#got a MAJOR win at work today
whentherewerebicycles · 4 months
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theworldgate · 1 year
I have to explain what is going on in the UK, because it is absurd.
So, this is Gary Lineker:
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He's known for a fair few things over here. He was a very good (association) footballer, playing for England in the 1986 and 1990 World Cups, winning the Golden Boot in 1986, and managing to never get a single yellow card in his playing career. He played for Leicester City, Everton, Barcelona, and Tottenham, before finishing his career in Japan. But if you aren't in your mid 30s, you probably know actually know him him for a couple of other things. The first is the role of spokesman for another Leicester icon, Walkers Crisps (which are sort of equivalent to Lays, but hit different), as pictured above. Despite being a notably clean player, he used to play a cheeky serial crisp thief. I don't think he's done that for well over a decade, but his ads were on the telly a lot when I was a kid and it's a bit like learning that the hamburglar was an incredibly clean (American) football player or something.
The second thing Gary is widely known for is having presented Match of the Day, the big football program on the BBC, the sort-of state broadcaster, since 1999. He is, incidentally, very well paid for this (though with a consensus that he could get even more if he went to one of the non-free-to-view broadcasters because he is very good at the job). He also has a twitter account. And political opinions. So, the UK government has got itself dead set upon doing heinous stuff that will totally somehow work to prevent people who want to come to the UK making the perilous crossing of the Channel (between England and France). By heinous, I mean "openly advertise that they won't attempt to protect victims of modern slavery" stuff. It's very obviously using a legal hammer to victimise a marginalised group of people in order to win votes. And, uh, I should clarify that by "legal" I mean "using the passage of laws" - the policy is, in addition to all the other ways it's awful, probably incompatible with the Human Rights Act and the UK's international law obligations. Gary, top lad that he is, objected to this. On Tuesday 7th March, he made a quote Tweet of a video of the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, bigging up the policy, he wrote "Good heavens, this is beyond awful.". This got a bunch of backlash from extremely right-wingers, and then he made the tweet that really got him in trouble (with right-wingers): "There is no huge influx. We take far fewer refugees than other major European countries. This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s, and I’m out of order?".
Now, I am not actually subjecting myself to watching a video of Suella Braverman bigging up a cruel policy to say whether the specific comparison of the language to 1930s Germany is accurate. But needless to say, Ms Braverman was amongst the many figures on the right of UK politics objecting to Gary's rhetoric. And here's the part where a fact about the BBC comes in: it is nominally neutral and impartial (and so, of course, is routinely accused of bias from all sides but particularly the right-wing), and has something of a code for its contributors to this effect. Now, that code has previously been applied to Gary Lineker, over a comment about whether governing Conservative Party would hand back donations from figures linked to the Russian regime. But it generally hasn't been applied too strongly to people like Gary, whose roles have nothing to do with politics (such as presenting a "here's what happened on the footie today" show), on the basis that, well, their roles have nothing to do with politics. However, when directly asked about whether the BBC should punish Gary Lineker for his tweets, government figures basically went "well, that's a them problem". But a couple of days passed, and it seemed like Gary's approach of "standing his ground because he did nothing wrong" was working and everything would die down. He was set to get 'a talking to' but not much more than that. The Conservative right, after all their fire and fury earlier, had gotten bored and moved onto something else. And then, on Friday 10th March, the BBC announced that he would be suspended from hosting Match of the Day this weekend. But it could still go ahead, because there are, like, other hosts! Except, well, funnily enough, when you take a beloved figure off air, for making a fairly anodyne tweet, no one wants to be the scab who actually takes up the role of replacing him. Gary's two co-hosts, Alan Shearer and Ian Wright, said that they would not appear without him. People who (co-)host Match of the Day on other days followed suit. The net result is that Match of the Day is currently set to air without hosts, BBC commentary, or global feed commentary. And the solidarity shown to Gary Lineker, over what is very flagrantly actual cancel culture and an attack on freedom of speech (the logic implied is that institutional impartiality requires that no one say anything too critical of the government ever), has continued to grow. The BBC has pretty much been unable to run pretty much any live sports content today, and has resorted to raiding the BBC Sounds archive to fill the sports radio channel. And, as of 17:30 on Saturday 11th March, the situation shows no signs of improvement, though some are calling for the Chairman Richard Sharp, who is separately facing corruption allegations, to resign (yes I linked to the BBC itself there, there is nothing, nothing, the BBC loves more than going into great detail about how much the BBC sucks).
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orcelito · 2 years
need 2 reignite the mental illness for akechi. gotta pspspsp my brain. like "dont look over there! look over here!"*insert pic of Him*
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nats--sw · 9 days
Gold chain (pt2) | Leah Williamson
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Leah, among other things, can be a bit of a distraction for your game… but just a bit. warnings: none, just fluff and slow burn note: a short one for today,, thanks for all the love in the pt1 :( pt1 - pt3 my masterlist
It had been three days since Leah had received the Instagram notification. Every morning, she took a moment to think about whether it was a good idea to text you or not. So far, you had liked her latest post, and Leah was hoping to return the gesture, but unfortunately for her you hadn't posted anything new since your picture holding the Roland Garros trophy. Not even a story she could react to. Nothing. 
“So... how's it going?” her mother asked that afternoon. Leah had gone to visit her, finding herself with more free time now that the season had ended, not much to do aside from the occasional interview and events, nothing too physically demanding for her.
“Well, I have an interview with the BBC in a couple of days, so that's keeping me busy” Leah said, pacing around the dining room, her eyes wandering over the photographs on one of her mother’s many shelves.
“I'm not talking about work. I'm talking about your girl!” Amanda shouted from the kitchen.
"Stop calling her that. I still can't believe you embarrassed me in front of her” Leah retorted. Just then, something over the fireplace caught her attention. 
Right in the center, where her picture holding up the Euro usually was, now stood a small transparent box. Inside was your autographed tennis ball. Leah picked up the box and couldn't help but smile at the sight of your signature, along with a smiley face.
“Hey, leave that there” her mother scolded as she entered the dining room with the two plates of food for dinner. 
“This should be mine, I'm her fan,” Leah said, fiddling with the box in her hand.
“Did you help Y/N win her trophy?” her mother retorted.
“Well, I got you there in the first place” Leah defended herself, placing the box back in its spot.
"Too bad that gift was given to me. If you want a ball, ask her for it." Amanda teased.
“You're my mother. You should be nicer to me.” Leah countered, taking a seat. 
"Yes, I am your mother, but I didn't raise a coward," Amanda said with a teasing smile. “Now eat”
Leah bit her lip nervously as she stared at her phone screen. The chat with you was open, and a picture of the autographed ball at her mother’s house was ready to be sent.
God, why was she so nervous? She had captained the England women's team to their first major title in history, yet now she was afraid to send a simple message.
“Screw it,” she muttered, hitting send.
“My mom won't let me touch the ball you gave her.”
Leah panicked as soon as the text was sent and quickly locked her phone. She glanced at her watch, it was past eleven o’clock at night, and she didn’t even know where in the world you were right now. The best thing to do was to go to bed and try not to think about the message. Maybe, if she was lucky, you would read it and respond in the morning. 
Within half an hour Leah was in bed, with her ipad in her lap, checking emails. Suddenly, her phone vibrated.
She had tossed it onto the bed ten minutes ago, and now it was lost somewhere among the sheets and the pile of pillows she had. She rummaged around looking for the phone, but couldn't find it, that was until her foot got tangled in the sheets, causing her to tumble to the floor. That's when she saw her phone, on the edge of the bed, covered by a pillow.
Without bothering to get up from the floor, she grabbed the phone and smiled when she saw the notification: a message from you.
“Aww, I seriously thought she would give it to you.”
Would it be too intense if she responded immediately? 
Leah decided to go for it. “My mother is not that kind of mother,” she typed and sent the message, then relaxed as she saw you had immediately read it. The bubble with three dots appeared instantly, confirming you wanted to keep the conversation going.
"Ah, my mother is similar. I understand," you replied.
Leah was taken by surprise when the next message popped up.
“What are you doing at this hour?”
She realized she was still sprawled on the floor of her room. She got up, climbed back into bed, and opened the first streaming app she saw on her ipad, choosing an old movie she had been trying to watch for days. She took a picture, making sure to show only the ipad and part of the bed, then sent it to you.
“Watching something.”
Leah shook her head,feeling like a teenager sending things like that. It reminded her of what she used to do years ago. But she wanted to sound interesting to you. What would you think of her if you knew she was actually just checking emails and watching old football matches, trying to figure out if she could play like she used to?
"What about you? I don't even know what time zone you're in."
“I’m in Italy, just an hour difference :)”
"Resting. Back to my workouts tomorrow."
"Oh, right. What’s next for you now? Berlin?"
This time Leah was surprised to see that your response was not a text, but a voice message. She hesitated before playing it, then hit the button and heard your voice.
“Wow look at you, you really are a fan,” you said in a teasing tone. Leah blushed immediately. She couldn't send you a voice message because she was sure she would get too nervous. Leah Williamson, the same woman who had spoken at the UN months ago, now felt like a schoolgirl with a crush.
She took a deep breath and replied:
“Of course I am. I’ve watched almost all your matches since Wimbledon last year. I told you I was your fan when I met you. My mother made sure to emphasize that too.”
“I just thought it was to flatter me if I'm being honest... Not that I'm that self-centered, but it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.”
Leah could tell you were walking during the last voice message; there was background noise. You obviously weren't in a room.
“Where are you at this hour?”
The next thing Leah received was a photo of a couple of tennis courts. From the angle and the small table with a glass of water, she deduced that you were sitting a few feet away from the courts.
“I thought you were training from tomorrow?”
"On grass. The grass court season starts soon. Now I was just playing with my racket.” You explained in the message. Leah didn't have a chance to respond before receiving another voice message from you. "But it's getting late now, and I need to rest up for tomorrow's training session. Say hi to your mom for me please." 
"Of course, have a good rest," Leah replied, understanding the importance of proper rest for training sessions, especially during the season.
Days had flown by since that chat, and Leah was getting antsy. She was really hoping you'd reach out first this time, just to ease her mind that she wasn't bothering you. But as she sat at Alex's place,  enjoying a glass of wine over dinner before going out, she couldn't help but feel a bit silly constantly checking her phone for a message that never came.
As far as Leah knew you had already arrived in Berlin for the upcoming Open, not because you told her, but because she'd seen some snapshots of you during training sessions thanks to some tennis websites she followed.
Leah didn't know it, but your mind was fully consumed by the upcoming tournament with Wimbledon just around the corner. It was the topic of discussion throughout your entire day: grass, Berlin, Wimbledon, Leah no, wait, focus on that WTA ranking.
"Ready?" Lucas, your coach, asked, checking his watch. It was the last day before the tournament started.
"Huh?" You looked up, putting your phone down.
Lucas gave you a concerned look. "You okay? You've seemed kinda spaced out for a few days now."
You shook your head, trying to brush it off. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."
"Is something up? You look kinda off," Lucas took a seat next to you, his concern evident in his expression. “You're not hiding some injury from me?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine, just tired” you lied, standing up and glancing at your phone once more. Lucas caught your glance.
"Don't tell me there's a girl," he said, rubbing his temples.
"What?! No! Of course not!"
"God, I knew it. It's that Italian girl, isn't it? I saw you chatting with her at the hotel."
"That was a waitress, Lucas. I'm serious, there's no one," you said, grabbing your bag from the floor. "I've got my priorities straight."
"Good. What you have to worry about now is Berlin. Remember, Wimbledon's around the corner" said Lucas, standing up and grabbing his bag. "If you want, after that tournament, you can sleep with whoever you want, Italian or not. But for now, you must keep your eyes on the grass. Okay?"
The next morning, as you sat down for breakfast, Leah's face caught your eye while scrolling through your Instagram feed. She had posted some photos, seemingly from a night out. 
It struck you how you hadn't come across Leah until the Roland Garros final; she seemed like an incredible person. You had even done a quick Google search when you first started following her on Instagram, impressed by her contributions to her sport back home.
It wasn't your fault that your family never showed much interest in football, so it wasn't surprising that you couldn't recognize any of the people beside Leah in those pictures. In the final photo, Leah was wearing a top that exposed her abdomen, wow, with a hand from someone you didn't recognize resting on her waist.
“Hmm?” You quickly tapped on the tag on the other woman's body. Her Instagram profile revealed that she was a football player too. Leah was in many of her photos, often seen next to her or hugging her. 
“Hey, Y/N” Lucas intervened, taking the phone from your hand and turning off the screen. “I've been trying to get your attention for minutes, your match starts in an hour.”
You nodded your head. Lucas didn't seem to notice the tension in your jaw, you tended to be serious before matches, so it wasn't unusual.
As you warmed up on the court, your mind couldn't shake the thoughts about Leah.
"Who was that other woman?"
"It doesn't matter. Leah is just a fan, maybe a friend, not someone you're going to marry."
"Exactly. Whether she has a partner or not shouldn't affect anything."
"But I couldn't help but find her cute."
"She's undeniably beautiful."
"Focus on Wimbledon."
Despite the game starting, your mind continued its internal debate.
Your opponent secured the first game at 40-0. Now it was your turn to serve. Just as you tossed the ball into the air, a nagging thought intruded again.
“Does she have a girlfriend?”
The ball hit the net. An irritated sigh escaped your mouth, knowing you had to make this serve count, aiming to avoid a double fault.
Shaking off the distracting thought, you prepared for another attempt. Gazing ahead, you focused on your opponent's movements, determined to regain control of the match.
"Her mother played matchmaker when we met," you mumbled to yourself, the distraction causing you to miss the hit once more. This time, it sailed over the net but landed wide, giving your opponent an unexpected point.
Even your opponent seemed surprised by the unforced error you just made, giving her a point without any effort on her part.
"I need to find out who she is," you muttered under your breath, feeling the pressure with each lost point.
Your serve had enough power behind it this time, but your return lacked precision, sending the ball flying into the stands. As the ball sailed out, your opponent glanced at you in disbelief, clearly surprised by the unforced error you had just made.
"Wälti, that was her name," you murmured to yourself, the name lingering in your mind like a persistent echo. 
With the score now at 40-15, your opponent was on the verge of breaking your serve.
You needed to get rid of the doubt, but you couldn't leave the game, you weren't that crazy. But you could do something else, win the game in record time. Focus on winning to satisfy your curiosity and anxiety. You adjusted the gold chain that hung around your neck and took a deep breath. You had to hurry.
The match ended 0-2, with you taking the sets at 2-6 and 1-6. Your best result on grass.
"Where'd that come from?" Lucas asked once you were alone. "Since when is your backhand so killer on grass?" he wondered. "I've never seen you pull off moves like that on grass."
"Just got inspired," you said, tossing your visor aside and slumping into the chair. "Can I have my phone now?" Lucas hadn't given it back to you yet, not as a punishment, but because you'd asked him to keep it. 
Lucas handed it over, eyeing you. "You're keeping something from me," he noted, scratching his beard. "But if it's what's making you play like a champ, I'm all for it," he said, grinning.
You brushed off your coach's voice, fingers darting to your Instagram. With a few taps, you found Leah's chat, eager to shoot her a message.
"Heyyy! How was your night?" you typed, your leg bouncing with impatience. Though you needed to hit the shower, the excitement of hearing from Leah consumed you.
"Hope you're not feeling too rough today; starting the week hungover would be nasty," you added, fingers hovering over the screen in anticipation. But as the moments passed, there was still no response from Leah, leaving you hanging in suspense.
A cold shower seemed like the perfect remedy to clear your mind, and thankfully, it did the trick. Lucas egging you on for extra drills, especially to fine-tune your backhand, also helped to distract you.
