#green diesel pump investment
kp777 · 2 months
Here’s Where Kamala Harris Stands on Climate
She pursued polluters as attorney general in California and later staked out bold positions as a senator, including sponsorship of the Green New Deal.
By Lisa Friedman
The New York Times
July 22, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris has for years made the environment a top concern, from prosecuting polluters as California’s attorney general to sponsoring the Green New Deal as a senator to casting the tiebreaking vote as vice president for the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in United States history.
As she runs for the White House, Ms. Harris is widely expected to try to protect the climate achievements of the Biden administration, a position that could resonate with voters during a summer of record heat. A clear majority of Americans, 65 percent, wants the country to focus on increasing solar, wind and other renewable energy and not fossil fuels, according to a May survey by the Pew Research Center.
Last year, Ms. Harris flew to the United Nations global climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she told world leaders that “the urgency of this moment is clear. The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging. And we must make up for lost time.”
That was a subtle reference to former President Donald J. Trump, who made the United States the first and only country to withdraw from the global Paris Agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. (The United States subsequently rejoined under President Biden.) The Republican nominee in the current race for the White House, Mr. Trump has indicated that he would again pull back from the global fight against climate change if he is elected in November.
“Around the world, there are those who seek to slow or stop our progress, leaders who deny climate science, delay climate action, and spread misinformation,” Ms. Harris said at the summit. “In the face of their resistance and in the context of this moment, we must do more.”
Republicans have targeted the Inflation Reduction Act, promising to overturn it if they win control of Congress and the White House. That law pumps more than $370 billion over 10 years into wind, solar, batteries and electric vehicles. It is designed to help the country move away from fossil fuels, the burning of which is driving up global temperatures. At their convention last week, Republicans promised to halt any transition away from oil, gas and coal, and to promote more fossil fuel development.
Asked if Ms. Harris would pursue the policies she supported as a senator, like the Green New Deal, her climate adviser, Ike Irby, said she would focus on implementing the Inflation Reduction Act, which she helped to pass.
“She will fight every day for all Americans to have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment,” Gina McCarthy, who served as national climate adviser under Mr. Biden, said in a statement Sunday. “Vice President Harris would kick ass against Trump.”
The vice president incorporated climate change into foreign relations, holding a round table in Bangkok to connect environmental activists with clean energy experts and starting a partnership with Caribbean countries to address climate change.
As a senator from California, the state that is at the forefront of climate policy, Ms. Harris promoted electrifying school buses to reduce greenhouse gases and to cut children's exposure to diesel engine pollution. She also supported efforts to replace lead water pipes and promoted measures to help agriculture become more resilient to drought.
But she also took positions far to the left of Mr. Biden on climate change.
She was an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a nonbinding resolution supported by liberal Democrats that called for the United States to transition to 100 percent clean energy within a decade while providing people with job guarantees and “high-quality health care.” The measure never got out of committee.
When Ms. Harris ran for president in 2020, her climate plan called for a $10 trillion increase in spending over a decade as well as a price on carbon, with a dividend that would have been returned directly to households. Economists have said that a carbon tax would be the most effective way to get industries to reduce their pollution.
She also favored a ban on hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, which Mr. Biden said he opposed. Fracking is a technique that injects water and chemicals underground at high pressure to extract oil or gas that is otherwise difficult to access. Environmentalists say it pollutes the air and groundwater. California regulators have taken steps to ban fracking.
As California’s attorney general, Ms. Harris challenged federal approvals of offshore fracking along the California coast. She investigated whether Exxon Mobil lied to the public and its shareholders about the risks to its business from climate change, and whether such actions could amount to securities fraud and violations of environmental laws, but the case did not result in a prosecution.
She would later claim during a Democratic forum on climate change in 2019 that she had sued Exxon Mobil, which fact checkers reported as untrue. She did obtain settlements from other oil and gas companies, including Chevron and BP, over allegations that they violated pollution laws.
In 2019, Ms. Harris joined Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, to introduce legislation that would require the government to consider the impact of environmental regulations or laws on low-income communities, which tend to be disproportionately vulnerable to climate disruption because they are often located in flood zones, near highways, power plants and polluted land.
As vice president, Ms. Harris does not use the phrase “Green New Deal,” which has been relentlessly mocked by conservatives, who use it as shorthand for all climate and clean energy policies.
Her Republican opponents are not likely to let her forget it, though.
“During her ill-fated and short-lived 2020 presidential campaign, Harris was an early and enthusiastic supporter of the Green New Deal and called for so-called ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030, all of it with a $10 trillion price tag,” Daniel Turner, executive director of Power The Future, a group that advocates for fossil fuels, said in a statement.
He called Ms. Harris part of the “climate cult that calls the shots in today’s Democratic Party.”
Evergreen Action, an environmental group, endorsed Ms. Harris on Sunday. The youth-led Sunrise Movement, which last week called on Mr. Biden to end his bid for re-election, praised his decision to step away. The group did not directly endorse Ms. Harris but said any replacement must “put forth a bold vision to tackle the climate crisis and fight for our generation.”
