#gray washed bamboo
batty4u · 11 months
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Contemporary Kitchen in Indianapolis Inspiration for a large contemporary u-shaped cork floor enclosed kitchen remodel with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, blue backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
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berserkrgangr · 1 year
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Kitchen in Indianapolis Large trendy u-shaped cork floor enclosed kitchen photo with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, blue backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
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Enclosed in Indianapolis
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An illustration of a large, modern, u-shaped kitchen with an island, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, blue backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, and stainless steel appliances
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dravenandrews · 1 year
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Enclosed Kitchen Enclosed kitchen - large contemporary u-shaped cork floor enclosed kitchen idea with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, blue backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
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sertane-j0 · 2 years
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Indianapolis Kitchen Enclosed Inspiration for a sizable modern enclosed kitchen remodel in the shape of an u, complete with an island, undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, gray cabinets, quartz countertops, blue backsplash, and mosaic tile backsplash.
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wholesome-sharks · 8 months
Odysea Aquarium, Scottsdale AZ
Mom took me and my sister to the Odysea last month for my birthday! Sorry I haven't posted sooner but HERE ARE THE PICS!
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This window over the downstairs bathroom sink was officially voted coolest bathroom in the USA (the plaque said 2017, I think). Why? Because it views into the Voyager shark tank. Trevally, other fish, and FIVE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF SHARKS swim past this window and will even go behind the bubble screen while people are washing their hands. I couldn't get a pic of the sandbar shark when it swam by the window bc it went by pretty quick. But this restroom is by the front entrance and it is the perfect appetizer to a gourmet experience.
Also, trevally are HUGE.
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Here is the mascot species of the Odysea, a sand tiger/gray nurse/ragged tooth shark. The bubble fountain at the back of the photo hides the bathroom window.
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The Sea Trek tank on the upper floor had mostly tropical fish, but it had a zebra shark and A BONNETTHEAD SHARK! SQUEEEEE!!!! Internally crying for joy!!!!
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Brown-banded Bamboo Shark in the shark/ray touch aquarium. A couple of times while I was hanging out by this tank I saw it roll onto its side and scratch itself in the sand--I've seen that on video so I jumped whenever I saw it happen. The cownose rays in the touch tanks are absolutely spoiled and swim up to the surface for pets ASAP when they see you approach.
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Benthic buddies: here's the brown-banded bamboo shark lying next to the white-spotted bamboo shark.
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Magnificent zebra shark in the movie theater tank. The movie theater would play 10-minute videos and then move the screen back up between showings. I think this was probably my favorite tank. There was a second zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) in this tank.
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They also had LEOPARD SHARKS (Triakis semifasciata) !!!!!! again, my cup runneth over!
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Epaulette sharks in the Great Barrier Reef tunnel. The one laying on the glass was a male and so he was flashing EVERYONE with his claspers (blurry pic--but maybe that's for the better). There was also an epaulette shark in the stingray touch tank.
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Got to spend a few moments of shared eye contact with this epaulette shark💖
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Back to the Voyager tank. Here is a sandbar shark and the head of a LEMON SHARK. There were at least two lemon sharks in the Voyager tank. It took me a moment to recognize them. The Voyager tanks are kind of dark, and ofc with no natural sunlight the lemon sharks don't get to show off their color properly. Maybe they should change the light fixtures.
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Here's a sandbar shark again along with a view of the reef in the Voyager tank. Again, the trevally are ENORMOUS, bigger than the blacktip reef shark (either that, or BTRs are just small). I deliberately avoided taking too many photos and focused more on the experience, so these are just the highlights of the sharks. Also I've seen the giant Amazon rainforest fish before so no need to repeat.
Have some random aquarium denizens:
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Aquarium review: They definitely put money and effort into making the aquarium a good home for the animals as well as engaging and educational for visitors. I was able to be up close and personal with the sharks, which was exactly what I wanted. I feel like the rotating Voyager exhibit is a little overrated--the cheesy Holiday-themed narration didn't help. Aquarium staff kept their distance but were helpful when needed. Starbucks on the second floor is nice. Super expensive but definitely worth it. 8 out of 10.
