#gossip girls of the drivers parade
petit-papillion · 4 months
Charles definitely had been gossiping with Pierre about Carlos' seat.
He probably told Pierre "Omg I found out a major secret about Carlos' seat but I'm not allowed to tell you" and Pierre was like "what you can't just say that and not tell me!?!" And Charles debated it for all of two seconds before going, "Okay fine I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone else"
Pierre is the gossip girly, I bet he does this to everyone and weasels it out of them and no one wants to say no to Pierre.
Yeah, and it's not like they didn't have any opportunity to talk to each other last year...
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disneyprincemuke · 4 months
basement noise * fem!driver
logan starts to feel a little left out
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver, sebastian vettel x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver
notes: hey surpRISE AND EARLY UPDATE WAHOOOO i'm trying to finish up her 2023 year before i start moving onto her 2024 season <3
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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logan stares at the unanswered text message in their group chat, clicking his tongue as he glances at the time at the corner of his phone screen. it’s been an hour since he sent his text message.
he’s not saying his friends are ignoring him, but it is slowly starting to seem that way. his call time to the paddocks isn’t as early as theirs and that’s why they’ve arrived way before him.
he sighs. since the season had begun, it hasn’t been easy to integrate himself into the grid unlike his two other friends. oscar’s gotten along with lando and is doing great with his team. meanwhile she’s done exceptionally well, and even if she wasn’t, max and some of the older drivers seem to have taken quite the liking to her.
which shouldn’t be all that surprising to him. she had already found herself a new group of friends even before the season had started. from the kickstart of the pre-season testing, max had already paraded her around like he was a proud older brother.
sure, he has alex. by default. because they are teammates. but realistically, alex will always find himself preferring george’s company to his. they’re best friends, after all.
logan presses his lips together as the team car slowly comes to a stop right outside the paddocks. he glances at benny, focused on his own phone, texting his wife.
so he just keeps to himself as he alights the car. hopefully, he’s kept busy enough this weekend not to notice the distance that might go unnoticed by his friends, but is very prominent for him.
just as he walks through the gantries into the paddocks, he watches the smaller girl walk past him unknowingly, engaged in serious conversations with marta and susie. she’s turned the other way, so she doesn’t even notice him.
when he approaches the livelier areas of the paddocks, noticing oscar walking around with lando. oscar does notice him, smiling at him politely before he makes a sharp turn into the mclaren garage.
logan just sighs again, navigating his way to the williams garage with a weight in his chest.
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“i’ll see you again later before your race! i promise!” she shouts, waving her arms in the air as she leaves susie and marta. she runs through the paddocks, truthfully unaware of where she is heading.
when sebastian had asked her to meet him somewhere, it could be anywhere in the paddocks. it could very easily well be at the aston martin home where fernando is hanging out, or their own.
she feels around in her pockets for her phone, halting in the middle of the crowd. she turns around, ready to chase susie to ask if she’d left her phone in her office by chance. but she can vividly remember where she left it in her driver’s room right before she bolted out, late for a lunch date with some of the drivers from the f1 academy.
she clicks her tongue, picking up her feet to start running again. she hears max calling out for her but she’s late, from what she can tell.
if only she was better at restraining herself from staying extra minutes just to hear the latest paddock gossip over lunch. but she couldn’t help herself as she increasingly got invested, giggling in her mind about how she’s going to tell logan everything in the evening when they leave the paddocks to get ice cream.
she arrives at the aston martin home, chest heaving as she approaches the one person loitering outside the building. “lance!”
the canadian whirls around at the call of his name with wide eyes, shocked that the younger girl is calling for him. yes, he is terrified of her, but that’s a story for another time.
“has my race engineer been kidnapped by your grandpa?” she asks, hands on her hips and slightly hunched over as she tries to catch her breath.
“my,” lance takes a deep breath, “grandpa?”
“fernando. has fernando kidnapped my race engineer? he told me to meet him, but i don’t know where.”
lance presses his lips into a thin line. “have you tried texting him?”
she sighs, shaking her head. “no, i left my phone in my room. i don’t have the time to go and get it.”
“oh!” lance perks up, reaching into his back pocket and offers it to her. “here, you can use my phone.”
she mutters a soft thank you as she takes the phone into her hands, navigating lance’s contact list. she raises an eyebrow and looks at him. “you saved my number as grid princess? really?”
“we all have your number saved as that.”
“i-“ she shakes her head, finding for the number she needs. “not important.”
she presses the phone to her ear as it rings, hoping that sebastian answers his phone. hopefully he’s not as forget as her.
“you sound different, lance.”
“seb! it’s me! i left my phone in my room.”
“oh, (y/n)!” there’s a pause. “why are you using lance’s phone?”
“i can’t find you,” she mutters, shaking her head in shame as lance watches her. “tell me where you are or i’ll be even later for our meeting. was it over a cup of coffee or what?”
“coffee. come quick.”
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“come on, mate.” logan stares at alex blankly, watching the older driver tug at his hand towards the door of his room. “you’ve got to join us for a snack. george is buying food.”
“i don’t feel like eating,” logan mutters, retracting his arm immediately. he lies on the massage table of his room, moving his hand under his head. “go without me.”
“i can’t!” alex frowns. “your best friend told me to take care of you. i can’t grab food and leave you here by yourself.”
logan shrugs. “if you’re only inviting me because she told you to, i don’t wanna go.”
“what?” alex tilts his head. “no, george asked me to bring you! we’re sneaking out of the paddocks for a bit to get food! come on! the local food here is amazing.”
“i don’t want to go.”
“i’m telling james you’re locking yourself inside your room again. he won’t be happy.”
logan looks at alex without moving his head, the glare shooting daggers at the older driver. alex raises his eyebrows with a small smile, never having seen this emotion in the rookie.
“i don’t care if you tell him.”
“fine, be that way,” alex sighs dejectedly. he doesn’t want to use more names as a bargaining chip, but it seems that he will have to resort to exactly that. “i’ll just tell oscar and (y/n) you’re being like this.”
logan scoffs, dropping his phone by his head. he breathes out exasperatedly and rolls to lie on his back. “as if they’d care.”
alex, already halfway to the door, stops in his tracks and turns around. “mate,” he trails off softly, “what do you mean by that?”
“it’s so obvious,” logan sighs again, turning to face the wall. “she’s always with max or whoever. i’m alone.”
“i’m here with you right now.”
logan furrows his eyebrows. that’s not what he means. alex probably knows that too. “i just wanna be alone right now, alex. i’m sorry.”
“oh, okay. i’ll bring you something back.”
logan turns around quickly, chasing for alex’s presence. “alex, wait.”
alex turns around just as before he is able to close the door. he’s hopeful that logan would join him and george for some food — the rookie often spending time with his two best friends means that he doesn’t get many opportunities to get to know him outside of team content and meetings.
“don’t tell them i said that, okay?” he sighs before looking down to avoid the curious brown eyes. “i don’t want them knowing i feel that way.”
alex hums. sometimes he sees his younger self in the rookie. the rookie’s often introverted demeanour makes it very easy to sympathise with him, especially when he had a rough couple of years in another team all by himself. he knows what it feels like.
perhaps what logan needs is space. hopefully he opens up soon, and then alex can finally put his mind to rest with some reassurance. because it’s not like his performance is helping him out with his confidence. he’s been there, done that.
“okay,” alex nods. “your secret’s safe with me.”
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lando hums, looking around the paddocks. his eyes lands on his teammate, who is simply staring off blankly at the grandstand as he chews away on his sandwich.
“what?” oscar asks monotonously, still looking ahead with his eyes half open. he’s sunk into the small seat situated at the edge of their garage with his leg over the other. “i can feel you looking at me, mate. what is it?”
“oh,” lando says softly, chuckling to himself. he sinks into his own seat and turns away to take a bite from his own sandwich. “nothing. i was just wondering where dumb and dumber are.”
he sees oscar perk up with realisation, turning to look at him slowly. his eyebrows are furrowed at the sheer realisation of what’s been missing the entire day. he lets out a soft “ah” before he turns to look at the grandstand again. “i don’t actually know. we’ve been so busy today — i hadn’t even noticed.”
the older driver laughs, nodding along. “yeah, we only get busier from here, mate. i haven’t texted max back still. actually, i don’t even know where my phone is.”
oscar laughs, licking his lips. “neither do i. i barely even got to have a 5 minute phone call with lily this morning. i had to leave so early.”
“just one more interview and we’re free,” lando sighs, shaking his head. truthfully, he’s grown quite tired too. for someone like him, running out of energy to be talking to everyone doesn’t come often. but it feels like the day is finally getting the best of him.
he’s simply dreading the next interview they’ve got. he doesn’t know how many more fake laughs and forced smiles he’s got within himself. he doesn’t want to do small talk anymore. he just wants to head back to the hotel and get some sleep for what friday has to bring them.
“getting ice cream with the powerpuff girls tonight?”
oscar laughs with a simple nod. “of course. she’s not going to let a weekend by where we don’t try some local ice cream.”
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“alright, good meeting,” sebastian grins at her, slowly closing his laptop. “so you know what to do this weekend, kid? confident you’ll score some points?”
“of course,” she laughs with a small nod. “i’m ready to tackle the weekend.”
sebastian stands up, holding the laptop against his chest. “good! so, where are you headed to now?”
she smiles. “hopefully off to take a shower and start getting ready for my ice cream date with the boys.”
“ah! exciting,” sebastian grins. “well i’ve got one more meeting. you’ll be okay on your own?” she nods. “okay, well, if you leave before my meeting ends, let me know, alright?”
“of course!” she beams with a grin. she spots a familiar shade of blue across the paddocks, beaming when she spots logan in the crowd of williams personnel. she tries to push past sebastian, who’s now opening the door, and attempts to dart out to stop logan for a quick conversation to confirm their ice cream date that evening. before she can make it to the top of the steps, another familiar face pops up in front of her with a wide smile.
sebastian greets max before quickly excusing himself, leaving the girl with the older driver. “hi?”
“hi!” max greets her with an excited wave. “are you busy? i need your help.”
she opens her mouth, deciding her answer as she peeks over his shoulder. she answers with a soft ‘yeah’ as she watches the crowd of blue walking away and disappearing from her sight. “what is it?”
“we’re going to the uk for a vacation this summer and p’s coming along with us. i wanna plan something — she really wants to meet you.”
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logan sighs to himself, leaning up against the railing of the stairs leading up to the andretti racing home. he looks around the paddocks and then glances down at his phone for the time. everybody is late. could it be possible that plans were cancelled without him knowing?
could it be that her and oscar agreed to call raincheck without remembering to let him know? which would them simply confirm his suspicions that he is slowly losing his best friends.
but there’s no other time but tonight to get ice cream together. unless she’s planning to get it with somebody else? he huffs to himself and pushes himself off the railing to start his journey back to his hotel room for a lonely night. that was, until he hears a voice calling out to him.
“oh, logan! are you waiting for her? why don’t you come in and sit down while you wait?” sebastian smiles, letting the door close behind him. he walks down the steps, immediately noticing the sadder aura around the boy.
sure, he knows that logan is typically soft spoken by himself, but he believes that he knows logan well enough now that he is comfortable being himself. “is something wrong? the media picked you apart again today, kid?”
logan looks up and quickly shakes his head. he rubs the back of his neck and hisses softly. “no, it’s not that,” he laughs sheepishly, trying to ignore the heavy weight on his chest. “have my plans been cancelled, seb? did i not know?”
maybe he should try opening up to sebastian? if anyone knows what it’s like falling out with a friend, sebastian is definitely one of those people, right?
he watches sebastian process his words. he immediately regrets opening up to him. “ah, forget it.”
“no, no! i’m glad you’re opening up to me,” sebastian snaps out of his trance and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. “i’m not judging you. i get it. are you feeling okay?”
logan shrugs with a soft frown. “i don’t know. just a little weird — my text in the group chat from this morning’s still unanswered.”
sebastian stares at him, trying to come up with the words to try and make him feel better. until it hits him. “oh! is that what you’re concerned about?” sebastian laughs, pulling logan into his side for a hug. “she wasn’t ignoring you! she left her phone in her driver’s room and never had the time to go back in to get it. we were riddled with interviews and meetings all day. then max hijacked her early in the evening to plan something with penelope.”
logan looks at him, skeptism written all over his face. “are you serious?”
