#google drive hack
im back on my bullshit gamers
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man learns over 2.5 years too late the value of proofreading. What the fuck
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“If You Don’t Look Good, We Don’t Look Good” - Dean x Reader
Rating Explicit
Dean x Reader
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Humor, Shameless Smut (I got carried away), Cameo Appearance by Soft!Dom Dean, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 4200
You and Sam had decided on a code to use in the most grievous, world-shattering of situations.
Full Dean Meltdown
Neither one of you have had to use it – until you get a text from Sam. A case has gone all kinds of awful for Dean. You are not ready for the version of Dean you have to face in the aftermath.
Notes: This is total self-indulgence because I miss This Dean.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Hair Pulling" square.
Image created in Canva (links for photos used - found on Google: Jensen Ackles, Liverpool Comic Con, 2023; Jensen Ackles Photo Shoot
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You stare, mid-muffin chew, at Sam’s text.
“Fuck me.” A few stray crumbs and a rogue blueberry land on a page of lore you should probably be more careful with. But you can’t be bothered with MOL reference handling procedures at the moment.
This is Red Alert. Defcon 5. Designated Survivor Mode Activated.
You and Sam had decided on a code to use in the most grievous, world-shattering of situations.
Full Dean Meltdown
“Fuck.” There’s no point in continuing to curse to yourself. “Fuck.” But you can’t help it. Neither one of you has ever had to use it before. You’d come close a few times.
The book is forgotten, pushed to the side on the table surface. Your fingers glide over the phone’s keyboard.
Is he alright?!? What happened? Please, tell me this is a joke?
I wouldn’t joke about this. Sam’s words bubble up, line by line. Well, I made the mistake of joking right after it happened. It’s gotten progressively worse the entire drive back. He hasn’t said a single word since we got in the car. IDK what’s gonna happen.
Should I evacuate? How much time do I have?
Just pulled into the garage.
Shit, Sam! Do you not understand how a code word for disaster preparedness works? One needs enough time to actually prepare for the disaster!
You wait. More bubbles. Then nothing. Maybe Sam didn’t make it out alive. Maybe you should make a run for it through the war room and up the stairs. Save yourself.
I received some communication. He’s headed straight for the showers. Meet you in the lab.
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“A what?”
“Musca.” Sam sighs. “Ever seen ‘The Fly’?”
“On cable years ago, filtered through my fingers.”
Sam continues. “They secrete this sticky goo to build a nest.” His mouth crinkles. “Dean landed in it.”
“The nest?” you ask.
“The goo. A puddle of the stuff. Monster fluids freak him out.”
You shiver in disgust at the thought. “Fuck creature feature fluids. 100% in agreement.”
“So, we tracked the musca to its hideout in an abandoned factory. We split up when we got inside…”
“Why do you always split up?” you ask, following it with a frustrated groan.
Sam purses his lips and then proceeds. “When I found him, he was basically glued to this massive conveyor belt holding the goo like it was a kiddie pool. I had to cut him out of most of his clothes to free him.”
The thought of a half-naked Dean has you shiver for other reasons. “Poor guy,” you add in an effort to express sympathy over your dirty thoughts.
Sam chuckles.
You straighten with worry Sam has figured out your crush on his brother. Ready to dispute any yearnings, you add a grumbly edge to your voice and the question. “What was funny about any of that?”
Sam fists long strands on the right side of his scalp high in the air. “Even his hair got stuck to the belt. I had to hack half of it off.” He fingers his bangs back into effortless waves. “Once we killed it, Dean mumbled, ‘Vidal Sassoon you ain’t, fucker.’”
You shrug, confused. “Well, I mean, I get the trauma from the nasty gnat excretions. But that doesn’t explain why you had to warn of a possible Dean disaster.”  
Sam’s gaze tears from yours to stare at the floor by his boots.
He lifts a shoulder. “I might have said something like, ‘We can’t all be masterful hunters with glorious locks.’”
You frown. “Sam…”
Sam raises a hand in defense. “Hey, maybe now he’ll finally shut up about my hair being a liability. I mean, hello, I’ve still got mine.”
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The temptation to knock on Dean’s bedroom door is great. But you refrain, hiding away in yours instead. He’ll be better in the morning, you decide. Especially if you fry up some bacon.
A light rap of knuckles against mahogany distracts you from the latest show binge on your laptop. You pause the action. “Yeah?”
“Got a minute?” Even with the question, Dean’s tone sounds like a command.
You gulp. “Sure.” Rotating in the seat, your hand grips the top of the backrest. You’ll try to hold the line against the Dean Winchester Offensive.
The door swings slowly on its hinges. Dean slinks into your space. It’s the opposite of his usual bluster and humorous bellows that lead to inevitable laughter on your end. His slippers shuffle along the tile. He’s wearing roomy sweats and a dark t-shirt that hugs his torso. A folded towel is wedged into the crook of his arm. 
Your brain locks onto two things that appear off about Dean. The first thing totally out of place on the masterpiece before you is the baseball cap.
In the next second, you remember why he’s wearing it. It’s not because he’s undercover as a delivery driver or Fish and Wildlife Game Warden.
Dean does not want you to see his hair in its current state.
The second thing makes your pulse quicken. His beard is… gone. You can’t remember the last time you saw him even close to clean-shaven. You forgot what that sharp jawline used to do to your insides.
“Hey.” You don your best don’t-let-on-to-anything smile.
Dean scrutinizes you as if you are a witness in his rapid-fire way and then huffs. “Son of a bitch told you, didn’t he?”
You decide not to remind Dean he and Sam share the same mother. “He did. I’m sorry. You okay?”
The door clicks shut. “I’ll live. Sam might not see the light of day, though.”
You ignore the murder threat, instead focusing on a new scent in the air. You sniff, nostrils flaring with the deep inhale. Dean smells like he’s working on an amazing beach tan.
He nods at your reaction. “Coconut Oil. I had to use all that was in the kitchen for…” He circles his lower body with a finger and eventually points to the baseball cap.
“Did it do the trick?”
