#gossip tour barcelona
woso-dreamzzz · 29 days
Second Time's The Charm IX
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: Your co-workers meet your wife
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The new doctor is world renowned.
A titan in the industry of sports science and flawless in the realm of orthopaedic surgery.
Perhaps there was a bit of sexism in the way that all the nurses assumed you would be a man but each were pleasantly surprised when you walked through the door in your scrubs and were, in fact, a woman.
It was great in fact because male doctors always had massive egos attached and never treated nurses respectfully.
But female doctors always did.
Female doctors always appreciated the work they did.
You were one of those doctors.
If you weren't buried in paperwork or doing consultations and follow ups, you were down by the nurses station with a to-go coffee and a box of doughnuts from the café to share out.
"He took me to Naples," One of the nurses said," We took a tour around Pompeii and ate at this amazing pizza place."
You hummed, writing down something in one of your patient's charts. "Was it nice? I've been meaning to take my wife but she's so busy all the time. I don't want her time wasted if it isn't nice."
"So nice," The nurse insisted," A lot of walking around though so you're sweating a lot but apart from that, it's amazing."
"I'll put it on my list then."
"My boyfriend took me to a football match. He's a Barcelona fan so we went to see the women in a friendly last week."
"My wife was there too," You said absentmindedly," I heard it was a good match."
"Eight-nil to Barcelona," The nurse agreed," They were amazing."
You know that because Alexia came home very happy with her own performance. Two goals. Three assists.
You rewarded her handsomely.
"The women's team are very good," You replied, signing something off.
"Oh, yeah, you go to a lot of matches, right? Are you a fan?"
"My wife's a bigger Barcelona fan than me," You replied.
That was an understatement but nobody really needs to know about how passionate Alexia is about football.
"She always gets me tickets."
"That's so sweet," Another nurse said," It's nice that you care so much about her interests."
"Yeah, I love seeing Ale happy," You said," If that means I have to sit through ninety plus minutes of football then I'm glad to to do it."
The nurses learnt pretty quickly after that, just how much you adored your wife.
You brought her up with conversations that were only tangentially related to her, dropping little facts to do with her at seemingly random intervals.
Your staff now knew that you and your Ale had met at school, inseparable since that first meeting. They knew you got kicked out of your parent's house at eighteen after you married her. They knew that you were currently building a house and had taken her away on her dream holiday over the Christmas period.
You'd never shown a picture of her though and if there was one things nurses loved doing with no one around, it was gossip.
"She must look like a model or something," One of them said," Pretty people marry pretty people and Doctor Putellas is very pretty."
"I think she must be a real sweetheart," Another said," Someone really sweet and happy. I'd be happy if I was married and spoiled by Doctor Putellas. It must be a dream."
"What do you think she works as?"
" A doctor's salary like Doctor Putellas' is enough to support a family on. Her wife probably doesn't need to work."
"I heard they were thinking about adopting. Her wife might want to stay home with the baby."
"Doctor Putellas deserves a housewife to spoil. I bet her wife feels so loved all the time."
"I wish my boyfriend would treat me like how Doctor Putellas treats her wife."
A throat is cleared behind the assembled nurses and they turn around, instantly putting on their responsible faces.
Alexia Putellas stood before them, nervously threading her fingers together together as she stood in front of them.
"Hello. Do you have an appointment? A follow up?"
Since her ACL tear, Alexia wasn't an abnormal presence at the hospital, constantly coming back for follow ups and check ins.
She'd never looked this nervous though, this strung out and anxious.
"Er...no. I'm...I'm here to see Y/n?"
The nurses all nodded.
That made sense. Alexia Putellas and Doctor Putellas.
Everyone had assumed the pair of you were related. You didn't look similar so you were probably cousins or something else more loosely related.
"We'll call her down for you."
Alexia nodded, face shifting from nervous to more stern and stoic, the face that the nurses were more used to seeing on her. She remained silent as they went back to talking, discussing weekend plans and holiday ideas with family.
The squeak of your shoes on the linoleum floor caused all conversations to grind to a half again and you turned the corner with the group of interns that you'd been talking to since one of your surgeries earlier, answering questions in such an in depth way that there was no question of why you were world class in your field.
"Doctor Putellas, your-"
"Amor!" Alexia cried out, stern and stoicism slipping from her visage as something skin to puppy love appeared to replace it," Brilliant news!"
Your own smile split your features as you took two short steps toward her until you were face to face.
Instantly, Alexia's hands went to your hips.
"What is it, Ale?"
"We've got a court date! For Maya! To bring her home!"
Somehow, you smile only widened and you threw your arms around Alexia to bring her ever closer.
"Are you serious? A court date? An actual court date?"
"The lawyers called!" Alexia continued, somehow rushing through her words but still articulating them perfectly," I was in a meeting but I was looking at my phone because it was flashing. I knew I shouldn't have picked up but it felt important so I did. And they told me! Next week! The judge will talk to us and officially approve the papers!"
You were totally professional with your nursing staff. You would banter with them and joke around but you were still so professional. You didn't overshare. You didn't belittle them. You didn't say anything too personal.
Which was why it was so strange to see you pull Alexia into a kiss right in front of them, smashing your lips together as Alexia practically vibrated in excitement.
"We're bringing our baby home," You said against her lips.
"We are, amor. We are."
Movement out of the corner of your eye brought you out of your daze though, dropping your arms until you could take one of Alexia's hands in your own as you turned to face the shocked faces of your group of interns and your nurses.
You felt a little bit awkward now as you cleared your throat.
"This is my wife," You said meekly," Ale."
Not the Barcelona captain. Not the Spain captain. Not Alexia Putellas.
Your wife.
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lucy90712 · 6 months
New wonder kid- Fermin Lopez
These last few months have been absolutely crazy and there was absolutely no warning or time to prepare. My boyfriend Fermin has played football for his entire life and he has been under Barcelonas academy for a long time as well. Over the preseason he began training with the first team which was a huge achievement for him and I was so incredibly proud but I could never have predicted what it would lead to. Fermin went on the preseason tour expecting to maybe get a few minutes at the end of games which he did but no one expected him to burst onto the scene and play so well. When he scored in the Classico I was so excited and proud of him I couldn't sleep that night. Since preseason Fermin has been with the first team for every game and I've never seen him so motivated every day when he goes to training. 
As much as it has been wonderful to see Fermin finally achieving his dreams all of this has brought about a lot of changes in our lives. The two of us have been together for a long time and him playing football has never really been a big deal sure he has training a lot and I will go to his games but it's never been more than that. Now with the media getting involved things have just spiralled out of control. People are always stopping Fermin in the street and asking him to sign things while he is driving to training. The change happened so quickly it's been hard to keep up let alone to cope with it all. Before we would happily go our together to do things or go on dates just like any other couple but now I'm too scared of what might happen to even go outside with Fermin. 
I have always just been a normal girl I went to school like everyone else and now I am studying at university. There is absolutely nothing interesting about me whatsoever my family don't have loads of money and they don't have hugely important jobs we are all just a normal family. This is why I'm so scared of being seen with my own boyfriend now as I just know people are going to try and find out everything they can about me and judge me for being a normal person. I have also never been a big fan of social media sure I use it occasionally but my life isn't on there so the thought of people possibly taking pictures of me and Fermin out together and putting them on social media scares me as then everything is out of my control. 
With Fermin's new schedule the two of us haven't had as many date nights as we usually would and when we do they are always us just chilling in the apartment together. This has been perfect as it has meant I haven't had to tell Fermin about my stupid fears or have him think I don't want to be with him anymore because I really do. However my luck is running out as recently Fermin has been begging me to go to one of the games and I'm beginning to run out of excuses, saying I have work to do can only get me so far before he starts to get suspicious. There is another home game this weekend which he has been begging me to go to as he scored in the teams last game and he wants me to be there to finally watch him play on the big stage in person. All week I've been telling Fermin that I would try and get my work done in time to be able to go which is just a coverup for me to either gather the confidence or come up with a better excuse, neither of which are going well. 
I had the day off of classes today so I have been working on assignments and just sitting and thinking for most of the day. I finished some of my work and have been chilling on my phone looking at football gossip pages which only makes me more anxious about my situation as I see what fans say about players rumours partners and wonder what they would say about me as I'm not a model like most other girl. Just as I was beginning to go down a deep rabbit hole the door opened and a tired looking Fermin came in. 
"Hi amor how was your day?" I asked 
"It was good but training was long and hard today" he said 
"How about you relax and I make us some dinner, what do you fancy?" I asked 
"Can we just sit for a bit first I've missed spending time with you" he said 
"Of course come and cuddle with me" I smiled opening my arms for him 
He laid down on my chest and I began to run my fingers through his hair which usually relaxes him but I could feel he was still a little tense which meant there was something on his mind still. Fermin is one of those who can worry about a lot of little things thats one of the things we are alike in so overtime I've learnt to know when its something I should be concerned about and when it isn't and this seems like something I should ask about. 
"What's on your mind Fer?" I asked 
"Do you still love me?" He asked right back 
"What of course I do I love you so much why do you ask" I said
"I just feel like you don't want to be around me anymore you used to always come to my games and now I can't get you to even come to one" he said 
"Oh amor I'm sorry if I made you feel like that but the reason is because I'm nervous everyone knows who you are now and thats great but I don't know if I'm comfortable with all the attention it would garner if we went out together" I explained 
"So you still want to go places with me you are just scared" he questioned 
"Yeah I've seen what fans say about all these models other players are dating and I'm just a normal person I'm not anything special so I don't even want to know what they would have to say about me" I said 
"I understand carino but I promise you that no matter what people think I know my feelings for you and nothing will change that I want to show you off and bring you along on this journey too so please come to the game this weekend I promise I'll do everything I can to protect you" he said 
"I trust you so I'll got but I can't promise that I won't be nervous" I laughed 
"I get that but I want you to have fun too" he said 
"I will definitely have fun I always do when watching you" I said
Today is finally match day and to be honest I think I'm more nervous than I am excited. This day has been on my mind all week and last night I didn't sleep at all because all I was thinking about was everything that could go wrong today and what people might be saying on social media after the game. I know it's such a stupid thing to worry about and in the grand scheme of things this moment won't matter especially when Fermin is celebrating winning trophies but right now it seems like a big deal. Before Fermin and I got together I was deeply insecure and he has helped me so much and now I'm in a much better place so I really don't want to go back but I can't control the comments and I certainly can't predict how I will cope with them. 
Since he woke up Fermin has been trying to keep me distracted and reassure me that everything will be ok. He is doing everything he can but today he can't beat the demons that still live in the back of my brain. As much as I admired my fears to him I never told Fermin the full extent of my worries as he worries about me enough already and he needs to be focused for the game so I don't want him to have anything extra on his mind. If he knew he'd tell me that he doesn't care and he just wants to help me but I care about him too much to have him stressing about me when I can cope on my own. 
The day felt like it went by at lightening speed and before I knew it Fermin was telling to to get ready as we needed to leave. Once we got in the car Fermin's hand grabbed mine straight away and he held it tightly squeezing it every now and then to reassure me. Most of the drive was fine but as we got close to the training ground there was a lot more fans in the streets who all had their phones out taking pictures and filming. That's when it really hit me that there is no going back now from now on I'll be known as Fermin's girlfriend and some people will actually care about what I do. I could feel myself getting more and more anxious as we got closer to the training centre and there was so many people on the pavements and in the road it was just very overwhelming. 
Finally when the car stopped I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as well as I sigh of relief knowing that the worst part was over. I was so in my own world that I didn't hear Fermin talking to me until he put his hand on my cheek and turned me to face him. For some reason I expected him to be mad at me for not listening or for getting anxious but his expression was soft and his eyes had a loving look in them. 
"Are you ok amor?" He asked 
"I'm ok now that was intense I can't believe you deal with that everyday" I said
"You get used to it but do you promise you are ok" he said 
"Yeah I promise thank you for holding my hand it made it a lot easier" I replied 
With that he got out the car and ran around to open my door for me like he always does so we could head inside before the team head off to the stadium. Fermin got permission from Xavi to let me come on the coach with them because he didn't want me to have to go alone which I'm glad about as having to navigate the stadium on my own sounds stressful. He promised that he wouldn't leave me on my own at any point so when we got inside he text Gavi who was already ready to leave and he waited with me while Fermin got ready himself. I have known Gavi for the longest time but with him playing for the first team I don't get to see him as much as I used to so by actually going places with Fermin I should get to spend more time with some old friends. 
"Good to see you again hermana how have you been? Gavi asked
"I've been good busy with school as usual what about you?" I replied 
"Same as always I'm glad you agreed to come Fermin has been so happy ever since plus its nice to have you around" he said 
"Thats sweet I'm glad he's excited" I smiled thinking about Fermin 
"I know you're nervous but I promise everything will be fine the other girlfriends know you're coming and they can't wait to meet you plus once the fans get to know you there is no way they can hate you and if they do there is something wrong with them" he said 
"Thanks gavi I really appreciate you saying that" I said 
After that Fermin came rushing out and grabbed my hand again so we could get on the bus. The trip luckily wasn't long and once everyone was inside I met all of the other wives and girlfriends who were at the game and we all sat together getting to know each other. The longer I was there the more I began to relax as they have all been through this before and they are all ok and happy in their relationships which made the future seem not so scary. They were all so lovely and made me feel instantly welcome in the group they even added me to their group chat so we could all meet up at some point. 