By dinner, any hope of hearing back from Leah had evaporated. You were so disinterested that you didn't even bother bringing your phone along. It wasn't until nearly ten, when you reached for your phone to set the alarm, that you noticed Leah's message—a voice message.
"Hey, fancy hearing from you!" Leah's voice chimed in, carrying that distinctive lilt that hinted at a potential afternoon spent dozing off. You could practically imagine her, wrapped up in blankets, nursing a post-party hangover. "Yeah, went out with some friends. We were celebrating the end of my mate's long-distance thing. Was fun, until they started getting all soppy, reminding me I'm the last single one in the group."
A groan slipped out before she continued, "I may have had a bit too much to drink," she confessed with a sheepish chuckle.
Those messages had been sent around 4 pm, while you were deep into your training session.
The rest of the voice messages were sent after 7 pm.
"What the heck was up with your game today?!" came the first, followed by a chuckle "Just watched the highlights of your match. Seriously, what did that poor player do to deserve such a thrashing from you? She ain't an ex, is she?"
Then, a last voice message added, "Sorry if that sounded a bit too nosy. Just curious, you know?"
You chuckled, enjoying the sound of Leah's accent. It had this magical way of making you grin like an idiot, even when you were just staring at your phone screen.
But now, what really mattered was Leah's relationship status, she was single, confirmed without even having to pry. Knowing she was single now seemed like a game-changer. Suddenly, that whole thing with Wälti didn't matter anymore, Leah's path was crystal clear. Not that you were planning to make any moves to win her over; that was definitely not on your agenda, at least not for now.
“Remember, Wimbledon”
Oh… the other thing that hit you: Leah truly proved herself to be your fan. It blew your mind that someone recovering from a hangover would bother to watch highlights of your match just to chat about it later. She was the first person to do that, apart from your coach or family.
"Hey, I'm free tomorrow, at least from the matches. What do you think if I call you tomorrow?" you typed, feeling a rush of anticipation mingled with nerves as you crawled into bed.
Before closing your eyes, you couldn't resist checking your phone one last time. And there it was, Leah's response: "Sure, call me anytime tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you."
With a grin stretching across your face, you drifted into the most peaceful sleep you've had in ages, feeling a sense of warmth and excitement settling deep within you.
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reiding-writing · 3 months
Cold!reader just looking in to spencers eyes just inches away from his face and saying "i feel things when im with you" after morgan called her ruler of all that is evil and stoic
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/məˈdʒɒrəti vəʊt/
morgan is convinced that you’re incapable of expressing human emotion, so you bring spencer in as backup to consolidate you.
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WARNINGS: fem!reader, jokes about lack of emotional vulnerability
spencer reid x cold!reader || fluff || 1.0k || series masterlist!!
a/n: on my productivity game rn 🫡 made this a little less on the nose but still the same vibes yk?
main masterlist!!
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“Well well, if it isn’t my favourite robot, get tired of the icy planes of your snow kingdom and decide to come into work early today?” Morgan laughs at his own humour as you walk around the bullpen towards your desk, swivelling his chair in your direction.
“The coffee shop I go to was closed.” You dump your messenger bag on your desk with a loud ‘thud’. Clearly missing your morning coffee had put a damper on your already unenthusiastic mood.
“So we can be expecting even less humanity from you today, got it,” He shoots you a thumbs up with a laugh as he watches you slump down in your chair with a huff, audibly finding entertainment in your misery.
“I am perfectly human thank you very much,” You shoot him a glare across the diagonal of your desks as you unpack your bag for the day and dump it on the floor by your feet.
“No offence, but I’ve seen more emotional vulnerability in a rock,” You groan internally at his response, dragging the palm of your hand down your face. It was too early to be having this debate.
Any time was too early to be having this debate. Why did people constantly feel like they had to bring up the fact that you weren’t open with yourself? If you didn’t know Morgan was being completely unserious you’re sure you would have smacked him by now.
“I am very in tune with my emotions, you can ask Reid.”
Morgan laughs at your comment like you’d just told him the moon was made of cheese. “Please, Reid would take your side even if it was you calling doctor who the worst tv show to ever air, his opinion is completely biased,”
“That is not true, Reid is very logical in his opinions,”
“Thank… You?” You turn your head at the new voice in the conversation, Spencer glancing between the two of you with a confused expression etched onto his face as he wrings the strap of his messenger bag between his hands.
“Reid. Perfect timing.” You get up from your seat with a start, ignoring the pale pink shade covering his cheeks at your compliment. He chooses to take it as a compliment anyway.
You stop a few feet in front of him with your arms crossed tight across your chest and a determined expression on your face. “I have emotions don’t I?”
“I- What?” He blinks at you blankly in response, your question coming completely out of left field and not helped by the fact you’d essentially bombarded him the second he walked into the office and was now invading in his personal space.
“That’s a leading question,” Morgan drawls out his words with a shake of his head. “Leading questions lead to inaccurate results Ice Queen, you’re a Psychologist you know this,”
“Be quiet.” You turn to hush Morgan with a sharp movement of your hands before turning back to Spencer again, the confusion on his face only growing the longer the interaction goes on. “You’ve seen me display multiple different emotions haven’t you?”
“I- …Yes?” Spencer doesn’t look any less confused as he answers your question, but you take it as a win anyway as you gesture outwards to Spencer with a triumphant glimmer in your eyes.
“There. Proof.”
“I already said Reid is an unreliable source,” Morgan rolls his eyes with an amused expression at much you’re going out of your way to prove him wrong.
“Two sources.” you wave your finger between yourself and Spencer. “That’s majority vote,”
“Biased majority vote,”
“Maybe you just need to accept the fact that you’re not as good of a profiler as you think you are,” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly.
“Hey woah now-”
Spencer continues to look between the two of you with absolutely zero idea of the context of the conversation, leaning slightly forward to speak over your shoulder to you. “….whats going on?”
“Nothing Reid, you’re fine,” You step to the side and encourage him forward with a hand on his arm, which he follows with no question despite still being entirely confounded at the situation, letting his bag fall to the floor as he takes a seat next to Morgan at his own desk.
“I’m still calling bias, that’s clear favouritism,” Morgan continues to stand his ground as you retake your own seat opposite Spencer, waving his finger at the two of you like a scolding parent.
“What’s favouritism?” Spencer tries to get insight on the conversation, but Morgan keeps his attention focused on shooting at you and not divulging why.
“It’s not favouritism, it’s fact.”
Morgan shakes his head with a huff, reclining back in his chair and crossing his arms. “It’s favouritism…” He was starting to loose his will to debate with you now, something you were definitely grateful about considering you’d now been arguing about your emotional state for over ten minutes.
“Sure sure whatever,” You wave Morgan off with a roll of your eyes, turning your attention to Spencer and giving him a short nod. “Thanks,”
He mirrored your nod with one of his own, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pressed into an awkward smile. “You’re welcome?”
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smutoperator · 5 months
Jeon Heejin x Male Reader
Tags: breeding, clitorial fingering, (lots of) cowgirl, creampie, failed facefuck, goddess, mating press, mythology, poolside, public nudity
Word count: 4000.
Santorini, Greece
Heejin's life had changed a lot in such a short span. Winning the lawsuit against her former company, reuniting with her old boss, joining a new group, and getting a new solo were all things that happened to her in under a year. But no memory became more ingrained in her mind than her trip to the beautiful Greek islands of Santorini. Heejin's time in the archipelago could only be described as something straight out of a movie, starting with the moment many people asked her and Jinsoul if they were a married couple due to their matching white dresses that caught people's attention. Filming season's greetings on a Greek island for a group named after a Greek goddess was the perfect fit after all.
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Today was one of the couple of free days her group had to enjoy Santorini before heading back to Korea. Haseul, Jinsoul, Kim Lip, and Choerry all went out right in the morning, but Heejin opted to stay in the lodge the group was staying in at the top of one of the many hills of Santorini, intending to enjoy the pool and relax. She took her orange bikini, sprayed plenty of sunscreen on her body, and laid in one of the chairs poolside. Her body was glowing under Helios. Heejin had never felt so confident before, just deciding to spend the whole day playing in the pool by herself, enjoying being all alone in such a cozy and spacious lodge with no eyes watching her.
Heejin loved the total privacy she was getting that day, so much so that she started getting bolder and thinking of things she had never done before. As the hours passed by, she stripped herself naked, laid on the chair, and just closed her eyes, taking a nice and relaxing nap with her bare body on display. However, she would suddenly be disrupted by some noise.
A shocked Heejin rushed to cover her intimate parts as she saw a man repairing one of those classic white-painted houses in Santorini, panicking at the thought of him seeing her naked. She wasn't told anyone was going to make any repairs close to the lodge, unleashing her anger at the man. "What are you doing? Stop looking at me, you pervert. What are you waiting for? Get out!" Heejin furiously yelled. The man climbed down the stairs as Heejin covered her boobs with her left hand. "Are you crazy?" he asked. Indeed, you had the right to be shocked much more than her, as you definitely weren't expecting your little job you got in Santorini during tourist season to deliver such an awkward experience as seeing a naked East Asian woman yelling at you.
Heejin looked petrified, biting her nails as her cheeks turned red out of embarrassment. But her naughtier side was also looking at the sights of a muscular guy whose body seemed sculpted by the gods Greece is so famous for. She thought of the whole scene all night, struggling to sleep. Heejin's thoughts were divided between feeling embarrassed for being seen naked or for her rude behavior towards the guy. As a new day arrived, Heejin surprisingly decided to stay at the lodge once again. "I'll catch you later," she told her groupmates, as her day started like the previous one, but this time with a major headache that permeated her thoughts.
Heejin walked towards the same place where the man was doing his repairs yesterday. Her heart raced the moment she saw you shirtless working on that beautiful house. She set her sights on you, watching how you perform your craft before heading in your direction. "Excuse me?" Heejin asked. "I'm here to say I'm sorry for yesterday; I wasn't aware someone would be in the vicinity," she continued. You didn't say a word to her, pretending not to understand what she said. A saddened Heejin just ended up walking back to her lodge as you kept working.
But she wasn't going to give up easily. Heejin decided she was going to bring the guy she had a crush on by any means. A goddess always gets what she wants, especially the goddess of love and beauty. Heejin found the company the repair guy worked for and sent them a request for work in the lodge. You felt dreaded when you got the call, as you knew it was the address from the woman who had rudely yelled at you, but you had to do the job. But as you arrived at the door and rang the bell, no one was there to answer.
For a moment, you almost thought it was a prank. What if that mad East Asian woman just wanted to take revenge on you for ignoring her? Knowing your company had a 30-minute tolerance policy, Heejin made you wait for nearly the whole time while she was inside the lodge, enjoying you desperately ringing the doorbell multiple times to no avail. She got herself ready, and just as time was about to expire, a familiar silhouette appeared at the door, wearing just a black robe as if she had just gotten out of the shower.
Heejin slowly dropped the robe as she walked through the door, unveling the same body that caused the whole scuffle a day ago. Up close, she was even more stark, beautiful from top to bottom, a goddess-esque beauty. As she walked the final steps towards the door, you could only contemplate every single part of her: her perfect hair, her lustful eyes, her small nose, her cute lips, her sexy collarbones, her perky little tits, her flat belly, her bare legs, and, most importantly, her tight trimmed pussy. Your eyes just moved involuntarly at this point, going toe to head, head to toe, multiple times as if they were looking at the incarnation of a goddess.
"You're crazy," was your first reaction as you smiled. Heejin laughed. "No, I'm Aphrodite," she replied, putting her right hand on your neck as she kissed you. The goddess of love, lust, beauty, passion, pleasure, and most importantly, procreation. Heejin took the initiative from the start, unbuttonning your shirt as she kept kissing you. As she fully took your shirt off, you pushed her body closer to yours, giving her your most passionate kiss yet and running your left hand into her ass.
Heejin placed her hands on your torso and shoved you in the direction of the pool where your first meeting had happened. For a girl of her size, she was surprisingly strong, to the point that you were starting to believe she was indeed a goddess. Once you two had reached poolside, Heejin shoved you once again, this time towards not a regular pool chair but a whole king-size bed waiting for the two of you. The bed wasn't there at any moment previously, serving as a gift from the gods to their little Aphrodite. You looked at her perfect body as you lied on it, the remaining clothes on your body vanishing the moment your back hit the mattress. Heejin slowly climbed on it, crawling on top of your body as she gave you more kisses.
Her smile was beautiful and had you at your weakest every time she showed it. Her mouth sucked yours in a way resembling that of a soul eater. Heejin moved down your body and licked your still flaccid shaft for the first time, instantly turning it into a hard, throbbing, erected pole. You tugged her hair as you watched her lick it, groaning as she closed your eyes and delivered a tongue sweep of your tip. Heejin laughed as you reacted to it, repeating the move a few times before inserting it in her warm mouth, sucking it slowly while softly grabbing the base with her left hand. Her eyes full of lust looked at you as she now had both hands working her magic on your dick, using the right hand to stroke it hard while the left one still held the base.
Heejin now moved faster, turning a quick succession of blowjobs into her first deepthroat of your instrument. She had you on the edge from the start, continuing to rapidly suck it with little care if you were going to last for long. She treated your cock like a lollipop, making pop sounds as she put it in and out of her mouth and slapping it on her model-esque face and her sexy tongue. You couldn't resist her fast-paced blowjob for long as you started thrusting upwards to pound her throat. Heejin just took the hands of your cock and enjoyed your attempt to reach the depths of her mouth, trying to take as long as she could before inevitably gagging as she coughed on your penis.
Right after, Heejin gave you another smile and went back to her quick sucking ways before climbing on top of you while never keeping her hands out of your cock, stroking it fast and hard. Another fast and sloppy blowjob followed suit, and then you slowly guided her head in and out of your shaft, hearing the sexy popping noises every time her mouth pulled out of it. You gave her a pair of facefucks that made her cough once more before you too were competing to see who was faster: her hands stroking down your cock or your cock hitting Heejin up her mouth.
"I wanna ride your cock," Heejin whispered to your ear as she got it ready with hard strokes that had you throbbing harder than ever. You laid your back on the bed and watched her body cover the sun on top of you before moving to a straight position where she started grinding her entrance on your shaft. "Yeah, yeah," she softly moaned as her folds rubbed the sides of your pole. Heejin moaned the hardest when your tip hit her clit, as you held your cock firmly by the base for her to better grind on it, moving it a bit forward as she started going up, in such a way that once she went down, Heejin now had it fully inserted in her pussy.
"AHHHHHH," Heejin moaned beautifully as you filled her insides. Her ride was very slow, but she could take it deep from the start. Her moans after the first were soft and out of breath; her open mouth and closed eyes looked so visually pleasing as she bounced on your cock. "Oh, fuck, fuck. Oh God, you're so huge," she continued as she spread her legs and you ran your hands in her sexy thighs. At first, you just passively enjoyed it and let Heejin do all the work, moaning at each thrust, before joining in and pounding her from below as well. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," Heejin moaned quickly before she regained her composure and increased the speed of her ride.
"Yes, rub my clit, touch my pussy," she said as you reached your left hand into her genitals. Now Heejin's ride had reached a new level as your thumb poked her clit while she kept bouncing. "Harder," you asked her, leading to more rapid moans as she picked up the pace. Heejin put her hands on your chest and moved closer to you as you took the opportunity to kiss her while giving her pussy fast and hard poundings that quickly had her screaming, leading Heejin to react with a laugther as she coped with the sudden heat in her hole. She kept herself collected and switched to a slower pace, firmly scratching her nails on your chest and kissing you before going back to her original straightening position, keeping her body away from you and leaving you as just a spectator for her pleasure.
