#grass cutter wheel
krishitoolindia · 2 years
Buy  krishitool 4 Stroke Brush Cutter Machine Backpack 50cc - Krishitool.in
Book Now: https://www.krishitool.in/product_details/krishitool_4_Stroke_Brush_Cutter_Machine_Backpack_50cc
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gypsophiliaz · 9 months
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“ douceur „
quanxi x fem florist | barista reader.
multiple part series. first part thats just pretty fluffy and romancey!! first time writing and actually publishing it so ermm leave tips ig idk. ik the pacing is weird but its bc i like to write in detail.
feminine reader x quanxi, includes romance. >:3 smut in later chapters or wtv.
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disclaimer ; I've never written like romance before so forgive me lol. I write with extreme detail too so it probably gonna be the SLOWEST burn ever. also she smokes weed cuz ion fuck wit that cig shit lmfao
being a florist in tokyo isn't anything you thought you'd be finding yourself doing. though, being drawn to the sweet and naturey smell of flowers wouldn't suprise anyone who had known you before. head over heels constantly in love with all kinds of plants and flowers, from spider lilies to hydrangea, peony and flower arrangements in themselves.
. . .
you'd adjust your grip on the box cutter in your dominant hand, the vivid pink color of it mixing with the warm lighting above you, the blade swiftly and sharply cutting through the protruding thorns of the white roses, the remaining water inside would drip slightly onto the paper below the bouqet would find itself sitting inside of momentarily. a smell similar of freshly cut grass would fill your senses, and the cozy and comforting feel of the floristry – cafe place that you had recently assigned yourself to.
the smell of coffee, tea, and the baby's breath that sat to the right of you would fill the air, a rainy day with cars ever–so making light noises as their wheels splash and sputter inside of the puddles left by the rain. the annoying ding of the door would fill your ears once more, and like clock–work the all too familiar words would spill out of your mouth.
“ Welcome to Yrlissa's Flowery, How may I be of assistance? ”
as your eyes lazily drifted off the commissed bouqet that laid on the counter infront of you, your eyes would laid upon a tall lady, with a muscular yet slim figure. wispy bangs and a lacey eyepatch concealing her right eye. the rest of her thin hair contained by a black hairtie— who the hell visits a flower shop in a full black suit? Is she going to a fucking funeral ?
NOT professional thoughts. get it together!!!
the lady would approach the counter, with an almost monochromatic expression. not one emotion would appear on her face, and no body language out of the ordinary. her movements would seem almost perfected calculated, almost uncanny even, but as she grew closer the smell of the the roses and baby's breath would be replaced with the smell of marijuana.
the footsteps would come to a halt uncomfortably close to you, or maybe it would seem that way since shes near the height of a basketball player and you couldn't be any closer to a smurf, and also leaning over flowers with posture far from the best in the world– a few seconds of silence commence, the ladies eyes piercing above to read the sign. her lips parting to finally speak.
“A small espresso will do, please.”
“ would you like sugar or cream? ”
“ Surprise me. ”
the click of the box cutters blade retracting back into itself, and the clack of its placement onto the counter would follow her sentence. with your feet tapping to the cups behind you, and your body language obviously showing your nervousness, you'd swiftly grab it and draw back over to the counter near the woman.
tipping over the jug of geyser water just measuring to the line that marks a half liter. the sound of the water filling up would once again save you from extremely embarrassment from the pure awkwardness of the situation at hand.
. . . .
you'd stretch your hand over and weigh out 20 grams of coffee beans, pouring them into a small tin and placing them on the miniature scale. the lady bringing a stop to the awkward silence that filled the air.
“ I take it it's relaxing to work here hm? ”
“ It's nice on it's slow days, but then there's times like valentines day, and wedding season ykno? ”
“I'd imagine.”
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as a few weeks passed, the lady swiftly became a regular. almost always coming in during your shift or being there before you clock in. a name you wrote on the coffee cup almost every shift, the type of name that rolls off your tongue sweet and slick, — quanxi. another day had arrived, opening the door to yrlissa's the bell would chime as you walked in, swiftly pittering to clock in, not missing quanxi sitting in the corner of the shop, as always.
she would stay for a few hours and make nice company on slow days, an often occurrence it would be to sit and speak with her while filling out the commissions for bouqets, and other kinds of assortments. it didn't take long to realize quanxi liked more to listen than to speak.
today was october 5th. the chill in the air sweeping into the store moments after the bell on the door would ring. it didn't take long for you to learn to brace yourself against the cold on the cue of the chime. completing the same ol' sequence you'd do everyday, steaming the milk and poking holes in the puck of espresso, yet this time for yourself to warm up on the cold day.
the thick fog outside would make seeing the people and events happening outside near impossible. pouring the milk, then espresso, a drizzle of caramel and whipped cream onntop, the perfect go—to drink. the cup would warm your hands, soothing you and bringing you into relaxation with the first sip, a small breath leaving your parted lips—
the all too familiar chime would fill your ears.
quickly stepping behind the counter to at least shield your lower half. or.. 90% of ur body bc ur a fucking smurf. srry im writing this in my perspective im fucking 5'0. the chill would still expectedly hit your face and torso, sending a small shiver up your spine. gripping the cup of coffee just a bit tighter to warm your hands once again. fluttering your lashes and squinting to keep the ice cold air out of your eyes, you'd realize who'd walked in.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cold.” Quanxi would say, looking back and closing the door softly behind her as not to brush more cold air inside. this time she was wearing a brown turtle-neck under her coat and long black pants. she'd take a deep breath in and pull her other hand out of her pocket.
“you're fine don't worry. at least it's not another total stranger walking in, I think I'd rot inside having to make any more small talk today.” you'd set down your coffee to start her order, placing it beside the cash register and lean on the counter with the corner digging into your palms.
Quanxi would approach the table near the entrance of the work space, leaving about 3-5 feet in between the two of you as you started her order. It took her a few days in the beginning but she got what she wanted down pack. a shot of espresso, mixed softly into chocolate syrup followed by warm steamed milk and whipped cream. In other words, a Caffé Mocha. with some extra chocolate.
. . . should probably start that order
you'd started serving quanxi in the pretty white mugs boss lady told you not to use, simply to reduce dishes. but you didn't mind washing one or two for quanxi. You'd hear the clink of her keys being placed onto the table before she'd speak.
“How's work been treating you lately? ” Quanxi would say to you, looking at you completely still with a hand propped up under her chin, but still as nonchalant as usual. It was hard to believe she was genuinely interested sometimes.
pouring the chocolate into the bottom of the cup focusedly, to make it look as pretty and perfect as can be, you'd take a second before answering. “Horrible, Actually. This guy yesterday, came in and got mad at me because I forgot to put caramel on top of his frappe. He ended up throwing it on the floor, and of course I had to clean it. ”
Quanxi's eyes would follow the way you carefully made the coffee. The way you'd twirl the cup to make sure it was evenly distributed, and the way you'd add extra for her, even though she didn't ask for it. Nor did she really like how sweet it made the drink, but to her it was an act of kindness.
“Oh! and thennnn I had a lady come in here with her boyfriend and I guess I was a bit too friendly with her and she pulled me to the side and basically threatened me. I'm not one for wanting a guy in general. That was actually around a week ago and she came back a few days ago an—”
the glass pot to steam the milk in would fall to the ground instantly shattering. nothing but the thought of your boss chewing you out rushes into your mind. not only is it expensive to replace, it was definitely coming out of your paycheck. Quanxi wasted no time raising out of her chair and assisting you with cleanup even before you, yourself could process what had happened.
“thank you. god my boss is gonna make me pay for this. . . " you'd say squatting down and beginning to pick up the big chunks of glass first and placing them in your palm. “I'll get it, you might get cut. ” Quanxi would take the glass from out of your hand and continue to pick up where you left off.
"are you sure? I can just get a broom or something." you'd turn away for a second to grab the broom from the back, yet once you come back you find the glass all gone, not a single piece remaining on the floor and a note on the counter, sitting placed under two 10,000 yen notes. (around 140$)
the shock would spread across your face almost in an instant. what the absolute hell? picking up the notes, you'd take the time to read the note she'd left behind.
“𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓫𝓮, 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮.
𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓷𝔁𝓲 347-1782.”
✧─── ・ 。゚✧: * 🎀 .* :✧. ───✧
tired of there not being fuckin quanxi fics and smut bro. ik u stans r alive ACT LIKE IT!!!! 😡 k hope u enjoyed tho owo also im seriously fucking hoping this isn't ugly on pc bro.. idk but if ur reading fluff n shit on a pc u got balls cuz id cry if i got caught
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Mischief Makers #2
AU; The hero of Legend and the hero of Hyrule are Smol
(This was my second try starting the fic)
The Hero who would one day be known as the Hero of Legend opened his eyes before the sting of acidic lantern smoke had fully faded from his tongue and turned his face towards the cloud-filled sky. His blonde hair was streaked with pink, turning into something that was vanilla and strawberry before it vanished beneath the blue cap that was almost as big as he was. A sword that was too big laid heavily between his should blades, pressing against the curve of his spine and forcing him to stand straight under the eyes of people who weren’t there to stare.
Beside him, dried mud and faded blood staining his green tunic, was the child who would be passed through tales as the Hero of Hyrule.
Green fields stretched out before them, grass taller than them swaying in ocean-like waves beneath the slightest breeze. Trees peppered here and there, making differences in a landscape that looked like it could have been stretched like dough between the hands of the goddesses.
Legend got up to the tips of his toes and used Hyrule’s shoulder to give himself a little boost—
And saw nothing.
“Great,” he said, resting back on his heels. “I don’t suppose you recognize this place?”
The world they had come from was more rock than plant, with heavy ashes sitting in the air and terror dripping from the cracks like oil that was ready to be ignited at any time.
Hyrule looked up from picking at a scab on the back of his hand. He was a good head shorter than Legend and glanced around at the grass. It would take a good footstool to prop him high enough to see over the plant life, so he turned to his friend and raised one eyebrow.
“Right,” Legend’s shoulders dropped as he sighed. “So we’re lost.”
Purple fizzed and popped behind them.
They turned, watching the portal collapse until it was nothing but a couple of falling, dark-star sparks. Hyrule leaned past Legend, reaching out to touch before his wrist was snatched. Magic fell to the ground and vanished, leaving them alone in the middle of the fields with nothing but grass to the front, grass to their back, and an open, unbothered sky.
Something thick and dark and cold settled in Legend's stomach as he looked around at everything but besides the occasional tree it was all the same, cookie cutter rolling hills. His breath hitched and he reached back for his sword, ready to start cutting through everything for just a sign—
A small hand took his before he could wrap his fingers wound the pommel of the sword and Hyrule looked up at him, eyes bright as a smile flourished on his features. "Don't worry," he said, a playful cat-like slyness to his voice, "I won't let you get too lost."
"You have no idea where we are."
Turning his face to the sky, Hyrule grinned. "No," his voice was soft. "But it'll be fun to find out."
Legend rolled his eyes but he couldn't help the smile that bled across his features as he was tugged forward into the unknown.
Here we go again.
“You knew.”
Hyrule laughed. “I didn’t!” He said and tugged Legend towards the stone walls rising out of the horizon. The grass had given away to a river, to a bridge, to a road carved deep with the wheels of caravans. Rain had turned patches of it to mud.
(They might have jumped into a few here or there; drying speckles dotting up their bare knees and making their boots look like desert dipped in chocolate.)
Legend pouted and wrapped his arm around a shoulder, leaning most of his weight onto the smaller boy. They stumbled together towards the edge of the road but Hyrule only giggled. Sunlight glinted off the hilt of his sword, sending flashes of sparkling goddess light across dirt and skin and he pulled away—
A yelp ripped its way out of Legend’s throat as they tumbled, rolling into the damp dirt. Hyrule squirmed beneath him, laughing as he kicked his small legs. The green cap had partially fallen off his hair but the sunlight caught his shining eyes and turned them wolf-gold.
Legend poked a dirt-crusted cheek once, twice, a third time until hands were swatting at his fingers.
Worming his way backward, Hyrule made a bid for freedom only to be snatched back, fingers digging into his sides and playing across his ribs.
“Say it!” Legend cried, sitting on the squirming, squealing boy, ignoring the smaller fists that battered at his sternum. “Say it!”
“S-say what?!” Hyrule shoved his hand against Legend’s cheek, pushing the older hero’s head up before he had to pull back to protect his unguarded sides. His chest heaved from breathless giggles, legs kicking uselessly. “I didn’t—I didn’t—s-stop! Mercy! Mercy!”
Deep laughter rumbled above them and the boys froze, staring at each with wide eyes before turning, slowly, to look up at the man standing in the middle of the road.
He was dressed in heavy, linked silver armour with a skirt of chainmail that sent glimmers of scattered sunlight across the earth. Two jagged red tattoos were carved beneath his scarred over right eye, and an angular blue U was marked in the middle of his forehead.
Beside him, head lowered and blue eyes narrowed, was a wolf that had splatters of slate in its dark almost-green-but-mostly-grey looking pelt.
“You boys alright?” The man said, adjusting the burlap sack hanging over his shoulder.
There was a massive sword strapped to his back.
Legend pulled his hands away from Hyrule’s sides and stared, heart thudding painfully in his chest.
“Uh huh,” Hyrule managed, panting as his laughter faded. There was a thump as his head fell back into the dirt. “Yessir!”
Fingers brushed over Legend’s wrist, brushed over his palm, and tangled with his own. A thumb pressed into his pulse point and his skin felt too hot, too hot, too hot—
Hyrule squeeze and Legend’s diaphragm decided that was enough to start working once more.
“If you’re sure,” the man said, his eye focused on Legend, picking apart his skin and bones and sinews to see into his soul.
He wanted to bare his teeth, wanted to draw his sword, wanted to run away from this maybe-knight and his wolf—
Legend nodded once and squeezed Hyrule’s fingers.
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smallenginewreckers · 2 months
How to Maintain and Sharpen Your Brush Cutter Blades Like a Pro
Maintaining and sharpening your brush cutter blades is essential for ensuring your equipment performs at its best. A well-maintained blade not only makes your yard work more efficient but also extends the life of your brush cutter. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to keep your brush cutter blades in top shape, from regular maintenance to proper sharpening techniques.
Why Blade Maintenance is Important
Maintaining your brush cutter blades is crucial for several reasons. First, sharp blades make cleaner cuts, which helps your plants recover more quickly and reduces the risk of disease. Second, well-maintained blades reduce the strain on your brush cutter's engine, extending the life of your equipment. Finally, sharp blades increase your efficiency, saving you time and effort.
Tools You'll Need
Before you begin, gather the necessary tools. Here’s a list of items you’ll need for maintaining and sharpening your brush cutter blades:
Safety gloves
Eye protection
A flat file or bench grinder
A vice or clamp
Cleaning brush
Mild detergent
Lubricant oil
A wrench or socket set
Safety First
When working with sharp blades, safety is paramount. Always wear safety gloves and eye protection to prevent injuries. Ensure your brush cutter is turned off and the spark plug is disconnected to avoid accidental starts.
Cleaning Your Brush Cutter Blades
Regular cleaning is the first step in maintaining your brush cutter blades. After each use, clean the blades to remove dirt, grass, and sap. Here’s how to do it:
Disconnect the Brush cutter: Ensure the brush cutter is turned off and disconnected from the power source.
Remove the Blade: Use a wrench or socket set to remove the blade from the brush cutter.
Clean the Blade: Use a cleaning brush and a mild detergent solution to scrub away any debris. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
Inspect for Damage: Check the blade for any signs of wear or damage. If the blade is chipped or cracked, it’s time to replace it.
Sharpening the Brush Cutter Blades
Sharpening your brush cutter blades is crucial for maintaining their efficiency. Follow these steps to ensure your blades are razor-sharp:
Using a Flat File
Secure the Blade: Place the blade in a vice or clamp to keep it stable.
