#gossip: lee hakyeon.
triplicemedia · 6 years
É tão estranho os stones estarem em hiatos por tanto tempo... Houve falar que um dos integrantes engravidou alguém e por isso o grupo todo foi afetado. Seguindo os passos do FT Island?
Seria essa a maldição das bandas?
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch20 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
The cherry blossom embellished uniforms of Hundred Blossoms stood out beside the green of Tiny Herb where they sat in the section of the arena reserved for players and their staff.
Sooyeon sighed. She had been looking forward to the All-Star weekend to watch the events from the staff seats: special games with Glory superstars, rookies against seasoned players, and even amateurs against pros. But she just had to flub up everything and show her most ridiculous drunken face to Hakyeon. It was official--she would have to avoid him for the rest of her life because there was no way she could ever face him again. I can’t even remember how he took me home last night... I just know he did. Ugh! Not only did I get drunk in front of my boss, I did it before a big event!
Luckily, he wasn’t at the seats, so she could gawk at the players and watch some matches before he came back. Sooyeon tiptoed carefully towards the team.
Yugyeom and BamBam were playing the push palm game close to Hana, who had the sleeping MIngyu’s head in her lap. Mingyu’s legs were sprawled across several seats and Hongbin’s lap; the captain looked ready to push his junior teammate off, but was stayed by the latter’s childlike sleep-chewing. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonsik were already wandering around, talking to other teams. 
Players in the black stripe of Samsara started taking seats beside Hundred Blossoms, and BamBam and Yugyeom both rushed to hug Jeon Jungkook, chatting with him animatedly. Han Sanghyuk hadn’t arrived yet, but Jung Taekwoon and Kim Minah were present, the latter looking flustered even though Taekwoon didn’t seem to be acting out of the ordinary.
Sooyeon winced when Hongbin glared daggers as she sat in the row behind them. “Umm, you know I’m sorry, right?” When Hana whipped her head around, Sooyeon bowed. “I’m sorry to you too!”
“Nevermind that,” Hana huffed. “You’re avoiding Hakyeon, aren’t you? You know it’ll just be worse the longer you let it drag on.”
“Hey! What’s wrong with Mingyu? Is he sick?” Sooyeon asked, in a poor attempt to change the subject.
Hana shook her head in disapproval but replied: “Nothing. He’ll wake when he has had enough sleep.”
Like clockwork, Mingyu sat up, wiping his face with his sleeves. “Did I miss anything?”
“Your challenge was announced and you defaulted, the entire event is over now,” Hongbin deadpanned as he attempted to straighten Mingyu’s sleep-tousled hair. Mingyu gasped and turned to Hana, who shook her head.
“Hongbin-hyung!” Mingyu sulked. He didn’t sulk for long though; he waved at Jungkook who was still talking to Yugyeom and BamBam, but it was towards the Tiny Herb players he walked.
“Sooyeonie, let’s go,” Hana beckoned for them to follow Mingyu. Sooyeon noticed that Hongbin trailed behind them nonchalantly.
“Mingyu!” A teenaged boy hugged him. Then he hugged Hana. “Hana-noona!”
“Hello, my little fairy!” Hana strained to reach up and pat his head. “When are you transferring to our team?”
“Hana-noona! I told you to stop stealing my friends!” Mingyu complained. He rounded at his friend, growling: “And you! Stop stealing my work mom!”
“Wait for my contract to be over, so I can transfer for free.” The other boy smirked at Mingyu and reached towards Hongbin for a one-armed hug.
“You’re welcome to transfer anytime,” Hongbin said, jutting his chin towards Mingyu, “we’d even sell that one so we can get you.”
“Hey!” Mingyu protested.
“Sooyeonie, this is Minghao from Tiny Herb,” Hana said, though Sooyeon had already recognized the boy as the rookie Xu Minghao. “Minghao, this is Sooyeon, our new programmer.”
“Hello, Sooyeon-noona." Minghao shook her hand.
“Mingyu!!” A honeyed voice announced the appearance of a glowing, pretty face. 
Sooyeon gaped in shock. Yoon Jeonghan, image model of Tiny Herb!
Jeonghan smirked. “Whose baby are you?”
“Hana-noona’s, obviously.” Mingyu rolled his eyes, yelping when Hongbin backhanded his chest. “What? Do you want me to say yours, too? Gross!”
“I’m your captain,” Hongbin pointed out.
“So disappointing,” Jeonghan sighed, then smiled at Minghao. “Minghao, whose baby--”
“He’s mine by right.” Another good-looking man approached. “I raised him after all.”
Yoo Kihyun, vice-captain of Tiny Herb! Sooyeon gawked. Another pro player/CF model who’s even more handsome in real life.
“Kihyun-hyung!” Mingyu hugged him, grinning with affection.
“Hi, Kihyun.” Hana smiled.
"Hey, Hana... Mingyu, and Hongbin too...” Kihyun said, though his eyes never left Hana’s face.
“Hello,” Hongbin grumbled.
“You’ve got to forgive our vice-captain,” Jeonghan chuckled. “You know we’ve got no women at all in our team and support staff. So he’s going to make the most of staring.”
“Shush...” Kihyun hissed between gritted teeth as both Mingyu and Minghao burst into laughter.
Hana glanced at Sooyeon, noticing her starstruck silence. “Kihyun, Jeonghan... this is Choi Sooyeon, the new programmer for Hundred Blossoms.”
Kihyun blinked at her uncertainly as he shook her hand. “Umm, I’ve heard of you...”
But Jeonghan declared loudly: “Hongbin-sunbae’s girlfriend, right? It was all over SNS!”
Sooyeon’s jaw dropped, and she watched Mingyu cut a hand across his neck for silence, Minghao slap a hand on his forehead, Hana's eyes drop like a sad puppy’s.
“Hey, you shouldn’t gossip,” Kihyun scolded. 
Hongbin’s gaze sharpened with judgment. “It’s not just gossip, it’s completely false.”
Unfazed, Jeonghan batted his eyelashes at all of them. “Oh, was that fake news? You could’ve said so!” He threw an arm around Kihyun’s shoulders and winked. “So Hana-noona is still the de facto First Lady of Hundred Blossoms?That’s kinda too bad, because Vice-Captain is once again trying to work up the nerve to ask her out.”
Hongbin’s eyes flashed so dangerously that Sooyeon thought they’d shoot lightning. Hana looked taken aback. “No, I wasn’t!” Kihyun denied. “I’ve never! Not at all!”
“Don’t make weird jokes, Jeonghan,” Hana chided.
“Tsk, such a coward.” Jeonghan pushed Kihyun away and threw an arm around her instead. “Then maybe I’ll ask you out instead.” Hongbin’s glare turned to him.
“You’re dating Seungcheol,” she retorted.
“He’d be happy to date you too,” Jeonghan teased. “I always think of ways to spice up my dating life.”
There were squeals from the fans’ section. “It’s the flower best friends!” They turned their phones on Jeonghan and Hana who both smiled, leaning closer to each other.
“Oh yeah.” Sooyeon nodded. “Everyone thinks they’re best friends since they did that jasmine tea CF. I thought the same too...”
“It’s ridiculous,” Hongbin snarled under his breath.
“You know I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip,” Jeonghan sneered at Hana.
“I know, you gave him the family discount,” Hana sneered back.
“Want to work on a spring campaign for next year?”
“Sure. I’d totally smile at you and even kiss you as long as I get paid.”
“All these useless hyungs, in the end, I’m the one who gets this woman I don’t even need,” Jeonghan sighed dramatically.
Mingyu coughed urgently. “Ahem, ahem, don’t be so sure!”
The fans broke into even louder screams. “Ahh! It’s Han Sanghyuk!” “I knew it! It’s Hana for him!”
