About the leaks
So now that the other two leaks are confirmed... (Rhaegal one , I don’t care about but the Missandei one ? HOW COULD YOU !) can we say that the Jon kills Dany leak is also confirmed ?
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starksinthenorth · 5 years
Apparently Sansa argues for Jon to get to come home
There’s so little happiness in this leaks but I will take what I can get
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lieselstark2-blog · 7 years
Gotleaker is fake. It’s an elaborate hoax, and I’m it’s victim. So are you.
@thelawyerthatwaspromised @reysbae @myrish-lace-love @wolfmaiden25 @wolfmaiden25 @tiny-little-bird 
Hello, my name is Liesel Stark and I am a Jonsa meta writer.
Or I was, but not too long ago something happened outside the fandom. Something very personal that nearly destroyed my life.
I had a roommate. We never got along, but I hoped it would remain civil and I would find a new place at the end of my lease.
However, this roommate wanted a guard dog. I didn’t want this, as I was bitten by a dog when I was a child and I’m scared of them. Pets are also not allowed in our lease. I thought that was the end of it when she brought it up, but a week later I came home and she had adopted a dog from the pound - it kind of looked like a Rottweiler, and I was scared to death.
So I informed our landlord. However, my roommate, who is the landlord’s cousin, called her and said I was lying. Our landlord came to investigate, but my roommate had taken her dog over to her friend’s house and pretended the dog didn’t exist.
I took pictures, but the roommate kept our landlord around her finger and said it was just visiting. It was all so awful.
Unfortunately, the dog was not well behaved, and while nothing ever happened, the lack of discipline and free reign the dog was given over the house meant there was fur and pee everywhere. I would come home at night from work and be greeted in the doorway by one of my worst fears.
One night I snapped and just left and slept over at my sister’s house. This would prove to be a terrible mistake.
It only took a few days and a broken lease before the landlord realized that her cousin lied. The landlord did pay for my grievance and is giving me a good reference, but she refused to kick out her cousin over a dog.
Bad, but not the point of this story.
When I left that night, my roommate went through all of my things. Like an idiot, my computer pass code is also my phone pass code, which she must have seen me tap hundreds of times whenever I unlocked my phone around the house, and she was able to get onto my computer and steal my identity.
She went through all my documents and accounts, and sent terrible things to my family and friends. I didn’t realize it at first until my parents asked why I posted that I never loved them on facebook and was cutting them out of my life that something was happening.
Everyone I ever met had been told some awful lie about me in the span of two days, and every account I had ever used was part of her campaign to ruin my life all because I didn’t want a dog for the remaining seven months of our lease!
She was always unhinged, but I never thought it would amount to this. Eventually I threatened legal action, and I thought it was over.
But I didn’t account for tumblr. I didn’t even think about it for awhile. When everything settled because I threatened legal action, I actually decided to come and log in and de-stress with fandom, but found that my tumblr was gone.
Okay, I thought. She deleted this account too.
I just kind of gave up after that. So much had happened that I figured I would cut my losses and move on with my life.
But that wasn’t the whole of it. Because my former roommate is a fucking psychopath.
I’m not ashamed of the fact that I ship Jonsa (it’s fiction), but she must have seen a possible opportunity to hurt me and took all the metas I wrote, the drafts in my account and computer, and the outline of a fan fiction I was writing to create an elaborate hoax in which she was planning to “out” me.
Seriously. What the hell.
I found out because I still browse the Jonsa tag on tumblr and saw mention of some new leaks, so I checked them out. They were suspiciously close to my metas and fan fiction outline, but when I saw the ending of episode two, I knew that it was one of her plots.
She must have been planning this for some time, and I don’t know exactly where she’s going with it, but if the past if anything to go by she plans to dox me and falsely incriminate me for something.
This is just ridiculous.
To prove that I am being framed, an outline to my fan fiction is included below. I expect @gotleaker to blow a gasket soon.
Now, I want to apologize to anyone who has been mislead by this maniac and to please stop believing her because she’s plotting against me simply because she’s upset she couldn’t get her way.
Please tag and reblog this so she’s discredited.
And FUCK you Kelsey.
A Time for Wolves
Episode 1 – Bat
Chapter 1
Daenerys and Jon arrive in Winterfell.
Chapter 2
Euron makes an agreement with the Golden Company to betray Cersei.
Chapter 3
Sansa is anxious over the prospect of Jon and Daenerys marrying for reasons she can’t describe, and is upset to learn from Tyrion that it appears to be happening.
