#mella dee
389 · 2 years
Art of Noise, Mella Dee
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rayjuss · 12 days
Ray Juss Mix Tracklisting
- Title - Artist
1 - Hungry For The Power (Jamie Jones Ridge Street Remix) - Azari & III 2 - Who's Afraid of Detroit? - Claude VonStroke 3 - Wet Dollars - Tazer 4 - Just Step (Original Mix) - Hugo Massien 5 - Ubay - Cc 6 - The Capsule's Pride (Bikes) - Bwana 7 - It's The Beat - Simian Mobile Disco 8 - Opal (Four Tet Remix) - Bicep 9 - Fatherless - Breach 10 - Mind Ur Step (feat. Janelle Kroll) - Dennis Ferrer 11 - Techno Disco Tool - Mella Dee 12 - H.O.U.S.E - Carnao Beats 13 - Nobody Else - DUSKY 14 - Ain't No - Kaytronik 15 - Free and Easy (Original Mix) - Stephen Brown 16 - The Gun - AWANTO 3 17 - Piano Skank - Ahadadream 18 - Hammer Time - Dismantle 19 - Made You Look (Hugo Massien Remix) - Nightshift
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kraftwerk113 · 1 year
Life´s too short for weird music - Tagesempfehlung 09.04.2023
Mella Dee / Riptide (feat. Bernard Sumner)
Mella Dee ist ein britischer House und Techno Produzent.Bereits seit 2012 veröffentlicht Mella Dee Arbeiten auch unter seinem Namen. - allerdings ausschließlich im Single / EP Format. Für die neueste Veröffentlichung Riptide konnte er Bernard Sumner von New Order für den Gesang gewinnen. Und Bernard Sumner macht aus Riptide die beste New Order Veröffentlichung der 2000er Jahre – welche New Order nie veröffentlicht haben.
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viciouscyclesradio · 2 years
Event Flyer Roll Call
A selected, visual gallery listing of forthcoming events, which may be announced on this month’s show
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izzy-art-879 · 21 days
Help and Support (Mourning AU)
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Sector QT heard about the deaths of two Sector PHP operatives and despite Global Command's warnings not to approach them, Sector QT wanted to help the rest of Sector PHP get through this tough time. Although they didn't know Sector PHP that well, the team heard how unwell they were after the deaths of Mella and Evan and they wanted to help them heal. It would take a while but the kids and their squirrel were determine to help. The team helped in numerous way:
Judy and Dee sent flowers, cards and frozen meals to Sector PHP.
Monroe secretly cleaned Mella and Evan's headstones whenever they were dirty and planted fresh flowers on their graves.
Paloma sent messages to Sector PHP, offering them support and that she's just one call away if they ever needed anything. She sent some Rainbow Monkeys and stuffed animals to help them through grieving.
As for Cyrus, he went out and tried to reach out for Sector PHP. No matter how many times he was chased away, he still came back and went to Mella and Evan's graves to mourn them. Of course he respects their boundaries but will offer just to be there to talk if they ever need it.
I've seen the Mourning AU and @numbuh-72 in the Mourning AU and I decided to try and add Sector QT in it!
The Mourning AU belongs to the lovely @artsygirl0315!
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les-mis-in-space · 2 years
Blue: canon term Red: term invented by other fan creator
1815: (ate-teen-FIFF-teen) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command 22-N: Antique security droid repurposed as Leela's nanny droid 4B-L3: Minister Halmath’s protocol droid and personal assistant
Aaloya Awaud: (ah-LOY-ah ah-WOWD) Mandalorian Jedi Aberon Halmath: (AY-bur-on HAL-math) philanthropist, factory owner, minister of industry on Montal Able: [see 4B-L3] Achilles: (uh-KILL-eez) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Adeg: (AD-egg) one of Halmath’s shuttle pilots agger: (AG-ur) board game played by Leela and her father Al-kad: (AL-kad) kindly Weequay bantha rancher on Monderon Alor’buir: (ah-LOR boo-WEER) morut leader in the Vod’tsad Am-shak: (AM-shack) thunder god in the Weequay pantheon Amulon: (AM-yoo-lawn) governor of the Auril Sector Antilles: (an-TILL-eez) common surname in the galaxy [see also Eva Abba Antilles;] used by Leela’s adoptive father, Mr. Antilles Apollon Kondric: (uh-PAWL-un KON-drick) young heir to Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Arkassos: (ar-KAH-sose) stormy planet where Kobjin’s trial is held arue'uvet: (AR-oo-eh oo-VET) Vod'tsad word for the outside world, those outside the Vod'tsad Ashi'brok: (AH-shee BROHK) nickname meaning "the other Broque" given to Ether Broque to distinguish him from his brother Athene Kondric: (ahth-EN-eh KON-drick) eldest daughter of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Auril sector: (AW-rill SEK-tur) region of space containing Montal, Monderon, and Pasir
