio · 2 years
Event Flyer Roll Call
A selected, visual gallery listing of forthcoming events, which may be announced on this month’s show
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fllthya · 1 year
6  MF  for  BROOKYN  &  BASTIAN  ,  for  @longiings​  .
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here  she  is  again:  in  a  room  alone  with  bastian.  after  their  ..  encounter  at  her  family's  party,  it's  all  she's  been  thinking  about.  perhaps  a  little  too  much  to  be  considered  healthy,  but  brooklyn  is  never  one  to  have  something  once  and  let  it  go  free.  "daddy,  please  --"  is  whined  out,  laying  across  his  lap.  the  sting  of  the  slap  is  still  felt  against  her  cheeks,  resisting  the  urge  to  spread  her  legs  wider.  she  wanted  to  be  a  good  girl.  to  please  him  (  and  in  turn  ..  hopefully  get  what  she  wants,  of  course  )  .  "i  promise  i'll  be  good  -  i  promise!"  tears  prick  at  the  edge  of  her  lashes,  threatening  to  fall  down  dainty  cheeks  as  she  continues  to  cry  out.  brooklyn  is  at  his  mercy  -  she  isn't  willing  to  do  something  and  risk  being  out  of  line,  again.
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youcouldmakealife · 4 years
SOTW: Scratch, Joey;  surrogate
For the prompt: scratch pov of joey getting outed 
They’re halfway through an episode of Brookyn Nine-Nine when Joey’s agent calls. If it was anyone else calling, Nick would tell Joey to call back — TV time is sacred time — but an agent calling after hours is pretty much always going to be something important. Joey’s face goes white at whatever he hears, and Nick has his heart in his throat as he waits, trying and failing to hear what his agent’s saying, where Joey’s going, because it has to be that.
“Thanks Brett,” Joey says finally, literally the first thing he’s said, then, “Bye.”
“Where did they trade you?” Nick asks when Joey doesn’t say anything. He hopes — he hopes it’s close, or, no, he doesn’t hope it’s close, he hopes it isn’t a trade, but that isn’t realistic, so he hopes it’s really close. Nashville, or Chicago, or Dallas, except none of those are close at all, there’s nowhere close—
“I haven’t been traded,” Joey says, which should be a relief, except he sounds weird.
“What’s up?” Nick asks.
“You remember like, I had a boyfriend?” Joey says. “In college?”
“The asshole, yeah,” Nick says. “Did—”
“Deadspin just posted some pictures he sent them,” Joey says, voice squeaky in a way Nick would make fun of literally any other time, but not now, because agent calling plus ‘pictures’ plus squeaky voice adds up to —
“Nudes?”  Nick says.
Joey ducks his head, which confirms that.
“Does it say they’re from a guy, or is he in them or—” Nick says.
“Yeah,” Joey mumbles.
“Fuck,” Nick says.
“My agent’s trying to get them taken down,” Joey says. “But they’re like — fuck.”
“Bud,” Nick says helplessly. He doesn’t know how to deal with this. He can’t just punch Deadspin until they take them down, or murder his ex. Well, he could, but if there’s one thing Nick knows about the internet it’s that it doesn’t matter how quick that gets taken down — it’s out now. Like, Joey’s out now. Scouts PR probably already knows. Fuck, the guys might already know. Shithead reads Deadspin, and Shithead has a big fucking mouth.
“Oh god, my mom has an alert for me,” Joey says. He’s breathing so fast he’s almost hyperventilating. “I gotta call my parents.”
He’s definitely hyperventilating now. 
“Fuck, I can’t call my parents.”
“Give me your phone,” Nick says.
Joey gives him a bleak look.
“I’ll tell them,” Nick says.
Joey does this head shake that slowly turns into a nod, hands it over.
“Want to be in the room, or—”
The next head shake is very violent.
“Okay,” Nick says, and goes into Joey’s room, sits on the edge of the unmade bed, goes to recent contacts and finds ‘Mom’ accompanied by a heart. Casey would probably take it way better than Joey’s parents, but it’s not fair to ask her to tell them, so Kim it is.
“Hi hon,” Kim says when she picks up.
“Hi Kim,” Nick says. “It’s Nick.”
“Nick!” Kim says. “It’s good to hear from you.”
Nick can hear the exact second pleasant surprise turns into anxiety, even before she says, “Is Joey—”
“He’s not hurt,” Nick says. “He’s — his ex-boyfriend leaked some pictures of him online.”
Thank fuck Joey’s already come out to his parents, or this would have been a whole other conversation.
“What kind of pictures?” Kim says, but kind of like she knows the answer and just wants to be wrong.
“Joey’s agent is trying to get them taken down now,” Nick says. “Just— don’t look him up right now?”
Kim’s quiet for a moment, and Nick picks at the edge of Joey’s comforter.
“How’s he doing?” Kim asks finally.
“He’s freaking out,” Nick says. “He wanted to call you, but—”
“I get it,” she says. “Give him my love?”
“Of course,” Nick says.
“Thanks honey,” she says. “Let him know — let him know he can call me or his dad any time. We’re not judging.”
“Of course,” Nick repeats.
“And Nick?” she says.
“Yeah,” Nick says.
“He probably needs you right now. You take care of him, okay?”
“I promise,” Nick says.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Poking my lips out to Cartier “my baby got a diaper rash, Helen said I got to let it air out Cartier but I don’t trust you at all. You will pee everywhere, I am not here for that. You kept peeing in the bath last night” I feel Cartier knows, he does things on purpose, as he grows his senses are getting much better, he is so alert and he knows my voice. He watches me talk “you think you can be trusted Cartier” Cartier cooed out “is that you telling me I can, look Cartier I am not here for it, I don’t have time to clean pee on my bed or carpet, we going to see Helen today and we going to New York, so you and I need to work together” I didn’t really fasten his diaper on, just placed it over him. I am scared he will end up peeing everywhere but I need to let him have some air down there “here we go” pulling off his diaper “I swear to god Cartier” I laughed, Cartier just smiled at me “I do not trust you but tummy time for you” turning him over slowly and onto his stomach, this is a lot of trust here and I am scared “how is that Cartier?” He shakily lifted his head for about a second but then failed, he started whining out “hey, stop it” touching his back “mommy is here” turning him back over “there you are” his face lit up “you think your butt feels better now after all that air? You think that is enough time? I am not here for naked Cartier at all” I don’t play this, let me put his diaper back on.
Walking down the steps “your dad is actually on time but he is making me walk down these steps” Cartier is grumpy, he won’t sleep so this doctors appointment won’t be fun with him. Pulling open the door “where is your key? Making me come down for” opening the door wider “uh yeah, my bad. I just left it at the crib, I just fell asleep and then realised about his appointment” he looks like he has just been asleep too “well it’s not until another hour, you could have slept more” Cassius picked Cartier out of my arms “missed you boy” closing the door behind him, Cassius and I have been getting on so well. He comes around most of the time but nights is a little on and off situation because he does his thing but he more than likely will come over during the day, I don’t want to know what he is doing but then I do because it worries me “he’s being a little brat, I was just trying to make him sleep but he’s not. If you could try and put him down to sleep while I go upstairs and get dressed?” Following Cassius into the living room “yeah I can do that, where is his clothes?” He questioned “well I like Cartier to have some freedom and he has a diaper rash, got to let him breathe with all that you know” Cassius let out an oh as he sat down “all that booty got you a rash huh, who got him this?” Cassius looked at his wrist, the very bracelet Kyle bought him “that is what Kyle bought him when they had a little get together here before the birth, he said it would be something Cassius would get him” Cassius held Cartier’ hand looking down at it “anyways, I’m going to pack some things, you know where I am” I can tell with the look on his face, he felt bad about it.
I feel bad telling Cassius about the bracelet but he asked, I can tell he felt bad that he did miss that but it is what it is, it’s in the past and he should move on from it, I have. I groaned out, it’s a pain packing for a baby, I am regretting the trip somewhat, I hope Cartier is ok with Cassius. Hearing a light knock on my bedroom door, looking behind me “since when do you knock?” Smiling at Cassius with Cartier all awake “I knock for sex?” He said, I chuckled looking back at the suitcase “sure you do, actually you could be right. You would do that” I will take extra pacifiers actually “he won’t sleep” Cassius walked around the bed “of course he won’t, he’s a boss and sleeps when he wants. What is wrong with you today, now you will be moody” he was smiling earlier “He’s what six weeks? I’ve read that women can have sex in six or even earlier” letting out an oh “oh you did? That’s cute” what is he wanting “I’m just letting you know this information” smirking at him “so I can start accepting dick appointment applications now?” Cassius paused “did you not read mine?” shaking my head “I must have overlooked it. What did it say again?” He is funny “that I have a good dick game, a beautiful looking dick too. I trim my pubes, also we would be making love because you love me” licking my top lip trying to not smile “I hate you, but it’s declined” Cassius mouth fell open “why!?” He spat “you didn’t trim no damn pubes that night, you was hairy there” I ain’t playing with him “bullshit, you doing it on purpose. That was fuzz and also how the hell would I know when I was going to have sex. I would do it for you? You know? I have done it recently though” I can’t believe we are speaking on this “in preparation for your six weeks, we need to you know celebrate the event” walking around him “you’re funny” is all I said.
