#goodnight henrietta
thommy-events · 2 months
Thank you to all of the authors who shared their writing for Thommy Canon Divergence 2024! A total of 7 writers contributed 11 fics to the collection during July.
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Worked completed:
Sleeping Beauty by @waszka-098
Know When You're Beaten by @bumblingbuttons
The best ones by @waszka-098
Kiss Me Goodnight by @waszka-098
Go-Between by @irrationalgame
All's Fair by @bumblingbuttons
As Good a Life by @dragonss-in-the-north
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Works in progress:
A Minor Omission by @henrietta-nuts-sm
The Path of Most Resistance by @elorrabean
Inheritance by @angryessays
You never know unless you give it a try by @waszka-098
We encourage you to subscribe on ao3 to the fics that authors are still updating if you have an account.
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Thank you as well to everyone who has followed along over this past month, and watch this space for more Thommy fan events!
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cr-arnival · 2 years
hello henrietta nation
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guys guys. i drew a hat. digitally. colored it even. are you guys proud of me
more versions under the cut (one with a background and one with colors grabbed straight from the cartoon)
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love yallllll goodnight 💛
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melodiaemfrp · 2 years
Hi. Sniffle. This is Corinthia, dropping Henrietta Warhol of Hello Charlotte fame. Her defining song was I Don't Know What Love Is by Vashti Bunyan and she was housed in Condo 9. Thank mew. You can find me on Corintheos on Twitter!
hello corinthia!
henrietta warhol has been dropped for you! tucks her in. goodnight sweet princess. please remember to include the date next time!
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thealvinshow · 7 years
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min0uet · 2 years
i will NOT rest until i have spread the truth of the henrietta/abby/hoagie/joe balooka/ace the kid polycule to the rest of the knd fan community
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duccagececi · 4 years
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Wait till the end of the day
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Pete x GN reader headcanons
Reader is nonbinary
My own personal hcs will come in and I will make my own pete hcs later on explaining everything
BTW Pete and Reader will be 13/14
♡ So we know how Pete is like sympathetic and obviously the most caring one of the goths? Yea multiply that by 100.
♤ Pete is very attentive to you and your needs, alot of the time putting your needs and wants over him. Usually Michael and Henrietta have to remind him to take care of himself as well
♡ Pete loves to doodle on your wrist. Like little hearts and stars just making patterns. He could honestly do that all day
♤ Hope you like sleepovers cause your gonna get it
♡ Either with just Pete or Pete plus the other goths and you just play video games and eat snacks late at night
♤ Pete is physically clingy, having a gentle grip on your hand or wrist or a hand in your hair all the time
♡ Super cuddly, idk why but he strikes me as a cuddly person, only around his friends and you tho
♤ He loves it when you lean onto him, makes him feel happy and honestly kind of emotional. The fact you are comfortable and feel safe enough to sleep on him
♡ He likes to keep a spare notebook on hand so you both could doodle and write little notes to each other
♤ He loves going by your place. Sure, his home is comfortable, but your room has a certain feel that makes him feel safe
♡ He is so sensitive and gets super flustered easily. Like kiss his cheek? Cheeks are pink. Call him love? He's stammering. Literally exist? He's nervous.
♤ He doesn't really like wearing other people's clothes because he has texture issues but if you give your hoodie or sweater or shirt to him, that texture thing is thrown out the window
♡ Super nervous like all the time. Hes mentally walking on eggshells cause he doesn't want you to hate him
♤ Huge nerd. Yup, you got a goth who's a geek. He absolutely loves video games and is always comfortable when he's playing something
♡ He loves playing music related games, so like Osu, Project Diva, and Friday night funkin. He also loves open world games like Minecraft or Genshin
♤ He has a habit of mindlessly fidgeting with things. If your with him, expect him to play with your sleeve or to trace patterns on your hand
♡ He absolutely does the thing where he shares earbuds with you. He hates outside noise and he wants to share his music with you, so he simply gives an earbud to you
♤ Expect him to be ramble a lot, especially over text
♡ Speaking of texts, he is the type to give those Morning and Goodnight texts. He also is weird where he is completely comfortable with saying "I love you" and petnames over messaging but irl he stammers and he gets nervous
♤ As we might know, he LOVES dogs. And now your unofficially officially the parent of his lil golden lab puppy
♡ He likes to splurge on you every now and then, usually buying you a specific hoodie or a certain pair of headphones you mentioned you wanted
♤ Overall, 10/10 boyfriend, would recommend
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homerforsure · 2 years
All Tomorrows Come From Yesterdays
A 5x18 Coda
Read on AO3
As the sun goes down and twinkle lights blink to life all around Hen and Karen’s backyard, a pleasant spring chill sweeps in. Buck can feel goosebumps rising under his suit jacket, but he tips his face into the breeze anyway and it almost feels cleansing.
Across the yard he can see the brides swaying, pressed together at the center of the dance floor, looking like they’ll never let go and like they know they’ll never have to. “I will choose you over and over again. Every day. At every opportunity,” Hen had said at the altar, making everyone in earshot start to cry. No one harder than Karen who stamped her foot and said, “That’s not fair. I didn’t even have time to write down anything to say.”
“You can just say I do,” Hen suggested.
“No wait, wait, wait, I got it,” Karen said, drawing a trembling breath. “Henrietta Wilson…”
She recited word for word the vows that she’d written so many years before and Hen started crying with her as soon as she recognized them. “I can’t believe you remember that,” she said.
“I could never forget,” Karen replied. “I’ll make that promise to you every day.”
Buck wiped his eyes on his sleeve and applauded with everyone else as his friends kissed and sealed their renewed commitment to each other. And then he kept crying, maybe a little longer than appropriate, but he couldn’t help himself. The vows were a reminder, one he so desperately needed, of what was possible. Of a love that could be chosen and chosen and never be a mistake. That joy could be a habit and not just fear. And he wants it. God, how he wants it.
His bottle is almost empty and the night is almost over so Buck tips back the rest of it, planning on saying goodnight to the bartender and seeing everyone else at work in a couple days. Before he can set the bottle down, though, someone else joins him at the bar.
“How long are you going to mope over here by yourself?” Eddie asks.
“I’m not moping.” Buck made sure not to. He danced with everyone who asked, laughed at every joke, told a few of his own. He hadn’t even mentioned the breakup, deciding to save it until Monday and let everyone think that Taylor didn’t want to make a scene after everything with Jonah.
“Of course you’re not,” Eddie says. “One more for me and one of whatever he’s having,” he says to the bartender with enough of a question mark at the end to allow Buck to turn him down if he wants.
Buck nods and fresh beers appear in both of their hands. They clink the bottles together in cheers and Eddie leans back against the bar just like Buck is doing to take a sip.
“So when did you break up?” he asks.
“Did Maddie tell you?”
“Why would Maddie tell me?”
