mistymonster · 5 months
The only way I can think of that would make the whole situation between Link and his grandma work in wind waker without making her part of the problem is if he honestly just disappeared after healing her with the fairy and didn’t show up again until after the final battle (sneaking past at night to get to the savage labyrinth). Did she know the full extent of what was happening? I don't think so.
After witnessing what happened to greatfish isle, it’s believable to me that Link would try to avoid outset in order to not draw attention to it. Maybe he got letters from grandma and just never responded.
When it comes down to it, I want Link’s grandma to be a good parent. I want her to not know. So after wind waker Link can have an adult there who’s truly been trying to look out for him.
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laughingsour · 10 months
My headcannons on the founding of New Hyrule, part 1
-While the name of Hyrule doesn't mean anything in the current world, Link and Tetra do decide to name the country they'll build after Hyrule because Link wants to honor the memory of King Daphnes and Tetra wants to honor her mother who was a descendant of the royal family. But to make their dream country they encounter dificulties from the start.
-The Great Sea region was given it's name by sailors from other countries such as Labrynna and Holodrom who eventually forgot about Hyrule same as it's people did after countless generations.
-Per Wind Waker’s plot, after Hyrule was sunk to the bottom of an enormous ocean, the people who escaped the flood and other countries forgot almost everything about Hyrule, even the name. The resulting region came to be known as The Great Sea
-The Hylians and the other races who inhabited the land (except for the Gorons who left the region almost instantly) eventually settled into some islands and became the communities in the game.
-Windfall and Greatfish island became trading outposts between other countries as well as for the remaining Hylians.
-But the Great Sea also became a refuge and hunting ground for pirates and miscreants from all over the world. At least for those though enough to survive in a wide ocean with no fish and bearly any land.
-This, and the Great Sea’s conditions making it so that Hylians couldn’t get by without outside trade made them unable to develop further than Windfall island.
-They probably wouldn’t even have made to the present had it not been for the royal line which started to pry on the pirates who settled at the Great Sea.
-For generations, there had been someone from that line keeping the pirates relatively at bay. Some to protect the people, others because of greed.
-The latest master of the Great Sea was an infamous captain who went by the name of Madame Dusk (The adult timeline version of TP’s Zelda), called as such because making her mad ensured you’d never see the day again.
-Despite this, she still had a heart behind her usually cold and ruthless demeanor, especially for her daughter Tetra.
-The death of Madame Dusk sent the pirates into a frenzy who started to get much bolder in their pillaging. Tetra was able to survive all of that and even managed to defeat some crews.
-Tetra’s strength of character at such an age impressed Dusk’s crew so much they made her their captain shortly before Ganondorf appears.
-When Ganondorf appeared in the Great Sea and violently took over the Forsaken Fortress, nearly all the pirates scattered away from the region in fear of him. The only ones who didn't were Tetra and her crew.
-But shortly after the events of Phantom Hourglass, word of Ganondorf's defeat spreaded and the pirates started to come back to claim Ganondorf's turf.
-Some of them though, were discouraged of the thought because they figured that whoever was capable of defeating Ganondorf was just as fearsome as him.
-Sure enough, most of those pirates were met with not only Madame Dusk's daughter; the cunning and unforgiving Captain Tetra; but also her newest recruit. A boy by the name of Link who was famed as the Hero of the Winds in Windfall Island and who supposedly dealt the finishing blow to Ganon.
-Of course, most didn’t believe that the one who killed Ganon was just 13, until they saw his skill first hand.
-Most of the pirates came to fear them and some to outright hate them in jealous anger.
-This is starting to get somewhat long, so I'll post a new part for this in another time
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
One Villainous Scene - “I Coveted That Wind I Suppose”
“Oh boy. Izunia is making a second OVS about Ganondorf.” Yes, I am… however I am going to be looking at the man, the myth, the One Shot Wonder himself, Wind Waker Ganondorf. Now this guy is considered one of the top 5 incarnations of the King of Evil for a few reasons; the design, Takashi Nagasako returning to voice him, the boss fight, but the main reason was a little unexpected addition to his character.
To explain, Wind Waker is set in a world where Hyrule got flooded under the ocean because Ganondorf was TOO close to winning, and there was no hero to stop him, in other words divine intervention happened. So, throughout the course of the game, Ganondorf searches for the other 2 pieces of the Triforce once again, starting with a 100 year wait for Princess Zelda to reincarnate, and after 100 years have passed he kidnaps literally any blonde girl with pointy ears, checking to see if they have the Triforce of Wisdom. And one of these girls was Link's sister, Aryll, meaning that this man just put this incarnation of The Hero, one who originally wasn't mean't to be in this destined bullshit, hot on his trial.
