#gosh. life has been very nice lately. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
r3starttt · 9 months
Can you do something about drummer Abby and makeup artist reader?
Thank you, I love the ellie in an interview ❤️
Drummer! Abby x makeup artist! reader
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You’ve always loved makeup, a lot. Your biggest dream was to become a professional makeup artist, and you were determined to. So when you finally got a job you felt like your life was solved.
But it wasn’t, apparently if you don’t work on your own there’s always gonna be people that cause trouble in your life. You got fired because some jealous coworker which you didn’t even get to know the name, said some shit about you.
And you thought it was all over because apparently no one hires people if they don’t have enough experience. And you stood jobless for a while, until your best friend, Nora, helped you get a job.
And now you’re here, on your fifth concert, doing makeup to an apparently very famous band that pays you more than enough. Most of them would ask you for very extravagant makeups, especially the main singer of the band, so you had to take a while with each member due to the details.
So when it was time to get to the drummer you mostly ended alone with her, which you didn’t mind at all because she’s hot and really nice to talk to. Also it’s been pretty helpful because you’ve get to be closer with the band as well that way.
“Gosh people’s so loud today” you could hear the fans screaming outside. The place they were doing today’s concert was pretty small, like a local theater kinda “yeah… we’ve been getting a lot of support lately, hopefully soon we’ll get to perform on bigger stages” Abby’s eyes were closed as she spoke. You were doing a type of messy look, smudged eyeliner, some dark eyeshadow and a bit or mascara.
“You’re planing on performing maybe in other states?” you grabbed the eyeliner and started to apply it on her eyes, smudging it with your finger “we’d like to, but it doesn’t really depends on us. But if we do you’re definitely coming with us” you couldn’t help but smile, she’s just being nice but when you’re almost on top of her, while she has her eyes closed and her voice sounds so pretty to you, what else is there to think?
“I’d love to, thanks” you can see her smile widening a bit “you’re ready abs, tell me if there’s anything else you want to add” you step aside, allowing the blonde to look at the mirror in front of her and check on her makeup “all good” she says, standing up from the chair. And you can’t help but stare at her tall and strong figure which totally hides whenever she sits for you to do her makeup.
She’s wearing a black tank top and some gray military pants with a pair of black boots, and the contrast it does with her skin and hair as well as the makeup is killing you because how does she look hotter than any other day? However your thoughts get interrupted by her voice.
“You’re free tomorrow? I’d like to take you somewhere” she says it so casual, as she puts on a baggy jacket, and you can only stare at her in shock “I’d take you out tonight but we got plans already and I’d like to do something better than just getting drunk and talk about the show with you” she finally turned around and it would be a total lie to say you don’t look nervous because you can see her laughing a bit as she stares at you.
“Yeah, just…. send me a message tomorrow morning” you said trying your best to sound as confident as her. she just nodded and walked out of the room. later that night when you were with the band as usual, celebrating another show, you two could only stare at each other. She always sat besides you, but that night she was touchier than usual and fuck you needed to see her again, alone.
Just as you woke up you checked on your phone and gladly, a message from Abby was the first thing you saw. She just remind you to not go out since you had plans with her. You two kept talking most of the morning, planing where to go and what to do. Finally you two decided to go to some quite fancy restaurant to have dinner.
And the day felt eternal, even though you had to work that day you could only overthink about the whole situation and the date you had later with Abby. And it was the same for her because as confident as she looks and acts in front of you she was almost dying yesterday when she first asked you to go out and you wouldn’t answer, she was also overthinking, a lot, an repeating the scene in her head over and over.
Abby had offered to pick you up and drive you home as well because “it’s dangerous for you to be alone” so when night came and your phone vibrated you got shivers all over your body.
The date was way better than you expected, you feared it might be awkward but it was the total opposite. Maybe it helped the past weeks of pure tension between both or the fact that most of the time you were flirting with each other, but whatever it was it doesn’t really matter as long as you get any chance with her.
Once she drive you home she ask you to stay just a bit more, so now you’re both outside your apartment’s building, just sitting in the car, staring at each other in silence.