Before I knew it the game had begun and was over the team win and Fermin scored an important goal. I was so proud of him and I couldn't wait to see him so I rushed down to greet him after he was ready. As soon as I saw him I jumped into his arms which he wasn't expecting but he still managed to catch me and stay on his feet. I don't think either of us could have a bigger smile on our faces even if we wanted to I was so over the moon that he scored and he was so happy he could've done it with me there. Even when he scored he dedicated the goal to me like he always used to which made the moment so special to the point that I didn't care when the camera pointed towards me. I kissed him a few times before he put me down and we made it back outside to team bus so we could finally go home which I can't wait for as it's been a long day.
As always Fermin's alarm woke me up even though it's Sunday because he's insane and likes to get up and go to the gym. Usually I go back to sleep straight away especially on a weekend but today I sat up and grabbed my phone because I wanted to look at what was being said after yesterday. I know Fermin posted a picture of us so that any rumours were cleared up straight away but I haven't seen it so I wanted to just look at everything. I had only just unlocked my phone when Fermin came back in from the bathroom and took it right out my hands. 
"Sorry but I think it's best if you don't look at this today" he said 
"I'll be fine I promise" I said trying to convince him to give my phone back 
"Not happening I'm keeping home of this today and you can have it back when things have calmed down tomorrow if anything important happens I will tell you" he said 
"Are things really that bad?" I asked 
"No most comments are nice I just don't want you searching for the few bad comments" he says 
"You know me too well" I laughed 
"How about you come to the gym with me and we spend the day together so you are distracted plus I have missed your cuddles" he said 
"I very much like that idea" I replied 
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years
HEY BESTIE!! just found your blog and I'm about to read your work. But I was wondering if you can write me a request? Please. One where Pedri (my love) is dating a female f1 redbull driver and how their relationship would be giving the schedule and stuff or if you don't know about f1 (idk) you can do like an actress!reader and pedri having a crush on her and pining over her? If you don't wanna do these, I completely understand! But be safe and have an amazing day/night.
Hi darling! Yes I can! Pedri is life, isn't he? Freaking precious (Even tho my weakness is Gavi😅). Tysm, I really hope you like my writing, please let me know!
I do know my bits of F1, not a really hardcore fan of it so I'm gonna take the Actress!Reader since I don't really know everything from it.
I did this while waiting for my class at Uni, so I hope you like it. And be safe too! Have a great day/night
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Hard Crushing - Pedri González x Actress!Reader
"Oh my god, Pedri. You're really watching again The Queen's Gambit?" Fernando, Pedri's brother, asked him after sitting on the couch next to him
"Yes I am, what about it?" Pedri said not taking his eyes off of the TV
"You're obsessed with her, aren't you?"
"I'm not, she's just a good actress!" Fernando gave him a look raising his eyebrows "Ok, maybe I do am a bit obsessed with her. But she's Beautiful, have you given her a good look? Fucking gorgeous" Pedri shook his head "And don't even get me started on her look in Last Night in Soho... AND! During Black Widow? My goodness" Pedri groaned already picturing you in said movies "Also, there were a few rumors saying she's going soon to be appearing in CM, it'll be awesome to see her as a doctora"
"Chicago MED" Pedri replied almost instantly looking at his brother crazily for not recognizing the TV show "Si aparece ahí, me encantaría tener las mil y un enfermedades solo para que me cure" (If she's appearing there, I'd love to have a thousand sickness just so she could cure me)
"Tú estas loco" (You're crazy)
"Thank god, she talks Spanish too" Pedri says out of nowhere ", that way I wouldn't embarrass myself more than I would probably do if I ever get to meet her"
... ...
"What do you mean Y/N Y/L/N will be here?" Pedri asked in disbelief stopping his training to hear the gossip from Balde, Araujo and Ansu
"Yes, she's coming to Barcelona apparently she'll be filming a movie here so she's gonna stay for a while" Araujo explained
"And she's fan of the Barça so" Balde ended
"I know she's fan of Barça, you don't have to tell me things I clearly know" Pedri stated making Gavi laugh "Tell me more about this visit, that I didn't knew about"
"¡CHICOS!" They were interrupted by Xavi "It's not time to gossip, we've a Clásico to win!"
Pedri watched Ansu, Araujo and Balde run off not without telling them a quick "We'll talk later"
... ...
"What do you mean I'll be cooking in front and for Y/N Y/L/N?" Gavi, Ansu, Alejandro, Ferran, Araujo, Lewandoski and Ter Stegen laughed out loud after hearing the news and watching their friend's reaction
"Yes, she's coming to Camp Nou for a whole day, she'll see you training, we'll be giving her a tour and after that we'll be doing a video with her and you were the chosen one. That will make you both good" One of the staff said "Or if you don't want to do it, we can have Gavi or Lewandowski, they were also very asked for"
"¡NO, YO LO HAGO!" (NO, I'LL DO IT!) Pedri yelled surprising the poor woman, the guys laughing once more before he composed himself and added a quiet "I mean... I don't have any problem to do it. I'd love to"
"Okay, it's settled then. Next Tuesday, Pedri"
Gavi speaks up after the woman left "This is your big chance, bro. Meeting Y/N Y/L/N, the girl you've been practically in love with ever since 2019"
"What if I mess up? Say something weird? What if she thinks I'm crazy?"
"I don't think you can mess it up that much, Pedri" Ansu said shaking his head "She's a normal girl, you can do this, I mean... What's the worst thing you can do or say to her?"
"Be confident" Araujo said showing him a thumbs up
... ...
Next Tuesday
Practice had already ended, you had already met briefly the players and they were practicing while you were given the little tour around Camp Nou.
Also, while you were getting makeup done, Pedri was showering and getting himself dressed.
"How will I be able to not embarrass myself in front of her, if just by hearing her name I go like if I have a worm inside me?"
"That's a bit gross, dude"
"¡Joder!" Pedri turned around quickly nearly giving himself a whiplash and soon wished he hadn't.
You were standing there right besides him.
"Hijo de...- Ya la cagué" (Son of a... I fucked it up already) Pedri mumbled to himself but you laughed completely hearing him
"También hablo en Español, cariño" (I also speak Spanish, darling) You said giggling finding really cute his awkwardness.
Truth is that you absolutely loved Pedri and were also a bit nervous, he was your favourite player currently at Barça. And meeting him was like a dream come true.
"Don't worry about it" You said "You're my favourite player and I'm sweating my ass off too" He laughed out loud turning around to see you wearing a smile on your face.
"I'm sorry, you're just... Incredible" You blushed "Like, I've seen all of your movies and series"
"You're incredible too" you said "Like... I always see your matches and you never fail to amaze me" Pedri smiled feeling himself blushing at your words.
"Thank you, it means a lot"
"What are you cooking today?"
"Honestly, I don't know" You both laugh lightly "I just hope that whatever I'm making won't give you a stomach ache"
"You can't be that bad"
"The only thing I do great is serve a glass of water and burned rice" You laughed
"I trust you" You said smiling lightly "You'll do great" You showed your fist up, waiting for him to bump his with yours, when you were called to start recording
"God, she's so beautiful" Pedri mumbled but you still heard it
"Thanks. You're pretty handsome too" He groaned making you laugh. You were teasing him but at the same time you were waiting for him to lose his nerves and you, lose yours.
... ...
Pedri thought this was the worst and best day of his life, you were chatting with him while he was cooking.
Don't get him wrong, you're beautiful and chatting with you was easy, his nerves turned into excitement while talking. But also, the talking with you made it for him a bit impossible to fully concentrate in the cooking.
He just hoped everything tasted good. Or eatable.
"This is really spicy" You said taking a bite from the chicken and coughing up a bit "Like really, really spicy" The whole crew laughed and Pedri covered his hands
"I'm sorry" He said
"No. I like it, I just wasn't expecting that much" You pronounced That heavier making them laugh once more "But still this is delicious" you gave another bite to the chicken showing a thumbs up
"Rate 0/10?"
"9" You said inmediately "For those who say Pedri can't cook"
"Yo tambien lo digo" (I also say it) Pedri, himself said it in disbelief, you liked his food.
"Probablemente me de un dolor de estómago mas tarde, pero, por ahora está buenísimo" (It'll probably give me a stomach ache later, but, for now this is good)
"Esto ha sido Cocina en el Nou, si te ha gustado deja un like y sigue al Barça en todas las redes sociales" (This has been Kitchen in the Nou, if you liked this video leave a like y follow Barça in all social medias) Pedri said as you both waved at the camera
You stood besides him giving him a hug and soon the cameras stopped rolling only for the staff to bring you a Barça shirt.
It was your size with Pedri's name and his number 8.
"Thank you!" You said smiling. Both of you posed for a picture as Pedri quickly signed the shirt for you "It was a pleasure meeting you" You said hugging him once more.
It was almost time for you to go
"CanIhaveyournumber?" He asked quickly as you blinked a few times to recover from his quickness
"Can I have your number? It was really nice meeting you too and I would love to chat with you more, without cameras if you'd like" Pedri said.
You smiled
"Only if you take me out on a date"
"Only one?"
"You need to win me over, González. If you keep this moves up, you'll do it in a snap of fingers tho"
You didn't need to say it twice.
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theregencywriter · 5 months
The Anatomy of an Artist - 1 - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
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Dearest Readers,
It seems as though another season is already upon us. Prick those feathers into place and calm your eager mama as today is most important. Today is the day where the lambs are led to slaughter, or more properly- Queen Charlotte is to choose a diamond. Everybody wished it were them, though this reader can gauge very few are even a remote possibility. As is seen with Miss Fairfrield, who mere days ago was caught with a man in her garden, unchaperoned. Would it not be fair for this author to presume a suitor would want to know of this possible ‘blooming’? It is precisely my purpose then, gentle reader, to reveal to you all of the juiciest scandal and gossip that this ton has to offer, and might I make a bet? This shall be one for the books!
Scandalously yours,
    Lady Whistledown
At age four, Y/n L/n fell in love. She remembered the exact time, shaded underneath the gazebo and turned around on the chair, facing the garden. She had been set down with her nanny whilst her mother and father toured the grounds. As they neared the corner leading to the forest, her mother dropped her glove and without a second thought her doting husband, Lord L/n had swooped down and picked it up. With a heaved chest and a wistful sigh Y/n looked on, in love.
In love with love.
From that point onwards it was no longer a want for love, but a craving for it. Hearing of each passing season she made a notch on the inside of her bedpost as each season ended, and her debut neared. Far removed from the bon ton of society that nested together in London, Lord L/n had furthered his family's wealth by setting up shop further up north, and while Y/n never minded the long walks with views to die for, she eagerly read the books in her fathers library about the vast world out there. 
First would be London, she thought. An obvious choice, yes, but if one is to go to Dover to be able to travel within Central Europe, why not make a stop? Next, Paris, then Rome. Maybe Barcelona, she thought at every family dinner. Her mind far removed from the boring conversations at hand her mind drifted. A man on a rock from a far off place, who would take one look at her and-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a tap on her leg, her aunt Cordelia who was visiting from London and sitting next to her. She leaned in, and with her cigarette stained breath she muttered “Focus girl, one day you’ll have to lead these frivolous conversations”. Y/n took note. It was a rare occasion, she understood, to be seated with one's parents for dinner instead of a separate room. However due to Y/n being their only child she was often included in events far more than other children her age. Though her mother would often repeat that ‘when perfection is achieved with one, how could you think to compete with another child’ Y/n was sure this wasn't true. Not because of how her mother stood idly in the doorway of empty bedrooms along the hall or how she could woefully pack away clothes Y/n had steadily outgrown, but rather the ill look she got in her eyes when she would walk through the town and see large families pass her.
It was hard for Y/n not to feel the added pressure of being the only heir to the Lordship, but even in the marriage mart. She knew as a woman she could never fathom the possibility of holding power by herself and she had to choose a match wisely, but when viewing her parents so deeply in love she wished she’d never have to enter the marriage mart, as one night when Lord and Lady L/n failed to make a dinner at Lord Fife’s she would have to debut alone.
Just a week after the tragic passing of her parents Cordelia moved in. Several carriages carrying piles and piles of tatter each more garish and outdated than the last pulled up outside of the home. Dismissing her poor niece's attempt to be comforted, she made a beeline towards the solicitor to sort out the matter. It was decided that until Y/n was of age that Cordelia and her Husband Chester would handle matters pertaining to the Lordship.
Y/n fidgeted with her bustline. “It's far too high up” she complained. Cordelia whipped out her fan and fluttered it against her own breast. “This is the latest fashion I assure you.” she said pointedly. Lord Chester L/n snatched her fan and attempted to cool himself, though his frantic movements did little to bring him relief. Stuck in a carriage with those two was torture enough, but in the blistering heat that ensued that day added to the pain. Y/n sunk into her seat and gazed out of the window, seeing large estates and several families entering carriages, the heads of those to be presented adorned with feathers. 
