#greaser newt au
glittter-skeleton · 2 years
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Forgot I never posted this unfinished thing for @hermannsthumb’s 50’s AU that I’ve re-read like a bunch of times. The idea of a too-sweet-and-incompetent-to-be-a-greaser greaser Newt well never not be amazing
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
Can we have bad boy! Newt loving the shit out of geek! Hermann? Like a grease au?
and this ask i got a liiiiittle while ago…
Anonymous said: Greaser!Newt is so perfect because Hermann is a shy, sensitive sweetheart with a horrible, horrible father, and greaser!Newt is a bad boy rebel with a heart of gold who will rescue Hermann from his terrible father
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ask and ye shall receive…..takin another little study break to write this….. for @newts-geiszler bc i love her and also we were talking about this in our dms earlier……have some “50s but they dont suck” au where newt and hermann are like in community college or something in a Small Town (so grease but not high school lol)
Hermann’s not sure what he did to gain the attentions of someone like Newton Geiszler–to be cursed with the attentions of someone like Newton Geiszler–but for the first time in his life, Hermann is grateful for them. Newton is obnoxious. He’s loud. He’s grimy. He’s tattooed. When he’s not pestering Hermann while they’re meant to be doing lab work, he’s tinkering on that ridiculous motorcycle of his, or he’s terrorizing the streets with it, or he’s screeching along to his guitar, or he’s kicking his muddy boots up on tabletops or tossing his leather jacket over chairs or–generally, making an undesirable nuisance of himself. He’s everything Hermann hates, wrapped up in one convenient scruffy, stocky little package.
More importantly, he’s everything Hermann’s father hates.
Which is why he’s perfect.
Hermann finds Newton lounging at a booth in the back of the diner–boots kicked up like usual, hair slicked back, shirtsleeves rolled up–and staring off into space as he downs a milkshake. When Hermann slams his cane on the linoleum floor and says “Newton,” Newton jumps and chokes on the milkshake and nearly knocks his glass over.
“Hermann?” he says, coughing, and blinking in bewilderment. He scrambles into a proper sitting position and adjusts his thick eyeglasses, as if he can’t believe Hermann’s really standing in front of him. 
“Last week,” Hermann says, “you invited me out to go dancing.” Multiple times, in fact. Hermann can admire his persistence.
Newton adjusts his glasses again. “Uh,” he says. “Yeah. I did.”
Hermann grits his teeth a moment before he continues. “If you’re amenable, and the offer still stands–”
“Yes!” Newton blurts out, face splitting into a wide grin, and–in his excitement–upends a salt shaker into his lap. “I mean,” he says, clumsily picking it up and brushing himself off, “yeah, that’s–” He runs his fingers through his greased hair. A little curl falls forward. He shrugs. “Sure.”
Hermann doesn’t buy Newton’s indifference for one second, but he doesn’t say anything, lets him have his little act. (That morning, Newton was almost begging Hermann to let him carry his books to his next class.) “This Friday,” Hermann says. “Come over to my house at six exactly. We’ll have dinner first.”
Newton’s smile returns, considerably…dopier. “Dinner,” he repeats. “You sure you don’t just wanna come here? I’ll buy you whatever–”
“No,” Hermann says quickly. Newton shuts his mouth. “It has to be my house.”
Newton nods.
“Six exactly, Newton.”
“Should I–” Newton runs his fingers through his hair again, considerably more nervous. “Should I wear something nice? If I’m meeting your folks and all.”
Hermann looks over Newton’s messy hair, his week-old stubble, his crooked (partially broken) eyeglasses, his creased leather jacket, his cuffed and stained jeans, the outrageous ink that swirls over his forearms, the smudges of motor grease on his shirt and neck. Hermann shakes his head and smiles serenely. “No,” he says. “As you are is perfect, Newton.”
“Keen,” Newton says, beaming away back at him.
Hermann has ulterior motives, of course. There are no other circumstances in which he would willingly invite Newton Geiszler into his household. Lately, Hermann’s father has been even more controlling and infuriating than usual, and–it’s juvenile to want revenge, Hermann knows, he’s freshly done with his teenage years, his time for rebellion has come and gone–but Newton’s just the type to get perfectly under Father’s skin. Especially if Father thinks they’re dating. He’ll take one look at Newton’s tattoos and his motorcycle–when Newton shows up half an hour late to their routine five-thirty dinner–and–well–Hermann can’t wait to see his expression.
And it’s not dishonest to Newton. He gets a date with Hermann out of it, something he’s been begging for for months. Years. Since Hermann moved to America and they got paired together as lab partners and Newton took an odd shine to him. He’s doing Newton just as much of a favor, even if he doesn’t remotely intend to put out. (Which is what he’s sure Newton’s after. That’s what all his type–loud, rebellious, swaggering–are only ever after.)
To Hermann’s dismay, on Friday evening Newton shows up on his front porch at five-thirty exactly in significantly less filthy jeans, bearing a bouquet of flowers that he thrusts at Hermann the moment he opens the door. “I’m sorry, man,” he leads with. “I know I’m early–”
“No,” Hermann sighs, and accepts the flowers glumly. They’re beautiful, unfortunately. “You’re right on time, damn you.” Newton didn’t even ride the motorcycle. He just walked.
To Hermann’s further dismay, dinner doesn’t go anywhere nearly as badly as he hoped. It doesn’t go smoothly, not by any means–Father blanches wonderfully when he sees the tattoos and the state of Newton’s hair, and even further when Hermann explains that Newton lives on the other (“bad”) side of town, and things become tense when Newton talks about the possibility of space aliens for five solid minutes and follows it up with a rousing endorsement of socialism–but there’s no yelling, no chairs thrown halfway across the room, no demands that Newton leave the house at once and never return. Newton does not leap from the table and call Father a capitalist fascist pig. He doesn’t talk about his latest dissections in excruciating detail. He deflects all of Hermann’s desperate attempts to ignite one of their usual petty arguments. He doesn’t even put his boots up on the table (and Hermann even made sure to set out the good tablecloth). 
When he and Newton set off, Hermann makes sure, at least, to inform his father he hasn’t the slightest idea of when they’ll be getting home and that they shouldn’t bother waiting up for them, and hopes that the implications of debauchery and Newton ravishing him in the backseat of some car on lover’s lane haven’t gone right over his head. Newton holds tight to Hermann’s arm the entire walk to the dance hall and blabbers on endlessly, about how good dinner was and how he can’t cook “for shit”, how cool the evening’s gotten, some probably-illicit experiments he’s doing in his uncle’s garage, if Hermann saw that new film about the giant insects from outer space (or something along those lines), how excited he is that Hermann finally agreed to go on a date with him, how nice Hermann looks, how handsome he is, how his sweater brings out his eyes, how he hopes he likes the flowers (he grew them himself, in his uncle’s backyard), and not once does he mention how dreadful Hermann’s father is, not once does he try to get fresh with Hermann like Hermann expected, not once does he appear anything less than entirely enthusiastic to simply walk next to Hermann.
Hermann…does not know what to think.
