wendyendi · 3 months
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nonenglishsongs · 5 months
Top 40 Tuesday - #1 in Croatia | Grše, Miach - Fantazija (Croatian)
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acebytaemin · 3 months
another diary entry post from me to me for me but like. i can’t tell you in words how good this is to me like yes exactly. 100% this is how every bang chan edit should look like
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 30 days
i rly wanna bully you abt embroidery and desolate destitute spinster shit but im being nice and saying welcome back with the song
You love me so much you can’t even bully me about my spinster life.
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silent-seductress · 7 months
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smegmafactory2024 · 1 month
Me this weekend
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dollvein · 8 months
Mimi mercedes i grše zajedno 🥴
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
granit and uhhhhhhhhh šime 😭
i was legit just thinking about šime earlier today 😭
@colorsofmyseason also asked me granit so i will answer š's here and then tag u in that one!
favorite thing about them: man, of everyone who's made an appearance on my favs list, he is absolutely the most mysterious, both because he is mysterious but also because he would rarely do an interview in a language i can understand (tyoma is monolingual but somehow very understandable anyway 😂). šime speaks spanish and english but would only really do interviews in croatian or italian i feel like. so i feel like i know so little about him! but of course: he has the absolute most beautiful footballer tattoos (that BUTTERFLY!!!), fantastic taste in music, and his sense of style--a little more alternative/edgy than other footballers. he's clearly a guy who did his own thing without seeking a lot of external validation, and it was fascinating how he comes across as very mysterious but very steady at once. he's also very uniquely beautiful--there is that "you can tell a lot about a person based on whether they think šime or dejan is hotter" concept 😂 and the whole tungelr knows where i stand on this, but, damn if šime's slutty pirate/širen self isn't captivating to stare at. i miss him SO much and think constantly about how he essentially gave his whole career to the 2018 world cup without realizing.
something else is how humble and normal he always came across. of course you can only know about these people what they put on social media, but back when he was active on there, he was never vacationing to dubai or ibiza or on some yacht--he'd go home to Zadar and repair old cars with a grungy tshirt tied around his head.
least favorite thing about them: that he knocked up some Instagram Hot Lady and got together with her! and disappeared off social media and is made of literal glass! promise i'm not showing favoritism--i don't think šejan had a dramatic and bad breakup, but i think science kind of proves that the breakup was driven by šime bc dej is persistent as fuck and clearly a very devoted long distance boyfriend 😂
favorite line: omg i can't remember the exact translation of it, but it was during the wc when he was like "you film me doing everything, you'd probably film me taking a piss" and dej was like "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" i mean, the šejan lajvs had a ton of classics that i could go back and find, but i'm contractually obligated to say that one
brOTP: ŠLUKA! i loved their drunk asses together at the Slutty Pirate Party in zadar after the wc
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there's a lotta good photos but obviously this one has širtless content so... I also feel like šime and domo would make a great brotp.
notp (switching these next two around): probs will piss off some section of gen z tumblr saying this kind of thing but...his girlfriend/fiancee/wife/whoever. just...Not feelin the vibe
otp: i mean...
to see šejan, two grown ass men, in hysterical giggles in their own private world, is something else entirely. those 2 really had something going on. they kind of had "read each other's minds and finish each other's sentences" vibes, except they were usually laughing too hard to even finish a sentence. at the same time, šime's calm, even energy was obviously so healthy for dejan's uh, in the words of Mo, stormy head. it breaks my heart that it is over.
(PLUS. when deki said šime should get his name tattooed on him on šime's pornographic workout livestream...)
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(i think all my other photos are on insta somewhere)
random headcanon: i don't think i have one? in mare liberum, i want to figure out the headcanon about how he uh...got Cursed to become...what he is (NO SPOILERS even though i think mare liberum only has one reader lol).
unpopular opinion: idk what would be unpopular? i think that like, his playing when he wasn't injured was super underrated.
song i associate with them: so these are songs i associate with him because i've seen him listening to them:
badr hari by grše | california love by dr dre/2pac | i'm still standing by elton john (LOL) | klinka by jala brat (the song in the background of the Pissing Video).
jgb edit of deixa a gira girar by os tincoãs because i listened to this on repeat while writing 5.VII lol. i think i wrote the entire bathroom porn scene in 1 sitting and i needed something awesome to power me through
and then also... song for the siren by this mortal coil | o meu amor marinheiro performed by carminho (this song makes me cRYYYYyyY...i think it played a big part in inspiring mare liberum)
favorite picture:
ok i know this seems like a copout because it doesn't have his face, but...there's something about it
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m66nchil6 · 1 year
grše mamma mia daily affirmations
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egos · 3 months
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I'm gonna beat his ass with a stick please let's get your some real music Alexa play forza by grše
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weekly-tea · 3 months
Što se u ove pol godine istaklo kao posebno.
Ajd da proanalizirano, lakše je sada kada ima manje podatka, nego na kraju godine haha.
Koji su mi favoriti.