“Can I kiss you?” you see her eyes wandering over you as her hands cup your face, and suddenly you’re pressing your lips over hers for some seconds that feel eternal, until she pulls away.
“you’re so fucking pretty you know that?” her hands are still on your face yet she moves them rapidly and turns her face to her window, to which you laugh “what’re you doing?”the light from the outside reflects on her as she turns her face back to you “doing what?” her eyes move to your lips once again “look away” you reply.
“Because” a nasal chuckle comes out of her and her smile wides a bit. her arm moves again to your face and as her fingers touch your lips you open your mouth slightly “I gotta go abs” as you speak her thumb goes slightly into your inner lips “why?” you notice how she furrows her eyebrows slightly and her eyes finally meet yours.
“It’s too late already and I have to work tomorrow, all day” a small chuckle comes out of your mouth “Come here then” she moves her arms to the back of your neck and pulls you again for another kiss.
“Thanks for today, I swear I’ll make it up to you” you grab your bag and open the door, looking at her one last time “you better do”.
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dreamstone28737 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by the wonderful @minim236 ! 😘 Thank you, doll!
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 7! (Very soon to be 8! 👀) All of them are from my Meet Me at Midnight series.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
67,450… which is a little crazy to me! (Also, in looking for these stats, I learned that “Can I Ask You a Question” has 15,998 words, and now it’s taking everything in me not to just go in and add two words somewhere. LOL)
3- What fandoms do you write for?
I’m still a really new writer, and Bridgerton is the only fandom I’ve written in, technically… Although I once started a Poldark fanfic that I abandoned and never published. (That was back when I was still very gun shy about posting anything anywhere!)
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
First place: Can I Ask You a Question? - 290
2 - I’m So In Love - 258
3 - Stars by the Pocketful - 233
4 - Older but Just Never Wiser - 185
Last place: My Whole Life - 154
(“Can I Ask You a Question?” was the one I was most insecure about so it’s nice that it did so well.)
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every comment I see because I can’t believe how sweet people have been about my little stories. I so appreciate everyone who takes the time to say something nice!
I’ve always loved writing. Pretty much since I could hold a pencil, it’s been a sort of coping mechanism (and occasionally a source of stress 😆 ) but I’ve never ever felt confident enough to share anything with anyone. With fanfic, I finally freed myself to write little plotless stories and share them, and it’s been unbelievably rewarding and I genuinely feel it’s helping me grow as a writer. Knowing that people enjoy the thing that gave me so much joy to write is mind-blowing. ❤️
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, I’m not that angsty in my writing. I think “Older but Just Never Wiser” was my angstiest fic, but the ending was still fairly sweet and resolved. I honestly can’t imagine myself writing something with an angsty ending!
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh my gosh, I think my first one, “I’m So In Love…” was absolutely saccharine! It was nothing but candy-coated sweetness. However, “My Whole Life” ended in a proposal/engagement with like fireworks, so I guess it’s a coin toss.
8- Do you get hate on fics?
I haven’t yet! (Thanks, everyone!!)
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No — not yet! I’m definitely still too shy about it. But I do have an outline for a little something smutty that I wrote once when the muse visited me with it... Whether it will ever see the light of day depends on, like, my confidence and the supply of whisky in my house. Haha
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers! I haven’t even read a lot of crossovers, so that’s completely uncharted territory for me.
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! (I don’t think I’m high-profile enough for that! LOL)
12- Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t!
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But that sounds super fun.
14- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Right now, I’m pretty ride-or-die for Kanthony. I’ve loved so many ships throughout my life, though!
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO. About two years ago (before I came late to the Bridgerton party), I had watched Poldark and it was so beautiful but also had a lot of heart-wrenching aspects, which sort of matched the dark place I was in mentally, so I started a Poldark fic that was just full of angst and sadness and hurt feelings. I never finished it, but I think about it quite a lot, actually, and how I left those guys hanging. I’d love to finish it just to give them some closure, but I’m not really in that headspace these days (which is a good thing!).
