#goon bap
djducats · 2 years
Snowgoons, "Goon Bap Rmx." feat. Sicknature & Reef The Lost Cauze
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a-random-pillow · 2 years
TMNT The Other Haft AU, Lou vs The Hidden City
Last time on TMNT,
Yoshi (2012 Splinter) convinces Saki (2012 Shredder) to not go look for Lou (Rise Splinter) after he gets kicked out of the Hamato clan.
Action Hero Lou Jitsu got dragged down to the battle Nexus by Big Mama to become the new champion.
So I am kind of stealing someone else's AU, so thanks to the wonderful @camthecatchameleon for the Battle Nexus AU.
Draxum owes a debt to Big Mama and gets tossed into the Nexus. Of Course, big Mama puts Draxum and Lou against each other. Draxum has more rights than most participants but not by much.
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Draxum is 'if you can beat me in a fight' Sexual. When they meet Draxum only as a few more weeks left in the Nexus before he is free, in those weeks he in Lou fall in love. It takes a while, them debating over humanity, sharing tragic backstories and Draxum giving exposition on the hidden City but yeah they are hella gay.
Draxum refuses to levea Lou behind in the hell known as the Battle Nexus. After he is released he instantly goes to the library to look for legal loopholes to make Lou a citizen. The solution: Marrgie. Now he just needs to get Lou alone for long enough for them to swear the oaths.
So he voluntary re-enters the Nexus. Big Mama is over joyed since 'The Baron' had been one of her biggest money makers and his fights with Lou had always drawn the most attention. So she markets this fight to hell and back.
Lou is concerned when he hears that he will be fighting Draxum again because yes the goat did promise to break him out but Lou didn't think he would follow through in any capacity.
During the figth Draxum tells Lou the plan and Lou agrees because he would do anything to get out of here and Draxum is pretty chill once you get past the whole 'I will murder humanity' bit. (Plus, Lou finds him very attractive).
See this is a magic marriage the it dose kinda Magically Bond them which is visible.
The crowd goes silent before some yells
Cheers, applause and demands for a proper wedding. Big Mama is pissed but #BaronJitsu is trending the Hidden Internet so there isn't much she can do.
*Insert Massive Celebrity Wedding*
Years go by and Draxum and Lou relise that they actually are in Love, so that's fun.
"I would like Children" Says Draxum in the middle of a movie.
Lou is supirsed but on bored so bip bap bop
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The 'series' would take place in the hidden city and their main goal is taking down Big Mama. The dads didn't want the kids to be involved but they couldn't stop them.
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Big Mama is killed in the climactic battle for the nexus by Lou who takes over the Battle Nexus. It's now a massive tournament and much safer. It still illegal but more moral. People win money, they can opt into death matches and they can choose their opponent.
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Draxum and Lou are good dads, they are all very close with there boys and will protect them.
Big Mama is dead, got killed by Lou in the final show down.
Meat Sweats, Repo Mantis, Hypno and the rest exist but are just Big Mama's yokai goons.
During the Series the turtles befriend the extremely angry foot recruit and have a few encounters with the foot clan.
The Turtles are aware that they have human family top side and Apriel did look into the Hamatos for them but when she read that they all died, well the boys were better off dreaming.
The boys don't have the best control over their mystic abilities, but they all unlocked them.
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2aceofspades · 11 months
*baps you with a rolled up newspaper repeatedly*
You are the most gremlin-y goon to ever gremlin, how dare you make me emotionaaaalllll! Jail! Jail for a thousand years!
omg but dont ever stop, the emotions sit and settle and ruminate so perfectly you are v good at this, too good, so i shall be offended on behalf of my emotions and of lil casey
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Okay okay okay...
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Fair enough...yeah
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"Woah.." Lily gasps softly, her footsteps against the metal floor as quiet as they could.
A large open room, circle in design, with blue-tinted steel lining the walls. The hums of soft white lights illuminated, and in the center was a tank, containing..
"Diana!" Lily gasps, rushing forward and placing her hands on the glass. The rest follow her, all gaping at the giant siren.
"Lily?" The siren of storms places a giant hand on the glass. "It's really you.."
"Yeah." She smiles. "I.. woke up a while ago." She shakes her head. "Uh, let's just focus on getting you back."
YEMRU flutters around. "It appears there's a control panel. If we examine it, perhaps we can release you, Diana."
"Beep bap!"
Girlfriend purses her lips. "Boyfriend is right. This has been way too easy."
Lily hesitates. "It has. But.. what else can we do? We need to take what we can get."
Miku points a finger to her and them YEMRU. "We'll focus on getting that control panel, you guys-"
"Will not be doing anything."
While the rest of the group turns around in confusion, which quickly turns to fear, Lily feels anger bubble in her at that familiar voice.
She whips around, clenching her teeth. "You."
There stands Marcy. It's hard to forget someone who was constantly trying to get her Uncle Bob to return home. Though what's interesting was that Marcy's cloak 2as now red, and she lacked her normal bandana. Thorn embroidery was apparent on it, and green lined the cloak's edges.
The blade Marcy was pointing at them lowered for a moment. "Wait. You're that girl, Lily."
"Damn right." She hisses. "I should have known you'd be working with Lady Rose." She glances around. There was nothing for her to fight with. Girlfriend could probably take on Marcy, but that's if Marcy was willing to play fair.
"I don't have a choice. This is for Bob's sake."
"You always said that, didn't you?!" She snaps. "I can't imagine how he feels right now, seeing you work with Lady Rose!"
As the two argue, Miku and YEMRU quickly sneak off to the control panel. Boyfriend and Girlfriend made a point to get in front of Lily, eyes narrowed at her. Though Boyfriend was clearly on more edge, watching Marcy warily.
As the argument continues, Miku glances up towards one of the screens, and her faces goes white.
"We've gotta go." She glances at YEMRU before pointing at the screen.
YEMRU's eyes follow her finger, and his shape turns to a triangle. His voice hushes. "We cannot let Lily see that."