The carriage soon halted and without a moment's notice Chester bumbled out towards the air like a cow freed from slaughter. Cordelia and Y/n followed suit and whilst she was badgering the workers as to where to put all of the belongings Y/n sought refuge in her new room. She freshened herself up and had the customary feathers poked into her hair and was ready within minutes. As she looked into the mirror and smoothed out the last of her creases she wished she had more time. They were running late as it was, so to ask for longer would only prompt more rage from her guardians. They were once again back in the carriage promptly, though now Chester was equipped with a far bigger fan that he had instructed Cordelia to now hold, and as it raced down the cobblestones as to not be late Y/n could only ponder.
Is there even any love left in London?
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Abhi in Paris
Week 0: Can I make it Paris? 🇫🇷
Hey everyone!
My name is Abhi, and I'm a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering at Michigan. I'm super excited to be studying abroad in École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA). It's a school focused on Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science in Cergy, France (about a 45 minute train ride from Paris). While I'm on this adventure, I'll be living in a small studio apartment in the heart of Paris' 1st Arrondissement. It's on Rue Saint-Honoré, a famous street mentioned in both Emily in Paris & Gossip Girl as a shopping & tourist destination :) I'm going to be about a 5 minute walk from the Musée du Louvre and Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
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I can't wait to share this amazing journey of Paris, ENSEA, and travel all across Europe with everyone & am so thankful to University of Michigan's International Programs in Engineering Office for the opportunity!
Here's my goals for the trip:
See as MUCH as possible - Paris, Barcelona, Seville, Brussels, Amsterdam, London, Porto, Morocco, Berlin are all on my list :)
Immerse myself in French & European culture and understand the differences to what I'm used to in Michigan
Become proficient enough in French to engage in meaningful conversations in Paris
Just touched down in Paris, and I'm ready to share my adventures in Paris, ENSEA, and Europe. Let's rewind a bit to the beginning of this whirlwind!
Day 0: January 9th, 2024
Packing? Oh, the struggle was real. Classic move of starting the day before departure and realizing I had more stuff than suitcase space. After a serious optimization session with a food scale (who knew it would come in handy for luggage?), I barely made the 50-pound limit. Goodbye, toiletries and a chunk of my wardrobe – Paris, here I come!
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Day 1: January 10th, 2024
The big day finally arrived! Quick dash to the airport, narrowly catching my flight, and oh, the joy of plane food. Detroit to Washington D.C., then off to the land of croissants and fashion.
Day 2: January 11th, 2024
After an 8-hour flight, I landed in Paris around 7 a.m. Navigating Charles De Gaulle Airport? Let's just say, it's a bit of a maze. A little broken French, some gesturing, and I finally found my way to the metro, heading to the 1st Arrondissement. The cold hit me like a truck – and I'm from Michigan! Got to my AirBNB, and surprise, the electricity was on the fritz. Had to choose between power and a hot shower – went with power and crashed for a much-needed nap.
I woke up to an amazing Parisian evening. I took a beautiful walk down the Seine River (the main river around which Paris is built) and a quick trip to France’s favorite grocery store Franprix. By the way, I was so surprised at the quality & taste of everything here. Literally everything tastes more natural.
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Anyway, get ready for the ride, folks! I’ll be posting every week on my adventures here—a sneak peek, look out for Tour Eiffel & other cool Paris spots, my first week of classes at ENSEA, and a weekend trip to London :)  
À plus tard,
Abhi Athreya
Michigan Aerospace Engineering
ENSEA in Cergy, France
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korraly · 2 years
Lunorin 2
Chapter II
“Let’s see,” she mumbled around a bite of pastry. “I can’t walk very far around the city without stumbling across a child selling me a gossip journal.”
Lunorin was still too focused on the plate of warm partries to pay attention to her words. One of the first things she did when he woke up was insist he sit down to breakfast with her. He found it a bit peculiar knowing that her breakfast usually consisted of a glass of pig’s blood and she sometimes added in spices, especially during the winter months. He hadn’t tried one and waited for her to throw up the offending food item like she had done after she had first turned, still in that stage of denial most found themselves. Instead, Camilie wolfed down the pastry with a glimmer in her eyes.
The rich scent of butter and raisins made his mouth water and he found the sensation strange. Unlike vampires, Primum Sanguis were able to stomach regular foods though the taste was usually lackluster in the end. Never had he looked at the treats made by Camilie’s human staff with hunger. It wasn’t as enticing as fresh blood would’ve been, but it was closer than he liked to admit. The food he had in the Realms was able to be infused with the very life essence of the ingredients, something that was nearly impossible to replicate anywhere on Terra. He had partaken in a few rare instances, but it never could capture the memories of his childhood. The scent of the pastries on the table were bringing those memories back to him.
  “Camille, bellum. What is in those pastries? I thought that you couldn’t stomach the papery texture,” he expressed, balling his hand into a fist to prevent himself from snatching one and eating it.
  “Oh?” She mumbled around another large bite. “That’s right! You would’ve been asleep. Last year, my sire found his mate. She is the most lovely little thing, but she desperately loves food. She fell in love with him the moment they met in Paris and they even eloped before her father could whisk her back to Spain. She is from a mage family and they were quite upset at a vampire taking their heir from them. Regardless, she didn’t object to being turned but she demanded a year to conduct a few experiments. She found a way to infuse foods with blood and it’s made my sire plenty of money. They’ve opened a restaurant in Paris and plan to expand as they go in search of a couple of children to sire.”
  Lunorin blinked as he took a deep breath. It wasn’t as rich as the food from the Realms, but it was close. A smile spread across his face and he allowed himself to reach for the pastry. The first bite was akin to the first time he tasted the blood of a mage. It was electric and sent his heart racing. It had been centuries since he tasted anything as divine as it. “And who do I have to thank for this invention, bellum?”
  “Oh,” Another swallow. “Her name is Sofía.”
  “I think I’ll invest some of my fortune into this venture of theirs. Perhaps, I’ll travel with them as I search for my Swansong,” he commented and took a swallow of hot spiced blood.
  Camille wiped the bits of pastry from her mouth and pouted at him. “You slept for fourteen years and want to leave already?”
Lunorin tilted his head, “This is about my search for my Swansong. I do not wish to make you uncomfortable, bellum.”
  Camille shook her head, “Let me join you. I’ll search as well. I…do not leave Toulouse often.”
  Lunorin didn’t comment on her hesitant words or what was left unsaid. He merely launched into his plans for food and travel.
  Lunorin explores all of Europe, going on a culinary tour of the continent. He meets Sofía Cano and her mate Laurentin Gros and helps them find their children, Ashley Leclair and Dallas Dale. He spends some time in Barcelona visiting Qingeiros and his Swansong, Paca Cardoso. He learns that despite Paca not being a Fae that the healers and doctors are certain their child will be a Primum Sanguis, or at least won’t be born a vampire. Lunorin is happy for his friends and feels enriched by the experiences he has gained. It was a happy event to discover so many foods and what makes them different and unique from his memories of the Realms. But he once more feels the call of the Last Sleep, so he hibernates once more.
“We’ll have to get you new clothes,” Camille chuckles and bounces over to him. “I’ve never been so glad to be a vampire. I lived long enough to wear pants and it’s considered normal.”
  “The fashion is much different compared to when I last slept. Though, it does remind me a little of that one girl I slept with last when I was awake,” He mumbled, sleep still lingering in his voice. This time being greeted by Camille reminded him more of a sibling than a lovelorn lover. It was a good change. “There is much you missed this time. Two world wars and so many new inventions in both worlds. The humans are quite creative and more and more mages are attempting to integrate these creations with magicae,” Camille prattle on and called for her personal cook to make some food. “Due to the changing times, I’ve chosen to keep one of my cooks with me. I offered to turn the older woman and told her my own story. We both keep watch over our family generations later here in the Toulousain countryside.”
Lunorin nodded as he recounted that. Camille Moen was the sister to a woman who had married a known mage from the Baarsma family. There had been a conflict and due to Camille being without magicae to assist her then widowed sister, she turned to Laurentin Gros in order to gain vampirism. She survived the process and had since been known as the deadly protector of the Baarsma family ever since. While mages were mortal they tended to live twice as long as a normal human and some even longer depending on their ancestry. She had seen a few generations of her family pass since the 1600s.
  “I suppose I should return to university,” He mumbled as they walked from his hidden bedroom and into the main dining hall.
  Camille had taken to upgrading his home to more modern standards which were vastly different compared to the last he stepped through the halls in 1905. There was now electric lighting which was brighter and more consistent compared to the gas lights. He found it hurt his eyes at first, but he supposed that was to be expected after being asleep.
  They sat down to an impromptu breakfast and he found the food just as exquisite as when he last woke. It probably helped that she had kept on a good cook who had years to perfect the technique of infundir sangre. The newest sight to their table was the introduction of a glass bottle which Camille drank from using a paper straw that had a bent in it. The liquid in question appeared to resemble the blood she once drank from wine glasses.
  She offered him a sip of hers and he took a hesitant drink. It was…foul on his tongue. The taste was palatable given that it was similar to the spiced blood she used to drink, but it…bubbled on his tongue. The look on his face must have been amusing as she burst into laughter so hard she gripped her stomach. “I take it that carbonation disagrees with you?”
“If that is what that foul sensation was then it does, bellum,” he scraped the surface of his tongue across his teeth, hoping to rid it of the lingering feeling.   “I helped with the recipe for this,” she held up the bottle. “I’ve earned a pretty penny selling the recipe to my sire’s child, Dallas. She left for America after you had slept and found her mate. They created a number of drinks similar to this for our kind. I’ve found that I like my spiced soda.”
“I will stick with my usual spiced blood in its pure form. Please and thank you, bellum,” Lunorin shook his head and took a long drink from his wine glass. He had been amazed at the inventions of the girl’s mother, but carbonated blood was not something his kind needed, in his opinion.
Lunorin looked at the world outside and marveled at all the changes and everything he had missed. There was now a train which could carry you from Toulouse to Paris. There was an ugly little pathway made of
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feelsws · 6 years
This song is about finding yourself and loving yourself, and finding a way to carry on when no one believes in you, and you know you have to trust your beliefs that you can do what you said you wanted to. This song is about opening the doors yourself and remembering that the power that you have within yourself is all you need to survive in this life. This is a song about having highs and lows. It's called "One Man Army".
Kellin Quinn (introducing "One Man Army" at the SWS show in Barcelona, May 30, 2018)
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zerooclockimagines · 4 years
Red Wine: Chapter 1
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A series with Taehyung as the love interest but all members are in it (with some interesting side stories) 
Warnings: mostly fluff so no warnings I guess. 
Synopsis: Katie loves writing, her short essay wins an international competition and thus she gets to write the biography of the most famous band in the world; BTS. She has a lot of bagage and obstacles to overcome but along with her charming best friend Tara and seven sweet men she finds the world is not as bad as she thought, especially when she starts falling for one of them.
When I looked at each of their faces I saw their curiosity. They were searching me, searching for signs of what kind of person I was. I did the same. They stood up one by one and introduced themselves to me. Seokjin and Namjoon looked like decent guys, they even made a little smalltalk. Hoseok seemed, enthusiastic was the best word to describe it. He immediately pulled me in for a hug instead of shaking my hand.
Yoongi and Jimin looked like sweet but shy guys. They shook my hand, said their names and hurried back to their places. I guess it would take some time for them to get to know and trust me. I mean I think I would react the same if it was me in their place. There were only two of them that remained seated.
But maybe I should give you some background so you can understand what exactly is happening.
So I'm Catherine, Katie for short. I'm born and raised in a small town somewhere in the north of Belgium. If you don't know it, you probably have never heard of it. It was the kind of village where everyone knew everyone and the one night stand between a daughter of the butcher and the son of the mayor was the biggest news in months.
I was the kind of girl you wouldn't notice often. I liked to stay in the background. I had friends for sure but there wouldn't be any town gossip about me anytime soon.
For the public I grew up in a normal family but behind closed doors things happened the town knew nothing about. The relationship with my parents wasn't all that great. Luckily I lived alone now, well with my boyfriend. His name is Dean. He wasn't exactly my fairytale prince but he liked me, so that's something I guess.
We had been together for two years now. We had gone through really bad weather but there were also good times. I didn't know if I was really in love with him but I thought I was, I wanted to believe I was.
And then there was Tara, my best friend since I was about ten years old. She was nine at the time but she skipped a grade because she was a smart kid. I don't exactly remember how our friendship started. I just remember it being there and that was that.
She's always there for me no matter what. I was so grateful to have her in my life. She's the one who pushed me to enter this writing competition which brought me here.
The international essay writing competition. You had to send in a short story based on information they had sent you, a mini biography so to say. The winner got to go on tour with the biggest K-pop group of the moment to write their biography. I didn't know much about them, BTS I mean, only from what I had researched but they seemed kind though.
Okay so that's enough information for now, let me get back to my story. Where was I? Oh yes:
I believe one of the guys that remained seated was the youngest one, Jungkook, he looked like he was shy or he couldn't be bothered. He took one look at me, said his name and continued playing the game on his phone.
There was one boy who didn't even look up. I could only mark his black curls coming out from behind a thick novel. I couldn't see the title but it had to be a compelling story because he only looked up after the man who had guided me here called his name about five times. "Taehyung would you be as kind to greet our guest please?" He lifted his voice and tapped Taehyung on his shoulder.