Also, more recently, I had an idea for a Regency-era, canon-compliant Kanthony story that I actually did start (I wrote a prologue and have an outline for the rest of it) but as I’m getting into it, I’m rapidly losing confidence that it’s a good idea…. So I don’t know. It might end up abandoned. It’s Anthony POV and more angsty than my Midnights series. It would be a challenge to write, for sure, and maybe that’s why it makes me nervous!
16- What are your writing strengths?
Oh gosh, that’s so hard to answer. I like to think my writing paints a picture, because I see the characters and settings so vividly in my head. Hopefully that’s true!
17- What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, in a general way, second-guessing myself is the BIGGEST weakness. But I often catching myself writing in what I call “outline form,” where I write like “she did that. Then he said this. Then this happened.” And I have to go back and write in more emotional reactions and physical sensation. Also, I’m intimidated by writing conflict and angst. 😂
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
That’s fascinating, and frankly it’s a really intimidating thought. Language is so complex that using a translator just doesn’t capture the full scope and meaning of words and phrases, does it? So, I feel like I would only go there if I could check with someone who knew the language.
19- First fandom you wrote for?
Oh wow. I guess technically that’s Poldark (see above) but back in high school (before I knew what fanfic was) I wrote out a prose version of scenes from a Broadway musical I was obsessed with because I wanted to explore the inner feelings of one of the characters. Nothing was really original, but I needed to do it in order to understand this character I couldn't stop thinking about. Now, looking back, I realize that was fanfic!
20- Favorite fic you've written?
I have this special place in my heart for “I’m So In Love…” because it’s the first fic I ever finished and the first one I ever shared. It also really captured a moment in time for me personally, so I think that one will always be a fave for me. Tied with it is “Stars by the Pocketful,” which was an idea that I carried in my heart for MONTHS before posting “So In Love” gave me the confidence to write it down. That one felt like it was burning a hole in my imagination for ages and I’m so genuinely happy with the finished product.
I’m tagging these lovely people, but no pressure! ❤️- @mimix007, @harnitbee, @nervousladytraveler, @ninamayawrites, @stars-of-kyber
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landofgay · 2 years
re the post I just reblogged:
not only has my dad said a few times to me that he feels very strongly that I was put on this earth for a reason (he bases this on all the near death experiences he's had and also the reason behind why him and mom got together and then seperated, and a few other things) (I'm more inclined to believe him over my mom cause while I do think the 3 of us are kind of attuned to the universe and stuff, my mom's more delusional than he is, he's pretty grounded in reality lmao) anyways.
but the last time he mentioned this he added that whatever it is I'm put here to do, it won't be something that feels forced and difficult and hard to grasp at, it's gonna be something that just comes naturally and feels right and I'm just gonna be naturally good at it. and like idk what that'll be but hearing him say that put me sooo at ease that day!!! and I just need to keep that in mind forever
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vintage-brass-tc · 3 years
February TC Challenge
Oh my gosh, this is 12 days late. Pardon the wait! I am currently building the posts about seeing W to post, then I am planning to write more about a 4-day band trip out of state that I just took part in!!! 
Afterwards, I will probably keep the posts short and simple most of the time, as I would rather this blog not feel like as much of a chore as it has been. I’m sure you all understand that. 😉 I’m just here to obsess over my teacher like everyone else. Haha.
Alright, enough being said, enjoy!!
1. Do you have more platonic or romantic feelings for them?
My feelings steer more towards romantic than platonic towards them. Especially M. 
2. Have they ever physically touched you?
YEAH!!! I get so happy and excited whenever the thought comes to mind. M has initiated a lot of shoulder and arm pats, and he’s always perfectly fine with hugs too!! It’s so sweet.
I met W during the COVID era, so we never hugged, but we have bumped fists before on the last day of school. I also took a picture with him— but that’s not quite physical touch. Haha.
3. Would you ever plan to pursue them when you graduate? (And when you’re legal if you’re a minor like me)
Ahh, if they both weren’t married and had children, I would have definitely tried to shoot my shot in a very subtle way after being well over the legal age. All that matters to me is that they are happy though. In the best case scenario, I would at least love to stay friends with them. 
4. Do you know their birthday/zodiac sign?
I DON’T??? I have no clue how I don’t know, but I’ve been wanting to figure it out for a while.