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maculategiraffe · 2 years
ok question about the separating laundry thing. say hypothetically you mostly hurl all your clothes into the wash at the same time on cold/cold knits/delicates with a scattering of molly's suds powder and the devil take the hindmost, but your sister, despite the fact that she has met you before, gave you these really pretty cream colored bamboo viscose pajamas, and you honestly really like them and the idea of them turning gray and dingy like every other cream colored article of clothing you've ever been foolishly gifted makes you sad. do you have to wash them with some special kind of laundry sauce or is it enough to separate them out from everything else except your four pairs of light colored underwear and two pairs of light colored socks and hurl THOSE in / laundry powder / devil take the hindmost. what if the pajamas have a pattern on them that is a darker color. how do you 'wash with like colors' when the thing itself has multiple colors. will it ruin itself. is that what fancy detergent is for. having vague memories of seeing the words "colorfast" on some brightly colored bottles on the laundry aisle as I sprinted past towards the eggs
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Saejima Taiga was sleeping restlessly. The sheet clung to his sweaty body, exhausted by the August heat, which did not stop even at night – except that crickets chirped instead of cicadas.
Saejima Taiga had a dream.
Blood, blood everywhere, why is there so much blood..? All the greenery of the bamboo grove was stained with scarlet strokes. Saejima darted feverishly between the trunks. His lungs felt as if they had become too large for his ribcage, each convulsive breath a blinding pain. 
There was only more blood. Saejima's heart skipped a beat, as if anticipating the inevitable.
A tattered kimono stained with blood and dirt. The skin, pale to blue, was not the skin of the living person. That made it all the more frightening to look into the disfigured face, to see the torn eyelid and the ghastly gap in the empty eye socket.
The dead man turned his head toward him with difficulty, his caked purple lips whispering:
Saejima's eyes widened as he abruptly sat up on his futon and put his hand over his mouth, holding back a scream. Strange dreams had been keeping him awake lately. Saejima wearily ran his hands over his face and rose to his feet. After that bloody dream, a peaceful night seemed unattainable. He went to the bathroom and washed his face with ice-cold water, but this hardly helped him to organize his thoughts. Fortunately, he already had a recipe for dealing with this.
Saejima quickly dressed and went outside. Taking a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his gray pants, he lit one, exhaling the smoke with pleasure and greedily inhaling the damp air of the August night instead.
At that late hour, the street was deserted, although life in Kamurocho never stopped: the silence was broken by the sounds of music from all sorts of places, the neon snakes of signs brightly illuminated everything around. Saejima didn't like Kamurocho: too crowded, too noisy; however, there was no lack of work here.
Out of the corner of his eye, Saejima noticed that someone was approaching him with an unsteady gait. Just in case, he clenched his fist in his pants pocket, even though it was most likely just another drunk salaryman trying to find his way home.
The stranger was getting closer, and Saejima soon realized that he was mistaken – it was not an office worker at all, but a kid who looked smaller than Saejima by half a head, if not more. He could barely move his legs, holding his stomach. His narrow face was so covered in blood and dirt so that its features were hardly distinguishable.
However, this was not uncommon in Kamurocho either. Even Saejima couldn't always walk down to the konbini for a discounted evening soba and come back without a bruise or two. The kid, with his worn-out rags hanging loose, was an easy target.
The kid did not reach Saejima a couple of steps – his legs gave way, and he fell first to his knees and then to the ground, his face on the pavement.
Saejima sighed, threw the bull under his feet, extinguishing it with the toe of his sneaker. He was not a good Samaritan at all, but for some reason the thought of the kid dying right here in front of his apartment displeased him. What if he lay there all night, and the local kids, going to school in the morning, would see the body? Surely they'd be scared.
The thought of Yasuko stung his heart. Saejima imagined the menacingly furrowed eyebrows and clenched small fists. She certainly wouldn't be happy to see her adored older brother abandon someone in need.
Saejima walked over to the kid and gently rolled him onto his back. To his relief, the boy was breathing, albeit intermittently, and didn't seem intent on dying. 
"Hey, you," Saejima called cautiously. “D'ya hear me?”
The kid struggled to open his blood-glued eyelashes. His left eye, swollen from the blow, did not manage to open.
“H…Hirama…” he whispered in a barely audible voice.
Saejima went cold. His brain worked feverishly, throwing up one crazy thought after another. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Maybe the kid had him confused with someone else, or maybe he was just calling someone in a delirium?
“Who the hell is Hirama?” Saejima tried his best not to lose his composure, but he realized his voice didn't sound quite as confident as he wanted it to.