File the Cutting Edge: Hold the flat file at the same angle as the blade’s bevel. Use smooth, even strokes to file the cutting edge, working from the base to the tip. Maintain a consistent angle to ensure an even edge.
Check for Sharpness: After a few strokes, check the blade’s sharpness. Continue filing until the edge is sharp.
Balance the Blade: Once the blade is sharpened, check its balance. An unbalanced blade can cause excessive vibration and wear. Hang the blade on a nail through the center hole; if one side dips, file the heavier side until the blade balances evenly.
Using a Bench Grinder
Prepare the Grinder: Ensure the bench grinder is equipped with a grinding wheel suitable for sharpening blades.
Grind the Blade: Hold the blade against the grinding wheel at the correct angle. Use light pressure and move the blade back and forth to avoid overheating the metal.
Cool the Blade: Periodically dip the blade in water to keep it cool and prevent overheating.
Check for Sharpness and Balance: As with the flat file method, check the sharpness and balance of the blade.
Lubricating the Blades
After sharpening, it’s important to lubricate the blades to prevent rust and keep them in good working condition. Apply a light coating of lubricant oil to the blade, making sure to cover the entire surface.
Reassembling the Brush Cutter
Once your blades are cleaned, sharpened, and lubricated, it’s time to reassemble your brush cutter. Follow these steps:
Reattach the Blade: Secure the blade back onto the brush cutter using the wrench or socket set. Ensure all bolts and screws are tightened securely.
Reconnect the Power Source: Reconnect the brush cutter to its power source or reattach the spark plug.
Test the Brush cutter: Start the brush cutter and let it run for a few minutes to ensure everything is functioning properly. Listen for any unusual noises or vibrations.
Regular Maintenance Tips
To keep your speed feed trimmer head in top condition, follow these regular maintenance tips:
Clean the blades after each use: This prevents the buildup of debris and sap, which can dull the blades.
Inspect the blades regularly: Look for signs of wear, nicks, or damage. Replace the blades if necessary.
Sharpen the blades periodically: Depending on usage, you may need to sharpen the blades every few weeks or months.
Lubricate the blades: After cleaning and sharpening, always apply a light coat of lubricant to prevent rust.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Even with regular maintenance, you may encounter some common issues with your brush cutter blades. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:
Blade Dullness: If the blade isn’t cutting efficiently, it’s likely dull. Sharpen the blade following the steps outlined above.
Excessive Vibration: This can be caused by an unbalanced blade. Check the blade’s balance and file the heavier side if needed.
Overheating: Overheating can occur if the blade isn’t properly lubricated or if you’re using too much pressure while cutting. Ensure the blade is well-lubricated and let the brush cutter cool down periodically.
Maintaining and sharpening your brush cutter blades is essential for efficient and effective yard work. By following these steps, you can ensure your blades remain sharp, balanced, and in excellent condition. Regular maintenance not only improves your brush cutter’s performance but also extends its lifespan, making your investment worthwhile. Remember, a well-maintained brush cutter is a key tool in keeping your garden looking pristine. Happy gardening with Small Engine Wreckers
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bigbenblog · 6 months
Garden Clearance in Westminster - Big Ben
What is the best tool for clearing overgrown garden?
The best tool for clearing an overgrown garden depends on the size of the area, the types of vegetation, and your personal preferences. Here are some common tools that can be useful for clearing overgrown gardens:
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Pruning Shears or Hand Clippers: Ideal for smaller gardens or for selectively removing specific plants or branches.
Loppers: Larger than pruning shears, loppers are useful for cutting thicker branches.
Hedge Trimmers: Electric or manual hedge trimmers can be efficient for cutting back overgrown bushes and hedges.
String Trimmers (Weed Whackers): Useful for cutting down tall grass, weeds, and light brush in larger areas. They come in gas, electric, and battery-powered versions.
Brush Cutter: A more heavy-duty tool designed for cutting through dense vegetation and small trees. It can be handheld or attached to a wheeled machine.
Chainsaw: For larger branches and small trees, a chainsaw can be effective. Ensure proper safety precautions and skills when using a chainsaw.
Machete or Clearing Tool: Good for cutting through dense vegetation and undergrowth.
Garden Gloves: Essential for protecting your hands from thorns, prickly plants, and other hazards.
Rake: To gather cut vegetation and clear the area.
Wheelbarrow or Garden Cart: For transporting cut vegetation and debris.
Before starting, assess the specific needs of your garden and choose the appropriate tools accordingly. Safety gear, such as gloves, sturdy footwear, and eye protection, is crucial when working in an overgrown garden. Additionally, consider having a plan for waste disposal, as clearing overgrown vegetation can generate a significant amount of debris.
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farm-implements · 7 months
Improving Farming Efficiency with Rotary Cutter
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Rotary cutters are like big spinning blades on wheels that help farmers with their work. They're really good at cutting through thick grass and bushes in fields. Farmers use them to clear fields, trim pastures where animals graze, and tidy up the sides of roads. These cutters come in different sizes and shapes, so farmers can pick the one that fits their needs. Overall, rotary cutter are super helpful tools for farmers everywhere.
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tintinntabuli · 8 months
Yanmar Unveils e-X1 Prototype For Zero Emission Ag Tasks
Yanmar Agribusiness Co., Ltd. (Yanmar AG), a subsidiary of Yanmar Holdings, has revealed its e-X1 concept, an electric drive compact electric agricultural machine designed to achieve zero emissions. The prototype was unveiled at a stakeholder event, with a view to begin market monitoring by 2025.
The e-X1 machine can accommodate various implements such as rotary tillers and grass cutters at the front and rear, enabling tasks like weeding, snow removal, and cultivating. Opting for crawlers instead of wheels ensures stable operation on slopes and uneven terrain. With no driver’s seat, the machine guarantees operator safety during tasks through remote control. The incorporation of autonomous driving features is also under consideration.
Yanmar AG plans to actively progress toward mass-production through rigorous design and testing, with the goal of contributing to the decarbonization of the agricultural sector. Within the Yanmar Group, the YANMAR GREEN CHALLENGE 2050 initiative is driving efforts toward realizing a sustainable society.
Compact electric concept e-X1
Model namee-X1PowertrainBattery electricProposed operationsTilling, mowing, ridging, snow removal etc.Release dateMarket monitoring is scheduled to start in 2025
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Concept model of the e-X1 compact electric agricultural machine.
In related news, see:
Yanmar North America Announces Expansion Plan
Yanmar Scores Naming Rights Deal For Grand Rapids Arena
Get Equipped: Equip Exposition
Read More
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jungletac · 2 years
Cheat codes for NES Pokemon Yellow (NJ046 - Pocket Monsters - Yellow (C))
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I found a few random cheat codes for the NES Chinese Pokémon Yellow (specifically the English patch).  Why?  idk bored lol.  These cheats were found in FCEUX but I’m sure could be used in any emulator where you can edit the value of an address in RAM. 
First are the move modifiers.  They seem to work different than official Pokémon games, rather than it being what slot in your party the Pokémon is in, it seems to be in the order that you caught the Pokémon (maybe)?? you may need to play with these codes to figure out which address applies to which Pokémon.
