#got7 smut fanfic
cherryeol04 · 5 months
The Thing in the Lake (M)
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➻ Pairings: Mark x Jackson
➻ Genre: Horror au, Thriller au, Camping Au
➻ Additional: humor, romance, ghost story
➻ Word Count: 3.4K
➻ Warnings: graphic depictions of violence & gore
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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“So the plan is to get totally wasted.” Jackson said happily as he plopped down in one of the folding chairs, grinning as he held the bottle of vodka in his hands. The other’s looked at him with a raised brow and he frowned. “What?”
“If you wanted to get drunk, then why did you even suggest coming here?” Mark asked as he looked over at the other quizzically, laughing softly. “Jackson you could have stayed back in town and gone to Halloween parties with Amber like you planned.” he said.
Jackson snorted as he opened the bottle and sniffed it for a moment before looking back at Mark. “And miss spending time with you? What kind of boyfriend would I be?” he asked and quickly pointed to Yugyeom, whose mouth was open and ready for a snarky comment. “Quiet, no one asked you.” he said and snorted. “I would be a very bad boyfriend.” he replied and smiled. “Besides, it’s the holiday season. All holidays are spent with your lovers right?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” Youngjae asked with a raised brow. “Or do you really want an answer to that?”
“I really want an answer to that. I don’t know these things.” Jackson said with a scoff. “Come on Youngjae, I’m new to this whole good boyfriend thing. I need a little guidance.” he pleaded. Mark laughed and reached over and took the bottle from Jackson’s hand and pressed the mouth to Jackson’s lips. 
“Shut up and drink.” he chuckled and looked around their little campfire that they had going. It was Jackson’s idea to come out to the campsite near the lake just outside the city. It wasn’t a remote area, but it felt like it was an excellent place for young lovers to go and spend romantic nights alone. Or for a group of friends, such as they were, to spend one night getting plastered as they told ghost stories and celebrated Halloween. 
“So booze, check.” BamBam said. “Friends...more or less check.” he said and laughed when Jinyoung smacked him with the plushie peach pillow he was holding. “Campfire, check. Time to enjoy ourselves on this fine spooky night. What should we do first? Get drunk? Make smores? Tell ghost stories or fuck?”
“We’re not fucking out here.” Youngjae said quickly with a wag of his finger.
“Why not? Brings you closer with nature.” Yugyeom laughed. “What? Didn’t bring the lube.” he teased.
“Shut up Yugyeom. Why would we have come all the way out here just to fuck?” Youngjae questioned.
“Good question. We didn’t. We came out here to have fun and be together.” Jaebum said. “So let’s have fun!”
“Alright, who brought mom?” Jackson asked and grinned as he passed the bottle of vodka over to BamBam who took a swig from it. “Don’t be a Debby Downer Jaebum. I plan to fuck Mark good in the tent later.” he said and threw a wink to his blushing boyfriend.
“Do you mean, Mark plans to fuck you good? We all know you don’t top.” BamBam teased, laughing as Jackson flicked him off.
“S’mores time yes?” Youngjae jumped in as he grabbed the bag with the marshmallows in it and held it up. “Come one, let’s make them and tell some ghost stories.” he said with an eager expression that had everyone stunned in silence.
“I mean…” Jaebum started and coughed to clear his throat. “I know I’m mom and all, but haven’t you fucked the prude out of him already Jinyoung?” he asked, staring at the younger male next to him who was just as in shock at his boyfriend’s words as Jaebum had been.
“Guess I didn’t do a good job.”
“Oh come on guys.” Youngjae whined. “Why is it so bad that I don’t want to talk or listen to talk of fucking and sex and relationships that I have no business knowing about? What you all do is all up to you. Why do I need to be a part of it?” he questioned.
“How did he get into our best friend club?” Yugyeom asked, pointing to Youngjae in question. “We’re men Jae, we talk about this stuff all the time. You need to get used to it. It doesn’t make you dirty or anything. If anything, it’s an expression of our love for our boyfriends and our trust in each other as friends.” 
“Someone remove him from Philosophy class.” Bambam laughed and took the bag of marshmallows from Youngjae and opened it. He pulled one out and tossed it at Yugyeom, laughing. Yugyeom stuck out at his tongue at the other and rolled his eyes.
“Just relax Youngjae, okay? The hyungs are here to watch over us. Tonight we get shit faced drunk and have a good time!” Yugyeom said happily.
“We’re not your babysitters.” Jaebum laughed as he stood and walked over to his tent and grabbed the back of supplies he had been told to bring. He pulled out the little dowels for everyone and passed them out before tossing a box of graham crackers to Mark. “You’ll be our designated graham boy.” he chuckled and then looked at Jinyoung who held up the chocolate bars.
“I’ve got the chocolate.” he said happily. 
“Good, let’s get cooking. All this talk about food is making me hungry.” Mark said and reached towards BamBam for a marshmallow.
“I thought we were talking about sex.” Jackson inquired. 
“That too.” Mark agreed with a laugh and stuck his marshmallow into the fire to warm. The others followed soon afterwards as they were given their marshmallow and they sat around in silence for a while. They didn’t need to talk or anything. Instead they just stared at the fire, or worked silently on crafting the best s’more, each trying to outdo each other. 
“So what kind of stories should we tell?” BamBam asked after about ten minutes of silence. He was fighting with his gooey marshmallow to stay on the cracker long enough to grab a few bars of the chocolate to put on it. “Like should it be true stories or shit we make up?” he asked. 
“True stories, duh.” Jackson grumbled through a mouthful of s’more. “You’re all crap at making up stuff.”
“I take offense to that.” Youngjae grumbled and glared at Jackson. The young literature major was very good at making up stories. He had to do so for many of his class assignments and his teachers always gave him high marks. So he had to be good, right?
“Who cares if we make it up or not?” Jinyoung asked and grinned. “Let’s just tell stories okay?” he said. Looking over at Youngjae, he grinned as he smeared chocolate over his nose, pulling a whine from him. 
“Alright, who’s first?” Yugyeom asked. With no one speaking up, a quick round of rock, paper, scissors was played until the order was decided. After a few failed stories from Bambam, Yugyeom and Jinyoung, it became Youngjae’s turn and the boys settled back in their chairs, eyes locked on the male as he prepared to tell his story.
“It better be good, Mr. Lit Major.” Jackson hummed as he sipped his cup. Youngjae rolled his eyes at him and cleared his throat.
“So I know a few of you aren’t natives of this province….or country.” he said and eyed Mark, Jackson and then BamBam. “Anyway, there is a legend in these parts that is really creepy.” 
“Ooh what? Mr. Slasher Killer?” Jackson taunted and grunted when Mark smacked his chest.
“Shut up.” he hissed at him. 
Youngjae threw a marshmallow at Jackson and shook his head. “Anyway, there is a legend about this lake.” Youngjae continued as he leaned in, hands folded over his lap. “About five years ago there was a string of murders that happened here. Young kids would come out here to party and fuck; what normal college kids would do. A group of friends ventured out here for a weekend getaway. They were here from Friday night and supposed to return home on Monday. When none came back they were reported missing. Police investigated and when they finally came out here to the campsites they found their mutilated bodies. Some parts were hanging in the trees.” He said and pointed to the large tree limb that hung over them. “Other parts strewn about, but there was a distinct way these body parts were left. They created a trail and the police followed it all the way down to the dock of the lake.”
“It was Jason!” Jackson announced.  Shaking his head, Mark reached out and covered Jackson’s mouth to keep him from talking again. 
“Now the police thought it was just some crazy killer, but when the body parts were examined it was said that it looked like their flesh had been ripped apart by jagged edges of something and then even found teeth lodged into a bone. And after further inspection, it was a tooth that didn't belong to any known animal in South Korea, k or the world.” 
“Really?” Bambam asked in shock. 
“Ah! That's not true.” Yugyeom shook his head. 
“It's true! Look it up.” Youngjae nodded and sat back, grinning. “You're turn hyung.” He called to Mark. 
“How about we just drink?” Jaebum asked. 
“What? Scared?” Youngjae teased and laughed at the other. 
“No, I'm bored. Look I brought my speakers. Let's just rock out and drink before passing out.”
“I second that motion!” Jinyoung chimed in.
“Third!” Jackson shouted through Mark’s hand. 
“Oh you big old party poopers.” Yugyeom huffed and glared at them. “Fine, let’s party.”  The others cheered. Setting up the speakers, Jaebum connected his phone to them and started the music, officially starting their Halloween bash out in the woods. Yugyeom, as always, was the first to be up and dancing, Bambam joining him shortly after. 
Youngjae spent the majority of the time laughing loudly at the two dancing, Jinyoung talking with Jaebum about who knows what. Jackson watched them all with a smile before glancing at Mark. The other seemed enraptured with what was going on, but he wanted to change that. He had come up with this idea because he knew Mark liked camping. He also knew that he wanted to try fucking outside. So what better way than to combine the two and Mark extremely happy?
Grinning, he stood and walked over and took Mark’s hand, pulling him out of his chair and tugging him away from the campsite. 
“Jackson, where are we going?” Mark asked as he stayed close to the other, following him down a well made path that eventually led them to the dock on the lake. “Oh Jackson come on.”
“What, scared of the monster lurking in?” Jackson teased, wiggling his fingers in Mark’s direction with a laugh. 
“Honestly, yes. I'm going back.” Mark said and turned to head back to the camp, but was stopped as Jackson grabbed his arm and pulled him back against his chest. 
“Oh come babe. That was just a story. There is no monster in the lake.” Jackson said, head dipping in to place gentle kisses along his neck. “Come on baby. Let's just have a little fun.” He cooed as he ran his hands over Mark’s chest and sides. “What do you say?”
Mark leaned back against him and whimpered softly as he enjoyed the touch of his boyfriend on his body. “Jackson.” Mark groaned.  “I hate you can make me feel this way and I can't fight back.”
“Don't fight it Mark.” Jackson encouraged as he grabbed the hem of Mark’s shirt and pulled it up slowly, teasingly. “Give in and let's play. I'll make you feel really good.” Jackson tried to tempt the other. 
“God I know you will.” Mark muttered, letting Jackson pull his shirt off and toss it to the ground. Turning, he pressed against the other and kissed him hard, hand cupping the back of Jackson’s head for a moment before it dropped and started tugging on the other’s clothes. 
In a matter of minutes they were both stripped bare and Jackson guided Mark into the water, shivering and laughing at first at how cold it was. Staying near the dock, Jackson pressed Mark against one of the support beams, his lips finding his once more. Soft moans left Mark as he returned the kiss, their hands running over each other's bodies and pressing into hotspots.
They were growing more needy and impatient. The last time they had sex was nearly two months ago when the new semester began. They needed more than anything at the moment and the tension between them was mounting the further they went. 
“Oh fuck Jackson.” Mark moaned, head falling back to rest against the hard wound. Long arms wrapped around Jackson’s neck as one leg wound around his waist. Jackson grabbed onto the deck behind him, using it as a balance and leverage as he thrusted into Mark slowly. “Shit just like that baby.” Mark groaned out, fingers raking through Jackson’s hair. 
“Fuck baby you feel so damn good around me.” Jackson groaned out in pleasure. “Always so tight and hot. Fuck, I love you so much Mark.” Mark panted softly and smiled widely as he leaned in and kissed him hard, lips parting as Jackson’s tongue pushed into his mouth. Their tongues danced around each other, fighting for dominance as Jackson’s pace grew faster and harder. 
Breaking the kiss, Mark whimpered as he rested his head on Jackson’s shoulder as his moans grew louder. “Yes Jackson. Jackson!” He trembled against the other, water lapping at their chests as they moved together, rocking frantically as they chased their orgasms. Jackson’s cock was hitting that spot inside of Mark so well that the other was clenching tightly around his cock, the heat coiling so tightly inside him. Mark could feel his end nearing and just as he reached his peak, he was yanked back from it quickly as searing hot pain ran through his body, starting in his left leg.
“Ow! Shit!” Mark jerked and pushed Jackson away from him. Tears were already welling as he tried to grab into the deck. “Oh my god!”
“Mark? What's wrong?” Jackson asked worriedly, watching as his boyfriend tried and failed many times to climb out of the water. 
“My leg! Fuck get me out of the water!” he said urgently. Chewing on his lower lip, Jackson moved behind Mark and helped the other out of the water and onto the deck. His eyes moved to Mark’s leg and widened as he stared at the large chunk of flesh that was missing from it. 
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” Mark shouted as he watched the blood pour from his wound. Jackson felt his heart race and he looked around the water. He thought he saw something appear before ducking back under to his left, but he didn't let himself stay and think about it. He grabbed onto the deck and hauled himself out of the water quickly. 
“Fuck, fuck.” Jackson panted and for a moment searched the deck for something to help Mark. He grabbed one of their shirts and the belt from his pants and dropped to his knees next to the other. 
“Jackson!” Mark cried out in pain. 
“It's okay baby. I'm here. I'm here.” Jackson assured him as he wrapped the shirt around the wound, knotting it in place. He took the belt next and wrapped it a few inches above the wound and tightened it around his leg as tight as he could to stop the blood flow. Mark’s pained screams only grew louder through the process and it was killing Jackson on the inside. 
“I'm so sorry baby.” Jackson apologized. He was going to say something else, but something hit the beams of the dock and he could hear the splintering crack of the wood and a sickening realization sunk in. “Okay Mark. Come on. Up we go.” He said and helped to pull Mark up onto his one foot. The other was unsteady and wobbled as pain continued to course through his body. Jackson doubted the other could walk even with his help and with doom looming over them, they couldn't spare a second. So bending, he slipped his arms around Mark and lifted the other up into his arms and started  running as the beams were struck by something again. 
His feet barely touched the dry ground when the dock gave and caved into the water behind him. Jackson didn't look back though. He clutched tightly to Mark as he ran with the other, heading back to the site.  “Jaebum! Jaebum Hyung, start the jeep!” he shouted, hoping the others could hear him over the music. It didn't seem like they could though, and they got a huge shock when the pair came running in naked. 
“Whoa. What the fuck happened?” Jinyoung asked as he stood and looked at the two. 
“Oh my god is he bleeding? What happened to Mark?” Jaebum asked as he stared at the dark and wet shirt around Mark’s leg. 
“No time, get in the fucking jeep!” Jackson shouted as he ran to the sitting vehicle and opened the back seat, helping Mark in before looking back. “Now!”
“But our stuff.” Youngjae protested.
“Fuck our stuff. There is something in the lake now let's go!” Jackson said urgently. The others looked at each other, trying to debate if they wanted to believe Jackson or maybe thought he was just too damn drunk, but in the end they all got up and piled into the jeep. Jaebum took to the wheel and started the car, turning the lights on as everyone got situated. 
“What happened to mark?” Yugyeom asked. 
“Something bit me in the water!” Mark sobbed and cried out in pain. 
“It took a fucking chunk out of his leg!” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaebum asked as he turned to look back at the other. “That sounds fucking crazy.”
“I know it does, but it's the truth!” Jackson insisted. The chaos of the jeep came to a screeching halt as Youngjae suddenly grabbed Jaebum’s arm. 
“Reverse. Reverse. Reverse!” he shouted and Jaebum turned around in time to see some creature heading straight for them, mouth open wide, rows of sharp teeth on display. Jaebum threw the jeep in reverse and stepped on the gas, tires squealing as they lurched backwards and to the side as the jeep moved. Throwing the jeep into drive, the tires skidded as they lurched forward and sped off, heading back onto the main. 
“Holy fuck! Holy fuck!” Bambam shouted as he turned and watched as they drove off the creature becoming nothing but a distant dot, quickly giving up on them. 
“Jesus christ.” Youngjae panted. 
“What the hell was that?!” Jinyoung shouted in shock. 
“I don't know, but whatever it was, it bit Mark and collapsed the dock!” Jackson said, his arms wound tightly around his boyfriend as he rocked the sobbing male gently. “Shhh, baby. It's okay. We're taking you to the hospital. It'll be okay baby.” Jackson tried to reassure him. 
“It's real.” Youngjae whispered. 
“What?” Yugyeom asked. 
“It's real. The story I told. It's really real and that was the fucking thing that killed those people.” Youngjae said, his heart racing. “We just escaped death.”
“Good. I don't plan to die anytime soon.” Jaebum said. “Don't worry Mark, we'll be at the hospital soon.”
The group didn't return to collect their stuff until the next morning with the help of a police escort. After reporting the incident and taking testimonies, the police went out to search the area but found no trace of whatever creature they had encountered the night before. Though the statements of the dock being broken and submerged into the lake were true. Their campsite had been left untouched, however, which baffled the police even more and added to the mystery. Not a single thing out of place, not even the cooler had been disturbed by the raccoons that would have undoubtedly come out to scavenge. 
Whatever happened at the lake would remain a mystery. The police report would read that it was a horrible camping accident committed by drunk college students. Mark, though missing some of his calf, would eventually heal and be released from the hospital a few months later with a clean bill of health. And while time slowly healed all physical wounds, nothing would be able to erase the memories of that night and the terrible creature that tried to kill them. 
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mykoreanlove · 2 months
the smut bundle
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for when you want to get freaky, empty hands are recommended
CHAN - fuck me 5 senses? // cooking up a storm piece of cake // just another day at the dorms // in character // Christopher // preggo by chan
CHANGBIN - just another day at the dorms // home workouts
MINHO - how to tame a cat // just another day at the dorms // serum
HYUNJIN - afterparty // wanna bet? // keep me up // special birthday
HAN - just another day at the dorms // brr brr
FELIX - Articulate // fighting with Felix be like // just another day at the dorms
SEUNGMIN - just another day at the dorms
CROSSOVER - deceptive bonds (hyunjin, Felix) // 🫧🫧🫧 (Minho, hyunjin) // 3+1 (3racha)
JACKSON - acts of intimacy // backseat love
JUNGKOOK - on a drug case
TAEMIN - new heights // lazy Sunday // friendship service // bite me // first dates
EUN WOO - say please?
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frenchkisstheabyss · 4 days
♡ LMLY ♡
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♡ Pairing: boyfriend!jackson wang x songwriter!chubby!fem!reader
♡ Genre: fluff/smut
♡ Summary: On the evening before one of your boyfriend's parties you confess to him that you've been doubting yourself lately and he has his heart set on easing your mind.
♡ Word Count: 1.7k-ish
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♡ Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, pet names (baby) & that's about all, bbys
♡ A/N: This is my first Jackson Wang request which I'm really happy about because no one ever really requests/write for him (like, y'all, this man's a certified baddie. let's get it together). Thank you @writhingwrecked for putting this request in. I hope you get the comfort you needed from it!
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People usually have one of two ideas about who your boyfriend is. They either categorize him as this dark, brooding artist who’s trapped in the spiral of an existential crisis or some frat boy who spends all of his time partying and drinking. If they took the time they’d see what a sweetheart he is, especially when it comes to you.
Seated opposite you on the couch of his penthouse—one of many he has tucked away in different countries—he keeps your feet balanced in his lap, laser focused on painting your toenails your favorite color. Nothing could possibly be cuter than Jackson is with his hair pulled back into the two tiny space buns you put them in earlier, tongue peeking out from between his lips as he applies the final touches to your nails. 
Tonight Jackson’s having one of his infamous parties, this one on a scenic beach in Thailand. It’ll be the first you’ve attended since joining his songwriting team and your first since the two of you began dating. Anyone who’s anyone will be there and you’re determined to look perfect for it. So, needless to say, you sent yourself into a panic when the nail tech canceled on you last minute.
But it was Jackson to the rescue as always, quieting your fears and insisting that you let him take care of you. That’s the Jackson you know. The one who’ll do anything to keep his girl happy. It gives you butterflies watching him be this patient and attentive with you. It makes your heart race a little faster just feeling his fingers brush your skin as he tilts your foot to inspect his handiwork. 
“That tickles!” you giggle, toes wiggling as he tries to keep you still. 
“Hey, stop that! You’re gonna mess it up” he whines, tickling the arch of your foot on purpose this time. 
You twist away from him, jumping up from the couch to go finish your makeup. There’s two hours until you need to head out for the party and the two of you are still lounging around in your towels. It’s about time you pick up the pace anyway. 
“I don’t have time for this. Some of us have to get ready.” 
Catching you by the arm, he carefully pulls you down onto his lap, peppering kisses all over your face. You resist at first but quickly give up the act, relaxing into his arms to soak up the love he so openly pours into you. “Jackson, I’ll never get dressed if you keep this up.”
Running a hand down to your thigh, he gently rubs it, taking in the beauty of your figure as he does so. “Who says I want you to get dressed?” he asks, the sexy rasp of his voice tickling your cheek. You let out an almost weightless moan at the sensation of his lips skimming your jawline. You rest your hands on his bare chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath, lean muscles flexing beneath your touch.  “Aah, baby, we don’t, mmm, have time for this right now. If I don’t look perfect for this—” 
Jackson tilts his head up, gazing into your eyes, “Don’t say that, you always look perfect.” 