“Then how did you-”
“You’re not that hard to read, Buck,” Eddie says, turning toward him with a smile in his eyes. “Kinda seemed like just a matter of time when you came over the other day.”
“Kinda feels like it’s been a matter of time since it started,” Buck replies, the bitterness he’s been containing all day finally sneaking out as he takes another drink. Taylor was kinder to him than he thought he deserved at the end, leaving his apartment to couch surf with a friend from the station and find a new place to live. It surprised him. And then he’d hated that he was surprised because the two things that Buck had always known about Taylor were that she was pragmatic and that she cared about him. It was the reason he hadn’t been able to resist hitting “restart” each time they crashed and burned, hoping they might be able to make it just that little bit farther with practice.
“Yeah, I know that feeling,” Eddie replies. “But you don’t know til you try right?”
“I guess,” Buck agrees.
They stand together in silence, drinking their beers and watching the remaining guests all twirl together in the soft happy light. The kids are all inside with plates of cake and video games. Bobby and Athena are ensconced together at a slightly hidden table. Ravi and Lucy were collecting abandoned bags of Jordan almonds and Buck thinks that Lucy was trying to teach Ravi how to juggle them (with some kind of shots based punishment for dropping one), but he also finds it best not to worry too much about what either of them are up to.
The wind blows and Buck shivers and Eddie doesn’t try to hide his smirk.
“Shut up.”
“You’re awful delicate for a northern boy,” Eddie replies. “You want my coat?”
“Fuck off,” Buck answers, trying and failing to keep from smiling. He doesn’t think he’s imagining Eddie shifting just a little bit closer, positioning himself to try and block the wind. Maybe he just always feels a little warmer when Eddie’s nearby.
Tipping his beer toward one of the tables, Eddie asks, “What I want to know is what’s going on there?”
Maddie and Chimney both swore they were leaving hours ago. But there they both are, an empty chair placed strategically between them, talking and laughing like smitten kids on their first date.
Unable to help the smile that rises to his lips as he sees them, Buck says, “They got lunch the other day. Maddie told me it was not a date.”
“So what? They’re just going to keep not dating until they realize they’re still in love with each other?”
Buck shrugs, “It worked for them last time. Why mess with a good system?”
It feels inevitable to Buck. He thinks maybe Maddie thinks he’s naive, that not everyone gets a happily ever after, but he’s heard his sister talk about love. Buck knows that she longs the same way he does for a home and for a family and for a solid foundation. As a kid, he couldn’t imagine ever finding anybody worthy of her. But Chimney is. He’s the fairy tale that Maddie deserves. Not that Buck could ever, ever say that to him. Two people who love each other that much. How could they ever stay apart?
“So what about you?” Eddie asks.
“What about me?”
“Well, you’re single again. Back out on the market. Given any thought to what comes next?”
Picking at the label on his bottle, Buck says, “I don’t know. All I ever seem to do is fuck it up. Maybe… Maybe I just need to give up on all that, you know? Focus on work. Focus on my friends. Leave the romance to somebody else.”
“Is that what you want?” Eddie asks in that irritating casual way he has of asking questions he already knows the answer to.
From across the yard, Karen’s laugh rings out loud and jubilant and Buck finds her with her head tipped back, laughing without restraint with Hen’s hands on her waist. They’re so happy.
“I want that,” he says quietly and Eddie’s gaze follows his own. “I know I’m not supposed to. I’m supposed to be okay on my own and be a complete person by myself, but fuck, Eds. I want that so bad it hurts sometimes. And I don’t think I’m ever gonna have it.”
He doesn’t say that he thought he had it with Taylor. Whatever else they’d been, Buck had known, somehow he’d always known, that he was settling for what he thought he could have. He was grateful. He loved her. But it didn’t stop the longing.
Eddie doesn’t respond right away and Buck feels a flush crawl up his neck. He’s so stupid, desperate, vulnerable. All the sad feelings he’d told himself to leave at home are waiting right there to crawl out into the dark and Buck tries to beat them back. “Aaaand that’s one drink too many for me,” he says, setting his mostly full bottle back down on the bar. “Sorry. I thought I was doing better than this.”
“You’re allowed to want it,” Eddie says finally. He says the words to the ground but then he looks up to catch Buck’s eye and Buck has to catch his breath from all the warmth he sees there. “You know Frank, right? He’s a real pain in the ass sometimes. But one of the things he’s been right about and one of the things I’ve been-” he sighs- “trying to be better about is letting myself want things just because I want them. We don’t win any prizes for suffering.”
The words sound so strange coming out of Eddie’s mouth, so wonderfully, delightfully strange, so far from the Eddie that he tried to rescue in the middle of the night, that Buck can’t help but smile. “I’m proud of you,” he says.
“No really,” Buck says. “I know how scared you were and how hard you’ve worked and now you’re out here quoting affirmations to me. I just- I’m so proud of you. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“Yeah, well.” Flustered, Eddie takes a drink and then takes another. “I’m proud of you too,” he says at last. “For moving on.”
And… Buck knows Eddie’s not going to be the only one to tell him that. When the news finally gets out to the rest of the team, to the rest of the station, he’s going to see more than his share of congratulations. At least half of them are going to be accompanied by variations on “Ding dong the witch is gone.” But from Eddie, it doesn’t feel like it’s about Taylor. It feels like he only cares about Buck.
“It just feels like I keep making the same mistakes over and over,” Buck admits. “I know I need to try something new, but I- I don’t know how. It’s like I’m starting at square one.” Square one with nowhere to go but the same path he’s trod for 30 years. The prospect is exhausting.
The wind kicks up again, colder somehow, cutting right through Buck’s thin suit and making him wrap his arms around himself.
“Fuck’s sake,” Eddie mutters and then he’s wrapping Buck under his arm, tucking him in close. “I hope you haven’t taken the flannel sheets off your bed.”
“I, uh, put them back on as soon as Taylor moved out,” Buck says. He can smell Eddie’s cologne from here. Something comforting and spicy. Something he wants to bury his nose in.
“Good,” Eddie replies.
Buck has the feeling like he should move. Eddie’s just teasing him about his thin blood like he always does when the temperature drops below seventy. But he doesn’t want to. And Eddie doesn’t seem like he wants to let go, sipping his beer with one hand and holding Buck tight with the other. Maybe he’s just a little too sad and a little too tipsy. But Buck wraps his arm around Eddie’s waist and leans into his warmth. He’s probably imagining the way Eddie holds him just a little tighter.
“What about you?” he asks. “Making progress in therapy. Coming back to the 118.”
“That’s not official yet.”
“Only because Bobby hasn’t been in to file the paperwork.”
When Eddie doesn’t contradict him, Buck says, “So? What about you?”