Throughout the course of the game Link has only seen a snip of him at the beginning, the damage he caused to Greatfish Isle, Phantom Ganons, and finally he sees the man himself at the Foresaken Fortress and gets saved by Tetra, Valoo, and King Daphnes. Then Link discovers that Tetra is in fact Princess Zelda, and a good long hours later Ganondorf gets ahold of her, and now our hero has to face this monster, only for the player and Link to see another end of him.
Ganondorf explains a part of his background, talking about the cruel and harsh desert that he grew up in and how he envied the grasslands of Hyrule, but never intended on having it all be buried underwater. If anyone has played Ocarina of Time, they know that he's half-lying out of his ass because yes, he did come from a brutal and harsh desert, but he was also an infamous king there, one who had great ambitions and sat in a tower built in Central Hyrule while everyone else suffered. In other words, this man is lying out of his ass, but it isn't in an attempt to manipulate Link... it's an attempt to convince himself that all of the destruction he's caused, all of the evil he's wrought, wasn't for nothing. Even someone who's never played OoT can tell that this is a selfish old relic who's committed a lot of horrors in the past and has convinced himself that they're all just. And even then, you can tell that he never actually desired destruction for the hell of it and carries regrets.
He then knocks Link out and unifies the Triforce, chuckling out of glee at the fact that he FINALLY is going to succeed, that his efforts won't be in vain, but then it's literally robbed from him when Daphnes touches it and wishes for Hyrule to drown for the future of Link, Zelda, and everyone else. This causes Ganondorf to have a full on breakdown, cackling hysterically as he realizes that everything he has ever done has been for nothing. His efforts to acquire the Triforce, his battle against the previous hero, and his current efforts to bring back Hyrule were all for nothing. He's a destructive being who's doomed to fail and he realizes it now, but he isn't going to lie down and be forgotten by this world, so he tries to kill Link and Tetra, only to be stabbed in the skull. At this point, he can't escape the inevitable and he knows it, so there's no cursing Link and Tetra, no swearing that he'll come back. He just dies.
In short, Ganondorf here is still a bastard, but he is a walking tragedy in this game due to his pathos. He's a man who wants to convince himself that everything he's done was worth it, a man who doesn't want to be forgotten by the tides of time, a man who wants to bring back a dead land and stop being the lord of a dead empire. Yet in the end, he realizes that all of his efforts were indeed for nothing, and he ends up dying inside of a drowned Hyrule, destined to be forgotten. You can’t help but pity him this time.
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goopi-e · 2 years
Also, I strongly hc that the state of the Great Sea gradually worsened with time: with every generation or so, there's more and more monster attacks, storms, and the fish variety keeps dwindling*. In, say, Grandma's youth, fishing and sailing were viable professions, hence the abundance of boats on a shore of Outset island; all the people on Windfall who claim to be sailors but aren't actually seen sailing were forced out of business somewhat recently, and are still waiting to return to their job once things get better. By the time Link comes of age, people start discussing that something has to be done, either moving out in search of a new land (like Tetra and her crew did) or fixing the Sea itself somehow (like Great Deku Tree plans with spreading the trees). * Taking the infamous "no fish to catch" quote into account, I believe that the Great Sea dwellers actually had to fish on the borders of the map, outside of the actual archipelago, where this effect most likely ends. Outset, said to be a fishing village, is located on the southern border, Greatfish, with its' only remaining feature being boats, is only one quadrant away from the western border, and Windfall is, likewise, separated from the northern border by one quadrant. In fact, many key islands are spread away from the center of the map, making the center more-or-less barren of settlements.
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fourswords · 8 months
anyway how does wind waker link feel knowing that outset island was home to a fucking 50-floor gauntlet directly under its surface filled to the brim with not only keese and chuchus but also redeads and darknuts and wizzrobes and mothulas and stalfos and armos knights and poes. since the day he was born. long BEFORE he was born, actually. at any moment if these monsters had grown smart enough to work together they probably would have broken out and left outset island like ganondorf left greatfish island—reduced to rubble. nothing left. that's such a terrifying thing to think about. do you think when he finally finished the adventure and got aryll safely at home he laid down in bed to sleep like he always did and then jerked back awake like "oh my god oh my god i have to check the labyrinth i have to make sure they're all ACTUALLY dead oh my god" LIKE??? THAT'S HORRIFYING TO THINK ABOUT, Y'KNOW????