Chapter 4
Jon is adamant that he will do what is necessary to protect the North and his family. However, Sansa doesn’t agree, because she feels the tension in the North better than he does.
Chapter 5
Although initially welcoming of Daenerys, their relationship sours over disagreements largely of Sansa’s making (due to her fears of losing Jon and the North).
Episode 2 – Eel
Chapter 6
Euron betrays Cersei, and in response to the Red Keep being overrun, she uses the wildfire, destroying the city and killing hundreds of thousands of people. She miscarries in the process.
Chapter 7
A settlement nearby is attacked (possibly the Dreadfort so they can reuse some of the sets and it make sense, considering their possible path), forcing Jon and Daenerys to prepare to depart. Sansa and Jon have a tender moment despite their current disagreement, and I think Tyrion is witness to sparks flying he didn’t see with Jon and Daenerys, causing his suspicions to be raised.
Chapter 8
Jon ends up showing these feelings because he has been informed by Sam and Bran about his parentage, and it’s eating him alive for so many reasons. Unfortunately, he hasn’t told Sansa and Arya yet, because he isn’t sure he wants to accept and go public with his parentage due to the political ramifications.
Chapter 9
However, the Dreadfort is lost (and destroyed), and the forces of the North are dealt a devastating blow. They return to Winterfell, licking their wounds, unaware that they accidentally are leading the Night King on path to Winterfell.
Chapter 10
Mid to the end of the episode, Jaime arrives and informs Daenerys that Cersei has betrayed them after a lost battle against the White Walkers. Daenerys, furious, rides off to take King’s Landing using Drogon as a threat in order to secure their manpower for the upcoming battle. She leaves Rhaegal to protect the North after a frustrating conversation with Jon who pleads with her not to leave because she is abandoning her people.
Chapter 11
Jon is frustrated by this, and isn’t too happy about Sansa’s smugness and seemingly glee (think about: Daenerys is gone, and also going to kill Cersei. That’s a win for her), but his anger is due to the fact he fears he cannot protect the North or Sansa, without Daenerys since he cannot control dragons. Bran offers to help. He also makes more cryptic comments to Sansa. I think Bran’s vision about her wedding may be of the future to Jon, like previous metas have stated, and Bran is starting to see dreams of spring and hoping to make them happen.
Chapter 12
Daenerys’s actions are not well received by anyone in the North, and when Daenerys leaves, all hell breaks loose politically. The Northerners fear that Daenerys will be a dictator like the Targaryens before her, reminding Jon of Torrhen and his uncle and grandfather’s deaths under the Mad King. This only further cements his desire to control Rhaegal. Episode 3 – Ghost
Chapter 13
The surviving Greyjoy siblings take an imprisoned Cersei Lannister North, narrowly missing Daenerys as she arrives to the destroyed King’s Landing. Since they go by ship and are one of the few survivors, the true perpetrator of King’s Landing fall is mistaken to be Daenerys when people outside the city arrive.
Chapter 14
They end up penning a raven that is received at Winterfell that blames Daenerys for the destruction. Her army leaves, no longer feeling welcomed, though Tyrion and Varys stay.
Chapter 15
Sansa is no longer so smug. She’s scared, and so is Jon and everyone else. Jon confers with Tyrion, who, knowing about the wildfire, erroneously believes it to be true not because Daenerys purposefully set the entire city on fire... but because Drogon was the spark that caused the wildfire to get out of control. Either way, Tyrion admits to losing faith, and switches support to Jon.
Chapter 16
But Jon sees his power waning, and now Sansa’s political power is on the rise. Tyrion sees an opportunity, but he is conflicted because he is starting to form feelngs for Sansa now and he believes Jon and Sansa are siblings. But he’s certain they have feelings for each other now, because Jon and Sansa are caught kissing after he gives her a blue rose and between all this hyper jealously as Tyrion spies and insinuates himself in Sansa’s company, fearing that Jon, Bran, and Sam are keeping something from him and hoping to use Sansa to figure it out (unaware she knows how the game works).
Chapter 17
But basically, political shit happens following this, and Jon tames Rhaegal. He then “comes clean” to the North. He initially thinks he will give up his claim to Sansa, but to his surprise he is hailed as King in the North and South.
