#got dressed up to go out yesterday then opted against it and did some editing at home
icantalk710 · 2 years
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New year, new oats to feel and whatnot 💁🏽‍♂️
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kookscrescent · 5 years
Wings Are Meant To Fly │ pjm
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➤ pairing│Jimin x female reader ➤ summary│You finally go your wings, but when you find yourself having a difficult time learning the ins and outs of flying, the last person you want help from offers his.  ➤ rating│PG-13  ➤ genre│fairy au, fantasy au, enemies to lovers ➤ warnings│strong language, some kissing, Jimin is simply an asshole, some humor (hopefully lol...) ➤ word count│5k│semi edited ➤ release date│December 9th 2019 ➤ disclaimer│This is all fiction! Nothing mentioned/written are facts and/or real! So please just keep that in mind when reading and enjoy! Thank you ♡
⇥ Masterlist
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”God fucking dammit!”
Cursing loudly, you stumble through the thickness of the bushes and trees. Thorns pocking the bare skin on your legs, some of them penetrating the skin leaving behind a stinging sensation.
You look down the length of your body. You have dirt everywhere! The new dress your mother made for this specific day is now completely ruined! The white fabric now stained with brown dirt and green spots of grass.
“Ugh!” you cry loudly in frustration, your hands furiously trying to wipe away as much of it as possible.
Leaves crumble in the tall bushes next to you, “Having trouble?”
The voice startles you, making you jump in shock and making your heart beat uncontrollably. You scoff when you notice who the voice belongs to. Him. Why does he have to be the one to witness this of all the people in the village?!
“Go away.” You grumble and turn your back to him.
But of course he doesn’t listen. He never does. He only ever listens to himself and his father. “But I was enjoying the show.” He pouts, but you can clearly hear the amusement in his voice, and it makes your blood boil.
“I’m serious Jimin, go away!”
Your day has already been crap thus far and you don’t need him as audience for this just to go back to the village and tell everyone how much you suck at learning how to fly.
For over centuries, young fairies have grown into their wings on their 21st birthday. Today was your turn to get yours. You were so excited when you woke up this morning, not caring in the slightest about the presents and the breakfast your parents had prepared for you, you just rushed to the bathroom to look at your new wings in the mirror.
They are beautiful. You have always seen everyone older than you walking around with theirs and flying around the village. It was such a sight and you couldn’t wait for the day you got yours.
You are still amazed when you look over your shoulder and they are there. Pure white and feathery, and just the right size for you.
But your happiness didn’t last very long.
In this village it is also customary to learn how to fly on your own. That means without supervision and without help from any of the elders, just yourself and your wings trying to take off from the ground and stay in the air.
Not that anything would happen if anyone were to teach someone how to fly, but in this village, pride is a major key.
Flying… It sounds easy enough, but it is not! The amount of concentration it takes to get only a couple of centimeters off the ground is enough to give anyone a headache! And once you finally got a few centimeters off the ground, your entire body would spasm, sending you crashing right to the ground.
It is no fun at all! And the fact that Jimin has just witnessed your crash of humiliation is just the icing on the cake. You know that by the end of the day the entire village will know about you lost attempts of flying.
“You know it usually takes a one or two tries for most people, but five tries ____? Really?”
You bend down to grab the nearest rock and you throw it at him, aiming for his face. “Fuck off Jimin!”
The rock isn’t even close to hitting his face. You manage to humiliate yourself even further by throwing like a total loser as well. Great!
Jimin laughs at your poor attempt. “You can’t even throw!”
“Not all of us grew up in the same conditions as you!” You throw back desperately.
Being the son of the fairy king, Jimin grew up in a completely different setting than you. Sure, you went to the same school during your younger years and through your teenager stage, but in private it was all different.
He grew up in a castle with a king as his father, while you grew up in a normal house and your father is by no means a king, he is however an advisor to the king, but being one of the kings advisors doesn’t bring you any privileges in this field per say. Jimin received training in all sorts of things like sports, history and because of his position as the king’s son, he was even permitted flying lessons when he turned 21. You didn’t get any of that growing up. Your fathers takes great honor in his pride as well as his family’s pride, and he is a firm believer in self learning, so the extend of your training – of any kind – was your father trying to get you to play sports with him. He quickly gave up when he realized that it would be to no avail though. You don’t own a single sporty bone in your body!
The rock you just tried throwing is evidence of that!
“I didn’t receive training in rock throwing,” he deadpans with a laugh.
Jimin steps closer to you, standing in your line of sight. You glare at him, wishing that you could smack that stupid smirk right off his face, but you know it will only get you in trouble.
You notice he has retracted his wings, the space on his back being left bare and only covered by his shirt, but you have seen them plenty of times before. They are unlike any other wings. He is  a direct line to the throne, royal blood running through his veins and therefor his wings are black. Just like his fathers.  
You would never in a million years admit this to him, but his wings are actually quite breathtaking. The color so rare and unique for wings, and when they hit direct sunlight they turn silver – the same color as his hair.
Jimin takes in the sight of you as well. The light layer of dirt covering your white wings is proof that you have fallen to the ground more times then you have stayed in the air. Your dress as well is covered in dirt and mud, and Jimin finds it rather amusing that you haven’t yet mastered the skill of flying.
You sigh in despair, “Seriously Jimin, what do you want?” You just wish for him to leave you alone so you can get a grip on this.
“Nothing,” he shrugs.
“Good, then leave.”
You don’t know if it is the pleading tone of your voice or the way your hope is slowly leaving your body, but eventually, after a few seconds of pondering, Jimin turns and leaves through the bushes. You watch him leave without further words, the tightness in your shoulders slowly loosening and when you can’t see him through the branches and leaves, you breathe deeply, determined to fly.  
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“How did it go?” Your mother asks as soon as you step into your house. The sun has long set and has been replaced by the moon for the night.
“Did you fly?” she proceeds to ask when you don’t answer her first question.
You head straight for your bedroom. “I don’t wanna talk about it!” You say with a little too much anger and slam the door behind you.
You feel bad for talking like that to your mother. It’s not her fault that you can’t seem to get a grasp on this stupid flying thing!
Faceplanting on your bed, you groan loudly into the pillow – all of your pent-up anger and frustration seeping into the soft fabric.
Why did you have to be born as a fairy? Why could you not just have been born as a human or a troll… Okay, maybe not a troll, but still!
Do you even need the skill of flying? What is it even good for? It’s not like it’s a life or dead necessity.
“This sucks!” You mumble into the pillow.
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Despite the fact that you haven’t slept a wink last night, your determination has brought you out of bed at the crack of dawn and back to the same secluded clearing. The sun has barely even woken up yet and the entire village is still sleeping. Not a single fairy is in sight and you thank the great fairy God that your 21st birthday fell on a Friday, which means that today is Saturday and no one will be up for at least a couple of hours.
You learnt from your mistake yesterday, wearing a brand new dress was a bad idea, so instead you opted for a pair of your old leggings and a t shirt you don’t care about. Thankfully it’s not to chilly in the mornings this time of the year.
You can see the small clearing as you push through many branches, your hands providing your face with safety as they pounce back every time they are slightly pushed to the side.
As you make it out of the bushes, you spot a figure sitting on the opposite side of the small field, leaning casually against a tree while eating an apple. You stop in your tracks when you realize just who it is.
“What the hell are you doing here Jimin?!”
He doesn’t even flinch at the tone of your annoyed voice. He briefly lifts his head to meet your eyes before he returns his focus to the apple, taking a big bite, the sound ringing through the empty clearing.
“You’re here?” He feigns nonchalantly.
“Why are you here?” You ask him again stepping closer.
This time he keeps his eyes on yours, a stupid smile appearing on his face. “I was out for my morning run and decided to take a little break.” Another bite of apple goes into his mouth.
Frustrated, you shake your head and cross your arms over your chest. “You were out for your morning run?” You huff. “Right Jimin, whatever.”
You decide to leave. You really don’t have the energy to deal with him today! You’ve barely slept more than a few minutes and you are still angry and frustrated from yesterday. You are practically a bomb waiting to go off!
“I can help you, you know!” Jimin calls after you making you stop and face him.
“I can teach you how to fly.”
You narrow your eyes at him. What is his deal? “And why exactly would you do that?”
“Wings are meant to fly,” he smirks arrogantly and then adds on a shrug, “and I’m a friendly soul.”
You could laugh right then and there! Jimin a friendly soul? Right!