Miku nods, and her eyes turn to another screen. She scans over jt, quickly, before she lurches forward and slams her hand down on a nearby button, then pulled a lever.
Alarms blare, and the walls to the tank fall. Water spills out, and the floor beneath them begins to part. A giant pipe is underneath, gray in color.
"No!" Marcy shouts, dashing towards Lily. "I will not let you get away, not when bringing you to her will bring him back!"
Boyfriend, acting quickly, spun out his microphone and blocked her blade. He grits his teeth. "Bap bop!"
"What does that even mean?" Marcy huffs, jumping back.
Being free, Diana shifts to a larger form and bares sharp teeth at Marcy. In a sweeping motion, she grabs the group and merely says, "hold your breath."
As the Garo lunges to try and grab Lily, her eyes flick upwards, to where more of Lady Rose's goons begin to run in.
Her heart sinks at seeing a red cloak like Marcy's before her vision is obscured by the walls of the pipe.
"Tsk tsk."
A red cloaked figure marches back Marcy, and she trembles with barely contained rage. A sword presses down on the button, and the alarms stop. The figure doesn't pull up lever, instead leaving the floor parted to expose the pipe.
"One job, and you failed."
She narrows her eyes as she tries to not lash out. Across from her stood Bob, but she knew it wasn't him in control of his body. Ghostly white vines cover his body like rope, and over his right eye was bird's-foot trefoil, a flower Lady Rose was all too happy to explain one of the meanings of. His eye was a vibrant red, like the Lady's cloak.
"The very least you can do is tell me who it was that broke in." Her brother's head shakes.
"That girl, Lily." Marcy speaks quickly. "She had others with her."
Bob's body jolts, and she swears for a moment that he glares at her, as if angered that she'd say that. Then, his body returns to its normal puppet state.
"Well, well, well! Isn't that a good bit of news." Lady Rose's voice dwarfs Bob's. "Very good, very good."
The body of her brother leaps over the edge, but not before pulling down the lever, turning the floor to normal. "You and Bob will begin looking for her, effective tomorrow."
"Why not just go down the pipe?" Marcy argues.
"You'd get lost or die." The Lady just sounds indifferent, like she couldn't care less. "I believe our discussion is done."
With that, Marcy watches as her brother's body ascends the stairs.
Lily sits on the rocks, vaguely listening as Diana and Joe Boopkins discuss something. (It was a relief that the sea still held him. That was one more useful ally.
Her mind was still racing. Was that her uncle? Had he really joined Lady Rose? No, he couldn't have. His anger over the whole mess let her know he wasn't happy.
"Lily." Diana's gentle voice snaps her out of it.
She looks up from her spot. The moon shines down on the sand of the beach.
Diana swims forward, and she presents a smaller version of her trident. "I trust you with my trident until this is all over." Lily gapes as she gingerly takes it. "It will listen to you until you return it to me. You are its user now."
"Thank you." She whispers.
"You're welcome."
Lady Rose hums as she retreats from Bob's mind. Leaning back in her chair, a cruel grin spreads on her face. She leans forward and presses a communicator on her desk.
A minute passes, and it answers.
"Yes, Rose?"
"Mr L!" She chuckles. "I hope you're on speaker because I have some news regarding a certain little songbird that I'm sure your captives would love to hear."
It's quiet before the man speaks again, and she can practically hear his grin. "Oh, do go on."
Lady Rose smiles. What a good day, this was.
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shellshockedgay · 3 years
Curvy Boi
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Reader: Cis-Male (he/him).
Summary: Reader found himself in a situation. Luckily! The guys can come save there butts while also noticing the reader's butt.
Warnings: kinda smutty 👌. The idea is AMAZING. PLEASE. This is so shameless, honestly. Under the cut; just in case.
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He was leading patrol when he heard a scream and a few pewpewpews that where far too familiar.
The four came rushing to your aid and they saw you paying down, but didn't recognize you due to the nice fit clothing and collectively agreed to help.
Leo straight up called you ma'am-
He can only see your ass, thighs and curves and basically went "Ah, woman need my help". Don't hold it against him.
And he pulls the whole superhero-saving-someone bit.
The speech, the pose, and he'd go bright red when he realizes it's you.
So he swipes his katana through the Kraang and walks up to you in slow struts as to not frighten the "unknown women" picking "herself" up off the gross alley way ground.
"I've got you, miss, no need to thank m- aAH- (Y/N)??" "Oh, Thanks Leo! I really apprec- wait, did you call me ma'am?" "NO!!"
It's actually kinda funny because he gets all squeaky and his eyes are darting around and his brothers are cackling. It's great!... For everyone but him-
Spends the next 45 seconds shrieking about how he did not fall you ma'am on purpose.
He literally forgot there were robots about to end you and goes back to fighting while his bros keep joking about him.
No, he does not live this down, ever.
"Maybe you should check on your boyfriend, Leo! He seems a bit scuffed up!" "Just make sure you use the right pronouns." "Yeah, bro. That's very important. Respect him!"
If he wants to get you away from the fight quickly, he YEETS you over his shoulder and just kinda leaves like "YOU GUYS CAN HANDLE THIS"
His hand would be on the back of your thighs and the other on your ass, fight me.
He panics when he realizes it tho and quickly sets you down at your apartment or house or whatever and is FLUSTERED.
He's also probably apologizing and rambling.
But he walks home like "I touched the butt"
He definitely texts you on the way home, apologizing home more time and saying he'd like to hang out the next day and prepare yourself for a slightly more put together, slightly more cocky and slightly less embarrassed Leonardo to meet you on your rooftop.
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You had the audacity to accidentally call Leo because he was the most recent contact while your ass was close to getting kicked and you didn't even call him?
How dare you.
So, they get there to see the Purple Dragons and it's a quick fight.
During said fight, Raph is almost too angry to notice your ass and curves 👌
Key is, almost.
Probably does a double-take mid-fight because your not wearing your usual hoodie and sweats and gets decked.
Literally. Just kinda like blocking hits and looking between you and the Purple Dragon goon kinda just bapping him because you keep distracting him.