Other organizations said they were holding back an endorsement until the Democratic nomination process is completed.
Article share from The New York Times.
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aeautoevcharger · 25 days
AEAUTO Engineering Vehicle Powertrain Solutions
Against the backdrop of the global low-carbon and dual-circulation development pattern, electrification has become one of the important directions for the green development of engineering vehicles due to its full life cycle cost advantages.
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Powertrain composition
The powertrain of an engineering vehicle is mainly composed of an engine, a gearbox, a drive shaft, and a travel system, among which the engine and gearbox are the core components of the powertrain.
The engine is the power source of engineering vehicles, generally diesel engines or natural gas engines. Diesel engines have the advantages of high power and good economy, while natural gas engines have the advantages of good environmental protection and low working noise.
The gearbox is a key component for controlling the movement of engineering vehicles. Generally, a hydraulic gearbox or a mechanical gearbox is used. The hydraulic gearbox has the advantages of smooth shifting and strong load-bearing capacity, but the efficiency is low; the mechanical gearbox has high efficiency, but the shifting is not smooth.
Drive shaft and travel system
The drive shaft transmits the engine power to the travel system, which is generally in the form of tracks or tires. Tracks have the advantages of a strong ability to pass through bad terrain and good safety, but they are easy to wear and have high maintenance costs; tires have the advantages of good flexibility and long service life, but they are weak in the ability to pass through bad terrain.
Advantages of Engineering Vehicle Powertrain
Electric engineering vehicles are energy-saving and environmentally friendly products with zero fuel consumption and no emissions. Compared with diesel vehicles of the same model, it can not only respond to national policies and achieve zero-emission, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly transportation.
At the same time, unlike diesel engine maintenance and regular replacement of various filter elements, and the fact that electricity costs are far lower than the cost of diesel, the operating cost of electric vehicles can save up to more than 50%. Its salient features: are environmental protection, no pollution, low energy cost, and it can be widely used in various transportation conditions such as: logistics transportation, ore transportation , dock transportation, and other places.
AEAUTO engineering vehicle economic benefits advantage
Traditional engineering vehicles often encounter problems such as high failure rate , low energy efficiency , high operating noise , and environmental pollution during use. In order to solve the problems of traditional engineering vehicles , the following are the economic benefits of AEAUTO engineering vehicles :
1. Improve the stability of the powertrain
Use higher quality materials, strengthen the structural design of the powertrain, and improve the powertrain’s resistance to harsh environments, thereby reducing the failure rate.
2. Improve energy efficiency
Technologies such as oil pumps or hydraulic motors are used to improve the energy efficiency of the powertrain, extend the service life of engineering vehicles, and reduce energy consumption.
3. Reduce operating noise
The use of technical means such as acoustic isolation technology or noise-reducing materials can effectively reduce the noise generated by engineering vehicles during operation and improve the working environment of workers.
4. Battery costs will decrease
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AEAUTO is committed to promoting technological innovation in the field of engineering vehicles and continuously investing in R&D to optimize powertrain solutions.
In the future, we will uphold the concept of innovation and continue to provide advanced, efficient, and reliable technical support and product services to the engineering vehicle industry to help engineering construction.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
How water could be the future of fuel. (Washington Post)
The tangle of pipes at this industrial plant doesn’t stand out in this city built around the carbon-heavy business of pumping oil and refining it into fuel for planes, ships, trucks and cars.
But this plant produces fuel from a different source, one that doesn’t belch greenhouse pollution: hydrogen. Specifically, hydrogen made from water using renewable electricity, also known as green hydrogen.
This process could represent the biggest change in how fuel for planes, ships, trains and trucks is made since the first internal combustion engine fired up in the 19th century. In his 1874 science fiction novel “The Mysterious Island,” Jules Verne predicted that “water will be the coal of the future.” This plant, one of the first in the world to transform water into fuel, shows what that looks like on the ground today.
Turning hydrogen into liquid fuel could help slash planet-warming pollution from heavy vehicles, cutting a key source of emissions that contribute to climate change. But to fulfill that promise, companies will have to build massive numbers of wind turbines and solar panels to power the energy-hungry process. Regulators will have to make sure hydrogen production doesn’t siphon green energy that could go towards cleaning up other sources of global warming gases, such as homes or factories.
Although cars and light trucks are shifting to electric motors, other forms of transport will likely rely on some kind of liquid fuel for the foreseeable future. Batteries are too heavy for planes and too bulky for ships. Extended charging times could be an obstacle for long-haul trucks, and some rail lines may be too expensive to electrify. Together, these vehicles represent roughly half of emissions from transportation, the fourth-biggest source of greenhouse gases.
