#vixx fake tests
chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch20 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
The cherry blossom embellished uniforms of Hundred Blossoms stood out beside the green of Tiny Herb where they sat in the section of the arena reserved for players and their staff.
Sooyeon sighed. She had been looking forward to the All-Star weekend to watch the events from the staff seats: special games with Glory superstars, rookies against seasoned players, and even amateurs against pros. But she just had to flub up everything and show her most ridiculous drunken face to Hakyeon. It was official--she would have to avoid him for the rest of her life because there was no way she could ever face him again. I can’t even remember how he took me home last night... I just know he did. Ugh! Not only did I get drunk in front of my boss, I did it before a big event!
Luckily, he wasn’t at the seats, so she could gawk at the players and watch some matches before he came back. Sooyeon tiptoed carefully towards the team.
Yugyeom and BamBam were playing the push palm game close to Hana, who had the sleeping MIngyu’s head in her lap. Mingyu’s legs were sprawled across several seats and Hongbin’s lap; the captain looked ready to push his junior teammate off, but was stayed by the latter’s childlike sleep-chewing. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonsik were already wandering around, talking to other teams. 
Players in the black stripe of Samsara started taking seats beside Hundred Blossoms, and BamBam and Yugyeom both rushed to hug Jeon Jungkook, chatting with him animatedly. Han Sanghyuk hadn’t arrived yet, but Jung Taekwoon and Kim Minah were present, the latter looking flustered even though Taekwoon didn’t seem to be acting out of the ordinary.
Sooyeon winced when Hongbin glared daggers as she sat in the row behind them. “Umm, you know I’m sorry, right?” When Hana whipped her head around, Sooyeon bowed. “I’m sorry to you too!”
“Nevermind that,” Hana huffed. “You’re avoiding Hakyeon, aren’t you? You know it’ll just be worse the longer you let it drag on.”
“Hey! What’s wrong with Mingyu? Is he sick?” Sooyeon asked, in a poor attempt to change the subject.
Hana shook her head in disapproval but replied: “Nothing. He’ll wake when he has had enough sleep.”
Like clockwork, Mingyu sat up, wiping his face with his sleeves. “Did I miss anything?”
“Your challenge was announced and you defaulted, the entire event is over now,” Hongbin deadpanned as he attempted to straighten Mingyu’s sleep-tousled hair. Mingyu gasped and turned to Hana, who shook her head.
“Hongbin-hyung!” Mingyu sulked. He didn’t sulk for long though; he waved at Jungkook who was still talking to Yugyeom and BamBam, but it was towards the Tiny Herb players he walked.
“Sooyeonie, let’s go,” Hana beckoned for them to follow Mingyu. Sooyeon noticed that Hongbin trailed behind them nonchalantly.
“Mingyu!” A teenaged boy hugged him. Then he hugged Hana. “Hana-noona!”
“Hello, my little fairy!” Hana strained to reach up and pat his head. “When are you transferring to our team?”
“Hana-noona! I told you to stop stealing my friends!” Mingyu complained. He rounded at his friend, growling: “And you! Stop stealing my work mom!”
“Wait for my contract to be over, so I can transfer for free.” The other boy smirked at Mingyu and reached towards Hongbin for a one-armed hug.
“You’re welcome to transfer anytime,” Hongbin said, jutting his chin towards Mingyu, “we’d even sell that one so we can get you.”
“Hey!” Mingyu protested.
“Sooyeonie, this is Minghao from Tiny Herb,” Hana said, though Sooyeon had already recognized the boy as the rookie Xu Minghao. “Minghao, this is Sooyeon, our new programmer.”
“Hello, Sooyeon-noona." Minghao shook her hand.
“Mingyu!!” A honeyed voice announced the appearance of a glowing, pretty face. 
Sooyeon gaped in shock. Yoon Jeonghan, image model of Tiny Herb!
Jeonghan smirked. “Whose baby are you?”
“Hana-noona’s, obviously.” Mingyu rolled his eyes, yelping when Hongbin backhanded his chest. “What? Do you want me to say yours, too? Gross!”
“I’m your captain,” Hongbin pointed out.
“So disappointing,” Jeonghan sighed, then smiled at Minghao. “Minghao, whose baby--”
“He’s mine by right.” Another good-looking man approached. “I raised him after all.”
Yoo Kihyun, vice-captain of Tiny Herb! Sooyeon gawked. Another pro player/CF model who’s even more handsome in real life.
“Kihyun-hyung!” Mingyu hugged him, grinning with affection.
“Hi, Kihyun.” Hana smiled.
"Hey, Hana... Mingyu, and Hongbin too...” Kihyun said, though his eyes never left Hana’s face.
“Hello,” Hongbin grumbled.
“You’ve got to forgive our vice-captain,” Jeonghan chuckled. “You know we’ve got no women at all in our team and support staff. So he’s going to make the most of staring.”
“Shush...” Kihyun hissed between gritted teeth as both Mingyu and Minghao burst into laughter.
Hana glanced at Sooyeon, noticing her starstruck silence. “Kihyun, Jeonghan... this is Choi Sooyeon, the new programmer for Hundred Blossoms.”
Kihyun blinked at her uncertainly as he shook her hand. “Umm, I’ve heard of you...”
But Jeonghan declared loudly: “Hongbin-sunbae’s girlfriend, right? It was all over SNS!”
Sooyeon’s jaw dropped, and she watched Mingyu cut a hand across his neck for silence, Minghao slap a hand on his forehead, Hana's eyes drop like a sad puppy’s.
“Hey, you shouldn’t gossip,” Kihyun scolded. 
Hongbin’s gaze sharpened with judgment. “It’s not just gossip, it’s completely false.”
Unfazed, Jeonghan batted his eyelashes at all of them. “Oh, was that fake news? You could’ve said so!” He threw an arm around Kihyun’s shoulders and winked. “So Hana-noona is still the de facto First Lady of Hundred Blossoms?That’s kinda too bad, because Vice-Captain is once again trying to work up the nerve to ask her out.”
Hongbin’s eyes flashed so dangerously that Sooyeon thought they’d shoot lightning. Hana looked taken aback. “No, I wasn’t!” Kihyun denied. “I’ve never! Not at all!”
“Don’t make weird jokes, Jeonghan,” Hana chided.
“Tsk, such a coward.” Jeonghan pushed Kihyun away and threw an arm around her instead. “Then maybe I’ll ask you out instead.” Hongbin’s glare turned to him.
“You’re dating Seungcheol,” she retorted.
“He’d be happy to date you too,” Jeonghan teased. “I always think of ways to spice up my dating life.”
There were squeals from the fans’ section. “It’s the flower best friends!” They turned their phones on Jeonghan and Hana who both smiled, leaning closer to each other.
“Oh yeah.” Sooyeon nodded. “Everyone thinks they’re best friends since they did that jasmine tea CF. I thought the same too...”
“It’s ridiculous,” Hongbin snarled under his breath.
“You know I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip,” Jeonghan sneered at Hana.
“I know, you gave him the family discount,” Hana sneered back.
“Want to work on a spring campaign for next year?”
“Sure. I’d totally smile at you and even kiss you as long as I get paid.”
“All these useless hyungs, in the end, I’m the one who gets this woman I don’t even need,” Jeonghan sighed dramatically.
Mingyu coughed urgently. “Ahem, ahem, don’t be so sure!”
The fans broke into even louder screams. “Ahh! It’s Han Sanghyuk!” “I knew it! It’s Hana for him!”
All of them swiveled to see Sanghyuk approaching, and Sooyeon could see the same tension she felt emanate from the rest of their group. Hongbin’s hand twitched and he started to reach for Hana.
“Excuse us, Captain!” Two women, one petite and the other one statuesque, both clad in Samsara’s black-striped jacket and pleated skirt, ran past Sanghyuk and beat him to Hana’s side. There were more squeals as Bae Joohyun and Lalisa Manoban joined the group.
“Sorry hyungs, we’re going to steal this pretty noona for a while,” Lalisa snatched Hana away from Jeonghan.
“Or forever,” Joohyun said, winking. Sooyeon heard Mingyu choke on air and Minghao exhale in wonder.
“Steal me away too, Joohyun-noona,” Jeonghan cooed, hearts in his eyes. Kihyun had to grab his younger teammate by the back of his jacket to make him stand still, though he himself was so flushed he looked ill.
“J-J-Joohyun-noona! H-H-Hi!” Mingyu stuttered. Minghao waved a trembling hand. Hongbin bit back a snort.
“Hi, Mingyu, Minghao.” She waved back. Mingyu and Minghao elbowed each other, blubbering incoherently.
“And bye!” Lalisa interjected, pulling Hana away.
“Sooyeonie!” Hana clasped Sooyeon’s hand and pulled her along as they climbed the stands. “Unless you want to stay...”
Sooyeon shook her head, staring speechlessly at Joohyun. The image model of Samsara smiled at her.
“Oh my goooood,” Sooyeon whispered. “The-most-beautiful-woman-in-the-wooooooorld.”
Lalisa led them behind a large group from Blue Rain. All four women peeked at the group they left: Mingyu, Minghao, and Jeonghan were posing cheerfully for the fans while Kihyun stood uncomfortably between Hongbin and Sanghyuk as they side-eyed each other.
“Whew, talk about awkward.” Lalisa wiped the back of her hand across her forehead in exaggerated relief.
“I owe you ladies one.” Hana hugged them both in turn.
“No, you don’t.” Joohyun playfully shook a finger. “It’s only right we look out for each other, those... boys, have us vastly outnumbered.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “How does our captain have the slickest moves in-game, but has the subtlety of a bludgeon in real life?”
“Hyogi isn’t that bad,” Hana said. She gestured towards Sooyeon. “So, I brought a friend. This is Choi Sooyeon, our new programmer. Sooyeon, you know Joohyun and Lalisa, of course.”
“Ah...” Both Joohyun and Lalisa eyed Sooyeon cautiously.
Lalisa ventured. “I saw her on SNS... umm, is she...”
“That rumor with Lee Hongbin isn’t true!” Sooyeon cried.
"Oh, okay!” They both laughed, sounding relieved.
“I’m kind of hungry, should we hang out by the vending machines?” Lalisa suggested. Joohyun had held hands with Hana and walked ahead, so she linked her arms with Sooyeon’s, flashing the cutest smile Sooyeon had ever seen. “Should we, Sooyeon-noona?”
Not even caring about her strange manner of address, Sooyeon grinned. “Yes!”
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lumini-317 · 3 years
This will be my official “introductory” post!
My real name is Erica, but I go by many names. My nickname repertoire includes but is not limited to: Lumi, Lumini, Cricket (I have a habit of rubbing my feet together, lmao), Jinx, Eri, Er, EriJoy, Sunbaeby, and Aceir (my real name but in alphabetical order).
This is my first ever Tumblr blog. I’ve had it for a while but have rarely posted anything, that along with the fact that I’m on mobile is kind of a mess so I apologize for mistakes and all that.
I have 3 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother.
I’m an ambivert. Sometimes I love hanging out with bigger groups of people, other times I dread it.
I’ve taken the “16personalities” test 4 times and all 4 put me in the “Diplomat” category, however I got “Advocate” (INFJ) 2 times, and “Protagonist” (ENFJ) and “Mediator” (INFP) 1 time each.
I am LGBTQ+. I’m asexual, aro+panromantic flux, and while I feel like I’m genderfluid, the changes are very subtle and so I sometimes just go with agender, gendervoid, or neutrois. It’s a lot less complicated that way. I’m ambiamorous, and also pronoun apathetic!
I love whump. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember but only found the whump community maybe 3(?) years ago.
I also love K-Pop, C-Pop, J-Pop, and Asian dramas, mainly K-Pop and K-Dramas, though.