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cut dungeons
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It's been confirmed that Wind Waker was rushed for release and that three dungeons were cut to make that possible. The most obvious is that you meet Lord Jabun and he just gives you Nayru's Pearl instead of having to go through a dungeon to earn it, as you did for the previous two Goddess Pearls. This would have been a direct mirror to Ocarina of Time's first act (collecting Spiritual Stones), a game which Wind Waker parallels in a great number of regards. It's speculated that, instead of where you meet Jabun in-game, you would have met him on the ruined Greatfish Island (Jabun is a massive fish); the fact that this island has been destroyed only gets a brief explanation, presumably because its role in the game was slashed. Speculation also suggests that the mini dungeons Ice Ring Isle and Fire Mountain would have been full-fledged dungeons, thus buffing out the noticeably short end game and taking the place of the Triforce hunt. Supposedly, it's been confirmed that these two dungeons were recycled for later Zelda games.
theories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQQ2C_j0fWw
Mystical Seed of Courage
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It was supposed to be the Courage/Farore focus, to go with Oracle of Seasons Power/Din and Oracle of Ages Wisdom/Nayru, and it's a crime that they broke up the iconic trio just because tying all the games together through passwords was too complicated with three games. A crime.
wiki link: https://zeldawiki.wiki/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Mystical_Seed_of_Courage
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lunarsilkscreen · 10 months
The Dream of the Wind Fish
Levias in Skyward Sword is infested with a parasite known as Bilocyte--A giant tape worm, who Link swiftly defeats. But what if: like a tape worm, he just retreated to the inside of the whale and rested?
Link never goes inside to check for himself. But do you know who eventually do? The Ocean Zora.
In Zelda64, Jabu Jabu is a great sentient fish that the Zora respect greatly and can communicate with. And it's Princess Ruto's Job to feed and routinely inspect Jabu's insides.
People would say: They're different looking tho. They can't be the same.
To which I direct you to that Game theory video where that is what's used to determine that Links are different.
There are two more greatfishes in the game. The Wind Fish (from Link's Awakening) and The Greatfish trapped inside Greatfish Isle, Jabun. Who, at least in Theory, shares a name with Lord JabunJabun.)
And the title "Wind Waker" itself alluding to both the "Wind Fish" and "Links Awakening".
Now the Great Fish Jabun seems relatively parasite free , but we see in the Z64 that JabuJabu isn't adverse to sucking in people against their will to help clean out his insides from invaders. (Like what happened to Ruto and Link when he brought fresh trout.)
Something similar happened to LA Link, when he was trapped inside the Wind Fishes dream. The last remnants of Koholint, or Great Fish Island. Where some of the last remnants of the future Timeline Hyrule Exist, including Malon, A familiar Great Owl, a witch, and a few other remnants. Mario enemies like goomba, and most intriguingly; A really mean Shopkeeper.
Who, has force lightning, and uses it to kill Link should be return to the shop after stealing the only useful item there; a shovel.
Which begs the question really; if this is all a dream, what does it matter if we steal since the whole thing is going to evaporate anyway. But at the same time, if that shop keeper is a real person trying to make a living, then that's really rude of Link to say the least.
Majora's Mask Happy Mask Salesman shares the same vindictiveness when Majora's Mask is stolen from him, or when Link doesn't return with enough money for the Masks he just sold in Ocarina of Time.
And he takes out his anger on Link multiple times throughout MM, instead of just approaching Skull Kid himself, who is just chilling in the clock tower.
The goal of Links Awakening is to "wake" the Great Fish from his slumber, depicted as hatching a Giant Egg using *all* the *divine instruments* collected in the game and playing the "Song of the Wind Fish".
At which point, all that is left of Koholint is a destroyed Island, and the Great Fish's freedom from being trapped within. Or, is it?
What if; The Great Evil, Majora's Mask, or some other incarnation was left there. Is still in his belly?
Waiting until the time is right to emerge once more.
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - Euryhaline Zora & Coastal Rito Port Town
I have an idea for a new settlement in Hyrule.
This is a result of an adventurous Zora woman falling in love with an equally adventurous Lurelin man. However, both had desperately wanted children of their own, but obviously couldn't have them. Neither were opposed to adoption, but they still want what they want. Then the little Lurelin man remembers an ancient story of the Hero of Time.
And part of that story had been about a magical mask that could turn the wearer into a Zora. The story had spoken of a distant land across the sea to the east & falling into another world.