All of them swiveled to see Sanghyuk approaching, and Sooyeon could see the same tension she felt emanate from the rest of their group. Hongbin’s hand twitched and he started to reach for Hana.
“Excuse us, Captain!” Two women, one petite and the other one statuesque, both clad in Samsara’s black-striped jacket and pleated skirt, ran past Sanghyuk and beat him to Hana’s side. There were more squeals as Bae Joohyun and Lalisa Manoban joined the group.
“Sorry hyungs, we’re going to steal this pretty noona for a while,” Lalisa snatched Hana away from Jeonghan.
“Or forever,” Joohyun said, winking. Sooyeon heard Mingyu choke on air and Minghao exhale in wonder.
“Steal me away too, Joohyun-noona,” Jeonghan cooed, hearts in his eyes. Kihyun had to grab his younger teammate by the back of his jacket to make him stand still, though he himself was so flushed he looked ill.
“J-J-Joohyun-noona! H-H-Hi!” Mingyu stuttered. Minghao waved a trembling hand. Hongbin bit back a snort.
“Hi, Mingyu, Minghao.” She waved back. Mingyu and Minghao elbowed each other, blubbering incoherently.
“And bye!” Lalisa interjected, pulling Hana away.
“Sooyeonie!” Hana clasped Sooyeon’s hand and pulled her along as they climbed the stands. “Unless you want to stay...”
Sooyeon shook her head, staring speechlessly at Joohyun. The image model of Samsara smiled at her.
“Oh my goooood,” Sooyeon whispered. “The-most-beautiful-woman-in-the-wooooooorld.”
Lalisa led them behind a large group from Blue Rain. All four women peeked at the group they left: Mingyu, Minghao, and Jeonghan were posing cheerfully for the fans while Kihyun stood uncomfortably between Hongbin and Sanghyuk as they side-eyed each other.
“Whew, talk about awkward.” Lalisa wiped the back of her hand across her forehead in exaggerated relief.
“I owe you ladies one.” Hana hugged them both in turn.
“No, you don’t.” Joohyun playfully shook a finger. “It’s only right we look out for each other, those... boys, have us vastly outnumbered.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “How does our captain have the slickest moves in-game, but has the subtlety of a bludgeon in real life?”
“Hyogi isn’t that bad,” Hana said. She gestured towards Sooyeon. “So, I brought a friend. This is Choi Sooyeon, our new programmer. Sooyeon, you know Joohyun and Lalisa, of course.”
“Ah...” Both Joohyun and Lalisa eyed Sooyeon cautiously.
Lalisa ventured. “I saw her on SNS... umm, is she...”
“That rumor with Lee Hongbin isn’t true!” Sooyeon cried.
"Oh, okay!” They both laughed, sounding relieved.
“I’m kind of hungry, should we hang out by the vending machines?” Lalisa suggested. Joohyun had held hands with Hana and walked ahead, so she linked her arms with Sooyeon’s, flashing the cutest smile Sooyeon had ever seen. “Should we, Sooyeon-noona?”
Not even caring about her strange manner of address, Sooyeon grinned. “Yes!”
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
n. a feeling of resonant connection with an author or artist you’ll never meet, who may have lived centuries ago and thousands of miles away but can still get inside your head and leave behind morsels of their experience, like the little piles of stones left by hikers that mark a hidden path through unfamiliar territory.
Alternatively, Wonshik falls in love with Hakyeon’s words before he falls in love with Hakyeon himself. Love is an elusive feeling, its singing ever present, near yet far and his heart has no roots and no attachments.
 Wonshik’s part of the story to vellichor. 
Trigger Warning - Depression
Find all drabbles here
Wonshik hears of Hakyeon much before he meets him. Hakyeon’s book is nominated for the national literary award. It is his sixth nomination and it is a given that he will win.
Cha Hakyeon is the country’s darling. His breakout book, ‘Lillies By The Waterfall’ which got him his first nomination, was adapted to a major motion picture and was a critical success. The writer of the movie was highly praised for the delicate mixture of fantasy and romance with in depth commentary on the meaning of life.
Cha Hakyeon was the Murakami of South Korea after that. You weren’t a well read literature lover if you hadn’t read Hakyeon’s novels or short stories. Movie producers were fighting in the court for rights to produce movies based on his other works.
But the man in the eye of the storm was a mystery. Cha Hakyeon sometimes appeared in public for book signings and a rare interview here or there. On most occasions, it would be his editor Lee Jaehwan who would be speaking on his behalf. Any public statements, like dates of the release of the next book, were handled by his publishing agency.
Wonshik was highly amused. He knew that the hype would be short lived. Cha Hakyeon had only written fifteen books in his entire career, all of which went ahead in time to become mandated readings in college and school syllabus. The current novel was his thirteenth.
Thirteenth was always an unlucky number.
Sometimes the local 7-11 store plays the news when they have electricity. Wonshik sits on the counter, waiting for his ramen to be done in the microwave.
As someone who travelled through time a lot, the news of the day and age always seemed a bit silly to him. It amused him that the stations would always give so much hype to celebrity gossip when so many of these would not even be remembered fifty years down the line.
What catches his interest is the headline about Cha Hakyeon dating someone. A romantic affair with the maknae from that one famous girl group. Another baseless rumour from the grapevine he knows. Because Cha Hakyeon came out as asexual in his last interview years later, professing to never have loved or been in love except with one man. A sad short lived affair, but no other details on who how and when.
Wonshik reflects on his own romantic life. His heart has no roots and his life transits from one timeline to another, one universe to the other. Often drawn to where he needs to be but not knowing that he is required there till much later. He keeps to himself. Companionship risks exposure of his secret and he can’t have that happen.
“You shouldn’t believe everything the media says” the man next to him says. Wonshik agrees, nodding to himself. He hadn’t paid much attention to the man but the man had clearly noted that he was paying attention to the TV.
“Trust me, I know how unworthy the news is” Wonshik assures him, pulling out the hot ramen holder from the microwave.
“Do you work in the media industry?”  the man asks curiously.
“I’m a historian” Wonshik tells him. It’s the closest and the furthest from the truth that he can get without giving everything away or putting lying on his consciousness.
“Well, I am the person they are talking about and trust me, I’m not having an affair with Yeri” the stranger says sourly.
Wonshik starts. Is this Cha Hakyeon? Shouldn’t he be on some secluded island, writing about the beauty of life right now?
“No one recognises me without my makeup on so I am not surprised” Hakyeon says, opening a cup of strawberry ice cream while sitting down next to Wonshik.
“What are you doing here?” Wonshik asks him.
“Eating ice cream” Hakyeon replies sagely.
Wonshik raises an eyebrow but says nothing more. Writers are the most dangerous kind. They tend to read between the lines, understand what’s not being said and connect the dots much faster than the others. If the conversation is very memorable, then it tends to end up written down in one form or another in a book. Writers could make even shadows and visages live forever.
“But if you are asking what I am doing in life generally? I don’t have a clue” Hakyeon confesses.
“Isn’t it writing lots of books and making them into successful movies and earning royalties for the rest of your life?” Wonshik asks him, teasing the older man.
“So you do know who I am” Hakyeon says dramatically. He pushes the semi melted ice cream around with the tiny spoon but does not eat it.
“Hard not to know you” Wonshik admits.
“I’m just a simple writer” Hakyeon tells him. The modesty is genuine and not fake. Wonshik gets the impression that Hakyeon never really got used to the sudden fame that came his way.
“Others would beg to differ” Wonshik supposes.
“They love to exaggerate” Hakyeon says with a frown. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Wonshik deflects.
“You seemed like you had a story” Hakyeon says. His tone grows quieter and more embarrassed by the second. Clearly that is a line that only sounds cool when read and should never be said out loud.