I’m a HUGE multistan. ATEEZ, SKZ, TBZ, EXO, BTS, Red Velvet, SHINee, iKON, MONSTA X, TWICE, TO1, WANNA ONE, SuperM, X1, MIRAE, Ciipher, Golden Child, Purple Kiss, BAE173, SF9, IU, ONEUS, ONEWE, The Rose, PIXY, LUCY, STAYC, WEi (which I pronounced as “way” for an embarrassingly long time), Dreamcatcher, Brave Girls, TXT, ENHYPEN, SNSD, KARD, AKMU, SHAUN, Gaho, NCT, GHOST9, 1team, SE7EN, Cross Gene, D1ce, AB6IX, CRAVITY, BLACKPINK, CIX, VIXX, f(x), 4Minute, CLC, YEZI, B.I, Wonho, (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW, SEVENTEEN, BROOKLYN, Ha Hyunsang, DAY6, GOT7, Teen Top, BAP, TREASURE, UNIQ, etc! It goes on, far longer than I can list. I am also very much against fanwars, they disgust me.
I’m also a HUGE animal lover, and a big softie. I can’t even squish insects. I don’t care that they can’t feel pain and don’t experience emotions, I just can’t bring myself to. I make it my mission to save any type of animal I come across. I find toads in our koi pond and immediately pick them out and take them to a safe place. I help turtles across the road. I got a mouse out of a puddle and revived it, releasing it when it was healthy enough. I saw a snail on a piece of wood that was going to be thrown on a fire and carefully pulled it off and put it somewhere else. So far I’ve found 5 stray cats (Piper, Toothless, Felix, Kai, and Kit Kat—all were found as skinny, sickly kittens) and took them in, raising them as my own. I rescued a chipmunk from certain death-by-cat. I’ve even saved a few baby raccoons, ducklings, lizards, spiders, and snakes in my time. And I’ll keep doing so for as long as I live.
I love writing, drawing/sketching, and painting, however I’m not confident that I’m good at any of those things, lmao. I mean, I don’t think I’m the worst, but my finished “works” often leave me unsatisfied with my “skills”. But of course, that won’t stop me from trying to improve!
I’m a maladaptive daydreamer. This can cause issues in some places while helping me out in others. On one hand, it makes doing chores and such kind of difficult. Like one time I had to take care of my dad’s pigeons while he was fixing our shed and one time he pointed out how slow I was with the chores. His words were something along the lines of, “I’m already almost done with what I have to do and you’re still working with the pigeons.” Also, it (and maybe ADHD if I do have it?) made school a nightmare for me. But it’s also helpful because then during church it’s really easy to keep myself occupied while the pastors go on about their Magical Sky Daddy™’s son throwing a tantrum and killing a figtree because it didn’t have any figs and how that story should “challenge” us or something.
The characters in my daydreams are weird, though. They merge and separate with each other to make different characters depending on the situation. Most of them don’t have definite genders. Only a handful of them have names because they’re always merging and separating like some kind of Shadow Clone Masters or something. Stuff like that.
One of my characters is for sure a demi-boy, though, and his name is Kyler.
I brought this up because I was watching The Andy Griffith Show and Andy was giving Opie a lecture on how many poor kids there are in the world and used the ratio “one and a half boys per square mile”. Opie then says that he’s “never seen a half a boy before”. Kyler just sort of pops into (fake) existence, jumps off the couch, and throws his arms in the air while saying, “Half a boy, right here!” I burst out laughing. Thankfully it didn’t seem weird, since my parents started laughing at Opie and thought that I was just laughing at it, too.
If I daydream while I’m standing, I’ll often pace and gesture with my arms while moving my lips. Sometimes I’ll even whisper. If I’m sitting down, I usually fidget a lot (such as pick at my shirt and rub my feet together), stare into space, and move my lips or whisper. My family sometimes ask me, “Why are you whispering?” Or, “What are you grinning about?” And I just shrug because I don’t know how to explain it to them without risking them calling someone to pray over me, lmao. I mean, I wasn’t even allowed to have imaginary friends because that was “evil”. When I was about 7, I told my parents about my imaginary unicorn friend and they gave me a lecture and “prayed over me”. It was embarrassing and awkward for me.
I’m suspicious that I might have ADHD, but don’t have the money to actually get a professional diagnosis. I’m also too scared to ask my parents about it.
Speaking of which, my family and I don’t see eye-to-eye. I mean, they don’t know it because I’m good at hiding it, and they think I agree with mostly everything they do but boy, is it a mess.
You see, they’re evangelical conservative Christians. “LGBTQ+ people are going to hell”, “ThE LeFt ARe eViL AnD ARe TrYiNg To BrAiNwAsh OuR ChiLdrEn”, “Trump was sent by God”, “Intersex is fake”, “Women must submit to men”, “You should get married no later than in a year or ‘the temptation’ to have sex might become too much”, the whole bit.
Meanwhile I’m over here with my (imaginary) pride flags, just existing as an agnostic leftist who wants everyone to have equal rights, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, and would rather redo my horrifically atrocious kindergarten closing program role than pray to a god who (if they/he/she/it/whatever exists) gives cancer to kids and killed millions of innocent animals and people in the Bible.
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But they have no idea that this is how I feel and now expect me to be baptized within the next month to show that I have “accepted Jesus Christ as my savior”. Yeah...that’s gonna be an awkward discussion...
Anyway, that’s just some things about me. Sorry that I got sidetracked a few times, lmao!
I look forward to posting more and maybe even making friends!
Thank you for reading (:
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pineapplebonez · 5 years
Last Night
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This is part of the VIXX PARALLEL Collaboration Project hosted by @uwugalore I chose the song Dynamite to base this story off of.  Genre: Romance, Angst, Friends to Lovers, supernatural, non idol AU. Warnings: Alcohol use. Summary: After drinking a strange substance from a mysterious bartender, Jaehwan gets the chance to go back in time to erase his regrets and tell her how he really feels.  Word Count:~4K
She was bored. Playing cupid in a bar where people had no intention of being serious about love was excruciating. All they ever wanted to do was get drunk and forget. They used alcohol to forget their heart break or fulfill sexual needs with a casual hook up. It was all very exhausting to her. However, that was the point of the test, she had to make love happen in one of the most impossible places. Once she did that she would become a full blown cupid and would be able to aid humans finding love and hopefully finding their soul mates. She pulled out three titanium flasks she kept under the counter, each one had a symbol imbedded in it.  One with a clock, one with a heart, and one with an arrow. She only had three chances to prove herself. Her eyes darted to the dark figure that entered the bar. He was tall, had black wavy hair with pouty lips, and a light pink aura. Perfect, she thought, he was in love and ready to be loved back. So now all she needed to figure out - which elixir to give him so could get his relationship off the ground. 
Sitting in the dimly lit bar and gazing down at his empty whiskey glass, Jaehwan furrowed his brow and sighed. “Bartender I need more,” he sheepishly smiled hoping she would not notice his slurred speech. The bartender glanced in his direction with a knowing smile. 
“I think you have had enough.” 
Jaehwan pouted and held up a single finger “One more”  he begged. Unable to resist his pleading, she let out a heavy sigh and set down another shot. 
“Here you go.” She stared at him for a moment and examined the empty room; it was a slow night, an easy night to just talk with someone. “So, what brought you here-alone-drinking, and obviously in deep contemplation?” 
Jaehwan quickly downed the amber liquid, “Life isn’t fair, she was supposed to be with me!” He was squeezing his eyes shut as if he was replaying a memory that he did not want to see.“I mean, I am better for her.” He began to rub his temples. “Maybe I am jealous.” 
Removing the shot glasses from in front of Jaehwan, the bartender replied “Probably- especially if this is someone you have feelings for. I take it she dates someone else?”
 Jaehwan let out a long groan “Don’t remind me.”
“Does she know how you feel?”
Slowly shaking his head and groaning,“No, I was going to tell her,  but I just didn’t”, he looked up at her, and muttered,”no matter how hard I try to spin the clock backwards it just doesn’t work.” He looked at her with sadness in his eyes.
“Oh I believe you.  What if I told you I could?”
“You could what?”
“Turn back time.”
He stared at her not comprehending, as the gears in his head began turning slowly. He was trying to fight the haze effect of the alcohol. “You can’t be serious!”
“Oh but I am!”
Jaehwan narrowed his eyes, “Okay so you know what - I believe you. What are you going to do for me? Cast a spell like some kind of witch?”
The bartender set down a flask that had the clock etched into the metal.”Something like that,” she smiled as Jaehwan stared at the flask, intrigued.  
“You get one night, to make your dream a reality, but after that night everything will go back to normal. In a sense it will kind of be like a dream,” She tapped her chin. “What I would like for you to do is just to tell her how you feel and see what happens.” She tapped the top of the flask. “All you have to do is drink this, and you will get a small do over that will in a sense help you out in present day.”
“One Night.”
“Yes that is right one night.” 
“You’re going to turn back the clock?”
Jaehwan snorted, even in his drunken haze, he knew that this had to be a joke. The alcohol must be playing tricks on his thought process. He just didn’t care at this point at night. He pointed to the flask. “I just need to drink this? For reals? Not for fakes?”
She nodded and motioned to the flask. 
 “Okay.” He picked it up and unscrewed the cap and drank the liquid that was inside. It tasted a lot like flat orange soda. “The task is completed but I am still here.” 
She smiled at him “It does not work right away. You must go home and sleep. When you wake up you will be in a time that will be a week… a few months... or even a year in the past. This will be the point in your life that you could change the outcome of your relationship, but only for that night.” She smiled, “If you have any questions in this journey come to this bar and ask for the witch.”
“Whatever, how about another shot?”
The bartender smiled and complied.
Sighing the bartender picked up the empty flask as Jaehwan left the bar in an uber. She hoped that she had made the right decision by giving him the clock flask, after all no one had ever used that elixir before.
As soon as Jaehwan made it home he laid down on the bed but quickly sat up when his head began to buzz. Checking his phone he discovered there were six missed messages from you:
‘Yooooooooooo. Wanna go to a movie?
Remember you will always be my best friend no boyfriend can change that
Jaehwan? You okay? Are you mad at me?
That’s it you don’t reply I am feeding you RAISINS and TOFU
…. Okay, I take it back. I would never do that.
Just message me back okay?
He smiled amused at your text messages. He didn’t really want to reply rather he wanted to see you. It was a little past two in the morning, he knew that he shouldn’t call you, but the alcohol was hiding his better judgement. He picked up the phone and dialed your number. 
“Jaehwan?” your voice was groggy as you answered yet it was still enough to quicken his heartbeat.
“Y/N.” he stated. 
“Are you okay, why are you calling me at this hour?”
He hesitated and thought, because I knew you would answer, because I want to see you because I know you will come. “Can you come over?”
“Yeah sure I’ll be there in a bit.” you hung up. That’s one of the things he loved about you. Your undying loyalty to your friends. It didn’t matter if it was two o’clock in the morning. If he asked you to come over you did because your friendship was that strong. He would do the same for you, and you knew that’s why you would never hesitate to come over when he asked.  Jaehwan rested his head back against the wall and waited.
Jaehwan had given you a spare key to his apartment, so you walked in like you owned the place. He rarely asks you to come over like this, so you were a bit concerned. You walked into his room to find him sitting on his bed head resting on the wall. “A little too much to drink?” you questioned. 
“Yes, the bartender was nice, I kept saying one more, she would say, ‘I think that you have had enough’ and then I would give her my best sad puppy face-” he reenacted a classic Jaehwan begging face for you. His speech was slurred but you couldn’t tell if it was from him being drunk or tired. Maybe it was both. 
“No one can resist that.” you said. It was true anyone melted when Jaehwan did that, even you. 
He smiled at you and winked. “You got that right, it is one of my many charms.”
“Jaehwan are you okay, though?” He seemed a bit off, ever since you told him you were in a relationship he seemed a bit dejected.
“I’m GRAND.”
You climbed into bed with him and sat next to him. “What else happened at the bar?”
“Nothing happened, the bartender was fun.”
“How so?” you raised your eyebrows at him- a fun bar on a Wednesday seemed out of the ordinary. 
“It is a secret,” He drew out the word long and playfully. 
“No secrets between us,” you couldn’t help but laugh.
 He pouted, “Awe come on just this once.”