When they reach the dance hall, Hermann finds a spot against the wall on the outskirts where he intends to wait until Newton’s decided he’s had his fill and takes Hermann back home. (Hermann can dance, but it can be difficult and strenuous on his leg, so he prefers not to.) But rather than separating from Hermann immediately to dance and mingle with the rest of the young and stylish and hip (and probably find someone easier to score with than Hermann), Newton follows him and sticks tight at his side. “You don’t have to,” Hermann assures him. “Really, Newton. Go off. Enjoy yourself.”
“I am enjoying myself,” Newton says, smiling. “Anyway, what kind of a lousy date would I be if I ditched you?” He starts swaying along to the music of the band on the stage, hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket. “So you really didn’t see Them?”
Hermann shakes his head slowly.
“It’s playing at the drive-in this weekend,” Newton says. “I could take you tomorrow night.” He goes pink. “Only if you want to, I mean.”
Something strange stirs in Hermann’s chest. He evades the question. “On your bike?”
“My old man’ll let me borrow his car,” Newton says. “He knows how I–that you–” He blushes harder. Hermann stares at the floor. “Nevermind. Uh.”
To Hermann’s utter surprise, he has a good time with Newton. Newton’s running commentary on everything from his experiments (which Hermann has decided are absolutely illicit) to the music (which Newton enjoys, even if it is a bit slow) eventually becomes entertaining rather than merely bearable. He fetches Hermann drinks whenever he wants. He keeps complimenting Hermann, too, as he had on the walk over. He even manages to coerce Hermann out onto the dance floor during a particularly slow song, and if Hermann settles his head against Newton’s sturdy chest and allows Newton to wrap his arms round his waist as they sway together, it’s only because it’s the proper way to dance with one’s date.
Newton lends him his jacket for the walk back home, since Hermann looked cold, apparently, and it’s both too-short and too-big at the same time. It smells like Newton, hair grease and sweat and cologne that Newton, earlier, confessed he stole from his father for the night, and Hermann draws it tight around himself as he listens to Newton chat away happily.
Guilt builds steadily in his gut. 
“Did you have fun?” Newton suddenly says. “I had so much fun.”
They’ve reached Hermann’s front gate, and they come to a stop just outside it. He supposes he’ll have to say goodnight to Newton, now. That’s the proper date procedure. Will Newton ask him on another one? Will he try to kiss Hermann? Will he ask to come inside? But Newton does none of those things; he simply stands there, watching Hermann. Waiting for him to make a move. Hermann chews his lip. “Newton,” he says.
“Yeah?” Newton looks so happy, damn him.
“I didn’t–” Hermann taps his finger on the head of his cane nervously. “I haven’t been entirely fair to you. You should know–”
“–that you only asked me out to piss off your old man?” Newton finishes, not losing his smile. “Hermann. I’m not an idiot.”
Hermann supposes he should be embarrassed about being found out that easily, or mortified, or ashamed, or a whole host of other entirely appropriate emotions, but instead he just feels irritated. “If you knew, then why in the hell didn’t you play along?” he exclaims. Newton can pick fights with Hermann every day of the week, but not the one time it really matters. “You were positively civil!” 
“Look, don’t get me wrong,” Newton says, and snorts derisively. “He’s a total fucking square, man, and I would’ve loved to, but–” He shrugs, and grins a little sheepishly. “It was nice pretending that you wanted to be my guy and go dancing with me, even for just a night. I’ve never gone on a date before or anything like that. I really did have fun.”
Hermann’s irritation fades back into guilt, with a healthy dose of embarrassment and mortification and shame this time. “I’m sorry,” he sighs. “I’ve misjudged you very badly, Newton.”
Newton waves his hand. “And I screwed up your plan. We’re even.”
They stare at each other. Hermann’s not sure why he’s not yet opened his front gate–Newton, obviously, does not expect another date, nor a kiss, certainly not an invitation inside. Hermann reaches for the gate. Then he stops, pulls away. “Er,” he says. “There’s that film tomorrow night. The one you like. With the–ah–the insects. We could always…”
He does not finish his proposal, but he does not need to. Newton is beaming, and it’s shy, and sweet, and–it’s hard to tell for certain, in just the moonlight, but–his blush has returned. (Newton is loud, and messy, and obnoxious, but he is also intelligent, and funny, and very, very good-looking.) “I’ll lay on the horn for five minutes when I pick you up,” Newton says. “Stomp through your front garden, too. I’ll be a regular delinquent, Hermann, your old man’ll be forbidding you to see me by next Tuesday.” 
The thought excites Hermann more than he anticipated–Newton, the no-good town delinquent, stealing away with Hermann for what can only be scandalous purposes. “I don’t doubt it,” Hermann says. He casts a glance up at his house, and the houses surrounding; all the lights are turned off, meaning everyone’s likely turned in for the night, but… “Kissing me goodnight in full view of the neighbors certainly wouldn’t help our case.”
“Oh,” Newton squeaks, and then he agrees, very enthusiastically.
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ezm-imagines · 6 years
A Business Deal: Mafia Boss!Bucky and Stark!Reader agree on an arranged marriage to improve their businesses. [SERIES COMPLETE]
You Give Love A Bad Name: Greaser!Bucky tries to win over reader
she’s got a way: Bucky’s birthday celebration. maybe he’ll finally ask out reader...
jealousy, jealousy: John Walker keeps hitting on Y/N. Bucky is pissed.
Sucker for Praise: Bucky finding out the readers a virgin with a thing for praise
it’s been a long day: getting comfort from Bucky after a long day
family additions: Mom!Reader’s daughter calls Bucky “dad” for the first time
intimacy: being naked with Bucky for the first time
bottle toss bear: Bucky trying to win Y/N a bear from Coney Island
thirst trapped: Bucky’s reaction to Y/N’s newest instagram posts
Only Forever: slow dancing with Bucky to 40’s music
maybe it’s inevitable: You build up the courage to finally ask Eddie on a date! Buuut he thinks you’re just trying to buy drugs. [Y/N POV]  [EDDIE POV]
The Princess and the Vampire: Halloween party. Eddie puts his fangs to good use...
jackets: Draco gets jealous when he sees you wearing Harry’s jacket
never doubt I love: Draco finds you in the library
Blood and Water: Slytherin!Weasley!reader starts secretly going out with Draco
“Mudblood”: Muggleborn!reader dating Draco
Blue and Green: yule ball AU with Ravenclaw!reader
Sketchbook: Peter snoops through artist!reader’s sketchbook and finds sketches of himself
Wearing Your Clothes: Spiderman is caught off guard when he sees Y/N wearing Peter’s clothes… 
11/10: Spiderman actually makes an appearance at Liz’s party in Spiderman: Homecoming. Y/N is a little starstruck to say the least…
truth or dare: When Peter gets asked a too personal question, you decide to step in with a lie. 