“i’m serious, kid,” sebastian confirms with a firm nod. “and i ran into oscar and lando earlier. they were super busy too. oscar even told me he can’t wait to finally sit back and relax with you guys at the ice cream parlour.”
as if on cue, oscar pops up from the corner of the racing home with his bag lazily strung over his shoulder. “why are you guys hugging?”
sebastian frowns. “what’s wrong with that?”
oscar shakes his head, blinking rapidly. “nothing, i suppose.” he rubs his eyes and groans. “i’m just a little tired, probably. i can’t wait to get some ice cream.”
logan feels the weight slowly lifting from his chest. logan slumps his shoulders slightly with a grin. he tries to confirm sebastian’s allegations. “i haven’t seen you all day, mate. busy day?”
“busiest i’ve had in a while,” oscar yawns, covering his mouth. “i haven’t even gotten to talk to lily at all today.”
the door swings open with a loud shriek, their body suddenly knocked back by a body throwing itself against them. he looks down in shock at the smaller girl who has her arms thrown around his and oscar’s bodies. “hey!”
she hops back excitedly, hair pulled back into a new hairstyle. “ice cream?” she nods excitedly at logan and then she turns to oscar, repeating the question.
oscar throws his head back with a laugh. he wraps an arm around her shoulder, and smiles. “of course. i’ve been looking forward to ice cream with you guys all day.”
sebastian finally steps away from him with a small smile and a thumbs-up. he returns the gesture, his warm smile finally putting the older man at ease. it would be a shame to watch a friendship as genuine and great as theirs fall apart. as much as he can, he would like to make sure that their authenticity never ever leaves them.
“come on! i wanna go and walk around town after we get ice cream,” she shrieks, reaching out to pull logan along with her. she glances at sebastian. “would you like to join us, seb?”
sebastian laughs, politely declining her offers. “i just want to take a nap after the day we’ve had.”
she nods, wrapping an arm around logan’s torso as they start to walk to the exit of the paddocks. “which one of you’s driving tonight? cause it’s definitely not me.”
“i’ll drive,” logan nods willingly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and giving her a soft squeeze. “i heard you left your phone in your room all day. how’d you survive being apart from your phone for that long?”
she throws her head back with a groan. “barely! i can’t believe i went the whole day without chatting with you guys!”
oscar scoffs. “clingy.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @happy-nico @namgification @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @inejismywife @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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berryhobii · 5 months
Baby Girl: Show Out (ksj x reader)
Pairing: SugarDaddy!Kim Seokjin x SugarBaby!Brat!Reader
Word Count: 2.7K+
Warnings: established relationship(reader and Seokjin are technically together), smut (18+ but I don’t control what you consume, oral(m and f receiving), orgasms(f receiving), exhibitionism, getting caught but not caring, mentions of ruining furniture from s*x😝, reader’s definitely a bitch in this but I love it, Seokjin’s also violating so many company policies but remember this is fiction.
A/N: Hi hi! Here’s another one shot for my BabyGirl couple. I feel like I don’t read enough fics where reader is a mondo bitch so here’s my contribution🫣reader is in fact dark skinned in this and their style is Y2K and AaliyahCore if you didn’t know already. It’s just something about bad bitches in tiny skirts that I absolutely love😭anyway, please enjoy and stay safe🩵🩵
Blowing a bubble with your fruity flavored gum and then popping it, you strutted down the clean and spacious hallways, only the thought of that new Sanrio pop up that just opened downtown on your mind. You had seen an Instagram post about it earlier and your eyes could have bursted with rainbows and glitter. A Cinnamoroll plush in a bear costume? Yes! You needed it!
The only problem was you had spent the last of your allowance on a new Telfar purse and every color of those Bailey Bow UGG boots. Why exactly did you need every color? Obviously because the company made every color, duh. Why make multiple colors if they didn’t want people buying all of them? It was a smart business tactic that you’d fall for every time.
With those packages on the way and that Cinnamoroll calling your name, it was time for you to do what you do best.
Flutter your lashes and sweet talk your sugar daddy into giving you his credit card.
And deepthroating. You were good at that too. Maybe you could do both.
As your bright red MoonBoots(gotta get into the holiday spirit!) carried you down the hallways, you could feel the loathing stares and hear the gossiping whispers of each person you passed in the halls.
Unlike most sugar daddies and sugar babies, you and Seokjin didn’t hide your relationship at all. Everyone knew who you were and what your relationship entailed. Initially, Seokjin kept you under wraps; only coming to see you in the dead of night, renting out places for your dates so that no one would see you together. Sometimes, he’d make you wear masks and sunglasses when you’d enter and exit his condo. It was going pretty well.
However, after an employee at a restaurant he brought you to secretly snapped a photo of the both of you and posted it online, the secret could no longer be hidden. So after suing that employee and addressing multiple news outlets out his secret relationship, you were allowed to parade around freely. With the news of South Korea’s biggest bachelor having a sugar baby, you had to be more careful in public. Seokjin assigned you a driver and he tried to get you a security guard but you insisted that would pull more attention to you. He wasn’t sure but after giving him a blowjob and signing up for self defense classes, he relented.
Since you didn’t have to hide yourself anymore, you waltzed into Seokjin’s office like you owned it. Always dressed loudly and fashionably, a designer bag swinging on your arm and Tiffany studs in your ears(never less than 18 carats), you were the head bitch. New York would be so proud of you!
And every jealous woman’s stare only stroked your ego further.
You reached the desk of Seokjin’s personal secretary. While you didn’t have to stop to talk to her, you got a kick out of pissing her off. No one knew except you and Seokjin but he told you that Rina had confessed her feelings to him a little bit after you two had initially started your relationship. He had politely rejected her and there was no awkwardness from his side. He still treated her kindly and relied on her as his secretary.
Then the news of you came to the light and all of those bitter feelings of rejection evolved into pure anger and transferred right to you.
She lifted her eyes from her computer, face immediately dropping at the sight of your wide smile.
“Good afternoon, Rina. How are you today?”
Rolling her eyes, she let out a frustrated sigh before gritting out a, “fine.” She wanted nothing more but to tell you to get the hell out of her face but everyone knew you had Seokjin wrapped around your finger. Any disrespect towards you was practically asking to get fired. And Rina liked this job and it’s benefits too much to let you ruin it.
And you knew that.
“Do you like my new purse?” You held up the bag in her face. “It’s from the new Marc Jacobs collection.”
Her lips formed a sneer, eyebrow twitching slightly. “Is it? I couldn’t tell.”
“Yeah. It’s probably not in your price range so I get it.” You shot back with a bitchy smirk. Smoke could have came out of her ears from how red her face became. “Anyway, is Seokjin in?”
Swallowing down the rising insult in her throat, she gritted out, “he’s busy right now.”
Checking your nails, totally ignoring what she just said. “Alright then I’ll go in. Oh do me a favor?”
She watched you take the gum out of your mouth and stick it right on the pad of sticky notes on her desk. You shot her a quick wink before walking by her, leaving her jaw dropped and blood boiling.
Opening the door, you strutted inside the spacious room. You spotted the new leather couches off to the right. Those were your idea; leather was easier to clean. You and Seokjin absolutely destroyed those fabric sofas he had with your antics. Did furniture warranty’s cover acts of kinky sex that would make a nun faint? They should.
That aside, your focus went to the objective of this visit.
Posture slightly hunched and deft fingers typing over his keyboard, Seokjin was absorbed in whatever work was in front of him. At the sound of the door opening and closing, he lifted his gaze. His eyes immediately brightened at the sight of you, thick lips stretching across beautiful straight teeth. You reciprocated his cheesy grin, happily skipping over to his desk with a newfound pep in your step. Placing your purse on the corner of the desk, you leaned both of your palms on the wood.
He pushed down the screen of his laptop, his spine straightening as his mood immediately improved. “Baby girl. What a surprise.” He couldn’t stop himself from taking a glance at your cleavage that was on display in the red bra you wore, a black mesh long sleeved distressed shirt under it which just barely helped hide your pebbled nipples. He always thought you looked cute but this look was just on the edge of sexy. As if the black mini skirt and garter belt wasn’t enough, the red choker around your throat made him go crazy.
His stare didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Am I interrupting anything?” If you were, you didn’t really care but you weren’t anything if not a polite baby girl.
“Of course not. I was just sending a few emails. I was about to take a break anyway.” He moved his chair back a little, patting a hand on his lap. You smiled, rounding his desk to take your rightful place on his lap.
He wrapped his arms around you, leaning in nose at your shoulder and press a few kisses there.
“You look beautiful today.”
You cupped his cheek to lift his head, rubbing your nose against his. “Thank you. So do you.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him into a hot and lip gloss sticky kiss. He sighed contentedly against your mouth, his fingers squeezing at your hip and thighs. Taking the initiative, you tilted his head back to kiss him deeper and to play for dominance just a little bit.
Seokjin smirked into the lip lock. He’d never admit it but he loved when you took control. You were submissive through and through—his good girl. However you had your few moments where you could get a little bratty, a little brave and he couldn’t deny the small thrill it sent through him. It sparked his own inner dom and made him want to gently push you back into that submissive state.
Then again, this was pretty hot too.
He let you kiss him how you wanted for a little bit, just relaxing and letting himself melt into you and your affection.
After a little making out, you parted from him, giggling at his slightly flushed cheeks and pouty lips. Your thumb swiped over his spit slicked bottom lip.
“I’ve missed you.”
“Mhmm. How much do you need?”
Welp, guess that deepthroating was off the table.
Dramatically gasping, you held a hand to your chest in faux shock. “How dare you? I came here to have an engaging conversation with you.”
He rolled his eyes, not believing you for a second. While you two have been together for a while and have shared many intimate and romantic times together, the sugar daddy/baby dynamic still remained at the base of all of that. You visited him at work every often, normally for lunch dates or to show him a new outfit but you only had that bounce in your step when you came to ask for something.
He also had never seen that purse before which probably meant you had spent your allowance.
Ugh. You were spoiled and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Fine then. Start the conversation.”
You opened your mouth but no words came out.
Damn it. He got you.
Slumping in defeat, you sighed, jutting out your bottom lip. “Okay fine. I spent my allowance and I want to go to the Sanrio pop up downtown.”
His grin was as endearing as it was heart fluttering. Either way, it was dangerous for your heart. Why did he have to be so damn handsome? How could you charm the pants off a man that had you like putty in his hands just from a simple smile?
“What if I told you I was already planning on taking you there tomorrow?”
Your smile was so wide you could have sponsored Colgate. A squeal of glee came from your throat, your arms yanking him into a hug as you bounced on his lap.
He laughed at your reaction, returning the embrace with the arm that was behind your back.
“Really?! Oh my goodness!” You pressed multiple pecks across his cheeks and nose, covering every inch of his face in your gloss.
“But while you’re here, why don’t we have lunch together? There’s a nice buffet that just opened not too far from here. I think I have a meeting in a little while but we can go when I’m done.”
“That sounds amazing.” You hummed, sweetly kissing his lips again.
Hands began feeling, kisses began getting a little more desperate, and eventually, your panties were soaked.
What could you say? Money made you horny. Quoting the wise words of your president Yung Miami and her vice president JT: “don’t nothing but a bag make this pussy talk.” Ah, you should get that framed and hung on your wall.
Your acrylics scratched at the nape of his neck, your tongues swirling around each others in a battle for dominance. He won, of course but only because you let him.
You pulled away, tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth and biting just a little before releasing it.
“What do you say?” He started for you, eyes hypnotic and luscious lips slightly parted. You wanted to kiss all the air out of his lungs.
That seductive glint in your eye paired with that coy smirk…..
“Thank you, daddy.”
You drove him fucking insane.
Boisterous giggles came from your mouth as he hauled you onto his desk before sitting back down in his chair. You instinctively spread your legs for him, giving him a front row seat to your pussy lips.
He groaned, erection beginning to strain against his dress pants.
“No panties? You bad girl.” His thumb ran across your folds, smearing your wetness to your clit. “What if someone would have seen?”
You bit your lip. “I might have flashed a man downstairs….”
That confession warranted a light slap to your clit making you jump.
Seokjin’s eyes were dark and his smirk was smug, cocky almost because he knew that only he could touch you.
“Naughty girl. Will daddy need to punish you? Flashing what’s mine to people.” He scolded with a tut, both thumbs moving to spread your puffy lips apart so he could see your winking hole.
You whined, wiggling your bottom. “I’m sorry, daddy. It was an accident. I’m a good girl, I swear.”
His hot breath blew over your clit, tongue flicking out to tease it.
“That’s right. Your daddy’s good girl.”
The licks to your clit were calculated and firm, your head falling back as you were finally getting some much needed relief. You hadn’t seen Seokjin for 3 days and the strict No Touching rule he gave you meant that your pussy was feeling a little neglected.