------------------------------------------------- Move modifiers ------------------------------------------------- First move slots addresses 6063:xx 6064:xx 6065:xx 6066:xx 6067:xx 6068:xx
Second move slots addresses 6069:xx 606a:xx 606b:xx 606c:xx 606d:xx 606e:xx
Third move slots addresses 606f:xx 6070:xx 6071:xx 6072:xx 6073:xx 6074:xx
Fourth move slots addresses 6075:xx 6076:xx 6077:xx 6078:xx 6079:xx 607a:xx
Move values-
00: ember 01: flame wheel 02: fire punch 03: flame thrower 04: sacred fire 05: fire blast 06: erupt 07: wisp 08: bubble 09: water gun 0a: water pulse 0b: bubble beam 0c: octazooka 0d: crab hammer 0e: surf 0f: hydro pump 10: water sport 11: clamp 12: withdraw 13: thundershock 14: shock wave 15: spark 16: thunderpunch 17: thunderbolt 18: zap cannon 19: volt tackle 1a: thunder 1b: thunder wave 1c: avsorb [sic] 1d: mega drain 1e: magic leaf 1f: vine whip 20: razor leaf 21: needle arm 22: seed bomb 23: solar beam 24: frenzy plant 25: grass whistle 26: sleeping powder 27: spore 28: stun spore 29: powder snow 2a: icy wind 2b: arctic breeze 2c: ice punch 2d: ice beam 2e: blizzard 2f: sheer cold 30: mud slap 31: mud shot 32: dig 33: bone club 34: earth quake 35: bonemerang 36: fissure 37: sand attack 38: rock throw 39: rock tomb 3a: ancient power 3b: rock slide 3c: leech life 3d: twin needle 3e: silver wind 3f: signal beam 40: mega horn 41: tail grow 42: string shot 43: poison sting 44: smog 45: acid 46: poison tail 47: poison fang 48: sludge 49: sludge bomb 4a: poison gas 4b: poison powder 4c: toxic 4d: low kick 4e: rock smash 4f: karate chop 50: double kick 51: revenge 52: rolling kick 53: vital throw 54: seismic toss 55: brick break 56: sky uppercut 57: cross chop 58: dynamic punch 59: power-up punch 5a: focus punch 5b: peck 5c: gust 5d: air cutter 5e: wing attack 5f: aerial ace 60: fly 61: drill peck 62: bounce 63: aeroblast 64: sky attack 65: confusion 66: psybeam 67: mist ball 68: psyshock 69: zen headbutt 6a: psychic 6b: dream eater 6c: psy boost 6d: hypnosis 6e: rest 6f: teleport 70: calm mind 71: agility 72: lick 73: astonish 74: shadow punch 75: shadow ball 76: shadow claw 77: confuse ray 78: twister 79: dragon rage 7a: dragonbreath 7b: dragon claw 7c: dragon pulse 7d: dragon dance 7e: knock off 7f: faint attack 80: bite 81: crunch 82: metal claw 83: steel wing 84: iron tail 85: meteor mash 86: iron defense 87: splash 88: rapid spin 89: tackle 8a: scratch 8b: pound 8c: quick attack 8d: pay day 8e: fake out 8f: cut 90: swift 91: stomp 92: crush claw 93: hidden power 94: hyper fang 95: razor wind 96: double edge 97: hyper beam 98: self destruct 99: explode 9a: guillotine 9b: horn drill 9c: sing 9d: love kiss 9e: supersonic 9f: sword dance a0: growl a1: bulk-up a2: defense curl a3: harden a4: tail whip a5: charm a6: smoke screen a7: flash a8: double team a9: recover aa: encore ab: roar ac: whirlwind ad: ???????? (is supposed to be transform but doesnt work, even when ditto uses it) ae: counter af: strength b0: ----- (fire type, has 100 pp, 100 power, and 0 accuracy b1: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b2: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b3: crashes the game if you try to look at move or use it b4: ieved Mew! (fire type, 125 power 0 accuracy) b5: EaSa0quFi (water type, 238 power, 2 accuracy) b6: glitches graphics, very entertaining. power eAA accuracy e (never seems to hit) b7: similar to above but different graphics, i got it to hit at least once but it usually doesnt hit b8: nameless 0 power 0 accuracy 0 pp move, Did not evolve! type. b9: 145 pp move, glitches out if trying to view stats. glitches out graphics, always misses ba: crashes the game bb: needs tobe stopped. - 87 power 32 accuracy 0 pp type: KeyItm (crashes game sometimes) bc: Pickachu isbetter than yours! - 51 power 5 accuracy type: ash! bd: amine. - power 16 accuracy 0 type: Did not evolve!. glitches battle graphics be: MesHotl - power 55 accuracy 7 ghost type bf: ArSiBrBe - glitches graphics, never hits c0: nameless 16 power 0 accuracy 64 pp move c1: saffron city - 65 power 8 accuracy 114 pp ghost type. crashes game if it hits c2: crashes game c3: rcanine - 49 power 8 accuracy 68 pp c4: tarmie - 118 power 20 accuracy 48 pp , crashes game if it hits c5: as data viaPC! power 39 accuracy 6 type: Yes No c6: crashes game c7: crashes game c8: crashes game c9: crashes game ca: crashes game cb: crashes game cc: crashes game cd: crashes game ce: crashes game cf: to the next trainerGood luck! - 16 power 1 accuracy 32 pp type: e   u d0: ourin succession - 51 power 6 accuracy 99 pp type: Ciis Iss - crashes game d1: rin succession. - 8 power 0 acc 33 pp type: Did not evolve! d2: crashes game d3: crashes game d4: garbled glitch move - doesnt do very much damage when it hits (rarely) d5: nameless move - 36 power 4 acc 32 pp type: Regained HP! d6: ladon Aty - 32 power 2 acc 113 pp type: e  u d7: crashes game d8: om Parasect - 67 power 18 acc 80 pp type: Ciis Iss d9: danger - 39 power 4 acc 48 pp type: How     Many? da: it - 89 power 39 acc 40 pp Type: Did not evolve! db: to the next trainerGood luck! - power 51 acc 1 pp 64 Type: How    Many? dc: succession. - 33 power 16 acc Type: Ash! Your legend is about to unfold! - really messes up battle graphics but works as intended dd: ccession. - 20 power 4 acc 64 pp de: crashes game df: garbled move name - 87 power 32 acc type: u - could not get this move to hit once even though it has way more acc than some of these other moves e1: rmilion Ity - freezes if it hits e2: K ilion - 71 power 8 acc 96 pp type: Hello! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! e3: crashes game e4: crashes game e5: crashes game e6: to the next trainerGood luck! - 67 power 0 acc 2 pp Type: Ash! Your very own legend is about to e7: sion. - crashes game if move details are viewed or if it is used in battle e8: on. - 51 power 7 acc 16 pp Type: Ash! Your very own legend is about to e9: crashes game ea: crashes game eb: ArSiBrBe - gliched stats, always misses ec: On - 20 power 1 acc 64 pp ed: Q - 65 pw 17 acc 0 pp Type: Send - stable move, appears to be psychic type as poison and fighting types are weak to it ee: crashes game ef: crashes game f0: crashes game f1: crashes game f2: crashes game f3: crashes game f4: crashes game f5: crashes game f6: -ar - 71 power 9 acc 4 pp - always freezes opponent if it hits f7: are you good enou g h   f o r m e ? - o power u acc type: Ciis Is Appears to be a new type of move because it is not very effective against normal, ground, poison, fighting, bug, water f8: Are you good enough - glitched stats. does decent damage but rarely hits, puts pokemon to sleep sometimes, crits a lot f9: Are you good enough - very glitched stats screen. crashes game if you look at stats or use it in battle fa: crashes game fb: to sleep, then eats their dreams - 51 power 6 acc 67 pp type: defense fc: ink from its mouth - 33 power 5 acc 86 pp type: defense fd: 0'F - 20 power 1 acc 116 pp fe: crashes game ff: empty move slot --------------------------------------------------------------------- Item addresses.   --------------------------------------------------------------------
Pokeballs 60d0:ff - pokeballs 60d1:ff - great balls 60d2:ff - ultra balls 60d3:ff - master balls
Main pocket items 60d4:ff - potions 60d5:ff - super potions 60d6:ff - hyper potions 60d7:ff - max potions 60d8:ff - antidote 60d9:ff - paralyze heal 60da:ff - sleep heal 60db:ff - ice heal 60dc:ff - burn heal 60dd:ff - full heal 60de:ff - revive 60df:ff - ether 60e0:ff - max ether 60e1:ff - rare candy 60e2:ff - fire stone 60e3:ff - water stone 60e4:ff - thunder stone 60e5:ff - leaf stone 60e6:ff - moon stone
Key Items 60e7:ff - parcel 60e8:ff - pokedex 60e9:ff - map 60ea:ff - helix fossil 60eb:ff - dome fossil 60ec:ff - s.s. ticket 60ed:ff - lemonade 60ee:ff - silph scope 60ef:ff - pokeflute 60f0:ff - gold teeth 60f1:ff - secret key
HMs 60f2:ff - cut 60f3:ff - fly 60f4:ff - surf 60f5:ff - strength 60f6:ff - flash