Breaking the Ice: Newt helps reader to ice skate
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jeffreycombs · 6 years
a newmann grease au would be really cute because i can totally see (through some miscommunication) greaser newt dressing up in nerdy sweaters and covering up his tattoos and a+ student hermann wearing leather, greasing back his hair, and showing off skin to impress each other but they realize they just want each other for what they are wow
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newtedison · 7 years
yall go and act surprised when i make newt danny in the grease au as if there arent a million pictures thomas brodie-sangster riding motorcycles dressed like a fuccin greaser
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skiplo-wave · 8 years
1950s Greaser Au
Percival is the cool kid at school, everyone thinks his a bad boy but really he's not. They don't have to know that he has a reputation after all. Newt is the geek but a sweetheart, but others rather keep there distance from him cause one his protective brother and two his bizarre pets.
  The two don't really like each other. Newt doesn't cause of what his brother tells him and Percy doesn't cause Newt's the strange guy at school. So the two have to do a science project together and yeah they catch feelings for each other.
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sweetjaegerlove · 5 years
by newmannenby, Zaneey
As of late, Newt's been having a hard time keeping up with school work and resorts to desperate measures. Yep, he asks the school's nerd for help. What happens after that is history.
Words: 6602, Chapters: 2/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tendo Choi, Hermann Gottlieb, Lars Gottlieb, Newton Geiszler, Mako Mori, Alice (original character), Chuck Hansen, Raleigh Becket
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, Raleigh Becket/Mako Mori
Additional Tags: 1950s AU, Greaser AU, mild depictions of violence, Homophobic Language, LOTS of references to popular music and literature of that time, i did my hw, sweet lidol hermoso, theyre like 16 guys so i aint writing nsfw this time, First Kiss, Sweet Sweet Fluff, Highschool AU, Stargazing, romantic but also Romantic, Romance, Ableist Language, Literary References & Allusions, 18k, 19k, multi-chapter, domestic abuse, Internalised Homophobia, Alternate Universe - 1950s, 1950s Slang, Wordcount: Over 10.000
pacific rim July 7, 2019 at 06:09PM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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ao3feed-pacific-rim · 5 years
we were together. I forget the rest.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KEDT1L
by newmannenby, Zaneey
As of late, Newt's been having a hard time keeping up with school work and resorts to desperate measures. Yep, he asks the school's nerd for help. What happens after that is history.
Words: 2645, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tendo Choi, Hermann Gottlieb, Lars Gottlieb, Newton Geiszler, Mako Mori, Alice (original character), Chuck Hansen, Raleigh Becket
Relationships: Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, Raleigh Becket/Mako Mori
Additional Tags: 1950s AU, Greaser AU, mild depictions of violence, Homophobic Language, LOTS of references to popular music and literature of that time, i did my hw, sweet lidol hermoso, theyre like 16 guys so i aint writing nsfw this time, First Kiss, Sweet Sweet Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KEDT1L
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
If you write more newmann 50s au,,, i shall perish.... I love it
Anonymous said: If the greaser au takes place in an alternate 50s/fifties aesthetic universe (meaning without homophobia), then Hermann totally wears poodle skirts. Newt loves it. Hermann looks so pretty and dainty and Newt’s definitely not going to complain about an excuse to ogle Hermann’s shapely calves. I just really love the idea of greaser!Newt loving his beautiful, frilly boyfriend.
Anonymous said: Once greaser!Newt realizes that 1) Hermann likes him back, and 2) Hermann’s dad is a dick, greaser!Newt is all about helping Hermann piss off Lars. “Tomorrow I’ll pick you up on my motorcycle when I’m still all sweaty and covered in motor oil and stuff, okay? And I’ll kiss you good and hard in plain view of your old man. But if we’re gonna take my motorcycle, you gotta hold onto me real tight, baby. I can’t have my guy getting hurt. Oh, and wear that pink skirt I like, yeah?”
if you thought i was done with my self indulgent greaser au you were incorrect. also for some reason i love party crasher newt in historical aus? (see: regency fic)
part of the greaser newt cinematic universe (tag here!). under cut basically just for length lol
“Hiya, honey,” Newton says, dropping down from Hermann’s windowsill with a smile. Hermann looks up from the textbook he’s poring over--his Calculus final is in a few days, and then he’ll, blessedly, be finished with university for the summer--and smiles back, unfazed by his boyfriend’s sudden appearance. He’s grown used to Newton dropping in whenever he pleases these days. (The first time it happened, late one evening while Hermann’s vision was half-blurred with exhaustion, Hermann threw a shoe and nearly shrieked before the blurry dark shape started swearing violently and shouting about Hermann cracking his glasses. Newton made sure to be less suspicious after that.) 
“Hello,” Hermann says, setting down his pen and inching his chair away from his desk so Newton can straddle his lap and kiss him hello. His chair creaks slightly, but holds their weight, and Newton reaches down and rubs at Hermann’s long, soft pink skirt, the kind that’s all the rage these days. Hermann doesn’t usually bother with the modern fashions--he’s perfectly fine with his elder brother’s hand-me-downs and whatever dresses and skirts his sister tires of--but he’s been saving up money from his campus job at the library and thought he’d buy himself something nice. Something nice, and something that he knew Newton would be sweet for.
(He won’t tell Newton this, but he wore it today with the express hope that he’d see Newton and be able to show it off.)
“This is real cute on you,” Newton says. “New?”
“Mmhmm,” Hermann says, running his fingers through the greased-down hair at the back of Newton’s head. “I bought it last week.” 
“I love it,” Newton says, slipping his hand down further to rub at one of Hermann’s exposed calves. “I’m gonna buy you fifty more.”
Hermann means to make a remark about how that really isn’t necessary, but Newton’s shifted his attention back into kissing Hermann and it doesn’t seem all too-crucial. Newton smells like motor oil, which means he’s been working in the garage all afternoon, and Hermann suddenly, belatedly, worries that Newton is dirtying up his clothing. (Not only is the skirt new, he’s just washed this button-up.) Thankfully, Newton slips back to the floor before Hermann has to say anything. “Can you still go out dancing Saturday?” he says, adjusting his leather jacket and then pushing his hair back into place. He lets one strand curl down on his forehead. “I just fixed up the back wheel on my bike so I can pick you up on it, really piss off your old man.”
“I’d love to,” Hermann sighs, because it’s what they do every Saturday: Newton makes some grand scene in Hermann’s front yard with his bike and his jacket and his loud mouth, and Hermann’s father will storm outside and shout at him until Newton peals away with Hermann wrapped round his back, both of them giggling like mad, “but--”
“And you can wear that pretty skirt,” Newton says, eyes flicking low to the bottom hem.
“I can’t go,” Hermann says. 
Newton’s eyes snap up. He frowns. “What? Why?”
“Mother’s having a garden party,” Hermann says. “She and father want me there.”
Newton’s frown deepens to a pout. “Aw, man.”
The Gottliebs rarely have garden parties, and even more rarely require Hermann to be there during them, but Father’s dead-set on impressing some new business partners and even more dead-set on finding Hermann a proper, wealthy, and upstanding new suitor from their pool of proper, wealthy, and upstanding sons. That is to say: a suitor who is not Newton. “I’m sorry,” Hermann says. “You know how much I loathe going to these.”
“Yeah,” Newton says, glumly. Then he brightens up. “Hey, what if I crash it?”
“Well,” Hermann says. “I suppose you could--”
“I’ll dress nice,” Newton says. “I promise. I’ll borrow my dad’s suit or something!”