“No I don’t” Wonshik lies. “Nothing as extraordinary as your work”
Hakyeon looks at him like he can read his soul and Wonshik smiles at him. It’ll be the first of many times that Hakyeon will never get an answer out of Wonshik, only an enigmatic smile. But they don’t know it yet.
“Everyone has a story” Hakyeon says. “We’re just living in different parts of it, always out of sync.”
“You should use that line in a book” Wonshik says. Hakyeon pretends to consider but Wonshik already knows he will.
His last and fifteenth novel ‘Eternity’. Two lovers, separated across time by the type of their supernatural powers. Spoilers, but it has a happy ending where they run away to live together. Self indulgent, everyone who reads it will tell you. But god damn it if they try to take it away from him because that book gives him hope for his own story.
He wonders what happens that Hakyeon stops writing entirely after it. But looking at him now, the smile never reaching his eyes, the weariness in his voice, the detached feeling in his conversations. It won’t be long before Hakyeon loses his fire.
And it tugs on Wonshik’s heart.
The next time he meets Hakyeon, it is in the back alley of the club that is hosting the book launch of his fourteenth novel. He feels like taking a walk and so puts on his socks and sneakers and decides to walk down the block to the nicer part of the neighbourhood. He walks across the entrance to the gate, a party in full swing for the rich and the intellectual elite.
Hakyeon escapes from it, unable to take more and Wonshik finds him in the middle of a panic attack. He immediately rushes to his side, holding his shoulders while instructing him to breathe.
“Do you want to leave?” Wonshik asks and Hakyeon manages a nod in response. His breathing is still irregular and nerves jumpy. He walks briskly, going somewhere but god knows where till Wonshik guides him back to his apartment.
He offers him a soft blanket and some hot tea made from a dip tea bag that he forgets to remove from the cup. Hakyeon curls up on his couch, feeling small.
“I’m not going to ask you if you are okay. The answer is clearly in front of me” Wonshik says. Hakyeon looks to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes. “But I will ask what I can do to make it better.”
He’s been reading. He started with the collection of his short stories and then his books. All in chronological order of release. He has laughed, he has cried, he has been spirited away to other worlds and back. He has lived lives, through the characters Hakyeon penned.
Hakyeon had unintentionally captivated him with his writing. And to see someone who brought him joy be in pain, just wasn’t fair.
“I wish I could go away. I wish all of it would just stop” Hakyeon cries. “I wish I would never have to write another word in my life.”
“You don’t really wish that” Wonshik said, stroking Hakyeon’s back.
“I really do” Hakyeon said in a small voice.
“If you could go back to the time where you decided to become a writer… would you change that decision?” Wonshik asked him.
Hakyeon looked at him. “I…” he faltered.
“Do you know why we love your writing Hakyeon? It’s because the world and the characters you build are beautiful and we feel blessed to have lived them through your words” Wonshik tells him.
“Really?” Hakyeon asked him.
“I’m not praising you just for the heck of it” Wonshik told him.
“That’s what I wanted. It’s what I always wanted To create so that I could share the joy I felt on reading” Hakyeon told him.
“That could be arranged” Wonshik said, looking away from Hakyeon.
“What do you mean?” Hakyeon asked him.
“If you wanted to feel that joy you felt on reading earlier To find the inspiration you lost” Wonshik said.
“I don’t think that’s possible” Hakyeon told him. The tears had dried up, leaving lines in his foundation. Wonshik smiled, leaning over to wipe it away.
“Anything is possible” Wonshik said, closing his eyes and his own.
When Wonshik opens his eyes, he is standing behind the counter of an old bookstore. The door chimes and Hakyeon walks in, years younger and doe eyed at the sight of books.
He keeps an eye on Hakyeon. This is a make believe world and he doesn’t know the rules of the dream that Hakyeon has constructed. But Hakyeon doesn’t even know that and that is dangerous.
He watches as Hakyeon delves into book after book, but always return to one. His favourite or so he claims - ‘Lillies By The Waterfall’.
Hakyeon savours the experience, saving the book for special occasions. Wonshik doesn’t know what the consequence of living your own story like this is. But he knows it brings Hakyeon happiness and he doesn’t have the heart to interfere.
The last time, he brought cake along for Hakyeon’s birthday and he felt foolish enough at that. This time, he goes for a more subtle approach.
“Hot chocolate?” Wonshik asks holding up a cup. Hakyeon looks like he can cry in happiness. Well cry again if the tear streaks are anything to go by.
“Why do you pick up stories that always make you cry?” Wonshik asks, shaking his head at the younger(?), older(?) man.
“Shut up. It has a happy ending” Hakyeon pouts. Wonshik has never seen him pout so much before. It must be a natural habit.
“This must be the fifth time you’ve chosen the same book” Wonshik says, putting his jacket around Hakyeon. Words are difficult and Hakyeon is disoriented from the after effects of universe travel. Wonshik knows from personal experience that warmth helps.
“And yet you cry every time. You are a sap” Wonshik says fondly.
“If you love something, wouldn’t you be partial to it?” Hakyeon asks him. Wonshik smiles to himself. He thinks of the way they met first time and how Wonshik knew he would never fall in love then. But watching Hakyeon now, he knows he has fallen hard.
“I would never leave their side” Wonshik admits, surprising himself.
“Then how are you here?” Hakyeon asks. He immediately puts his hand on his mouth, knowing it is an extremely personal question to ask. Wonshik debates answering this. He should feel better about lying by now but he can’t seem to do that to Hakyeon.
“Staying here… is a way of staying close to the person I love” Wonshik confesses. Hakyeon won’t know. Hakyeon might never know.
“They are lucky to have you” Hakyeon says wistfully. Wonshik nods. He pulls up two bean bags from the neighbouring aisle for them to sit on.
“Why don’t you tell me about the book?” Wonshik asks, changing the topic. Hakyeon launches into a detailed explanation of the story and the characters and why the boy’s mom is his favourite and Wonshik listens with his head on his hands and all his attention to him.
He is living on limited time. He can feel the clock ticking, the giant hands swinging over his head like the sword waiting to drop on his neck.
The end comes sooner than expected. Elliot was wrong because his world ends with a bang and not a whimper.
Hakyeon is in the middle of a panic attack when Wonshik comes down to the ground floor from the first. He immediately rushes to Hakyeon who drops to his knees.
“Hakyeon… Hakyeon…. Yeonnie look at me” Wonshik says, caressing his face. They have to stop meeting like this. The cruel joke surfaces in his head but he pushes the thought out instantly.
“It’s gone” Hakyeon says blankly. His gaze out of focus and towards nothing in particular.
“What?” Wonshik asks. Hakyeon looks at him, his eyes devoid of any emotion. This is worse than the night that started all of this.
“I don’t have my power anymore” Hakyeon stays, too numb to process it. The heartbreak will come later. Then the questions, the anger, the denial and attempts to revive it.
Wonshik engulfs him in a hug and Hakyeon stares at the books mock him. Pages that remain cold and unmoving.
“It will be okay” Wonshik assures him, rubbing circles on his back. Nothing will be okay in this world, but in Hakyeon’s original world he still has hope.
���I don’t understand… I didn’t do anything wrong” Hakyeon says in a small voice.
“Did you… did you do something to a book? Or… try to write one of your own?” Wonshik asks. Hakyeon looks at Wonshik in surprise. He still doesn’t fully comprehend that Wonshik knows all of this and everything that it implies.
“Only a paragraph. I didn’t even read or edit it” Hakyeon confesses.
“The power has a limit. You can’t be sucked into your own story. That would be dangerous” Wonshik tells him. Where is this explanation coming from? It must be the dream universe prompting him. Wonshik hasn’t created this. These are Hakyeon’s rules.