So, while not totally believing it, they figured that the journey would be worth it at least.
Anyway, they sort of commandeer a monster pirate ship, gather a crew, & set sail to lands long forgotten.
Only to discover a new land named New Hyrule, ruled by another Hylian Royal Family, where people rode along on long, metal carriages chained together, the one at the front seeming to billow out smoke, & moved down large minecart tracks. The people also seemed able to capture images with wooden boxes that produced those images on pieces of paper almost automatically. Not even the Purah Pad could do that & while not as advanced as the Pad, it seemed that these "Pictoboxes" were low-cost enough & made of cheap enough materials that a decent number of people could own one if they wished. They didn't even seem all that complicated to make if you knew how!
It was certainly a great surprise, as these individuals claimed that their ancestors had ventured there from the Great Sea in the west to found a new kingdom inspired by the old legends of a sleeping kingdom beneath the Great Sea.
The unlikely pair informed the king of the time that there was no Great Sea in that direction, only their home country of Hyrule, which was founded 10,000 years ago, which comes as a shock.
This is how it was discovered that the legendary kingdom was, in fact, real & that King Rauru had merely refounded a new iteration of the kingdom based on what was considered a myth at the time.
Anyway, this began the process of a new & great alliance.
Turns out that the 2 Hyrule Royal Families were indeed related by blood, though so distantly that it didn't even really matter anymore.
But that wasn't what the pair had come there for. They set off to find the doorway to another world & found it they did. They fell into the terrifying world & began to search high & low for the desired mask. Which this world was filled with. In the end, they found themselves aiding a number of people before acquiring the Zora Mask as a reward.
Anyway, the unique mixing of Termina's old Sea Zora with Hyrule's new River Zora results in euryhaline Zora able to survive in both the ocean & rivers.
Their appearance ends up resembling that of the Twilight Princess Zora, though with more color variation. Their main color remains that sort of silvery-blue or faded teal shade of the old Zora, but with vivid accent colors much like the new Zora. However, they do seem to retain the new Zoran sizes.
The males tend to have the more utilitarian webbed fins of the green River Zora, while the females tend to have more betta-like fins.
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A bit like this in style. Not my art. Though, with more variety of colors for the accents & following the specifics that I listed above.
These Zora later make a settlement on Eventide Island & create a new Domain called Koholint.
I'm also making Koholint a chain of islands much like Hawaii with Eventide being the smallest & closest to the mainland & their capital being on an island named Windfall. The other islands are Outset Island, Gale Island, Greatfish Island, & Dragon Roost Island. The domain is called Koholint, but the whole of the island chain are called the Koholina Archipelago. Koholina being the Lurelin word for "to choose joy."
Later, some human/Hylian Lurelin residents begin to live there, as well as a small faction of Rito that eventually adapt to the climate, becoming more water birds. They come to be known as Coastal Rito.
While the island's architecture resembles a mix of Zora's Domain, Rito Village, & Lurelin Village, with the commercial district & Rito & human/Hylian residences being on the island itself & the Zora's residences being underwater, the colors of the stonework resembles more the inside of the Face & Color Dungeons from the new Link's Awakening remake. With some definite influence from Lurelin & the Rito.
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The Zora homes will mostly retain a Zora's Domain architecture, but with definite influences from Hindu & coastal Greco-Roman design aesthetics. On the other hand, the island architecture will use more wood & take on the more Maori aesthetic with coastal Hindu influence. Though, both will have definite influences from each other. (I guess what I mean when I say Hindu inflence is a look like what you see with Skyward Sword's Ancient Cistern. So, some definite Buddhist influences. At least as far as design.)
They don't really have a king, more so a Chieftain as the culture there tends to take more influence from both the Rito & Lurelin, which both tend to be more tribal.
The overall result ends up being a mix of Polynesian, southern coastal Native American, & coastal Hindu with some ancient coastal Greco-Roman influence (even Atlantis-like) for the underwater sections of the settlement. As well as in their formal fashion. Though, again, even when showcasing these Greco-Roman features, they still showcase an overall fusion of the many cultural influences as a whole.
There'd likely also be a tiny bit of Caribbean & Okinawan inspiration in there too.
They'd also have various Polynesian weapons such as the mutitude of types of Lei'o'manō (sharktooth weapons) for a Lurelin weaponry. As well as stuff like an Ulimasao (paddle-club used to end wars & usher in peace) & an Aufana (bow). Not to mention fishing & hunting spears too.