5. Do you know their favorite color?
I can assume W’s is green? I think M’s may be black or blue. I’m not exactly sure though.
6. What do they teach?
Both teach band! They are band directors.
7. Do you think you’re their favorite student?
Haha, as much as I’m smiling right now thinking about this question, I think, to some extent, they enjoy my company. They are both very nice to me and have told me many times how talented they think I am, and how nice they think I am. So sweet.
8. Are they tall, short, or average height?
M is about my height, maybe a couple inches taller— so 5′7? W is a bit taller than we are, so my guess for W’s height is 5′10. 
9. Do they have any pets?
Ohh, yes!! M has two dogs. I’ve seen them both on a Zoom meeting before, one briefly, as they were barking at the window. Haha. His other one was quite calm though. She was so cute and small. When M held her, it was so sweet. ❤️
I am not sure about W, but he seems like a dog person. So if he did have pets, they would be dogs.
10. Do you ever plan to confess your feelings to them? (Careful with this one, they could possibly lose their job or get you in trouble)
I have been debating with myself on this one. On one hand, I want to tell M at some point that I have liked him for a very long time, and that he has changed my life more than he could ever realize it. On the other hand, I don’t want to strain our relationship in a way (though it’s probably obvious nonetheless). 
M loves his wife and children, and he is the most genuine and loyal person I know. I would never want to take that away from him. If I did tell M about my feelings, I would not expect it to go anywhere by any means whatsoever. I care about M and his life more than anything, and if I jeopardized his career or marriage, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. 
For W, I’m not too keen on telling him. I may tell him one day in passing, like “I had a small crush on you in middle school. Haha.” But honestly, I think the crush was more-so developed due to M’s absence. I do find W attractive in his own way, of course— but again, it probably kickstarted because I wasn’t used to M not being there. You know?
11. Do you know any of their talents?
M can SING. Like, he can really sing. Whenever he sings in class (not super often), his low voice is so angelic, and it could be because I’m in love with him, but I find it to be so beautiful. I adore his voice, he is stunning. He also stated himself that he is good with helping to link people together, business-wise or not. He believes he was made for that. 
This last thing is self-explanatory, but M is amazing at helping people. He can comfort you so much. He has comforted me and reassured me countless times, and just being around him is like being in a safe space. He’s like another home to me. He can teach you so much about everything too. He is so smart it’s crazy. He is such a hard worker and he does it not only for himself, but for the growth of the people around him. I look up to him so much for that. 
Haha— I typed so much for M, but W is a great teacher as well. He is very spontaneous and cheerful, and will always crack a joke to make you laugh. He is also quite smart, but he doesn’t show it all too much. He puts himself out there as a funky sort of dude, but he’s really not all that crazy. He’s good at lifting spirits. 
12. How often do you think of them?
Let’s be real— there’s almost never a time where I’m not thinking about M. He flows in my mind like water in an ocean — he just never leaves. 
I’ll think about W too, but it’s not daily. It’s weekly, to put it into terms. It’s apparent, but my feelings for him don’t measure up to my feelings for M. 
13. Have you told anybody irl about your crush?
I have told my sister about it!! I’m so grateful that she’s open to listen on and on to my ramblings. She thinks it’s cute. In some way, I have told my mother as well. She’s figured it out, but I don’t talk to her about it casually.
14. Be honest: Do you think you’re in love?
With M, there’s zero doubt— I AM in love. I have never truly fallen for someone before I met him. I constantly think about him and how much he has done for me in my life, and how much more I want to know about him. Whenever he’s gone, I wonder what he’s up to. I wonder when the next time I’ll get to see him again is. I constantly want to do everything and nothing with him; watch a movie, lay down and stare at the ceiling, try and fail to bake cookies, and the like. 
Even through his tougher moments, his faults, and his mistakes, I still truly believe he is the most perfect man ever. I am deadset on that statement. There is no one like him. There never will be. He is absolutely phenomenal. 