Eddie doesn’t answer right away, but it doesn’t feel like he’s evading as much as he’s just thinking. He rubs his hand on Buck’s arm, trying to warm him up and he tilts his gaze just a little bit to study the side of Buck’s face. If they were any closer, they’d be standing with their heads pressed together and the image of it almost flips Buck inside out. Pressing his face to Eddie’s throat, letting Eddie’s warm arms encircle him completely. He doesn’t know where the thought’s come from. He’s never had it before. It makes his heart race all the same.
“I think I’m ready for something new too.”
Something about the whispered response makes Buck shiver again. When he looks up, Eddie swallows and his eyes sweep over Buck’s face before darting away and back out to the dance floor. Buck has the wild thought that if he reached his hand up Eddie’s heart, he’d find hammering in time with his own.
Reaching back with his left hand, Buck picks his bottle up off the bar and holds it up to Eddie. “To new beginnings,” he says.
“New beginnings,” Eddie echoes, holding Buck’s gaze as he clinks their glasses together again.
They slip into silence as another slow song plays and couples continue to spin across the lawn. Eddie doesn’t let go of Buck and Buck doesn’t try to pull away, going as far as to rest his head against Eddie’s shoulder. He doesn’t know what the future holds. But Buck knows that he has this. And whatever comes next; he won’t be alone.
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saucy-mesothelioma · 3 years
Meso's Mixtapes: Vinnie
One of the characters I've been looking forward to doing with this is Vinnie from @zeddyzi's comic Ramshackle, which I highly suggest reading, because it's amazing. The art style is incredible, the characters are amazing, and I fucking love the atmosphere. She's my favorite character from the comic and I just had to do a playlist for her. I plan on doing playlists for Skipp and Stone as well, but since the crime gremlin is my favorite, I just had to do her playlist first.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard by Paul Simon Girls by MARINA (I mean, come on. I don't think I have to explain this one.) Firefly Main Theme by Sonny Rhodes (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult Travelin' Band by Creedence Clearwater Revival One Jump Ahead from Aladdin (I'm pretty sure it's illegal to make a Vinnie playlist and not have this song, so I had to add it.) Free Ride by The Edgar Winter Group Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar (This song really resonates with her personality in my opinion. Just the "come at me" attitude represented here definitely screams Vinnie) Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister The Railroad by Goodnight, Texas (Because this is a Ramshackle playlist, I had to have at least one bluegrass/southern gothic song because I strongly associate those music genres with the comic. This is the one that I feel fit her best.) Tequila Song by Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos Volunteers by Jefferson Airplane Roxanne by The Police (I can clearly see a drunk Vinnie as Britta in "Remedial Chaos Theory" from Community. I don't know why, I just do.) Wild, Wild West by The Escape Club Hound Dog by Elvis Presley Bamboleo by Gipsy Kings Godzilla by Blue Öyster Cult (It's a song about Godzilla. It's Vinnie. I feel like she would like it just because it's about a fucking lizard murdering people. It just fits to me.) Miserlou by Dick Dale Rock the Casbah by The Clash Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival Drikken Natten Væk by Østre Gasværk Teater (This is the drinking song from Skammerens Datter. I feel like the tone fits Vinnie well and I really couldn't pass up an opportunity to include it.) Tank! by SEATBELTS Brighton Rock by Queen Neat Neat Neat by The Damned Superperforator from Manitou's Shoe (I'm not entirely sure why this song came to mind, but I decided to include it anyways.) Henrietta by The Fratellis (Let's be honest, a lot of Fratellis songs could be associated with Ramshackle, and I have no problem with that. I just chose this one because of the art Z posted of the trio with lyrics to this song.) Emanuela by Fettes Brot Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry Rasputin by Boney M. (I feel like this would just be a song she would sing drunk, but then again, that's half of the songs on the list lmao) It's Tricky by Run-D.M.C. (Refer to my Rasputin note)
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Sandman: Carpediem
Dream of the Endless x Nada
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Goodnight, Goodbye and Good Morning
As Horace said: "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero".
Summary: Death accompanies Nada to her new home and her new family, the night has begun and for now she goes to sleep and returns to the realm of dreams, and wake up in a new life
Death was walking with a woman through the night streets of London, the woman was looking at the starry sky and the floor repeatedly, the lights of the buildings that look like jewels, and the people, the people were alive they breathed, every time someone passed her she turned and saw the person's shoulders move further away. Suddenly a great sound like the sound of a trumpet rang in her ears. "Is that a car horn coming from a car?" "What is a car?" but before receiving a response from the entity they arrived in front of a building, "We arrived, this is your new home, the Davies family or the Eze, they are your descendants, after our conversation I contacted them and they were quite shocked by the your coming ”he pointed to the door, before knocking she looked at her Death gave her a comforting smile. "Live a good life, until we meet again" she said and disappeared carrying a cold wind with her, she knocked and the door opened immediately. "Nada we have been waiting for you" a woman said inviting her to come inside her, she looked around "I'm Henrietta Davies, but you can call me Etta, you must be tired after ten thousand years in the underworld" the woman smiled, "Now everyone is sleeping, they thought you'd come home earlier" they entered a room, suddenly the room that was previously dark lit up, she hid behind the woman, who was giggling. "What kind of magic is this?" "It's not magic it's light, no more fire is needed just press this button and the light comes to go" the woman pointed to the wall "There are new clothes and a nightgown," she said showing the bathroom, explained the necessary and the basics.
" You understood?" she nodded "Well, tomorrow I will explain everything and you will meet the family, now wash yourself and sleep well" the woman said leaving her in the room, she undressed and took the shower, the water came out of a pipe
"The woman called it a shower" she whispered to herself she put her face considered rain and remained motionless for a few minutes, the hot water was falling on her skin, I began to rub with the perfumed liquid
After getting dressed she lay down on the bed, looked up at the ceiling where the light spread, she could not close her eyes, she turned several times, her back was not used to the softness of a bed, she put the pillow on the floor .
If I fall asleep I will enter her kingdom, but I cannot deprive myself of sleep especially after millennia, and then I slapped him "she sighed and slowly her eyes became heavier until she fell asleep, finding herself in Dreaming
She had ended up in a waterfall, the sun was beating down hard but there was a nice gust of wind, she took off her clothes and jumped into the water she resurfaced and took a deep breath, everything was fresh and alive, floated watching the birds go by, memories gushed, memories so distant but they seemed new:
She and Kai'ckul were running through the woods hand in hand filling him with laughter, and they arrived at the most enchanting waterfall. the water so crystalline that you could see the shells at the bottom. "Nada are you afraid?" the man asked, the woman turned around " Fear? Never, ”she said before, she took a good run and dived off the rock flawlessly "Kai'ckul maybe you are the one you're afraid of" she shouted trying to tease the warrior's ego, who was looking up at her, in the end he dived and reached the queen "I was wrong, you are a very brave warrior" she laughed "Am I worthy of the queen's attention?" she said she put her hands on her hips, their faces came closer together, her lips were warm and soft. They opened slightly, allowing her tongue to slide inside her.