Bail Proving: (BAYL PROO-ving) student, poet, polyglot, and member of the Society for Public Restoration Bahil: (BAY-hill) [see Bail Proving] Banaus: (BAHN-owce) monstrous antagonist in the Yrphaxia, known for his tremendous size and single eye; now recognized as a speciesist caricature of an Abyssin ba'vodu: (BAH VOH-doo) Mandalorian word for uncle Beck: (BEK) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Bendelic: (BEN-del-ick) lazy son of a spotchka baron on one of Montal’s moons beskad: (BES-kahd) Mandalorian sword made of beskar Mrs. Bewl: [see Mella Bewl] Bigtrill: (BIG-trill) Alcoholic cynic and member of the Society for Public Restoration Bonoport: (BON-oh-port) [see Porlion Bonoport] Bonvika: (bon-VEE-kuh) Hutt employer to the crew of the Rose Evergreen Borrow: [see Borrowawro] Borrowawro: (bor-oh-WAW-roh) Wartaki Wookiee freedom fighterand member of the Society for Public Restoration Brand: [see Pahoran Brand] Broque: (BROKE) laborer on Montal turned gardener for the Vod’tsad Buir Atin'la: (boo-WEER ah-TEEN lah) Alor’buir of the Vod’tsad morut on Pasir Buir Entyela: (boo-WEER ENT-yeh-lah) former Alor’buir of the Vod’tsad morut on Pasir buir'ika: (boo-WEER EEK-ah) affectionate Mandalorian term for a parent
Cae-Lan Jinn: (KAY-lahn JIN) mother of Com Narcom Caddie Gariste: (KAD-ee gah-REEST) daughter of Com’s older sister Calisuma: (kal-iss-OO-muh) [see Leela] carrotin: (CARE-ut-in) ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe Cavla Gariste: (KAV-luh gah-REEST) daughter of Com’s older sister Cam Narcom: (KAM NAR-kom) older sister of Com Narcom Cammie Narcom: [see Cam Narcom] Canady: (KAN-uh-dee) warden at Trolorn Chekolba: (cheh-KOLE-buh) Dug criminal and member of Gasha Tonka chuul: (CHOOL) Sriluurian insult Creampuff: plush tooka-kit gifted to Leela by Antilles Clarq Bewl: (CLARK BYOOL) husband to Mrs. Bewl Clem Gariste: (KLEM gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Cohor Gariste: (KOH-hor gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Coll Gariste: (CAWL gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Com Narcom: (KOM NAR-kom) reformed convict, originally imprisoned on Trolorn for nineteen years after stealing a melon to feed his family copikla'gaan: (ko-PEEK-lah gahn) style of Mandalorian handwriting used by young Mandalorians, literally "cute hand" Cor Narcom: [see Coriantum Narcom] Coriantum Narcom: (kor-ee-ANT-um NAR-kom) father of Com Narcom Corrie Gariste: (KOR-ee gah-REEST) daughter of Com Narcom’s older sister Culpa: (CUL-puh) sea which Debitum feeds into and Lutecia overlooks Curel Gariste: (kyoo-REL gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister
Dar’verd: ex-Mandalorian soldier who knew Com Narcom in prison Davan: [see Jon Davan] Davan's hold: [see Jon Davan's cargo hold] Debitum: (DEB-eet-oom) waterfall spilling out of Lutecia from the Sidon Delphine: (del-FEEN) Glockel’s nickname for Telfien Diff: (DIFF) moon orbiting Meissa doonga: (DOON-guh) animal species indigenous to Monderon Doozer: (DOO-zer) [see Duzavog Bool] Double: (DUB-uhl) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Dralgemas: [see Dralgemas bal Keldabad] Dralgemas bal Keldabad: (drahl-ghem-AHSS bahl KEL-dahb-ahd) ancient Mandalorian play about two lovers from feuding tribes, adapted by Shivrestav as Turhaya and Corellio Druv Gariste: (DROOV gah-REEST) husband to Cam Narcom Duzavog Bool: (DOO-zuh-vog BOOL) former Lasat bounty hunter of the duo Trodd and Bool, member of Gasha Tonka Dwurf and Keeb: [see Keeb and Dwurf] Dygni: (DIG-nee) planet near Meissa where Com Narcom was released
Eba Meehal: (EE-buh MEE-hall) sister to Than Meehal Ector Kondric: (ECK-tur KON-drick) Lord of Embaril Elena Kondric: (el-EN-uh KON-drick) deceased wife of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Elephant House: small apartment complex run by Zoe Gurbo Embaril: (EM-bar-ill) planet in the Tion Hegemony Emorzolo: (eh-MOR-zo-loh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, love interest of Nulida and rival to Zanphrexil for the affections of Nulmia Endros Gamma: (EN-drohss GAM-uh) asteroid where Vod'tsad commandos are trained Estia Kondric: (ES-tee-uh KON-drick) younger daughter of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Ether Broque: (EETH-ur BROKE) brother to Broque and philanthropist Evie Abba Antilles: (EE-vee AB-uh an-TILL-eez) young holostar and girlfriend to Than Meehal
Faltona: (fal-TOE-nuh) surname Kaltha lists on her job application Fay and Joon: [see Joon and Fay] Fifties: (FIFF-teez) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Finnix: (FIN-icks) chronically unlucky law student and member of the Society for Public Restoration
gaan'akaan: (GAHN-ah-kahn) Mandalorian martial arts, literally "hand war" Gasha Tonka: (GASH-uh TONK-uh) criminal organization based on Pasir; Huttese for "Dawn" or "Sun Up" General of Wotalu: tavern run by the Tarkays Glockel Sternenkranz: (GLOCK-el SHTARE-nen-krahnts) [see Marya-Glocke Sternenkranz) Goosher: (GOO-shur) hypochondriac medical student and member of the Society for Public Restoration Gratia: (GRAH-tee-uh) waterfall overlooking Lutecia emptying into the Sidon Grig Groogan: (GRIGG GROO-gun) Weequay radio personality, ex-boyfriend of Spalla Taffareen Grungid: (GRUN-gid) Klatooinian who knew Com Narcom in prison Ms. Gurbo: [see Zoe Gurbo] gusha: (GOO-shuh) Huttese word for lucky; a play on the name Goosher
Haldo: (HAL-doh) best friend to Apollon Kondric, member of the Society for Public Restoration Halmath: [see Aberon Halmath] Harval: (HAR-vul) Medical student and member of the Society for Public Restoration horsetail: individual tress of unbraided Weequay hair Houg: (HOOG) history professor at the University of Pasir Hugo Minor: (HYOO-goh MY-nur) homeworld of Com Narcom Huij F. Tuul: (HYOOJ EFF TOOL) Duros gravedigger Huu-Sri: (HOOS-ree) Weequay Padawan to Unal Munir, killed by General Grievous