"Such a nice big cock; make me feel it deep," Heejin ordered in whispers as she continued to ride it. Her moans increased the tune; a few ahs were replaced by many yeses, and finally a loud "OHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK" that she screamed as if she were singing a high note. You tried once again to take advantage of her and pounce, but she was ready and just moved a little forward to keep moving as if nothing had happened. You tried to put your hands on her neck, but that didn't slow her down at all, having the opposite effect as she made sure you would now groan at each bounce.
"OH MY GODDDDD," Heejin finally showed some vulnerability, and you were finally able to strike, hitting her cunt fast and deep as her mouth opened to the fullest with her body tilting towards your chest and her screaming her lungs out right at your left ear. Heejin clings to you as you grab her from behind, and you too have a romantic makeout. She switches sides as she now faces the beautiful Aegean Sea in the background. "Yes, please give me your cock," she demands, ready for a new round of riding, but not before you slap it multiple times on her thorbbing vaginal lips, playing hide and seek with your shaft, eventually resting it under her ass as she grinds her folds on it once more. She moans as your tip goes in and you spread her cheeks for another ride, starting slowly before you spank her ass and ask her to go harder.
Heejin obliges, and with her body fully lined up against yours, she furiously rides your dick, giving you no rest whatsoever. Heejin may be the goddess, but now she's the one worshipping your divine cock. "Come on, faster," you demand of her with a big spank in her ass. Heejin goes harder, bouncing on you like a maniac as you now grab her by the waist. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screams the moment you put her ride to a halt and attack her cunt full speed, only stopping to slap her butt before you give her pussy another fast attack to the point your cock slips out of it. After this burst gets you tired, Heejin now tops you with her toes on top of her thighs, but you quickly answer back, making her cute little feet tremble as you shake her base. "DON'T STOP," she demands as you give her your biggest strike, making her skin red as she gets out of breath and recoupling herself with a slow and passionate ride aftewards as you suck her perky little tits.
"My clit yes, please," she says once again as you duck your hands under her entrance and fingers her with your penis still inside her stretched babyhole. "Yeah," Heejin moans as you circle around it, even touching your own shaft in the process. Your movements now increase as you make sure to stimulate the whole surface of her clitoris. The way she still manages to bounce on your dick makes it even hotter. Her pussy gets wetter as you increase the stimulation and attack her insides with your cock once again, just resting her head down in the bed as her cunt gets destroyed. Her ass gets slapped once more as you pull out of her and let her now take turns giving you a hot ride with her body tilted to her left before taking yet another massive pounding that makes her cheeks clap, spreading her ass as you strike once more and make her let out crying-esque moans.
Overwhelmed by your length, Heejin has to slow down. And wow, she really loves the cowgirl position, taking you once again on it, but this time in reverse, putting her hands on your belly as you look at her sexy back and soft ass, but not before doing her classic pole-grinding moves on your dick. "OHHHH," you groan. "AHHHH," she groans as your cock goes back inside her tight little slit. This time, Heejin goes for a very elongated ride, almost taking your cock completely out of her pussy at the top. "Slow and deep, slow and deep," she repeats to herself, already out of breath and giving out angelic moans each time she reaches the bottom of your massive member.
"Yes, rub my pussy just like that," Heejin demands as you return to stimulate her folds, catching her by surprise to the point your cock slips out of her hole, which Heejin quickly corrects. "Keep going, keep going; work your hands in my beautiful goddess pussy," she says. You give Heejin no rest, plowing her pussy fast with both hands now on her clit, spreading it wide open for the whole world to see as her juices coat your cock. Her clit is now harder than your dick, and her nipples are fully erect as she lets out more soft screams as you take her over the moon with your fast-paced poundings.
You pull out and keep teasing her erogenous zones, circling around her nipples and rubbing your tip on Heejin's throbbing clit before putting your cock back inside her. "Shit, yes, yes, yes," she says as you give her little pumps that hit her insides, before increasing the pace as you grab her legs. "Oh, you fuck me so good!" she exclaims, her little tits bouncing at each fucking. "Rub this pussy," you order her as she starts frenetically rubbing her clit. "Please make me cum," she says as her legs clench and she lacks the strength to continue riding before recomposing herself and taking it slowly, giving your tip a great treat as it hits the hood of your clit. Heejin changes her motion with long and deep bounces at moderate speed before you start clapping your balls hard in her entrance.
"Oh, please eat my pussy; just eat my pussy," she says as she sits it on your face with her hands on your belly. "Ride my face," you order her as Heejin starts to move, holding hands with you as you lick her hard-pounded cunt. "Good boy," she praises you as she goes down for the 69, taking it deep until she coughs and spits on your penis. You slap her ass a bit, as she now has her mouth full of your balls, going fast on your dick and slapping it on your tongue. You fuck her face hard on top of you, to which she laughs, as you now grab her perky tits as well. Heejin jerks off your cock more before she gives another order. "Please fuck my mouth," she says.
You grab Heejin's hair, tying it up so her beautiful face doesn't have anything standing between it and your big cock. You start slow as Heejin also bobs her head. It turns out her mouth isn't her pussy, as an upside-down Heejin coughs all over your cock and struggles to even take it halfway in. She tries to adjust, but a quick pounding already has saliva flying all over her mouth as she bubbles on your dick. Heejin tries to smile, but she is clearly overwhelmed, instead getting on her knees and gently jerking your cock as she gives you a cute kiss.
"Fuck me from behind," she tells you as you get out of bed. Her pussy looks very stretched out and extremely wet as you spread her cheeks. Like usual, you rub your thobbing tip on Heejin's similarly thobbing inner lips and insert it first just to tease her before pulling it out. It seems like the entire blood of Heejin's body now flows to her cunt, as just a simple touch in her vaginal area makes her moan. You continue to tease her with the tip-fucking, not committing your full length, as just a quarter of your cock inside makes her scream.
As Heejin lets out her first laugh in a while, you insert your cock halfway in, still giving her slow pumps. "Such a nice ass," you praise her bottom assets, still treating her pussy gently, especially in comparison to what you did early on. But you can't resist for long, inserting it fully back on Heejin's wet pussy, leading to another scream as she reaches peak sensitivity, closing her legs and pushing your cock out of her hole. Heejin now just closes her eyes, trying to stay on her knees as you slowly fuck her slit once again. But every deeper thrust makes her lose it. You grab her cheeks as you increase the pace before deciding to use no hands and getting into rhythm. Heejin puts her head on the bed and keeps her eyes closed. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," she rapdily repeats as you push harder, even squeaking a little.
You couldn't resist for long, now firmly grabbing Heejin's ass and clapping her cheeks. "Yes, yes, yes, please, please, please," she begs. Her small tits bounce a lot. At this point, you two were just exploring every possibility. As Heejin got a little less sensitive, she was now the one rocking her hips against your crotch, which ended up being bad for her as you just grabbed her butt and reasserted your dominance. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed once more as her tits were once again jiggling. Heejin held your right hand as the fire continued to burn inside her pussy; she no longer had any strength to resist your advances, just clinting to you as you destroyed her cunt nonstop, and only AHs came out of her mouth now.
Heejin turned around and opened her legs for you to eat her out; her messy hair now had untied itself and hit her eyes. You lick her like ice cream, starting at her hole and going all the way up to her little trim, before diving into her clit and making her twist. Heejin put her right foot on your back to support herself as you continued to lick her before inserting a finger in her pussy and tasting it. Now you were tonguing her clit hard to the point where she squirted a little in your mouth. You increased the hit by adding a second finger while still licking it. Heejin fell weaker, pressing her foot harder against your back as your tongue turned her folds wetter for the final round.
"Breed me. Put a baby inside a goddess; I know you want it, she told you as she put her right leg up and you slowly fucked her in missionary. You put her right foot in your mouth as you went faster. Heejin fingered herself as she waited for your cum; her insides were extremely sensitive. "Fuck me like this," she asked you as you two kept going. Your thrusts got faster but shallower as you kissed her beautiful feet and rubbed her belly. Going faster, you put Heejin under a mating press, which she enjoyed a lot, meaning she was going to get inseminated the same way the whores from the many hentais she loves to read are. Despite that, she still managed to finger herself. "Give me your cum; give me your cum," she demanded as you groaned and got closer. "Cum in my pussy," she continued, as you eventually unleashed inside her womb with your cock balls deep in her, coating her insides with your sperm as some rolled out a little while you pulled out and teased her clit for one final time with your tip.
"Wow, I can't believe you came inside me," Heejin said. "I can't say no to a goddess," you said as you returned home. The following day, you went back to the lodge but found it empty. It turns out Heejin and her ARTMS groupmates had already flown back to Korea.
Meanwhile, on the plane...
"Heejin, are you okay?" Haseul asked, sensing her groupmate's sickness. "Sorry, I'm a little sick. I think I drank too much last night when we went out," Heejin replied as she barely had time to finish her sentence, unhooking her seatbelt and rushing to the plane's bathroom, where she threw up the food she had just eaten.
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shocymer · 3 months
For Never to Forever
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"What if the illustrator of your newest novel covers is actually your highschool enemy in the past?"
Pairing : Yunho × afab!reader
Word counts : 3.2k
Contents & warning : highly suggestive mdni! , fluff (maybe), college art students! Yunho, novelist! reader, short tempered Yunho (not in bad way), Hongjoong as reader manager, cursed words here and there, sloppy kisses, slightly dry humping, enemies to lovers.
× Happy Yunho Day! ×
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Time is ticking like its always supposed to do, but Yunho couldn’t stop looking at it. The hour hand has only moved maybe a quarter of millimeter from its original position, made him annoyed even more. How could it not be, he just let his impulsive thoughts win over his professionalism few hours ago.
Well, It all happened this morning. He went to the nearest café where the appointment was made via email last night.
Sipping a cup of warm expresso that fulfilled his taste bud while waiting for his client. The café ambiance was so cozy, it plays as complementary role to his mood lifting. And the main reason of his happy self was, he got a commission for a commercial purpose the first time ever in his entire life. Plus, it’s not just an ordinary client, the request came from a well known novelist.
From : Eternal Sunshine
To : Me (Tyudongi99)
Subject : Commission Request For Novels Covers
Hello Tyudongi-nim.
I’m Eternal Sunshine, one of the novelist from Break The Wall Book Company Publisher. I really interested with your art. Would you like to work on my next novels cover? If you are interested, we can set up an appointment to discuss the further details.
I would be very grateful if you willing to accept my request.
Eternal Sunshine
That’s the content of an email that Yunho received the night before. Kicking on his feet, he couldn’t believe his own eyes. He’s just a 3rd year college students that majoring in art. Never expected that opening commission on a whim would bring him to this. And then, he sent a quick replied as soon as possible that leading to today’s meeting.
“Oh hello, Tyudongi-nim.” A lady pulled her hand over to Yunho. She’s accompanied by a not so tall, with blonde lock man who’s standing next to her.
He shook your offering hand politely, “Hello, uhm perhaps Eternal Sunshine-nim?”
You nodded, throwing a simple smile before sitting right across to him. He’s staring at you closely while immersed in conversation. The way your hazel orb getting lighter when the sun beam hits them or the way your dainty lips curled when you smile occasionally. Somehow, all of it reminded him with the past. Wait wait, his past?!
He blinked his eyes rapidly, couldn’t believe what he just thought earlier. Your voice became a mere chant that drowning with the café hustle and bustle sounds at this very moment. He knew exactly who you are after the pile of his memories collided like it’s clicking on the switch inside of him.
“…so that’s the concept. I really-” a loud scrape noise coming from his chair was heard, interrupted your words. “-want you to..”
You turned your gaze out of the concept papers and found him staring intently towards you. Did I say something wrong? Am I offended him or something? Those questions played over and over on your mind nicely for solid three seconds, before his sarcastic laugh startled you.
“Well well, after all those great time. Now you’re asking this ‘going to be no where artist’ to work on your covers.” He crossed his arms while still looking down at you.
Your manager had the same reaction as you, dropping the jaw for a mere seconds. Then started to talk, craving for more contexts. “Ahem.. Tyudongi-nim, I’m sorry but what do you mean exactly?”
He snorted in annoyance, “She never appreciate my works on the first place to begin with.”
Oh great, It’s been a long time for your manager, Kim Hongjoong was facing a person like this. He took a deep breath, rolled the sleeve of his shirt to the elbow, before intended to give a long nice talk. “I deeply understand if her previous words probably hurt you, I’ll apologize on her be-”
“Ah right! Now I remember!” You spurted out, interrupting your manager just like adding gasoline to the fire in this situation. Both male gazes fixed on you. “Jeong Yunho right?” You got up from your seat, trying to match his height, and of course you can’t. He’s much taller than you, but at least you got those spirit to match him.
You snapped your fingers, before pointing at him. “Surprisingly, your attitude didn’t change at all.” Then, you poked on his chest with the same finger, “if you smart enough, you can figure it out by yourself why I said that to you.”
Furrowed the eyebrows while his face turning red as a boiled lobster, he slapped your hand away. How could he figured it out, if you’re the one who’s started to pick a fight with him in the high school. He thought to himself while his eyes still pierced into yours alternately left and right. The rationality went out of his head completely, and only anger was left behind. Hurting on his own ego, he grabbed the concept papers unwittingly then shoving it in his own bag before barging out of the café furiously.
Hongjoong and you exchanged glances after all of the ruckus. He ruffled his hair as if he still digested about what the actual fuck just happen, “you need to find another illustrator, like- how’d you find a weird artist with bad temper? Plus, he just left right away?!” You shrugged, giving him an expression like “I didn’t expect that either.” While tidying up less than a half of the papers left.
“But I think, you don’t need to worry about that.” You assured him that still yapping nonstop in the background. However, you knew Yunho so well despite his unreasonable hatred towards you.
Back to the square one in the young male artist’s flat who’s regretted it all. He just sent an apology email to your manager, after reading the concept papers thoroughly. Stopping the urge to bang his head on the wall surface, right after thinking carefully. He need some pocket money for the next months surviving here, how could he nearly miss this good opportunity due to his stupid action.
An hour has passed, all of the wait just paid off. A notification popped up from the email icon on his computer taskbar. His heart almost jumped out of the rib cage that your email address written on the screen instead of your manager. He clicked it with anticipation, perhaps all of the swearing and cursed words spilled in the email body because he deserved it. But it turns out a short sentence showed up instead, “Give me your contact information.”
He was silenced, typing the replied with a blank stare just like that. To be honest, he hated to admit about what you said in the café earlier. Only to realize that he didn’t change at all.
After he shared the chat ID to you, not too long your message coming through his chat lists.
(You) It’s much easier to discuss everything here rather than in email. And I think we need to meet again. Like you know, you just left half of the written concepts behind.
Even from the text, your unbothered manner radiating through it. He felt embarrassed due to how childish he was this morning.
(Yunho) Okay cool, when?
(You) Tomorrow afternoon?
(Yunho) Okay
On the next day, he pulled up to the same café after his morning class ended. First thing first to do was sketching the given concepts on a blank paper. He’s still remembered some details from yesterday and then he let you revised it when you arrived later.
Around 3 p.m. you almost there, to catch up the appointment with Yunho. Setting your feet on the sidewalk, you only need approximately ten steps to reach the café entrance. You saw your reflection on the glass window, before your focus shift to him. His prominent side profile and his soft cheek is a perfect combination. He’s still busy scribbling something with a serious expression drawn on his face, that made him hotter than his usual self. You can’t deny how attractive he is, even in the high school back then.
You came back to your sense, after Yunho knocking on the glass for few times, and read through the way his lips mouthing “are you okay?” from the opposite. You rushed in to the café in embarrassment that he caught up you’re gawking over him for quite some time.
“Ehm, y-you.” Still struggled to collecting yourself, your eyes darting to the table. His cup of coffee is nearly empty and some of his drawing tools scattered next to it. “How long you’ve been here?” You asked.