I really do think my feelings for W aren’t fixed. I don’t know how to label them. Love or a crush? I don’t see myself living with him forever and everything for sure, but at the same time I do find him attractive and I would love to build a relationship with him. I’m not too sure. It could be a huge crush or a little bit of love. I’ll get back to it eventually and ponder on it more. For now, I’ll keep the question open. 
15. Do they motivate you to come to school?
YES. Always. Every single day. I always get out of bed with the thought of seeing them again. And the days they’d be gone, I would still go to school, partly so I could keep working harder to make them proud in the future. It’s also for my own education and whatnot; I love them dearly, but if they’re gone I’m not going to be irresponsible. 
This feeling is the same with both M and W. They would always motivate me to wake up and attend class. 
16. Have you ever seen them cry?
I have seen M get pretty close to crying a few times. I haven’t physically seen him cry, but I hope he would eventually be open to being that vulnerable around me so I can help him feel better. I would never judge him for that. He’s seen me cry twice, and he dropped everything to make sure I was okay— so I would never have a problem with doing the same for him. (Will probably post the story of this happening eventually, when I get more time and motivation to revisit and write it all.)
W isn’t too open with his more sorrowful emotions either. If anything, he would try to mask it with dark humor. He tends to jump a lot between super energetic and super serious. There are a small handful of times I’ve seen him be genuinely serious around me, but most of the time he is upbeat. It may be a facade or his real personality. I can’t be too sure of it yet. 
17. What kind of dynamic do you guys have?
Pfft, I’m not sure. 
M and I’s dynamic isn’t too concrete, but it can be explained as follows; We are at a point with each other where we can trust each other with things, and he’s comfortable starting and carrying a chat with me. I am the same with him, and I love to poke fun at him on occasion, but not too much as to not make him think I’m ridiculing him or anything. 
In addition, he’s kind and oh so caring towards me, showering me with such lovely words of encouragement and compliments often. I am the same towards him. We’ll worry about each other; I’ll ask him if he’s okay and vise versa. I’ll buy him gifts sometimes as a token of gratitude. 
I suppose, in summary, our dynamic is “a motivational, supportive person and their appreciative, sympathetic person”, if that makes any sense.
With W, I guess it’ just the “wild, outgoing dude and the more reserved person who’s soft with them”. Haha. While I was in class with him, some may remember, but we would chat sometimes outside of, before, or after class. He would look at me when he made a joke, I would laugh. Just the simple stuff. He could trust me and I could trust him. We had fun. 
18. Have they ever caught you staring?
For sure!! Every time I start staring at them, they’ll eventually catch me. I’ll end up catching them gazing too, a lot of times…unless there are several times I haven’t, and I don’t know about it. Hahaha. The act of catching the other staring goes back and forth— but I’m usually the culprit staring at them in that scenario. 
19. What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of them? (All of us have done some pretty embarrassing stuff, let’s be honest.)
HAHA UM. With M, there’s so much I’ve done, especially when I was younger and, henceforth, way more immature. For instance, I forgot my tuba to a concert once (ended up getting it there before the performance though!). I also started a debate with M in the bus once about how he wasn’t actually bald “because he had tiny hairs on his head”. It went on for a while. It’s so embarrassing to think about. I really hope he forgot about the second occurrence mentioned above.  Of course I have done some embarrassing things in front of W as well, but not too much comes up in my mind when I’m thinking about it. The occasional messing up in class— OH MY GOD, WHICH REMINDS ME. The one time I REALLY blasted on my instrument for the first time ever in front of M and W. That was absolutely EMBARRASSING. God, that was so much. Hahaha. 
20. Do they make you feel safe/loved?
Without a doubt, one-hundred percent. Being around M is one of the safest places I can be. M is the most sweet, charismatic, sympathetic, caring, and genuine person I know. He really cares about me, and he has shown me that several times, both in my presence and away from it. He has done so much for me in the years that I have known him and there is no one else that could ever make me feel as seen and as loved as he does. 
I feel fairly safe around W. I know he’s there for me and that he cares for me. Of course these feelings aren’t to the emotional extent of how I feel about M, but I do feel safe around W. I feel like he cares about me, and he has displayed this many times as well. ^^
21. Have they ever rendered you speechless?
Oh yeah. There have been more occasions with M seeing that I’ve had him longer, but for sure. Those two can really do a great deal on my heart. 