In all the years you have known him, he has never once been remotely friendly towards you. Jimin is 2 years older than you, and during your school years, he was always the most popular guy. Everyone wanted to be his friend but he always kept to his close knit circle of friends.
The elite fairies.
They were a group of seven guys, all stemming from similar backgrounds, except for Jimin being higher in rank than all of them. But you don’t really think they look at it in that way. They were all friends, equal so to say.
Or at least that was the vibe you got from them whenever you saw them in the hallways.
But he has never been nice to you! He would always tease you for the way you dressed, the way you styled your hair. He even teased you for hitting puberty later than most of the other girls.
You hated that he felt like he could just tease and make fun of whoever he pleased just because of his father is the king.
“I’m sorry, but did you just say that you are a friendly soul?” You laugh and he has the audacity to scowl at you. “Sure, and I’m your fairy godmother.”
Jimin stands form his spot by the tree, carelessly throwing the remainder of his apple to the ground. He takes slow steps towards you, his hands going into the pockets of his black joggers. “Really? I’ve actually never met my fairy godmother seeing as she died over 100 years ago, but I must say you really do hold up nicely for someone that is supposedly dead.”
If you could just smack him once and get away with it! You can feel your palms itching to do so, but you fight the urge.
“Goodbye!” You growl with clenched teeth.
“I can have you up and flying by the end of the hour.” He drawls his promise seductively, his voice coated with sugar and venom.
Again, you stop walking as his words settle with you. He can have you flying by the end of the hour but at what cost? What does he get out of this arrangement? Would it even be that bad having him teach you how to do it? Sure it would hurt your pride, but you really don’t know how many more crashes you can take before you eventually go crazy and rip off your wings.
Fuck! Are you really contemplating this?!
“What would you get out of it?”
Jimin goes through all of the options in his head, his lips forming a straight line but his eyes dancing brightly with humor.
“A kiss.” He finally lands on.
You almost choke on air. A kiss!? What the hell!
“You want me to kiss you?!” You sputter. “What the fuck? Why?!”
Jimin shrugs, “Call it curiosity.”
“What even…” Your words slowly die down as you feel yourself getting flushed. You hate to admit it, but as much as you hate the guy you are not blind! You think he’s attractive – of course you do, you would be stupid not to think so, but that fact doesn’t make up for him being a complete asshole!
Yet, you find yourself seriously wanting to kiss him… just to see what it would be like…
No! You can’t seriously want to kiss him! It’s an internal battle with yourself, your mind going over all of the pros and cons. The pro is that by the end of the hour you will hopefully be flying with ease, and the cons are that its Jimin who will have taught you how to do it, and he will most likely tease you with it for the rest of your existing life and you will have to kiss him as well.
All though that part can be seen as both a pro and a con depending on which part of your body you ask right now.
“Alright, fine!” You hear yourself speak in the end. “But one kiss. One small peck!” You stress to him.
“Whatever,” he pulls his hands from his pockets and stands in front of you. “Let’s see your wings then.”
You feel a little intimidated to spread your wings right here in front of Jimin. It’s not a difficult task to do, you quickly mastered how to retract and extend them yesterday but having Jimin’s burning gaze on you while you do it… it is a little unsettling.
With a deep breath you let your wings flutter open behind you. It is still a feeling you are getting used to and you still haven’t made up you mind if you like the feeling or not. It doesn’t hurt per say, but its most definitely not a pleasant feeling either. The best way you can describe it is, that it is similar to the feeling of popping a pimple. It sounds gross but it’s the truth. The feeling of something bursting through your skin but it doesn’t hurt it is just unpleasant at most.
As you seem lost in your own thoughts, Jimin takes the opportunity to study your wings. They look pretty much the same as other normal wings, the same white color only yours are a tad bit more feathery, a few of the feathers hanging delicately at the bottom of them giving them a more feminine look, and they are smaller, not by much, but enough to match your physic perfectly.
“So where do we start?” You ask, your arms spreading wide in a shrugging motion. “What should I do?”
Jimin clears his throat, “Firstly,” he begins circling you till he stands behind you. “You need to become one with your wings.”
“What are-“
“You need to know your wings to be able to control them.”
“I can already do that. You just saw me extend them, didn’t you?” You huff annoyed.
“That’s not the same thing,” he tsks. “Being able to extend and retract them is easy enough. It’s a form of control yes, but it’s not the same.” He explains.
Jimin puts both of his hands on your shoulders and you stiffen even further under his touch. Behind you Jimin smirks at your reaction. “You need to connect with your wings.” He continues. “Loosen up, relax your body.”
You try your hardest to relax, but the heat from his hands are making it almost impossible for you to do so. Closing your eyes, you concentrate hard on trying to relax.
“There you go,” Jimin praises you, when he feels your muscles loosen up.
“What now?”
He moves his hands from your shoulders completely, taking the warmth with him. He steps to your front once again but you keep your eyes closed. If you look at him now you will just tense up again.
“Now, you focus all your energy on your wings. Imagine them in your mind, draw out a clear picture of them, what they look like, how they feel, what they would look like in the air.” He lowers his voice with each word, the sound settling in your mind.
You do as you are told. You mind and body focusing on the same thing and slowly you begin feeling a sensation of small shocks through your body.
You begin to panic, “What’s that?” You gasp as another shock runs through you.
Jimin rolls his eyes at you, “That’s the feeling of you connecting with your wings, you idiot!”
“Don’t call me an idiot, you asshole!”
“Then stop being a baby.”
Scowling, you open your eyes. “I’m not being a baby! This whole thing is new for me, okay! You might have gotten this thing on the first try back when you first got your wings, but let me tell you something buddy, you and I are different! My father is a strong believer in self learning, so I didn’t have a teacher to teach me anything about this leading up to it!”
You can feel the anger seething out of you, and you know your entire face is probably red and your eyes close to tears.
“You do have a teacher.” Jimin points out, ignoring the rest of your little rant.
“Then stop being fucking mean to me and teach me!”
Taking a step back, Jimin shrugs his shoulders in an apologetic manner. He doesn’t say the actual words, but you take it for what it is.
Closing your eyes once again, you let your body and mind connect with your wings. The shocks begin again. Short waves running through your body and all stopping in one place: your wings.
As the shocks keep coming, you feel your wings begin to flutter. It starts slow – the soft feathers lightly moving against the morning air, but they quickly gain speed. The fluttering turns into full blown swishes and the leaves on the bushes rattle from the force of it.
The feeling is foreign and unlike anything you have felt before. It feels like your body isn’t yours anymore, like it has gone to a completely different place. The shocks are still running through your body until suddenly they aren’t, and it almost feels like you are floating instead.
“What now?” You ask Jimin confused.
“Open your eyes you moron!”
“Hey! I told you not t-“ Your scolding falls short when you eventually open your eyes to see yourself floating several inches above Jimin.
“What the fuck!?” You gasp in surprise and wobbling slightly in the air from your sudden outburst. You didn’t even feel your feet leaving the ground! When did this happen?
You look at Jimin in utter shock and he just laughs at you, the expression on your face priceless. He slaps his hands smugly, “Now you’ve learned to get in the air, now you need to learn how to control your direction.”
“Okay… how?” You ask still floating above him.
“Same as before really. Focus on where you want to go.”
“Like visualize the place?”
“Yes.”  Jimin confirms. “If you want to go left, visualize it. If you want to go forward, visualize it. If you want to fly higher, visualize it.”
“Okay,” you mumble. Once again all of your focus goes to visualizing and connecting with your wings. In your head you repeat the mantra forward, forward, forward! It takes a couple of seconds, but eventually you slowly edge forward, your shadow looming over Jimin as you move.
“Oh my god!” You gasp happily. “I’m fucking flying!”
You can hear Jimin laugh behind you, the sound echoing around you as you fly in small circles amongst the tall trees and bushes.
This is amazing!
Your whole life you have waited for the day when you would finally get your wings and be able to fly! And now here you are! Granted, things didn’t turn out or run as smoothly as you had hoped for, and you have to admit that your pride is a little bruised from having to ask Jimin for help, but you are okay with that and your father doesn’t have to know that you didn’t do it all by yourself.  
“How do I get back down?!” You half yell the question.
“Visualize it!” He yells back.
When you eventually land with both feet on the ground, you can’t keep the smile off your face. You just flew! And you didn’t crash and burn like the other times!