Walking out of the bathroom while folding a towel “I remember you sucked on my dick before giving me a handjob” looking over at Cassius laid out on my bed with Cartier “so while I was away you was piecing together what happened that night?” Placing the towel in the suitcase “possibly, I was was reminiscing and I do remember it now. Did my pubes upset your mouth? Is that why you declined” I laughed shaking my head “I said what I said, ok?” Cassius smiled at me sighing out “I’m coming on the flight with you, is that ok?” Furrowing my eyebrows “since when? You got a damn jet, I’m going economy” I pointed out “you just trying to be independent, once my dick enter you again you won’t be” I sniggered “once? You mean if and when, you need to do more first” who does he think he is, I mean if he wants to be a dick appointment we can do that “like? Tell me, see what she like Cartier. She playing me” rolling my eyes “so you’re coming with me?” I have to ask again because what if he was joking “we will go as a family, why not?” that is cute of him “ok then, you can if you want. You can dress Cartier for me. You can learn that while you’re sat there relaxing” he can see how difficult it can be.
Holding Cartier as I walked out of the house “thank you boys” Cassius has a new SUV, he has that Range in Brookyn “y’all put the car seat in yeah?” Cassius asked “this is spacious” I said “it’s the new Cadilac range, this is mine” I am impressed “and these are?” I asked “that is just A and then B, you don’t need to know” I see how it is “hey Wheezy” how many people are here, like this is dramatic “after you” Cassius gestured, this is big inside. It was like the one we hired, wait. Was this the one, oh my god it might. Oh this is, this is the SUV. Did Cassius switch cars “wait” I paused, this is deja vu to me “get in” Cassius ignored me, I think this the car and those guys may have seen me give him a handjob, oh my god. Climbing inside the car, they did put the carseat in, sitting in the car “please don’t tell me this was the car?” I said to him “what?” he has that stupid look to him “just don’t think about it” he winked at me, he is so annoying.
Cartier is being very alert for his injections, he doesn’t even like the fact Helen laid him down “he is just being fussy, he won’t sleep either. He is so wide awake, I think he knows” I said, I think he knows something is up “he is not stupid, that is my boy. He knows, he ain’t with the bullshit” standing to the side a little, my baby boy is feeling emotional I can see it and I don’t like “mommy is here” placing my finger near his clenched hand, Cartier opened his hand for me and gripped my finger “I don’t want him to be sad, we have flight to go on next” what if he is not well, I am regretting it “so this will be quick” Helen said, I hope it is. Seeing the Injection, I feel sad he is having it “this will be quick, one, two, three” I didn’t see the injection go in because I didn’t want to see that at all, Cartier didn’t react but then he did “there we go, awww no” Helen said, moving my finger out of his grip “I am so sorry baby, come here” picking him up.
“Who hurt you Cartier, was it Sofia? I know she be hurting me too” my poor baby crying tears, he really hurt. I know he will now sleep, he will be exhausted. The milk was the only thing to calm him, he is calm in Cassius arms drinking “will he be ok to fly? I don’t want him ill” Helen nodded her head “you can fly with him, he may have a temperature, some may vomit a little. But it’s fine. He will be ok, he has his parents showing him love. Good to see you again Cassius, he was so good during the birth. And you look so well Cassius, I mean you look like a new man” Cassius grinned “oh don’t, he has this new found ego. He is still ugly” I said, Cassius side eyed me “thank you Helen, I was there for her and that was the point” I grinned “he was” I admitted “but we are co-parenting and that is the main thing” Cassius sighed out “she still want me though” Helen laughed “so about Cartier” she changed the subject, looking over at Cassius and we both just smiled.
Waiting for the flight to arrive, Cartier is asleep. Which is a blessing, just waiting to board and Cassius is only god knows where, Wheezy is sat with me as Cassius insisted he came “ma’am” looking behind me confused and seeing flowers in my face “is your name bubbles?” Cassius moved the flowers “wrong person” turning back around “I am joking, I got you some flowers” watching him walk over to me “is that where you disappeared too?” he held out the flowers “it’s an arrangement of pretty things, for you bub” taking the flowers “thank you” I said in a whisper “they are pretty” they are cute actually “it’s weird you know, we was boarding a flight to Miami for your birthday. We didn’t know each other, I came because I don’t know really. It was just one of those feelings, I just liked you but I just kind kept it like as that. I had my own thing, but yeah. Miami was interesting” taking in a deep breath “it was a start of something anyways, it was nice to feel protected but not belittled like it was me, who would you say fell for who first?” touching the flower “me” Cassius said in a heartbeat, didn’t think “I think, hear me out” he turned to me “I saw you first and instantly I liked you then, from when you asked me did your make up look good. It was just that pull towards you, I think it was me. I say that because you was hurt, you held off. You fell for how I was and then you fell in love. I fell in love with you and how you was instantly, so yeah” I guess if he feels that “who do you think loves who the most?” looking at him “it’s equal. And besides, we can’t have no other person in our life can we?” he got a point, he can’t move on and I can’t either.
“Where did you put my flowers? In the trash?” looking away from the window on the flight “what makes you think that?” frowning at him “because there ain’t here” I just smiled looking down at Cartier still asleep in my lap “I put them in the overhead, so why did you want to come on the flight with Cartier and I? I didn’t expect it?” I didn’t think he would “because it’s Cartier’ first flight, I wanted to be around to see that and I also wanted to help you if needed. We go as a family you know, even thought you keeping me at arms length. I guess my pubes upset you” I busted out laughing “you on that still? I was just making a statement that is all” I sighed out “you think they will let you leave the airport? I just worry when you come here, you know. It’s not a place you’re liked at” Cassius shrugged “they can suck my dick, nobody care about them. They on my payroll well some of them anyways” Cartier moved a little in my arms “you think your mom would love him, I am just asking” good question, I paused thinking “well I would say she would be shocked, I think she would hate that I am ok. Things have gone too far with us now, it hurts me to know that I don’t have a family on my side. I have Leyton and I am trying to keep him close as possible, I need someone, you know” Cassius smiled at me lovingly, it was cute “you got me, I mean you know that right bubbles” squinting my eyes at him “bubbles? Trying to say I am fat huh” he keep saying that “another word for bub, you know” he is funny.
This is why I say I hate when he comes here, and this is the reason why. Watching security search him, I mean they have checked his passport several times “shall we go to the car Sofia?” Wheezy said “no I will wait for him” he will forever be questioned in this place, he is from here so it’s dumb “ask her, why am I here?” what am I supposed to say “erm we have come here as a family to see the Brooklyn game, it was his present I got him” I hope he said that “go along then Mr Warren” the officer passed him his passport back “thank you, come on babe, let’s go” who is he calling babe “let me push the stroller” side eyeing him moving to the side as he walked off “you good boss?” Wheezy asked “I am pissed but I am ok, I just needed to make out we come here as a family you know” he looked behind him at me “it’s fine, I just didn’t want them to arrest you. You should have come on the jet Cassius” it would have been easier for him, I just feel like they are following us “fuck them, I am here with my family. I don’t care” looking around us “walk ahead of me Sofia” Wheezy said as he pushed me forward, I mean Cassius looks like a rich man walking off on an economy flight. He has his chains, bracelet that I got him and he still got that, his rings. He is looking flush and I am not sure if he was impressing someone, or maybe me, that sounds too big headed now “people are following us aren’t they?” I asked “don’t worry about it” I hate this place, I really do hate this place.