To wean machines off oil, companies like Infinium, the owner of this plant, are starting to churn out hydrogen-based fuels that — in the best case — produce close to net zero emissions. They could also pave the way for a new technology, hydrogen fuel cells, to power planes, ships and trucks in the second half of this century. For now, these fuels are expensive and almost no one makes them, so the U.S. government, businesses and philanthropists including Bill Gates are investing billions of dollars to build up a hydrogen industry that could cut eventually some of the most stubborn, hard-to-remove carbon pollution.
Most scenarios for how the world could avoid the worst effects of climate change envision hydrogen cleaning up emissions in transportation, as well as in fertilizer production and steel and chemical refining.
But if they’re not made with dedicated renewable energy, hydrogen-based fuels could generateeven more pollution than regular diesel, creatinga wasteful boondoggle that sets the world back in the fight against climate change. Their potential comes down to the way plants like this produce them.
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suns-water · 3 months
Funding and Investing in Global Greening and Sustainable Projects like Suns Water
Calling for Funding and Global Greening Investments
During difficult times and after many years, the founder of the Drought Research Institute, Global Greening Organization and the Trillion Trees Initiative have developed very innovative concepts, projects, technologies and techniques. Some of the long-term and real sustainable developments can be seen on many pages of the community network. Innovative scientific research programs, outstanding projects and concepts in very important areas have been published. The work reached many million people – especially the contents of Change Games, Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative. After thousands of hours, days and nights of work on the main projects, the initiator is calling for international support, funding, ethical and sustainable investments.
Expanding the Scope: Solar and Water Energy in Various Sectors
As we look to expand the scope of integrating solar and water energy, it’s crucial to explore how these renewable resources can be applied across various sectors to drive sustainability. From agriculture to urban development, the potential applications are vast and transformative.
Agriculture: Solar-Powered Irrigation and Water Management
Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems: In many parts of the world, farmers rely on diesel pumps to irrigate their fields, which are both costly and environmentally damaging. Solar-powered irrigation systems provide a sustainable alternative, reducing both energy costs and carbon emissions.
Drip Irrigation with Solar Energy: Combining solar energy with drip irrigation systems can enhance water efficiency. Solar pumps can deliver water precisely where it’s needed, minimizing waste and ensuring crops receive adequate hydration.
Rainwater Harvesting: Integrating solar-powered systems with rainwater harvesting can create a reliable water supply for agricultural use. Solar energy can power pumps and filtration systems, making harvested rainwater suitable for irrigation and livestock.
Urban Development: Smart Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure
Solar Desalination for Urban Water Supply: Coastal cities facing water shortages can benefit from solar-powered desalination plants. These plants can provide a sustainable source of drinking water, reducing reliance on overburdened freshwater resources.
Green Buildings: Incorporating solar panels and water recycling systems into building designs can create self-sufficient structures. These green buildings can generate their own electricity and manage water resources efficiently, setting a new standard for sustainable urban development.
Public Infrastructure: Solar-powered streetlights, water fountains, and public restrooms can enhance the sustainability of urban infrastructure. These installations reduce energy consumption and operational costs while promoting environmental stewardship.
Industry: Renewable Energy for Water-Intensive Processes
Industrial Desalination: Industries that require large amounts of water, such as manufacturing and food processing, can use solar-powered desalination to meet their needs sustainably. This approach can help industries reduce their environmental footprint and ensure a stable water supply.
Cooling Systems: Many industrial processes generate significant heat, requiring efficient cooling systems. Solar-powered cooling systems can reduce the energy required for cooling, making industrial operations more sustainable.
Wastewater Treatment: Solar energy can power advanced wastewater treatment processes, turning industrial waste into reusable water. This reduces the environmental impact of industrial activities and promotes circular water use.
Remote and Off-Grid Communities: Ensuring Access to Essential Resources
Off-Grid Solar Water Purification: Remote communities often lack access to clean water and electricity. Solar-powered water purification systems can provide safe drinking water and generate electricity, improving the quality of life and health outcomes in these areas.
Community Solar Projects: Developing community-based solar projects can provide off-grid communities with reliable energy and water supplies. These projects can foster local empowerment and economic development by creating jobs and reducing dependence on external resources.
Mobile Desalination Units: Portable solar-powered desalination units can be deployed in disaster-affected areas or regions facing acute water shortages. These units can provide immediate relief and support recovery efforts by ensuring access to clean water.
SunsWater Towards a Sustainable Ecosystem: Innovations and Collaborations
As we delve deeper into the integration of solar and water energy, it becomes evident that a multi-faceted approach is necessary to achieve a truly sustainable ecosystem. Innovations in technology, strategic collaborations, and community involvement are all pivotal elements in this endeavor. Suns Water can play a vital role in advancing these areas by fostering an environment of creativity, knowledge sharing, and proactive engagement.
Technological Innovations
Advanced Desalination Techniques: Emerging technologies such as forward osmosis and electrodialysis are showing promise in making desalination more efficient and less energy-intensive. These techniques can be powered by solar energy, further enhancing their sustainability.