“That’s cruel. You can’t take this away from me. You can’t” Hakyeon insists. “Those books were my life. They were my everything. I just wanted to share everything I felt with others.”
Even in his own dreams, Hakyeon doesn’t feel like he deserves a happy ending.
“I know” Wonshik says, wiping away the tears from his eyes. Should it affect him so much? Why does it affect him so much? This isn’t what the dream is making him feel.
“But that’s the thing about stories Hakyeon. They must eventually end. But you can still live them again” Wonshik tells him with a rueful smile.
“I can’t. You just told me that I can’t use my power anymore. Just reading won’t ever be the same” Hakyeon cries.
“Your power isn’t gone forever. The first time you walked into Eternity and picked up a book wasn’t your first time” Wonshik confesses. It’s now or never. There will never be a better time to come clean and give Hakyeon the choice of ending it all.
“What are you saying?” Hakyeon asks. Wonshik can tell that Hakyeon already knows what he is implying. But he needs to say it.
“You’re living a story and you can choose to go back and live it again” Wonshik says.
“You’re lying” Hakyeon shoots back. Wonshik pulls away.
“What do you remember of your life before you walked into this store?” Wonshik asks him. Hakyeon starts but closes his mouth. The answer is on the tip of his tongue and then isn’t.
“What do you remember of your life outside of this store?” Wonshik asks him. He smiles at Hakyeon who is connecting the dots and all emotions show on his face.
“It’s a beautiful fantasy isn’t it?” Wonshik asks, leaning against the shelf.
“But if I go back… I’ll have to do it all over again. I’ll lose everything I’ve had here” Hakyeon says, standing up.
“And you’ll find it again” Wonshik says.
“But I will lose you” Hakyeon said. He looks at Wonshik, unsure of his his confession will be handled. Wonshik just smiles at him and Hakyeon looks to his feet.
Wonshik won’t answer him this time. He doesn’t know what the future holds. He doesn’t even know if Hakyeon and him will wake up in his old apartment or somewhere else when they go back. Will they be together? Will Hakyeon even remember? Will he want to?
Hakyeon’s fifteenth book was his last, and in the original timeline he hasn’t published it yet. Maybe there is still hope for Hakyeon. For Wonshik, it is enough.
One month after they wake, separate and not where they started from, news comes that Cha Hakyeon has officially retired from writing.
The next time he meets Hakyeon, it is Hakyeon who seeks him out.
Wonshik moves cities and has started working in a small cafe that is a hole in the wall that no one visits. He doesn’t ask for much in payment and hence is hired immediately. The owner holds a special event that makes the cafe a trendy place to visit according to an ulzzang’s social media. One of the photos a customer uploads has Wonshik in the background and Hakyeon traces him down through it.
“I need to talk to you” Hakyeon says, his voice quivering. He shows up announced and proceeds to the counter to speak directly to Wonshik who is supposed to be cooking in the kitchens at the back today.
“What are you doing here?” Wonshik asks in surprise.
“Is there a problem?” Hongbin, his coworker jumps in to ask. Normally it is Hongbin who is the pretty face who needs rescuing. The role reversal would be very amusing if not for the shock Wonshik is experiencing. It’s been seven months since Hakyeon retired from writing and Wonshik moved cities.
“I need to talk to Wonshik. Please” Hakyeon pleads and Hongbin is wary of the man. He looks at Wonshik who nods and relents, agreeing to cover for the next half hour since it is a slow morning.
Wonshik lets Hakyeon behind the counter and the two disappear into the attached kitchen and then the employee’s locker room. Taekwoon, the chef, raises an eyebrow but says nothing. He will hound Wonshik for details later with Hongbin. But for now, they get their privacy.
“How did you even find me?” Wonshik asks first.
“It’s a long story” Hakyeon tells him. It’s been a journey alright.
“Why did you retire from writing?” Wonshik asks next. It’s the one thing he has been meaning to ask since forever. Where did he fail? Had he inadvertently caused more damage than helped?
“That’s a long story too…” Hakyeon trails off.
“You said you wanted to talk to me” Wonshik prompts. So far he only has questions and no answers.
“I couldn’t do it. I could never read or write again because I was scared” Hakyeon confesses. His hand balls into a fist and tears come up again. Wonshik takes him in his arms, feeling his pain.
“I kept feeling that if I did pick up another book, I would be sucked into it and reminded that I could never write again. Or that if I wrote, I would be horrible at it and everyone would be disappointed in me.”
Wonshik bites his tongue and lets Hakyeon continue. There’s a prolonged silence and it doesn’t sound like Hakyeon will say more. He wants to assure him that no one would ever be disappointed in him and that critics are assholes who nitpick because they think it makes them edgy and honestly not everyone likes everything but everyone loves him and his writing.
“Why me? Why did you take me home that night and grant that wish?” Hakyeon asks in muffled whispers, interrupting his monologue in his head.
“I wanted to make you happy” Wonshik replies.
“I was… I think I was really happy in that dream. But I couldn’t deal with the loss of it” Hakyeon says. Wonshik hugs him tighter in response.
“Would you like a do over?” he asks. It is beyond dangerous and foolish at this point. And Wonshik can’t follow him into his dream like he did last time. He really shouldn’t be raising his hopes up like this.
“I can’t give up writing. A part of me will be gone forever” Hakyeon tells him as he pulls away.
“You wouldn’t have to give that up. You can keep writing forever. Fill up every nook and cranny of our house together with scribbled pages and stories” Wonshik offers. Hakyeon laughs and Wonshik can feel life return to his soul. His heart warms up with every smile.
“Is that your way of asking me to run away with you? Because I was very tempted” Hakyeon tells him.
Wonshik smiles and Hakyeon smiles and even though they are cramped together into a tiny locker room, they are alive and they are free.
“My depression is not on you, Wonshik. You can’t be my crutch” Hakyeon tells him.
“No I can’t. But I can support you while you work through it” Wonshik promises.
“Thank you” Hakyeon says gratefully.
The old Hakyeon who created art through his pain is the one Wonshik fell in love with. He knows this and has accepted that that part of Hakyeon is gone for good. But the new Hakyeon, the one working through life and his own dreams and passions is the one he gets to stand by. And that is an honour.
Wonshik is already imagining a small apartment with coffee always in the pot and Hakyeon typing away. He imagines the teasing and affectionate cooing and coercing to convince Hakyeon to let him read his work. He imagines cold winters, snuggled under the blanket while eating ice cream and tempting colds. Or of hot summer evenings, spent on beach while lazing around.
He doesn’t know how long he can stay, but in still waters that run deep, his heart takes roots.