infinity lyre: Tionese musical instrument
J7-3T5-AA26X: (JAY-sev-en THREE-tee-five AY-ay-too-six-ex) droid belonging to the narrator Janton Road: (JAN-tun RODE) road on Dygni Janyor: (JAN-yur) Bith protest artist, for whom Finnix is nicknamed jat'urcye: (JAHT OOR-sheh) Mandalorian greeting meaning "good meeting" jetii: (JEH-tee or archaic YEH-tee) Mandalorian word for the Jedi jetii'droten: (JEH-tee DROH-ten or archaic YEH-tee DROH-ten) Mandalorian word for the Jedi Order jetii'kad: (JEH-tee KAHD or archaic YEH-tee KAHD) Mandalorian word for lightsaber Jinn: Com Narcom’s mother’s maiden name (see Cae-lan Jinn) Jiva: (JEE-vuh) Al-kad’s first wife Jon Davan: (JON DAV-un) legendary figure among spacers, said to claim the souls of all those lost to the stars Jon Davan's cargo hold: hold on Jon Davan's ship where souls lost to the vacuum of space find themselves Joon and Fay: Troig farmer, married to Keeb and Dwurf jowl frills: small, bony, horn-like protrusions extending from the sides of a Weequay’s jaw JR-605: [see Tillie B. Swibbles]
Kaltha: (KAL-thuh) mother of Leela Kaltha Faltona: [see Faltona] kandosii: (kahn-DO-see) Mandalorian word meaning indomitable; used in Mandalorian slang to mean awesome, cool, or well done Keeb and Dwurf: Troig farmer, married to Joon and Fay Keldabad: [see Dralgemas bal Keldabad] Kharvish: (KAR-vish) mysterious criminal of an unknown species, member of Gasha Tonka among other organizations Kobjin: (KOB-jin) innocent man mistaken for Com Narcom Koodo: (KOO-doh) elderly Pabchoni friend of Unal Munir Korallat: (KOR-uh-lat) planet where Unal Munir's Padawan was killed in battle Korma: (KOR-muh) Cerean bishop and former Jedi Koss: (KAWSS) Clawdite in service to the Empire as a police inspector Kruviff: (KROO-viff) Karkarodon who knew Com Narcom in prison
Leela: (LEE-luh) Daughter of Kaltha, later adopted by Mr. Antilles lek: singular form of lekku lekku: (LEK-oo) head-tails of a Twi’lek, of which there are usually two Lifh: (LIFF) planet in the Lifh sector where Leela spent her life from the ages of one to four lightning powder: ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe lightning shark: animal species indigenous to Arkassos Limhi Zeniff: [LIM-high ZEE-niff] former governor of the Auril Sector Lutecia: (loo-TEE-shuh) capital of Pasir
Mahzun: (mah-ZOON) mysterious, unwelcome attendant at the funeral of Athene Kondric Mai: (MY) friend of Kaltha’s, girlfriend of Than Meehal’s cousin Shal manda: (MAHN-duh) Mandalorian afterlife, the life force of every worthy Mandalorian united into one cosmic whole Mand’alor: (MAHND uh-LOR) supreme leader of the Mandalorians in the ancient past whose return the Vod’tsad await Mandalore: homeworld of the Mandalorians; also the Basic word for Mand’alor Mando'a: (mahn-DOH ah) name of the Mandalorian language in Mandalorian Mando'ad: (mahn-do AHD) word for a Mandalorian in the Mandalorian language Mangott Narqton: (MAN-got NARK-ton) Duros gravedigger revealed to be a Clawdite shapeshifter Mantell Pox: a deadly disease that affects children in particular Marya-Glocke Sternenkranz: (MAR-yah GLOCK-uh SHTARE-nen-krahnts) captain of the Rose Evergreen McKrow: (muck-KRAU) one of Halmath’s shuttle pilots meechee: (MEE-chee) fruit indigenous to Monderon Meissa: (MAY-ee-suh) gas giant orbited by Trolorn, Diff, and the Meissa Installation Meissa Installation: starship repair dock orbiting Meissa, utilizing prison labor Mella Bewl: (MEL-uh BYOOL) bed-and-breakfast owner who denied service to a recently freed Com Narcom Miles: (MY-uhls) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Moff Amulon: [see Amulon] Moff Zeniff: [see Limhi Zeniff] molubdocrine: (mo-LUB-doh-kreen) a hormone produced by Mythrol Monderon: (MON-dur-on) Outer Rim planet covered in grasslands and forests Montal: (mon-TAHL) industrial Outer Rim water world made prosperous by Aberon Halmath Mora Vil: (MOR-uh VILL) Mandalorian Jedi Morso-on-Montal: (MOR-soh on mon-TAHL) capital of Montal; also simply Morso morut: (mor-OOT) Mandalorian word for sanctuary or haven; base of operations and place of worship for members of the Vod’tsad morut'karta: (mor-OOT KAR-tah) main building on the grounds of a morut, literally heart of the morut Munir: [see Unal Munir]
Narqton: [see Mangott Narqton] nib-chuul: (NIB-chool) Sriluurian insult Nulida: (NOO-lee-duh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, spurned admirer of Emorzolo Nulmia: (NULL-mee-uh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, lover of Zanphrexil
Old Club: nickname given to Broque, a play on the Mandalorian word brok, meaning beating instrument Old Servo-Knees: nickname given to Broque due to his cybernetic leg braces Ollindrode (AWL-ind-rode) Abednedo proprietor Mrs. Oogi: (MISS-us OO-ghee) nosy Gran widow who frequently attempts to obtain gossip from Zoe Gurbo orbak root: (OR-bahk root) ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe Ord Melek: (ORD MEE-lek) Ordnance/Regional Depot planet in the Outer Rim
