sevikitty · 4 months
Calling all my Sevika, Grayson, Cassandra and Ambessa writers and artists to please join our event to aid Palestine! Visit @arcanefans4gaza 🇵🇸🌿
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dandelionbruises · 10 months
"Didn't think you'd come...." Sevika pulls her cigar from her lips and blew smoke towards the enforcer, a smirk on her full lips. "Remember when you brought me here for the first time?" Sevika still had the cape around her left side. "It's been our spot every since...." ((From Sevika to Grayson, I missed them 😭))
"Wouldn't miss it" Grayson responded without missing a beat.
Her eyes lingered on the cape draped over her shoulder before sliding the chair in front of her out and sitting on it. She let out a long breath before pulling out her own cigar and placing it to her lips. She let out a soft chuckle eyeing the cigar in both of their hands before commenting
"it's almost like nothing's changed"
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inkshine · 2 years
A Quiet Smoke: A short Grayson X Sevika Angst Fic
So I had this idea that Sevika and Grayson had a whirlwind romance, but as time went by and Grayson’s responsibilities as an Enforcer became more and more important, and their respective worlds became more and more different, the two separated and ultimately cut off all contact with each other. Because of this, Sevika didn’t find out about Grayson’s death until a considerable amount of time after it happened, and it took her even longer to find Grayson’s final resting place and work up the courage to pay her respects. 
The statue must have been someone else’s idea. 
Sevika closed her eyes, gritted her teeth. The Grayson she'd fallen in love with had believed in equality. Then again, her rise in power among the enforcers had made her the Grayson she’d fallen out of love with. Perhaps her ego had grown so inflated that she’d wanted a statue to tower over all other graves for eternity. She could’ve changed that drastically. 
Sevika squared her shoulders, looked around. The graveyard was empty except for her. It was quiet. Peaceful. The kind of peace Grayson had deserved. 
Sevika respected the silence at first, but it soon became unbearable. She had to do something, or else she’d been stuck here like that statute. Stuck here with the statue. 
Oh, how she once would’ve loved the idea of spending eternity with Grayson. Part of her still swooned at the idea. 
Sevika didn’t swoon, she smoked. She pulled out a pack of cigars and lit one, smoking it very slowly. She watched the smoke float off into the sky. One moment its presence was undeniable: its taste in her mouth, drowning out almost all other sensations. The next, it was gone, as if it had never existed. 
Was that what we had? Something powerful, addicting, but then, gone? Practically meaningless? 
No. It wasn’t meaningless. 
“I know we didn’t part ways on the best of notes.” Sevika rasped. “I know things got hard near the end. But I don’t regret what we had. Not one bit. I never will.”
She finished her cigar. She gently placed the pack on the base of Grayson’s statute.
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caspercryptid · 3 years
this is a hail-mary request but: sevika/grayson fake dating AU
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I've never written Either of them. but here you go! (11/15? I think)
_____ “You should try smiling.” Grayson says, into her wineglass, “If you’re going to be professional, you really ought to put more effort in.”
Sevika half-glares at her, spinning a steak knife between her fingers before she registers she really shouldn’t be doing that and puts it down. “Just because it’s a date doesn’t mean it has to be a good one.” she points out.
“You’d have to get me a ring to hate me this much, and you did not shell out for that part of a disguise.”
“Maybe we’re fighting.” Sevika counters.
“The kind of people that fight in fancy restaurants do it smiling or take it politely outside.”
Sevika tries to smile. It can’t be working, because Grayson shoots her an amused look, and she drops it again, snorting despite herself.
“That bad?”
“You look like you’re about to tear out my throat with your teeth.”
“That would certainly be a way to end the evening.”
“I should like to see you try.” Grayson says, looking good humored about it, “but I think we have more important things to be considering.”
“Well at least I'm glaring at you and not at our target.” Sevika points out, loosening her own tie a little. The suit is suffocating. Better than a dress, but suffocating.
“I will give you that much credit.” Grayson allows, her eyes scanning over to the man on the other end of the room, the one who’s been causing problems for them both. The reason Sevika has to be here.
Honestly, she wouldn’t mind getting a drink with Grayson. Not wine. Not at a restaurant. Maybe beer or just rotgut. Grayson seems like she’d loosen up after a few. Sevika wasn’t sure where that particular line of thinking ended, but she was never one to self-delude. The impulse was there.
“Wish he’d gone somewhere more fun.” Sevika says, instead of any of that.
“I’m curious about your definition of fun.”
“I’ve got lots of definitions. None of them are stuffy uppercrust restaurants. Don’t tell me you’re enjoying yourself.”
Grayson gives a little head tilt of acknowledgement. Just as ill-at-ease as sevika. Just hiding it better.
“At least the food is good.”
“Even with yordle sized portions.” Sevika mutters, and is rewarded with a choked off snort.
“I think that’s unfair to the yordles.” Grayson deadpans back, and Sevika’s lips twitch upwards.
“Do you think they have yordle portion sizes that are proportionately smaller?” She asks.
“The breadbasket is sad enough as it is.” Grayson mutters. “I think I'm going to ask for another one.”
“Oh, please.” Sevika agrees, grinning a little. “You handle waving down the waitress. I can't talk to these people.”
“Of course, darling. You just play silent and stoic.”
“I’ll be sure to return the stick to my ass.” Sevika deadpans, and Grayson grins, wide and genuine, for a second.
“Quick, before you make me snort wine.” She quips, and Sevika suppresses her grin and straightens up.
Well, alright. Maybe this isn't so bad.
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underthewallpapers · 3 years
the feminine urge to have a sevika & grayson headcanon that they have definitely met when they were younger. and enforcer grayson is the embodiment of that 'i do not see' meme whenever sevika occasionally sneaks into piltover and steals stuff.
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sevikitty · 4 months
who wants to create a sevika week with me? do we have one?
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