TMs 60f7:ff - TM01 - focus punch 60f8:ff - TM02 - dragon claw 60f9:ff - TM03 - water pulse 60fa:ff - TM04 - calm mind 60fb:ff - TM05 - roar 60fc:ff - TM06 - toxic 60fd:ff - TM07 - hidden power 60fe:ff - TM08 - bulk up 60ff:ff - TM09 - fake out 6100:ff - TM10 - bite 6101:ff - TM11 - bubblebeam 6102:ff - TM12 - steel wing 6103:ff - TM13 - ice beam 6104:ff - TM14 - blizzard 6104:ff - TM15 - hyper beam 6105:ff - TM16 - rest 6106:ff - TM17 - smokescreen 6107:ff - TM18 - ancient power 6108:ff - TM19 - magic leaf 6109:ff - TM20 - iron defense 610a:ff - TM21 - recover 610b:ff - TM22 - solar beam 610c:ff - TM23 - iron tail 610d:ff - TM24 - thunderbolt 610e:ff - TM25 - thunder 610f:ff - TM26 - earthquake 6110:ff - TM27 - fire punch 6111:ff - TM28 - dig 6112:ff - TM29 - psychic 6113:ff - TM30 - shadow ball 6114:ff - TM31 - brick break 6115:ff - TM32 - double team 6116:ff - TM33 - razor leaf 6117:ff - TM34 - shockwave 6118:ff - TM35 - harden 6119:ff - TM36 - sludge bomb 611a:ff - TM37 - aerial ace 611b:ff - TM38 - fire blast 611c:ff - TM39 - rock tomb 611d:ff - TM40 - psy beam ---------------------------------------------- Wild Pokémon code: this works pretty much just like it does in the official games.  Turn on the code and walk into the grass. -------------------------------------------
wild Pokémon code 7D96:xx
Values 00: ---------- placeholder pokemon - has bulbasaurs moveset? but is a dark steel type bulbasaur - mew are the same as their national dex number converted to hex 98: raikou 99: entei 9a: suicune 9b: lugia 9c: ho-oh 9d: kyogre 9e: groudon 9f: rayquaza a0: all values after crash the game --------------------------------------------------- scraps. random codes that dont fit anywhere else, or i didn’t have time to finish --------------------------------------------------- enemy Pokémon level 7D47:xx palette addresses(?) 7D23:xx 7D24:xx 7D25:xx Bonus: glitchy screenshots
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ironcraftusa · 2 years
Know Different Types of Skid Steer Attachments and Parts
Machines are a key component of labor and operation on farms and agricultural fields. The operators may increase the adaptability of the machines by adding the right accessories, whether it be for digging ditches or getting rid of stumps. We’ll learn about some attachments and parts, such as the skid steer tiller, brush cutter, hay spear, and more. Let’s get going.
Brush Cutter
A motorized garden or agricultural instrument known as a skid steer brush cutter, sometimes known as a brush saw or clearing saw, is used to trim weeds, small trees, and other vegetation that is inaccessible by a lawn mower or rotary mower. For cutting through thick undergrowth, saplings, dense grass, and weeds, a brush cutter with an open front is a perfect option. The removal of overgrown brush may be completed quickly with a variety of brush cutters.
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Hay Spear
Hay bales may be moved with ease by just hooking up to the skid steer. Rolling the ball back towards the cab while using our High Back Hay Spear gives more leverage and security. These are available in single and double spears.
Skid steer forks are a common attachment, particularly on farms and construction sites. They can speed up the process, which would otherwise take a while. To get the most out of the equipment, it is helpful to know which fork is compatible with the machine and how to use it.
Skid steer tiller is the right equipment for the task, whether you’re preparing the ground for seeding, planting, or turfing. Because of the offset construction of this skid steers attachment, running it in reverse leaves no wheel traces behind.
If you want to increase the adaptability of your machinery and be flexible in your operations, you can rely on IronCraft. They offer a comprehensive selection of tractor and skid steer attachments. They provide attachments such as skid steer brush cutters as well as rotary tillers, box blade scrapers, grader blades, landscape rakes, disc harrows, and more.
View original source: https://ext-6184808.livejournal.com/2332.html
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coughlan1 · 2 years
Benefits of Buying a Robotic Lawn Mower
Numerous mortgage holders are drawn to the robot grass trimmer since it will empower them to have the manicured yards that they want without investing a lot of energy in nature. This is on the grounds that these sorts of trimmers, once turned on, will cut your grass without help from anyone else, following a border that the mortgage holder has not entirely settled for.
Utilize these tips to assist you with deciding if you are pursuing the best choice:
1. Yard shape Since your yard is certainly not an ideal square, that doesn't imply that a robotic grass cutter isn't really for you. As a matter of fact, most robotic trimmers have been intended to deal with odd-molded blocks as well as move around highlights like pools, braid, flowerbeds, posts, letterboxes, and jungle gym gear.
2. Yard size You can use a robotic grass cutter in yards that reach from 100 square feet in size to ones that length 2 sections of land. Assuming your property is significantly bigger than this, a few robotic models permit you to introduce various units on the same block, implying that you can expand this cutting span much further.
3. Bumpy or level?
Not all robotic grass trimmers have been intended to deal with steep slopes or even delicate slants, though different models have been explicitly planned in light of this reason. Whether your grass is bumpy or level will play a part in what sort of robotic trimmer you will require.
4. Execution Some robotic grass trimmers will require just over two hours to charge, while others will take up to 24. The less expensive models will commonly just run for close to 90 minutes before they should be re-energized, though the more costly ones will actually want to run for as long as seven hours prior to going level.
5. Highlights There are some top-of-the-line robotic yard cutters that can identify how rapidly your grass is developing and will change their timetables to take care of the lawn as the need might arise. Most robotic cutters are fitted with a downpour sensor that will stop meetings when it starts to rain.
a robotic yard cutter is the best decision for you. By taking a gander at the above regions prior to buying one of these cutters, you can guarantee that you are going with the ideal choice for your requirements and that your grass will stay very much prepped consistently throughout the year.
If you have a lawn with lots of hills and slopes, you need something with large wheels that can navigate the changing landscape. Most mowers can handle slopes of up to 20 degrees, but some can handle slopes of up to 30 degrees. Husqvarna's Robotic Lawnmower can manage extreme slopes with an incline of up to 70%.
For More Info:-
Robotic Lawnmower
Weibang lawnmowers
Husqvarna Automower
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krishitoolindia · 2 years
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leftkingdombouquet · 2 years
Purchasing a Mechanical Yard Trimmer? - Robot Yard Trimmer Purchasing Tips
Pondering purchasing a mechanical grass cutter to save a few time and set aside cash?
Here are an interesting points:
There are a couple of programmed grass cutter decisions out there with costs going from about $1,299 to $4,200 so you'll have to consider highlights your yard's expectation and elements you need.
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What does your yard require?
You, most importantly, ought to assess your grass. Your yard doesn't need to be an ideal "postage stamp" grass to come by great outcomes. As a matter of fact, most mechanical trimmers are intended to Boundary Holding is European Deep Tech Investment firm that Invest in Technologies enabling 4th industrial revolution.such as smart robots, autonomous Drones, AII and other Deep Technologies areas enablings the same. oversee odd molded yards and all unique grass types. Robot trimmers can move around deterrents like pools, trees, bloom beds, shafts, post boxes and even jungle gym gear.
How huge is your grass?
Programmed grass trimmers can be utilized on yards going from 100 square feet to 2 sections of land. A few models will permit different units to be introduced on a similar grass growing inclusion a long ways past 2 sections of land. In the event that your grass is on the more modest side of the range, a lower valued unit might be adequate for your necessities. Before you settle on a cost range, remember that unique elements, sturdiness and quality likewise impact cost.