“Er,” Hermann says. He’d love to have Newton there--he’d love it more than anything--but he knows he’d be getting himself in trouble, he knows he’d be getting Newton in trouble, he knows he’ll be distracted in moments flat when Newton lures him away to neck in the hydrangea bushes like he did when he came for dinner last spring and he’ll really get an earful later, but... “Fine,” he finally says, “but you really must be on your best behavior, Newton.”
“Sure,” Newton says. “Of course.”
“I mean it,” Hermann says. “And you really must dress nicely.” He’s seen Newton in exactly two things that aren’t his usual scruffy-dirty-ripped jeans and leather jacket--a scandalously short green dress that Newton sometimes wears dancing and the aforementioned borrowed suit--so he doesn’t have much confidence in the latter. Perhaps Newton will wear the green dress. It’ll get him less looks than his jacket.
Newton smiles beatifically. 
Hermann holds out a full thirty minutes before disappearing into the hydrangea bushes with Newton this time. He’s frankly impressed with himself he lasted this long. Newton did not dress up nicely, whatsoever, even if his selected jeans are moderately less torn than usual, but his plain white shirt stretches so tight across his chest that Hermann was dry-mouthed even before Newton started playing footsie with him under the patio table (much to the confusion of the flirtatious proper, wealthy, and upstanding young gentleman sitting at Hermann’s elbow, who couldn’t understand why his flattery and praise of Hermann’s work in astronomy was getting him absolutely nowhere). “You’re a scoundrel,” he sighs in Newton’s ear, and Newton laughs against his neck.
“I can’t help it,” he says. “You look so cute, Hermann. Yellow looks nice on you.”
Hermann’s borrowed a dress from his sister again, a yellow flowered sundress with a skirt that swishes and flairs out and a small white collar, and Newton’s managed to stain it with his grease-dark fingertips already. (He loathes having to face her wrath tomorrow, as it’s one of the things she hasn’t tired of yet, but Hermann expects he’ll be able to talk his way out of it somehow.) “Don’t you ever wash your hands?” Hermann scolds, swatting Newton’s hand away as it starts to creep up his thigh. When Newton’s not covered in car grease and oil, he’s covered in strange chemicals from his garage laboratory or the remnants of whatever his last meal was. Today it seems to be a mixture of all three, most noticeably the horrendous green gelatin concoction a neighbor brought that only Newton had been brave enough to try.
Newton pulls his hand away and blinks at it. “Whoops,” he says. “Sorry.” He wipes it off on his jeans, then dives right back in to sucking on Hermann’s neck.
“Below the collar,” Hermann wheezes, gripping at Newton’s back with his free hand. “Below--” Newton undoes his top few buttons--shaped like small daisies--and yanks the fabric aside to nip at his collarbone instead. He’ll die of embarrassment if his parents see him with lovebites from Newton, even if the thought of parading them about thrills him endlessly.
“Oh!” Newton suddenly says, snapping up, and Hermann swallows down a disappointed groan. “I got you these.” He pulls a handful of wilted, slightly squished-looking daisies from his right pocket and presents them with a flourish. “Snagged ‘em from someone’s garden on the way here. They match you!”
He holds one up to the buttons, then tucks it behind Hermann’s ear, and Hermann--overcome with affection--fists his fingers in the front of Newton’s white shirt and pulls him fully into the bushes.
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
PLEASE if u have time n ideas.,, expand on the greaser au in the good name of all gay people with daddy issues,
im so enamored with this au and i want to be distracted from papers. of course. heres some more. 1st part of ficlet here….when i finish up my longer fic projects and have some time im gonna make a whole long cohesive AU fic on ao3 hehe
Hermann’s job at the campus library is largely uneventful–a few hours a week filing cards, stamping books, and glaring at people who get too noisy–and hardly anyone knows he works there, so needless to say he’s surprised when one of his co-workers informs him he has a visitor asking after him at the front desk. He’s less surprised when he makes it to the desk and he sees just exactly who it is lounging against it, grimy and slouching and playing with a rubber stamp. He doesn’t look up, not until Hermann sidles back over to his station and clears his throat. “Can I help you?” he says.
Newton tosses the stamp back down and leans against the desk, propping his chin up on his hands and gazing up at Hermann. “Hiya,” he says. “What’s shaking?”
He’s never visited Hermann at work before, and they have a date planned for hardly three hours from now (the cinema, then–well, Newton’s borrowing his father’s shiny convertible for a reason, plenty of secluded spots for them to park away from prying eyes), so Hermann can’t imagine why he’s here. He’s wildly conspicuous, too; mud caked on his boots, leather jacket flung over his shoulder, grease smears on his arms. Like he’s just come from his garage laboratory, or from working on his bike. “Do you need something, Newton?” Hermann says, then frowns. “Do you need to reschedule for tonight?”
“Nah,” Newton says. He reaches out and smooths his hand over Hermann’s lapels. Hermann feels himself grow warm (though, privately, worries about grease stains). “Can’t I just visit my guy at work?” Newton says. He smiles flirtatiously, but Hermann is immune to all his charms at this point. Newton turned the same look on him last week with a sheepish “sorry, honey,” when he accidentally smashed his (borrowed) convertible into Hermann’s mailbox (though Hermann truthfully relished in his father’s fury over the incident and subsequent denouncing of Hermann’s no-good scoundrel of a boyfriend) and the week before when he spilled chemicals all over Hermann’s lab notebook.
Hermann slides the stamp back over to himself. “Not unless you’re checking something out,” he says.
Newton touches his lapel again. “Can I check you out, sweetheart?” He winks. Hermann snorts derisively before he can help himself; Newton’s flirtatiousness simply melts away into a genuine broad grin. “I just missed you, is all,” he confesses. “I finished up my labwork early and wanted to swing by. Catch you in your element.” He reaches out and pokes at the bridge of Hermann’s eyeglasses before Hermann can swat him away. “You make a dreamy librarian.”
“You’re dirtying up the place,” Hermann says, and sniffs, and Newton looks down at his dirty boots and arms and shrugs.
“Whatever,” he says, but he wipes his hands off on his jeans. “So, wanna blow off early?” He inclines his head towards the exit.
There are hardly any students in the library today–it’s a Friday afternoon, after all, everyone’s gone home or back to their dormitories or out to town by now–so Hermann doubts he’ll be missed if he were to leave with Newton right now, but… “I’ve still got another few hours to go,” he sighs.
“In that case,” Newton says, “I could really use some help finding a book.”
“This is a terrible idea,” Hermann gasps, as Newton brackets his arms on either side of Hermann’s head, gripping tight to the bookshelf Hermann’s pushed up against and nuzzling at his neck. They’re in a secluded section of the library, the back room, empty even on days when the library’s packed. Hermann feigned needing to put some books away, and Newton followed eagerly on his heels and started kissing him the moment they were out of eyesight. “We’ll be caught, oh–”
“If you keep talking, we will,” Newton says. “Lemme concentrate, I’m trying to give you a hickey.” He nips at the skin just above Hermann’s high collar. The first couple times Newton’d given him hickeys, it was solely in the name of infuriating Hermann’s father (his son, running around like that with those, from someone like Geiszler) before they realized they both quite enjoy the experience.