Hybrid Renewable Systems: Combining solar energy with other renewable sources like wind or geothermal energy can create more robust and reliable systems. For instance, a solar-wind hybrid system can provide consistent energy output, compensating for the variability of solar power.
Smart Water Grids: Integrating smart grid technology with water management systems can optimize the distribution and use of water resources. These grids can be powered by solar energy and use real-time data to manage water supply efficiently, reducing waste and ensuring that water is available where and when it is needed.
Strategic Collaborations
Partnerships with Research Institutions: Collaborating with universities and research organizations can drive innovation and provide access to the latest advancements in renewable energy and water technologies. Joint research projects can explore new frontiers and bring cutting-edge solutions to market.
Corporate and Philanthropic Alliances: Engaging with corporations and philanthropic organizations can provide the necessary funding and resources for large-scale projects. These partnerships can also help in scaling up successful pilot projects and implementing them in diverse settings.
Government and Policy Advocacy: Working with local, national, and international governments to advocate for supportive policies and regulations is crucial. Policy frameworks that incentivize the use of renewable energy and sustainable water practices can accelerate the adoption of these technologies.
Community Involvement
Local Empowerment: Empowering local communities to take charge of their renewable energy and water projects ensures long-term sustainability. Training programs, capacity-building workshops, and community-led initiatives can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Cultural Integration: Incorporating local cultural elements into renewable energy and water projects can enhance community acceptance and participation. Respecting and integrating indigenous knowledge and practices can lead to more effective and culturally appropriate solutions.
Art and Communication: Using art as a medium to communicate the importance of sustainable practices can engage a wider audience. Artistic projects that involve the community can raise awareness, inspire change, and celebrate the collective effort towards sustainability.
Future Developments and Opportunities
As SunsWater continues to grow and evolve, several strategic directions can help maximize its impact and reach:
Global Impact Projects: Initiating and supporting large-scale projects that have the potential to impact multiple regions can showcase the feasibility and benefits of integrating solar and water energy. These projects can serve as models for replication in other parts of the world.
Innovative Funding Models: Exploring innovative funding models, such as crowdfunding, green bonds, and impact investments, can provide the financial resources needed for ambitious projects. Engaging with the global financial community can open up new avenues for funding sustainable initiatives.
Sustainable Design and Architecture: Promoting sustainable design and architecture that incorporates solar and water technologies can create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. These designs can serve as living examples of how renewable energy can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life.
Youth and Future Generations: Focusing on youth engagement and education is crucial for ensuring long-term sustainability. Developing educational programs, internships, and mentorship opportunities can inspire and equip the next generation of environmental leaders.
Collective Efforts for a Sustainable Future
As we continue to explore and develop the synergies between solar and water energy, we move closer to realizing a vision where clean, renewable resources power our world and ensure the well-being of all life on Earth. This vision is not just a possibility but a necessity, and with the collective effort of communities like SunsWater, it is a future that we can achieve together.
By embracing the potential of solar and water energy, we can create a world where environmental sustainability, social equity, and artistic expression coexist harmoniously, leading to a brighter, healthier, and more resilient planet for generations to come.
SunsWater stands at the forefront of this movement, harnessing the power of art and creativity to drive change. Through innovative projects, global strategic partnerships, and community engagement, SunsWater™ is not just a artistic and fantastic project. The Global Greening movement and initiative with connected projects and developments can inspire a global shift towards sustainable practices and technologies.
The journey towards a sustainable future is a collective endeavor that requires the collaboration of artists, scientists, policymakers, communities, and individuals. By integrating solar and water energy, we can address critical issues of water scarcity and energy consumption while promoting environmental stewardship and social equity.
The Future of Renewable Energy and Water Management
As we look to the future, several emerging trends and technologies hold promise for advancing the integration of solar and water energy. These developments can further enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and impact of renewable solutions.
Emerging Technologies
Next-Generation Solar Cells: Advances in solar cell technology, such as perovskite and organic photovoltaic cells, promise higher efficiency and lower costs. These innovations can make solar energy more accessible and widely adopted.
Microgrids and Distributed Energy Systems: Microgrids, which are localized energy systems that can operate independently of the main grid, can enhance energy security and resilience. These systems can be particularly beneficial in remote or disaster-prone areas.
Water-Energy Nexus Solutions: Integrated solutions that address both water and energy needs can create synergies and efficiencies. For example, solar thermal energy can be used for both electricity generation and water heating, maximizing resource use.
Policy and Regulatory Innovations
Emission Regulations and Prizing Pollution: Implementing carbon or pollution pricing and stricter emission regulations can incentivize the transition to renewable energy. Policies that penalize greenhouse gas emissions and reward sustainable practices can drive market shifts towards greener technologies.
Renewable Energy Mandates: Governments can set ambitious renewable energy targets and mandates, requiring a certain percentage of energy to come from renewable sources. These mandates can drive investment and innovation in the renewable sector.