“Better than I hoped. I even got all that nasty shit out of my hair.” His weight shifts from one foot to the other. “But I need a favor.”
“At your disposal.” Still seated, you somersault your hand as if addressing royalty.
That at least cracks a tiny smile into his serious veneer. “I had to take a razor to my hair and cut it pretty short. Can you clean me up in the back?”
You clutch your chest and gasp in the most dramatic fashion you can muster. “You trust me to touch your hair?” 
“I trust you with my life, wiseass.” Dean smirks. “Can the sass and help a guy out, would ya?”
A warmth blossoms in your heart at Dean’s words. The heat spreads to your skin. You wave a hand at the towel and clear your throat. “Those the accouterments?”
Dean quirks a brow and grins. “Croutons?”
“And you call me the wiseass.” You sigh.
He shrugs with a nod in agreement. He drops the towel on the desk and lifts one of the corners to reveal the electric razor inside.
“Okay. Here’s as good a place as any, I suppose.” You rise from your seat, close the laptop, and move it to your dresser.
“You sure? We can go to the bathroom.” He thumbs at the door.
You wave a hand at the chair you vacated, now standing behind it. “Here’s good.”
Dean sits. The wooden chair creaks.
Dean grabs the razor before passing the towel. You flap the fabric, channel your inner toreador, and let it billow over Dean’s frame like a sail. When it settles, you wrap and tuck it into the back of the collar.
Moments like this are pure indulgence. Getting within close proximity of Dean years ago left your brain unable to process the simplest tasks. Breathing. Blinking. Talking. Eventually, you got a handle on your senses. Now, you could treat yourself to the experience of him on occasion in a myriad of ways. No one had to be the wiser that the mundane helped create many fantasies.
Dean chuckles, presenting you with the razor over his shoulder. “It’s not surgery.”
“Hey, appreciate the seriousness with which I’m embracing this endeavor.” You step to his left. “Dean?”
He lifts his head to peer up from under the brim of his cap. “Yeah?” His blinks emphasize the question.
All that does is force you to focus on his pretty lashes and the eye color he’s daring you to try and describe in your head. The cheekbones and the manicured five o’clock shadow aren’t helping matters either. You swallow and remember what’s supposed to happen next. “Can’t do much with that hat on your head.”
“Oh. Right.” He sighs. “Just, no laughing, alright?”
You place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze softly in confirmation. “No laughing. Promise.”
Dean exhales. You suck in your lips and hold your breath. He closes his eyes and peels the cap off.
You stare dumbfounded.
“Say whatever you gotta say,” Dean mumbles with scrunched features and shut lids.
Your vision clouds. Heart races. “It’s…”
“Awful,” he interrupts.
“Perfect,” you whisper.
Eyes open at the word. His gaze shoots up to meet yours. “Huh?”
Gone are the 90s dreamboat bangs he’s been growing out and tending to since 2020. In their place are a couple of directionless inches that need gel after the scrubbing, clipping, and hat matting. The Musca goo must have done most of its damage around the sides and back. In those areas, he’s shaved it short and close, done his best to fashion a fade that you imagine was muscle memory for him even after all these years. You eye the spot at the base of his skull that needs to be cleaned and tapered.  
You’re blinking, fighting back tears, utterly speechless.
Dean stares, total confusion lining his face. “Are you crying? Why the hell are you crying?” He taps the top of his head. “Shit… is it that fucking of a fiasco?”
“No.” You cover your mouth at the possibility a nervous laugh might spill out, which will only irritate him further. Moments pass as you struggle to steady your breath.
“Well, what the hell is it then?”
Dropping the hand covering your mouth, you beam down at him. “It’s you.” You could care less about what you were supposed to do with the razor in your hand. Instead, you perch your ass against the desk so you can lean back and take him in.
Dean’s eyes widen. You’ve seen that look of concern many times. “Yeeaaah. It’s me. Who else would it be? Do I need to get Sam?”
Your head shakes in amazement at the vision. “I haven’t seen this Dean since… damn, since before the pandemic. Since you and Sam made that bet, remember?”
“Gonna have to be a little more specific. Sam and I make lots of bets.”
“The one about you being unable to resist the temptation to take a razor to your hair during lockdown. I don’t even remember what the stakes were.”
Dean contemplates. “Hm. I haven’t got a clue. That was like, what, four years ago.” His lids shade the dark green of his irises. “This Dean?”
You nod. Your breath hitches at the swell of emotions rising. “The guy I first met.”
Dean shifts in the chair and leans forward. Every furrow and crinkle on his face melts away. His eyes appear to double in size as he waits for you to continue.
“My hero.” The whisper is a physical manifestation of how vulnerable and exposed you feel at Dean’s silent interrogation method. You press on. “The one that risked his life to save me… forever ago.”
He lifts one side of his mouth in a lopsided grin. “Sam was there, too, you know.”
You laugh. Cheeks warm at the adorably smug reaction. “Yes, you’re right. He was.”
Dean shakes his head. “Sam’s had the exact same haircut for years. I don’t see you crying every time you lay eyes on him. He’s a walking reminder of the guy you first met.”
“But he’s not you.” In your haste to provide an explanation, you realize you’ve said too much.
Dean’s mouth opens a fraction. His brows downturn. He’s working it out in his head in real-time.
You’re terrified.
A new smile forms. You think you spot a blush on his cheeks. “What else do you remember about this Dean?”
You shrug and tear your gaze from his. You don’t want your words to betray you again.
“Hm.” Dean rambles off a laundry list. “A lot of brooding back then, wasn’t there? I was a really good brooder. Hard to figure out? Distant, too, right? Definitely knew what was best for everybody. Stubborn jackass.”
You remain silent.
“Okay, still a stubborn jackass.”
You giggle. He joins in with a chuckle. Your anxiety eases and you find courage to look at him again.
“We’ve all changed in different ways, I guess. You, for example.” Dean gestures in your direction.
You stiffen. This could go many ways. You aren’t ready for any of them.
“You don’t take any of my shit, for one.” He raises a finger. “You're confident. You speak your mind. You have a life outside of these bunker walls.” Four fingers are on display for a while. He smiles and elongates his thumb. “But you still make this your home.”
