#grand slam thank you mam
mylesficfavs · 2 years
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pairing: 90s!liam gallagher x fem!tennis player!oc
summary: in which they probably shouldn't have ever been a thing, but liam and lottie don't really care that much
word count: 2.19k
warnings: swearing, allusions to sexual content, fade to black smut bc it makes me uncomfy sorryy ++ links to the 'fern and noel' saga
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he didn't know how it ended up the way it did, but fuck was he happy about it.
when they were younger he would stand on the side of the court behind a net at the tennis centre twenty minutes away from burnage on the train for her county matches. now he sat in guest boxes and spent time not rehearsing and recording plane hopping from open to open, tournament to tournament watching the way her agile feet jumped along the clay staining the soles of her white tennis shoes red.
she acted in turn thought and for that liam was thankful. watching her launch the ball from serve to return over the net was exhausting, but he knew the training and flying to catch the occasional gig was worse and he didn't know how she did it: give a blinder of a performance at the wimbledon grand slam finals and then land in lisbon to see him perform after her hours of press campaigns.
in liam's eyes, lottie could do no wrong; she was perfect in every sense of the word back when they'd started dating in secondary school. she'd offered to help him to pass his ppe's at the pleasure of his mam, she didn't smoke or do drugs at house parties, wouldn't touch a drop of alcohol until she was of legal age and even still it was rare enough to see her do it.
training took up every week night as well as all day saturday, she worked at the bar at the boardwalk in the evening (ironically she was a dab hand at making a blinder of a cocktail) and dedicated sunday to her homework followed by perfecting her serve stance and follow through.
lottie had everything going for her, something that she made clear she wished he had too. many a time she'd be sat with liam late at night, after her shift at the boardwalk, in the middle of the grassy patch in the children's play ground. "someone'll notice you eventually, i know they will. everyone who's seen you loves you."
liam pulled a handful of grass up with his hands out of frustration, a half burnt out cigarette hung between his lips that she couldn't keep her eyes off. "dicks aren't writing about us, though. no-one south of hale or north of oldham knows who we are."
three weeks later, liam had interrupted her training session. he cut off her backhanded serve and pulled her shoulders to him to kiss her soundly as lottie's tennis instructor yelled at him to leave. liam pulled away, grinning brighter than she'd ever seen him, "we've got a record deal, lotts. creation want to work with us, they've signed us!"
a grin split her cheeks right in two. lottie flung her arms around his neck, stood right on the tips of her toes to keep a balance her instructor would have been proud of had he seen it out into action in another other given situation. he blew sharply on the brass whistle hanging on a loop around his neck, hands on his hips as he glared lottie down. she withdrew and whispered a select congratulations in his ear and pushed liam away towards the gate he'd bulldozed through, with a kiss to the pulse point on his neck
lottie was training for the french open when she was called over to the reception desk, hot and sweaty with her hair stuck to the back of her neck, to take a phone call. "hello?" she questioned down the line, rolling her ankles so she could jog back to the clay courts and hit the ground running. she nearly lost her grip on her racquet, slipping through her fingers to collide with her trainers, when liam laughed down the line. "hey lotts, you wouldn't mind paying out my bail would ya love?"
"i thought you were going to belgium," she managed to splutter out, "what did you do to get arrested on a ferry?"
"bit of a long story, babe, but can you pay it?"
she sighed and pinched her nose. "fine, yes. but seriously, liam, this is the last time i'm going to do it. if i find out this has anything to do with you snorting one before boarding you'll be out of my flat and onto your arse faster than you can blink."
on the other end of the line, standing against a pay-phone in a belgian police station, liam adjusted has stance against the pillar. he sat down on one of the wooden slated benches lining the concrete walls and tried to cover his crotch. he chewed his lip in thought, laughing fakely at something bonehead shouted, and his voice turned sombre. "it's not. promise. just had too much to drink an' all that, having a bit of fun before r'kid turns into commander and fuckin' chief."
he heard her heavy sigh and his heart sank. liam had no doubt in his mind that he would be out on the end of astrid's boot in a second if he didn't clean up his act. "i mean it, li. one whiff of cocaine being found in my house and the confederation won't let me compete. i'll phone alan and tell him i'm paying out your bail. you can call me when you get back." lottie hung up on him and handed the receiver back to honey, who was sat behind the desk and messing with the crucifix around her neck pretending like she hadn't overheard any of the conversation.
out on the courts and with little under two months until her first match of the french open, lottie bounced from service to base line, firing fuzzy balls back to over the net while the red clay stained the hem of her whites. she scratched her racquet more times than was necessary to lunge for the ball, while shooting up and zipping around the boxes as she worked harder against the machine.
sometimes during their rigorous training jamie, her coach of seven years, would start loud shouting conversations while lottie was working her arms and thighs. he argued it helped her maintain good breathing regulation and improved concentration, because viewers in the stands could be distracting at the best of times. "so what's new with the rock star, then?"
she grunted as she sent another ball flying over the net and into the wire fence surrounding the court, skidding on her toes in pursuit of the next only an arm's stretch away, "nothing. the twat's only gone and got himself arrested because he got pissed on an over night ferry. 'this is the last time, babe, i promise'", she mimicked in a high pitched voice, "like hell it is."
"ah." jamie ran a finger over the hair he was trying to grow out on top of his lip, "has the brother been in touch yet?" a cold wind shot through the air and he pulled up the zip of his tracksuit closer to his neck. lottie's back flared up in goosebumps but she kept moving, running around the court and rounding up the balls to pour them back into the funnel of the dispensing machine. "no, but i'm expecting a call soon. when one phones the other usually follows suit."
astrid pounded at the treadmill in the gym of her hotel in paris, five minutes away from the large clay court stadium she'd thrashed each of her opponents on. she'd played her way to the final three days and came away relatively unscathed, apart from a strain in her serving wrist that a quick round of physio patched back up. lindsay, an american who was in the running for the doubles championship, was using a bike next to her.
between the two of them they shared an earbud each, stemming from a cassette player settled on the window sill and balancing in the middle of their sponsored water bottles. all of a sudden liam's voice crackled through her ear, and lottie shook her head as she cranked up the incline under foot. lindsay looked at her out of the corner of her eye, cycling as if her life depended on it. "not a fan?" she inquired, bringing down the gears to loosen the tension burning in her calves.
"it's not that," she panted, pushing through the blister forming on her heel, "i just can't believe you are. they're bastards, all of them."
lindsay gradually brought her legs to a stop, taking a moment to bring down her breathing before swinging over the seat to stand up, "i thought you were going out with one of the brothers."
"oh, i am," the incline increased again, "but it doesn't mean i can't call them that." lottie brought the treadmill down until she was walking on a flat line, and took a large sip of water. she looked at her watch and checked the pedometer hooked over her shorts by her hip and started to gather her things. lindsay moved to grab a skipping rope and stretched out her arms behind her back.
"and speaking of whom, i'm off. they should be here by now, good luck for tomorrow if i don't see you."
"and you, lotts. i've heard martínez is training hard, she won't give you an easy run."
lottie zipped her fitted jacket halfway up and tucked her thumbs into the loops around her wrists. "i know. see you on the podium." she left the gym with the two plaits her hair had been tied in laying over her shoulders. in the lift, lottie brushed her eyebrows back into place and checked her watch again, sidestepping a confederation official on the way out into the lobby.
she rocked back and forth on her heels near enough away from the reception desk so as not to look like she was loitering, but close enough to be saved if there were any photographers crouched in a bush with a long-range lens.
as lottie was attempting to push back a cuticle on her nail, she heard liam first rather than seeing him. his loud voice disrupted the peace of the hotel, earning him a disapproving glance from the bellboys and an even dirtier look from noel who was sulking behind, face like thunder.
liam sauntered into the lobby with his sports bag slung lazily over his shoulder, and his eyes were drawn to the dip of lottie's tits first before her smile. she wrapped her arms around him and sighed heavily in content, taking his congratulations on her progress in the open to heart. then she drew away and went to hug noel, who visibly recoiled.
"what's up with you?"
"nowt." he grumbled, shuffling around with room keys.
liam scoffed. "like fuck it's nowt. you're just in a mard because fern broke up with ye'." noel looked like he was ready to hit his brother square on the nose, but was restraining greatly. lottie tried not to sound too sympathetic when she consoled him.
"look i don' want to fuckin' hear it from you either, lotts, no offence. now is there an offie 'round here, i'm dying for a cig and i haven't got nowt."
lottie furrowed her brow in thought and tried to ignore liam looking at her out of the corner of her eye as if he wanted to jump on her right there and then in the glossy lobby.
she crossed her arms under her chest to push up her tits more, just to wind him up. liam discreetly adjusted the way he was standing. "err, yeah. i think there's one just down the road."
noel had sped away before he could even ask someone to take his bag up to his room. liam grumbled out 'lazy cunt' as he made a show of hauling it over his other shoulder, herding lottie into the lift with a hand over her chest.
as soon as the mirrored doors slid shut and they felt movement, liam was attacking lottie with a kiss so searing she felt breathless within seconds.
"missed you so fuckin' much," he mumbled, moving to ravage her neck.
when the lift doors slid open again she dragged him back to her room with her hands on the back of his neck, pushing noel's bag off is shoulder and leaving it abandoned outside his room. liam's hands were roaming over her arse and he withdrew the room key from her back pocket, scanning it before shoving her inside.
"all that time away from you was fuckin' torture," he groaned as her nails dragged down his stomach and traced the low-hanging waistline of his jeans, "need you now, babe." he sighed against her chest as lottie slowly unbuckled his belt, his hand weakly climbing her torso to palm at her tits through her tight jacket.
lottie smirked, "if being this far away from me turns you into this much of a mess, liam," at this she walked him over to her bed to sink down between his legs, following the seam of his jeans up his thighs and to his exposed boxers, "i'm going to have to get competing more often."
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
Crash Course Love
In between classes (which I’m still doing online with my lovely 7th graders, no sarcasm), here’s another chapter of these two fools. And it’s looooong!
As always, infinite thanks to @anna-swims​ and @lcbeauchampoftarth​ for being awesome betas.
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AO3 :: Previously
9: Lallybroch [Jamie]
“We’re here,” I said, glancing through the Jeep’s windshield.
“Oh, wow. I didn’t think the ride would feel so… short,” Claire said, peering up at the house. It was kind of intimidating, I supposed; a giant stone manor in the middle of rolling fields. Like something out of a fairytale.
Except the wolves were waiting inside, ready to pounce on us.
“Are ye nervous?”
“A little. I’ll be fine.” She turned to me and gave me a smile, shouldering her black purse. I smiled back and ducked out of the Jeep to open her door. Claire climbed out, stepping carefully. “Wait! The flowers!” She turned to the backseat door and pulled out yellow lilies wrapped in butcher paper and tied with a silver ribbon. Slamming the door behind us, we walked up the steps to the door.
I wondered if we should hold hands to make it seem more realistic. When I’d picked her up at her flat—my eyes darting around like mad in case Annalise appeared—and I saw her dressed up, I’d wanted to reach out and take her hand immediately.
We had driven over in comfortable silence. Claire had mentioned she didn’t know what to expect from lunch, so she’d had a small breakfast—more Weetabix. I laughed when I thought of the amount of food Mam always cooked. She commented occasionally on the songs from my Spotify playlists, and we kept up an easy conversation.
My hand was halfway to the doorknob when my mother appeared, and immediately engulfed Claire in a hug. I stood there like an idiot while my mam practically suffocated her; all I could see of Claire was her bewildered expression over my mother’s shoulder.
“Um, hello?” Claire managed.
“Oh, Christ, I’m so happy to meet ye, Claire! Ye are Claire, aren’t ye? Oh, do come in, ye must be freezin’! Can I take yer coat? What’s this?” My mother interrupted her gushing welcome as Claire tried to press the flowers into her hand.
“Aye, Mam, good to see ye too,” I grumbled, leaning in to kiss her cheek. Completely ignoring me, she patted my back and turned to Claire once more.
“They’re just flowers, you know, as a thank you for the invitation,” Claire stammered, blushing. She gestured with her hands as she spoke, clearly nervous. “Sorry I didn’t bring a vase.” My mother hugged her again tightly.
“They’re beautiful! Ye shouldn’t have!” Mam sniffed the lush blooms and ushered us further into the house. I trailed behind them, all but forgotten. I took off my own coat and followed them into the living room.
Mam was introducing Claire to my Da, William, and Jenny. My siblings, in turn, presented each of their partners. Jenny lost it completely and practically hurled herself at Claire in a vise-like hug. Claire couldn’t seem to lose the bewildered expression when confronted with the whole Fraser clan at once.
“Jenny, let the poor lass breathe,” I called out. I gave my Da a one-armed hug and clapped William and Ian on the back. I gave Jenny a gentle shove to get her to release Claire, which she returned twice as hard. “Ifrinn, Janet, that could bruise!”
“Jamie, language!” Mam warned. She led Claire over to Mary, who gave her a peck on the cheek and a warm smile. Jenny glanced over at me and gave me a discreet thumbs-up. I rolled my eyes at her approval.
“Where are the children, Jenny?” I missed the sounds of my rambunctious niece and nephew.
“Oh, off with Ian’s parents this weekend. Give us a bit of a break, ye ken.”
“When’s lunch then, Mam?” William asked.
“Will ye leave anything for the rest of us, Willie?” Ian joked, leading Jenny into the dining room. They both traded quips and insults while everyone made their way to the table.
“Here, Claire, sit next to Jamie.” Mam pointed out her seat and raised her eyebrows at me. I immediately stood behind the chair and held it out for Claire. She sat with a soft murmur of thanks. Da took his seat at the head of the table and winked at Claire, who smiled back and seemed more at ease.
“I’ll just bring the dishes in,” Mam called over her shoulder as she walked to the kitchen.
“Can I help with anything?” Claire asked, half-rising from her chair. Jenny and I both reached out to stop her.
“Nah. This is my mam’s thing. She doesna like for people to interfere with her cookin’. Even if it’s just servin’ it,” I said, while William nodded in agreement and stuffed a roll into his mouth.
