#brush cutter trolley
krishitoolindia · 2 years
Buy  krishitool 4 Stroke Brush Cutter Machine Backpack 50cc - Krishitool.in
Book Now: https://www.krishitool.in/product_details/krishitool_4_Stroke_Brush_Cutter_Machine_Backpack_50cc
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krishitool2021 · 4 years
Heavy Duty 68cc Wheel Brush Cutter With Tiller & Weeder Attachment- Krishitool
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Trolley / wheel  hand push Brushcutter with tiller weeder attachment - Krishitool
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ad1thi · 5 years
part 4 of the carbonell family au
before you read this chapter, this is your disclaimer that this is a mob au; so tony will be a morally grey character. he wasn’t intended to be cookie cutter good for this au and i won’t write him cookie cutter good. he’s the patriarch of a crime family, not an orphanage
Natasha knows the minute they enter the car that he’s mad. Simmering with rage that he’s furiously tamping down on. 
The part that loves him wants to let him unleash it, let him scream himself hoarse at the injustice of the world and then cradle him in her embrace while he recuperates
The part of her that was borne out of the ashes of a broken country wants to pull out her lip a little, jut her hips, and play up her sympathy so she never has to see him mad
because for all that she loves him, there is no part of Natasha that isn’t utterly and completely terrified of Anthony Carbonell
In the end, she settles on nestling against his chest, letting him comb his fingers through her locks lightly. He’s uncharacteristically quiet in a way that still bristles through her skin, reminding her of when he was 16 and he pushed his knee into her 17 year old throat. 
(it was the first time she ever feared for her life)
Eventually, his hand meanders, perfunctory touches against her skin until he reaches her hip. He pulls at her shirt from where its tucked into her skirt, and brushes his thumb against her branded C, over and over and over
She lies perfectly still, matching her breathing to his and letting him work through his anger; until he stops being Anthony and starts being Antoshka
Her lips still tingle from where he sank his teeth into them not 15 minutes ago, and there’s beads of blood that she wants to reach out and lick off
but she doesn’t
because she isn’t cradled in the arms of her lover
she’s cradled in the arms of the Carbonell Patriarch, and she, more than anyone (save for Rhodey), knows just how dangerous he can be
The car pulls up at their house, and he nudges his leg twice before she lifts up and rearranges herself. She moves to give him space, to let him get out first; but he pulls her back; nails digging into her hip where the brand is- and she acquiesces, moving with him seamlessly and without contest; because its her best bet
At 29 years old, Tony is acutely aware that he is one of the most powerful men in the world, if not the most powerful
He has his finger in a lot of pies, as the americans would say; and he’s virtually untouchable
Its a luxury that he fought tooth and nail for, and it was no small feat; and its not something that he plans on giving up anytime soon
no matter what Detective Steve Rogers has planned
He keeps his hand around Natasha’s waist as they enter Stark Manor, letting her sag slightly against him once the doors close behind them and manoeuvring her slightly towards the kitchen where he’s sure James is waiting
There’s a sharp right, and sure enough, with his back to them, is James manning the grill
His black henley is stretched against his muscles, straining at the seams, and had it been an ordinary day; Tony probably would’ve curled up against his lover and licked him out of the tight fitting tshirt 
but it hasn’t been an ordinary day
and Tony’s having a hard time being their Antoshka right now
He releases his hold on Natasha’s waist when they near the island, and watches dispassionately as she fights the urge to bend down and look at how deep his nails have dug into the brand
His mama always said that running the Family was like essendo due persone tesoro, a volte non mi riconosco allo specchio. He never got that at 12 when he was cleaning her wounds
(now he does)
She slips off her heels and pads over to James softly, pressing her lips in between his shoulder blades to alert him of their presence
He turns instantly, tilting her chin up for a soft butterfly kiss before he looks up and latches onto Tony, who’s standing a bit away like he’s an intruder to a painful domestic scene
James extends the hand not curling Natasha, “Antoshka, won’t you join us? It’s been a long day and I’ve missed you. The food was getting cold”
Tony stiffens and pulls at the lapels of his jacket, “I’ll be in my study. Find me after”
He doesn’t bother to pretend he’s from Manhattan, letting his rich italian accent seep out, when he stops mid way to the exit and says, “Don’t be late”
He’s poring over their dossier on Steve when he hears a knock on the door
“Entra,” he calls out; not bothering to look up from where he’s scrutinising Steve’s military record, and he hears the door creak open- but there’s no other sound
After he thinks he’s let them stew enough, he looks up to the see -
“Jesus, Zio Obie, mi hai spaventato a morte,” he says, putting a hand to his chest instinctively
“You work too hard my boy,” Obie replies, making his way to the liquor trolley
He offers a glass to Tony, which Tony grasps but doesn’t sip, sinking back in his chair
Obie flops down in the opposite seat, taking a long sip and smacking his tongue obscenely
“Your,” his mouth moves like he’s eaten something sour, “people were flitting outside the door as I was coming in”
“I take it they’re in the doghouse?”
It’s never sat well with Tony that Zio Obie never accepted he had two lovers, but he’s let it go as long as Obie continued to run SI smoothly
Even now, he shakes the whiskey softly before turning to Obie and asking, “to what do I owe the pleasure Zio?”