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this is a reference list of character info just while the directory is under construction && so i can have it to reference just incase something like this ever happens again (i’m praying that it doesn’t because fuck me this is a lot lol.)
angel mok - 22. grifter. 5′9. seoul. reaper. male. (fc: kim yukwon - ukwon) antony no - 28. hs art teacher. 6′0″. california. male. (fc: lee dongwook) astrid gyeon - 18. idol. 5′6″. barcelona. midnight peach. dezmond. female. (fc: moon gayoung) atlas johnson - 24. student. 6′0″. new york. male. (fc: shin hyunsoo) august monday - 28. producer & manager. 5′11″. seoul. dezmond. male. (fc: kim minjun - jun k)
basil reyes - 21. actor && rapper. 5′9″. california. dezmond. male. (kim jiwon - bobby) beckett seo - 24. hs teacher. 5′10″. arcadia. male. (fc: kang daesung) beluga kahn - 19. lyricist & solo artist. 5′8″. seoul. dezmond. male. (fc: kim byungjoo - bjoo) benjamin monroe - 32. car mechanic. 6′1″. reaper. keene. male. (fc: charlie hunnam) blume ahn - 27. model & choreographer. 5′7″. california. graylynn. female. (fc: lee gukjoo) boaz woodward - 18. retail. 5′8″. arcadia. male. (fc: booboo stewart) brees seomun - 23. idol. 5′9″. seoul. male. (fc: kim sangbae - moos) bryn feng - 22. director producer. 5′6″. hong kong. dezmond. production. (fc: amber liu) bunnie kahn - 21. hair stylist. 5′6″ seoul. production. female. (fc: lee hyeri)
calliope nae - 19. idol. 5′6″. hong kong. midnight peach. dezmond. (fc: chae soobin) carson moreno - 23. athlete. 5′5″. salem. dezmond. lunatic mafia. female. (fc: lindsey morgan) carter janggok - 22. grad student. 5′11″. vortex. quebec. male. (fc: kim himchan) carver yong - 24. bouncer. 5′11. keene. male. (fc: son hyunwoo - shownu) caspar manchester - 19. student. 6′1″. quebec. vortex. male. (fc: kim mingyu) caspian tokko - 24. idol. 6′0″. tokyo. midnight galaxy. graylynn. male. (fc: bang yongguk) charlie weasley - 24. zoologist (dragons lol). 5′10″. romania. male. (fc: richard madden) cierra reyes - 18. drummer. 5′3″. california. female. (fc: melanie martinez) cinder moore - 19. student. 5′6″. vortex. canada. chuchoter. female. (fc: kiana lede brown) cloud janggok - 23. photographer. 6′11″. georgia. male. (fc: park chanyeol) colby hu - 22. youtuber. 5′9″. seoul. dcvine. male. (fc: jackson wang) comet gyeon - 19. waiter. 5′10″. barcelona. male. (fc: kim juhyeon - buffy) cosima minh - 19. personal assistant. 5′4″. california. dezmond. female. (fc: jennie kim) crane myo - 25. baker. 5′9″. salem. male. (fc: lee hongki) “Crash” nash - 21. mechanic. 5′10. reaper. keene. male. (fc: landon liboiron) cynthia brandon - 19 (106). pickpocket. 5′1″. salem. female. (fc: emily browning)
delaney kron - 22. student. 5′8″. salem. female. (fc: adele exarchopoulos) delilah minh - 23. wedding planner. 5′4″. barcelona. female. (fc: park sunyoung - luna) diesel connelly - 24. landscaping. 5′7″. keene. reaper. male. (fc: lee kikwang) domino dongbang - 19. barista. 5′8″. salem. male. (cc: chittaphon leechaiyapornkul - ten) draven beom - 22. student. 5′10″. new york. lunatic. reaper. male. (fc: nam taehyun)
elie dongbang - 23. librarian. 5′7″. new york. lunatic mafia. male. (fc: henry lau) elise dongbang - 23. housekeeping. 5′7″. new york. female. (fc: pyo hyemi) emma sabina - 20. hostess. 5′7″. new york. female. (fc: kelsey chow) enzo beom - 23. special effects tech. 6′0″. new york. male. (fc: woo jiho - zico) eric yorkie - 20. student. 5′8″. new york. male. (fc: kim jumyeon - suho)
fleur denali - 19. model. 5′2″. quebec. chuchoter. female. (fc: carlson young) “frankie” namgung - 17. youtuber. 53″. charleston. dcvine. female. (fc: choi yewon - arin) “fox” weasley - 18. athlete / it girl (the roxxies). 5′7″. britain. female. (fc: kiersey clemons) frost gye - 18. student. 5′10″. charleston. male. (fc: yoon jeonghan)
ghost park - 23. bookstore manager. 5′11″. new york. male. (fc: yook sungjae) gossip myo - 27. grifter. 5′9″. salem. male. (fc: kwon jiyong - gdragon) grant mcneil - 20. athlete. 6′0″. britain. male. (fc: lim sejun) griff moore - 24. security/bodyguard. 6′1″. salem. graylynn. male. (fc: don benjamin) gun baek - 20. childcare worker. 5′10″. keene. male. (fc: kim taehyung - v)
hikaru hattori - 19. student. 5′9″. tokyo. host club. male. (fc: yuta namamoto) hippo park - 19. student. 6′0″. new york. male. (fc: seo kangjoon) hudson manchester - 33. police. 6′2″. new york. male. (fc: shin sungrok) hyeja mae - 16. idol. 5′3″. barcelona. midnight peach. dezmond. female. (fc: kim yoojung) hyeonsoo chu - 26. model & actor. 6′2″. california. dezmond. male. (fc: kim woobin)
indigo gyeon - 18. student. 5′10″. quebec. vortex. male. (fc: kim minhyuk)
jack pahlavi - 22. journalist. 6′0″. australia. male. (fc: samuel larsen) jaesung lee - 26. photographer. 6′0″. arcadia. 52 chances. male. (fc: choi seunghyun - TOP) james namgung - 21. trainee. 5′10″. salem. graylynn. male. ( fc: park jinyoung) jett pyeong - 19. student. 5′10″. quebec. vortex. male. (fc: choi seungcheol - s. coups) joel flint - 24. choreographer (coach). 5′11″. quebec. vortex. male. (fc: choi minho) jolene augustine - 20. student. 5′2″. quebec. vortex. female. (fc: jessica parker kennedy) jungsu ji - 21. idol. 5′10″. california. midnight galacy. graylynn. male. (fc: kim seokjin - jin)
kieran nae - 24. prep cool. 5′11″. hong kong. male. (fc: lee jaehwan - ken) kiki kobayashi - 18. delivery girl (bakery). 5′6″. salem. female. (fc: nana komatsu) king mae - 25. photographer. 5′10″. arcadia. 52 chances. male. (fc: jo wonjun - onejunn) kokoro ishikawa - 22. idol. 5′4″. tokyo. midnight peach. dezmond. female. (fc: hayley kiyoko) kyoya arakawa - 21. student. 5′8″. tokyo. host club. male. (fc: adachi yuto)
lark yong - 25. bank teller. 6′0″. georgia. lunatic mafia. male. (fc: kang haneul) laura hale - 27. night club waitress. 5′5″. california. female. (fc: emeraude toubia.) leilani monday - 18. student. 5′2″. california. dezmond. female. (fc: kim dahyun) lilac janggok - 19. student. 5′6″. california. female. (fc: yoo jeongyeon) lucy abascia - 21. actress & reality star. 5′4″. new york. production. female. (fc: kim jisoo) lyle namgung - 19. idol. 5′10″. charleston. midnight galaxy. graylynn. male. (fc: lee minhyuk)
mauro garcia - 24.  fùtbol player. 6′1″. barcelona. male. (fc: santiago segura) mercy ji - 22. waitress. 5′5″. keene. reaper. female. (fc: kim yerim - lim kim) minho lee (jr.) - 28. detective. 5′10″. new york. male. (fc: lee joongki) minjae tak - 20. student. 5′10″. california. male. (fc: kim hanbin - B.I) minnie kahn - 22. nail technician. 5′6″. seoul. female. production. (fc: na haeryung) mitchie reyes - 19. actress & model. 5′1″. seoul. graylynn. female. (fc: cierra ramirez) “mori” kobayashi - 22. student. 6′0″. tokyo. host club. male. (fc: fukushi sota)
nari lee - 24. research assistant. 5′5″. new york. female. (fc: jin seyeon) “naughty” ahn - 22. ulzzang. 5′4″. quebec. vortex. female. (fc: kim eunmi - grace)
olivia jegal - 21. model (cam girl). 5′7″. california. graylynn. female. otto maeng - 20. mechanic. student. 5′10″. california. male. (fc: jung hoseok - jhope)
paine sagong - 25. model. 5′11″. seoul. dezmond. male. (fc: kim kibum - key) persephone ahn - 24. guitarist. 5′0″. california. female. (park hye min - pony) pike tak - 34. history teacher. 5′11″. california. male. (fc: kim jisuk) piper seomun - 23. youtuber. 5′4″. seoul. female. (kim yongsun - solar) pluto solar - 18. student. 6′1″. quebec. vortex. male. (fc: kim jisoo) priscilla song - 24. bartender. 5′5″. keene. reaper. female. (fc: kim hyuna)