“To you because you love me but…” you sigh, shoulders dropping under the weight of self doubt, “Jackson, I have to look good so at least it seems like I’ve done something to deserve to be there with all those talented people. With you”. 
Jackson sits back on the couch, his brow scrunching at a statement he couldn’t disagree with more. “What are you talking about? You are ‘talented people’. The songs you helped me write are beautiful”. 
“What if no one else thinks so? What if the album drops and everyone hates them? What if…I’m just not good enough?”
“Baby, look at me” he begs, scooping your cheeks into his hands, “You are more than good enough. Don’t you ever question that. You’re here with me because you’re the best of the fucking best, because…”
He clears his throat, choking back the sentimental side of him that has him wanting to tear up. You see it anyway, the moisture across his irises that make them shimmer like raindrops catching sunlight. 
“I doubt myself too,” he confesses, “I fear the future, worry if what I’m doing is enough, but as long as I have an amazing woman who loves me like you do I know it must be.” 
“Why are you trying to make me cry?” you pout, sniffling back tears of your own. 
“No, it’s not that, baby. I just want you to know how special you are and that we’re in this together. You belong here.”
His lips meet yours in a quick, sweet kiss. “You belong anywhere you want to be.” The next kiss lasts longer, your lips parting to welcome his. “And I will literally fight anyone who makes you feel any different.”
You giggle but Jackson doesn’t. He’s a softie but he’s cutthroat when it comes to protecting you. 
“You’re so cute when you’re serious.”
“Hmm? Just cute?” he asks, kissing you with everything he has.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he lifts you from the couch, his tongue refusing to leave the fluffy warmth of your cheeks. You shake your head, shivering as the air from the open window blows gently against your now exposed core. “More than cute. Really, really fucking hot.” 
Jackson lays you back on the couch, spreading your legs to slip in between them. “Now who’s being the cute one?” he teases, draping one of your legs over the back of the couch. His right hand moves between the two of you, tracing all the finer details of your pussy. Your slick folds, so soft against his fingertips. Your stiffening clit, twitching as he circles it. Your dripping entrance that clenches at his presence, growing wetter the deeper he kisses you.
“Mmm, I think she wants some attention, baby” he coos, fingers pushing into you, “Can I taste her?” 
Your head falls back against the arm of the couch, eyes fluttering closed as he works his fingers deep into your core. “Yes, please” you moan, nails faintly scraping his shoulders as he ventures down your body. Pushing your towel away, he takes his time massaging your plush figure, praising your form, soothing your worries.
When his head dips between your legs, he kisses your soft inner thigh until his breath’s warming your core. Jackson’s eyes flick up to you, watching all the pretty faces you make as he teases the ridges of your walls. “Oh my god!” you cry, hips lifting from the cushion as he purses his lips around your clit, suckling at the bud with the perfect amount of pressure.
Jackson locks an arm over your waist, gripping your belly as he pins you back down. “Don’t run from me, baby. How am I gonna make you feel good if you can’t keep still?” 
You grab onto the cushion beneath you, pleading with your body to cooperate but she writhes and arches against his hold, simply refusing to listen. Your walls clamp around his fingers, threatening to push them out, but Jackson only sinks them in deeper, your wetness audible as his soaked wrist comes flush against your slit.
“Jackson…” you moan, glancing between your legs to find his face almost completely buried in your pussy. "Hmm?” he hums, staring back at you with those puppy dog eyes you always melt for. Slipping his fingers out, he drives his tongue into you, slurping your juices down, grateful to taste more of you. 
All you’ve done leading up to tonight is live in your head—stressing, worrying, doubting yourself. The pressure of it all was unbearable but gradually it lifts. With every curve of Jackson’s tongue, a sense of euphoria flows through your body, washing away anything that makes you question the woman that you are.
Jackson needs you, can’t get enough of you. Your body. Your spirit. Your mind. This is what you deserve, to lay back and be pleasured, juices flowing down his throat with not a single thing for you to worry yourself about. Nothing except the pulsing in your core, the pressure building inside of you gradually, letting you bask in each level of intensity before being pushed to another.
“Jackson, mmm, close” you moan and Jackson lets go of your belly, reaching up to hold your hand. Your stomach muscles contract at the return of his fingers. There’s more this time, you aren’t even sure how many, but they’re stretching you so wonderfully, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
“Go ahead, baby. Come for me. Let it all go” Jackson coos, dragging his tongue up your clit. 
Seeing the love in his eyes, the passion, how badly he wants to please you, sends you crashing over the edge. You hold onto his hand, fingers interlaced with his, and ride out your high, letting your body move as it wishes. Jackson keeps dipping his fingers in and out of you, tongue flicking your clit, until you’ve come back down.
“You feel better, baby?” he asks, resting his head on a thigh more comfy than any pillow.
“Mmhmm” you answer between shallow breaths, “I feel wonderful.”
Jackson smiles, leaving a wet kiss on your other thigh, “We don’t have to go tonight, you know? Not if you don’t want to.”
“Actually, I…I wanna go.”
“Oh? Really?” he asks, equal parts shocked and curious about your newfound excitement for tonight. You sit up to pet his cheek, guiding him on top of you. You feel so safe under the weight of him, comforted by the arms now caging you into your little dip in the couch. 
“You believe in me so much, Jackson.” 
“I do.” 
“So, I guess it can’t hurt for me to try to believe in myself a little.” 
Jackson kisses you on the forehead, the nose, the lips. “And never fear the future. Whatever happens, I've got your back. I’ll do anything for you, you know that?" He shifts between your legs and you feel the head of his cock brush your clit. You bring him in for another kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Ya know, I might not wanna skip the party but it’s okay if we’re a little late, isn’t it?”
“Anything” he whispers, hips rocking against you, “For you.”
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veethefreeelf · 9 months
JAY B Fic Recs
M - Mature (minors DNI) / F - Fluff / A - Angst / HpE - Happy Ending
None of these works are mine, I tagged all the authors, make sure to go to the authors page, like and reblog their works
The Back-Up - one-shot, 12K - by @inyournightmares97 - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE - not mature but suggestive
The Leading Lady - one-shot, 11.6K - by @inyournightmares97 again because they have amazing works -> F / HpE
Chocolate Eyes - one-shot, 19.5K - by... you guessed it @inyournightmares97 because they write Jaebeom beautifully -> A / F / HpE
DREAMIN' - one-shot, 15K - by yes, again, @inyournightmares97 -> A / F / HpE
Illecebrous - one-shot, 2.9K - by @flurrys-creativity - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Mistletoes & Christmas sweaters - one-shot, 4.2K - by @flurrys-creativity again, just do yourself a favor and read all their works -> M / F / HpE
Moonlight Café - two-shot, 15.9K - by @milfgyuu - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Wet - one-shot, 8.2K - by @spacequokka - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Out of this World - one-shot, 11K - by @kpopchangedme - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
mistletoe? oh no! - one-shot, 6.9K - by @wonderlustlucas - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
Bad Habit Series by @jae-daddy - full Masterlist - please go through their masterlist, their Jaebeom works are unbelievably good -> M / A / F / HpE
Please mini Series by @jae-daddy again because I ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY ARE AMAZING -> M / A / F / HpE
Vermillion Series (Ongoing) by @flowered-mp3 - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Far From Home Series by @red-exo - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
to kill an empire Series by @ahgaseda - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Fragrances & Lost Fragrances Series by @jj-ktae - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Erotica Series by @jj-ktae again because their stories are absolutely brilliant -> M / A / F / HpE
HOLIC Series by @taexual - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
What I Wouldn't Give mini Series by @flowerbeom - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Tension - one-shot, 6.6K - by @flowerbeom again because they are a brilliant writer -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Dating Lessons - two-shot, 18.4K - by @parkhabits - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Five Minutes - one-shot, 7.2K - by @parkhabits again because they are an amazing GOT7 writer
Worth Fighting For - one-shot, 5.7K - by @prettywordsyouleft - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Poets and Parties - one-shot, 5K - by @kpopfanfictrash - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Check Your Messages - one-shot - by @kwrittink - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Taming The Brat Series by @deliriousscenarios - full Masterlist - THIS one is my favorite ever. I've re-read this more times than I can count -> M / A / F / HpE
Before Sunset - one-shot - by @mintjoonlep - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
INDEFINITELY Series by @noona-clock - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
hypnotic - two-shot, 23.7K - by @tuanhood - full Masterlist - this one is one of my absolute favorites as well -> M / A / F / HpE
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jinxhallows · 1 year
ɪᴄɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ | ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴡᴀɴɢ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
☾ -- ɪᴄɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ
ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴡᴀɴɢ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ, 𝟷𝟾+, ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ ᴜsᴇ, ғᴏᴏᴅᴘʟᴀʏ, ᴇsᴛᴀʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ
ᴡᴄ: 𝟸.𝟹ᴋ
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So I wrote this originally in a discord brainrot with @gdragonsideburns (who ALSO WRITES INCREDIBLE SHIT) because although I am a smooth 30, I'm currently driving this song into an early grave and it made me think of Jackson Wang in the jungle? Do Jackson Wang fics even exist on here? Well, here's one.
"Dearest old man, on this most joyous occasion of your birthday, I bring forth a small token of my affection."  
You call out teasingly in an over the top accent, and carefully place the delicate porcelain plate onto the table, adorned with a magnificent gourmet cupcake, a tropical wonder, complete with a sparkler glowing brightly at its center. The chocolate syrup on top of the plate spells out a heartfelt message from the resort staff,  
"Happy 29th Birthday, Jackson Wang from China." 
His face lights up with an infectious grin as he reads the message out loud.  
"Ah, that's definitely me," he exclaims, reaching out to blow the sparkler out like a candle. But to his surprise, it doesn't extinguish. He shakes it slightly and turns to you. 
"It burns for twenty-nine seconds, because that's how old you are," you quip with a mischievous glint in your eye. 
He looks at you in wonderment, his brows furrowing in confusion. "How do they get it to last exactly twenty-nine seconds?" he asks, genuinely curious. 
You chuckle, knowing he's fallen for your playful trick. "They don't," you say, picking up the remaining sparkler and pushing the plate towards him. "You just believe anything I tell you." 
He rolls his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now that's a lie. I don't believe 99.9% of what comes out of that pretty mouth of yours." With a cheeky grin, he dips his finger into the icing and taps your nose, before bringing it to his lips to savor the delicious taste. 
“Thanks for thinking of me, baby.” he murmurs in a gentle tone, his eyes fixated on the delectable dessert before him. 
The soothing sound of the rain pouring down through the dense Amazonian trees provides a tranquil ambiance. The floor-to-ceiling windows showcase the lush rainforest, with mist creeping up from the warm forest floor. You observe him as he peels off the cupcake paper, sinking his teeth into its side. The coconut shavings crumble onto his exposed tattooed torso. He brushes the crumbs off his skin, just below his navel, where his gray sweatpants meet his briefs, emitting a soft rustling sound. Tilting his head to the side, he takes another bite, letting out a satisfied "mm" at the delectable taste. 
He glances over at you, oblivious to how enraptured you had become with his reaction. "Wanna try?" he offers, extending the cupcake towards you. However, you wave your hand, declining the tropical delight. 
"I hate coconut flavored stuff," you make a face in distaste. 
"Really? Since when? Why didn't I know that?" he queries, taking another bite and shaking his head to brush away the strands of chestnut brown hair from his face. 
“Because thankfully, you’ve never fucked up royally enough to get me coconut flavored anything; and I love you all the more for it.” As you rise from your seat, you feel the cool, marble floor beneath the balls of your feet, and make your way over to the Bluetooth speaker. The room is sparsely furnished, and the sound of mellow Afrobeat mixed with R&B piano and the soothing notes of steel pans fills the air. 
Suddenly, you feel something cold and flat pressed against your lower back, just above the curve of your hips. You look up at his reflection in the mirror, both of your gazes locking before your eyes fall to the bottle of patron silver he was conveniently using you as a table for; oh but Jackson’s a gentleman, he’s got himself pressed up against your ass, and your ample thighs; he’s keeping you nice and steady while he expertly pours a shot, which he sets down with a satisfying "clink" on the nearby table. 
Jackson's second attempt at pouring is a bit messier, causing droplets of the cool liquid to splash against your warm skin, and you slightly jump at the feeling.  It was the way the bottom half of your cheeks jiggled from underneath your shorts, however, that earned you a firm grasp and smack as he throws his shot back, relishing in the sight of your body responding to his touch. With a mischievous grin, he leans down to lap up the stray droplets from your lower back as you blissfully sigh from how good he was pressing all your buttons. 
“Take your shot, I wanna test somethin’.” 
He takes a step back, and you slowly stand up, tossing back the tequila before turning around to face him. 
“Hear me out, try chasing with it.” He walks over to the table, and you admire the flexion in his back muscles as he moves.  He picks up the cupcake, undeniably sexy as he licks it off his finger.  He can tell he’s got you right where he wants you, your eyes never leave him. 
“Chasing tequila, with a coconut cupcake?  You’re gonna have to show me, ‘cause it’s not sounding too appealing yet.” 
“I’m glad you asked, lie down for me sweetheart, let me show you exactly what I mean.” 
As you crawl onto the plush mattress, Jackson follows suit, climbing on top of you. The sight of him, flushed from the drinks he had earlier, is enough to make your heart skip a beat. He chuckles at your confusion, but how could you not be confused? He's holding a half-eaten cupcake in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other, straddling your body. But despite the mischievous glint in his eye, you can't help but find him utterly irresistible. In this remote, remarkable place, far away from the rest of the world, he has you all to himself, and he's clearly up to no good. 
"Hold this for me," he says, handing over the cupcake. As you take it, he takes a thick swipe of icing from the dessert. He pushes the bottom of your tank top up just enough for the bottom of your breasts to peek out from under the black, scrunched fabric. 
"Jackson, what are you--" you start to ask, but he interrupts you as he paints a straight line of icing down the midline of your stomach, stopping right at your navel. His eyes hold your gaze captive as he slips his finger with the remaining icing between your lips.  
As you obediently suck on his finger, feeling the curve of his knuckle and the lines dividing his long digit into printed pads, he lets out a satisfied laugh and proudly declares,  
"I thought you hated coconut flavored shit?" 
You take his finger further into your mouth, coaxing it in with your tongue. Despite your initial reservations, you can't deny the pleasure you feel from this. He pulls his hand away from your oral fixation with a scoff and a smirk. Taking a swig of tequila, he looks down at you like you're his next biggest conquest.  
Aries men have a thing for that – a conquest. 
He dips his tongue into your navel, licking the sweet trail all the way up to where your shirt is bunched up. You gasp, propping yourself up on your elbows and looking down at him knowingly. "You know exactly what you're doing," you say. 
"I'm teaching you how to broaden your palate," he responds smoothly, wasting no time in taking the cupcake back from you and exchanging it with the bottle of tequila instead.   
The cool air circling in the room feels extra sensitive on the wet skin of your stomach, and it turns your nipples into erect, sensitive nubs, poking proudly through the thin fabric of your tank.  You push yourself up a little more, so you can sit up straight.   
You look up at him as he holds the cupcake out for you to take a sample from.  You swipe your finger in the thick, buttercream icing, and your eyes dance down his chiseled torso, deciding where you were going to take this experiment. 
Your body is trembling with anticipation as you slide your fingers over the waistband of his briefs, feeling the heat radiating from his body. You lean in closer, the scent of his cologne mixed with the faint aroma of tequila and cupcakes filling your senses. Your tongue traces the trail of soft, delicate hairs leading down from his belly button, savoring the sweet taste of his skin. 
You slowly trace a thick line just above his navel, reveling in the way his muscles twitch under your touch. You can feel the heat radiating from his body, his skin flushed and warm from the tequila. You trail the icing down his smooth, taut stomach, disappearing into the waistband of his briefs. 
You can't resist the urge to pull them down just a little, just enough to expose the tempting V-line leading down from his abs. With a steady hand, you spread the remaining icing right where you want it. Jackson watches you with dark, intense eyes, his breaths coming in ragged. 
Jackson’s eyes flicker with surprise and desire as he helps you by tugging at the sides of his pants, pulling them down even further. The sight of his hardness tenting the front of his sweatpants, the print pushing through the slate grey of his briefs, is almost too much for you to handle. He's always had an aura of mystery and excitement about him, and the way he's looking at you now only adds to his allure.  
He sets the cupcake aside and lifts your face up to meet his gaze, you can feel your cheeks heat up under his intense stare. His hand under your chin is firm, holding you steady, but his touch is gentle. You can see the lust in his eyes, but there's also a hint of tenderness there. 
"Give me the tequila, baby," he says, his voice low and husky. You hand him the bottle, your fingers brushing against his as you do. His tongue darts out to swipe over his lower lip, and you feel weak in the knees. 
With a little squeeze of your chin, he prompts you to open your mouth, and you do so eagerly. You can feel the warmth of his body as he moves in closer, his hips tilted towards you. He's always found you uniquely stunning, in a way that appealed to him on a primal level, and right now, it's as though he can't resist the urge to explore every inch of you.  
As you wait, your breath catching in your throat, Jackson's gaze flickers over your face and down to your lips, before he takes a long swig of the tequila first.  He swishes it around in his mouth before swallowing, and he pours a stream of it into your open mouth, letting go and allowing you to cringe as you push it down your throat.  You quickly stick your tongue out, desperate to get rid of the alcohol taste.  You grab his pants, pulling him closer and licking the buttercream trail from his skin.  You pull his briefs down, maybe a little too enthusiastically, to get to the rest, and his stiff cock springs out.  The head is red, smeared with clear pre-cum that had oozed out while he was toying with you earlier. 
As soon as you felt the cool liquor pass your lips, your mouth began to water. You take him in, savoring the feel of him filling your mouth. His substantial length stretches you, and you wrap your lips around him tightly, feeling every ridge and vein as you slide him deeper into your mouth. As your tongue flattens against the bottom of his cock, he hisses at the sensation, his brows knit together in pleasure. His eyes close, and he accidentally holds his breath, lost in the feeling of your mouth on him. 
"Damn, babe," he groans, his voice thick with desire. You can feel him growing harder inside your mouth, and you can't resist sliding your hand down to his base, following the thick curve of your lips with every suck. "Keep doing that, God, it feels so good," he pleads, his hips thrusting gently towards your mouth.   
He probably shouldn’t, but he takes another shot anyway.  He really does want to set the bottle down, but he can’t peel himself from between your pretty lips just yet.  The way your intensity climbs as the liquor kicks in, you take his balls gently in your hand, using all the saliva that had pooled as lubrication to massage them. 
His moans of pleasure fill the room, each one more intense than the last. With his hand covering his face and his other tightly gripping the tequila bottle, it was clear that he was completely lost in the moment. The air was thick with a heady mix of profanity, grunts, and gasps, all signaling his overwhelming pleasure.   
“H-Hold on, hold on—” Jackson somehow finds the inner strength to breathe, to stop you from taking him directly off the edge a lot sooner than he had originally planned.  He drops his hand, revealing his handsome face again.  He stares at you with a look of utter desire and adoration, his eyes glazed over with pleasure. Beads of sweat drip down his forehead, his hair mussed and sticking to his skin in all the right places. His lips are parted, panting softly as he struggles to regain control of his senses. 
His body is a work of art, every muscle defined and chiseled to perfection. The veins in his arms and neck pulse with intensity, a testament to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. He looks like a god, a vision of pure masculinity and strength. 
You can see the raw passion in his eyes, the way they fixate on you with such intensity that it makes your heart skip a beat. It's a look that says he wants you more than anything in the world, and nothing else matters in this moment. 
“I wanna fuck you,” 
He breathes out, pointing to the oversized window across from the bed. 
“In the rainforest.” 
☾ -- fin
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markie-baby · 7 months
Butt-Naked at the MGM ✨️
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"How am I supposed to tell yah?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me,
Nobody gets me like you.
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you,
Nobody gets me, you do..."
Nobody Gets Me - SZA
Summary- You were no stranger to surprises when it came to dating Mark Tuan, but nothing could prepare you for what you would learn on your one-year anniversary; your sweet, shy, and respectable boyfriend was a closeted freak.
Warnings - cursing, explicit sex, spanking, edging, biting, bondage Genre- Fluff/Smut (18+ MA) idol!got7, female! reader Pairing- Female Reader x Mark Tuan Length- she's super long, mama. So get some wine 'cuz it's story time.
You savored the lingering taste of the wine on your lips, casting a drunken yet longing gaze at Mark Tuan, your striking boyfriend. His allure was impossible to resist, and tonight, he seemed to have cranked it up a notch. His black hair was brushed back, and a few strands dangled free over his eyebrows, tempting you further.
So damn gorgeous. You sighed to yourself.
The gleam of his diamond studs and Cuban link danced in the soft candlelight of your private table, accentuating his devilish charm. Your eyes couldn't help but descend to the bottom button of his open shirt, revealing his chest and a tantalizing mole. Mark's visuals were utterly provocative, though he seemed oblivious as he perused the drink menu.