(obie’s thick boston accent has never failed to remind tony he’s italian. he can’t decide if he loves or hates that)
“Can an uncle not visit his nephew?” Obie’s presence is overwhelming, his voice booming, and Tony desperately wishes he wasn’t in conflict with his lovers because he would love nothing more than James standing on his side 
“I thought we decided after last time that it was too dangerous for you to drop by unannounced,” Tony raises en eyebrow, “so I ask again: to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Predictably, mentioning the shoot-out makes Obie shudder, giving Tony the cover he needs to press the button under his desk
Obie’s pouring himself another drink when James and Natasha enter, and none of them miss the way his eyes glint slightly
Natasha shoves slightly until she can settle on his lap and James tilts his head up for a kiss, slipping the drink out of his outstretched hand and onto the floor in one fluid motion
“I see the guard dogs have arrived,” Obie says and James bares his teeth almost obligingly
Tony runs his nails against James’ inner arm pointedly before giving Obie a smile of his own, “They were going to entertain me before you decided to stop by Zio, so I must a third time- why are you here?”
He bends slightly so Natasha can rearrange herself, “Don’t make me ask again Zio”
Obie holds his hand up in surrender, “There’s no need to threaten me boy, I come in peace”
He pushes over a folder that Natasha thumbs open and holds up for Tony, “The quarter’s profits. The company is struggling ever since we made the switch to green energy boy, and I wish you would reconsider at least finishing out your militar - “
its soft, so soft that Tony’s almost worried that Obie missed it, but his eyes flick up to where James is clutching the end of the seat
“I’m sorry?” Obie looks up at him owlishly, like he can’t believe James is speaking to him directly
“I said,” his voice is flat but firm, “no. Antoshka will not finish out his military contracts”
Obie looks at Tony despairingly, but Tony tilts his face away; burying it into the crook of Natasha’s neck and lazily sucking a bruise
There’s palpable tension in the air when Tony decides he’s had enough and resurfaces; and its at times like this that Tony is reminded of just how powerful he is
He keeps his eyes lidded, his lips wet and cocks his head just so when he says, “I don’t know what you tell you Zio. James says no.”
“Now if you don’t mind, I would like to go back to pleasuring my lover”
he nods once, dismissing his Zio and turns his attention back to Natasha, who’s palming his half hard dick through his trousers and pulls at her tanktop until it gives him access to her breasts
He doesn’t wait for his Zio to leave, instead lifting his left hand and pinching her nipple experimentally
Its only when the door close does he stop, pushing Natasha off his lap and standing so he’s facing his lovers
If Natasha is upset at basically being used as a common whore, she doesn’t show it; adjusting herself almost immediately before curling into James’ embrace
"The first thing I ever told you,” he says, drawing every word out, “was that you are mine.”
“You were mine then, you are mine now, and you will always be mine”
He lifts his gaze to them, “il tuo passato è morto, because you are mine and I am not interested in it following us around”
“Take there of Steve Rogers, or I will”
He forces himself to ignore the way James turns pale and crumbles against Natasha, and instead stalks out the room
When he reaches their bedroom, he slips off his shirt and sinks into the bed, propping his chin against his right knee and letting the left leg dangle off the bed
He lifts up his hands and pulls at his cheeks experimentally, before cocking his head and staring at his reflection
Hazel eyes bore into him as he wonders ti odi anche tu mamma? ma di sicuro non mi amano
italian translations (all off google translate):
essendo due persone tesoro, a volte non mi riconosco allo specchio: (running the family was like) being two people, I sometimes don't recognize myself in the mirror
Entra: enter
mi hai spaventato a morte: you scared me to death
il tuo passato è morto: your past is dead
ti odi anche tu mamma? ma di sicuro non mi amano: did you hate yourself too mama? because i sure as hell don’t love me
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ohahahahaha · 7 years
Voltron Grocery Store AU/Headcanons
*based on my own experiences*
-Allura and Coran co-own the store (it’s a family business)
-Shiro is the store manager
-Pidge is over produce
-Hunk works in the deli with all the cakes
-Keith and Lance are cashiers (like I was)
-Lance is the cashier that does really well (can interact with the customers, flirt with them semi-professionally and resolve issues), but he often wanders off.
     -”Hiya Pidgeon!” “Lance, what are you doing here, it’s not even your break and FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP EATING THE GRAPES!”
     -Hunk, whispering horrified, “Lance, please tell me you didn’t leave Keith by himself.”
     -He did.
-”Sir, your total is going to be $54.69.” *customer hands Keith a $100, who checks to make sure its not a counterfeit*
     -”It should be good, I just printed it off this morning!’
    -Keith, with death in his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek, “Haha. Haven't heard that one before.”
     -”I’m gonna need two things: a bag of ice, and your number.” Keith, monotone, “Sir, I can promise you one of those things is going to happen. And the total for the ice is going to be $2.56.”
-Keith is also know for stealing all the box cutters and hoarding them all in his apron pockets.
     -”Excuse me! I would like a refund for this! Your store is terrible and so is your attitude! Let me speak to your manager!” *Keith pulls a box cutter out of his pocket* “KeITH NO!!”
-Nobody knows how Pidge is able to work there. And everyone is too scared to ask (it’s actually Matt who applied for the job initially; but one time Pidge covered for his shift and the rest is history).
-Shiro is trying his best to keep the store from burning to the ground.
     -It’s rumored that he got that white streak in his hair from the stress.
     -He is often the closing manager (Coran takes mornings).
    -Has been caught pulling cereal off the shelf, and eating it by the handful.