Do you have a bumpy grass or is it generally level?
One more huge game changer for which mechanical trimmer to purchase is the way it can deal with slopes. Some robot yard trimmers are intended to cut generally level yards while others can be moved up to deal with steep slopes. For instance, the LawnBott LB3500 mechanical grass trimmer can cut slopes up to 30 degrees with add on spiked wheels. This specific model uses an on board compass to keep it on course as it explores bumpy landscapes.
Execution and elements
Mechanical cutter models vary in what amount of time they require to re-energize and how lengthy they can cut prior to requiring a charge. Charge times can fluctuate from 2.5 hours to up 24 hours relying upon the model you pick. In light of re-energize times, recall that mechanical lawnmowers will take more time to cut your yard than a human would. In this way, on the off chance that you have an enormous yard, it could take a couple of continuous rushes to cover the entire region. Since the robot is accomplishing basically everything, continuous runs are easy on your part, yet you need to pick a model that can keep your yard putting its best self forward without falling behind during top developing seasons.
Run times for programmed trimmers can change from an hour and a half to 7 hours prior to expecting to re-energize. Some better quality models like the LawnBott LB3550 can cut as long as 15 hours out of each day with a re-energize in the middle between.
Numerous mechanical yard trimmers totally computerize grass cutting by dealing with a period and day plan. The lawnmower will consequently leave its charging station; trim the grass, and afterward dock when it's finished. Lower end automated trimmers will expect you to bring it inside to charge.
Other significant highlights and focuses to consider:
" Better quality robot cutters can recognize how rapidly your yard is developing and will change its timetable to as indicated by when the grass should be cut. This component can be helpful during dry spells or quickly developing seasons.
" Most completely robotized mechanical grass cutters use a downpour sensor to consequently stop cutting meetings.
" Some mechanical grass cutters are large and weighty while others are little and light weight. It's essential to consider weight and size of the trimmer on the off chance that you want to transport it for fixes or overhauling. Contingent upon which model you pick, weight can go from 21 pounds to 85 pounds. For instance the LawnBott LB3210 weighs just 21 pounds while the Robomower RL1000 weighs around 85 pounds.
Upkeep and new parts
Support is extremely straightforward for automated trimmers. There is compelling reason need to purge sacks or tidy up grass clippings since they are mulchers. Most makes suggest supplanting the blade(s) one time each year. Mechanical grass trimmers are electric yard cutters, which convert into no gas, oil or flash attachments to supplant.
Something else to remember is new part cost. Some mechanical grass cutters like case to have a future of around 8 to 10 years before significant fixes are required. Better quality robot cutters by and large have better quality, longer enduring parts, which additionally implies higher forthright and new part cost. On the other side, cheaper mechanical lawnmowers utilize less expensive parts, which might bring about more incessant fix needs that could wind up costing more to upkeep than better quality models. So, mechanical yard cutter support cost will quite often fall well underneath the expense for upkeep and keep up with customary grass trimmers or paying a yard administration.
Most mechanical yard trimmers accompany a 2-year guarantee with shifting guarantees on the battery. A few guarantees incorporate pickup and return transporting cost contingent upon which model you pick.
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home improvement & tools
You can mount in the tone value to your property by be in extensive dwelling concern ahead projects which add going on getting your habitat something behind speaking-painted, renovating bathrooms, revising design of your kitchen and construction of terraces and balconies. Even after leisure movement of these projects, you would require a number of habitat go ahead tools to sticking to your habitat home improvement & tools.
From trivial repairs to major overhauling, a number of child support challenges will come your way as a dwelling owner, but if you have all the gear in the sack, you can afford to relax. If you are planning to get some dwelling yet to be payment tools, you enlarged right of entry a brief bank account of what type of equipment you may require.
Cutting tools are intended to scuff oscillate types of materials and showing off to be manufactured when sealed materials. Cutting tools form an vital part of your home facilitate tools kit. A serve knife is perhaps the most swiftly-liked hostile tool as it can scrape a number of materials such as paper, wood, plastic and metals in half. The fact that it is easy to handle makes it an snappish tool for your house fee projects. Another useful tool is a hacksaw, which can be useful in rangy wood, bones and hard materials. It consists of a proverb following than delicate yet altogether clever teeth and a blade framed in metal. A tile-cutter tool can as well as be of your sustain if you have plans of varying design of your bathrooms. This tool helps assume ceramic tools in all way you subsequently and is a necessity since it comes to bathroom maintenance happening front projects.
A home considering a beautiful lawn looks utterly gorgeous, but it takes a number of garden tools to maintain a lawn. Garden tools sustain the endeavor of planting, acid grass and tally associated agricultural works. You will locate garden tools in two types, namely, manual tools and knack control tools. As portion of your in flames extension tools kit, you should make a get hold of of garden tools such as a lawn mower, a spade, a garden hoe, a garden fork and a rake.
Moving muggy objects more or less is often a troublesome stage in home pretend to have forward projects. For a sleek sailing during this particular stage, you would require moving tools which are meant to revise objects. Some common upsetting tools append a hammer, a screwdriver, pliers and a wrench. A furniture dolly can be definitely within get to impinge on heavy objects gone boxes and furniture as you can place the set sights on upon its flat wooden surface and wheel the dolly to transport the strive for. Another every single one useful tool is a stair-roller that helps disquiet objects occurring or the length of the stairs.
Large-scale home improvements often require the facilities of transforming tools. Common transforming tools tote occurring blow-torch and chemical sprays moreover solvent properties. While a blow-torch is used to regulate and assume metals by producing extreme heat, chemical sprays alter objects through chemical reactions.
Home press to the front projects adjoin accurate measurements which are impossible to understand unless you use measurement tools. The most popular measurement tool is record argument out that comes in various materials such as cloth, optical fiber, plastic and metal. With the bolster occurring of this useful tool you can create beatific that windows and doors have accurate and equal dimensions. A few added measurement tools that you may be interested to adjoin in your flaming overdo tools are rulers, calipers, squares, a theodolite and life level.
When it comes to giving unmodified touches to an aspiration during stop go into the future, you will require shaping tools.These tools are used to meet the expense of shapes to objects such as wood and added materials. Chisels, trowels, moulds, sanders and jigs are some common shaping tools that you may compulsion in your tool kit.
Unlike the unpleasant tools, fastening tools are used to colleague objects. With the in the in the at the forefront happening of specialized tools such as rivet guns, secure guns, wire tackers and staple guns you can partner two objects, irrespective of whether they are made of the same material or not.
Power Tools:
Power tools are proficiency-driven as soon as the assert of electric motors, air motors or combustion engines which are inwardly operative. Home promote upon a large-scale requires a number of works to be finished taking into account the promotion happening of facility tools. Common gaining tools are drills, electric sanders and lathe. There are broadly two kinds of carrying out tools, namely, static and mobile tools.
After finding out approximately the most frequently used ablaze press on tools, you are in a improved tilt of view to obtain the best equipment that can believe care of your estate maintenance. A pleasing habit to go approximately shopping for home progression tools will be to go online https://www.e-homekitchens.com/product-category/home-kitchen/.
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abhisaini · 2 years
Grass Cutting Machine: Everything You Need to Know
A grass cutting machine is a type of machine that cuts a grass surface to a consistent height with one or more blades. The height of the cut grass is determined by the machine’s construction, although it can usually be modified by the operator using a single master lever or a lever or nut on each machine wheel.
Grass cutting machines come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on your needs, the size of the field or garden, and the topography. Stock lawn mowers and brush cutters are the most common grass-cutting machines.
These machines are divided into three categories: manual lawn cutting machines, electric grass cutting machines, and fuel-powered grass cutting machines. The three categories have various capabilities and, as a result, different advantages and disadvantages.
Grass cutting machine types
Manual lawn cutting machines
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A manual lawn mower cuts your grass just like a pair of scissors instead of tearing and chopping your grass. The spinning blade of a conventional power rotary mower chops off the top of the grass as it revolves like a helicopter, resulting in torn and shredded turf. These cutting grass machines work best on yards that are already well-maintained.