“Really?” Claire looked around the table. Da leaned over to explain about Mam’s love affair with cooking, engaging her in conversation.
Mam came in with multiple dishes and trays, all laden with meat, chicken, salad, fresh bread, ham, and vegetables. It was all artfully arranged, in true accordance with her Cordon Bleu education.
Everyone dove in, while Claire watched in horrified fascination as food was served. I reached for her plate when she showed no inclination to dig in herself; she regarded me gratefully when I got her a bit of everything, unsure of what she’d like.
There was no silence at the table. Forks and knives clattered on dishes and conversations sprang all around. Mam gave Claire the third degree about her life; she tried to answer as politely as possible around a mouthful of food. Da insisted Claire call him Brian and asked about her flower shop, being somewhat of an amateur gardener himself.
Finally, after everyone had eaten their fill (and then some), my mother moved in for the kill. “So, Claire, how did ye and Jamie meet?”
Claire looked at me, and I nearly choked on the last bite of carrots. “Um, well…”
“It was at a coffee shop. She spilled her drink on me and offered to buy me another.”
“Yes, that’s it. And then we got to talking and exchanged numbers—”
“I asked her out and she said yes, that was a few weeks ago, and now here we are!” I added hastily.
My mother seemed on the verge of spilling joyful tears and Da positively beamed. Claire squeezed my hand under the table while we regrouped.
“Mrs. Fraser, everything was delicious. Could I help you clear up, make some tea or coffee?”
“Dear, please call me Ellen. And no, ye may not make the coffee, ye are our guest! Let's leave the dishes to the men, shall we? Ladies, care to join me in the living room?”
“Should I be worried, do you think?” Claire asked as she looked at my mother and the women.
“I think I’m the one who should worry,” I muttered, as Jenny and Mary pulled Claire away from me. Next thing I knew, Mam would pull out old photo albums of me with braces or as a toddler in the bath.
I was dragged into the kitchen to help wash up. The rule was, since Mam cooked, the rest of us had clean-up duty. Seemed only fair—except my mother used a ridiculous amount of kitchenware and appliances which had to be left spotless again. I kept my hands busy scrubbing away, until William sidled up to me.
“Sawney, a brathair,” Willie said, using my old nickname and clapping me hard on the shoulder. I jerked and he laughed, mussing up my hair.
“Stop it, ye eejit, I’ll break something,” I growled, spraying him with water.
“Well, I can certainly see what ye saw in Claire, she’s lovely,” Da commented, setting empty glasses next to me. I felt a twinge of guilt.
“Aye, Jamie, she’s grand,” Ian agreed, leaning against the kitchen island. “Ye look good together. Ye have a real connection.” I couldn’t tell from his tone if Jenny had appraised him of the truth.
“Have ye slept with her yet?” Willie asked.
I dropped the glass I was rinsing and it bounced in the sink with a clatter. I turned to gape at William, who was grinning.
“Willie, that is none of yer business!” Da chided, glaring at his firstborn.
“Arsehole,” I mumbled under my breath. Ian cleared his throat behind me.
“We understand if ye dinna want to tell us, it’s yer private life and—”
“I’m not telling ye anything about my sex life, aye?” I finally said, chucking the scrubbing sponge at Willie’s head. “And you!” I turned to Ian. “We could hear ye and Jenny in yer room at Christmas last year, and man, for Christ’s sake, it’s my own sister!”
They both had the good grace to look abashed for a moment, before offering apologies and heading back to the dining room for more dirty dishes. Da frowned, but said nothing.
I fetched the sponge from the floor and got back to scrubbing a frying pan before he spoke up.
“So Jamie, lad, are ye being safe?”
- - -
In the living room, Claire was perched on the big couch, with a photo album on her lap.
“Jamie, these pictures are amazing. Your mum has saved all these memories of you,” she commented, obviously delighted with the albums. Fortunately, Mam had updated the technology and newer photographs were stored in ‘the cloud’.
“Aye, she keeps one for each of us, full of birthdays, Christmases, all of it,” I said, casually claiming the space next to her. Claire bit her lip for a moment, misty-eyed. Having lost her parents so young, I didn’t imagine she had much in the way of photographs. A peek at her expression confirmed it. I touched her hand lightly in sympathy and she smiled.
“You’re lucky, you know. To have all of this. Your parents, your brother and sister.”
“I do know. They seem to really like ye, too.”
I realized that my family had left the room, and there was only Claire and me, our hands touching on our laps. I turned to look at her, and I could catch her scent—something like growing green things and jasmine. That strange spark from the coffee shop surfaced again, vibrating in the empty room, and I felt the urge to lean in and kiss her like I had almost done before. I was drowning in her amber eyes and they seemed to get closer and closer…
“Oi, it’s snowing!” William called out suddenly, and Claire and I sprang apart in shock.
The family all crowded around the windows in the living room, watching fat flakes fall in a white flurry.
“Well, the roads will be impassable,” Da said with a frown.
“There’s a snow storm headed this way, according to BBC,” Ian commented, scrolling on his mobile.
“Och, weel, ye’ll just have to spend the night here,” Mam said briskly. “Ye can sleep in yer old rooms.”
Ifrinn! Share a room with Claire? My parents would expect that? A hint of panic welled in my chest.
“Oh, Mrs. Fraser,” Claire began, glancing at me with worry in her eyes, “I can take the couch right here. If you have a few spare blankets—”
“It’s Ellen, dear, and please, dinna be silly! We’re all adults here. Ye can sleep wi’ Jamie in his own room.”
- - -
A/N: Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there! Thank you for your likes, reblogs, and comments - they mean the world. <3
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bee-kathony · 6 years
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Fraser Memorial | Ch. 5 “Boss’s Boss”
Thank you @sassenachwaffles for being my beta for this chapter! 
Ch. 1 - Sutures | Ch. 2 - Maybe This Time | Ch. 3 - Movie Date | Ch. 4 - Two Pink Lines 
The car door slammed shut behind me, and I jumped, only making Jamie laugh. I was quite nervous to be meeting his father, considering he was my boss’s boss. The owner of the hospital.
“Sassenach, my parents, they’ll love ye. There’s no need to worry.” Jamie slid his hand in mine, giving it a tight squeeze as we walked towards the door of his childhood home, Lallybroch.
“But what if I make a fool of myself?” I asked with a shrug of my shoulders.
“Ye won’t.” Jamie smirked, “Besides, tis no my father ye have to impress. It’s my sister, Jenny.” He smiled, and then opened the door. No turning back now, Beauchamp.
Lallybroch was decorated for the autumn season accordingly, with vases of golden flowers, small pumpkins covering the surface of every table, and a roaring fire to make the scene complete. “It’s so… cozy,” I remarked, and couldn’t help but smile at the inviting feeling I already had.
“It’s a bonny home to be sure,” Jamie said. I was just about to say something about all the family pictures on the wall when I was interrupted by a dark brown haired woman, who looked about eight months pregnant.
“Mo bhràthair, tha e math a bhith gad fhaicinn,” she said, embracing Jamie in an awkward angled hug.
“Piuthar, ciamar a tha thu?” Jamie replied, and I smiled watching the Fraser siblings slip so naturally into their natural tongue.
Jamie slipped his arm around my waist, and that made me refocus my attention on the small woman before me. “And this… is Claire Beauchamp,” Jamie beamed proudly.
“Hi, you must be Jenny?” I smiled, offering my hand. “It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
I let out a small sigh of relief as Jenny took my hand, and wrapped it with her other one, squeezing it gently. “Jamie’s told me a lot about ye, Claire. And I’ve been wantin’ to thank ye for helpin’ out my daft brother when young Jamie got the chickenpox.” She threw an annoyed look over at Jamie.
“Twas no me that gave him the pox, Janet and ye ken it well,” Jamie defended himself.
Jenny laughed, releasing my hand, “Come on, Mam’s waiting for us in the kitchen. Ye two are late.”
I looked nervously at Jamie, “I told you to speed up, now we’re late.”
“They’re family, Sassenach. Quick to forgive.” He kissed my temple, placing one hand on the small of my back as they joined the rest of his family in the kitchen.
“H-uile duine!” Jamie said, and the room broke into shouts of joy. The scene of Jamie hugging his parents reminded me of the prodigal son, returning home after so long.
“Everyone,” Jamie pulled Claire to his side, and the room fell silent. “I’d like ye to meet my girlfriend, Claire Beauchamp… a resident at Fraser Memorial.”
“Ah, the famous Claire,” said Jamie’s mother, Ellen who was standing by the over with mitts on both her hands. “Tis lovely to meet ye at last.”
Brian Fraser stepped around the table, offering me his hand, “If yer half the woman Jamie says ye are, then it’s an honor to meet ye, Claire.” He bowed his head and place a kiss on my hand.
I couldn’t help but blush, it seems all the Fraser men have a natural charm, and suddenly I wanted to talk with Ellen to find out more about her time dating a Fraser. “Thank you for having me in your home, Mr Fraser. It’s so beautiful.” I smiled.
“Och, call me Brian, lass. Everyone calls me Mr. Fraser at work, and this is home.” He admitted as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a small pat.
Jamie squeezed my side, and I looked up to see him beaming down at me. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Told ye they would love ye, Sassenach.”
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around to see the man, Ian, that had first brought Jamie to the hospital. “Claire! Fancy seein’ ye here,” he smirked, looking up at Jamie. “The lad hasna stopped talkin’ about ye since I brought him in to the hospital.” Ian smiled, pushing his hand against Jamie’s arm. I took note that they were very close, and thought perhaps they had known each other for a very long time. 
We took our places at the dinner table, and my mouth started to drool at the sight of the delicious food that Ellen kept bringing to the table. Jamie told me his mother always made home cooked meals — this was very different to my upbringing with my Uncle Lamb. We’d always eaten fast food, or whatever local cuisine was available in whatever country Lamb had been exploring on his archeological digs.
I felt at ease around the table with the Fraser’s and Murray’s, like somehow I already belonged.
“So Claire, tell me,” Brian took a sip of whisky, “From someone on the inside… how’s life at the hospital?”
I brushed a loose curl out of my face, “Well, I’ve only ever worked at two hospitals, yours, and then one in Oxford. But I must say,” I smiled, “Fraser Memorial is by far the best. I always love going to work everyday.”
Brian winked at me, and I had to stop myself from laughing — it seems that Jamie did not inherit his winking abilities from his father.
“Good to hear, lass. And ye ken, it’s no long now until it’s Jamie’s turn to run things.” Brian smiled over at Jamie, and I felt him tense beside me. On the drive over, Jamie and told me how his father was thinking about stepping down and handing off the responsibility to him. He had expressed his fears of not being prepared for the job.
As Brian spoke however, I could easily picture Jamie stepping up and taking over the responsibilities at the hospital.
“That’s enough talk about work now,” Ellen clapped her hands gently. “Who wants some freshly baked cookies?”
I sat on the couch, my feet propped up on Jamie’s lap and sighed, content. My belly was full of cookies and my skin was warm from the fire. Jamie tapped his fingers gently on my ankles and all I wanted to do was sink down into the pillows.
“Do ye want to sleep here tonight, Sassenach?” Jamie asked, and I blinked a few times and he repeated his question.
“We could stay in my old room, I ken it’s a bit of a drive back to the city. And ye dinna have work tomorrow, right?” He asked.
I was very aware of how he had said ‘we’, and staying in his old room. We had kissed — many times — but we hadn’t slept together yet. Not that I was suddenly expecting Jamie to make love to me for the first time in his family home. But I wouldn’t say no…
Rubbing my the backs of my hands lazily across my eyes, I smiled, “Sure. That sounds nice actually.”
“Grand,” he smiled, and raised my feet off his lap to stand up. “I’ll go see if Jenny has any clothes for ye to sleep in. My room is upstairs, and the last one on the right of the hallway.”
“I’ll meet you there,” I watched him head off to find Jenny somewhere in the house and then stood up. Grabbing my bag from the floor, I marched upstairs in search of Jamie’s room. There were so many doors, and I feared walking in on Brian and Ellen asleep in their room.
I walked slowly, counting the doors as I passed by. Just as I reached the last door on the right, a hand came from behind me and pressed on the door. “How slow did ye walk, Sassenach?” Jamie smirked, and then ushered me into the room.
“Here’s some of Jenny’s sleep clothes. She said ye can keep them if ye want, after her pregnancies she hasna been able to fit back into them.” Jamie laid out a matching silk pajama set.  
I walked over to the bed, and held up the black camisole, “Jenny gave me silk sleeping pajamas…” I lifted a brow, “What exactly does she think we’ll be doing in here?”
Jamie laughed loudly, pressing his hand over his mouth. “Christ, I dinna want to think that my sister gave ye those clothes to get me laid.”
“If I was going to sleep with you Jamie Fraser,” I dropped the pajamas to the bed, and walked to stand in front of him, “I wouldn’t bother with any clothes.”
I felt a sense of pride as I watched Jamie’s jaw almost hit the floor. “You’re drooling, Fraser.”
“How can I no when the most beautiful woman in the world says somethin’ like that?” He stepped forward, sliding his hands around my hips.
“Claire…” he kissed me gently, “I would verra much like to-“
I silenced him with a kiss, then took a step back, reached for the hem of my dress, and pulled it over my head.
“Tha mi ‘n dùil sgàin mo chridhe,” Jamie whispered, closing the space between us.
Present Day
Jamie and I held hands as we waited to go into our first ultrasound. I had been so nervous the past few weeks, just hoping that everything would be alright. Especially considering how long we tried to get pregnant and the failed attempts.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fraser?” A woman walked out, and motioned for us to come into the back. I would have thought I wouldn’t feel nervous at a doctor’s office, considering my profession, but this wasn’t professional… this was personal.
“Do you know about how far along you are, Mrs Fraser?” The doctor asked as I laid back on the chair.
“Well, I think about 11 weeks, but I’m not entirely sure.” I smiled. The doctor rolled up my shirt, and squirted the cold jelly onto my stomach.
