skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Ratchet (Transformers) Chapter 10
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"I'm looking for a head nurse, about this tall, bossy as hell."
You grin at your friend's remark. "John, didn't I tell you not to swing by unless you have-oh!" smiling, you take the coffee from his hand. Jonathan was a doctor working in the cardiology department.
You'd been friends shortly after joining. He was one of the few men here that didn't look down at you. Taking a seat, he sips from his coffee.
"So where's your hot assistant, haven't seen him around. Did he get tired of your wonderful personality?
"Full of jokes today, aren't you. "
You smile, but today, it feels a bit forced. Ratchet has been gone for two weeks. You went out some nights, even tried picking up what you can, but it was so quiet. You couldn't even track Lockdown's spark anymore. It was unnerving.
"He put in leave. He had a family emergency he needed to attend to." You say that with a heavy heart, technically, it isn't a lie. He was out there somewhere looking for his family.
"You cared about him."
Jonathan's assessment makes your hands tighten on your cup.
"I never officially met the guy, but I can see it on your face. You're worried about him. "
Jonathan is as perceptive as ever.
"Did you tell him how you felt?"
"It's not that easy, things between us were a little complicated."
"Ah, that word. The one adults use whenever they're scared of something."
"I'm not scared!" you're a bit defensive, and you don't mean to snap at him. But it hurts. Ratchet is gone, for all you know he could be dead. With all you were capable of, you still feel incredibly useless.
"Then find him, and tell him how much you care. It's better than sitting here feeling sorry for yourself. Wallowing (Y/N) really isn't a good look on you."
Jonathan offers a little smile, and you giggle.
"You're such an ass sometimes, I can't imagine how Elizabeth puts up with you. "
"Well she had my kid so I think she's already in too deep." You shake your head with a laugh. He's content looking at the smile on your face. Flipping his wrist, he looks down at his watch.
"I'll catch you later, let me know when the wedding happens." he snickers, shutting the door and you groan, pressing your head to the desk.
"I miss you.."
It was no one's fault but your own.
You should have never fallen in love with him.
"That rodent is quite irritating, would you like me to dispose of him?" Your eyes drift to the window, and you laugh. Ratchet is referring to your neighbor's dog who's currently barking at who knows what.
"I don't think that would go over very well, here, let's watch a movie." you guide him to the living room, and Ratchet follows. He takes a seat next to you, and you pick up the remote.
"So what are you in the mood for?"
"Oh, you like crime series?"
"Yes, those procedural shows give a good insight on the human mind. The more I learn the better." you sigh. So this was more from a strategic point than a personal interest.
"We're watching a comedy."
"What, then why ask!" He looks a bit offended and you can't stop the laughter.
"Because I thought you actually liked crime, not trying to do homework. Comedy here we come!"
Ratchet swipes the remote from your hands.
"Now I have the controlling device." He clicks a button, but nothing happens and his brows scrunch up. He starts pressing random ones, all except that one that actually turns on the tv. You just sit back with a grin, enjoying his struggles. "Why is human technology so unnecessarily complicated!"
"Heh, that's what you get." He turns his gaze on you, and you swallow at the mischievous look he wears. "W-Why are you giving me that look?"
He gets closer and you jump off the couch with a laugh.
"I don't know what you're planning but stay back!!!" Ratchet chases after you with a laugh of his own.
The memories that flash through your mind just add to that emptiness you feel in the pit of your stomach.
"Please don't go.."
That's what you should have said.
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Ratchet (Transformers) Chapter 6
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Ratchet was making it, day by day. There was still a lot of caution when around people, but the closer you were, the less he felt like he had to go into fight mode again. He never thought he'd become so dependent on anyone other than the autobots. 
The life he was living now was so far from what he anticipated. He missed the simplicity he felt on his planet. There was a time when they were united, happy. Deep down, he longed for that feeling again.
Working in a human hospital was strangely familiar. Except he was mending human wounds instead of cybertronian ones. Right now he was on his break, leaned against the wall with a drink in his hand. He didn't truly need food or drinks to survive, but it was good for keeping up appearances. You stood a few feet away, chatting with a patient, a little girl as you did a standard check. The slide doors were open, he could see the grin on the child's face as you chatted happily.
How could someone who's life wasn't certain hold such a happy expression. These were the parts of the mortal mind he'd never truly understand.
You glanced in his direction, giving a smile. Ratchet took a step back, pressing a hand to his chest.
"My spark is..reacting to her."
This was another area he wasn't sure about. Time was going by so quickly, and the more he spent with you, the harder it was becoming for him to separate his emotions. He'd gone through the motions. From hatred and mistrust to reliance and quite possibly, friendship. He didn't understand it. He was a soldier, an autobot. He wasn't human, and despite the cloak this form provided for his safety, it was wrong for him to become comfortable here. Not when Optimus was still out there probably fighting for his life.
"You're doing it again." He blinks.
How long had you been standing right there in front of him?
"Are you alright Ratchet?"