As you continued to admire Mark's enticing form, your thoughts wandered to the past year you'd spent together. Mark had always been the perfect gentleman. He was polite, funny, respectful, treated, and sexed like a queen. You loved how he doted on you and made you feel special. But there was always something about him that seemed reserved... like he was holding back. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was an air of mystery surrounding him.
Mark finally looked up from the drink menu, his dark eyes locking with yours. A playful smile curled at the corner of his lips, and he reached across the table, his hand finding yours. "You seem lost in thought," he said, his voice low and seductive.
"Just reminiscing," you replied, your voice husky, your eyes never leaving his. "It's been an incredible year."
Mark's fingers tightened around yours, and his gaze deepened. "It has been incredible," he agreed, his tone filled with meaning. "One of the best years of my life."
Your heart fluttered in response to Mark's sincere admission.
"Before I met you, I felt content with my life. I had a sense of fulfillment in everything I had achieved so far, and my drive kept me moving forward." Mark glanced at your hands clasped in his.
"Then I met you, and time seemed to stop in a way I never imagined. You've taught me the beauty of slowing down and truly savoring every precious moment."
Mark's tender confession rendered you breathless; a soft 'I love you' slipped past your glossed lips.
"I love you too." His thumb, adorned with a ring, tenderly caressed your cheek.
His undeniable thoughtfulness and sweetness couldn't be ignored. However, the harsh reality of the situation was sinking in rapidly, akin to the Thunderbird you had knocked back earlier...
You were horny as all hell.
"We still got the rest of the night to celebrate. Why don't we get another drink and get out of here?" Mark traced the menu with his slender finger. "What do you want, baby?
"I think I've found exactly what I want," you said, your voice laced with anticipation.
Mark's eyes sparked with intrigue as he looked at you. "Yeah?" he purred, leaning in closer.
You leaned in as well, your lips almost touching, your words a whisper. "I want you, Mark," you confessed, your gaze locked with his, brimming with desire.
Mark's breath caught in his throat as your words hung in the air, creating a charged atmosphere between you two. The restaurant noises seemed to fade away, leaving only the intimate bubble of your shared desire. You triggered something in him. Mark scooted his chair closer, his lips brushed gently against your ear.
"Want me?" His warm breath tingled your skin. "And how bad you want me, y/n?"
Your heart skipped a beat at your boyfriend's teasing response.
A slow, knowing smile spread across Mark's face. "Well, then," he said, his voice low and filled with promise. "I think I can arrange that. You ready for your surprise?"
"Surprise? Where are you taking me?"
He downed his glass of Thunderbird, anticipation growing as Mark discreetly signaled the waiter, asking for the check. In a swift exchange, you both exited the restaurant, hand in hand, bound for a destination where your desires could unfold.
He maintained an air of mystery leading you to a waiting car. Soon, the shimmering lights of Las Vegas enveloped you. The MGM Grand stood tall in the distance, and to your surprise, Mark had secured a balcony suite, a sight that left you astonished.
"Mark, this is beyond amazing," you marveled, your eyes scanning the balcony suite's luxurious details.
Mark's smile radiated warmth, a glint of modesty in his demeanor. "I'm glad you like it. I know I was on the road for a while, so I wanted to make it up to you."
"You really outdone yourself, I don't know how I'm gonna top this." you replied playfully.
With a soft chuckle, he waved off the compliment. "You're important to me. Seeing you smile is everything."
His words resonated deeply, and you took his hand, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Mark. I feel incredibly lucky to have you."
He met your gaze, sincerity evident in his eyes. "I'm lucky to have you, too."
As the night embraced the glittering skyline, Mark and you found yourselves cuddling on the balcony of the suite, clinking glasses filled with chilled champagne. The city below was alive with a symphony of lights and distant laughter, casting an enchanting aura around you both. The cool evening breeze danced through your hair as you leaned against the balcony railing, savoring the moment.
"I could stay up here forever..." You sighed.
"Me too," Mark's arm tightened around you. "But why don't we take this cuddle session inside?"
"I'd love to." You playfully kissed your boyfriend on the nose before turning towards the door.
Your body stops short when Mark grabs your wrist.
"Can I have a kiss first?" A smirk appeared on his lips.
"Of course," you whispered, pressing your lips against his.
The kiss was sweet and passionate, a tender dance between your lips. Mark's arms encircled you, pulling you closer as his kisses became deeper and more intense. He smelled of expensive cologne and tasted like champagne, a taste which you quickly fell in love with. His hands moved down to grab a handful of you, and you could feel the heat building between you. Mark had never been this handsy.
You couldn't help but feel excited by this sudden change in his behavior.
"Mm... Mark," you gasped. "We should... probably head inside..."
"Why?" he breathed, his voice husky.
"Because..." you said, a sultry grin curling your lips. "We're starting to get a little carried away out here, and someone might see us."
"I'm sorry", He blushed slightly. "My mind is kinda in the gutter right now."
"Oh, really? I can't tell."
He let out a soft chuckle and released you, his eyes full of lust. "C'mon, let's go inside."
You agreed, biting your lip.
As Mark guided you into the luxe suite, the thrill of the moment intensified. Finally settling onto the plush king-sized mattress, the softness of the sheets against your skin added to the intoxicating atmosphere. Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had quietly entered the room amidst the sensation, his presence unnoticed in your heightened sensory bliss.
"You seem comfortable," he commented, his voice a soft whisper in your ear.
"Mmhm," you sighed, your eyes closed, body relaxed.
Mark's arms slowly slid around your waist, his lips pressed to the side of your neck as he placed his body weight next to yours.
"What's gotten into you other than that Thunderbird?"
"I'm not sure," Mark admitted, a slight hint of embarrassment in his tone. "I guess I'm just a bit worked up tonight."
"Is that so?"
You felt Mark's smile against your skin, his hand tracing up the curve of your spine. "Maybe," he teased. "Does that make you uncomfortable?"
"No, not at all." You turned to meet his eyes, your hand gently caressing his face. "In fact, I like it. You're usually so... reserved. I'm into this side of you."
Mark smiled sincerely. "I'm happy to hear that. You've opened my eyes to a lot of new things. I'm learning more about myself every day."
You kissed him, a gentle, yet passionate kiss. As the kiss deepened, your hands began to explore his body, feeling the contours of his chest beneath his shirt. Mark's hands found their way to a familiar area, his touch electric against your skin. The sensations of desire and intimacy filled the room, blending with the soft, sensual lighting.
Mark pulled back slightly, his seductive gaze locked on yours.
"You know, it's been an amazing year, so, I want to make tonight a little different," he said, his voice a seductive whisper. "I'm going to give you a taste of what I've learned."
"And what exactly have you learned, Mr. Tuan?"
"To be honest, I've always had these fantasies, but I was too shy to bring them up before."
You looked at him in surprise. This was definitely not what you were expecting. But instead of being shocked or put off, you felt a surge of arousal at the thought of exploring Mark's hidden desires.
"I'm all yours tonight," you said with a smile. "Don't need to be shy around me. We have been together for over a year after all."
Mark's face flushed with excitement and relief.
"I'm not as vanilla in bed as I've been letting on," he admitted. "When we have sex, as much as I love it, I fantasize about doing the nastiest things to you."
"Nasty, huh?" You purred, tracing your finger along his jawline. "Tell me, what kind of nasty things have you wanted to do to me?"
Mark's gaze darkened, a look of pure desire in his eyes. "You really want to know?"
"I do," you confirmed, your voice soft, yet laced with a hint of intrigue.
"Are you sure?" he asked anxiously.
"Absolutely," you replied with a reassuring smile.
Mark's hesitation disappeared. His dark gaze bored into yours, the intensity of his emotions reflected in his eyes.
"Well, for starters," Mark's hand teased your inner thigh. "I've always wanted to pour oil all over that pretty skin of yours."
"You want to massage me?" You grinned, amused by his choice of fantasy.
"Not just massage," His lips traveled closer to your ear. "But tease, pinch, spank..."
"Mark Tuan, are you into BDSM or something?"
Mark's lips curled into a seductive smile. "That.." he said, his hand creeping higher, his fingers lightly brushing your panties. "And among a few other kinks. Is that okay?"
A wave of desire crashed over you at the realization of what Mark was hinting at. You nodded slowly, your breath quickening as you started to feel a familiar sensation growing in your thighs.
Mark stood up off the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt in the most torturous fashion. Slowly exposing his chest and tattoos inch by inch. "Can I show them to you?"
"Sure," you breathed, distracted by the strip show your boyfriend was putting on.
His buttoned shirt slowly slid off his toned shoulders and fell to the floor. "I need a yes or a no, beautiful."
You felt your core pulse at the request. "Yes."
Mark walked over to the closet, opened the door, and disappeared from view. You could hear the sound of hangers moving and then the rustling of cloth. He returned, holding a black satin tie in his hands.
"May I?"
You nodded and closed your eyes as he gently tied the fabric around your head, making sure you couldn't see. Your senses were on high alert, acutely aware of every movement, every sound, and smell. You felt the bed dip as Mark climbed on top of you, his weight pressing into the mattress, his heat radiating toward you. His breath was warm on your cheek as he leaned close.
"Is that comfortable?" he whispered.
"Yes," you sighed.
His hands traced the contours of your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. The sensation of not being able to see heightened the experience, making every touch, every kiss, every whisper of breath feel magnified.
Mark kissed your neck softly. "I've been waiting to get this dress off of you..." he said.
You felt his fingers slowly unzipping the front of your dress, exposing your bare chest. Your nipples hardened under his touch, and you gasped as his tongue flicked against the sensitive flesh. His lips trailed a hot path down your neck and across your collarbone, before circling around your hardened nipple. He suckled greedily, his teeth grazing the delicate skin. You writhed under his touch, your hips arching into his.
"So damn responsive..." Mark murmured.
You felt his mouth leave your skin, and the sound of him pulling the bottom half of your dress reached your ears.
Suddenly, you felt a cool, smooth sensation on your skin, followed by a sweet scent that filled the air. It took a moment for you to realize that Mark was drizzling warm oil onto your body.
The oil was slick and luxurious as Mark's hands glided over your skin, massaging away any tension or stress. His touch was confident and skilled, kneading your muscles with just the right amount of pressure.
As the massage continued, you felt yourself becoming more and more relaxed, surrendering to the sensations that were coursing through your body. The combination of the warm oil and Mark's expert touch had you melting into the bed.
"Mm... that feels so good," you moaned.
Mark chuckled. "Good, 'cause I'm about to make it feel even better," he murmured.
His hands traveled down to your legs, kneading the tense muscles there. You felt the mattress shift as Mark positioned himself between your legs, his fingers deftly slipping under the edge of your panties.
A gasp escaped your lips as his fingers began to work their magic on your most sensitive areas, his touch gentle yet firm. Your body trembled in anticipation, knowing that Mark's talented fingers were mere moments away from sending you into ecstasy.
You cried out as his fingers finally made contact with your slick, throbbing core, sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. Mark's pace increased, and he circled your clit, his fingers slipping and sliding through your folds. You gripped the sheets as you arched your back, desperate for more.
Mark's breath was warm against your skin as he leaned close, whispering into your ear.
"You're soaking wet, baby," he urged, his voice low and commanding. "You've been wanting this all night, huh?"
"So...badly..." You blushed into the bed sheets, turning your head away from your boyfriend's filthy speech.
"Am I making you shy?" Mark teased and planted kisses on your neck between each word. "I can stop if it's too much... but something about the way you won't stop squeezing around my fingers tells me you don't want me to."
Usually, the most you'd get out of Mark during sex was a couple of moans and a few curses, which you never complained about. But his sudden rolodex of vulgarity was completely unexpected, giving you the ultimate sensory experience.
"I want you to cum for me," he urged, his voice low and commanding.
You shuddered as your orgasm hit, waves of pleasure washing over you, soaking your panties. Your body trembled and quaked, a guttural moan escaping your lips. As the intensity of the climax faded, you slumped against the bed, utterly spent. You were vaguely aware of the sound of the oil bottle being placed on the nightstand, and then Mark's weight shifted on the bed.
"Open your eyes, baby," he cooed, gently pulling the silk from your eyes.
As you opened your eyes, the world came into focus. Your body was glistening with oil, and Mark was hovering above you, his gaze filled with admiration.
"You are so fucking gorgeous," he said. "How did I get so lucky?"
A blush tinged your cheeks.
"I could say the same for you."
Mark leaned in and kissed you passionately.
"You're the best gift I've ever had," he whispered.
His words sent a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, and you found yourself craving more.
"What are you gonna do with me now?"
"Hmm," Mark contemplated while he touched the oil slick on your skin. "I should clean up my mess, shouldn't I?"
His lips reconnected to your chest, planting delicate kisses on your collarbone, and travelling down to your stomach. He planted a final kiss beneath your belly button before looking up at you with innocent eyes.
"Can I kiss you down here, babe?"
Your heart raced as you looked down at him with desire. You couldn't believe how much you wanted him right now. You nodded without a word, biting your lip in anticipation.
"How about a little biting?" Mark added. "I promise I won't do it hard."
Your heart was pounding in your chest as he looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. You couldn't help but groan in pleasure at his words, already imagining the feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin.
"Yes," You breathed.
His lips found their way back to your stomach, trailing down to the apex of your thighs. His fingers dug into your hips as he planted open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you with his tongue. You let out a gasp as his teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. He looked up at you with a wicked smile, knowing full well the effect he was having on you.
"More," you whimpered, your body arching towards him.
He obliged, his teeth sinking deeper into your skin as you moaned in ecstasy. It was all you could do to grip the sheets as he continued his assault, his tongue lapping at the sting he had left behind.
You were practically shaking at this point, your body begging for him to give you what you needed.
"Ready for a little love bite?" he asked again. The words made you tremble and your body ached for more. You nodded in response, signaling that you were ready.
"I always wanted to nibble on these thighs of yours." His teeth sank deeper into your thigh as he spoke.
"I've been wanting to kiss on them, too." He said between bites. You moaned softly at his words and felt yourself getting wetter.
His mouth was hot against your thigh, and your eyes shut closed as he moved to the other leg. "And I've been wanting to taste them." He whispered, his wet tongue drawing circles on your skin. Your thighs started to shake as you tried to hold your composure. His hands held your thighs still, not allowing you to move.
"Please". You begged him.
Mark's dark eyes darted up at you. "Please, what?" He asked as he licked on your panty line.
You moaned loudly and arched your back, as you struggled to get the words out. "Please, babe... stop torturing me." You whimpered, wanting nothing more than to feel his soft lips on your core. He smiled and nodded at you, as he began to drag the corner of your panties down with his teeth.
Without a word, Mark pressed his lips to your entrance, forming a seal around your folds with his tongue. He touched all of the inner walls of your wetness with it, rotating it around before pushing forward, exploring the depths of you.
Mark moaned, sending waves of pleasure through your body with every stroke of his tongue. His fingers gripped your hips as he pulled you closer to him and buried his face in your crotch. His tongue darted down your slit as he tried to push it inside of you. Your hands shot down to his hair, fighting the urge to scream as his tongue explored your inner walls.
It wasn't long till Mark felt your walls pulsing against his tongue, signaling that you were close. Your hips started to buck against his face as your orgasm neared and Mark quickly pulled his mouth away from you. You let out a disappointed whine as he pulled his face away from your dripping entrance.
"Did you like that, babe?" Mark asked, licking his lips seductively.
"Mhmm," You opened your eyes and met his gaze, too horny to even speak properly. "Why did you stop?"
"I'm edging you," Mark smirked devilishly. "It's pretty cruel of me, actually."
"I don't mind," you replied, a pleading look in your eyes.
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow. "You must be as much a freak as I am then, huh?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard his words.
"Please, Mark. I need you to do it again."
"Oh, I'll do it, babe." Mark's voice dripped with lust.
He bit his lip at you with a playful grin and then leaned forward to kiss you, his soft lips enveloping yours as he reached down with his hand. His fingers reached your entrance and he pushed them inside of you, stroking your clit with his thumb as he did so.
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his tongue flicker against yours, eagerly kissing him back as he continued to explore you. You bit his lip and gripped his hair, pulling him closer as he groaned into the kiss.
You could feel your orgasm building again as he continued to thrust his fingers back and forth inside of you, his thumb moving in circles around your clit. His lips left yours and traveled down to your neck as he nibbled on it, pushing you over the edge in the process.
You felt a rush of pleasure as your release squirted out of you, coating Mark's hand as he eagerly lapped it up. His tongue darted down to your entrance, lapping up every drop of fluid as your orgasm subsided.
"That was so sexy," Mark said, lifting his head up to look at you. "But I think it's time to take it up a notch, babe."
You let out a moan of compliance as Mark let his fingers slide out from you. You watched in anticipation as he placed his hand on his crotch, undoing the button on his jeans with a quick flick of his fingers.
"Fuck me, Mark."
Mark teasingly shook his head, pulling his pants down. "Patience, baby. I still want to tie you up."
A shiver ran down your spine as you saw his lustful stare. He moved towards the bedposts and slowly wrapped your upper body with his extra ties. As Mark's gaze roamed over your body, you could feel heat radiating from him.
"Mm. Mm. Mm," he said, his tone full of lust. "You look so sexy like this."
"You don't look too bad yourself," you replied, admiring the sight of his tattooed physique.
He leaned forward, his lips inches from yours. "I want you so badly." he breathed, his eyes heavy with desire. "I can't wait to fill you up."
You felt your body react to his words, your core pulsing with need. Mark loomed over you, both hands resting on the sides of your head. His skin gently teased your wet clit.
"Are you ready for me?" he asked softly.
Your body tensed at the sensation of his lips against yours. "Yes."
With a wicked grin, he slowly plunged deep inside you, filling you completely.
"Oh, fuck..." he exclaimed, a soft moan escaping his lips.
The sensations were unlike anything you'd experienced before, and you could feel your walls tightening around him, milking him for every drop.
"Is this good?" Mark murmured against your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
Your response was incoherent mumbles.
Mark continued thrusting, his fingers clenching in your hair as he pinned you to the bed. The intense sensation quickly caused you to reach an almost unbearable level of arousal, your body throbbing in time with Mark's movements. He pulled out slightly, then plunged deeply inside you again, eliciting a muffled scream.
You felt yourself tightening up around him, trying to milk him even more, but you couldn't help it. You were so close. Mark's mouth found its way back to yours, kissing you passionately as he moved inside you.
"Baby...," Mark urged, pulling out even further. "If you keep on getting tighter, like this, I'm not gonna last."
His pace quickened, his breathing getting heavier as he neared his climax. He let go of your hair, bringing his hand to cup your face.
You felt him twitch inside of you, and the warmth of his release flooded your insides. Ecstasy-ridden cries left your lips as your own orgasm followed soon after.
"Fuck, you're so amazing," he groaned, burying his face into your neck. "I love you so much."
With his weight pressing down on top of you, you could barely breathe. Your heart pounded rapidly as if trying to escape your chest. You tried to relax and catch your breath, to regain some sense of composure. When you looked up, you found yourself gazing into Mark's intensely brown eyes, full of love and desire.
"I love you, too." You sighed, short of breath.
"Do you want to stop?" Mark whispered in your ear. "You seem tired."
"No, don't stop."
"I won't then."
Mark slowly pulled out and reached up to undo the ties around your arms and chest. "Sit up for me," he whispered, grabbing your hand restraints.
"Turn around for me, baby," He helped you to get on your knees, your arms behind your back, then positioned himself behind you. "Damn..." he exclaimed as he ran his hand over your hips and ass. "I wish you could see what I'm seeing right now."
He kissed down your back and began to softly massage your ass. His fingers occasionally trailed between your thighs, but he held himself back from touching you there. "Look at you..." he groaned softly. "I can see how much you want me just by looking. You're so beautiful."
Your heart ached at his words. "I do."
"How much?" he asked, pressing into you from behind. His erection rubbed against the wetness between your legs, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
"I've been thinking about this all night." You moaned.
"All night?"
He teased one finger into you and you gasped, rotating your hips so that he would push deeper inside. "Ohh," you groaned as a second finger joined the first.
"Ever since dinner." He thrust into you and you felt yourself tighten around him. The sensation only lasted a moment before Mark withdrew his fingers entirely. You whimpered. He smacked your ass before his fingers glided over your core. A soft moan escaped your lips as he slowly caressed it. He pulled back to spank you again before shoving further inside you. A whispered curse left his lips before smacking your skin once more and watching it tremble.
He gently grasped the front of your neck and pulled your head up off the bed. "Put your hands on the headboard for me, love. Keep your ass up high," he commanded. You obeyed, and he held your hips as he began to drill you deep and hard.
Your arms were bound, so you relied on your hips and lower back to support you. Your face and chest were pushed against the mattress, but you didn’t mind. The sensation of him thrusting into you had taken over your entire being. You locked eyes with him as he moved further and further in, hovering a mere inch from your back. When he brought one hand around to rub your clit, it sent shockwaves through your body. You bit into the sheets to silence a scream. You shook as the pleasure started to build within every fiber of your being - building, building until it felt like the whole world was crumbling around you.