Incentives for Water Conservation: Policies that promote water conservation and efficient use, such as rebates for water-saving technologies and subsidies for desalination projects, can support the sustainable management of water resources.
Unified Visions for a Real Sustainable World
As we move forward, the collective effort of artists, communities, institutions, policymakers, and scientists will be essential. Together, we can harness the power of the sun and the vitality of water to build a sustainable ecosystem that benefits all life on Earth.
Suns Water is a project development of Global Greening Organization and the Trillion Trees Initiative. We invite all potential partners, investors and sponsors to join the movement and initiatives. Read more on DesertHemp.org, GlobalGreening and SunsWater.org. With financial support, a lot of research data and important developments can be implemented and useful products and technologies can be shared and marketed. Of course, our future partners and investors also benefit from the developments, progress and profits.
SunsWater, with its unique concepts like artistic expression and environmental advocacy, is poised to lead this transformative movement. By fostering creativity, collaboration, and education, SunsWater™ can inspire a global shift towards sustainable practices and technologies.
The integration of solar and water energy represents a critical step towards a sustainable future. Through innovative technologies, strategic collaborations, and community engagement, we can address pressing environmental challenges and create a more resilient and equitable world.
The vision of a world powered by clean, renewable resources is not just a dream but an achievable reality. With determination, innovation, and a shared commitment to sustainability, we can ensure a healthy and vibrant planet for generations to come. The Global Greening and Suns Water project stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter, greener future.
The information in this article, contents and specific details are protected by national, international and European rights as well as by artists' rights, article titles, copyright and title protection. The artworks and project content are the intellectual property of the author and founder of the GlobalGreening Organization and Trillion Trees Initiative.
Any constructive and helpful feedback is welcome, as is any active and financial support. If you want to know more just do your own research and ask if you want to know something special. You can drop a message on the official pages and channels or write a nice email.
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envmart · 3 months
Empower Your Water Management with Solar Pumps
Solar pumps are revolutionizing the way we manage water resources by providing a sustainable and cost-effective solution. Whether for agriculture, residential use, or community water projects, solar pumps offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for eco-conscious consumers.
Understanding Solar PumpsSolar pumps operate by converting sunlight into electrical energy, which powers the pump to move water from one place to another. This technology eliminates the need for traditional energy sources like diesel or grid electricity, making it a green alternative.
Benefits of Solar Pumps
Investing in solar pumps comes with several advantages:
Cost Savings
Reduced Operating Costs: Solar pumps utilize free solar energy, significantly cutting down on operating expenses compared to conventional pumps.
Low Maintenance Costs: These pumps have fewer moving parts, which translates to lower maintenance and repair costs over time.
Environmental Impact
Renewable Energy Source: Solar energy is abundant and renewable, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Reduced Carbon Footprint: By using solar pumps, you contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, promoting a cleaner environment.
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Applications of Solar Pumps
Solar pumps are versatile and can be used in various applications:
Irrigation Systems: Solar pumps are ideal for powering irrigation systems, ensuring a reliable water supply for crops even in remote areas.
Livestock Watering: They can efficiently provide water for livestock, reducing the labour and costs associated with traditional methods.
Residential Use
Garden Watering: Homeowners can use solar pumps to water gardens, lawns, and small farms, promoting sustainable living.
Domestic Water Supply: Solar pumps can supply water to households in areas without reliable access to grid electricity.
Community Projects
Drinking Water Supply: Solar pumps are used in community water projects to provide clean drinking water, improving public health and quality of life.
Remote Villages: They are particularly beneficial in remote villages where access to conventional power is limited.
Choosing the Right Solar Pump for Your Needs
Selecting the appropriate solar pump depends on several factors:
Types of Solar Pumps
Surface Pumps: Ideal for shallow water sources, these pumps are used for irrigation and garden watering.
Submersible Pumps: These pumps are suitable for deep water sources like wells and boreholes, providing water for agriculture and domestic use.
System Capacity and Requirements
Water Needs: Determine your daily water requirements to choose a pump with the right capacity.
Solar Panel Size: Ensure you have adequate solar panels to power the pump, considering the sunlight availability in your location.
Solar Pump Prices and Cost Considerations
When searching for solar pumps for sale, consider quality and cost. Here are some tips to find the best deals:
Compare Multiple Suppliers
Research and Reviews: Look for suppliers with positive reviews and a proven track record.
Price Comparison: Compare prices from different suppliers to find the best deal without compromising quality.
Warranties and Guarantees
Product Warranty: Ensure the pump comes with a comprehensive warranty that covers defects and performance issues.
Performance Guarantee: Some suppliers offer performance guarantees, ensuring the pump will operate efficiently over its lifespan.
The cost of solar pumps has decreased over the years, making them more affordable. Here’s what you need to know:
Initial Investment
Upfront Costs: The initial cost includes purchasing the pump, solar panels, and installation fees. Prices vary based on the pump type and capacity.