Especially like?? M in a suit?? His beauty is absolutely jaw-dropping. Every time I see the outfit, it’s like I’m seeing it for the first time. So stunning. 
22. Are they a good teacher?
M? YES. And it’s not even because I’m utterly in love with him. Many, if not all students would agree that he is amazing at his job. Countless awards and a reputation of gold. He is so motivated and if he wants something, nothing can get in his way.  From what I’ve seen, W is a pretty effective teacher as well! He has earned several awards as well in his time teaching, and he has taught me quite a bit as well. He is very smart despite his childish and loud attitude.
23. Is there something they do that gives you the ick?  With M? I suppose so. There are times when he fails to realize that other people think differently than others. For instance, I am very passionate about being in the band program, so much so that I am dead-set on pursuing a musical career. My great friend, though, has lost interest and is wanting to leave band. 
Whenever he would talk to them about this situation, he would always try to find countless reasons for them to stay. One time he even went down the guilt-tripping road. (Eg. “Well, R wants you to stay too!”) Although I do agree with him and think it’s sweet he’d consider me in the scenario, I think he should try giving more kids like my friend grace in their options after they’ve expressed their disinterest multiple times. They’re a great player, but they’ve lost that spark.  Staying in band helped M too, with his future as a band director and whatnot, but he tried to leave once as well. After leaving, he came back right away because he missed it. I feel like he should give his students that opportunity as well, so that they can really see what school life would be like with the absence of band. — I rambled a lot, but in summary, I think he should give the students more freedom to explore their options if they want to. Sometimes he can be a bit too overbearing. 
W will butt into a conversation he isn’t a part of, and I believe there were times he couldn’t read the room either. Sometimes he does something before thinking about it beforehand, and it bugs me. That’s the primary thing I can think of.
24. Are you guys close?
With M, I’d say we’re pretty close. I don’t know too much about his personal life via him telling me one-on-one, but I know quite a bit about him still. He knows some about me too. We don’t talk casually yet, but I would like to at some point in the future. 
I am not as close with W as I am with M, but whenever we do chat I think it’s a short but fun time. 
25. Have you ever looked for their initial in those stupid TikToks that eight year olds make? (If you don’t have tiktok: do other students like your tc?
AHEM. All the time. I constantly look for M’s initials. Honestly, I don’t even focus on W that much anymore now that I’m out of his class….it’s all just M at this point. I feel so childish admitting this, but I’m always looking for even the slightest chance that he’s thinking of me too. It’s fun. 
26. Have you ever dreamed about them?
I’ve dreamed about both of them! I’ve shared a few kisses with M in different dreams too. It was the sweetest thing ever. ❤️
27. Do you see yourself in a relationship with them?
Thinking about it hard, I don’t think I could be in an actual committed relationship with W. 
M, on the other hand, is another story. I have seen M during his higher points and some of his lower points, and although I haven’t seen him at his absolute lowest, I am always willing to help him through it. He has done the same for me when I was down in the dumps too, and mutual support is one factor that really builds a stable relationship.  And thinking about the very feeling I get just seeing, hearing, or even thinking about M? He’s definitely a keeper. I would do anything and everything for that guy, as much as it may seem odd to say, considering we’re not even together. I am fully in love with this man and have been for years. All the little things and big things, I’ll always fawn over. I could totally see us being in an actual relationship. 
But of course, he does have a wife and beautiful children. I would never want to take what he loves away from him. I am more than happy just seeing him happy. 
28. Have you ever cried in front of them?
Yes, I have only cried in front of M on two separate occasions in the span of a week. I never usually let myself break down like that in front of other people, but I am so glad it could be M that saw me in that state. I could not ask for anyone other than him to be there for me. ❤️ He is everything to me. 
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softyairs8 · 3 years
I'm C sag, scorpio rising.
Your reading made me cry and smile at the same time 😭 I cannot believe that you got that there might actually be someone for me! That in itself made me so happy and then reading your reply...it was just perfect!!!