“11 or something. I don’t have anything else to do after class.” He explained it to you while busy on sorting some of his sketches. Then he handed it over, “I made several version of it, you can choose which one that suit on your taste.”
You took all of it, scanning thoroughly one by one. After thinking for quite some time, you drew out two papers of your choice to him. “I can’t decided between these two...” And yeah, the discussion continued until the evening of that day.
A week later, Yunho stomping on his way to your flat. Proceed to press your doorbell multiple times furiously. The reason behind it? He could counts on how many times you wanted revision. Not to mention he work fast and he wanted to report on every progress he made due to his own pretention, becoming a reliable artist for his clients. But for this one, he forgot to spell out his terms and condition especially about the revision limit.
Your sleepy face slowly appeared. You just opened your door after being annoyed with the doorbell rang over and over bombarding your eardrums. “What?” Out of all of the words that exist, why those one left from your mouth instead.
Yunho folded his lips into thin line for a split second and rolled his eyes after seeing you who’s completely clueless. He’ll fume at any seconds right after doing all of those ‘Jeong Yunho pre-angry habits’. You immediately stuffed your palm on his mouth as prevention, then pulled him into your flat.
He literally would protest but it didn’t happen, because you started to talk first. “Uhm, I know there must be something on your mind. But, we can sort it out together, right?” To be truth you don’t even know what’s wrong while you sat him down on the soft fur rug which placed in your TV room.
He removed your hand out of his face, “Is it fun for you?”
Ah, shit. He’s mad mad. You shushed him down, then you ran to the kitchen pantry on the pretext of making a cup of tea for him. Strangely, he complied. He just sat there quietly, while scrolling on his phone.
After you returned with two cups of the tea in your hands, you positioned yourself sitting to his opposite. “There’s like maybe.. you feel unsatisfied about something?” You asked him carefully.
Putting his phone to the side, he cleared his throat before answered you. “Listen, how many times did you asked for revisions?”
“A.. lot?” You’re not sure about the numbers and better not to mention it.
“Yeah right!” His veiny hand brushing through the strands of his hair, trying to pull back all of his sense. “You know what, it’s over than 25 times, it’s still only a week though!”
You’re confused as he did it all of it already, you meant to give it for a month task to do. “I didn’t expect that you do that so fast. I’ll pay you handsomely, okay?” You said that in your defense.
“Are you testing me? I bet there comes a lot more after I give you the last one.” Remembering all the sleepless nights he went through, plus he still kept up with the class schedule on the day time.
“Trust me, you’ll know why I did this. Or do you want to back off instead?”
He chuckled in anger, “Or do you mean to pick a fight on the first place?”
Your patience runs out as you literally fed up by those three words ‘pick a fight’ that feels like his only vocabulary since high school days, whenever he saw you. You pulled his collar, bringing his face closer to yours. “Now it’s my turn, listen to me. First, never in any slightest on my mind to mess with you.” You hardened the grip, “and second, please be matured Jeong Yunho, we are not a kid anymore!”
He pushed you down till you’re laying flat against the rug, he automatically join to fall as you still holding onto his collar for your dear life. Luckily, his steady hands kept himself from weighting on you. “If you’re not messing with me, why did you said all of that?”
“Said what?! Speak clearly! you always yapping that I picked a fight first, I said this, I said that. Just tell me what did I say before.” Your eyes getting redder as you worked up shouting at this stubborn young male, ruining your peaceful morning.
“You told me that I’m going to be nowhere with that kind of skills.” He took a deep breath, “You never know just a mere sentence, makes me think about it all the time.” The truth was he almost gave up on his dream when the insult coming especially from you, which he once had a feelings for.
“Because your art sucks back then.” You snapped. Before he’s going feral, you circled his waist with both of your legs, then turning him over to the side. Now you’re on top of him, while holding his shoulder to keep him stay still. You told the side of your story how you heard him talking with the group of his friends, meanwhile he’s your crush at that time.
You remembered how they’re talked on your back when you’re going insane preparing for the first debut novel.
“You saw her this morning? She’s such a book freak. Like every single days, I can see the pile of books on her desk, or in the library. To the point I’m sick looking at my own books.” One of Yunho’s friends talking.
First of all, it doesn’t matter if somebody else bad mouthing on you but it also came from him that making it worse.
Those friend slightly tapped Yunho’s upper arm, “She’s weird, right?”
Without hesitation he said, “Yeah she is-”
Enough is enough, you got up from the chair. You sure it was his voice, right on the opposite of the class wall to the corridor. You storming out of the class, hating to see your crush face. Then, you came back at noon only to mock his wobbly drawing on his sketchbook. Honestly you just want to take a revenge, but after you saw his badly drawn art, you can’t hold back your laugh. So that seems like you genuinely mocking after him.
Those newly information made Yunho speechless, which he’s still pinned down right now, under you. He averted his eyes from you that looking straight at him. “I never hate you okay, I even liked you.” You remarked.
He's still processing his thought, “I- I still can’t believed it”
Running your finger tips to his soft bear like cheeks, you cupped it and turned his head over so he looked back at you who’s alternately staring on both of his eyes to his reddish thin lips. “I’ll prove it, until you believed me.”
You pressed your lips to his all of sudden, made him flinched in surprise. Slowly but surely he kissed you back. The innocent kiss turn into a chaotic one as he hold the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. His tongue forced its way in, clashing on each other with yours. To the point you could hear the sound of both his and your front teeth bumped sometimes.
He sat up while continuing the kiss. His other hand busy tracing on your back, touched it by following your spine from the top to bottom. You slightly moved your chest forward in response, as his fingers tickling you, till the distance between both of you completely disappear.
You could feel his hard member poking through beneath his black jeans, while you grinding on his lap. He groaned between the kiss as you moving your hips back and forth faster than before. His digits slipped underneath the thin clothes you’re wearing, caressing your bare skin gently. A string of saliva formed after he decided to pull out from the kiss slowly, trying to stop before both of you coming undone anytime while fully clothed.
He lean on your slender shoulder, catching on his breath. On the other hand, you played with the tip from his nape hair while doing the same. Yunho and you stayed still for a while like that, till you realized there’s another pair of eyes watching you. When you turned your head to the front door, you saw your manager hanging speechless and slowly back away.
That lead you to slap your own forehead. Just forgot that you sent him text before, begging to be companied cause you didn’t want to deal with angry Yunho by yourself.
“No, it’s not like that manager-nim.” You wanted to stop him but Yunho still hugging you tight. “Please stay! Manager-nim, Kim Hongjoong!” Your plead is useless as his figure already disappear behind those door.
Today is Sunday morning, both of you went to a picnic date. Spreading out the mat with beautiful pattern on the grass field, you breathing in the fresh air. It’s located on the side of the lake. This was Yunho’s idea to bring you here, he said that giving it as a reward after spending full month of hell ride.
His design immediately approved by the editorial team without any problems by the end of last month. All thanks to your crazy revisions, he managed to survive walking out of the editorial room alive while people around including you said that they’re super annoying to begin with.
Now, Yunho busy painting on his sketchbook as his back lean to yours. Both of you sit back to back, enjoying the morning atmosphere. Chatting about a lot of topics here and there, while you’re flipping the page of your favorite book.
“I’m curious, how did you find me?” His skilled hand stained the colors from the tip of brush onto the paper surface.
“Hmm.. I don’t really know if it’s you behind the tyudongi artist tho.” You said that without taking your eyes off those collection of printed words.
He mixed another colors on the palette and back to questioned you, “I mean, why choose me out of another artists? I don’t have any experience on the big project like this.”
You stopped your activity then change the sitting position to face him. “Huh? I saw your works hanging in the local art exhibition few months back. Isn’t it also a big project?”
“Ah that thing, the artists doing it voluntarily without being paid. So there’s no pressure behind.” He explained to you clearly.
You nodded, “I see.. Uhm yeah, basically I was interested in your painting which the title is Forever, as I remember it.”
Yunho’s gaze shift to you as he realized something, “with the n or without the n?”
“Do you mean for never or forever?” You were dumbfounded by him. But he remained silent looking straight at you even though you are waiting for his answer. You sighed, “there’s no n between it, I’m pretty sure.”
He chuckled softly that you took his bait. “Then..” Putting his drawing tools aside, he grab your waist, pulling you into his arms. “There’s also no end between us.” He kissed your blushing cheek.
“Be my forever okay?”
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a/n I had so much fun writing on this. and annoyed yunho looking hella hot, proof 1, proof 2, proof 3 (© tiktok edits)
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writingstoraes · 1 year
tour guide 🎥
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!actress!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: saw the post abt apex filming at silverstone this week and got this idea lol lmk what u guys think! atp you already know who my fc is (it's hailee steinfeld 😝)
about: a well-known actress stars in a film that is set in the world of formula 1 and scuderia ferrari happens to be the leading team to guide the production team and its cast!
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, madelyncline, and 1,249,247 others
yourusername Film prep starts now. Currently glad my parents forced me into getting my driver's license as early as I could as well as my brother introducing me to Formula 1 years ago 🏁
Beyond excited for this movie!
filmthusiast this is such a new role for her im so excited
f1lover film + f1 is always going to be the biggest bestest combo ❤️
zendayyn mans a fan norrisbaby Oh hes quick 😆
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, pierregasly, and 1,482,2058 others
yourusername 3/4 done with filming for First Gear 🤍 So much work has been done for this movie and it's been the good kind of overwhelming so far. I've learned so much and experienced so many new things.
Included the one and only charles_leclerc here because majority of the things I learned came from him. He's pretty nice except he was beyond nervous when I drove the car for the first time.
scuderiaferrari We're glad to know Charles was the best tour guide ever! ❤️
hamilfilm charles leclerc making his way into y/n's official ig account is not something i have on my bingo card
popgirltay u guys r so cute <3 friendship goals!
livelovelecs no, dating announcement next LOLOL
charles_leclerc Why do I seem like the bad guy here, I taught you pretty well didn't I?
yourusername I didn't say you were a bad teacher 😕
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 1,102,358 others
charles_leclerc Everyday's karting day 🚘
lecsferrari the red nails??? sir u aint slick who is that
sainzmclaren It's Y/N 😭 She posted karting pics today too
yourusername What do you have to say for yourself that you lost?
charles_leclerc I let you win, jolie 😁 Pretty. ferarrimercs HE CALLED HER PRETTY?????
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, kendall, and 1,395,299 others
yourusername The student has become the teacher 😎
charles_leclerc Anyone would win if they were fighting kids on track
yourusername I sense sore loser 😝
scuderiaferrari ❤️❤️❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, florencepugh, and 2,034,551 others
yourusername Feeling so emotional that filming for a movie that holds a special place in my heart has come to an end 🤍 I am so ecstatic for all of you to see First Gear because everyone involved put everything they had for this film. I hope you guys love this as much as I do, possibly more.
So many people to thank — the directors, producers, scriptwriters, my co-stars, everyone who's worked so hard to make this into reality, I owe you all so much.
But I also never thought I'd meet someone so special. Charles, this past year for us have been so crazy and I'm glad I got to spend it with you. If it helps, the moment they told me you would be giving me a tour of the paddock, I fell instantly 😝
scuderiaferrari We are so proud of you, Y/N ❤️ The whole team is waiting for the movie!
charles_leclerc What do you mean if it helps, I was literally sweating while telling you what a pitwall is
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liked by landonorris, ynleclercs16, pierregasly, and 1,673,992 others
charles_leclerc Most talented person I've come across. Watching you on set has become one of my favorite things to do; it reminds me of just how amazing you are. To more karting sessions with you ❤️
Your paddock tour guide
lecshamilton hes owning the tour guide title, mad respect
f1luvr power couple me thinks?
yourusername Get ready to lose 🥱
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: why i take so much time making these ill never understand anyway i hope u guys like this hehehe thank you sm for reading <3
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luciaramosc · 5 months
⁎⁺˳✧༚ king of my heart
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pairing: luke castellan x afab!reader
warnings: major fluff, kissing, pre tlt, just some sweet stuff to read on a wednesday night
word count: 434 words
an: reader’s claimed, but it’s not specified so you can imagine them as whatever demigod works for you 😘 also! this is my first time posting my work so lmk if it sucks ass 😋
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“Luke, stop!” Her voice squeaked out in a delicate hymn that graced his ears, the apples of her cheeks illuminated under the moon’s light. Luke, in the midst of his relentless attack on her sides, let out a chuckle that thundered within his chest as he wrapped his arms around her frame. He pulled her into his embrace as his features lit up, the corner’s of his eyes crinkled as his lips tugged into a smile.
The warmth from his frame radiated into her rib cage as the cool night air bit at their skin. The dense forest surrounding them did not do much in helping them remain warm, but there hadn’t been much to complain about when they were tangled in each other’s arms. “What’s got you acting up like this? Didn’t see me enough today?” She tilted her head up to look into his hickory eyes, a smirk quirking at her lips as she teased him.
“We can call it that, baby,” A heat rushed into his cheeks as he was brought to look at her eyes, the rich color drowning out any thoughts in his mind. He turned her body around to face him, moving his hand to lift her chin up. “Just missed you, is all.” His fingers delicately rested on her chin, whispering his words on her lips. “What, is it a crime to miss my girlfriend now?” A cocky grin graced his features.
“Oh shut up, Castellan,” she uttered before bringing his face down to meet hers, both their eyes fluttering shut at the domestic buzz between them. Her fingers trailed up and wrapped themselves gently in his curls as one of his hands held onto the soft plush of her hip, the other resting on the small of her back. She felt his lips split into a smile against her own, and it only made pulling apart from him that much harder.
Her eyes flickered and peered up at Luke, and she was met with an eyes of adoration looking down at her. She pressed another quick peck on Luke’s soft lips, eliciting sweet smiles from the two of them. Her eyebrow furrows as she quips a brief, “Race you to the lake?”
In an instant, Luke’s smile turns into a smirk at the sight of a friendly competition. “Only if I’m the one winning!” Upon his response, she’s quick on her feet, attempting and failing to beat her boyfriend to the lake’s shore. As the stars continue to twinkle above them, the lake’s edge is met with the sound of waves crashing and lover’s laughter.
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hope you guys enjoyed this little drabble i thought of during the dark ages (i was sick and unhinged). lmk if you guys want a part two of them at the lake🙈
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spooky-bunnys · 8 months
I have this request based off of something that almost happened with me and my friends
Tenjiku gang is at an arcade why you may ask well it’s izana little brother (name) birthday and everyone is having fun until they lose him and they all start to panic until they find little (name) inside a claw machine hugging a plushie. Izana would be panicking and trying to get his brother whike (name) is happily waving back at tenjiku. Half of tenjiku suggest they get an employee to open claw machine the while the other half say they have to play the game in order to get (name) out
While their bickering shion says “hang on let uncle shion handle this” and starts walking to the claw machine and signals for (name) to scoot back and to cover their eyes which (name) does. The others are asking what shion is doing and he replies with “don’t worry I’m a professional at these types of games” and he proceeds to put his brass knuckle on a punches through the glass of the machine and grabs (name) along with another plushie for (name) and just books it out of the arcade to avoid getting in trouble by not only tenjiku but from the arcade employees and since shion had a head start he takes (name) to the nearest cafe to get him some cake for his birthday (with money that was definitely not stolen from the arcade machines)
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It was supposed to be a normal hang out. Eveything was fine. Ran and Rindou hadn't stared fighting. (Name) was being entertained by Hanma at the moment. Kisaki was helping Mochi with a specific punching game. Mucho couldn't make it to the hang out. Finally Izana and Kakucho were with Shion at the claw machines.