But now he was about to give you exactly what you needed.
When his plush lips wrapped around your precious little clit, your back arched and you let a whiny moan out into the air. That same sinfully flexible tongue trailed down to your gushing hole, digging further to all the splits he could reach. Your arms couldn’t hold you anymore, your back meeting his desk and your head hanging over the side.
Your viscous arousal tasted so god damn good on his tongue. He couldn’t control his own moans as his mouth worked you higher and higher.
And you were making the prettiest noises; your gasps for air and whiny squeaks whenever he’d give you a deep suck to your clit. They just made him want to absolutely devour you, just to pull more of those delightful sounds from you. His arms wrapped around your thighs to pull you closer, loud slurps and licks filling the space next to your moans.
He felt your hand loop through his hair, letting you take over a little and chase your high. Not that he needed any help getting you there, you always got lost in pleasure, desperate to climb that mountain and tumble off of it.
Seokjin was so absorbed in your juicy cunt that he didn’t even hear the knock on his office door.
Through your hazy and half lidded eyes, you noticed the door open, a familiar face peeking inside.
“Sir, are you-“
Her body froze at the sight of you laid out across the rich mahogany desk, her boss’s face buried between your legs. She knew you two weren’t very secretive about what went down. Hell, even she wasn’t dense enough to think you two didn’t get frisky in multiple parts of this office. The main gossip during lunchtime was about people hearing you and Seokjin having sex in places like bathrooms, private conference rooms, even the break room that one time. She didn’t care about it considering she didn’t like you very much and hated giving you the satisfaction that you irked her soul.
Actually catching you two in the act was not in her Bingo card this year.
It was in yours though.
Smirking, you let out a pornographic moan.
“Oh my god, daddy! You’re gonna make me cum!”
Rina watched stunned, your eyes locked with hers in a display of dominance and arrogance that could only come from someone like you.
Pampered. Pretty. And a spoiled bitch.
You loved your life.
Seokjin hummed, lips wrapping around your clit again. “Cum in my mouth, baby girl.”
“Yes daddy!” Your back arched as the waves came crashing down on you, the hand tangled in his air keeping him in place against your clit. He stayed where you wanted him, delivering little kitten licks to your bud to help you ride it out. He greedily slurped up every sticky drip of wetness you had, more pouring from your hole.
When you released him, he sat up, your juices dripping down his chin and his kissable lips cherry red from all their hard work.
Your chest rose and fell with deep breaths as you lifted yourself from his desk. Grabbing his chin with one hand, you bent down to capture his lips in a kiss.
“Thank you daddy.” You whispered against his pout. “Why don’t I repay the favor?”
“Get on your knees, baby girl.”
“Yes daddy. I also think Rina wants to talk to you.”
Slipping down from his desk, your knees hit the floor and your hands went for his belt.
That’s when Seokjin finally took notice of his secretary. Running a hand through his messy hair, he acknowledged her. “Yes Rina?”
As if his call of her name pressed the play button on her universal remote, she broke from her state of shock.
“I-I….uh….you-your m-meeting is in 10 minutes.” She stammered out.
Nodding, he looked down at you who had already began slobbering all over his cock, your hand pumping at his shaft.
“Heard that baby girl? 10 minutes.”
“That’s all I need.”
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rickybaby · 6 months
Gossip girls xoxo
Daniel and Max have a little catch-up during the drivers parade | Abu Dhabi gp 2023
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fr3akizoid · 2 years
you ain't my boyfriend and I ain't your girlfriend / part two
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pairing billy hargrove x reader
summary billy confronts you after school, and you are forced to make a decision.
warnings idk if this counts but the fic is open ended, so you can make your own choice at the end.
word count 734
a/n sorry this took so long guys 💀 I'm a constant victim of writers block
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You pushed open the heavy doors, the sun immediately kissing your face, letting out a sigh of relief as you were finally free from school. Your friends chatted around you, each of your cheer skirts swinging in tandem. You occasionally threw in a one word response to their gossip, but you weren't as energetic as you usually were. During cheer practice, Jennifer just couldn't the moves down, forcing the team to stay and practice significantly longer then normal.
She better hope she steps up her game, or she'll be stuch at the bottom of the pyramid all four years, if she even stays on the team. She was lucky that you were merciful, most cheer captains were far from it.
You smiled as you listened to Chrissy stuttered about what she was gonna wear to her date, Jason, her longtime crush, apparently asked her out. You didn't rain on her parade, but you did have to hold back from scoffing. You wanted to warn the poor girl but Jason seemed sweet in every other sense, but so help god if he hurt her you'd kick his ass.
The group slowly split up, some going to their cars, others to their parents, most to their boyfriends. You were left to walk home before you heard a familiar voice call for you. Your head turned to look to your left, watching the blonde as he sauntered up to you.
"Still decked out in denim? in the middle of summer, Hargrove?"
Billy didn't respond to your teasing as usual. Instead of a cocky smirk with a self compliment of how you love how tight his jeans held his ass and crotch, he simply responded his a unmoving and unamused face.
"Get in the car Y/N."
Your eyes widened with a smirk, still teasing as usual, thinking he maybe just had a bad day and needs to blow off some steam. "Oh, pushy. Someones in a mood."
Billy rolled his eyes as he turned around and got into the drivers seat, the door slamming behind him. You were confused with his behavior but walked over to the passenger side of his camaro, side eyeing him as you went to buckle your seatbelt. He didnt wait for you to buckle like he normally did. The engine roared to life, and in true Billy fashion, he revved it up a few times before driving off at least ten past the speed limit.
All you could see beside Billy was the blur of green and occasional soft hues of blues, whites, or peach. If not for the hum of the car engine and wind passing your ears from the open window, the car would have been completely silent, no cocky words or blaring rock music. It was an uncommon occurrence that you maybe would have enjoyed had you not felt the tension radiating off of him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were focused, focused on something in his head rather then the road.
A few minutes passed as Billy collected his thoughts, taking a deep breath before the bout of silence was ended with a question.
"Did you mean it?"
Billy almost laughed at your response, "Don't bullshit me, you know what I'm talking about."
You stayed silent as you looked at him, still confused. Billy glanced over at you before rolling his eyes.
"What you said, at the pool."
It took you a moment before you understood what he was referring to, "What, about you not being my boyfriend?"
You could see his fists clench against the steering wheel out of the corner of your eye.
"Well, yeah, you're not my boyfriend. If you were you wouldn't be fucking other girls."
That pulled a loud and sarcastic laugh from Billy's throat, his head tilted as his tounge grazed his teeth with a tsk.
"See... thats where you're wrong, Y/L/N."
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head in confusion, "Sorry?"
"I haven't been sleeping around, for your information." He raised his eyebrows in a cocky sense as he corrected himself, "Not recently, at least."
You nodded slowly and tried to understand what he was trying to say, his words still vague in your head.
"Okay.. I don't get what you're trying to say."
Billy's chest deflated dramatically as he let out a exaggerated sigh, "You're really gonna make me say it, aren't you?"
His eyes met yours for a moment as you looked at him, waiting for his explanation.
"Let's change those terms, hm?"
tag list @angelbbygrl @smutlandia @hcneyedsstuff @ky-harlow-bieber @harringtonfan4
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lovers-rck · 2 years
summary in the hottest day of the year, Robin Buckley is walking to Nancy's house.
pairing nancy wheeler and robin buckley
one shot
Scribbles adorned the dirty converse that paraded down the sidewalk, clumsy and hurried steps led the walk. It was an ordinary summer day, it could be Tuesday, it could be Thursday or Sunday, with summer you couldn't tell when another day was ending and when another day was beginning. The sun was shining high, strong and hot, laughing at the mortals who dared to walk under it rays. Laughing at Robin Buckley.
The multiple layers of clothing she usually wore-part of the style, she said-caused a light curtain of sweat to rest on Robin's hot, lightly tanned skin. With the back of her right arm she wiped her face while with her other hand she tried to comb her hair quickly.
After blocks and blocks of walking, 'cause Robin didnt have a driver's license in her possession, she finally spotted her final destination not so far away. A two-story house with large windows stood a few blocks ahead, the front yard decorated with absurd amounts of flowers that Robin and her limited gardening knowledge ignored. On the mailbox lay that family's last name, in rusty-looking gold.
Ding Dong.
Robin's arms look full as the front door opens and Nancy Wheeler lunges toward Robin's body, who receives her almost instinctively.
"You came!" exclaimed Wheeler, her head sinking into Robin's shoulder.
Robin enjoys a few more seconds of Nancy's warmth before pulling away and replying "Well, you called me."
Nancy laughs and Robin thinks she'd come as many times as she could if the reward would be hearing her laugh.
"Well yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually come" she says "Not with this sun burning, have you seen the weather? have you put sunscreen on?"
Robin denies slightly as she walks in and closes the door behind her, amused by her friend's concern.
Because Nancy Wheeler was her friend.
Robin had to remind herself many times a day of that fact when his eyes accidentally fell on her lips, or when the delicate dresses she wore on hot days revealed her clavicles that acted like magnets to Robin's senses, enjoying how her pale skin looked under the rays and fantasizing about being able to feel her, not necessarily in a sexual way, but with curiosity about how his fingers would feel against her skin. Robin wasn't sure what things friends can enjoy about each other.
"Do you want to get something to eat? Let's go to my room and I'll make you something" Nancy says, always with that natural, maternal concern that Robin was trying not to mistake for affection directed at her.
Nancy's room is full of artifacts that Robin loved to touch. Rummaging through her friend's things is one of her favorite activities, books, gossip magazines, stuffed animals and even a ballerina inside a music box were things Robin had recently discovered.
"What were you about to tell me when we were talking on the phone?" murmurs Robin, too focused on examining Nancy's new acquisition that rested on her nightstand, a book titled "The Bell Jar."
Ever since Robin had been able to afford a phone - thanks to her job at Family Video - she and Nancy would spend late nights and days at a time talking. There were times when each would go about their tasks without saying anything but also without cutting off the call, simply accompanying each other across the line.
It had been a few hours ago that Nancy and Robin were on their usual call of the day that Nancy had communicated the idea of coming to her house, so timidly that Robin felt her heart melt. Hours later Robin found herself walking the streets on the hottest day of the year.
The power Nancy Wheeler had over Robin Buckley was enormous, but the two girls were oblivious to this. Every action of the other was perceived as a simple teenager friendship, where each was willing to do anything for the other without receiving anything in return and without questioning that the root of this feeling did not lie specifically in the friendship they held.
At night, when the phone calls ended, Robin was left with this fervent feeling that she would do anything for Nancy.
"Did you hear who came out of the closet?" Nancy said, lying on the bed next to Robin who lay on the floor with the book in her hands.
Sylvia Plath quickly lost all her charm the moment Nancy uttered those words.
"Uh, no, Who?"
Nancy and Robin had never talked about homosexuality, or at least not openly. Robin knew he had no reason to be afraid of what Nancy might say, but fear was her second skin. It was the 1980s, Robin was well aware of what was happening to gay people in her town, even across the country. There were many nights where she couldn't sleep for fear that they would come looking for her to torture her, as well as many evenings where she had to keep a straight face and pretend it didn't affect her when she heard her classmates mocking the murders of lesbians or gays or transgendered people. Robin lived in constant fear of being condemned for who she was.
"Vickie, from Marching Band."
"She did?" Robin murmured.
"Well, not exactly" Nancy murmured, a sadness took over her features "Someone caught her making out with a girl and spread the rumor."
And Robin felt a deep terror for Vickie's life. Sometime during the year Robin got to hang out with Vickie, an overly nice girl she came to think she was in love with, but Nancy's ghost was always there to remind her that her friend was the love of her life.
"Oh" Robin felt her stomach turn a little "You think that's wrong, don't you? To have that done to her" she muttered, hating herself internally as she saw her friend's hurt face.
"What? Robin, of course I think it's wrong! They had no right to do that to Vickie just because she likes girls!"
Robin couldn't help but feel immense relief, even though she knew Vickie's life was in danger. She always had that inner guilt at feeling a sense of relief when she wasn't the one who had been found out. She felt constantly on the run from the hunters threatening around her.
"And uh..." Robin said, sitting down next to Nancy's body, at the level of her stomach. "What would you do, if you had a lesbian friend?"
Nancy looked extremely pretty today, or any other day if you asked Robin. Her hair was sprawled across the pillow in such a disheveled fashion that it was mistaken for perfect. Her eyes were framed by long lashes coated in a thin layer of mascara, a preparation that was intended for Robin by Nancy, wanting to look attractive to her friend's eyes.