“Nope!” there was no way you were going to let him get away with this. 
“Fine, she gave me,” he paused looking at you and smiled, “A magic drink that goes back in time to one night so I can do whatever I want.”
You raised your eyebrows as he rested his head on your shoulder. “Y/N,” his voice was soft and sad. “Do you think that it will work?” 
“Will what work?”
“Going back in time.”
Laughing you replied, “I don’t know, maybe, why would you want to go back in time?”
He narrowed his eyes at you “I have my reasons. Maybe I need to claim a victory from you for a change. Maybe I feel cheated.”
“I have never cheated in any game we play!” You were slightly offended. You had been nothing but honest every time you won, you would never cheat in a game. 
He shifted so he could cup your face with his palms. Staring deep into his eyes you felt your heart skip a beat. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes looked almost sad, “You know what I lost,” You didn’t know what he was talking about. “Jaehwan, I am not sure that I follow.” Shaking his head, he dropped his hands and shrugged. “Guess you will never know then.” He winked playfully at you. You grabbed his pillow and smacked him with it. 
“Are you going to stay here tonight?”
“No, I am going to go home, okay?”
Jaehwan thought he would wake up with the nastiest hang over he had ever encountered but he was free from headaches and nausea. He looked at his phone for the time, it was five in the evening. He rubbed his temples, no that couldn’t be right he thought, that means that he slept for over 12 hours. He was trying to recall how much he had to drink and the conversations he had. He laughed suddenly. ‘Drink this, and you will get a small do over’ Those words rang in his head. He could not believe that he would believe something like that even in his drunken state. Curious though he looked at the calendar. He blinked and scrubbed his eyes. This couldn’t be right, yesterday was March 31st  and today was October 31st? That’s a five month difference. He couldn't believe it; his heart was pounding as he exited his room and turned on the TV. He went to the weather channel, and the dates matched his calendar. This couldn't be happening. Maybe it was a dream. He pinched himself surprisingly it hurt which meant it wasn’t a dream. His phone startling him, rang. It was “Y/N” he stared down at it. “H-hello” he stammered.
 “Yo Jaehwan are we still going tonight?????” 
He had to think back to the day and what you and he had done on Halloween five months ago; for some reason he was drawing a blank. 
“Ah-yes! I mean what are we doing?”
 “We are going out to bar hop silly then probably going home and watching a movie, it is not like you to forget, are you okay?” Your voice was filled with worry. 
Jaehwan closed his eyes. “No I am just perfect. I will pick you up at 8.”
 “Sounds good!” He could hear the smile in your voice. He stood there flabbergasted but then he could not help but to jump up and down. Another chance. He was determined this time to tell you just how he felt and see what happened. 
Jaehwan rummaged through his closet to find something to wear. This is when his memory hit him like a truck. This was the night that he lost you. He had gone to go get you some drinks and when he came back you were unapologetically flirting with some guy. You had told him that you felt a spark with him and wanted to see where it went, so he left you there while he sulked at the bar and wait for you to tell him you were ready to go. Once you were ready for him to drive you home you gushed about the guy, told him how you had kissed and about your plans to go on a date with him. He remember he encouraged you like any best friend would. 
He clutched onto his costume that you had bought for him. This felt wrong, remembering how happy it made you, he really didn’t want to ruin that, but he also didn’t think that he could live through his own pain again. Shaking his head he recalled the bartenders words “but only for that night.” If he was not drunk, he would have inquired more just to make sure that his changes would not be permanent. It was a good thing that the Halloween bar hopping you two were attending started at the very same bar this bartender worked at. 
You were waiting impatiently for Jaehwan pacing back and forth by your front door. You took a quick glance at yourself in the mirror and adjusted your cat ear headband. Jaehwan was going to go as Dracula, and you were a cat. You wrinkled your nose in the mirror; you looked good and you were going to flaunt everything you had. You heard the horn beep and you ran outside to meet Jaehwan in your driveway. You stopped mid way, staring at him, because he looked incredible. Your heart was pounding in your chest. “Get yourself together,” you pleaded. “You are using tonight to get over him this is a one sided love, he will only be your best friend.” That was because you could not face the fact that you might lose him. You would rather keep him as a friend than risk losing him if you dated and broke up.Taking a deep breath you climbed into the car and gave him your biggest smile. “You look very good, best Dracula costume have ever seen,” he smiled and it looked like he blushed as he put his hand on your knee, “you are a very cute kitty, Meow,” you blushed.
Halloween has always been a tradition in a small town next to yours. It has old buildings and a long street that housed a lot of bars. They would decorate the street, and adults would bar hop and have fun while the kids trick-or-treated. Jaehwan kept a protective hand on your waist as you made your way to your favorite bar. Once inside he leaned down to your ear. “I will be right back, I have something to take care of,” he nodded to one of your mutual friends and you smiled. “Get me my favorite drink, and hurry back.” You said as you made your way over to Sarah.
Jaehwan made his way to the bar and was shocked when he saw a man serving out drinks. He stood there trying to get his attention. He didn’t want to waste much time here because if he got the answer that he needed he had to make sure that you didn’t meet Mr. Perfect. Finally, the bartender turned his attention to him.
“What can I get you?”
“An amaretto sour and a whisky sour, oh and can I talk to the...” he paused because the next words out of his mouth were going to be embarrassing “...the witch” the bartender looked annoyed and motioned around the room. “Sure take your pick there are at least a dozen,” Jaehwan’s eyes widened he didn't expect to run into this problem. The bartender retreated to his ingredients and began concocting the drinks. Jaehwan’s mind was racing he needed an answer before he made his next move. The bartender set the drinks down in front of him, “Tab or are you going to pay cash?” Jaehwan handed him his credit card. “Open a tab we will be here awhile.” The bartender nodded, “Wait,-” Jaehwan stammered. “There is a girl bartender she gives people weird drinks in flasks.” he sheepishly smiled. “Can I talk to her?” The bartender gave him a hard look and then he nodded while pulling out his phone and sending a text. “She will be here soon, so take a seat.” 
This made him anxious, he had been here longer than he wanted to. He glanced around the bar looking for you, but it had gotten crowded with people in costumes and he could not pinpoint where you were. Five minutes went by, and he felt a hand on his shoulder. Hopeful, he turned to see the bartender that was so important tonight.
“Hey,” she said, “What’s wrong?” she gave a mischievous grin “The clock is ticking and it seems history is repeating itself.” She pointed to the back of the bar. He followed her finger and his eyes landed on you, talking to an extremely handsome man and to his horror you were flirting. He looked back at the bartender. “I just have one question.” 
She tilted her head, “Go on I am listening.” 
“Her happiness is my everything, and if this is going to ruin the future or change her in anyway, I don’t want any part of it.”
She looked at him and bit her lip. “It might make you miserable, but she won’t remember.”
“So after tonight everything will be fine in her world.”
The bartender nodded. 
With that he grabbed his drinks and took off toward you. 
“Sorry it took so long, the bar was really busy.” Jaehwan was basically pressed against your back as he reached around to hand you your amaretto sour. “Oh thank you,” you mumbled as you elbowed Jaehwan in the stomach and made a small motion to the man you had previously been flirting with. Jaehwan blatantly ignored you which actually annoyed you. You looked at the man “Sorry this is my best friend, Jaehwan, Jaehwan this is Zion,” You smiled apologetically at Zion, “Thanks for the drink. You can now go mingle with other people.” Normally you would love to escape with Jaehwan but today was different, you were not going to ignore other guys because you were giving up on Jaehwan because his friendship is more important than your feelings. Jaehwan shrugged at you, “Na, I came here with you.” Zion was getting a little uncomfortable and you said, “Give us just a moment,” you grabbed Jaehwan’s wrist and dragged him a safe distance away. “What is your problem?” You demanded giving him your scariest glare. Jaehwan looked confused and a little hurt.
“Nothing? There is just no one that interests me here and I would rather spend time with you.” Your heart fluttered a bit, but you squashed your emotions for him. “Jaehwan,” you sighed. “I am single and ready to mingle, and I don’t need you hanging around cock blocking me.” Jaehwan looked as if he had been slapped as you continued,  “I need you to be my best friend and take a step back and to stop hovering.” You started to walk away and you sensed he had begun to follow you so you spun around. “Stop acting like a jealous puppy and don’t follow me. I need space.”  You spat as you walked back toward Zion. 
Jaehwan stood there  stunned, you rarely lose your temper like that and he couldn’t believe it. This was supposed to be his do over, to have fun with you but instead you were mad. He watched you retreat to Zion and fawn all over him. He turned on his heel and sat down at the bar. He knew better than to bother you when you needed space, that and he didn't want to cause a scene. A whiskey sour was placed in front of him. He looked up and met the eyes of the bartender that put him in this mess. 
“Not going as well as you expected?”
He glared at her, “I hate when she is mad at me.” He took a big drink of his whiskey sour. “This is your fault.”
She slammed her hand down on the table. “Excuse me, don’t pin this on me. I tried to help you out; it is not my fault you can’t get the girl.” 
Jaehwan slammed the rest of the whisky sour back but then looked dejected. He couldn’t help but to admit she was right. He looked over at you.  Naturally, you were smiling and Zion and he had his face close to your ear and you were blushing. He looked back at the bartender, “I guess this is how it is going to be. I don’t want to upset her anymore.” 
The bartender crossed her arms over her chest but signed “You’re a good friend. Want another on me?“ He smiled at her. “Just water, I am going to have to drive us home.”
He sat there for awhile occasionally checking on you to make sure that you were having a good time and didn’t need him to step in to help. At this point he was just waiting for you to come and tell him you were ready to go. You guys had a pact. You come together, you leave together. He pulled his phone from his pocket and sent you a text. “Sorry about earlier just let me know when you are ready to go.” 
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket you pulled it out and saw a text from Jaehwan. It was a little past midnight and you had no idea you were talking to Zion for so long. It was different, a good different you liked it. You glanced over at Jaehwan and a wave a guilt fell over you. You ditched him and you felt bad but you just wanted to forget him at that time. Turning your attention back to Zion you smiled. “That’s my best friend, I kind of ditched him tonight, so I better get going.” Zion smiled at you and handed you his phone.  “Can I get your number? So we can set up a date?” 
“Yes of course!” you chirped and put your number in his phone “I'll see you later,” you lightly kissed his cheek and made your way to Jaehwan. You placed your hand on his shoulder, “I am ready to leave,” he nodded and lead you out to the car. The walk was silent. More silent then you would have liked. 
You looked at him. “What’s on your mind?” You could tell there was something bothering him. 
“I am sorry about the way I acted, but I need you to hear me out. Just listen don’t say anything until I am done. Okay?” You nodded.
“Here is the thing, I was jealous, and not the way you think. Yes, I came here with you and wanted to spend time with you but...” He trailed off and stared at the ground. He looked like he was thinking hard about what to say. “Y/N, I don’t love you as my best friend. I am in love with you and that is a big difference.” He reached out and put his hand on your cheek. You stared at him unable to comprehend what was going on. Your heart was pounding and you felt sick. How long had he been in love with you. You wanted no more than just this because you too were in love with him but you had squashed your feelings in fear. You loved everything about him, his smile, his pouting, puppy dog eyes, undying loyalty, everything, but he came out of nowhere with this. You and this confession had just locked up your emotions for him and was all over another man. His hand that was on your cheek had made its way to your hip. You looked up at him and met his gaze. He wanted to kiss you, but he was afraid. He didn’t want to invade your space and do something without consent. So you did the only logical thing and threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. His lips were soft at first but became urgent has he deepened his kiss with you. You were kissing him with all the passion you had pent up. You didn’t want to, but you had to pull away because you were running out of oxygen. “Jaehwan,” you said breathless, “Please, tell me you are not drunk and this is actually happening,” you could feel tears stinging your eyes. He laughed and rested his forehead against yours “No, and I was going to say the same thing.” You gave him a little push, “Well let’s head back,” you paused trying to gather the courage to ask if you were a couple.“B-boyfriend? Together?” Jaehwan laughed at your incoherent sentence.