Finally he lifted his eyes and looked at me. He was handsome you could give him that.
"Oh, hi sorry, this novel is rather compelling." He explained. He smiled, what a gorgeous smile that was. "I'm Taehyung." He said. "Catherine." I told him in return. "Nice to meet you Catherine." I gave him a polite nod and he went back to his novel. I had to say I applaud him for getting into the story so deep. I knew how it could be to get sucked into a novel and forget everything around you. That was probably what he was trying to achieve so I should let him be.
"Shall I take you to your room miss?" The older man, I had already forgotten his name, said. I nodded. "Of course." I turned around and followed him. I could feel eyes staring at me but I didn't let them know I knew.
The man brought me to a large room with a small balcony, honestly you could fit an entire family in here. The bed was king-sized and curtains draped around it. It could've come straight out of an middle aged TV-show or something.
The rest of the room was even more impressive. There was a desk in front of a large window with an incredible view of the city and a sofa on the opposite site. The fabric on the sofa looked so soft I wanted to dive in immediately but I restrained to do that in front of somebody.
"And over here is your bathroom." The man told me. He held open a door opposite to the large bed.
The bathroom was even more impressive than the room itself. There was a enormous walk-in shower and a bathtub. Well it was more a hot tub judging by the size of it. "We're staying here for another week but you should be packed by next friday, then we leave for Barcelona." I nodded. I loved Barcelona, it would be amazing to go there again. I hoped that next to my work I would be able to see some sights again. It had been such a long time since I had seen the Sagrada Familia or even parc Guell.
The man, whose name I still couldn't remember, had left and I started to set up my workspace. I took out my laptop and charger and placed it outside on the table instead of the desk. It was such beautiful weather, it would be a shame to stay inside. I also took out my notebook and favourite coffee mug and placed the them on the table.
After I got some coffee and biscuits I sat down and stared at the view.
Rome stretched out in front of me. It was such a beautiful city. You could feel like living in a story here. The buildings were probably centuries old and the squares dated back to the middle ages. I could see the markets that were held there long ago.
Now the squares were filled with people, mostly tourists.
"Enjoying the view?" A deep voice said behind me.
My coffee almost spilled all over me but I was just in time to set it on the table. "You scared me." I sputtered. "I'm sorry that was not my intention." He sat down beside me, his novel still in his hands. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you properly just now." He pointed to the direction of the other room. "It's just that when I get caught up in a novel I tend-"
"To forget the world." I put in. "I know the feeling." He smiled and stared into the city. "It is beautiful view, isn't it?" I looked at Rome again. "Yes it is." He turned his head back to me. "Sorry about my friends. They are just a little bit reserved but they'll warm up to you once they get to know you." I chuckled. "What about you?"
"I took a head start." He winked. "You're writing a book about our lives, it's better to be friends with you is it not?" He grinned and I let out a soft laugh. "I suppose it is."
"Great, I needed a friend anyway." He put down his book on the table. "Well besides those pigs." He joked. I laughed along with him.
"Maybe we should get us some drinks." He proposed. "Do you drink wine?"
"Yes, I love wine, especially red."
"You read my mind." Taehyung stood up and left.
He came back a few minutes later with a bottle of red wine and two glasses.
"Well this is one thing I can scrap of my bucket list." I said while he opened the bottle and poured the wine. "Meeting us?" He teased. "No, it's rather silly."
"Come on I don't bite." He sat down and took a sip of his wine. "To drink wine on a balcony in Italy. I know it's silly." I took a big sip from my glass. The wooden aromas of the wine filled my mouth. "It's not silly. What other things are on that list?" He wondered. I saw the chimmer in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips, he really wanted to know. he wasn't mocking me. 
And for some reason I felt like I could tell him anything. "Fine, just a few though." I took another sip from my wine before speaking. "I want to see the northern lights." He nodded. "See that's not silly at all, I would also love to see the northern lights one day." The corners of his lips rose. I continued: "To see the the niagara falls." I paused for a minute. "To dance with someone on the pont d'alexandre in Paris." Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me. There was something in his stare I couldn't quite make out. Admiration maybe?
"To follow route 66 along America, to sing in the rain in London." I finished. There were another hundred things on my list but he didn't need to know every one of them, we just met. "In other words, you want to see the world." He pointed out. "I do."
"Well then you chose the right job." He smirked. I chuckled. "I guess I did." We looked at the view again and drank the rest of our glasses. "So what about you?" I asked him. "Why do you do what you do?" He took a minute to think about his answer. "I just love it. I love singing, I love dancing and I love to make other people happy by doing it." He sighted. "Isn't that why all artist do it? To bring a little happiness into the world?" I lifted my shoulders. "I don't know but that was a great answer." He laughed and that showed his full smile.
It was a weird smile in the shape of a rectangle. A sort of boxy-ish smile. I kind of adored it though. It made his face light up like he was the happiest man to be alive. "Okay so I have a question for you before I decide I can be friends with you." Taehyung winked. "How do you feel about dogs?" I chuckled.
"I love dogs." I replied. "I used to have one." I could see the hint of a smile on his face telling me I had chosen the right answer. "What kind?" He asked. "A golden retriever, Olly. I still miss him sometimes." I sighted. "I just miss having a loyal best friend around." I continued. "Then why not get one?"
"Because my boyfriend doesn't really like dogs that much." He almost choked on his wine. "I'm sorry?" He said next. "What kind of monster are you dating?" I laughed. "The things one does for love." He shook his head but didn't say anything else. I was kind of relieved about that, I wasn't really ready to discuss the details of my love life with someone who was a stranger to me four hours ago.
We ended up just talking for hours about our lives. It felt as if I'd known him for years even though we'd just known each other half a day.
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missmeltycat · 4 years
Wipeout of the Hero REDUX
Years ago I wrote a Wipeout Fusion-based fanfiction which was centred around Feisar pilot Daniel Johnson and an OC. I called it Wipeout of the Hero and I was quite surprised how many people actually know me due to this fic.
The problem?
So... After many years of vomiting over the last version of Wipeout of the Hero, I felt it was high time it got a rewrite. So, gone are the Mary Sue overtones, the unrealistic plot and the awful formatting.
Without further ado, have at it.
If you REALLY want to subject your vision orbs to the original, it can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29163930
Anti-gravity racing
Future Fic
Far Future
Drama & Romance
Eventual Romance
Science Fiction 
Implied/Referenced Cheating
Adult Content
Explicit Sexual Content
Blood and Injury
Animal product use
Human genetic modification references
Homophobic insults
Tags may change as I write it.
Characters (By Team)
Daniel Johnson (Feisar) - British - Feisar’s lead pilot. A prodigy with regards to racing. He is, far and away, FEISAR's most expensive signing. He is known to have a rather large ego and is reputed to distribute scantily clad photos of himself and claims he has no idea where they came from.  His arrival pushed long-time lead pilot Carlos Beneto into the team's second position. It's been speculated that Johnson has made no secret of his obsession with Natasha Belmondo of Xios International. As such, there is another suggestion that if the championship came down to a two-way race between them, Johnson would let Belmondo win. This would, of course, be considered a professional suicide.
Carlos Beneto (Feisar) - Brazilian - Feisar’s second pilot. His position was stolen by Daniel and he hates his guts for it. He’s a sarcastic, cranky older man with a chip on his shoulder. Some say he’s had his day and should retire. He thinks they should eat a cactus.
Xavier Menendez (Feisar) - European Origin - The manager of Feisar. A man with little known about him, besides the fact that he likes to win, he likes to make money and he likes to remind people who is boss.
Rachel Prince (Feisar) - British/Welsh - A pilot-in-training. She, like Finnegan and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. She has a fear of using weapons after her trainer was injured.
Finnegan Lang (Feisar) - Irish -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Rachel and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. He has a weak stomach and even with the best pressure suits he finds racing difficult and nauseating.
Wendell Johansson (Feisar) -  Unknown origins (Orphan) -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Finnegan and Rachel are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres.
Nami Mishima (Van-Uber) - Japanese - Van-Uber’s second pilot. Nami is super popular with young female racing fans and a lot of young male ones too. She has been the victim of sabotage a number of times, leading rumours that her rivalry with Zala Wolff of Xios has turned dangerous. Xala denies these allegations.
Songen Grey (Van-Uber) - American - Van-Uber’s lead pilot. Songen is a Californian who practices a mystical philosophy of his own, which he calls "Gangoism". He is known as one of the most focused of pilots, able to enter a trance-like state up to three days before a race. He dislikes stress and confrontation, so prefers to avoid locker room scuffles as much as possible.
Manny Christ (Van-Uber) - American - A Michigan born race official for Van-Uber, often seen assisting Songen and Nami and making sure they get to their meetings and make their deadlines. He is a very chill person who takes things in his stride and it is rumoured Songen talked him into the ways of Gangoism.
Roberto Sergio (G-Tech) - Italian - G-Tech’s lead pilot. Sergio is a known fitness fanatic and possible womaniser as suggested from his prior relationships with several female pilots. Though, there are rumours that he has no real preferences, possibly liking all genders equally. This is unsubstantiated gossip, not that he cares. Roberto Sergio's fanatical fitness regime is known throughout the anti-grav community, and he is famed for a formidable facial strength which enables him to lift a small child simply by flexing his forehead.  
Naomi Turner (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s second pilot. Known for her aggressive nature more suited for the Tigron team and her personal dislike of Natasha Belmondo, Naomi Turner was racing for the junior division of the now defunct AG Systems racing team from the age of 7. She is also known for staging many protests and even suing companies and people on a whim.
Jeanette Deline (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s secretary. Jeanette is a self-absorbed air head who spends most of her time preening herself at her desk. She flirts with any man who crosses her path making everyone wonder how she gets any work done at all. 
Flor Deline (G-Tech) - The sister of Jeanette, Flor is a low grade G-Tech employee tasked with day care duties.
Pascale Rouser (Auricom) - German - Auricom’s lead pilot. Pascale Rouser rarely speaks, preferring to let her racing prowess speak for her. However, she has begun making frequent outbursts about the behaviour of Omarr Khumala of Tigron. Trained in anger suppression techniques by her charismatic trainer, Dieter Kohl, Rouser is rumoured to be distraught at her loss of self-control and at the example she has set her team's second pilot, Franco Gonzalez. With whom it is rumoured that she has a very close relationship with.
Franco Gonzalez (Auricom) - Spanish - Auricom’s second pilot. Franco Gonzalez met Pascale Rouser while she was touring Barcelona in the early 2150s, and they have since become one of the closest pilot partnerships in the F9000 league. While they insist they are "just good friends", a movie file circulating the college campuses of the USA, allegedly stolen from a recent "Training Tour" aboard a private yacht, would suggest otherwise.
Dieter Kohl - German - Pascale Rouser’s personal trainer. Charismatic and cool, he is skilled in anger suppression and calming therapies. There are rumours that he is more than just Pascale’s personal trainer, but so far these rumours are just that; rumours.
Damien Reeves (Auricom) - American - Franco Gonzalez’s personal trainer. Skilled at tactical strategies, as well as other valuable racing skills, Damien is known throughout the racing community as a trainer with a man with a ‘go get em’ attitude. Though, he was subject to a scandal involving three women and a crate of root vegetables which he has tried hard to shake, but has been unsuccessful. 
Paul Cheung (EG-R) - Unknown -  EG-R’s lead pilot.  EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Paul Cheung, as a high-spirited party several years ago left him with no memory of his life prior to that point. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Alex Reece (EG-R) - Unknown - EG-R’s second pilot. EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Alex Reece. He was held hostage during the recent European butter riots, and violence inflicted at that time has left him unable to remember key life events prior to this unfortunate incident. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Natasha Belmondo (Xios) - French - Xios’ lead pilot. The great great granddaughter of the famous pioneer of anti-gravity technology, former Executive Director of the F5000 Anti-Gravity Racing Commission and ‘the father of anti-gravity racing’, Pierre Belmondo, Natasha was originally signed to Auricom before defecting to Auricom. She has a lot to prove holding the Belmondo name.
Zala Wolff (Xios) - Austrian -  Xios’ second pilot. Zala Wollf joined Van-Über after being offered a place on the team's reserve list as third pilot behind Nami Mishima. She spent a number of months training with Mishima, whom she admitted, "...taught me everything I know about, well, many things." However, following an argument over a restaurant bill, Wollf was seen crying on a street corner, and the following day she left Van-Über and signed a contract with Xios International. She hasn't spoken to Mishima since then. It is rumoured she is behind the sabotage attempts on Nami’s craft.
Callista Valois (Xios) - French - Callista is the secretary and assistant to Natasha Belmondo. She is in charge of all of her appointments, interviews and personal life obligations. Usually seen tailing Natasha in a grey pencil skirt suit with beige lapels, Callista is rather demure and dislikes anyone getting too close or friendly with her ward.
Omarr Khumala (Tigron) - South African - Tigron’s lead pilot. Aggressive and formidable and committed to an aggressive racing style to match his personality, Khumala has long had a habit of "making his presence felt" during races, and when team and pilot came together, it was a match made in heaven. Khumala narrowly missed out on the pilot's championship last season thanks to the whinging Natasha Belmondo. He is very much looking forward to avenging his near miss.