“Every second of the life I’m able to live is because of you guys. I owe you everything. I’m lucky you let me make this my home.” You reason.
Dean’s smile drops. The open palm clenches into a fist and rests on his thigh. “You don’t owe us anything.”
“You and Sam did all that for me without batting an eye. You didn’t expect anything in return. You and Sam gave me so much more than I could ever repay. You gave me a second chance. You gave me a home.” You shrug and smile. “You became my home.”
He studies the floor and smirks, stating more to himself, “Not the only long-standing bet I’ve lost to Sam today.” Dean inhales and sits tall, focusing back on you. He nods, slow and calculated. “So, perfect, huh?” 
You roll your eyes. “Don’t get a big head.”
“A little late for that.” He grins and reclines back. “Would you go so far as to say this Dean” – he sweeps his hands in front of his figure in a dramatic gesture – “is irresistible?”
You exhale. “I don’t know if I’d say irresistible.”
He licks his lips. “Whew. Well, that’s good. I mean, otherwise, you’d have the same problem I have.”
You drop the razor on the desk and cross your hands over your chest. “What problem would that be?”
A heated gaze, beginning at your socked feet, rakes over you with his answer. “How much I find every fucking thing about you irresistible. You could shave your head and wear a potato sack, and I’d still have to keep my feelings in check.” You're practically on fire by the time his eyes lock with yours. “Every goddamn second of every day I’m around you.”
“This would be one of those times I don’t take any of your shit,” you scoff and squint back.
It’s his turn to clutch his hand to his chest. “You think I’m lying?”
“I think you’re having a little too much fun at the expense of my soul-baring.”
“Wanna bet?” 
Dean’s voiced that question countless times. Tonight, though, certainty laces his words.
He seems to take your silence as the only needed response. “Kiss me.”
“If you think you can resist, kiss me, and it’s a one-and-done.” His brows lift. “But if you can’t… Well, I might not leave this room anytime soon.”
“That doesn’t sound like a wager. More like a dare.” You straighten your stance. “Besides, you’re assuming…”
He grumbles out an interruption, “Sounds like somebody’s stalling.”
Your mouth snaps shut.
“Maybe we both take the armor off for a night. Take a chance on something that could be awesome.” Dean posits. His hands rub the cloth atop his thighs. “I can make it awesome.” The tone is low and promising. “If it helps, I’m this Dean tonight. We can worry about that Dean tomorrow.” He smiles, reaches a hand out to you, and nods in encouragement.
He’s struggling to play it cool, keep his emotions in check. You’ve seen this Dean before. He’s inhaling and exhaling fast through his nose. His jaw clenches and it cracks your resolve even further.
You drop your shield and let this Dean win you over. 
You melt, wrapping your fingers over his. This Dean’s touch electrifies every cell and awakens every dormant hope you had put to rest. He tugs you into his space. His lead forces the parting of your legs in order for his thigh to slot between. You hover. Your chin drops to your chest while his chin tips up high to hold your gaze. His body heat pulses off him like a vibrational energy. “Kiss me.” It’s the sweetest and softest request you’ve ever heard this Dean utter.
Your fingers trace along the freshly shaved hair over his right ear. It’s slippery and smooth in one direction, scritch-scratchy in the other. You can study every battle scar on this handsome canvas. No bangs of curtains or overgrown beard can hide them from you now. 
His lips part and release a deep sigh. Your fingers slip down his neck. Warm hands rest on the curve of your hips.
“I won’t be able to resist you,” you whisper.
“Good,” he hums. He’s guiding you with a firm grip to straddle his thigh. Then, there’s an encouraging push with a large palm and splayed fingers against the middle of your back. The sweet smell of coconut hits. Your gaze zones onto that bowed top lip. The way the plump bottom one parts from it to grant entrance.
Dean huffs an impatient groan you are all too familiar with. “You don’t kiss me in the next five seconds, I’m gonna kiss you.”
“Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?” you tease.
“More like a warning.” His voice is gruff and deep.
You hold back a moan at the sound, then dip down and do as you’re told.
Everything about the kiss is eager and rushed. Together you’re a tangle of limbs and fever pitch need. You’re pressed tight and right to his body - all muscle-tense and trigger-ready. His lips respond in kind to your every brush, swipe, and nudge for more and more.
“Gonna take such good care of you,” he murmurs through the kiss.
You gasp in satisfaction at the intention. 
His lips skim to your jaw, under your ear, then down your neck. “I gotta know that’s what you want.”
“Yes, Dean.”
Another hum thrums against your skin. You shiver as fingers creep under the hem of your t-shirt. His nose nuzzles along the frayed v-neck collar. He cups your breasts under the fabric. A thumb and finger twists one of your nipples even more erect. Teeth scraping and tongue lapping over the other fabric-covered nipple draw a strained moan out of your throat.
Soon the shirt is tugged hastily over your head for removal. Then you feel his mouth and hands all over your breasts again, unencumbered.
You’re a panting, heaving mess riding his thigh like you’re on an X-rated carousel. You arch your chest into his face. He’s slurping and sucking your nerve endings into the stratosphere. He pops a tit out of his mouth long enough to order, “Yeah, come for me so I can fuck that nice wet pussy.”
Dean staring at you, commanding you to come for him, is the tipping point you need to orgasm hard and fast.
“Yeah.” He grabs a fistful of your hair and clamps his mouth to yours. “Gonna feel so good around my cock.” He steals every gasp of air you expel with his inhales.
You’re tingling all over. He peels you off his thigh to sandwich his standing body to yours. He towers over you. He’s stiff and erect in his sweats, pressed into your lower tummy. His hands sweep up and down the channel of your spine.
“This Dean’s got a lot to make up for.” His tongue licks at your lips. “But I gotta be inside you right now.”
You nod. “You got five seconds to get me naked and on that bed.”
Never let it be said that Dean Winchester is not up for a challenge.