-Hunk’s cakes are legendary, he’s the Picasso of cakes.
     -He often sneaks pastries to Keith in order to keep his anger at bay.
     -It works sometimes.
     -”Lance, stop eating the cupcakes, and GIVE ME BACK THAT ICING!”
     -He’s probably the busiest because he’s always booked for birthdays.
     -He genuinely likes working here???
-The workers are supposed to pay for every cup of coffee they get.
     -Spoiler: they don’t. 
     -Hunk switches Pidge’s coffee to decaf.
     -Lance often brings Keith his coffee because apparently (in Keith’s words), he’s the only one who can fix it right (and totally not because their fingers brush against each other’s).
-There’s a betting pool on when they’ll get together.
     -Coran has the most money put in.
-One time, Keith locked Lance into one of the coolers because he wouldn't shut up about how he was “cooler than him.”
-When a grocery truck comes, it’s an absolute horror.
     -Lance was racing Keith to see who could unload it the quickest, and knocked over a whole display case. Keith just ran from the scene.
     -There’s footage on the security cameras of Lance riding on one of the trolleys as Keith pushes it, recreating the scene from Titanic.
     -Pidge once dared Lance to hide in the back of the truck until the driver rode off.
     -He did.
     - *Lance pops up from the back of the truck ”Oh hi there!” “JesUS CHRIST!!”
     -The truck nearly crashed.
-Keith helped Pidge in produce once.
     -He would try to stuff his pocket with one of the knifes.
     -Just kept cutting fruit, even the grapes.
     -He kept cutting off the fingers on the latex gloves.
     -”.....get out of my fucking department.” Shiro, over the intercom “Language, Pidge.”
-Lance somehow manages to dance to every single song that comes on. Classical? Yep. Elevator music? No problem. Dogs barking Jingle Bells? His hips don’t lie.
-Keith often goes over the intercom and whispers his distaste for the customers, mostly profanities.
     -He hasn't been caught yet.
-Keith fucking flies when he bags groceries.
     -When questioned, his only response was “Gotta go fast.”
-May continues this, but who knows! I have a TON of stories about working in retail and all that jazz. I still have nightmares.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 17 Best and Coolest Tray Steels
  UltraSource Stainless Steel Tray, 20 gauge, 18″ x 26″UltraSource Stainless Steel Tray, 20 gauge, 18″ x 26″ - Perfect for baking or roasting. Use to show food products in deli, butcher, and kitchen diplay cases. Heavy duty 20g stainless steel is durable and highly resistant to bending. Reinforced encapsulated steel rim prevents warping. Baked goods rise and cook evenly due to stainless steel’s superior heat conductivity.   HACIENDA Steel Tray SteelHACIENDA Steel Tray Steel - Â it is laquered so can be used to serve food and will maintain it’s lustre without tarnishing. Our hacienda steel tray has an 18″ diameter and a brushed finish.   Romiky Stainless Steel Pizza Shovel Scissors Anti-stick Pizza Cutter for baking Tools Kitchen, Tray Divider Food Serving Tool (red)Romiky Stainless Steel Pizza Shovel Scissors Anti-stick Pizza Cutter for baking Tools Kitchen, Tray Divider Food Serving Tool (red) - Pizza cutter with removable shovel, 2 in 1 design. Made of safe and healthy stainless steel, safe to touch food directly, the shovel can be removed and easy to be assembled. Dishwasher safe for quick and easy clean up. Its scissors part is similar to an ordinary scissors, can easily cut the pizza. Mainly used for cutting pizza and take out pizza equally, very convenient and pratical.   IMEEA Vanity Tray Serving Tray Organizer Tray for Kitchen Bathroom Stainless Steel (9 x 3.7 inch), (Gold)IMEEA Vanity Tray Serving Tray Organizer Tray for Kitchen Bathroom Stainless Steel (9 x 3.7 inch), (Gold) - Great for storage and organization perfect for tighter counter spaces but still wanting good storage, it will make your counter looks organized instead of all over the place. Modern design modern fashion color, attractive and simple design with clean lines classic silver, luxury gold and gorgeous colour, 3 colors will meet your needs on different occasions. Material made of high quality stainless steel with a mirror finish very smooth and easy to clean. Mind its small size dimension 9l 37winch (23l 95wcm) weight 56oz (160g) comes with imeea lifetime warranty, buy with confidence. Wide application great for tea table, beside table, dining table, kitchen, bathroom vanity, countertop, home deco perfect for organizing cosmetics, perfume, makeup, keys, sunglasses, coins and more for quick access.   New 12″ inch Non Stick Steel Wide Rim Round Pizza Pan Kitchen Bakeware TrayNew 12″ inch Non Stick Steel Wide Rim Round Pizza Pan Kitchen Bakeware Tray - 100% brand new & excellent quality. 12″ inch non stick steel wide rim round pizza pan kitchen bakeware tray. Materialsteel. Colorsilver. Size 12″ diameter.   o Buddy Products o – No-Post Letter Stacking Desk Trays, Steel, Blacko Buddy Products o – No-Post Letter Stacking Desk Trays, Steel, Black - For drawers & cabinets. Dura-coated steel. Wire mesh. O buddy products o, no-post letter stacking desk trays, steel, black. Color white.   Homz Handy Organizer Tray Steel 14-1/2″ L X 10-1/4″ W X 2″ H WhiteHomz Handy Organizer Tray Steel 14-1/2″ L X 10-1/4″ W X 2″ H White - White, vinyl plastic coated wire cutlery tray, convenient way to organize kitchen utensils & silverware.   