But the kid didn't answer him anymore – he passed out.
Hoping from the bottom of his heart that the boy had no internal injuries, Saejima, not too elegantly, put him on his shoulder, surprised at the unexpected weight of his skinny body, and dragged him home. He wasn't sure what to do with him, but it was obvious that the kid definitely needed water and food, and he clearly needed to clean and disinfect the nasty-looking cut on his shoulder.
After dragging the kid into the apartment, Sagejima carefully laid him on the floor, then unfolded the futon belonging to Yasuko, and moved him there. The boy groaned weakly, and Saejima leaned closer to him to hear the soft voice.
"I'm fine." The kid turned his head towards Saejima, desperately trying to focus on him. “I'll be gone tomorrow, I promise.”
"Yeah." Saejima nodded. " Just tell me yer name first."
“Majima Goro.” The kid turned away from Saejima and closed his eyes again.
“Saejima Taiga. “Jima" is spelled as "island".
"Same," whispered Majima.
Now that Majima was awake, it was possible to take care of his wounds. Saejima brought a first aid kit from the bathroom and carefully dressed and bandaged the wound on his shoulder – Majima only sighed noisily through clenched teeth when Saejima touched the wound with a cotton swab soaked in antiseptic. After finishing with his wounds, Saejima decided that Majima needed to at least wash his face. Of course, it was not worth dragging him into the bath, and Saejima made do with a damp towel and a basin of water. Majima grimaced slightly as Saejima touched the towel to his face and hair, but didn't protest.
When he finished, Saejima put the towel aside and took a deep breath as if he were about to jump into the water. Most likely, Majima was not in a position to give detailed answers, but the question stung his gut so much that Saejima couldn't help himself.
"Majima... When I picked you up, you said somethin’ about Hirama. Who is he?”
Majima was silent, still not looking at him, and Saejima thought that he had lost consciousness again, but then Majima turned to him. His eyes burned feverishly, and Saejima felt a chill run down his spine. Majima looked like a man with nothing left to lose.
"You won't believe me, but I'll tell you anyway." Majima licked his parched lips, continuing to stare directly into Saejima's eyes. “I already know you. Or rather, not you, but another person who looks exactly like you. Or rather, I... It was as if I saw myself in a dream, but everything seemed to be happening a very long time ago – all these samurai folks, Shinsengumi, you understand?”
Saejima didn't really understand, but remembering his own strange dream, he nodded. Majima furrowed his brows doubtfully, but continued.
“So ... In these dreams, we were friends – no, more than friends, brothers even. Only the names were different. You… that is, a person similar to you was called Hirama Jusuke there. And was called Hirayama Goro.”
"I dream about that too," Saejima blurted out. “Last time. The night I found you, I dreamed that I…” He swallowed with an effort the sudden lump in his throat. “That I found yer body somewhere in the bamboo forest. It was covered in blood, and you... Well, you had yer eye gouged out, that's it. That's a helluva thing!”
With every word Saejima said, Majima's eyes widened until they finally formed two perfect circles.
"Oh," was all he could manage. “I see…”
Saejima didn't really believe in fate, but that night he felt that he and Majima were connected, whether they both wanted it or not.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Hi Grey! Thank you so much for the ask! <3
Since I did huntlow last time, I'll choose five sterek fics this time:
My Friend Thinks You're Cute
And that's when Stiles sees him, standing in the middle of the crowd, swathed in a black leather jacket, eyes alight as he flashes Stiles the most dazzlingly perfect smile. Derek The Music Major. The guy Stiles has had a massive crush on ever since they shared a class together in Stiles's freshman year. The guy who went on to graduate later that spring and leave town to go on tour with his band. The guy who composed such beautiful music that it made Stiles fall even more stupidly in love with him when he happened upon one of his live performances on YouTube the following summer. The guy who wrote the lyrics to the song he's currently up on stage singing motherfucking karaoke to. Derek Hale, Beacon Hills sweetheart, local legend, and international rising star. Derek Hale, lead guitarist of The Alphas.