“Yes, Y/N, I am your boyfriend.”
Jaehwan woke up the next morning expecting to see you in his bed sleeping soundly. You two had talked all night about your feelings and why it took so long to tell eachother how you felt. Eventually you two had fallen asleep his arms tightly around you like he was afraid that you would disappear. 
 However, you were not there. He rolled to his back and groaned. No, No, NO. He thought. This wasn’t fair. His heart felt like it was breaking. He really only did get one night. Tears stung his eyes. Reality was back and it was bitter. Not even the world's most evil villain would play this kind of sick joke on him and he did it to himself. All he knew was that you did love him, but now he had an obstacle, and his name was Zion. A five month long relationship that you were totally happy in. He knew he could not ruin that. He swiped at his tears and thought, “Now what?”
She sat there holding the flask with a clock etched into its surface. She knew now why no other cupid used this elixir. It was a waste of time. It sent that guy far enough back to a point he couldn’t undo anything even after knowing the truth. All because he was a real friend and truly loved you.  As she watched your story unfold that night she became invested. She had never seen such a beautiful loving aura combine as you two kissed. She had never seen a red string of fate manifest as you to talked about your feelings. She was going to get you two together because that type of love was something she had never witnessed in her life. She reached down and pulled out a flask with a heart etched on it. Time to make a mess out of love.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Series Masterlist
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Here are the links and individual masterlists to fictions I have shared as series on the blog. 
** To Find my seasonal series / collabs, click HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines] 
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Becoming Human 
Summary: Choi Yerin has been working for Kboys Cyborgs for the past two years. Unlike those who ring her at the customer support desk, she has never had any interest in the robots the company sold worldwide that looked like their idol counterparts. And then she met Leo, a robot deemed as faulty and yet is about to make her realise just how far she was from being human herself.
Characters: Leo (Taekwoon) from VIXX x OC. Guest starring a bunch of idols.
Genre: fluff, romance, humour, angst, personal growth, suggestive conversations
[Masterlist HERE]
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Tell Me, If This Is Love 
Genre: romance / mature content (18+)
Characters: Do Kyungsoo x female reader
Summary: This is a four part series with a focus on a mature relationship. This series will include: smut, mature conversations, nudity and generally anything else that goes in a mature relationship. And hopefully all done in a tasteful manner!
[Masterlist HERE]
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King of Demons 
Summary: every two years, the Devil himself is free to roam on Earth for one night. And during his visit he rashly took you with him back to Hell, unsure of why he had done such a thing. With your return to your homeland, you spent time trying to find a way to get back to the man you had fallen in love with.
This is the tale of the journey and sacrifice to make it towards the realm of love.
Genre: demon au / fluff / adventure / supernatural au / god au
Characters : GOT7 x multiple female reader characters (it’s not as confusing as that sounds)
[Masterlist HERE]
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Beyond The Palace Walls
Summary: You had always been trapped within the palace and unable to explore anything further than the books you read. One night, with the help of your best friend, you escape the palace and find an entire world waiting for you on the outside.
Genre: royal au / fluff / adventure / self-growth
Characters: Jung Jaehyun x female reader (feat. Ten, Lucas and Taeyong)
[Masterlist HERE]
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Destined (To Love You Forever) 
Summary: You had craved to meet your soulmate for all of your life. But he wasn’t exactly who you had been waiting for.
** This is an ongoing series with Destined and To Love You showcasing the reader’s and Jinyoung’s POVs. The current final story Forever takes place after the first two.
Characters: Park Jinyoung x female reader ft some GOT7 members
Genre: soulmate au / angst / romance
[Masterlist HERE]
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Too Good To Be Wrong
Summary: No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t resist Park Chanyeol, even if you knew it would test everything that you thought family stood for.
Genre: childhood friends & “siblings” to lovers au / romance / older woman - younger man au
Characters: Park Chanyeol x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Through His Eyes 
Summary: Losing your sight after your accident was traumatic, and Jaebum’s guilt of knowing it should have been him instead creates an intricate bond between you both, as you overcome adversity and try to find your way in life again.
Genre: angst / romance
Characters: Im Jaebum x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: Seven different stories set around the elite air force unit, known as AIRFORCE7.
Characters: GOT7 x female reader
Genre: pilot au / 1940-1950s era / romance / fluff / angst
Warnings: Due to the era it’s set in, this will contain minor war conflict in some of the stories. I will not be making the war-zone my main focus in this series however.
[Masterlist HERE]
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Could You Marry Me? 
Summary: Marriage was something you dreamed of reaching after falling in love with the man of your dreams. Yet the romantic in you is thrown out the window when you end up having to fake your engagement with your personal assistant.
Genre: office au / ceo x personal assistant / co-workers to lovers au / romance / fluff / fake dating
Characters: Son Hyunwoo x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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The Right Choice
Summary: You had hoped going to Korea to look after your estranged grandmother would allow you to connect in some way to your mother’s culture. However, being half-Korean and a single mother meant you would face the stigma of a narrow-minded society instead. Had you really made the right choice to come here?
Genre: single mother au / strangers to lovers au / angst / romance / self-growth
Characters: Mark Tuan x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Spiritual Connection 
Summary: Ever since you were a child, you had known the five men who lived in your Grandmother’s house. What you weren’t expecting upon returning as an adult was that they would still be there - and look exactly the same.
Genre: ghost au / fluff / romance
Characters: Brian Kang / DAY6 x female reader
** The Spiritual Connection world has evolved and has several other stories in it now too. Please check the masterlist link for more on this world.**
[Masterlist HERE]
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You Didn’t Let Me!
Summary: It took you three guys to realise you had been running from love all along. When you finally meet up again at a university reunion, you weren’t prepared to answer the question of who you wanted most.
Genre: romance / angst / self-growth au
Characters: Yoo Kihyun x Park Jinyoung x Lee Seunggi x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: You had allowed yourself to be undervalued for too long, as a business partner and lover of Im Jaebum and so you left him for good. When you crossed paths again, not all was how you imagined it to be. Could you reconcile after all the pain? 
Genre: ex-lovers au / angst / romance / business au
Characters: Im Jaebum x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Down By The Lake
Summary: It was only meant to be a stolen moment between you and your lover Daehyun and ended with him framed for murdering your best friend. With the assistance of your aloof friend Inspector Bang, could you find the real culprit called The Pauper, in time to clear Daehyun’s name?
Genre: murder mystery / periodic au / horror-ish
Characters: Jung Daehyun x female reader ft. Bang Yongguk
[Masterlist HERE]
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What A Tease [M] 
Summary: A collective of suggestive smut stories with Got7
Genre: smut / suggestive
Characters: Got7 x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Band Sessions
Summary: The band’s studio was home to many things. Instruments and assorted sound gear, not to mention a multitude of cords running all around the place, connecting the power of Day6 to each other. But it wasn’t just music that rocked these walls. Friendships and love confessions found their way into the mix, sounding around the room and creating the memories of Day6′s youth.
Genre: band au / university au / romance / fluff
Characters: Day6 x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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10 Dates
Summary: Kim Junmyeon was the epitome of a perfect catch - he was successful, handsome and everything you currently didn’t want in a man. Yet after agreeing to his request to give him 10 dates in total to change your mind, you realised you might have been looking for someone like him all along.
Genre: dating au / romance
Characters: Kim Junmyeon x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: As one of the Forsaken, Jinyoung had no right to covet anything as his own. When he stumbles across you standing in the middle of the village he had plundered, the memories of old make him risk it all, clutching at the past in hopes for a better future.
Genre: warrior au / star crossed lovers / angst / romance
Characters: Park Jinyoung x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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MonX Hospital
Summary: MonX Hospital is bustling with activity between patients and the health professionals who work there. This series looks at the different professions within the hospital and how they deal with personal feelings and professional ones.
Genre: romance / fluff 
Characters: Monsta X x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: You knew all about the ring your grandmother had told you about and yet when the stone fell from it one fateful day, you weren’t truly prepared for its return, nor who it came back with.
Genre: romance / fantasy / a little angst
Characters: Kim Namjoon x female reader 
[Masterlist HERE]
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To Be Continued
Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Characters: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
[Masterlist HERE]
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The Cowboy
Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Characters: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: You and Kihyun hadn’t worked as a couple. The fighting was endless, and no make-up sex could repair the damage unfolding between you. Years on, you cross paths with the man again. Will it be the same as before?
Genre: exes to lovers / angst / romance
Characters: Yoo Kihyun x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Someone Real
Summary: You had nurtured a crush on Brian Kang since high school. So, when he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for a family gathering, you jump at the chance and your fantasies start to come to life. However, instead of how you imagined your feelings to bloom, your new neighbour Jae shows you another path to love.
Genre: romance / fluff / angst / fake dating + fwb au / neighbours to lovers au
Characters: Jae Park / Brian Kang x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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The Caretaker
Summary: Ever since moving to this township, you had been curious about the abandoned quarry home. Everyone else saw it as a haunted and creepy house, but as an up and coming interior designer, you were entranced by the intricate details. And once you met the caretaker of the property, you were determined to find out all about the house and the man who guarded it.
Genre: romance / angst / sad-fluff / ghost au
Characters: Son Hyunwoo x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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The Trial Period
Summary: When the perfect studio space comes up, you leap at the chance to take it. Except, so has Park Jinyoung, someone you have hated for the past three years. Given three months to share the space before deciding who will claim it, can you push Jinyoung out by the end of your trial period, or will you find that the tactics you both use leads to something unexpected?
Genre: romance / suggestive / enemies to lovers au
Characters: Park Jinyoung x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Summary: You had expected married life to be more exciting than it had become only a few years into being Mrs Byun. Deciding to work on reigniting your passion with your Baekhyun, you find along the way that being comfortable with your husband wasn’t so bad.
Genre: romance / married life au
Characters: Byun Baekhyun x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Out Of The Shadows
Summary: Singing was the only thing that kept you breathing. To Kihyun, you were too talented to step away from. And by a cruel twist of fate, because of him, you became a singer - except you only sang in the shadows.
Genre: idol au / angst / drama / romance
Characters: Yoo Kihyun x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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Conveniently Yours
Summary: You knew better than to enter a marriage of convenience with your boss’ grandson. But you wanted that senior partnership, and it wasn’t as if Jaebum was a stranger - you knew him rather intimately. It was only a year together, and then you could divorce him and achieve your biggest career goal. But would it be as simple as that?
Genre: romance / marriage of convenience
Pairing: Im Jaebum x female reader
[Masterlist HERE]
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peonybane · 5 years
Teaser Image for ParchMINT Pins and Survey
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Hi y’all!
Above are some test images I’ve designed for some future pins for when my business partner and I are ready to get ParchMINT Pins off the ground. 
It would really help us if you took this survey! 
We’ll be focusing on subtle k-pop pins for now. 
These test images are from left to right: Blood, Sweat, and Tears set; I PURPLE U/Love Yourself; VIXX’s Shangri-La; test for Fake Love (definitely not going to be anything like the final design). Please not that these are only SOME of the designs, there are more underway.
Please take this survey and like/reblog this post to support us as we get ParchMINT off the ground!
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♡ Send me a member 
♡ ALL FICS ARE ‘X READER’ ~ Fanboys welcomed!
♡ Choose a starter :)
♡ These are mine,, I can’t believe I actually came up with some SFW prompts…
♡ You can request more than one prompt at a time!
Trigger Warnings~~
1.“You’re not doing it again?  You promised you wouldn’t do it anymore.”
2.“I’m sorry…I-I…I just don’t love you anymore.”
3.“The world taught me to hate myself…and for a while, with you, I was learning to love myself…then you up and left and I realized I’m more fucked up than I thought.”
4.“You love me? How do you say you love someone and then leave them?”
5. “-are those scars?”
6.“Why do you always flinch when I go to touch you?”
7.“Are you okay? Did he touch you again?”
8.“Someone give me an Oscar or something….I’ve been pretending to be fine for the last three years…”
9.“I say I’m okay…but I’m not, I don’t think I’ll ever really be okay again.”