On the other side of the kingdom there was the King of Dreams was trying to create new dreams but he was too distracted, and Lucien had noticed it. "Sir are you okay?" “Yeah, I just don't know what I have to create” she does "Okay, I'm at the library if you want me," she announced before leaving the throne room "Wait, I have a question" "You can ask me everything" "What should I do or say to a person I love but have hurt them for a long time?" she whispered, making the librarian sigh. "Have you already apologized?" he nodded, he was very happy to see his king improve as king but also himself. "I would advise you to give the person more time alone, they must heal and lick their wounds before meeting you" "Thanks for the advice." He lifted the sides of his mouth "Nothing to do with it" and so he left, leaving the entity alone with his thoughts, who went to the window.
My dear Nada, I wish you healed for all that I have done, and know that you are always welcome in dreaming.
The next day the woman woke up with a knock on the door, she immediately got up and opened it " Good morning
Nada, I hope you slept well. ”The woman smiled, scratched her eyes and yawned "Yes, I slept well, thanks" she said with her voice still a little hoarse, they went downstairs and entered another room, where there were several people sitting around the table. "Guys Nada has woken up, honey sit next to me," she announced, they sat down "This is your new family, I hope you will feel comfortable here" each of them introduced themselves "This is Amarachi and Ike Eze with their children Vanessa, Amaka, Luke and James, then there are Lucia and Michael Davies with little Jude "I am honored to meet all of you, as you know my name is Nada, I am grateful for your hospitality" "Well now I'm going to get breakfast, there's something you want honey" "Some water please" he asked "So where are you from Nada?" Amaka asked "I come from the village of the first men, but apparently it no longer exists" “I believe the first man's village is located near South Africa,” Luke said looking at an illuminating box "What is it that you have in your hand?" she pointed "This is a mobile phone, it is a tool where you can contact people, near and far, it has all the information in the world and you can entertain yourself" he explained demonstrating it.
"Here is breakfast" took the glass of water and drank it all in one gulp, asked for another and another "This way you will spoil your appetite" "Sorry it's been a long time since I drank fresh water" she replied, in front of her there was a bowl of milk, she looked in front and saw the little girl put something inside, copied it, took the silver artifact and put it on in the mouth "You like milk and cereal," he asked "I think it is very good" she ate smiling
Ok fancast of characters Nada: Adut Akech / Young Naomi Campbell Henrietta: Angela Bassett Vanessa: Coco Jones Amaka: Ryan Destiny Luke: John Boyega James: Olly Shotolan Amarachi: Deborah Ayorinde Ike: Idris Elba Lucia: Lupita Nyongo Michael: Lakeith Steinfield
But you can imagine who ever you want
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simsregal · 2 years
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Henrietta rarely manages to put the young children to bed with minimal stress but with the cold creeping in Wilhelmina, George and Lucien are keen to get snuggled up in their beds tonight. She begins to reminisce about kissing Elias goodnight for the last time before he aged up into a child. Shedding a tear she holds them each tightly before tucking them into bed. She is reminded of how fortunate she is to have four healthy and beautiful children.
This is one of the first moments since Francis’ passing where she able to see past her grief and be truly present with her children.
Little does she know as Elias drifts off to sleep just down the hall, how much vocalising her feelings of gratitude and love for her children would mean to him.
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nellygwyn · 4 years
Okay, so lots of people wanted this and so, I am compiling a list of my favourite books (both fiction and non-fiction), books that I recommend you read as soon as humanly possible. In the meantime, I’ll be pinning this post to the top of my blog (once I work out how to do that lmao) so it will be accessible for old and new followers. I’m going to order this list thematically, I think, just to keep everything tidy and orderly. Of course, a lot of this list will consist of historical fiction and historical non-fiction because that’s what I read primarily and thus, that’s where my bias is, but I promise to try and spice it up just a little bit. 
Favourite fiction books of all time:
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock // Imogen Hermes Gowar
Sense and Sensibility // Jane Austen
Slammerkin // Emma Donoghue 
Remarkable Creatures // Tracy Chevalier
Life Mask // Emma Donoghue
His Dark Materials // Philip Pullman (this includes the follow-up series The Book of Dust)
Emma // Jane Austen
The Miniaturist // Jessie Burton
Girl, Woman, Other // Bernadine Evaristo 
Jane Eyre // Charlotte Brontë
Persuasion // Jane Austen
Girl with a Pearl Earring // Tracy Chevalier
The Silent Companions // Laura Purcell
Tess of the d’Urbervilles // Thomas Hardy
Northanger Abbey // Jane Austen
The Chronicles of Narnia // C.S. Lewis
Pride and Prejudice // Jane Austen
Goodnight, Mr Tom // Michelle Magorian
The French Lieutenant’s Woman // John Fowles 
The Butcher’s Hook // Janet Ellis 
Mansfield Park // Jane Austen
The All Souls Trilogy // Deborah Harkness
The Railway Children // Edith Nesbit
Favourite non-fiction books of all time
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman // Robert Massie
Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King // Antonia Fraser
Madame de Pompadour // Nancy Mitford
The First Iron Lady: A Life of Caroline of Ansbach // Matthew Dennison 
Black and British: A Forgotten History // David Olusoga
Courtiers: The Secret History of the Georgian Court // Lucy Worsley 
Young and Damned and Fair: The Life of Katherine Howard, the Fifth Wife of Henry VIII // Gareth Russell
King Charles II // Antonia Fraser
Casanova’s Women // Judith Summers
Marie Antoinette: The Journey // Antonia Fraser
Mrs. Jordan’s Profession: The Story of a Great Actress and a Future King // Claire Tomalin
Jane Austen at Home // Lucy Worsley
Mudlarking: Lost and Found on the River Thames // Lara Maiklem
The Last Royal Rebel: The Life and Death of James, Duke of Monmouth // Anna Keay
The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill // Christopher Hibbert
Nell Gwynn: A Biography // Charles Beauclerk
Jurassic Mary: Mary Anning and the Primeval Monsters // Patricia Pierce
Georgian London: Into the Streets // Lucy Inglis
The Prince Who Would Be King: The Life and Death of Henry Stuart // Sarah Fraser
Wedlock: How Georgian Britain’s Worst Husband Met His Match // Wendy Moore
Dead Famous: An Unexpected History of Celebrity from the Stone Age to the Silver Screen // Greg Jenner
Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum // Kathryn Hughes
Crown of Blood: The Deadly Inheritance of Lady Jane Grey // Nicola Tallis
Favourite books about the history of sex and/or sex work