The chair behind him is now careening towards the bedroom door on all four legs. You scream-giggle as he lifts you into the air while he twirls, then tosses you onto the mattress, bouncing at the impact.
The sound of the chair crashing and toppling into a corner does nothing to distract you from watching Dean tunnel out of his t-shirt, kick off his slippers, and hopscotch out of his pants and boxers. His hard, thick cock springs to attention.
Fuck. You want every inch of that deep inside you.
He hooks his fingers onto the hem of your pants and manages to pull your socks off along with them. Kneeing onto the bed, he croons, “Been wanting you for so long, baby.”
Your head falls back into the cushion of the mattress, woozy from Dean’s actions and confession. “Probably been wanting you longer.”
Your panties are off and tossed over his shoulder next. “You don’t gotta wait anymore.” He grips under your knees and drags you to him. He slides over the wet heat of your folds and hisses, “Wanna fuck you without a condom.”
You whimper, “Just fuck me already.”
He smiles, grabs his cock – that must be fitted with a pussy homing device – and pistons into your entrance without any further mother fucking ado.
You gasp at the searing heat and sharp pain of him stretching you open. But he doesn’t stop fucking you. He’s minding how your facial features accept the brunt of each thrust and the agonizing slow release of his cock. Over and over. His descent is just as slow as he fucks. But eventually, your legs clamp around his waist and he wraps you in an embrace. Chests plastered together, moaning into each other’s mouths.
Your fingers inch into what remains of his bangs. You pull at the hair and Dean groans out, “Yeah.”
It’s lovely and languid for however long you both have the patience. The feel of him everywhere and inside is something you don’t ever want to end. But there’s a second orgasm building. The thought of Dean spilling into you has your walls clench in impatience around his cock.
“Fuck,” he grunts, face tucked along your neck. You lift your head up to enjoy the view of his undulating back and curvy ass clenching and raising as his fucking gains momentum. You pull at his hair again. “Fuuuck.”
He stills, turns to stone, and you feel his cock pulse and warmth spill inside. Moments later, a hand wedges between your bodies to thumb your clit and trigger your second orgasm.
You cry out his name.
“I got you, baby,” Dean whispers into your ear. And he does. Not letting go and practically swaddling you with his body. The sexiest weighted blanket on the planet.
You smile and stroke – instead of pulling – at his hair. “Who’s got me exactly? This Dean or That Dean?”
He sighs, sounding winded. “You get all the versions. Whether you like it or not.”
“I’d like that very much.”
He leans back to stare at you. “Yeah?” He’s red and flushed and the happiest you’ve ever seen him. “Even if I grow my hair out again?”
You nod. “Yeah. More for me to pull.”
Dean groans and flops to his back beside you, chuckling.
You listen to the rhythm of your collective breathing slow down and regulate. His fingers brush along the flesh of your thigh. “Dean?”
“Earlier, you said something about losing two bets to Sam today. What was the other one?”
“Asshole told me you had a thing for me years ago. Let’s hold off on telling him he was right, or I’m doing his laundry for an entire year.”
“I don’t think we have to tell him anything, Dean. I’m pretty sure he heard everything.”
“Hm. You’re right.” He’s up on an elbow, staring down at you. “Maybe text him that code thing? That might get him out of the bunker for a while.”
You blink. “Code?”
“Don’t play coy now.” Dean shakes his head. “But what’s the ‘66’ mean?”
You bite your lip.
He waits.
“It was Sam’s idea.”
He waits.
“The 66 Seals.” 
Dean cringes.
You shrug. “Too soon?”
“And he says I have a twisted sense of humor.” Dean yawns. He finds the edge of the comforter you both are lying atop and tosses it over your naked bodies. “So, will you still clean me up in the back? Maybe wait until morning, though?”
“Absolutely.” You snuggle into his chest, secure that Dean will wake up next to you in the morning. “If you don’t look good, we don’t look good.”
It takes a beat before Dean responds with a teasing smack to the back of your head, followed by a kiss on your forehead. “Wiseass.”
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spielen-verrueckt · 2 months
Kyle Adam Carrozza manipulated me and my family. He manipulated everyone to have his back. He has a habit of lovebombing people to get them to trust him and them sneaks his way into overstepping boundaries, and according to some people now, molesting them.
I knew him IRL for a decade and now I feel extremely disgusted that i knew him since I was a kid. I wish my parents and I never met him. He is an evil monster, worse than John K and Dan Schneider. I almost worked on an animation project with him. Specifically the Moobeard reboot. Thank God I didn't, and I dodged a bullet. He was my only animation connection so I felt like I had to be on good terms with him, and that's how he keeps relationships- by holding you hostage and dangling an animation-industry carrot above the heads of young artists like a starved horse.
I was privately in the defense of him before because everyone I knew was and how they described the Ang controversy didn't seem that bad at the time. but I never spoke about it publicly, only with close friends. I told a mutual on my stance on his controversy and they harassed and blocked me over it but it turned out they were in the right all along. They're having the last laugh right now, whoopty do.
Being a shota/lolicon is disgusting but it's a coughing baby compared to owning actual CSEM. If drawing that stuff prevents real crime then I can't say I'm completely against it existing, as fucked up as that sounds. I'm already sorta neutral on the whole proship/anti thing and I don't think I'm ever gonna talk about that kind of topic ever again in fear I'll be seen as someone like Kyle who's hiding skeletons.
I wasn't the only person who knew about his google drive- he talked about it publicly on twitter, which was fucking stupid of him but at least it gives me proof. I am however, for some fucking reason the only one who put 2 and 2 together and realized it could be correlated with his arrest. If you haven't seen my NewGrounds journal, please read it.
When that happened, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and excused it as being either a hack or the same situation with Naoki Saito, who also had his google deleted for a similar reason THE SAME YEAR (it was a false positive)
someone told me that Ang took credit for his google being deleted, but if i'm being honest I think she's talking out of her ass. She also believes aliens visited her. I'm almost positive that Google tripped a hash and investigated privately, leading to his arrest. but again it's just a theory. if not, it's a wild coincidence.
I am so, so deeply sorry and I wish the best for the victims. Outing myself as his ex friend and providing more evidence against him will be my form of repent.