quinn jegal - 18. student. 5′9″. charleston. male. (fc: im changkyun - I.M)
raelyn ji - 17. student. 5′3″. keene. female. (fc : son chaeyoung) remi gil - 17. student. 5′1″. quebec. chuchoter. female. (fc: lee hayi - lee hi) rocket woodward - 18. waiter. 5′8″. arcadia. male. (fc: booboo stewart) “ronnie” lim - 24. model (Escort). 5′6″. new york. reaper. female. (fc: kiko mizuhara) roux miller - 19. student. 5′3″. georgia. lunatic mafia. female. (fc: bex taylor klaus) rowen gil - 23. model. 5′5″.quebec. vortex. female. (fc: park bom) roxanne augustine - 18. rapper / it girl (the roxxies). 5′4″. quebec. vortex. female. (fc: karla crome) royal jeon - 24. journalist. 5′8″. arcadia. 52 chances. male. (fc: park sungjoon - sunjun)
sadie mae ji - 25. porn actress. 5′7″. california. female. (fc: yang dasom - som) sage pyeong - 19. indie music artist. 5′5″. california. male. (Fc: kim jinhwan) samuel leekpai - 19. youtuber. 5′9″. quebec. vortex. dcvine. (fc: kunpimook bhuwakul - bambam) sarang park - 17. student. 5′5″. new york. female. (fc: hur/heo youngji) sawyer miller - 25. composer. 5′11″. georgia. graylynn. male. (fc: cha hakyeon - N) shea abascia - 19. student. 5′6″. quebec. vortex. female. (fc: ham saebyeol) skip jegal - 27. tattoo artist. 5′7″. california. male. (fc: park jaebeom - jay park) soloman lim - 26. model (ulzzang). 5′7″. seoul. dezmond. male. (fc: lee jinki - onew) spade bing - 22. model. 5′9″. arcadia. 52 chances. male. (fc: lee suwoong) steele connelly - 23. mechanic. 6′0″. keene. reaper. male. (fc: huang zitao - tao) sungjoon lee - 28. manager (gunman). 6′0″. arcadia. reaper. male. (fc: choi seungyun - TOP) sweeney ji - 17. student & singer. 5′3″. georgia. male. (fc: lee chanhyuk) sydney clery - 25. bartender & store clerk. 5′4″. new york. female. (fc: emmy rossum)
tad sah - 18. idol. 5′9″. australia. midnight galaxy. graylynn. male. (fc: park minhyuk - rocky) tahj song - 21. cashier. 5′10″. charleston. male. (fc: park hyun ho - seogoong - I’M) “teddy” ji - 19. barista. 6′0″. new york. male. (fc: park jaehyung - jae) tesla yong - 22. waitress, 5′6″. keene. female. (fc: kim heejung)
u v
vincent sip - 23. bar owner. 5′11″. keene. reaper. male. (fc: song minho - mino)
w x y
yeni no - 22. bank teller. 5′5″. georgia. female. (fc: park so dam) yeti tokko - 28. tattoo artist. 5′10″. seoul. male. (fc: jung kiseok - simon dominic)
ziggy reyes - 24. exotic dancer. 5′2″. australia. female. (fc: zoe kravitz)
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
n. fear that learning the name of something - a bird, a constellation or an attractive stranger - will somehow ruin it, transforming a lucky discovery into a conceptual husk pinned in a glass case, which leaves one less mystery to flutter around in your head, trying to get in
Alternatively, in which Jaehwan falls in love from afar, but never works up the courage to go further.
Length: Drabble
Genre: Romance
Find all drabbles here
"Lee Jaehwan!"
The strict tone of the voice made Jaehwan jump. He turned around only to find Wonshik laughing at him. He scowled. He had genuinely believed it had been the professor who had caught him doodling in class instead of solving the problem on the board.
"Very funny" he growled. "What's got you in so sulky in the morning?" Wonshik asked. "Nothing" Jaehwan said, going back to his drawing. He hadn't started with anything specific in mind but his doodle had evolved from a simple butterfly to an intricate floral design. 
What was he doing in economics? 
If only his father would understand the same.
"Clearly you are in no mood for games. But finish the problem or you will be in trouble" Wonshik reminded him. Jaehwan shrugged as he had finished the problem beforehand. He idly added a bit to his design before wandering around to see where the professor was. He found her five desks away, explaining a concept they had covered earlier to a student.
"Who's that?" Jaehwan wondered out loud. "What?" Hakyeon asked, looking at his benchmate now that he had finished the problem as well. "Nothing" he replied quickly, going back to the problem he had solved. 
She had looked cute.
Jaehwan found himself looking at her in the school cafeteria. She had black wavy hair, tied halfway with whatever those things were called. And a smile. It was amplified by the presence of company she was comfortable in. It looked nice on her.
"Are you going to eat that?" Taekeoon asked, gesturing to the half eaten noodles that lay forgotten on his plate. "Oh yeah" Jaehwan remembered, shoving a huge portion into his mouth. How had he forgotten to eat? Oh god. Had he been staring?? He prayed not, forcefully chewing to make up for the lapse in judgement.
Taekwoon shook his head. "I'm going to get an apple" he declared, still feeling hungry. "Sure. I'm off to class" Jaehwan told him. He took his lunch tray along, his ears slightly pink from embarrassment at his own actions.
Do you know the weird thing your eyes and brain do when you keep seeing a certain person everywhere when your brain momentarily notices them?
At first Jaehwan saw her talking to Hongbin. The couple attracted jealous onlookers and gossip mongers who were always ready to create scandals even though they just had to work together in a class. 
He supposed there was some reason for the speculation. Hongbin was known to be kind and courteous. Almost every girl would like to have such a guy pay attention to them. And she was pretty. And sociable as well. The kind of person Hongbin would get along with easily.
He didn't know when she had changed from cute to pretty but she had. She had dark coloured eyes. They must have been brown. It was a common combination among Koreans. Brown eyes, black hair and a wheatish complexion. Not fair but still attractive. And well proportioned features. One could look at them for a while.
And Jaehwan got plenty of opportunities. He saw her in class, the cafeteria, the gym and in the library. They were in the same class after all. Of late, he even managed to find her in study hall regardless of their seating arrangement. 
It was a puzzle. How could someone with everyday features stand out to him like this? All his life he had been taught that beauty came from something extraordinary. Yet here she was. She was beautiful to him. Like art.
That must probably be the reason why he kept looking. The artist in him must have recognised the potential for a muse or a subject. That must be it. He relaxed a little. This would probably be the reason for him noticing her. It would go away soon.
"I don't suppose you will ever talk to her, will you?" Hakyeon  asked. Jaehwan nearly choked on the water he had been drinking. "What?" he asked, gaining his bearing after all the spluttering. "You know what I mean" Hakyeon said, simultaneously massaging his back to ease the pain. 
Jaehwan stole a glance at her, still five benches away from him. Near yet far. Since when did he use poetic irony? "I have no idea what you mean" he said looking away.  Hakyeon shook his head, saying something about people in denial.
He would probably never talk to her to be honest with you. But she had been beautiful.
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
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n. fear that learning the name of something - a bird, a constellation or an attractive stranger - will somehow ruin it, transforming a lucky discovery into a conceptual husk pinned in a glass case, which leaves one less mystery to flutter around in your head, trying to get in.