Invisible String
He tries to imagine Derek taking up knitting, and has to fight to suppress the fond little flutter that stirs inside his chest at the image of Derek with a half-finished scarf splayed across his lap, yarn wrapped around his stupidly big, strong hands as he works them in an intricate pattern, the two of them sitting side by side on the couch, watching movies and working on projects together; has to bite back a bout of giddy laughter at the idea of Derek talking shop about his favorite stitch patterns, wandering down craft store aisles with a mountain of brightly colored, kitten soft skeins clutched in his arms, arguing the merits of aluminum vs. bamboo, cotton vs. wool, with those big surly eyebrows of his, as Stiles strolls along beside him. It's so absurdly soft and domestic that Stiles can't contain the longing sigh that spills out of his mouth at the thought of it.
It's A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes
For a while, there's a whole lot of nothing, just the sound of water splashing against tile, the scent of Stiles's Old Spice body wash wafting in the summer air, and— Wait. Is that…is Stiles singing Taylor Swift? Derek tilts his head to the side, catching sight of what is unmistakably Stiles's silhouette framed in the open window, towel wrapped around his waist, using a hairbrush as a makeshift microphone and belting out what Derek is 99% sure is the song Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Error 404: Brain Cell Not Found
He means to send the photo to Scott. Really, he does. But it's barely 9AM and he hasn't had coffee yet so his brain isn't firing on all cylinders, single brain cell chanting an endless chorus of Derek Derek Derek. Which is how he ends up accidentally sending the photo he'd just taken to Derek instead, along with the lovely accompanying caption: seriously scotty, just look at him, I think I'm in love. By the time Stiles realizes his mistake, it's too late to hit cancel. He hears the telltale chime of a successfully sent text, the little grayed-out delivered notification staring back at him with a mocking checkmark. He glances up, watching in abject horror as Derek pulls out his phone. Clocks his exact time of death as the moment Derek's eyebrows arch high enough to meet his hairline.
Hearts Like Wildflowers
Derek's presence is a solid warmth at his side, appearing through a tangle of branches in a blur of black leather and frost-bitten blue. He's been doing that a lot lately — showing up seemingly at random wherever Stiles happens to be. Stiles assumes he'd taken it upon himself to ensure that the pack's ticking time bomb doesn't go rogue and let another ancient trickster demon use his body to hurt those closest to him. He'd complain about that, only he kind of likes knowing that Derek is always there, because maybe he's a little afraid of that happening too, and he's glad to know that Derek will do what needs to be done if things go south. Derek glances over at him, careful eyes watching him as he glares down at the nemeton with a kind of fierce determination, hands balled into fists, shaking in quiet rage, and asks, in a voice that's so soft he almost doesn't hear it— "Why did you come here?" Stiles turns to look at him, eyes filled with tears that don't spill over but instead find their way into his voice. "I just—" he falters, swallows against the sudden tightness in his throat. "I don't want to be afraid anymore. I'm tired of this thing having some kind of sick power over me."
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juniwilson · 1 year
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@dr-astrid-zhang & @devilofsf-cisco
Congrats to your growing family!!! If you ever need anything, please reach out to us at any time.
With love, The Grimaldi Family
[gift content]
Winnie the Pooh Dots & Hunny Pots Baby Bouncer
Boxes of Dyper Ultra Premium Bamboo Diapers, sizes 1-3 + box of Dyper bamboo baby wipes
Organic Baby Gift Basket--
ITEMS INCLUDED IN YOUR BASKET: ♥ One reusable water hyacinth white woven basket w: 14.25" x h: 7" inches with handles on both sides. Chalkboard on the front to personalize. Perfect basket to hold everyday baby essentials! ♥ One American Baby Co. super soft and plush sherpa/chenille heather gray & white clouds reversible baby blanket, 30" x 35" inches. Yes, Humane fabric :) ♥ One Large Elephant printed 100% Cotton Muslin receiving blanket, 47" x 47" inch. ♥ Three soft 100% Organic Bamboo baby washcloths, white and heather gray, 10" x 10" inches. ♥ One 2-Piece 100% Organic hugs & kisses elephant side-snap bodysuit w/fold over mitts & One matching baby beanie. 0-3 Months size, 100% Organic Egyptian cotton. ♥ One 100% Organic gray cuffed baby pants. 0-3 Months size, 100% Organic cotton. ♥ ADD ON for $12.00--100% Organic front snap hugs & kisses elephant sleep/play footie. 0-3 Months size. 100% Organic Egyptian Cotton. ♥ One Organic Natural Non-Scents Baby Lotion with Organic Calendula, 8 Fl. Oz. ♥ One Organic Lavender & Vanilla Baby Wash & Shampoo Castile Soap for Sensitive Skin, 5.3 Fl. Oz. ♥ Recycled White Crinkle Paper, 3 oz. ♥ NO PETROLEUM, MINERAL OIL, PARABENS, TRICLOSAN, PHTHA
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pajamasetsco · 1 month
Stay Cool and Comfy with Men's Summer T-Shirt Dress Pajamas
As the temperature rises and the days get longer, it's time to update your sleepwear for the summer season. One perfect choice for men who want to stay cool and comfy during the warm nights is the men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas. These trendy and versatile sleepwear sets are not only perfect for a good night's sleep, but they can also double up as casual loungewear for those lazy summer days at home.