Financing Options: Various financing options are available to make the initial investment more manageable.
Long-Term Savings
Operational Costs: Solar pumps have minimal operational costs since they rely on free solar energy.
Return on Investment: Over time, the savings on energy bills can offset the initial investment, leading to substantial long-term savings.
Solar Pumps for Sale: Finding the Best Deals
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The Future of Solar Pumps
The adoption of solar pumps is expected to grow as more people recognize their benefits. Innovations in technology are making solar pumps more efficient and affordable, further driving their popularity.
Integration with Smart Systems
Smart Controllers: Modern solar pumps can integrate with smart controllers, allowing users to monitor and manage water usage in real-time.
Automated Systems: Automation helps in optimizing the water supply, making the system more efficient.
Government Support and Subsidies
Incentives and Subsidies: Many governments offer incentives and subsidies to promote the use of solar pumps, making them more accessible to a broader audience.
Solar pumps are a fantastic investment for anyone looking to manage water resources sustainably and efficiently. By choosing the right solar pump system for your needs and budget, you can harness the power of the sun to create a reliable and eco-friendly water supply. Whether for agriculture, residential, or community projects, solar pumps offer numerous benefits that make them a smart and sustainable choice. As technology advances and costs continue to fall, now is the perfect time to explore the potential of solar pumps.
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kiratrajsingh · 11 months
Kirat Raj Singh  Everything You Want To Know About Green Energy
Kirat Raj Singh Professional tips provider. When you hear the term "green energy", you may be slightly confused. If you don't already know, green energy is, essentially, renewable energy that can be used with a minimal negative impact on the environment. Green energy can be used in various ways in the home, as this article will show you.
Shade the windows from sunlight to conserve energy in summer. You can also try putting blinds or curtains in. By doing these things, you'll lower the amount you need to run your air conditioner in the summer, as your home will already be cooler. Not only does this conserve energy, but it lowers your utility bills.
If you are interested in saving energy, utilize the warm summer months to help you dry your clothes. Forgo the use of your dryer, and hang your wet items out in the bright sunlight. Not only will you save energy, but your clothes will smell fresh and feel wonderful.
Check out the Green Power Network website to find out if there is a green power alternative available in your area. Consider switching to green power if there is a good service available in your area and if you can afford to. You might be able to get a tax rebate in some states.
Think outside of the box. While many people think 'solar' panels when they think of green energy, there are other ways to take advantage of the sun. If you are building a new home, consider incorporating passive solar design into the home. By building with materials such as concrete or adobe and taking advantage of the sun's natural heat with south-facing windows, you can create a home that will naturally heat itself in the winter and stay cool in the summer.
Find out more about ground source heat pumps. These pumps are located under your home and pump the natural heat of the earth to keep you warm. This system can be costly but the pumps use very little power and can last up to fifty years. Invest in this system if you are going to stay in a home for decades.
Install timers, motion sensors, or sound sensors on lamps, lights and other electrical devices to automate their functions. Such sensors are ideal if you have a hard time remembering to turn off the lights, and because they conserve energy, they can save you a significant amount of your power bill.
Use solar hot water. By installing a solar hot water system, you can use solar power to heat the water you use for everything in your home. It will work for your showers, washing dishes and doing laundry. If you are worried about not getting enough sun, you can invest in a small, traditional water heater as well.
Kirat Raj Singh Qualified tips provider. Don't try to install a wind generator on a small piece of property. First of all, you'll likely get complaints from the neighbors, as an efficient wind turbine needs to be at least 30 feet off the ground. Secondly, you need about an acre of land in order to ensure an unobstructed prevailing wind.
Save energy, and your hard-earned dollars, by only using your washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load. A small load uses just as much energy as a full load and accomplishes a lot less for the energy expenditure. Let laundry stack up another day or two in order to maximize savings and efficiency. Also consider drying clothes outdoors on a clothesline if allowed in your area. The fresh outdoorsy scent can't be beat, and you will show a significant savings in your utility bill if you cut back on your dryer usage.
If you have a car with a diesel engine, think about switching to biodiesel. Biodiesel is degradable is will not have any harmful effects on the environment. However, using biodiesel can be expensive and finding filling stations is hard. If you can afford to use this alternative, do your best to reduce harmful emanations from diesel engines.
Use a solar oven when baking. It's fairly easy to make a solar oven using a discarded window box lined with foil to reflect the heat. The internal temperature of these easy-to-build ovens can top 300 degrees, and they do not require any energy besides the sun's rays.
To help you increase your clean-energy consumption, try using wind energy. Wind is a very clean type of alternative energy, and it can help you cut your electricity bill a ton. If this solution interests you, check with your local authority to ensure you have proper zoning and also ensure you have sufficient space.
A good green energy tips for your home is to always wash your dishes in cold water unless they are oily. When using cold water, you are not using any electricity that you would normally use if the water was hot. Small things like this can really reduce the amount of energy your home uses each month.