You feel a new sense of energy and happiness bubbling inside of you. You feel like you could run a marathon and swim across the oceans.
Wanting to do it again, you don’t hesitate for a second before you are back in the air, giggling like a little school fairy. This time you fly even higher than before. You fly over the tops of the trees and bushes, up where there is nothing but fresh air and quiet. You know you have to be careful when you are this high up and this unprotected. A large bird could easily come and snatch you without a second glance.
In the distance you can see the sun peeking out from the tree line. The bright rays warming your naked arms and you bathe in the feeling of it. Not a single cloud is in the sky and it is a sign that today is going to be a good day.
Slowly and to your dismay, you retreat back down to the ground. Jimin is still there, standing in the same spot as before, his eyes following you back down. In your ecstasy you had nearly forgotten about him.
You retract your wings and a silence falls between you. You know that you are supposed to say thank you to him, but for some reason having to utter those two words to him – to Jimin, is hard, and also you know you have a dept to pay to him.
“Uh,” you begin, nervously scratching the side of your arm. “Thank you for helping me out.” You surprise yourself at how strong the words come across despite the fact that your heart is beating wildly in your chest.
“You’re welcome.” Jimin answers casually.
You catch yourself zoning in on his lips. There are a good few steps between you, but you can clearly see how plump they look, and it makes you wonder what he is like when he kisses. You know for a fact that he has done plenty of kissing and fooling around in the past, several of your girlfriends having fallen victim to his charms but hearing it from someone else and experiencing it yourself are two completely different things.
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Well… bye!” You quickly rush the words out of your mouth and turn on your heal, ready to make a dash for it when Jimin takes a hold of your wrist.
“Not so fast,” he huffs, a small laugh following his words. “I believe you owe me something.”
Eyes falling to his fingers still wrapped around your wrist, you hesitantly look into his eyes. “Really? What’s that?” You feign confusion, your eyebrows raising to play up your act.
Jimin just rolls his eyes at you, “A kiss.” As soon as the word kiss is in the air, your heart begins to race once again. It is beating so fast that you are pretty sure that Jimin is able to see it beating against your chest.
You hum, “Hmm, I don’t remember ever agreeing to kiss you.” Just for good measure, you look around you in confusion as if you are looking for that specific memory.
He tilts his head, boyish smile adoring his plump lips. “Now you might be an idiot, but I know you’re not dumb.”
“Did you just insult me and compliment me at the same time?” You give him a funny look and point a finger at him. “You know that takes a certain amount of talent to do that. Most people just do one or the other. You know, they either choose compliment or insult… it takes-“
“Would you stop rambling,” he interrupts you. “Trying to change the subject won’t work on me.”
You sigh in despair, “Why do you even wanna kiss me?!”
You still can’t wrap your head around it –Jimin wants a kiss from you? Why? You might be a fairy but it’s not like you have fucking magic lips. At least not to your knowledge or to the knowledge of the guys you have kissed in the past.
“Curiosity,” he repeats his previous statement, not providing you any further explanation.
Without letting go of your wrist, Jimin effortlessly spins you around to face him. Your eyes go wide at the proximity of your bodies, your personal space being invaded completely. He’s close, so close that you have to look away in fear that you will start blushing.
But the distance between you seems to be too large for Jimin because he steps closer to you, your breaths mingling and our knees touching. Your heart is beating at an unbelievable pace, your breathing ragged. You need to take a step away from him before you pass out, but it is to no use. Jimin just follows right after you and in the end, you can’t step away any further, your back coming into contact with a large tree.
You nervously eye him, noticing the way the corners of his lips lift into a smile at your little game of cat and mouse.
Meekly, you slump your shoulders. You might as well just get it over with now, rather than drawing it out any longer. A small peck wont hurt.
“Let’s just get this over with.” You grouchily mumble.
“I love your eagerness,” he comments only to receive a glare from you.
Jimin leans closer to you, your faces only millimeters apart and your noses gently brushing each other. It happens before you can even muster a second thought about it. His lips gently settling over yours in what you would barely call a kiss.
You keep still as Jimin frees your wrist, your lips still touching as he instead cups the sides of your face and gently begins moving his lips over yours. You stop breathing for a moment and your eyes flutter shut on their own accord, the feeling becoming too overwhelming for you to keep them open.
Your body completely melts against his, your hands finding their place on the surface of his chest as the pace of the kiss gradually speeds up – going from slow and hesitant to frantic and heated. Gasping softly against his lips, Jimin slips his tongue past your lips, taking the opportunity to explore your mouth. It’s a feeling you welcome, relaxing even further against the tree and slinging your arms around his neck to bring him closer.
Jimin groans when you gently scratch the hairs at the nape of his neck, your fingers combing through the silver locks. The sound vibrating through your lips and down your spine, goosebumps erupting on your skin.
His thumbs gingerly brush across your cheeks in an almost loving manner, your stomach turning in knots at the unfamiliar feeling it leaves you with.  
If you had to describe this moment with one word, it would be perfect. This moment just feels… perfect. The way your lips fit so perfectly together, melting into each other and the way he feels pressed against you.
You honestly don’t know how it happens, but you keep kissing, there in the middle of the clearing in the early morning. Not a single thought going through your head other than wanting to keep kissing him. It’s a feeling you could easily get addicted to… and that is what you were worried about in the first place…
Jimin nips at your bottom lip, dragging it out the slightest bit before letting it go and returning his lips to yours, but when it becomes harder to breath, oxygen needed for the both of you, your pull back, your eyes meeting instead. Breathlessly, you stare into his eyes. You don’t know what to say now. What do you say after a moment like this? Thank you?
“T-That was,” you stutter, falling over your own words. “That was… some k-kiss.” You finally manage to breath out in between breaths.
“I never half ass things,” Jimin smirks, seeming like he isn’t affected in the slightest. His hands still cupping your cheeks, but he quickly realizes and in a hurry he retreats them from your face and stuffs them in the pockets of his joggers.
“Uh, I-“
“I’ll see you around ____.” He cuts you off only seconds after you begin speaking. And no later, he turns and leaves through the bushes, leaving you standing against the tree all alone, and confused as hell!
What the hell just happened?!
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I hope you enjoyed reading! If you did, remember to like and reblog! - Thank youuu!
All Rights Reserved © 2020 Kookscrescent
210 notes · View notes
tuanhood · 5 years
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pairing: ta!park jinyoung x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 3,235
summary: your pretentious ta wants to meet with you to discuss your essay... at a bar? 
a/n: uMmmMm this is not edited and it kind of fizzles out towards the end but I just wanted to post some writing smh. YIKES
“Therefore, Adorno and Horkheimer would find themselves in a place of negotiation when it comes to today’s forms of media – whether social media operates within cultural industry or if it provides an opposition.” Your TA paused, glancing down at the watch on his wrist, “looks like that’ll be it for today, but remember to sign up for a time slot where we can discuss the grades of your first papers.” 
There are collective groans that can be heard throughout the room at his remark, “now, now calm down I only failed one of you.” At that the room goes dead silent, but is then filled by his warm laugh, “I’m just kidding. Seriously don’t worry. Thank you guys and I’ll see you at the one on one meetings.” With that he claps his hands together and the class around you begins to move to life. Some students still stuck on his comment, wondering if he truly was joking and others immediately rushing for the door to head home. 
You got up from your seat rather slowly, placing your computer, notebook and pens in your bag at a rather sluggish rate. Out of the corner of your eye you tried to see if the reason for your lack of pace was also collecting their belongings. 
Over the last few weeks you had acquired a kind of fondness for Kim Yugyeom. At first it was a crush that had harbored from his sweetness to you in class, his friendliness and his repertoire of intelligent thoughts he would say during discussions. You had felt as though the two of you had a good back and forth, he laughed at all your jokes or quirks you would make and related to one another in the educational setting. However, after finding him on Instagram one late night, you were discouraged to learn he had a girlfriend… of three years. It was clear that the crush was simply going to be that – a crush. Still nonetheless, you found yourself being pulled towards him and you couldn’t help it, even if you knew your interest and like for him would never be mutual. 
As you watched Yugyeom place his items into his backpack, you attempted to match his pace in an effort to exit at the same time and ask him to walk together to the bus station outside the front of the university. With the last pencil in his backpack, he stood up and slung it over his shoulder, marching to the door. You followed suit and both you and Yugyeom came face to face with one another at the exit. He smiled at you brightly and your heart melted, “Hey, are you heading home? Do you maybe want to walk –” You were cut off by a loud interruption from your TA. 