“Sorry it’s so cold,” she smiled. I reached for Jamie’s hand as we looked at the screen. “So it’s a little soon to tell the gender of the baby, but I would put you at roughly 12 weeks Mrs Fraser.”
Jamie squeezed my hand, “And everything looks as it should be?”
The doctor nodded, “Oh yes. Everything looks perfectly normal, and oh -“ she stopped moving the transducer and took a closer look at the screen. “I’ve got two heartbeats here.”
“Two heartbeats?” Jamie said, “So that’ll be the bairn and Claire?”
The doctor turned to us, and smiled, “You’re carrying twins Mrs Fraser.”
My mouth opened, but no words escaped. I looked up at Jamie, and saw tears in his eyes.
“Taing Dhia!” He kissed me, and I felt my own tears fall down my cheeks. “Blessed with two bairns.”
“Twins…” I whispered, and looked up at the monitor. “I never thought I would be able to have a baby, let alone twins.”
“Well congratulations,” the doctor smiled warmly, then began to wipe off the gel.
“Jamie, can you believe it?” I hugged him when we stepped out of the doctor’s office.
He held me tightly, “I’m so happy, Sassenach. I didna know I could ever feel this much joy.”
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ,” I sighed against his chest, “Two newborn babies… at the same time.”
“Tis a good thing we have Jenny to help us,” Jamie smirked, and kissed me.
“Thank God for Jenny Fraser,” I laughed and leaned into Jamie once again. I slid my hand over my belly and Jamie covered it with his. We weren’t a family of three anymore… now we were a growing family of four.
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I just wanted to belong
A/N: Happy Angst Appreciation Day round three, it’s a day late, but life happens. Reader is Dean’s 17 year old daughter who has a twin brother named Robby.
Word Count: 3486
Warnings: Angst, character death
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You stood at the counter of the diner trying to decide if you should go back to the booth where your father, uncle, and twin brother sat, or if you’d have a better time alone at the counter. You’d gone up to ask for more napkins to clean up a spill that Robby, your twin had made. However glancing back you saw that they had waved down the waitress who your dad and brother were both flirting with.
With the roll of your eyes you took a seat at the counter; knowing you’d actually enjoy your meal if you weren’t near your father or brother.
You loved them both dearly and at one point your entire family was so close knit that your absence would have been noticed right away. However as you grew older the bond you shared with your twin and father began to disappear and once you started going on hunts with your dad and uncle, it all but vanished.
At first you told yourself that you were overreacting; that your father was just constantly worried about you, but as time went on you saw how close Robby and your dad still were, yet you remained on the outside.
It was something that your dad and brother both seemed oblivious to. Whenever you’d try to involve yourself in what they were doing they would send you away with some excuse as to why you couldn’t participate with them and soon you just stopped asking.
This never seemed to impact them, but it sure effected you.
Your father and Robby might not have seen what they were doing, but your Uncle Sam did. At first he tried to stick up for you, pointing out to Dean all the times it seemed that Robby and him would purposefully leave you out. Dean would deny it and after countless arguments with no change Sam stopped trying. Instead he became the figure in your life you so desperately wanted.
Still, there were times that Sam got sucked into whatever fun Robby and your dad were having; leaving you to be the outsider in your family once more.
It was a role you learned to accept and gave up hope that it’d change.
You were just finishing up your grilled cheese when you felt a presence behind you.
“What’s up squirt?” Robby asked as he plopped down next to you.
You rolled your eyes at his antics, “I was enjoying my lunch before you decided to interrupt.”
“You love me.” Robby replied.
“Riiight.” You quirked before taking a bite off of a french fry.
Robby grabbed a fry off of your plate, placing it in his mouth he asked you, “Whatcha doing over here?”
“Avoiding you.” You said with a sly smile.
Robby let out a scoff and lightly pushed your shoulder, his mannerisms matched your fathers so much it was scary.
“For real, why you over here by yourself? Thought you were just grabbing some napkins then comin’ back. What’s up with that?” He questioned, looking at you with the same eyes as your father.
You shrugged your shoulders, “You guys seemed to be having a grand time without me so I figured I’d get some me time.”
Robby rolled his eyes at your words, “You throwing yourself another pity party?”
“It’s not a pity party if it’s true.” You quickly replied.
“It’s not true, how’re we supposed to hang around you if you walk away all the time?” He questioned.
“Why would I wanna hang around if I’m just gonna be ignored the entire time?” You responded.
Robby let out a groan, “Will you stop with that crap? We don’t ignore you.” You simply scoffed in return, “Come on squirt, I miss hangin’ out with you. What’s the point of having a twin if they’re never around?”
“I’m not a squirt.” You stated.
“But you do miss hangin’ out with me? Don’t ya?” Robby prodded.
Rolling your eyes you glared at your brother, “Maybe.”
“Ha you do, just admit it.” Robby told you.
“And if I confess what do I get?” You bartered.
“You, my wonderful sister, will get to hangout and watch movies with me tonight.” Robby replied.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a reward.” You joked.
Robby lightly elbowed you, “I’m serious. I miss hangin’ out.”
You let out a groan, “Fiiiine, tonight we can watch movies.”
“Awesome, now, let’s go.” Robby said.
“Don’t we have to pay?” You pointed out.
“Na, Dad paid for us already.” Robby told you.
“Mine too?” You questioned.
“Uhh, I think so?” Robby answered, but it was more of a question.
Letting out a sigh you looked over at the waitress who had been helping you, “Excuse me, mam? Did my dad pay for my food?”
She looked down at her orders and shook her head, “Sorry hun, no one paid for yours yet.”
“That man over there didn’t?” Robby asked as he pointed towards your father.
The waitress blushed but shook her head, “No, he paid for the table and that was it. I can ring you out now if you’re ready to go.”
“Yes please.” You answered politely before sending a look at your brother, “Always the forgotten child.”
Robby let out a scoff but couldn’t help but feel bad about your joke; he was beginning to see it was kinda true.
“You ready to go?” Your dad asked as he approached Robby with Sam close behind him.
“Uh yeah, just a sec.” Robby replied as he looked back at you.
“Oh, Y/N/N, there you are. Where’ve you been?” Dean questioned but you simply rolled your eyes as a response. Thanking the waitress you gave her a tip before looking back at your uncle, sending him a knowing look.
He totally had no idea I was gone.
Later that night you sat in Robby’s room with his laptop connected to the television so that it could play the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies that you two loved. You and Robby were having a blast, remembering how you used to watch the movie on repeat to the point where it drove your parents crazy. The pair of you were about halfway through with the first movie when your dad knocked on the door.
“Hey Robby, guess what I got u-oh, hey Y/N. Whatcha guys doing in here?” He asked.
“Just having a movie night, been a while since we did one so figured we should catch up.” Robby explained with a smile.
“Oh, well, you guys will have to pick it up some other time. Robby, I got us a pair of tickets for the Top Notch wresting show in town tonight. Hurry up we gotta go or we’re gonna be late.” Your dad said in an excited tone.
You looked over at Robby expecting him to be bouncing up but he just stayed in his seat. “That’s awesome dad, did you get one for everybody?” He asked in a hopeful tone.
Dean shook his head, “Na, figured we’d make it a father-son thing. You gonna be ready in a few?”
Robby looked at you before glancing back at his dad, “It sounds like a lot of fun dad, but I promised Y/N we’d hangout. I’ve been bailing on her a lot lately and I-”
Dean interrupted, “I’m sure she’s fine with it, aren’t you Y/N/N?”
You opened your mouth, about to say it was okay, but you quickly shut it when you decided that if you didn’t tell your father how much what he was doing bothered you then it wasn’t going to get any better.
“Actually dad, I do mind.” You said, speaking your mind. Dean shot you a confused look but you continued, “You and Robby have shut me out of a lot lately and I just, I wanna feel like I belong again.”
Dean took your words in and slowly nodded his head, “I’m sorry you’ve been feeling like that baby girl, I never meant for it to be like that.”
“I know dad,” You said softly, “It just sucked.”
Dean walked over and gave you a tight hug, something he normally did but hadn’t done in months. Placing a kiss to your forehead he looked down at your face, “How ‘bout you and Robby take the tickets and go together?” He offered.
You shook your head, “It’s okay, you and Robby can go. Then maybe tomorrow we can go do something together, as a family?”
Dean let out a small chuckle, “Sounds good sweetheart. Robby, get ready and I’ll meet you in the garage.”
After your dad left Robby busted out laughing, “Aw you and dad had a chick flick moment.”
“Shut up.” You said lightheartedly, “I’m a girl, he has to have them from time to time.” Slapping his back you turned away from him, “Better get ready if you plan to tame that hair.”
Walking out of Robby’s room you headed towards the library in search of your uncle; you figured if Robby and Dad were going to be gone tonight that maybe he’d wanna do something with you. You were nearly to the library when you heard what sounded like your dad and uncle arguing.
“Well have you ever thought she feels like that because it’s how you make her feel?” Sam questioned.
Your dad let out a scoff, “She’s just being a dramatic teenager. They always go on about feeling ignored and like they don’t get enough attention.”
Robby came up behind you and you quickly turned to face him, placing your finger to your lips in a ‘be quiet’ motion.
“Yeah, but Y/N doesn’t make it up Dean. You spend way more time with Robby then you do with her. Hell you ignore her half the time, maybe that’s why she feels that way.” Sam tried to explain to your dad but it was hopeless.
“It’s just girly problems Sam; she’ll get over it. She’d probably rather read a book or something then come hangout with me, now stop trying to give me parenting advice; last time I checked I’m their father, not you.” Dean said with an attitude.
“Yeah well last time I checked I know more about your daughter and spend more time with her then you do. So nice try with the ‘I’m her father’ crap because at this point, I’m more her father than you are.” Sam replied.
You didn’t wanna hear anymore, you moved to leave but Robby grabbed your arm and gave you a desperate look which you just shook your head at. Wrenching your arm out of his hold you went to your room, slamming the door with the hope of keeping the outside world away.
Three weeks have passed and you have avoided everyone in your family ever since. If your father didn’t want to be around you then you didn’t want to be around him. Robby hadn’t said anything to you about it so you assumed he was just too oblivious to realize what you were doing. Sam caught on quickly, he was just an innocent bystander in your anger, but you still ignored him.
You ate your meals alone in your room, read more lore than ever before, trained harder. Your reason behind it?
Maybe if you were the best your dad would want to be around you.
You were in the middle of hitting a punching bag in the bunker’s gym when your uncle came walking in.
“Hey kiddo, what’s up?” He asked as he came strolling up to you.
You glanced up at him but continued to hit the bag, “Working out.” You stated the obvious fact while trying to dismiss Sam.
He wasn’t going to let you though, “You’ve been doing that a lot lately.” He spoke back, “Working out. Reading lore. Upping your hunting skills.”
“Yeah well,” You breathed out, “Winchester’s gotta be good hunters. Gotta prove to dad I belong.”
“Is that what this is all about?” Sam questioned.
You looked at him, but turned your eyes back to the task at hand; ignoring his question.
“Y/N.” Sam tried again but you continued to ignore him so he grabbed the punching bag, “Y/N.” Sam said in a stern voice.
“What?” You asked in an angry tone while you stopped your movement.
“What is with you lately? I understand you’re ticked at your dad but you never used to shut me out like this.” Sam said, his voice getting softer as he spoke.
You gave your uncle a sad smile, “‘M sorry, it’s just, I wanna get better. I wanna rub it in my dad’s face that I’m just as good as Robby. That I’m just as worthy of his attention as Robby is.”
Sam’s face mirrored yours, “You don’t have to be like Robby to get his attention.”
“But I do; otherwise it’s just ‘girly problems that I’ll get over’ right?” You repeated your father’s harmful words from a few weeks ago.
Sam let out a sigh, “I thought you might have heard that.”
“Yeah well, when dad and Robby were gonna go out I thought maybe you’d wanna hangout. Heard that instead.” You filled your uncle in.
Sam opened his mouth to try and make it better; but he knew that no matter what he said it didn’t matter, he couldn’t defend his brother this time.
“Well, I like hangin’ around you.” Sam said with a smile.
You let out a small scoff, “Thanks Uncle Sammy, I like hangin’ out with you too. It’s just-” You stopped yourself trying to find the words, “I just wanna be wanted by my dad too. We all used to be so close, then mom died and he kept us so close, now he wants nothing to do with me. I just don’t get why.”
“It’s not that Y/N.” Sam tried to explain but he honestly didn’t know what was going on with Dean. Whenever he asked Dean would shut him out.
“Then what is it Sam?” You said, frustrated with the conversation.
Sam went to answer but was interrupted by Dean’s voice sounding in the gym.
“We got a case Sam, pack up! Robby’s all ready to go so we’re just waiting on you.” He told his brother.
“What about Y/N?” Sam asked, looking between you and your father.
Dean shrugged his shoulders, “Figured she’s wanna stay here,” Dean explained, “You haven’t been too interested in Team Winchester lately.”
You scoffed at his words, “Surprised you noticed.” You mumbled out.
“What?” Dean asked but Sam answered for you.
“She’s been training and reading up these past few weeks; told me it would help us on hunts. I say we put it to the test, whatcha say Y/N/N?” Sam questioned with a smile, giving you the opening to prove to your father that you were just as good as Robby.
Dean looked at you with an obvious fake smile, “If you wanna come you can.”
Sam glanced at Dean with a confused face, wondering why he was acting so strange before he looked back at you, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Yeah. I’m ready.”
You weren’t ready.
None of you were prepared for that hunt.
What was supposed to be a simple ghoul hunt resulted in your family going after the alpha ghoul who wasn’t too happy about your family killing his.
The alpha had managed to get a hold of you and Robby, using you as leverage against your father. He had slit one of Robby’s wrists to slowly drain him and had nicked an artery in your leg when your father and uncle showed up.
Dean and Sam handled the alpha before turning their attention to you and Robby. Dean ran to Robby while Sam went over to you. You were extremely pale after losing so much blood, too much blood. As you opened your mouth to tell your uncle you were injured your father’s shouting rang about the room.