The Origins of Sex: A History of First Sexual Revolution // Faramerz Dabhoiwala 
Erotic Exchanges: The World of Elite Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century Paris // Nina Kushner
Peg Plunkett: Memoirs of a Whore // Julie Peakman
Courtesans // Katie Hickman
The Other Victorians: A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in mid-Nineteenth Century England
Madams, Bawds, and Brothel Keepers // Fergus Linnane
The Secret History of Georgian London: How the Wages of Sin Shaped the Capital // Dan Cruickshank 
A Curious History of Sex // Kate Lister
Sex and Punishment: 4000 Years of Judging Desire // Eric Berkowitz
Queen of the Courtesans: Fanny Murray // Barbara White
Rent Boys: A History from Ancient Times to Present // Michael Hone
Celeste // Roland Perry
Sex and the Gender Revolution // Randolph Trumbach
The Pleasure’s All Mine: A History of Perverse Sex // Julie Peakman
LGBT+ fiction I love*
The Confessions of the Fox // Jordy Rosenberg 
As Meat Loves Salt // Maria Mccann
Bone China // Laura Purcell
Brideshead Revisited // Evelyn Waugh
The Confessions of Frannie Langton // Sara Collins
The Intoxicating Mr Lavelle // Neil Blackmore
Orlando // Virginia Woolf
Tipping the Velvet // Sarah Waters
She Rises // Kate Worsley
The Mercies // Kiran Millwood Hargrave
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit // Jeanette Winterson
Maurice // E.M Forster
Frankisstein: A Love Story // Jeanette Winterson
If I Was Your Girl // Meredith Russo 
The Well of Loneliness // Radclyffe Hall 
* fyi, Life Mask and Girl, Woman, Other are also LGBT+ fiction
Classics I haven’t already mentioned (including children’s classics)
Far From the Madding Crowd // Thomas Hardy 
I Capture the Castle // Dodie Smith 
Vanity Fair // William Makepeace Thackeray 
Wuthering Heights // Emily Brontë
The Blazing World // Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
Murder on the Orient Express // Agatha Christie 
Great Expectations // Charles Dickens
North and South // Elizabeth Gaskell
Evelina // Frances Burney
Death on the Nile // Agatha Christie
The Monk // Matthew Lewis
Frankenstein // Mary Shelley
Vilette // Charlotte Brontë
The Mayor of Casterbridge // Thomas Hardy
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall // Anne Brontë
Vile Bodies // Evelyn Waugh
Beloved // Toni Morrison 
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd // Agatha Christie
The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling // Henry Fielding
A Room With a View // E.M. Forster
Silas Marner // George Eliot 
Jude the Obscure // Thomas Hardy
My Man Jeeves // P.G. Wodehouse
Lady Audley’s Secret // Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Middlemarch // George Eliot
Little Women // Louisa May Alcott
Children of the New Forest // Frederick Marryat
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings // Maya Angelou 
Rebecca // Daphne du Maurier
Alice in Wonderland // Lewis Carroll
The Wind in the Willows // Kenneth Grahame
Anna Karenina // Leo Tolstoy
Howard’s End // E.M. Forster
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 // Sue Townsend
Even more fiction recommendations
The Darling Strumpet // Gillian Bagwell
The Wolf Hall trilogy // Hilary Mantel
The Illumination of Ursula Flight // Anne-Marie Crowhurst
Queenie // Candace Carty-Williams
Forever Amber // Kathleen Winsor
The Corset // Laura Purcell
Love in Colour // Bolu Babalola
Artemisia // Alexandra Lapierre
Blackberry and Wild Rose // Sonia Velton
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories // Angela Carter
The Languedoc trilogy // Kate Mosse
Longbourn // Jo Baker
A Skinful of Shadows // Frances Hardinge
The Black Moth // Georgette Heyer
The Far Pavilions // M.M Kaye
The Essex Serpent // Sarah Perry
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo // Taylor Jenkins Reid
Cavalier Queen // Fiona Mountain 
The Winter Palace // Eva Stachniak
Friday’s Child // Georgette Heyer
Falling Angels // Tracy Chevalier
Little // Edward Carey
Chocolat // Joanne Harris 
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street // Natasha Pulley 
My Sister, the Serial Killer // Oyinkan Braithwaite
The Convenient Marriage // Georgette Heyer
Katie Mulholland // Catherine Cookson
Restoration // Rose Tremain
Meat Market // Juno Dawson
Lady on the Coin // Margaret Campbell Bowes
In the Company of the Courtesan // Sarah Dunant
The Crimson Petal and the White // Michel Faber
A Place of Greater Safety // Hilary Mantel 
The Little Shop of Found Things // Paula Brackston
The Improbability of Love // Hannah Rothschild
The Murder Most Unladylike series // Robin Stevens
Dark Angels // Karleen Koen
The Words in My Hand // Guinevere Glasfurd
Time’s Convert // Deborah Harkness
The Collector // John Fowles
Vivaldi’s Virgins // Barbara Quick
The Foundling // Stacey Halls
The Phantom Tree // Nicola Cornick
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle // Stuart Turton
Golden Hill // Francis Spufford
Assorted non-fiction not yet mentioned
The Dinosaur Hunters: A True Story of Scientific Rivalry and the Discovery of the Prehistoric World // Deborah Cadbury
The Beauty and the Terror: An Alternative History to the Italian Renaissance // Catherine Fletcher
All the King's Women: Love, Sex, and Politics in the life of Charles II // Derek Jackson
Mozart’s Women // Jane Glover
Scandalous Liaisons: Charles II and His Court // R.E. Pritchard
Matilda: Queen, Empress, Warrior // Catherine Hanley 
Black Tudors // Miranda Kaufman 
To Catch a King: Charles II's Great Escape // Charles Spencer
1666: Plague, War and Hellfire // Rebecca Rideal
Henrietta Maria: Charles I's Indomitable Queen // Alison Plowden
Catherine of Braganza: Charles II's Restoration Queen // Sarah-Beth Watkins
Four Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Romanov Grand Duchesses // Helen Rappaport
Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa and Sarah Lennox, 1740-1832 // Stella Tillyard 
The Fortunes of Francis Barber: The True Story of the Jamaican Slave who Became Samuel Johnson’s Heir // Michael Bundock
Black London: Life Before Emancipation // Gretchen Gerzina
In These Times: Living in Britain Through Napoleon’s Wars, 1793-1815
The King’s Mistress: Scandal, Intrigue and the True Story of the Woman who Stole the Heart of George I // Claudia Gold
Perdita: The Life of Mary Robinson // Paula Byrne
The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian England // Amanda Vickery
Terms and Conditions: Life in Girls’ Boarding School, 1939-1979 // Ysenda Maxtone Graham 
Fanny Burney: A Biography // Claire Harman
Aphra Behn: A Secret Life // Janet Todd
The Imperial Harem: Women and the Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire // Leslie Peirce
The Fall of the House of Byron // Emily Brand
The Favourite: Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough // Ophelia Field
Night-Walking: A Nocturnal History of London // Matthew Beaumont, Will Self
Jane Austen: A Life // Claire Tomalin
Beloved Emma: The Life of Emma, Lady Hamilton // Flora Fraser
Sentimental Murder: Love and Madness in the 18th Century // John Brewer
Henrietta Howard: King’s Mistress, Queen’s Servant // Tracy Borman
City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London // Tom Almeroth-Williams
Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion // Anne Somerset 
Charlotte Brontë: A Life // Claire Harman 
Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe // Anthony Summers
Queer City: Gay London from the Romans to the Present Day // Peter Ackroyd 
Elizabeth I and Her Circle // Susan Doran
African Europeans: An Untold History // Olivette Otele 
Young Romantics: The Shelleys, Byron, and Other Tangled Lives // Daisy Hay
How to Create the Perfect Wife // Wendy Moore
The Sphinx: The Life of Gladys Deacon, Duchess of Marlborough // Hugo Vickers
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn // Eric Ives
Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy // Barbara Ehrenreich
A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie // Kathryn Harkup 
Mistresses: Sex and Scandal at the Court of Charles II // Linda Porter
Female Husbands: A Trans History // Jen Manion
Ladies in Waiting: From the Tudors to the Present Day // Anne Somerset
Ghostland: In Search of a Haunted Country // Edward Parnell 
A Cheesemonger’s History of the British Isles // Ned Palmer
The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister’s Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine // Lindsey Fitzharris
Medieval Woman: Village Life in the Middle Ages // Ann Baer
The Husband Hunters: Social Climbing in London and New York // Anne de Courcy
The Voices of Nîmes: Women, Sex, and Marriage in Reformation Languedoc // Suzannah Lipscomb
The Daughters of the Winter Queen // Nancy Goldstone
Mad and Bad: Real Heroines of the Regency // Bea Koch
Bess of Hardwick // Mary S. Lovell
The Royal Art of Poison // Eleanor Herman 
The Strangest Family: The Private Lives of George III, Queen Charlotte, and the Hanoverians // Janice Hadlow
Palaces of Pleasure: From Music Halls to the Seaside to Football; How the Victorians Invented Mass Entertainment // Lee Jackson
Favourite books about current social/political issues (?? for lack of a better term)
Feminism, Interrupted: Disrupting Power // Lola Olufemi
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Worker Rights // Molly Smith, Juno Mac
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race // Reni Eddo-Lodge
Trans Britain: Our Journey from the Shadows // Christine Burns
Me, Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism // Alison Phipps
Trans Like Me: A Journey For All Of Us // C.N Lester
Brit(Ish): On Race, Identity, and Belonging // Afua Hirsch 
The Brutish Museums: The Benin Bronzes, Colonial Violence, and Cultural Restitution // Dan Hicks
Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls: A Handbook for Unapologetic Living // Jes M. Baker
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women White Feminists Forgot // Mikki Kendall
Denial: Holocaust History on Trial // Deborah Lipstadt
Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape // Jessica Valenti, Jaclyn Friedman
Don’t Touch My Hair // Emma Dabiri
Sister Outsider // Audre Lorde 
Unicorn: The Memoir of a Muslim Drag Queen // Amrou Al-Kadhi
Trans Power // Juno Roche
Breathe: A Letter to My Sons // Imani Perry
The Windrush Betrayal: Exposing the Hostile Environment // Amelia Gentleman
Happy Fat: Taking Up Space in a World That Wants to Shrink You // Sofie Hagen
Diaries, memoirs & letters
The Diary of a Young Girl // Anne Frank
Renia’s Diary: A Young Girl’s Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust // Renia Spiegel 
Writing Home // Alan Bennett
The Diary of Samuel Pepys // Samuel Pepys
Histoire de Ma Vie // Giacomo Casanova
Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger // Nigel Slater
London Journal, 1762-1763 // James Boswell
The Diary of a Bookseller // Shaun Blythell 
Jane Austen’s Letters // edited by Deidre la Faye
H is for Hawk // Helen Mcdonald 
The Salt Path // Raynor Winn
The Glitter and the Gold // Consuelo Vanderbilt, Duchess of Marlborough
Journals and Letters // Fanny Burney
Educated // Tara Westover
Bookworm: A Memoir of Childhood Reading // Lucy Mangan
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? // Jeanette Winterson
A Dutiful Boy // Mohsin Zaidi
Secrets and Lies: The Trials of Christine Keeler // Christine Keeler
800 Years of Women’s Letters // edited by Olga Kenyon
Istanbul // Orhan Pamuk
Henry and June // Anaïs Nin
Historical romance (this is a short list because I’m still fairly new to this genre)
The Bridgerton series // Julia Quinn
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover // Sarah Mclean
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake // Sarah Mclean
The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics // Olivia Waite
That Could Be Enough // Alyssa Cole
Unveiled // Courtney Milan
The Craft of Love // EE Ottoman
The Maiden Lane series // Elizabeth Hoyt
An Extraordinary Union // Alyssa Cole
Slightly Dangerous // Mary Balogh
Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance // Jennieke Cohen
A Fashionable Indulgence // KJ Charles
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cr-arnival · 2 years
MORE henrietta + a few wallabees of decreasing quality
"ooh, you noticed 💛" just makes me FERAL it's just a good line. imagine that line here
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that first wally is from this screenshot because it makes me go Bonkers
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anyways. goodnight
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badcompanys · 2 years
henrietta helps with daycare services for members of the cult. she likes the idea of being around youngins’, especially after the loss of her own daughter. 
she had always planned on being an elementary school teacher, but never got the chance to go and get her degree or put effort towards it. henri got pregnant shortly on a whim and put her plans on hold for the time being.
after the loss of her child, she feels as if that was something god had planned for her, and throws herself into the project at eden’s gate. she worships the ground joseph walks on, and is kind and generous to all other cult members.
she’s got a little bit of a crush on john seed because of the bad boy aesthetic, but don’t let him hear that - he’ll have more of a giant ego than he already does.
henri can spend all day drinking coffee and reading books if given the chance. she enjoys fantasy novels and even a good romance book at times ( at least before the reaping begins! ). nowadays she is mostly caught reading a children’s book to the little ones. her favorite is goodnight moon. 
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Loving Jack
Jack Castello x reader
Synopsis: You meet Jack Castello while you both take classes at Ace studios. As you get to know him you fall in love with him. But he’s married, he can’t possibly love you back. So what happens when he arrives on your door step in the pouring rain with news that changes everything?
Word count: 2,534
Warnings: Talks of cheating, cross burning/KKK
A/n: I absolutely loved Hollywood and fell for Jack Castello. Sorry if this sucks, I just really wanted to write it. Also, as much I love Claire, she isn’t in this. SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. I also made a shitty dreamland reference, whoops. I know the title is bad, but I had no idea what to name it.