They visited arcades frequently lately. Since the colorful lights and sounds excited the toddler of the group. Especially since today was the Toddlers Third birthday. Nothing major has happened yet. Yet being the keyword. Things started getting rough when the brothers started fighting. Then Mochi almost breaking the pumch bag game due to him not punching correctly. Finally Hanma had set (Name) down to get the tot a snack.
That was his biggest mistake. Especially since he knew (Name) had taken a great liking towards a certain toy, in a certain claw machine. Hanma had sat (Name) by his brother. Telling the leader he would be back. (Name) watched his brother with interest at first. Wondering how the thing in front of them work.
Then as if the cards were playing in his favor, Izana managed to win a stuffed animal. Watching with wide eyes as his brother got the toy from the mysterious door. (Name) decided he'll get the toy he wanted from the thing from earlier. Which lead to the current moment.
"HANMA WHERE IS HE?!" The gang had never seen their leader so panicked. But it was fair since (Name) was his precius treasure. "I told you! I sat him by you to get him (snack)." Kisaki pinched the bridge of his nose. Annoyed. He said it was a bad idea for the lanky male to watch (Name) in the first place. It took almost 8 minutes for them to find (Name). Well Rindou found him.
"What the hell?!" Rindou's yell caught their attention and thats when they noticed he was staring into a claw machine. "Hm~ what's wrong Rin-Rin?" Thats when Ran saw the sight and pale. "(NAME)?!" Cue to Tenjiku panicking. Inside an out of order claw machine, sat 3 year old (Name) cuddling a lion stuffed animal. He looked so happy.
The gang did not share this happiness. In fact it was almost the complete opposite. "(Name) buddy. Remain calm. Listen to Aniki and Kaku-nii okay? We're gonna get you out!" Izana then whipped his head toward Kisaki. "Well?! How do we get him out!?" Kisaki stuttered. Not sure what to do honestly. They could get the staff, but there was a high chance they wouldn't know what to do.
Shion brushed his way to the front. Upon spotting his favorite Uncle, (Name) dropped the stuffed lion in favor of trying to get to his Uncle Shion. Seeing how he wasn't able to reach said Uncle upset (Name). Which sent Izana into a bigger panic. Shion quickly thought of an idea. "Listen I know exactly what to do. I'm a professional at these type of games. Let Uncle Shion handle this."
Shion signaled (Name) to move back. After some fussing he did as told. Shion put his hand in his pocket. Putting on his brass knuckles. Without missing a beat he punch the glass. Shattering it. Which made the kther members immediately start yelling/screaming (in Izana's case) about (Name)'s safety. Shion quickly grabbed (Name), the stuffed lion, and (animal) before racing out the arcade.
It took the others a few seconds to realize what happened before they quickly rushed after them. They took refuge at a nearby cafe. Which happened to be (Name)'s favorite. When the others finally arrived (after carefully avoiding the workers) they saw Shion feeding a happy (Name). (Name) was cuddling the lion and eating cake.
The others slowly joined the two. (Name) of course didn't notice. He was enjoying the cake and new stuffed animal he got. Izana carefully checked the toddler and after making sure the toddler was okay, quickly tried attacking Shion. Kakucho took over feed (Name) cake, trying to keep him distracted so he won't see his brother hog tying his favorite uncle behind him.
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
Could you do fic for James Vowles with wife reader? I've an ideas : Person A and person B get asked the question of when the other person fell in love. person B's face lights up with mischief and begins to tell the most embarrassing story ever while person A has their head in their hands. You decide who is who. Just something fluff and fun. Thanks!!
The night we first met - James Vowles x StrategistWife! Reader
Plot: You are being interviewed for a Podcast that you and James were asked to do ahead of the 2025 season an get asked about how you guys first ever met.
Credit to jamesvowles for the GIF
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"Here today, we've got two incredible people in the motorsport world and may i say one of the most iconic couples in motorsport with us on the Podcast. We're so thrilled that they are here, James Vowles and Y/N Vowles!" the interviewer exclaims and you both smile to the boys who'd invited you onto their podcast.
"Hello, how are you boys?" you smile at them kindly. You'd actually watched this specific F1 podcast for a while so when you saw a DM from them you begged James to come on with you.
"We are good, happy to have you here!" The other interviewer exclaims and smiles back at both of you.
"So, lets start with Y/N, your career into motorsports has been a bit of a roller-coaster right? Similar to your husbands actually!" he smiles looking at his card of notes and you smile before looking over at James.
"Well I unlike most I think who end up where I am now started actually driving. I did karting from ages of four to fifteen before i took part in British Single Seater which i ended up winning" you smile before looking down and sighing.
The boys pulled up a picture of you on the screen behind you, from 1997 when you were around 13 years old standing on a P1 podium place with a mini trophy in your hand.
They then switched to one which must have been taken in around 2001 when you'd won your first championship in a feeder series to F1.
"And this one taken in 2001 correct and you were 16, and you won here? James, in 2001 as well you'd just made your debut into F1 fresh out of university working for Honda BAR correct?" one of them asks and he nods.
"Yeah, i mean i was fresh out of uni in what then was a standard midfield team. Life was great!" he smiled taking you hand and kissing the back of it.
"So what happened. You should have been in F1 by now surely" he exclaims looking at you making you sigh.
"Well, everyone knows that F1 has always been a sport for the rich, even more a rich mans sport. People like Lewis Hamilton and Esteban Ocon can take the risk when they don't have the funds for it as it's way more likely for a man to be able to do it than a woman"
"My dad always told me I'd never make it and you know like most daughters i believed him and really lost my spark for it! And I think it's so amazing how far forward the sport has come with F1 Academy and the Driver Development Programme, like if I'd had the financial backing of a team then i would have had the confidence to do it" you explain and they both look really sad for you, and it was sad. It was the hardest choice you'd ever made.
"That's so sad, I think i can speak for the large majority of fans when i say you for sure would have been one of the first women win an F1 race!" one of the interviewers says and you just smile, you didn't often like to think what could have been if ... because you'd made your choice and you couldn't change that and right now with the life you had it wasn't something you would ever want to change.
"Yeah, I mean I'm happy with my life now and don't often like to think of it. I have James, I have the kids and my life is incredible and you know maybe if i was in F1 i wouldn't have bumped into James the way I did... and well" you giggle quietly.
"Yeah? How did that happen?" he asks.
"Well..." you start to laugh and James forces his face into his hands out of embarrassment.
"Please don't, it hurts my soul every time you tell this story!" he laughs awkwardly before you just laugh and continue with the story.
"Well it was 2006 and I was set to join Sauber BMW for my placement year in university. Despite no longer driving i still wanted to make my way into F1 and the only way I could now do that was through my brain. Come June 2007 when i was set to leave obviously because the University year worked differently I'd suggested an upgrade that I'd been thinking off all throughout university and it paid off as Sauber were P2 in the constructors by the end of the year" you start to explain.
"2007 in ... I want to say February at pre-season testing was the first time I met James. He was stranded at the track and i offered to drive him back to his hotel and at this point Honda were starting to struggle for money and we were talking about the teams and the possibility of a move for him. I was so concentrated on driving that there was some questions he was asking me twice!" you chuckled making the others all laugh around you.
"As we were about to cross over a intersection, our light had just turned green. I was being cautious because it was dark and there wasn't too many people around and the car behind me bibbed me to get a move on... bare in mind our light is still green and as im crossing a car coming across who had skipped the red light and a car crashed into our front spinning us around so we were facing the other way" you say calmly remembering the incident.
"I was so so embarrassed, even though James was convincing me that it wasn't my fault!"
"And it wasn't, we saw the dashcam footage which circled the internet after the whole altercation" the guy nodded in agreement with James thinking the crash definitely wasn't on you.
"I didn't end up talking to him until I joined back in post graduation with Honda, just before they turned to Brawn and I'd just finished my masters! in 2008"
"So why were you wanting to join a team that was severely financially struggling ..." one of them asks.
"Well, what can i say I've always liked an underdog. It was one of the teams i was trusted to be put in a high enough position without the experience. It was for a lower salary but i though we could really really do something"
"You were a massive part in the £1 team winning the championship correct?" he asks and you blush making James lightly elbow you.
"Stop!" you laugh at him.
"You were though, you pushed us through many months of hardship where we thought we weren't going to survive!" James admits, having also worked in Brawn.
"So now that you were back together what happened?" he asks and you looked over at him.
"Oh we argued all the time, we really got on Ross' last nerve!" you laugh and James nods in agreement.
"He was chief strategist and i was an engineer, would we blame each other and you'd often see us neck to neck in the paddock when something went wrong" you giggled.
"Yeah thats where the iconic picture of Jenson Button holding you back as your trying too ... I don't even know what you were trying to do honesty" he chuckles looking at the picture making you both chuckle.
"I think she was trying to strangle me... and now that we are married I can for sure tell you guys this time was defiantly my fault" he nods looking down a little bit.
"So how did you guys end up dating. You started dating after Mercedes overtook Brawn and you guys both remained there correct?" he asks and you both nod.
"I think, as much as we enjoyed our time at Brawn there was so much anxiety and pressure on and off track... and I think there was a lot of tensions" James says and you nod.
"I'd always looked up to James but i was still pretty embarrassed about the whole car crash incident and with all of the stress in the team I think for me it just turned into a self defence mechanism..." you grin, knowing this was the bit where James always got embarrassed.
"We were at the celebrations in Abu Dhabi and when we were celebrating knowing we'd one James ... kissed me ... on the lips and it was so random and quick. He pulled back looking so awkward and for a few moments was panicked ... i still don't know why!" you laugh looking over at him.
"Thought you were gonna report me to HR... but I'd had feelings for you since the car accident and I never stopped thinking about you even in our loss of contact..." he smiles pulling you into a small forehead kiss.
"Woah, thats so crazy we never knew there was a whole story since what 2007 behind the pair of you!" the interviewer smiles and you nod.
"Yeah we got married in 2016... the year i became Nico's race engineer as a promotion. Massive year too where we won constructors and drivers. I don't think Lewis spoke to me for a whole year after that" you laugh remember 2016 to 2017 being awkward.
"Is that what made you make the move later on?" he asks, once Nico left you became Valterri's race engineer when he joined.
"Not at all, I loved my time at Mercedes but there were other challenges out there for me. James understood that and once i saw Lando join McLaren i knew there was a good thing starting there. It was a British brand so you know it wouldn't effect me, or the anyone else so it was the perfect opportunity and i was at the same level as James so it was like we were competing" you laugh.
"And you became chief strategist, which is so so impressive you've really had the incredible career haven't you?"
"You know, I don't know where i'd be if it wasn't for the night we first me" you say looking over at James tears welling in your eyes a little. He drove you to be better at your job... he and the life you'd created with his was the most important thing ever to you.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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animezinglife · 27 days
Girl Dad Cassian Headcanons
Cassian is the classic dad in which the response to, "Your daughter got in a fight today," is, "Did she win?" Nesta pretends to be annoyed, but is secretly proud to learn that their daughter did in fact win the fight. Cassian calls her on it.
Elain comments on how beautiful and intricate her young niece's braided hairstyle is and tells Nesta she had no idea she could braid hair like that. Nesta tries not to laugh and tells her she didn't do it. Elain's and Feyre's eyes both drift to Cassian and realization sinks in. They're more than a little impressed.
Naturally, one of the few things Cassian's daughters won't have a say in is learning how to defend themselves. He and Nesta both believe it's a necessity, but he makes it fun and lets his daughters "win" a lot to build their confidence. As important as that is, though, he takes his girls' tea parties every bit as seriously as their self-defense training. The tiara he wears at them might as well be his at this point.
Nesta teaches her girls to dance, but always tries to make it fun for the girls instead of a tool for them to wield later in life. Cassian is the ideal dance partner, though that mostly consists of him picking them up and spinning them around until they're cackling and borderline puking. He also learns the females' dance steps and demonstrates them complete with leaps to get the girls laughing so hard they're crying.
The eldest goes through a major attitude phase where any time they walk somewhere in Velaris, she struts up ahead of her family. Cassian copies her so precisely that Nesta has to stop and cover her mouth to keep from wheezing.
When it's time for either daughter to learn to fly, Cassian shows up grinning and fully prepared: wearing full Illyrian armor and giving her a tiny set of her own, a helmet, and their world's equivalent of a neon safety vest. His daughter is mortified, which is exactly what he was going for. Nesta thinks it's kind of sweet though because she realizes he's actually nervous about it.
Nesta loves to read bedtime stories to her girls, but Cassian takes it to another level when it's his turn and both acts them out and does funny voices. This annoys Nesta at first since it has the opposite effect and instead has the girls laughing and not sleeping, but she realizes the memories he's building with them are worth it.
Nesta is constantly worried she's not being a good enough mom, and while she's not perfect (no one is), Cassian listens to her concerns and reassures her that she's doing a wonderful job. He likes to bring up a lot of situations Nesta doesn't always see on her own: like her daughters soaking up everything she does like a sponge, how the eldest in particular tries to copy her in everything she does, and how strong, confident, and safe their daughters feel.
Their youngest daughter is a bit more like Aunt Elain in her interests, and it's her idea to bake Nesta a birthday cake. Cassian and the girls get to work, and although he secretly recruited Elain to share a recipe with them, the cake looks concerning and Cassian somehow ends up with flour all over his face. While it's not pretty, it tastes fantastic, and Nesta's heart is full as she kisses her girls and brushes the flour from Cassian's face.
He is genuinely the sweetest dad with the goofiest sense of humor. He's fair and occasionally embarrassing (on purpose), and the girls grow up never feeling like they aren't loved by both of their parents.
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goblincow · 1 year
The first ever AMAZON STRIKE in the UK is one week away - and they need your support!
Respectfully asking if I can get a bunch of notes on this so I can show my phone when I go to the rally and let them see how much support they have! ✊
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And here are the Amazon strike fund details to donate if you're able:
Name - GMB Midland & East Coast
Bank - Unity Trust
Sort Code - 60-83-01
A/c No - 33010410
Ref - Amazon
I'm pretty sure I know how this works:
Like to charge, reblog to cast!
Thanks everyone who has responded to show your support, here's a link to an interview with one of the GMB union officials earlier this morning after Amazon workers walked out at 00:00.
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I will update again later today when I visit the picket, but as this is doing numbers here's a link to the official donation page: stick it to Amazon and show your support for the workers! Solidarity ✊
Update 2:
Some great fighting talk from union speakers willing to take on Amazon.
Strikers told me that amazon managers and bosses have been intimidating staff & taking advantage of the fact that many workers are on zero hour contracts & many are immigrants and they speak a lot of different languages, so they've been lining the hallways to watch them as they leave shifts and lying about the union by saying the union is threatening people and beating them up, all to pressure them to stay silent and be too afraid to communicate so they don't go on strike with their colleagues. But they wont win - the strike was national news, from Philip Schofield talking about Jeff Bezos only offering a 50p raise from his billions on This Morning to major news coverage throughout the day. At one point we were live on Channel 4!
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I told workers and union officials that over a thousand people from tumblr who are mostly queer/trans/nonbinary/otherwise lgbtq+ wanted them to know that they support the Amazon strikers.
One striker seemed surprised by this and I got to talk to him about how lgbtq+ people are working class too, how lgbtq+ rights are working class rights, how none of us are free from exploitation until we all are, so no wonder the gay website supports you, and he seemed to really take that on board.
All the workers were grateful for everyone who showed up and thank you all for your support - this is just the start.
Fuck Jeff Bezos
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Any mtmte (did I spell that right, I also want rodimus included in it) characters you want, I want to see the bots reaction to bot (gn) buddy that use (still is) to be megatrons sparkmate, and a gladiator before. 🫣 megatron and buddy still on good terms tho.