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4dkellysworld · 8 months
Was randomly thinking of Soph and felt like coming on to check in and I see she deactivated!?!? :'( We didn't even say goodbye!
I put The Master of Self Realization by Siddharameshwar Maharaj on my google drive for those who want to follow her path, she did say that this was the book for her that stopped her from wanting to seek further or consume more (although of course only if it resonates with you). I've been reading it recently myself and it's given a lot of clarity - I can see why it resonated a lot with her.
Also, Soph if you ever read this, I thought of you cos I thought you'd enjoy reading The Stateless State, also by Siddharameshwar Maharaj since it is his interpretation of select passages from Dasbodh (one of Ada's books!) so thought of putting it on my google drive so you could access it if you wanted (not that you need to read any further though!). Anyway, it's up there if you feel like checking it out <3
edit for Resources: most of my reblogs of her stuff are here but it's mostly her older posts though honestly she said it all then anyway --- from this blog and from @4dkellyreblogs: realisophie: posts, asks (there won't be many (if any) duplicate reblogs between my main and side blog as I mostly reblogged to one only). There are more reblogs @vesorareblogs. There's also a bunch of stories @ndjournal that people sent her although I didn't tag most of them under her user. Don't forget the 4dbarbie resources: @4dbarbie-backup (this account got hacked and they deleted it :(... ) and @4dbarbie-archive. And remember you can talk to the AI 4dbarbie that Soph made as well if you have questions or want to talk to someone about your dream
I've turned on my asks temporarily but know that all the answers are already within you.
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energypinecatsual · 7 months
Dungeon Meshi Modern AU Important Laios Thought:
Okay so Laios would definitely get into a fist fight with Undertale creator Toby Fox right, actually not even going to put a question mark after right because I know I'm right. Laios would be introduced to Undertale as soon as it comes out because Falin backed the kickstarter and had been gushing to her brother about it's fun concept for an RPG where you don't have to kill any monsters. Laios then plays Undertale and slowly grows to hate it, because the promise of monsters actually just turned out to be a bunch of weirdly shaped humans who could be killed more easily. He keeps playing to try and connect with Falin about it but when he reaches the pacifist ending on his 9th playthrough he flips his desk when Flowey becomes a GoatMAN, and thus resolves to beat-up Toby Fox. Thankfully tracking him down is easy because in the modern AU Marcille has a new magic spell called "Hacking into people's computers", which she agreed to do if Laios would stop drawing her as a furry or a dubious little creature and would instead draw a picture of her fish Sky. When Laios gets to Toby Fox's house he bangs at the door, but instead of Toby Fox walking out he is first met with a tired looking man wearing a carefully knitted sweater saying "I LOVE MY CHILD, KID ICARUS UPRISING FOR THE NINTENDO 3DS" on it. He walks over to his care and peacefully drives away. Since Laios didn't care about this man he kept looking at the door. After 5 of gods own minutes Toby Fox trotted out to greet him. As Toby Fox appeared in the form of a small white dog Laios thought he had the upper hand with his animal knowledge, however Toby Fox is simply a human in the form of a dog and quickly dislodged a vinyl record from the wall with a piece of tape that had text written on it saying "TOBY FOX'S ROCK OPERA" and hit Laios over the head like he was Alex YIIK and knocked Laios the hell out. Afterwards whenever Undertale was brought up around Laios he would say "I bet if I could code I'd make a game called "Eatertale" and it would be much more realistic". This would continue on for years until one day when Izutsumi is google searching for JPEGs of Fish on Laios laptop when her paw pads don't work well on the trackpad, leading swiping her hand too fast over the thing and accidently pressing the windows key and seeing all of Laios tabs. On multiple of them is beautiful sprite work with various titled but all containing the phrase "DELTARUNE WIP" attached to them.
Izutsumi doesn't really care about Laios' artwork so she doesn't end up telling anybody.
A few more years pass and everyone finds out due to Kabru sending everyone a group text from the hospital because while he was reading the Deltarune credits for fun he saw Laios' name in the credits under the artists section and had his legs kick so fast as a reaction it broke his desk and sent him and his chair careening towards the floor.
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hierophant-meme · 4 months
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Added more games to the Google Drive folder! I converted a couple of them to .cia files so if you have a hacked 3DS you can view them on the Home Screen. I’m also working on guides to help you get them running on PC & Mobile soon so you can play them even if you’ve never emulated before!
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
Glad you’re back, my advice is to download your fics and save them in like google drive, that way if this happens again then at least you’ll still have all your work saved :)
I understand what you're saying but I feel like that's too much work. Not.worth the trouble. The only fic.i was absolutely distraught.ober was the Time Traveller au. I really did not wanna lose.it because its like my first very original fic idea/au and I'm so.excited for the things I wanna share with u next.
Idk.... maybe I'll marry some.tech guy who knows how to hack into the app HQ and give me all my content back lol
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Yeah… everything’s funny… we’re all happy… cute jikook… but seriously now. Seriously.
Do you think Jikook are into sex tapes/filming themselves?😐
Yes. Let's get serious. This is all that matters after all 🤭🤭🤭 do I think they've recorded themselves while SEVENING?
I love this clip an unhealthy amount 🤭🤭😍😍
For sure anon, 💯💯💯 Jikook kinky AF. And JK has all the right equipment 😏😏😏 no really, I meant the professional cameras. JK looooooooooooooooooooooooooooves filming Jimin. Aint nobody convincing me they haven't played around with that camera. They're just smart enough not to have that shit anywhere online. Not icloud, not Google drive, nothing. Can't afford to get hacked. They're prolly old school, using flash drives and hard dicks. Hard dicks. Hard, dicks. Dammit autocorrect!! I meant to write Hard disks. 😤
But yeah, my answer is yes 😁😁😁
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sapphicscholar · 3 months
A/N the votes about chapter length/frequency were totally split haha so this week I’m doing a 2-parter since there was a good breaking point, but lmk in the comments if you have strong feelings. Otherwise I’ll see ya in a few days with part 2! Also, do mind the content warnings posted with the chapter for some light body horror in the vein of the original X-Files
Chapter Preview:
Ava’s only three minutes late, but Deborah’s already waiting out front in one of the nicer fleet cars, her blinkers flashing and sunglasses on. “Took you long enough,” she yells out the cracked window.