Sveta Kirovski (Tigron) - Russian - Tigron’s second pilot. Allegedly, Sveta is a trans woman (Formerly a man called Ivan from a family of salt miners from Siberia), though she dislikes being outed and so denies any such rumours. She is extremely skilled in piloting the Tigron’s bull craft as her bulky, muscular frame makes it an absolute breeze. She has committed herself to at least winning the Vohl Square race, as it is her home turf.
Myima Tsarong (Piranha) - Tibetan - Piranha’s lead pilot.  Myima Tsarong previously piloted craft in the arcane world of Tibetan anti-grav racing, a strange variant on the conventional sport with an emphasis on calmness and non-violence. She has a graceful style, and boasts the highest CMGFL rating in the league, allowing her to sustain massive G-Forces. Unable to accept the millions of dollars paid to other anti-grav pilots due to her beliefs, Tsarong flies simply for the joy of controlling one of the greatest anti-gravity craft ever developed.
Jann Shlaudecker (Piranha) - German - Piranha’s second pilot. Usually quiet and thoughtful, Jann likes to take a note from Pascale Rouser’s book of only really speaking when he needs to. He has emerged as one of the most intelligent pilots on the circuit. He puts his rapid development down to his partnership with the mystical Myima Tsarong, and he has suggested he may move to Tibet for a while, "...so i can see some of this monk stuff for myself."
Lindarr Jonez (Piranha) - British - Piranha’s assistant chairwoman, Lindarr is a mysterious person with unknown origins. She deals with any meetings and contact between other teams and Piranha.
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twohearts-hs · 5 years
‘I’ll Always Be Waiting’ - Shawn Mendes Imagine
Words: 3.4k
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: They were together throughout high school, but she had to break it due to their very separate plans. He couldn’t see her leave, so he asked her to make a promise...to meet again in five years. 
|| Masterlist in bio ||
They were the ‘it’ couple. Every one of the small high school knew exactly who this couple was. One of the reasons was the fact that they were together throughout the whole of high school, something that doesn’t happen often. It was all just gossip that surrounds the school, but generally, everyone knew that Shawn and Y/N would never break up. There was a saying with that, “I’ll do that when Shawn and Y/N break up” or “It’s just as impossible as the golden couple breaking up”. But, the two of them never focused their lives based on the subtle whispers that surround the school, they were in love and so they lived their lives in one big love bubble.
Shawn remembers the first time he set his eyes on the beauty of mystery. It was his grade ten year and she just moved from Victoria to Pickering. He remembers hanging with his mates as she walked out of the locker room. The beauty was in his first-period gym class. He did anything that day to grab her attention. It was aggravating, seeing her run, seeing her not pay attention. He tried in dodgeball to hit the walls hard to create a noise. He did everything. But, the shy beauty didn’t bat an eye to him.
It was an hour into class when he did something that till this day, he regrets. Y/N was talking to a friend, who was a boy, and Shawn decided to grab her attention once again, by hitting this boy. He didn’t like how he looked at her, like a piece of meat, when all she wanted was a humble conversation.
But, being his clumsy self, he hit her, “Oh my God, I am so sorry,” he rushed right towards her, as Y/N held her face. Tears hit her delicate eyes as Shawn stood in front of him.
“It’s ok, it is all part of the game,” she mumbled looking at the tall boy in front of her. He smiled, doing something so out of there.
He grabbed her hand gently and took it off her face. “You need to ice that,” he mumbled, “it looks painful,” she laughed, nodding.
“You have a powerful throw,” she told him, smiling so beautifully.
“Of course I do, look at these guns,” she laughed and instantly that laugh was the medicine needed to cure everything.
The two got close, him being in her science class. It started with them being partners in gym and him teaching her the rules to every game to her helping him with biology, chemistry and physics. Which created Y/N to go over to his house. Eventually, the two created a bond by October. By November they were a couple.
He was hilarious, she learnt right away, the humour too powerful for her to understand. But, he used that humour wherever he could, so he could hear that laugh of her’s. Their first date was a disaster. Y/N remembers that day so clearly. He invited her over for dinner. Shawn liked her so much that he was putting more than a hundred percent into it. He created a candlelit dinner and tried to cook Kraft dinner, as that was the only thing he could cook. The key word from that was ‘try’. He burnt it, as they were making out on the counter of the kitchen. Her legs were wrapped around his hips as his arms were on her hips. The makeout session was so hot that he burnt the pasta that sat in the pot, ready to go.
Before that, she laughed about how he was going to make her this absolute gourmet dish...when reality it was quite the opposite. Instead, she jumped off the counter, kissed his cheek and he watched as she made him dinner.
Y/N was so good at everything, she went into his pantry and grabbed a few boxes of pasta and went to the fridge and grabbing some things and made this gorgeous white sauce pasta. He was in awe...no he was in love.
Their night was so innocent, stolen kisses shared as he played her his guitar and makeout sessions out on the patio. His mother knew not to interrupt, so she left them to it.
Karen loves that girl, still does after they decided to split. She remembers meeting the future teacher and the minute she heard Y/N’s voice, she knew her son had to marry her, even though they were both 16. She was perfect. But, she did see something that she wishes she didn’t.
They were seventeen when she walked into them having sex. Karen walked in thinking her son was doing homework, when she really saw him on top of his girlfriend, under covers, completely naked. Shawn got all blushy and told his mum to get out. Y/N was not as embarrassed, but laughed, kissing her boyfriend as he rolled off.
“The moment is ruined,” he muttered. She laughed and got dressed and walked downstairs where she was welcomed to a lot of questions by Karen.
“I know you two are seventeen and responsible but-”
“Mum,” Shawn tried to interrupt, but she kept going on about protection.
“Karen, it's ok,” Y/N stated, sitting in the dining room and smiling, “I have an IUD,” she told her as Shawn was too embarrassed to mutter a word. “It's not our first rodeo, we’ve been doing this since we were sixteen,” she told her, grabbing a glass of water.
Karen still knew after that that she was still the one.
Y/N was the start for everything. She told Shawn to go onto YouTube and to write an album. She believed in him. She was also the muse for everything.
But, when he broke the news that he was going on tour again, but for longer and how many opportunities he has, Y/N had to break it with him. She knew the second album would be a hit and she knew that it was best if they took a break as he has the world in his hands and she has school in the U.K. to look forward too.
So, she asked Shawn right before the album dropped to meet her in the forest by her house. She sat on the rock by the small river trying to figure out the words to say. How do you break up with the love of your life? Y/N just turned eighteen, she was an adult, she had a future. Shawn was much more, he was making millions, had fans, doing what he loves. She was an obstacle, in her eyes.
Shawn thought that they were going to go on a date by the river, kiss a little, dance and be themselves. He brought her a rose like he normally did. But, when he saw his girlfriend sitting and watching the river, he knew something was wrong.
He held her hands as she looked down, playing with his fingers and trying to figure out the words.
“Shawn, you’re about to go away,” he knew where this was going to go, he shook his head violently, not wanting her to say the words she was going to say, “you have the whole world in front of you. You are travelling, you are singing, you are doing so much. I have to go to university and I think it is best—”
“No, no, Y/N. No, we can do this. You are going to the local university and I’ll be home soon. I have been looking at a place for us, baby, we are meant to be together. We are gonna get married, have kids,” he muttered, rambling his words.
“I got accepted to the university in London, Shawn,” she told him. He looked at her with a puzzled look.
“What? What university?” he was so confused.
“I did a scholarship thing just for giggles and I got accepted. I am going to be a writer, you are a musician. We are going two separate paths, Shawnie. We can’t be together anymore, honey. If we are supposed to be together forever, then we’ll see each other again, somewhere on our paths,” she stated, getting up and looking at him.
“Y/N, you can’t do this,” she shook her head, still holding his hand as she tried to let go.
“This is me breaking up with you, Shawn,” he looked at her with a blank look.
What ended up was Shawn muttered a sentence and it was impossible to not agree. “One more time, you and me, one more time. Then, five years from now, on this day, at this time, we are going to meet here and we will either be ready to be together or we learnt we aren't supposed to be together,” she agreed.
What they meant for “one more time” was bluntly sex. They were two horny teenagers after all. So they went to his car and had passionate car sex one more time. Then she was gone, and gone for a long time.
Y/N went on and moved to London where she studied her dream and became a journalist for ‘The Times’. Shawn sold out stadiums after stadiums. But, after that night they never talked again.
Shawn went home in tears, first heartbreak and hopefully last. Karen knew that this wasn’t the end of them, but she had to let her son feel what this felt like, learn from it and move on with someone else for the time being.
He did the tour, he took a break and wrote his third album, which was all about her. He unadded her from every social media, he couldn’t bear looking at her summer adventures or spring break trips. Brian would show some pictures, but he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of night, as Y/N would be with another man in the picture. He was territorial when it came to things that are his and this was one situation.
He lived as though Y/N never existed. He fucked girls one after another and she was nowhere to be seen. One moment she was in London, according to Facebook on Brian’s phone, then she was in Barcelona, then Ibiza, etc.; she was unpredictable.
The minute his third album came out, she knew that it was mostly based on her, just like how the few songs on the last one were about her too. The roses on the album cover were because her favourite flower was a rose. ‘Nervous’ was how he stalked this one café because she used to study there. ‘Fallin’ All In You’ was about their relationship and ‘Particular Taste’. ‘When You’re Ready’ hit her hard, the moment she heard it on the radio in her London flat, that was when it clicked, the whole album, besides a few songs were based on her. And all she can say is, “How dare you?”
Y/N knew she would regret this. She knew it, she knew that this was wrong, but she had to. After how many years that they were apart, she was mad at him for the first time. Her innocent teenage self wasn’t there anymore. She had to go through a heartbreak as well, she had to go through money problems and backstabbing friends. She lived, she dealt and fuck she was placed in therapy after what happened with her ex after Shawn.
When Y/N first went to the U.K., she met a really nice businessman who she fell in love with over a course of a few years. But, he was a manipulator and narcissistic bitch. There wasn’t much good in their year and a half relationship, just emotional abuse and manipulation. It really affected her, mentally, emotionally, she wasn’t herself anymore. She was a healing mess.
But, hearing the album from Shawn and the few songs from his second that he added before the album was released, she couldn’t believe him. He pretends that she doesn’t exist, but then sings about her where the world is left wondering, “Who hurt the Shawn Mendes?”
So, her best friend and she went to his concert where he performed the songs he wrote about her. Y/N stood in her spot watching him prance around the stage with his guitar, a smile upon his still beautiful features, yet heartbroken eyes. He couldn’t see her, she made sure that was on purpose. She was far away, but he was so proud about everything and she felt like her seventeen-year-old self once again, blinded by love and admiration.
But, it was the small things she picked up. The screen showing flowers and outlines of a female who looked very similar to her. The rose was her favourite flower when they first met. Shawn used to bring a rose to her on every date. The rose burned on the screen and she knew right then that this was about her.
Y/N left the concert, almost regretting her decision so long ago. She needed a drink and she needed one bad. Her friend left her, saying she had to go home to her fiancé, so Y/N was left to her own misery in the small dimly lit pub.
A half an hour later a sound went off, signally someone came in. She didn’t turn, she just nursed the whiskey in her hand as she stared at it. But, a figure sat next to her. She knew who it was before she looked. She knew the energy, the smell, the feeling. He sat next to her and he had no idea.
“A beer,” he muttered, looking up at the bartender. This was when she had a burst of confidence.
“Perfectly Wrong, When You’re Ready, Particular Taste, Nervous, Ruin, I can go on,” she muttered. He knew the voice right away. His head darted next to himself to the figure he loved so much.
He stared, as she looked up and lined eyes. “Why? Why did you write about me?” she asked, taking a sip from the liquor.
“You’re here,” he muttered, just staring at her. Y/N changed, she truly changed, he noticed.
“I am. I went to school here, I work here, live here, so I am here. Why are you here?” she asked, he couldn’t figure out the words.
“What happened to you?” she laughed, ordering another one and turning herself.
“Not everyone becomes a global superstar and makes millions and is liked by everyone,” she told him. She was so cold, so off, so broken; she hated the world at the moment and he wondered why.
“Right,” he laughed, as he just looked at her with awe, “You are so gorgeous,” he muttered. She laughed.
“Still your charming self, I see. At least one of us is happy,” she told me. He shook his head, running his hands through his hair.
“No, no, Y/N, I am not happy. I haven’t been happy since we broke up,” she shook her head.
“You have two years until we meet again, become happy, find someone,” she said as she left a few pounds on the counter and grabbed her coat.
“Stop,” he said, grabbing her hand and looked at her, “You said that if we are meant to be, our paths would cross. Our paths are crossing right now, honey, they’re fucking crossing,” she shook her head.
“I just got out of a relationship, Shawn. Give me two years and I will see if I am ready,” she said and he shook his head.
“I am ready, I am so ready, baby,” she shook her head.
“But, I am not. You said in your song that you’ll wait, please, just do that for now,” she told him, “I’ll be ready, just give me time. Good concert by the way,” she told me as she waved and left.