Nevertheless, Hermann refuses to sport any during his work shift. “Don’t you dare,” he says, but when Newton starts to suck over his love bite, Hermann drops his cane and clings to the front of Newton’s filthy shirt. “Fine,” he gasps, “fine, oh–” Newton sucks a little harder; Hermann gives a breathless little giggle and tilts his head back. “Newton–”
“Gottlieb?” Hermann’s co-worker calls, and–before he and Newton can spring apart–the girl is poking her head round the corner and peering down the stacks straight at them. She immediately flushes deep with embarrassment and stares at the ground. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean–we just need you at the desk, is all.” She turns on her heels.
Red and mortified, Hermann pushes Newton off of him and fixes his sweatervest while a far too amused Newton gathers up his leather jacket, Hermann’s cane, and a few books they’ve knocked off the shelf. “Thank you,” Hermann says, snatching his cane and, after a moment’s consideration, the books too. His neck stings somewhat. Newton must’ve been successful in his endeavor. “I should–well.” He watches Newton fix his hair, that one little curl still falling forward. “I should get back to the desk.”
“Yeah, okay.” Newton stretches up on the tips of his boots and gives Hermann a quick peck on the lips, and Hermann’s heart flutters. “See you tonight, sugar.”
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Could you write another Greaser!Newt sequel? I labsolutely loved the last parts and I'd be happy to read anything you can come up with xD(And if you could make it a first time fic I would love you to pieces xD)
somewhere in part of the greaser newt cinematic universe found, found here, here, here, and here. probably set after the first one but before the second? setup for this fic also partially inspired by a scene from this AU I recently wrote because it’s too cute to not use
rated 18+ 🌚 MOSTLY anyway
“This is horrendously cliched of you, you know,” Hermann says.
Newton puts his father’s convertible in park and turns to him with what he clearly hopes is an innocent smile. Hermann does not fall for it: he knows that smile by now, and it’s rarely followed by anything innocent. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Newton says. Then he gives an exaggerated shiver. “Gee, it sure is cold out tonight, huh, Hermann? Need a sweater or something?”
“No,” Hermann says.
“My jacket?” Newton says. “Wanna borrow it?”
“No,” Hermann says.
Newton extends one arm and settles it around Hermann’s shoulders. “How about that? Nice and cozy?”
Hermann glares at him. It is, in fact, very cozy being tucked up that close to Newton, but he is not admitting that to Newton at any cost whatsoever, so he gives an exaggerated shiver of his own to make his point. He perhaps does it too well: Newton is startling and pulling his arm away at once, leaving Hermann feeling oddly disappointed and bereft. “I’m not trying to get fresh or anything,” he tells Hermann seriously, “I swear.”
“Then why, exactly,” Hermann says, “have you taken us here?”
Hermann was not born yesterday. He knows all the young couples in town drive up here to park among the secluded bit of trees for some alone time, and furthermore, that there are about three other cars there tonight with passengers clearly come for that express purpose. Then there is, of course, Newton’s recent behavior towards him, which has bordered on suspiciously sensual. Bold, even. Touching Hermann’s hair while they kiss; putting his hand on Hermann’s knee at the cinema; moving his mouth south of Hermann’s jaw, even, to nip tentatively at his neck before Hermann ultimately shoos him off.
He knows what Newton is hoping for tonight. He simply hasn’t decided if he wants to give it.
Newton’s face splits into a grin. “Okay, maybe I am a little bit. But only if you want. We could just see a movie instead.”
A movie--almost definitely some inane monster flick, where Hermann will get bored halfway through and Newton will insist on explaining half the pseudoscience to him, which will be almost as intolerable as the movie itself. Or...
Hermann undoes the top few buttons of his cardigan and bares his throat to Newton. “You may touch me,” he declares.
The sound Newton makes is halfway between a whimper and a groan; his eyes go straight to the newly-revealed bit of skin. “You mean it?” he says.
Yes, Hermann realizes, yes, he does. Newton is annoying, and obnoxious, and hardly what Hermann would term sweet, but he does have the tendency to make Hermann--very occasionally--smile. Like now. “Yes, Newton,” he says. “Only don’t make a mess of me above the collar. My father--Newton!”
In his haste to climb into Hermann’s lap, Newton knocks into the gear shift and almost sends them flying out of park. “Oops,” he says, divesting Hermann of the rest of his sweater. “How many layers are you wearing, man?”
“A n--normal amount. Newton, ah--” Newton’s teeth go to his neck. “I said--not above the collar.”
“Don’t be a square,” Newton mumbles into his skin. He kisses over the indentation his teeth left behind and shifts in Hermann’s lap. For his small stature, Newton has quite a bit of mass, and he’s putting a strain on Hermann’s knee that isn’t exactly comfortable. Hermann hisses in pain as Newton continues to nip at him.
“Backseat,” he says. “Newton--leg--”
“Aw, fuck,” Newton says. “Right, sorry, sorry, let me--”
They do a bit of an awkward shuffle to the backseat of the car. Newton resumes kissing him, though this time he straddles either side of Hermann’s waist, his knees able to spread out comfortably on the spacious bench. There is a noticeable bulge in the front seat of his denim trousers. “I brought a rubber,” he breathes in Hermann’s ear. “Will you...?”
Hermann shivers. “Not tonight,” he says. “I’ve not prepared for it in the slightest.” These things require preparation, you know. And, besides--the backseat of a borrowed car seems so terribly gauche. Not romantic at all. (Not that Hermann needs it, or anything with Newton, to be romantic.)
Newton laughs again, breath ghosting hot over Hermann’s ear. “I meant you to me,” he says. “I--brought stuff. To do it. You know.”
“Oh,” Hermann says.
Newton produces the condom and a small repurposed honey jar of petroleum jelly. He presses both to Hermann’s fist. “Whenever you want,” he says.
It’s easier said than done. Especially within the confines of such a tight space. Newton manages to get his his t-shirt off and his trousers down as far as his knees before giving it up as a bad job; Hermann doesn't so much as make it down to his undershirt. “I don’t think this is going to work,” Hermann finally declares.
“Aw, c’mon, sweetheart,” Newton whines, “I almost got my shoe off, look, gimme five more--”
Hermann scowls up at him. “Don’t call me sweetheart. We’ll simply have to wait until we’re somewhere more comfortable for all that.” Then, because Newton looks disappointed, and because Hermann’s erection has not subsided in the slightest and he would not mind getting off to some degree: “There's, er, no need to stop kissing me. I did say all that. Do feel free to carry on with everything else.”
“Oh, keen,” Newton says.
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
HORNY NEWT/HERMANN ASKS IVE GOTTEN since october PART TWO (there are like 50 here)
part one found here
18+ below cut
Anonymous said: (in ref to this fic) As ;) revenge ;) for Hermann lovingly teasing Newt about Newt's nature show as a child, Newt finds a safari hat and pretends to film a segment on The Rare and Lovely Hermann Mathematician. Stuff like "Much of the Hermann's appearance is used to attract a mate: his elegantly angular bone structure, his soft and brown doe eyes, his beautifully pale complexion, his impossibly long limbs, his thin frame perfect for cuddling and carrying, his enormous cock..." "NEWTON!" "You started this!"