"That's it," Mark breathed.
His hand reached forward again to find its way to your sensitive clit once more, and the sudden intensity caused you to cry out. Your heart raced and your mind spun wildly as your body seemed to be consumed in flames.
"Mark," you gasped, barely able to put any words together. "I'm gonna-"
"I got you, babe," he replied. "Let go."
Finally erupting in a blissful wave, your muscles tightened around him as if never wanting to let go. Mark's hand was still firmly held on your clit as he thrust into you one final time, his own orgasm overtaking him. As he squeezed your hip with both hands, his thrusts grew more erratic, until with one final thrust, he pushed himself as far inside you as he could.
You felt him tense up and let out a deep moan as he thrust one last time, his liquid love flowing into you. Your body shuddered as you felt his entire length throbbing inside you. You couldn't breathe, your body shaking with the intensity of the moment. He slowly pulled away from you, but before you could move, he held you tightly in his arms.
"Are you all right?" His voice was soft and gentle.
"Mmm hmm," was all you managed to reply.
He chuckled softly, his hands caressing your back. "Good. Me too."
Mark held you close, pulling you into him as he collapsed on the bed. His lips pressed lightly against your neck as he kissed your warm flesh. Everything about him felt comforting and intimate; his mouth was gentle, his movements slow and deliberate.
Finally, you opened your eyes and looked at him. His dark eyes stared back into yours as a gentle smile appeared on his face. His hair was a poofy mess sticking out this way and that, while a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead. He looked happy.
You smiled back at him with a racing heart; then said, "You were right."
"About what?" he asked.
"You are kinky," you replied with a grin.
He laughed heartily at your statement and the sound made you laugh too.
"Yes," he said with a playful smile, "but I think you liked it though; you couldn't help it."
"I loved it," you answered honestly, looking deep into his eyes.
He kissed you again, pressing his lips softly against yours as you kissed him back.
It felt like heaven.
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cas-skz · 1 year
Light On
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x (fem)Reader Genre: Fluff, Smut Summary: Jackson returns home after traveling. To his surprise, you're waiting for him Word Count: 1,830 Warnings/Tags: 18+, MDNI, Established Relationship, Alcohol, Unprotected sex
Prompted by/Inspo: The moment Jackson Wang made everyone want to wait at home for him Written by: @littleforeignaffairs
Coming home always felt more tiring than traveling itself. Jackson pressed the 6 digit code of the mechanical lock, the muted beeping the loudest sound in the night. The door clicks open and he trudges inside. The house is fairly dark, though he always leaves a light on for his return. A dim light shines from the hallway, brightening in the study.
Jackson sets his bag down on the bottom of the stairs, following the trail of light to his study. He slides one of the French doors open, squeaks echoing through the room. He leans against the door frame, arms crossing over his chest.
He sighs softly, looking around at the bare room. It’s really the only room of the house he uses. All of his work lays within these shelves. A pair of slim arms creeps around Jackson’s waist, hands clasping at his stomach. He smiles gently, feeling the warmth of your body and head press against his back.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to be here”
He whispers, turning in your hold. His arms wrap around you, resting his head on yours as he holds you close.
“It wouldn’t be a very good surprise then, would it?” You step back from his hold and take his hands in yours. “Come” You say, swinging his hands, walking backwards from the study.
Jackson obliges happily. He no longer drags his feet as you lug him around the house. His energy seems to have been restored by your presence and hold. He curls his fingers with yours, looking at your choice of outfit. It’s the middle of the night, so your clothing was minimal. An old GOT7 shirt, 2 sizes too big for you, and a pair of fuzzy slippers.
He always thought it was cheesy that you kept and wore his merch. But you secretly always thought he liked it. He smiles fondly, half chuckling. You glance over your shoulder at him
He shakes his head gently. You smile back at him and drag him upstairs to the master en-suite. Flickering candles are placed in various corners of the room, lighting the room just enough. The beige claw foot tub filled with hot water and a soft lavender fragrant foam. Jackson looks to you, a wave of surprise, followed by confusion washing over his face
“I keep in contact with your driver” You smile proudly. Jackson chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Come” You demand, just like before.
You grab the waist of his shirt, bringing him over to the tub. You slip your hands underneath the fabric, sliding your hands up his body to remove his shirt. You place a gentle kiss on his lips, then nod towards the bath.
You turn away, back facing Jackson to pour him a short class of Maotai. Jackson finishes undressing and steps into the water. He sighs softly , sinking into the water. You scuff your feet, moving back to the side of the tub. You sit on the edge, handing him the class. Jackson makes a groan of pleasure, his eyes squint with elation.
“My fucking Queen”
You giggle softly, watching him take a drink. You grab a wash cloth from the basket behind you, drenching it in the water. You wring out the water over his shoulders, letting it roll off his skin. You tilt his head back a small amount, doing the same with his hair, getting it wet.
Jackson’s eyes slowly close when you begin to massage his scalp, working the shampoo into a thick lather. He sighs a soft moan, lips curving into a small smile. Your finger s travel down the nape of his neck and under his chin to tilt his head back. You touch your lips to Jackson’s, letting an infinite moment pass before kissing him tenderly. You run your thumb on his jawline, allowing your lips to linger a little longer.
You break the connection, and smile down at him before pecking his forehead. Jackson chuckles quietly, using the moment to take another sip from his glass. You rinse Jackson’s hair with a gentle flow from the shower head and allow him to relax.
Jackson was only quiet a few minutes before he beckoned you to the side of the tub once again. You sit at the edge, facing him,
“You want me to grab something-“
You didn’t get your full sentence out before Jackson’s arm slips around your waist, pulling you into the warm water on top of him. You let out a shriek with a laugh quickly following. You wipe the water droplets from your face, looking to Jackson who's wearing your favourite big goofy grin. You shove him playfully,
“You’re supposed to be relaxing, but instead you insist I get drenched”
Jackson holds you closer to his body, planting gentle kisses over your face. He rests his forehead to your temple
“I need you here to relax” He whispers.
You sigh dramatically, kicking your slippers off so they wouldn’t get wet as well. You carefully slide your body around to face Jackson, straddling him.
You dip your hands into the water, placing them on his stomach, gliding up over his chest. The water rinses over his chest, your eyes watching goosebumps rise on his skin. Jackson’s hands land on your hips, squeezing them gently.
“You know, I missed you” He brings his face closer to yours. His doe eyes meet yours. You closed the gap a little more, glancing to his lips, then back to his eyes.
“Mm” You cup his face gently “How much did you miss me”
Jackson took this as his cue. He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, pressing his lips to yours. You can’t help but smile towards the affection he shows you. His hands raise up from the water, dampening your hair as he pets it back. He then holds your face as if it’s the most fragile piece of art.
Jackson deepens the kiss, his nose colliding into yours. You rest your arms on his shoulder, finger tips toying with the hair at his neck. A sigh escapes your lips as they part; Jackson nips at your bottom lip turning the sigh into a soft moan.
His hands trail down your body, arms wrapping around your waist. You lean your drenched shirt covered chest against his, hips pushing down ever so slightly. But it was enough. The simple movement caused Jackson to start stiffening underneath you.
You both had been separated for almost a month; a little bit longer. You know he is going to be leaving again before the week is through. You didn’t want to state it to him verbally, but you miss his touch as much as he misses yours.
One of your hands submerges into the tub, pulling the shirt up your stomach. You grab one of Jackson’s hands in yours, dragging his fingers down to your pussy, still covered by your panties. You slide the fabric to the side, letting his nimble fingers graze over your clit.
You breathe in sharply, Jackson’s touch electrifying through your veins. Your walls clench, begging to feel something against them. You grind your hips slowly against Jackson’s semi hard cock and hand. You pull the heavy shirt off your body, letting it hang on the side of the tub.
Your nipples hardening at the temperature change from the damp shirt, to the air, it only made you feel more aroused when the grazed against Jackson’s chest. You moan softly on his plump lips, his tongue swiftly slipping against yours.
“Don’t make me wait any longer..” You whisper breathlessly.
And he doesn’t. With flexed arms, Jackson manages to easily rip your panties. You gasp a little, water from the bath sloshing with the violent movement. Jackson wraps an arm around your waist, guiding you down on his cock.
His other hand grips the nape of your neck, forehead resting to yours. He groans at your tight walls, suctioning around his length. You swallow hard, slowly rolling your hips. Jackson’s jaw drops open, another groan passing his lips.
You press your lips to his eagerly, arms around his neck. You hold him tightly, not leaving any room between your chests for even a piece of paper to slip down. Your pussy quickly begins contracting around Jackson, wanting to cum already. He always felt good inside you. But these moments are your favourite; when he comes home.
You quicken your pace. Jackson slides his hand down onto your ass, squeezing it slightly, helping you ride his cock.
“Jackson” You moan shakily.
He buries his face in your neck, breathing you in. Your head falls back, fingers curling into his skin. Jackson pulls you down, making your hips grind into him harder. You press your lips together tightly, trying to keep yourself from making any noise.
Jackson jerks a little under your body. He moans in your neck, his cock twitching inside you. Your head nudges against his, making him look to you.
“Cum with me” You whisper.
You clench your walls tightly, your climax rising closer. Jackson kisses you lustfully. His hands land on your hips, fitting perfectly as he rocks them. Water waves against your motions, splashing over the edge to the floor. Your body begins to tense. You arch your back, letting out a slight whimper.
Jackson grips your hips, taking control of your movements. His body jerks again, and he makes a pleasuring grunt. His cock convulses inside you, shooting cum in unison. He slows your hips, breathing heavily. You grab his face to kiss him, your own orgasm shivering through your body.
4 Pairs of limbs intertwine, heavy breathing echoing in a mismatched rhythm. You slide off Jackson with a small moan, and settle partially on top of him. You rest your head on his firm chest, his heart beating sporadically. You kiss his skin gently, and he reciprocates with the top of your head.
“We should get out..” He murmurs dryly. The water has become cool, and the tub was half empty. You pout playfully and close your eyes.
"Mm!" You whine.
Jackson chuckles, placing another sweet kiss on your head. He sits up, getting out from the tub, helping you out as well. He grabs a pair of robes hanging from a rack. He wraps one around you first, bringing it up around your cheeks. He smiles at you, kissing your nose before wrapping himself in a robe.
"Come" He says, only partially mocking you.
"I'll make you breakfast after you get some sleep"
"Why? Cant I just eat you?" Jackson grabs at your ass teasingly.
You shriek a laugh, trying to dodge his hands. You point a finger at him, walking backwards into the bedroom.
"Jackson! Don't make me punish you"
His lips pucker into a soft pout, following you like a puppy. You giggle at him again and hop onto the bed. Jackson grins, close behind you, finally ready to relax.
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prettywordsyouleft · 1 year
Well Rewarded
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x female reader
Genre: friends to lovers / romance / suggestive / valentine’s day au
Warnings: suggestive content, lingerie, some nudity, basically everything but the smut, lol.
Author’s Note: of course, it’s the first time I write Jinyoung in 8 months, and he demands all this from me. Happy Valentine’s Day. Also friends, the concept of this story is a bit cringe about wanting to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I don’t believe we all need to buy into the holiday. And if people shame you for not having a Valentine, then they’re the problem. This was just a bit of fun <3
Word count: 2100
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You smiled as you read the note that came attached to the large bouquet of flowers, vaguely paying attention to the gushing from your co-workers.
He had remembered.
“Oh Y/N, you sneaky devil! You have kept tight-lipped about this one!”
“You’ve got explaining to do. Who’s the admirer?”
Your smile grew to Cheshire lengths, but you tried to rein it in. If you looked too giddy, they would insist on too many details. You needed to keep the charm there, bask in the attention the flowers had given you, and then accept that your ruse had worked.
Nothing more.
“Let me check the note out,” your manager Wendy insisted and plucked it out of your grasp. “‘Y/N, I know you don’t like a big fuss, but you’re worth it. Can’t wait to see you tonight, Love J xxx.’ Who’s J?”
“Someone special,” you replied truthfully, closing your eyes and thinking back to the disappointing Valentines you had last year, and how you had sobbed drunkenly on your best friend’s shoulder.
“Everyone got something in the office. Everyone except me. I’m going to have to send myself flowers next year just to make sure they don’t pity me as they did today. There’s nothing wrong with being single! Yet why do I feel so miserable?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll send you flowers.” Jinyoung was running his hand up and down your back rhythmically, trying to soothe your nerves.
“You will?” you asked, looking up at him with doe eyes, your bottom lip wobbling. “You’d do that for me?”
“Sure. You’re the only Valentine I want to have anyway. We’ll make a big deal out of it. If you’re not in a relationship next year, I’ll make this day so special you’ll never cry on it again.”
Another smile brightened your face as you thought over Jinyoung’s offer. You had honestly forgotten all about it until the bouquet had turned up, his tell-tale handwriting on the card making your heart leap. You were going to give him the best night ever. Should you cook for him? You could stop by the grocery store on your way to his, the ritual of Tuesday nights being spent together now growing more exciting as your thoughts progressed. Since he’d done this for you, you wanted to repay him with something delicious. Candlelit dinner for a fun touch. You spent the whole afternoon half-focused on your work tasks, whilst drafting up a dinner and dessert plan that would make your best friend happy.
You were excited by the time work was over and went to rush out of the building. No such luck, however, as your co-workers pulled you aside. “Hot date tonight, huh?”
“Something of the sort.”
“Are you prepared to blow his mind?” You merely stared back at Wendy as her eyebrows danced. She shared a look with the other two ladies and looped their arms through yours. “This is a big deal. You’ve worked at the company for five years and this is the first Valentine’s gift you’ve received. Time to make sure he receives too.”
You should have known with all their giggling you’d end up at a lingerie store two blocks over. You were so stunned that you didn’t even protest as they dragged you inside. And somehow, thirty minutes later, you left with a purchase made and a flush to your cheeks.
I’ll just wear it for myself sometime, you reasoned as you dashed towards the grocery store, loading a basket full of the supplies you had made a list for, trying not to think of how Jinyoung would have reacted to you wearing the set in the bag dangling off your arm. In another world, where you were both lovers and the flowers had meant more than saving face, you could imagine greeting Jinyoung after work in just the lingerie and heels, hungry eyes devouring your curves, your bare skin. It would definitely end with dessert being served up before the main course.
Shaking away the sinful image of your best friend lusting over you physically, you hurried through the rest of your shop before heading to Jinyoung’s place. Years ago, he had gifted you a key to his place, and tonight it would come in handy.
Or it would have if Jinyoung hadn’t beat you home first. “What’s all this?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jinyoung!” you exclaimed delightedly, bustling into his kitchen and dropping your heavy grocery load on the kitchen countertop. “You remembered our pact.”
His curious expression grew smug momentarily as he looked at you. “I told you I would do it.”
“And I owe you one. So, since you have no date for tonight, I figured I’d spoil you.”
“You did, huh?” His attention fell back to the assorted bags, snagging on one in particular.
You followed his focused stare to the lingerie-branded bag, your mouth falling ajar at the sight of it mixed in with the groceries. You had been in such a hurry to get inside before he was home, that you must’ve grabbed it by accident. Shifting forward, you snapped it up off the table with an awkward laugh. “Oops!”
“That’s not for me too?” he teased, though his tone was too husky for it to remain light. “What’s inside?”
“Just something,” you attempted to sound airy as you shoved it under your purse, and tucked your coat overtop. “Nothing important.”
“You bought lingerie today.”
“Well, the flowers got the ladies excited. They dragged me to the store after work. I guess I got caught up in the throes of things.” You smiled widely. “Anyway, how does steak sound? I got a good cut and—”
“What colour is it?” Jinyoung continued, his gaze zeroed in on your coat, as if he was trying to scan through the layers to find it himself. He rocked on his heels and took a decisive step forward.
“Why does it matter?”
“I’m just curious. You’ve never been one to shop on a whim for undergarments.”
You placed a hand on your hip. “That you know of. I happen to own many nice sets. You just haven’t seen any before.”
His eyes darkened and he took another step forward. “Huh. I thought I knew everything about you, best friend.”
“It’s not like I think about the underwear you wear.”
“You already know what brand and size I wear. You bought me some for my birthday,” he replied instantly, fingers grazing your coat, caressing it with a patience that was missing from his tense expression.
Pausing on pulling out the ingredients for the meal, you walked back to his side, threw back your coat and shoved the bag into his hands. He looked at you and then the bag, suddenly unsure. You smirked. “What? You wanted to see what’s inside.”
“Did you think of me when you bought this?” he murmured so low that you weren’t sure he actually uttered the words. Breaking the sticker holding the bag closed, a deep inhale is all you heard as he peered inside. “Blue and white. You were thinking of me.”
“It was pretty,” you managed to say around your suddenly dry mouth, swallowing to try and moisten it.
There had been instances over your friendship where you had imagined this. Christ, you had only forty minutes ago. But you’d always pushed the thoughts aside, cherishing the decades of friendship more than a bout of intimacy. With the way Jinyoung now stood frozen, a fistful of satin locked within his grasp, you wondered if maybe it would be worth it.
“Do you… want to see it on?” you asked, unsure where the confidence came from. He had never made you feel uncomfortable within your body, but it wasn’t like you to just offer a scantily-dressed option of yourself up to anyone.
He isn’t just anyone though, your brain reminded, as you caught his pupil-dilated stare, his hand trembling as he thrust the garments at you. Grabbing them, you nodded once as his jaw tightened, and you strode over to the bathroom, clicking the door shut.
Away from the heady atmosphere, you let out a small laugh. “What the hell am I doing?” you asked yourself as your hands worked down the zipper of your dress, the fabric pooling at your feet. You weren’t prepared for this. You would have waxed; shaved at the very least. But for some reason, that didn’t deter you. The more clothing you pulled off, the more determined you were to have this moment regardless.
Whether or not Jinyoung had been at the forefront of your thoughts when purchasing the lingerie, he was now. You needed him to see you in it. It was a craving unlike any other, and you were excited. After clasping the bra hooks together, you smoothed your hands down your silhouette and turned to look in the mirror. You had subconsciously left your heels on, completing the fantasy you had envisioned in the supermarket before.
Emboldened, you turned and opened the door. Jinyoung was standing with his back to you, though you knew he was aware of your return to the living room. Maybe he was regretting pushing the idea. Your hopes were dashed a little. “Well, it fits nice, so…”
The deflecting words died on your tongue when he turned, raking his gaze over you from head to toe. You were under his spotlight, and instead of nerves rushing through as you expected, the flames in his stare heated your skin with every longing caress.
“When I sent you those flowers, I wasn’t quite expecting such a gift in return,” he hoarsely said, striding towards you until he was close to brushing against you. You gasped as his breath met your exposed skin, his eyes still roaming over you. “I’m not complaining one bit.”
“So, dinner?” you questioned weakly, unable to hide the desire filling your voice. You wanted him. You wanted to see as much bare skin as you were showing him. As if he read your mind, he reached over the back of his head and tugged off his hoodie and tee all at once. You blinked, eyes wandering over his broad chest and shoulders. You had seen this all before, but not under these circumstances, and definitely not with the ability to be allowed to touch. Jinyoung hissed when your palm connected against his overheated skin.
“Dinner?” he echoed, letting out a chuckle. “Darling, the last thing on my mind right now is eating.”
His eyes flashed with sinful recognition of his statement and Jinyoung let out a groan. “Actually, I am hungry for something else.”
“We do this and you know it’s going to make us want it again and again.”
“Oh, I’m aware. I don’t think I’ll be done worshipping what you’ve presented me for weeks to come.”
A smile spread out your lips as you pushed yourself flush against him, angling your face towards his. “Only weeks?”
“I have a confession to make. I forgot about the pact we made last year until you mentioned it before. I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today and sent the flowers. You’re the only Valentine I ever want.”
“Well then, Valentine,” you started, breath mingling with his, lips barely an inch apart. “You’re all I want too. I guess we should go work up an appetite.”
“And what if I make it so you’re too exhausted to cook?” Jinyoung asked as he walked you backwards into the wall, another gasp leaving you when his lips pressed into your neck. You angled your head with ease, allowing him to taste your already feverish skin.
“That’s okay. We can always order in. I’ll cook it tomorrow.”
“Good. Because the idea of letting you out of my bed tonight sounds unfathomable.”
And then his lips were on yours, sealing the deal. You couldn’t think of anything other than Jinyoung, of the taste of him, the feel of his hands squeezing and touching you everywhere. There was only this man within your mind and you were ready to be driven wild by him.
You squeaked when he finally navigated you both to his bedroom and your legs brushed against the edge of the bed. Jinyoung’s hands were on your back, unhooking the bra you had barely worn in front of him and reverently placing down on the comforter beside you. He shook his head.
“I got the better gift today,” he announced, and you laughed breathily, running your hand over his torso.