Kirat Raj Singh Expert tips provider. Buy Energy Star products. In the typical home, appliance's make up about 20 percent of the electricity use. You can purchase products that contain the Energy Saver seal and start saving money on your electric bill and use less of the world's power sources. In order to carry the Energy Star seal, the appliance has to run efficiently.
Consider having a programmable thermostat installed in your house, in order to help significantly decrease your energy bills. The settings you can program into one of these devices help control the temperature of your house even if you aren't around. You can actually help program them to manage temperatures in the day and night.
A significant green energy initiative is to is having a professional do a home energy audit. These professionals will assess your home and find areas where you can save money and conserve energy. Some power companies even offer this service for free to help reduce the impact of their customers on their energy supply.
Kirat Raj Singh Best service provider. Since you know about green energy, there is no reason why you shouldn't be using it. Green energy not only helps you, but helps the environment, as well. The sooner you make use of it, the better off everyone will be. Remember the contents of this article and implement green energy in your home.
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delvenservices · 1 year
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Market Growth Leaders & Forecast: 2030
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Market By Type (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel cells, Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Others), By Application (Stationary, Transportation, Portable), By End User (Fuel Cell Vehicles, Utilities, Defense) and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America).
Market Overview
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell market size was estimated at USD 3.12 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 7.2 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
A hydrogen fuel cell is a device that generates electricity by converting hydrogen and oxygen into water. The device operates by continuously pumping chemicals into the cells, which prevents the battery from running out. The market for hydrogen fuel cells is being driven by the increase in demand for electric vehicles, as these vehicles require efficient and sustainable power sources. Companies in the hydrogen fuel cell market are developing new technologies to reduce the weight, manufacturing costs, and component requirements of hydrogen fuel cells. These advances in technology are improving the efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells, making them more attractive to consumers and businesses alike.
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Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen to power an on-board electric motor, which is responsible for the vehicle's movement. The hydrogen fuel cell is a device that generates electrical energy through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Unlike traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do not produce greenhouse gas emissions during operation, making them a promising solution for reducing emissions in the transportation sector. However, in order for the fuel cell to function, it requires a constant supply of both oxygen and fuel (hydrogen). The fuel cell works by utilizing a compound reaction, where hydrogen is split into protons and electrons, and the electrons are used to generate electrical energy.
The Covid-19 pandemic had a moderate impact on the hydrogen fuel cell market. Due to the shortage of revenue generation, many people in most countries postponed or halted their high-cost automobile purchases, which affected the demand for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. However, the pandemic also gave the public and world governments a quantifiable look at how quickly emissions can drop and how we can adapt to green energy. This has increased the urgency to save the environment, which can be achieved by implementing hydrogen fuel cell technology. The main challenge for hydrogen fuel cell implementation is the cost, which is currently higher than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
Request for the Free Sample Report: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/hydrogen-fuel-cell-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
Delvens Industry Expert's Standpoint
The hydrogen fuel cells market is a market that deals with the production and sale of hydrogen fuel cells, which are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The market is primarily fueled by a growing need for clean energy, which is energy that is produced without causing harm to the environment. Governments, especially in developed nations, have encouraged the use of clean and green energy, and this has resulted in giving the hydrogen fuel cells market the push that it required. This means that governments have provided incentives and subsidies to companies that produce and sell hydrogen fuel cells, which has helped to increase the demand for these products. The development of infrastructure to produce hydrogen is another factor that has contributed to the growth of the hydrogen fuel cells market. This means that companies have invested in building facilities that can produce hydrogen, which is the fuel that is used to power hydrogen fuel cells. The growing concern regarding environmental pollution across the world is another factor that is boosting the demand for hydrogen fuel cells. This is because hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity without emitting harmful pollutants into the environment, which makes them a cleaner alternative to traditional sources of energy. The awareness level regarding hydrogen cells has increased, helping the market to grow at a steady pace. This means that more people are becoming aware of the benefits of using hydrogen fuel cells, which has led to an increase in demand for these products.
Key Findings
PEM fuel cells are a type of fuel cell that use a polymer electrolyte membrane to conduct protons between the anode and cathode. This technology is largely used in transportation due to its potential environmental effects, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. PEM fuel cells are also used in stationary and portable power generation applications. They are particularly well-suited for these applications due to their high power density and superior dynamic properties when compared to other types of fuel cells. The high power density of PEM fuel cells means that they can produce a lot of power in a small space, making them ideal for use in vehicles and other applications where space is limited. Their superior dynamic properties mean that they can respond quickly to changes in power demand, making them more efficient and reliable than other types of fuel cells.  
Transportation segment is facing challenges related to carbon dioxide emissions and noise pollution, which are compelling reasons for reducing fuel usage. As a result, alternative transportation technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) have gained increased attention from the automotive industries. hydrogen fuel cell technology is also being explored as a potential solution to these challenges, as it offers zero-emission transportation with longer driving ranges and shorter refueling times compared to EVs. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) use hydrogen gas to produce electricity, which powers an electric motor and emits only water vapor as a byproduct.  