"What do you mean, Robin? What would i..." Nancy muttered, finally her brain clicking "Oh."
Nancy had always been able to read Robin, even when she didn't want to.
"Yeah, oh" Robin said, her eyes fixed on her hands "I think i should go".
"No" Nancy uttered, her voice coming out louder than intended "Stay"
Robin had never felt so vulnerable. She felt naked, as if all her clothes had been fiercely ripped from her body, and now she lay helpless, on the floor.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Taking her eyes off her hands, Robin replied "I guess is a hard thing to say" she muttered "They can kill me for this, you know."
"Yeah, right, i know, sorry."
The room was plunged into a silence that burned, burned worse than the summer sun.
"You were the girl? The one with Vickie?" Nancy said, and in the back of her mind she prayed for the answer to be negative. "You like her?"
After a few seconds, Robin shook her head, and Nancy breathed. "I'm scared for her."
"Oh" she said "I'm sure she'll be fine" She said, knowing deep down that probaly wasn´t true.
Sunbeams were streaming through Nancy's bedroom window, Sylvia Plath had been forgotten on the floor and the music box dancer had stopped dancing.
"You know i love you" Nancy murmured, almost as if it were a secret "I would do anything for you, Robin."
"I will do anything for you too, Nancy"
Neither of them were aware of how real those words were. Neither realized that they were confessing their love to each other.
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strideofpride · 2 years
Rachel was always the main character. From like the first episode. They focus on will less as time went on because nobody liked him
She absolutely was not lol. For the first thirteen episodes, Will is entirely the main driver of the action, every A story centers around him, he’s the only character we regularly see outside of school with his personal drama with Terri. He’s the first character we meet in the pilot and him finally kissing Emma is the big cliffhanger at the end of 113.
If any kid is the biggest driver of action in those first 13 episodes, it is Finn. Will and Finn also directly parallel each other and the Terri/Will/Emma triangle directly parallels the Quinn/Finn/Rachel triangle, and who is the center of that triangle again hmm? And again, Finn’s baby drama and feeling torn between Glee and football are the meatiest storylines any kid gets those first thirteen eps.
Rachel has an arc sure, about whether or not she will get to be the star of the Glee club (and she does get to be with her Don’t Rain on my Parade number in 113) but it’s mainly played for laughs and often from Will’s POV. She’s at best a third lead those first thirteen eps.
And I don’t really understand why no one likes Will? Yeah his musical numbers are often cringey but other than that I find him a very compelling lead? Like his whole storyline of having been a star in high school but now he’s a grown man stuck in the same town in a bad marriage with bills to pay and unable to afford to follow his real dreams anymore…idk it’s very melancholic and a great lens to center the show around cause it adds a sense of realness. And also enriches the kids’ storylines cause most of them know deep down they’re probably gonna follow the same path and they all want to get out of Lima but the world doesn’t work the way we want it too.
(And I know the show is gonna become a Gossip Girl and give them all their wildest dreams in ways that really stretch suspension of disbelief which is a shame but also a regular trap in teen dramas. Because if you continue past high school, reality ensuing can be quite depressing to watch, so shows course correct by going too far in the opposite direction where reality doesn’t even exist anymore.)
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 years
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Season One
Disc 1
The Wedsworth-Townsend Act Original TV Movie
S01E01 The Mascot
S01E02 Botulism
Disc 2
S01E03 Cook's Tour
S01E04 Brush Fire
S01E05 Dealer's Wild
Disc 3
S01E06 Nurse's Wild
S01E07 Publicity Hound
S01E08 Weird Wednesday
Disc 4
S01E09 Dilemma
S01E10 Hang-Up
S01E11 Crash
Season 2
Disc 1
S02E01 Problem
S02E02 Kids
S02E03 Show Biz
S02E04 Virus
Disc 2
S02E05 Peace Pipe
S02E06 Saddled
S02E07 Fuzz Lady
S02E08 Trainee
Disc 3
S02E09 Women
S02E10 Dinner Date
S02E11 Musical Mania
S02E12 Helpful
Disc 4
S02E13 Drivers
S02E14 School Days
S02E15 The Professor
S02E16 Syndrome
Disc 5
S02E17 Honest
S02E18 Séance
S02E19 Boot
S02E20 Rip-Off
Disc 6
S02E21 Audit
Season 3
Disc 1
S03E01 Frequency
S03E02 The Old Engine
S03E03 Alley Cat
S03E04 An English Visitor
Disc 2
S03E05 Heavyweight
S03E06 Snakebite
S03E07 The Promotion
S03E08 Insomnia
S03E09 Inheritance Tax
Disc 3
S03E10 Zero
S03E11 The Promise
S03E12 Body Language
S03E13 Understanding
S03E14 Computer Error
Disc 4
S03E15 Inferno
S03E16 Messin' Around
S03E17 Fools
S03E18 How Green Was My Thumb?
Disc 5
S03E19 The Hard Hours
S03E20 Floor Brigade
S03E21 Propinquity
S03E22 Inventions
Disc 1
S04E01 The Screenwriter
S04E02 I'll Fix It
S04E03 Gossip
S04E04 Nagging Suspicion
Disc 2
S04E05 Communication Gaffe
S04E06 Surprise
S04E07 Daisy's Pick
S04E08 Quicker Than The Eye
S04E09 Foreign Trade
Disc 3
S04E10 Camera Bug
S04E11 The Firehouse Four
S04E12 Details
S04E13 Parade
Disc 4
S04E14 The Bash
S04E15 Kidding
S04E16 Transition
S04E17 Smoke Eater
S04E18 Prestidigitation
Disc 5
S04E19 It's How You Play The Game
S04E20 The Mouse
S04E21 BackUp
S04E22 905-Wild
Season 5
Disc 1
S05E01 The Stewardess
S05E02 The Old Engine Cram
S05E03 Election
S05E04 Equipment
S05E05 The Inspection
Disc 2
S05E06 The Indirect Method
S05E07 Pressure 165
S05E08 One Of Those Days
S05E09 The Lighter-Than-Air Man
S05E10 Simple Adjustment
Disc 3
S05E11 Tee Vee
S05E12 On Camera
S05E13 Communications
S05E14 To Buy Or Not To Buy
Disc 4
S05E15 Right At Home
S05E16 The Girl On The Balance Beam
S05E17 Involvement
S05E18 Above And Beyond...Nearly
Disc 5
S05E18 Grateful
S05E20 The Great Crash Diet
S05E21 The Tycoons
S05E22 The Nuisance
Season 6
Disc 1
S06E01 The Game
S06E02 Not Available
S06E03 The Unlikely Heirs
S06E04 That Time Of Year
S06E05 Fair Fight
Disc 2
S06E06 Rules Of Order
S06E07 The Exam
S06E08 Captain Hook
S06E09 Computer Terror
S06E10 Welcome To Santa Rosa County
Disc 3
S06E11 Paperwork
S06E12 Loose Ends
S06E13 An Ounce Of Prevention
S06E14 Insanity Epidemic
S06E15 Breakdown
Disc 4
S06E16 Family Ties
S06E17 Bottom Line
S06E18 Firehouse Quintet
S06E19 The Boat
S06E20 Isolation
Disc 5
S06E21 Limelight
S06E22 Upward And Onward
S06E23 Hypochondri-Cap
S06E24 All Night Long
Disc 1-2
The Final Rescues
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cuntoss-inz · 2 years
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Ah there it is, my favorite gossip girls of the gay drivers' parade
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streetlightsky · 3 years
so, f1 gossip girl au? did someone already write this or? i mean, not using teenage storylines, but the grid gossip and drama write itself. and random media footage or candid fan pics are submitted tidbits to the hotline for posts on the relationship team/mate drama.
like, brocedes yachtgate:
This just in: On the coast of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, L and N--or shall we say B--and the Merc family making waves after a disastrous affair in Monaco. A conveniently missing V from the scene, but who can blame him. A broken wheel nut ruins your race, and who's there to pick up your team's spirit? That's right. It's Britney, bitch.
or the sebchal shots from obscure angles:
Spotted: CL16 and SV5 lingering in conversation before boarding the driver's parade trucks. One red, one green; both leaning too close to each other in a pandemic, if you know what I mean.
xoxo, gossip girl
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loove-persevering · 5 years
Hierarchy (Steve Harrington Imagine)
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Description: reader is shy and quiet, reads and keeps to herself all the time whereas king Steve is the opposite. He parties and socializes, til one time in the hall he bumps into her and helps her pick up her books and it’s just super rom-com central. He tracks her down and wants to spend more time w her despite what his friends say and the reader wants to break down cause he’s too different from her and she thinks he won’t like her but she’s sooo wrong b/c he’s smitten 
A/N: I changed it up a little bit hope that’s okay!:)
High school was a hierarchy, there was a top of that hierarchy and then there was the bottom which is exactly the category you seemed to fit perfectly in. Not that it bothered you, you could care less of what you were in high school you knew you’d be something when you left and that was what mattered to you. Hawkins was a small town and you were more than dedicated to making it out, you wanted more than what this town could offer you which didn’t seem to be much. 
 You spent majority of your time with your face in a book, and that was enough for you. You didn’t feel obligated to go out every weekend and get hammered and you didn’t feel the need to surround yourself with the fake friends that seemed to surround Hawkins. Everywhere you looked people were gossiping about one another and finding new people to talk bad about and you were glad you were confined to yourself for the most part. Sure it would be nice to go out and do something every once in a while but you had never met anyone worth hanging out with in Hawkins. 
 So today you were sitting in the library reading a Stephen King novel completely engrossed in the gory but interesting world that was his books. You were a big fan of his as well as the few movies that had been made based off his books. You were apparently too enveloped in the book because just as you finished the chapter the bell rang signaling you only had three minutes to get to your next class. ‘’Shit,’’ You mutter grabbing all your books off the table not having time to stuff them in your backpack. You struggle to put the strap over you shoulder as your rush out the doors of the library. 
 You were still trying to get the books organized as you made your way out the door pushing it open with your hip, just as you were about to round the books suddenly made their way to the floor you along with it. ‘’Dammit,’’ You mutter pushing yourself up off the ground. There stood Steve Harrington looking down at you wide eyed as Tommy and Carol snickered behind him. 
 You roll your eyes pushing yourself on your knees collecting your books, Steve stood there watching you in amusement as he hadn’t realized how he never had noticed you. Eventually he does fall to his knees helping you pick up the few books you had left scattered on the ground, he holds them out to you and you look up at him hesitantly, ‘’Thanks,’’ You say almost cautiously. 
‘’You’re welcome!’’ He says giving you his million dollar smile, the one he seemed to parade around at every girl in Hawkins high. ‘’Are you new here?’’ He asks oblivious. 
You let out a sarcastic laugh, ‘’Yeah, new!’’ You say. 
‘’What’s your name then?’’ He asks. 
‘’Wouldn’t you like to know Harrington,’’ You say. 
He looks at you confused both of you standing up from the ground now, you glance back at Tommy and Carol who seemed to be looking over your appearance judgement spread across their faces.  ‘’So you’re not new?’’ He asks laughing nervously. 
‘‘I have to go,’‘ You say glancing up at the clock over top of you realizing now you only had about a minute and a half to get to your next class. You move past Steve and his friends ignoring their gaze as the continued to whisper to each other like children. 
‘‘What a freak!’‘ You hear Tommy yell out and you sigh glancing back at them, Steve was looking your way completely ignoring what Tommy said. ‘‘She is like if Jonathan Byers’ was a girl..’‘ Tommy says making Carol burst out laughing. You turn your head away immediately and make your way to your next class. 
A few days later you were standing at your locker getting the books you needed to take home for the weekend when someone appeared next to your locker. You glance over seeing Steve Harrington glasses pushed down on his nose as he leaned on his side against the lockers next to you. ‘’Can I help you?’’ You ask glancing away from him taking another book and shoving it into your bag. 
‘‘You’re Y/N Y/LN,’‘ He says triumphantly. 
‘‘You figured it out, Congrats!’‘ You tell him taking the door of your locker and shutting it. You grab the lock putting it back on and then turn away from Steve heading in the opposite direction. That is until you see him fall in sync walking right next to you, ‘‘Do you want a prize or something?’‘ You ask looking at him confused as to why he all of a sudden wanted to talk to you. 
‘‘I think that you’re in need of a friend, and I’m just the person.’‘ He say smiling eagerly at you. 
You look at him confused still, was this guy serious? ‘’Thanks..but I’ll pass.’’ You say to him giving him a soft smile. He looked a little hurt for a second and you honestly felt bad, he didn’t seem to be too sarcastic about the situation but with Tommy and Carol as his friends you couldn’t help but think this was a set up. ‘’Listen I didn’t mean to be rude, but I just don’t get why?’’ You say to him. 