“Did you sign up for a time slot yet?” You turn to him narrowing your eyes, annoyed at his timing, “no I haven’t,” you mumbled. 
Turning back around to Yugyeom, he gives you an apologetic smile and motioned his head towards the exit in an effort to tell you that he’s going. Shutting your eyes once tightly and reopening them, you give him a smile to show him it’s okay. 
And just like that, Kim Yugyeom’s gone until the next week you have class. 
“So that time slot?” Park Jinyoung had been your TA for almost a full semester, but you had yet to actually talk to him one on one. You of course did your fair share in the group discussion, talking about theories and concepts relating to the lessons your professor would give in the main lecture, but you tried to avoid talking to Jinyoung. 
Jinyoung was pretentious and as a PhD student it was clear that he thought he was so much better than you and everyone else in the class. It wasn’t like you all were unintelligent, after all you were all studying to get a master’s degree, but he acted as though you had come out of the womb yesterday. And now he had ruined perfect Kim Yugyeom time. 
You smiled tightly at him, “where’s the sheet?” 
He nodded to the desk at the front of the room, “right where I put it at the beginning of the seminar.” 
You wanted nothing more than to just roll your eyes at him and tell him off, but you couldn’t. He was of course the one marking your essay and someone who you would most likely be crossing paths with for the rest of your educational experience. 
Grabbing the pen next to the sheet, you scan the page for an open time slot, but you don’t see one. You turned to him, “there isn’t anything left.” 
“Ah well I guess you should have signed up sooner.” Jinyoung quirked. 
Taking a look at him you realize that maybe in another life you and him could have been friends. When he first introduced himself at the introductory meeting for your program you had actually hoped that he would be a TA for one of your classes. He seemed so intelligent, confident and sure of himself. The smile he had on his face while telling everyone about his research interests and background was addicting. You had admired someone who was clearly so passionate about learning and his academic pursuits. But soon enough you realized that all of that was arrogance and his overtly pompous tendencies. At first, he would be fine, but soon enough he was always picking on you in class.
Oh have you read this? You haven’t? Well it’s essential if you want to be successful in this course. 
What was your name again? That’s right… well maybe if you paid attention or engaged in the discussion more it would stick. 
Park Jinyoung was plain rude and out to get you. First class, then with Yugyeom and now this fucking sign up sheet. 
You tap the pen against the table in an effort to not blow up on the spot, “Right my mistake.” 
Approaching you, he took the paper out of your hand and looks for himself, “I can fit you in on Friday night. How does that sound?” 
At his resolution, you frown. A Friday night? Was he serious? Friday night was supposed to be your time for doing anything besides school and discussing your essay. You try search your brain for a plausible excuse as to why you can’t meet him, but don’t come up with anything solid. Instead you opt for the classic, “I don’t think that’ll work for me.” 
Jinyoung’s eyebrows shoot up, “Oh really? Why’s that?” When he cocks his head to the side, you can’t help but admire him for a moment. He was attractive and most of your friends had some kind of crush on him, but you couldn’t forget his personality. 
You hadn’t expected him to press on and in your state of annoyance you sigh, deciding to just be honest since you were probably going to get nowhere. “I honestly just don’t want to. It’s Friday night.” 
“And you think I want to?” Jinyoung quipped back. 
“Then just give me my grade and we don’t have to meet at all.” 
Jinyoung shook his head firmly, “It’s Friday night or I have to give you a 0.” 
You widened your eyes, “What? Are you being serious? That’s not fair!”
Jinyoung gathers his things and places them into his bag, “Life’s not fair. See you Friday at 10, the Hideaway.” With his last words, he exits the classroom leaving you behind completely dumbfounded. The asshole was actually going to fail you if you didn’t show up. He was worse than you thought. 
It took you a moment to finally absorb what he had said. 10pm? At the Hideway? 
When he said Friday night you thought he meant 6 or 7, not 10 and certainly not at the bar on campus. Was he fucking with you? Were you actually meant to go or was he joking? You had never heard a TA meeting with a student so late before, especially not at a place where alcohol would be served. 
You spent the rest of the week going back and forth of whether not you should even meet Jinyoung. He had threatened you with an automatic 0 on your essay, but something told you that he didn’t really have that power. By the time Friday morning rolled around you had essentially talked yourself out of going. But then your mind began to wonder, and you were curious what it would be like to see Jinyoung in a non-school setting. Technically you would still be “at” school, but Jinyoung at a bar? Did he know how to let loose and be a normal person? Even though the meeting was school oriented you were curious about what it would be like to meet with him one on one in such a place. 
Late afternoon you felt yourself on autopilot as you began doing your make up and choosing an outfit to meet Jinyoung. Halfway through putting on a necklace you realized your decision had been made. 
When you arrived at the Hideway and immediately scanned the bar for Jinyoung. It wasn’t as crowded as you expected it to be for a Friday night, but you still found that you were most likely going to have to weave through people.
Just as you’re about to give up on finding him, your ears are drawn to a loud laugh from the back booth. You turn to see Jinyoung looking more casual and laid back then he does during seminar. The top buttons of his white dress shirt undone, his hair a bit disheveled and his shoulders relaxed. His eyes crinkle when he laughs again at something his friend at the booth said. He almost looked… normal? 
Taking a deep breath and attempting not to get caught in the crowd, you walk through the bar to approach him and when you finally reach the table, he looks so happy and nonchalant that you feel as though you’re trespassing on an intimate moment. 
His friend notices you and gives Jinyoung a nod in your direction. He stops laughing and turns to look at you. You hesitated, “um hi?” 
He smiled, “You’re here.” You try to snap yourself at the soft feelings you had for him only a moment ago. Maybe he was acting like a normal human being, but he’s not. He’s Park Jinyoung, the guy who thinks he’s the most intelligent person in all of academia. And he was making you meet him at a bar on a Friday night to discuss an essay, “of course I’m here. You said you would fail me if I didn’t come. Now let’s talk about my paper.” You drop your bag next to where he’s sitting in the booth and slide in beside him. You catch a look from his friend who appears to be confused. 
Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t bring it.” 
You stopped taking your notebook out of you bag, “Excuse me?” 
“I didn’t bring your paper with my comments.”
“I forgot.” 
You couldn’t believe it. He really did think that he was better than everyone. You had had it with Park Jinyoung. If he was going to be like this, then you weren’t going to hold back any longer. Who cares if you might have to continue having him as a TA or might have to work alongside him on research projects later? You didn’t care if you were going to burn any bridges. 
“Do you think you’re funny?” He winces at your sudden tone, confused by the attitude, “sorry?” 
“You make me meet you on a Friday night to talk about my stupid paper and you’re not even prepared? What kind of TA are you?” 
He blinks at you confused, “Did you think we were actually meeting about your paper?” 
What was his issue? What else were you meant to meet about? “Yes!” 
“Y/N, the meetings aren’t mandatory. Weren’t you listening to me during seminar?” 
You paused, “what?” 
“And why would I schedule a meeting with you at 10pm at a bar?” 
“Well…” You drifted off. You had honestly thought he was just being an asshole and making you meet him. You never assumed that his ridiculous request to meet you at the bar had been more than a ridiculous request. 
“I thought you got what I was saying… That I was inviting you out.” 
 Park Jinyoung was inviting you out? For what? Drinks? To hangout? You’re speechless and stare at him for a moment. You’re completely lost and feel as though everything you thought or speculated about Jinyoung was a lie or something you imagined. You almost forget that you and Jinyoung aren’t alone at the booth when his friend cleared his throat. 
“Um Jinyoung I think I’m going to get another round at the bar… Do you want anything?” He paused and turned to you hesitantly, “Uh Y/N do you want anything?” 
“A vodka cranberry please,” you answered him a little too quickly. At your response Jinyoung’s friend raises his eyebrows and looks to him questioningly. Jinyoung nods his head at him, “thanks Mark.” 
With that, Mark leaves to go to the bar and you’re left alone with Jinyoung still feeling confused. 
“How does he know my name?” Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows at you, “Huh?” 
“Your friend he said my name… How does he know it?” 
“I said it earlier,” Jinyoung shrugged looking at you as if you were crazy. There was the Jinyoung you knew. 
“Yeah I know that, but… it seemed too natural.” 
“Maybe I’ve mentioned you before…” he mumbled while taking a sip from the beer glass in front of him although it’s empty. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could tell he was embarrassed by his response. 