Episode 4 – Owl
Chapter 18
Daenerys is trying to convince the people around King’s Landing of her worth, but news of Jon being a Targaryen reaches her. Remember in Daenerys’s vision that the first prominent image we see of the throne room is not the throne, but the Winter Rose on stained glass - a reminder of Starks and shade thrown at Daenerys that she doesn’t have Jon’s affections.  Daenerys decides to leave and head back to the North, and he meet her army in the Neck.
Chapter 19
But back in the North, it’s discovered the White Walkers are moving towards Winterfell just as Daenerys has departed for it. Fearing that they may be attacked on two sides, Jon decides to meet Daenerys at the Neck with Rhaegal and make a deal. Tyrion warns him that she won’t go for it. Jon mentions a political alliance, but Tyrion tells him Westeros would never go for two Targaryens on the throne, and jokingly tells him that Sansa would be the better wife. Tyrion realizes his mistake, because Jon appears to seriously consider it.
Chapter 20
However, Jon is determined to make an alliance with Daenerys by any means necessary, and though he has a tender moment with Sansa, he departs and arrives in the Neck for a parlay with Daenerys (who flew over land, instead of sea, and thus misses the Greyjoys).
Chapter 21
He initially believes she will threaten him when he mentions that his people wishes she bends the knee, but instead she does (reluctantly) for three reasons: 1, she sees Rhaegal bonding with Jon and is forced to reconcile that he may actually be a Targaryen and she will lose Rhaegal if they are not on good terms, and 2, she wants to be seen as a worthy ruler again and loves Jon... unaware about the Sansa situation.
But more than anything, Daenerys doesn’t want to be seen as a Mad Queen.
She proposes that they join themselves in marriage, knowing that is what Tyrion initially suggested, but Jon refuses. She initially thinks this is because she has to prove herself, but really Jon refuses despite initially planning to accept and even offer it himself first on an impulse when he sees winter roses around them.
Chapter 22
However, despite this positive turn of events of an alliance without conditions, the episode ends with combined army at the Neck learning that Winterfell has been attacked sooner than expected and is being sieged by White Walkers.
Episode 5 – Wolf
Chapter 23
Sansa, Arya, and Bran are desperately trying to protect Winterfell. They are being attacked by an advanced force, and not Viserion, but they know it is only a matter of time. Unfortunately, they are surrounded and unable to escape and flee even if they wanted to. Sansa stands at the battlements, wanting Jon to return.
Chapter 24
En route to Winterfell, Daenerys is desperate to prove herself worthy of being Queen and worthy of Jon, mistaking his earlier actions in season seven for love when really Jon was hoping to get an alliance (and stopped pursuing that after Sansa). She takes a risk, and heads off into battle despite Jon telling her not to.
Chapter 25
The scene switches, and FINALLY the Greyjoys arrive with an imprisoned Cersei at Winterfell, helping Daenerys stop the advance White Walker army besieging the castle with their forces and the remaining Golden Company. They inform Sansa of the truth, and Sansa apologizes (unfortunately, no one in the North is willing to take Theon’s words at face value).
Chapter 26
Jon and the others arrive. Jaime was with Jon, and he is shocked to see Cersei for so many reasons, but especially when he learns she was responsible for King’s Landing. She is put on trial, and found guilty.
Chapter 27
Despite the North rebuking Daenerys, she believes that Jon will warm up to her after her heroic save of his home and Theon informing Jon of what really happened in King’s Landing. But that is not the case, because Daenerys soon realizes that Jon and Sansa have a relationship when they are reunited in an affectionate way.
Chapter 28
However, before she can do something she’ll regret, the Night King attacks, and Daenerys and Jon takes their respective dragons to the sky. Rhaegal is killed in battle, and Jon falls to his death, the battle lost.
Episode 6 – Nightingale
Chapter 29
Starts with Jon surviving his fall like Sansa and Theon did by falling on a mound of snow. Unfortunately, the people of Winterfell need to flee as the Night King licks his wounds for the final assault.
Chapter 30
Cersei is in the broken tower after a cryptic discussion with Bran (he likes those). She wants to die where Bran told her it all began. Jaime and her get into a fight, and she manipulates him to choke her, thereby fulfilling the prophecy. Jaime is horrified, burns the tower with all his crimes, and goes into battle to protect the fleeing civilians and army alongside Brienne.