‘‘You seem like a cool person,’‘ He says shrugging his shoulders.
‘‘Me? I seem cool?’‘ You ask him laughing glancing over at him, you push the doors open finally letting the autumn air hit you as you walked to the parking lot. 
‘‘I mean you read cool books?’‘ Steve says. He reaches over grabbing the book out of your hand and you have to refrain yourself from calling him out. ‘‘Is this a different book from the other day?’‘ He asks smiling flipping it over looking at the back. 
You grab it back from him quickly and stuff it under your arm, ‘’Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.’’ You admit. 
‘‘It is!’‘ He yells. ‘‘What are you a ninja?’‘ He asks laughing. 
‘‘A ninja?’‘ You ask him finally making it to your car, he stands there looking down at you a smile on his face. ‘‘What kind of ninja reads fast?’‘ You ask him. 
 He laughs glancing from you back to the parking lot and you notice a sudden change in his demeanor as he does, he seemed to get tense? ‘’Listen I gotta go, could we talk again maybe sometime?’’ He asks sounding rushed. 
 You look at him confused, ‘’Talking is a normal human interaction so yeah,’’ You say trying to lighten the mood with a joke. He looks down at you an odd look on his face and then he gives you a soft smile before walking across the parking lot. You put your bag in the passenger seat of your car and walk around to the driver side and as you do you glance up seeing the direction Steve walked in. Tommy and Carol stood at back of Steve’s car and Tommy nudges Steve when he finally makes his way over. 
‘‘What are you talking to that freak for?’‘ He asks. 
‘‘Yeah Steve, I know Nancy did a ringer on you but why settle for that outcast?’‘ Carol asks earning a laugh from Tommy. 
‘‘Exactly,’‘ Tommy says. You glance over at Steve hoping that maybe he would tell them to shut up but he never did he just let out what sounded like a nervous laugh before getting in his car Tommy and Carol in pursuit. 
It was then that you realized that Steve Harrington was definitely one of those guys that cared about the high school Hierarchy, and that he was aware you were at the very bottom. 
 Over the next few weeks Steve Harrington made an effort to try and talk to you, but seemingly enough it was when nobody was around. You picked up on that pretty quickly so when Steve started coming your way you would practically do a flip to avoid him, running into classes you weren’t in, even walking in a crowd of people hoping he wouldn’t notice you. 
To your dismay he always seemed to find you, ‘’Hey,’’ You hear a whisper as he sits down next to you in the library. You glance up at him giving him a nod of acknowledgment and then turn your gaze back to the book in front of you, you attempted to read but with him sitting there you knew you’d get nothing done. ‘’Can we talk?’’ Steve asks. 
‘‘Sure,’‘ You say closing your book. You put your elbow on top of the book and your other hand below your chin supporting your head as you stare at him expectantly. Steve looks at you oddly and then coughs looking around, ‘’Scared your friends will see?’’ You ask him and he looks back at you wide eyed.
‘‘What?’‘ He asks sounding slightly offended. 
‘‘I said,’‘ You pause. ‘‘Are you scared your friends are gonna see us?’‘ You ask him. 
‘‘No!’‘ He yells, and you can hear the people around you shush him making you laugh lightly. ‘‘Why would you ask that?’‘ 
 ‘’I’m not dumb Steve,’’ You sigh gathering your books. ‘’I can hear your friends making fun of me when I walk away and you don’t do a damn thing to stop them.’’ You say and watch his expression turn to pure guilt. ‘’Who wants a friend like that?’’ You ask him. 
 ‘’Y/N I didn’t mean to- I just-’’ He says his face scrunches up trying to find the words or some kind of explanation to justify what he did. 
‘‘It’s fine Steve,’‘ You admit to him, ‘‘My feelings aren’t hurt, I kind of expected it to be honest.’‘ 
‘‘You expected it?’‘ He asks. 
‘‘Your nickname is King Steve, you seem to have a persona to keep up with and I’m not one to stand in the way of what makes you feel best about yourself.’‘ You tell him. You gather all your stuff up finally and stand up slinging the bag over your shoulder, ‘‘Listen Steve, you’re nice I can tell. But you have sucky friends and you could do way better so just think about the people you’re surrounding yourself with.’‘ You say giving him a soft smile, ‘‘I’ll see you around.’‘ You tell him turning away from him. 
It was later in the day and school was finally over, the parking lot begin to fill with loitering teenagers just like you. They were shrieking as if they hadn’t seen each other in years, and then some of them were casually waiting around for boys which seemed to be a trend, especially for those of girls watching Billy Hargrove. He was definitely an asshole, you didn’t need to get close and personal to see that and all the girl seemed to fall at his feet desperate for the fresh and new bad boy from California. 
 You watch Billy walk out his smirk across his face, he knew he was being watched and he lived for it and that was what made you know that you were always going to have a strong dislike for him. You roll your eyes watching him hop in his car which was vertical to yours on the opposite side, you put your bag in the seat next to you and get in on the other side. You start the car hearing it begin to click and you slam your hand against the wheel groaning, ‘’Come on! Start!’’ You call out. You turn the key one more time and it successfully starts and you let out a sigh of relief.  
 You turn your head around checking for anyone behind you and then being to slowly reverse, you turn your head just the slightest to check the other side and when you do you hear the rev of an engine and you knew exactly who it was. Before you knew it you felt a jolt and you lay your head on the steering wheel praying the damage wasn’t too bad.  You get out of the car and walk around to the back noticing your back bumper was on the ground and you had a huge ass dent, ‘’Dammit,’’ You mutter. 
 Then Billy himself gets out of the car so nonchalantly acting as if he didn’t just cause an accident. 
‘’You’re paying for this!’’ You tell him, and you watch him let out a merciful laugh. 
‘’Like hell I am princess,’’ He says giving you his signature smile, the one that apparently made girls fall right into the back seat of his car. But there was no way in hell that was going to happen with you.
 ‘’You’re a dick Hargrove,’’ You mutter and you hear a collective gasp around the parking lot. ‘’You drive like a bat out of hell and this was your fault so you can pay for my car!’’ You yell at him. 
‘‘It’s a piece of shit, I did you a favor!’‘ He says leaning his forearm against the hood of his car. You roll your eyes crossing your arms over your chest standing your ground against him, you worked hard to get this car and so did your dad. Being a single parent was hard and put up half the money for it only a few short months ago no way in hell this was going down without a fight. 
‘‘Listen, I just got this car. I really can’t afford to just pay it.’‘ You admit to him walking closer so the entire parking lot didn’t hear about your issues. 
‘‘Not my problem,’‘ He says licking his lips looking at you seductively, ‘‘I’ll give you a ride?’‘ He suggest and you scrunch your face up in disgust. You glance around the parking lot catching the gaze of Steve Harrington who had a worried expression on his face and not too far away was Tommy in Carol. 
 ‘’I’d rather not,’’ You decline him. ‘’All I’m asking is you give me half to pay for damages, sound fair?’’ You ask him hoping he would agree. 
‘‘I think we could workout another negotiation,’‘ He says suggestively. ‘‘One that works in your favor and mine.’‘ He says leaning in whispering in your ear. 
You take your hands pushing him back, ‘’Fuck off Hargrove, I just want the money.’’ You tell him and he looked mad. 
‘‘Bitch,’‘ He mutters and before you knew it your hand was flying up slapping Billy straight across the face and once again you could hear the collection of yells from around the parking lot. 
‘‘Shit!’‘ You heard someone yell. 
 You suddenly felt nervous knowing that Billy was a guy with a temper but would he really do something to you in front of the whole school? You look back at him and he turns around his hand massaging his jaw and he looks back up at your licking his bottom lip letting out a vicious laugh. ‘’Got some fire in you don’t you?’’ He asks stepping closer to you causing you to take a step back. 
‘‘Hargrove!’‘ You hear a familiar male voice yell, Steve stood a few feet away from you his hands on his hips as he looked at Billy. 
Billy smiles rolling his head back, ‘’Steve Harrington,’’ He says looking back at you, ‘’What is this your girlfriend?’’ He asks. 
‘‘No,’‘ Steve says glancing at you. ‘’But just leave her the hell alone man,’’ He says in a more menacing voice. 
Billy glances back from Steve to you and just nods his head, ‘’We’ll finish this another time won’t we?’’ He asks looking you straight in the eye and you keep your face narrowed. Billy makes his way back in his car and speeds out of the parking lot once again being a danger to society, you roll your eyes turning around as everyone seems to file out of the parking lot now that the entertainment was gone. You walk over to your car about to shut the door when a hand stops the door from moving. 
‘‘Hey?’‘ Steve asks cautiously. ‘’You okay?’’ He asks. 
You just shrug your shoulders out of frustration, what were you going to tell your dad? ‘’I’m fine,’’ You say but your voice says a different story. ‘’I’m fine,’’ You cough trying to get the lump in your throat out. 
 ‘’Why don’t you let me drive you home?’’ You hear Steve ask .
‘‘No.’‘ You say immediately, the one thing you didn’t want was to feel indebted to Steve Harrington. 
‘‘Y/N your bumper is still hanging off the back,’‘ Steve says one hand leaning against your car door the other on his hips as he crossed one leg over another. ‘‘Come on let me take you home,’‘ He says sounding sincere. 
 You glance over through the passenger seat window and notice Carol and Tommy loitering around Steve’s car. ‘’Look’s a little crowded to me,’’ You say glancing back up at Steve, he squints glancing over to the car. 
‘‘They’re not that bad,’‘ He sighs. ‘‘Come on,’‘ He says. 
You sigh and grab your bag getting out of the car ducking under Steve’s arm and he shuts the car door smiling triumphantly. You walk over to the car slowly but surely Steve making his way in front of you. ‘’Helping the less fortunate Harrington?’’ You hear Carol ask making your roll your eyes. ‘’Looks like he really wants to get laid.’’ 
 ‘’You know what I’ll walk!’’ You tell Steve turning your body around to walk the other direction. 
‘‘Hey! Wait!’’ You hear Steve yell and you turn around cautiously. 
He looks over to Carol and Tommy, ‘’Carol shut it,’’ Steve says simply and Carols mouth drops open in shock. 
‘‘Hey, what’s your problem man?’‘ Tommy asks sounding offended. 
‘‘She’s being an asshole man,’‘ Steve says. 
‘‘Seriously?’‘ Tommy ask and you adjust your bag off your shoulder feeling responsible for the fight that was about to break out. 
‘‘You don’t need to try and make everyone else miserable! She’s done nothing to you and you’re making fun of her?’‘ Steve says and Tommy walks getting in his face. 
‘‘You’d usually be one to join in! Now what? You want to get in some girls pants and you’re too good for us?’‘ He asks gesturing to Carol who was glaring at you. 
Steve walks over pushing Tommy against his chest, ‘’Find your own ride home both of you.’’ He says and Tommy shoves Steve’s shoulders causing Steve to fall against the car. 
‘‘You’re really gonna ditch us for this freak?’‘ Tommy asks gesturing to you. You lower your head to the ground not wanting to add anything to the fight. 
‘’I told her the same thing I’m gonna tell you, shut your mouth tony!’’ He yells and they were both in each others faces at this point. Tommy starts laughing in a calm manner making you very confused. 
‘’You’ll come running back soon enough when you realize we’re the only people who give a shit about you,’’ Tommy says and you can see a shift in Steve’s facial expression. ‘’And when you do you’ll have to beg to hangout with us again.’’ Tommy says and Steve shakes his head letting out a breath of air. 
‘’Yeah, right.’’ Steve says. Tommy steps back still laughing slinging his arm around Carol and moving back, Steve looks over at you gesturing to get in the car and you walk over to the passenger side and sink into the seat. Steve gets in slamming the door and you watch Tommy and Carol glaring at him as he pulled out of the parking spot fairly quickly then presses on the gas. 
 You stayed silent for the first few minutes of the car ride not really knowing what to say, Steve just kicked his friends out of the car for you? You can see him gripping the wheel tightly and glancing over at you every so often, ‘’They’re not that bad?’’ You ask him trying to lighten the mood a little bit. He glances over at you a little wide eyes and then back to the road the hint of a smile on his face as he lets out a laugh. 
‘’Okay so they suck,’’ He admits. 
‘’You don’t have to tell me twice,’’ You say looking out the window. ‘’Do you know how to get to my house?’’ You ask him.
 ‘’Uh no not really-’’ He says sheepishly. 