He had mentioned you to his friend. Park Jinyoung had mentioned you to his friend? 
“Oh… well um thank you?” You suddenly felt yourself getting shy. The annoyed attitude you had felt with Jinyoung began to dissipate and replaced with something else. 
Jinyoung fully turned to you in the booth, his face a bit pink, “Listen I invited you out because I wanted to get to know you… Outside of class.” 
You felt your stomach do a flip at his revelation. For a moment you stare into his eyes, trying to see if the pretentious snob that you had painted him out to be in your mind was the person you were currently meeting. But all you could see were twinkling brown eyes that were hopeful and had a gentleness to them. You felt as though you were really seeing Jinyoung. 
You weren’t sure what to say to him, after all it felt as though suddenly everything you knew was a fabrication. “Do you do this with other people from seminar?” You find yourself asking. He smiled at you and shakes his head, “no I definitely don’t do this with other people from our seminar. Only the ones that hate me.” 
You widened your eyes, realizing he had picked up on your distaste for him over the semester. “I-I don’t hate you.” 
Jinyoung laughed and placed his hand closer to where yours rested on the booth. “Are you kidding? Every time I ask you anything you look like you want me dead.” 
“Well you don’t have to be so grandiose about everything!” You huffed crossing your arms. 
“Do you really think I’m that terrible?” 
You rolled your eyes at him, “Of course not.” 
He laughed again, “You’re so cute when you do that.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, “do what?” 
“Roll your eyes at me.” 
“I don’t do it that often!” 
Jinyoung narrowed his gaze on you and leaned in a bit as if telling you a secret, “I’m grandiose remember? I notice everything and everyone.” You couldn’t help but let out a small smile at his choice of words, he was teasing you. However, his nice words now weren’t going to make you forget how he acted before. 
“Why do you always pick on me in class?” 
Jinyoung massaged the back of his neck and looked embarrassed for the second time of the night, “I know it was kind of a dick move, but I think that was my way of coping?” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “coping with what?” 
He sighed, “I’ve just never had these kinds of feelings for someone in one of my seminar’s before… So, I think I was just trying to deal with them by acting like that with you.” You don’t say anything, but simply nodded your head at him and he cleared his throat, moving closer to you. 
“I know that I’m not your first choice for prospective guy you might want to get to know romantically, but I would love it if you at least consider me and give me a chance. I can’t promise you that it won’t get weird being your TA, but I can promise you that I won’t hurt you. If anything, you might be the one who hurts me.” 
It’s then when you realize that maybe everything you thought about Park Jinyoung was wrong. Sure, maybe as a TA he acted pretentious and snobby, but the Park Jinyoung sitting in front of you was not those things. 
“I-I would like that. To get to know you.” It feels as though a weight that you didn’t know you had been holding has been lifted from your shoulders.
Jinyoung smiled brightly and you catch the way his eyes crinkle just as they did when he was laughing with Mark when you first came in. You realize that you certainly wouldn’t mind seeing and being the reason for those crinkles. 
“Do you mind if I hold your hand? I’ve been staring at it this entire time and it was really hard to not just reach out and grab it,” he confessed. 
Your heart swells. 
“If I say no do I get a 0 on my essay?” You teased. 
“Y/N you should know this by now, I’m a professional.” 
You looked to him and then down at your hand, smiling. He takes this as his go ahead and reaches out to grab your hand. Somehow your hand in his feels so natural, as though you’ve been doing it for years. 
You almost feel as though the two of you are in your world, until you’re interrupted by the sound of a groan and drinks being dropped onto the table.
“Hey sorry that took so long, the line was-” Mark cuts himself off when he notices your hand intertwined with Jinyoung’s. He turned to look at Jinyoung, smiling, “Finally you did it! I told you that you just had to be upfront! The pretentious intellect Jinyoung can only go so far before people get annoyed.”
You practically jumped up from your seat in agreement, “You see it too!” 
Jinyoung rolled his eyes, “I’m not that bad!” 
“Blah blah media theory, blah you have to read this book that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about blah.” Jinyoung brings his free hand up towards Mark, jokingly making a slapping motion. 
Mark laughed and turned to you, “I think you’ll mellow him out.” 
You felt Jinyoung squeeze your hand and you smiled, thinking about what the future holds, “oh I know I will.”
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit Part 2 Teaser
A/N: here’s the teaser for part 2 of Forbidden Fruit! The book Y/N is reading from is “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” and it’s... spicy.
Warnings: 18+, Infidelity, Age Gap, No Keep Reading bc Mobile Sucks and I’m currently at LAX, also not edited or formatted bc again, I’m at LAX.
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"Read to me, if you don't mind"
Brian's words are as soft and gentle as his eyes, making Y/N blush harder than she had the night before.
There was just something so intimate about the way he was sitting with her, arm loose around her shoulder, head nearly leaning against her's.
She couldn't help but let out a little laugh at his eagerness, her heart fluttering like the hummingbird that had been keeping her company all morning.
"Are you sure? You might find this kind of book a little boring."
She's teasing, knowing that the paragraph she was about to start reading was anything but boring.
His laugh mingles perfectly with the calls of a morning bird, making Y/N's blush deepen as he places a delicate kiss to her shoulder blade, voice warm and teasing when he speaks.
"If I'm not mistaken, this little book was banned for obscenity and indecency for 30 years darling..."
His lips are suddenly less sweet, harder, needier...
"So I sincerely doubt that this is going to be a boring read.."
He smirks into her neck, his own heart beating like a bat in a birdcage
"Besides... if it means I get to hear your voice, I could listen to you read a phone book Y/N."
The way he says her name, barely a whisper, more of a plea to hear her voice than anything else.
She blushes hard under his gaze and the feel of his lips on her skin, stammering a bit as she begins to read.
"His body was urgent against her, and she didn't have the heart anymore to fight..."
Her voice hitches in her throat, Brian's teeth had decided to make an appearance as she started to read.
"She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up..."
Brian's hand inched its way from her knee upwards, grazing the delicate skin of her inner thigh.
"B-Brian, what are you..."
Y/N trails off, voice breathless, eyes glassy with arousal. It's not like she didn't want this, god did she want it, but they were on his back porch, and his wife and kids, including her goddamn best friend, could just waltz out at any fucking moment... and she was pretty positive that seeing his father with his hands up his best friend's skirt wouldn't have the most positive impact on Jimmy
Brian chuckles into her neck, his calloused fingers dangerously close to her naked core... fuck, she really should've worn panties.
"I'm going to make you regret what you did last night baby girl... making me cum twice in less than 10 minutes.. giving me your soiled panties to sniff like a dirty fucking slut..."
His voice is so calm, steady, and had it not been for the context of his words, Y/N would've thought that he was just asking what she wanted for breakfast.
"If you stop reading one more time, I'm not going to let you cum honey.. got it?"
For a threat, it was whispered awfully soft and kind, but Y/N understood perfectly and just nodded her head, chest heaving, legs spreading involuntarily.
Her voice is shaky as she continues to read.
"She had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes..."
Brian's fingers are extremely close to her dripping core now, gently running along the crease of her inner thigh. It takes everything in her body, every single ounce of self control and restraint in her body to keep her from ceasing her reading.
"He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her."
Brian moans at the words that Y/N was reading, how soft and weak her voice was. Fuck, she was the epitome of an angel, a creature sent to earth to bring good will to man, and based on the way his cock was training against his shorts, begging to be touched by the soft skin of Y/N's hands.
"Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity."
Y/N squeezes her eyes shut right when Brian's fingers finally slip inside of her sopping wet cunt, the noise obscene and completely out of place against the soft morning glow that was cast against the two.
She keeps reading though, the threat of Brian not letting her cum prevalent and weighing heavily in the back of her mind.
"This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit and she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone."
Brian can't help but let out a hard moan against Y/N's neck, sucking the area behind her ear as hard as he possibly could, almost as hard as her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. She felt like heaven on a Saturday morning, tight, wet, insanely hot, and unlike anything he'd ever experienced in his 51 years of living.
Her legs were completely spread wide, cunt on display for the whole world to see if they so pleased. Brian had to resist the insatiable urge to drop to his knees in front of the swing and suck the juices that were running down his hand straight from the source... but he knew he couldn't do that, he couldn't risk Anita or any of the kids running downstairs and seeing him eating Y/N's young right pussy.. no, he had to be smart, disciplined..
"Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea anenome under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make fulfillment for her."
Much like Lady Chatterly herself, Y/N was close, so desperately close to cumming around Brian's fingers, her walls clenching him like a vice, desperate to be pushed over the precipice.
Yet, she never stopped reading, even when Brian's fingers sped up, free hand moving to grope her breast through her dress, and his teeth began to nip at her jugular, she persisted.
"She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling til it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, til she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cri-"
She clenched tight around his fingers, book falling to the ground as her arms reached over involuntarily, wrapping themselves tight around Brian's shoulders, mouth wide no noise escaping her throat despite the obvious throws of pleasure she was experiencing.
She knew it was cliche, to say that she saw stars, that she felt her entire body constrict into itself... but she did, his fingers were still inside of her, pressing hard into her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure.
Brian's lips halted their harsh assault on the young woman's neck, instead opting to place gentle kisses to the area, not wanting to overstimulate her too much.
He couldn't remove his fingers from inside of her if he wanted to, her muscles still clenching him tight as her upper body went limp, her head dropping to his chest, mouth open and heaving heavy sighs against his exposed armpit.
"B-Brian.. I.."
Before she could even get a word in, the sound of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen caused the two lovers to spring apart, Brian's fingers slipping from Y/N's cunt so fast it made her head spin.
By the grace of whatever deity was looking down on them, Y/N somehow managed to fix her skirt, grab the book, and look semi presentable by the time Emily darted out the door, wide smile on her face.
"Dad! Y/N! Anita wants to know what you want for breakfast."
They both breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Emily, because had it been any other member of the May family, the flushed faces, heaving chests, and general disheveled appearance of Y/N and Brian would've given them away.
Brian just smiles, hiding his glistening hand behind Y/N's shoulders.
"Whatever she's making would be lovely honey, just go tell her to make sure to cut Y/N up some of that cantaloupe we bought yesterday!"
Emily giggles and nods, running back inside to yell her father's words at his girlfriend.
Y/N lets out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding in as soon as the door closes, dropping her book back against the patio as Brian lets out a loud rumbling laugh.
She jolts at the sound before joining him, completely dumbfounded that what had just happened actually happened..
"Mr. May, I swear to god, we're going to get caught if you're not careful..."
Her eyes are wide, full of mischief and excitement.. she loved this, the whole forbidden nature of their relationship, or whatever they could call it.
The risk that they were taking was a big one, and the fear of getting caught was only making her want it more.
Brian just laughs, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips, hands moving to cup her cheeks.
He winces a little when he realizes that his fingers are still wet with her cum, frantically pulling them away from her to try and wipe them on his shorts.
"Shit, I'm sorry love, you probably don't want that o-"
His words are cut short when Y/N reaches forward with lightning quick reflexes and grabs his wrist, pulling his soiled fingers into her mouth where she licks every single drop of herself from him, eyes never leaving his.
Brian almost cums right there, watching this beautiful young woman do something that he hadn't seen done in 30 years.
He lets out a little whimper, making the young woman smile when she grazes her teeth over the long digits as she moves to stand, her free hand reaching into Brian's shorts, squeezing his cock before turning her back and walking towards the patio door, pausing for a second to send him a teasing wink.
"Be a good boy today Mr. May..."
Tags: @meddows-taylors @toomuchlove-willkillyou @brianmayoucease @leah-halliwell92 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @mariekuuuuuh @unofficialbillnye @stephydearestxo @goodoldfashioned-rogerboy @danamaleksworld @dereones98 @glasgowkisschelseasmile @awkwardangelshezza @bellamy1998 @psychosupernatural @warren-lauren @womanwithahotdogstand @oujiacallme @simonedk @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @sam-mercurry-sixx @toomuchtellyneck @asgardianvamp21 @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @amore-libre @marvelstuck @softboydeacon @a-queen-on-her-throne
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wwhkimseokjin · 5 years
highway to hell - chapter 4
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pairings: bts x reader (bit of member x member too)
genres: seven deadly sins!au, devil bangtan!au, fluff, angst, smut
warnings: future smut, violence, death, swearing, NSFW, literal hell
summary: Y/N had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the light in people’s life. She had always believed that she would never do anything wrong, be a perfect little angel. Until her life turns upside down, and she meets seven very handsome, very dangerous men.
Y/N had never truly had any regrets, she had always been lighthearted, seizing life as it was. Well, then again, the girl hadn’t in fact had a lot of occurrences she could regret. That was the way her life was going to be, how it always was going to be – or so she believed. But as she sat up in the bed and peeked beside her, only to discover the silhouette, that she least sought to see next to her – or perhaps the one she most wanted to see – Y/N couldn’t avoid regretting her actions. Regret encountering Kim Taehyung.
Now when she quietly there with her own thoughts, Y/N gathered that she had several additional regrets after knowing the overconfident boy. It was like the transcendent man had inserted himself into her life with a single purpose: wrecking it. Maybe that was just him, maybe she ought to have seen it coming. Kim Taehyung didn’t truly cherish her in any way, he just desired one thing. And now he had it.
Y/N groaned faintly - not loud enough to rouse the other resident in the bed though. It only truly struck her now, how atrocious she felt. Her head was thundering, and a ringing was in her ears. Only hazy memories occupied her brain. Recollections of shrill laughter and the reek of cheap liquor. Loud music and figures pushed against each other. Then there was Taehyung, his appearance blurry but somehow still distinct in her memory. The way he had sniggered at her drunken condition but persistently filled her cup. How the atmosphere had transformed so quickly, the blond whispering seductively in Y/N’s ears, directing her away from the masses. Then everything got too fuzzy, like she had gotten drunk off Taehyung’s honeyed words. Clothes torn off and tossed, insistent kisses on her neck, the room sweltering hot. Y/N could faintly recall his moans; how they sounded so heavenly, like an angel humming in her ear. The pleasure, the ecstasy - those things were unexpectedly clear in her head.
Y/N couldn’t remain there. She couldn’t stay next to Taehyung, who appeared so peaceful and serene in his sleep, when she knew how sinful he was. What had he done to her? Why was she behaving like this? Y/N had never done anything like this before, it wasn’t her. Meeting Taehyung had tainted her, and it was frightening. She couldn’t even identify herself – her own actions. Maybe…  was it because she loved him? But it couldn’t be. Y/N hardly knew him, they had only just met less than a month ago!
But maybe she did. Maybe she loved him. For as Y/N observed his slumbering form, she had to struggle with the desire to caress his cheek or kiss his tinted lips. She couldn’t deny, that her heart soared just from hearing his name, how it pounded swifter when he would study her… Shit, she was in love with him. Y/N’s eyes darted around the area, she really couldn’t remain there with him. Gently raising herself off the bed, she began dressing herself, only glancing at Taehyung once while doing so.
Unlocking the door, Y/N was almost successfully out of the unfamiliar dormitory, when a low voice stilled her in her tracks. “Where are you going?” Taehyung’s voice was gravely and – even though you wouldn’t have believed it to be thinkable – even deeper from the sleep. Y/N swallowed harshly, already noticing his impact on her, before spinning around to look at him. If sleeping Taehyung had been a glorious vision, then him sitting on bed, bare chest and disheveled hair, was a sight sent from Heaven. It was undoubtedly illegal to look this good, not that Y/N objected in that moment.
Stuttering for a bit, Y/N diverted her eyes from the nude male. The silence laid heavy in the room, and she could sense Taehyung’s protruding gaze on her. It was like he could see into her soul, know her deepest, most intimate secrets with just a glance. His laugh occupied the room, chuckling at Y/N’s embarrassed state. “Leaving already, princess? Where’s your manners now?” He arose from the bed, trying his best to provoke the girl in front of him. Staggering closer to her, he grasped her chin and brought her face closer to his own. Y/N’s eyes trekked downwards to dodge Taehyung’s gaze, but instead discovered the view of his now uncovered body. A gasp left her swollen lips, and she looked away, face turning beet-red.
“Have you got no shame? Prancing around like this?” Y/N glared at the spot right behind Taehyung’s ear, too ashamed to look anywhere else. The boy before her certainly had no shame, she had known that for quite a while now. “You weren’t complaining yesterday, princess. You aren’t complaining now.” His face was smug, and Y/N was beginning to ponder, if the smirk was permanently fixed on his face, from how much he appeared to carry the expression.