Chapter 31
He ends up encountering Jon Snow, and instead of going out in a blaze of glory, helps Jon to return to the retreating army. Jon and Sansa are reunited, and Daenerys feels alienated, and is still reeling from the death of Rhaegal knowing he too will be revived by the Night King. She is devastated by the loss of her children and lover. Cue another cryptic discussion with Bran; this time, Daenerys is his victim. He promises her that she will meet her son and husband again (referring to Drogo and Rhaego). Daenerys does not take that well, but nobody takes Branvisions well.
Chapter 32
The army is pushed back into the South in attritional warfare, not having the numbers. They make it all the way to Stokeworth before they are able to secure a castle long enough to defend it. It appears to be the last battle - they will either win the war and live, or lose the war and die.
Chapter 33
In order to secure succession, Jon marries Sansa and their wedding is the last feast before the battle. Jon promises to come home, and we get a repeat of Jon waving goodbye to Sansa with Daenerys looking on in Baelish’s place.
Chapter 34
The battle begins, and Daenerys prepares to square off against Viserion and Rhaegal who are now controlled by the Night King. She takes a risky move, and there is the biggest ball of flame in the sky.
Chapter 35
The three dragons are destroyed, but the Night King survives, seemingly impervious to fire. The dragons are gone, but the army lives on, and Jon prepares to lead the surviving soldiers in a final charge as the castle is sieged and those inside try to hold everyone off.
Chapter 36
But just as all appears lost, Bran wargs into the Night King, momentarily stupefying him, and Jon is able to get the upper hand and kill him, destroying the army. He feels victorious, but when he returns he sees that Bran is dead.
Chapter 37
The snows begins to recede, and Sansa becomes round with child. They return North to Winterfell together with their child.
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carbonitekisses · 6 years
Supposed S8 Leaks
There is so much in the video that anyone (and many of us) already knew was going to happen.
Arya and Jon reunion will be “sweet”. They will compare weapons and talk
There will be a meeting in the hall with the Northern Lords
Dany is not welcomed happily in the North.
Lyanna Mormont will be a vocal protestor against Daenerys
Northern Lords will be upset Jon bent the knee
Sansa and Dany will not be the best of friends. There will be suspicion on Sansa’s behalf.
The Golden Company arrives at Kings Landing
Sam is the one that tells Jon of his parentage.
There are countless reunions between characters.
Sam finds out about the burning of his family. He cries and is visibly distraught.
Things we kind of guessed would happen due to narrative logic:
Sansa and Jon will have another heated political discussion between themselves. She will ask him if he bent the knee out of love like a sort of callback to her telling him not to repeat Robb’s mistake. We’re not told what his exact response is.
Arya and Gendry will meet at the forge and have a lot of banter. “Milady” “I’m not a lady!” Etc.
Tyrion and Sansa will meet again and discuss Cersei’s alleged truce.
Sansa does not trust her. Not one bit.
The Northern Lords are informed of Cersei’s “pledged” aid and are aghast at the mention of Lannister forces in the North. Never trust a Lannister.
The Night King will attack Castle Black. Which, I mean. Duh. Lol.
Bran is already aware of wight Visireon.
Things that many suspected but weren’t quite sure about:
Theon will rescue Yara!!!
He will go North and be present at the Winterfell battle
Apparently Jon and Dany will have a How to Train Your Dragon montage before parentage reveal
Euron will try to bed Cersei and claim his reward
Cersei knows about the wight dragon.
If anyone is thinking of watching the video go right ahead. But, honestly, there isn’t anything surprising to be found in the video.
Everything that he mentioned is something that we have assumed would happen in the first episode. Which is probably why his “leaks” will turn out to be true in some way or another. Many of us have written our expectations for the first episode and they align with most of his leaks.
In the end, I didn’t learn anything new from his video. Honestly the only things that “surprised” me were that apparently Jon will ask Arya for advice on how to talk to Sansa lmao. And that the men at Castle Black will find some kind of drawing/message from the Night King. Aside from that everything else is old news.
Cheers fam. April 14 is almost here!
ETA: FAM. Comments are disabled and the video doesn’t seem to be available anymore lmaooo.
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chungalungaaaa · 5 years
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buttercuparry · 5 years
What was the point? What was the point of Arya clinging on to Needle throughout her whole journey? What was the point of her anger when it was forcefully taken away from her? What was the point of her crying at the thought of throwing it away? What was the point of her gently hiding it so that it would be safe? What was the point of it being pointed at jaqen when she claimed that "a girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell? What was the point of her turning back North and abandoning her quest for revenge after hearing that the person who gave her Needle is back in the north?