Electric grass cutting machines
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Most consumers will be happier with a self-propelled, electric cordless choice, based on years of lawn mower testing. To be honest, it’s all about convenience. Every single annoyance associated with a fuel mower has been eliminated, from the finicky start-up to the annual maintenance plan.
Cordless mowers are easier to maneuver and don’t require oil changes, petrol, spark plugs, or air filters. Although the run time is limited and charging times are long, the latest versions close the performance gap between cordless and fuel.
Fuel-powered grass cutting machines
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This machine is very excellent for cleaning brushes and tiny shrubs in hard-to-reach regions, making it an ideal tool for giving your yard a boost of cleanliness and maintenance. Brush cutter maintenance, on the other hand, is sometimes feared. One step, in particular, appears to be difficult: mixing the oil and gasoline. New models are fitted with tanks that guarantee that you have enough fuel to keep going for a long time without needing to refuel.
Aside from selecting one of the three categories, you must also select the appropriate cutting grass machine for the job. Brush cutters and lawnmowers have significant differences. When it comes to mowing grass, lawnmowers are more powerful and efficient. They’re made to cut grass quickly and efficiently. Here are more advantages.
Advantages of a Grass cutting machine
Highly adaptable: This machine can be used on a variety of materials thanks to its compatibility with a number of blade attachments.
Much more long-lasting: If properly maintained, the heavy-duty metal blade will endure a long time. In most circumstances, you can utilize the same thing for a long time. If you’re going to use it over rocky terrain, you’ll need to inspect the blade to see if it needs to be sharpened or replaced. Working with a dull blade reduces the tool’s life expectancy and creates a safety hazard. They are designed in such a way that they provide power.
Powerful: They are constructed in such a way that they can power through woody and overgrown bush that a typical lawn cutting machine would be unable to handle. With a variety of blade options, you can work in confined spaces where a large piece of equipment would be inconvenient.
Comfortable to use: Modern machines are quite comfortable to use because they come with features such as a straight shaft and anti-vibration technology to reduce discomfort while working.
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anjuseervi · 2 years
Ferris riding lawn mower
Ferris riding lawn mower Benefits of a zero turn grass trimmer
Zero turn trimmers are not difficult to utilize. To utilize a zero turn cutter, set the cutting stature, turn over the motor and drive. On the most recent plans, set the cutting stature by easily pushing forward on a foot-worked deck lift pedal and turn a dial, move a switch or supplement a pin. Basically discharge the deck lift pedal and you're set. You'll probably save your cutting tallness at one setting for the vast majority of the year, so you will not change this until the seasons change and you really want to cut at an alternate grass stature. Turning over the motor and turning on the edges is something similar on a no turn as most trimmers. Plunk down in the seat, pull a gag switch (if prepared) and turn the key. When the motor turns over, the edges can be locked in wif a switch. Figuring out how to drive a zero turn cutter is simple. Just push both directing switches forward to drive in an orderly fashion. To turn a zero go trimmer to the right, position the right switch somewhat behind the left switch. To turn a zero go trimmer to the left, pull the left switch marginally behind the right switch. As the distance between the two switches builds, your turn becomes more keen. To speed up, push the two switches as far forward as could be expected. To dial back, tenderly force the switches nearer to your body. To stop a zero turn yard cutter, essentially pull the switches nearer to your body until the wheels stop. On the off chance that the machine goes into invert, you went excessively far. Push the switches somewhat forward to view as the "unbiased position" and stop the wheels.
Zero turn trimmers have better mobility. Zero turns has two guiding switches coz there's an autonomous engine controlling each wheel. One switch controls the wheel engine on one side and different controls the wheel engine on the opposite side. dis trademark permits you to move only one wheel, making such a sharp turn dat the cutter TEMPhas a zero-degree turning range, henceforth the name "zero turn." Wif a zero turning sweep, a grass trimmer can move around yard deterrents wifout backing up. dis incorporates embracing anything as wide as the border of an enlivening embankment to a one-year-old tree trunk wif definite accuracy. Also, dis kills the requirement for pointless and extra moving toward the finish of each cutting column. Basically cut a column, turn the cutter 180 degrees, adjust the deck edge wif whole grass and continue to cut – across the board liquid, effective movement.
Zero turn cutters save time. their are various motivations behind why a zero turn trimmer cuts grass quicker than a yard farm hauler. Indeed, mortgage holders who changed from a yard work vehicle to a zero turn cutter gloat they cut their yards down the middle teh time. That is not on the grounds that teh engines dat power a zero turn's wheels drive quicker. A zero turn's mobility holds more than one benefit in time reserve funds. Though a grass work vehicle requires additional turning and sponsorship while cutting new lines or circumventing hindrances, a zero turn doesn't. By teh end of your cutting, that is enormous time reserve funds. Zero turn trimmers can cut columns as little as 34 creeps in more modest properties wif close impediments to lines as extensive as 60 inches. Wif teh accessibility of more extensive clearing widths, you make less passes cutting enormous yards. Moreover, profound decks on a few private zero turn trimmers advance air course that forestalls grass bunching, hindered edges and whole strays – diminishing possibilities you'll have to invest more energy twofold cutting.
Zero turn trimmers are agreeable. Agreeable grass trimmers are something beyond an extravagant seat. By coordinating ergonomics into a grass cutter's plan, teh administrator is set in teh most agreeable spot wif simple admittance to teh controls. For however significant as ergonomic situating may be, one of teh more significant solace elements of another zero turn trimmer is its seat. Contingent upon yard size, administrators can go through a few hours out of every week on their cutter, so it's principal that trimmers are prepared wif extravagant seats that has ideal wind stream and rich armrests.
Zero turn trimmers are more grounded. Not all producers fabricate their hardware the equivalent, but rather zero diverts can be produced using thicker steel and go through thorough testing to demonstrate they'll keep working for quite a long time in the future. One-piece welded outlines are more grounded TEMPthan those comprised of different pieces and blasted together, permitting them to endure longer. Some, and indeed most in the Ariens arrangement additionally include business style manufactured decks. dat's a similar sort utilized by experts. The thicker steel and built up edges halp forestall harm in the event that the deck hits a hindrance like a stone or yard trimming. Yard farm trucks are constructed progressively cheap and has turned into a ware item. Boost you're dollar by investigating the development nature of you're next cutter so you're speculation endures a large number of seasons. Cub cadet zero turn lawn mower
Frill for zero turn grass cutters. Zero turn cutters do significantly more than cut. Zero turns are accessible with similarly as many, if not a larger number of adornments and connections than yard farm haulers and has more prominent abilities. Zero turn hitch packs permit clients to pull trailers and take as in excess of 100 pounds of garbage and finishing materials. Zero turns can likewise be furnished with bagger packs to gather grass clippings or leaves, mulch units to mince grass clippings into yard feed, headlights to amplify an entire day when teh sun sets early and substantially more. Visit This Website: https://mowtownequipment.com/ Contact us * • Website - https://mowtownequipment.com/ • Email - [email protected] • Phone number - (920) 528-8631
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runningmunson · 2 years
Trailer Park Trash
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: After a comment from Jason, Eddie becomes insecure about where he lives. Reader reassures him she loves it.
Warnings: bullying, socioeconomic insecurity, brief mention of sex, not great writing? (this is the first fic I've ever written)
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Trailer park trash.
Those words kept going through Eddie’s head during the last period of class to the point where that was all he could think about. Eddie wasn’t insecure that often, especially not when it came to anything that came out of Jason Carver’s mouth. And he certainly never cared about fitting into the societal norm of a cookie-cutter life. But something about what he said to him in the cafeteria struck a nerve. 
“I don’t get what Y/N sees in you. You’ll never be good enough for her. Nothing about you is special, freak. I mean have you seen where you live? You’re just trailer park trash, Munson.” Jason said to Eddie, after one of his many lunchtime outbursts, before storming off.