Stavila sam plejati Eminema i vrtim zabilješkama da vidim šta oskače, što je i dalje u memoriji, a ne samo ''tjedni hit''. (14.6.)
Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez
20 dana u Mariupolju
An American Bombing: The Road to April
'' Deadliest Families'' i ''People Magazine Investigates''
Homicide: New York
The Truth vs. Alex Jones
Inside the Hunt for the Boston Bombers
LA 92
Sound of the police
Lover, Stalker, Killer
Ken and Barbie Killers: The Lost Murder Tapes
Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter
Justice, USA
Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal
Files of the Unexplained
What Jennifer Did
Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV
MoviePass, MovieCrash
Dokumentarci Alexandre Pelosi
Back to Black
Panic Room
''Gone girl'' i ''Girl on a train''
Paradise Lost trilogija
Rachel se udaje
Alison Espach - Bilješke o tvom iznenadnom nestanku
Knjige Angele Marsons - Slučajevi inspektorice Kim Stone
Matthew Perry - Prijatelji, ljubavnici i velika užasna stvar
Sharon Stone - Lijepo je živjeti dvaput
Jenn Granneman - Tajni životi introverta
Pamela Andrerson - S ljubavlju, Pamela
Britney Spears - Žena u meni
Senidah pjesme po fazama
Grše ft. Miach - Fantazija
Artemas - i like the way you kiss me
Luka Silni - Luka Silni
Miach feat. Baks & Peki - Dance
Hiljson Mandela x Biba - Ankaran
Biba - TOP
Tate McRae - exes
Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso
Sara Jo, Mimi Mercedez - Sandra Meljničenko
GOCA R.I.P. ft. Miach - Navike
Nela, Nika Turković - Mogu i sama
Jason Derulo & Michael Bublé - Spicy Margarita
James Hype ft. Kim Petras - Drums
Cassö x Raye x D Block Europe - Prada
Eminem - Houdini
Hippie Sabotage - Devil Eyes
Brak na prvu
High Hopes
The Roast of Tom Brady
Emma and Eddie: A Working Couple
The Ultimatum: South Africa
Natasha Lyonne serije: ''Poker Face'' i '' Russian doll''
Baby Reindeer
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oprostite-sto-disem · 4 years
Neko na terapiji neki su terapija
Grše - Glas ulice
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smegmafactory2024 · 1 month
Okay i think I stan Grše now
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dollvein · 11 months
i have a crush on him :/
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@fanficburner thanks for tagging me:
"make a playlist from the letters of your username" type in the letter into whatever music service
ohh this is a tricky one...
Lume, lume - maria tănase
Oy akşamlar - hülya süer
Nji lot - mc kresha/lyrical son (YEAHHHH)
Give me love - noizy
Es fügt sich - oswald von wolkenstein/andreas scholl (!!!)
Young lust - pink floyd
Explosion - kalwi & remi
Layah - way 45/salah (rafael leão's rap career lmaooo)
All in - noizy
Safaera - bad bunny & etc
Highlife - grše
Energie sombre - nekfeu
Dridhe (remix) - dj jack
The frozen few - orden ogan
Ray of light - madonna
About a girl - nirvana
Gnidjougouya - amadou & mariam
Emotional progress - kas:st
D'you know what i mean? - oasis
Yiki yassa - amadou & mariam
whoo that was long! tagged: YOU
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weekly-tea · 8 months
5.2. - 10.2.2024.
Alison Espach - Bilješke o tvom iznenadnom nestanku
Ne želim lijepiti ikakav link (recenziju) ili uopće guglati išta da si spojlam, jer uživam u čitanju. Duže nisam čitala neku knjigu koja nije (auto)biografija ili tzv self help; ali kad sam ju uočila u knjižnici - osjetila sam toliku energetsku povezanost koje se nisam mogla otarsiti.
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Lover, Stalker, Killer
Mislila sam da bu baah, ispalo je wow. Fascinantno.
Opet sam binđala ''Gone girl'' i ''Girl on a train''; jer mi to instant ide zajedno.
Zadnje sam ih u paketu gledala pred 22 mjeseca hah.
''Gone girl'' mi se sad pak puno više svidio, a prije je bilo obrnuto; sad mi je puno bolje sjeo, puno bolje sam ga razmijela. ''Girl on a train'' mi nije ovaj put bio neš, ali sam više išla pogledati da skužim tko je ubojica; 45 min prije kraja mi je sinulo i onda me kraj iznova razoružao.
Grše ft. Miach - Fantazija
Koji vajb. Super! The pjesma.
Ostale su tu za znamen:
James Hype ft. Kim Petras - Drums
Electra Elite - Bebe bebe
Cassö x Raye x D Block Europe - Prada
''Mali'' , a značajni dokumentarci, pravi true crime sa twistom; premda ne znam zašto je HBO izabrao ovih par filmova prilagoditi, a ima ih još masu iz te produkcije.
Gabby Petito
Caroline Crouch
Grace Millane
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