Y/N swiftly detached his hand from her face. She really had to leave. She knew, that if she gazed into Taehyung’s eyes, that she would stay. Or if he would kiss her right now, she would without question dissolve into his touch. Therefore, she opted to squeeze her eyes tightly, and whisper a faint I really have to go to the man positioned in front of her, before shuffling to the door. He didn’t speak, and when Y/N looked back at him, he just stood there, same dumb smirk on his face. In that moment before parting, Y/N pondered something. From what she had heard, Taehyung wasn’t exactly the keenest in the group. He might’ve not known a lot about math, or currently be flunking his Korean class, but there was no disagreeing with the fact, that he wasn’t as dumb as others assumed. Taehyung had at least one prodigy quality. He knew people. He was charismatic, he was a smooth talker, and even just with a glance, he could state the emotions someone was experiencing. That’s what Y/N realized right then and there. Taehyung knew she was in love with him.
Standing there, a few feet away from her, there was no denying the fact, that Taehyung very clearly had discovered her secret. And now it was even worse, because now Taehyung knew, that she knew. All of this was wrecking her head, the fervent hangover not aiding the assortment of emotions she was feeling right now. Spinning fleetingly on her heel, Y/N ran out of the room and found her way outside, not even turning once to look back.
Standing in her bathroom, Y/N observed herself in the mirror. Lightly dragging her fingers over the purple flowers blooming on her neck. She wouldn’t be able to conceal them, and her only hope was, that they would disappear before class tomorrow. Jihyo wasn’t home, but two of her other dorm mates were. Chaeyoung and Miyeon. Y/N hadn’t really conversed with them, possibly a couple of sentences with Chaeyoung, but they generally kept to themselves, and so did she and Jihyo. If they saw the marks on her, would they ask questions? Probably not, they’d all been there before. But Y/N couldn’t help but feel anxious, like Taehyung was still watching over her somehow. She felt truly bad, the blond male had changed her for the worse, her teen rebel years had arrived a little too late. But somehow all of this felt strangely… good.
Y/N had never really disobeyed the rules before, she had always been a good child. But maybe she would have defied the rulebooks sooner, if she knew, that challenging the guidelines felt so good. That the adrenaline rush after doing something foul, was so gratifying. Y/N smiled at herself in the mirror, and admired the love bites on her, before moving to her and Jihyo’s room.
Kim Taehyung was never going to go back to her with his strict one-fuck only policy. So, if Y/N couldn’t have Taehyung, she would just pursue the second best – his friends. From what she knew, most of them wouldn’t be too difficult to get into bed with. She would show Taehyung what occurred, when you messed with her emotions. And therefore, she commenced on a voyage of seducing Taehyung’s best friend – Jeon Jeongguk.
Y/N still knew however, that if Kim Taehyung even as much as glanced her way, she would be in a puddle on the floor again, prepared to take his each and every demand. As some would declare, that is the supremacy of love. But our main character was forgetting one thing. 
Love and lust aren’t - and never will be - the same thing.
Tags: @d-noona @rottenratatouille @bts-edits-bitch @chims-kookies @xxqueenwxtchxx @miraisnotavailable @xsmilebitesx💕
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hazzasgayvodka · 6 years
Impact: Chapter 12
Chapter title song: Misbehaving - Labrinth
I walk in the door, slamming the door open and letting it hit the wall behind it too hard. Louis and Niall appear around the corner in seconds asking what the hell is going on, but I only push past them.
"I'm fucking done with her!" I shout, grabbing the Jim Beam from the cabinet and slamming it on the counter. I take a few sips straight out of the bottle before grabbing a whiskey glass and filling it to the brim.
"Harry-" Niall tries to reason with me.
"No, Niall, I'm serious! I'm fucking done!" I bark, gulping down half of the glass and taking the rest to my bedroom.
His eyes are solemn as he watches me go and I slam my bedroom door behind myself. I hear him and Louis talking about taking the girls somewhere for a bit to let me cool off. When I realize that I want her here, not out with them, I know I've done something wrong.
I've let it go too far. We were supposed to be friends, we weren't supposed to yell at each other, we were supposed to simply be civil. I can't remember a day before annoying her in the bathroom was part of my daily routine. I can't imagine Stats class without her sat beside me, laughing at all of my stupid digs at Mrs. Dante. I'd still be going into work twice a week at most if it weren't for her making it bearable. Somewhere I flew too close to the sun and actually let it happen, she became my best friend. From listening to music in the car to making dinner in my kitchen or watching movies on that ratty ass couch we did it together. Nothing was really mine anymore because anything that mattered enough, I had already shared with her. And yet, she still calls Jace her best friend and hangs out with Luke, leaving me behind because I'm not what she wants.
When she wraps her arms around me the adrenaline in my veins sings. When her eyes meet mine, I can't look away. It's not fair the way she acts like she cares about me but trades me out for the other two every day of the week. I need distance, it's only a few more days but I can't let them go on like this.
I hear the front door open and suddenly the house is flooded with voices. I debate between getting in the bed and pretending I'm asleep and walking into the living room and shouting in her face. I shove off my jeans and climb into the bed, letting out a huff of exhaustion as I close my eyes and the world finally stops rocking like I'm out at sea. I hear Louis's voice first, asking them why they're here and then Jess, talking over him, asking where I am and if I'm okay. She has no idea it's her that's making me insane.
She starts arguing with them when they ask what happened between us and I can hear the tears starting when her voice starts cracking. I should get out there, how is it that I hated her an hour ago and now I want to rescue her from their interrogation?
"Jess, he came in here and slammed half a bottle of Jim Beam, I know something happened!" Louis shouts and finally she's stomping away, her footsteps coming closer to the door.
She opens it carefully and calls my name. I don't dare answer her. She lets out a sigh when she sees that I'm asleep and closes the door behind her. The bed dips beside me and suddenly she's taking my arms and wrapping them around her. Would she still do this if I were awake? I feel her jeans brush up against my legs as she leans her head against my chest and her tears wet through my shirt.
"I'm sorry." She says, and I can't tell if she knows I'm faking or if she's saying it for herself.
I feel my resolve diminishing every second that she's laying in my arms. I fight with myself to hold on to it, gritting my jaw and not allowing myself to lean into her. This isn't what we are, the lines had blurred beyond repair. She's supposed to stuff pillows between us and hate my guts, when did everything change so fast?
I finally allow myself to fall asleep and yet she's getting out of the bed and shoving on her slippers in what feels like five minutes. I peel my eyes open to see it light outside, my head pounding from the bottle of Jim Beam that I slammed in anger at her. She doesn't wake me up as she usually does, instead she only grabs clothes and goes to the bathroom in silence.
I groan and sit up in bed as soon as she's gone, cursing myself for thinking that half a bottle of whiskey on an empty stomach was a good idea. I walk out to the kitchen where Niall and Louis are already waiting expectantly to see if I'm still a raging lunatic I'm sure.
"Hey, you any better today?" Louis asks, shoving a mug of coffee and some pain killers towards me.
"Yeah, I'm great." I huff, downing the pain killers and gulping down some of the coffee.
I can tell they want to ask what really happened yesterday but they're not sure if now is the time. I know that if they'd ask me I'd come up with some bullshit and keep the truth to myself anyways. The bathroom door clicks open and Jess walks out with dripping wet hair. She doesn't acknowledge us standing in the kitchen as she walks back into my bedroom and shuts the door. I walk to the laundry room to grab a suit, opting for plain black and white before going into my room to grab a dress shirt.
As soon as I open the door I hear a screech, "Oh my god, Harry! Get out! I'm changing!"
"Change in the fucking bathroom, would you? I need a dress shirt." I huff, turning my back to her and sorting through to find a grey button down, "Are you decent?" I ask before turning around.
"Yeah," She says, allowing me to turn around to come face to face with her bare back, "Zip me up?"
I swallow thickly as I toss my shirt on my bed and take a step towards her, grabbing the small metal zipper and dragging it upwards.
"Calvin Klein?" I tease, staring at the top band of her underwear visible, "Didn't peg you for a name brand type of girl."
She pulls away from me, scowling and mumbling something about she'll do it herself if I'm going to be an annoying perv.
"Get your ass over here." I groan, grabbing her arm and pulling her backwards until she's close enough for me to finish zipping up her dress.
As soon as it's zipped and she's walking towards the closet to put on her shoes I realize something.
"Are you wearing a bra right now?" I ask, trying to remember if I saw a bra strap.