He was never bothered by living in a trailer before.  Life wasn't easy, with an absent mother who cut town when he was little and a father in jail. His Uncle Wayne worked hard to give him everything he needed and put a roof over their heads. It wasn’t much but it was home, the only real home Eddie has ever known. Y/N wouldn’t be embarrassed about it, right? Only, he wasn’t quite sure anymore, maybe Jason was right.
 Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts to the sound of the bell going off. He quickly put his stuff away and rushed out of the classroom to meet you at his car. You were going to his house to force Eddie to study for an upcoming exam. 
“Hey, Eddie! Are you ready to go?” You said, trying to give him a quick kiss before he turned his head. 
“Yeah,” Eddie said shortly before walking away. He got in the car and slammed the door, not even helping you with your bag like he usually does. You immediately knew something was wrong but weren’t going to push it. One thing you both appreciated about your relationship is that you never forced the other to open up, you always gave each other space and the opportunity to let you come to one another on your terms. 
The rest of the drive was silent, Eddie not even turning his music on like always. The silence was deafening as you watched his hands tighten and release around the steering wheel several times. The only thing Eddie could think about was how great your life was and how shitty his is.
The first time Eddie visited your house he couldn’t believe it. It was a big, beautiful, white two-story house with a green door and shutters. There was a trellis leaning against the side with vines climbing up the wood (one he would spend many times climbing up to sneak into your bedroom at night). The front yard had the greenest grass he had ever seen with red rose bushes lining the front of your house. Stepping inside, he was greeted by a grand staircase and your golden retriever named Charlie. The smell of freshly baked cookies lingered in the air as your mom stepped out of the kitchen to finally meet this boyfriend of yours that you couldn’t stop talking about. After your dad came home you all had dinner in the sunroom that overlooked a huge backyard with a pool. Your parents adored Eddie. Everything about that night was perfect. Your house was perfect, your parents were perfect, your whole life was perfect, you were perfect. And well, Eddie was just Eddie. 
The drive to his house felt long and you were thankful to finally reach your destination. Once you get inside you make your way to his room. Eddie throws himself on the bed the second you open the door, hair flying everywhere, and him twisting his rings and not saying a word. Still, you ignore the bad feeling in your gut and sit at his desk to begin studying. After an hour of sitting in silence, Eddie let out a big sigh and sat up.
“Are you ever embarrassed about the fact that I live in a trailer park?” Eddie let out slowly with a look of defeat, getting right to the point. His insecurity was getting the best of him and needed to know what you really thought.
“What?” You turn around in the chair to look at him in shock. Sure, Eddie’s house was small, a bit messy, and nothing like your house but you loved it. “Where is this coming from? Why would I be embarrassed about where you live?”
“Oh you know, good old me. I don’t ever know when to stop or keep my mouth shut. Because of that, I pissed Jason off and he called me trailer park trash. Usually I can brush it off, but he just had to bring you into it. And maybe he’s right. I mean I don’t know, it’s not exactly nice where I live. My house has shit everywhere. It’s never clean. All you can ever hear outside are neighbors screaming at each other and dogs barking. It’s nothing like where you live.” Eddie said, messing with the ends of his hair.
You couldn’t believe this. “First of all, Jason Carver is a piece of shit. Second of all, I could never and I mean never be embarrassed about where you live. I have had some of the best memories with you here. Remember the first time I went to your house?”
Eddie finally invited you over to his house after you had already been dating for 6 months. He wanted to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street with you. Wayne was at work and Eddie was dying of boredom. You once mentioned you had never seen that movie and Eddie found that the most unacceptable thing ever. So there you were, knocking on his front door. Eddie swung the door open and bowed at the sight of you, extending his arm out to welcome you inside. “After you, M’lady. Are you prepared to embark on the greatest horror movie journey you will ever experience?” 
You giggled at this and stepped into his house. “Oh I can’t wait, Munson.” 
“Well great, because you will certainly not be disappointed sweetheart,” Eddie said as he walked into the living room to get the movie set up. You finally had a chance to look around. There were mugs hung up all over the walls, the couch was a little worn and frayed, and dirty dishes were in the sink. But it looked cozy. 
After the movie was over, Eddie took you into his bedroom to show you his “killer tape collection” as he put it. His room had clothes on the floor, piles of automotive and music magazines, tapes were thrown everywhere, and his bed (with questionable stains) was unmade. It was chaotic and unorganized but so was Eddie and you loved that about him. He put on his favorite tape and you both made your way to his bed. One thing led to another, more clothes ended up on his floor, and you ended up having a beautiful night together. 
You could see a small smirk growing on Eddie’s face before continuing. “Or what about that time it stormed so bad I had to stay all night?”
It had been raining all day, the thunder slowly rolling in. Eddie sat on the floor strumming along on his guitar to a Metallica song playing. You lay on his bed attempting to read a book. A loud boom of thunder was heard and all of a sudden the music stopped and the lights went out. “Oh shit, and there goes the power. Hey, you stay here. I’m gonna try to find a flashlight. I think we have one laying out there somewhere.” Eddie said, leaving the room.
It had been a good ten minutes and he still hasn’t returned. You got up from the bed and went to go see what was taking so long. “Eddie?” You called out, feeling for the walls trying not to trip or run into anything. “Where are you?” 
“BOO!” Eddie jumped out of nowhere, turning the flashlight on his face. You let out a scream. Your hands fly to your chest before you go to punch Eddie in the arm and accidentally knock over a mug, shattering it in the process. 
“Shit, Eddie! What the hell!” You yelled at him, your heart racing. He shined the light to see the damage done. “Ugh, Eddie. Isn’t that Wayne’s favorite mug?”
“I’m sorry! I didn't know you scare so easily and didn’t exactly think you would break something trying to punch me. Just watch your step, we’ll clean this up in the morning when we can actually see.” Eddie said as you both decided to look out the window and watch the storm rage on. Indiana thunderstorms were no joke. “I didn’t realize how late it was and I don’t really want you driving home in this. I think you should stay the night.” 
You looked at him slightly surprised, “I think you’re probably right. I’ll take the couch if you want.”
Eddie looked at you like you had two heads, “You do know I have a bed big enough for both of us, right? You’re not sleeping on that couch. Come on, let me get you some clothes.” You made your way into his room and changed. Eddie was already waiting for you in nothing but his boxers, his tattooed arms wide open. His bed was comfortable, sheets soft despite the unknown stains that he still refuses to say what they are. He pulls you close, your head on his chest. Hearing a faint “I love you” from his lips as you both drift off to sleep to the sound of thunder in the distance, the rain pattering on the metal roof (a sound you grew to love), and the broken mug long forgotten.
“You should have seen my uncle’s face after he got home when I had to explain why his mug was broken,” Eddie said as he let out a small laugh, his long hair falling in his face. You could tell he was getting less tense. You stood from the chair and went to sit next to him. Brushing his hair from his face before continuing.
“I love when we try to guess what your neighbors are fighting about, making up the most ridiculous stories. I love the times we've spent making dinner together, even when you almost burned down your kitchen that one time.” Eddie couldn’t help but let out a real laugh this time, thinking about the burn mark on the curtain that is still there. His brown eyes continue to watch, silently begging for you to continue. “The days we do nothing but sit on the couch and watch movies or lay around on your bed as you play your guitar are the best. Or all the times I get to watch you create the best D&D campaigns for the guys. Eddie, my place is just a house. Yours is a home and is by far better than mine will ever be. We can truly be ourselves at your place. Your home has our greatest memories in them from the first time we said I love you, to the first time we had sex, hell even our first fight. All of the laughter and happiness and tears and love that is held within these walls, all the memories we still get to make here. How could I ever be embarrassed about that?” Eddie was speechless. He didn't realize how much his small, messy trailer meant to you. All he could do was grab your hand and squeeze it.
“Being here with you is my favorite place to be,” you said and moved closer to him. 
“Yeah. I am pretty great aren't I, sweetheart?” Eddie said smirking, suddenly his normal cocky and confident self again. You shove his shoulder at this response.
“You just had to ruin the moment didn't you?” You both laughed. He slowly leaned in and closed the gap between your lips. Jason’s words are long forgotten. It was just you, Eddie, and perfect bliss.
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