PER-HOME Stainless Steel Divided Lunch Food Serving Bento Box Tray With Cover Restaurant Canteen Tableware, 1 Set – 5 SectionsPER-HOME Stainless Steel Divided Lunch Food Serving Bento Box Tray With Cover Restaurant Canteen Tableware, 1 Set – 5 Sections - Sizes 29cm(l) x23cm(w) x 4cm(h) / 1142″(l) x 906″(w) x 157″(h). Food tray with lid to keep products fresh or hot. 5 food compartments for healthy balanced meals. Made of high-quality,food grade stainless steel,easy to clean, dishwasher safe. Perfect for any meal or snack, great for camping, picnics, school canteen, school potlucks, cafeterias, convalescent homes, hospitals, toddlers eating in highchair, etc.   Rolling Kitchen Trolley Cart Steel Top Removable Tray W/Storage Basket &DrawersRolling Kitchen Trolley Cart Steel Top Removable Tray W/Storage Basket &Drawers - 8″x5. 6″(lxwxh) size of bottom shelf 16. 8″x2. The storage drawer and one basket provide room for your prettiest cookware or serving dishes ,and the one slotted shelf as a nifty wine rack. 7″x10. Home styles kitchen cart with stainless steel top features a solid wood construction in white finish, which is a perfect addition to your apartment or home. 7″(lxwxh) inner size of drawer 14. The removable tray with handle is great for serve your favorite meals. Don’t hesitate to buy it now feature brand new and high quality smooth rolling nylon wheels (two wheels are lockable) stainless steel top included a wire basket shelf and drawer for utensils one slotted shelf as a nifty wine rack removable tray with handle specifications material p2 mdf+pine wood leg+ stainless steel table top over all dimension 18. The cart is small enough for any kitchen and just big enough for extra storage room. 0″x10. 3″x12. 6lbs package include 1 x kitchen trolley cart great for serve your favorite meals assembly required. 2″x15. 5″x32. 3″(lxwxh) size of middle shelf 15. 7″(lxwxh) product weight 14. 5″x14.   Wall Mount Functional 18 Inch Hanging Jewelry Organizer By Wallniture with Tray Steel WhiteWall Mount Functional 18 Inch Hanging Jewelry Organizer By Wallniture with Tray Steel White - Compact jewelry hanger easily take items off fast when you’re heading out the door for work the staggered hooks prevent your necklaces from tangling, you can pick one to match your outfit and get ready for work hassle free. Solve clutter problem the nifty, multi-purpose jewelry organizer will help you get rid of the clutter sitting on top of your dresser or vanity hang them beautifully by your vanity table or on top of your dresser and get your jewelry out of the drawers. Utilize your walls empty walls make a room look incomplete complete the look of your bedroom with this wall mount jewelry organizer and ingeniously display your colorful jewelry, the compact design will hold earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, and even body jewelry. Sturdy and well-made no assembly is required with the mounting hardware included in the packaging installation is a breeze, it comes ready to hang on your unused wall space and just the perfect size to fit your needs. Functional design the jewelry sorter hanger comes with a tray that provides functionality to display your perfume bottles, or you can simply store other jewelry that do not need hanging.   Dulcii Reusable Ice Cube, 8Pcs Stainless Steel Chilling Reusable Ice Cooler Wine Chillers with Freezing Storage Tray – (Pack of 8, Diamond Ball)Dulcii Reusable Ice Cube, 8Pcs Stainless Steel Chilling Reusable Ice Cooler Wine Chillers with Freezing Storage Tray – (Pack of 8, Diamond Ball) - Never have to worry about the ice cubes melting and diluting your drinks the rounded corners won’t scratch the glass or hurt you when you drinking. Easy to clean, an amazing product for you and a perfect gift for any occasion. Comes with a clamp and a storage tray, convenient for you to use and organize. Chill your favorite beverages with these reusable ice cubes cools your wine/juice instantly, saving more time for you. Made of food-grade stainless steel material, never rust or corrode or wear.   Indian Handmade Beautiful Designer Octal Shaped Wooden Ashtray,Antique Ashtray steel bowl white designIndian Handmade Beautiful Designer Octal Shaped Wooden Ashtray,Antique Ashtray steel bowl white design - Wooden ashtray with steel cup inside, a beautiful art decoration for your desktop. Dimensions length 35 inch height 15 inch width 35 inch. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl with 3 white inlay cigarette holder slots. Light weight, easy to carry, suitable for outdoor or indoor.   Womens Day Special Gift Wooden Ashtray , Round Star Inlay Design Ash Tray, Steel Bowl Cigarette Holder,Womens Day Special Gift Wooden Ashtray , Round Star Inlay Design Ash Tray, Steel Bowl Cigarette Holder, - Its handicrafted by strongest sisam wood. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers. Dimension length4 inch, width4 inch, heigth 2 inch. Retro/antique look wood ashtray with decorative. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl steel inlay cigarette holder slots.   Wooden Black Elephant Onlaid Square Ashtray with Steel Bowl Fit on it., Thanks Giving Or Chrismas Gift by PMK RetailWooden Black Elephant Onlaid Square Ashtray with Steel Bowl Fit on it., Thanks Giving Or Chrismas Gift by PMK Retail - Light weight, easy to carry, suitable for outdoor or indoor. Dimensions length 35 inch height 15 inch width 35 inch. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl with 3 white inlay cigarette holder slots. Wooden ashtray with steel cup inside, a beautiful art decoration for your desktop. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers.   Stainless Steel Towel Tray Storage Tray Dish Plate Tea Tray Fruit Trays Cosmetics Jewelry Organizer, Gradient Color, OvalStainless Steel Towel Tray Storage Tray Dish Plate Tea Tray Fruit Trays Cosmetics Jewelry Organizer, Gradient Color, Oval - âœ”sizeapprox9 inches x 38 inches x 05 inches(l x w x h)weight about 564 oz. ✔This tray organizer is perfect for neatly arranging your guest towels, jewelry, perfume bottles, hair brushes, cosmetics. ✔Simple design with clean linesmirror polishing process, good gloss and easy to clean. ✔Widely used for dining table, kitchen, bathroom vanity, countertop and other places. ✔Made of stainless steel with soft brass finish,durable in use.   Halter Steel Mesh Horizontal File Paper Tray Desk Organizer – 13.25″ X 10″ X 2.75″ – 2 PackHalter Steel Mesh Horizontal File Paper Tray Desk Organizer – 13.25″ X 10″ X 2.75″ – 2 Pack - Made with stylish steel mesh | an excellent finish to complement any decor. Dimensions 1325″ x 10″ x 275″. Perfect for your important papers / files / folders and much more in any professional office environment or your home office. 2 pack | lightweight / low-profile paper tray to organize all of your documents | stackable so you can use more than one seamlessly. Can be used on top of your desk, inside a drawer, or on a shelf.   Rusticity Wood Ashtray with Steel Bowl | Handmade | (4.5×4.5 in)Rusticity Wood Ashtray with Steel Bowl | Handmade | (4.5×4.5 in) - Small sized, convenient for storing and travelling. Made out of indian rosewood (sheesham), resistant to termites and decay. Suitable gift on birthdays, anniversaries and festive occasions. Portable ash tray with cigarette rests for tables, countertops, etc. Rusticommends pair up with rusticity’s wood chess set for a perfect evening at home or a weekend getaway. #Storage
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/17-best-and-coolest-tray-steels
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endeavour-love-blog · 7 years
Sway Pt.2
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“As you see,” said the manager to the pair of them in his office,along with Mrs Armstrong “we've sold 19 pairs of the particular stocking you were after. Thirteen to some six account holders. The remaining five to casual shoppers. So, if Mrs Haldane did buy a pair, she certainly didn't charge it to her account. And we've no record of the other two names you've asked for, Mrs Curran-Matthews and Mrs Merchant.” “Do you recognise them, Mrs Armstrong?” asked Morse, handing over the photos of the women. “I recognise this lady from the newspapers, but no, I never served any of them. There was a knock on the door and a man walked in, “Mr Quinbury…” “Oh, sir,” the manager stood up and gestured to Morse and Amber, “may I present Detective Constable Morse of the City Police and Miss Blanche, who aids the police with their enquiries.” The man smiled and nodded as they all shook hands, “This is Mr Alan Burridge, the proprietor.” “Forgive me, please,” said Mr Burridge, “Mr Quinbury gave me to understand we might resolve this issue without troubling the police.” “Which issue, sir?” asked Morse. “The officer is here in regard of another matter, sir. These stranglings” said the manager. “I see.” “One of the victims held an account here, sir,” he continued, “A Mrs Haldane.” “My goodness.How awful. Well, of course, if there's any way we can be of use?” “Thank you, sir. Mr Quinbury's been very helpful.” said Amber. “Well, then, I'll leave you to it.” he said as he left the room. Amber looked through the list of the accounts, “What's this amongst her purchases? Ronson. Engraved. Oh ...It's a Gents lighter.” “We have a key-cutting service in the basement,” explained the manager, “Mr Jopling, our principal cutter, handles all the engraving.” “Would it be possible to find out what Mrs Haldane had engraved?” asked Morse. “Certainly.””She has also bought a couple of pairs of cufflinks and a gents tie-pin.” added Amber, taping Morse on his forearm, “A description of those items would be very useful.” The telecomme rang through to the officer, the receptionist said through the line,”Another policeman to see you.” “Send him in.” he said, rolling his eyes. “Afternoon, sir. Detective Inspector Thursday. Oxford City Police.” Mrs Armstrong stood up in shock, “Sergente Giovedi? Fredo?” “Si.” said Thursday, in utter shock. Mrs Armstrong's eyes rolled as she fainted, Morse reached out to catch her.
“Sir?” said Morse, walking up to Thursday outside. “Must have been the shock,” said Thursday, “That's all. I knew Mrs, is it?” “Armstrong.” “Mrs Armstrong….during the war. They had it bad, her people. She doesn't want all that bringing up again. Look, you'd better take her through whatever she's got to say about this stocking business.” “Of course.”  “I'll see you back at the nick.” said Thursday, as he rushed off.
“You can't come in here.” a man with a trolley said as Morse walked into the store room. “Staff only. N-N-Not c-c-customers.” he stammered. “It's alright, Norman,” said Mr Burridge, “This gentleman is with the police.” “Yes, sir.” “Oh, Mister Burridge,” said Morse as he began to walk off, “what issue was it you'd hoped might be resolved without involving the police?” “A small amount of petty pilfering,” he brushed off, “Nothing we can't resolve within the store, I'm sure.” “Well, if you do need our assistance.” “Of course. Thank you.”