“What were you thinking Y/N?!” He roared, “You got you and your brother kidnapped! Do you know what could have happened if we hadn’t found you in time?”
Robby tried to stop him, knowing that you were in trouble but Dean wouldn’t let him, “You’d be ghoul food! That’s what!”
“Dean!” Sam shouted, knowing right now wasn’t the time for this.
You continued to hold your flannel with your shaky hand over the wound on your leg. At this point you were light headed and you knew you probably weren’t going to make it out of this. A tear fell down your cheek as you looked at your father, knowing you had let him down.
“I’m sorry Daddy.” You said in an exhausted tone, alerting the men in your family that something was wrong.
Dean turned from furious to concerned in an instant, “Y/N, baby what’s wrong?” Your breathing was getting more labored as your body leaned further onto your uncle so he was the only thing keeping you up.  “Y/N?” Dean questioned in a worried tone as he cupped your face in his hands, “Baby, where are you hurt?”
Sam continued to hold you and looked down at your body, noticing your hand lightly holding onto your flannel, he lifted it up.
“Oh my god.” Sam said as he pushed down on your leg with as much pressure as possible, “Dean she’s bleeding out, the alpha hit an artery.”
Dean looked at Sam’s hand and felt panic begin to take over.
“Robby!” Dean said loudly, snapping his brother out of the trance he was in from looking at your leg. Getting his keys out he handed them to his son, “Baby’s at the edge of the parking lot. Go get her. Now.”
Robby quickly nodded his head before sprinting out of the warehouse.
“Y/N baby, you gotta stay awake, can you do that for me?” Dean asked you gently.
“I’m so sorry dad. I tried so hard.” You whined out, too exhausted to cry.
“Tried what baby?” Dean questioned, trying to keep you talking and alert.
“To belong.” You said sadly, “I just wanted to belong in the family and I couldn’t even do that.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean pushed.
“You never wanted to be around me, only Robby. I tried so hard and when you didn’t notice I decided to be a better hunter like Robby, only I failed that too.” You tried to explain as you fought your eyes to stay open.
“No, no baby I love having you around. It’s just, you’re so much like your mother and I-I was selfish and didn’t want you to be ruined by this life like she was.” Dean tried to tell you, “I always want you around, you’re like having a piece of your mom around so sometimes it makes me sad, but baby you gotta stay with me okay? You can’t leave me, I-I promise I’ll make it all better, you just gotta stay awake.”
Dean had tears rolling down his cheeks as she continued to hold your face in his hands long after you eyes had closed.
“Y/N, Y/N please.” Dean implored, “You can’t leave me.”
Sam reached his arm around so that he was completely holding you as his body shook with tears. Dean placed his forehead to yours as he continued to beg you to wake up.
That’s the scene Robby ran up to after pulling the impala up to the front door. As he neared the sight he slowed down, knowing what he was walking into but praying it wasn’t real.
His breath caught as he stood behind his father, seeing your still body and his father and uncle crying. Dean looked behind him at the sound of his son’s presence and tried to reach out for him but Robby just shook his head and stepped back.
“Robby-” Dean tried but Robby continued to shake his head.
“No.” He said in a destroyed voice, “No. She’s not-she can’t be-Dad.”  Robby began to sob. Dean was torn between comforting his son and holding onto his baby girl.  He reached out for Robby again who continued to shake his head. “No Dad, she, she, I never got the chance to-dad we were gonna make it better. We had the time to make it better. She didn’t think she-dad, she just wanted to belong.”
Dean stared at his son while soaking in his words.
Everyone in his family knew what you were going through.
Everyone but him.
He looked back at your face and broke again, his daughter was there because of him. She was trying to prove to him that she belonged in his family. She didn’t realize she was the foundation of the family.
Dean gently took you from Sam’s arms and cradled you in his, close to his chest. He held you tight while placing kisses to your head as tears fell from his eyes, occasionally whispering, “You do belong baby, you do.”
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izazaa · 7 years
[sniperspy] x3
another comment!fic on Date Night 
flower shop au + two clones walk into a bar (the fics i’m actually working on are awful -- tentaspy (lo), sex pollen (lmao), and pseudo slave fic (o no) -- so i was hoping to start on something more decent, but.)
comment!fic to the prompt, "gift giving or holidays”
In some strange facsimile of a normal company, the goings-on of RED slow down during the winter holidays, and its mercenaries are left to languish in the rec room, no bloody mission to entertain them. On one such slow day, crammed together on a couch in the back, watching their teammates' hijinks, Spy leans over and drawls into Sniper's ear, "I suppose your accuracy only extends to bullets."
He's turned to Sniper, and his face is so close – they are pressed so close on this couch, how did this happen? – that it makes Sniper's heart hitch, but he's got on this idle expression, as though he's already dismissed the possibility of Sniper's skill, and Sniper cannot abide by that. So keeping eye contact the entire time, Sniper plucks the toothpick from his sandvich, and whips it at the dart board across the room. It whistles through the air, and thocks soundly in the dead centre of the bullseye.
The corner of Spy's mouth twitches, an almost smile, almost delighted. From his jacket, he discreetly pulls out a small knife, and, inexplicably, a sprig of mistletoe. "The doorway on the right. As soon as Miss Pauling takes two steps towards it."
It's tricky, with the added weight and resistance of the mistletoe, but again, it hits its target precisely, just as Miss Pauling reaches it, and just as Scout returns from his toilet break. The both of them look up, and their eyes widen, and then Miss Pauling has to shield herself with her clipboard from Scout's bluster.
Sniper cracks up, shaking with silent laughter. Beside him, pressed up against his side, Spy finally smiles, smug.
There is an outbreak of mistletoe on base after that. The sprigs appear as if by magic, even in places that were empty just a second ago, and their other teammates are happy to bully its latest victim into compliance. Heavy is made to kiss Natasha twice. Pyro headbutts Engie hard enough that the muzzle of his mask sends Engie's hard hat flying. In her efforts to avoid Scout, Miss Pauling has kissed so far, a can of Bonk!, a sandvich, a lvl 2 sentry, and Archimedes, instead of him.
It's the most festive fun he's had since Christmas on the farm all those years ago, sneaking around the base with Spy, armed with the tiny bow and arrow set that he'd procured from god knows where. But as with all good things, it has to come to an end; Spy soon runs out of mistletoe.
In a secluded corner of the base, Sniper holds up an arrow forlornly, the last sprig dangling from its tip. "I hope you have something planned for the grand finale."
"Ah, I did have something in mind," says Spy, then leans in and kisses his cheek. His nose nudges Sniper's sunglasses crooked. He chuckles at the sight it makes, then pushes further into Sniper's space, one hand at his face ostensibly to fix it. "That grand enough for you?"
Sniper stabs the arrow into the wall behind Spy so that the mistletoe hangs above them proper, and then presses Spy up against the wall. "Grander," he demands, then leans in to kiss Spy proper.
flower shop au (i once saw fanart of this au, wherein spy inexplicably had his mask on still -- it was hilarious, but i never found it again orz)
When Mundy storms into the flower shop, slams down twenty dollars, and makes his demands, he feels less like an unreasonable asshole customer when the florist turns, and what Mundy thought was a head scarf, is actually an equally unreasonable blue ski mask, wrapped around his entire head, and down his neck.
"What." Sniper looks around but the newly opened flower shop remains just that, with its bright bursts of colourful blossoms, and lush leaves. Nothing suspect about it, save the blue masked man behind the counter, whose name, when Sniper squints at the tag pinned to his matching blue apron, is Spy.
Spy furrows his brow at him. "I believe those words are mine. Could you repeat your request?"
Sniper repeats, enunciating carefully, "I need flowers that say fuck you."
"Ah," says Spy blandly, very professional. It endears him to Sniper immediately, mask or no mask. "Of course. Might I inquire the recipients...?"
"My parents."
To his further credit, Spy still doesn't even bat an eyelid, only slides out from behind the counter to regard his shelves of flowers. "Family feud?" he asks absently, plucking long stemmed flowers and placing them on brown paper.
Mundy shrugs, then decides, what the hell. It isn't like he'll ever need the services of a florist again, what with his toddling love life and the way his relationship with his biological parents is going. "We'd been estranged for 30 years. I only just found them. Doesn't make for a chummy relationship."
"I'm sure they had their reasons." Inexplicably, Spy's chosen this part of his story to stiffen. He stares resolutely at a single yellow carnation, and says with practiced informality, "After all, did they not ultimately reach out to you?"
"I reached out to them," Sniper grumbles, but concedes, "I'm not sayin' leaving your child makes you a bad person, but if your child tracks you down through no effort of your own, and the first thing you ask for is money, that might."
On a more expressive, non ski mask clad person, Spy's face might have read yikes. Instead, he goes, "ah," again and busies himself with arranging the chosen flowers into a small bouquet. "Yellow carnation, a fanciful way of saying 'you have disappointed me,'" he explains, slender fingers nimbly bundling them together and securing them with a ribbon, "foxglove for insincerity, and lastly, an orange lily for hatred."
The bouquet glows gold when it is completed. Sniper isn't a flower type of person, but even he can tell it's a job well done. He thanks Spy earnestly as he pays.
"Glad to hear it. And I hope your meeting goes well," Spy offers.
Sniper knows it won't, but with his bouquet in hand, he isn't dreading it quite as much as he had before.
two clones walk into a bar
It takes the BLU Sniper a good half year to sort through the nonsense left in his head after Medic's brain scooping, matching half remembered memories scrapped together with what he could dig out of his… original's file, so by the time he makes it to the house, it is dilapidated, and his parents are dead.
He sinks to his knees in front of their tombstones, traces the inscriptions in the hand carved stone. They were not his parents, technically, only the parents of the man he was cloned from, but they were good people either way, and worthy of grieving over. This is what Sniper has to tell himself when his vision begins to blur and fat tears drop onto his fists, clenched tight atop his knees.
There is a rustle behind him and it may well be twigs to a fire because Sniper is snarling with blistering fury as he launches himself at the intruder, kukri drawn. His rifle is left before the graves; he wants a fight.
The intruder parries his blade, but not before it slices through the thick fabric of his mask. With a grunt, both men topple over from Sniper's momentum. Sniper takes a blow to his shoulder hard enough that it knocks his kukri out of his grip, but he twists and slams the intruder's hand into the ground to dislodge his knife, and then they are grappling like children in the dirt.
Despair makes his movements sloppy and the mam bores Sniper into the earth. As Sniper thrashes under his weight, they locks eyes for a split second, and all the fight drains from him. With the last of his strength, he plants a boot into his stomach and punts him to the side. Then he lies there, gasping for breath, staring blankly at the sky. Taking his lack of resistance as cue, the intruder collapses down next to him.
For a moment, all is quiet. There is only the wind hissing across the expansive land, and their harsh breathing.
"Feeling better?"
The voice though feathered and panting is painfully familiar. Sniper would laugh if he had the breath for it. Of course it is the BLU Spy. That idiot of a clone who had the audacity to make passes at him before he decided against a counterfeit, then returned to mooning over his original, the RED Sniper, for the rest of their years as teammates.
Despite his better judgement, Sniper demands, "What are you doing here?"
"There are not many of us left."
That is true. Medic and Engineer had been terminated permanently for knowing too many of the company's secrets. There hadn't been enough of Solder to piece back together after that horrific experiment to fragment hikm into an army.  Pyro hadn't resisted the purge, and the rest had disappeared before the robot war began. Not a lot left, indeed.
"Why'd you come here?"
"The RED Spy locked me out of my – his contacts. I do not have any money nor property to return to."
It doesn't answer his question, but Sniper decides he doesn't want to press for answers. "As if that would stop you," he says instead.
"As a matter of fact, I have a suite in town." Despite his two broken fingers, Spy fishes out a cigarette and holds it delicately between his thumb and forefinger. "It is easily large enough should I bring back a guest."
Sniper prickles with distaste at the heavy suggestion in his tone. "Why the bloody hell would I go with you?"
"For old time's sake?" At Sniper's scoff, Spy shrugs easily. "Why would you stay here?"
Sniper cannot answer that, and it unsettles him so much that when Spy rises, brushes himself off, and offers him a hand, he takes it.
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duketheman · 5 years
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“The Newport Story”
Shreveport Louisiana
December 15, 2009
~Tragedy Strikes~
Standing over the only woman I've ever loved, looking down at her seemingly asleep & lying in a Casket; I can't help but to be angry at God! My Son, John Ross (JR) is without his mother & I my wife. I'm doing all I can to hold it together for him!
It happened suddenly! She had headaches, but never once complained. She would take a couple Tylenol, smile & say: There, that's better! Until one day, she was giving JR a bath & passed out on the Bathroom floor. I took her to the Emergency room, they called Dr Rivera; her personal Physician. X Rays revealed the unimaginable. He entered the room & gave us the bad news: The diagnoses showed she had a Tumor! I almost died when I heard that word, to make it worse; it was inoperable by that time! She had just weeks to live..... She went to sleep one night & just didn't wake up! My Julia was gone! I took her home to Madison County for burial in our Family plot. Her parents made the trip with me... Julia's Father, The Rev James Ray Marcantel officiated. He had great strength, I don't know how he managed. My parents, Sister & Brothers were there & did all they could to comfort me! My parents offered to take JR for a while, but I explained: I needed him with me!
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Key Largo
Christmas Day, 2011
I wake up to my son jumping on me yelling in excitement: JR's calling me:~Daddy, come on Daddy, Santa came! Wake up Daddy, hurry up!~ I think to myself: Seven years of joy! I reply: ~Okay Buddy, I'm coming!~ I get up, go in the Living room & pull his gifts from under the tree. It's been two years since I buried his Mother & I still mourn her. Christmas was always her favorite time of year & she loved decorating the tree. Our ornament hangs on this one, two Christmas Dolphin with the words (Harry Loves Julia); bringing back so many memories! Suddenly, the Doorbell rings & JR says: ~Daddy, Daddy, it's Miss Covington~
(Mary Covington, JR's Teacher) He's quite taken with her! I open the door, she Greets me: ~Hello Mr Newport & Merry Christmas, I've brought my favorite student a present, If that's alright?~
I answer: ~Merry Christmas to you too & of course it's alright, Thank you! Come in please~ She gives JR an Easel, a packet of art paper & Chalk! She Notes: ~He's very talented!~ ~I say Thank you!~ She explains: ~I enjoy working with John Ross very much. He's quite a child, you're doing a fine job with him!~ I remark: Thanks! She seemed a little shy...