If he gets shit for this from Leo, he will definitely blame you for merely existing.
Dudes not sure if he should be pissed at you for getting yourself in this situation or thank you for wearing those tight. ass. jeans.
Raph really hoped whoever made them has a nice and fulfilling life because you sure be filling out those jeans.
"You're a smart man, right?" "I guess?" "Not anymore, you dumbass. Why'd ya take this short cut?! You should know this is douche territory! Donnie, didn't you send him a map of the gang territories?" "I did." "SO, WHY ARE WE HERE??"
Yes, he yells at you like a mother, but he means well.
"AND YOU COME OUT HERE DRESSED LIKE THAT?" ".... What's wrong with my outfit?" "I... IT'S... GODDMANIT-"
Listen. He really does mean well.
And his bros know exactly why he's upset about your outfit. They totally saw him distracted during the fight.
Raph just wants you to stay safe. You are his friend.... Whom he currently wants to pin against the wall, but a friend none the less!!
He sighs and apologizes and the dudes are like ".. It takes us days to get an apology... He got one in 30 seconds..."
Anyway, Raph offers to take you home and patch him up but you refuse so over his shoulder you go. Instantly. Like *boop* there ya are.
And he will take you straight home and probably instinctively bap your butt lightly and just kinda nod and spRINT AWAY.
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You guys where face timing when he noticed you try to take a short cut down an alley and is like "No, that's the dumbest thing you could do in NY, (Y/n)" and suddenly the Purple Dragons are behind you.
He sees you trying to sass them away, but it only makes them mad and he knows where you are so he hands up and comes to get ya ass to safety.
Comes skirting up behind them in the Shell Raiser to come hell.
So he throws hands, hits with sticks, and uh, yeah. They're the Purple Dragons. They're morons. Donnie obviously wins.
And when he wins in like the 3 minutes he was fighting, he walks over and helps you up.
That's when he notices the tighter clothing you chose to wear today over the looser, comfier clothes you usually wore and he's.
Yeah. He's dead now, so that's FUN.
His bros show up to see what happened and he tries to explain while you dust yourself off and check for cuts and he just
Literally keeps looking over at you to check out your ass and thighs and curves and he's 🥴
Donnie was blushing from the moment he realized it was you but ends up bright red when he tries to talk to you.
Constant. Stammering.
"A-are you ok? Did y-you get hurt? Did-did-did-uh-" "I'm fine, D." "O-oh, good-good"
Secretly a bit disappointed because that means he won't have to bandage you up and possibly see you with your shirt off, but you didn't get hurt so that's good!
You're his bisexual awakening, good luck.
Tries to be smooth, but oh my god he fails. Like he leans against his staff but loses his balance and just kinda lays there after he falls. It's cute but his brothers laugh at him.
And he makes sure your safe and they escorts you home and he totally isn't turning his phone wallpaper to be your face, shh.
Anyway, they head home and he... He can't stop thinking about you.
Probably lays awake that night just thinking about the events of today.
Bye-bye April crush. Hello (Y/n) crush.
No, he does not get sleep that night.
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So, he gets an SOS text from you saying something about the Kraang and surrounded in an alley.
Mikey sprints out the lair with the guys, him at the front and fully determined to fuck shit up.
However when he lands in the alley, knocking a stupid droid down in the process, and they all go their own ways in the fight, he notices something.
You're not in your usual kind of outfits.
Usually you wore baggie, comfy clothes: sweat pants, big hoodies, even sandles.
Mike dodges a punch and notices you bend over to grab your phone that got knocked out of your hand after sending the text and he literally just stares at your ass.
Notices the curves that come with and just goes "😩👌" and definitely gets smacked for it later by Raph.
Dude outright tells you you have a nice ass.
No joke.
"Whooaaa! How come you never told me you have an AMAZING ass, (Y/n/n)!" "MIKEY-!"
And yes it's an accident, but it's also the truth so forgive him.
Everyone is fighting off the fucks but he's licking his hand to slick back hair he doesn't even have while strutting over to you with confidence even Raph doesn't have.
It's so funny, please.
Flirts so fucking hard.
"Hey, baby. Are you the sun? Because you just lit up my day." "Mikey! We're kinda busy at the moment!" "Shush, dude! I'm tryin' to get some! Are you free tonight?"
and he'd take your hand and kiss your knuckles while winking.
Like he knows he's cute, so he's cocky as shit.
Granted, he's cocky, but he genuinely likes you so if you flirt back, he just giggles and blushes like a school girl.
You make his little pansexual heart go budbudbudbudbud very quickly.
He punched a droid without looking while flirting with you and it's actually impressive because the head popped right off.
Blows you a kiss before returning to the fight.
At the end of it, the offers to escort you home for two reasons.
One; to avoid getting chewed out by the others.
And two; to raise his chances of getting a thank you smooch from you.
He literally sweeps you off your feet and runs off to your apartment.
It's actually 2:30 am as I finish this and I hope it lives up to how you wanted it but I had so much fun with this-
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m00nk1ld · 4 years
15 Questions Tag Game
↳ Tagged by some goons @baebae-goodnight and @kpopfanfictrash
↳ Tagging: @underthejoon ,  @hobidreams , @interludeshadow, @quitetheidiot @lamourche @kittae
1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
Well, my birthday is next week and I PLANNED on going to Paris, Belgium and Germany but with COVID now I am just happy to have the day off of work. IDK. Hopefully have a fun dinner? Just have my friends contact me? Idk. I asked for earrings and my best friend got them for me.
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
Would you Mind by PRETTYMUCH cause im gonna make a moodboard I think. Also Billie’s new song my future is everything to me
3. What is your go-to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
Popcorn. Rainer Cherries. Hummus and something
4. What is your morning routine?
In quarantine I wake up, lay there for a minute, mouth wash, either pour my coffee or pack my espresso, froth my oat milk while I brush my teeth, zone out for a minute, get dressed and do whatever I decide with my hair, login to work
5. What mythical/cryptic creature would you be?
A Succubus/Siren/Medusa WITHOUT a doubt. Kill all men,
6. How do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
I don’t.
