#grace is giggling
grace122 · 2 years
i want him to jitter click in my pus-
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willthespy · 5 months
It’s all fun and games until someone brings up the fact that the scene where Percy tells Nico about Bianca is paralleled to Apollo telling him about Jason. The fact that Nico knew what happened in both situations, but still asked just in case it was all a bad dream. Just in case he had a ‘normal’ mortal dream rather than a factual dream. Oh, and then he runs away in both scenes, leaving a literal trail of death behind (ironic)
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Redraw of this post.
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jonahmagnus · 10 months
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ellilyre · 1 month
Just imagine if the guys of the Iliad were yeeted in PJO universe
Odysseus is lowkey terrified of Percy but also he knows befriending Poseidon's son is definitely better than making him an enemy. So he's like "that's great Percy I'm proud of you 👍" but constantly keeps a distance of minimum 5m between them, safety measure. Leo once mentions dating Calypso and Ody immediately has a mental breakdown.
The constant beef between Achilles and Will because 1) Apollo 2) they both are healers and they would aggressively disagree on medecine techniques ("wtf would you use that for an arrow wound are you stupid" "shut up my boyfriend never died because of me")
Also Patroclus and Nico chilling under a tree like "are all blond men like that?" "no. Maybe it's just the blond demigods"
Put Agammenon and Clarisse in a room together and 15mn later he will come out crying
Helen gets kidnapped by cabin 10 and Menelaus has to wait outside. Beckendorf comes to him "girlfriend too pretty ?" "girlfriend too pretty" and they nod at each other in silence
Diomedes and Jason bond over common childhood traumas experiences ("I started combat training not long after my dad died when I was 4yo" "woah its about the same age I first met the pack of wolve who raised me")("just bc im the son of Zeus everyone expects me to be this flawless leader. But I don't even have the time to ask myself if I want that. "oh trust me I know how you feel")
Annabeth definitely becomes besties with Ody and Diomedes. They probably play 3 persons chess while talking about the shits they've all done for Athena
By the end of the day everyone agrees the gods suck and everything is always their fault
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chaicedtea · 3 months
I have a feeling all of Pete’s friends are gay.
Richie.. An anime shirt and blue hair? Really? Just say you like men and move on.
Grace.. I can just tell , it runs in the family. Also, her parents are lovely. 10/10, would have another threesome with them.
Steph.. She literally has the pansexual flag on her backpack, NEXT!
Max.. Now, he doesn’t hang out with Pete as much, but he does hang out with Richie and Pete together, and I’m just sayin’.. I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid liked men.
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huntingrays · 21 days
i rlly like this one short valgrace wip i’m working on cause like leo decides to introduce his bf to his friends and piper is suspicious of this man before ever even meeting him. so there’s no history between piper and jason and piper is judgmental af
and it’s just like
leo (smitten): his name is jason 🥰
piper (overprotective): what a dumb fucking name 🙄
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leo valdez and jason grace who are giggling and triumphing about how the no-two-people-alone-in-cabin rule doesn't apply for them and grinning as they both go into the zeus cabin then they play fucking jenga
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Jason not knowing how to act around Sally and Paul.
But he absolutely adores Estelle.
He holds her like she's something precious, all careful and firm.
The practiced polite smile melts into one of genuine awe and love.
The same smile he gives Percy.
Jason who nuzzles her head lightly and picking her like a pup when she misbehaves.
To Percy's amusement.
To which Jason picks him and Estelle watches babbling and giggling at her brothers plight.
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stressedanime · 1 month
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yall ever see smth and immediately have to make your own version,,,,, (original tweet under the cut)
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grace122 · 1 year
I’m tired of acting like Mr.beast isn’t fine asf. I’d suck the mustache of that mf if I was ever given a sliver of a chance. I swear anytime I bring it up ppl make stealing his money or sugar daddy jokes, but I would literally make him my sugar baby if he wanted I swear.
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nanomooselet · 8 months
My Brother's Keeper (VII)
Knives, despite it all, I do indeed pity you. You horrible creature. More than you might imagine anyone would dare.
I said some time ago that Knives has agency and Vash doesn't, and that the Eye of Michael's dogma demands sacrifice.
One lives. One dies.
When Knives tells Vash to leave humanity, it's at that very instant Vash realises the truth: that this isn't about the Plants versus humans. It was never about that, ever, and trying to dissuade Knives from continuing his descent by arguing from that premise isn't ever actually going to work.