Anonymous said: Okay but the first time Newt saw Hermann's dick, Newt came in his pants a little because Newt is a damn size queen and Hermann is hung asf. Newt just can't stop imagining pinning Hermann to the bed and riding that giant cock. Hermann doesn't even know that his dick is huge until Newt tells him it is. "Jeez, no wonder you wear those baggy grandpa pants. It must be a fucking hassle to find pants that fit comfortably over this behemoth."
Anonymous said: Newt convinces Hermann to wear short shorts while Hermann does yoga. Newt's shorts are a little baggy on Hermann, but Newt is still getting quite an eyeful (the shorts can't contain Hermann's massive dick. It's true and we both know it. Also Hermann has to wear extra soft tank tops when he does yoga, because of his extremely sensitive nipples)
SECTION B: roleplay.........
Anonymous said: (re: any number of herm centric sickfic/hospital fic ive written LOL i cant remember which) As soon as Hermann's all better, Newt still insists that Hermann take it easy. Newt puts on a slutty little nurse uniform and orders Hermann to "Please just lie back, Dr. Gottlieb. I believe a ~very thorough~ examination is in order. Just to be safe, of course." "Of course." "Poor dear! Are you nervous? Do you need to hold my hand?"
Anonymous said: Newmann and roleplay. Newt loves how passionate Hermann is about space. So Newt dresses up as a sexy alien (because of course Newt would) and asks Hermann (the very handsome human space explorer) to please undress. "My race is very curious to about human anatomy, Dr. Gottlieb. And with such an aesthetically pleasing specimen! Oh, how can I resist? Please? It's for science."
Anonymous said: One of the nicest surprises after they're married is that they both still have wet dreams about each other. Newt grinds up against Hermann's cute flat ass like "Oh, Professor Gottlieb, I'm so sorry! Please, I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness!"; and Hermann rubs his big dick against Newt's lovely bubble butt like "Oh, thank you, Doctor Geiszler, you're so kind to me! Please use me however you wish!" (Newt has a sexy professor kink and Hermann has a Newt controlling him kink.)
Anonymous said: Newt (greaser au or otherwise) SO has a thing for Hermann as a librarian. “Hermann, can I please dress you up as a slutty librarian? And then I’ll fuck you as hard as you like, as an apology. You know, because I’m a terrible patron. I’ve never returned a book on time, and I have a nasty habit of dog earrings pages.” “Is that so?” “Honestly, I don’t know WHY you put up with me. Don’t you want to give me a chance to make it up to you? I’m the ;)best;) at apologies.”
Anonymous said: I read your most recent newmann Halloween fic, and I *LOVE* the idea of them roleplaying with Hermann as the slutty little lab aid who needs Dr. Geiszler's firm hand to guide him. I can just imagine! "Mr. Gottlieb, would you like to explain why I caught you in the lab with your hand down your pants?" "Dr. Geizsler, I'm so sorry! *Please* don't report me!"
Anonymous said: I love that Newt says he loves dressing slutty for Hermann. That's such a Newt thing to say. Also, please consider Newt dressing as a slutty schoolgirl for Hermann. "Professor Gottlieb, PLEASE! I'll do anything to pass this class! I'm sorry for being so disruptive! I just wanted to get your attention. It's not my fault, Professor! I get all these naughty thoughts about you and then I can't concentrate!"
Anonymous said: Another anons have mentioned Newt having a professor kink, but you know what else Newt has? An ego. So sometimes, NEWT is the professor. So sometimes Hermann will come to Newt. & Hermann's dressed like a proper British schoolboy. & Hermann's like "Professor Geiszler, *PLEASE* dont fail me! I'll earn extra credit ~however~ I can!" & Hermann bats his long beautiful eyelashes. & Newt's like "Well, come here and prove your eagerness to learn, Mr. Gottlieb." And Hermann is a good, obedient schoolboy.
Anonymous said: omg. that ask that referenced phantom of the opera. newt donning a mask and cape and entering the bedroom like "my dearest hermann...i have come to steal you away" "have you now?" "yes! you shall be mine and mine alone forever!" "oh, how positively dreadful" "you will come with me now! come with me and let me ravish you as you deserve to be ravished!" and hermann is so fondly amused. "oh dear, i suppose i have no choice. i'll do whatever you ask of me, mr. phantom, sir."
SECTION C: Newt’s Butt
Anonymous said: Newton using his adorable bubble butt to his advantage. Bending over in from of Hermann. Asking Hermann to get something from his (Newt's) back pocket (because "sorry, my hands are full"). Newt's favorite way to tease Hermann is to ask "Can you check my butt for panty lines? My jeans are really tight, and I wore those panties you really like, and I just wanna make sure they aren't visible. *bends over to display his butt* Make sure you're REAL thorough when you check."
Anonymous said: NEWTON: Imma get "Property of Hermann" tattooed on my ass. // HERMANN: Please don't. // NEWTON: I'm not gonna, lol. I just wanted to see your reaction. But seriously - this? *smacks his own ass* Is totally your property, babe.
vitamine-dude said: Chalk anon is good.... Also... Hermann slapping Newt's ass with the palm of his hand covered in chalk... 👀 😂
Anonymous said: Hermann has a love-hate relationship with Newt's skinny jeans. He loves them because his Newty got a booty, but also? How is poor Hermann supposed to get any work done with such a lovely distraction? "Aw, poor Herms! Is my ass keeping you from your work? Maybe my butt need to be taught a lesson. You could always use your big sexy hands." "You could at least TRY to be subtle!"
Anonymous said: Hermann can never wear his skinny jeans out in public because Hermann in skinny jeans renders Newt incapable of keeping his grabby little hands off Hermann's cute little butt.
Anonymous said: Hermann can't get over how gorgeous and adorable Newt looks in his sexy-slutty little Oktoberfest dirndl. "Newton, your skirts just BARELY cover your rear!" "How's that a problem? Yesterday you said my ass was, and I quote, 'plump and perfectly round'." "You are still being indecent!" "Aww, what are you gonna do? Put me over your knee? By the way, is that something I can do to you? Will your leg be okay if I put you over my knee? Because I'd *LOVE* to spank your adorable little flat butt."
SECTION E: you guys are ALSO really horny for hermann’s nips (no judgement whatsoever...very *chefs kiss*
Anonymous said: The moment Newt discovers how sensitive Hermann's nipples are, Newt is merciless. Newt will just spend his sweet time nosing at and nuzzling and licking and kissing and nibbling at Hermann's nipples. Meanwhile, poor Hermann is a panting, writhing mess, just begging Newt to please touch him where he needs to be touched. "Oh, Hermann! All this just from me playing with your cute little nipples? You're adorable. Oh, such a sweet, needy boy, aren't you?"
Anonymous said: Hermann wear baggy shirts and sweaters because he has sensitive nipples. If his shirts are too tight, then he can't concentrate on anything besides the feel of the fabric against his nipples. Once he and Newt get together, and Newt figures this out, Newt is always trying to get Hermann to wear tight shirts, at least in their quarters/apartment/house. Also, Newt likes to tease Hermann by tying him to the bed and running a feather over Hermann's nipples.
