#greek class
ancientimes · 4 months
Personally if I had the chance to be a member of a prestigious, gay, snobby, a little bit insane, classical clique i wouldn’t fuck it up.
Rip Bunny but I’d still be alive and thriving, get on my level.
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mvlewife · 1 year
imo the best thing about Henry as a character is how the way he's written makes you the part of the group; he makes you listen, he makes you Richard, he makes you blindly admire him and not everyone snaps out of it do we. you WILL ignore him being much much worse than bunny because he can speak fluently in greek and writes his diary in latin, you will idolize him for being a genius while completely forgetting how he actually doesn't care about that brain of his, he would absolutely give it up for the sake of the obsessive idea of living without thinking. you won't even think about him making his friends follow him in such thing as Bacchanal which included drugs and all sorts of crazy things. you won't think about it because you will be as obsessed with Henry as Richard and as Henry is with some ideas that do not even make sense for a modern person. but you will believe him. you will follow him. you will listen to him. you will be in that damn greek class.
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ganseysmagiciansz · 2 months
the domicia sessa as richard papen agenda is real !!
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poeticabomination · 11 months
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I planned to rizz him up but he buried me in devotion instead, wtf is happening...
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I don't want to learn more verbs in greek, I just want to be happy
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wolfythewitch · 1 month
But never let me die without a struggle and without acclaim
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finelythreadedsky · 6 months
it's so great that in greek tragedy there are only three paradigms for a woman leaving her house (her wedding, her funeral, and maenadic rites) and they're all kind of the same thing also
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alatismeni-theitsa · 7 months
"Women only started working very recently so a woman's place is the house-" shut up and feast your eyes at old photos of women from around the world doing physical labor only for them to return home and solely care for 5-10 children and the elderly parents of their husband.
Greek women represent:
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These photos show Greek women doing the type of physical labor they would perform more often than not. At the luckiest working conditions for rural women (aka most of the country) they would start working the fields as children and when they got older they would work the same fields with their own babies on their backs.
On the way home from the fields, sometimes the women would carry the wood and the mule would carry the man so he could rest.
Of course, we can talk about the manual labor that is rubbing cloth and metal for hours on end, chopping and carrying wood to light a fire for a large cauldron your size, and stirring it for hours.
But we can also talk about how it wasn't for them to break and carry rocks in baskets for the making of new roads. They would gather salt, olives, and grapes and carry them on large baskets filled to the brim. For salt they carried thirty kilos each trip, doing fifty trips each, stepping shoeless on the grains of salt.
Carrying water was also their job, often moving large barrels with all the water a house of 10 needed upon hills that horses and mules had trouble ascending.
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(more photos for salt mining and carrying here)
It's no hyperbole to say these women carried their incomes and households on their backs. "The good she-housekeeper is a slave and a lady" the old Greek saying goes. A "good woman" was a woman who could be strong and work at home and in the field, often described with the qualities of a mule. Men took their wives out in the fields so much that some who were a bit more educated had to make their husbands sign that they wouldn't ask them to work alongside them in the fields! (source in Greek)
Some of these photos are also from 1970. I'm missing a photo from Leukada showing women carrying baskets of the stones they broke, and I'll add it here when I find it.
Basically, women were out of the house forever. A woman who got to stay home and never perform any labor had some type of privilege (wealth, status etc). Same as the many privileged men around the world who didn't perform any labor at all.
If my posts have helped you in any way consider buying me a ko-fi 💖
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tampire · 4 months
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"I know exactly what time it is."
Am I the first ever person to cosplay Cronus from Class of the Titans show from Teletoon? Of course I am right on Tam. Hope you all enjoy this cosplay of mine. 😈🖤⏰
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crownedcupcake17 · 4 months
Grabs you by the arms
Did you know? Did you know Hector, with his handsome face and brow clutched his son? Did you know that he removed his great helm to press kisses to the boys crown? Did you know Hector told his lovely Andromache, go to your handmaidens and do your weaving, leave all men to their fate at the call of the war, me especially? Did you know she mourned him as he walked the great streets of troy for his fate was sung long ago, to die for the city he so loved? Did you know he gazed into the eyes of his foe, godlike Achilles, and asked only for his body to be returned to his high father Priam to be buried? Did you know he faced the best of the Greeks bravely even when he swore his skin would serve as feed for his dogs? Did you?? Did yo-
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deathgroupie · 1 year
thinking about how Hector was "man-killer" to the Greeks, but "horse-breaker" to the Trojans. how it takes tenderness and patience and devotion to get a wild horse to trust you, let alone let you ride it. how hector's life and relationships to others, even the gods, are defined by devotion, and how it wins him both honor and his own death. how hector thinks he can approach achilles like a spooked horse, but achilles is a dog and not only a dog, but a dog that has nothing left. how even the wildest horse has the desire for food and comfort, but hector has never met a horse that wants to die. anyways how's your day going
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(greek does it too)
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gynoidgearhead · 3 months
tradwife is a neogender for mostly cis people. change my mind
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
the chalice of the gods becomes objectively funnier if you head canon that percy and annabeth only stay at New Rome for a single semester before realizing its batshit insane there and running for the hills
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cultdionysus · 3 months
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Roman statue of Apollo from a local art museum
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