She asks: ~Mr Newport, I hope you don't think me too forward but; I'd like to invite you & John Ross to Christmas Dinner at my home tonight, please accept?~ She catches me off guard: I reply: ~We'd be delighted Miss Covington, thank you!~ She smiles at me: & replies ~Okay, I'll expect you at 6:00pm, here's my address!~ She turns, walks towards the door & pauses, turns & says: And please, call me Mary? I respond: ~6:00pm, we'll be there; Thank you Mary!~ As she walks to her car, I stand at the door thinking what an amazing woman! I watch her get into her car & leave. I close the door. For the first time in a couple years, I'm looking forward to going out!
I tell JR: We're going to eat dinner with Miss Covington tonight JR reacts: ~Yeaaaa! Daddy, you know what Daddy? I love Miss Covington, she's my favorite Teacher; Daddy, I'm hungry!~ I think to myself: Me too & I can use a cup of coffee! I cook scrambled eggs with Cheese & Bacon bits, Toast & pour my Son a glass of milk! Julia use to cook it all the time & besides; it's JR's favorite! We eat, dress & spend some quality Daddy Son time together! It's Christmas Day & there's a Carousel in the park. I take him to the to ride it. We get home by 1:00pm! I put him down for a nap. I haven't been able to get Miss Covington out of my mind! She's quite a looker. I think to myself: It's been a while, Damn it's been a good while! I've been hesitant to date, I guess I've felt guilty. I miss Julia, I miss holding her in my arms; she was my heart & soul! But maybe it's time! She always said: ~Harry, if something was to happen to me; I want you to find someone! I know you love me! Please Harry?, I don't want you to be alone!~ Julia was the best thing that ever happened to me! I get my Son dressed in his Sunday's best. I dress & we head for Miss Covington's house. She lives about 20 minutes from us near the Overseas Hwy. We arrive at 6:00pm sharp & knock on the door. She opens the door & says: ~Right on time, & how handsome you are today!~ I respond: ~Thank you! She corrects me: ~I was talking to John Ross! She winks & smiles at me: JR says: ~Yes Mam, just like my Daddy.~ She smiles at me again & says: ~I see, very handsome indeed.~
JR asks: ~Miss Covington, I sure hope you have pie, I love pie!~ -She answers: ~Just for you~ JR reacts: ~Yeaaaa!~ He runs into the house. She smiles at me: & says: ~I hope you're hungry!~ I answer: ~I'm starving!~ Her smile reminds me ofJulia. She has dark green eyes & long black hair. Slender & quite beautiful. We go into the Living room & she offers me a mixed drink. I accept & we toast a Merry Christmas to all! We go into the Dining room & sit down at the table: I observe: ~Wow, this is quite a spread!~ She Notes: ~It's Christmas & my favorite time of year!~ Again I'm reminded of Julia: She adds: Mr Newport, would you say Grace?~ I do, we eat & have a wonderful time. After dinner, I help her clear the table & do dishes. When finished, we notice JR falls asleep on the couch & she covers him. We sit & talk, for hours: She asks: Mr (I interrupt) & asks: ~Please, call me Harry?~ She continues: ~Harry, what happened to your wife? I've never talked to anyone about her but this time I do: I explain- ~Julia passed two years ago. She had a Brain Tumor! She just went to sleep one day & never woke up! I haven't been happy, really happy except for my Son; since she passed!~
She asks: ~Let's have a drink?~ We crack a bottle, sit & talk for hours: I mention: ~It's late, I should get JR home.~ she says: ~Harry, thank you for coming. I had a good time. Be careful?~ She kisses me on the cheek:. I respond: ~We will, & thank you for dinner! It's been some time since I've had a meal like that.~ She smiles & closes the door slowly. I see her watching us through the window & I think to myself: I'm going to ask her out! We get home & I put JR to bed. I lay in mine, not able to sleep. I can't get her out of my mind!
It's Monday morning & JR's sitter arrives. I have a tour around the Islands today! A week left of Vacation for JR! I kiss my Son Goodbye, leave instructions with the sitter & off to the Boat! I arrive at the Dock where the "Willow's" tied. The Cunningham party is already waiting. We board my boat & push off. We get back to shore at 6:30pm. Mr Cunningham pays me & thanks me for a great day. I give him my card & say ~My pleasure Sir!~ They leave & I secure the "Willow"! I call Mary & say: ~Mary, this is Harry; I'd like to ask you out for tomorrow evening?~ -She replies: ~I' d really like to go out with you Harry, so Yes!~ I'm thinking Dinner & Dancing afterwards?~ She answers: ~That sounds wonderful Harry!~ I Note: ~I'll pick you up at 8:00pm if that's okay?~ She replies ~Of course Harry, I'll be ready!~ We hang up & I go home. JR is playing on the kitchen floor & the sitter is doing dishes. After she finishes I pay her & say: ~Thank you Nancy!~ She says: ~My pleasure Mr Newport, he's such a good kid!~ She leaves, I bathe JR & put him to bed. I shower, have a glass of wine & I go to bed. I sleep like a Baby..... I wake in the morning to the doorbell. It's the sitter, She says: Good morning Mr Newport~ I say: ~Good morning Nancy! I overslept but luckily my tour doesn't start until 9:30am.~ I wash up, shave & brush my teeth. I kiss my Son goodbye & head for the Boat! An older couple by the name of Jacobs had hired the "Willow" to tour the Reefs. We get back to shore by 5:00pm.They pay me twice what I asked & mention they know my parents: I say Really?~ He says: ~Yes, & you're a spitting image of Charlie. I use to work with him at the Firm in 72. You have a great day now, you hear & say Hi to your Dad for me?~ I reply~ Yes sir, I will. Thank you Sir!~ I get home at 6:30pm, pay Nancy & let her go home! Joshua's Mother called & asked if JR could spend the night with her Son. I said yes! I shower & dress. By the time I drop JR off at Joshua's, pick up an Orchid (multi colored) for her; it's time to head to Mary's! I arrive at 7:55pm, knock & she opens the door. I'm looking at an Angel,! She's quite lovely. Wearing a Golden gown w/silver designs, her long silky black hair is hanging naturally. It sets her beautiful green eyes off as if to glow! All I can do is stair: She says: ~Hi, Earth to Harry, hello!~ I say ~Oh I'm sorry, you're just so Beautiful.~ She smiles at me! -Mary- ~You're looking pretty good yourself She says: Mighty handsome if I say so!~ I say: (I Stutter...) ~Oh, oh, thanks; I, I've made reservations at the "Sundowners" Great food! This is for you!~ I pull out a box holding the Orchid: She remarks~ Oh Harry, it's so Beautiful, thank you!~ I pin the Orchid to her gown! I've not felt this nervous in years. I think maybe I'm falling for her. We get in my Beamer & drive to the restaurant! 8:25pm We arrive at the restaurant. I hand the Valet my keys & I tip him! We go inside & are seated directly. We have drinks & order from the menu & she says: ~This is a nice place Harry, I don't know where to begin, what do you suggest?~ I say: ~I like the Shrimp & Mahi w/Lemongrass sauce!~ She says~Sounds delicious Harry, that's just what I'll have! We sit & talk a while enjoying Caribbean music in the background. After eating, I take her to "The Brass Monkey & we have a great time. We dance to almost every Set. I don't want it to end.. We close the place down & on the way back to her house we stop at Denny's to get some Breakfast & she says: Denny's has the best breakfast! I say: I Agree, I'm partial to the Grand Slam. Me too Harry! Harry, thanks for being such a good guy, not many of them out there.~ When she looks at me, my heart flutters. I feel nervous but a good nervous. We sit & talk until sunrise! I take her home & open the door. She looks at me with those dark green eyes & as if in a Hypnotic state, I take her in my arms & kiss her. She kisses me back, drunkening me with pleasure from within her lips! She takes my hand & leeds me through the door, kicking it shut; & into her room! She smiles at me & says: ~Harry, I never want this night to end!~ My heart is beating like a drum. I undress her as if a Doctor examining his patient & lay her down gently. I Kiss her then disrobe! I brush her hair back from her face & ask: ~Are you sure?~ She answers: ~I'm sure Harry, I want you!~ We embrace & kiss passionately, working ourselves into a frenzy. I break & begin to fondle her breast as I kiss her ear & whisper sweet words of endearment! She becomes more excited! I move down her neck gently nibbling. She begins to breathe heavily as I taste her breast.They're firm, perky & pear shaped with nipples that drive me crazy! I squeeze her breast & place the nipple in my mouth & suck as if a baby drinking milk. I simultaneously slip my other hand between her legs & playfully caress what lies within. She's moaning & breathing as if she's been running a marathon... I move from one breast to the other, kissing her areolas; further exciting her! I begin to explore her length, tonguing & nibbling as I taste her every essence, marking every curve, evey zone, & every jerk she makes.The closer I get to what's hiding between those beautiful thighs, the harder & more shallow her breathing becomes... I reach the nest hiding the fruit of passion & waste no time tasting it. I slip my tongue inside & out of her as she arches & recovers several times over. It's sweet & I crave the nectar flowing within. I take the fruit between my lips, massage & tease it with my tongue. I suck on it with vigour. She's quivering, almost uncontrollably. Finally, as if a volcano erupting, she spews her nectar of ecstasy.... She's jumping out of her skin, yet her body begs for more. I lap up every drop as if an animal drinking from a pond. She screams with pleasure & I'm aroused beyond possibility. I begin to slowly climb back up her beauty, kissing & checking every erogenous zone, assuring her pleasure doesn't expire. I reach the point of my journey's beginning, I kiss her & look into her beautiful green eyes & say: ~I'm in love with you.~ She answers: ~I know Harry, now lay back!!!~ She runs her fingers up & down my Body's skin, tingling & giving me goosebumps, arousing me more than I can barely sustain. She begins kissing me from my head to my toes & everywhere between. I feel her grab my throbbing, hungry Rod & stroke it, caressing it with her lips. Like a lollipop, she licks it up & down, I can hardly hold it back! She squeezes the sack, slowing the inevitable & I'm going crazy. She slips it into her mouth & strokes it at the same time. Just before climax, she stops; again squeezing the sack & stopping the flow. She straddles me, slips me inside & rides me to climax as she reaches hers again! She bends forward, kisses me: & says: ~Now there Harry, I love you too!~ We make love throughout the night until exhausted, kiss & fall asleep. When I wake I'm aroused by her presence! I think to myself, Damn, I'm sure glad I'm taking the day off! We make love one more time, get up, shower together & dress. She's fixing me waffles, bacon & eggs with Blueberry syrup. Orange juice & coffee. It's delicious, this girl can cook: I mention: ~I have to work Tomorrow! Also; I'm taking JR to Madison County to see his Grandparents. I'd like you to accompany us? We'll fly down tomorrow night, you can meet my parents & we'll make a Weekend out of it!~ She asks: ~Harry, you want me to meet your parents?, I'd love to Harry!~ I say: ~Great!~ I help her with dishes, after & say: ~I have to go. I've got to pick JR up from his friend's house~ She answers: ~Okay Harry, I understand. Go get John Ross~ I sayr: ~I love you & I'll see you tomorrow, kiss her goodbye & say: ~I'll pick you up at 6:00pm!~ She replies: ~Okay Harry, I'll be ready. I love you Harry. Call Me tonight?~ I answer: Sure thing Love!~ I leave, pick JR. up & we stop at Baskin Robbins for ice cream on the way home! We get home at 4:00pm & watch TV for a while. I fix us something to eat, pack a couple bags. By the time I finish, it's time for J.R.'s bath. I bathe him, put him down for bed. He says his prayers: ~Now I lay me down to sleep & says: Nite Nite Daddy, I love you.~ I say: ~Goodnight Son, I love you too!~
Nancy's here & I have a Boat Tour at 8:00am!
I get to the Boat & my clients are waiting for me. They board, I push off & they have a great tour! We get back to shore at 2:45pm. They hand me a check & I hand them my card. I secure the "Willow" & head home to clean up & retrieve my Son: He asks: Daddy, where we going?~ I reply: ~Well Son, Miss Covington & I are getting Married!~ He asks: ~You love Miss Covington Daddy? Is she going to be my Mommy?~ I reply: ~Yes, I love Miss Covington. Is that Okay with you?~ He says: ~Sure Daddy, I love her a whole lot, but Daddy, where we going?~ -I reply: ~We're going to see Miss Covington's Mommy & Daddy!~ He reacts: Yea! I load our bags in the Beamer & we're off!