Pabchoni: (pah-VON-ee) a species native to the Tion region with tortoise-like heads, shells on their back, bird-like feet and long feathered tails. Also refers to the language spoken by this species Pahoran Brand: (pay-HOR-un BRAND) senator for Pasir Pasir: (pass-EER) quaint, prosperous Outer Rim world Pffila Toh: Jedi philosopher and inventor of the thought experiment known as the tractor beam problem Phoenix: nickname for Finnix plaxifer: (PLACK-siff-ur) organ responsible for filtering excess molubdocrine in Mythrol physiology Porlion Bonoport: (POR-lee-un BON-oh-port) admiral who commanded the Republic fleet at Wotalu Praxon: (PRAK-sun) police commissioner to whom Koss reports Proving: [see Bail Proving] Prune Street: location of a small grocery store in Lutecia whose owners Broque is friendly with Puglox: (PUG-locks) Lasat bounty hunter turned rebel, cousin to Duzavog "Doozer" Bool
qualdo: (KWAL-doh) Sriluurian term of abuse loosely translating to "nuisance" or "waste of space" Qualdo: Weequay street urchin, abandoned youngest son of the Banquo family Quay: (KWAY) Weequay moon god, chief deity in the Weequay pantheon Quay’va: (KWAY vuh) Weequay goddess
R1-K4: astromech droid belonging to Glockel Sternenkranz R2-C9: Astromech droid belonging to Phixi Reeves: (REEVS) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Remoh: (REE-moh) ancient Tionese poet Rika: (REE-kuh) [see R1-K4] Risuno: (riss-OO-noh) archivist droid and Korma's sexton Rose Evergreen: starship belonging to Glockel Sternenkranz Roundworm: nickname of a former member of the Society for Public Restoration
schutta: (SCHOOT-uh) (oo as in book) misogynistic insult of Twi’lek origin Senine: [see R2-C9] Sheezy: (SHEE-zee) [see Xizarel] Shivrestav: [see Wordo Shivrestav] shluq-yag: (SHLUCK-yag) unflattering Sriluurian adjective shushuh: (SHOO-shuh) Weequay virtue loosely translated as authenticity Sidon: (SIDE-un) river running through Lutecia Sinomore: (SY-no-mor) an Abednedo orchard owner Sinya: (SIN-yuh) Kaltha’s elderly Twi’lek roommate on Montal Sister Risuno: [see Risuno] Society for Public Restoration: Club led by Auriel with secret revolutionary aspirations Society for Republic Restoration: Secret name for the Society for Public Restoration Soozoo: (SOO-zoo) daughter of Bonvika’s majordomo Spalla Taffareen: (SPAHL-uh taff-uh-REEN) Rodian musical artist, ex-girlfriend of Grig Groogan SPR: [see Society for Public Restoration] Stanton: (STAN-tun) manager at Halmath’s factory
Tamifrane: (TAM-if-rain) planet where Antilles retrieved a box of buried credits tarantu-lizard: (tar-ANCH-yoo liz-urd) animal species indigenous to Monderon Tarkay: (tar-KAY) Weequay swindler and onetime tavernmaster Mrs. Tarkay: wife of Tarkay Tarre Vizsla: (TAR VIZ-sluh or TAR VEEZ-sluh) first Mandalorian to become a Jedi Te Dha'kad: (TEH dah KAHD) Mandalorian name for Tarre Vizsla's lightsaber, the Darksaber te joha: [see te joha Mando'a] te joha Mando'a: (teh JOH-hah mahn-DOH ah) phrase meaning the Mandalorian language in the Mandalorian language, often shortened to te joha (the language) [see also Mando'a] Telfien Viurraanvi: (TEL-fee-en vee-oor-RAHN-vee) Gand Findswoman and traveling companion of Glockel Sternenkranz Than Meehal: (THAN MEE-hall) (th as in thought) ex-boyfriend of Kaltha throop sac: an organ responsible for storing molubdocrine in Mythrol physiology tiingilar: (TEEN-geel-ar) versatile Mandalorian stew Tillie B. Swibbles: (TIL-ee BEE SWIB-uhls) stormtrooper stationed on and subsequently fired from the Meissa Installation during Com Narcom’s incarceration there Tion: (TEE-on/TIE-on) planet in the Tion Hegemony, also used to refer to the Hegemony itself or the region of space in which the Hegemony is located Tion Hegemony: region of space in which Embaril is located; once a great empire independent of the Republic, formerly a Separatist-majority region, now under Imperial control Tooki: (TOOK-ee) adult holofilm star, mistress of Walber Wagsteen Tomad: (tohm-AHD) nickname given to Broque, the Mandalorian word for ally Tor Peregrine: (TOR PAIR-eh-grin) Mandalorian Jedi Trodd and Bool: Lasat bounty hunting duo Trolorn: (troh-LORN) water moon orbiting the gas giant Meissa, housing the prison where Com Narcom was released from Tuul: [see Huij F. Tuul] Twos: (TOOS) [see 22-N]
Unal Munir: (OO-nahl moo-NEER) ushe (OOSH-eh) Weequay vice loosely translated as inauthenticity utremoid: (OO-tree-moyd) an organ found in Mythrol physiology
verd'goten: (vaird GOH-ten) Mandalorian coming of age, literally birth of a warrior verd'ika: (vaird EEK-ah) Mandalorian word for a cadet or private, literally meaning little soldier Vid Meehal: (VID MEE-hall) holofilm actor and father of Than Meehal Vod Atin'la: (VOHD ah-TEEN lah) [see Buir Atin'la] Vod Baj: (VOHD BAHJ) teacher at the Vod'tsad morut on Pasir Vod'tsad be Kad Ha'rangir: (VOHD tsad beh KAD hah RAHN-geer) Mandalorian faction preparing for a legitimate claimant to ascend the Mandalorian throne, named after Kad Ha'rangir, ancient Mandalorian god of war Vorp’buir: (VORP boo-WEER) nickname given to Broque, Mandalorian for Greenfather voylan: (VOY-luhn) ubiquitous piece of Twi’lek headwear that separates the forehead from the base of the lekku and surrounds or covers the earcones; occasionally worn by men as well as women voylan crest: ornamental piece fastened onto a voylan at the forehead or crown