10.“You’re drinking again…”
11.“You’re disgusting! Leave, I never want to see you again.”
12.“I loved you. Loved, being the key word there.”
13.“Am I okay? Yeah, I’m fine…just…just a little tired.”
14.“I’m scared one day you’ll look in the mirror and notice how amazing you are and how way out of my league you are and you’ll leave me.”
15.“Wake up…Please wake up!”
16.“No! Don’t go, when you leave all the bad memories come flooding back.”
17.“I really thought you could save me….ha the joke was on me.”
18.“Squeeze my hand…no, no, no, stay with me, squeeze my hand.”
19.“I let you in, I shared my deepest secrets with you, told you everything you wanted to know, I trusted you and you, you went and told them everything!”
20.“Wait! I didn’t mean that, please come back.”
21.“I know you love me…I don’t know why, but I know you do and I can’t keep lying…I don’t love you, I don’t and I’m telling you this because keeping up this lie is only hurting you more.”
22.“I saw you….with her/him,”
23.“I’m here because I’ve been denying that I need help for awhile now and I’ve only gotten worse,”
24.“I’m tired of hiding, okay? I love you and I want the world to know.”
25.“Are you ashamed of me? Of course, you are…I’m fat and ugly and no one likes me…I’d be ashamed of me too.”
26.“I-I, I think I love you, I mean you make me feel funny inside and every time I hear your voice I smile, every time you giggle I feel my heart skip a beat…I just want to be around you all the time…is that weird?”
27.“You look really cute in that sweater, oh wait, is that my sweater? You look really cute in my sweater.”
28.“I’m not going to lie I live for the way you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss me.”
29.“I missed you too! Oh, oh don’t cry…here, here, I got you.”
30.“Repeat after me: I am beautiful/handsome, I am strong, I am worthy, now I don’t just want you to repeat it, I want you to believe it.”
31.“Why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve liked you for the longest time…you have no idea.”
32.“I-I’m sorry, it’s just when you’re talking about something you’re super passionate about you get this big smile on your face, and the area around your eyes crinkle and you start to jump in your seat a little…sorry, it’s just something I noticed…go on.”
33.“You took care of me when I was sick…so would you quit your blubbering and tell me which soup you want?”
34.“It’s ten after seven, we’re late anyway, let’s just stay here and cuddle…please?”
35.“You know they call us tall and small right? Like ordering a coffee or something…”
36.“Honestly? I think it fits!”
37.“It’s three in the morning…you can go to sleep now…”
38.“Are you still mad at me? Come on you can’t still be mad at me! I’ll make your favorite food….run you a hot nice bath…oh, I know what’ll get you…I’ll give you a booty massage!”
39.“Food won’t fix everything…but-but it’s a start.”
40.“I’m sorry I ate your cookie, yes, I know you are on your period…Y/N, please just unlock the door!”
41.“Not to offend you or anything but I’ve had the hugest crush on you for the last two years and I’ve been trying to tell you for the last year…are you ever going to notice?”
42.“I was given one wish and I wished for you to love me…”
43.“Oh my god you are so greasy!”
44.“Dude, she’s got you so whipped! Have you ever noticed when she starts to talk you completely zone out, and get this goofy smile on your face?”
45.“Hold on, can you hold this?”
46.“Dude, this is your hand.”
47.“I went to go put on grab one of my sweaters from my closet and noticed they were all gone…Y/N…why did you steal all my sweaters?”
48.“Please don’t make me give them back! They smell like you and sometimes at night when you don’t stay with me, I need them, please don’t take them!”
49.“Hi, nice to see you again, two weeks ago you fake kissed me to make your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend jealous in our local coffee shop and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how soft your lips were since.”
50. “I don’t want to hurt you, I would never hurt someone as beautiful as you…”
51. “I want to kick your little ass, my stomach’s so swollen, I can’t even reach my toes!”
52. “I am not letting you name my kid after a character in a video game!”
53.“I’m sorry did you just say twins?”
54.“Babe…babe wake up…yes, I know it’s two in the morning but I hungry and I go really go for some taco bell right about now…could you maybe go get me some? Thanks, you’re the best.”
55.“You’re awfully mood…oh my god, I’m sorry, please don’t kill me.”
56.“I’m waddling around on my swollen feet, carrying your child, and you want me to apologize to you because I’m ‘moody’?”
57. “You don’t understand if she doesn’t get those pickles she will kill me, and then she’ll kill you, so my best advice is to stop your fussing and hand over the pickles.”
58. “Come on, can the baby be a junior?”
59.“  What do you think it is? I think it’s a boy….god, I want it to be a boy.”
60.“You’ve been throwing up all morning, are you going to be okay?”
61. “It’s morning sickness you jackass…”
62.“I’ve noticed you’ve put on a few pounds and I’m only saying something because I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom trashcan…anything you want to tell me?”
63.“I don’t think the baby is going to like your dad jokes no matter how many you whisper against my stomach.”
64.“I took a pregnancy test and it was positive…but don’t worry! It’s not yours.”
65.“Yes, I’m crying. Do you want to know why? I dropped my strawberry sundae and I just got it!”
66.“You’re pregnant that’s the only explanation for the morning sickness, the weird cravings and the mood swings you’re having.”
67.“This is so embarrassing, I think I just peed myself a little from laughing so hard.”
68.“I had such a smooth pregnancy and now it’s here, I’m going into labor and I wish I never let you stick your penis inside of me, you little shit.”
69.“Y-you’re squeezing kind of hard…I-I think you just broke my hand.”
70.“I’m sorry I’m being so mean, it’s just the baby was kicking all night and I was tossing and turning, I’m honestly so exhausted.”
71.“This is awkward but I’m pregnant and one of you three is the father…”
72.“I’ve been through three name books and I think I finally found one I like…how about…”
73.“For the last time, I am not naming my baby, mini- (idol of choice)! Why? First of all, because it’s a girl! Second of all because if it were a boy, (another idol of choice) is a much better name.”
74.“Oh don’t you walk away from me, it takes two to make a baby.”
75.“You stupid little shit! I told you to wear a condom, a couple seconds, it would’ve taken nothing but a couple of fucking seconds to put on a damn condom and now I have to tell my parents that their good girl daughter is pregnant.”
76.“I wish you would stop running, I really don’t like to chase my food.”
77.“Would you stop screaming?”
78.“Fangs, blood, veins under the eyes any of this ringing any bells?”
79.“You’re sticking that knife in all the wrong places.”
80.“Oh-oh my god your eyes…they’re black.”
81.“So are the legends true? Do girl werewolves get sideburns too?”
82.“We’ve been dating for a year now and I think I want you to turn me…”
83.“It’s not all sunshine and rainbows…sometimes the hunters become the hunted.”
84.“Not going to lie, you’d make a beautiful siren…wouldn’t even have to use your voice…your looks would be enough.”
85.“That is not okay! Would you please stop making yourself look like me?”
86.“ I’m not hurting anyone, most of the people I eat are jackasses…they all have it coming.”
87.“You have a tail, a fucking tail!”
88.“That’s not fair, you can’t use your compulsion to get me to do what you want!”
89.“Don’t witches worship the devil?”
90.“I’m sorry did I hear you right? You said you’re the daughter of who? The Greek Goddess, Aphrodite?”
91.“I’m really trying to not freak out…but I invited you over to my pool party and your legs just turned into a tail…a tail with scales…oh my god, you’re a mermaid.”
92.“Why…thank you, I also think these shorts make my ass look nice…oh yeah…I can read minds.”
93.“Dude for the last time, if I’m not picking up my phone, I’m busy…stop fucking summoning me before I block you.”
94.“Yeah… I have wings and if I need to I can shrink in size, yeah I’m a fairy, yeah like Tinkerbell…no, do not call me cute! I am not cute.”
95.“I’m sorry, I do love you but you’re not human anymore…you’re not my Y/N or (Idol of choice), not anymore.”
96.“I hate to tell you this but your best friend is a ghost.”
97.“I make people fall in love, my little bow, and my little arrow, we are quite the pair.”
98.“I can turn it on and off, I usually keep it off, when I was twelve I touched my best friend and she dropped dead on site…an eye-opening experience.”
99.“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you…I’m your guardian angel.”
100.“Y-you, want to stroke my wings? I-I don’t think, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
If you come up with any other categories let me know!
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flowerconcept-blog · 7 years
Hi! Can I request a thug/gang Jung Taekwoon AU? Thank you 💓
here u go angel!!! hope this is ok!!! i also incorporated @mamamochi‘s req for secret flowers, it is a really small part of this but i hope that’s alright! 🌸💐🌹🌺🌷
taekwoon is the right hand man in the gang, but honestly he’s even more scary than the leader hakyeon. because at least hakyeon smiles……….. taekwoon does not smile. ever. at least not in public
when the gang started out it was really about money because they needed money but once it picked up taekwoon kinda fell into the role and became a lot stonier whereas hakyeon and jaehwan (the other main man) stayed mostly the same
he’s only ever seen wearing black and usually wears a white face mask and has dark circles from not sleeping well everyone (who isn’t vixx) in the gang is petrified of him, it’s been said that once a rival gang member heard the name “jung taekwoon” and that was all it took to get info out of them
hyuk is still sort of scared of him. he pretends that he’s over it but one time taekwoon tapped hyuk’s shoulder and he shrieked
his role in the gang is a lot of planning w/ hakyeon but he’s also really strong and tall and yknow terrifying so he’s been known to interrogate rivals and also sometimes do some physical damage to them
but you don’t know any of this!!! you only know the jung taekwoon who comes into your bakery with his niece and sister once every couple of weeks
because taekwoon may be a big scary gang member but he loves his family and he especially loves his little niece minyul, so he and his sister and niece spend a lot of time together and it just so happens that you run a bakery right by his sister’s apartment and minyul loves it
and he doesn’t talk to you other than ordering their food but you’ve sort of been entranced by this mysterious man since he first came in
because at first….. he looks scary, in his steel toed boots and heavy black wool coat and dark eyes, but when he talks to minyul (you know her and her mom because they’re regulars) his face gets soft and it’s like his whole persona shifts
and you can’t help but think that it would be nice to be on the receiving end of that sweet stare, plus it doesn’t help that he’s so handsome and has such a nice voice and carries himself like a prince
you feel silly, but whenever he comes in your heart picks up a little….. you tell yourself that it’s not like he knows so who cares
but he knows!!! because he has to notice when people are staring at him he can’t miss that sort of thing, it might get him killed
at first taekwoon is pretty sure that you’re a rival spy and are undercover to kill him because why else would you be staring like that??? but when he tells hakyeon about it hakyeon is like, “idk why they must be crazy but it sounds like they think you’re cute”
taekwoon is like: sounds fake but ok
but over time he picks up on things, like you always fumble with the plates when you clean them up from one of the tables and your hair usually has a bit of flour in it and either you’re really good at pretending to be a klutz or you’re actually a klutz, and a klutz would not make a good spy
it’s not like he’s watching u though……. he just…….. has to make sure you aren’t trying to kill him (hakyeon somewhere is laughing at this dummy)
one night you’re walking home from work and you hear footsteps behind you and at first you don’t think anything of it, but it’s been three blocks and the footsteps keep getting closer and you’re starting to get nervous
it happens in a split second but suddenly a hand is around your mouth and pulling you into an alley and at the same time you see taekwoon coming out of an apartment building from across the street(he was visiting his sister) and before the creep who pulled you into the alley could even take a breath ……..
u thought taekwoon was gonna be ur knight in shining armor???? sike, you took self defense classes for a reason!!!!! you bite down hard on the creep’s hand and bash the back of your head into his face as hard as you can
by the time taekwoon arrives the dude is cradling his bloody nose and looks like he’s about to grab you before you can pull pepper spray out of your bag
but then taekwoon steps in and decks him in the face and he literally
knocks him out with one hit???? and you’re like ???????????? before he looks at you and instinctively you’re like “i could’ve taken him”
and taekwoon is looking at you like you’ve grown a second head, here he thought you were just a klutz but it turns out you’re a klutz who can break a man’s nose?????