We arrive. at Mary's, knock & she opens the door. She's wearing a beige skirt & black blouse. She's Gorgeous: She remarks: ~Hey handsome!~ I reply: ~Hey!~ She corrects me: ~I was talking to John Ross!~ She smiles & winks at me: He says: ~Hi Miss Covington, you going with us?~ She replies: Sure am John Ross!~ He reacts: Yea! ~She says ~I love you too John Ross!~ I load her bags & off to the airport. We board the plane for Valdosta Regional at 7:30pm & arrive at 10:00pm. My Father's waiting for us. JR sees him right off. He loves Grandpa & happy to see him. My Father opens his arms & JR runs right to him, Hugs Grandpa, pulls on his beard & giggles! He looks to Mary: ~Young lady, my name is Charles, Harold's Father!~ She replies: ~Happy to meet you Sir, I'm Mary!~ He says: ~Delightful & turns to me & says: ~Son, good to see you, Mother's waiting!~ We get to the Mansion at 11:00pm & Mary remarks: ~How Beautiful a home Harry~ I say: ~It is, isn't it? Much to large for me though!~ We enter the Mansion & JR spots Grandma & reacts: Grandmaaa! He runs & gives her a hug & says: ~I love you Grandma!~ She says: ~I love you John Ross!~
She turns her attention to us, kisses me: & says: ~This must be Mary, She's lovely Harold! How do you do Mary? I’m Harold's Mother!~
She replies: ~Happy to meet you Mam! & curtsies: Mother turns to me & remarks: ~Harold, I miss you Son! Your rooms are
ready!~ She instructs Huntington (The Butler), to take our bags upstairs & remarks: ~I know you're tired, so let us all sleep on it & have a fresh start in the morning? Goodnight John Ross!, it's off to bed with you!~ We walk upstairs to our room, step inside: & I say: Mary, I love you & I'm so happy you joined me!~
She replies: ~I love you more!~ We're tired from the trip, we go to bed; kiss & fall asleep in each other's arms.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
John Ross's 8th Birthday
We awake to a knock on the door. It's:
Huntington announcing: ~Breakfast is served Sir!~ We get ready & go downstairs for breakfast. Mother & Father are seated at each end of the table: Mother greets us: ~Good morning you two, Sleep well?~ We reply: ~Yes, Good morning: ~ Father's busy with JR but gets a Good morning in: We say: ~Good morning Father! he replies: Good morning you two!~ I add: Father, Mr Jacobs sends his regards!~
He remarks: ~Paul Jacobs? I haven't seen Paul in years, we worked at the Firm together!~
We're seated at the center of the table.The menu's: Waffles w/ flax & almond butter, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, Cheese, Orange juice & Fruit salad: Mary remarks: ~This is all so elegant! Thank you so much for having me Mam!~ Mother remarks: ~We're quite glad to have you Dear~ Father adds: ~Yes, quite glad indeed.~ Mother asks: ~How is my little man doing in School Son?~ I remark: ~Very well Mother, infact; Mary's his Teacher!~
She remarks: ~Really, a Teacher?~ I reply: ~Yes Mother~ She asks ~Mary, How are you getting along Dear?~ She replies: ~Fine Mam, thank you~ Mother says: ~We hope to see a lot of you Dear! ~ She replies: ~Yes, Thank you Mam!~ Mother remarks: ~No need to be so formal Dear, just call me Mom if you please? After all, you're part of the family now!~ She says: ~Thank you so much Mom!~ We finish eating & retire to the Drawing room. We're served Coffee. We talk a bit longer. Mother takes me aside & says ~What's your Plans Son, how've you been?~ I reply: ~Good Mother, since Mary came into my life!~ She replies~ Are you going to Marry her?~ I reply: ~I haven't asked yet, but it's on my mind~ She says ~Wonderful, I like her, & John Ross seems to adore her~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, he loves her very much, we both do!~ She replies: ~Excellent! Now let us make ready for a Celebration of my Little Man's Birthday!~ My Sister Jaime, her husband & my two brothers fly in to celebrate JR.'s Birthday & the New Year. My Mother has planned quite a party for JR. We're expecting at least 30 children & their parents. We set up a tent on the grounds to shelter refreshments.The entertainers & Circus animals are arriving & my Father is directing. Mother's ordered a Band to play through the day! Their finishing up the stage & the Band's setting up! It's 11:00am & the guests are beginning to arrive. Monther, my Siblings, Mary, & I are greeting them. My Father's decided that he'll Supervise! The festivities begin at exactly 12:30pm & the Birthday Boy's riding a Pony: I tell: ~Hey JR! &wave. He looks my way & yells: ~Look Daddy, I'm riding a Horsey, Yahoooo, Yeaaaa!~ He's having a such a good time. 
2:00pm, a bell rings! Huntington announces: ~Refreshments are served~ Everyone heads for the Tent where a very large Birthday Cake, with JR's image on it & very large candles. JR stands in front as the candles are lit. My Father signals the Band to play Happy Birthday & we sing. He makes a wish & blows out the candles & Mary asks: ~Whatcha wish for John Ross?~ He replies: ~It's a secret!~ Mother asks: ~Mary, would you cut a piece of cake & give the first piece to John Ross? She cuts a corner piece off and gives it to him & winks! Mother remarks: ~God, that boy's growing fast.~ -I remark: ~It seems just like yesterday, I was holding him in my arms~ Huntington serves the children cake, then the rest of the guests. The cake's gone in a flash! JR begins to open his more than one hundred gifts. He's as happy as I've ever seen & that makes me happy! It's 5:30pm & the party ends! The guests depart & the extra help Mother hired are cleaning the grounds as we go in the house.
Huntington announces: ~Dinner is served~ We eat & afterwards retire to the   Drawing room. Huntington serves us each a Glass of Louis XIII Cognac & Father proposes a toast: ~To John Ross, Happy Birthday!~ Mother adds: ~Here Here, Who's staying up with me to see the New Year in?~ We raise our glasses & reply all at once: I am!... Mother remarks: ~Fabulous, I've got Fireworks for tonight!~ She's hired a crew to set off Fireworks for the arrival of the New Year..... My Father calls me aside & says: ~Son, I have something for you!~ He pulls out a box & hands it to me: ~It was your Grandmother's.~ I open the box & it's her Wedding rings: I reply react: ~Father, I'm so Honored!~
He explains: ~You've been through alot Son & she'd want you to have them. Now, Marry that girl & live a happy life. I'm proud of & love you very much!~ I reply: ~Father, I love you!~ We embrace, hugging each other: He says: ~Now, let's join the the rest of the family~ I slip the rings into my pocket for safe keeping & we join the family! We congregate & talk old times & about my Grandparents. At 11:40pm, we go outside to the Court yard & be seated. At 11:59pm we begin a countdown to Ignition! 12:00am exactly, a display of Firewood worthy of Royalty paints the skies..... JR.'s eyes lights up with excitement as does Mary's. She has the prettiest smile & her green eyes melt my soul. Yes, I so want to spend the rest of my life with her! I find myself in prayer, asking God to forgive my anger towards Him. I ask Him to give me strength to raise my Son. As we retire for the night!: I announce: ~We'll be attending Church with you in the morning Mother!~ She smiles & replies: ~I am so happy to hear that Harold, we'll be departing at 8:00am sharp!~ I respond: ~Yes Mother, we'll be ready~
Sunday, January 1, 2012
We all load up in the Limo & George (The Chofer) drives us to "The Madison First Baptist Church".
My Mother proudly in lead, we enter the Church. The Pastor (Rev. Johnson) greets us by shaking our hands. We're seated by the Ushers & Church begins. It's a fine service & I feel right about being here. Church is over & George drives us back to the Mansion. Tomorrow's a School day & both Mary & myself have to work! We pack our bags, for the trip home.
We thank my parents for everything. My Mother kisses me on the cheek & pleaded: ~Take care of yourself Harold, I love you very much Son!~
I react: ~I love you too Mother!~ She turns to Mary, opens her arms & motions her for a hug Goodbye.They hug: & says: ~I expect to see you again soon my Dear.~ Mary replies: ~Yes Mom, for sure you will!~ Father loads our bags into the car & drives us to the Airport! I hug my Father goodbye say: ~See you Father!~ He replies: ~I love you Son, remember what we talked about?~ I reply: ~I will Father! ~ He picks JR up & hugs him goodbye says: ~I love you Little Man!~ -JR replies: ~I love you too Grandpa!~ We board the plane at 1:45pm for our 2 1/2 hour flight home....
We arrive at Miami International at 4:00pm. I pick up my Beamer, load our bags & arrive in Key Largo by 5:15pm. We stop at Mary's first. I take her bags inside, hold her in my arms & say: ~Darling I love you.~ She responds: ~I love you more.~ I say: ~I'll see you tomorrow, I have to get JR home & ready for School!~ she replies: ~I know Harry, I have to get ready too. Harry, thank you for being you! I enjoyed my Weekend. Be safe going home?~ We kiss again & I leave. I get JR. home by 6:30pm. I prepare some Macaroni & Cheese. He likes that. I bathe & put him to bed for the night. I have a drink & I too bed down for the night. I have a dream of Julia & she's standing at my bedside smiling. She gives me her blessings to be with Mary & vanishes...... I wake Monday morning with such a calm feeling! I've made up my mind, Friday; I am going to ask her to Marry me.....
I call Mary & make a date for 6:00pm, Friday: She she says: ~Sounds good, I can't wait
Harry!~ I add: ~Neither can I Darling, see you tomorrow!~
Friday, January 6
The Proposal
I arrive at her house at 6:00pm sharp. Knock & she opens the door. She's wearing a Red dress, Black Heels & hair hanging naturally down her back. I've always loved long black hair. Her ears are graced with green topaz earrings. She's looking beautiful.
She greets me & says: ~Hello Harry!~ I react: ~Hello Darling, you're quite beautiful tonight!~
She replies: ~Thank you Harry, & you're very handsome!~ I take her in my arms & say: ~You know how much I love you Mary?~ She replies: ~Yes Harry, I really do!~ I kiss her & we get in the Beamer. I've made reservations at the "Sol By The Sea". It's romantic & the food is excellent!
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We arrive at the restaurant. I hand my keys to the Valet & tip him. We enter the restaurant & are seated directly & I order the best Champagne in the house (Don Perignon). The waiter pours the a glass each & I drop to one knee & propose: ~My Darling, never did I think I would love again. You changed that! You gave me your heart & I relinquished mine to you. Now I ask your hand in Marriage?~ I pull my Grandmother's rings out & slip the engagement ring on her finger. She stands up & just stares at me. I begin to doubt myself. But all of a sudden, she takes a deep breath & takes my face in her palms & accepts: ~Yes, 'O yes! I love you Harry & I want to be your Wife! Harry, these rings look like Heirlooms.~ I explain: ~Yes my Darling, they were my Grandmother's.~
She promised: ~'O Harry, they're so Beautiful, I swear I'll keep them safe on my finger.~ I reply: ~I know my Darling, I love you!~ We order dinner, (Mahi-Mahi, House jerk, Napa slaw, White wine & Vanilla-Coconut Crema w/Charred pineapple relish) It was a meal fit for the occasion! After dinner we want to be alone & go straight home to Mary's to be by ourselves. I stay the night! The next morning I call my parents & give them the news! They were happy for us. My Mother insists we have our wedding at the Mansion. After all; it's become a tradition. I call Mary & explain my Mother's wish. She replies: ~Yes Harry, I agree with them wholeheartedly. I think it would be beautiful. Besides, I love your Parents. My parents could fly down to attend & meet yours, & asks: ~Harry, can we take a trip to Raleigh, so you can meet my parents?~ I observe: ~Yes, of course we can my Darling! Besides, I want to officially ask your Father for your hand.~ She breaks out in a huge smile: -Mary- ~'O Harry, how did I ever find such a fine Man? I love you Harry, I love you so much!~ We make plans to visit her parents next week. I make reservations for Friday afternoon, for a flight to Raleigh.
Duke Sherman
0 notes
ladyscientia · 8 years
Tempus Vernum Ep.4
That one time you met Prompto Argentum.
Ignis x Reader Spoilers below the cut
Episode Three: That one time you fell asleep at work.
The Industrial District of Gralea comes into view before the partially cracked windshield of your dad’s old pick up truck. He’s driving and you’re sitting in the passenger’s seat. You both gape, passing through labyrinths of metal, spire-like smoke stacks. Buildings with chrome trim are sheathed in ice from the perpetual winter. Thousands of tiny lights along board walks and nearly invisible ladders pulse softly behind sheets of falling snow. 
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” your dad says, accidentally swerving into the next lane. A government vehicle is escorting you to the capital and blasts out a long honk to keep your dad in line.
The highway starts a steady incline until it’s part of a massive concrete bridge passing OVER the factories. As the truck climbs up, you can start to see the tops of skyscrapers.
“You’re sure you want to do this, pigeon?” He asks seriously. 
You glance in the rear view mirror at the car following closely behind. You couldn’t turn back now if you wanted to.
“I’m sure,” you say with stoic resolve, pressing the side of your face to the passenger window. Your breath fogs the glass.
“It was nice of your aunt to send you some gil.” Says your dad to break the silence. “But I wish you would’ve asked your mom. She’s got more than enough to go around.”
You scoff.
At the highest point of the bridge, all of Gralea spreads from one end of the windshield to the other. From afar, it looks like one massive, twisted gray and chrome structure jutting up from the earth.
Your dad takes gentle hold of your hand.
He reminds you; “there are great schools in Altissia.”
“DAD. I’ve made up my mind. If I go here, you’ll - WE’LL be set for life.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, honey. I know they’re accepting you on a full scholarship and everything, but the Empire will want you to work exclusively for them. It’s like enlisting -”
“ - I know, dad. We’ve been through this a million times. This is the right choice. Just trust me.”
He moves his hand from yours and to the radio controls. A gloriously sad, symphonic melody swells throughout the cab of the truck and then the city swallows you both whole. 
“Morning, Mam!” Anju greets you at the doors of the castle as per usual. She’s bright-eyed; her smile gleaming in the early morning light. 
The sun is a magnificent gold medallion cresting the horizon behind you. Delicious shafts of yellow light penetrate the cold, breaking through clouds and fawning on the entire front of the castle. A subtle breeze whistles past your ears. Your hair goes flying.  
Eine opens the front doors for you and you step inside the lobby with over-tired, unjustifiable enthusiasm. You can be happy because the sun’s out, right?
All of that splendid, happy light spills into the lobby as you enter. The marble floors light up from your feet, down the center, and all the way up the grand staircase.
You exhale, ousting the nervous energy that’s been building up slowly deep inside of you. 
Today is going to be a good day. I will shadow Ignis and it’s not a big deal.
Teasing tendrils of sunlight burst through the front windows and cast sparkles on every surface. You nod your head to yourself, building up confidence. 
Yes. I can do this.
Just before the big doors close, a figure emerges from the exposed second floor corridor. You recognize it almost immediately even from 100 yards away. There’s no one like Ignis Scientia. He enters out onto the balcony at the top of the stairs and right into the sanctimonious spot light of the mid-winter sun.