Walber Wagsteen: (WAHL-bur WAG-steen) acclaimed holofilm director Warmagon: (WOR-muh-gon) Separatist general at Wotalu Whytoo: (why-TOO) [see Y2W7-LT0] Wolquarth: (WULL-kwarth) Aqualish philosophy professor at the university of Pasir Wordo Shivrestav: (WUR-doh SHIV-ur-stav) famous ancient playwright Wotalu: (WOH-tah-loo) planet where Unal Munir fought his last battle at the end of the Clone Wars Wotaluvian: (woh-tah-LOO-vee-uhn) member of Wotalu’s indigenous species, which possess tusks Wyelle Durmine (why-EL DUR-myne) an Abednedo foreman at Halmath’s factory
Xim: (ZIM or original Tionese KSEEM) Great conqueror from pre-Republic times, infamous for his tyranny and remembered for uniting all of Tion Xizarel (shee-zah-REL) Falleen criminal, member of Gasha Tonka
Y2W7-LT0: (WHY-too-double-you-sev-en el-tee-ZEE-ro) Broque family utility droid Yaahtu: (YAH-too) poor Ubese tenant who encounters Ether and Leela at the soup kitchen Yazzie: (YAZ-ee) Weequay ranch hand on Al-kad’s farm, stepmother to Al-kad’s children Yrphaxia: (eer-FACK-see-uh) epic poem recounting the return journey of Yrphax, Duke of Pasmin and knight of Xim's court, after the Sack of Ranroon
Zanphrexil: (ZAN-freck-sill) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, lover of Nulmia Zarel: (zah-REL) [see Xizarel] Zeniff: [see Limhi Zeniff] Zertwin Kimball: (ZURT-win KIM-bull) Com Narcom’s parole officer Zirza (ZEER-zuh) mythological siren who taunts the hero Yrphax in his dreams; Apollon's name for a girl who appears in his dreams to annoy him Zoe Gurbo: (ZOH-ee GUR-boh) Ortolan landlady of the Elephant House
@findswoman— Rose Evergreen crew @aameyalli— Weequay ethics
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Junodownload Top 100 Autumn Techno 2022
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/junodownload_best_autumn_techno_2022_10_12_flac_mp30
DATA: 2022-10-12 TOTAL: 98 GENRE: Techno
AKKI (DE) - Inside My Head
A*S*Y*S - Sweat & Tears - Original Mix
Adam Beyer,Bart Skils - Your Mind
Adam Beyer,Bart Skils,Charles D (USA) - Your Mind - Epic Edit
Age Of Love,Charlotte de Witte,Enrico Sangiuliano - The Age Of Love - Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix
Alan Fitzpatrick,Rebūke - Nice & Cool Trigga
Alex Stein,Transcode - Control Me
Ann Clue - Six For Gold
Anna Reusch - Another Day
Armin van Buuren - Computers Take Over The World
Balthazar & JackRock - Define
Belocca,Nusha - Serenity
Bisou - Device - Original Mix
Boris Brejcha - Schwarz
Boris Brejcha - Up Down Jumper
Carl Cox,Franky Wah - See the Sun Rising
Charlotte de Witte - Kali
Chris Veron - Critical Thoughts
Claude VonStroke,VNSSA - These Notes In This Order - VNSSA Remix
DJ Dextro - Commodore
Deborah de Luca - Dori Me - Rework 2022
Deborah de Luca,Robert Miles - Children - Radio Edit
Devid Dega,Nico Cabeza,Millie Forsberg - Darkness
Disfreq - Essa Mina
Disfreq - Time Is Now
Eli Brown - Believe
Eli Brown - Can't Stop the Feeling
Eli Brown - Deep Down
Eli Brown - Nazareth
Eli Brown - Pressure
Enrico Sangiuliano - Future Dust - Original Mix
Enrico Sangiuliano - The Sound Of Space
Filterheadz - Helium
Flanko,Clap Codex - Stay Silent - Clap Codex Remix
Floormagnet,Tiger Stripes - Space Age - Tiger Stripes Remix Edit
Frank Spector - OMEN (ASOT 1087)
HI-LO,Eli Brown,Oliver Heldens - Industria
HI-LO,Oliver Heldens,DJ Deeon - WANNA GO BANG
HI-LO,Space 92,Oliver Heldens - Mercury
Impérieux - Ferishtah
Jacidorex,Popof - Midnight Express - Original
James Hype - Dancing
Jay Lumen - Bring the Dish
Jay Lumen - Here We Go
Jay Lumen - Human
Jay Lumen - Mandala
Joyhauser - Crawler
Kai Tracid,Genlog - Mockmoon (Peace, Love, XTC)
Kaiserdisco - Together One Time
Lampe - Anytime
Lampe - Differences
Layton Giordani - Digital Age
Layton Giordani - UFOs & LFOs
Lilly Palmer - We Control
MOTVS - Rumor
MOTVS - Unnatural Alchemy
MOTVS - We Go On
Maketech,Thomas Schumacher - Konfusion - Thomas Schumacher Rework
Marco V,T78 - GODD - T78 Remix
Mark Dekoda - Rave Harder Techno Bass
Mark Porter,Thomas Schumacher - Telegraph - Thomas Schumacher Rework
Matt Sassari,Green Velvet - Dance Or Die
Mella Dee - Techno Disco Tool - Radio Edit
Metodi Hristov - Clouds of Eden
Monococ - Pryzm
NoNameLeft - Excess Animus
NoNameLeft - Keep Goin'
NoNameLeft - Prisoner of Mind
NoNameLeft,Hiboo - Ego Lab
Novem Vivit - Filthy
Oliver Schories,Oliver Huntemann - Devon - Oliver Huntemann Remix
Pablo Say,Marko Krstic - Illusions
Pleasurekraft - Sex and the Machine
Radio Slave,NEZ,Mark Broom - Wait A Minute - Mark Broom’s Non Stop Remix
Ramon Tapia - Bring It On Down
Rebūke - Dystopia
Reinier Zonneveld,HI-LO,Oliver Heldens - Flying Octopus
Sabura,Maurice Mino - Human Race
Sam Paganini,Adam Beyer,Layton Giordani - Rave - Remix
Sam Paganini,Zøe,Wehbba - Flash - Wehbba Remix
Skin On Skin - Burn Dem Bridges
Slin Bourgh,Marie Vaunt - Into the Night
Sonique,BEC - It Feels So Good - BEC Remix
Space 92 - Colonia
Space 92 - Meteor
Space 92 - The Door
T78,RobJanssen - Mind Your Step
Teenage Mutants,Heerhorst - Ppt
Teenage Mutants,Heerhorst,PETER PAHN - Angel Dust
Thomas Labermair,Bultech - Voices In My Head - Bultech Remix
Thommes Jay - Compromise - Original Mix
Tiga,Hector Oaks - Easy - Héctor Oaks Difficulty Adjusted Mix
UMEK - Persona - Original Mix
UMEK,Popof,Space 92 - Control - Original Mix
Victor Ruiz - Beirut
Victor Ruiz - Surrender
Zajon,Thomas Schumacher - Rage Control - Thomas Schumacher Rework
sharpside,Wehbba - Space Cruising - Wehbba Remake
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whatsonmedia · 8 days
London's Top Offers: Feasts, Events, and Unbeatable Savings!