before he can say something you stumble a little bit and ur like hey should the world be spinning???????????can i sleep here?????
taekwoon’s like……….. no you probably have a concussion
hakyeon had told him he had to go pick up jaehwan but looking at you he knows that there’s no way he’s willing to leave you like this (because you remind him of a drugged puppy or something…. not because he thinks you’re cute and wants to take care of you…….)
so he mumbles “come on” and takes your hand (if you weren’t yknow just concussed you would pull away immediately but as is….. it’s happening) and brings you to where his car is and fastens your seat belt and is like. ok please stay awake i’m taking you to the hospital
but you already look like you’re dozing off so taekwoon has to fr*cking talk to you the whole 20 minute drive to the hospital to keep you awake, and if it was anyone else it would be the worst but your sweet little “mhms” to his stories about minyul make it slightly okay
but he would rather DIE than admit that
so you get to the ER and for some reason he gives the staff a fake name and waits by your bed until the doctor comes and runs some tests and is like “looks like it’s a very minor concussion, your s/o will be fine!!!!” and taekwoon is like … they’re not…… but the doctor has already dipped
he tries to get your address out of you but you’re practically asleep at this point and since the doctor said it was okay for you to sleep taekwoon is like fml guess i’ll take them home
when taekwoon walks into the big fancy apartment he shares with hakyeon with you clinging to his back (you refused to wake up and he had to CARRY you inside) hakyeon’s like …… literally wtf
taekwoon just sighs and puts you on the couch then brings out a blanket for you
because like…….. ur cute but ur not cute enough to get his bed……….
you do this thing …. where he tucks you in and is going to leave but your hand curls into taekwoon’s shirt trying to pull him closer and his heart STOPS and he blushes but he just gently gets you off of him and heads to bed because its like 1am at this point
he explains the deal to hakyeon first tho because otherwise he would get murdered
hakyeon is not amused ™ at first but when you wake up in the morning confused as hell he offers you breakfast
and honestly he finds it sorta cute because he’s never seen taekwoon blush before and it’d probably be good for the guy to date, maybe people will stop thinking he’s a psychopath
anyways when taekwoon wakes up and ur like um thank you so much for everything but also i gotta go home i called an uber he’s like…… give me ur phone
and u do because why not and he puts his number in and is like. text me when you get home and has to resist the urge to kiss you when you stammer and duck your head to hide your blush
it takes taekwoon like a whole month to work up the nerve to ask you on a real date (when it takes him .0001 seconds to get info out of a rival???) but during that month he like….. secretly sends you roses at your work labelled “from your admirer” and texts you every day asking if you’ve eaten and how you’re feeling and you’re practically head over heels by the time he asks you out to dinner
he takes you to a super fancy restaurant and when u see him in his fancy outfit (black blazer black fitted shirt tie black slacks) u……. gape and he’s like “what?????” and ur like “NOTHING”
he kisses you after seeing you to your apartment and you highkey invite him in but he just smirks and goes “next time”
(next time he does take you up on the offer)
there’s a month of honeymoon bliss and taekwoon is literally the perfect boyfriend except he has to leave at weird hours and sometimes he picks up your calls and is extremely cryptic and also what is his job???? and also why had he given a fake name at the hospital?????? and part of you knows something is up but you aren’t about to ask because you’ve fallen in love with him and as long as he isn’t getting hurt that’s okay
until one day he comes to your apartment with a black eye and split lip and you’re like. ok i have ignored weird things so far but That’s Enough What the Hell is Going On
taekwoon’s first instinct is to get angry but he’s also in love with you so he swallows that down and runs a hand through his hair and is like……………………… i’m in a gang…….
a long long long argument/conversation ensues and it ends with both of you tearfully confessing your love and he kisses you so so so softly and keeps murmuring he’s sorry until you finally fall asleep all tangled up in his arms
after you find out your dynamic is much different, you insist that he tells you what he’s doing when he’s able to and that he’s honest with you and you also insist that he does his best to avoid being hurt and to avoid hurting others
when he does come home hurt you kiss his bruises and bandage him up and he softly sings you to sleep so you don’t get upset
he pretty naturally starts to stay over at your place rather than his because you don’t have a roommate and also that way he gets to sleep with you engulfed in his arms
all of his closest friends know you and hakyeon likes to tease taekwoon for the way he goes soft for you but they’re all really grateful because you bring out the kind side of him that they worried was going to disappear
taekwoon in all black and you in a breezy white sundress at the beach: aesthetic
minyul calls you auntie!!! and whenever taekwoon sees the two of you interacting he thinks of raising a child with you and when he tells you that the first time you cry
he doesn’t pda much but he likes to hold your hand to remind himself that you’re there, and in private he always wants to have some contact with you, even if it’s just his hand in your hair, to know that you’re real and haven’t left him
eventually, a couple years after you meet, he leaves the gang and proposes to you and the two of you settle down to start a family and are incredibly domestic and love each other with your whole hearts
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thefirsthogokage · 7 years
VIXX LR’s Whisper Blew Up My Brain
Ok, so I was initially just going to copy and paste all the comments I made on YouTube and put a declaimer saying that’s exactly what I did…But…then…stuff. My brain is so tired of thinking. So, so tired. So, this is stuff that I’ve noticed, a small amount of interpretation in places. This doesn’t even have everything that I’ve seen that also probably should be added to this list. I’m probably going to be posting links to other theories I find. Maybe a YouTube playlist. Idk, I apologize for all the confusing parenthesis, I’m still fried, too much so to even full-heartedly (or whatever) go back over what I wrote. However, I wanted a new friend of mine to be able to see this, so… (Good luck)
Important things that I know others noticed that have to be listed:
-The Blue book in the beginning with the L on it with the image of the room Leo is in.
-On the suitcase: The release date of Beautiful Liar, and the word ‘Fragile’
-The sound of the keys dropped when Leo dropped the bag is the same as the keys in BL
-The switch of the record colors; the switch of the colors lighting them up; Ravi wearing blue, and Leo wearing red, in the “outside/real world” while they wear the opposite colors on the “inside/inner mind,” and that one time Ravi was wearing white
-In Whisper, Ravi and Leo start out having the separate (black background) close ups, like in BL, then they are overlaid  
Things that I didn’t see other people notice when I initially wrote this:
-Night and dark settings in Beautiful Liar vs. day and light in Whisper. When Ravi’s in the bedroom in BL, he’s surrounded by lights inside, while Leo is surrounded by a sun-light room in Whisper. → The inner minds.-The suitcase looked like Ravi’s outfit from Beautiful Liar, while the bag looked like Ravi’s piano from Beautiful Liar. → Connecting the Key sounds: When Leo drops the bag that look’s like Ravi’s piano from BL, and in BL, the sound comes when Ravi grabs Leo’s hand. Dropping vs. letting go.
-When Leo picked up the books, it was Beautiful Liar (W&C by Ravi), with My Light (written by Leo & Ravi, composed by Leo) farther away (mostly represents Leo, so it’s Leo being kept away from the surface), and then finally picked up Whisper (again by Ravi). -Bookmark: R in Red and the L and the string are in Blue. (Someone has pointed out the red threads in the Depend on Me video) And, of course, the book has the track titles as chapter titles. → Multiple people have brought up Inkheart, a trilogy (and the connection with that which others have mentioned). A book, named after the song, with the track list as chapter titles, along with two other books with titles of songs from Beautiful Liar. This could be an indication that this video is part two of three in a trilogy. (It might not have started out that way, but it might be the plan now as long as “fans” don’t mess it up.) → → If this is a trilogy, it could be going forward (i.e. Broken, Healing, Mended), but it could also be going backward (Adulthood, Youth, Childhood).
-Ravi leaving the car with all of the writing behind (around 2:00): Narcissism, Burin’ It Up, and No Limit Limit → Leaving his old self, behind. EDIT: The out side of the car is white, and then Ravi's shirt is white for a short while.
-Around 2:10 when Ravi is trying to play the fake piano (when he only sat on one in BL), but the fake piano he’s trying to play looks more like the one Leo was playing in BL -The choreography for Leo and Ravi in BL had more contrast, while in Whisper it’s mostly a mirror image. -Around 3:5? When they fall back, it’s in the same positions as when Leo pulled Ravi back in BL -When they are seated next to each other in BL (0:52) they are on the same bed, instead of the separate beds in Whisper. Also, and not sure if this means anything, but the way Leo has his arms at that part is the same in both videos (minus the leg-hugging) while Ravi isn’t the mirror of that like he was in BL. He’s holding his arms here (and again no leg-hugging).
-The “Inner-Mind” Lighting: BL: Ravi is surrounded by blue lights on a torn-up bed that is surrounded by red lights. Whisper: The Red “thread-light” intertwined with the blue thread (that went through the piano) leading Ravi to the headphones and Leo. -Around Whisper 4:00, also, the mirror behind Leo is cracked/damaged, while the mirror behind Ravi isn’t. In BL, the mirror that Leo looks into is clear, while Ravi’s on the ripped up, - down to the springs, - bed. -This video also kind of seems like coming to terms with one’s self, whether you want to or not; Leo tries to walk away at the end, but he’s tied to Ravi (and that intersects near the bag which, again, looks like Ravi’s piano in BL). They are one in same…Maybe, if Leo’s the person inside this time (because he can’t go anywhere while attached to Ravi), Ravi doesn’t need the persona anymore, and realized they’ve been the same the whole time? Idk, have to think a bit more on that one. -Also, what does Leo’s shirt say at the end? Mania? Hmm… -Another little thing I noticed: blue lace on the wedding invitation in BL (which also had writing on it that I couldn’t entirely make out other than “twenty second…thousand and fifteen), blue string in Whisper. -Oh! And Ravi walking and fading away from Leo in BL, but at the end of Whisper, Leo’s attached to Ravi and can’t go anywhere.
-Ravi’s red eye-makeup is the same in both videos.
-The logo initially was white, but there was a gif somewhere that showed it as white, but with an overlay going back and forth between Red and Blue. Now the logo is Purple.
-Both videos: Outside vs Inside settings. BL: Leo mostly outside; Ravi and Leo have the embrace outside, and Ravi pulling back Ravi indoors. Whisper: Ravi mostly outside; Leo grabs Ravi’s wrist on the inside, but they flicker between outside and inside. Two different kinds of physical contact when inside and when outside vs. same wrist grab both inside and outside.
Sorry I keep jumping around…
Saw this on tumblr: At about 1:20, along with the two "whispered” highlighted on the righthand page, “real” is highlighted on the left hand page. ReaL vs. LiaR
A Direct Comment of Mine from YouTube:
My friend and I were talking about how different from all of VIXX/VIXX LR’s past music this song is. But, maybe that was the point. (Now, please forgive me, I can’t quite think of how we phrased things last night, I was half asleep.) My friend and I both agree that this is, - as a concept, - a continuation of Beautiful Liar (so, so many reasons why). However, we also thought that the musical style could be part of the concept as well. There is immense visual symbolism throughout this video, so why can’t the STYLE of the music be symbolic as well? If you see BL as a struggle between wanting to let the girl go so that she can be happy while being angry that she’s leaving, Whisper could be about the beginning of healing that pained mentality. Like, trying to be happier and move on. A bop is happy, a bop is popular, a bop is a shift in style; someone in the process of becoming happy, a shift from the way they used to think. The mental/emotional state depicted in BL is dark, while the mental/emotional state in Whisper is lighter and more positive (yet not completely united, which is a different conversation). I believe there are so many layers of this song to deconstruct, and the difference in musical style is just one of them. Hell, I might be overthinking every little detail of this video, but, then again, this is VIXX, so who knows. Maybe all of the puzzle pieces people have noticed so far aren’t even all of the pieces there are to be found.