“We’re both about to be well rewarded for our efforts, don’t you think?”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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jadededge · 6 months
Tear You Apart | Ch.3
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite their busy and immortal lives, the boys try to have dinner together as often as possible. Gathering around the large oak table in their dining room, they share laughs and stories of the day. Relaxing and unwinding as a family.
"So, maknaes," Jaebeom starts. "I hear you had to provide some backup on Canal. How did that go?"
"We went to see Selah. I'm so sorry," Youngjae immediately folds and bows his head, hoping to be spared.
Bam sucks his teeth. "Youngjae, what the fuck man?"
"You did what?" Jaebeom asks calmly. Too calm.
The sound of silverware hitting plates echoed in the now quiet room.
"Aw shit, boys, why did you do that?" Mark asks.
"We only wanted to see her." Yugyeom adds with a pout. "We didn't even talk to her." He says leaning towards Youngjae.
Jinyoung must've caught that because he immediately followed up. "Bam. What about you?"
"Whatever. I talked to her. And I got her number."
All the older brothers sigh. Jaebeom continues to look. His chin starts to protrude.
"Son, why did you do that when we have her number?" Mark asked.
"I'm sorry, were we going to start texting her and tell her we looked up everything about her beforehand?" He laid it out. "I'm playing the boyfriend game." He leans back, looking proud of himself.
Jaebeom was pissed, but he was trying not to show it. He had a plan, and this... He stands, pushing his chair back to leave. "I'm going out."
"Either you've messed up so badly that he needs to go prepare to send you back or..." Jackson pauses. "Actually, I don't know what else he could be doing. Nice knowing you, Bam. I'll see you in 50 years."
Jinyoung chimes in with a disapproving tone, "You do know Jackson went to meet her as well? What will she think? We're meant to be playing this smart, and you've gone and added another complication to the situation. Yeah, Jaebeom should send you back."
"I fucked up, huh?" Bam says, hanging his head.
Mark, though known for his temper, is actually quite gentle with his brothers. Particularly the younger ones, and tries to comfort them. "Did you fuck up? Yes. But it will be okay. JB won't send you back."
"He might strangle you, though." Jackson says he is taking a bite of his food.
Mark gives him a 'stop that' look.
"What? Bammie, I invited Selah to the club. How do we explain to her that out of pure coincidence, she met both of us on the same day and that we know each other? You might have to miss the opening."
Bam lets out a puff of air ready to protest.
"That's actually not a bad idea." Jinyoung says. "You three will not be at the opening."
The younger ones begin to protest. Jinyoung holds his hand up and says, "Save it. This is perfect. Perhaps Jaebeom won't murder you if we can salvage this."
The weekend arrives, and everybody is a bundle of nerves. After adjusting plans, the boys feel like they're actually in a better place. Feeling that perhaps it would be easier to introduce her to four of them versus all seven.
The maknaes are on warehouse duty for the night, and they couldn't have been more sour about it.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into going with you. Now look at me." Youngjae pouts, looking into the distance.
Bam rolls his eyes and says, "Well, you hardly put up a fight at a gentle suggestion."
Yugyeom chuckles a bit. "You did come along pretty easily. We should just be happy we didn't get banished."
"Valid point. But I want to meet her now." Youngjae says.
Yugy juts his lip out, "Me too."
"Yeah she's great. Glad I talked to her when I did." Bam says proudly.
The other two side eye him.
Selah arrives at the club accompanied by her friend Brianca. She's feeling good about how she looks. The little black dress she has on is her favorite among the many in her closet. The tiny straps sit upon her glittering shoulders. The bodice fits tight on her chest with a side split that causes the material to lay nicely over her ass. Matched with a flattering pair of heels that elongate her legs and strap around her ankles is giving her a confidence boost. Not to mention, she smelled amazing.
She's hoping to see Jackson. Bam hasn't texted her. Which made her a bit sad, as she was hoping he would. But she figured she would at least have a good time, get her mind off the week, and look good if for nobody but herself
"Girl, this club is nice!" Brianca says to Selah. "And you said he's the owner?"
"That's what he said. So I'm not sure I'll easily bump into him." Selah responds by surveying the area.
"Let's get a drink!" Brianca suggests.
At the bar, Brianca has already been approached by a couple of guys and is chatting one up. She has a very inviting aura, so it's no surprise she's already deep in conversations.
At one point she leans over to Selah, "omg girl. This is that guy I told you about. That I went out with a couple of weeks ago." "The one with the.." Selah wiggles her brows. 
"Yes him." Brianca exclaims trying not to let him hear.
Selah chuckles, "well it looks like you're in for a wild night."
"Here's hoping." Brianca cheers with her friend and turns back to her presumed date for the evening.
As Selah is enjoying her cocktail, she feels a gentle touch on her shoulder that sends shivers throughout her body. Looking to her left, she sees Jackson. Managing her reaction, she doesn't smile too hard. "Jackson, hi."
"Selah, you made it." He's grinning from ear to ear. He takes a second to look her up and down. Without realizing it, he's licking his lips. "You look amazing."
This causes her to blush hard and look away briefly. "Thank you. You look great yourself, and your club is amazing."
"Thank you. I spotted you and wanted to be sure I had a chance to speak while things were going smoothly."
He needed to get her away from her friend and up to the private room. He can tell she cares about her and won't want to leave her alone or unsafe. But it appears luck was on his side.
"Brianca." Selah is turning to get her friend's attention to introduce her to Jackson. "This is Ja-."
But she's being lead to the dance floor by the guy she was chatting with. She looks back and smiles big at her friend. Quickly surveying the guy next to Selah she gives her a 'go get em' look.
"Well I was going to introduce you but nevermind I guess." She laughs.
Jackson sighs internally with relief, "No worries, we can meet later. She looks like a good time."
"Oh she's a blast in a glass. She'll be entertained for hours."
"In that case, would you like me to show you around?" Jackson asks as he holds his hand out for her.
"Sure. I'd like that, we sort of b-lined to the music, so I haven't seen the rest."
He leads her through the crowd and back toward the foyer. The place is actually quite large with a few different areas. One being the bigger bar and dance floor area they just left. Jackson shows her around the bottom floor. Even showing her a few behind the scene places before leading her into a lounge area. It's decorated in gold, with soft lighting and slow music, this makes for a nice area to chat.
"One of my brothers designed this room. He thought it would be a good idea to add an area that was much less chaotic than the traditional club atmosphere." Jackson explained.
"Oh you have a brother?" Selah asks.
"Yes, six actually." He leads her to the bar to order himself a drink. "Would you like anything?"
"Whatever you're having. Unless it's vodka." She makes a disgusting face.
Jackson chuckles and signals to the bartender, "please send over two glasses of Hennessy and ice. Thanks T."
"You got it boss." The bartender responds.
Jackson turns his attention to Selah, "Come, let's have a seat."
Settling in, Jackson takes this time to get a really good look at her. She's perfect. They begin a back and forth conversation that flows with ease. He asks her questions about herself that he already knows the answers to, but he loves hearing her talk, so this isn't a problem.
She asks about his business endeavors and he explains to her how he owns this a few other nightclubs. He mentions the corporation that his family runs, not the illegal things, obviously.
"So you have 6 brothers. That had to be hectic growing up." Selah comments.
"You could say that again. We're not exactly blood brothers, more very close friends, but we're brothers in just about every other way. We sort of came together at different times but we've been together ever since." She's listening intently. Jackson hasn't even used his gifts to any degree and she's already hooked on his every word. "Three of them are here now. I was hoping to introduce you actually. They've been dying to meet you."
"Oh, you've told them about me?" She's shocked, they only met briefly. "And you want me to meet them?"
He smiles and grabs her hand, gently caressing it. "Of course, we tell each other everything. So when I met a gorgeous woman, I told them immediately."
She was a bit hesitant but the moment Jackson touches her, she gets those same shivers. Being near Jackson, she finds herself alot more willing to go along with just about anything he says. Especially when he touches her.
She blushes, "Okay, sure."
He beams at her, "You're going to love them."
"I should text my friend and let her know."
This irritates Jackson. But he hides his displeasure. "Sure, no problem. "
He needs her alone and he didn't want to manipulate her to do it but this is becoming tedious. How do normal people live like this.
"Oh, she actually messaged to say she left with that guy. I must've missed it. I guess i'm all yours." Selah explains.
"Perfect." Jackson stands and extends his hand to help her up.
Leading her out of the lounge and through the club to the stairs, Selah feels lightheaded. She feels as if she's walking to another world. The decor is also darker upstairs. The walls are a blood red velvet with black damask patterning. The lighting is low and the music from downstairs is faded and becomes more faint the deeper they walk.
"Continuing the tour," Jackson starts. "This top floor has a few private rooms that special guests can use, as well as the offices."
He stops at a door at the end of the hall and on the other side, Selah knows deep down, everything will change once she steps in. Jackson opens the door and gestures for her to enter.
The room is spacious, continuing the same dark motif, but the colors are a darker green and black with gold accents. There's a full-sized bar and and lounge area with a large window across the way for a view of the entire dance floor from above. 
And scattered about the room are three of the finest men Selah has ever seen, apart from Jackson. It nearly takes her breath away. They are dressed in finely tailored suits, like Jackson, and they have this something about them she can't quite put her finger on. Maybe this was a mistake. She thinks.
Jackson places his hand on the small of her back and moves her further into the room, "Selah, these are three of my brothers." He points to one at the bar with a short haircut and a dazzling smile that warms her heart. "This is Mark, the oldest."
"Hello gorgeous, lovely to meet you." He finishes making his drink and comes to settle in a chair next to the couch.
"And this absolute cutie..." pointing to other one with a short haircut. His lips grab her attention and she can't help but stare at them. He chuckles slightly and bites his bottom lip. She had to stop her knees from giving out. Did he do that on purpose. "...is Jinyoung."
He rolls his eyes, "Could you not introduce me that way." He gives her a smile staring directly in her eyes making her melt.
"Why? Is he not adorable Selah?" Jackson turns to ask her. She blushes from being put on the spot. Jackson laughs. "And lastly but certainly not least, this is Jaebeom. He is our leader."
Calling this man gorgeous would be an understatement. With longer hair styled perfectly sitting across his neck. Selah couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to run her fingers through it. She's cursing herself for how hard she is crushing on her crush's brothers.
He nods her direction. "Nice to meet you Selah, you can call me Jay B."
Her head swims. "Nice to meet you all"
"Come let's sit." Jackson moves them to a loveseat next to Jaebeom and across from Mark. Jinyoung has his eyes trained on her.
All four of them are drawing her in, with their confidence and captivating aura. But just beyond that is something tugging at her, whispering danger. She's watching herself wade further into the waters. What is happening...
Tags: @openup-yourmind
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xotaemintol · 11 months
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♡A black writer writing for beautiful black and brown readers♡
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♡Ot5 SHINee imagines and more♡
Requests opened (Kibun requests are currently closed till further notice)⭐︎
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EXO imagines and more❄︎
Requests are currently closed❄︎
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→NCT DREAM ∙requests open
→NCT 127 • requests open
→NCT U ∙ requests open
→WAYV • requests open
→RIIZE • requests closed
→DOJAEJUNG • requests open
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nothing yet♡
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Nothing yet♡
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
Acts of intimacy
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Eyes shot open as you woke up from your slumber. It took you a minute to realize where you were. This was not your room, not your bed, not the scent of your home but everything fell into place as memories of last night clouded your vision.
Jackson and you ended up at his place, getting to know each other on a whole new level. Greedy kisses, lustful touches and heavy moans filled his walls for hours, until the two of you were too exhausted and had to take a break.
From the moment you met him you assumed he was a passionate lover but he outdid all the expectations you had of him. He did his hair style justice as he showed you his two prominent sides: the dark, dominating, hard one and the light, romantic, intimate one. Jackson was far from ordinary, but so were you.
And now he was laying behind you, still sound asleep. You felt his naked body on yours. Memories of you kissing every ab of his followed by sucking him off made you blush.
Suddenly, Jackson shifted and hugged you, pulling you closer to him. His big hands held you tightly, just like they did last night. You swore you could still feel his grip on your hips, the skin would definitely be bruised. He caught you by surprise as he murmured in his sleep. You couldn’t understand a word, you were too preoccupied with the deep tone of his voice anyway. You adored his voice, especially when he used it to demean you.
„You like being fucked like that? What a bad whore you are.“
Just thinking about it made you wet. Jackson must have sensed it as he slowly woke up, too. His voice was even raspier than before.
„Baby, are you up?“
You nodded.
Jackson felt you up and stopped at your tits, kneading them thoroughly. „I can’t believe what we did last night“, he chuckled amused. You felt his cock grow hard again, pressing into you. „Fuck, I want to go again but I’m so tired. Are you?“
His voice was soft and deep from exhaustion. You placed your hand on his and guided him down to your pussy, making him feel your wetness. Jackson sucked in his breath, less exhausted now.
„Baby, you’re insatiable“, he whispered into your ear as he played with your pussy. Circling, sliding, stretching - he was finger fucking you, making you melt within seconds. You grabbed his wrist for stability as you buckled your hips, loud moans escaped your pretty lips once more.
„Fuck, you’re so good for me. My sweet little whore.“
And with that you came all over him, again. Jackson smiled into your neck, leaving small kisses on your damp skin.
„I really like making you feel good like that, y/n. Can you make me feel good, too?“
You would have done anything for him. Quickly, you wanted to turn around but felt him blocking you moving.
„Stay that way. I want to slide into you from behind and… sleep within you. Is that ok?“
You giggled at the idea. „Your dick wants to sleep in my pussy. Is that it?“
Jackson nodded. „Please. Keep it warm in your pretty tight hole for me.“
You pressed your ass against his hips, signaling him to do it. Jackson let out a deep grunt as he pushed himself in you easily, your pussy was welcoming him dearly with your warmth and wetness. „God, you have no idea how good that feels“, he praised you once more.
For him, this wasn’t a kind of cockwarming, no to him this was an act of intimacy - something he craved dearly and finally found in you. You moved your hips, unsure if he had found the best position yet.
Jackson’s hands landed on your hips immediately, holding you in place firmly. „If you keep moving like that we won’t be sleeping anytime soon, Princess. Give me some time to refuel, okay? I promise I’ll make you scream my name before breakfast.“
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yiensaintlaurent · 2 years
00 | the other side - mark tuan
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: angst, smut, idol! got7, idol! reader
warnings: cursing, explicit sex, takes place in present time with minor flashbacks
summary: mark knew it was game over the minute he saw you. despite being apart from each other for so long, no amount of practice in front of the mirror would've prepared him for the way his heart dropped the moment he saw you walk in. he'd forgotten about the hold you had on him, you; the love of his life, the one that got away.
character preface
mark tuan :
age: 29
birthday: september 4, 1993
currently living in arcadia, la county, california, u.s.a
age: 25
birthday: september 15, 1997
currently living in seoul, south korea
originally from new york city; part time in los angeles
all got7 member info is in present time.
let me know if i should post ch. 01 :)
slight or recurring mentions of other idols, groups, familiar names.
despite it taking place in present time, with real time events, this story the plot and scenarios are 100% made up
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wontune · 6 months
poderia fazer Locks do Bae Jinyoung pfvrr (cix) 💗
✰ ゙ bae jinyoung [ cix ] lockscreens ‹‹
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19 notes · View notes
flurrys-creativity · 1 year
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Apaixonar (v.) - to fall in love with someone or something; the act of falling in love
Pairing: Jackson Wang (GOT7) x Fem!Reader; Genre: s2l, Slice of life, Romance, Fluff, Smut; Rating: 18+, nsfw, MDNI; Warnings: rich prick Jackson, being kicked out of his home by his dad, mentions of regret, Bambam being fancy, having no money and getting kicked out of a taxi too, spontaneously moving into a shared apartment, jackson being quite the asshole, SMUT, phone sex via official services, masturbation, guided masturbation, slight nipple play, oral (fem receiving), orgasms (m & f), unprotected sex, pulling out and cumming on the stomach (not the safest option), hinted possessive jackson; Wordcount: 7.252
Summary: In need of a new roommate you weren’t too picky and when a handsome stranger told you he wanted to be your roommate you didn’t say no. Though you didn’t expect to be so different from him and you definitely didn’t expect to work more now instead of less. Actually you didn’t expect a lot of things with your new roommate.
A/N: For once I managed to post something during an idol’s birthday!!! Ignoring the fact I only managed this on the third attempt... Happy Birthday Jackson Wang from China!!! Please enjoy this one shot (where I tried writing solely from his perspective)
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Frustrated, Jackson kicked against his suitcase, growling internally when the pain shot from his toes up through his body. He ran his hands through his hair and looked around through the empty streets.
Banished from his home by his own father he was forced to leave. Hoping he could take refuge at his best friend's place, he had called a taxi but as soon as the driver heard Jackson had no money with him, the driver kicked him out as well, cursing loudly and driving off again. He successfully left Jackson standing alone in the middle of the streets with his suitcase.
Maybe it was actually for the better that Jackson couldn’t make it to his friend’s place. Even though he loved Bambam and always threw parties with him, living together was a completely different level though. He remembered how they had been on a vacation together and were supposed to go out but it took Bambam hours to decide what pair of shoes he wanted to wear. 
Of course Jackson hoped it would only last a few days until his father would calm down and ask for his son to return but Jackson couldn’t be sure of that. Never before had he seen that look in his father’s eyes and he didn’t want to admit it but it scared him. It scared him enough to worry his father might stay stubborn and reject his own son for a while. 
Jackson sighed and noticed only now that he had no clue where he actually was, never having been in this part of the town before. With an annoyed click of his tongue he pulled his phone out of a pocket about to check his location when the minute he turned the screen on his phone decided to die in his hands.
This wasn’t the way Jackson had planned his Saturday night to go. He cursed under his breath and rubbed one hand over his face, tiredly searching for a solution for the predicament he was in.
That was the moment he heard someone humming quietly, accompanied with steps that halted every other second.
Jackson turned around, his eyes jumping around the area desperately searching for the source of the sound. He didn’t think someone else would be out during this late hour. He had already feared that he had to stay on the streets for a night until he could ask someone where a nearby hotel was located. 
A shimmer of hope bloomed inside of his chest when his eyes finally found the person responsible for the humming. He watched how they pinned something against a post and then turned to walk down another street.
Jackson called out but didn’t receive any reaction. With a huff he grabbed the handle of his suitcase and hurried to the post, wanting to see where the person was walking before actually following them. 
His gaze wandered to the slip that was pinned on the post, seeing the large words “roommate wanted” at the top of it. Jackson skimmed over the information and stopped at the name on the bottom. “Y/N”, he mumbled and ripped the piece of paper off from the post, looking over the details once more even though the only thing he cared about right now was the fact there was an available room for him, which would hopefully be a lot more comfortable for him than a simple hotel room. He grabbed his suitcase again and hurried after you, his gaze never leaving your form.
You wore some dark pants, simple sneakers and a hoodie that was too large on your form and could have counted as a dress as the hem of it ended mid thigh. The closer Jackson got the more details he could see, noticing the large headphones you were wearing and preventing you from hearing his call. He also noticed something poking out between your lips, thinking it was a cigarette at first, but after you pinned another paper against a board and looked at it in thought you grabbed the thin stick and pulled a lollipop out of your mouth, tapping the sweet sugary marble against your lips.
When you turned around you flinched slightly and stared with wide eyes towards Jackson, quickly pulling your headphones down. You pressed a hand against your chest and exhaled loudly. “Gosh, you scared me”, you mumbled around your lollipop.
Jackson tilted his head and mustered you closely - from the relieved grin and breathless giggle to your nervous shuffling with your feet.
“Can I help you?”
He saw how you glanced at his suitcase before you looked back up to his face, waiting with a curious glint in your eyes for his answer.
“You’re looking for a roommate.”
“Huh?” You raised both your eyebrows before understanding dawned upon your face. “Ah, yeah. My last one moved to another town and the rent is a little too high for just one person.” You laughed lightly and tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You don’t have to look anymore.” Jackson stated, observing your reaction. “Your new roommate is standing right in front of you.”
He watched you blinking rapidly and staring blankly back at him. A sigh escaped his lips and Jackson had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. “I want that room. Can we go there now? I am kind of tired and would like to rest.”
This time Jackson rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Do I need to explain this to you in a way a commoner may understand? I want that room and I want it now.”
“You don’t want to check it first if it’s to your liking?”
Once again you blinked, slightly overwhelmed by the situation and the attitude from the man in front of you. “If you’re sure, fine with me”, you smiled and led the way, trying to make light conversation with him.
Jackson mostly ignored what you were saying, only humming every now and then, while he walked alongside you through the empty streets. It seemed like a rather quiet area, with a large park on one side where only a few street lamps illuminated the greenery. On the other side one apartment complex after the other appeared within Jackson’s view.
“Here we are”, you smiled and pulled your lollipop out of your mouth. “It’s not much but it’s home.” You opened the door to an apartment complex and waited for Jackson to get inside as well.
He followed you silently, a small sneer on his face at the interior that greeted him inside. The only thing he could think of was prison, as the stale walls and absolutely no furniture didn’t appear very welcoming.