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Discover unbeatable offers across London with delicious Mediterranean feasts at Gallio, Ministry of Sound’s epic 33rd birthday bash, or the comedy-musical Släpstick at Wilton’s Music Hall. From three-course meals and bottomless drinks to live performances and throwback parties, these deals offer an unforgettable taste of London’s vibrant dining, music, and entertainment scenes! For £20, savor a beverage and a three-course Mediterranean feast at Gallio Gallio offers a delightful Mediterranean dining experience in the heart of Canary Wharf, where talented chefs create each dish from scratch. Known for their signature falafel, croquetas, and honey-truffled patatas, Gallio serves a vibrant mix of flavours. This deal includes a three-course meal and a drink, letting you enjoy Mediterranean classics like calamari, lamb pizza, or seafood stew. Highlights - Exclusive Offer: Enjoy over 50% off a three-course Mediterranean meal in Canary Wharf. - Sustainable Dining: Experience fresh, high-quality ingredients prepared with a focus on sustainability. - Drinks Included: Complement your meal with a cocktail, mocktail, or beer of your choice. What’s on the Menu? Starters: - Signature Hummus (vg) - Sesame Coated Falafel (v, ask for vg) - Honey Truffled Patatas - Calamari (+£4) - Baked Halloumi (+£4) Mains: - Margherita Pizza (v) - Lamb Pizza - Flame Baked Cauliflower (v, ask for vg) - Falafel Filled Pita (+£3) - Seafood Stew (+£5) - Chicken Pilaf (+£4) Desserts: - Gelato & Sorbet (ask for flavours) - Crema Catalana - Chocolate & Sesame Cake (+£2) Drinks: - Beer (Half Pint: Mahou, Via Roma) - House Cocktails: Pomegranate Spritz, Cherry Vodka Soda - Mocktails: Peach Breeze, Cherry Cooler Need to Know - Voucher Validity: This voucher is valid for three courses and a cocktail. - Availability: Sunday to Friday, 11 am - 6 pm. - Booking: Send your booking confirmation to [email protected] with your preferred date and time. Book at least 24 hours in advance. - Voucher Expiry: Valid until March 31, 2024. - Location: Upper Level, 2 Cabot Square, London E14 4QT. - Dietary Requirements: Contact Gallio directly to ensure dietary requirements are met before purchasing a voucher. We are not responsible for ensuring dietary requirements are catered to, and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance to retain your voucher. Get tickets for the £10 Birthday Weekender at Ministry of Sound to celebrate! Celebrate Ministry of Sound’s 33rd birthday with an epic weekend of beats, drinks, and dancing. With legendary DJs Mella Dee, CARISTA, and Groove Armada, this is your chance to relive the best of club culture. Tickets are just £10, and you can enjoy 1991 drink prices – spirits and mixers between £1.50 and £2.50. Get ready for a weekend of high-energy tunes and great vibes! Highlights - Celebrate 33 Years: Ministry of Sound marks 33 years of unforgettable music and celebration. - Exclusive Deal: Tickets originally priced at £20, now available for just £10. - Party Dates: Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28, 2024. - Performers: - Friday 27: Mella Dee B2B CARISTA - Saturday 28: Groove Armada When and Where? - Dates: September 27 and 28, 2024 - Location: Ministry of Sound, 103 Gaunt Street, Elephant & Castle, London SE1 6DP - Start Time: 10 pm Need to Know - Ticket Validity: This ticket is valid for the Ministry of Sound Birthday Weekender. - Age Restriction: This event is restricted to those aged 18 and over. - Booking Confirmation: Please present your booking confirmation upon arrival at the box office. - Non-refundable: Tickets cannot be cancelled, amended, exchanged, or refunded. Save 20% on Släpstick: Schërzo, a comedy-classical musical hybrid Catch Släpstick as they bring their hilariously inventive show Schërzo to London's Wilton's Music Hall after a hit run at the Edinburgh Fringe. This production offers a delightful mix of high-quality musicianship, physical comedy, and playful renditions of classical pieces from composers like Brahms, Schubert, and Saint-Saëns. Expect quirky surprises, including Beethoven ventriloquism and “21 Masterpieces in 1 Minute,” as the group merges slapstick with musical brilliance. Highlights - Acclaimed Comedy Show: Watch the internationally celebrated musical clowns Släpstick bring their hit show Schërzo to London for the first time. - 75 Minutes of Comedy: A unique blend of comedy and classical music, with nods to Beethoven, Schubert, Charlie Chaplin, and more. - Exclusive Discount: Save £5 on tickets with prices starting from just £20. When and Where? - Dates: October 7 - 12, 2024 - Showtimes: 2:30 pm or 7:30 pm (check your selected time when booking) - Location: Wilton's Music Hall, 1 Graces Alley, London E1 8JB Need to Know - Ticket Validity: This voucher is valid for a ticket to Släpstick: Schërzo at Wilton's Music Hall. - Show Duration: 75 minutes with no interval. - Concession Tickets: Only valid for under 16s, students, senior citizens (60+), job seekers, and Equity/BECTU/MU members (ID required). - Seating: Seats are allocated by the box office, and customers purchasing multiple tickets in the same transaction will be seated together. - Non-refundable: Tickets cannot be cancelled, amended, exchanged, or refunded. - Location: Wilton's Music Hall, 1 Graces Alley (pedestrian access only), London, E1 