One of the best things about men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas is their lightweight and breathable fabric. Made from soft and airy materials like cotton or bamboo, these pajama sets allow air to circulate freely, keeping you cool and preventing you from feeling sweaty and uncomfortable during hot summer nights. The lightweight fabric also makes them ideal for packing in your suitcase for a summer vacation or a weekend getaway, as they take up minimal space and dry quickly after washing.
Men's Long Nightdress Summer Cool Thin Modal Cotton Pajamas Male Plus Size Short Sleeve Nightgown
Men's Long Nightdress Summer Cool Thin Modal Cotton Pajamas Male Plus Size Short Sleeve Nightgown Wholesale
Item: NG615978248
Product Category: Nightgown
Material: Cotton
Sleeve length: Short Sleeve
Dress length: Mid
Thickness: Thin
Season: Summer
Size: M, L, XL
Collar: V-neck
Color: Blue, Grey
In terms of style, men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas are designed to be relaxed and casual, with a loose and comfortable fit. The t-shirt-style top features short sleeves and a crew neck, giving it a laid-back and effortless look. The dress-style bottom, on the other hand, falls just above the knee, providing ample coverage while still allowing for easy movement. The combination of the t-shirt top and dress-style bottom gives these pajamas a modern and trendy vibe, making them perfect for men who want to stay stylish even while they sleep.
Men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas come in a wide range of colors and patterns to suit different preferences. Classic solid colors like white, gray, navy, and black are always popular choices, as they are versatile and timeless. For those who prefer a bit more flair, there are also options with fun patterns such as stripes, checks, or tropical prints, adding a touch of personality and style to your sleepwear collection.
Men's Loose Large Size Cotton Nightgown Short Sleeve Summer Color Matching Male Nightdress Multicolor Multicode Spot Wholesale and Retail
Men's Loose Large Size Cotton Nightgown Short Sleeve Summer Color Matching Male Nightdress Multicolor Multicode Spot Wholesale and Retail
Item: NGal5997059
Product Category: Nightdress
Material: Cotton
Sleeve length: Short
Dress length: Long
Thickness: Thin
Season: Summer
Size: M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
Collar: Round neck
Decoration: Color Matching
Color: Black, Pink, Red, Blue, Dark blue, Grey
Aside from their comfort and style, men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas are also incredibly convenient. They are easy to put on and take off, thanks to the simple design and the stretchy waistband on the dress-style bottom. The t-shirt top can also be worn separately as a regular t-shirt, making it a practical piece of clothing that can be worn beyond bedtime. This versatility makes men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas a great value for money, as you can get multiple uses out of a single set.
To keep your men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas in the best condition, it's essential to follow proper care instructions. Most pajama sets are machine washable, but it's always best to check the care label to ensure you are using the right settings. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as they can damage the fabric and affect its breathability. It's also a good idea to hang them to dry or tumble dry on low heat to prevent shrinkage or stretching.
In conclusion, men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas are a stylish and comfortable choice for warm summer nights. With their lightweight and breathable fabric, relaxed fit, and trendy design, they are perfect for staying cool and comfy while sleeping or lounging at home. Their versatility and convenience make them a practical addition to any sleepwear collection, and with proper care, they can last you through many summers to come. So, upgrade your sleepwear game this summer with a stylish pair of men's summer t-shirt dress pajamas, and sleep in style and comfort all season long!
Copy from:https://pajamasetsc.blogspot.com/2024/08/stay-cool-and-comfy-with-mens-summer-t.html
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j77m · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Free Fly Gray Bamboo Lined Breeze Skort Black Size Small.