What was the point of her clinging to the idea of her family when her endgame was to be alone all along?
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scarlet-sun-blog · 5 years
GoT ending (?)
After reading 8x06 leak, I lose hope for GoT. Been a LOYAL HUGE FAN for good 10 years, I don't ask anything except a decent ending, if not epic.
Hope the leak is fake. Hope there's still some "sweet" in bittersweet. Hope D&D and HBO aren't that stupid. I hope 8x06 wouldn't ruined all of the GoT crews and actors/actresses hard works these past years.
If the leak does come out as true, then GoT will have a crappy ending... not epic, not bittersweet, just a simple crap. They trashed the whole show from season 1-7 into nothing. Also, there's no point in rewatching, the whole story foreshadowed and built nothing. Nihil.
By that... I swear by the old gods and the new, the god of death, the lord of light, the drowned god, the horse god, the many-faced god, the lady of spear and the great other, I will denounce my self no longer a GoT fan.
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sorenisbby · 5 years
I think a huge reason why a lot of us want the ending changed is because we weren’t fed any clues on the show ending this way. Nothing, zero, nada. I would have accepted the mad queen plot IF it had been done progressively over a couple of seasons. If it had been as foreshadowed as boatbaby. Not over 2 fucking episodes. I would have accepted Arya going west if she talked about it more than fucking ONCE. I would accept Bran as king if it made even the tiniest shred of sense. You get where I’m going here? Things need to make sense for a satisfying ending and if it doesn’t make sense what was the fucking point of the show?
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hohslop · 5 years
Braime is the only thing I’m looking forward tonight tbh.
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I just had a thought
The person who posted the leaks for Season 8 Episode 6 could possibly be lying and actually made all this shit up. "But they leaked Cleganebowl right and why would they lie??" Why wouldn't you? Gave them the power to make us believe anything they said. They're probably in the background laughing their asses off that they were able to make a whole fandom lose their shit over supposed leaks.
If the leaks end up being true then ignore this but that's just how I feel at the moment.
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kismetzvezda · 5 years
I DONT WANT ARYA TO NEVER COME HOME AGAIN!!! That’s not who my baby is, if she isn’t going to Gendry “I can be your family” Baratheon she would at least SWING BY WINTERFELL every once in a while to see her family!!’ I mean...she loves them...she became an assassin to avenge them. Baby needs to go off and explore and heal but “never seeing you again never coming back ever again” doesn’t make any any sense whatsoever. Help. I’m emo.
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starksinthenorth · 5 years
I just saw ~that~ scene that everyone is talking about and honestly?
I’m not even a huge fan of the character and it makes me sick
Like she reminds me of Jeyne Poole, sort of, in that both of them are innocent people who have been torn apart by an unfair system...
She deserved a better ending than that
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lieselstark2-blog · 7 years
Thank you for your support.
It’s been difficult for me dealing with the fallout of my former roommate. The gotleaker drama is only a small, but weird event in a series of personally inconceivable troubles. I’m certain if I didn’t try to take it down Kelsey would have blown it further out of portion and used the leaks as a platform to later ruin my reputation more than she already has.
I thought I had been done with her and that she was going to be punished for her earlier actions, but I guess I was wrong. Because of her I’ve lost some family, friends, and almost my job. What she did was dark.
According to her most recent post over @gotleaker she seems to have moved on from whatever she was planning against me now that she was caught before it went anywhere. Not that I trust it’s over, or that she doesn’t have another hoax going on elsewhere. The problem with crazy people is that their motivations and actions are unpredictable.
However, I’ve previously sought legal help with this situation and I will continue to do so.
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thesilverrqueen · 5 years
My plans for my birthday
Expectations: Having fun with my family and friends, laughing and be happy
Reality: Locked into my room, crying thinking about every possible detail that could play out during that scene ( I'm sure you know what I'm talking about)
In Robert Baratheon's words :"Give me something for the pain and let me die."
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chungalungaaaa · 5 years
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Pic. @itwasmycroftbbc
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Anyone else believe in the fake death of Dany?
Either they shot a decoy ending, or....Cersei asks for proof of his loyalty, and he pretends to kill Dany. There was a fake-out death mentioned in a leak, instead of the whole Alys and Sansa mix-up theory, what if they grab a cadaver (There are plenty lying around) bleach her hair and do a mock execution, they could have shot it with the real Dany to make it seamless.
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