7. How do you define a toxic person?
An emotional suck. Someone I cannot have a difficult conversation with. Someone who relies on gaslighting as tactic to talk about their feelings/experiences. Racist, xenophobes, homophobes, transphobes. Someone who claims allyship 
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?
I have been to loads. KPOP related..I’ve seen BTS, Monsta X 3 times, SVT, Epik High, Eric Nam, Day6, DPR, Sumni, Red Velvet, SuperM, SF9, Pentagon, Super Junior, Heize, BAP. The ones with fan meetings were Day6 (hitouch), Monsta zX (hi-touch), SF9(hi-touch), DPR (hi touch, photo, hug, afterparty such a fun night with @baebae-goodnight)
These are fun. They go by really fast but make nice stories.
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
I DO. I think there is so much more to a chart than I understand and once you see the entire thing and start to understand it, so many things make sense. Maybe because I have so much Gemini in mine HA I understand the fluidity of how we identify and I think there is more to each sign that MOST people don’t know unless we take time to seriously study
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.) what would you want?
11. Who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
Define favorite? I am inspired by many but I think I have progressed beyond the point of celebrity? I would love to connect with the “celebrities” I love beyond their personas!
12. If you could talk to your favorite celebrity(ies) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
You truly keep me going. You inspire me. You push me to do what I can with what I can. Divest your riches LMFAO
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
PROBABLY an art museum and coffee. I want to see if you enjoy art or doing something like visiting an art museum. IDK I think the best way to say it is the simple quiet things I enjoy like the farmers market, a slow walk, an art museum, drinking delicious coffee, record stores etc. I’ve also thought a theme park could be fun! 
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
SWEET. ice cream please 
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favorite artists? If so, what?
More than I know what to do with, shirt light sticks, fan art, clothes just so much HELP lol
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tontoncause · 4 years
Chronique Nas - King’s Desease
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Je l’ai attendu désespérément, le voici le voilà, le nouvel album de Nas est arrivé ! 8 ans après le merveilleux Life Is Good, 2 ans après le très court et très décevant Nasir (réalisé dans la précipitation avec Kanye aux manettes) et un an après les très sous-estimées Lost Tapes 2, recueil de chutes de studios de diverses époques, dope mais qui ne permettaient pas de se rassurer définitivement sur sa forme actuelle et sa faculté à refaire un bon projet abouti. J’avais quelques informations avant la sortie : la pochette est stylée, ça s’appelle King’s Desease (la maladie des rois, surnom de la goutte dont j’ai l’extrême déplaisir de souffrir depuis quelques années), le single éclaireur est un très bon morceau mais pas un très bon single étant donné que loin d’un banger spectaculaire à faire péter pendant son cardio, la liste des featurings augure du possible meilleur comme du possible pire avec un grand brassage intergénérationnel, la liste des producteurs se résume à une personne : Hit-Boy. Cette dernière info en a laissé beaucoup perplexes, moi j’étais plutôt enthousiaste car familier du taf du bonhomme. Il s’est fait connaître aux débuts des années 2010 et a pas mal de hits ou de gros morceaux (Niggas In Paris, Sicko Mode, Clique, Goldie, 1Train)  pour des têtes d’affiche (Hov, Ye, Bey, Riri, Nicki, Kendrick, Travis, Nip, Meek,…) à son actif. Sa palette est hyper large, les breakbeats et les boucles/samples font parties de son ADN comme il a pu le démontrer aussi sur des projets moins mainstream parmi lesquels son excellent album solo passé complètement inaperçu cette année : The Chauncey Hollis Project. Les ignorants et les éternels nostalgiques font la moue, je suis assez confiant et excité.
 Puis le 21/8, je me suis réveillé à l’aube comme un enfant belge le 6 décembre et j’ai lancé ma première écoute, au casque. Concentration extrême, choppage d’un max de choses et enthousiasme. Ils l’ont fait, ça tue. Vite réécouter. Ce que je fais frénétiquement en boucle depuis. Comme beaucoup apparemment, surtout outre-atlantique, j’affirme que c’est un grand disque, peut-être même celui de l’année. Les prods vont comme un gant à Nas fluide comme jamais sur ces beats riches mais pas surproduits, qui laissent une large place à sa voix, l’instrument principal. Ça sonne actuel sans forcer, ni tendance ni à l’ancienne mais bel et bien 2020, bonne synthèse de ce que peut être un rap d’aujourd’hui qui lance des ponts entre hier et demain. Le fil rouge : les vicissitudes auxquelles sont confrontés les Kings, ces légendes du Hip Hop ou de la culture afro-américaine sorties des ghettos les plus durs pour se retrouver au sommet dans des positions pas si idylliques, contrairement aux images et aux illusions que bombardent les écrans. Les tentations, les excès, les jalousies, les trahisons, la grosse tête, les manipulations. Attention aux mirages, fausses oasis. Hubris. C’est un rappeur américain glorifié et haï depuis une trentaine d’années, il n’est pas à l’abri de propos et attitudes douteuses, de l’auto-mythification, de fanfaronnades de mâle alpha au milieu des requins mais c’est aussi une personne visiblement sensible, qui assume ses failles, intelligente, qui a soif de progrès, de justice sociale, d’harmonie, de sérénité, d’amour, de devenir meilleur. C’est aussi une des plus belles plumes si pas la plus belle de l’histoire de cette musique et se laisser porter par ces mots le temps d’un disque me passionne toujours.
 Analyse track par track :
 King’s Desease. Une boucle soulfull, pas de drums, dans l’école Alc/Marci/Griselda mais avec un son plus scintillant, des filtres, plusieurs couches. 1min50 pour que Nas plante le décor, trace les contours du thème de l’album, entre bravades, phases inspirantes, observations pertinentes, micro et macro. Ça flow sans trop forcer, le timbre est plus beau que jamais, ça coule tout seul, pure intro.