She left so fast as she appeared. Y/N was gone again, he lost her again and he didn’t know if he could wait again.
Two years felt like forever, at least for him. He wrote many more songs about her and after a while, she realised that she shouldn’t hate that, he’s still waiting for her. She got over demons and issues and moved back home. She moved to Toronto because she was ready. Her apartment was cute, she went back to school and begin getting an education degree, as she loves to write, but she wants to teach children more.
That was what Shawn loved about her, she wanted to teach everyone. She wanted to be a guide and a teacher and a healer. Her broken heart learned to heal itself but still wondered what happened when she got hurt from her ex. But, she knew Shawn was waiting for her and nobody else was. That was the perfect thing about him, he loved her more than life itself and fuck, she loved him more than the moon and Earth.
So, she went to Toronto, she went to the local university, so when that five-year mark came, he can travel, she could learn and they could be happy.
Of course, the universe loves to tease her. The minute she stepped into the familiar city, he was everywhere, whether it was on bulletin board or actual physical self.
She remembers when she saw him across the street one day, she laughed and still waited. Y/N didn’t want to be creepy, she wanted their paths to cross again, to fulfil each other’s promise. They are waiting for each other and the universe works in wonderful ways to make them cross.
They had 3 months left, she has been in the city for a year. It was a cold fall morning, walking into the café and setting everything up. She loved this little place, she loved watching people interact, learn, talk, fall in love. Another thing Shawn loves about her, she was in love with the world itself. Her hands were numb from the Canadian cold and were regaining it’s feeling when she turned the kettle on.
The bell rang, she looked up, seven in the morning. She wondered who would be there.
Shawn shivered from the cold as he entered the local café close to the studio. It was early, too early for him. He prefers the duvet of his bed and warm apartment than the cold fall morning on a Monday.
Y/N came around the corner, a smile upon her face, messy ponytail and cute sweater. This was her, this was the woman he fell in love with all those years ago. The girl in the London pub wasn’t her, this was her.
“Hi,” she muttered, a wider smile came to her face. He just stared in awe.
“You’re here,” he muttered, nerves taking him, “you’re in Toronto. What the fuck are you doing here?” she laughed, loved how confused he was/
“I came back,” she told him from across the counter, he nodded, hands coming out of his pocket and running through his hair; a nervous tick. “Three months,” she muttered.
“What?” he asked, still not believing she was right in front of him.
“Three months till the river. But, I set a rule that if our paths—”
“Crossed than we are really meant to be,” he finished.
“This is our path crossing, Shawnie,” she told him, using the nickname.
“Yeah, it really is,” he smiled, laughing. Y/N came behind the counter towards him.
“I’m ready when you are,” she told him, “you are travelling the world, I am going to the local university studying education, there’s a cute apart-”
She was interrupted by his lips on hers, a passionate kiss shared between them. Y/N smiled into the kiss, grabbing his curls as they rocked back and forth, pulling away and hugging each other and little tears are shared between them.
“Thank you for waiting,” she told him, pulling away.
“Marry me?” he muttered out, she laughed.
“One day, mister, one day,” she told him, grabbing his cheeks and kissing his lips, “I am not going anywhere hun.”
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@alinashawn @mendesnecessary @claredolphinbear24 @notunlimited @harrysahottie @ashwarren32 @iimagineloves @i-am-bisexual-and-a-girl @purple-cream-cheese @shawns-mendess @lilya-petrichor @laggyphone @winchesterwife27 @neverlandqueen15 @kissme-hs
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
The Bet (Liam x MC)
Prompt request from @princess-geek. #61 “What’s my prize?”
Warning: This one gets a little steamy at the end, nothing explicit though
Liam usually loves balls and formal gatherings. He loves meeting people, building connections for his country, and traveling.
But it’s day 3 of his stay in Spain, and he’s absolutely exhausted. He and Kendall embarked on a mini European tour, starting in Portugal and concluding in Italy. 
Not only is he tired, but the events are downright boring. After a while, he gets tired of talking about politics with dukes and counts. The King Liam facade only lasts so long before the real Liam gets antsy.
They’re currently at a party being thrown in their honor at one of the opulent villas in Barcelona as the visiting monarchs, but actually enjoying the party is the furthest thing from his mind. He wants to be anywhere else. After traveling through Spain via train all day, he’s ready to decompress.
His Queen is a different story however. Despite being 15 weeks pregnant, she has more energy than she knows how to handle. She’s glowing, even. He watches as she effortlessly glides through the ballroom, her floor length gown sweeping the floor with each step. She’s like a magnet, attracting the attention of everyone around her. Everyone wants to be in her presence. Everyone wants to talk to her, whether it be about diplomacy or old fashioned gossip. He’s glad that at least she’s having a good time. 
She must feel his gaze because she looks over and waves at him. He graces her with a smile in return. He sees her politely whisper something to the dignitary she’s talking to before excusing herself, walking over to him.
“Hi handsome.”
“Hello gorgeous,” Liam greets back. Instinctively, he wraps an arm around his wife’s waist pulling her close. “You’re the life of the party tonight.”
“I’m the life of every party,” Kendall corrects with a smirk.
“Of course.”
Kendall looks at her husband. He’s not his usual cheery self. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m just tired. And bored, if I’m being honest.”
Kendall frowns but she does notice the slight bags under Liam’s eyes and the lack of the usual enthusiasm. All of the travel is finally wearing on him. “I can get us out of here,” she says.
Liam chuckles. “It’s a party thrown in our honor, my love. And we aren’t on our home turf.”
“That’s never stopped us before.” Kendall reaches up and runs a thumb across her husband’s cheek. “I can get us excused within 5 minutes.”
“What if you can’t?” Liam challenges.
“Want to bet on it?”
“Sure. What’s my prize?”
“What do you want it to be?”
Liam goes silent, contemplating a response. “If you lose this little wager, you get to take my place in that meeting with Neville and Langdon next week.”
Kendall groans and drops her head against her husband’s chest. “You know how much I cannot stand that sniveling little toad.”
“I know. That’s why I’m putting you up to it.”
“Fine. But if I win, you have to promise to sneak away with me during this little trip for a few days. You, me, and a little house in Tuscany, overlooking the vineyards.”
Liam lifts Kendall’s hand and kisses it. “You drive a hard bargain. But you have yourself a deal.”
“Great.” Kendall’s eyes scan the crowd until they land on the monarch, King Felipe and his wife, Queen Letizia. They’re pleasantly conversing with someone. “Follow my lead. The clock starts...now.”
Kendall and Liam walk over to the other king and queen, hand in hand. Kendall sweeps into a curtsy, getting as low as her dress and new baby bump allow. “Your Majesties.”
“Ah, Queen Kendall!” Queen Letizia smiles at her. “You look radiant.”
“Thank you.”
“We hope you’re enjoying the party.”
“It’s lovely,” Kendall says. “And that’s why I feel so terrible.”
“What’s wrong, dear?”
“I’ve been trying to put on a brave face and ignore it, but I am feeling downright horrible right now.”
Worry flashes across Letizia’s face as she appraises Kendall. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
Kendall’s body language shifts. The bubbly woman Liam saw a few minutes ago is gone. Her posture loosens, her body slacks against his. “I’ve been feeling nauseous all day. I’m usually able to handle it, but it’s actually kicked up tremendously now that I’m my second trimester. And no one really mentions all of the aches and pains you feel, and I think all of this travel is wearing on me.”
Letizia nods understandingly, having had two children herself. “Please, please go get some rest.”
Kendall rests a hand on the small swell of her belly. “Are you sure? You went out of your way to throw us such a lavish party.”
“As the Queen, I insist. You go inside and get some sleep. We’ll have this party cleared out soon enough. King Liam, you go take care of your wife.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
Kendall and Liam bow and hastily make their exits, avoiding people who would try to talk to them. Bastien keeps a safe distance behind them, but he follows them until he sees them disappear into the villa and upstairs to their suite.
Kendall flings the door open, giggling like a little kid. Liam watches her in amusement, and softly shuts the door behind him, locking it. “So? How did I do?”
Liam checks the time on his watch. “I’m impressed. You managed to do that in less than 5 minutes.”
“So I win.”
“You win,” Liam confirms with a soft smile. He meets his wife halfway in a quick kiss.
Kendall pulls away. “As the winner, I think I’d like to add one more prize.”
 “And what would that be, love?”
“I decree that the loser of this bet should make love to his wife. If he’s up for it.”
“Oh the king is always up for that.”
Liam backs Kendall into the wall closest to the door and he captures her lips in another kiss, this one much more heated than the last. His hands find her hips and he pulls her flush against him, groaning at the contact.
He leaves feather light kisses on her cheek until he reaches the spot below her ear. He feels her shudder against him. “Have I told you how absolutely stunning you look tonight?”
“Multiple times,” Kendall replies breathlessly. Liam bites down on her earlobe and she gasps. “Though I won’t be opposed to hearing it again.”
“You’re beautiful, my queen,” Liam whispers into her ear. He lifts one of her legs and bunches up the hem of her very expensive gown. One of his hands slips beneath the dress, fingers gliding along the silky skin of her leg, as Kendall writhes under him. As he gets further and further along, he’s shocked to discover nothing but warm and wet flesh instead of one of the scraps of fabric she deems underwear. “You don't have anything on under this dress.”
Kendall nods and arches her hips forward, silently begging to be touched. “I know.” Liam doesn’t take the hint, stopping his ministrations.
Realization dawns on him. Liam chuckles and continues his previous activities, his fingers lazily running up and down her center, not really doing much but coaxing small whimpers and groans out of her nonetheless. “I’m starting to think you had that little escape planned out all evening. It wasn’t something you came up with when you saw me, huh?”
Kendall’s smirk is all the confirmation he needs. “And what if I did?”
God, did he absolutely adore this woman. “Then you’re more clever than you get credit for being, my queen.”
“Damn right, I am.”
“Now, I believe I was in the middle of giving you your prize.”
But tonight, they’re both winners.
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theorypaperweight · 6 years
Camila Cabello: Pap Pics and Stunting, a Year in Review
This chronicles most (if not all) of the instances where Camila was publicly papped from January 2018 - February 2019 (time of publication). This does not include any fan pictures or those from social media (i.e. Instagram, Twitter, etc.).
Prior to 2018, Camila has only truly been papped a handful of times. However, the frequency in which she has been snapped has grown significantly compared to the previous 6 years (2012-17) she has been in the industry. 
(Note: The pap pics in 2018 began to surface in February, weeks after her debut album was released).
* = Days CC and MH are photographed together.
Feb 1st, 2018: Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Narita Airport). Article 1.
Photo credits: Splash News (Vogue).
CC arriving at Tokyo Narita Airport.
Tokyo Narita Airport is the airport in Tokyo which deals with a majority of Tokyo's international flights.
Feb. 9th, 2018: Cabo, Mexico (beach)*. Article 2.
Photo credits: Backgrid (E!News).
These were the first public pictures of CC and MH together, they were published exclusively by E!News and featured them on a beach in Cabo.
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The photos were snapped with photo credits given to Backgrid, a known celebrity pap agency or "celebrity news agency" as they call themselves. Backgrid has also snapped pictures of a number of other celebrities in Cabo in 2018 as well including Scott Disick, Guiliana Rancic, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ciara, and Heidi Klum which were all published in gossip magazines/sites (i.e. US Weekly, OK, & E!News).
Feb. 15th, 2018: London, UK. Article 3.
Photo credits: Backgrid (JustJared).
CC leaving her hotel in London after announcing her first solo tour.
Feb. 20th, 2018: London, UK (London Fashion Week). Article 4.
Photo credits: Getty Images (Vogue).
Feb. 26th, 2018: LAX 1 (airport)*. Article 5.1, Article 5.2 (video).
Photo credits: Perez/X17online (DailyMail).
In the second pap pic of the pair as they walked through LAX, again a location known to have paps more so then any other airport in the states.
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In fact, in order to allow celebrities and business professionals to evade paps, avoid public terminals, and make better use of their time LAX has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a private terminal as well as VIP services to ensure privacy and efficiency (Source 1: LAX Private Terminal, Source 2: United Airlines partners with LAX private terminal, Source 3: Delta provides anti-pap VIP service, Source 4: American Airlines partners with private helicopter service Flyblade).
Mar. 14th, 2018: LAX 2 (airport). Article 6.1, Article 6.2 (video).
Photo credits: Backgrid USA (JustJared); X17online.
CC posing in LAX for paps Part I.
Note: Sinu can also be seen with CC in the video although she isn't shown in the article.
Apr. 8th, 2018: LAX 3 (airport). Article 7.1, Article 7.2, Article 7.3 (video).
Photo credits: Backgrid USA (JustJaredJr), starzfly/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images (Billboard); X17online.
CC (and Sinu) posing in LAX for paps Part II. There are 2 sets of photos posted from this day however, the second set (non-Backgrid) were the more popular ones which made the rounds on various news and gossip sites.
Apr. 17th, 2018: West Hollywood, CA. Article 8.
Photo credits: The Image Direct (DailyMail).
CC and Sinuhe out to lunch in West Hollywood.
Apr. 18th, 2018: LAX 4 (airport). Article 9.
Photo credits: Backgrid (Vogue).
May 23rd, 2018: Beverly Hills, CA. Article 10.