A theory from the comments on YouTube posted by user mmlyuan (https://www.youtube.com/user/swimfreakats), reposed here with permission:
 (this is the first theory that I’ve ever written and would love to hear fellow ST★RLIGHTs opinions!!!! VIXX LR FIGHTING) 
 Did a little digging on the book that Leo reads in the MV. It’s “Inkheart” by Cornelia Funke. Per the internet: “The theme of Inkheart is that friendship can be found even among very different people. The main characters are from two very different worlds (reality vs fiction). Yet, they are able to find/establish a strong and reliable friendship with each other. Although their friendship is tested by lies and deceiving actions, they ultimately work together to overcome these obstacles.” Via “Inkheart”, the main character can call fictional characters from the book into ReaL life.  
From this, we can deduct that Ravi represents ‘reality’ and he calls upon Leo who represents ’fictional".  In the beginning on the MV, blue-RAVI has a BLUE BOOK (showing Leo’s room) belongs in front of him. This solidifies the notion that Leo is fictional/from the book (because he is later seen in this exact room). 
We see red-Ravi is wearing a headband that says “RealPeople” and at one point the ledge he stands on is covered with the word “ReaL”. Note: his surroundings is in an alleyway, with the sky/clouds, grass, buildings, car… with much more vivid lighting. On the other hand, blue-Leo is in the exact room as pictures on the book cover that blue-Ravi had at the beginning and is surrounded by books. You are limited to only seeing the room, with a stream of light coming in from “somewhere”. The lighting is much more hazy, giving it a much more dream-like feel (to contract[sic] Ravi). 
We also see Ravi following the red thread, searching for something. It ultimately leads him to the blue&red Gemini (May 24), while Leo holding the book flips to a page showing the same Gemini. The Gemini basically acts as the “summoning point”, because Ravi brings Leo into reality (we only see Ravi & Leo in the ally or on the streets with trees, we do not see them in Leo’s blue room.) 
FINALLY, we close out the scene, with R&L attached through the blue&red strings, meaning that despite how different they are (from different worlds), they are still ‘bound together by that common thread’, they are “tied together”. Friendship, brotherhood, music… 
START OF EDIT thanks to inspiration and contributions from lovely fellow ST★RLIGHTs 
The idea of different worlds (reality/fictional) is metaphorical for polar opposites: Left&Right, Passion&Calm. Ravi’s been saying in interviews that he represents “right” and “passion/red” and Leo has been saying that he represents the “left” and “calm/cool/blue”. But also note that magnets (+/-) tend to also be associated with the colors red and blue. We also have a saying that “opposites attract”. In that case, it kind of plays into the idea that they represent two “polar” opposites, but they attract and work well together. They’ve mentioned many times in interviews that Leo’s “color/style” is very different from Ravi’s. Same goes for their vocal range. But, thats what makes LR such a unique and amazing unit, because despite how “opposite” they may seem, they play to each other advantages making up the VIXX unit “LR”. They’ve also mentioned that their dance break in the MV is symbolic of 'two becoming one’ (2VIXX becoming 1LR). This MV essentially defines who they are as LR and I think its so amazing ‪♥‬! 
 Also, adding onto the “inception” idea (thanks to @Zemfira Safina for the idea/point) where Ravi starts and ends in Blue whereas Leo starts and ends in Red… 
If we say that the “start and end” is the TRUE reality/REAL, I see it as BlueRavi and RedLeo stands for how they may ACTUALLY be off-camera and off-stage (REALITY). Leo is known to show lots more aegyo to the members and is a warm/caring father figure for 4VIXX, which contrasts to Ravi who is known to be a workaholic and is known to be really immersed whenever he’s working on (or reading… recently) that he doesn’t even hear the members call out to him. WHEREAS, the aura and vibe that we sometimes get while they’re in front of camera or on stage is RedRavi and BlueLeo: passionate Ravi and calm/collected Leo. I guess the idea that they “switch” colors at one point shows that they both technically have both the blue AND red within them, so while they appear different, they still relate and thus connect. 
END OF EDIT (phew… my brain is worn out, trying to connect as much as I can… again, thank you to fellow ST★RLIGHTs for the additional inspiration!) HOW MIGHT THIS RELATE TO BEAUTIFUL LIAR? While in #BeautifulLiar Leo represents reality and Ravi is the voice inside (LiaR), this time their roles are switched (ReaL). note the R&L switches 
Thanks again to mmlyuan!!
What else have I missed? Like, did anyone see any interesting connections between the track titles of Beautiful Liar and Whisper…?
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
you can be alice, i’ll be the mad hatter (3/?)
Characters - Cha Hakyeon/N and Y/N + VIXX Genre - Supernatural/Fantasy AU - Mutants AU Warning - Drug use, mental illness A/N - Does failing at writing seduction count as a warning? Summary - You go through Hakyeon’s case files. Why had those psychiatrists quit? 
Find all chapters here
“Doctor Y/L/N” Yunho started. He had been looking for you all over the canteen during dinner time and had felt disappointed when he didn’t find you. He hadn’t expected you to be here, waiting for him near his room at the Commander’s quarters.
“Oh Yunho! I was held up by the staff during dinner and I came to see you because I felt so guilty about not meeting you like I said I would” you said, faking distress. 
“Uh.. It’s alright really. You didn’t have to come all the way for just that” Yunho said. You shook your head, leaning against the door in a way to flatter your curves. You could tell that he appreciated it from the way his eyes raked over your body.
“I’ve had such a horrible day. I was looking forward to your company” you said, pouting slightly and biting your lips for extra effect. “But of course, it is very late. I couldn’t keep you” you said, pulling away and walking ahead. You brushed against him intentionally moving slowly to give him time to catch up.
“Wait! Doctor!” Yunho said, managing to catch hold of your hand by your fingers.
“It would be a shame to turn a wonderful woman like you away. Why don’t you come inside for a drink? It’s the least I can offer you” he said, holding onto your fingers. 
“Sure. And call me Y/N. Just Y/N” you said with a smile. You played with his fingers, hinting heavily at your ‘true motives’. Given how quick his heartbeat was and how goosebumps were rising on his skin, you could tell that you wouldn’t have to keep the charade up for long.
“Sorry Yunho. It’s not personal” you muttered under your breath as you held his finger to the scanner on the tab. 
The night had played out like you had expected it. Yunho had invited you in for a drink. You had insisted on pouring it out for him and he had complied, eager to please. You had quietly slipped the drug into his glass and passed it to him. From there on it had been a matter of waiting and coyly fending him off till sleep took over.
Im Yunho was currently lying on his sofa, sleeping like a baby. Once he had been taken care of, you had gone off to find the security tablet that the higher commanding units always carried. Your guess had been right. Five years after the war and security had become lax. Yunho had the same access as Commander Song did for ease of operations and this was going to be used against him.
It took you a good twenty minutes of searching through the archives before you found files on the EXU. You contemplated copying everything onto a pen drive and taking that away. But that increased the risk of being caught. Instead, you could stay here for the night making your ‘encounter’ with Yunho seem more real and also retaining access to other files if they were related.
You settled on Yunho’s bed. The mattress creaked as you lay down and swiped through the files.
There were six members of the EXU detained here - Cha Hakyeon, Han Sanghyuk, Jung Taekwoon, Kim Wonshik, Lee Hongbin and Lee Jaehwan.
Cha Hakyeon was the leader of the the EXU - Unit 0524, coming into command at the death of the previous leader Seo Inguk. The resemblance was funny, but the details outline below weren’t. Colonel Seo had lost control of his powers and killed himself along with fifty others on the battlefield.
It had been a terrifying setback. News had come of losses of war suffered by the EXU. If the super soldiers couldn’t win the war, then did normal humans stand a chance? Seo Inguk’s death had shaken the forces. You remembered soldiers discussing this and how chances of victory had diminished.
Cha Hakyeon had rallied the unit, rising from the ashes like a phoenix. A series of seven surgical strikes followed by a bloody confrontation had ended the Great War. Following the peace negotiations, Cha Hakyeon had received the highest military honors. Till he had supposedly died. Three years ago, so two years after the war. 
You found the videos of sessions with other psychiatrists. You almost played the video, before changing your mind and deciding to read through transcripts instead for the sake of time.
What had made those other psychiatrists quit? You couldn’t help but wonder as you browsed through the test. Military forms had too much useless redundant data in your opinion.
“…Patient displays signs of schizophrenia…”
You stopped. Schizophrenia? That was a completely unrelated disease from Dementia and PTSD. And easily identified and diagnosed. This couldn’t be right. You opened up other reports and skipped right to the summary. 
The results baffled you. Dementia. Neurocognitive disorder. Delirium. Infection due to exposure to highly toxic metals interfering with brain functions. No wonder the psychiatrists were confused. These were major mental illnesses with similar symptoms but very different causes.
Why would Commander Song call it PTSD then? You frowned. Was it really a mental illness?
You opened up the video for the last session from three months ago. The video had no sound. Which was strange considering how they had access to transcripts. Was this a military protocol you were unaware of?
The camera was positioned at one of the corners of the room. The door and the large dark glass wall was visible in the view. you knew the dark glass doubled as an observation center. This was a standard interrogation room design. Cha Hakyeon sat on one side of the table, sans the body suit this time. On the other end was a man dressed in a white lab coat. 
The man was talking but Hakyeon wasn’t interested by the looks of it. He looked lost, fiddling with a pen. it felt as if he was contemplating something and the pen held the answers but Hakyeon had no idea how to unlock it. You fast forwarded it to the end, where the man finally gave up and stood up. He left the room and Hakyeon turned to look at the man who had left. He turned to look at the camera before going back to the pen.
You sighed. The video had been of no use at all. The entire thirty six minutes were on mute and didn’t give anything…
Thirty six??
Hadn’t the transcript been for forty two minutes?
You scrolled back to the files. Yes. The transcript had been for forty two minutes. You checked the transcripts for other videos. You also checked the starting and ending times in case the videos had started recording after the interviews had begun. But in all videos, the doctors had walked in after the recording had started.
These transcripts were fake. The videos had been muted to prevent anyone from cross verifying these facts. A shiver went down your spine. You had clearly stumbled upon something much deeper at play here. 
These were treacherous waters and you had to wade through them carefully.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Drabble Game Masterlist
This masterlist has all the prompts from the @youxidol​ drabble game I started back when I first made this account. Thanks to the help of others, and my constant checking back to this list, I’ve completed this entire list! 