Okay... I had a bit too much fun with this one, so its a bit longer than what I usually do my writings. I used a different writing style than what I usually used too. If this isn't what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy being Megatron's sparkmate (its complicated) that was a former gladiator with Rodimus Prime, Nautica, and Ravage
SFW, Platonic, Romantic implications, Pre-war Cybertron and Post-war Cybertron mentioned, Cybertronain reader
Megatron had met Buddy while waiting for his next match.
The two had entered a nice conversation before Buddy was called off to their match. That wouldn’t be the last time they would meet each other.
Megatron met Buddy again in the infirmary after a particularly brutal match. Both gladiators had to stay in the med bay for the night. That night was filled with much talking and laughter.
That’s where everything began.
So, the two gladiators began sneaking off to go meet each other and secretly watch each other’s matches.
Despite the circumstances, they made it work.
“Right here Megatron.”--Buddy
“Perfect timing as usual. How was today’s match?”--Megatron
“Same ol’. Same ol’. What about yours? I heard through the guards todays was particularly spectacular.”--Buddy
“I… showed the crowd my panels.”--Megatron
“You have panels?”--Buddy
“Yes, I know it—”--Megatron
“And you didn’t tell me?! Now you have to show me them!”--Buddy
“Hush! You’ll give away our position!”--Megatron
“And? What do you think the guard will do at this late hour? They’ll be too tired to do anything, plus our biolights are on low. The bot wouldn’t be able to see our faces before he’d see our pedes!”--Buddy
“You know what they would do Buddy. You shouldn’t be so careless.”--Megatron
“Yeah, but still, I bet we can take them together. Assuming you’d be by my side and not using me to give you a head start.”--Buddy
“I would stay by your side, you know that.”--Megatron
“I know. You’d start panicking and worrying if I wasn’t around anyways.”--Buddy
“Maybe I should leave you.”—Megatron
“Oh, Megs, you’ve wounded me!”—Buddy
“But in all seriousness, I would come to you if you’d call.”—Megatron
“…Thanks Megs…”—Buddy
“Don’t call me that.”—Megatron
Buddy was there for many of his major achievements in and outside the ring.
They cheered for him as he basked in the energon of his enemy after a win.
They helped him continue his writing after Terminus disappeared.
They even had the pleasure of meeting his inner circle for the new Decepticon movement he was starting.
“So, this is the infamous Decepticon circle I’ve been hearing about?”--Buddy
“And you are?”--Starscream
“Megatron’s friend. I am a gladiator as well.”--Buddy
“Just friend?”--Thundercracker
“Well just hearing how much you talk about them, we assumed—”--Skywarp
“Why don’t you introduce yourselves first.”--Megatron
“Hey is that-- Buddy!”--Frenzy
“Rumble! Frenzy! Ravage!”—Buddy
“Looking good Buddy.”--Rumble
“How’s is your arm wound from the fight?”--Ravage
“What arm—”--Megatron
“I thought the guards caught you, guess you gave them the slip huh.”--Frenzy
“Oh, you know me. I never get caught!”--Buddy
“How do you three know each other?”--Megatron
“We met after some drunk bots started fighting dirty with us. Buddy in and used some of their signature moves to gives all a head start. We got some drinks then we split when the guards started coming by the sector.”--Ravage
“Never gonna mess with ya after that display. Truly an artform.”--Frenzy
“It wasn’t that big of a deal.”--Buddy
“Yeah, tell that to the other guy’s servos.”--Rumble
“Wait what happened to—”--Megatron
“ANYWHO! The triplets over there are Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker. Screamer’s the one in red, Warp is the purple one, and Cracker is the blue one.”--Frenzy
“The purple one over there is Shockwave.”--Frenzy
“Don’t take it personally, he doesn’t have his emotions anymore.”--Ravage
“And this is Soundwave!”--Rumble
Through telepathy. “Really ‘just a friend’.”--Soundwave
Through telepathy. “First, WOW! This is amazing! Second, just give me a couple more cycles! I’m working up the courage… how often does he talk about me? Are they good things?”--Buddy
Through telepathy. “Too much its painful now. Please put us out of our misery.”--Soundwave
Through telepathy. “I hope so, if he does feel the same way.”--Buddy
Through telepathy. “He does, believe me. His thoughts if not thinking about this whole operation and his writings is you. Which is happening a lot more than usual these days.”—Soundwave
“You should hear the poems he thinks about you.”--Soundwave
“Umm… Boss? You’re not threatening Buddy are you?”--Rumble
“Negative. Simply having a chat.”--Soundwave
“Was it?”--Megatron
“It was. You seem to have a strong foundation, Megatron. And with all the followers that are going to come in, the Senate will have to hear you now!”--Buddy
“Don’t get so down in the dumps Megs! Have a little faith. A little faith never hurt anyone.”--Buddy
‘He is down bad for them.’—Soundwave and every Decepticon there.
Megatron was pleased to see Buddy get along with his colleagues.
A couple cycles pass he starts getting thoughts about the Conjux ritual. The bot that always comes into his processor is Buddy.
But would Buddy even want that?
What if they didn’t want that?
What if they just wanted to be friends or Amica?
After a few peptalks with Soundwave, he is ready. He believes he is ready to finally begin the first steps.
“Hey Megs? You don’t usually come by this sector, you know there’s more guards at this time right?”--Buddy
“First of all, don’t call me that. Second, I know its… just meet me at the old oil house tonight.”--Megatron
“Tonight? What happened with next cycle? You already breaking tradition?”--Buddy
“Can you—”--Megatron
“I’m just messing with you Megs. I’ll be there.”--Buddy
“Be careful.”--Megatron
“Please Megs, I’ve never been caught, and I will not get caught. Don’t worry so much.”--Buddy
Everything was going to be all right.
That night, Buddy was an hour late.
Buddy was always a punctual bot, the most they had been late was a couple minutes late.
Worried, Megatron decided to take things into his own servos. He managed to sneak into their quarters the same route he had done multiple times before.
The entire place was stripped clean.
“Buddy? Buddy!”--Megatron
“Buddy this isn’t funny. Come out!”--Megatron
He went to ask the bots in the next room, but no one was there.
The room was also stripped clean.
He went in a frenzy opening door finding the same thing in each one.
He would have been caught by the night guards, if it weren’t for Ravage and Soundwave.
They would later find out that the entire quarter of gladiators in that section had been relocated to another city. But the ship had been ‘accidentally’ taken down as soon as it took off near the city limits. It was clear as day that the ‘accident’ was planned, but no one would investigate a case of nameless gladiators.
There were no survivors.
“I am sorry Megatron. They are gone.”--Soundwave
“I need some time by myself now.”--Megatron
“On it.”--Ravage
Ravage hadn’t felt such spark break than he had in that moment with Megatron. He and Soundwave had to break the news to the others when they got back to their makeshift base. There was a lot of shock and mourning that happened that night. Everyone tread carefully near Megatron as if he were a ticking time bomb.
Ravage stayed by his friends’ side for a good time before he was deemed fine once again.
Megatron was far from fine.
Megatron was near inconsolable at the beginning. He felt almost as helpless as when Terminus had disappeared. His old friend, Impactor, after hearing the news tried to get him out of this hole. He was lucky enough to get him out of his habsuite and back outside. He took him to Maccadams for a drink.
The rest went downhill from there.
Meanwhile Buddy had actually been transported to a different ship at the last second thanks to an error in the system that no one wanted to fix.
Buddy had been taken to one of the colony ships instead.
The ship set to go to Caminus.
While it was rough to adjust at first, especially after hearing what happened to their ship. Buddy quickly found some friends and began their new life on Caminus. They wanted to build a life on Caminus first and as soon as they got the chance, they would go back to Cybertron, grab Megatron and his friends and have them all live with them on Caminus.
Buddy met three bots named Chromia, Nautica, and Windblade. The three didn’t judge Buddy by their past and made it their goal to help Buddy adjust to Caminus the best they could.
Windblade would go more on the cultural and artistic facts about Caminus, a planet that made Cybertron seem very rough by comparison.
When Chromia found out about Buddy’s fighting career, she wanted to spar.
If it was okay with Buddy after all.
She was not disappointed with the new challenge.
She even managed to get Windblade to join in too.
Nautica was a bit intimidated by Buddy at first but quickly warmed up to them once she saw that Buddy wasn’t a bad bot.
Being the wall flower Nautica was, she didn’t offer buddy to go out in crowded places too often.
Instead, she indulged Buddy in her deep sea findings.
Buddy loved seeing their friends so happy.
They did try and find out more things about Buddy’s past, but with Buddy being vague with the details, they decided that if Buddy did wanted to talk about it, they would on their own time.
“You care to go on another sparring match Buddy?”--Chromia
“Since when have I backed down from that challenge Chromia?”--Buddy
“Well good luck you two—”--Windblade
“And where do you think you’re going Windblade? You’re sparring with us.”--Chromia
“Maybe if I join in, it won’t be so bad? I could use the warm up.”--Nautica
“All right. I guess—”--Windblade
“I’m on Buddy’s team!”--Nautica
Buddy did try and call Megatron, he never answered them. They stopped trying after hearing all the atrocities he was committing on Cybertron. It soon became clear that the Megatron they once knew was gone and replaced with this… awful monster.
Between their work on Caminus and their free time, Buddy did try and keep tabs on Cybertron through the air waves.
Buddy decided to stay neutral for the longest time, not wanting to get involved with politics that no longer concerned them.
That was until on night they had been flying their personal space cruiser when they received a distress signal.
They turned to the signal and saw a red mech flouting around waving his arms around.
Buddy grabbed the mech and pulled him inside the ship.
“Wow, you look like a Sharkticon chewed and spat you out.”--Buddy
“Thanks…”—Hot Rod
“Anyways stranger I’m here to help you with some repairs.”--Buddy
“You’re going to repair me? But you’re a NAIL.”—Hot Rod
“So… your point?”--Buddy
“Don’t you guys hate us, for the war and all?”—Hot Rod
“The names Hot Rod.”—Hot Rod
“Hot Rod, I may not be associated with either of your sides right now or ever, but that doesn’t mean I’m some sparkless bot who’s going to let you bleed all over my ship cold and alone. Now hold still, I know how to repair most of this stuff with what I’ve got so let’s make it count.”--Buddy
“…Thanks…”—Hot Rod
“The names Buddy, Hot Rod.”--Buddy
“Buddy? That’s a… fun name.”—Hot Rod
“Yeah, yeah, it was supposed to be a mean nickname for me back in the old days for my ‘friendly’ personality, but jokes on them, I liked it better than my actual name, so I adopted it.”--Buddy
“Oh!”—Hot Rod
“So, what actually chewed and spat you out because these dents are definitely bite marks.”--Buddy
“It’s a long story.”—Hot Rod
“I’ve got time and enough fuel to get you to…”--Buddy
“Junkion—Wait you’re going to fly me there?”—Hot Rod
“Sure, I got free time.”--Buddy
“And you’re willing to help a stranger get to a planet near enemy territory? Aren’t you afraid of getting caught in the crossfires?”—Hot Rod
“Roddy, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I don’t get caught. Never have and never will.”--Buddy
The two had a nice time together while flying.
When Buddy touched down on the planet, they gave him their personal commline in case he was ever blow up into space again. He smiled widely and waved good-bye before racing out to join his group.
Buddy simple took off feeling a bit lonelier on the ship than before. In small solidarity of their little Autobot friend, Buddy decided to get a small Autobot insignia on the inside of their arm.
Time skip after the war and Nautica and Velocity had joined the Lost Light.
Buddy was feeling a bit lonely on Caminus now.
Chromia and Windblade were frequently going to Cybertron now that Starscream had requested their help in speaking with Metroplex. How either didn’t tell Starscream that Buddy was on Caminus was beyond them.
Nautica did call every now and then.
Even Velocity had managed a call or two.
Mainly talks about the science staff and the medical staff on this crazy ship.
Buddy wanted a change. This ship sounded like the change they needed, at least for a little bit.
Buddy packed their things and left the planet on their cruiser looking for the star ship.
It took a while of flying before the giant star ship of the Lost Light came into view.
Buddy hailed in the ship and was received with a talk from the ship’s captain.
“This is the Lost Light. Please state your business.”—Magnus
“Hello, this the space cruiser 1232024, permission to come aboard?”--Buddy
“…You sound familiar. Who are you?”--Rodimus
“My name is Buddy—”--Buddy
“Wait Buddy?! Buddy from Caminus? Wow! It’s been a while!”--Rodimus
“I’m sorry?”--Buddy
“Excuse him, he might think you might be someone else.”--Magnus
“No, you patched up a red mech during the war with pieces of their hull.”—Rodimus
“How do you know that?”—Buddy
“Well, I would be a horrible bot if I didn’t remember who saved me those years ago in space.”--Rodimus
“Oh Primus! Roddy is that you?!”--Buddy
“Yeah! Well, I go by Rodimus Prime now, but yeah come aboard!”--Rodimus
Buddy was greeted by Rodimus and Ultra Magnus at the docking entrance.
Rodimus is pulled into an armor denting hug. Buddy is relieved that their small Autobot friend was okay after all this time.
A former Prime too.
Buddy shook their servo with Ultra Magnus and greeted him politely.
Magnus has gained a friend.
Magnus is going to treasure this friend.
Finally, someone else on this ship that knows decent manners!
“So, what brings you in? You need some oil?”--Rodimus
“No thank you, I’m actually here to ask if I could join you and your crew on your quest.”--Buddy
“Yes! I’ve heard about it through some friends of mine that are crewmates of yours. Nautica mainly.”--Buddy
“Yes, you can join! Welcome on aboard. I can comm in Nautica if you want.”--Rodimus
“Oh, that won’t be necessary Captain.”--Buddy
“Well, it kind of defeats the purpose of surprising someone if they know what the surprise is.”--Buddy
“Oookay! I got it! Magnus!”--Rodimus
“Call in for an audience in the bridge. We have a dramatic entrance to make.”--Rodimus
Rodimus leaving to the bridge.
“I don’t remember him being this energetic. But he did have though injuries.”--Buddy
“Get used to it, as Co-Captain he loves his role.”--Magnus
“Co-captain? Is that even a term?”--Buddy
“It is now. And welcome aboard.”--Magnus
“Thank you, Ultra Magnus.”—Buddy
Buddy soon was with Ultra Magnus behind one of the bridges blindside chatting about stories that happened before Nautica came aboard.
Apparently, they were going to have a rather unorthodox travel. They started loving this ship more then before.
Buddy would sometimes slip a glance out from their hiding space to see the crowd of Bots around them.
A familiar purple bot caught their optics. Buddy couldn’t hold back the fond smile coming onto their faceplate.
But something else caught their optic.
It was a streak of black, but Buddy could have sworn they had seen that bot before.
“What are you looking at?”--Magnus
“I found Nautica, which is amazing and all, but I thought I saw someone else.”--Buddy
“Who did you think you saw?”--Magnus
“I thought I saw—”--Buddy
“No, that’s me, but—wait…”--Buddy
“Ravage what are you doing here? You’re supposed to wait with the others down—”--Magnus
“Buddy! You’re alive!”--Ravage
“Ravage?! Wow! I haven’t seen you—”--Buddy
Ravage leaping to Buddy’s face, but Buddy quickly catches him and keeps him at arms length.
“Hold it Magnus. Ravage—”--Buddy
“We mourned for you! Do you have any idea what happened when you left? Where did you go? Did someone kidnap you? Tortured you? Put you in a stasis chamber? What?! What happened?!”--Ravage
Buddy pulling Ravage close to their chassis.