8JB. At Chicken Shop, save 24% on a burger and your preferred beer, shake, or drink. Chicken Shop has perfected its fried chicken recipe through years of experimentation. Their signature Straight Up Burger features a succulent chicken fillet, crisp lettuce, pickles, and a tangy buttermilk and herb mayo, all in a handmade bun. This exclusive deal also lets you enjoy it with any drink of your choice, including their famous Banoffee Milkshake. Highlights - Exclusive Meal Deal: Get a special offer at London’s best-rated fried chicken spot. - Best Fried Chicken: Rated No. 1 on Google for fried chicken in London. - Meal Includes: The legendary Straight Up Burger and your choice of a beer, soda, or the new Banoffee Milkshake with Biscoff. - Time-Limited Offer: Available only through this summer. Need to Know - Voucher Validity: This voucher is valid for a Straight Up Burger and any beer, soda, or shake at Chicken Shop. - Availability: Monday to Sunday (check individual branch timings). - Offer Excludes: Alcoholic beverages. - Voucher Expiry: Valid until September 30, 2024. - Location(s): Soho, Baker Street, Notting Hill, Islington, Camden, and Putney. - Dietary Requirements: we are not responsible for dietary accommodations. Please check Chicken Shop’s website for more information. - Non-refundable: Vouchers cannot be cancelled, amended, exchanged, or refunded. Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com - Save up to £300: Take advantage of Lastminute.com’s January sale and enjoy incredible savings on flights and hotel bookings. - Wide Range of Destinations: Whether you’re dreaming of a beach escape or a city adventure, Lastminute.com offers a variety of destinations to choose from. - Flight and Hotel Bundles: Bundle your flight and hotel together to unlock even bigger discounts and get the best value for your money. - Flexible Payment Options: Book now and pay later with Lastminute.com’s flexible payment plans, making it easier to plan and budget for your trip. - Limited Time Offer: Hurry, this sale won’t last forever! Don’t miss out on the chance to save big on your next vacation. Visit Lastminute.com today and start planning your perfect getaway at unbeatable prices! For more exclusive offers on lifestyle visit WhatsOn For £20, savor a beverage and a three-course Mediterranean feast at Gallio Get tickets for the £10 Birthday Weekender at Ministry of Sound to celebrate! Save 20% on Släpstick: Schërzo, a comedy-classical musical hybrid At Chicken Shop, save 24% on a burger and your preferred beer, shake, or drink. Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com Read the full article
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chaotickingdomtree · 5 months
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aobashi · 9 months
AOBASHI HOUR 20231223 24:00- #AOBASHI
talk & select : hide shino
HIROSHI WATANABE - Live the Life (Original Mix)
lycoriscoris - Shizumu_(Extended Ambient Mix)
Dee Montero, Meliha - In The Wild feat. Meliha (Dee Montero Extended Revisit)
am8 - YT(ft. mekakushe
槇原敬之 矢野顕子 ごはんができたよ
Mella Dee - Riptide (feat. Bernard Sumner)
Base Connection  - Angel (Don’t Cry)_(Sash! Extended Mix)
M-project  - Eye Opener_(Original Mix)
Sound of legend - You Keep Me Hangin On (Extended)
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purecast · 6 years
Living On My Planet Is So Easy
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piasgermany · 3 years
[EP + Video] Mella Dee kündigt EP "Whistle Posse Spangled in the Corner" an!
Der englische DJ und Produzent Mella Dee veröffentlicht am 15. Oktober die neue EP "Whistle Posse Spangled in the Corner" über Don't Sleep!
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Ryan Aitchison, so Mella Dee mit bürgerlichem Namen, erlangte mit seiner Single "Techno Disco Tool" im Jahre 2017 internationale Berühmtheit, die bis auf Platz 1 der BBC Radio 1 Dance Music Charts kletterte, sowie in Annie Macs "Tracks of the Decade" landete. Ein Jahr später gewann der Labelchef von Warehouse Music den Preis "Best Breakthrough Label" bei den DJ Mag "Best of British" Awards und wurde außerdem von Mixmag zu einem der "Stars des Jahres" gekürt, womit sich der Produzent als einer der gefragtesten Namen der Dance Music etablierte.
Die kommende EP erforscht neue Stile im elektronischen Spektrum, mit einer Anspielung auf die Soundscapes der 90er-Jahre-Subkulturen in einem euphorischen Revival von Breaks, Hardcore, Trance und Jungle. Beeinflusst von Acts wie Underground Resistance, Floorplan und Jeff Mills kreiert der in London lebende Musiker seinen ganz eigenen, treibenden Sound.
"'Whistle Posse Spangled In The Corner' was an exploration of different energies and feelings associated with the rave; different emotions and fleeting moments we experience in these environments", führt Mella Dee aus. "I was taking myself into these places at a time where we were separated from them, as a way to keep the dreams and hope alive. It's so incredible to finally be playing these records out and releasing them now we can experience those emotions once again."
Das bereits veröffentlichte "Ethereal Chugger" bietet stampfende Kicks, rollende Bässe und einen oszillierenden Synthesizer unter der Gesangslinie der aufstrebenden Singer-Songwriterin Effie und festigt den Ruf des Warehouse Music-Labelchefs als einen der vielseitigsten Produzenten der Branche.