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thrifty-lovely · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Raiders Glass etched mug with lid & Straw 16oz New.
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tantratshirts · 11 months
Trends and Tips for Men's T-Shirt Shopping Online
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In the digital age, online shopping has become the go-to method for acquiring all types of clothing, and men's t-shirts are no exception. The convenience, variety, and accessibility of men t shirts online have made it the preferred choice for many shoppers. However, with this convenience comes a need for awareness of the latest trends and some valuable shopping tips to ensure you make the best choices. In this article, we will explore the current trends in men's t-shirts and provide some insightful shopping tips for men's t-shirt enthusiasts.
Current Trends in Men's T-Shirts
Here are some active trends in men’s t-shirts.
Graphic Tees
Graphic t-shirts continue to dominate the men's fashion scene. These tees feature all kinds of graphics, from vintage logos to abstract designs and pop culture references. They are versatile and allow you to express your individuality.
Minimalist and Solid Colors
On the flip side, minimalist and solid-colored t-shirts are also making a strong comeback. They are timeless and can be easily dressed up or down. Neutral shades like white, black, gray, and earthy tones are particularly popular.
The fusion of athletic wear and casual clothing, often referred to as athleisure, is another significant trend. Men are opting for t-shirts that are comfortable for both workouts and daily wear. These tees often feature moisture-wicking fabrics and sleek, sporty designs.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Options
With an increasing focus on sustainability, many men are now choosing t-shirts made from eco-friendly materials like organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled fabrics. These options not only look good but also contribute to a greener planet.
Oversized Fits
Oversized t-shirts are gaining popularity. This style provides a relaxed, streetwear-inspired look that can be both fashionable and comfortable. Pairing an oversized tee with slim-fit jeans or shorts can create a stylish contrast.
Shopping Tips for Men's T-Shirts Online
While going for T shirt online shopping for men, consider the following factors.
Know Your Size
The first and foremost tip is to know your size. Different brands may have variations in sizing, so check the size chart provided by the retailer and read customer reviews to ensure a proper fit.
Read Reviews
Reading reviews from other shoppers can provide valuable insights into the quality, fit, and durability of a t-shirt. Look for reviews that specifically mention the t-shirt's comfort, fabric, and how it holds up after washing.
Check the Return Policy
Make sure to understand the return policy of the online store. Sometimes, even with accurate sizing, a t-shirt may not meet your expectations. Having a clear return policy can save you from any inconvenience.
Material Matters
Pay attention to the fabric of the t-shirt. Depending on your preference and the season, you might want different materials. Cotton is a classic choice, but blends with polyester, or spandex can add durability and stretch.
Look for Sales and Deals
Keep an eye out for sales, discounts, and promotions. Many online retailers frequently offer discounts, especially during holiday seasons or special events.
Shopping for men's t-shirts online can be a breeze when you're well-informed about the latest trends and equipped with the right tips. While shopping, always prioritize knowing your size, reading reviews, and being aware of return policies. You can visit Tantra TShirts to get a broad spectrum of t shirts online.
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thechapterluxuryvillas · 11 months
Design Your Dream Home In Goa Inspired By These 8 Unique Styles
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There’s been a general move towards sophistication when it comes to interior design, however, a relaxed sophistication. At The Chapter, we are always getting inspired by design and style around us. Here are our 8 design styles that are on our radar, and hearts, this season.
Whether you prefer bold or minimalist aesthetics, draw inspiration from heritage or modern technology, or seek functionality coupled with exquisite looks, there are numerous ways to design your dream home. Most importantly, we believe it should reflect your personality and match your taste. Here are a few styles that we find particularly unique and resonate with The Chapter’s brand identity.
1. Japanordic 
As the name suggests, this style combines Japan’s rustic minimalism with Scandinavia’s functionality-forward approach. Expect to see natural stone, wood, bamboo and potted plants. What we adore about this style is its clean lines, light colours, innovative elements, and intentional design. It blends the best of both worlds.
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Render for representational purposes only.
2. Modern Farmhouse
This interior design style veers away from the gray-washed, minimalist, urban jungle look. It exudes warmth, pays close attention to comfort, and creates an incredibly charming ambience. We love this design for its harmonious blend of vintage and modern elements, which adds character to any space. Visit The Chapter to read more.
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dlwood951 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hilo Hattie Original Men’s Hawaiian Shirt SZ Medium.
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