“I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating” - Dance Practice Jaebum (GOT7)
“Deal with it.” - Worse Than A Wink Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“This was my mother/father’s” - Someone Special Mingyu (SVT)
“I’m not angry it’s just my face” - Smile For Me Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You’re cute, can I keep you?” - Aren’t I Yours? Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back” - Aren’t I Yours? Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“Live, Laugh, love. If that doesn’t work then load, aim, fire” - Mission Kang Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I’m not going anywhere” - Back For Good Chanyeol (EXO)
“I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands” - Limits Ten (NCT)
“Don’t make me laugh I’m trying to be mad at you” - Charmed Lee Joon (MBLAQ/K-Actor)
“You can stay but your clothes must go” - Torment Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“I love you even if you fart in your sleep” - An Unwanted First Mark (GOT7)
”Lets cuddle so I can steal your body heat” - Break Down Jinhwan (IKON)
“I made you a cookie but I ate it” - Consolation Prize Sehun (EXO)
“There was never really anyone else.” - Intrigued Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“That’s starting to get annoying” - Wrong Number Changkyun (MONSTA X)
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” - Nightmare Daehwi (WANNA ONE)
“You can’t just sit there all day.” - Your Neighbour Jaebum (GOT7)
“I’m too sober for this.” - The Morning After Jaebum (GOT7)
“I’m not here to make friends.” - An Exception Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I need a place to stay.” - Call the Shots Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” - Banish Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“I lost our baby.” - Broken Baby Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.” - Remind Me Minseok (EXO)
“You’re Satan.” - Havoc Jaebum (GOT7)
“Did you just hiss at me?” - Love Bites Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN)
“Do you really need all that candy?” - Be Mine Daehwi (AB6IX)
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.” - Excessive Taekwoon (VIXX)
“Take your medicine.” - Caught You Minhyuk (CNBLUE)
“Welcome to fatherhood.” - Finally Jisung (WANNA ONE)
“It’s your turn to make dinner.” - Chef’s Kitchen Song Yunhyeong (iKON)
“The kids, they ambushed me.” - A Simple Question Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Stop being so cute.” - Dance Practice Jaebum (GOT7)
“I feel like I can’t breathe.” - Thankful Jinyoung (GOT7)
“You need to see a doctor.” - Finally Jisung (WANNA ONE)
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!” - The Special Outfit Sehun (EXO) 
“You smell like a wet dog.” - Hair Attack Jinyoung  (GOT7)
“I could punch you right now.” - Bloom Hakyeon (VIXX)
“Are you going to talk to me?” - Sweeter Daehyun (B.A.P)
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?” - An Offer Chanyeol (EXO)
“Here, take my blanket.” - Friday Night Sungjin (Day6)
“I don’t want you to stop.” - Magic Touch Hanbin (IKON)
“How could I ever forget about you?” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.” Entangled Hearts Taekwoon (VIXX)
“We need to talk.” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“I want a pet.” - Pawsed Shownu (MONSTA X)
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” - Just Smile! Onew (SHINee)
“Don’t argue. Just do it.” Sickeningly Sweet Park Hyungsik (K-ACTOR)
“Does he/she know about the baby?” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.” - Out of Options Bobby (IKON)
“Tell me you need me.” - Fluster Xiumin (EXO)
“I don’t love you anymore.” - What If Junhoe (IKON)
“Why do you hate me?” - Flutter Baekho (NUEST)
“You’re a monster.” - Reading Abilities Wonwoo (SVT)
“Don’t leave me…” - Voice of Reason Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Don’t die on me– Please.“- Testing Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I never meant to hurt you.” - Kiss It Better Jun (SVT)
“Are you upset with me?” - Loyal Jung Haein (Actor)
“Why did you spare me?” - Forsaken Park Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I’m dying.” - Testing Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I wish i’d never met you.“ - Human Nature Jeonghan (SVT)
“There was never an us.” - An Opportunity Ten (NCT)
“I’m sick.” - Love Sick Namjoon (BTS)
“I came to say goodbye.” - Human Nature Jeonghan (SVT)  
“I don’t deserve to be loved.” - Worthy Kihyun (MONSTA X)
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” - Destination Jongin (EXO)
“I need a hug.” - Lost and Found Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Can I kiss you right now?” - Lip Treatment Sehun (EXO)
“Lets have a baby.” Don’t Forget Me! Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“It’s lonely here without you.” - Do It All Minseok (EXO)
“Shut up and kiss me already.” - Always Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Is that my shirt?” - Striped Shirt Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“They’re going to love you, don’t worry!” - First Impressions Onew (SHINee)
“Oh, Are you ticklish?” - Sensitive Jaebum (GOT7)
“I could kill you right now!” - Compatible Hakyeon (VIXX)
“Just pretend to be my date.” - Fake Date Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” - Sophie’s Moving This Castle Taeyong (NCT)
“How long have you been standing there?” - A Simple Question Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” - The Distance Daehwi (WANNA ONE)
“I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” - Clumsy Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I fell in love with my best friend.” - Replay Hakyeon (WANNA ONE)
“I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” - Power Suit Sehun (EXO)
“We finish it the same way we started—together.” - Building Memories Jongdae (EXO)
“You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” - Made With Love Mark (GOT7)
“You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” - Stubborn Jinyoung (GOT7)
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” - Test of Love Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” - Not Thinking Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Can I hold your hand?” - Kiss Me Again Youngjae (B.A.P)
“Let’s move in together.”- Escape Ravi (VIXX)
“Bite me.” - Compassion Yongguk (B.A.P)
“Do you like it when I touch you like that?” - Tune Chanyeol (EXO)[mature]
“Want to head back to my place and have a little fun?” - Deal Hakyeon (VIXX)
“The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.” - Delicious Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“You have no idea what you do to me.” - Fluster Xiumin (EXO)
“Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.” - Movie Night Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“Come here, I’ll give you a hug.” - Kiss It Better Jun (SVT)
“Don’t let me go.” - Hugs Hongbin (VIXX)
“You seemed sad, so I bought you flowers.” - Eyes For You Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I will sit here all day if I have to.” - Out of Options Bobby (IKON)
“Don’t make me say it.” - Kiss Me Again Youngjae (B.A.P)
“Do you want to leave?” - The Book That Started It All Jungshin (CNBLUE)   
“I made your favourite for tea.” - Cooking Duties Minho (SHINee)
“It’s okay, I’m here.” - Do My Best Namjoon (BTS)
“Would it be okay if I kissed you?” - Power Suit Sehun (EXO)
“I never cared about anyone as much as I care about you.” - Love Sick Namjoon (BTS)
“Now, now, I’m here, it’s alright.” - Lost and Found Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Come for a drive with me.” - As Long As It Takes Jaebum (GOT7)  
“I swear to God, if you start singing.” - His Vocal Promise Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Will you ever stop looking so gorgeous cause I think it’s gonna be the cause of my death…” - Torment Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“If I could pick on person in this room to put through a wall right now, it would be you,but I would do it with love.” - Like Me Hyuk (VIXX)
“If I got paid for everytime I caught you staring at me then looking away, I would be Tony Stark by now.” - You Know Me? Chanyeol (EXO)
“But what if we wake someone up?” - Another Game Baekhyun (EXO)
“I wish I could just build a couch right here right now and watch movies with you while cuddling.” - Best Seat In The House Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“You remind me of the grouch from Sesame Street because you are a grumpy asshole but I still love you.” - Love Standards Kihyun (MONSTA X) 
“Is that a pile of my t-shirts I see in your room?” - T-shirt Thief Youngjae (B.A.P)
“I get jealous easily,okay? You can’t blame me for it!” - Jealousy Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Don’t bite that lip.” - Kiss Me Jackson (GOT7)
“Make a portrait of me.” - Artistry Yongguk (B.A.P)
“I just really need to talk to you.” - That’s It? Changkyun (MONSTA X)
“Are you sure this is legal?” - Under The Stars BamBam (GOT7)
“You’re so infuriating.” - Demanding Minho (SHINee)
“Promise me, that you won’t tell anyone.” - You, Idiot Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
“You look good in my clothes.” - Demanding Minho (SHINee )
“I hate that I can’t hate you.” - An Exception Jinyoung (GOT7)
“It’s over!” - The Book That Started It All Jungshin (CNBLUE)
“So, that’s it? You’re just going to walk away?” - Fool of Compromise Sehun (EXO)
“I can’t lose you. You’re all I have.” - Rainbow Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” - Just An Hour More Jungkook (BTS)
“Please, forgive me.” - Bothered Scoups (SVT)
“Why? Because I love you. That’s why!” - Love Diet Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
“I get tired of waiting.” - Boys and Girls Daehwi (AB6IX)
“I miss you, so much. It hurts.” - Two Year Wait Jaejoong (JYJ)
“I’ll never forget you.” - Just An Hour More Jungkook (BTS)
“You are safe in my arms.” Secure Sehun (EXO)
“You are as radiant as the sun.” Radiant Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Stop being so adorable.” - Made With Love Mark (GOT7)
“Let me take care of you.” - Be Mine Minseok (EXO)
“Are you taking another picture of me?” - Photos Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“I love the way you laugh, it’s cute.” - Cute Jonghyun (CNBLUE)
“How about some breakfast in bed?” - Birthday Cheese Changmin (TVXQ)
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” - One Day Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“My favourite person in the world is standing right in front of me.” - Worthy Kihyun (MONSTA X)
“You make me feel the happiest I’ve ever been.” - Back Again Mark (GOT7)
“I am so lucky to have you.” - Back Again Mark (GOT7)
“Come and dance with me.” - Not Just A Wallflower Yugyeom (GOT7)
“You are as beautiful as the night sky.” - Universe Hyunsik (BTOB)
“Is it a bad time to say that I really want to kiss you right now?” - Schedule Chen (EXO)
“I like to think we’re more than ‘just friends’.” - More Than Park Hyungsik (K-ACTOR)
“I’m trying to cheer you up.” - Reconciliation Jaebum (Got7)
“They may not understand you, but I do.” - Cloudy With A Chance Of Sunshine Youngjae (GOT7)
“Scoot over. I wanna sit next to you.” - This Seat’s Taken Jackson (GOT7)
“I will fight you.” - Love and War Shownu (MONSTA X)
“If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.” - Enjoying the Summer where your lives changed (NU’EST)
“I don’t want to hurt you.” - Invested Baekhyun (EXO)
“It’s 3 am, what do you want?!” - Rested Taemin (SHINee)
“I think it’s time for you to go to bed.” - Who’s Surprised? Baekhyun (EXO)
“You’re not scared of the dark are you?” - Birthday Horrors Mark (GOT7)
“You’re not alone, I’m right here.” - Always Here Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Why are you on the floor?” - Well Played BamBam (GOT7)
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” - Drunken Confession Jaebum (GOT7)
“Stay in the dark.” - Down By The Lake Daehyun / Yongguk (B.A.P)
“Come into the light.” - The Devil Contained Jaebum (GOT7)
“Oh I didn’t realize you’re dead.” - Heaven Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I just got out of the shower and you want me to dance.” - Premature Jackson (GOT7)
“I wasn’t gonna offer anyway. It’s all for me.” - All For You Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You’re calling that jealousy? Believe me, if you can still use your legs, I’m not being jealous.” - Mixed Signals Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” - Birthday Kiss Jinyoung (B1A4)
“Nothing’s wrong with you.” A Dramatic Start Minhyun (NUEST)
“Please open the door and talk to me.” - Fundamental Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“What if I told you I felt the same way?” - Still Constant Park Hyungsik (K-drama actor)
“You’re mine. I don’t share.” - Be Mine Minseok (EXO)
“Don’t I know you?” - Reconnected Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I’m going to ruin your fucking life.” - Fundamental Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“You are as radiant as the sun.”
“What if i just break his nose a lil’?” - Who Told You To Protect Me? Haechan (NCT)
“Stop pretending you’re okay, because I know you’re not.” - No More Goodbyes Donghyuk (iKON)
“You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” - Mistaken Mark (GOT7)
“You’ve never been touched?” - Under The Stars BamBam (GOT7)
“Please, just breathe.” - Are You Annoyed? Ahn Hyoseop (Actor)
“Have you been crying?” - Are You Annoyed? Ahn Hyoseop (Actor)
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the person I just confessed my love to.” - Clarity Jinyoung (GOT7)
“We’d make such a cute couple.” - What Happens Next? Namjoon (BTS)
“It’s been three weeks, let it go already.” - Petulant Jinyoung (GOT7)
“First one to make a noise loses.” - Challenging Silence Sehun (EXO)
“We can’t have one nice moment can we?” - Down By The Lake Daehyun / Yongguk (B.A.P)  
“You don’t have to answer right away, I’d wait an eternity for you.” - To Be Continued Brian (Day6)  
“Yup, your ribs are broken.” - Well Played BamBam (GOT7)
“I literally expect nothing and that’s still too much.” - A Little More Than Nothing Kihyun (Monsta X)
“You’re gone… I watched you disappear…” - The Price of Freedom Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You didn’t text me back, so I’m here” - Working Together Lee Jong Suk
“Why won’t they wake up?” - More Than A Lifetime Shownu (MONSTA X)
“Please don’t look at me…” - Do My Best Namjoon (BTS)
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” - Reassurance Hyunsik BTOB
“I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not with you.” - To Be Continued Brian (Day6)
“Join me in the shower?” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)  
 "I’ll hunt you down if I have to.” - Ample View Bobby (IKON)
“I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” - Too Vivid Jaehwan (VIXX)
“So… we just did that.” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Sorry if I made you cry.” - The Catch Jaebum (GOT7)
“Pardon my french but who the fuck is that?” - Uninvited Himchan (B.A.P)
“We should go somewhere. Just the two of us. How does that sound?” - Destination Jongin (EXO)
“This is where I belong, it seems.” - Home Yoo Youngjae (B.A.P)
 “Do you expect me to carry you all the way?” - Maybe Park Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Mine.” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
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