“It is good to see you, my friend.”--Buddy
“…I’m not helping you with what happens next when you meet him.”--Ravage
“Meet who?”--Buddy
“You mean they haven’t told you yet?”--Ravage
“Told me what?”--Buddy
“Who do you think the Co-Captains are?”--Ravage
“Rodimus and Magnus?”--Buddy
“I’m not a Co-Captain.”--Magnus
“Really? Because it looked like you’d be one of the bots in charge of things around here.”--Buddy
“I am, however, I am not the other Co-Captain.”--Magnus
“Then who—”--Buddy
“—and without further or do. Here is our newest crewdition!”--Rodimus
“I guess this is my cue. See you in a minute Ravage.”--Buddy
Buddy putting down Ravage down and walking to the main part of the bridge.
“Wait! He doesn’t know they’re here!”--Ravage
“Who doesn’t know?”—Magnus
Buddy turned the corner and saw a sea of bots looking up at them. They saw many curious optics looking over at their frame. The first thing they heard was the familiar sound of Nautica squealing. Buddy saw Nautica making her way up to reach Buddy with Velocity trailing behind her.
The second sound Buddy heard was a loud gasp next to them. Buddy turned and saw the last mech they would have expected being there.
Megatron, in all of his gunmetal glory, stood next to Rodimus. Optics trained on Buddy as Buddy looked back with the same intensity.
Nautica stopped seeing Buddy looking at Megatron like they saw a ghost…
This made sense now.
Buddy had always mentioned a certain gladiator back in the old days with much fondness. She always teased Buddy from time to time about the little love, but Buddy wouldn’t do much to say otherwise.
Of course, it was Megatron! He matched too many of the stories Buddy had told her from time to time.
She looked back at Buddy as she began moving forward slowly to the ex-warlord.
“Buddy? Is that you?”--Megatron
Buddy picking up the pace a little bit.
“By the Prime’s it is you! But, how? You’re ship! The whole thing had engulfed in flames!”--Megatron
Buddy sprinting opening their arms out.
Megatron reactively opened his arms out too.
Buddy grabbing said arm and judo flipping the mech onto his back with a pede on his throat.
“Hold it, hold it!”--Velocity
“That’s kind of hot.”--Whirl
“Not now Whirl.”--Nautica
Buddy getting off of Megatron and single handedly helping him up so they could hug him.
“This is for…for…”--Buddy
“Hey Megs, I told you I wouldn’t get caught.”--Buddy
“I shouldn’t have doubted you, for a second.”--Megatron
“Finally learning your lesson?”--Buddy
“What. The.—”--Rodimus
“Rodimus language!”--Magnus
“I have a right!”--Rodimus
“Hey Buddy! Flip me next!”—Whirl
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kitkat238984 · 2 months
I Bid This Bitch Goodbye
Summary: As Tony Khan's niece and junior producer, you were placed in charge of an auction event where fans can win a date with their favourite wrestlers.
But when you spy a face that has caused you nothing but trouble, you are determined to bring this bitch to the ground.
Notes: I meant to post this yesterday but oh well. Happy late birthday, Hook.
4339 words.
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There was nothing particularly special about you. You were just an ordinary woman with an ordinary life, ordinary parents, and an ordinary education. You supposed the fact that your uncle-in-law happened to be a billionaire made you a little less ordinary than some others, but you never let it get to your head. Whilst in highschool you refused to let anyone know that were in close connections to such major businessmen in the sports industry. They would have flipped. 
The friends you made were genuine and you were thankful for that… but unfortunately the enemies you made were also genuine. Right bitches they were. 
You did try to make a living for yourself at first by working in a gas station, however, you weren’t really going anywhere with minimum wage, and the offer to work with your uncle in his new wrestling company was always on the table sooooo why not? A little career push never hurt anyone. 
You were now a junior producer, learning the backstage roles that made up the AEW family that you were so warmly welcomed into with open arms. Everyone seemed to like you there and you gained many friends in your first few months, Hook being one of the wrestlers you’d grown especially close with, originally getting along because of your similar ages, and now you acted as if you’d been friends since childhood. 
Of course, like any good childhood friend, he loved to mess with you and tease you, for example whenever you’re tasked to call him to the ring he thinks it’s a funny idea to go wandering around backstage, forcing you to go on a wild goose chase trying to find him. 
“I need to start keeping an air tag on you”. 
“Or maybe you should start being good at your job?” 
“I’d actually be able to do my job if you weren’t constantly playing hide and go seek”. 
Such a child… 
Or how about the few times he snatched the clipboard straight out of your hands and held it above his head where you couldn’t reach? 
“Just give it back. I need to get back to work”. 
“No one’s stopping you from working”. 
“There very clearly is someone stopping me”. 
What a dick… 
But! Today, he would regret all those times where he’d taken advantage of your job and made you look like a fool. He would be at your complete mercy and like hell would you take any pity on him; you were going to have your own back on this guy and he was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy watching it. Just like any good wrestling match. 
You walked through the hall with a proud smile glued to your face, looking forward to seeing the faces of over-adoring wrestling fans, full of hope that they can outbid everyone else for a date with some of the most favourite wrestlers AEW had to offer. 
As the organiser, you were one of the first people to arrive, only a couple of other producers and stagehands present who were setting up chairs - which were most likely to be discarded once they were in such close proximity to the wrestlers. 
Oh, revenge was sweet indeed. You made this happen, Y/N. You’re an absolute genius. 
When you proposed the idea of a charity fundraiser to your good ol’ uncle Tony about auctioning off dates with the wrestlers - not only to boost good publicity, but to give something to young children who had dreams of wrestling professionally - he immediately fell in love with the idea and told you to start making plans and secure some good people for the event. 
Those wrestlers needed to be put to good use anyway. You knew they were good for something. 
“Hey, have we got enough chairs for everyone?” you asked one of your colleagues who was setting up the seating. 
“Uhh I think so. If not, only a few people will have to stand”. 
You hum in response and start setting up the microphone and speakers before your sound guy arrives to take over. You’d hoped he would arrive soon because you had no fucking clue what you were doing. You were just tired of walking around watching everyone else do stuff. 
Whilst playing with the buttons of the soundboard, a loud, ear-piercing boom echoed through the hall, accompanied by a few pained cries you’d caused people. 
Oh, the cringe. 
You practically threw the microphone down and stepped away from the area you were working on. 
Best to leave it to the professionals. 
“Good idea. Deafen us so we can’t hear the screaming superfans later”. 
You turned to the sound of Hook’s voice to see him at the very end of the hall having just walked through the door. Just your luck for him to walk in as you embarrass yourself. But your luck was about to get better. 
“Thank you”, you replied genuinely, watching his figure moving in your direction. “You’ll need it when they’re screaming in your ears all night. Probably in more ways than one knowing your record”. 
He laughed softly and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he stood only a few feet away from you. 
“Hah you got me there, huh? A manwhore? Is that what you women call ‘em?” 
You shot him a warm, patronising smile. “Only behind your back”. You quickly changed your mind. “Oh who am I kidding? I call you that to your face”. 
You brushed past him, abandoning your post at the soundboard to help finish setting up the chairs, Hook closely following behind like a loyal puppy with his owner. 
“Nah I wouldn’t do that. Not with a fan, at least”. 
“Why’s that, fuckboy?” You joked. 
“Very funny”, he responded, rolling his eyes. “I’d feel like I'm taking advantage of their love and adoration for me or something like that. Not that I’d blame them of course”. 
You immediately stopped what you were doing and sent him a raised eyebrow. Like you’d believe that story. In the time you had known him, Hook had numerous women hanging off his arm (and that was only from what you had seen on social nights out with work), and sometimes those numerous women would be on one occasion. You were grateful you didn’t share the same hotel with him. Those were sounds you most definitely did not want to hear. 
He seemed to have noticed the scepticism written on your face and spoke before you had a chance to reply. “You don’t believe me?”, he asked in subtle disbelief. “I can be a gentleman, you know?” 
“You? A gentleman? I bet you’ve never even dated a girl before. I’ve only ever seen you walk out of bars with these ‘female friends’ of yours”. Despite ultimately joking, your teasing did have some truth behind it. For the four years you’d known him, you had never known this man to go out on a single actual date like to a restaurant or the movies or something cheesy like that. 
It didn’t bother you, of course. Or at least that’s what you kept on telling yourself. You had no reason to be jealous; you didn’t even like him in that way nor had you ever thought about him romantically. That was partially true until this moment. 
Sure you appreciated him, just the same as you appreciated all your hot friends. You work in the wrestling industry full of strong, sweaty, fit guys and girls. What did you expect? 
Fine! You admitted Hook was easy on the eyes. So what? It’s not like you’d ever wondered what those perfectly sculptured muscles he so proudly displays in the ring yet modestly covers underneath his hoodie felt like. And it never once crossed your mind what was so addictive about running your hands through his tousled hair as you’d seen him among all the women do repeatedly. 
Nope. None of that. Not. At. All… 
It couldn’t be that soft, right? 
Stop those intrusive thoughts, Y/N! It would never happen anyway. 
“You’ll see one day”, he defended, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I’m just trying to have fun whilst I’m still young. I’m not rushing life like you seem to be doing”. 
You sensed that you may have struck a nerve with the harsh tones in his voice as he looked at you expectedly, although you quickly felt awkward, a little ashamed of yourself for criticising his early life choices and perhaps taking your jokes a little too far. 
A big apology would have to wait, though, as there was so much shit to be done before the event started and it would have been unfair if you weren’t pulling your weight enough. After all, this was your chance to show your uncle that you had what it takes to progress in the company. 
Temporarily moving the problems with Hook to the back of your mind, you opened your mouth to speak a quick ‘sorry’ with the intention of making it up to him later like buying him a drink or something. However, another voice from only a few feet away echoed through the spacious hall. 
“Hey, who’s been messing with this setup?” 
Your sound guy must have come in without you noticing because you whipped your head around to see his face scrunched up with such confusion and frustration. You winced and turned away, pretending you didn’t know anything. Perhaps there was time for one long, drawn out apology. 
Never had you been more relieved to be made fun of, hearing the sound of a snicker from a certain hooded figure standing before you to which you smiled lightheartedly in response. You should have known he wouldn’t stay mad at you for long. 
What seemed like what was meant to be the end of the conversation clearly wasn’t because Hook still insisted on standing opposite you, staring and twitching his nose as if something was bothering him. 
“What do you want?” You asked, not wasting any time and getting back to setting up chairs. 
“What makes you think I want something?” 
“Oh I’m sorry. Don’t you?” Sarcasm was basically your second language. 
Hook was silent for a few seconds, allowing yourself to secretly smirk whilst your back was turned away from him. Just wait for it. 
“Okay yeah I do want something”. Bingo. You were right as always. “I need you to bid for me”. 
You scoffed into a breathy laugh. He couldn’t be serious, right? That’s like straight up asking you on a date without actually saying it and with a lot more complications than there needed to be. He continued. 
“I’d give you the money back, I swear. I just really really don’t want to date a fan who’s desperate enough to be here to win a date with me. It’ll be chaos”. 
As much as you questioned the cruel wording, you understood where his point was coming from. The entry fee in itself was five-hundred dollars and these people would have had to have been glued to their screen, waiting for the tickets to go on sale. On top of that, they wouldn’t even guarantee a date because they’d still have to bid a ridiculous amount of money in the auction. 
You’d love to help him but you already had your sweet sweet revenge all planned out. 
“Ooo it’s sooooo nice that you’re willing to give all that money to charity, and I’d hate seeing you at the mercy of some overbearing girl - or guy for that matter - buuut no. I’m not going to bid for you. It’d be wrong of me since, if you haven’t noticed, I’m running the whole thing”. 
Hook’s silence spoke volume as he now knew exactly how you felt about him being in this auction. 
“Bitch…” he muttered, turning to the side. 
“What was that?” you asked sternly, finally facing him, not having stopped setting up the chairs until now. 
“I said I… need to talk to Mitch”. He pointed to one of the guys on the other side of the room and pretended to approach him. 
You sighed before calling out whilst he was still within a few feet away, “His name is Thomas”. 
“Then I need to talk to Thomas, bitch”. 
“Oh just fuck off”. The conversation ended with you indignantly laughing at his teenager-y antics. 
Every single chair that you among others had placed had someone sat in it - well, they were all allocated, at least. One crazed fan that caught your eye was standing, of course, violently shaking the person next to her who you really hoped was her friend and not some stranger she was using as a human cocktail shaker. 
It was show time. Honestly, you had no other job than to make sure everything was in check, ensuring that the auction went as you had envisioned. No introduction was needed as Tony Shiavone (who was way too happy to be the announcer for a change) went straight to it, announcing the first wrestler up for grabs, and you were quite content standing off to the side where you could watch the whole show as well as watching the crowd. 
“Coming in from St. Marks Place, he’s cold-hearted, he’s definitely handsome, and the girls go crazy for him”. 
Ha ha! Although it was the first auction, this was definitely the main event in your opinion. The one you had been looking forward to the most. 
“Weighing in at 202 pounds, he currently holds the championship for the best single life. He’s Hoooooooooook!” 
If the pool of merchandise wasn’t enough to figure out exactly how big of fans these people were, the screaming made it all too obvious. You hardly heard his song playing due to a mix of the yelling and the (hopefully temporary) deafness it caused you. 
Seeing Hook walk on stage as just himself without the aloof persona he puts on was strange to say the least. It felt as though all these people got to experience a side to him that only you had the pleasure of seeing, which you knew was absolutely ludicrous because you weren’t the only person in his life. Perhaps it was the fact that these ‘people’ were the women who were about to pay a ridiculous amount of money at a chance for his heart. 
Was this what jealousy felt like? 
No, of course not. You had no reason to be jealous. You were about to relish in the suffering he was about to endure by one of these fans. 
But what if the date… went well? What if he actually started a relationship with that woman? What would that mean for the two of you? 
You desperately tried to shake your head out of those thoughts. He said he wouldn’t romantically involve himself with a fan anyway. 
…but what if-? No! Shut up, Y/N! 
Hook’s eyes immediately met yours, eyebrows raising as if to say ‘wish me luck’, to which you smirked in a reply, reminding yourself that this whole event was meant to be enjoyable for you. 
“And we’ll start the bidding at three-hundred dollars. Oh straight in with the three-hundred”. 
The bids came in so fast that you could hardly comprehend how many bidding paddles were flying up in the air until they began to slow down as the price continued to rise to those outrageous prices you were waiting to hear. 
“Two-thousand dollars to the woman in the front here. Is there a twenty-one-hundred here?” 
The higher the bids came in, the fewer women that were left standing, eventually cutting it down to just two, and then to one, and boy were they desperate. 
“That’s five-thousand dollars to the woman at the front going once”. 
Pause. You peered at the lucky lady who had won the date with Hook and what came into your view could have made your body implode from how badly your blood was boiling. 
“Going twice”. 
Pause. It couldn’t be her, could it? But that long golden blonde hair and sharp facial features were completely undeniable. 
“Five-thousand one-hundred!” Your voice spoke out before you even had time to think, your glare not having left the woman who stood on the front row. Her disgusting victorious smile returned her natural hideous jealous scowl you’d known for years which whipped in your direction as probably many other heads, including Hook’s, did - not that you were paying any attention to anyone else now that the woman who had been harassing you for almost two years was here in front of you. 
You were lucky you hadn’t spoken to the audience yet because you feared what kind of backlash you and the company would have received if anyone knew you - an organiser - started bidding in their own event. 
“Two-hundred!” Her voice fought back to which you quickly retaliated with a hundred dollars more. Like hell was this bitch going to get what she wanted. 
You knew Petra from highschool. She was one of those who thought she and her friends were oh so much better than you because of how much makeup they wore and how trendy their new Prada outfit was. She even bragged about her grades from time to time. After all, she did a lot of grinding on hard work to achieve those. 
“Six thousand!” 
Where the hell was she getting this money from? 