Anonymous said: Once newmann get together, it doesn't take long for Newt to figure out how sensitive Hermann's nipples are, a fact that Newt very happily exploits. Newt's such a little shit about it too. He'll run his tongue of Hermann's nipples until Hermann is writhing uncontrollably and begging Newt to please PLEASE fuck him already. "I dunno, babe, you seem awfully worked up. Maybe I should wait until you've calmed down a little." "Newton, PLEASE!" (1/2) (2/2) Also Newt loves to tease Hermann about this. "Alright, whatever you say, baby. Such a sensitive boy, aren't you? Seriously, all I have to do is LOOK at your cute little nipples and you start begging me to please fuck your cute little ass." "Newton!" "No need to blush, we both know it's true. Now come on, legs over my shoulders, that's it, that's a good boy."
SECTION F: more dominant/possessive (like in a sexy way) newt
Anonymous said: Hermann really really loves bottoming/submitting from time to time. Just letting Newt pick him up and move him so Newt can have his way with Hermann. Especially when it comes to roleplaying scenes where Newt says things like "You're too pretty to be such a naughty slut." and "You're being so good, taking me so well, you're such a good boy." and "You're always wound so tight, let's see if we can't fuck some of that stress out of you, handsome."
Anonymous said: One of Hermann's biggest kinks? Having Newt fuck him good and hard, while Newt says things like " 'Dr. Gottlieb', ha! Anyone with any observational skills at all knows you by your more appropriate title: Dr. Geiszler's precious, pretty little sweetheart. You're a brilliant scientist and mathematician, obviously, but you're also obviously MINE. Do you hear me, Hermann? You're my pretty boy. Just mine. I don't share my beautiful, brilliant boy with anyone. You're all mine."
Anonymous said: Hermann doesn't actually WANT to be caught, but he loves the idea, the sexy little fantasy, of someone seeing him being fucked hard by Newt, because he loves being Newt's and having everyone know that he's Newt's. Newt teases him about it sometimes. "Aw, you big softie! You just want everyone to know that you're mine, that's so sweet. Maybe I'll start writing 'Property of Newt' on the back of all your pants. Then everyone will know that the world's prettiest mathematician is mine and mine alone"
Anonymous said: Whenever they have to get a hotel room or make a reservation at a restaurant, Hermann always puts the reservation under the name "Hermann Geiszler", because he knows it's the easiest way to get Newt to fuck him good and hard. Newt loves it. "You may still be Hermann Gottlieb legally, but in reality? You're absolutely Hermann Geiszler. You're my man, my husband, my pretty boy. Only mine, right?" "Yes, of course, only yours." "Good boy, Hermann. Now let's get you undressed."
SECTION G: miscellaneous
Anonymous said: Precursor Hermann, but Newt does believe for a second that Hermann would leave him without so much as a goodbye. Newt's all "Look, whatever forces are possessing the love of my life! Hermann is a gentleman! He might be a cranky, irritable, bitchy old dude, but he would NEVER leave me without saying so! Hermann just doesn't operate like that! So! Y'all wanna get out of my man, or do I need to fuck you outta him? I mean, he's getting fucked by me anyway; I just wanna know the order of events here"
Anonymous said: omg if hermann ever said the word "dude", newt would just immediately drop to his knees and ask hermann if he could pretty please unzip his pants and let newt suck his dick pretty pretty please
Anonymous said: (re: this comic) That comic reminded me of one of my fave newmann headcanons: after their first time having sex together, Hermann is utterly MORTIFIED because he was so damn loud. Honestly, Hermann always thought screaming during sex was an exaggeration. Then he had sex with Newt. And he learned that it is NOT an exaggeration. "Newton, oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" "Sorry?! Baby, are you sorry? That was so hot. Imma work to make you scream again and again and again and again forever."
Anonymous said: Hermann USED to wear boxers, but Newt insists on Hermann wearing tighty-whiteys because "I don't want your underwear covering any more of your sexy legs than is necessary. I gotta have those hot supermodel legs exposed, baby. They demand to be groped."
Anonymous said: (re: this fic i think....) Newt-on-painkillers asks a nurse "Hey, where's the hottie with the sexy sharp cheekbones?" & the nurse is like "He stepped out to get you a snack. I didn't understand everything he said, but he definitely mentioned some kind of German pastry." "Holy shit, he's the perfect man." (When Hermann finally gets to take Newt home, Newt's in the passenger seat all "As soon as we're in our bedroom, I'm gonna ride your dick so good, baby. No amount of painkillers could make me forget how to fuck you good."
Anonymous said: Ur fic abt newmann making a porn reminded me of 1 of my fav newmann headcanons: Newt loves to tease Hermann abt what a successful porn star he (H) would be. "Oh, just think of how much money I could make frm recording u: sexy physicist fingers himself! Adorable scientist begs to be fucked! Pretty lil mathematician begs for permission to come! Willowy scientist gets his nipples played with&wakes up the entire country with his slutty lil screams! Scientist presents his ass for a thorough fucking!"
Anonymous said: (no additonal commentary required) Newt: I'm young, dumb, and full of cum!
Anonymous said: Hermann managing to fuck the Precursors out of Newton, who tries to have Hermann awarded some sort of medal of valor.
Anonymous said: One time Newmann tried switching it up, having Newt ignore Hermann while Hermann pleasured Newt. It didn't work because Newt has no self control and he wouldn't stop petting Hermann's hair and moaning and hollering about how good and pretty and perfect Hermann is.
Anonymous said: (re i think this fic? i write so much hospital bedside fic...) The first time they have sex after Newt's finally been released from medical, Hermann is just all kinds of sweet and gentle with him. "Is this too much, darling?" and "Calm yourself, liebling. Let me do the work." and "Slow down, sweet boy. You're going to hurt yourself." Eventually Newt's like "I'm not gonna break, babe! Lemme just..." "Shh, next time you can be as rough as you want with me." "Promise?" "I promise." "Next time I'm gonna fuck you so hard, baby."
Anonymous said: Newton making it his new job to make sure that Hermann has ALL of his needs seen to is my new jam. Like, he's still objectively obnoxious but now with a side order of willingness to fuck his math husband raw whenever he asks for it.
Anonymous said: Newt riding Hermann's dick and, between sighs & moans & gasps, saying all the sappy lovey-dovey things he wants with Hermann. "We're gonna have a cute little cottage somewhere secluded with lots of cats! And I'll chop plenty of firewood to keep you warm! I'll be your personal lumberjack! All I'll provide you with all the beautiful dresses and warm clothes you could ever need! And we'll have a huge library! And you'll want for nothing!" And Hermann's just like "Yes, that sounds perfect, darling."
Anonymous said: Newt bending Hermann over a desk/their bed. Gently petting Hermann's hair and softly kissing Hermann's shoulderblades. All while he (Newt) pounds into Hermann's sexy flat ass. "Hermann baby you feel so good I love you so much I love all your little gasps and moans and how you can't keep your hips still and you're always so beautiful but this is the beauty that only I get to see when you're a wild moaning mess oh god you're gonna get the nicest bath after this get you all cleaned up for bedtime."