The elevator wasn’t much better. It slightly wobbled while it moved the both of you upwards and Jackson already feared he would get stuck inside of it one day.
The elevator came to a halt on the second floor and you stepped out, guiding Jackson through a narrow hallway. He saw a bunch of doors and wondered if you just brought him to the room before you would go to your own as he couldn’t fathom why else you passed so many doors without saying a word.
At last you pulled a key out of your pocket and opened a door. You turned on the light and walked further inside, throwing your shoes into a shelf.
Jackson frowned as he saw another hallway - a shorter one this time. He watched your retreating back, waiting for you to return and tell him where his room was supposed to be.
“Come, get inside”, you called over your shoulder and disappeared around a corner.
He could hear you rummaging through some things while he slowly walked inside, closing the door behind him. Jackson put his shoes next to yours and followed you inside. 
The frown was still present on his face as he walked through the smaller hallway. He observed everything closely - the paintings on the wall, a small bathroom that was slightly hidden behind another door and a closed door with a colourful sign stuck to it. Jackson didn’t want to call this area messy but it was nothing compared to what he was used to. His home had been neat and clean with nothing personal lying around. Meanwhile here he could see a lot of personal things wherever his gaze landed on.
“My previous roommate left all their furniture in the room, saying they wouldn’t need it anymore. If you don’t like it, we can throw it out tomorrow”, you started to say once Jackson appeared within your sight again, “I think we can do everything else tomorrow as well. It is pretty late after all and you said you’re tired, right?”
Jackson stared at you blankly as if he was waiting for something else.
You blinked a few times and quickly gestured towards the open room. “This would be your room. Do you want to check something else or is it okay for you to wait until tomorrow?”
Jackson only grunted and walked into the small room. He shut the door behind him immediately, to give him the privacy to inspect the room. One glance around and Jackson knew this room wasn’t even half as big as his old closet.
A scoff escaped his lips as he walked further into the room, turning around his own axis. How could anyone live like this, he wondered, these conditions felt almost inhumane. Jackson wished his father would reach out to him soon. He couldn’t and most importantly didn’t want to live like this.
To his dismay his father didn’t reach out to him. Instead you kept pestering him about the contract and the lease. Even after he signed the contract and shoved it right back into your chest - same with a cheque - you made several attempts to talk about it again.
Jackson couldn’t care less about any of that. The only thing on his mind was the fight with his father. He had called his mother two days after he arrived at your place, only to be met with disappointment.
“Jackson, where are you? I called Bambam and he said you didn’t show up at his place!” The voice of his mother was full of worry and he could basically see the tears welling up in her eyes and her lip quivering.
“I found another place to stay at.” Jackson mumbled and looked once again around the small room, feeling almost trapped inside the tiny space. 
“Are you alright?
“What do you think?” Jackson snapped and rubbed one hand over his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to”, he sighed deeply and closed his eyes, trying to regain his composure.
“Oh my poor, poor baby.”
Before Jackson could ease the mind of his mother, he heard some voices in the background. A frown appeared on his face when he recognised the voice of his father.
“Who are you talking to? Is that Jackson?”
His mother couldn’t answer, instead Jackson heard her protest and her voice grew distant over the speaker.
“You are not welcome. Neither in presence nor over the phone. Do not call again.” His father hissed angrily.
“I know I messed up, okay? And I’m sorry, father.” 
For a moment it was silent and a glimmer of hope sparked in Jackson’s chest. He hoped his father would accept his apology and let him come home again. Jackson wished to have his old room again - or at least a room that was as big as the whole apartment here.
“As far as I know”, his father paused and sighed, “I don’t have a son.”
The last thing Jackson heard was the outcry from his mother before the line went dead. He blinked a few times, feeling tears getting caught in his eyelashes. He swallowed harshly, trying to process the last sentence that kept repeating itself inside of his mind.
That same night Jackson pulled out his priced Whiskey from his luggage, hoping to drown out the echo of his father’s voice with some alcohol. At least with the numbness spreading through his body and clouding his mind he was able to tolerate his current situation.
He wasn’t able to get in contact with his mother again after that. Most likely because his number has been blocked by his father. Jackson missed his mother and his home, the comfort he had there. Now he had nothing that comforted him - besides his alcohol.
But even the alcohol didn’t help drowning out the presence of the other person within this apartment. 
Weeks passed and Jackson continued to ignore your presence to the best of his abilities. He left the room when you entered, locked himself inside of his own room or turned up the music so you couldn’t talk to him - even though he noticed you didn’t even try anymore. Not that your glances of pity were any better.
The only positive thing Jackson could think of was the fact you barely stayed at the apartment. He heard you leaving early in the morning whenever another nightmare had woken him up and prevented him from falling asleep again. Slowly but surely he could remember your schedule - not just from the times you came and go, but also because he listened to some of your phone calls in the kitchen where you whined about your several jobs -  and knew when to avoid being outside of his room.
At least he thought he knew your schedule by now. 
As he thought you’d be out until the late hours of the night, Jackson had caved to Bambam’s begging and constant phone terror. Surely he would have preferred to meet Bambam in a restaurant but the younger man insisted on visiting him at his new home. 
Though Jackson wouldn’t call this his home. It didn’t feel like home. There was nothing that belonged to him or showed he lived there as well. He didn’t even unpack his luggage except for his Whiskey, which he promptly placed on the couch table with two glasses he had found.
“It’s good to see you, man!” Bambam greeted him boisterously when he arrived and pushed himself past Jackson, immediately taking everything he saw in. “Never thought you’d live in a place like this. How are you even alive, man?”
Jackson didn’t answer and simply sat down on the couch, filling both glasses up with the alcohol. He downed his own glass and refilled it before he offered the second glass to his friend, who merrily continued talking. Some things didn’t change and Bambam being able to distract him from his misery was one of the things.
Jackson leaned back and nursed the glass of alcohol in his hand while he listened with a content expression, watching Bambam avidly moving his hands as he retold some party he had gone to.
He had no idea how long the both of them had been talking but when his eyes shifted to the corner of the living room, he noticed you standing there with a confused expression. Jackson immediately tensed, notifying Bambam about your presence.
Bambam turned his head and locked eyes with you. His plump lips stretched into a wide smile. “Hello beautiful!”
Jackson saw you frown and shortly glanced down at your attire. He could guess you questioned whether you actually looked beautiful and not like some sort of sleep-deprived zombie.
“I’m Bambam! Jackson’s best friend. I’m so glad you took him in! You have no idea how worried I was when he didn’t arrive at my place that night and I just couldn’t reach him.” Bambam patted on the couch right next to him, inviting you to join their little conversation. “It took ages for me to convince Jackson to invite me! Can you believe it? During all these months he refused to invite me, telling me it wasn’t my standard.” Bambam shot a dirty look towards Jackson and clicked his tongue before he turned with the same wide grin back to you. “I think your tiny apartment is very charming. It definitely shows your own style.”
You simply nodded while Jackson rolled his eyes at Bambam’s antics, knowing full well he loved being overly dramatic.
“Beautiful, you should join us. We just talked about the latest gossip. Maybe it would be really fun to hear your opinion over a cup of tea?”
Jackson tensed and glared at Bambam. He desperately wanted to cuss at his friend and tell him to shut up, instead he only gritted his teeth and turned his attention to your form. 
“Thank you for the invitation”, you said softly, trying to smile as sincere as possible, “I can make you two a cup of tea but I can’t join you two. I wanted to go job hunting since I have a day off.”
Jackson frowned upon hearing your answer, his initial glare vanishing from his features. On one hand he felt relieved you weren’t joining the conversation. On the other hand your reasoning confused him. If he remembered it correctly you already had two main jobs next to your college classes and the additional dog walking you just took on a week ago. There was no way you could add another job.
You excused yourself and walked into the kitchen, preparing the two cups of tea and leaving the two men somewhat alone again.
“Didn’t you just say she already works several jobs?” Bambam leaned over the couch as he whispered to his friend, keeping you in his sight out of the corner of his eye.
“I did.”
“Why would she search for another one then?”
Jackson shrugged with his shoulders. “Beats me.”
“Don’t you two talk with each other?” Bambam fully turned to Jackson, eyeing him with a glint of suspicion in his eyes. “You really shut everyone out, huh?”
“She’s a stranger. I didn’t shut her out.”
“This woman is your roommate. And even though I don’t understand their world completely, I know that roommates are supposed to communicate with each other. In some dramas they even work together and share tasks and help each other out.” Bambam sighed dreamily, drifting off into the world of his dramas.
“I gave her a check. That should be more than enough help.” Jackson grunted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Bambam’s words stung unexpectedly and it bugged Jackson more than he wanted to admit.
“Is the check even decked? I would have thought your father cut every tie between you and your family. Especially the money tie.”
Jackson tensed again, dread filling his body like a darkness covering his whole being. It clawed at his throat, creating a big lump inside of it to restrict Jackson’s breathing. His hands felt clammy out of nowhere and he desperately tried to wipe them dry on his pants again, placing his now empty glass back on the table.
“Maybe you should start talking with her”, Bambam hissed before he straightened again and smiled at your returning form. “You’re such a thoughtful host, beautiful.” 
Jackson watched you place the two cups on the table, hesitating momentarily as you noticed the whiskey on it. For a split second your gaze met his but you quickly diverted it again, smiling awkwardly and saying your goodbye before you left the living room. 
Only after Jackson heard the click of the door to your room did he look back at Bambam, a small pout forming on his lips. “How am I supposed to talk to her?”
“You could have started with a simple thank you just now instead of glaring at her like she is the evil in personification, man.” Bambam snickered softly and shook his head, ignoring Jackson’s prominent pout. “How do you normally start talking to others?”
Jackson slumped down on the couch, arms still crossed over his chest. “I don’t. People know who I am, they flock around me and start talking. Mostly trying to impress me and I simply tolerate their presence.”
Bambam snickered again. “You gotta work on that, man.”
And Jackson tried working on it but it never got past a short greeting and a quick goodbye. The fact you barely stayed at the apartment, now turned out to be a burden more than a blessing. The rare moments you were in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea while working on some stuff for your college courses, got quickly interrupted by your phone buzzing obnoxiously.
Jackson mostly just stood in the doorway, desperately trying to find something he could say besides the simple ‘hey’. Though the second he mustered the courage to ask you, your phone buzzed and you excused yourself, telling him work was calling before you dismissed yourself into your room.
More times passed and Jackson grew more and more frustrated. How could it be that complicated to hold one conversation? He even tried waiting for you but you would only prepare your cup of tea silently in his presence - not initiating a conversation at all.
When Jackson complained towards Bambam about it, lying on the mattress and staring up at the white-ish ceiling, he was met with laughter. “At least one of us is having fun”, he grumbled into the phone and rubbed a hand over his face.
“Who would have thought that the infamous Jackson Wang isn’t able to talk to his roommate?”
“I tried, man, I tried.”
“Jacks, my man, it’s alright”, Bambam reassured him, barely suppressing the giggling in his voice, “you just need to blow off some steam. Let me send you a number. They will redirect you to one of their workers, who will help you to have a good time. All anonymous. You can even practise your conversation skills.”
“Fine.” Jackson placed his arm over his eyes, sulking about the fact that Bambam’s solution wasn’t really a solution for his problem. Yet, he might get a clear head from this and find a real solution afterwards.
Bambam immediately sent him the phone number after they cut the phone call, adding a dozen of suggestive smileys in the message as well as a small payment so Jackson could use the service.
Jackson stared at the number, his thumb hovering over the call button. His eyes wandered to the digital clock on the nightstand, showing it was close to midnight. He cursed under his breath and pressed the button, holding the phone to his ear as he waited with baited breath.
“Secret phone call, anonymous and discreet, how can I help you?” The sultry voice of a woman greeted him, waiting patiently for Jackson to answer.
Once everything was sorted out the woman explained the system of the Secret phone call company. “I’ll connect you with one of our girls now. After you two are done, she will send you a message, offering you to become her future customer. If you don’t want that, simply call this number again and we will find you a new sweetheart.”
It rang one, two, three times before the call got reconnected. “Hey”, a soft voice spoke into the phone, “you can call me baby. I’ll be your girl for as long as you want me. How can I call you?”
Jackson’s breath hitched. The voice felt familiar but he couldn’t put a finger on it. “Uhm”, he hesitated, feeling he shouldn’t say his real name. “I’m, well, you can call me, uhm.”
The soft giggle on the other end of the line made Jackson’s heart do summersaults inside his chest. “Maybe we can figure that out while we talk? What would you like to do today?”
“A friend of mine said I should blow off some steam”, Jackson grumbled, pout prominent in his tone. 
“Awe, such a thoughtful friend. Are you having a hard time?” 
Jackson swallowed harshly. He wasn’t sure whether the question was intended to have a double meaning or not. “The worst”, he answered, keeping it casual - despite his free hand wandering down to his crotch. Something about that soft voice made his dick twitch.
“How can I help you to feel better?” 
“Fuck”, Jackson exhaled slowly, picturing he wasn’t alone in this room anymore. 
“Would it help you if I massaged your shoulders?”
Jackson hummed softly. “Only if you straddle my lap while doing so.” 
“I- I can do that.”
Jackson pressed his palm down on his hardening cock, imagining the woman on the other side of the line sitting on his lap now. She sounded so innocent with her questions and that sweet, sweet voice. Feeling bold due to the anonymity, Jackson spoke up again: “Would you unbutton my shirt for me, baby?”
He heard the shaky inhale, before she agreed. Jackson quickly unbuttoned his own shirt, brushing it away from his chest. The cool air hit his skin and sent small shivers throughout his body. 
“Is there any-anything else I could help you with so you can relax?” 
“Would you undress for me, baby?” Jackson bit on his lower lip, eyes sealed shut as he imagined a body to the voice, slowly stripping above him. He intently listened to the rustling of fabric until it got silent. “Did you only take off your shirt?”
“Ye-yes”, the voice admitted hesitantly, “but I didn’t wear a bra or pants. So- so I’m only in my panties now.”
“Shit”, Jackson cursed and quickly fumbled with his pants, pushing his free hand down and into his boxers. “You’re too adorable, baby.” He grabbed his dick and pulled it out, pumping himself several times. “Do you have another idea that might help me relax?” By now Jackson just needed to hear that soft voice, he wanted to hear soft whimpers and shaky breaths while he pictured fucking her.
“Would rocking my hips help?” 
“Yes, baby, definitely”, Jackson sighed, gripping his shaft a little tighter. “Can you touch yourself? Pretending you’re rocking on my hard dick?” Jackson’s eyes rolled to the back of his head when he heard the soft whimpers on the other side of the line. “That’s it baby, you’re being so good for me.”
Soon enough Jackson came over his own stomach, squeezing his cock empty with every spurt. He inhaled deeply before he leaned on his elbows and looked down at his chest and lower stomach. White strings of cum painted his upper body. “You created quite the mess, baby”, he chuckled and dropped back on the mattress, quietly listening to the fast breathing.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be”, Jackson quickly spoke into the phone, “I, uhm, I actually enjoyed this. Thank you.”
A soft laugh came through the phone. “I’m glad, I liked it too.” 
“Yeah?” Jackson piped up, staring up at the ceiling again. “Could we do this again? Tomorrow, same time?”
“Of course.”
“Great! Well, uhm, I guess I should hang up now.” Jackson laughed awkwardly. “I still have to clean up a little.”
The soft laugh and quiet goodbye were the last things Jackson heard before he cut the call, dropping his arm and phone onto the mattress. He stared at the ceiling, mind still racing with thoughts about what just happened. 
He conversed with a person, who didn’t know who he was. Kinda conversed. At least he talked with somebody. Jackson had to admit, it felt nice speaking to someone, who didn’t immediately judge him.
While Jackson continued to call the number and talk with Baby nearly every night, he made little to no progress with you. And knowing the payment from Bambam wouldn’t last forever let his mood plummet even more. He needed his dad to forgive him.
Jackson curled into himself on the mattress and grabbed his phone, dialling the number like second nature. “Hey baby”, he whispered once the call connected.
“Hey”, her strangled voice greeted him.
Jackson piped up immediately, sitting on his bed now with a deep frown. “What happened?” He heard the soft sniffles on the other side of the phone, pressing for an answer.
“Nothing really. We should focus on you anyway.”
Part of Jackson knew his past self would have done exactly that but over the time he had talked to this soft voice he had developed feelings. So now he wouldn’t simply dismiss her condition. 
He heard a choked laugh followed by more sniffles. “It’s just” - a deep sigh - “I’m not cut out for this job.”
“Why not? You’re doing amazing!”
She laughed again, less choked up this time. “You’re the only one that thinks so. I just got yelled at by some geezer because I wasn’t moaning loud enough for him.” Jackson heard the soft hiccup, realising she actually cried. “I never wanted to do this job but without it I can’t earn enough money.”
“I can pay you”, Jackson blurted out - realising a second too late that he had no means to actually do that. He cursed himself for not thinking before speaking.
“I couldn’t ask that from you. I just - I just need to endure this a little longer.”
Jackson wanted to say something, wanted to cheer her up again but for once he didn’t know what to say to her. The worry about money and jobs faintly reminded him of you and a pang of guilt hit his stomach.
“You didn’t sound so chipper either. What’s on your mind?”
“A lot”, Jackson admitted as he laid down on the mattress again. “My father kicked me out of my home and I haven’t been in contact with my family ever since.” He sighed deeply. “I miss my mom.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. Is there a way for your father to reconsider?”
Jackson scoffed and shook his head. “Probably not. This stubborn old man doesn’t even consider me as his son anymore. All that because I drove his car into the pool during a party.”
“You what?” Jackson heard the shocked inhale, followed by a disbelieving chuckle. “Oh wow, my parents would have buried me alive.”
“It wasn’t even his favourite car.” Jackson pouted momentarily before a small smile stretched over his lips. 
“Oh, I see”, her tone became teasing, “then it isn’t that bad.”
She laughed softly and Jackson could imagine her shaking her head at him. “Did you ever consider that your dad wants you to take responsibility for your actions?”
“How should I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe work diligently instead of partying and driving cars into pools.” She giggled lightly. “Or are you asking how to take responsibility?”
Jackson grinned into the darkness of his room. “Maybe”, he whispered, “Is there a way to train it?”
“Maybe”, she whispered back, her breath hitching softly. “Would you take responsibility for my heart pounding so quickly whenever I talk to you?” 
Jackson exhaled loudly, barely able to contain the excitement coursing through his whole body. “So you’re saying I’m responsible for that, baby?”
The answer wasn’t more than a breath but that was enough to make his own heart flutter like crazy. “And how should I take responsibility for that?” 
“I don’t know”, she giggled quietly and Jackson knew she played coy. 
“How about making you feel really good tonight? Would you like that, baby?” Upon hearing her soft hum Jackson continued speaking. He guided you with his words, telling you exactly what you should do.
It started from stripping down, to twisting and pinching the nipples down to playing with that sweet little pussy. 
Jackson stroked himself lazily, more focused on her moans and irregular breaths. If he concentrated enough, he could even hear the lewd noises created by her slicked fingers going in and out of her core. “That’s it, baby”, he exhaled slowly. “Try curling your fingers now whenever you push them deep inside.”
The high pitched whine he received afterwards was everything to Jackson. “That’s it, keep doing that and right when it feels like too much, cum.”
Her whimpers quickened and turned desperate, while the lewd noises got louder. She choked on thin air, followed by a long moan. “Fuck me”, she whispered after a few moments, slowly coming down from her high.
“Next time”, Jackson teased, finishing his own pleasure with a few more strokes. He cleaned himself up and dropped back down on the mattress, silently listening to her cleaning up as well.
“Do you think my father would forgive me when I pay the repair costs of the car?” Jackson dreaded the end of the phone call, fearing he would feel as worthless and unimportant again. 
“I’m not sure”, her soft voice sounded through the darkness, “but it would be a beginning. Either way I’m cheering for you.”
Jackson grinned, feeling how his heart eased down again. “Thank you.” He placed one of his hands over his chest. “Your words really cheer me up.”
“I’m your girl for as long as you want me.”
‘I’ll always want you.’ That’s what Jackson thought but he was too afraid saying these words out loud. At least not yet. “I’ll let my girl sleep for tonight now. And update you next time.” With that Jackson bid his goodbye and cut the call, staring for a moment longer up towards the ceiling. 
He needed a job to start turning things around.
“I need you to help me get a job”, Jackson blurted out the second he came into the kitchen the next morning, looking at you with determination in his eyes and completely forgetting to greet you first.
Jackson rolled his eyes before he sat down on the opposite side from you. “You’re working several jobs, don’t you? Help me introduce myself to one of your bosses so I can work there too.”
You stared at him as if he had grown a second head. “I, uh, what?”
“I need a job and I’m asking for your help.” Jackson pursed his lips, how could you be so dense. 
“I guess you can join me at the café”, you wondered out loud, tapping your lips with the spoon in your hand. “The boss is constantly complaining about not having enough staff and I can’t take more shifts.”