“I… You’re driving?”
“Obviously. Now get in. You’re on maps.”
Ava can only blink back at her.
“Move your ass!”
There’s something different about Deborah out of the office. Maybe it’s just seeing her in direct sunlight instead of under flickering fluorescent bulbs, but she seems lighter out here. Less miserable. Even after Ava punches the address into Google Maps and the first half of the route lights up in red snarls of traffic, Deborah doesn’t bite her head off. Instead, she tosses an old-school folded map at Ava and yells out a series of numbers that Ava guesses might be coordinates. When she says as much, though, Deborah gives her a look so scornful that Ava’s surprised the grass outside the car doesn’t wilt under the force of it.
“They’re local highway numbers. It’ll be faster.”
“Are you sure? Google Maps seems to think 95 is still the fastest route.”
“Please. What does Google Maps know?”
“Up-to-date traffic information?”
Deborah just rolls her eyes and pulls out into traffic, completely ignoring their recommended route.
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unfriendlyamazon · 6 months
recognizing that duel monsters cards have to have some kind of chip or code that the duel disks read to project the images, how much shenanigans do you think people get up to? can you hack a card? can you get different stats to appear? modify appearances of monsters? just a little googling on amiibos shows people can make emulators or create your own cards. what wacky stuff do you think duelists get up to, with too much time and a drive to push these devices to their limits?
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qipsir · 5 months
Bill 702 was passed in America. Here's what it means
This is what you're gonna do:
You're gonna go to the app store and you're gonna download Cwtch. It's an end to end encryption app that was developed by Tor Browser, aka the Onion Browser
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On your computer, you're gonna download Firefox and you're gonna get all the security stuff you can. I recommend Ghostery and Privacy Badger as well as Facebook Container. You're gonna get a cookie auto-deleter and you're going to go to Google Takeout, download all your data, delete ALL of your files and documents, and find somewhere else to put them. A USB drive if they're memories, LibreOffice or a platform like Reedsy if it's creative works that you are actively working on and/or will need to share.
You're going to use DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, or Oceanhero. I know there are other alternatives search engines, but these three are the best I've found. Bonus that the latter two use searches to fund planting trees and cleaning the ocean respectfully(?).
You're gonna get sliding covers for your phone AND computer cameras, or at least find a way to cover them that's easily removable for video calls.
You're gonna switch from Gmail to Proton Mail, and Proton has a free VPN too. You're gonna get both of those. You're gonna get Tor Browser browser too because you can never be too careful (it has a built in VPN).
You're gonna get MP3 players and download your music from Spotify and YouTube - which also means you can technically separate art from artist because on MP3, you can listen as many times as you want without financially supporting them.
You're not gonna pay for Netflix or Hulu or Disney+ or anything like that anymore. I'm not saying you should use these but there are websites out there like SFlix that have so many movies and shows FOR FREE and you "TOTALLY SHOULDNT USE THEM WITH A VPN BECAUSE PIRACY IS WrOnG". How dare you steal from exploitative, multi million dollar businesses that don't care about their workers smh..
If you are in support of Palestine, you are going to download the app No Thanks!. It has a regularly updated list of all companies that support Israel and evidence/articles to back it up.
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If you get a chance, go watch The Great Hack. It's a fantastic documentary that lets you see inside the world of psychological manipulation through the world of advertisement and influence.
Stay safe out there. Please. Every moment that you are alive and thriving is another moment they are losing.
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iris0gardens · 2 months
〣"Run Baby, Run"〣 - Wrench x FEM!Reader
_"you think you ever left my mind? I WAS CRAZY ABOUT YOU."_
TW/TAGS: Romance implied, Violence, Blood, Wrench being Wrench, DEPRESION AAA-
Description: Wrench left San Fran to leave his dedsec Days behind after some drama had happened, going to london to seek revenge for a busted deal. However one particular person didnt seem to stay behind as Wrench has hoped.
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Footsteps echoed across the hallway as laughter was heard from the direction Wrench ran from. His Heist of receiving blueprints a bust, someone managed to hack into the system he thought was under his control. Displays all around him displaying a laughing Hare mask, the laughter resembling a female as guards ran across the hallway.
Wrench cursed under his breath as he kept running, attempting to navigate the maze of a building in a hurry as laughter was heard from every place a monitor stood. He wasn't aware he was being tracked or followed as he prepared for the heist and neither did he know the hare mask displayed on the various screens he came across. The male went through every single scenario as to how this heist could've been a bust until he heard an explosion from one of the directions he came from along with a female voice coming from a mega phone "SUP BITCHES, THIS IS HARE TERRITORY NOWW HAHA". The familiar feeling of knowing that voice popped up in his head but due to the circumstances had no time to think about it as he ran out of the building.
Wrench looked around in panic for a car as his LED googles displayed exclamation marks, as soon as he saw a car close by , he sprinted towards it as he heard guards yell for him and shots being fired before another explosion went off. His heart beating heavily as he took out his phone, hacked the cars security system, jumping in and driving off. As soon as he got further from the wreckage, Jackson came onto his com channel. "Dude, what happened?!" Wrench asked hastily as he sped around corners.
"Seems like the Hare really wanted the servers for herself. She wasn't active for years before you came around.." Jackson explained, his voice at the end turning into a mere mutter as he thought of possible explanations. "Did you make any enemies here in London, Wrench?" He asked as Wrench nervously chuckled in response. "Not that I can think off, I piss off people here and there BUT NOT A MAFIA BOSS LIKE THE HARE." he responded annoyed. Jackson laughed into the coms "alright alright, don't get your panties in a knot, Wrench. I will figure out why The Hare wants those servers and you think of ideas as to why she knew you were there."