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Tracklist "Whistle Posse Spangled in the Corner" EP: 1. A Little Longer (Whistle Posse) (feat. Infinite Coles) 2. Routes (M18 to Sheffield) (feat. Coby Sey) 3. Ethereal Chugger (feat. Effie) 4. Do U Even Trance M8 5. Pure Euphoria 6. Opening Monday in W10
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dopecheddar · 6 years
Premiere : Mella Dee - The Sound [Warehouse Music]
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mattauckland · 7 years
Show #312 - On this week’s Global House Party, Ridney drops a fresh selection of beats, with music from David Penn & ATFC, Haji & Emannuel, and Fish Go Deep. Plus, Mella Dee, CamelPhat, Mambo Brothers, and Klaves. Full track listings of the last 3 shows available at djbook.co/radio.
Listen to the show LIVE each and every Friday from 6pm world wide on Sumo Radio, and on FM on Voice FM (UK), plus Radio One Mallorca (Spain), PowerOn FM (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and Tenerife), City FM Malaga (Spain), Mambo Radio (Ibiza), and many more...
Get in touch with the show and get your shouts out, tweet your message to @MattAuckland or @Ridney
Hosts: Producer Matt (Matt Auckland). Producer: Matt Auckland
Brought to you by Sumo Radio & The DJ Book
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cracknoir · 3 years
"how was ur weekend?!?!"
Me, knowing the weekend didn't end until 4am Monday morning:
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thedarkbluelake · 4 years
The Clone Sister’s story part 9:
Part 9: First Light
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 Part 8
Soon the next day dawned
Cecil awoke with Mercury standing over him causing him to spring up
“M-Mercury?!?! How long have yo-” “for about 5 minutes” She interrupted “Anyways, was that really Callie? I’m so use to Cell’s voice that I wasn’t sure..” “Y-Yes it was.. She used that song to calm Cell’s nightmare...” He stood up, unplugging the cord in his chest. “Um... Are you okay, you kept saying Cyn in your sleep.” She asked “Oh... um.... yeah... I’d rather not go into details....” He sighed “A-Anyways, Wake Cell up, I think its time we all go to town.”
Mercury’s face lite up “F-For real?!?!” She ran into the room Cell was in. “CELL, WE’RE FINALLY GOING INTO THE CITY!!!” Cell looked scared “W-Why?” Cell looked confused and worried  “Don’t know, hurry and get up before he changes his mind. we get to see how the city is compared to those memories they gave us!!” She said happily Cell soon got up “O-Oh okay... I just hope then don’t see us...”
Cecil stood next to the front door “I.... Can’t.... keep them in here forever, especially since Callie knows...” Soon Mercury, dragging Cell along came up “READY!!!” She said proudly with Cell looked more worried. “Alright, calm down, you’ll need that energy for walking...” Cecil said with a light chuckle. Opening the door.
The 3 of them walking towards his car. “You 2 in the back seat, I can’t keep an eye on Cell while driving.” Mercury let out a sigh and then nodded “Sure-Sure...” climbing into the back with Cell. “Are y-you sure about this C-Cecil?” Cell said looking up at him “I can’t keep you both in the house, plus I need to get that song from Callie and Marie. Since it helps you sleep...” Cecil replied, helping her into thew car then getting into the driver’s seat, taking a deep breath.and backing up.
about 25 minute later they arrive in the square. Mercury opened the door, jumping out and looking around. “WOW, its soooooo different!!!” she said with amazement. Cecil helped Cell get out, she clinging to him shaking “Y-Yeah.... I-It is.....” “Where would they be?” Cecil said pondering, Mercury pointed “In there!! They’re still getting set up by the looks of it!” She replied “Good eyes” Cecil said, Mercury looked back at him with a duh face.
They began to walk towards the plaza studio. “HEY!!!” a loud booming voice yelled causing Cecil to look over seeing a built inkling dressed in in a dark pink outfit behind him an inkling far more thin and dressed in light green “T-They’re-” Cell said as they came closer “Callie’s F-Father and Marie’s M-Mother!!!” she said slightly scared. “Dee... For the love of... You’re scaring them....” The women said to the male “Right you are Mella!!” He said just as loud “My bad” with a laugh.
Cecil turned towards them. “What do you want?” “Oh, just haven’t seen hybrids in a long time!!” Dee replied “That and Callie told us that there where 2 with Calarmaian hybrids.” Mella added “We wanted to see them for ourselves...” She made eye contact with Mercury  “Hmm.. Do I know you? You look a lot like Marie....” She asked “Nope, sorry, pretty sure I’d remember meeting you and him.” Mercury replied, Mella sighed “Fair point, I suppose...” she replied.
Dee got closer to Cecil and Cell “Hey there cutie, its okay. I don’t bite.” He said calmly kneeing down, Cell hid more behind Cecil. “Cell, its okay... He seems friendly...” Cecil said  “Seems? Buddy, i got friendship flowing though every fiber of me!!!” Dee proclaimed, causing Cell to giggle slightly. “Hey, I got her to laugh!! I’d call that a win!!!” He said proudly, Cell slowly came out of behind Cecil. “Cell right? Hmm, you kinda remind me of my little Callie” He said patting her head “Um... M-Maybe because I’m p-part Calamarian?” Cell said hiding her voice. “Maybe.” Dee replied getting up.
Dee looked at Cecil “Where’d you find’em, ya don’t mind me asking pal?” Mella also looked at him “Same place they had me locked up.” Cecil replied, showing his branded arm. “Cell has the number 290 on her arm, Mercury has 282 on her’s.” Mella looked back down to Mercury “Mercury?” Looking back to Cecil “Interesting choice of names”
Cecil took in a breath “Where are your kids anyways, Callie said she would see about giving me a copy of that song since it helps with Cell’s nightmares. Dee looked surprised “N-Nightmares? Oh no, this little angel has terrible nightmares” He said looking down at Cell. “She to young to get meds?” Mella asked “Sadly, I even tried those back alley dealers” Cecil replied. Mella crossed her arms “Thats unfortunate..” She said.
Dee stood up “Well, if Callie really did tell you that, Then come with Mella and me. We’ll get you in with them.” He proclaimed. “You forget they’re still setting up in there, idiot!!!” Mella yelled “We have to get them to come out to see them!!!” “AH, Right you are Mella!!!” he replied.
“My god what have a dragged them into?...” Cecil thought to himself.
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