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His soft delectable lips were pushing hard on yours, his tongue roughly parting them so he could get a better taste of you. Reaching up, you card your fingers through his dark mussed hair, pulling hard on the ends. The action elicits a soft groan from him, spurring you on. You lightly suck on his tongue, his grip on your hips tightens, no doubt leaving bruises in their wake. You gasp as he pulls his mouth away with a loud pop, his lips make their descent towards your neck, but they never land. Instead, a knock wakes you from your dreamland. 
You let out a long drawn out sigh as you push yourself from your bed, who could possibly be bothering you this late at night? You grab your dressing gown, the cool silk a nice contrast to your overheated body. You tie the robe nice and tight, and turn on the lights as you walk through the house. You throw the front door open to yell at the person bothering you, but the words die in your throat at the view. 
Standing on your front porch is Jack Castello, a very drenched one at that. His eyes are red and puffy, tears still falling, mixing with the rain that has him soaking to the bone. Your heart breaks at the sight, who would do this to him? 
“Can I come in?” his low voice breaks at the end. You can see that he’s trying to stay strong, trying not to show the full extent of his pain. 
“Of course!” you grab his hand and gently pull him in when he doesn’t move right away. “I’ll go make us some coffee! Take off your coat, or you’ll catch a cold,” you call as you make your way to the kitchen of your modest home. 
You have been a contract player at Ace pictures for years, never making your big break. But now, now you finally get a supporting part, all of your hard work has finally paid off.  You got the role as Meg’s best friend, quite fitting since you became best friends with Camille since meeting her in one the acting classes. 
Ace pictures is also how you met the man standing in your living room, leaving a puddle on the carpet beneath him. The moment you saw Jack you were attracted to him, but the moment he spoke to you with those big eyes full of wonder, your heart became his. Your heart didn’t care that he was married and had twins on the way, all it cared about was the way his whole face lit up when he smiled, or how every time you ran lines with him he would compliment you and tell you how amazing and talented you are. 
You never acted on those feelings, of course. You would never steal another woman’s man, it’s wrong- immoral. A surprising and naive view to have in this town. It didn’t matter how much it hurts, watching him fiddle with his wedding ring every day, wishing you were the one he’d go home to every night and kiss goodnight. It didn’t matter how you felt, not even after he admitted to you in a drunken stupor one night after running lines that he didn’t actually love his wife. None of that mattered, not the heartbreak or the loveless marriage, you would not be the reason he started cheating on his wife again. And, you valued yourself more than that. You would never be the other woman. 
While you’re off in your thoughts, you don’t hear Jack enter the kitchen behind you. He shifts a little behind you, causing his worn out chuck taylors to squeak on the linoleum flooring. Neither of you say anything, neither of you know what to say. Your friendship had never been awkward with Jack, and yet the uncomfortable tension in the room is suffocating. You turn to look at Jack as the coffee starts to drip slowly into the pot behind you. 
Jack took his coat off like you told him to, leaving him in a tight white wife beater, the rain causing it to cling tighter to each rippling muscle. The wife beater is tucked into his wet black slacks, wrapping gorgeously around his thighs, highlighting just how strong he is. Last but not least, his silver cross hangs over his heart, the metal chain sticking to his wet skin as well. There was no denying that Jack Castello would be the newest heartthrob when Meg comes out. 
“If I had clothes that would fit you,” you break the silence, grabbing his jacket from his arms and draping it over the back of one of your chairs. “I would throw your clothes in the dryer for you.”
“I’m gettin’ a divorce,” he finally says why he’s at your house in the middle of the night, flopping into the chair his coat is hanging off of. The distraught look on his face makes you not care that his wet trousers are going to ruin your wooden seat. “The babies, they ain’t mine. The guy she worked with, the one I didn’t trust, they’re his.”
“Oh sweetheart,” you push off the counter you’re leaning on and drop to your knees in front of him. You reach up, grabbing his hands that are limp in his lap, gently running your thumbs over the back of his cold hands. 
He may not have been in love with her, but he would always care for Henrietta. And then it hits you, she cheated first. He confided in you about the gas station at the beginning of your friendship, said he only did it to support his wife and twins. He had told you about how angry she had gotten when she found out he was cheating, the nerve!
“She thought I would figure it out, thought I would realize there was no way they could be mine. She said I made her feel terrible. Am I a bad person?”
“No, honey,” you let go of his hands and instinctively grab his face, gently moving his head so he’s looking you in the eyes. “You could never be a bad person. You two just didn’t work, you both want different things. Jack, you're the most amazing person I have ever met, you're so kind and caring. You’re amazing Jack Castello.”
He closes his eyes and leans into your right hand, and you want to cry. His skin is cold and damp under your touch, a new set of tears bubble to the surface and spill onto your hands. You stand from your kneeling position and sit in the seat beside him, and before you can hug him, he stands and pulls you tightly to him. Your flush against him, he smells of rain and cigarettes, and the way his strong arms wrap around your waist is all you can focus on. You can’t bring yourself to care that your silk robe is now soaked in the front, you just want to make him feel better. Ignoring both parties wet garments, the two of you sip nice hot coffee and talk for hours. 
After some arguing, he insists that he can’t take your bed from you, so you give him your comfiest blanket and best pillow so he can get a good night's sleep on the couch. You're finally drifting off for the second time that night when you smell smoke, but your dream induced mind twists it into a barbeque at Ace studios. You’re grabbing some food and joking with Jack as the smell gets stronger, smoke wafting through your open windows. Jack runs into your bedroom, clad only in his underwear that reveal just how generous his package is, frantically trying to wake you up. 
“(Y/N),” he shakes you nervously.
“Hmm?” you groan out, rolling to the side and away from his loud voice. 
“There’s a fire!” you jolt up at the words, fully awake now. Ignoring the delicious sight of an almost naked Jack in your bedroom, you run to the front of your house, not caring about grabbing your robe this time. 
Your blood runs cold at the sight in front of you, gasping, you back away from the window. Right there in your front yard is a burning cross, you continue backing up until you bump into Jack’s warm chest. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around your front and pulls you tighter into him. Letting out a sob, you turn in his arms, burying your face in his bare chest. It’s a warning, your life is in danger. And for what? Because people didn’t believe in progress and equality? For being a part of a picture that deserves to be made, a picture with a fantastic script and an even better message.
“Put your clothes on,” you push him away as the wailing of sirens grows near. You quickly grab your robe and throw it on before walking out to meet the firefighters and police. 
At the studio the next day Jack won’t let you out of his sight. And you don’t know who it’s for, you or him. Not caring what people will say or think, Jack demands that he stay with you for the next few months. Just until all of the hatred and protests die down. He doesn’t think the security the studio is supplying will be enough, he doesn’t like the thought of you being the only one in the targeted group alone. 