Photo credits: Backgrid (TMZ)
CC and Sinu spotted post-hospitalization following the Billboard Music Awards.
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June 8th, 2018: Manchester, UK. Article 11.1, Article 11.2.
Photo credits: Eammon and James Clarke (Manchester Evening News), INSTAR (JustJaredJr).
CC shopping in Manchester city centre with her mother Sinu.
June 19th, 2018: Paris, France (NRJ radio station). Article 12.
Photo credits: Backgrid (JustJared).
CC heading into NRJ radio station.
June 25th, 2018: Barcelona, Spain (airport)*. Article 13.1, Article 13.2.
Photo credits: Backgrid USA/Backgrid (JustJared, Metro).
The third pap pic of the pair overall, second set of the pair snapped by Backgrid.
Note: CC's family were also present. They were all seen walking together, taking selfies, and kissing in CC and MH's case. CC and Sofi also posed for paps.
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June 26th, 2018: Barcelona, Spain (park)*. Article 14.
Photo credits: Backgrid (E!News).
The fourth time papped as a pair, third set of photos taken by Backgrid as a pair abroad.
Note: This features the photos of CC on MH's lap on a park bench sitting next to Sinu and kissing. CC also goes down a slide with MH waiting at the bottom. Very reminiscent of 2016 Hiddleswift (HS 1.1, HS 1.2) or March 2018 Nick Jonas.
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July 25th, 2018: LA/Pacific Palisades, CA (L'Oreal event)*. Article 15.
Photo credits: Backgrid (DailyMail).
CC and MH leaving the L'Oreal X Camila launch party for the "Havana" makeup collection.
(This photo is the 1/2 featured with MH which is work related.)
Note: Sinu and Sofi are also partially snapped in photos from the article.
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October 2nd, 2018: Venice Beach, California. Article 16.1, Article 16.2.
Photo credits: Backgrid (JustJared), (DailyMail)*.
Photos were taken of CC, MH, and Sinu strolling through Venice Beach.
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October 15th, 2018: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Article 17.
Photo credits: Backgrid USA (JustJared), (DailyMail).
CC leaving a restaurant in Sao Paulo.
November 26th, 2018: Los Angeles, CA. Article 18.
Photos Credits: Backgrid USA (JustJared Jr.).
CC was snapped on the set of a music video.
December 6th, 2018: New York City, NY (Mastercard commercial)*. Article 19.1, Article 19.2, Article 19.3.
Photo Credits: Robert O'Neil/SplashNewsOnline; Backgrid USA, SplashNewsOnline (Just Jared, Just JaredJr.).
Photos of CC were taken during a shoot for a Mastercard commercial CC was filming. Prior to the shoot CC and MH were snapped strolling to a breakfast date in the DailyMail article although no photos of the date were presented in the article. Both Just Jared/Just Jared Jr. articles omitted details or photos of CC and MH together although the photos within the articles did mention the commerical she was filming and show moments from the shoot.
(This photo is the 1/2 featured with MH which is work related.)
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January 31st, 2019: Hollywood, California (ArcLight movie theater)*. Article 20.1, Article 20.2, Article 20.3, Article 20.4.
Photo Credits: Roger/BACKGRID (DailyMail); Backgrid USA, SplashNewsOnline (JustJared, JustJaredJr.); Bauer-Griffin/SplashNews.com (E!News).
CC and MH snapped leaving a movie theater.
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February 12th, 2019: LAX 5 (airport)*. Article 21.1, Article 21.2, Article 21.3, Article 21.4, Article 21.5 (video).
Photo Credits: Backgrid USA/BackGrid (JustJared, JustJaredJr; DailyMail; HollywoodLife); X17online.
CC and MH snapped at LAX only 2 days after the 2019 Grammys.
Note: In the video Sinu can be seen coming out of the vehicle with CC and MH at the airport, but immediately circles to the far left away from CC, MH, and their security guard opting to walk behind 2 paps and out of frame of the pictures instead.
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The Rundown:
Total photo credits (21): Backgrid (16), X17online (4; first airport photos of CC and MH, 4 airport videos, all at LAX), SplashNews/SplashNewsOnline (3), Bauer-Griffin (2), Getty Images, starflyz, GC Images, The Image Direct, Eammon and James Clarke, and INSTAR.
Backgrid was credited for 16/21 of the days CC was papped from 2018 - February 2019.
The 5 days Backgrid was not given credit for any photos occurred between February 1st, 2018 - June 8th, 2018, from then through February 2019 Backgrid has had photo credits on every day CC has been papped.
7/21 of the days CC was photographed were in airports, of those 5/7 occurred at LAX. (Note: Despite frequent travels to NYC and Miami CC has not been papped once in 2018 flying into or out of JFK, LaGuardia, or MIA. In fact, the last time she appears to have been papped at any of these airports was LaGuardia in December 2014 with Dinah.)
Backgrid was the only ones who got pictures of CC 11/21 of the days and of those 5/11 included MH.
Backgrid was also given credit for 8/9 of the couple photos.
Also worth mentioning: 10/21 days CC was seen with a family member. 5/10 of those days also included MH, 4 were from June 25th, 2018 - October 2nd, 2018 and were the only 4 days CC was papped during that time period.
The news sites which consistently publish photos are the Daily Mail and Just Jared/Just Jared Jr with special recognition to E!News, rarely do other sites publish any photos.
Bonus link: Taylor Swift has also given exclusives to certain pap agencies for her PR relationships/bearding stunts. Namely The Image Direct for Hiddleston and Backgrid currently with Alwyn. Worth noting that CC and Taylor are friends and former tour mates.
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somekeepsakes · 5 years
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(source, full translation under the cut)
Peter Doherty: On the way to peace of mind
For years, Pete Doherty appeared in the gossip columns of the tabloid media mainly due to his substance abuse and various scandals. Since his last rehab stint, the 40-year-old has been concentrating on music, tours and new friendships. With his Puta Madres he recently presented the new album in the fully sold out Wiener WUK – and told us about the changes in his life in a thoughtful and focussed manner during a pre-show interview.
He’s got his issues with age. On March 12, Peter – formerly Pete – Doherty celebrated his 40th birthday but he’s reluctant to talk about his official entry into midlife. But what does midlife mean anyway? Some years ago, one wouldn’t have thought it to be possible for the professed and long-time (ex-)junkie to even see 30. Heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, ketamine, weed - plus tons of alcohol. Drug addiction, drug abuse, drug possession, drug trafficking. Prison sentences, rehab attempts, scandalous on-and-off relationships with Kate Moss and various other women of the artistic and cultural world. Fans worship him as the revolutionary hero of British indie music who will have his irrevocable place in all history books first with The Libertines and then with Babyshambles, while critics dislike his drug-addled fickleness, his often harsh appearances on stage and also deny him any musical talent.
Eccentric and self-destructive Like every great rock star, Doherty polarises society. He takes the liberty to cancel gigs on short notice due to excessive drug abuse, to behave like a teenager on stage and to interrupt good gigs for a seemingly infinite period of time out of pure provocation. But Doherty is a brilliant spirit with a lot of sensitivity and a pure heart, too. Like the crumbling dandy he never wanted to be, with a rustic image that stretches like a veil over his whole life. He dropped out of his English Literature degree in London in his first year because he got to know Carl Barât through his sister, with whom he not only shared the love for music, verse, and poetry but also for eccentric self-destruction. These two creative talents shone beyond all borders, and – all in the tradition of great British writers and poets – consciously fled into scandals and excesses in order to fight their inner demons.
"I've always wanted to write novels. Don't get me wrong, I draw a lot of joy from music," he explains to the "Krone" in an interview, "but in my heart of hearts I dream myself into a world of poetry and literature. Songwriting sometimes seems simply too easy to me". If the income from music is sufficient, Doherty sees himself creating fiction without much pressure in a deserted area in Spain, preferably Barcelona,. The European globetrotter has already spent weeks and months in Krefeld, Hamburg, Barcelona and London, but also many nights and days in the Viennese Flex as well as in his beloved city of Graz. As global and all-encompassing as his unsteady life goes, his new band, the Puta Madres, was recruited in the same manner a few years ago. Musicians from Spain, England, Ireland, Wales and France are part of it. A pan-European overall concept that doesn’t only stand for common creativity, but also for mutual support, love and help.
Cooperation and communication He met drummer Rafa while camping in Barcelona whereas bassist Miggles was homeless in France for a while. "We are self-imposed outcasts so to speak", he thoughtfully explains the band, "it's easy to find a place in this ordinary world, but if I stay too long in it, something inside me dies. It's always about the killer instinct or the survival of the fittest, but that's not the nature of man. What people need to survive, and have needed for hundreds of thousands of years, are cooperation and communication. All that brings us forward in society is solidarity." Doherty finds this kind of solidarity in his new, multinational conglomerate. A group of passionate artists and musicians who are not averse to exuberant excess, but far removed from Doherty's past self-destructive side. He’s been clean for almost four years, but it will never be possible to get him out of the downward spiral of various addictive substances.
Their exciting and varied debut album was wrongly treated with contempt in German-speaking countries. Even if the rock'n'roll attitude of The Libertines or Babyshambles may be missing, Doherty is at his most honest and self-reflective alongside his gang of rascals. In "Someone Else To Be" he even talks about the ever-growing desire to be someone else and consciously quotes his idols Velvet Underground and Oasis. "Things outside my bands have always been negatively connoted with me, it had hardly anything to do with the music itself. I'm particularly proud of this album because it's probably my first album ever that I can listen to without feeling confused." More than ever his love for folk, country blues, Leonard Cohen and Gram Parsons stands out in songs like "All At Sea", "Travelling Tinker" or "Shoreleave". "I used to turn off the mic when recording and played on. This time, we also recorded this fun."
Peace in life After so many turbulent years, Doherty has found peace and seclusion in the placid coastal town of Margate with its 50,000 inhabitants. There’s enough space for the dogs to run, the fresh and cool sea breeze is just as good for the salvation of the soul as the self-chosen form of loneliness, which not only inspires creativity, but also health and feeling. "I like many places, I feel very much at ease in your region or Bavaria. But I would prefer to live somewhere isolated in an ancient house on a hill with a forest and connected to the sea. But Margate is a wonderful place for me. I'm just at home watching movies with Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson. That's heaven for me." Age may cause a lack of ease for Doherty, slowly but surely, however, he also seems to find peace in his life.
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katoktm5 · 5 years
Greek wine tasting...not yet a fan
Dinner last night was so fun. I even forgot to take a picture of my huge pile of minnows. And Greek salad of course. Met a couple from the UK Allison and Greg. We are now Facebook friends. We talked through dinner and for about two hours. Mostly about the royal family. It was so fun to gossip about everything from Diana to Camilla to Meghan to Kate to babies to the queen even Victoria. Some rumors in the UK are that Serena is the godmother and George Clooney is the godfather. Also another rumor is that Sarah Ferguson and Andrew will remarry when Philip dies. She may be the only person from the UK I’ve ever met who actually enjoys the royal family. We also talked about all the world leaders we talked about Brexit we talked about the wall we talked about China, Italy, nuclear weapons, Downton Abbey, the Crown, Chernobyl, killing Eve, The female president of New Zealand who just had a baby, Angela Merkel Hillary Clinton, teaching, retiring,travel, etc. quite a dinner! By 11 o’clock we had paid and they asked me to go out for a drink with the friends they were meeting. But I said now I’ve had my wine for the night and since I travel solo, I need to make sure I’m safe walking back.
Today I met bad tooth Dave from the UK on the water taxi. He’s lived in Barcelona for the past 18 years teaching English to highschoolers. He’s had his girlfriend for eight or nine years ...unsure. But she prefers to stay on the beach and he prefers to hike. He hikes parts of the Camino twice a year. He hiked in over the mountains this morning. And was headed back to start drinking beer. He assured me that if I did the Camino I could go up and over the mountain. And so I did.
Did you know that England is in the World Cup of cricket today? The finals? Did you know that a cricket game can go on for up to eight hours? That sounds hellish.
Last night in Santoríni. Headed out really early back to Athens. A night in Athens, a night in Houston, and headed back home...but the adventures continue for now. I am thinking about ordering minnows again tonight just because they were so good and I did not get a picture of this massive plate of them.
See photos for wine tour explanations. 8 other people on the tour with me. All from Australia, but none of them knew each other. Well the couples knew each other... brrrr. I can’t believe I’m sitting on my patio and I’m actually chilly as the wind is blowing tonight
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Transfer news LIVE: Man Utd agree £15m deal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona latest | Football | Sport
Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip
Friday, September 13
Barcelona will turn their attentions to signing Neymar’s colleague Kylian Mbappe
Manchester United remain interested in signing Sporting Lisbon star Bruno Fernandes
Sam Greenwood has signed his first professional contract with Arsenal
Chelsea have been extensively watching Brazilian ace Bruno Guimaraes
David de Gea has reportedly put pen to paper on a new deal
Ozil the advisor
Arsenal star Mohamed Elneny has revealed Mesut Ozil told him to leave the Gunners this summer and join Besiktas.
Elneny recently joined the Turkish outfit on a season-long loan as Unai Emery brought in Dani Ceballos in midfield.