‘’Take a right here,’’ You tell him. You guide him the rest of the way to your house telling him all the turns and everything and he finally pulls into your neighborhood, ‘’You can just pull over right here,’’ You tell him and he slowly begins to stop. You put your hand over the door handle and look over at Steve, ‘’Thank you,’’ You tell him simply kind of intimidated that he was seeing how small your house was, ‘’It’s just me and my dad.’’ You tell him. 
‘’You don’t have to explain anything to me,’’ He says. ‘’Are you guys close?’’ He asks timidly. 
You nod your head, ‘’Very, he’s my best friend.’’ You say smiling to him. 
‘’And your mom?’’ He asks which takes you a little by surprise. ‘’You don’t have to answer that- sorry.’’ He says running his hand through his hair looking away from you. 
‘’Oh, she wanted to live in the city.’’ You tell him. ‘’My dad said the city wasn’t the place to raise a kid so she bolted,’’ You tell him.  He looks at you sympathetically, ‘’It’s fine I realized when I was really young that having a single parent was way better than having one who resented you for holding them back.’’ You admit to him. You can see the sad expression on his face and you hesitate to ask at first but you wanted him to know he could trust you, ‘’What about your parents?’’ 
‘’Uh- my parents aren’t around a lot, but when they are they’re not very involved,’’ He says. ‘’I know what you mean when you talk about parents resenting you.’’ He tells you. You reach over and put your hand on his shoulder giving him a smile, maybe it was too much, maybe that was crossing a line because when you did it he looked up at you with wide eyes. 
 ‘’Well, I should go.’’ You say pulling your hand away from him. ‘’My dad’s probably got dinner ready,’’ You say and Steve nods his head giving you a soft smile. You open the door and get out wishing Steve another thank you before walking into the driveway. ‘’You walk only a few feet away from the car until you hear your name being called out. 
‘’Y//N!’’ You can see Steve pushed over the passenger side having to roll down the window himself, ‘’Would you want to go out this weekend maybe?’’ He asks and you couldn’t help the smile on your face, maybe ‘’King Steve’’ wasn’t all that bad? ‘’How about Saturday at seven? We could go to the drive in?’’
‘’Sure!’’ You say feeling as if it sounded a little to eager, ‘’I mean yeah, but don’t be late Harrington I hate when people are late!’’ You say trying to throw him off to show that you weren’t as eager as your voice let on. 
‘’Trust me I won’t be late,’’ He says letting out a laugh. ‘’If anything I’ll be way too early and you’ll have to spend more time with me!’’ He says and you fake gasp. 
‘’That wouldn’t be the end of the world I guess,’’’ You say and a smile echoed on both of your faces. ‘’I’ll see you tomorrow?’’ You ask him. 
‘’Bright and early!’’ He says referring to picking you up. You turn around walking away from Steve and back into your house and you realized that Steve Harrington was as good as they come when you got past the whole I’m an asshole phase, and that you were in fact very excited for Saturday.
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lawrenceviewhotel · 3 years
Lahore – Saga of Pakistani’s hospitality
When I made a plan to visit Pakistan, I hadn't initially intended to visit Lahore. I ache for mountains, forests, and valleys. My first dream place to visit was Islamabad. But as more as I researched about Pakistan, the more I got drawn to the beauty of Lahore and its startling places. So, I thought it would be a pity not to visit Lahore and its chaotic streets after all; who knows if I ever get a chance to revisit Pakistan?
       Exploring Lahore with Ayesha was truly an exceptional experience.
Sparkling, cluttered, and busy! That’s what I felt putting my first feet on the streets of Lahore, Pakistan. I was standing near Lahore museum which was an art itself. Even though I was outside, I can still feel the warmth, energy, and beauty of aesthetic sculptures from inside. My mind truly wanted to go inside, but the drained energy from a tiring flight stopped me, and I just stood there, waiting for my friend Ayesha. She said she would be here at 11 pm, but it was already 11:30, and I didn’t see a sight of her until I saw her waving at me from an old Mustang, which really felt like it came straight from a classic 80s movie. I waved back at her, on which she excitedly came out of her car and ran towards me. She was wearing a long traditional shalwar kameez with black shoes, and I must say, she was looking gorgeous. Ayesha welcomed me with a broad smile and a warm hug, which instantly gave me the first taste of Pakistanis hospitality and kindness.
Due to the busy and frantic ajaib ghar road, it was hard for me and Ayesha to cross the road all by us with two backpacks and one luggage when unexpectedly, one man offered to help. I still remember the loneliness, hard work, and solitude he had on his face. He carried my suitcase on his head while the other two behind his back. With him leading the way, Ayesha and I quickly crossed the ajaib ghar road and sat in the car. While leaving, I offered him some money, on which he replied, “Miss, we don’t take money from foreigners, you are our guest, and we are your host.”
 That one actual moment flashed back so many memories of mine, but above all, it reminded me of the quote I read in 6th grade “True hospitality consists of giving the best of yourself to your guests” He gave me everything in that one minute, but in return he took nothing.
               Lighten up your mood with an Interaction of Rose at signal:
Before the heat dispirited my enthusiasm for visiting Lahore, we took off for Lawrence View Hotel. While traveling, our car stopped on a red signal where I came across a girl selling flowers. She had tied her hair in two braids, Dupatta in the middle of her neck, and had worn shalwar kameez.
I rolled down the window of the car and asked her, “How much for one?” on which she replied, “where are you from” I was quite astonished at how straightforwardly she asked me, but the innocence yet desperation on her face made me answer her question “I am from America, I came here to visit Lahore” she kept staring at me for a while, and said “your eyes are beautiful” I smiled and said “Thank you, you are beautiful too” The signal was about to go green, so she rushed to the corner of the road but before that she quickly gave me a rose for free of cost and said “A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady.”
That day still makes me smile, how that little rose bloomed a rose in my life in just a minute.
                      Get lost in the miraculous sight of Anarkali Bazar
Ayesha was a great person to talk to; whether it was about travelling or fashion, she had the reply for everything. We had an amazing conversation while driving when all of sudden Ayesha took a right turn to a busy street, and my jaw dropped. There were thousands of people wandering here and there. I have never seen such a crowd of people in one place. I was observing the entrance of the street when Ayesha told me, "its Anarkali Bazar, the most famous yet amazing Bazar to shop in."
I have been to many Bazars before but what makes Anarkali exceptional is its valid look and environment. It is a spot that catches the indigenous bazaar life of Lahore. A road merchant sells dates near a neighborhood mosque with a blue arch ("Neela Gumbad"). Ladies customers with plastic packs stop at a well-known café to appreciate some "Channa chaat." Or a beggar follows guests escaping vehicles as they advance toward the shops. It was one hell of a view I sighted while sitting in a car. The euphoria I felt was mind-blowing, and the intense sensation of buying "Jhumkas" (Earrings) from the street vendor or eating "Dahi bhala" from the nearby chaat shop took over me, but the pain in my feet was enough to hold my excitement inside myself. While making the last turn out of Anarkali Bazar, I unexpectedly moved my face out of the window and screamed, "I will be back, Anarkali Bazar."
                                     Brunch to engrave your hunger
After an hour of a car ride, we finally reached the Lawrence View Hotel. I was already exhausted due to check in procedures when they finally allotted us the desired room; Ayesha helped me in settling my bags in the room. The room was huge; it was an amalgamation of sophisticated decor and homely comfort. Most of all, it had a wooden bed contrasting with an appealing wall and a red rug. It was spacious having majestic interior, safety locker, high definition smart curved led, a wide bathroom and an access to soothing Jacuzzi. I was looking forward to sleep in it after such a tiring flight and car ride.
Ayesha left the room, and while leaving, she waved me goodbye with placing a handwritten note on the door. I smiled at her gesture and went close to the door to get a good look at it. It said, “Have a great sleep because I have a surprise for you tomorrow morning that can make you tired” I Laughed and straightly went to grab my shawl. I was hungry, so I thought of fetching food before I sleep.
Instead of ordering room service, I went downstairs. The Lawrence View Hotel had already amazed me with the room, so I thought of viewing their customer’s services and dining area.
As I walked past the entrance of the dining area, my eyes wandered across the hallway. It was heavenly designed with white and black tiles contrasting with the brown furniture and red wallpaper. The floor had comfortable creaks, and above all, there was staff standing all over the area with a polite yet compassionate smile on their face. They truly implicated the art of service.
The soothing environment lessened the tiring feeling in my bones as I sat down on the chair. I ordered a club sandwich with mineral water, but one of the staff suggested me to try “Biryani,” The specialty of Pakistan food, which I happily accepted. The denim jeans, white t-shirt, and blue eyes were indeed a representation of me being a foreigner. Even though it had so many drawbacks but the best thing about it was, people were genuinely hospitable towards me.  
The food finally arrived after the long wait, but as soon as I ate the first spoon of “Biryani,” the wait was worth it.
                 Unleash your patriotism with the trip to Wagah Border
With delicious food and comfy bed, I had a fantastic sleep, and I got up at 8:00 am with the knock at my door. I was expecting room service, but as soon as I opened the door, I saw Ayesha standing with "Naan and chane bathure" in her hand. I was astonished at how Ayesha is so punctual in following the schedule. Apparently, while we were in the car yesterday, I asked her to pick me up at 8 am, and there she was standing with food in her hand.
After breakfast and gossips, Ayesha and I left for the Wagah border. I didn’t have much idea of the Wagah border, but as Ayesha said, it was a surprise. I didn’t even ask her anything.  
The trip from the Golden Temple to the Wagah Border was a carefully long hour. It is about 35km, and there were six of us pressing on the Rickshaw – one next to the driver, three at the secondary lounge, and 2 of us sitting at the rear of the Rickshaw. Ayesha suggested it would be an amazing experience if we take the Rickshaw instead of a car inside of the Wagah border.
Even though it was, but I was too tall to sit in a back seat. I consistently wind up, extending my neck. The rough ride also meant that I ended up practically falling now and then had to stick onto the seat frantically.
It didn't help that I was additionally in front of the searing sun, and numerous times local people would just stare at me like they have never observed a foreigner before.
And, it begins
After a long hour of standing in a queue, I was already feeling tired and drained. But as soon as I acknowledge, the individuals in Wagah border decked in bright sarees and conventional ensembles filled the pitch, and officers adorned with identifications and pins stood firm, guarding the renowned function. My mood lighted up. They guided us towards the traveller seats instead of locals.
Ayesha and I sat on these seats, which seemed to be like an hour until all of sudden the music blasted. Girls were gradually moving their bodies to the music, and when more ladies went along with them, they broke out into a lively dance. It was charging – ladies were moving, hollering, and transmitting their pride for the nation. Just ladies were permitted to join the gathering while men viewed from the stands with their cell phones and cameras up high.
After the females went back to their seats, some of the ladies were invited to hold the flag and run to the border gate and back. They bore the flag like it was a shield and ran like they were in a race. It was the most electrifying yet patriotic moment one can notice. Ayesha and I were enjoying each and every moment of it.
After an hour of stimulating performances, electrifying Wagah border parade, and cheering, the ceremony finally reached a conclusion with officers from each side standing off and shaking hands. I asked Ayesha about why they shake their hands at the end, to which she replied, "It symbolises an image of the two nations' competition, fellowship, and collaboration.
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Pestering - John Deacon
You’re ecstatic when Freddie enlists your help for organizing the Queen wardrobe. Working alongside your best friend seems like fun, especially when said best friend is in a band. Let alone in band with three other talented artists. One of which has stolen your heart.
Or the one where the whole of the band Queen gives their input, in one way or another, about the tension between you and John Deacon. 
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“What do you think of this?” Freddie extends his arms out, showing off the flowing blouse he was referencing. You reached out, rubbing the soft, silky material between your fingers and hummed.
“It’s thin, so the heat of stage lights wouldn’t be too much of an issue,” you wondered aloud. “Would any of the other boys wear it besides you though?”
Freddie trilled, letting out a sing-song laugh before carefully folding the shirt. His tanned hands smoothed the fabric before setting aside on a nearby table. The top of said table was already littered with a menagerie of rainbow toned jumpsuits, shirts, and velvet pants that would soon be paraded about on stage by the similarly eclectic band you worked for. Freddie took in the sight of the haul you had helped amass, grinning wickedly at the thought of wearing what you had chosen.
“Darling, I know we talk about allowances and budgets, but I say leave the math to Deacy! We are to put on a show, so we need costumes!” You couldn’t help but smile at your friend’s enthusiasm. Freddie was made for the life Queen had opened him up to; the music, the fans, the clothes and all of the accompanying glamour.