“Great! Let’s do this!” 
You got assigned to ease Jackson into the job at the café. Jackson wasn’t too fond of that idea at first, not wanting to make a fool out of himself in front of you. Though your everlasting patience and easy to follow explanations helped him learn quickly.
Soon enough Jackson was able to take over shifts without your help until he almost worked full time at the café. 
Having the same job as you had some other perks as well. It made it easier to talk to you at the apartment when both of you were in the kitchen or living room. Even Bambam noticed the slight shift between you. 
“I got my first paycheck today”, Jackson mumbled into the phone, staring down at the piece of paper. The amount was nothing compared to what he was used to but it felt like so much more.
“That’s wonderful”, her soft voice resonated through his whole body. “What are you going to use it for?”
Jackson shrugged his shoulders, suddenly thinking of you. “I guess I’m using it for the right thing.” 
She giggled softly. “Sounds like you’re taking responsibility.”
“Am I?” Jackson chuckled lowly and shook his head. “Maybe I am.”
The very next day he confronted you in the kitchen again, handing you his paycheck. “For rent and stuff.”
You stared down at the check and then back up at him again. “All of it? You can’t be serious.”
“Lived here long enough without doing a thing”, Jackson mumbled and avoided looking at you. “I don’t have any other expenses for now. I want to take responsibility and help out. Though I might need some teaching for that.” 
You smiled at him, tilting your head a little. “I can do that”, you said softly as you placed your hand on his lower arm and squeezed it reassuringly.
Jackson stared at you, the ghost of your touch still on his arm. Something within his mind bugged him about this situation but he couldn’t put a finger on it, knowing he never experienced a situation like this before. His gaze dropped down to your lips and back up again, while his heart started pounding against his ribcage.
Was he just projecting or wishfully thinking - maybe even hoping - the voice that helped him so much all this time on the phone might be yours after all? He quickly shook his head before he nodded slowly and thanked you, going back into his room.
His heart nearly jumped out of his throat as he waited for the phone call to connect. Throughout the whole day he had been thinking about it and Jackson desperately needed to get that thought out of his head again. “Hey baby.”
“Hey, it’s good to hear you again”, her tone was light as she spoke. “You made me miss you.”
Jackson laughed quietly. “I called yesterday and we both know I can’t call during the day.”
“I still missed you.” 
“Oh, did my baby miss me? How can I make it up to you, hm?” Jackson teased as he palmed himself through his pants. “I have a feeling you’re a little desperate for me, aren’t you?”
She breathed shakily, her lust apparent even for Jackson on the other side of the line. 
“Tell me, baby, what do you want?”
“Want you.”
Jackson exhaled and threw his head back, pressing even harder down on his cock. “Oh baby”, he mumbled into the phone, his voice husky with lust. “Do me a favour and play with yourself. Don’t push your fingers in though. Not yet at least.” He groaned upon hearing the soft whimpers, his own hand quickly going into his pants as well. Jackson closed his eyes, fully emerging into this little fantasy. “Shit, I love those tiny moans and whimpers. You’re driving me crazy, Y/N.”
“Fuck, Jackson, please.”
Jackson stilled, his eyes wide open. “What?” The line went eerily silent and before he could say anything else the call got cut.
He barely noticed how he dropped his phone, his body moving on autopilot as he burst into your room. Jackson stared at you, sitting in the corner of your bed, one hand clutched over your mouth and eyes widened in shock.
You ever so slowly pulled your hand away from your lips. “I’m so sorry…”
Jackson quickly crossed the distance between you two, leaning on the bed with one knee and grabbing your face so he could pull you into a deep kiss.
You yelped in surprise but it got drowned out by his lips crashing against yours. Your hands held onto his shirt, unconsciously pulling Jackson closer against your form. 
Only when the both of you needed air did you separate, panting heavily. Jackson caressed your cheek with his thumb, his gaze jumping between your eyes. “I wanted to do that for so long.” He kissed you again. Now with less force. Instead Jackson took his time exploring you and your needs with that kiss, moving you around the bed until you were flat on your back and he hovered above you.
Jackson kissed down your jawline and your neck, murmuring sweet promises against your skin. One of his hands wandered downwards along your side, playing with the hem of your shirt where his knuckles brushed over your bare stomach every now and then. 
You reacted so well to Jackson’s soft ministrations, writhing, moaning and whimpering underneath him. “You should quit that job”, he whispered, pushing your shirt up to reveal your stomach. He littered the bare skin with kisses, his thumbs brushing against the underside of your boobs. “Those geezers don’t deserve you, don’t deserve hearing you.”
You groaned and arched your back, pleading for him to touch you. With swift hands you shimmied out of your shirt and pants, being almost completely naked underneath him.
Jackson leaned down and kissed your breasts - even nipped at your perked nipples gently. “I can’t believe you were this close all the time.” He groaned from the lust building inside of him. “You helped me all this time, brightened my otherwise dull day.” Jackson placed his hands on your knees and pushed your legs apart, positioning himself between them. “Let me repay you for that, love. What do you want?”
“Want you”, you breathed out, gaze clouded with desire. “Please, I want you.”
Jackson cursed and nearly ripped your panties off. He inhaled your sweet scent, groaning with want, as he pushed his tongue between your folds. 
You wanted to shut your legs but Jackson easily held them open, continuing to fuck you with his tongue. Your choked gasps of pleasure turned into moans and whining as he started circling your nub with his thumb.  “Oh, Jackson, oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, please.”
“What do you need, love?” He asked without moving away from your core, continuing to pleasure you while he waited for your answer. “You’re so wet for me and you taste so incredibly sweet.”
“Please, Jackson, please”, you threw your head back, quivering under his touch, “I need your cock, please. Please, fuck me.”
Once again Jackson cursed and pushed himself away, smirking upon hearing your disappointed whining. He discarded his own clothes as fast as possible, not paying attention to where he threw them, and crawled back over you. He lowered his hips, rubbing his thick shaft along your folds until it was covered in your wetness.
With one hand Jackson aligned the head of his cock with your entrance, carefully pushing into you. “So fucking tight”, he grunted, his own pleasure spiking up like crazy. After he bottomed out, hips flush against yours, Jackson leaned down and kissed you. He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face and simply admired the sight underneath him. “Shit, you’re gorgeous.”
Your walls clenched around his shaft, making Jackson groan from the sensation. “Please fuck me”, you mumbled softly, running your fingers through his hair. 
“With pleasure.” Jackson pulled back until only the tip of his cock remained inside you, just to slam his whole length back into you. He pumped into you over and over again, eliciting one sweet sound from you after another. 
Jackson felt your walls clenching around his dick, keeping it in a vice grip. The second you screamed his name and spasmed underneath him, Jackson pulled out. He rubbed your nub with his thumb while he pumped his hard cock until his seed spurted out and painted your stomach white.
Breathing heavily Jackson got up and grabbed some tissues from your desk, coming back and cleaning you up. Afterwards he plopped down next to you, wrapping an arm around your middle and pulling you close.
“Jackson?” You asked hesitantly, turning in his hold until you looked at him. “What does this mean for us now?”
“Like I said, hopefully you quit that job. I don’t think I could share you any longer.” He grinned lovingly and kissed your forehead, the grin getting even wider when you giggled. “I’ll do anything to hear you laugh, love.”
“You were the only one keeping me there.”
Jackson growled playfully and nipped at your neck. “You have me here now.”
“Even if your dad forgives you?”
“Even then. Just be prepared for my mom to come over at any given time.” He laughed lightly and kissed you again. “But until that happens it’s only the two of us.”
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ 
91 notes · View notes
markie-baby · 5 months
If You Love Me | pt.1
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🌹AngstFluff/Smut (18+ MA) Part II 🌹Black Female Reader x Mark Tuan 🌹shower sex 🌹Your boyfriend Mark has been away on his first solo tour for his album, The Other Side. You haven't seen him in months and something is...off. Now that he's back home, there are a few things you need to get off your chest. 🌹20 notes, and I'll release pt. 2 ~
You stared intently at the last text messages your boyfriend sent you.
(7:00 pm) Markie-moo💜: I just landed😁
(7:05 pm) YAYYYY💕 can't wait to see youuuuuuu
(7:05 pm) you sure you don't need me to pick you up?
Read 7:09 pm.
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I'm sure😊 I need to go by the studio real quick, then I'll be omw
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I can't wait to see you, beautiful🖤 I've missed you so much
(7:15 pm) Okay💕 Let me know when you're otw home... I've missed you more!
Read 8:30 pm.
You glanced up at the time on your screen...It's 11pm.
"Your father is very late." You sighed at Milo, who could only look up at you and tilt his head as if he understood the severity of you using the word 'Father' and not 'Daddy'.
The television screen shined through the tall bottle of red wine that sat on your living room table, which casted a shadow on an open bag of gummy bears. You already started snacking on them an hour into waiting for Mark to get to your apartment, and only just realized that you obliterated half the box already. You spent the past three days gearing up for Mark's arrival from his first album tour; aimlessly cleaning your place, cooking all of Mark's favorite foods, buying wine, and meticulously sprinkling rose petals all over the bedroom. You even got dressed up and wore that perfume he liked on you... only to find yourself feeling silly, scratching the belly of his furry baby, as your bones grew stiff waiting for him.
Regrettably, you couldn't deny that you weren't surprised he was a little late. The strongest part of your relationship with Mark was first and foremost, honesty. Mark hated lies and had never told you one himself. Which is why it was so obvious that he has been lying for the past few months. Badly. I was stuck at the studio and I lost track of time, being the most frequently used of the bunch. You'd find him speaking in a low tone for phone calls, rarely letting you use his phone or laptop, and getting absorbed into his phone screen. He started becoming distant... becoming someone completely different from the man you met. You started suspecting he was cheating.
You moved to LA six years ago to pursue owning a business and had no intentions of having a long-term relationship. Mark was a little timid towards you when you first met him through a mutual friend. He never said much outside of the realm of "Hi", "How are you", and "How are you doing?" But as you stuck around more and more, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. You felt connected talking to him about your aspirations, hopes, and fears, knowing that he was always there to listen and share some of those same feelings. It also helped that Mark was (and still is) the most beautiful man you've ever met in your life. Every time you met up with him, you found yourself drinking up all his features; from his pink, heart-shaped lips that opened to a breath-taking smile, to his deep, dark, entrancing eyes. The last time you got lost in Mark's eyes as his best friend, was when your business hit an all-time low.
"I just don't know, Mark..." you sobbed through clogged sinuses. "I don't think I can't still support myself if my business can't make more sales."
Mark was only inches away from you on your couch as you cried into your fetal position.
"Hey, hey..." Mark gently placed his warm hands on your shoulders. "Don't think like that. You've done amazing so far... There has to be something else you can do to get your sales up."
"Well..." You poked your head out briefly. "I could do more marketing... but I already spent so much money on marketing and-"
The tears started reforming in your sore eyes as you hid your head back into your knees. Silence hung in the air like a bad joke as the idea of complete failure circled in your head... You would have to leave the life you worked so hard to build in LA, only to return home to square one, with your tail between your legs. You weren't ready to leave your hard work, your home, your friends, or Mark...
"Y/N..." You felt Mark leaning closer to you with a rasp in his voice. "Look at me."
You reluctantly looked into the eyes of your friend, and suddenly, all the anxiety and fear that you felt only seconds ago, felt like forgotten emotions. His eyes seem to pull you into their calming, deep brown pools.
"Ever since I met you, I have seen you fight and work hard for this. I've admired your passion, and how dedicated you are to your dreams... It's one of my favorite things about you. You can't give up on this now. Not after you worked this hard. Not after you've built this life for yourself all on your own... Not to mention how hard it would be to say goodbye to you if you leave."
"Mark..." You felt your heartbeat in your throat.
"I care about you... and I hate seeing you struggling like this. If you need help, why didn't you ask me?"
"I just didn't want to inconvenience you... I know you've been busy in the studio and doing photoshoots I-... just figured that could do this on my own. Like I've always done everything on my own."
Mark's eyes trailed yours, slowly inching to your nose then your lips...
"You don't have to do this alone." You felt Mark snake his long fingers in between yours. "I'll be there for you... like always."
The bubble developing in your throat was an indication that the waterworks were rising again. Up to this point, Mark has been the most supportive, honest, sweetest, considerate, and the most chill person in your life. He's always been there to listen to whatever you had to tell him; what you see each other doing in the next few years, or a late-night drunken rant about pineapples on pizza. And whenever Mark called, you would drop everything just to hear how his day was. Whenever you hung out with him, you could be alone or in a group of other people, it was like it was just you two. Your soul mate...
You looked into Mark's eyes again, feeling your heart start to race... in your trance, your eyes wandered across his face, admiring how the low glow of the Livingroom television showed his soft textured skin. How his hair was poofy since he raced over to you from his nap. Sometimes you felt like you didn't deserve someone this amazing and supportive to be in your court. But Mark was just your cute little blessing on top of all the other ones. Overcome with emotion, you crash into Mark's arms and held him tight.
"Thank you so much, Mark. For everything." Your stress left your body in a big sigh. "I love you..."
You felt Mark's arms around your waist slowly pull you closer to his body and his face buried into the crook of your neck.
"I love you more..."
You replayed his response in your head as you held on to him.
"I love you more" Thump.
"I love you more" Thump-Thump.
"I love you more" Thump. Thump-Thump-Thump. Thump.
Your heart started to race. Goosebumps raised when Mark's breath lightly brushed your neck, and you felt his strong heartbeat thump against your chest. What was this feeling? You were scared to pull away, frightened of getting lost in his gaze again.
"Um, right s-so..." You cleared your throat. "Thanks again, Markie."
You tried pulling away... but found that Mark's grip was still tight around you.
"Wait..." He spoke in a low tone that made your spine shiver.
Your heart felt like it was going to climb out of your mouth. Of course, you've been this close to Mark plenty of times before, you guys have practically held hands before. But there has never been this type of tension hanging in the air. It was almost suffocating. You looked into Mark's eyes for some sort of sign... but damn, he was looking so gorgeous. Your eyes traced his whole face; every curve of his pink lips, every line in his jaw & every eyelash sitting upon his beautiful eyes. Oh, his eyes... they seemed to sparkle... and they were intently fixed on your mouth. Instinctively, your hands made their way up to his jawline, which produced a small sigh from Mark's parted lips.
He was slowly closing the space between your faces. The heat started to rise in between your ears, as you battled with the thought of kissing your best friend. If you did, you could be either making the best decision of your life... or ruining a friendship with a man you cared for deeply. But you couldn't deny... you wanted him. With every heavy breath that Mark breathed, with every second his hands tightened around your thighs, with every inch that his lips drew closer to yours... your desire for him grew. The realization that you loved him grew.
With the most genuine softness, Mark closed the painful gap between both pairs of lips. Both of your bodies were lost in each other... neither of you realized just how steamy your little make-out session got. You became a couple shortly after, with this year being your third year together.
With each passing day, you felt more frustrated in your conflicted feelings. On one side, you were upset at him... but more at yourself for letting the situation grow. On the other hand, you felt the yearning for him grow hot and restless in your core, and eventually, you couldn't help but touch yourself out of the thought of him. The way his dark, loose curls flop over his forehead, the sparkle in his eyes, the sincerity of his smile, the sweetest of his cologne, the slight curve of his lips, the softness of his skin, the heat of his breath-
You snap out of your trance when you hear the jingle of keys at the door. You tap your screen back to life. It's 11:55 pm.
"I'm home!" Mark poked his head through the door at beamed at you on the couch.
"Mark..." You couldn't help but sigh.
"Babe!" Mark cheesed the brightest smile you've ever seen as his chest collided with yours.
His arms tightly squeezed around your waist as you heard him drink in your scent. Finally, your boyfriend was home, with a bouquet as bright as his smile. Almost instinctively, your nerves weakened in his warm embrace, and you melted around him. You forgot about everything you were ever upset about. With every bone in your aching body, you wanted to hold him... feel his skin gently graze yours, caress his adorable face, and shower him in kisses... but he still broke his promise. The one person in your life who was always truthful, real, and loyal... wasn't anymore.
"I missed you so, so much..." Mark whispered into your ear.
"Mark..." You pulled away from him. "What took you so long..."
"I'm sorry," He sighed. "I got tied up again-"
"Mark I..." You paused. "I've spent all of the past 3 days preparing all this stuff for you. And I have been... trying so hard to be so excited for you to come home. For you be in my arms again, to kiss you, to make absolute love to you..."
"What?" Mark's eyes widened.
"We need to talk about something."
Mark's smile slowly started to fade and the bouquet slowly lowered from his grasp.
"You've broken the one promise that we've had in this relationship... you lied to me, Mark. And you've been doing it over and over... And I'd hope that our bond was strong enough for you to realize that I would notice that."
Mark gently placed the bouquet on the kitchen counter and held both of your hands in his.
"Do you truly think I'm cheating on you?"
You looked longingly into his eyes, only to be handed a cold, serious gaze in return.
"No," You bit your lip in hesitation. "You wouldn't do something like that. But I don't know what to think, Mark."
Mark sighed deeply...
"I leave for months and come back to a fight..." He scratched the back of his head in frustration. "You said that the one promise we made in this relationship was honesty, but you broke another one too. You don't trust me to be loyal to you?"
"I do trust you! But what am I supposed to make of this, Mark?" Your eyes stung.
Mark's cold gaze softened. "I have never had the thought of ever cheating on you and would never. I'm sorry that I was distant and made you feel that I wasn't being truthful."
"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it until now..."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I've been waiting for forever just to get back home to you." You felt his warm hands caress your waist. "Can I please kiss my beautiful girlfriend now?"
"Yes." You breathed.
Mark snaked his hands further around your waist, and with a passionate firmness, pursed his lips between yours. You felt your body tingle with warmth and your heart beating heavily against your boyfriend's chest. A groan left Mark's lips as he left yours.
"Hey..." Mark's voice turned raspy as he eyed your body. "You deserve my honesty; The real reason I have been distant is because I was putting a lot of energy into planning something really important."
"Planning something...?" Your head cocked to one side. "For your album?"
"No, for you."
"For me..?"
Mark's lips cut your question short and derailed your train of thought.
"It's a surprise for later." You could feel a smirk developing on your boyfriend's soft lips. "Let me enjoy the surprise you have for me first."
Mark gazed over at the romantic display you made in the living room.
"Do you like it? I hope I didn't go overboard..."
"It's perfect." Mark looked into your eyes with the utmost sincerity. "And you even got me my favorite gummy bears? It's everything I could have wanted. And you being here with me makes it all better."
Mark infused passion into every aspect of his life, and his way with words was no exception. Surprisingly, conveying his feelings verbally wasn't always his forte in our relationship. However, he consciously broke free from the habit of murmuring, trailing off, and avoiding eye contact. Despite not being the most talkative when we initially met, the incomprehensible extent to which Mark went out of his way to express how much I meant to him was truly remarkable.
"I'm so glad you're home." You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend's torso and pulled him close.
"Me too." You felt a light peck on your forehead. "Why don't we get this night started?"
It was 2:45 am when the credits started to roll on the third horror movie that Mark insisted that you both watch. Unfortunately, he had been too invested to realize that you had fallen asleep since movie number two. You found the most heavenly spot on his chest to rest your head, and with his right arm snuggled gently around your torso and his left hand resting on your thigh, it was a guaranteed recipe for a great night's rest.
"The gore in that was something else-" Mark cut himself off when his eyes came to gaze on your sleeping figure.
Your face was adorably smushed up to Mark's chest, letting out soft breaths as you rested. All four of your limbs found themselves wrapped around his slim body, trapping him in your sloth-like embrace. Mark's eyes traveled and the bottom hem of your dress found itself dangerously hiked up to expose your smooth thighs.
Mark rubbed his hand against your thigh. "Wake up, babe."
You blinked your eyes awake and gazed upon the tired eyes of your boyfriend. "Oh shit, did I fall asleep?"
"Definitely. And I think you were snoring a bit, too." He joked.
"Oh stop." You rubbed your eyes to get a better view of the clock. "Oh shit, it's late..."
Mark's voice became hushed. "Maybe we should...continue this celebration upstairs?"
"You're ready for bed?"
"I am. But not necessarily sleep."
You smirked, picking up on his hint. "Oh, I see..."
Without saying another word, you took Mark's hand and guided him up the stairs, where you were greeted by the romantic glow of the moon.
"You like it, right? I got rose petals, the candles are all lit..." You gestured towards the bathroom.
Mark pulled your hand back towards his body and planted a firm, hungry kiss on your lips.
"You are so sweet. This is amazing..." His warm hands caressed your cheeks. "How do I deserve someone as perfect as you?"
You could feel the heat of his breath on your lips. He was close, too close. The temptation to press your mouth to his was too much to handle. You could almost taste the mint of his toothpaste.
"I know I've been a little distant for these past few months." Mark started. "It's just... I've had a lot on my mind. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, but I didn't want to rush things."
"But now, I can't hold back." He cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb against it. You felt his gaze bore into yours, and he seemed to study every inch of your face.