“Awh! Sunlight!” he shouts as if from the hilltops. “Isn’t it marvelous, Miss Vernum?”
“How did you know it was me?” you ask with unbidden curiosity. 
Ignis grins and hustles down the stairwell. “The earpiece. Eine informed me of your arrival.”
“Did he tell you that the sun was out too?”
“Well, I can sense light. But I could also feel it’s centrifugal glow radiating on my face.” He responds taking long-legged strides in your direction.
You whip your work keys from your coat pocket accidentally sending them flying across the marble. They go sliding toward Ignis and in one swift clap, he traps them beneath the foot of his fancy left shoe. 
“Drop something?” he asks, amused, and slips his index finger through the key ring. He swings them around with ease. The keys ‘clink, clink’ as they spin ‘round and ‘round. You’re momentarily hypnotized. 
The castle main doors slam shut and the reverberation snaps you out of your daze.
“Thank you,” you say. You close your hand over his and take hold of the keys. He trails behind you to the office. You’ve become way too aware of the sounds your heels are making on the floor. 
Just as you notice that there isn’t a can of Ebony waiting for you at your door, Ignis says, “I’ve had Talcott run out for breakfast, if that’s alright. I’m afraid we’ll be sitting in the office for a bit discussing your new roles.”
“Talcott?” you ask, inserting the key. 
“He’s my assistant. And a dear friend to the Crown.” 
You shrug off your jacket and hang it on the coat rack before sitting down. The old chair makes an embarrassingly loud creaking sound. The wheels squeal as you scoot it up closer to the desk. (Geez. He must think I’m HUGE). Ignis takes one of the guest seats on the other side of the desk, casually crossing one leg over the other. His pant legs rise over his ankles, revealing chocobo-printed dress socks. He is the perfect portrait of POISE. 
There’s a subtle knock on the door and before you can say a word, Ignis chimes out, “come in, Talcott!”
A young man enters with both arms carrying tall paper bags. They conceal most of his face. He’s got on a fur-lined winter hat, and messy brown hair peeks out across his forehead. 
“Oh, over here on the desk,” you instruct, as it looks like everything’s about to tumble to the floor. You push aside piles of unread paperwork and a coffee mug you forgot to wash from the day before. 
Ignis raises from his seat and relieves one of the bags from Talcott’s arms. 
“That bag is from the market,” says Talcott briskly. “It has everything you asked for except that one thing. And I’ll take this one upstairs.”
That one thing?
Ignis brings the market bag around the desk and sets it on the counter top beside the Keurig. You shoved all that paperwork away for nothing. You sigh. 
“Thank you, Talcott. That’ll be all for now.” says Ignis nonchalantly. He begins pulling things out of the bag. Talcott flicks you a rosey-cheeked smile, nods, and exits. You kick the chair back and wheel yourself with lazy inquisitiveness over to the counter. 
You are immediately SO GLAD that you woke up too late to eat breakfast at home. Ignis sets before you a plethora of basic breakfast wonders; two of the biggest, fluffiest muffins you’ve ever seen, a small netted bag of different fruits, a loaf of fresh bread, a jar of homemade jam, and of course two cans of Ebony. In curly, gold lettering beneath the Ebony logo, it says, “Altissian Toffee.”
“There’s Altissian Toffee Ebony coffee??” you ask.
Ignis smiles and hands one of the cans to you. “Yes. I thought you might like that.”
Ok. This work partnership is starting off on the right track.
“I don’t think I could eat all of this food though,” you say, though you most DEFINITELY could eat all of it. You roll yourself back over to the desk, balancing a muffin and mandarin in the crook of your arm. Ignis follows suit and re-assumes the position in the chair across from you. There’s a simultaneous popping as you both open you Ebony at the same time. 
The early morning passes smoothly. Ignis makes 99% of the conversation, explaining to you the tasks you’ll slowly be taking over that he’s been doing in the absence of a proper Royal Secretary. He asks you how you’re feeling about things so far, what you think of the team, how Sam’s treating you, and if you have any questions. You don’t. He continues. This is like this. That is like that. 
Another knock at the door interrupts the lesson. Sam pokes his head inside. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” he says somewhat curtly. “I did try to reach you via com, but you know what? It doesn’t look like you’re wearing it.”
You bring your hand up to your face. Nope. Definitely not wearing it. 
“I’m so sorry,” you wince. “I promise I’ll try to be better!”
“I’m not talking about you.” Says Sam, planting a hand on his hip.
You look across the desk to Ignis and realize he’s taken his ear piece out. When did he do that? 
“My apologies,” replies Ignis. He turns in the seat to direct his voice towards Sam. “I wanted to limit unnecessary interruptions during our meeting. So I trust this is important.”
“Prompto Argentum is here to see you and requests your audience immediately.” 
Ignis shifts somewhat uneasily in his seat and pauses as if to figure out WHY this person is here to see him. 
“Well, send him in. Now.” He sounds authoritative and it gives you the chills. 
Sam recedes and a sprightly young man takes his place. He bursts through the door with a mess of  blonde hair sweeping across his freckled face. You realize that after all the talking Sam does about this guy, this is actually the first time you’re meeting him. 
“Ignis,” he says seriously. “I tried calling you.”
Ignis raises from his chair. “You sound troubled.”
“I’m troubled, alright, buddy. Can uh - can we talk here? You think?”
Blood rushes to your face as Prompto looks briefly in your direction. 
“This is (y/n) Vernum, Prompto. The new Royal Secretary. I believe she can be trusted. Miss Vernum,” he aims his voice to you. “This is Prompto. I apologize that this is the smallest of greetings.”
You lift your hand to Prompto silently and nod. He smiles succinctly in return and continues talking to Ignis. 
“I haven’t talked to Noct yet. So, I’m pretty sure he’s clueless. But this morning I was heading out of the city to get the Hammerhead hunter report and ran across some errr ... flyers?”
“Flyers? What of them? 
Prompto looks over his shoulder to make sure the office door is properly closed. “it’s those crazies that think Noctis and Luna shouldn’t have been resurrected. They made flyers about it and posted them all over.”
“Ahh ... propaganda. We’ll need to dispose of them...” Ignis’ hand is on his chin as he contemplates.
“Already working on it. I sent Talcott, Eine and Anju.”
“Very good.” He points his head in your direction. “Miss Vernum, please make a written account of this for the files -”
Ignis is speaking AT you, but you’re distracted by a look of wonderment and horror from Prompto. He’s staring PAST you at the picture windows that overlook the main street. His mouth is gaped open. 
You spin in the desk chair to see what looks like thousands of fat snowflakes floating slowly down, down; spiraling and swinging steadily back and fourth on their decent. 
“Are those ... flyers?” you hear yourself say and look to Prompto. He nods, deadpan. 
“What’s that?” Ignis asks. He’s been explaining something all this time. And you’ve missed all of it. 
“F-flyers ...” stutters Prompto. “They’re falling from the sky.”
“Like snow ...” you add, hypnotized. You rise from the desk and push open the old window, snatching one of the flyers from its free fall. 
You read the flyer out loud;
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Imagine Jamie meeting Claire the first time he stays at Leoch and Collum promises him to someone. But they end up eloping together at the gathering just like his parents before.
Running in the family; How to elope - Fraser style.
So to make this a wee bit more tangible I have altered the Jamie-Claire age gap. Jamie is 16 and Claire is 18, so only 2 years difference. She is still a time-traveller and has come through the stones, though.
The announcement still rung in his ears as Jamie paced the courtyard.
‘...engaged to be married…’
‘...on her sixteenth…’
Those few words cut him to the core.
What if he didn’t wish to marry her?
What if they weren’t meant to be?
He barely kent the lassie, and she was still just a wee bairn to him.
Another pawn in his uncle's games, Jamie knew he was being thrust into this ‘partnership’, not for his own benefit, but for theirs. Marrying him off to the wean kept Lallybroch in their clutches.
Stomping through the silent halls, Jamie walked the length of the castle, from the grand hall right down into the recesses of the peat-scented cellars.
The sound of a rattling chain pulled him from his melancholy and he twisted his head in the direction of the noise.
Cautiously, he tip toed towards the closed door, the thick bars of the viewing window hindering his view of the captive that lay beyond. As he approached, a flash of deep brown passed into view. He swore he’d seen thick curls and he tilted his head in confusion.
“Hello…” he broached, laying his hands against the rough wood as he peeked through the prison door.
Catching a glimpse of her profile as she turned, Jamie took a stunted breath and stepped back a little.
So it was a lassie, a young one at that. She couldn’t have been more than a few years older than him.
Glancing down, he could see the thick manacle that kept her chained to the floor. Bolted around her ankle, she could move a wee bit about the tiny room, but it wasn’t enough to allow her access to the door.
“What have they got ye trussed up in here for?” he whispered, once it became obvious that she wasn’t offering anything up herself.
He couldn’t fully understand himself, but something about her had him *captivated*.
“Theft…” she spoke, finally breaking her silence as she turned fully to face him. “I stole a horse. Mr. Mackenzie didn’t seem particularly pleased at my explanation, and so here I am.”
A sassenach. No wonder Collum had her locked away.
“...and why, pray tell, did ye steal a horse?” he replied, a hint of wonder in his voice. To steal from the Mackenzie took some *nerve*.
“I was trying to escape,” she retorted, a glimmer of rebelliousness lighting up her liquid amber eyes.
“Ach, I take it ye didna get verra far then, aye?”
Shrugging her shoulders, she blinked slowly, a coy smile lighting her face. “Quite far, and yet,” sighing, she turned away from him, “not far enough.”
“Aye, I see that lass,” Jamie returned, his interested piqued. “Do I dare ask why ye were trying to escape?”
Rotating slightly back towards him, she twisted her head back in his direction. “They were holding me prisoner.”
The hallways were dark now, the candles extinguished as the evening's celebrations had come to an end.
Hand in hand, Jamie led his newest companion through the quiet castle, hoping that all of the inhabitants were suitably half-cocked; enough that they all might be incapacitated for a time yet.
“This isna right. I dinna even ken yer name,” he whispered, slipping his fingers through hers as they came to a stop by the last corner. “Seems only polite since we’re sneaking awa’ like this.”
“It’s Claire,” she replied, a hint of humour in her tone. “Claire Beauchamp, and I’m so very pleased to have met you…”
“Jamie,” he finished for her. “Jamie Fraser, at yer service.”
Only one man stood between the pair and the portcullis. An elderly guard leaned against his broadsword as he napped at the exit to the castle.
‘Ye need to be utterly still, Claire. We can get passed him wi’out much trouble, I’m sure. But if Collum had ye paraded through the castle on yer return, afore he had ye clad in irons, yer probably well known to all o’ clan Mackenzie.”  Pulling the pilfered cape around her face, Jamie tucked her stray curls beneath the heavy fabric.
“Thank you...truly,” she added, stepping closer to Jamie’s side as they readied themselves for a swift exit. “I don’t know what I’d have done without you, Jamie Fraser.”
Jamie had been right, it didn’t take much to sneak past the snoozing guard and it wasn’t long before he had Claire mounted on his horse. To his mind, he couldn’t work out *why* he’d needed to free her so badly, but something deep in his heart told him he should.
“Where were ye going, Mistress?” he asked rather formally, feeling the breath of his father against his neck, combined with Claire’s as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Would you think I was mad if I told you I couldn’t remember?” she answered, her heart pounding as she clenched her thighs around the outside of his legs, the steady gait of the horse forcing them together.
“I’m promised,” Jamie began. An unspoken truth lay between them. In the short time they had been acquainted, he and Claire had forged something of a bond, “to a lass that I dinna wish to marry.”
Clicking his tongue, Jamie tugged the horse off the trail, to avoid trackers hunting them down once they discovered Claire’s disappearance.
“Oh,” Claire whispered, her hands gripping solidly at his hips as they picked up pace through the underbrush. “And is there a girl you *would* like to marry?”
“Aye, I do. If she werena to object to the idea…”
Nuzzling her nose into the back of his musty jacket, Claire forgot her initial quarms and lost herself in Jamie’s scent. “I don’t think she would be…” she sighed, her mouth watering at the prospect.
This was daft, a complete leave of her senses. But she couldn’t find it in herself to be perturbed by the situation.
Jamie clenched the reins in his hands, the heat of her filling him with warmth from toe to head.
‘Jamie,’ a tender voice echoed in his ear, ‘ye’ve the Fraser about ye, my lad…’ the wind whipped up around them, stealing the soft ghost of his mother, his cheeks pinking at the illusion.
“My da stole my mam away, Claire,” he began, the memory of his parent’s stories alight in his mind now, “just as I did you. Weel, apart from springing her from prison, aye?”
Claire scoffed, rolling her eyes as she snuggled closer still to Jamie, revelling in the close proximity of his alluring body.
“Maybe,” she murmured, letting her hand slide down and along his thigh as the stars twinkled through the breaks in the trees above them, “this is just a case of history repeating?”
Chuckling, Jamie tightened his heels around their mount, urging him ever onwards. “Maybe yer right Claire,” he replied, an eager lilt to his tone as his soul lightened at the prospect of marrying a girl he actually had designs on, instead of one chosen for him by his greedy uncles. “Either way, I think my da will love ye.”
‘...as I do…’ he thought, but did not say.
‘One look was all it took,’ he remembered, his father's voice now reverberating around them as the crickets began to chirp beside them, ‘just one look, Jamie, my boy.’
“Springing a criminal from the Mackenzie jail, damnit Jamie lad!” Brian Fraser muttered, irritation lacing his tone. “I sent him there to better him, Murtagh. No’ to have him upset half of our relatives. Where did I go wrong?”
“Gi’ the boy a chance, mo bhràthair, we dinna ken the circumstances yet. He might have a good reason for doing what he did,” Murtagh appeased, trying to keep Brian from throttling his young son moments after they tracked him down.
Through the trees, Murtagh caught a brief glimpse of wee Jamie’s horse, and nodded at Brian, a knowing look in his eye.