“Yes, you’re right,” you sigh, “but it is important to take utility into account, Freddie.” You quirked an almost motherly brow at the dark haired man whose mouth puckers in thought. His eyes are still glued to the clothes laid out on the table top and you know there is no changing his mind. After giving in, you and Freddie are lugging all sorts of clothes out to Brian’s van in cloth bags. Freddie jokes about how, with the growing wardrobe in the back of the vehicle, Roger won’t be able to seek any girls in for a quickie. You scowl at the thought.
“Oh like you haven’t thought about shagging in the back of a van,” Freddie chastises and you blush a posy pink. Noticing your bashful expression, your friend lets out what you could only call a cackle. “You have! My girl, I am proud. Who’s the lucky fantasy man?”
“None of your business,” you say curtly as you hop in the passenger side of the car. Freddie clambers in the driver's seat and fusses with the height of it. Once he’s settled, he turns to you and you dare to meet his curious brown eyes. You stare each other, waiting for the other break. A sense of panic floods your body when Freddie smirks devilishly.
“It’s John isn’t it?” Your jaw falls open and Freddie laughs knowingly. “Oh don’t be surprised darling,” he starts the car and the engine roars to life. The radio starts gently as Freddie begins to back out of the lot.“I see the way you look at the boy. Be careful though, he’s fragile.”
“There’s nothing I have to be careful about,” you huff, slouching in your seat as Freddie drives. “He’s too caught up in the band and he’s too young.” Freddie scoffs at your excuses as he turns down the street.
“Five years isn’t too young,” he purrs, “in fact young blood could be just what you need.” You lean over and slap his shoulder. “No distractions darling, I’m driving.”
“You’re a right tease,” you grumble as your avert your eyes to get lost in the rushing buildings outside the window. “John isn’t interested in me.”
Instead a biting back with some gossip or jab, Freddie only thrummed along to the light music on the radio. His strange silence alarmed you more than anything he could say, but you savored the quiet. Soon your ears would be assaulted by band practice and filled with the yelling complaints of Roger when Brian plays too slow. Brian always did and Roger hated it with a passion, claimed that the guitarist was ‘doing it on purpose now’. It was John that would sit beside you, add joking commentary that never failed to make you laugh. Even thinking about him, you smiled as you gazed out of the car window. Freddie spared a glance at you out of the corner of his eye and smiled too.
He continued to smile all the way to the flat Roger and Brian shared. When he pulled up, Freddie eagerly leaps from the van and unloaded all of the clothes. He picked out his favorite pieces from the back and left you to carry the rest. You sighed as you grabbed the rest of the bags and, struggling, followed Freddie inside.
Using your hip, you attempted to push open the door to the flat. You were only met with a thump of your body hitting wood. You groaned and was about to drop the bags on the floor when the door swung open. Mouth open and fuming, you were ready to berate Freddie for taking off without helping you. Only, when you looked up, your words got caught in your throat.
“Oh, here, love. Lemme help with this,” John greeted, reaching to take some of the bags from your hands. You nodded a small thanks and followed the bassist inside, unable to meet his eyes. “I see that Freddie did his best to ignore the budget,” he quipped and you smiled guiltily.
“Yeah, sorry, John. You know how hard it can be to rein him in when he has his mind set on something.” You turn your head to where Freddie is showing off the new outfits to Roger and sigh. “Or somethings, in this case.”
“It’s alright,” John murmurs and you finally met his greyish eyes. He is smiling at you kindly, crinkles by his eyes making his older in contrast to his long auburn hair. “The album is doing well so we can afford this.”
You set the bags you had been holding on the couch and John follows suit. Roger’s attention is immediately on the new arrivals and he starts to rummage through them like a child on Christmas morning. You giggle at the sight of him and John shakes his head. Hearing your laughter, Roger lifts his head to glare at you.
“What? I want to get the best ones before Brian comes in and-”
“Before I what?” The guitarist interrupts, entering the room the moment Roger speaks up. The drummer sends a pointed glance in Brian’s direction before digging back into the bag.
“Like the children,” Freddie chides, “the lot of you.” You hear John chuckle at your side and you grin at him.
“You don’t want to dive in there?” You ask teasingly and John shakes his head. “You might wish too, before Roger hogs it all.”
“I know you better than that,” John whispers, leaning a little closer to you. You feel heat rising to your cheeks when you lift your gaze to his. He is smiling at you sweetly, as if you held the keys to a castle full of treasure.
“You do,” you agree, before turning to show him the bag of clothes you had picked out with John in mind. Before he even sorts through the items, John presses his lips to your temple. The soft kiss sends a shock through your body that you try to your hardest to mask.
“Thank you, love,” he says softly.
“It’s my job,” you reply, in the hopes to downplay the effect John’s appreciation had on you. It turns out to be a hefty task.
“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go without a few ‘thank yous’ now and again,” John squeezes your shoulder comfortingly. “You’re good at what you do, Y/N. We are grateful. Even if they’re too busy to say it.” He gestures to Roger, Brian, and Freddie; the latter of the trio is watching the two of you with a pleased visage.
You smile up at John who, despite being five years younger than you and Freddie, is much taller than yourself. He is beaming, his hands pulling a few pieces of clothing from the bag. He is quickly enamored with a silky, black shirt that was dotted with white stars. Soon he finds the matching pair of pants and clucks his tongue.
“You don’t like it?” You press, leaning over John’s shoulder to look at the outfit from the angle he was looking from. John shifts and your lips accidentally brush against his shoulder. The touch is full and you can feel the warmth of his skin beneath his tight shirt. John turns his head, his nose nearly knocking against your own when he meets your eyes.
“I love it,” he murmurs, his eyes darting to your lips to your eyes in the manner of a few seconds. The look doesn’t go unnoticed and you feel your skin heat up.
“Good,” you exhale, taking a step back, “good.” Before John could speak out or, as you wished he would, pull you close to him, you were striding over to the rest of the boys. Roger was lamenting about the lack of ‘rock’n roll’ pieces while Freddie pretended to listen. Brian was still filtering through the clothes. His brows screwed together in slight confusion as he studies the white-silk blouse that Freddie had picked out.
“What exactly is this?” Brian questions, pulling at the stray flaps of fabric hanging off of the shirt. You smiled and shook your head.
“A shirt, silly,” you hum, “a styled shirt.” You took the item of clothing from the guitarist and held it against his slim chest. He looked down to take in the sight with an almost scientific sense of intrigue.
“I quite like it, I believe,” Brian mused.
“Believe? Brian, you will look ethereal on stage in this. You must wear it.”
“If you don’t, I will,” Freddie pipes up. Brian quickly takes the shirt from you and holds it close to his chest defensively. You bite back a snicker but a sound still reaches your ears. A small huff from behind you prompts you to crane you head to the side and sneak a look at John. The younger man was standing against the counter top, arms crossed against his red shirt clad chest as he watched you and the band.
Unable to pinpoint what had caused the frown on John’s lips, you offered him a half-smile. He shifted against the counter and returned the expression wordlessly. You could read each other silently, like books, in a way that the other boys could not seem to crack. Not even Freddie. The singer always had a soft-spot for the bassist, ever since John joined Queen. Freddie was happy to see that his two friends got along so well, overjoyed when he felt they got along too well. His brown eyes took in the pining pair and sighed.
“John,” he shouted, pulling the bassist’s attention away from you. “Why don’t you try that outfit on? If you don’t wholly claim it, Roger might just steal it.”
“Like you wouldn’t,” the drummer fires back, but the words are lost on Freddie.
“Um, alright then,” John agrees. He picks up the clothes and heads off the washroom to change. You watched him go before waltzing over to the other bags and picking through their contents. The soft murmurs of Brian chatting with Roger about analogous and primary color combinations filled your ears to the point where you didn’t hear Freddie come up behind you.
“He was jealous, you know,” Freddie mumbles, making you jump in shock.
“Je-What? Freddie, really?” You busy yourself with sorting the remaining clothes.
“Really, Y/N. It’s pathetic. The two of you are like baby dogs waddling about and following each other around.”
“More like baby ducks then. It’s rather adorable.” You send Brian a silencing glare. Roger laughs at your expression before stealing a pair of butterfly-patterned pants away from the guitarist.
“Really though, Y/N, you need ta do somethin’ about it,” Roger adds. 
“I didn’t ask for your advice or your...” you gesture to Brian, “weird animal comparisons. Just look through the clothes!” The two of them shrug as Freddie laughs.
“Darling, he likes you, it’s obvious.”
“It’s not like that,” you grumble, “John’s jus’ nice to everyone.” Freddie rolls his eyes but gasps when he sees a white satin, button up vest.
“Isn’t this part of John’s new little number?” You looked over and nod.
“I’ll give it to him,” you say, taking it from Freddie and walking towards the washroom. You hear Roger say something along the lines of ‘yeah you will’ and Freddie’s laughter as you leave the room. Maybe it was due to the other’s words and reactions, but your heart was pounding at the thought of seeing John. If he had been jealous, why didn’t he tell you so? 
As soon as the question funneled into your brain you scolded yourself. You could ask yourself the same thing. You had been jealous of the girls ogling him after shows, screaming his name until he looked in their general direction; but then he would look at you and the anger would dissipate. It was like it had never really been there at all.
Rather than entertain ‘what ifs’ and ‘could have beens’, you walked up to the washroom door. You took a breath to calm yourself before knocking on the door. Nervously, you curl your bottom lip between your teeth. You only breathe a sigh of relief when the door opens. Once again you find yourself at a lost for words and John Deacon standing in a door way.
“How does it look?” He sounds timid, eyes downcast and taking in how the pants look around his skinny legs. You are too, and in love what you saw. The clothes clung to his lithe figure perfectly and it sent your heart into a frenzy. Swallowing hard you lift your gaze and smile.
“Fantastic,” John meets your eyes gratefully, “but it’s missing one thing.” You hold out the small white vest and, excited, John takes it from you. Carefully, with the grace of a ballet dancer, John shrugs the vest over his shoulders. He extends his arms and shows off the ensemble. It’s then he takes note of your slight frown.
“What is it?”
“Let me try this,” you whisper, stepping towards him. Your hands find the ends of the vest, pulling it tighter around his slim frame to button it closed. Quickly, you reach the last button and take a step back. “I like it buttoned better.”
“Do you?” John asks, but his voice isn’t light like before. You lift your eyes to his face and find him already staring at you. The question almost sounds like a challenge.  Nodding, you step forwards again, smoothing the vest material against John’s chest.
“Yeah, it shows you off, how handsome you are.” The words fall from your lips innocently, naturally, but not like a mistake. You mean what you say and John knows it. His arms fall to his sides except when one of his hands grabs your wrist. The touch is tender, just as you would have expected from him.
“I, Y/N...” he whispers, looking up from your hand to your eyes.  You study his features like art, waiting for him to find the right words.
“Yes?” you breath in question and John’s cheeks turn a tad red.
“I was hoping that you-”
“Y/N! You forgot shoes!” Roger screeches, the conversation about John’s feelings for you seemingly completely, forgotten to him. You let out a groan that makes John chuckle. The sound instantly diffuses the tension mounting between your bodies. 
“You better get back out there,” John mumbles.
“Do I have to? I’ve been to four different stores and it’s only eleven in the morning.” John sighs and drops your wrist. You miss his touch the second it leaves you. Freddie was right; you were pathetic.
“Well it depends,” John starts with a smile, “do you want to hear him complain in the store or when he’s drumming with bare feet.” You scrunch your face in mock thought and John chuckles again. 
“I mean, Freddie performs without shoes sometimes....”
“You’re not wrong, love,” John murmurs, meeting your eyes. His pupils expand when you hold his gaze, but you must have imagined it because John tears his eyes away. You watch as he walks down the hall before falling in behind him. 
“You look dashing, Deacy,” Freddie muses, taking in the new attire. 
“Ya know what would pull it all together?” Roger asks, blue eyes glued on you when you enter the room. You shoot daggers at the drummer and he answers his own question. “Shoes! Shoes would do it!”
Freddie snickers while Brian shakes his head at the blond man. “Take it easy, Rog. Y/N went shopping with Freddie remember? You know how he can be.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Freddie fires back. You spare a fearful glance at John who is already shift under the rising pressure. Brian’s hazel eyes widen and before he can formulate an explanation, you step in.
“Then why don’t you and Roger come with me this time. Freddie can sort the clothes here and you two can pick out shoes.” Roger beams at the idea, that or the humorous conflict he found all too funny. Brian agrees quickly, already darting off to find his coat. 