“Mrs Armstrong's been with us three years” said Mr Quinbury to Morse, back in the office. “Widowed, sadly. She's powdering her nose... Your pretty helper is in there with her. Did your colleague say ...erm?” “The war.” “Ah”. “Strange. I look around, people going about their business, living their lives. You wonder sometimes whether any of it really happened. Forgive and forget, I suppose.” Morse walked over and picked up a photo of the manager stood next to a plane in uniform. “11 Group. Spits. Kenley. One of the lucky ones. Walking wounded.” he said, knocking his wooden leg.
Mrs Armstrong was back in the office now, accompanied by Amber. “You'd remember if a man had ever bought a pair, presumably?” asked Morse. “A man? Si.” she smiled widely, “But No. No. Nothing like that.” “Unless there was anything else,” interjected the manager, rubbing his hands “perhaps Mrs Armstrong could return to work? “Of course. Of course.” If I remember anything else... Where can I find you?” she asked. “Cowley Road Police Station.” said Morse, handing her a card, “My number's on the card.” “Your, er colleague…” “He had to return to the station. Sends his regrets.” “Yes….Of course.” she said as she walked out. Morse turned to the manager, “Is there anywhere else you know of in Oxford that stocks Le Minou Noir?” “You'd need to ask the suppliers. A Mr Lisk at Goldfarb-Ligourin.” he said, reaching into his desk for a card and handing it to him. “Oh. Well, thank you.”
Thursday, Morse and the doctor were all in Bright’s office, updating him. “So, what have we got on our hands?” started off Bright, “A sex killer, hmm?” “Doctor?” prompted Thursday. “Both Mrs Merchant and Mrs Curran-Matthews had engaged in coitus within a few hours of death,” he began, “But, like Mrs Haldane, there was no evidence of force having been used. There is one thing you might want to bear in mind. I've only just had initial reports on Mrs Curran-Matthews' clothing, but the skirt is showing traces of calcium sulphate dihydrate. Gypsum.” he said, handing over the reports. “A plasterer, then, some sort of manual labourer.” said Bright. “It's also used as a fertilizer, I believe,” added Morse. “An agricultural connection?” expanded Bright. “She might have come into contact with the material through wholly innocent means.” informed the doctor. “Nothing like that showed up on the first victim, Mrs Merchant?” asked Morse. “No, and it'll be a day or two before we've a result back on Mrs Haldane's clothing.”
“I showed her a photograph of Mrs Haldane but she'd no recollection of having served her.” said Morse to Thursday, taking him home. “Oh.” “How was it you knew Mrs Armstrong?” “I told you, the war.” replied Thursday, bluntly. Morse waited a second or two, before changing the subject, “The engraving on the lighter wasn't much use either. Just 'They asked me how I knew'” “'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” finished Thursday, “Present for her fancy man, I expect.”  “Think it's him?” “I know the type. Bleed 'em for all they've got, move on to the next meal ticket.” “Why not just drop them? To sleep with all three then strangle them seems a bit?” “Maybe it's just his thing? Maybe he'd had money off 'em and they were looking to make trouble? Who knows with women-haters?”
After dropping Thursday off at home, Morse went up, back into the city, to Amber’s flat. She’d caught him in the office earlier and said their friendship was over, unless he came to hers tonight, to make everything even again. She was of course joking, but Morse didn’t want to take that risk. He wanted to get to know her, every little thing about her. He went up the stairs, and knocked on the door. Inside he could hear music playing, Edith Piaff, Je ne regrette rien. He heard Amber inside, singing along to herself. Morse smiled and laughed through his nose. The door opened to Amber, in a black skater dress, with long sleeves and a red collar. Her hair was down and flowed down to her chest. Morse smiled at the sight of her, he’d never seen her with her hair down before, given they’d always met under professional circumstances. “Hello, stranger,” she said when she saw him, “Come on in.” Morse stepped through the door and took everything in, all her furniture, her pictures, the smell coming from within. “What are you cooking?” said Morse, taking off his jacket and pointing at the pot on the stove. “Sausage and mash” she said, laughing at Morse. “Sorry, it’s not some French delicacy, I thought I’d just stick to basics” Morse chuckled as he sat down at the small table in her kitchen. It was intimate to say the least, her flat wasn’t the biggest, but it was homely and warm, Morse felt as though he was just being given an endless warm hug. Amber served the food and sat down with Morse. They talked about everything and anything. It was like they’d known each other for years, not weeks. The night came to an end and Morse headed to the door, “I’ve had a great night, thank you for coming” “I’ve had a great night too, thank you for the food, it was lovely. Your company too.” Amber smiled and looked at the floor, going shy, “So, was that a date or....” “I don't know,” said Morse, “Maybe we should do it again, just to be sure if it was a date or not. I’ll take you out this time.” “Amber looked up and smiled, “Well, I'd better...” she said, pointing at the clock. “Of course. Goodnight.” “Night.” Morse headed out the door before turning back around, “What time does your shift finish on Bonfire Night?” “Midnight. Why? I'll pick you up.” said Morse, surprisingly Morse as he headed back down the hall and outside. Amber watched him go, and caught herself; grinning from ear to ear