Wrench signed off the coms and proceeded to make his way back to his safehouse, running through every possible solution as to why the Hare knew but non seemed plausible. Once he came across the thought of the Hare sounding similar to an old friend, he shook his head in disbelief. +It cant be anyone from san fran. Marcus told me everyone was around and safe..+ he thought as he pulled up to the complex, jumping out the car and hurrying up the stairs.
As he got into his safehouse, he closed the door and put his back against the door, sliding to the floor and letting go of a deep sigh he didnt feel before. He barely got out but somehow managed to with the help of The Hare distracting the guards. However he wasnt sure if they shared the same side.
"You know. For a tech Master, you suck at hiding your traces to the fullest extend" A soft female voice rang out and Wrench shot up in shock. He pulled out a gun which happened to be Princess ratarat as looked around frantically, trying to figure out the source of the voice and its owner. "Dont worry Wrench, im not here to hurt you." The female called out as she took notice of Wrenchs panic "I just wish to talk to you..old friend." from behind another wall, a female silhouette walked around with her hands on her waist and a firm stance.
"The hare?! wha- I dont fucking know you and how you got into my home but I highly suggest getting the fuck out" Wrench threated as anger began to boil into his body. How dare this masked stranger think they could just walk into his home without any consequences and especially how they managed to.
"Such a shame. I thought we could share a beer and laugh about it. Like good ol times." The female laughed as she proceeded to slip off the hare mask, revealing it to be Y/N, Wrenchs good old friend.
"I- no..noo. I must be fucking dreaming."Wrench said in disbelief, seeing his old friend and partner in crime right in front of him. "you..I must be high, Marcus said you all were in san fran and you forgot about me.."He explained as he put his gun down slowly, not believing the reality he was currently in.
"forgot about you? Oh darling, I never did. After you left, I was in deep pain because of the hole you left in my heart. YOU were the one who forgot about his friends and me. After everything we went through....you just turned your back on me and left." Y/N hissed out in anger as their E/C darkened. Her body language tensing up and hands clenched into tight fists to the point you can barely see them turning white. "YOU CONFESSEED TO ME AND IN THE NEXT MINUTE LEFT SAN FRAN. NOT CONSIDERING HOW I FELT. IT WAS ALL A ROUGE WAS IT? FOR YOU TO ESCAPE AND GIVE ME A LAST BIG FUCK YOU, Y/N?! I BET I LEFT YOUR MIND AS SOON AS YOU SAW AN ESCAPE"
"you think you ever left my mind? I WAS CRAZY ABOUT YOU." Wrench yelled back. "I WANTED TO TAKE YOU WITH ME SO BADILY BUT I WAS IN A HURRY, I WANTED TO TELL YOU-" His mask turning into red as he proceeded to lift his mask up, throwing in to the side as he looked at her with hurt and anger. "I literally couldn't as I knew you would get hurt trying to follow me. You have no fucking idea how many times I wanted to reach out to you." As he explained his true intentions, his expression turned into sadness as he realised how much he hurt her. Y/N on the other hand approached him, starred deep into his eyes before slapping him. "you..fucker." she laughed out as tears began rolling down her face.
"you have no idea..how much you hurt me and how much I ached to see you again."The female laughed out with sadness as she looked down to hide her tears. Wrench sighed and proceeded to take her into his arms, putting his head ontop of hers as he muttered "I deserved that slap...but holy cow you got stronger"a small smirk creeping onto his face as he thought about the last time he saw her, so excited and happy to know he felt the same love she felt. That memory soon got interrupted by Y/Ns sobs and her holding onto Wrench trembling. They stood there for a couple minutes before the female quieted down, seeming to have calmed down.
"you..fucker."She whispered out before letting go of him, looking up to him with a smirk of confidence. "You believe I would be that stupid as to not follow you?..you are wrong, Reggie."Y/N said before grabbing his shoulders, pushing him down towards her level and crashing her lips on his. Before Wrench could react, she quickly pulled apart and went to grab her mask as he stood there dumbfounded . "As much as I would like to "catch up" about our feelings for each other. Unfortunately we have found ourselves on two different sides, making us enemies. So lets hope you can catch the Hare, sweetheart" she winked at him before putting on her mask and running out of his safehouse with her laughter following behind.
Wrench stood there for a moment before he looked towards the door his past love ran out of and breathed out a frustrated sigh. "fuck..She's gotten more confident."
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-AYY as you can tell, I was a bit more inspired with the Wrench one as it was definitely fun to write. Let me know if you want more!-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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noxiatoxia · 22 days
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i was so scared seeing this in my search bc i for the life of me could not remember searching this and was almost convinced i was HACKED until i remember a few days ago i was feverishly looking for this meme image of a roided up guy driving a car about to hit a kid and he was facetiming his dog with a little sign hanging from the rear view mirror that said "I LOVE MY DOG" so i guess i was trying desperately to find that and instead of google i guess i figured tumblr search is just as good.
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c0smodrom-sims · 2 years
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EA & Alienware's "Everything but the Saucer" Gaming PC (Monique's Hacked Computer version)
As TS2's Exchange/site/store (?) is no longer with us, I downloaded the computer from here (it's updated for every EP, but I actually only needed the mesh). It's my favourite of all time, it looks like an alien...<3
It has all of the original colors (green, black, blue) and everything is the same as in the original, price and all. EDIT: Actually, I removed Alienware's logo, cause I don't like English text in my game.
You still have to get the original Monique's Computer, updated to AL HERE. Also you can't use my Alienware PC and the original Alienware PC together, as I reused the GUID. But I don't know why would you want to have both anyway 🤔
Download! [Google Drive, no ads] (NEW LINK)
UPDATE 22.02.2023:
I enabled animations! Now the case opens and closes, and sims actually put their CDs in a tray. Hooray~
If you already downloaded this before you have to manually delete older files, as I have merged the recolors into the main package and change the filename slightly. Sorry for inconvenience.
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hierophant-meme · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!!!! Today I tested out the Lupin III game, Treasure of the Sorcerer King, on a PS2 emulator and couldn’t get enough of Lupin’s little gay-ass reaction to unlocking doors on a train 🥰
Will be on the Google Drive folder soon! I also want to see if I can get it working on hacked consoles. We’ll see how that goes!