  Blue Benz. Dès que les drums arrivent je pète un cable. Ça sent le Boom Bap 5 étoiles, puis dès la sortie de l’intro, ça prend des dimensions en plus : Hit-Boy ne se contentera pas des recettes connues, aussi efficaces et classic soient-elles. Une énorme basse débarque, couplée à des arrangements riches mais pas rococos, ça groove, c’est varié et léché, comme si le son Large Pro et le son Dre vivaient un mariage heureux, le tout saupoudré d’un peu de drums TR-808. Über stylé. Nas débarque en mode Thug vétéran QB, images à l’ancienne avec 20 goons cracheurs de lames de rasoir au mythique Tunnel, à déchirer avec ses gars sûrs dans l’Amérique corporate en passant par les Rude Boys de Jamaïque et une envoutante femme fatale vénéneuse avec qui il fricotait jadis. Esco in full effect.
 Car #85. Me voilà conquis, aux anges. Nouvelle ligne de basse imparable, quelques vocalises discrètes du grand Charlie Wilson, groove languissant aux saveurs West Coast et génial storytelling autobiographique. On ride avec un Nas de 15-16 ans qui, trop jeune et petit joueur pour se balader au volant de son propre bolide, fait appel à un service de « plus ou moins taxis chelou » au chauffeur pas regardant tant que les gamins payent suffisamment. Monter à Times Square, cruiser dans Money Makin’ Manhattan, écouter ses tapes favorites pour aller au weed spot le plus proche, goûter aux plaisirs charnels avec une meuf plus expérimentée qui se lassera vite de son petit crush, le service peut même comprendre de t’attendre toi et tes assoc’ à la sortie de ton braco ! Le bon temps où dès qu’on voulait mettre le nez hors de la plus grande cité du monde, on appelait la Car #85. Du petit lait.
 Ultra Black. Single éclaireur décrié pour son manque d’efficacité, il s’intègre pourtant parfaitement dans la cohésion de l’album car oui et encore oui, c’est un très bon morceau. Qui amène à se poser cette question : un rappeur comme Nas a-t-il besoin d’un single éclaireur ? Est-ce que le sortir a déservi la sortie du projet ? Nas, dont l’amour et le militantisme à l’égard de son peuple ne sont plus à démontrer, propose ici un hymne pas pompier aux siens, truffé d’images et de références pas grillées avec un flow saccadé hyper technique mais pas tape à l’oreille, effortless plutôt que dans la démonstration. Le tout sur une prod que je valide et me fait penser à la vibe Common/Kanye sur Be. Un remix avec Common et Black Thought me fait bien fantasmer d’ailleurs… Nasir, si tu me lis…
 27 Summers. Ça commence avec une grosse ambiance trap bien lourde. Il y a 27 (!!!) étés Nas sortait son monument Illmatic, marquait éternellement cette musique de son empreinte. Il contemple son parcours, serein et triomphant. Après quelques mesures, le beat s’enrichit, la touche Hit-Boy apporte un plus à toutes les recettes… 1min43 et c’est déjà fini, tant mieux, ça augmente la replay value, ne laisse pas le temps de se lasser. Petite lourdeur efficace et bien placée.
 Replace Me. Un peu anxieux, premier feat du projet avec deux jeunes loups dans le coup, la sauce prendra-telle ? Est-ce qu’il n’aura pas l’air d’un invité incongru sur son propre morceau ? Nouvelle tuerie de ligne de basse, beat épuré pop mais pas guimauve, frais. Refrain autotuné de Don Toliver qui m’a un peu crispé à la première écoute mais qui fait finalement bien le job, très bonne mélodie. Rap de lover, bébé je vais te faire du bien à tout point de vue parce que je surassure dans tout, si tu veux me remplacer ça  va être chaud de trouver un successeur digne, fais gaffe. Bien fait, ça reste fun, les cainris tsé bien. Big Sean également à l’aise dans cet exercice, les 2 ont une chiée de verses dans ce genre de vibe, pas toujours pour le meilleur… Bon petit track pop chill, évidemment pas ce que je préfère dans son arsenal mais je ne skip pas, je kiffe. À mi-chemin, l’album est déjà super varié dans les ambiances musicales comme dans les propos et ça continue…
 Til The War Is Won. 2ème morceau qui me fait un peu peur. Lil Durk est une jeune mais déjà expérimentée tête de gondole de la scène drill de Chicago aka Chirak. Fils de Gangsta notoire et bien dedans depuis sa naissance, dans une ville rongée de dingue par les gangs, les meurtres et la misère. Il rappe et chante-autotune des trucs qui ne parlent pas souvent, du coup je ne connais pas très bien mais le sais capable. Il vient de faire une très belle perf sur le nouveau gros single de Drake. Mélancolie, trap douce (oui c’est possible), sentiments, atmosphère. Nas parle de la génération de Durk et beaucoup des femmes. Dénonce la lâcheté des hommes qui abandonnent, les violences conjugales, les frères et sœurs noirs qui s’entredéchirent, les dégâts de la violence aveugle et des conditions de vies abominables du cauchemar américain. Gros texte. Je ne le ressens ni démago ni pas sincère. Durk vient faire exactement ce qu’il doit faire : délaissant 2 secondes les fanfaronnades gangsta, il lâche un pur couplet chanté à cœur ouvert et désabusé, parlant avec des mots simples et justes de son vécu, de son environnement. On finit sur une outro hommage aux femmes, beau tout plein.