"You may have been feeling like you're not meant to be with anyone, but you are. The universe has taken you through many people to teach you how to love yourself. The person is coming. You both just really had to heal before you could become one." ---- This. This part is soooooo true. 99% of the times I'm convinced that I'll die alone 🙈, but the rest 1% of the time when I'm in a good mood I always think to myself that it's taking so long so that both of could become best versions of ourselves before we meet each other. I've been so insecure about myself all my life, childhood traumas, abusive family, and what not, all of it has just screwed me up permanently I guess. The part about self-love and healing is so SO true. I don't think I can ever think highly of myself, but now at this stage/age of my life, I'm definitely learning to accept myself and not be so critical of myself. With each passing day I find myself becoming ever so slightly comfortable with myself physically and mentally.
"Your fs will bring out your inner child. You'll go on adventures, connect on a soul level, deep conversations, fast food at 3 am, vacations to places you've never been before and coffee shops. Your life and relationship with this person will be so eventful." -- This is so cute. I've ALWAYS been the rule follower, and due to my severe anxiety I've never been able to do anything at all really. Even going out of home is a big deal for me..so it'll be nice to be able to enjoy this part of life with someone :)
"You'll think they're very attractive, haha!" -- that's good to know 😆 I hope he thinks the same way about me.
"They'll also be very protective over you, but not in a controlling way. Your fs has a very masculine energy to them." --- I love this. A lot! ☺️
"They could be the CEO of a company or have a very high level in their career. They could also own their own business." --- wow really? 😃 I'm gonna take it to mean that the guy is also on the older side (like me). I like that a lot coz I just don't feel attracted to younger men 🙈
"I'm also getting that they will treat you like a queeennnn. Oh my gosh, your fs is so respectful, understanding, kind, and comforting. As cold as they look, they're a warm teddy bear inside!" --- 😭
"They LOVE cuddles! Physical touch could be one of their love languages." --- I love this so much!!!
"Aside from the formal side of them, they have some pretty fun hobbies!" --- I am SO boring! So I'm totally looking forward to his fun hobbies 😀
"They could love photography, and I also see a stack of pictures. You both could take millions of photos together!! They could also love having weekly karaoke events, haha! They're quite the singer!!! Why do I feel like there would be so many late nights where you both just have karaoke nights at home." --- oh gosh I'm so insecure about my appearance I must've taken only about 100 or so pics of myself in the past decade! So this is something to looked forward too :) I definitely can't sing publically, even when alone at most I do is hum, but it'll be sweet to be serenaded 🙈
"It could even be carried out to when you both have a family!" --- so we WILL have a family! My heart ❤️😭
"Someone here could like the show Friends? That came through." --- omg yes!!! I have Friends on my laptop and since I stay alone so I play it in the background all day long everyday while doing chores. I literally remember every dialogue 😋
"For important months, I got November, December, and March; these could be significant! They could be birth months, the time you'll meet, or an important stage in your relationship." --- How awesome would it be if these are the ongoing/upcoming months :) But even otherwise, December is my favourite month of the year so I'm very glad it made the cut! :D
"For letters, I got A, R, D, Q, and M. These could be initials, places, or months as well!! Also, there is a lot of earth and water sign energy here!!" --- My Venus is in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio, so.....yeah 🙈 which is ironic since I don't have much romantic experience but that's okay 😅
Thank you so so SO much for this reading!!!! I was really not expecting such a heartfelt reading. You've made me so happy 🤗 I really can't thank you enough!! I really wish the best in your journey and I hope your intuitive talents grow and get you all the success you deserve! I'm so grateful to you! I'll definitely be hopping in your inbox again if you have another game open 🙊😋 Thank you so very much again :)
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DETAILED FEEDBACK! you're so sweet omg omg omg!!! I'm honestly so glad that it resonated. I remember, while doing your reading I felt so jumpy and so happy for you! MY HEART WAS MELTING. your fs will be so spontaneous and unpredictable, like a breath of fresh air!! honestly just keep faith and keep believing, that person is coming to you. remember to love yourself! message me if you ever need anything!! this made my day, thank you so much for the feedback. I'm so so so so so glad I could help!!! 💞
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