“He better had, Murtagh, I’m telling ye now,” Brian chuntered, his gaze hardening as he caught his first view of Jamie through the trees.
Claire sat on a rock facing Jamie as he readied the fire for the evening, tugging the thick tartan around her shoulders, she shrugged the hood from her head, letting the slight breeze blow through her loose locks.
“James Alexander Malcolm *MACKENZIE FRASER*!” came the billowing voice through the forest, making the birds scatter from the branches in fear.
Jamie’s face paled as Claire sat bolt upright, her eyes wide as she took in the two men who strode, meaningfully, through the tree line and into their little camp.
“What are ye playing at, mo mhac?” Brian boomed, slamming his palm against the bark as he stared blindly at his son, rage colouring his whole being.
“Da, hear me out…” Jamie began, shuffling his feet nervously in the detritus of the forest floor, “it isne…”
“What I think? It better no’ be! I had Dougal on our doorstep, Dougal Mackenzie himself, Jamie. Have ye any idea the thoughts that have been going through my head?”
“He saved my life,” Claire piped up, standing behind Jamie and peeking out from behind him, brave but not so bold as to take on Jamie’s father without some moral support. “It was my fault. Mr. Mackenzie had me locked away for stealing his horse, and Jamie got me free.”
“A sassenach?” Murtagh whispered in awe, his and Brian’s eyes fixed solely on Claire now as they took the measure of her.
Jaw clenched tight, Claire stood straight, coming out from behind Jamie as she took full responsibility for her part in the whole affair. She would not back down, nor would she cower.
As Brian took a step forward, Claire took one back, certain that her number was up and Mr. Fraser and his comrade would have her marched back to Castle Leoch before sunup.
“A lassie, a wee sassenach lass? Tell me yer pulling my leg, Jamie?” Brian questioned, looked between the pair as he stepped closer still.
“I love her, Da…” he sighed, his eyes holding his father's as Claire coughed and spluttered behind him, her heart pounding against her chest as the words hit her ears, “and her name is *Claire*.”
“Ah Dhia,” Murtagh cursed, lowly, his jaw dropping as he saw the truth that lay between the young pair. “It’s happening again, Brian, lad. She’s his Ellen,” he exclaimed, watching as Claire slipped her hand into Jamie’s and swallowed, audibly.
“Ach, Christ, Jamie,” Brian murmured, dropping his head in defeat.
“Ye willna send her back, will ye, Da?” Jamie begged, pulling Claire into his side and shielding her from any would be harm that might befall her from his father and godfather.
“Nay,” Brian replied, a hint of ire still lacing his tone. “I won’t.”Turning to Claire, Brian eyed her, skepticism written all over his face. “What, and tell me honestly, are yer intentions for my lad, Claire? Since I dinna ken where yer from or *who* ye are.”
“I…” she began, her hands shaking as she tried to reason with herself what had occurred between her and Jamie. How could she explain to his family, when she didn’t truly know herself? “I would never hurt him, Mr. Fraser.”
“Do you know what you’ve started, Mistress?” Murtagh broke in, certain that there was something powerful between Claire and Jamie, but also fearful of the wrath of clan Mackenzie. “What lengths Collum and Dougal will go to get justice for what Jamie has done? No’ only did he free ye, a known thief, but he also eloped away from his obligations.”
“I know fine well what he did for me, sir,” Claire bit back, shifting forward slightly, straightening her shoulders as she spoke, “and…” she paused, taking a large breath as she finally acknowledged the strange feelings bubbling under her skin, “I love him too.”
Smiling from ear to ear, Jamie stepped back in line with Claire. Dropping her head against his side, Claire exhaled, letting out a breath of relief at her admittance.
“Weel then, bairns,” Brian said, scratching his head and chuckling under his breath, all manner of irritation extinguished, “it looks like we have a wedding to organise.”
“And fast,” Murtagh interjected, humour coating his words, “afore Collum catches up wi’ ye, again!”
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emmapeelmk2-blog · 6 years
Back to bitch slap the crazy out of you all..
So yeah the year was 2014 when I last allowed the great and infamous Emma peel say her piece,the world was starting to go right just as my life was nose diving ,so while I left you all doing better i retired to frankly get my shit together ..and yeah it took......a long time...and even I doubted I could ever do it...so finally after nose diving,briefly resurfacing ,going back under,hitting rock bottom only to then start tunneling through the center of the earth to hit a low point that requires dedication to fucking up to replicate I finally rocket back up to relative sanity (and I shit you not the old me with vices to spare has been replaced with a drug free,non smoking tee totaller,I have a coke habit....a litre a day and these days going on a bender means smashing 3cams of rockstar blue down my neck and spending. Lavishly on a premium e liquid or if I'm really being bad a dress...like I said relative sanity,but frankly my father thinks he's a witch and my formerly prim disapproving mam now has more tattoos than me and a hippy move with the times attitude that is a million miles from the mam that damn near drove home from holiday the day I had my first tatt to beat the crap out of me for having it...so complete normality was well optimistic at best with these two head cases DNA) but anyway i digress ,so I get on an even keel and in a good place in my own life and what do I see the world going fucking nuts ,im genuinely a mentalist been properly sectioned so I know crazy and you all frankly need the crazy slapping from you all so I have returned to hurl abuse at you all until u all do better .....apart from out grand slam winning rugby team you. Boys can chill out ....fucking England's year my arse grand slam 2019 winners ....Wales ...sorry to my English friends but I'm welsh rugby matters and we love beating England so Much max Boyce sang about it and even Kelly Jones ....so anyway Americas president is a Putin loving racist cockwomble ,Mexicans rape,muslims are terrorists and their families target practise ,women love having their are grabbed (pussy in yank speak means arse for anyone still unaware) dead national heroes are Twitter fodder, Alec Baldwin is damn close to a stint at Gitmo but rampaging white supremacists,mass shootings by them ,aren't terrorism...I'd swear I was in some weird life on mars coma but my names not Sam and I know someone who is every bit as coarse and brutal in his language and attitude as gene hunt,and even he thinks trump is professional grade c**t ,Americans are vocal in saying trump doesn't speak for us and increasingly I hear people questioning whether he is suffering from mental illness ,as a near life long sufferer of mental illness, I beg you all don't chuck him onto us our lives are hard enough as it is without him stigmatising us,I have had periods of such mental strain I have at times suspected my mother of trying to secretly fatten me up,another time I believed my then new born son was an assassin purely brought into this world to destroy me and as crazy as those times were I've never been crazy enough to not think that white supremacists are c**ts each and everyone ,and that terrorists can be identified on a dulux fucking chart ...anyone who shoots and massacres a group of people on the grounds of race,religion sexual oriemtariom,nationality of any agenda that they use as a reason to hate and kill is a fucking terrorist whether ur white black or whatever ....of I went to north wales and murdered a whole town coz I hates their accent their attitude s and their insistence that we have to thank them for keeping our language alive ,you know what I'd be ...a white terrorist ...a really fantastically unambitious lazy white terrorist ,so please don't give us Donald trump ,he's not mentally unwell...he's just a massive cock juggling thundec*nt and if u r a woman who finds him or anyone groping ur arse coz they think they can show them they can't by sticking the fucking head on them That's enough ranting for now So peace and love to all of you who deserve it,a big fuck you to the rest Im off to make coffee and eat some coconut macaroons (home made) Until the next time The great and resurrected Emma peel xx P.s.yeah I drink coffee now too and make very good sweets and chocolates too
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iamchikara · 6 years
I’m working on normalizing my sleep schedule, so yes, this is late. :) Results for Don’t Go To Sleep! under the cut. It looks like this was also the first live event to broadcast on Powerbomb.tv as well as ‘Topia, which is good. (Don’t ask me what the Powerbomb deal means in regards to ‘Topia, I have no idea.)
Match #1: Singles Contest Callux vs. Fire Ant (1 point) Fire, for some reason, was apparently not in the building when this match started and nearly lost via forfeit. A little odd, really. Callux played the power game, setting Fire on the defensive, and was able to win with a bear hug followed by a power slam. Post-match, Callux destroyed Fire’s stuff (left at ringside during his rush to get to the ring), took his medal, beat up Thief and Green Ant, and took off, still with the medal. Where the heck was DoF Remsburg during this? Are we accusing him of favoritism towards the Proteus Wheel yet? It sure seems like it! WINNER: Callux (1 point), Fire Ant is out of the standings Match #2: Four Corner Elimination Tag Thief and Green Ant (1 point) vs. Blanche Babish and Jeremy Leary vs. Hermit Crab and Cajun Crawdad vs. the Nouveau Aesthetic More than a little unfair having this match right after the beating Thief and Green took from Callux. Predictably, they were targeted early on as the crustaceans ambushed them right from their entrance. Leary and Babish hit the ring shortly after to help the ants fend off the crustaceans, while the Aesthetic played it smart and hung back to watch the carnage. BLANK saw his opportunity early on, slipping in to surprise Thief and cradle him for the first elimination. The rudos found common ground after that, with all four beating up Babish and Leary, though another elimination came when Babish was able to get Still Life in a crucifix pin. Leary then fell prey to Low Tide, getting the Creatures of the Deep representatives the win. When was the last time one of these resulted in a team getting more than one point? I’ve forgotten, which is not good. WINNERS: Hermit Crab and Cajun Crawdad (1 point), Thief and Green Ant are out of the standings Match #3: Singles Contest The Proletariat Boar of Moldova (1 point) vs. Hype Rockwell (1 point) Small goofup from production, as the graphic for Calhoun/MAM was shown before this. I can’t come down hard on whoever manned the graphics because I’ve seen far worse production errors from other promotions, but since this isn’t the first time this has happened, I’d like to encourage that a little more care be taken next time. Repeating mistakes does not look good for anyone involved. Thank you. Anyways, we have rudo Hype now! Some trash talking and general disinterest in the match from Hype, who targeted the Boar’s arm throughout, helping to neutralize some of the Boar’s main offense. Smart strategy, really. Both soon ended up on the top turnbuckle, which led to Hype blocking a frankensteiner and hitting a super powerbomb to end it. WINNER: Hype Rockwell (2 points), the Proletariat Boar of Moldova is out of the standings INTERMISSION! Match #4: Singles Contest Lucas Calhoun (1 point) vs. Missile Assault Man (1 point) Before the match, Calhoun spoke to MAM, saying that he knew why the match had to happen. "Sometimes the only way out is through. Let's do this." Good stuff. Hard-fought match from both, with Calhoun eventually catching MAM in a sleeper and pleading with him to stop...at which point the Proteus Wheel hit the ring. Calhoun was attacked first, causing a DQ in his favor, then both were destroyed. Nicodemus: “ How dare you think for yourself! Everything you are came out of the journal of Axel Ford.” Seems the Professor is having a hard time with even more of his creations! Who knows who else is going to come out of the woodwork after him? Volgar and Frantik destroyed MAM’s ankle with a chair during this, then both MAM and Calhoun were left for dead. No one came out to help, or even to pull the Wheel off. Again, where in the heck was DoF Remsburg? After the Wheel left, MAM dragged himself over to Calhoun, slapped him awake, and told him they’re gonna get Nicodemus before leaving together. Old alliances reforged, I like that. WINNER by DQ: Lucas Calhoun (2 points), Missile Assault Man is out of the (inactive) standings Match #5: Atomicos Contest Solo Darling, Razerhawk, Danjerhawk, and Boomer Hatfield vs. Hallowicked, Travis Huckabee, Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge Word is that Tony Deppen was originally scheduled for this match, but needed to pull out of the show for (as far as I can see) undisclosed reasons. Good work from everyone involved, though Boomer really needs to work on that “fair play” thing. Maybe I’ve watched too much Lucha Underground, but fair play and chivalry in wrestling typically get you nowhere. In Boomer’s case, it got him a kick to the face from Hallowicked. Huckabee and Solo in particular were ripping into each other, which had to be expected. Eventually these two will get to hash it out in a proper one-on-one match, I also expect. (Might I suggest at the Season finale? Solo does need that third point, after all...) At the end, it was Huckabee and Solo alone, with attempts at interference fended off by each side. However, Boomer was unable to stop Hallowicked from rushing in, leading to Solo being hit with Never Wake Up. Huckabee, jerk that he’s become, then slapped Solo’s own SharpStinger on her and, as she had been already knocked out from Never Wake Up, ended the match. WINNERS: Hallowicked, Travis Huckabee, Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge Joey Janela, who was on commentary during the show to help promote a doubleheader in two weeks with CHIKARA and Beyond Wrestling, came down to the ring with an announcement: this year’s Cibernetico! Beyond and CHIKARA go head-to-head this year, and though Janela can’t participate due to injury, he had the scoop on Beyond’s team. Representing Beyond Wrestling: Brian Milonas (described by Janela as a “goddamn monster”, temporarily forgetting to watch his language), Cam Zagami, Chris Dickinson, Ryan Galeone, the Beaver Boys (which I’m sure will likely receive a temporary rename for the event), and, shocking the fans in attendance, Nick Gage. It’ll be interesting to see who CHIKARA fields in response. Match #6: Singles Contest Ophidian (1 point) vs. Rory Gulak Perusing the #DGTSChikara hashtag on Twitter, I see this one got rave reviews and MOTN mentions, and from the sound of it, it deserved it. Both brought their mat game, exchanging holds and counters, with Ophidian trying to get the upper hand by incorporating some aerial offense as well. Ophidian was eventually able to end it with the Death Grip. WINNER: Ophidian (2 points) Match #7: MAIN EVENT, Grand Championship Defense #3 Dasher Hatfield vs. The Whisper Now that he’s out of Ophidian’s shadow, Whisper seems to be more than holding his own lately, and this was no different. Both exchanged their signatures, with Dasher kicking out of the Aftermath and Whisper reversing a Jackhammer. Eventually, Dasher had to utilize a super Jackhammer to get the win, pulling Whisper from the apron to the second rope in the process. WINNER: Dasher Hatfield
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strewbi · 8 years
Comic Page 2: Shit.
Comic Page 3: F L A T S
Comic Page 4-4ever: gotta luv inks
0 notes