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cheezieypoofz · 1 month
SFW One-zhot!
DIZCLAIMER: zo, i wrote thiz zo long ago for my first ever tumblr account, but then my friendz found that account and i got embarrazzed and deleted the two thingz i wrote for that account. ion think i have the second one on a google doc (it was a kyle and ztan (zeparate) x reader with a zweet tooth (I'll pozt it if i find it)). i just don't want thiz sitting on a google doc that i'm never gonna uze again. zo if you feel like you've read thiz before, i bet you have. p.z., i'm not revizing it zo when i come back i can zee how far i've come with my writing
WARNINGZ: menzionz of alcohol, fighting wordz, no real zolution, angzt with no comfort, the uze of the word 'cunt', implied abusive mom
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Anonymous asked:
could you write a toxic Kyle x fem reader 🤔? I've never seen anyone do it I mean he's not all so innocent himself, he's a bit of an ass lmao
I also just came up with this on the spot 😓 !!
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I sigh at the rain as it hits my delicate skin harshly. I ran through the streets of South Park trying to cover myself with my school bag, however, it wasn't doing me any good. I was still drenched. My clothes clung to my body as I rushed to my most beloved boyfriend's house, Kyle Broflovski. Of course, I just had been naïve enough to take my mom up on her offer, which was to take me to and pick me up from school, take me to work, pick me back up, and then drive us home. How stupid of me. To even conceive she'll be sober enough to even pick up the fucking phone.
Oh well. It's her loss anyway.
It only takes roughly five minutes of running to make it from Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse to Kyles’ house. His house was rather modest, it looks like any other ordinary house on the block, besides the color. I bolt up the three steps leading up to his front door, almost tripping over the second step with how fast I am moving. When I hop on the third step, I start rapidly banging on the door, my breath staggering out of my mouth.
I watch the door creak open before fully opening, the person on the other side being Kyle, his eyes trailing over my body. His face distorts into one of confusion, “[Name]? Why are you not home?” I lean on the doorframe, my heart pounding from the mad dash. 
“Ough ough, I’ll tell you, can I come in first?” I hack through labored breaths, a loud crack coming out from the skyline. He nods and moves aside, making enough room for me to walk through the door. Kyle quietly shuts the door as I stumble into his house. I gave him a small peck on his cheek before he gripped my hand and dragged me through his living room. Ike, Kyle’s younger brother, was sitting on the couch watching McNeil Lehrer Report, which comes on every night at ten. I give him a small wave and he deftly puts his hand in the air dismissively and turns back to the monotone man on the TV.
We quickly make it up to his room, my goosebumps finally catching up with me. The familiar—yet not so welcomed—feeling forming all over. Kyle ushers me into his room, basically shoving me in there. 
“Jeez,” I mutter, walking over to his closet and turning to him. I gingerly set my bag on the closet door, hoping nothing got wet on the inside. “Can I borrow some of your clothes?” I ask, going to take a hoodie or two even if he said no.
“Yeah, but why aren’t you home?” Kyle said, a look of disgust coming across his face. 
I let out a breathy chuckle, “Yeah,” I cleared my throat, “Long story short. My mom wasn’t picking up the phone, so I just ran over here.” I slide open his closet doors, pick out a black hoodie and gray sweatpants, and throw them on his bed. “God, she’s such a cunt, and not in a good way,” I groan, turning back to face Kyle. 
“Well, that’s your fault, isn’t it? Don’t blame your mom for your poor planning.”
“Oh,” I laugh, “I’ve accidentally left a bra here, right?” I ask, just trying to get away from his questions.
“Yeah, it’s in my desk drawer.”
I watch him stride over and pull it out of the top drawer before throwing it on the bed with his clothes. “But seriously,” I yawn, “I’m so fucking pissed she couldn’t even stay sober for one night.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine. You’re just too sensitive, you’ll get over it.”
I tilt my head to the side, my lips slightly parting. I mean, he’s said that before but why does it hurt so fucking bad? “I’m too sensitive…?” I repeated back to him, not knowing what to do. My jaw opens slightly and my eyebrows scrunch together. The pain I feel in my heart went from a dull throb to an unbearable, gnarly stab, coming to me in multiple waves. His words hurt, and I have no idea why. 
“Mhm, yeah, you just, I don’t know, overreact to all the small things. Not to mention how forgetful you are.” Kyle lists off. He shrugs as he flops down on his bed. “So, really, you’re just being hypocritical, criticizing your mom like that when you’re just like her.”
My lips turn to a scowl at his words, “I’m not an incompetent, waste of space, alcoholic, believe it or not.” I say, my tone just being perturbed and angry. He sits up and peers into my eyes, his face covered with an “okay, and?” look to it.
This only made me scoff, “I don't even know what to say to you.” I feel tears sting my eyes, the droplets threatening to fall. “You know what, I’m just going to change and then text someone to come take me home. I can’t deal with this right now.” I shake my head, the clothes clinging to my body being uncomfortably tight.
“What?” He laughed, standing back up from the bed. “What the hell did I do?” Kyle asked, throwing his hands in the air. 
“If I try to tell you while you’re in whatever mood this is, I’m going to be irrational. So I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I walk over and snatch the clothes off his bed and then to my school bag lying on his closet door.
 I hear him scoff, “Yeah, go ahead, run away from your responsibilities like you always do!”
“No Kyle,” I snap, wiping my body toward him, “You know what I’m doing? I’m being responsible and trying to salvage this relationship!” I feel the warm tears streak down my face, but they don’t deter me. “We don’t reason in the heat of the moment. I mean, I can tell you’re irritated right now, that’s why you said that dumb shit.” I cry out, loud, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.
I let out an agitated sigh and place my hands on my hips, putting my weight on my right leg. I see his face contort into one of anguish and compunction, while mine, as far as I know, was filled with ire. I turn my back to him and snatch my bag, walking to the door before I pause at the voice behind me. 
“I’m sorry…”
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