Ethan stood waiting for Cassius just at the front door “good seeing you” he dapped Cassius “it’s weird seeing you push a stroller, not even going to lie. I am like the fuck? You look cute” Cassius doesn’t seem in the mood he just side eyed him “is the car outside yeah?” my feet hurt, he is rushing “yes, just here” seeing two Range Rovers “cool, shall I get him out or you do it?” Cassius asked “you get him out and then I will put the stroller away” Cartier is awake, he is due for a feed but I am hoping to get to the hotel before he cries. I just hope he is entertained with a new environment “little man is awake, yes you are” Cassius picked him out “young don, oh shit he already got jewellery on and shit. This is cute as shit” Ethan said looking at Cartier “yo, he so light skinned though. He cute” Ethan said “cute like me, first time in New York. Can’t wait to show him off” I hope it is a good time.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Bad: Rambo Some, social, affectionate, housetrained, kid and cat friendly Neutered & Ready to start life anew With U! 58733 years old 50 bs Egg-specially Cute At ACC hoping Brookyn For a Second Chance **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** DOGS HAVE THAT INNATE SIXTH SENSE AND THEY KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Especially something bad. Like Sunday, March 31st... Rambo had a bad feeling and he jumped up on his owner and pawed at his wrist to let his owner know as they entered the lobby of the local shelter. It didn't work though. His owner signed him over to the shelter staff, told them they had no time for a pet and said Rambo is "kid and cat friendly, affectionate and housetrained" and exited the building, leaving his loyal companion behind forever. Fast forward four days and this young man has been added to the euth list, scheduled to die in 18 hours if he doesn't have a new home to go to. Rambo certainly doesn't deserve to die because his former owner no longer had time for him. He's just a year old, just starting life, and young enough to still be shaped and molded into your idea family pet with lots of love, reassurance and proper training. We know there has to be someone/a family out there with room in their heart and home for a handsome, young dude like Rambo. Please help us share him to the moon and back to catch the eye of that special person. DON'T MISS OUT ON SOMETHING THAT COULD BE GREAT! <3 RAMBO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Rambo My animal id is #58733 I am a desexed male bronze dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 1 years old, 50 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 31, 2019 Reason Stated: NO TIME FOR ANIMAL Rambo is rescue only Rambo was placed at risk due to behavioral concerns; Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. Rambo is otherwise healthy. RAMBO coming out of his shell :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJu2szyOgqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDGWtz7F8Bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgr4PMm9_AU My medical notes are... Weight: 50 lbs Vet Notes 31/03/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? Positive - 991001001319728 History : Owner surrender Subjective: Soft muzzle in place when entered medical. Very vocal, hyperactive, and resisting any kind of restraint. Unable to keep still, flailing body away from neck lead, jumping up on door. Sedated for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears mild discharge AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Limited - incisors clean, adult PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Start trazodone 8 mg/kg PO BID indefinitely for shelter anxiety Behavioral assessment Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake Rambo was anxious and pacing back and forth. He was jumping on his owner and did not allow the counselor to collar him. He the allowed the counselor to take his picture with no problems. When the ACS staff came in to the Office he stated to hard bark growl an lunge. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Rambo is a 1 year old brown and white neutered dog that was surrendered by his owner due to personal problems. The owner stated that he got from a friend when he was 8 weeks old. Previously lived with:: Owner 3 adults 1 child 2 cats How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated that When around strangers Rambo is fearful and he will growl and bark. when playing with adults he is exuberant. How is this dog around children?: Rambo has spent time i the home with a 17 year old child and he was relaxed and playful. when playing with the child in the home he was exuberant. How is this dog around other dogs?: Rambo has not spent time in the home with other dogs so it is unknown how he will react. How is this dog around cats?: Rambo has spent time in the home with cats and he was relaxed and playful. Resource guarding:: Rambo will growl if someone was to touch his food or treats. He is friendly if someone was to his toys. If someone unfamiliar approaches his house or family member he will bark and growl. Bite history:: Rambo does not have a bite history. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Very high Other Notes:: Owner stated that in the home Rambo behaves well. During loud noises and fireworks he is not bothered. he also isn't bothered if he is restrained pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Rambo will tolerate being bathed brushed and having his nails trimmed. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: No reported medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Owner described Rambo as affectionate and excitable. Rambo loves to spend time with the family in the living room and he will follow his owner around. he likes to play with balls and has been kept mostly indoors. Rambo eats dry food and when using the bathroom he will go outside on the grass or cement. When left alone in the home he will bark and whine. He has never been crated nor left in the yard so it is unknown how he will react. Rambo knows hoe to sit lay down ans give paw. He is used to brisk walks on the leash and playing in the yard. When on the leash he pulls hared. when off the leash he runs away. Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 Adults, 1 Child (17), 2 Cats Behavior toward strangers:: Fearful, growls and barks; Exuberantly plays with adults after warms up Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful, exuberant in play (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Unknown Behavior toward cats:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident cats) Resource guarding:: Previous owner has reported Rambo to growl if his food or treats are approached. This behavior is not observed with his toys. Bite history:: None reported. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Rambo is described as affectionate and excitable with a very high level of energy. Summary:: Since Rambo's admission to the care center on 3/31/19, his behavior has remained highly fearful and he is wary of all handling. Upon attempts to rope him and bring him outside of his kennel for walks and interactions, Rambo attempts to flee, runs to the back of his kennel and urinates. During his walks, he is overly alert and pulls on the leash in an attempt to flee when he hears any loud noises. Collaring Rambo took several attempts, as he continuously avoided the collar and would not settle. During an interaction with caretakers, handlers and staff, Rambo was brought into the assessment room and was unable to settle or relax, but was easily startled by any noises and sudden movements. These observations are indicative of a very high level of fearfulness and stress. To eliminate the risk of increasing Rambo's stress level any further, along with the risk of redirecting the stress onto a handler or another animal in our care, we will not be conducting a handling assessment for Rambo at this time. Summary:: According to Rambo's previous owner, Rambo did not socialize with other dogs while in their care. Here at the Care Centers, Rambo has shown fearful behavior and avoidance. He briefly has shown interest in greeting but quickly fled when the other barked at him. The 4/2: We were unable to safely collar Rambo today. He was giving us clear distance increasing signs that he was very uncomfortable- whale eye, head flipping, attempting to flee. He did greet a novel male through the gate and moved away as quickly as possible. 4/3: After successfully collaring Rambo, he was introduced to a novel female dog. He tucked his tail and body when she greeted him but was tolerant. Rambo avoided the greeter for the rest of the session. 4/4: Rambo initially was moving towards greeting the novel female dog, but she barked he fled and kept his distance. Summary (1):: Rambo engages in play with tennis balls. Summary (2):: In Shelter Observations (Continued): 4/4/19: Upon approaching Rambo's kennel, he stood up and displayed a low wagging tail while walking forward toward the kennel door. His head was low, but he allowed the handler to place the rope around his neck with minimal flinching. The handler was able to walk him outside of the room and into the play pens for his interaction. Although Rambo displayed some wariness and was easily startled by loud noises, he engaged in play within moments of entering the pens, retrieving tennis balls, exploring and checking in with the handler. He had moments where he was able to settle and display an entirely loose and wiggly body while chasing the tennis balls, but would quickly revert to a tense posture, forward ears and high tail with loud noises. Rambo was also observed to solicit attention and seek contact, while leaning into the handler. At the end of his interaction, he was roped with ease and without flinching. The handler was able to walk him back into the care center and into his kennel without any pulling Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Anxious, pacing, jumps up, no handling performed, hard bark and growl at entering staff Date of initial:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Muzzled, vocal, hyperactive, attempting to flee, resists handling, jumping up toward exit ENERGY LEVEL:: We are unable to accurately determine Rambo's energy level due to his high level of fearfulness observed in the care center. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/2/19: Rambo was laying in the front of his kennel when the handler approached. Upon opening the kennel door, Rambo stood up and showed fearful body language (low head, tucked tail, whale eye) and attempted to move toward the back of his kennel. The handler was able to introduce the rope and place it over Ramob's head, but he did flinch once the rope made contact. Rambo walked out of his kennel and room without issue and very minimal pulling. The handler took Rambo outside for his relief walk and Rambo was easily startled by cars driving by and any other loud noises. During the walk, Rambo encountered a staff member outside of the facility and approached readily with a loose, wiggly body and wagging tail. He jumped up onto the staff member and licked her hand. After his walk, Rambo was brought into a room for an interaction. During his interaction, Rambo was able to slowly acclimate and accepted some contact. After a few more minutes, his tail was untucked and he engaged in play with some tennis balls. Staff members knocked and entered the room, at which point Rambo reverted back to displaying fearful behavior, but was able to recover very slowly. He readily accepted treats with a very soft mouth. Handler was able to rope Rambo and bring him back to his kennel without any issue. 4/3/19: Rambo was laying down in his kennel upon approach and displayed low body posture when opening the kennel door. The handler was able to introduce the rope slowly, which Rambo initially avoided and flinched when it made contact with his neck. Rambo slowly exited his kennel and began to hard pull once outside of his room, moving toward the nearest exit. After his relief walk, wherein he was startled by loud noises and passing cars, he was brought back in the room for an interaction. Rambo was able to acclimate in less time overall and began to engage in play with the handler. He was also observed to understand the cue for "sit" and "give paw". After a few more minutes, Rambo was loose and wiggly and would play bow with handler. Another staff member entered the room and Rambo quickly reverted back to fearful behavior and became wary of interacting. It took about 7-8 minutes before Rambo was able to decompress and become comfortable with the staff member in the room before engaging in play once more. At the end of his interaction, the handler was able to rope him and walk him to his kennel with Rambo pulling moderately. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Rambo's overall level of fearfulness and potential for defensive aggression, we feel he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Rambo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing or exposing Rambo to new and unfamiliar situations. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: Rambo has exhibited handling sensitivity during his interactions in the care center. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo was observed to move away from handlers, avoid eye contact and was easily startled by sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rambo has exhibited a very high level fearfulness overall during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to escalate to growling and lunging at staff members. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo has also been observed to display wariness and is easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. RAMBO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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fortheland · 6 years
musical asks : fiddler on the roof / singing in the rain / into the woods / newsies / hamilton ( idk which you have seen so i gave options ?? )
song i wish was longer: far from the home i love
song i wish was shorter: none every song in this show is beautiful
the one song i always skip: uhhhhh maybe leaving anatevka?? unless i’m in a sad mood then i will BUT
song i sing the best: miracle of miracles
song i still don’t know all the words to: AGAIN PLEASE i know this show my heart
song that honestly deserves an award or five: sunrise, sunset
song that’s terrible but i still love: now i have everything
song that’s really good but i hate: ??????
song i think could change the world: tradition or matchmaker
song i wish i’d written: to life
into the woods:
song i wish was longer: on the steps of the palace 
song i wish was shorter: the prologue good god
the one song i always skip: so happy
song i sing the best: any moment / moments in the woods
song i still don’t know all the words to: uhhh probably a lot of them i don’t listen to it often tbh
song that honestly deserves an award or five: last midnight
song that’s terrible but i still love: agony
song that’s really good but i hate: stay with me
song i think could change the world: children will listen
song i wish i’d written: giants in the sky
song i wish was longer: brookyn’s here
song i wish was shorter: uhhh none thank u i stan this show till i die
the one song i always skip: i rlly don’t think there’s a song is skip i’m ride or die all the way
song i sing the best: something to believe in
song i still don’t know all the words to: PLEASE
song that honestly deserves an award or five: once and for all
song that’s terrible but i still love: the bottom line
song that’s really good but i hate: ???????????
song i think could change the world: the world will know
song i wish i’d written: king of new york
song i wish was longer: guns and ships
song i wish was shorter: one last time
the one song i always skip: schuyler defeated
song i sing the best: burn
song i still don’t know all the words to: ??????
song that honestly deserves an award or five: the room where it happens
song that’s terrible but i still love: i know him
song that’s really good but i hate: take a break
song i think could change the world: history has its eyes on you
song i wish i’d written: wait for it
thank you!!! the only one i rlly didn’t know well enough to do this for as singin’ in the rain :”)
send me a musical and i’ll fill this out!