Likewise, the Coastal Rito will have invented a wooden double-limbed bow called a Pālua Lima Pana. It is a high-performance bow with a lot of power behind it & was inspired by the bow used by Karina, the Goddess of Love & Passion. Who the Faronites refer to as Kalina.
Either way, I feel like they'd eventually become a fishing & port town.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year
Alright so hear me out:
Greatfish Isle as cut content annoys me but I can absolutely fix that with a fanfic. I also love the idea of Wind not originally being a part of the Hero’s Spirit, but he joins it by joining the mythology of the hero through sheer effort. He does, however, have the blood of a hero: Four.
So what happened to Four, anyway?
There are three timelines to pick from, and in the downfall timeline we see the Palace of the Four Sword. That leaves the adult and child timelines.
This is where I go off the rails.
I think if in one timeline he gets to be functionally a demon, then in another he should be functionally a god, as a treat. Four is too shattered to reincarnate as an individual. When his soul finally goes, it comes back… as the elements themselves. The shrines in Minish Cap could have been designed to channel elemental energy and form the jewels naturally, and if Four became the highest concentration of elemental energy after that, why wouldn’t his soul just zip right apart and go to the Deepwood Shrine, the Temple of Droplets, etc?
So in Legend’s time, they get tainted with dark magic and caught in the seal of the Four Sword. In Wind’s, they’re so in tune with elemental magic that instead of reincarnating they get stuck in the elemental shrines, and become gods in a way. More kami, really.
Then Hyrule gets flooded.
The Minish Woods become the Fairy Forest on Outset Island. The elemental shrine of fire moves to the Fire Temple, which becomes Dragonroost. The wind element is almost impossible to pin down, and Green actually breaks free to guard the Tower of the Gods, the gateway to Castle Hyrule.
The Temple of Droplets is in Lake Hylia, which becomes Greatfish Isle. The Zora may have been kept by Jabun and his predecessors, but there’s something older in that water, and it is absolutely fucking furious that Ganondorf showed his coward face again.
Ganondorf didn’t create the storm around Greatfish Isle, he just pissed off the local elemental and decided to quit while the quitting was good.
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dumpster-lizard · 8 months
Its so fun to brainstorm what diets different groups have in TLOZ. Hyrule is by no means a version of medieval europe after all- they have pumpkins and peppers, all of which are "new world" foods, so we dont need to stick with "what would medieval Europe have?"
We know that the Zora are clearly carnivorous and it wouldnt be unfair to assume they exclusively consume fish and crustaceans, and Gorons eat that slightly concerning "rock roast" that jas a bone for some reason... but as for others?
Lets look at Skyloftians- they have no large farm animals, and main their crops are pumpkins and bamboo. There are stamina fruits and heart flowers as well, but its fair to assume those are metabolized rather quickly. This list doesnt exactly make for a varied diet.
Its quite possible they also ate skytails, guay, and octorocs that can be found in the sky, as well as unfertilized Loftwing eggs. The omelettes you can get in skyloft are definitely off-the-charts good.
Additionally, due to their limited land, it would be most sustainable to grow vine-based food, that can grow on the sides of the island. This opens their diet to foods such as grapes, passionfruit, sweet potato, certain beans and spinach, and various leafy greans.
What about the folks from Wind waker? Similar issue, very limited land, not ideal for large grain crops. And we know fishing isn't an option. Trade is especially hazardous on the high seas as well, so islands need to be self sufficient should the need arise. We see palm trees on most inhabited isles, so theres one option.
Outset island raises pigs and has a nice forested area- they could grow some food there, as hazardous as it can get. There's clearly enough for Grandma to make soup
Windfall island doesnt seem to have much at all, despite its bustling population. They could just be fully dependant on trade and preserved food in case things go awry.
Greatfish Isle seemed to have a lot of land- I'm inclined to believe it was dedicated to farming, and was particularly prosperous thatnks to the windfish's blessing. Therefore its destruction would have disastrous consequences.
Dragon roost isle is interesting, though its not unlikely that the Rito could subsist off insects, smaller birds, and plants that dont require much light, which theyd grow in the temple?