"What is it, baby?" You pressed.
"I'm so in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts. I love how passionate you are, I love how you make me feel when we're together, and I love that you've been patient with me during this whole process. You're my rock. You make me want to be a better person. I want to be worthy of you."
"Mark, you already are." You gently held the sides of his face. "Don't say that. You are good enough, Mark. You have such a kind heart and a big soul. You're the most loving and caring person I know. Just don't get too caught up in your music, and start overworking yourself. You're not gonna find me there."
Mark let out a soft chuckle in response.
"You always know what to say," Mark breathed. "I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"I know that I was gone for a while, and I want to make it up to you. So, how would you feel about me taking you on a trip?"
"A trip?" You shot him a confused look. "Where would we go?"
"Oh, don't worry about that." Mark kissed the tip of your nose. "I'll take care of everything. Just be ready to leave for this weekend."
"Three days??" You giggled. "You really just planned a whole trip, huh?"
"Anything for you."
As Mark leaned in to kiss you again, you couldn't help but notice his scent. He smelled like the airport and the plane and everything else that was not his normal aroma.
"Speaking of jet setting, you smell weird," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" he laughed back.
"I'm not sure, but you just smell different."
"Well, I should take a shower then," he suggested. "And maybe you can join me."
"Okay, but don't try any funny business." You smirked.
"What?" He feigned innocence.
"You heard me," you replied, wagging your finger at him.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," he said, pulling you close.
"Wait and see, huh?" you repeated.
"Yeah, just wait and see."
You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him, making your way toward the bathroom. As you walked into the bathroom, you could hear Mark following closely behind. You pulled him toward the bathroom and turned on the shower, the sound of the water filling the small room. The sound of unzipping made your head turn to Mark, who was already undressing. You watched on in perverted wonderment at how his abdominal muscles flexed under his perfect skin as he moved to remove his underwear. He glanced over his broad, muscular shoulders, smirking while keeping eye contact as he bent down. You admired how his hair grew poofy from the steam beginning to form around him.
"Enjoying the view?" Mark's husky voice startled you, causing your eyes to snap to his face.
"Shut up," you said as you joined him, sliding the flimsy slip of material you wore onto the floor.
Mark's eyes burned with need as his gaze traveled up your legs, slowly drinking in the image before him.
"Damn..." he breathed as he raked his teeth across his bottom lip, his dark eyes meeting yours.
You smiled coyly at him as you stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind you. Mark's eyes never left yours as he joined you in the warm spray of the water.
"Mmm," he hummed as he cupped your cheek and brought his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but quickly turned passionate and needy. You ran your fingers through his damp curls as he pressed his hips into yours, his hardening length brushing against your stomach. His hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of your bare flesh as the water cascaded around you. You moaned softly as his lips found your pulse point, sucking the sensitive skin into his mouth.
"I love the sounds you make," he growled as he gently nipped the delicate skin.
"Hey, don't forget that you have to take a shower, stinky." You chuckled.
Mark grinned and rolled his eyes, grabbing the bottle of shampoo that rested next to the tap.
"Okay, okay."
You watched in anticipation as he squirted some of the soap into his hand, before applying it to his hair. His eyes stayed fixated on yours, which flickered down briefly to take in his naked, glistening body. You couldn't help but admire his perfection, even when doing the most mundane task. How his pectorals flexed with every movement, as he brushed and lathered the soapy bubbles throughout his coils of dark brown hair. How his veins tightened from his arms to his hands, and how each drop of water seemingly dripped at a pace slow enough for you to memorize. Your gaze traced down from his chest to his abs, and even further down past the borderline of pubic hair where-
"Sorry, what?" Your eyes shifted back to his face.
"Were you paying attention?" Mark smugly raised an eyebrow.
"I was definitely paying attention..." You trailed off.
"So what was I saying?"
"You were saying, that I was being the best girlfriend ever!"
"By making us dinner tonight."
"And how your favorite gummy bears are an ample reward for me having to put up with you-"
"Alright," Mark chuckled as he laid his index finger on the seam of your lips. "Point made. You got me."
"Duh." You nipped at his knuckle. "You're so easy. What did you say, anyway?"
"Something..." Mark teased as he dunked his head back under the water, washing the remaining shampoo down his torso. "About how much I really, really, missed touching you. All of you."
You snorted. "You mean our little quickie at LAX before you left didn't cut it?"
"Is that what you call what happened at LAX?" He asked, pulling you close and pressing his arousal against you.
"Yes," you giggled. "Because that is exactly what we did. You were the one trying to miss your flight."
"I couldn't help it." He groaned. "It was just so hot."
"Oh shut up." You laughed.
You grabbed the bottle of body wash, poured some on your towel, and rubbed the soap into the cloth.
"Are you gonna help me or what?" You asked playfully.
"What do you think?" He replied, grabbing the other end of the towel and helping you rub the wet cloth along your body.
Your breath hitched as his hand moved from your ribs down to your hips and your mouth dropped open when you felt his fingertips graze your behind. You groaned loudly as Mark continued to caress your ass, his other hand sliding around your waist and pulling you into his embrace. You shuddered as he pressed his lips against your neck, murmuring words of love and encouragement in between every kiss.
"Why didn't you come with me on tour, again?" Mark asked as he continued massaging your skin.
"We talked about this, Mark," you replied, lightly rolling your eyes. "I wanted to be here and continue working. And I don't think I'm cut out for road life."
"But I wanted you there..." he pouted, making your heart stop. "I missed you like crazy."
"I missed you, too..." You turned to face him, seeing him still with an upset frown. You reached for his hands and gently ran your thumb over his knuckles.
"But I don't think I can spend another tour without my Markie-Poo," you admitted with a soft smile.
You looked up to see your boyfriend with the brightest grin you've seen him with in a long while. Mark immediately took the back of your head and pulled your face towards his in a loving embrace, getting soap all over his arms and torso...
"So you're telling me that the next tour I have, you're coming with me?"
" I promise."
"I could get used to having you near me every day," Mark whispered into your ear, his low voice sending shivers down your spine.
"I'd hope so," You replied. "It would be pretty confusing to accommodate another presence in our bed, otherwise."
You could see a pout starting to form on your boyfriend's lips. You loved how Mark could make a face of indifference switch from a stone-cold wall into a begging, adorable, child. The pout quickly melted away, however, and you were only able to appreciate its short existence for a split second. His eyes shifted from your own to your neck, his pale and slender fingertips gliding gently against your exposed collarbone.
"Hey..." You whispered into his ear. "What are you thinking about?"
Mark didn't speak. Only paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he wanted to say, but only getting lost in your beauty. Your breath hitched. His eyes were focused on yours as he inched closer to you. He never broke your stare until his hand suddenly reached up and he placed it ever so carefully against your cheek, causing you to inhale deeply. His eyes flickered over your face, resting for a brief moment at your lips, then back up to meet yours once again. His hand traveled from your cheek and made its way down to your chin, tilting your head up slightly. His lips met yours, softly and gently. He didn't push or rush. He seemed to savor the moment, pulling away just enough to let out a small whimper.
"Did you just moan?" He asked.
"Mmmm, maybe," you replied teasingly.
"If we weren't in the shower right now..." he started.
"Then what would we be doing, Mark?" You asked, grinning at him.
"Then," he said, his low voice rumbling as his hand wrapped around your waist, gently moving his face close to yours. "I would be taking you against the glass."
Mark kissed your forehead tenderly and continued his gentle ministrations against your skin.
"We would start slow," he began. "My hands would travel all over you, starting at your hips. I'd go over them over and over until I could feel you shake."
You bit your lip as Mark's movements matched his words. You could feel your cheeks warm from the way he talked. He had never talked to you this way. Never with the confidence and sultry tone of voice. Mark was normally a gentle, passionate, yet quiet lover.
But this was different. It was sexy. You loved it.
A moan escaped from your lips, unable to suppress the shiver that ran throughout your entire body. The mere thought of having him inside you caused your muscles to twitch and spasm. Mark chuckled lightly as he leaned into you, his hands still exploring your curves. You loved it when he held you. His touch felt so warm and comforting. It made you feel safe and protected, but at the same time, you loved how strong his arms felt against your frame. He felt so large compared to your small size and it gave you the most pleasant butterflies.
"After that I would pick you up, your legs around my waist," he said softly, pulling back a bit to stare into your eyes. "And then, I'd drive you insane..."
He emphasized each word as if he were whispering them into your ear, and his words left you breathless and speechless. Mark's voice had a way of making you feel things you've never felt before.
"Sounds like you really want to have shower sex," you said with a slight giggle.
He kissed you passionately as his hands glided back to your ass once again, gripping you firmly as he slowly lifted you in the air. You wrapped your arms around his slender neck, and your legs around his waist. As your curves pressed against him, you could feel his excitement, causing your eyes to widen slightly. You hadn't even touched him yet, and he was extremely excited for you.
Mark placed one hand against the shower wall for support and you looked into his beautiful brown orbs once more.
"Have you been wanting me, like I have been needing you?" He asked in a low and husky voice that sent shivers through your body. You answered him by pressing your lips against his and kissing him passionately. After a few seconds, Mark moved his kisses across your neck and down to your collarbone. He sucked on it lightly, causing you to gasp as your nails dug into his shoulders. He let out a small groan, and you couldn't help but laugh slightly. The man was adorable.
For five agonizing minutes, he tortured you with his mouth, and slowly lifted you higher. Your heart started beating so fast, causing a mixture of nervousness and excitement that blended perfectly.
"Relax babe," Mark cooed.
You took a deep breath, the smile not leaving your face, and nodded at him.
Mark entered your slit slowly, his length engulfing your walls slowly. You sucked in a breath and shut your eyes tight, letting yourself enjoy this feeling of being filled so completely by your boyfriend. He went deep, his entire length inside you now. He let himself stay there for a second, giving you time to get used to this new feeling. Then he pulled out a few inches before sliding back into you. He continued this process, slowly getting a rhythm, his thrusts growing in power. You moaned each time his length penetrated you.
"Yes..." you breathed and heard Mark moan in response.
He increased his pace even more, driving his length into you and then withdrawing completely with each thrust. Soon, the sounds of water splashing off your wet skin filled the room. Mark became a mess of grunts and pants every time he penetrated you, audibly teasing you toward your climax.
"Babe, you feel so-" A deep moan escaped your boyfriend's parted lips.
His breath was hot on your neck as he worked you towards your release, and it felt like electricity every time his skin touched yours. You had forgotten where you were, who you were, and what was going on around you, it was only you and Mark.
"Mark..." you moaned.
You couldn't hold off your orgasm any longer as waves of pleasure washed over your body. He continued his ministrations as you rode your high, and you watched him as you came down. You looked in awe at this beautiful specimen of a man standing before you as he held you in his arms. He just smiled at you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Then he exhaled and put you down, slumping against the cold tile wall. His wet hair dangled over his blushed face. You smiled and placed a hand against his cheek, stroking it gently as you gave him another kiss, he kissed you in return, and the soft brush of his lips lingered as you pulled away.
"I love you," he said, his gaze fixed on yours.
"I love you, too."
You say "You took the energy out of me."
Mark smiled and leaned back against the wall. "I guess you could say that," he smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you think you'll be able to get to the bedroom? Or do you need me to carry you?"
You slowly stood up, ceasing the sound of running water with your index finger. "Carry me, please!" You pouted and raised your arms.
Mark chuckled as he opened the shower door to retrieve your towels.
"Alright, alright, my queen," Mark threw your wet towel on your head, muffling your laugh. "I'll carry you to the bed."
You pushed the towel off of your face as Mark slipped his arms underneath your wet body and scooped you up into his arms.
"Mmm, you smell much better," you murmured as you nuzzled against his neck. Mark snorted and kissed the top of your head.
You were smitten by his scent and the way he handled you with such ease. He gently laid you on your bed, sinking in on top of you, like you had been daydreaming of for months.
"I've missed this," he whispered, "missed touching you, missed watching you sleep..." He brushed a strand of hair away from your face and gazed down at you like you were the only person in the world.
"I missed waking up next to you, seeing your face in the mornings, and hearing your voice at night."
He brought his lips to yours, softly and sweetly like he was afraid you would break. His lips tasted like the memories of stolen kisses in dark corners and glances behind closed doors. The more you tasted his lips, the more you craved, and you pressed into him, desperate for more.
"Baby, I've missed you so much," he mumbled against your lips, "and you don't understand how crazy it's been."
"No kidding," you replied, returning his kiss with equal vigor.
"Everywhere I went, fans were throwing themselves at me. All I could think about was you. All I'm ever gonna want is you."
Your heart skipped a beat at the confession. You pulled away to smile at him, taking in his beautiful face. It wasn't just his looks that captivated you; it was his mind and his heart. He was pure goodness through and through, and you knew you were the luckiest person in the world.
"And all I ever want is you," you replied. Mark cupped your face and stared into your eyes, his deep brown eyes pooling with emotion. "You okay, babe?"
"It's nothing...I just- I love you," he said, his voice cracking slightly, "so much."
You kissed him fiercely, overcome with emotion. "I love you a shit ton too."
Mark laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkling. "Well, you better. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."
Mark smirked and moved his head down, trailing kisses across your stomach and past your navel.
"What are you doing down there? Aren't you tired?"
Mark looked up, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"It would be a waste not to take advantage of the candles and rose petals, don't you think?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
To Be Continued.
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babecoups · 1 year
the “𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔦𝔫” collab
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born to Sin Collab. All of these stories have restricted ratings for audiences above the age of 18. For some stories you must be at least 21 to read. Readers who are not of age are prohibited from reading or interacting. There is no taglist for this masterlist. Check with the author of the story you wish to be tagged in to see if they have a taglist. Heed each story’s warnings and please read responsibly. We hope you enjoy…
Playlist - coming soon
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⍆ title: ersatz by @mimikookie​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: best friend!hongjoong x detective!(f)reader
⍆ genre: action | angst | best friends to lovers | fluff | mafia au | mystery | smut
⍆ summary: Despite Hongjoong’s disapproval, determination drove you to set your sights on apprehending the notorious mafia leader, Choi San. Though just when you thought you had everything to expose San for who he really was, you realize you may have been led astray all along.
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⍆ title: panacea by @temptaetions​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: fugitive/ex-gang member!choi san x undercover cop!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: A jack of all trades but a master of none, San was good at many things. When a robbery gone wrong ends in him running from the law, he doesn’t realize that your appearance in his life is nothing short of an undercover operation.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary:  Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Wooyoung - coming soon
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⍆ title: cecidit magnolia by @sugakookitty​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: cult leader!taehyung x undercover agent!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | dystopian au | smut | steampunk au | supernatural elements
⍆ summary: Your first big case with the FBI leads to you posing undercover to grab information on the infamous sadistic cult leader, Kim Taehyung. This group may keep to themselves, but beneath the surface is a large, organized crime operation involving some of the most powerful politicians. Will you be able to gather enough information for the case? Or will you simply become too close for comfort? 
Your life depends on the answer.
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⍆ title: escapism by @minjoonalist​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: dealer!yoongi x reader
⍆ genre: crime au | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: If there’s one thing he’s ever wanted, it was an escape. From the guilt, the greed…the constant pain. You were looking for that too, just as covered in the blood of your past mistakes and distracted from the reality of your cruel addiction. Why would you ever believe he would leave you alone?
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⍆ title: ride or die by @bangtanintotheroom​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jungkook x citizen-turned-criminal!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | non idol au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: To think that the only person who would look out for you was a man who could pull a gun on anyone without hesitation. Forget what he did for a living, you owed him your life; the two of you only needed each other in this fucked up world. 
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⍆ title: taste of sin by @daimyosjeon​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!namjoon x drug lord's daughter!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | arranged marriage | mafia au | smut
⍆ summary: I know there's something more behind the façade that he shows to the world. There has to be. It was hard but not impossible for me to understand that he wants me just like I want him.
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⍆ title: the destruction's illusion by @namjinsmoonchile​ (21+) 
⍆ pairing: gang leader!seokjin x killer witch!oc x gang member!jimin
⍆ genre: crime au | fluff | horror | romance | smut | supernatural elements | thriller
⍆ summary: Seokjin has it all: power, money, and a woman no one but he could have. But blood debts have to be paid or someone will find that illusions are destructive. 
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⍆ title: the untouchables by @hobeemin​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: hitman!jung hoseok x heiress!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | mystery | smut | strangers to lovers |  thriller
⍆ summary: You met under the most unconventional circumstances. True to your work, you never turned anyone away in need, yet you found yourself drawn to this enigma of a man. The time comes when he must make a choice... the revelations could mean life or death.
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⍆ title: descendants by @babecoups​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: mafia boss’s son!jinyoung x maid!(f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | mafia au | smut | supernatural 
⍆ summary: You grandparents worked for the Parks, your parents work for the Parks… You will not work for the Parks, and there’s only one way out. 
Park Jinyoung.
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⍆ title: fast and the furious by @sun-kore​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!yugyeom x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: You went to the bar looking for a one night stand, but instead you are dragged in the middle of the gang war with the one they call the "errand boy" aka Yugyeom. Seeing more than you should have, you stick to his side while you weave yourself out of this world of trouble.
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⍆ title: on the rocks by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang leader!jackson x reader
⍆ genre: angst | fluff | forbidden love | gang au | smut 
⍆ summary: A mob boss falls for the cute barista, ultimately forgetting his position and the danger he attracts. When his enemies start to topple his empire, he's forced to choose between fighting to keep what he's built or starting anew with the love he's found.
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⍆ title: ride by @toikiii​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: jaebeom x f!reader
⍆ genre: angst | mafia au | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: The one life lesson your parents taught you was to not owe anyone anything. fitting, since they soon left you all alone after that. You try your best to stay on the straight and narrow, but when a mafia boss keeps happening upon you and saving your ass in the most unlikely of circumstances, you can't help but offer him the only thing you have. your heart.
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⍆ title: trust me by @sweetestofchaos​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: gang member!mark x demon heiress!reader x gang member!mingi
⍆ genre: fluff | gang au | smut | strangers to lovers
⍆ summary: Going to South Korea in your father's place was no mistake. He wanted more power and he sent his strongest player to win the game. Why he thought you would play by the rules is beyond you, for you wanted to step out of his shadow. You know what they say, right? Out with the old and in with the new!
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Youngjae - coming soon...
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⍆ title: blood money by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!minhyuk x waitress!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | romance | slow burn | smut
⍆ summary: Nobody can ever really run from their past no matter how hard they try. Y/N knew of this truth well. Minhyuk knew that once he found her again he was going to make sure she remembered where she belonged.
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⍆ title: city lights by @iibonniee​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: mafia!kihyun x spy!reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime | fluff | romance | smut | suspense
⍆ summary: Kihyun believes his wife is the rival mafia leader and is ready to end her when the true enemy shows up to kill them both. Can they get out alive and will their marriage survive the mess they've made?
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⍆ title: criminal love by @wordycerty​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!hyungwon x cop!reader
⍆ genre: angst | forbidden love | gang au | smut | thriller
⍆ summary: A trigger-happy detective struggles to bring down the mysterious newcomer shaking up the criminal world while fending off the advances of a persistent gang “underling.”
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⍆ title: the spider’s web by @hobeemin​​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: underground fighter!im changkyun x hbic/crime boss!poc (f) reader
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | enemies to lovers | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: That sickly sweet smile. Only she had any affect on him. With the curl of a finger he'd bow down to her and her alone. Is he ready for the trap she's laid?
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⍆ title: acrimony by @kqweenn​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: kkangpae!taeyong x escort!reader x yakuza!yuta
⍆ genre: angst | crime au | drama | smut | street gang au 
⍆ summary: Both leaders used to be the closest of allies but recent affairs of their respective gangs have been straining their relationship lately. Desperate to quell the brewing feud between them, their right hand-men recommended solving this with the only thing they want in common - you.
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⍆ title: rivals in crime by @flurrys-creativity​​ (18+)
⍆ pairing: criminal!jaehyun x criminal (f)reader
⍆ genre: angst | enemies to lovers | smut
⍆ summary: Everything went well and in order in your district until you caught some unknown drug dealers lurking around the corners of your casinos. You didn’t even have to ask them for their boss, knowing only one man would be this brazen. He always tried overpowering you. Maybe it was time to send Jaehyun a declaration of war.
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⍆ title: relapse by @jiminschanelearring​ (21+)
⍆ pairing: trap queen!chaeyoung x banker!reader 
⍆ genre: angst | childhood enemies to lovers | fluff | gang au | smut
⍆ summary: Chaeyoung and Y/n have history of being competitive. It dates back since elementary school, but what happens when Chaeyoung suddenly dropout and leaves without a trace. A few years later while Y/n is at work she notice Chaeyoung. However Chaeyoung isn’t the glasses wearing, stumbling, annoying teenager anymore. Now she’s a notorious gang leader that specializes in money laundering and Y/n just so happens to be a banker.
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Do not copy, translate, steal, or claim as your own. 
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