Anonymous said: (re: this ask) Oh man imagine how absolutely slutty Newton would get on Snapchat if he thought that Hermann wasn't picking up what he was laying down (meanwhile Hermann is going through multiple boxes of tissues because of the constant blood nose, he's constantly in a state of arousal, everything reminds him of Newton, just hearing the Snapchat notification is enough to turn him on).
Anonymous said: Newt usually loves parties, but once he and Hermann get together, he always passes on new year's parties. Like, why go to a new year's party when he could instead ring in the new year by fucking Hermann senseless? And of course spoiling him in all kinds of soft sweet ways as well.
Anonymous said: NEWT: "Hermann, babe, I know you're not as into Halloween as I am, but do I still get my Halloween ;)treat;) from you?" HERMANN: "...You might, if I had any idea what you're referring to." NEWT: "Ugh, how can you be so smart, and still so clueless? I want to blow you!" HERMANN: "Oh! Well, far be it from me to object..." NEWT: "But I wanna dress you up first! Because it's in the Halloween spirit, and also I found an extra lacy corset that I really REALLY wanna see you in!" Also, Newt's biggest weakness in regards to Hermann in corsets, is Hermann in corsets with big bows on the lower back. Newt loves anything that draws attention to Hermann's precious, perfect flat butt.
Anonymous said: A while ago you said something about Newt having both a praise kink AND a shame kink, and I think Hermann would be perfect at fulfilling Newt's needs there. "Newton, you're such a sweet and pretty boy. Why do you insist on acting like such a little tart?" and "There we are, darling. Can you come for me like the sweet, filthy boy you are?" and "You're such a darling little slut."
Anonymous said: Newt totally gets panties that say "Property of Doctor Hermann Gottlieb"
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
CAN U IMAGINE. Greaser!Newt climbing up into Hermann's room one night and they stay up late (talking? making out?) and they don't realize they've fallen asleep until Lars is at the bedroom door in the morning!!
taking another little paper writing break.....so good.....fuckin love greaser au.....heres parts one and two
There’s a small ping at Hermann’s bedroom window.
At first, he thinks it must be rain, or something he’s imagined, and then there’s another, much louder ping. More like a thud. Then another. Like someone’s throwing something at the window. Like--Hermann sighs, and reaches out and unlatches it. A few seconds later, his grimy and disheveled boyfriend tumbles through and falls flat on his face.
“You’re going to get yourself killed one of these days,” Hermann scolds, then peers outside to ascertain that they’ve not been spotted by any neighbors before carefully shutting and re-latching the window. “By your own hands or by my father’s.” Newton has offered, more than once, to have Hermann move in with him--they’re no longer teenagers, after all, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to live together--and though Hermann’s always declined, each time Newton shimmies up his creaking and rusting drain pipe he can’t help but reconsider.
Newton pops up on his knees, beaming happily, and tugs on the hem of Hermann’s cardigan insistently until Hermann rolls his eyes and joins him on the floor. “Aw, don’t worry about that,” he says. “I’m a pro at this point. Really. C’mere, sweetheart, I missed you--”
He lets Newton kiss him enthusiastically and slip his hands under Hermann’s cardigan a little before pushing him off. “You’re filthy,” he declares, plucking at the front of Newton’s white t-shirt. It’s streaked with grease from his garage and dirt from the side of the house, something else that looks like coffee. Newton’s jacket looks more worse for wear than usual, too. “What have you been doing?”
“Work,” Newton says, then quickly deflects. He sneaks his hand up Hermann’s shirt again. “C’mon. I didn’t climb all the way up here to talk.”
“Presumptuous,” Hermann tsks, but takes a lapful of eager and amorous Newton easily, and without complaint. Newton kisses at his neck, pushes off his cardigan all the way, and is getting started on the buttons of Hermann’s shirt when Hermann gasps “Wait, wait.”
“Mm?” Newton licks over his pulse point.
“You’re getting me--” Newton’s smeared grease all over his clean shirt, probably over his cardigan, too, and Newton laughs and pulls himself away.
“Oh!” he says, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, babydoll. Here--” He shrugs off his jacket and rips his shirt over his head, nearly dislodging his glasses, then tosses both into the corner of Hermann’s bedroom; he flexes and preens a little when Hermann brushes his hand down his strong, sturdy chest. “Problem solved.”
They move to the Hermann’s bed and do nothing but neck for a little: Newton’s hands up his shirt, his lips on his throat, Newton above him and warm and laughing in his arms (Hermann’s favorite place to have Newton), saying sweet, gentle things to him. “What were you doing before I got here?” Newton murmurs in his ear, glasses fogged up, as Hermann pets at his slicked hair and rubs over his shoulder blades. 
“Readings,” Hermann says, and casts a single forlorn look at the pile of books stacked up on his desk. “I do have classes tomorrow. So do you.”
“Mm,” Newton says. “Boring.” He bites Hermann’s earlobe. “Do you wanna go out stargazing this weekend? We could take my bike. Stay out late, and--”
“Yes,” Hermann says before Newton can finish. “Yes, I’d love to.”
“Swell,” Newton says, smiling against his skin. He kisses Hermann’s throat again, his jaw, then nuzzles in tight to his chest and worms his arms around Hermann’s waist. Hermann thinks he should wish Newton goodnight, send him back off through the window so he can sleep, but he’s so soft and solid and warm (as always), and there’s something soothing about the steadiness of his breathing, of his heartbeat, and Hermann’s eyes drift shut before he can help himself.
He wakes to sunlight pouring through his window, to Newton’s dozing handsome face above him, and more importantly, to loud knocking on the door. “Hermann,” his father is calling.
Damn, Hermann thinks. He slaps, frantically, at Newton’s arm, and Newton awakes with a confused mumble. “What?” he says, and Hermann slaps a hand over his mouth and shakes his head.
“Hermann,” Hermann’s father repeats, and Newton’s eyes widen in panic.
“Just a moment!” Hermann calls, as the doorknob turns ominously. There’s not nearly enough time for Newton to dress and escape through the window, and if Father catches them like this he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be allowed to look at Newton again, so they’ve only one option. Hermann yanks the bedclothes over them and shoves Newton down to his waist just as Hermann’s father steps into the room. (Hermann’s suddenly very thankful Newton did not get around to stripping Hermann of his t-shirt as well.)
Hermann is not entirely aware of what his father is saying to him, not with his heart racing so fast, not with Newton’s fingers splayed around Hermann’s knees, his forehead pressed to Hermann thigh, his breath ghosting hot across his skin. Oh, hell, Newton’s clothing is bundled up in the corner. Father need only spare on tiny glance in that direction, and-- Hermann’s father leaves with a single nod, shutting the door behind him, and Hermann sags with relief. Newton’s head pokes out of the covers half a second later. “Wow,” he whispers. “Close one. Of all the ways I expected your old man to find out I’ve already claimed your honor or whatever--”
Hermann shoves Newton, grinning, back below the covers.
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