“Fine, alright,” Freddie concedes, “but you better control them. I don’t what us to look like fools on stage.” Roger snorts at this, earning him a slap on the shoulder from Freddie. While the two of them bicker, you turn your attention to John. His expression is slightly blank, but you pick up notes of annoyance in the way his jaw is set. You step towards him and rub his shoulder softly.
“Jealous you don’t get to go shopping with me?” You tease and John only gives you a saddened look that takes you aback. “Are you?”
“If I was, would it matter?” John asks, but no malice lingers in his tone. Only wonderment and thought. You nod in response before any words get out.
“Of course, you’ll always matter to me,” you say quickly. For the first time in your life you’re overjoyed that when Roger has a habit of talking, complaining, loudly. 
“Then, when you come back, we go out ourselves.” The suggestion makes your mouth go dry and John seems to notice. A somewhat smug grin pulls at the corner of his lips as his confidence grows in your reactions. You meet his gaze and only see affection in his eyes.
“We wouldn’t have to shop, would we?” John grins fully then.
“No, love. Unless you wanted to.” You huff at his joking but smile nonetheless. He never failed to make your smile. Reaching up, you brush a long strand of his hair out of his face. 
“Good,” you murmur, “because I won’t after dealing with them.” You crook your head to the side, gesturing towards Roger and Brian, who had finally made a reappearance. 
“Late lunch then?” John asks, hooded eyes holding your gaze. You nod, leaning in to peck his cheek lightly. 
“Sounds like a date,” you whisper, silently thanking your blooming courage. You knew part of it was Freddie’s doing, as he had planted the original seed of hope. You pull back and an expression you had never seen John wear before is written across his face. It was love, but you didn’t know that.
But, Freddie looked over at the two of you, he knew. The singer had seen John stare at you before with that very look. The slightly parted lips, half-closed eyes as if he were dreaming that you actually existed. And to think all it took was a little pestering to get you to see just how much John Deacon cared for you.
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maxverstepponme · 3 years
I think the drivers are the worst gossip they probably know everything that we don’t. Just imagine one of them opening a anonymous blog and bitching about how much one of the driver snores etc / omg yesss I esp noticed during the drivers parade before the Hungarian gp 6/10 drivers on the bus were huddled in a circle ( Max, Checo, Charles, Carlos, Alonso & Esteban) & were basically not waving & before that Max, Charles and Pierre were huddled in a circle, wonder what they were talking about 🤫
Max is the real gossip girl
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kanhara82-blog · 5 years
Dream 20190113
I dreamed of becoming a spy.
I entered and won an international competition just to spy on the government. I was on the run. I hid inside my old school. The nuns wouldn’t take me, so I hid in an abandoned classoom. Then, a teacher found out about me, so I ran away in a habit. I was wandering around as a nun until I had to settle somewhere before suspicion arise. Fortunately, I found myself an ally.
He was there to pick me up. He drove a bus and gave me a code to complete. I ought to trust him. But, I cannot trust anyone at all. We were detected. He panicked. I panicked. When the authorities succeeded in blocking the bus, the officers caught the driver and let the passengers go. They let me go. The driver did not uncover me. He, after all, was a good spy.
A policeman tailed me. I knew it. Swerving to an alleyway, I entered a community of mazed buildings. I hid and watched the policeman look for me, taking turns, circling around, meeting dead ends. Then, I was grabbed into an apartment. My friend’s boyfriend. He was a spy as well.
We lived in a house that seemed abandoned only to find out that a man and a child sleeps upstairs. I had to kill the man, but I just couldn’t do it. He killed the guy as I took care of the man. I had to keep the boy hushed up. Then, the mother came. She was about to scream, but I knocked her out before she could do so. When she woke, she was tied up and my ally and I were heading out. I left the baby on her side, sucking a bottle of formula milk to sleep. Looking at the woman’s eyes, I apologetically nodded and headed out of the house. I was parading with a hijab. It was the safest disguise I have yet to be in public in.
We headed to my friend’s house. She and her boyfriend were reunited casually. He’s done this before. I was another rescue mission to him. I pity the woman who lost her husband even more. What we have, the whole situation, it is sad.
Three other friends came by. They were spies as well. But, they all pose as politicians’ wives. The pretty ones. They were given the choice I had, but they chose to be bound to a loveless marriage than the limited freedom to walk the earth and travel. I chose the latter. I was lucky to have come home. But, now I’m on the run and they were the ones helping me.
I went home to gather some stuff. My parents, my siblings, they were all well. Papa was disappointed, mama was frightened, my siblings wanted me to stay, but I knew I had to go away. My next destination was the ultimate hiding place. I had to live with the monks and live by their rules until the news of me subsides and another mission is to be worked on.
I was in a novice’s uniform. My friend and her friends sent me to the terminal. Girls, even at critical moments, loge their gossip. The other three asked me if it was awkward working with the man that broke my heart. Excuse me? Well, apparently, they were talking about my friend’s boyfriend. We were once intended. He was the reason I chose to be sent to international missionsnthan to be a politician’s wife. But, he chose my friend over me. Ugh, drama.
I had to write my name down on to my ticket for the chopper ride to the monestary. It was weird. Why wasn’t I using a fake name? I knew something was wrong. Security was too loose. There weren’t even policemen anywhere. I was nudged to write, but I excused myself to the toilet. Grabbing the opportunity, I fled without a word. I went to a higher ground and watched them search for me. I was right, it was a trap. My friend’s boyfriend, my apparent former lover, he was behind me. A chopper was waiting for us. We were in the skies when light blinded my eyes and I was forced to wake up.
I knew I had to write the dream down. It was a god one.
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aventuresderin · 7 years
Vacances de Toussaint: Ireland and Northern Ireland
I knew my family was of Irish descent but seeing all the road and business names here, I’m really grasping the extent of it. Erin’s and Joan’s and Luke’s and Sullivan’s and (a lot) of Murphy’s
Seeing as I still haven’t written down the happenings of the whole second half of my trip in my proper travel journal, I’m going to summarize some of the highlights and include some photos on here. To know more, pls contact me for further information via facebook or over Christmas dinner @myfamily. 
Basically, I flew in and out of Dublin, so I spent one day and night in Dublin, then 2-4 days each in Cork, Galway, and Belfast before the last few once again in Dublin before my flight.
Dublin: My arrival day brought with it wind and rain, so after dropping my stuff at my hostel, I went to O’ Neills pub for a nice sandwich to fill me up after another crap French breakfast of coffee and pastries. Waited there until the rain let up and did some wandering around the city. In the evening, I went on the “new Dublin pubcrawl” which went to 3 pubs and a club. Had a blast!
Cork: Stayed in a hostel above a pub and got upgraded from a 6-bed to a 4-bed room (and ended up having it all to myself the first night). Got chatting with two Australian girls over breakfast and went with them to see Blarney castle and kiss the stone, then went out for probably the best pulled pork sandwich of my life. They headed off to their next stop, and I spent the afternoon shopping like the lazy tourist I am. 
*PEI encounter 1/3: matched with someone I went to elementary and junior high school with on Tinder and met him for a drink to catch up on all the island gossip. He’s studying at University College Cork.
Galway: Met up with Ingram, fellow language assistant, and explored the town a bit. Had a pint and seafood pie for dinner (can’t not have a pint) and then went to another pub that had live music. Got chatting with the girls sitting beside us (one Canadian, one American), bringing us to..
**PEI encounter 2/3: The Canadian girl dated someone who went on my bus for 6 years and who I did my high school musical with. Small frickin world!
- Day 2 in Galway was actually not in Galway, but in Westport, Newport, Mulranny and Achill Island via bicycle. I stopped midway between Newport and Mulranny (I was happy with my 22km after not riding a bike in 10 years) but Ingram completed it. We rented bikes at a bike shop in Westport, and part of the price we paid was a pickup/roadside assistance so there wasn’t pressure to do the whole thing. It was such an awesome way to see the countryside: sheep and cows along the way, sheep actually blocking the paths until we got pretty close to them, and rivers to go over and woods to go through. We went out for pints and fish and chips that evening, and then went to Matt Malloy’s pub to see the grammys in person and get (another) pint. We stayed at a little B&B in Westport (St. Anthony’s Riverside B&B) which was beautiful, had comfortable beds, luxurious bathrooms, and a delicious full Irish breakfast the next morning! I’m super glad we decided to splurge a little bit and do a B&B one night because it’s a typical Irish visitor experience, and it was a very welcome break from hostel beds, showers, and breakfasts.
- Day 3 in Galway was also technically not in Galway, but out to the burren, the cliffs of Moher, and a couple other 10 minute stops along the wild Atlantic way. We got back into Galway in the evening, had a delicious €2 veggie curry and then did the pubcrawl that the hostel puts on. It was lots of fun - met the most Canadians I’ve come across the whole trip, two of which had rented a car and were also headed back to Dublin the next day so we got a free ride from them.
Belfast: There’s no direct way to get from Galway up to Belfast, so we went back to Dublin then caught a bus up. We got settled at our hostel, met up with our third language assistant, Corinne, and our roommates (5 other language assistants from France, Germany, Austria, and Spain working in Ireland for the year - what’re the chances) and headed out for some food and drink. 1st stop: Boojum (burritos). 2nd stop: Kellys Cellars - Belfast’s oldest traditional pub. 3rd stop: The Harp Bar - where we met an old irishman who lived up to the rep of being v drunk. 4th stop: Lavery’s, where we met up with our language assistant roommates, and some Australians also at our hostel.
- Day 2: We did a day tour up to the Northern coast where we saw Carrickfergus castle, the Carrick-a-rede rope bridge, Giant’s Causeway, and the dark hedges. Once we arrived back in Belfast, we pulled together some last minute costumes (since it was October 28th - the Saturday night before Halloween) and headed out on the town as 3 lumberjacks. That night, we went to The Points pub, where they had traditional Irish music and traditional Irish dancers, and then Lavery’s, where a lot of the University-aged crowd seemed to be. We were very glad we decided at the last minute to dress up, because we would have stuck out like sore thumbs in normal attire there!
- Day 3: We did a Black Taxi Tour in the morning, which was unreal and possibly my favourite part of the trip. Since it was before my time, I had no idea of the Troubles that occurred in Northern Ireland from the 60′s to the 90′s, and to hear about it firsthand from the taxi driver who lived it was really humbling. I’m now on the hunt for a book to learn more about it. After that, we all split up and I headed to the Titanic museum which was really interesting. 
Dublin: Finally, back to Dublin! We arrived about 2 PM and I immediately did laundry at the hostel because my jeans had been worn about 3 too many times by this point, 9 days into the trip. This is where we met up with our 4th French language assistant, Nicole. We picked up some pasta, sauce, veggies, and wine for dinner and cooked at the hostel, then headed out on the town (once again). We had attempted to see a Halloween parade of some kind but weren’t ready in time and missed it. Then, we did a pubcrawl - the same one as the first night because we already had the bracelets. 
- Day 2: Halloween. Guinness Storehouse, dinner, and (once again) out on the town. The storehouse was neat, but I’m not sure it was worth €18. It’s self-guided and they don’t actually brew beer there so you don’t get to see any of the actual process in realtime. Also, I probably should have known it wouldn’t be overly exciting for me because I’ve worked at a brewery and given tours in the past. That being said, it was cool to learn to pour a Guinness correctly, the food was great, and the view of the city from the top of the building was amazing. Stopped on the way back to the hostel to pick up last-minute costume stuff and some food for dinner, then ate, got ready, and (surprise surprise) headed out on the town. I went with Nicole to her friend’s school event which was at a pub/club. The college is apparently like 95% non-Irish people but I did manage to find an Irish guy to chat with. Did I mention I’m in love with the Irish accent?
- Day 3: Late start to the day, I mostly walked around and checked out some shops and took it easy. In the evening, Ingram, Nicole and I (Bye Corinne - off to England) went to a teeny little hole in the wall restaurant/pub where we got tapas and a pint. 
- Day 4: Last day. Ventured out to buy a gourmet donut, did a walking tour, and went to EPIC Ireland - the museum of Irish emigration. I highly recommend doing both a walking tour and hitting this museum. They were both really well done and really informative. Apparently the population of Ireland is ~4 million and there are 70 million people worldwide claiming to be of Irish descent. 
That’s about it! Information omitted from this post include the exact number of pints that were consumed, the number of convenience store sandwiches that were eaten, the names of pubs I don’t remember, the amount of times my heart broke while spending British pounds (the exchange is 0.60.. and I thought the euro was bad), and the names of any Irish men I basically fell in love with for short periods while listening to them talk. Photo post and reflection post to come about this trip, which I have a feeling is going to be pretty hard to beat in my upcoming travels this year :)
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