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homesteadbrooklyn · 8 years
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I've been sleeping in the workroom as of late; perhaps it's because the mattress is on the floor and it feels a bit more grounded...more like glamping, some would say. At night I turn on my star ⭐️ projector, which has moving green lights that are more reminiscent to fireflies than they are stars, particularly as they pass over the leaves in the room; I turn on cricket sounds and I fall asleep. In the morning, well...it's good to wake up to green 🌿🌿🌿🌿. (at Williamsburg, Brookyn, New York)
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juliayepes · 10 years
Blood of a Poet
Through fleeting glimpses and a studio visit, a portrait of a singular songwriter and musician emerges.
On the song "Supreme Being," Will Roan, singer and keyboardist of the Brooklyn band Amazing Baby, experiences a transcendental moment. It's an everything's-okay, no-one-ever-really-dies moment, in which everyone and everything in creation is revealed as mysteriously connected. Steeped in mysticism, tracks like "Supreme Being" (a trance song composed on the xylophone and a highlight of the group's self-released 2008 EP, Infinite Fucking Cross) convey a sense of wonder and a longing to return to paradise. Lyrics about "digging up the pearls from years gone by," returning to "salt of the earth," and a "big, black phantom love [that] floats over it all" contribute to the impression of a universe governed by some kind of cyclical, eternal return.
The group’s first tracks sound as joyful and cohesive as Led Zeppelin songs, only half the length, and recent songs are awash in a sweeping but pleasingly off-kilter grandeur. Their potency boils down to an inspired pairing of Roan, a literate preacher’s son, and Simon O'Connor, a virtuoso hard rock guitarist. The bands they had been in before Amazing Baby were good, but very true to a genre. But the project the pair formed together was a hybrid of influences (mutual favorites that included T. Rex and Queen), resulting in soaring melodies and full-bodied, boundary-pushing art-rock. In August 2008, a writer for the popular British music magazine NME raved about their first batch of songs, “Truly great rock bands don’t usually just fall out of the sky — they evolve slowly, meticulously and sometimes downright painfully over time. But don’t expect Amazing Baby to be paying any such dues... These Brookynites have been together since Christmas..., but somehow, they already sound like they could take on the world.” With the release of their first album Rewild due in the first half of 2009, Amazing Baby seemed on the precipice of a breakthrough after a near overnight success story.  
When I arrive at Electric Lady studios at 4pm on the first Sunday last February, the band is putting the finishing touches on their debut album. It's the second-to-last day of recording and a 15-piece orchestra is coming in today to record their parts individually. Bassist Don De Vore—pale blond, handsome, silent—sits in the recording booth nearly the whole afternoon, overseeing the recording of the string and brass parts. Matt Abeysekera, the drummer, pops into the booth and excitedly chats about the soundtrack to Polanski's horror movie The Fearless Vampire Killers. Shy, stringy-haired rhythm guitarist Rob Laasko hangs in the green room for a while, in between long spells in the recording booth. He seems like the mellowest member, but like De Vore, he has the air of a longtime studio musician, who is used to being ignored. Roan and his girlfriend arrive last, after a late night of DJing at a Greenpoint warehouse.
Confused, insulted, and dazzled by Will
With his self-assured manner and clean-cut features, Roan could easily pass for a cultured character in a Wes Anderson movie. Today, after weeks of nonstop recording for the band's debut album, the idiosyncratic singer-keyboardist seems to be running off of a streak of final-stretch adrenaline. In the green room, he drinks Sparks, a caffeinated alcoholic beverage, which keeps him on an even keel between seeming wiped out and alert, relaxed and lucid. He possesses a precise eye. During our interview, he’s polite but brisk, not finicky but quick to correct me when I’m wrong. When I ask him what the song "Headdress" is about, he tells me it’s about "holding onto somebody really tightly" and then tries to explain the title in visual terms. "It's supposed to evoke—I wish I could illustrate this better in words—a distraction, a trick of the eye, a false part of your body. A decoration."
While the teenage O’Connor was into hip-hop, graffiti, and punk music as a teenager, Roan immersed himself in art rock like David Bowie, John Cale, and T. Rex. He was born in Waterbury, Connecticut and his family moved four times before settling in Martha's Vineyard. Roan, who is also interested in design and visual art (he co-designed Rewild's cover art with a friend), majored in creative writing at Bard. After graduation, he moved to Brookyn, where he formed Lions & Tigers, a glam-rock/post-punk outfit that recorded arty, avant-garde songs, filled with images of oceans, fire, and blood. On the tracks, his characters are alienated and often remorseless, dwarfed by a surreal and desolate New York City. They're in precarious and desperate situations. But the songs have the surreal enchantment of a Cocteau movie. Singing about watching the green light die, his girl’s grey eyes, and how she’s “never gonna wake up,” Roan evokes an arresting vision of youth in limbo and casual peril.
He's a gracious host, happy to show me around, introduce me to his friends, and to answer questions. But as polite and friendly as he is, Roan remains inaccessible, even mysterious. Alone, he answers every question I ask. But if other bandmates are around, he lets them handle questions. He seems relieved when he’s surrounded by his friends, as if it’s only when he’s in their company that he can really be himself.
Most people can't be creative on command, but so far that hasn't been a problem for the scattershot singer or his songwriting partner. One reason the band has been so prolific is that they can be productive, and even thrive, in the midst of chaos. (One episode of the Village Voice’s Indie Cribz features a neatly dressed Roan giving viewers a tour of his horrifyingly messy apartment. In the video, he glances around his forsaken-looking bedroom. “I don’t spend a lot of time here,” he says mildly. “This is more like a storage space.”) If anything, he seems more comfortable in a hectic environment. As I interview Roan at Electric Lady studios, string players practice warm-up scales in the room next door. It nearly drives me out of my mind, but it doesn’t seem to distract Roan at all.
While O'Connor rallies me with his raucous energy, Roan is matter-of-fact, precise, guarded. He doesn't like to talk about his band, but he calls MGMT drummer Will Berman who helped write and produce Amazing Baby's first songs "one of the most talented people I've ever met" and predicts he'll put out "a brilliant solo album one day." He encourages me to check out his girlfriend's band (the spooky, shambolic Golden Triangle). And his face lights up with a quirky, genuine smile when he tells me that bassist Don De Vore was in Ink & Dagger "a really incredible, influential vampire-themed band from Philadelphia in the ‘90s." ("Don could do so much better," one diehard Ink & Dagger fan complained on Amazing Baby's Last.fm page.) I learn more about Roan when I'm not asking questions.
For one thing, he’s a good friend. A month earlier, when I run into him at Glasslands, a Brooklyn bar and performance space, I mention that I was surprised by the dizzying heights that MGMT-mania had reached. “Good for them, though,” Roan says pointedly. “Great for them,” I answer. Once he sees that I genuinely mean it, he lets down his guard. I’d seen Amazing Baby at the Mercury Lounge in November 2008 and had asked Roan if he could make me a CD of Lions & Tigers tracks, but he hadn’t had his phone on him. “I wanted to make you a CD, but I didn’t have your phone number,” he explains. He tells me Amazing Baby is recording the next week and that his old band, Lions & Tigers, is mixing an album. “Can I invite you to the studio? Can I invite you to a mixing session? How about if I e-mail you tomorrow?” he says, as he punches my contact info into his iPhone. I tell him that I thought the Lions & Tigers songs I'd heard were great. I love the post-punk sound, I say, and I love post-punk in general; Wire is my favorite band. He brightens. “I love Wire!" And then, in regard to Lions & Tigers, he laughs. "I thought we were good, but no one liked us!” he says.
The first time I saw Roan, he was wearing a shirt that declared “THIS SHIRT SAVES LIVES.” It was November 2008 and I was at the Mercury Lounge for my first Amazing Baby show. Onstage, an impish Roan pranced around the stage with the pomp and exuberance of Jarvis Cocker. After the show, I introduced myself and asked if he could make me a CD of his former band, Lions & Tigers. He cycled rapidly through an array of thoughts like only an overeducated man can. "Sure, I'd be happy to," he answered with a typically cheerful smile, but then he grilled me: “What do you want it for? You just want it? What’s the angle?” He asked me what I thought of the show, knowing it was imperfect. And before I left, he inquired whether this was my first time seeing Amazing Baby live. I told him it was. “You should have come last night!” he admonished me.