Alternatively, in which Jaehwan falls in love from afar, but never works up the courage to go further.
"Lee Jaehwan!"
The strict tone of the voice made Jaehwan jump. He turned around only to find Wonshik laughing at him. He scowled. He had genuinely believed it had been the professor who had caught him doodling in class instead of solving the problem on the board.
"Very funny" he growled. 
"What's got you in so sulky in the morning?" Wonshik asked. 
"Nothing" Jaehwan said, going back to his drawing. He hadn't started with anything specific in mind but his doodle had evolved from a simple butterfly to an intricate floral design. 
What was he doing in economics? 
If only his father would understand the same.
"Clearly you are in no mood for games. But finish the problem or you will be in trouble" Wonshik reminded him. Jaehwan shrugged as he had finished the problem beforehand. He idly added a bit to his design before wandering around to see where the professor was. He found her five desks away, explaining a concept they had covered earlier to a student.
"Who's that?" Jaehwan wondered out loud. 
"What?" Hakyeon asked, looking at his benchmate now that he had finished the problem as well. 
"Nothing" he replied quickly, going back to the problem he had solved. 
She had looked cute.
Jaehwan found himself looking at her in the school cafeteria. She had black wavy hair, tied halfway with whatever those things were called. And a smile. It was amplified by the presence of company she was comfortable in. It looked nice on her.
"Are you going to eat that?" Taekeoon asked, gesturing to the half eaten noodles that lay forgotten on his plate. 
"Oh yeah" Jaehwan remembered, shoving a huge portion into his mouth. How had he forgotten to eat? Oh god. Had he been staring?? He prayed not, forcefully chewing to make up for the lapse in judgement.
Taekwoon shook his head. "I'm going to get an apple" he declared, still feeling hungry. 
"Sure. I'm off to class" Jaehwan told him. He took his lunch tray along, his ears slightly pink from embarrassment at his own actions.
Do you know the weird thing your eyes and brain do when you keep seeing a certain person everywhere when your brain momentarily notices them?
At first Jaehwan saw her talking to Hongbin. The couple attracted jealous onlookers and gossip mongers who were always ready to create scandals even though they just had to work together in a class. 
He supposed there was some reason for the speculation. Hongbin was known to be kind and courteous. Almost every girl would like to have such a guy pay attention to them. And she was pretty. And sociable as well. The kind of person Hongbin would get along with easily.
He didn't know when she had changed from cute to pretty but she had. She had dark coloured eyes. They must have been brown. It was a common combination among Koreans. Brown eyes, black hair and a wheatish complexion. Not fair but still attractive. And well proportioned features. One could look at them for a while.
And Jaehwan got plenty of opportunities. He saw her in class, the cafeteria, the gym and in the library. They were in the same class after all. Of late, he even managed to find her in study hall regardless of their seating arrangement. 
It was a puzzle. How could someone with everyday features stand out to him like this? All his life he had been taught that beauty came from something extraordinary. Yet here she was. She was beautiful to him. Like art.
That must probably be the reason why he kept looking. The artist in him must have recognised the potential for a muse or a subject. That must be it. He relaxed a little. This would probably be the reason for him noticing her. It would go away soon.
"I don't suppose you will ever talk to her, will you?" Hakyeon  asked. Jaehwan nearly choked on the water he had been drinking. 
"What?" he asked, gaining his bearing after all the spluttering. 
"You know what I mean" Hakyeon said, simultaneously massaging his back to ease the pain. 
Jaehwan stole a glance at her, still five benches away from him. Near yet far. Since when did he use poetic irony? 
"I have no idea what you mean" he said looking away.  Hakyeon shook his head, saying something about people in denial.
He would probably never talk to her to be honest with you. 
But she had been beautiful.
A/N - Just a drabble because I am always trash for Ken and always up for high school aus
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biasedwriting · 7 years
Tales of a Consulting Firm ||3||
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Find all parts here
We love feedback so you can ping either @vixxscifiwritings / @animeotakupooh or me :)
Hongbin’s face wasn’t simply a piece of artwork, there was some amount of brain behind the pretty face and he knew how to put both to use. Which was probably why a majority of the clients were women; but when they did have male clients, Hongbin still knew how to handle a situation. His success rate was quite high since he was quite charming in the meeting room but showed that the firm meant business.
Lee Jaehwan was quite the opposite. He pouted, unhappily sitting next to Haneul who was currently engaged in a conversation with Wonshik as Taekwoon, for once was praising Hongbin for his work in bringing in a boatload of clients over the last five months.
“But I want to charm the clients and make them want to work with our company.” He grumbled as Hyuk rolled his eyes, turning away from Jaehwan and looking at Taekwoon who had called him.
“Haneul, Hyuk, I see there is a new recruit.” His voice was soft, quite intimidating to those who didn’t know him. And for those who did, and had seen him in a noraebang setting, the story was quite different. Haneul nodded as Hyuk grinned.
“Kim Minah is our latest addition, I’ve planned that she works in every department so that I can place her.” Taekwoon’s eyes narrowed at Hyuk’s words.
“Is this another one of your experiments Sanghyuk?”
“Have any of them failed?” Hyuk cross questioned, as Taekwoon sighed. The only time Hyuk’s experiments had gone wrong was when he tried to eat ice cream and noodles together with tabasco sauce which resulted in disaster (Taekwoon tried not to count the number of times Hyuk had tried to hide his secret file from Haneul with multiple experiments only to have Haneul come and sort it out after his computer crashed.) So the new employee may have caught his eye, I mean, who reads in the break room?
Then of course she had slowly approached him to help him out with the dysfunctional coffee machine. No one told him that the beans needed to be refilled. She had soft hands and glistening eyes that looked at him in a brief moment of helplessness as she tried to pour the coffee beans into the machine, only to find herself too short for it. There he was reaching for the bag in her hands and pouring the beans in himself and thanking her as she bowed and returned to her seat, book back in her hands.
“I’ll be needing tech support for the next meeting, do you think you can send her in for it?” he turned to Haneul who frowned, was he planning on testing Minah?
“Right.” She mumbled as he turned to Hakyeon who was waving a few documents around which needed his signature on it. Wonshik sidled closer to her and whispered in her ear.
“Woonie has noticed the new duckling?” she jolted as Wonshik chuckled and she turned back to him laughing only to have Jaehwan tugging at her seat for his attention asking them what in the world was so damn funny.  While Wonshik filled Jaehwan in, Haneul nodded.
“Well, I’d notice anyone who could prevent Taekwoon from going on a rampage because the coffee machine wasn’t working.”
Jaehwan and Wonshik paused, turning to Haneul with wide eyes.
“She prevented Silent from becoming violent?” Wonshik gaped.
“All hail new kid.” Jaehwan said with an awestruck voice.
Haneul felt a weird sense of pride as the two beside her nodded in approval as Taekwoon eyed the little group within the meeting with suspicion.
“Alright, so we’ll be having a new client coming in today. From what I have gathered with my previous conversations with them, they’re mainly in for digital marketing strategies. But of course, we will be pitching everything our firm does.” He turned to Hongbin who pursed his lips and shrugged.
“I don’t think I can handle this one, it’s clashing with the Penrock meeting.”
Hakyeon looked at an eager Jaehwan before turning to a rather bored looking Hyuk. He knew Wonshik and Haneul had enough work on their hands, while Hyuk would be interviewing a new batch of applicants. Jaehwan wasn’t exactly an ideal person to send in for an initial meeting since his charm could be extremely overpowering. He looked back at Taekwoon.
“What about sending in Jaehwan?  He does want to work with the clients.” He suggested, not flinching when he received multiple looks from the rest of the team and a wide grin from Jaehwan himself.