“Mesut is an amazing man,” Elneny told Milliyet. “He is a person that I really care about. We had wonderful moments together at Arsenal.
“Of course, I spoke with him before my decision to come to Besiktas. Mesut knows the country very well.
“He advised me to join Besiktas. After I completed my move to the club, I called him and invited him here.”
Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
David de Gea signs
Manchester United star David de Gea has reportedly put pen to paper on a new deal at Old Trafford.
De Gea had entered the final year of his deal at United though the Red Devils were keen to keep the goalkeeper.
De Gea wanted to become the best paid played currently at United which Paul Pogba currently is.
But the Daily Record now report that De Gea has signed a new deal that will make him Manchester United’s best-paid player.
De Gea’s improved deal, which will be a five-year contract, is reportedly worth €15million (£13.3m).
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
No Messi concerns
Ernesto Valverde isn’t concerned about Lionel Messi’s recent interview and believes the Argentine will remain at the Nou Camp for the foreseeable future.
Messi spoke with Spanish newspaper Sport and suggested he would stay with Barcelona IF the club continued to be successful.
“I didn’t want to read it. I know what Leo has to say,” Valverde said.
“I don’t think there are any doubts regarding his future. It’s the club that decides which players it’s going to keep or not, but I don’t think there are any concerns, certainly I don’t have any concerns about it.”
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Jadon Sancho in 2020
Manchester United are confident of signing Jadon Sancho in 2020.
That’s according to 90min, who claim United are prepared to pay ‘whatever it takes’ to bring the England international to Old Trafford.
Sancho, 19, has set the world alight with his dazzling displays for Borussia Dortmund – scoring 15 goals and providing 24 assists in 49 Bundesliga appearances.
The report claims Sancho is exactly the type of players Manchester United executives want through the door – and 90min add that the teenager is ‘privately open’ to joining the Red Devils.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Two GK targets
David de Gea is in the final nine months of his contract meaning this could be his final season at Manchester United.
That means United are already looking at potential replacements just in case De Gea decides against signing an extension.
According to The Athletic, Jan Oblak and Jordan Pickford are the two goalkeepers being eyed if the Spaniard does not stay.
Over the summer reports claimed that the 28-year-old had verbally agreed to sign a six-year extension with the club.
However he is still yet to sign on the dotted line despite United expecting him to do so when returning to England from their pre-season tour.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Douglas Costa request
Manchester United requested Juventus star Douglas Costa in return for Paul Pogba during the summer transfer window.
The Frenchman publicly revealed his desire to leave Old Trafford with Juventus and Real Madrid eager to snap up his services.
Italian publication IlBianconero claim that during negotiations – United chiefs asked for £66million-rated Costa.
Juventus were open to the exchange but Maurizio Sarri arrived and vetoed the sale of Costa immediately.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
David de Gea undecided
David De Gea is still deciding whether to sign a new contract with Manchester United.
The Daily Mail claim United offered the Spanish goalkeeper a new long term contract worth £375,000-a-week before their pre-season tour.
But the 28-year-old is yet to sign it and Solskjaer has failed to give any guarantees about his future.
“I want David to stay here, he knows that,” said Solskjaer. “He’s the best goalkeeper in the world, we’ve seen that over the years, and I hope I can make sure he’ll finish his career at Manchester United at the highest level.
“There have been loads of talks, lots of discussions, between David and the club and hopefully we can get it done.”
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Wanted: Bruno Guimaraes
Chelsea have been extensively watching Brazilian wonderkid Bruno Guimaraes.
That’s according to Globo Esporte, who claim Chelsea scouts have assessed the 21-year-old FIVE TIMES over the last 12 months.
Blues scouts were in attendance as he netted for Athletico Paranaense in the Copa do Brasil final first leg against Internacional.
Chelsea would, of course, only be able to trigger the forward’s £36million release clause IF they win their appeal over a transfer ban.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
PSG in for Kai Havertz
PSG have joined the battle to sign Bayer Leverkusen star Kai Havertz.
Yesterday it was reported that the 20-year-old prodigy was set to choose between Bayern Munich, Barcelona and Real Madrid.
But Transfermarketweb claim the French champions are now involved.
Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool were reportedly interested in the £91million-rated star – but SportBILD made no mention of the Premier League club.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Neymar off, Mbappe on
Barcelona are interested in signing PSG’s star forward… but it’s not Neymar!
Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo claim Barcelona will turn their attentions to signing Neymar’s colleague Kylian Mbappe in the summer of 2020.
The Spanish champions spent much of the summer trying to lure Neymar back to the Nou Camp but a deal could not be concluded.
Now, Mundo Deportivo claim Barcelona are plotting a move for Mbappe, 20, who they believe represents a better option with more potential.
Bruno Fernandes battle
Manchester United remain interested in signing Sporting Lisbon star Bruno Fernandes.
That’s according to Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manha, who claim Ed Woodward and co. still want him at Old Trafford.
The Red Devils were widely expected to close a deal for the 24-year-old during the summer but a deal failed to materialise.
But it could happen next summer with Spurs, Real Madrid and United still monitoring the £62million-rated attacker.
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Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip (Image: GETTY)
Arsenal contract signed
Sam Greenwood has signed his first professional contract with Arsenal.
The teenager, 17, scored 10 goals and provided five assists during Arsenal’s under-18 title victory last season.
And the England under-17 international has been rewarded with a long-term deal.
“Everyone at the club would like to congratulate Sam on his new contract and we look forward to his continued development,” Arsenal wrote on their official website.
Source link . More news
via wordpress https://ift.tt/32EtS9U
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oh-barcelona-blog1 · 7 years
Captain’s Log: My 2nd Barcelona Birthday. A Barcelona appreciation post.
Today (as of writing), marks my 2nd year in Barcelona.
2 years ago, I packed my entire life (ok, just a bunch of clothes really) into 2 giant bags , boarded a 17hour KLM flight, and went off on a grand adventure.
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And while I seem to be complaining about a lot of things Barcelona related lately -
the extra taxes I had to pay for just quite recently
the metro strike that happens on a weekly basis now,
but at least not on the same days as the taxi strike
the lack of access to some things I've pretty much taken for granted all my life: Apple Cider Vinegar, Malunggay, Corned Beef, Jollibee, 24/7 convenience stores
the lack of soul who can understand what I mean when I say "charot"
The list of things to love about Barcelona is far longer. So here's my top 10:
1. I can actually commute. Sure there's a metro strike nearly every Monday on the worst possible hours ever, but on most days - going from point A to point B is, at most, a 30m subway ride, with the nearest metro stop just a 3 minute walk from my place. And if the metro is not working, the buses are also as safe and reliable. Meaning, they're not trying to break your neck trying to drive 100mph all the time so they can reach their quota number of trips.
Just hang on to your bags, because while the transportation itself is great, the other passengers are not. I've been pick-pocketed once on a 6am drunken ride home from Villa Olimpica to Joanic. Never again (drunk on a train, I mean).
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2. I can find and get a doctor's appointment online! Victory for the introvert in me. Back home, all of my doctor's appointments are c/o my mother. Not that I'm completely useless - it's just that my parents' doctors eventually became my doctors too.
I remember 3 years ago when I was trying to hide a kidney stone problem from my mom, I went to the hospital by myself, armed with just my medical insurance. I had to queue up because I didn't know any kidney doctor accredited by my insurance that I can call directly for an appointment. I waited for 2 hours just to get a name. I had to wait another 3 hours after to see the doctor.
Fast forward to a few weeks back and I was suffering from an ear problem! I needed an English-speaking doctor, of course. Expat colleague told me about the hospital 5-minutes away from the office and that I'll definitely find what I'm looking for there. So I googled the hospital. Et voila! Found out that I just can book things online by just saying what kind of doctor I needed to see and they'll pull up the available dates. Picked a date, and then I just showed up on the day with my insurance cards and I just had to wait 10m to be called.
3. The beach is just 7 metro stops away from my house. Ok so I'm not really the biggest beach person (more about that in another post). The number of times I've been to the beach in the last 2 years is already 10x more than the number of times I've been to the beach in the last 10 years when I still lived back home. I think the proximity plays a huge role.
Going to the beach with a blanket and a book is my favourite cliché though, and I love that Barcelona has given me the opportunity to actually live it - minus the bikini and the abs that seem to be the requirement.
4.  Doing 10k steps a day is easy. Sidewalks exist. I don't have to worry about being side-swept by a car, a bus, or a motorbike if I want to walk home from work (which I actually do!). I can still get sideswept by asshole bikers but that's a lot less painful than a 1,500 kilogram box of steel, let me tell you.
I remember my first month in Barcelona, I walked to everywhere! Not because I wanted to walk but because walking seemed like a better alternative than facing my fear of getting eaten by the metro system and having to ask somebody for help.
And since I don't dare step inside a gym (except for Spinning classes every once in awhile), walking is a good alternative to running on a treadmill.
5. Museums, museums, museums! Really. Free museum Sundays are the best. MACBA, CCBA, MNAC, Picasso museum, and many more. And all I need is the will-power to drag myself out of bed and go there. They're all walkable or maybe 20m away via metro. There's always an event every 2 weeks. And to be honest, there's always a new museum that I haven't checked out every 2 weeks as well.
If ever I am bored in this city, it's my own fault.
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6. The plazas. Bar food ain't great. But eating bar food with a side of beer, in a terrace in the middle of Gracia is more than great. People watching or gossiping, while you're chugging down beer, under the stars, is one of the best ways to kill time on a Friday evening after a long week at the salt mines -- and not be in the middle of the mall (ehem Greenbelt), or practically on the street in danger of getting run over by cars, taxis, and jeeps (ehem Makati). While they charge a bit more for the terrace tables, bar chow and beer still tend to be on the cheap side.
And if you're lucky, sometimes in Plaza del Sol, some (apparently) well known band will show up, set up with their acoustic guitars and cajons, and just start playing for shits and giggles.
7. Travel is easy (and cheap). Last week I took a friend to Girona (where they shot scenes from GOT), just for a 30€, 30m train ride. There's a fast train to Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, and to other cities in Spain. Lisbon is a 2h flight away, and so is Florence and Berlin. And round trip flights can cost you as low as 40€. If my wallet is a bottomless pit of Euros, I would be traveling every 2 weeks. Except that it's not and I only have 26 days of holidays to use.
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8. Fiesta de Gracia. Every year, in August, my neighborhood goes insane decorating the streets according to a particular theme, trying to outdo each other in making the best papier maché art. There's a street party in every corner. And beer is as low as a euro. There are fireworks (firecrackers, really). There are giants. And there are concerts in the plazas. And for a few days, the locals and the tourists get drunk side by side and get along.
It's a magnificent site really. Although it can be a pain in the ass if you live here (luckily for me, while I live in the neighborhood, I sit right on the border so the party never reaches me) because the noise won't let you sleep, and the smell of pee will haunt you forever.
9. I get to live my dream of becoming a tour guide. I take pleasure in giving my friends both the touristy tour, and the "insider" tour when they're here. Of course, the Gaudi things are a must. But where to eat and drink is where I shine.
I like taking my friends to drink at the plazas, and steering them away from the overpriced scam of the restaurants in Gothic. I like showing them the streets that held the scenes of The Shadow of the Wind (at least to the ones who read it), and then stuff their faces with patatas bravas and mussels at tiny restaurants tucked in the smaller, more residential streets, of Gracia.
And when they flood their Instagram feed with pictures of their trip, captioned with "food-gasm" or "#besttripever", the sore feet and the extra pounds gained after were all worth it.
10. The opportunity to get to know myself better. What's a KAX blog post if there's no cheesy, moral of the story to it? While the last 2 years have shown me my boundaries, it has also shown me that I can be resourceful and persistent enough to not let them stop me from pushing forward. It has shown me that I can be independent and that I can take care of myself (struggling a bit here, but I'm learning). It has shown me that while my anxieties seem paralyzing sometimes, I also can drag myself out of bed kicking and screaming because I've never really acquired the taste for defeat.
It may sound terrible -- but while I do miss my friends, and my family, and the many comforts of home: I'm so glad to be here in Barcelona and be given the chance to slowly (really slowly) be the person I would like myself to be.
Getting called guapa, all the time! And not in a sleazy "Hola, guapa, give me a smile" kind of way either. The cleaning ladies in our office always says "hasta mañana, guapa!" when I say goodbye. Or the store owners after I've paid for my purchases tell me "Gracias, guapa!". Even the old lady in my building whenever I run into her in the lift always says "Buenos dias, guapa!"
Never mind that they probably say that to everybody, so I'm not special. I still take it as a validation and I say goodbye with a smile on my face, and a renewed confidence that puts an extra spring in my step. Priceless.
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So yep, 2 years! Wow.Last year I wrote about how life has been so far, one year in. No major changes have occurred since then. Just tiny ones. Like:
My Spanish is still ridiculous but functional. I've moved up a half a size when it comes to my pants. I still haven't learned to walk in heels - and to be frank, I've given up. I've gotten way better in cooking. And all my clothes are still intact despite having to do my laundry and ironing by myself. Friends, I have. And they are a fantastic group of people. My lights still need changing, and so does my shower head. My savings is a joke. But I think this is the version of Kax I like the best :)
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