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It's about how discovering Tesla broke them in two. It broke reality, cracked the singular unit they once believed themselves to be in half, and sent each half down forever-separate paths in both space and time.
Vash, through Rem, decided he could face the future. Even despite this discovery, how apathetically cruel the world is to the innocent, the future is always ours to shape as long as we live to choose. Rem showed him that through acknowledging and accepting responsibility for the pain of the past, even if once ignorant or complicit, one could learn and heal, and therefore work to be free of it. Not perfect. Never perfect. But still better.
Nai only saw potential pain. The fear of facing the world where it could be inflicted, and of those who'd done so, consumed him. He would erase both by returning to the past, the innocence and ignorance of having never learned the frightening truth. He'd thus build a paradise, an Eden, where no sin was committed and no sinner would set foot. He alone, in his own singular perfection, was fit both to assume this task and the power - and thus the right - to fulfil it.
Since when have we been so different?/Who are you? We've become so different I don't think I even know you anymore.
Vash begins to cry because he sees now that Nai… Nai is gone. Maybe he ran for too long, or maybe the Nai he thought he knew never existed. It doesn't matter anymore. There's nothing of his brother left to love in this monster before him, who's done everything that he's done and isn't sorry and wants to keep doing it by seizing control over Vash's own body. (Even though they look more like each other now than they have since they were kids, which still absolutely ruins me.) Vash grieves his brother, his brother's love and their togetherness in the past, but he finally knows for sure that they're gone, and he must define his own identity, and move beyond them.
His declaration that he'll always run isn't about running from humanity, anymore than Knives is truly fighting for the freedom of the Plants.
Seriously, Knives isn't fighting for the freedom of the Plants. He thinks he is, because he thinks that justifies controlling their bodies and consuming their power and benefiting from their suffering, but he's reversed cause and effect. He acts and so they suffer, but he believes their suffering is what motivates his actions and not his fear and his greed for the power to destroy whatever he fears. It's circular, and it's entirely self-centred.
It's the logic not of a liberator but of the entire system of oppression.
Knives's paradise, the home to which he's so desperate to return, no longer exists. It never will again. Not for him or for Vash or for the Plants. Knives himself broke it. Knives himself ripped it out of the heavens and plunged it into the earth, shattering it, so he could reshape the pieces into something that he alone controlled. Knives will always assume control, and he won't stop if you give what he says he wants, because he won't admit or even try to understand that it's not the truth.
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He wants to stop being scared and alone. He wants his brother to need him and never leave him. He wants his mother, but she's gone. (He killed her. Over and over and over again he kills her and she's still always gone and he hates her for always being gone. Why is she gone? Why didn't she stay? He asked. He gave her a choice.)
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(Yet in Vash's memories and in the people he loves, Rem's spirit lives on, and always will. She still loves him, her perfect boy, even still protects him, just as she promised she would. Did you guys know Vash's coat is bulletproof? Did you guys realise Vash literally still walks around kicking ass in the protective embrace of his mother? I actually had to take a minute, when I figured it out. It made me tear up.)
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I was rejected?
Let me back in! Take me back.
Knives wants to go home. To be a child again with Vash by his side. Innocent, together, in paradise. But once you've grown up, you can never really go home again. It's a fundamentally selfish desire to want everything to go back to being the same forever - what it means is that because it was good or kind for you specifically, everyone else has to conform whether it was good and kind to them or not. There's always danger in nostalgia even when it's not misplaced. It encourages destructive nihilism, malicious and ignorant apathy. If the best can only ever be behind us, there is no reason to try to go on.
Vash is not nostalgic. Vash will run, and run, and keep running. For a lifetime if he has to - and a Plant's lifetime is a long one. It's not that he hasn't made a choice, but that he'd already made it long ago: to be free of Knives, to live and to fight for independence from his brother's abusive care, and to find a way to unite humans and Plants, the purpose he's been eager and happy to serve since the day he found it. Rem's dream is one he longs to fulfil, and he finally knows he has the power, intelligence, resilience, strength and above all, the right to take up that task.
He's just acknowledged and accepted that it's not also his purpose to help his stupid brother, not if this is all he gets in response. Dismissed, ignored, insulted, his grief and compassion mocked; abused, put down, smothered, injured, rendered permanently disabled, scarred, violated, traumatised. Forced into the shape that Knives imagines he should be in, pieces cut away until he fits the image in his brother's head.