“Yeah! I’ll do it! I’ll charm them like Hongbin, just you wait!” he chirped as Taekwoon eyed him observantly trying not to be reminded of an overexcited puppy.
“Alright, I’ll join in after my meeting.” He mumbled before dismissing the meeting. Jaehwan whooped and turned to Haneul.
“Can I practice on you?!” he grinned as Haneul looked back at him, mildly confused. He clung onto her arm winking and pouting as she pushed his face away.
“I’ll report you to the HR team for sexual harassment Jaehwan.” She glared as Hyuk paused to turn with an equally evil glare.
“I refuse to take the charge,” he grinned at her gaping face “kittens and puppies remember?” he grumbled “my precious file, you defiled it.”
“Excuse me,” Haneul snapped “if anyone had taken a look at the contents of the file, they would have been defiled!” she tried shaking Jaehwan off her shoulders around which his arm was wound, and failed before walking out of the meeting room. She spotted Minah walking into the office and walked towards her with Jaehwan on tow saying cheesy things to her.
“You’re very pretty.”
“Shut up Jaehwan.”
“You’re the chocolate of my eye.”
“It’s apple Jaehwan.”
“I like chocolates a lot, almost as much as I like you.”
“Hey Minah,” Haneul halted in front of Minah who looked up at her with a smile “Taekwoon needs your help today, so could you just walk into his office and introduce yourself?”
"Okay" Minah said unsurely.
"Have fun with Silent" Jaehwan said with an exaggerated smile. Minah regarded the sugarcoated grin with suspicion before walking up to the cabin. She knocked on the door and entered on a soft "come in".
"Hello Mr Jung. My name is Kim Minah. Haneul asked me to help with the tech support in the next meeting" she told him. Taekwoon looked up with a frown which made Minah wonder. What if he was psycho like the rest here? Just because he was silent doesn't mean he was innocent.
"Okay" Taekwoon said.
Minah nodded unsurely. "I'll come back in time for the meeting" she said.
"Go with Jaehwan. He's leading the meeting today" Taekwoon said, dismissing her effectively. She walked out to see Haneul fending Jaehwan off with an empty folder. Yeah, they definitely would get this deal
Haneul looked up at Jaehwan who was making puppy faces at her. "Shouldn't you be reading up for the meeting?" she asked him.
"New clients" he told her. He smiled at her and she narrowed her eyes.
"You should at least read up on their products. That's what Hongbin does" Minah added from her cubicle.
"Okay. I'll read up before the meeting" Jaehwan agreed.
"The meeting is in ten minutes" Minah reminded him.
"Oh shit" he cursed before taking his phone out and googling the company's name.
"I'm off to set up the meeting room. Which room is it?" Minah asked.
"I don't know" Jaehwan confessed.
"Weren't you supposed to book one?" Minah asked raising an eyebrow.
"Take 3B on the floor above. It's free and near the AV room" Haneul said as she blocked the 10 to 11 slot for 3B. Minah gave her a thumbs up as she left.
"All set?" Hyuk asked looking into Jaehwan's phone.
"What the..." Jaehwan trailed off looking at the search results.
"What is it?" Haneul asked looking into the phone too. "What the hell guys. This isn't the time to be looking at porn!" she exclaimed hitting them with a folder.
"We're not! The company sells innerwear!" Jaehwan exclaimed causing the entire office to stare.
"Poor Jaehwan-si. Spoilt in the company of Sanghyuk-si" an elderly woman told the colleague next to her.
"I pity the girl who marries them" the man said shaking his head.
"He had a good chance with Kim Haneul though" the elderly lady started gossiping.
"Time for the meeting! Dont be late!" Haneul exclaimed, pushing Jaehwan and Hyuk away before they could hear the rest.
"All set up here," Minah said. Jaehwan gave her a grateful smile before setting up everything. He checked the microphone and caused a high pitch correction tone. Minah adjusted it before coming over and straightening his tie. "You'll do well. Don't worry so much" she said with a smile. Jaehwan nodded and gave her a gummy smile causing her to smile too
Except when the clients walked in with poker faces that could rival Taekwoon’s and absolutely unimpressed sneers causing Minah to frown, and Jaehwan’s face to turn white. She eyed Jaehwan’s nervous face worriedly, hoping that Taekwoon would turn up soon.
“So this is the set up I suppose.” The man, who seemed to have a stick up his backside sneered as Jaehwan and Minah introduced themselves. Minah had to bite her tongue to hold back a retort while Jaehwan tugged at his collar.
“Right, our head will be joining us soon, and we don’t want to delay things, so is it alright if we start?” Minah said with a smile, shooting a glare at the lady who looked around the place like she had some dung under her nose.
“Of course, go ahead.” The man, whose name was Joon, replied with a partronizing tone which grated on Minah’s thin nerves. Jaehwan turned towards the podium only to trip. And stumble forward. The projector shifted slightly and the lady, known as Sukyung giggled.
Jaehwan cleared his throat standing by the laptop to begin the usual presentation on the services provided by VIXX Consultancies, only to have Joon hold his hand up and pull a pen out of this pocket. The door silently opened and Taekwoon entered, apologizing for the delay before taking a seat eyes landing on Minah who looked pale.
“Since I was interrupted, let me attempt to begin again, Mr. Lee, try selling me this pen.”
Jaehwan froze, eyes focusing on the pen that Joon was waving around with a sneer on his face. Minah’s eye landed on Taekwoon whose jaw twitched before travelling to Sukyung who seemed to think this was some sort of a joke.
“I beg your pardon?” Jaehwan looked at Taekwoon in panic as Taekwoon looked back at him blankly, simply indicating a writing motion. Minah’s eyes didn’t miss it. Taekwoon leaned back, cool as a cucumber with a very slight smile on his face
“You heard me, sell me this pen.”
Jaehwan grinned walking over confidently and reaching for it.
“But of course,” he uncapped it and pulled a paper over towards himself. The artwork that spilled out of the pen over a matter of seconds had Sukyung gaping “now if I could do this with this pen, imagine what you could?”
Joon silently took back the pen as Jaehwan smiled politely before returning to the presentation. Minah breathed, still standing, causing Taekwoon to frown and indicating that she take a seat. There wasn’t much on the presentation for Jaehwan to mess up but the new clients appeared to enjoy creating trouble.
“That’s all well and good, but we’re looking to expand world-wide and we need English content, how good is your English?”
Taekwoon panicked, knowing that Jaehwan’s English was limited to language which would be considered foul in most other scenarios. Taekwoon’s English was passable as well, but…he spun when Minah’s voice piped up in English. Fluid and fluent, he knew he’d have to bother Hyuk to show him her resume.
“I suppose I could have a conversation with you in English to prove to you that I can speak in English, or would you rather I send you my English research papers instead?”
Joon and Sukyung’s jaw dropped as Minah smiled.
Taekwoon intervened at this point “Our firm has sufficient people who can speak and write in English, but your document here says that you require marketing only within Korea, of course we are willing to offer you services in English though.” He said, feeling smug at the awestruck faces of the two clients, gone was the smug attitude as they looked at each other, nodding and pushing their chairs back.
“I think we’ll call it a day for now, but we’d like to get back in touch with you’ll as soon as we can.” Sukyung said as Joon nodded in agreement. They bowed, exiting the room as Jaehwan bounced over to Taekwoon and Minah began clearing up, shutting the projector off.
“You saved me!” Jaehwan clung onto a mutinous Taekwoon “My hero!”
Minah chuckled “Yeah that was great! I’ll get the documents over to your desk and I’ll join you for the next meeting Mr. Jung.” She flashed a smile, bowing and leaving the room.
“We need to celebrate! Noraebang time!” Jaehwan cheered hugging Taekwoon before exiting the room.
Taekwoon sighed.
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