 All Bad. Ce coup-ci un peu anxieux mais parce que ça fait trop longtemps que je rêve de cette collab’ ! Grand fan d’Anderson Paak pratiquement dès le début de sa sortie de l’ombre il y a 5 ans déjà. Il me comble au chant, aux drums, en live. Son côté soulfull semble fait pour se marier à la vibe de Nas, mieux que pour d’autres rappeurs avec qui il réussit pourtant plus ou moins systématiquement ses featurings. Mon anxiété était donc qu’ils ratent l’immanquable, trop évident et gagné d’avance. J’ai un peu de mal à comprendre pourquoi mais à a première écoute je faisais un peu la moue. Depuis c’est un de mes morceaux préférés de l’album. Ils sont bel et bien faits pour créer de la musique ensemble et j’aimerais qu’ils en refassent beaucoup beaucoup plus. Drums aux petits oignons, mariage des voix, mélodie, groove, Musique. Lyricalement, ce n’est pas un des sommets du disque sans être déshonorable, les meufs et surtout les histoires d’amour qui finissent mal, les séparations amères… Mention à Paak qui semble considérer qu’emmener une meuf à un BBQ (référence à Live At The BBQ de Main Source, premier feat remarqué et légendaire de Nas ?!) devrait être LA preuve d’amour par excellence.
 The Definition. Nouveau morceau court avec une intro et outro anecdotiques mais qui font plaiz’ du légendaire DJ old school Brucie B (qui recevait un célèbre s/o dans Juicy de Biggie) et une prod un peu plus patate. Ça rappe vénère, flow plus rapide et énergique. Lyrics politiques où il dit majoritairement des bons trucs pertinents, ouvert sur le monde même si un peu douteux et ambigu par rapport à Gayle King souvent accusée de rabaisser des personnalités noires alors que ces dernières ne l’ont généralement pas volé. Soit. On préfère les réflexions sur la liberté, le contrôle, la surveillance des datas, les propos stigmatisants que Hillary voudrait qu’on oublie, Trump, les oligarques russes ou le réchauffement climatique. On s’amuse du petit passage sur la goutte spécialement pour moi.
 Full Circle. Autre morceau attendu impatiemment par tous les vieux fans, les retrouvailles avec The Firm (moins le pauvre Nature qui était un putain de rappeur quoi qu’on en dise). J’espérais de l’egotrip ou du storytelling mafioso-thug plein d’arrogance et de démesure, sur une prod bien Boom Bap lourde, une espèce d’Affirmative Action 2020. Désarçonné dès les premières mesures par ce nouveau beat atmosphèrique, minimaliste et à nouvelle bass line imparable. Cool mais pas dingue couplet de Nas pour commencer, parlant encore des femmes, des relations compliquées, de l’inutilité de vouloir les contrôler et les essentialiser. Une question qui prend de la place dans le disque, avec une pertinence et une élégance variable, parfois maladroit, souvent plein de bonnes intentions et je pense que c’est important qu’un mâle-alpha-star-de-premier-plan-du-rap plaide la cause des femmes, d’autant que ça n’est pas nouveau malgré, encore une fois, du chemin qui reste à parcourir sur certains points. Étonnamment, AZ et Cormega enchaînent élégamment sur cette même question, les thugs collectionneurs de conquêtes se révélant salutairement et sincèrement autocritiques, en quête de rédemption pour leur maladresse passée. Les 2 livrent de magnifiques verses à la hauteur de l’événement. Quelques belles phases et messages importants avec poésie. AZ remporte probablement la palme grâce à un flow fluide comme aux plus beaux jours, délicieux nectar pour les oreilles. Les anciens prouvent qu’ils peuvent sonner sur des prods actuelles et les habiller de la plus belle des façons. Le morceau « philogyne » laisse le dernier couplet à la First Lady de la clique : la revenante Foxy Brown. On l’avait déjà entendue sur le dernier Nicki Minaj, je n’étais donc pas surpris par sa voix actuelle. Elle n’a pas décidé de faire dans la finesse, le plaidoyer féministe. Egotrippin’ like a muh’fucka, elle est en mode Boss Bitch, hors sujet et sans finesse mais efficace, ça fait plaiz’ de la réentendre même si on l’imagine mal capable de nous tenir en haleine sur un projet complet.  Ultime surprise, ce bon Dr Dre, parrain du (décevant) projet originel, se fend d’une outro spoken word qui fait plaiz aussi, en espérant qu’il rebosse bien vite avec Nas (ce qui semble être le cas au vu de quelques images aperçues récemment sur les RS). Tuerie de track événement sous la forme la plus inattendue qui soit.
 10 Points. Ça commence par un énorme son Boom Bap brise nuque sur lequel on pourrait s’attendre à voir débarquer la clique Wu ou la clique Griselda. Puis direct on se rappelle que Hit-Boy a son son et le truc s’enrichit d’éléments divers, des super cuivres par exemple. Sans perdre le drive imposé par le break et la boucle de base. Nouvelle perf’ du beatmaker qui fournit décidément le terrain de jeu idéal à notre légende. Props. Sans se victimiser indécemment, il parle des difficultés des gens dans sa position, soupçonnés de ne pas faire assez pour ceux restés en bas (alors que souvent ils feraient beaucoup sans s’en vanter), la tendance de les porter aux nues pour mieux les descendre après, du public à l’entourage. De l’importance de surmonter les traumatismes du passé, de ne pas se perdre, que ça soit en essayant de se plier à toute sollicitation pour être aimé ou au contraire d’oublier d’où on vient et de faire des assists.
 The Cure. Le track d’après étant considéré comme un bonus track, voici le morceau supposé clôturer l’album, la conclusion. Ça commence par 4 bars sur une boucle sans drums, puis ça switch sur autre boucle sans drums pendant 12 mesures avant de switcher encore sur une troisième pendant 4 bars. Bars qui coulent et sont bouillantes comme la lave, que des joyaux, drop gems on ‘em. Puis après une petite minute et demie, il annonce le générique de fin et là, nouveau beat, pur Boom Bap avec un breakbeat qui claque.  Commence alors le couplet fleuve de 2 minutes de kickage que j’estime être le verse de l’année, intestable. Nas t’explique la vie, traumatisme, excellence suprême. Lebron a déclaré avoir écouté le morceau en boucle pendant des heures, de King à King, je l’imagine s’en servir pour se motiver, s’inspirer, se dépasser. Rap d’adulte qui ne tourne pas le dos aux jeunes. Grand album.