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 17 Best and Coolest Tray Steels
  UltraSource Stainless Steel Tray, 20 gauge, 18″ x 26″UltraSource Stainless Steel Tray, 20 gauge, 18″ x 26″ - Perfect for baking or roasting. Use to show food products in deli, butcher, and kitchen diplay cases. Heavy duty 20g stainless steel is durable and highly resistant to bending. Reinforced encapsulated steel rim prevents warping. Baked goods rise and cook evenly due to stainless steel’s superior heat conductivity.   HACIENDA Steel Tray SteelHACIENDA Steel Tray Steel - Â it is laquered so can be used to serve food and will maintain it’s lustre without tarnishing. Our hacienda steel tray has an 18″ diameter and a brushed finish.   Romiky Stainless Steel Pizza Shovel Scissors Anti-stick Pizza Cutter for baking Tools Kitchen, Tray Divider Food Serving Tool (red)Romiky Stainless Steel Pizza Shovel Scissors Anti-stick Pizza Cutter for baking Tools Kitchen, Tray Divider Food Serving Tool (red) - Pizza cutter with removable shovel, 2 in 1 design. Made of safe and healthy stainless steel, safe to touch food directly, the shovel can be removed and easy to be assembled. Dishwasher safe for quick and easy clean up. Its scissors part is similar to an ordinary scissors, can easily cut the pizza. Mainly used for cutting pizza and take out pizza equally, very convenient and pratical.   IMEEA Vanity Tray Serving Tray Organizer Tray for Kitchen Bathroom Stainless Steel (9 x 3.7 inch), (Gold)IMEEA Vanity Tray Serving Tray Organizer Tray for Kitchen Bathroom Stainless Steel (9 x 3.7 inch), (Gold) - Great for storage and organization perfect for tighter counter spaces but still wanting good storage, it will make your counter looks organized instead of all over the place. Modern design modern fashion color, attractive and simple design with clean lines classic silver, luxury gold and gorgeous colour, 3 colors will meet your needs on different occasions. Material made of high quality stainless steel with a mirror finish very smooth and easy to clean. Mind its small size dimension 9l 37winch (23l 95wcm) weight 56oz (160g) comes with imeea lifetime warranty, buy with confidence. Wide application great for tea table, beside table, dining table, kitchen, bathroom vanity, countertop, home deco perfect for organizing cosmetics, perfume, makeup, keys, sunglasses, coins and more for quick access.   New 12″ inch Non Stick Steel Wide Rim Round Pizza Pan Kitchen Bakeware TrayNew 12″ inch Non Stick Steel Wide Rim Round Pizza Pan Kitchen Bakeware Tray - 100% brand new & excellent quality. 12″ inch non stick steel wide rim round pizza pan kitchen bakeware tray. Materialsteel. Colorsilver. Size 12″ diameter.   o Buddy Products o – No-Post Letter Stacking Desk Trays, Steel, Blacko Buddy Products o – No-Post Letter Stacking Desk Trays, Steel, Black - For drawers & cabinets. Dura-coated steel. Wire mesh. O buddy products o, no-post letter stacking desk trays, steel, black. Color white.   Homz Handy Organizer Tray Steel 14-1/2″ L X 10-1/4″ W X 2″ H WhiteHomz Handy Organizer Tray Steel 14-1/2″ L X 10-1/4″ W X 2″ H White - White, vinyl plastic coated wire cutlery tray, convenient way to organize kitchen utensils & silverware.   PER-HOME Stainless Steel Divided Lunch Food Serving Bento Box Tray With Cover Restaurant Canteen Tableware, 1 Set – 5 SectionsPER-HOME Stainless Steel Divided Lunch Food Serving Bento Box Tray With Cover Restaurant Canteen Tableware, 1 Set – 5 Sections - Sizes 29cm(l) x23cm(w) x 4cm(h) / 1142″(l) x 906″(w) x 157″(h). Food tray with lid to keep products fresh or hot. 5 food compartments for healthy balanced meals. Made of high-quality,food grade stainless steel,easy to clean, dishwasher safe. Perfect for any meal or snack, great for camping, picnics, school canteen, school potlucks, cafeterias, convalescent homes, hospitals, toddlers eating in highchair, etc.   Rolling Kitchen Trolley Cart Steel Top Removable Tray W/Storage Basket &DrawersRolling Kitchen Trolley Cart Steel Top Removable Tray W/Storage Basket &Drawers - 8″x5. 6″(lxwxh) size of bottom shelf 16. 8″x2. The storage drawer and one basket provide room for your prettiest cookware or serving dishes ,and the one slotted shelf as a nifty wine rack. 7″x10. Home styles kitchen cart with stainless steel top features a solid wood construction in white finish, which is a perfect addition to your apartment or home. 7″(lxwxh) inner size of drawer 14. The removable tray with handle is great for serve your favorite meals. Don’t hesitate to buy it now feature brand new and high quality smooth rolling nylon wheels (two wheels are lockable) stainless steel top included a wire basket shelf and drawer for utensils one slotted shelf as a nifty wine rack removable tray with handle specifications material p2 mdf+pine wood leg+ stainless steel table top over all dimension 18. The cart is small enough for any kitchen and just big enough for extra storage room. 0″x10. 3″x12. 6lbs package include 1 x kitchen trolley cart great for serve your favorite meals assembly required. 2″x15. 5″x32. 3″(lxwxh) size of middle shelf 15. 7″(lxwxh) product weight 14. 5″x14.   