And for the next few months you grow closer to Jack, creating a false domestication. You’ll wake up and cook him breakfast, and he’ll fix anything that isn’t working properly. With each passing day you lose more and more of your heart to the aspiring actor, and what you have left continues to crack. He could never love you, he would never see you that way. 
Before you know it, security isn’t necessary, and Jack goes back to his apartment. Henrietta gives birth to the twins and moves to Indiana. The divorce is finalized, and you’re back to living your hollow empty life again. Yeah, you have a job you love. But what's success with no one to share it with? You miss walking to the kitchen every morning and making breakfast for two, waking Jack up and finding the little bit of drool dripping onto the pillow. Your house feels empty, you feel empty. Was this what Peg felt like when she decided she wanted to end it all?
You try to distance yourself from Jack, hoping that with less time spent with him the pieces of your heart would return and repair themselves. But your actions only cause more pain, yours and Jack’s. Archie’s on your case, complaining to you that Jack is always whining that you’re ignoring him. Camille is trying to figure out what happened, wanting to know why in between takes you always seem so sad now. You’ve gotten good at avoiding Jack, knowing when not to get food because you two used to go together, and which route out of the studio to take. 
Until one day you arrive home after a long day to Jack sitting on your doorstep. He has his head in his hands, messing up his slicked back hair. He’s wearing his black slacks and a short sleeve white button up, the picture of handsome. Your heart starts to race, and you aren’t sure if it’s out of fear or desire. 
“Jack, what are you doing here?” your voice is softer than you anticipated it would be, his head snaps up to look at you when you start talking.
“Do you hate me?” his blue eyes full of pain and confusion instead of their typical optimism and wonder. He lurches forward, kneeling in front of you and gripping the bottom of your skirt tightly. “Let me fix whatever I did, please.”
“Stand up,” you talk through your teeth, keenly aware of the looks you're getting from your nosy neighbors. “We’ll talk about this inside.”
He flashes you his megawatt smile, causing your heart to stutter. He jumps to his feet and watches you closely as you unlock the door. As soon as the door is open, he has his large warm hand on the small of your back, guiding you inside and away from the prying eyes and ears. You take a few steps before turning to face him, jumping when you see that he’s practically on top of you still. 
“What did I do?” his voice cracks, much like the first night he showed up on your doorstep. 
“N-nothing,” you stutter, backing up to put space between you. You don’t trust yourself not to just throw your arms around him and give him a big smooch. 
“Then why are you avoiding me?” your heart starts to break at how crushed he looks, and the weight of the pain you’ve caused the both of you comes crashing down. 
“I love you,” the words come out in a breathless rush. You can’t look him in the eye, you can’t see that he doesn’t feel the same, so you stare at the ground. 
“I love you too,” he says it like it's the most obvious statement in the world.
“No Jack, I’m in love with you,” it’s your turn to have a voice crack. You hear his step forward, his dirt stained white converse appear in your view. His warm hand gently caresses your cheek, causing you to melt into it without a second thought. He gently tips your head back so you’re staring into those gorgeous pools of blue. 
“I’m in love with you too,” he admits, more confident and sure of himself than ever before. “I think I have been since I met you.”
A tear trickles down your cheek at his confession, his thumb quickly wipes it away. His lips make their descent on yours for the first time in real life, your heart beats fast and hard against your rib cage. Until it stutters to a brief stop when his soft, warm, lips land on yours. His hands move to hold onto your waist, and yours quickly tangle themselves in his hair. 
Your action spurs him on, he gets up enough courage to run his tongue across your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You deny him at first, teasing him until he splits your lips apart on his own. You sigh as his tongue invades your mouth, the taste of tobacco and the feel of him exploring your mouth is all you can concentrate on. Your knees go weak at this new and amazing feeling, luckily his strong arms keep you standing. You, regretfully, pull back when the burning in your lungs becomes too much. 
He’s grinning at you like a madman, placing kisses all over your face; your forehead, your left cheek, the tip of your nose, your right cheek, your chin. You can’t help but laugh at his silly antics, you love this man more than you ever thought humanly possible. 
“I love ya, (Y/N/N),” he leans his forehead on yours. 
“I love you too,” you bridge the gap, and kiss him once more.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
People who took an interest in me writing this: @elleclairez​ @antoouu​
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🎈- A memory about a time they were safe and relaxed
EXT. PALACE GARDENS - NIGHT ANNA HENRIETTA Ah, who is? What are you doing here? How dare you?! DANDELION My apologies, Your Grand Ducal Highness. I was told, repeatedly and with much flourish, that the gardens of the royal palace, this spot in particular, is a spring of inspiration. The moon herself comes down from the sky to rest her gaze upon the dreaming landscape beyond the Sansretour and admire the gentle roses. Now I see why the flowers are so famed. I have travelled far and wide yet saw no tender bloom, equal in grace. ANNA HENRIETTA You can not see the river from here. Tell me the true reason of your brazen break-in. Have no doubt, I shall call the guards the moment another lie escapes your lips. Speak carefully. DANDELION Would you chase a nightingale away, banish the poor bird from the sight of the enticing, unreachable moon? It cannot prevent its tender crime, after all. Surely, you have too kind a heart for this! ANNA HENRIETTA (narrows her eyes) DANDELION Oh. If I absolutely must. I...I can't compose anymore. The ballad your father the Duke has commissioned should be performed tomorrow. Yet all I have is a must, not a yearning. The words escape me. One does not create like this. But the moon as you know is the mistress of all poets. It plants the seeds of inspiration inside our hearts. And you surely agree that this is the best place in all capital to gaze at the moon. ANNA HENRIETTA I might agree. If you play for me. Now. And not some loud epic appraisal of might and bravery, that Papa desires. Something that suits the night. As if there is no place in the world for cruelty or loss. Even if the possibility of it is no more real than the happiness of a nightingale and a moon. As if...one does still believe...believe in... Anna Henrietta catches herself, but too late. Dandelion looks at her without the usual merry buoyant graces, his hand frozen upon the lute. For a moment his eyes reflect her pain. ANNA HENRIETTA (sternly) Why, what are you waiting for? Play! Dandelion plays, but it is nothing like the vivacious tunes he has entertained the court with. The melody is melancholy and is threaded with sadness, telling of dreams too fragile to withstand the storms of many losses and long roads towards the golden nowhere. Yet, despite it all, it speaks of hope. Even if it, as the quite echo of the melody itself, may evaporate with the rising sun. At the end there are tears in the eyes of both. ANNA HENRIETTA I...I am assured now that you fret in vain over the loss of your talent. Toussaint would remember your art for many years to come. With much...gratitude. You'd perform wondrously, most delightfully tomorrow, I mean. Goodnight. DANDELION Won't you call the guards, Your Grand Ducal Highness? ANNA HENRIETTA We do not hunt nightingales in Toussaint, master Dandelion.
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