 Spicy. Pour finir, une petite friandise avec Fivio Foreign, le rookie new-yorkais qui buzz et ASAP Ferg, mon chouchou concernant les bangers (et capable de plus que ça), honteusement sous-estimé je trouve. J’avais un peu peur parce que Nas s’est déjà raté sur les bangers « à la mode » comme Summer On Smash, un des seuls moments faiblards de Life Is Good. J’espérais une grosse lourdeur drill car cette vibe à le don de me chauffer. Malheureusement pas pour ce coup-ci. Beat cheap mais addictif, couplet de sale gosse teubé mais charismatique de Fivio et dope 16 de Ferg qui s’est visiblement appliqué pour avoir des bars valables et pas seulement de l’enjaillement. Pas trop convaincu à première écoute, c’est un grower, morceau con-con qui fait du bien après tant d’orfèvrerie.  
 Conclusion, tu accuseras peut-être le grand nasologue d’en faire trop mais crois-le quand il te dit que cet album défonce tout. GOAT ish.
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Check out the amazing interview w/ DJ Illegal from Snowgoons talking about their latest release “Goon Bap”! Illegal even goes deep into some stories w/ Sean Price & Edo G! 
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strictlyhiphopmedia · 8 years
Snowgoons "Keep Runnin" ft Chris Rivers (Video)
Coming just a few months after The Snowgoons release of there Album Goon Bap, The Goons link up with Chris Rivers for there Video "Runnin".
Coming just a few months after The Snowgoons release of there Album Goon Bap,the German Production outfit returns with another Visual. Calling upon Bronx spitta Chris Rivers, the Goons deliver Keep Runnin. The Video takes you through a Robbery and later what looks like a foot chase from and invisible foe, that later produces the…
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distrolord · 5 years
#Repost @boombapnation 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽 @realghostfacekillah⁠ 'Conditioning' first single off the new Album "Ghostface Killah's" Dropping August 2019 video by @rockdaviscom @itchyhouse Produced By @dcaiazzo Goons @shawnwigs @rrstonybling @s_childs @harleymuzik @remedywu @johnnyvelachino ⁠ ⁠ Watch Boom Bap Nation On Roku & Amazon Fire, search Boom Bap Nation TV #boombapnation #raekwon #raekwondachef #onlybuilt4cubanlinx #ghostfacemusic #ghostfacekillah #tonystarks #TheGodMC #GodMC #PaidInFull #GoldenAgeHipHop #GoldenEra #hiphoplegends #classichiphopalbums #hiphopalbums #raplegengs #hiphophistory #todayinhiphophistory #raphistory #rza #wutangtattoo #wumami #gunit #deadpresidents #newyorkhiphop #dipset #00shiphop #eastcoasthiphop #nyhiphop #maryjblige https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzqn3AOgPyt/?igshid=1cr5rq6vmxijm
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thatxvguy · 6 years
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Aight, so here it is, KOD.
It’s my first J. Cole album I enjoy by far tbh, because I don’t seem to get his appeal (even tho I like lyrical Hip-Hop too) at the first listen, maybe it’s because I understand what’s the subject matter here, so yea let’s get into it.
Released in 4/20 to NOT glorify about drug use & addiction. Wow.
Shout-out my homie @ywrbgs for the review request. (Go follow his IG, he makes dope-ass beats)
01. Intro - Jazzy. Great intro for the album, the narration pretty much sums up the synopsis for this album. At first I was judging the rest of the songs to sound like the intro, Jazzy, Boom-bap-ish & conscious bUT HEY LOOK WHO’S SURPRISED—
02. KOD - JESUS, I DIDN’T KNEW HE COULD GO THIS HARD. BRO. THIS HARD. HE PRODUCED HIS OWN ALBUMS RIGHT?? THIS SHIT- FIRE YO. I like how he acknowledged the current state of Hip-Hop & drug glorifying in Hip-Hop, and him to do it in such a modern way (Trap beats, etc) makes this even more enjoyable, a definite favorite.
“Bitches been askin’, "What have you done lately?” I stacked a few M’s like my last name was Shady"
You know how I be when I hear Eminem references.
I go brazy.
03. Photograph - Y'know I gotta put it in the personal favorites when it’s about love. It pretty much talks about Cole being in love with a random girl he met on IG (I suppose? It could be Twitter/Tinder/any other social medias) & how easy it is for people to fell in love with someone by just seeing a photograph of them. Me personally I relate to the song A-FUCKING-LOT (Yes I’m apparently a hopeless romantic who falls in love easily, thankfully I have someone to fight for now lmao). The hook pretty much hit me in the heart like “fUCK”, definitely a big recommend for someone who wants to start listening to J. Cole the easy way. And yeah the beat? The beat slap mad hard yo whatthefu-
04. The Cut Off (feat. kiLL edward) - Well here’s another feature from none other his alter ego he created to promote this album, it came back to that Boom-Bap and boy I enjoy this a lot. Lyrically he’s talking about people who cut him off for money/fame/clout/you name it, as much as he wants to take revenge for how people treated him badly, he knows that revenge is God’s work so he lets them off. Overall the song is a great song to vibe to, to understand to & all that. But I think it lacks something else, I just don’t know how to describe it, maybe it lacks an impactful moment? Still a great song overall
05. ATM - You ain’t a rapper if you don’t have a song to flex about in one of your albums. This song’s all about Cole flexing about his money but yet ironically he depicts about how people will do anything for money & how people’s lives are chained just because of money, hence the title of the song. (Addicted to Money)
Everything here slaps, the beat, the rap, the hook & how sarcastically Cole talks about his wealth in here, everything’s great. I wonder how people would think about this song without knowing how Cole is lol.
06. Motiv8 - Yea boy another song about getting money, seems like Cole is pretty frustrated about how these people get money nowadays. But ay, it is pretty pathetic to see it tbh, a promising talent on the come up, 3 years later people don’t even know them no more or even worse. (RIP XXX & Peep)
What’s ironic to me is that the song is lit, like I can’t lie man the song is lit. But what he raps about makes me think twice about how fucked up is the rap game. I feel like this song & ATM definitely takes inspirations from SoundCLoud rappers as heard as how the beats are & how Cole flows on the beats.