Wall Mount Functional 18 Inch Hanging Jewelry Organizer By Wallniture with Tray Steel WhiteWall Mount Functional 18 Inch Hanging Jewelry Organizer By Wallniture with Tray Steel White - Compact jewelry hanger easily take items off fast when you’re heading out the door for work the staggered hooks prevent your necklaces from tangling, you can pick one to match your outfit and get ready for work hassle free. Solve clutter problem the nifty, multi-purpose jewelry organizer will help you get rid of the clutter sitting on top of your dresser or vanity hang them beautifully by your vanity table or on top of your dresser and get your jewelry out of the drawers. Utilize your walls empty walls make a room look incomplete complete the look of your bedroom with this wall mount jewelry organizer and ingeniously display your colorful jewelry, the compact design will hold earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, and even body jewelry. Sturdy and well-made no assembly is required with the mounting hardware included in the packaging installation is a breeze, it comes ready to hang on your unused wall space and just the perfect size to fit your needs. Functional design the jewelry sorter hanger comes with a tray that provides functionality to display your perfume bottles, or you can simply store other jewelry that do not need hanging.   Dulcii Reusable Ice Cube, 8Pcs Stainless Steel Chilling Reusable Ice Cooler Wine Chillers with Freezing Storage Tray – (Pack of 8, Diamond Ball)Dulcii Reusable Ice Cube, 8Pcs Stainless Steel Chilling Reusable Ice Cooler Wine Chillers with Freezing Storage Tray – (Pack of 8, Diamond Ball) - Never have to worry about the ice cubes melting and diluting your drinks the rounded corners won’t scratch the glass or hurt you when you drinking. Easy to clean, an amazing product for you and a perfect gift for any occasion. Comes with a clamp and a storage tray, convenient for you to use and organize. Chill your favorite beverages with these reusable ice cubes cools your wine/juice instantly, saving more time for you. Made of food-grade stainless steel material, never rust or corrode or wear.   Indian Handmade Beautiful Designer Octal Shaped Wooden Ashtray,Antique Ashtray steel bowl white designIndian Handmade Beautiful Designer Octal Shaped Wooden Ashtray,Antique Ashtray steel bowl white design - Wooden ashtray with steel cup inside, a beautiful art decoration for your desktop. Dimensions length 35 inch height 15 inch width 35 inch. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl with 3 white inlay cigarette holder slots. Light weight, easy to carry, suitable for outdoor or indoor.   Womens Day Special Gift Wooden Ashtray , Round Star Inlay Design Ash Tray, Steel Bowl Cigarette Holder,Womens Day Special Gift Wooden Ashtray , Round Star Inlay Design Ash Tray, Steel Bowl Cigarette Holder, - Its handicrafted by strongest sisam wood. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers. Dimension length4 inch, width4 inch, heigth 2 inch. Retro/antique look wood ashtray with decorative. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl steel inlay cigarette holder slots.   Wooden Black Elephant Onlaid Square Ashtray with Steel Bowl Fit on it., Thanks Giving Or Chrismas Gift by PMK RetailWooden Black Elephant Onlaid Square Ashtray with Steel Bowl Fit on it., Thanks Giving Or Chrismas Gift by PMK Retail - Light weight, easy to carry, suitable for outdoor or indoor. Dimensions length 35 inch height 15 inch width 35 inch. The interior of this classic ashtray is a steel bowl with 3 white inlay cigarette holder slots. Wooden ashtray with steel cup inside, a beautiful art decoration for your desktop. Made of durable rosewood and looks great on table great for personal use and an excellent gift for smokers.   Stainless Steel Towel Tray Storage Tray Dish Plate Tea Tray Fruit Trays Cosmetics Jewelry Organizer, Gradient Color, OvalStainless Steel Towel Tray Storage Tray Dish Plate Tea Tray Fruit Trays Cosmetics Jewelry Organizer, Gradient Color, Oval - âœ”sizeapprox9 inches x 38 inches x 05 inches(l x w x h)weight about 564 oz. ✔This tray organizer is perfect for neatly arranging your guest towels, jewelry, perfume bottles, hair brushes, cosmetics. ✔Simple design with clean linesmirror polishing process, good gloss and easy to clean. ✔Widely used for dining table, kitchen, bathroom vanity, countertop and other places. ✔Made of stainless steel with soft brass finish,durable in use.   Halter Steel Mesh Horizontal File Paper Tray Desk Organizer – 13.25″ X 10″ X 2.75″ – 2 PackHalter Steel Mesh Horizontal File Paper Tray Desk Organizer – 13.25″ X 10″ X 2.75″ – 2 Pack - Made with stylish steel mesh | an excellent finish to complement any decor. Dimensions 1325″ x 10″ x 275″. Perfect for your important papers / files / folders and much more in any professional office environment or your home office. 2 pack | lightweight / low-profile paper tray to organize all of your documents | stackable so you can use more than one seamlessly. Can be used on top of your desk, inside a drawer, or on a shelf.   Rusticity Wood Ashtray with Steel Bowl | Handmade | (4.5×4.5 in)Rusticity Wood Ashtray with Steel Bowl | Handmade | (4.5×4.5 in) - Small sized, convenient for storing and travelling. Made out of indian rosewood (sheesham), resistant to termites and decay. Suitable gift on birthdays, anniversaries and festive occasions. Portable ash tray with cigarette rests for tables, countertops, etc. Rusticommends pair up with rusticity’s wood chess set for a perfect evening at home or a weekend getaway. #Storage
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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/49ej9AD7QAM/17-best-and-coolest-tray-steels
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