Needless to say, I left confused. I was taken aback, even offended, that he was dismissive of his older songs, which I adored. At the same time, I realized that if he didn’t want me to hear his old tracks, then that must mean his new songs sounded a lot different than Lions & Tigers—and that he thought they were really good. Later I realized that he wasn’t being combative because he was a control freak. He simply didn’t want Amazing Baby to be judged by his old band’s tracks. "That was more like a project than a band," he told me, gesticulating. "I was proud of it at the time, but I don't want that to represent me. I don’t want to make that kind of music anymore. That’s why—“ he smiled—“I’m not making it."
His fear of pretension, stutter, and religious connection
Roan cuts an imposing figure. I think twice before crossing a crowded room to talk to the singer—and even after being acquainted with him for months, I find it hard to know how to interpret his sunny, aristocratic charm. It's disconcerting to try to reconcile Roan's bold aura with what he actually says. He is rigorously style-oriented with keen, intelligent eyes that appraise everything. He cannot help but move with a flourish. But in conversation he never says anything remotely audacious or flamboyant. His speech is peppered with prefixes (They're "mega busy," Electric Lady is "super cool") and friendly surfer-stoner affirmations ("totally," "definitely," "rad").
But despite the swashbuckling aura, Roan also has a vulnerable quality. For one thing, his expressive face broadcasts his emotions. And for another thing, he stutters. Though his stutter seems mild (it doesn't surface til the third time I talk to him), one can imagine it’s a source of anxiety for the frontman, especially when he's expected to participate in video and radio interviews, which may catch him when he's tired or ill at ease. (Both states seem to exacerbate the speech disorder.) In one video interview, there's a moment when Roan realizes he's not going be able to get through his sentence without stuttering unless he skips some prepositions, so he starts stringing key words together. It's a heart-rending moment. His bandmates are silent, but it's clear they're in solidarity with the singer.
I would normally think it inappropriate or even disgraceful to ask a stranger personal questions, but Roan is so restrained that I am even less inclined to pry. When I mention that I've noticed a lot of images of eternity in his lyrics, the tone of his voice shifts slightly and there's a flicker in his eye like I'm on to something. "Yeah," he agrees. "Or infinity," I venture. "Yeah," he repeats, in the same tone. "There’s a lot of stony-baloney in there, too," he remarks. Then he lowers his voice and adds evenly, "They’re very personal, but they’re not super specific." I wonder if he means he'd rather not get super specific. (I'd speculate that he wrote "Supreme Being" for his first (or true) love—because on that song he sings "I would die for you,” but in other songs, it's "pump your brakes and leave me alone.") When I ask if Berman will be writing songs with Andrew and Ben in MGMT, he politely answers the question. Suddenly he looks weary. He sighs and shakes his head as if to rouse himself out of a daze. “What else is up?" he asks quickly. Then he corrects himself, as if that way of putting it sounded rude. "Anything else I can tell you?”
In conversation, Roan seems so afraid of coming off as pretentious, that, if anything, he overcompensates for his dandyish hauteur. The boldest statement I ever see him make is in a video interview from their tour of Japan, which took place shortly after Rewild’s release. He says he's proud of the album (though he looks disappointed)—it's been a learning experience (he looks very unhappy)—but it's definitely the best thing he's ever been involved in.
(In fact, I think his newer lyrics also reflect this desire not to seem pretentious. Rewild's new songs don't have big words, and in avoiding them, his lyrics turn absurd and playful. Roan's word play comes off like an inside joke with himself. The title of the album, for example, seems to be a composite of a line on "Kankra": "Turn off your mind/Relax a while." (Get it? Re-wild.))
Once you learn that Roan’s father was a preacher, suddenly everything about Amazing Baby makes sense: the singer's giddy stage persona (shades of a raving evangelical preacher), the Garden of Eden allusion, and the infinite cross imagery. But it also lends pathos to his story. Roan told FAQ Magazine that the first time he got high he had an internal dialogue with himself about how there was no going back, adding that he "continually thinks ... about things I told myself I'd never do." The debut album by San Francisco band Girls is touching because of its sincerity; when former Children of God member Christopher Owens sings that he doesn't want to cry for his whole life, it sounds genuine. There's a similar wistfulness about Roan's longing to return to innocence. Roan has characterized himself as "super emotional" and "messed up." But he seems like a conscientious guy who wants to believe in a higher power and tries to be a good person.
That’s the thing: He has a conscience. More than six months after sitting in with them at Electric Lady, I see Roan at a show at Webster Hall (his friend Max McDonald’s band, Psychic, is playing) and I tell him I'm sorry my story hasn't been published; I'm still going to do a story about the band. "It's okay, it's cool," he says, but he's a person who values honor, and as long as you try to do the right thing, he will be as personable as possible. Suddenly, he’s smiling.
—Julia Yepes
editor: Maura Whang
February 21, 2010
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Bad, and Cats: PABLO 38161-5 years old, Handsome, friendly, playful, housetrained, very affectionate with staff, lived in harmony with teenagens & another male dog.well behaved when home alone ADOPT @brookyn acc waiting for U **** TO BE KILLED - 4/4/2019 **** WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? PABLO'S JUST A WINNER <3 Pablo's family is moving to a place where he isn't welcome. You all know the drill. :( Now Pablo currently resides at the Brooklyn animal shelter but thats very temporary. The dogs only have but so many days to find a new home and it appears that Pablo's time is up. At the awesome age of five, this is hardly the end of the road for Pablo. At least we are going to do everything in our power to make sure it isn't. We want to share Pablo to the moon and back for that much-needed second chance and we know you do too. Take a look at Pablo. In spite of a skin allergy, he's super cute and pretty much a compact fella. He lived in harmony with teenagers but the big seller here is that Pablo even lived in complete harmony with another male dog. He's just an awesome little dude in a bad situation and we want to help change all of that. Friendly, affectionate, playful and housetrained - Pablo is ready to start anew with a wonderful family. Please do what you can to help ensure a happy ending. PABLO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Pablo My animal id is #58464 I am a male black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old, 51 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 28, 2019 Reason Stated: MOVING Pablo is rescue only Pablo was placed at risk due to behavior concerns and bite history. his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo to be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. pablo was diagnosed with Dermatitis My medical notes are... Weight: 51.8 lbs Vet Notes 28/03/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : O/S Subjective: BARH. No csvd Observed Behavior - friendly, allowed all handlig Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, mild to moderately erythemic pinnae AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with two descended testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin diffusely erythemic with spots of alopecia; no masses noted, CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal externally Assessment Dermatitis- suspect secondary to allergies Prognosis: good Plan:Recommend derm consult with placement SURGERY: Okay for surgery Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake Pablo show counselors a lot of affection and was very friendly. He allowed collaring, petting and photo taken. Basic Information:: Pablo is approx. 4 years old. He was surrendered along with Storm (58465) to BACC due to the owner getting evicted and unable to care for the dogs anymore. Previously lived with:: 2 adult, 1 child, 1 dog How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated Pablo is friendly and outgoing towards strangers. How is this dog around children?: Owner stated Pablo lived with a 17 and 18 year old. He was relaxed and playful around them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner stated Pablo lived with 1 male dog named Storm (58465) and they were relaxed, playful and loving towards each other. How is this dog around cats?: Owner stated Pablo would chase after cats with Storm (58465). Resource guarding:: Owner stated Pablo does not resource guard his food or toys. He is not bothered if you try to take it away. Bite history:: Pablo has bitten a person but not an animal. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Skin allergies, head tilts and old scars from a dog fight. For a New Family to Know: Owner stated Pablo is friendly, affectionate, and playful dog. He has a high activity level. When your home he loves to follow you around. He likes to play with stuffed toys and balls. He also like to play fetch and wrestling. He is mostly indoors. He eats both wet and dry food. He is house trained. He is well behaved when left in the house and yard. He has never been crate trained. He knows ques such as sit and come. He brisk walks on the leash. He does not like to take baths. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 2 Adults, 1 Child (17), 1 Dog (Female, Medium, Unaltered) Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed, playful and affectionate (w/resident dog) Behavior toward cats:: Chase (stray cats) Resource guarding:: Pablo's bite history started with a fight between him and another visiting dog over food. Owner does not report any resource guarding. Bite history:: 2017: Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Pablo is described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high level of energy. Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: No pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Initially gave chase to a bird, but did not continue behavior after redirection Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores, wagging tail, some whining, neutral-soft body, solicits attention and seeks contact, accepts contact, jumps up onto handler's lap softly, distracted by outside noises Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Exuberant handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler, soft and loose; On third pass, engages in play with handler, jumps up and recovers immediately Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Whines when assistant exits; No response to knock; Approaches assistant soft and loose, ears back, leaning in and seeking contact Toy Toy comments: Grips firmly, moves away; Readily relinquishes and trades Summary:: According to Pablo's previous owner, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog over food, which resulted in Pablo redirecting and biting the owner. He was surrender with a female dog and his owner stated they were friendly with each other. Due to Pablo's immediate reactivity towards other dogs as well as his previous bite, the Behavior Department recommends that Pablo is the only resident dog and does not visit dog parks. 3/29: When off leash at the Care Centers, Pablo enters the pens, whining and fixating on the greeter. When the greeter approached the gate Pablo immediately displayed offensive behavior- lunging and hard barking for several seconds. The greeter was removed and Pablo ceases the behavior. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Affectionate, friendly, accepted all contact and allowed all handling Date of initial:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Friendly, allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Pablo has been observed to exhibit a medium-high level of energy during his interactions in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to the bite history reported by the previous owner, as well as dog reactivity observed in the care center, we feel Pablo would be best set up to succeed in an experienced adult only home environment. Single-pet home/Recommend no dog parks: Pablo's previous owner reported, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog and redirected on the owner resulting in a bite. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup (see dog to dog). As a result, we recommend that Pablo is placed in a home without any other pets, as well as not be taken to dog parks to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Place with a New Hope partner: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Potential challenges: : Anxiety,Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments:: Bite history (human): Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. This incident occurred 2 years ago. Please refer to the handout on Bite history (human). Anxiety: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, he has been observed to display mild anxiety during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to somewhat pant and whine during his interaction. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout on Anxiety/anxious behavior. PABLO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Bad: Rambo Some, social, affectionate, housetrained, kid and cat friendly Neutered & Ready to start life anew With U! 58733 years old 50 bs Egg-specially Cute At ACC hoping Brookyn For a Second Chance **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** DOGS HAVE THAT INNATE SIXTH SENSE AND THEY KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Especially something bad. Like Sunday, March 31st... Rambo had a bad feeling and he jumped up on his owner and pawed at his wrist to let his owner know as they entered the lobby of the local shelter. It didn't work though. His owner signed him over to the shelter staff, told them they had no time for a pet and said Rambo is "kid and cat friendly, affectionate and housetrained" and exited the building, leaving his loyal companion behind forever. Fast forward four days and this young man has been added to the euth list, scheduled to die in 18 hours if he doesn't have a new home to go to. Rambo certainly doesn't deserve to die because his former owner no longer had time for him. He's just a year old, just starting life, and young enough to still be shaped and molded into your idea family pet with lots of love, reassurance and proper training. We know there has to be someone/a family out there with room in their heart and home for a handsome, young dude like Rambo. Please help us share him to the moon and back to catch the eye of that special person. DON'T MISS OUT ON SOMETHING THAT COULD BE GREAT! <3 RAMBO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Rambo My animal id is #58733 I am a desexed male bronze dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 1 years old, 50 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 31, 2019 Reason Stated: NO TIME FOR ANIMAL Rambo is rescue only Rambo was placed at risk due to behavioral concerns; Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. Rambo is otherwise healthy. RAMBO coming out of his shell :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJu2szyOgqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDGWtz7F8Bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgr4PMm9_AU My medical notes are... Weight: 50 lbs Vet Notes 31/03/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? Positive - 991001001319728 History : Owner surrender Subjective: Soft muzzle in place when entered medical. Very vocal, hyperactive, and resisting any kind of restraint. Unable to keep still, flailing body away from neck lead, jumping up on door. Sedated for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears mild discharge AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Limited - incisors clean, adult PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally normal Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Start trazodone 8 mg/kg PO BID indefinitely for shelter anxiety Behavioral assessment Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake Rambo was anxious and pacing back and forth. He was jumping on his owner and did not allow the counselor to collar him. He the allowed the counselor to take his picture with no problems. When the ACS staff came in to the Office he stated to hard bark growl an lunge. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Rambo is a 1 year old brown and white neutered dog that was surrendered by his owner due to personal problems. The owner stated that he got from a friend when he was 8 weeks old. Previously lived with:: Owner 3 adults 1 child 2 cats How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated that When around strangers Rambo is fearful and he will growl and bark. when playing with adults he is exuberant. How is this dog around children?: Rambo has spent time i the home with a 17 year old child and he was relaxed and playful. when playing with the child in the home he was exuberant. How is this dog around other dogs?: Rambo has not spent time in the home with other dogs so it is unknown how he will react. How is this dog around cats?: Rambo has spent time in the home with cats and he was relaxed and playful. Resource guarding:: Rambo will growl if someone was to touch his food or treats. He is friendly if someone was to his toys. If someone unfamiliar approaches his house or family member he will bark and growl. Bite history:: Rambo does not have a bite history. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Very high Other Notes:: Owner stated that in the home Rambo behaves well. During loud noises and fireworks he is not bothered. he also isn't bothered if he is restrained pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Rambo will tolerate being bathed brushed and having his nails trimmed. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: No reported medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Owner described Rambo as affectionate and excitable. Rambo loves to spend time with the family in the living room and he will follow his owner around. he likes to play with balls and has been kept mostly indoors. Rambo eats dry food and when using the bathroom he will go outside on the grass or cement. When left alone in the home he will bark and whine. He has never been crated nor left in the yard so it is unknown how he will react. Rambo knows hoe to sit lay down ans give paw. He is used to brisk walks on the leash and playing in the yard. When on the leash he pulls hared. when off the leash he runs away. Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 Adults, 1 Child (17), 2 Cats Behavior toward strangers:: Fearful, growls and barks; Exuberantly plays with adults after warms up Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful, exuberant in play (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Unknown Behavior toward cats:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident cats) Resource guarding:: Previous owner has reported Rambo to growl if his food or treats are approached. This behavior is not observed with his toys. Bite history:: None reported. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Rambo is described as affectionate and excitable with a very high level of energy. Summary:: Since Rambo's admission to the care center on 3/31/19, his behavior has remained highly fearful and he is wary of all handling. Upon attempts to rope him and bring him outside of his kennel for walks and interactions, Rambo attempts to flee, runs to the back of his kennel and urinates. During his walks, he is overly alert and pulls on the leash in an attempt to flee when he hears any loud noises. Collaring Rambo took several attempts, as he continuously avoided the collar and would not settle. During an interaction with caretakers, handlers and staff, Rambo was brought into the assessment room and was unable to settle or relax, but was easily startled by any noises and sudden movements. These observations are indicative of a very high level of fearfulness and stress. To eliminate the risk of increasing Rambo's stress level any further, along with the risk of redirecting the stress onto a handler or another animal in our care, we will not be conducting a handling assessment for Rambo at this time. Summary:: According to Rambo's previous owner, Rambo did not socialize with other dogs while in their care. Here at the Care Centers, Rambo has shown fearful behavior and avoidance. He briefly has shown interest in greeting but quickly fled when the other barked at him. The 4/2: We were unable to safely collar Rambo today. He was giving us clear distance increasing signs that he was very uncomfortable- whale eye, head flipping, attempting to flee. He did greet a novel male through the gate and moved away as quickly as possible. 4/3: After successfully collaring Rambo, he was introduced to a novel female dog. He tucked his tail and body when she greeted him but was tolerant. Rambo avoided the greeter for the rest of the session. 4/4: Rambo initially was moving towards greeting the novel female dog, but she barked he fled and kept his distance. Summary (1):: Rambo engages in play with tennis balls. Summary (2):: In Shelter Observations (Continued): 4/4/19: Upon approaching Rambo's kennel, he stood up and displayed a low wagging tail while walking forward toward the kennel door. His head was low, but he allowed the handler to place the rope around his neck with minimal flinching. The handler was able to walk him outside of the room and into the play pens for his interaction. Although Rambo displayed some wariness and was easily startled by loud noises, he engaged in play within moments of entering the pens, retrieving tennis balls, exploring and checking in with the handler. He had moments where he was able to settle and display an entirely loose and wiggly body while chasing the tennis balls, but would quickly revert to a tense posture, forward ears and high tail with loud noises. Rambo was also observed to solicit attention and seek contact, while leaning into the handler. At the end of his interaction, he was roped with ease and without flinching. The handler was able to walk him back into the care center and into his kennel without any pulling Date of intake:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Anxious, pacing, jumps up, no handling performed, hard bark and growl at entering staff Date of initial:: 3/31/2019 Summary:: Muzzled, vocal, hyperactive, attempting to flee, resists handling, jumping up toward exit ENERGY LEVEL:: We are unable to accurately determine Rambo's energy level due to his high level of fearfulness observed in the care center. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/2/19: Rambo was laying in the front of his kennel when the handler approached. Upon opening the kennel door, Rambo stood up and showed fearful body language (low head, tucked tail, whale eye) and attempted to move toward the back of his kennel. The handler was able to introduce the rope and place it over Ramob's head, but he did flinch once the rope made contact. Rambo walked out of his kennel and room without issue and very minimal pulling. The handler took Rambo outside for his relief walk and Rambo was easily startled by cars driving by and any other loud noises. During the walk, Rambo encountered a staff member outside of the facility and approached readily with a loose, wiggly body and wagging tail. He jumped up onto the staff member and licked her hand. After his walk, Rambo was brought into a room for an interaction. During his interaction, Rambo was able to slowly acclimate and accepted some contact. After a few more minutes, his tail was untucked and he engaged in play with some tennis balls. Staff members knocked and entered the room, at which point Rambo reverted back to displaying fearful behavior, but was able to recover very slowly. He readily accepted treats with a very soft mouth. Handler was able to rope Rambo and bring him back to his kennel without any issue. 4/3/19: Rambo was laying down in his kennel upon approach and displayed low body posture when opening the kennel door. The handler was able to introduce the rope slowly, which Rambo initially avoided and flinched when it made contact with his neck. Rambo slowly exited his kennel and began to hard pull once outside of his room, moving toward the nearest exit. After his relief walk, wherein he was startled by loud noises and passing cars, he was brought back in the room for an interaction. Rambo was able to acclimate in less time overall and began to engage in play with the handler. He was also observed to understand the cue for "sit" and "give paw". After a few more minutes, Rambo was loose and wiggly and would play bow with handler. Another staff member entered the room and Rambo quickly reverted back to fearful behavior and became wary of interacting. It took about 7-8 minutes before Rambo was able to decompress and become comfortable with the staff member in the room before engaging in play once more. At the end of his interaction, the handler was able to rope him and walk him to his kennel with Rambo pulling moderately. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Rambo's overall level of fearfulness and potential for defensive aggression, we feel he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Rambo's high level of fearfulness, the staff's inability to safely handle him without extreme caution, and his reported resource guarding in a previous home environment, it is recommended that Rambo would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced New Hope Partner to help manage this behavior. Rambo should be allowed to acclimate and decompress at his own pace in a more stable environment prior to permanent placement in an adult only home. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Rambo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing or exposing Rambo to new and unfamiliar situations. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Handling/touch sensitivity: Rambo has exhibited handling sensitivity during his interactions in the care center. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo was observed to move away from handlers, avoid eye contact and was easily startled by sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Rambo has exhibited a very high level fearfulness overall during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to escalate to growling and lunging at staff members. Although Rambo has shown some improvement and allows some staff members to handle him with extreme caution, he has not been observed to completely settle during his interactions and flinches with initial contact. Rambo has also been observed to display wariness and is easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements. Please refer to the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. RAMBO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Bad, and Cats: PABLO 38161-5 years old, Handsome, friendly, playful, housetrained, very affectionate with staff, lived in harmony with teenagens & another male dog.well behaved when home alone ADOPT @brookyn acc waiting for U **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? PABLO'S JUST A WINNER <3 Pablo's family is moving to a place where he isn't welcome. You all know the drill. :( Now Pablo currently resides at the Brooklyn animal shelter but thats very temporary. The dogs only have but so many days to find a new home and it appears that Pablo's time is up. At the awesome age of five, this is hardly the end of the road for Pablo. At least we are going to do everything in our power to make sure it isn't. We want to share Pablo to the moon and back for that much-needed second chance and we know you do too. Take a look at Pablo. In spite of a skin allergy, he's super cute and pretty much a compact fella. He lived in harmony with teenagers but the big seller here is that Pablo even lived in complete harmony with another male dog. He's just an awesome little dude in a bad situation and we want to help change all of that. Friendly, affectionate, playful and housetrained - Pablo is ready to start anew with a wonderful family. Please do what you can to help ensure a happy ending. PABLO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Pablo My animal id is #58464 I am a male black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old, 51 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 28, 2019 Reason Stated: MOVING Pablo is rescue only Pablo was placed at risk due to behavior concerns and bite history. his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo to be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. pablo was diagnosed with Dermatitis My medical notes are... Weight: 51.8 lbs Vet Notes 28/03/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : O/S Subjective: BARH. No csvd Observed Behavior - friendly, allowed all handlig Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, mild to moderately erythemic pinnae AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with two descended testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin diffusely erythemic with spots of alopecia; no masses noted, CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal externally Assessment Dermatitis- suspect secondary to allergies Prognosis: good Plan:Recommend derm consult with placement SURGERY: Okay for surgery Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake Pablo show counselors a lot of affection and was very friendly. He allowed collaring, petting and photo taken. Basic Information:: Pablo is approx. 4 years old. He was surrendered along with Storm (58465) to BACC due to the owner getting evicted and unable to care for the dogs anymore. Previously lived with:: 2 adult, 1 child, 1 dog How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated Pablo is friendly and outgoing towards strangers. How is this dog around children?: Owner stated Pablo lived with a 17 and 18 year old. He was relaxed and playful around them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner stated Pablo lived with 1 male dog named Storm (58465) and they were relaxed, playful and loving towards each other. How is this dog around cats?: Owner stated Pablo would chase after cats with Storm (58465). Resource guarding:: Owner stated Pablo does not resource guard his food or toys. He is not bothered if you try to take it away. Bite history:: Pablo has bitten a person but not an animal. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Skin allergies, head tilts and old scars from a dog fight. For a New Family to Know: Owner stated Pablo is friendly, affectionate, and playful dog. He has a high activity level. When your home he loves to follow you around. He likes to play with stuffed toys and balls. He also like to play fetch and wrestling. He is mostly indoors. He eats both wet and dry food. He is house trained. He is well behaved when left in the house and yard. He has never been crate trained. He knows ques such as sit and come. He brisk walks on the leash. He does not like to take baths. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 2 Adults, 1 Child (17), 1 Dog (Female, Medium, Unaltered) Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed, playful and affectionate (w/resident dog) Behavior toward cats:: Chase (stray cats) Resource guarding:: Pablo's bite history started with a fight between him and another visiting dog over food. Owner does not report any resource guarding. Bite history:: 2017: Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Pablo is described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high level of energy. Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: No pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Initially gave chase to a bird, but did not continue behavior after redirection Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores, wagging tail, some whining, neutral-soft body, solicits attention and seeks contact, accepts contact, jumps up onto handler's lap softly, distracted by outside noises Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Exuberant handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler, soft and loose; On third pass, engages in play with handler, jumps up and recovers immediately Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Whines when assistant exits; No response to knock; Approaches assistant soft and loose, ears back, leaning in and seeking contact Toy Toy comments: Grips firmly, moves away; Readily relinquishes and trades Summary:: According to Pablo's previous owner, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog over food, which resulted in Pablo redirecting and biting the owner. He was surrender with a female dog and his owner stated they were friendly with each other. Due to Pablo's immediate reactivity towards other dogs as well as his previous bite, the Behavior Department recommends that Pablo is the only resident dog and does not visit dog parks. 3/29: When off leash at the Care Centers, Pablo enters the pens, whining and fixating on the greeter. When the greeter approached the gate Pablo immediately displayed offensive behavior- lunging and hard barking for several seconds. The greeter was removed and Pablo ceases the behavior. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Affectionate, friendly, accepted all contact and allowed all handling Date of initial:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Friendly, allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Pablo has been observed to exhibit a medium-high level of energy during his interactions in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to the bite history reported by the previous owner, as well as dog reactivity observed in the care center, we feel Pablo would be best set up to succeed in an experienced adult only home environment. Single-pet home/Recommend no dog parks: Pablo's previous owner reported, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog and redirected on the owner resulting in a bite. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup (see dog to dog). As a result, we recommend that Pablo is placed in a home without any other pets, as well as not be taken to dog parks to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Place with a New Hope partner: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Potential challenges: : Anxiety,Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments:: Bite history (human): Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. This incident occurred 2 years ago. Please refer to the handout on Bite history (human). Anxiety: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, he has been observed to display mild anxiety during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to somewhat pant and whine during his interaction. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout on Anxiety/anxious behavior. PABLO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Bad, and Cats: PABLO 38161-5 years old, Handsome, friendly, playful, housetrained, very affectionate with staff, lived in harmony with teenagens & another male dog.well behaved when home alone ADOPT @brookyn acc waiting for U **** TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2019 **** WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? PABLO'S JUST A WINNER <3 Pablo's family is moving to a place where he isn't welcome. You all know the drill. :( Now Pablo currently resides at the Brooklyn animal shelter but thats very temporary. The dogs only have but so many days to find a new home and it appears that Pablo's time is up. At the awesome age of five, this is hardly the end of the road for Pablo. At least we are going to do everything in our power to make sure it isn't. We want to share Pablo to the moon and back for that much-needed second chance and we know you do too. Take a look at Pablo. In spite of a skin allergy, he's super cute and pretty much a compact fella. He lived in harmony with teenagers but the big seller here is that Pablo even lived in complete harmony with another male dog. He's just an awesome little dude in a bad situation and we want to help change all of that. Friendly, affectionate, playful and housetrained - Pablo is ready to start anew with a wonderful family. Please do what you can to help ensure a happy ending. PABLO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Pablo My animal id is #58464 I am a male black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old, 51 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 28, 2019 Reason Stated: MOVING Pablo is rescue only Pablo was placed at risk due to behavior concerns and bite history. his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo to be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. pablo was diagnosed with Dermatitis My medical notes are... Weight: 51.8 lbs Vet Notes 28/03/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : O/S Subjective: BARH. No csvd Observed Behavior - friendly, allowed all handlig Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, mild to moderately erythemic pinnae AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with two descended testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin diffusely erythemic with spots of alopecia; no masses noted, CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal externally Assessment Dermatitis- suspect secondary to allergies Prognosis: good Plan:Recommend derm consult with placement SURGERY: Okay for surgery Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake Pablo show counselors a lot of affection and was very friendly. He allowed collaring, petting and photo taken. Basic Information:: Pablo is approx. 4 years old. He was surrendered along with Storm (58465) to BACC due to the owner getting evicted and unable to care for the dogs anymore. Previously lived with:: 2 adult, 1 child, 1 dog How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated Pablo is friendly and outgoing towards strangers. How is this dog around children?: Owner stated Pablo lived with a 17 and 18 year old. He was relaxed and playful around them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner stated Pablo lived with 1 male dog named Storm (58465) and they were relaxed, playful and loving towards each other. How is this dog around cats?: Owner stated Pablo would chase after cats with Storm (58465). Resource guarding:: Owner stated Pablo does not resource guard his food or toys. He is not bothered if you try to take it away. Bite history:: Pablo has bitten a person but not an animal. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Skin allergies, head tilts and old scars from a dog fight. For a New Family to Know: Owner stated Pablo is friendly, affectionate, and playful dog. He has a high activity level. When your home he loves to follow you around. He likes to play with stuffed toys and balls. He also like to play fetch and wrestling. He is mostly indoors. He eats both wet and dry food. He is house trained. He is well behaved when left in the house and yard. He has never been crate trained. He knows ques such as sit and come. He brisk walks on the leash. He does not like to take baths. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 2 Adults, 1 Child (17), 1 Dog (Female, Medium, Unaltered) Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed, playful and affectionate (w/resident dog) Behavior toward cats:: Chase (stray cats) Resource guarding:: Pablo's bite history started with a fight between him and another visiting dog over food. Owner does not report any resource guarding. Bite history:: 2017: Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Pablo is described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high level of energy. Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: No pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Initially gave chase to a bird, but did not continue behavior after redirection Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores, wagging tail, some whining, neutral-soft body, solicits attention and seeks contact, accepts contact, jumps up onto handler's lap softly, distracted by outside noises Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Exuberant handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler, soft and loose; On third pass, engages in play with handler, jumps up and recovers immediately Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Whines when assistant exits; No response to knock; Approaches assistant soft and loose, ears back, leaning in and seeking contact Toy Toy comments: Grips firmly, moves away; Readily relinquishes and trades Summary:: According to Pablo's previous owner, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog over food, which resulted in Pablo redirecting and biting the owner. He was surrender with a female dog and his owner stated they were friendly with each other. Due to Pablo's immediate reactivity towards other dogs as well as his previous bite, the Behavior Department recommends that Pablo is the only resident dog and does not visit dog parks. 3/29: When off leash at the Care Centers, Pablo enters the pens, whining and fixating on the greeter. When the greeter approached the gate Pablo immediately displayed offensive behavior- lunging and hard barking for several seconds. The greeter was removed and Pablo ceases the behavior. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Affectionate, friendly, accepted all contact and allowed all handling Date of initial:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Friendly, allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Pablo has been observed to exhibit a medium-high level of energy during his interactions in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to the bite history reported by the previous owner, as well as dog reactivity observed in the care center, we feel Pablo would be best set up to succeed in an experienced adult only home environment. Single-pet home/Recommend no dog parks: Pablo's previous owner reported, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog and redirected on the owner resulting in a bite. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup (see dog to dog). As a result, we recommend that Pablo is placed in a home without any other pets, as well as not be taken to dog parks to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Place with a New Hope partner: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Potential challenges: : Anxiety,Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments:: Bite history (human): Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. This incident occurred 2 years ago. Please refer to the handout on Bite history (human). Anxiety: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, he has been observed to display mild anxiety during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to somewhat pant and whine during his interaction. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout on Anxiety/anxious behavior. PABLO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Bad, and Cats: PABLO 38161-5 years old, Handsome, friendly, playful, housetrained, very affectionate with staff, lived in harmony with teenagens & another male dog.well behaved when home alone ADOPT @brookyn acc waiting for U **** TO BE KILLED - 4/4/2019 **** WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? PABLO'S JUST A WINNER <3 Pablo's family is moving to a place where he isn't welcome. You all know the drill. :( Now Pablo currently resides at the Brooklyn animal shelter but thats very temporary. The dogs only have but so many days to find a new home and it appears that Pablo's time is up. At the awesome age of five, this is hardly the end of the road for Pablo. At least we are going to do everything in our power to make sure it isn't. We want to share Pablo to the moon and back for that much-needed second chance and we know you do too. Take a look at Pablo. In spite of a skin allergy, he's super cute and pretty much a compact fella. He lived in harmony with teenagers but the big seller here is that Pablo even lived in complete harmony with another male dog. He's just an awesome little dude in a bad situation and we want to help change all of that. Friendly, affectionate, playful and housetrained - Pablo is ready to start anew with a wonderful family. Please do what you can to help ensure a happy ending. PABLO@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Pablo My animal id is #58464 I am a male black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old, 51 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Mar. 28, 2019 Reason Stated: MOVING Pablo is rescue only Pablo was placed at risk due to behavior concerns and bite history. his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo to be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. pablo was diagnosed with Dermatitis My medical notes are... Weight: 51.8 lbs Vet Notes 28/03/2019 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : O/S Subjective: BARH. No csvd Observed Behavior - friendly, allowed all handlig Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, mild to moderately erythemic pinnae AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with two descended testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin diffusely erythemic with spots of alopecia; no masses noted, CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal externally Assessment Dermatitis- suspect secondary to allergies Prognosis: good Plan:Recommend derm consult with placement SURGERY: Okay for surgery Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake Pablo show counselors a lot of affection and was very friendly. He allowed collaring, petting and photo taken. Basic Information:: Pablo is approx. 4 years old. He was surrendered along with Storm (58465) to BACC due to the owner getting evicted and unable to care for the dogs anymore. Previously lived with:: 2 adult, 1 child, 1 dog How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated Pablo is friendly and outgoing towards strangers. How is this dog around children?: Owner stated Pablo lived with a 17 and 18 year old. He was relaxed and playful around them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner stated Pablo lived with 1 male dog named Storm (58465) and they were relaxed, playful and loving towards each other. How is this dog around cats?: Owner stated Pablo would chase after cats with Storm (58465). Resource guarding:: Owner stated Pablo does not resource guard his food or toys. He is not bothered if you try to take it away. Bite history:: Pablo has bitten a person but not an animal. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Skin allergies, head tilts and old scars from a dog fight. For a New Family to Know: Owner stated Pablo is friendly, affectionate, and playful dog. He has a high activity level. When your home he loves to follow you around. He likes to play with stuffed toys and balls. He also like to play fetch and wrestling. He is mostly indoors. He eats both wet and dry food. He is house trained. He is well behaved when left in the house and yard. He has never been crate trained. He knows ques such as sit and come. He brisk walks on the leash. He does not like to take baths. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 2 Adults, 1 Child (17), 1 Dog (Female, Medium, Unaltered) Behavior toward strangers:: Friendly and outgoing Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful (w/resident child) Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed, playful and affectionate (w/resident dog) Behavior toward cats:: Chase (stray cats) Resource guarding:: Pablo's bite history started with a fight between him and another visiting dog over food. Owner does not report any resource guarding. Bite history:: 2017: Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Pablo is described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high level of energy. Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: No pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Initially gave chase to a bird, but did not continue behavior after redirection Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores, wagging tail, some whining, neutral-soft body, solicits attention and seeks contact, accepts contact, jumps up onto handler's lap softly, distracted by outside noises Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Exuberant handling: Leans in, soft and loose body, wagging tail, mild tension in head, accepts all contact Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler, soft and loose; On third pass, engages in play with handler, jumps up and recovers immediately Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Whines when assistant exits; No response to knock; Approaches assistant soft and loose, ears back, leaning in and seeking contact Toy Toy comments: Grips firmly, moves away; Readily relinquishes and trades Summary:: According to Pablo's previous owner, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog over food, which resulted in Pablo redirecting and biting the owner. He was surrender with a female dog and his owner stated they were friendly with each other. Due to Pablo's immediate reactivity towards other dogs as well as his previous bite, the Behavior Department recommends that Pablo is the only resident dog and does not visit dog parks. 3/29: When off leash at the Care Centers, Pablo enters the pens, whining and fixating on the greeter. When the greeter approached the gate Pablo immediately displayed offensive behavior- lunging and hard barking for several seconds. The greeter was removed and Pablo ceases the behavior. Date of intake:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Affectionate, friendly, accepted all contact and allowed all handling Date of initial:: 3/28/2019 Summary:: Friendly, allowed all handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Pablo has been observed to exhibit a medium-high level of energy during his interactions in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to the bite history reported by the previous owner, as well as dog reactivity observed in the care center, we feel Pablo would be best set up to succeed in an experienced adult only home environment. Single-pet home/Recommend no dog parks: Pablo's previous owner reported, Pablo had an altercation with another male dog and redirected on the owner resulting in a bite. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup (see dog to dog). As a result, we recommend that Pablo is placed in a home without any other pets, as well as not be taken to dog parks to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Place with a New Hope partner: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, his previous owner reported an altercation with another male dog and bit the owner in the hand when they were attempting to intervene. He also exhibited reactivity toward other dogs during Playgroup interactions. As a result, it is recommended that Pablo be placed with an experienced rescue partner who can reassess his behavior in a more stable home environment before seeking permanent placement in an adult-only home environment with no other pets to ensure his success. We advise safe and appropriate management when handling Pablo, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Potential challenges: : Anxiety,Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments:: Bite history (human): Previous owner has reported Pablo to have begun fighting with a visiting dog in the yard over food. When Pablo snapped at the visiting dog, the owner attempted to intervene and was bitten in the hand by Pablo, requiring 20 stitches. This incident occurred 2 years ago. Please refer to the handout on Bite history (human). Anxiety: Although Pablo is social, solicits attention and seeks contact, he has been observed to display mild anxiety during her interactions in the care center. He was observed to somewhat pant and whine during his interaction. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout on Anxiety/anxious behavior. PABLO IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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