07. Kevin’s Heart - AYY BOY ANOTHER PERSONAL FAVORITE. ENOUGH SAID. How Cole talks about cheating to their certain other. That shit broke my heart.
As someone who understands about these things but yet to actually never been through these things just makes me even more confused, like do you ever understand something that you never been through? That’s how I am in my love life.
Sorry for being oot but I’ve been single for like what now? 3 years? And shit bro as much as I want to experience these kinda things again I couuldn’t because I haven’t found someone who wants me yet. Yet I understand how heartbreaks are & how people deal with it, but at the same time I feel ironic to empathize these kinda feelings, I feel fake, just like how Cole said it in the bridge.
Wow. This shit really wrecked me. 10/1 best outta best.
Where did my heart went now??
08. BRACKETS - Now this here, is some shit I gotta listen to a couple of times to actually get the gist of. Because I don’t really understand about how taxes in America works, I’ll just comment on what I got from thing song aight, so it’s basically Cole talking about how taxes are charged in America & where do the money go, does it go to fund the development of the States? Or does it go to some “money-hungry company” as Cole stated in the song. This that retrospective shit you gotta binge listen to actually understand fully what the song’s all about.
09. Once an Addict (Interlude) - Picturing about how his mom’s an alcoholic, I’ve been listening to these typa songs since I first found Eminem back in 2011 & now I’m back listening to someone who depicts almost the same topic in 2018, I feel great to actually listen someone who still holds story-telling in their raps, Cole is definitely one of the greatest in today’s era, proven by how he raps here. And tbh this is my very first time to listen to an interlude longer than 2 minutes, as if this interlude could actually be a song itself if you ask me.
10. FRIENDS (feat. kiLL edward) - At first I thought this song was about how addiction could start with a bad enviroment (You smoking as a minor with your friends, you get me?) but instead this songs about Cole’s message to his friends who is battling with addiction.
In here he wants people to know that drug abuse isn’t the way to escape the problems that they’re facing, but having a positive mindset will help them through. Imo I couldn’t agree more, but some people do really need the drugs to help, but I’m not promoting in drug usage in any sort of ways, I’m just saying if it helps better then do it, just don’t overdo it.
11. Window Pain (Outro) - This fucking outro man, I don’t fucking know how the fuck did Cole managed to put such a message in this outro but goddamn.
This is beautiful.
It’s all about Cole being introspective about what he wants in his life & how he is grateful for everything that happened in his life.
One interesting point about this outro is about the narrative of a girl telling about how her cousin got shot badly in her house. Her cousin was about to pick up the girl until some goons shot her cousin in the face and neck.
Surprisingly he’s still alive & the girl telling the story told that it was “God’s grace” for him to be spared alive. Unto been asked why do bad things happen & why won’t just good things happen to the world, the little girl replied:
“Because God is tryna, um Warn-warn us or teach us a lesson that we need to learn Or He’s tryna warn us of He’s comin’ back to, um, see us and take us home and redo the world He’s comin’ back to, um, have us be His children and for us to see Him for the first time so we can rejoice with Him and have our time And after we do that, He’s gonna restart the world”
Referring to Christians believing that God is going to be back to restart the world back to the pure, good world it was.
I’m surprised that Cole isn’t afraid to talk about these things, as the world is pretty much atheistic by now & I gotta respect him for being able to talk so.
12. 1985 (Intro to “The Fall Off”) - Presumably going to be the intro for his next album, Cole raps about the state of today’s Hip-Hop & easy is for a young rapper to rise & fall easily in this age of time.
People are saying that Cole is taking shots at various young reckless rappers i.e. Lil Pump/Smokepurrp/You name it, but I think that he’s actually trying to warn about how their actions could lead to their own downfall, seeing that Cole isn’t that type to be offended about today’s state of Hip-Hop (Proven by how he used trap beats & generic trap flows in this album) I don’t really think he’s “dissing” anyone here.
Welp, there it is, KOD. I like how J. Cole kept the album short & simple by just 12 tracks yet each songs has it own depths to understand about.
One thing I gotta take a not of is that… The overall album content’s pretty ironic tbh. Lit trap beats opposed to conscious rap, got me feeling some typa way.
Personal favorites: KOD, Photograph (I fucking lOVE THIS SHIT), DAVID’S HEART YEA I SAID IT FUCK YOU, Window Pain (Outro)
My fucking goodness this album actually wrecked me wtf.
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thewordisbond · 7 years
Snowgoons ft. Conway The Machine, Banish & Recognize Ali  "Solid Gold Guns" (Official Video)
Posted on https://www.thewordisbond.com/snowgoons-ft-conway-the-machine-banish-recognize-ali-solid-gold-guns-official-video/
Snowgoons ft. Conway The Machine, Banish & Recognize Ali  "Solid Gold Guns" (Official Video)
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The Snowgoons just dropped a  movie like visual to the Solid Gold Guns joint off their latest Goon Bap album and continue the story line from the previous released Keep Runnin video ft. Chris Rivers. Solid Gold Guns features, heavyweight and fresh signed by Eminem/Shady Records, Conway The
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dirtydirtykush · 5 years
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weeklyrapgods-blog · 6 years
Snowgoons Present "Goon Infantry" Featuring Nems, Ill Bill, Sicknature, Nocturnal & DJ Illegal
Snowgoons Present “Goon Infantry” Featuring Nems, Ill Bill, Sicknature, Nocturnal & DJ Illegal
Germany’s own Snowgoons is an iconic hip hop production team known for creating some of the illest underground joints. Snowgoons just released some serious heat on their new single titled “Goon Infantry“. The song features a brilliantly selected collective consisting of Nems, Ill Bill, Nocturnal, Sicknature and DJ Illegal.
With a line up of raw spitters and heavy boom bap laced production, the…
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soft7teen-blog · 8 years
Topp dogg, pentagon and bap mtl to have a s/o with a weird and awkward personality? :)
Topp Dogg:(all of them would)
Yeo One
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erniebunz · 6 years
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