With the Gerudo, we see vendors in BOTW primarily selling meat, so its likely thats a large staple of their diet. They have melons and voltfruits as well, but little grain. This isn't exactly a varied diet either. What else could they eat? My thoughts run to crops typically grown by Oases (dates, wheat, corn, citrus) and crops that do well with little water (peppers, agave, prickily pear fruits and the cactus itself)
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zeldauniverse · 2 years
Realm of Memories: My journey through The Wind Waker (Part 3)
"After rescuing Makar and returning him to the Great Deku Tree, the game sets you on a course across the open seas, which turned out to be exactly what I needed." Realm of Memories: My journey through The Wind Waker (Part 3) #RealmofMemories
After enduring the trials and tribulations of hectic gameplay and awkward controls, I felt like I needed to recalibrate myself to the tune of The Wind Waker. After rescuing Makar and returning him to the Great Deku Tree, the game sets you on a course across the open seas, which turned out to be exactly what I needed. The King of Red Lions informed me that my next destination was Greatfish Isle,…
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dalakeforkguide · 7 months
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Check out this great fish from Jarrod!
#LakeFork #FishingGuide #CodyMays #BassFishing #GreatFish #CatchingFish
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scorpio-system · 1 year
i love greatfish isle
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skyward-floored · 2 years
I’m as willing to read arguments about windwaker Ganondorf having better motivations then the other ganons or being morally grey or whatever but people seem to conveniently forget about the fact that he BLEW UP AN ISLAND. AS IN TOTALLY DESTROYED IT.
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playable Zelda
Zelda was intended to be the original playable character instead of Link- or she would have been the playable character of Skyward Sword's 'Second Quest'. The credits scenes, which show parts of her journey, shows some of the setting of what it would have been.
article: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-second-quest-stole-playable-zelda.html/ credits scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQuw_6StT7w
Termina Ganondorf
Majora’s Mask was made in around a year, so many assets from the game it was a sequel to (Ocarina of Time) were reused, making the new setting of Termina a parallel world of sorts. Initially, a fishing hole minigame was planned, but was cut due to time constraints. However, files found in the code of the game suggest that the model of Ganondorf, the main villain of Ocarina of Time, was going to be used for the character who would run the fishing hole. The fishing hole would be added in the 3DS remake, but without Ganondorf being included.
cut dungeons
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It's been confirmed that Wind Waker was rushed for release and that three dungeons were cut to make that possible. The most obvious is that you meet Lord Jabun and he just gives you Nayru's Pearl instead of having to go through a dungeon to earn it, as you did for the previous two Goddess Pearls. This would have been a direct mirror to Ocarina of Time's first act (collecting Spiritual Stones), a game which Wind Waker parallels in a great number of regards. It's speculated that, instead of where you meet Jabun in-game, you would have met him on the ruined Greatfish Island (Jabun is a massive fish); the fact that this island has been destroyed only gets a brief explanation, presumably because its role in the game was slashed. Speculation also suggests that the mini dungeons Ice Ring Isle and Fire Mountain would have been full-fledged dungeons, thus buffing out the noticeably short end game and taking the place of the Triforce hunt. Supposedly, it's been confirmed that these two dungeons were recycled for later Zelda games.
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Malon could've been a Zelda (Lon Lon *is* Hyrule)
Either because Z64 takes place before the decree that "all maidens are Zelda" or after a brutal war that creates a situation where that is just not feasible.
Malon of Lon Lon was not allowed to become a maiden, and therefore cut off from royalty. Even later, a servant to her father buys up the land from beneath her feet and keeps her captive in her own land.
I'm making this connection, because after studying all the maps, there is one place that is *always* center, and that's a square plot of land resembling Lon Lon ranch, just south of death mountain.
Even in Z64, Hyrule Castle is nearly part of the Death Mountain Mountain range. Which means that it's entirely possible that Ganon saved the Castle *itself* from complete destruction. That *liquid Malice* underneath the castle, literally being lava from the otherwise erupted mountain.
In all the depictions of Hyrule Castle, it is either Round, like in Z64, *or* square, like Lon Lon ranch, *and* situated in an open plain.
Which for a castle, has no natural defenses like the Z64 mountain range. And therefore completely open to invaders.
But unlike the Z64 castle, it is far enough away from the mountain range to avoid the erupting volcano.
Ipso-Facto, this means that post Z64, Malon gets the opportunity of rejoining the Royal Family and becoming a Zelda. And in some timelines, *the Zelda* herself.
Except for one timeline. The Timeline of Wisdom, where not only is her lands flooded, she herself becomes a Dream of the Wind Fish. The same Island Koholint in the GBC game is depicted in WindWaker as having been completely destroyed by storms.
That Island's name? "Greatfish Island".
Or maybe, the lands were also flooded in the power timeline. Suggesting that the one place where Link rafts through in Z2 is where the GBC game takes place.
Meaning the only Timeline she could exist, was the timeline of courage.
Which means the one Maiden that Link *does* save, is Malon.
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