"Yeah, it's a sticky one, doesn't have any straps to show." She shrugs, sliding her feet into a pair of heels.
"Heels?" I ask, eyeing her feet, "Walking through snow? No way, I'm not carrying you when you twist an ankle."
"Good thing I won't need you to." She quips, pushing past me to grab her purse and my jacket from earlier.
I shut the door behind her, taking a deep breath and trying to focus on anything but the image of her chest without a bra on. I get dressed and shove my feet into my dress shoes, grabbing the stupid pair of glasses she likes so much.
"Ready to go?" I ask, walking to the door.
She nods and follows me to the car that I forgot to start a head of time, it's ice cold. She sits down and wraps herself tighter in my leather jacket, her flimsy dress and tights clearly not warm enough in this kind of weather. I blast the heat as I pull out of the parking lot and drive towards work.
"So why a dress and heels anyways? I bet everyone else in the office opted for pants and flats this morning." I ask, prompting some light conversation between us.
"I have...plans after work." She says, choosing her words carefully.
"Plans?" I ask again, my eyes darting to look at her.
"Yeah, and I don't need a ride, I've got it covered." She nods.
"What kind of plans?" I ask.
"I'm hanging out with Miles." She says simply.
"Well, no," She starts, nervousness settling into her voice, "dinner."
"Dinner?" I quip, "With Miles?"
She nods her head, trying to gauge my reaction most likely. Why should I care? I don't give a shit about who she has dinner with, but I sure hope the son of a bitch chokes on a bread roll.
"Well, have fun." I say as plainly as I can as the car comes to a stop and I shut it off, getting out.
"That's it?" She asks, following me inside.
"What? Were you expecting more? I'll save the use protection and have her home by ten speech for further down the road, promise." I smirk, grabbing my card and swiping it.
She's looking at me in pure shock as I walk around her and press the button for the elevator, stepping on and traveling to the thirteenth floor to lock myself in my office for the rest of the afternoon. As soon as the doors open I see Audrie walk past and I grab her, dragging her to my office with me.
"What the hell is going on?" She asks once I close the door behind us, "And why are you wearing glasses?"
"Well, for one, Jess is going out with bitchass Miles tonight." I huff, tossing the glasses off my face and grabbing my pack of cigarettes from the cabinet.
"Wait Miles? As in-"
"Yeah, and the heat is out in Jess' building and you'll never guess who she's staying with." I seethe.
"Miles?" Audrie guesses, collapsing in the chair across from me.
"No! Me!" I shout, lighting the cigarette between my lips.
"Wait hold on, Jess is staying with you? For how long?" She asks.
My answer is cut off by my door opening to reveal Lex behind it who slips inside and shuts it behind him again before continuing into the room.
"What is all the shouting?" He asks, looking between the both of us, "And what have I said about smoking in the damn building?"
"Nothing, we're fine." I sigh, taking the cigarette from my mouth and tapping it out in my ash tray.
He turns to leave and suddenly I remember the mention of the board member seat that's available in the editing department.
"Wait, Lex?" I call after him and he turns around, leaving the door open.
"What can you tell me about the open board member's chair?" I ask.
He smiles and comes back inside, leaning against my desk with a chuckle.
"I should have known you'd want to go for that job," He laughs, "It's a lot of responsibility but it pays well, applications have been open for a while but maybe I can slip yours in." He says, standing up and walking back outside.
I get up from my chair and follow him into the office, "Hey, open for a while? Why am I just now hearing about it then?" I huff.
"Because you're a kid, Harry. Every other board member is over thirty, they've been in this industry forever."
"Exactly, you need a fresh pair of eyes." I cut in, stopping him from walking any further.
"I told you I might be able to slip your application in, but you'd have to do something to really wow the board members, show them that you're serious and not just there for the paycheck." He says just as Vance passes, carrying a conversation with none other than Jess.
"Board members? Are we talking about the open position?" Vance asks, joining the conversation despite being uninvited.
"Yeah, Harry wants to apply, I told him it might be a little late." Lex says, welcoming Vance into the conversation with a smile.
"There's an open position?" Jess asks, butting in where she doesn't belong.
"Yes, and you're definitely not qualified for it so why don't you go grab me a cup of coffee?" I bark, turning back to Lex.
Vance sends me a death glare before turning back to Jess, "Actually, the board has made it very clear that they're open to new possibilities for members this year. Perhaps more than one female voice on the committee would be something fresh."
It's my turn to send Vance the death glare and wonder just why he would think that offering someone who's been here literally a week a job of this magnitude is a good idea. Especially when I, the current head of editing, am standing right in front of his dumbass face.
"Well, I can't put in applications for both of you. You both need to start thinking of a way to really sell me and the board." Lex smiles, finally exiting the conversation and continuing to his office.
"Oh, I know, we have a reboot of Wuthering Heights right now, we're publishing the anniversary special edition on Friday. We need plans for a press party put together as the marketing exec is out on maternity leave. If you both put together an event to release the book by Friday, I'll have the editor come in for a meeting so you both can present it. Whoever's presentation she likes more, I'll tell Lex to put your application through."
He looks between the both of us and I feel her eyes on me in seconds. Friday? I don't let her see the nervousness stirring in me as I think about planning an entire release party in two days.
"How about it Harry? Have you ever even read Wuthering Heights?" She smirks.
"I have, Jessica. Have you ever planned a release party?" I fire back.
"Of course you have, must have really loved Heathcliff's character for you to emulate his personality in your every day life." She huffs.
She turns away from me and Vance, leaving us standing together in the office, a sight I want no one to see. I hurry to my office and shut the door, collapsing into my chair and trying to get the image of Jess and Miles on a date out of my mind as I pick up a manuscript.
I've read through most of it when my phone chimes from the front desk and I reluctantly pick it up to hear Tabitha's ridiculously high-pitched voice on the other end.
"Mr. Styles? Can you let Jess know that someone's here for her?" She asks.
"Tell someone who cares." I huff, tossing the phone back onto my desk and hanging up with her.
I hear Lex's voice telling her what Tabitha just told me and she excitedly thanks him and starts packing up her stuff just outside my office. I doubt she smiles that big when I show up somewhere.
As soon as she's gone I take back to reading my manuscript, but I can't focus. Instead of reading it here, I pack it in my bag and decide to go home and drink a six pack, imagining a world where I'm as lucky as fucking Miles.
I walk in the front door to see Louis, Niall, and Sam in the same spot as I left them with an episode of Friends blaring from the TV.
"Where's Jess?" Sam asks, sitting up on the couch.
"Probably on her little date with Miles." I groan, dropping my stuff just inside the door and walking to my room.
I undress down to my boxers and reluctantly toss a tshirt on when I remember that she'll be sleeping in here later tonight. Unless she stays with Miles. Unless her and Miles make out on their date and fuck in his car and he takes her home and she sleeps in his bed.
I lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling until I hear the front door open and her voice echo through the apartment. I roll over and pull the covers over my head hoping that she'll think I'm sleeping once again. I'm enveloped in the smell of her perfume from my sheets when I hear my door open and her feet tiptoe inside to grab clothes before her shower. I uncover my eyes and almost chuckle when I see her shuffling through my drawers before finally holding up a pair of socks and scampering out of the room.
I hear the pipes whistling when she starts the shower and the quiet humming of her singing for a few minutes until it shuts off and the faucet starts running instead. When I hear the bathroom door open I recover my eyes and hold my breath as she walks back inside and shuffles over to the bed in the dark. She feels around the mattress for the comforter, grabbing me multiple times before pulling it up to her chin and turning her back to mine.
She lets out a sigh as she fidgets next to me, stuffing pillows between us, "Harry?" She whispers, moving closer to me.
I don't answer, keeping my eyes closed and doing my best to keep my breathing even despite her being so close to me.
"I know you're awake, Styles." She sighs, her back still to me.
I sigh and pull the covers up higher, not bothering to give her the satisfaction of an actual answer. She huffs in exasperation and moves further from me, I don't have to see her face to know she's rolling her eyes at me.
"Goodnight, dollface." I sigh, closing my eyes once again.
I can feel her eyes on me, the dull burn they inflict on my skin. The air between us is foreign and barely breathable. She rubs her feet together beneath the comforter to warm them up and I can tell she's freezing. I wrap my legs around hers and allow her to shove her feet between my legs to warm them up. She sighs in relief and gingerly moves closer to me despite the pillows.
"Goodnight, Harry."
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