You presumed she was rich all these years, but not ‘I’m gonna buy myself a famous boyfriend’ rich. 
“Seven!” You on the other hand had no reason to worry about money. One huge benefit of working in your uncle’s business was the generous pay. Uncle Tony really did not hold out when it came to paying his staff. 
You could see Hook’s perplexed look from beneath his hoodie directed at you, most likely wondering why you had such the change of heart, but you couldn’t let your focus drift away from the burden sitting on the front row. She must pay. 
After you graduated and All Elite Wrestling had taken off, word had gotten out that you were Tony Khan’s niece, so when you mistakenly decided to post on Instagram about your new job there, the number of private messages you had received from people you had hardly spoken to in the past came flooding in, asking if you could get them tickets, or arrange a meet and greet with their favourites. 
You’d decided to ignore all of them, however, there was one who was painfully persistent that you eventually had to tell them to shut the fuck up because it was never gonna happen. That person was, of course, Petra. Every week or so it was all ‘Can you set me up with Hook?’, ‘Oh my god isn’t Hook just the hottest?’, and ‘Can’t you do this for me after all you put me through in high school?’ 
Who the hell did she think she was? A princess? Not everything isn’t her fault. 
You didn’t fail to notice the slight panic in her widened eyes after you raised the price by another thousand dollars. 
Where’s daddy’s allowance now, bitch? 
She hesitantly gestured to Shiavone to up the bid another hundred, however, now you knew she was running short of money, you felt you could wrap this up pretty swiftly. 
“Eight-thousand dollars”, you said with a smirk. You were definitely going over your limit and you’d probably have to budget your shopping for a couple of months, but boy would it be worth it in the end to see that smug face wiped clean off. 
“Nine-thousand dollars!” How many sugar daddies does this girl have? She probably knows she can leave and suck someone’s dick for another 1k. 
No matter how she got the money, you knew you had more. 
“Ten–thousand dollars!” The murmurs and Petra’s silence spoke all. You saw her visibly gulp and glance around the floor in disbelief. She wasn’t going to find another two thousand dollars on the floor so you really did not know what she could have been looking around for. She lost her pride a long time ago and she sure as hell wasn’t going to find it here. 
“And the date with Hook goes to uhh… the lady over there for ten-thousand dollars!” 
You sent Tony a small, thankful smile for not telling everyone who you were, and you were quite surprised that Petra hadn’t said anything appalling yet given she too knew that you had to have had a part in this event. She’d even begged you for weeks in advance if you could rig the event for her. In hindsight, you really shouldn’t have been at all shocked to see her here. 
One of the backstage crew gestured for you to follow them to which you obliged, leaving the noise of disappointed groans behind you. One glance at Hook before you disappeared behind the curtain told you that this situation was just as awkward for him as it was now for you. 
Your mind scoured for a suitable justification as to why you might have spoken up when you did. 
You could say it was for charity? Those unfortunate kids were about to be bathed in riches and opportunities with the amount of money being thrown at them. 
Not having any faith in your poor, disingenuous excuse, and seeing Hook making his way towards you, you decided that perhaps it would be better if you simply told him the truth. It was a valid reason after all. You wanted Hook to suffer for all the teasing he had done to you in the past but you didn’t want to torture him to death. 
“Is that why you decided to work here?” 
You stared at him with a puzzled look and he continued. 
“Because you’re a secret superfan?” 
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed and whilst waiting for an actual response to come to your mind, another half laugh, half scoff filled the silence, making his claim seem like the truth. You had not joined the AEW team because you were a Hook superfan (because you weren’t), but over the years of working alongside him in the background, you had naturally become one of his biggest fans. 
“Yeah, you wish”. You regretted the poor excuse for a comeback as soon as it left your lips. 
“Sooo are you gonna tell me why you just bid for me or are you gonna stand there all awkward?” He asked after a long hesitation. 
Yep. The truth is better than an obvious lie. 
“I knew the other woman from high school and trust me when I tell you that I was doing you a favour. She’s a slut. A tart. A whore if you will. I swear in God’s name if I ever see her again I will-” 
“Alright alright I get it. You can tell me more on our date”. 
You were glad Tyler decided to interrupt you there as you hadn’t even realised your hands clawing at thin air as if choking the very woman you hadn’t been able to get out of your life since you started working here. She had caused nothing but distractions and… 
Wait, what? 
Hook chuckled at your doe eyes. “You won fair and square, right?” 
“Well yeah but I didn’t realise that– I didn’t think– I thought you wouldn’t– okay, a date sounds great”. 
“Are you sure? I didn’t think you’d want to date a ‘fuckboy’ like me”. 
Ah shit. Yeah you forgot about that. Well you supposed now would be a better time than any for an apology. 
“Look I really am sorry for that. I was–” 
“It doesn’t matter. You weren’t completely wrong. But I won’t be like that with you. How about tonight?” 
You sent a warm smile of relief. Perhaps you had just been in denial all this time because you were suddenly super excited for this date with this good-looking, hilarious, kind friend of yours. 
“Sounds perfect. It’ll probably be late, though. I have to help clean up”. 
“I’ll wait, don’t worry”. 
He edged past you and left you with your heart feeling like it was about to burst out of your chest and with butterflies hitting every inch of your stomach lining. The shaky breath you let out was quickly sucked back in when two hands gripped your hips and pulled your body close to theirs. 
“I like it when you're nervous around me. Cocky didn’t suit you”, Hook muttered in your ear. Every part of you tingled now and you felt you could hardly move. 
That would’ve been awkward if it wasn’t Hook. 
You managed to turn your body, watching him make his way to the back door, looking like he was walking down a fashion runway or something. 
Before he could reach for the handle, you called out to him, not letting him get away with the comment you had just realised he made. 
“You’re still going to pay me back, though, right?” 
He turned with a smirk and without saying anything, stuck both his middle fingers up at you before leaving the building. 
Smug bastard… 
You spent the remainder of the day with a gigantic grin plastered upon your face. You hadn’t dared show yourself on stage as the organiser after your little showdown with Petra, and you had hoped that all of those people out there would never figure out who you were either. 
Perhaps she would leave you alone now after that whole ordeal, knowing that she lost and would finally be able to accept that she will never be able to get to Hook through you. You had to give her some credit, however, because without her, some other girl would have won and you would never have been given this date opportunity. 
Instead, you would probably be eating ice cream in bed in pure jealousy rather than savouring the humiliation you had originally wished upon your date. 
Your date… Ah! Exciting! This ten grand had better be worth it. 
Bonus: A few private messages! (I had no idea what I was doing)
Message #1
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Message #2
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Message #3 (Blurry schmurry. It's fine)
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End notes: I would like to apologise for being naive. I thought it was cool that Chris and Hook were teaming, especially since I saw Chris Jericho's band in Feb (which was great btw) and I got overexcited at their collaboration. I scold myself everyday since he pushed Taz and took the belt.
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pharawee · 7 months
It's been a week already, so here I am with the third part of my Pit Babe novel commentary.
(You can find the first two parts here and here.)
First things first, though. North is an omega. Do with that information what you will. 🤡
Meanwhile, Charlie and Babe are back at it again (because of course they are) and this time they're not taking any prisoners. Poor Way is on the phone with Babe as Charlie does his best to please~ him. In various ways. Way is very confused. All he wants is for Babe to tell him which car he wants him to buy. You know, if this is Way's villain origin story then I'm not even mad.
Charlie mercifully ends the call before things can get a bit too obvious, only for Babe to pick up the phone again to make an x-rated recording of them going at it like bunnies. Keep this in mind for later.
But anyway. It's finally time for Charlie's initiation into Team X-Hunter - that is, if he manages to pass Alan's test: compete against Pit Babe himself. As if Charlie wasn't nervous enough about it already. Naturally, he loses, and he's really upset about it too - not because he failed the test but because he failed his friends. Aw. But no one really expected him to win against Babe anyway, Alan merely wanted to test his determination, and so he's welcomed as the newest member of the team. Competitive racing really is that easy, I guess.
One almost-love confession later (Babe can't quite bring himself to say it but he doesn't need to. Charlie knows.) they're back to actually teaching Charlie how to race. Since Babe is still healing from his injuries, he can only (very stylishly) watch from the sidelines as the other members of X-Hunter take over as Charlie's teachers. Today it's North's turn and remember? He's the only omega on the team. Naturally, Babe is jealous. They (dirty-)talk it out. Charlie can now smell Babe's emotions, while Babe has all but lost his heightened senses. Hm.
Later, in the locker room while Charlie is busy racing, Babe comes across Way. Or is it the other way around? It seems like Way really wants to talk to him - or rather, talk him out of being with Charlie. Something's really fishy about the way he phrases things. Manipulate, mansplain, malewife. Or something. But the thing is? For some strange reason it's working, even on someone as headstrong and stubborn as Babe (and the only reason why Babe isn't immediately giving in to Way's weirdly cruel love confession is because his heart is full of Charlie). All these moments when Way and he seemed so flirty and close? Suddenly they've become very, very creepy. Hmm.
Anyway. It's time for Charlie to pay another visit to his mysterious clients and/or family. He never really says (but we now know better). But, oh no! He's left his wallet! Luckily, he's got the world's best not-quite-boyfriend to try and catch up with him before it's too late.
And here's where things go very, very wrong.
(I'm putting the rest of this post under a cut because of major spoilers and a content warning for SA and grooming. Please take care.💜)
Because that's not a taxi Babe sees Charlie getting into. It's one of his "father's" limousines, along with some of his men. Preparing for the worst, Babe follows.
Meanwhile, Charlie is meeting up with his adopted father. Their coversation goes about as expected, with Charlie refusing to return home and bring Babe with him while he's at it, because they've indeed been adopted by the same man. Charming.
This is the moment when Babe barges into the room, thinking that he's here to save Charlie before very quickly realising the truth: that he's been manipulated and played and lied to.
I need you to realise how much of a nightmare this is for Babe. He's spent over a decade running from an adoptive father who wants to trap and abuse him, and now the only person he trusts (and loves, but we don't talk about that) has led him straight back into that trap.
So basically, Babe's sanity is slowly unravelling at the seams. He immediately takes off, with Charlie following him outside and into the rain (because of course it's raining - it's much more dramatic that way). When Charlie attempts to stop him and explain, Babe (understandably) lashes out. He punches Charlie's glasses right off his face, failing to understand why he's the one who's hurting when it's Charlie who should be feeling guilty.
Oh, and then there's this bit:
"I thought you liked racing…" Babe's voice was trembling and soft, completely different from before, "…I thought you loved me."
I barely survived reading this. I'm here for fun omegaverse shenanigans dammit!!
So, yeah, Babe returns home alone, and even though he doesn't want to, he forces himself to remember what happened with his adoptive father, because as it turns out Charlie's betrayal has the most horrifying of implications:
You see, Babe was adopted because he was an alpha with special abilities. But he wasn't the only one, there were other adopted alpha children with special abilities that Babe was never allowed to meet. Eventually, Babe learned about the existence of enigmas who stand above even alphas and are so strong (and thankfully rare) that they can turn any alpha they have sex with into omegas and impregnate them. Children from these unions have a 99% chance to be alphas with special abilities. See where this is going?
Let me spell it out for you - because clearly this isn't wtf-inducing enough: Babe is essentially the main ingredient in his adoptive father's breeding program.
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But wait! It gets even worse! 🤡🤡
Babe, alone and at his lowest, deduces that Charlie must the enigma that was sent to lure him back.
And if that's true, then maybe he's already been changed from an alpha into an omega (because his heightened senses are gone, remember?). Maybe he's already pregnant.
And this is what sends Babe completely over the edge (same here, Babe, same here...) because he is positively traumatised by the thought of having children and fulfilling his adoptive father's sick wishes. He doesn't want children. The very thought makes him sick. He values his autonomy above all else. He never even has sex with omegas because he refuses to get anyone pregnant.
Only now he's about to get a pregnancy test because he was stupid enough to fall for a cute, innocent boy with glasses.
Enter Charlie who of course still knows the code to Babe's condo. Babe barricades himself in his bedroom while Charlie tells him his side of the story. How he was adopted by the same man, and how he was quite content with his life until he learned about his father's plan to get one of his other adoptive children pregnant - by force if necessary. Charlie felt sorry for this older adoptive brother but since he only knew his name - Babe - he bid his time until he heard about a racer named Pit Babe. Charlie started hanging out at the races and in turn fell in love with racing (and with Babe).
Fast forward to now, only of course Babe doesn't believe him because he must be the enigma, right?
Nope, turns out Charlie is an alpha after all, only his special ability is stealing other alphas' special abilities.
And his grand plan? To take away what makes Babe special so their adoptive father will no longer be interested in breeding (ugh...) him.
Which leaves us (and Babe) with one problem: Wtf Charlie, you don't just steal people's abilities without their consent - especially not when you claim to love them.
So yeah, their whole relationship is based on lies and manipulation, and Charlie essentially stole Babe's heightened senses by having sex with him.
Babe starts crying, Charlie starts crying, then they start having hatesex (which usually ends all their arguments). This fixes things for about five minutes until Babe starts sobbing for real. He wants Charlie to leave. He can't even stand to look at him.
And so Charlie leaves and moves in with his other adoptive brother, Jeff. We'd already established that Jeff is an omega. However, he's a special omega (because why else would he have been adopted too?).
Jeff can see the future. 🤡🤡🤡
He was incredibly valuable to their adoptive father until he probably realised what that meant for him, so one day Jeff took a stroll outside and let himself get hit by a car, claiming that this had him lose his abilities. Naturally, he was promptly discarded, but he seems to live a comfortable life protected by Charlie. He's exactly as aloof as Pon plays him in the series. I love Jeff, ok?
Meanwhile, Babe's back to his old habits, trying to chase away his thoughts of Charlie by getting it on with other alphas. Only it doesn't work. He blames their scent, of course, but he's clearly still hung up on Charlie. Drunk and miserable, he rediscovers the spicy video of Charlie and him that he recorded on his phone and promptly starts masturbating (as you do). When Charlie calls him, he picks up out of habit. Babe is angry (and horny) and Charlie is sad (and horny) so they have phone sex (and they're still really into calling each other papa and daddy - which, you know, there might be better pet names considering who's their adoptive father but ok).
Babe still doesn't want to see Charlie, and as Charlie later aptly puts it:
"Because I chose the starting point myself without asking him. So now I have to let him choose the ending he is most comfortable with."
Much, much later, the racing season picks back up again. Turns out the whole race track had to shut down for an investigation into Babe's accident. It's Charlie's first race and there's some kind of qualifying for future rounds. But, surprise! Babe will be racing too. He's too stubborn to let Charlie win the title. To the surprise of absolutely no one (except for Charlie who's worried about Babe's barely-healed injuries) Babe easily wins, with Charlie (who's overwhelmed by his new heightened senses) coming in fourth place. Plot twist (but really actually not...): Babe doesn't need to rely on his senses to win because he has years of experience to draw from.
After the race, Charlie follows Babe into the locker room. They talk it out. This somehow involves a blowjob but I'm not judging. Babe still won't forgive Charlie, saying:
"You think I love you more than I love myself?"
Which is an incredibly powerful thing to say and I hope they keep this for the series.
Later that night, Babe meets up with Way because he doesn't want to be alone. Things with him have been awkward since that day in the locker room when Way basically confessed, but for some reason Babe won't hold it against him. Way is right, after all (Hmmm.). Only, Way won't let things be and somehow, without Babe noticing, they're suddenly kissing.
And then Babe goes motionless and still as Way starts undressing him. He's stopped just in time by a very panicky Charlie. When Babe comes to he doesn't know what's going on until Charlie tells him.
Way is their adoptive brother and he can hypnotise alphas.
Because DUN DUN DUN! Way is the enigma.
To be continued. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
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