You'd grown accustomed to his little daydreams. His life had turned upside down. There's no way he'd just fall into this new one without a hitch. You could see it on his face. He missed them.
"I'm fine." He says gruffly.
Not the most open autobot you supposed.
"Tonight, we can try again. You look pretty healthy, it should work this time." A flicker of hope ignited in his emerald eyes, and so did a trail of blue. You laugh, moving closer to block the view of his face from passers by.
"Be careful, I know you're excited."
He was still learning to control that part. He closed his eyes, nodding, and when they reopened he looked at you.
"Is it gone?" He questioned.
You were looking right at him.
"This human.."
Why the hell did you have to look at him like that. It's like you were testing him. He was a male for goodness sake. With his returning health, so were his more robotic functions. He could read your body's physiological changes, especially when you were around him. Taking notice of the subtle looks. At first he assumed it was just a mere byproduct of your opposing genders. But it was different. You didn't look at any other male the way you did him. And they were the ones who were truly human. Your pupils didn't dilate the way he saw many other women in the department do when they were chatting with the more alluring doctors. Surely you were attracted to them in some way.
"W-Well I should get going. I'll see you in a few minutes. " you dismissed yourself, heading down the hallway. His eyes stayed planted on you until you were gone.
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Ratchet (Transformers) Chapter 5
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"You'll need to blend in. Once your wounds heal, moving around should be easier." You place the shopping bags on the floor in front of him.
"What?" He questions when you watch him expectantly,
"It's clothes for you to change. I'm running out of loose t-shirts to loan you. Blend in remember. "
He still looks at the bags suspiciously. 
"You want me to dress like a human."
"News flash, right now you are human. Word of advice: don't say stuff like that when we're in public. "
"You still have yet to explain how you turned me human."
He's been somewhat obedient after your little truce. For the first week he could barely move around, so it was a given he stayed inside. As time progressed, he was getting more active. His right leg was still partially injured. 
He did his best to hide it, but you saw the way he leaned a little too much on his right, or limped around when he thought you weren't paying attention. Since he was on the road to recovery, he needed to go somewhere other than to and from the restroom or bath. Thank goodness he had a general idea of the human anatomy, you really didn't want to explain that area to him.
"We can do that later, right now you need to focus. You can't stay inside forever, my neighbours are gonna get suspicious. I don't want people thinking I'm holding a man hostage in my home. If we draw even the slightest attention to ourselves it could bring those soldiers right back to us."
Just the mention of them had him clenching his fists. For now, he'd have to play along, even if he didn't truly like it.
"I understand. What would you like me to do?"
"Get dressed, you start your first day of work today."
"Yep, you got five minutes. Make it snappy, and don't forget the tie."
Ratchet scanned the hall you stood in as you smiled at the woman in reception. She glimpsed his way, but he gave no smile or warm greeting. Every time someone walked past his body would tense up. When you were done getting what you needed, you turned back to him, ushering him away.
"Why are we at a treatment center?"
"Hospital." You corrected, handing him the scrubs.
"I'm a head nurse, and you'll be my assistant. Optimus told me you were the medic of the team, so this worked out perfectly. It's like faith.” 
You held out the stack of papers.
"Got all your paperwork here," you lean over with a smirk. 
"The government isn't the only one who's good at falsifying stuff. You'll thank me later." you giggle to yourself, sifting through the documents.
"I can't treat humans."
"Sure you can." you reply, waving him off.
Ratchet took your hand, pulling you to the side.
"I cannot fix human injuries, I specialize in cybertronian wounds. "
"You're like a walking computer, just like download data or something to your brain. As long as you aren't hacking the pentagon you're fine. They won't know the difference, trust me." about to brush him off, his hold tightens. You assume it's another complaint about that of the human kind, but his eyes look almost lost.
"I..I cannot do this.." 
It's then that you realize that his hand is shaking. You feel stupid now. You take his hand, guiding him away to your office. When you're safely inside, you close the door.
"Ratchet, look at me."
His shaky gaze moves in your direction. Now that you're not in a populated area, he's calm.
"I promise you nothing is going to happen. I'm going to protect you. No one will hurt you, not again. This situation isn't ideal, but it's the only way I can help. We need to seem as normal as possible. "
He felt useless. Here he was, a warrior, scared.
You give him a little squeeze.
"All you have to do is shadow me, don't stray too far okay. Be vague with any questions that the staff might ask, and don't do anything to draw attention."
You would never think he'd be so obedient, but with his life on the line it's natural that he would be that way.
"I won't let anything happen to you."
You're confident in the words you say, and he's a bit shocked at how readily he believes it. Believe you. The last thing he thought he'd do was trust anymore humans.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
You flush at that, and the redness of your cheeks confuses him.
"Are you alright, your pulse has increased."
You shuffle back. "Y-Yeah I'm fine."
Shit, that caught you off guard. That was the first time he'd used your name.
"Let's get to work."
You don't want to give him a chance to read you again. He may be an alien, but he's not an idiot.
Shadowing you might help him understand more about the customs and behavior. What better way to blend in than to study from a close source.
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