It's very sad that after all that Knives has done to him, Vash doesn't value his own life and wellbeing enough to care for himself as much as he cares for everyone else in the world. But it still beats Knives trying to do it for him. He's so bad at it.
In the past, on occasions such as this, when Vash demonstrated like... the capacity to sort of almost disagree, Knives would yell at him suddenly and loudly enough that Vash would freeze up in terror, and then Knives would do whatever he wanted regardless. My man isn't good at hearing the word "no". If yelling or insults failed, he'd do something physically violent. I've seen a lot of takes on how funny and/or gay it is that Vash's reaction to Wolfwood grabbing his lapels and threatening to torture him to death is... this.
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But understand that when Vash suggests an alternative that doesn't involve mass murder, his brother tends not to agree to it. Or stop at threats. Vash's arguments with Knives always make Vash sound a bit pathetic and dumb because Knives doesn't actually engage Vash - he shuts him down or insults him, telling him he's too weak and stupid to even speak. He has no respect at all for Vash's opinions, abilities, or as a person - honestly, I wouldn't treat an animal this way.
When someone finally respects your beliefs and abilities after they've been coldly or violently dismissed so many times, that's… how it feels.
Knives assumed that Vash had no powers so he was weak, and then when Vash did demonstrate powers, that Vash was weak because he was frightened of them. As usual, the trauma he's inflicted maybe being the problem never entered his mind; it's always Vash's fault. When Vash finally has both power and the will to assert control of it, he finally has the capacity and strength to enforce his refusal. And that leaves Knives finally exhausted of any means to break his will.
Except one. One final choice.
Vash is right: the plan has failed and this is over. Knives can never again have the power he desires, and what's more, Vash would rather be shot at for another hundred years than be together with his brother in paradise.
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In spite of everything Knives has done to destroy it, the independent identity of Vash the Stampede yet survives. And so.
One lives.
One dies.
Nai is dead.
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There's no turning back.
(The stars are falling down.)
And no one ever really goes home.
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If you want to tell me Stampede is a poor quality adaptation, it's not funny and it's shallow and Vash is a loser now and there's no Milly and they're just exploiting the property and if it just hadn't been called Trigun maybe... maybe...
Maybe! You're entitled to an opinion. I'm open to the discussion. I do always try to assume good faith.
However, I'm still probably not going to agree.
And I'm done. Now I need to lie down on the floor and cry over my beautiful disaster twins. Thank you very much for reading! I encourage you to be as insane in the tags as you feel moved to be, because I crave validation.
(Extreme Lesbianism for Meryl Stryfe: Coming Soon.)
(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)
(Part IV)
(Part V)
(Part VI)
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moliathh · 11 months
[alutegra/alucard x integra, hellsing]
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
ok but IF heroes of olympus goes to tv, then i am requiring there to be a scene when jason and percy are still "at odds" that goes like this:
percy and jason: *sizing each other up, not entirely trusting the other*
also percy: *still very much trying to get through the fuzz of his memories bc it's only been a while since he drank the gorgon blood*
annabeth, wanting the weird power dynamic to stop but also wanting to help percy's memory fuzz: hey i have an idea
annabeth: let's sing a song
leo, piper, frank, and hazel: what
jason: what
percy: wise girl why
annabeth, the beginnings of a shit-eating grin appearing on her face: we're going to sing a song, perseus
percy, already suspicious: annabeth...
annabeth, beginning to clap: oh golly, the road's gettin' bumpy 'cause i got me some friends who just can't get along
percy: annabeth please for the love of the gods
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sophsun1 · 7 months
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Gale Harold as Jackson Braddock | Desperate Housewives
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ohumokay · 1 month
Heyyy guys...
I was rereading the description for Wrath of the Triple Goddess and it said something about old and new friends...
Jason Grace cameo???
Edit: I'm saying this because this part of PJO takes place before TOA. Unfortunately, I'm not suggesting resurrection (tho I have many characters that I would love coming back), just an appearance set before his death 😿
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chaicedtea · 3 months
Jesus christ.
Remind me to never go to church, especially if people like Grace Chasity will be there. She gives me a headache.
..No offense to Karen and Mark. But right now, their daughter makes me want to.. I don’t know, leave. Just.. leave. Where to? I don’t know.
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