Fuel cell vehicles are a type of electric vehicle that use hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity, which powers the vehicle's electric motor. The rise in revenue from the fuel cell vehicles segment can be attributed to the increasing popularity of electric vehicles and the need to reduce carbon emissions and carbon footprint. The increase in R&D activities related to hydrogen fuel cell technology has led to the development of more efficient and cost-effective fuel cell vehicles, which has further contributed to the growth of the market. Joint developments and partnerships between companies in the hydrogen fuel cell market have also played a significant role in the adoption of fuel cell vehicles, as they have helped to reduce costs and improve the availability of hydrogen fueling infrastructure.  
The market is also divided into various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa. Asia-Pacific was the highest revenue contributor, and is anticipated to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period growing economy and rising standard of living are driving greater energy demand. 
Make an Inquiry Before Buying: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/hydrogen-fuel-cell-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
Regional Analysis
North America to Dominate the Market
The fuel cell market in the Asia Pacific region has experienced significant growth due to the implementation of policies and strategies that promote the use of fuel cell systems for transportation applications in countries like China, India, South Korea, and Japan.  
These policies and strategies have been put in place to address the increasing demand for unconventional sources of energy and to reduce carbon emissions in the region.
Competitive Landscape
FuelCell Energy, Inc.
Ballard Power Systems
Hydrogenics Corporation
SFC Energy AG
Nedstack Fuel Cell Technology B.V.
Bloom Energy
Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc.
Ceres Power Holdings PLC
Plug Power, Inc.
Nuvera Fuel Cells LLC
Audi AG
BMW Group
Daimler AG
General Motors Company
Honda Motor Co. Ltd
Hyundai Motor Group
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Volvo Group
Toyota Motor Corporation
Recent Developments
In March 2022, two companies, Ceres and HORIBA MIRA, formed a partnership to work together on fuel cell testing and creating a Ceres fuel cell test facility. The location of this partnership is at the HORIBA MIRA West Midlands location in the UK. Ceres is a company that specializes in developing and manufacturing solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) for various applications, including power generation and transportation.  
November 2021, Ballard Power Systems, a leading provider of hydrogen fuel cell technology, collaborated with Microsoft and Caterpillar Inc. in November 2021 to develop a megawatt-scale hydrogen fuel cell backup generator system for data centers.
Purchase the Research Report: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/hydrogen-fuel-cell-market-trends-forecast-till-2030
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the most suitable strategies and decisions based on sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends, and factors.  
Gain authentic and granular data access for the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Market to understand the trends and the factors involved in changing market situations.  
Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future.  
In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns.
Table of Contents
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Market By Type, By Application, By End User and region:
Based on Type
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells
Phosphoric acid fuel cells
Sold oxide fuel cells
Polymer exchange membrane fuel cells
Direct methanol fuel cells
Molten carbonate fuel cells
Based on the Application
Based on the End User
Fuel cell vehicles
       The prominent players in the Hydrogen Fuel Cell market are
FuelCell Energy, Inc.
Ballard Power Systems
Hydrogenics Corporation
SFC Energy AG
Nedstack Fuel Cell Technology B.V.
Bloom Energy
Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc.
Ceres Power Holdings PLC
Plug Power, Inc.
Nuvera Fuel Cells LLC
Audi AG
BMW Group
Daimler AG
General Motors Company
Honda Motor Co. Ltd
Hyundai Motor Group
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Volvo Group
Toyota Motor Corporation
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Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
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solaridea2023 · 1 year
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The off-grid solar power plant is the most versatile energy product that gives complete energy independence to the consumer. With Solar Idea Tspl standalone power plant, the customer can have access to power all the time and will not suffer from scheduled or unscheduled power cuts. The customer does not have to depend upon diesel generators during load-shedding hours. Our customized power plant solution is capable of running everything just like regular electricity and in fact, the quality of power is far superior compared to grid power in most places.
Solar Off-grid systems in Bhubaneswar are the best way to meet your energy requirements effectively. These systems are designed for off-grid and remote locations, to provide steady electricity in the absence of any grid connection. These Off-grid systems are installed with photovoltaic cells on the rooftop which capture solar energy, convert it into electricity and store it in the battery for later use. These systems are cost-effective and eco-friendly and provide a dependable source of electricity to meet your basic power needs.
Check out some of our solar PV installations all across India. We have installed solar systems ranging from 1KW to 100 KW. Our 100 KW off-grid solar power system is one of the biggest off-grid power plants in Maharashtra. Please check for the video on some of our installations to understand our off-grid systems.
Solar Idea Tspl Off-grid Power Plants are not only green but also economical. It is the best investment against ever-increasing fuel and grid charges.
Educational Institutions
Government Offices
Commercial Buildings
Petrol Pumps
Construction Companies
Water Pumps
Solar Idea Tspl Off-grid Solar Power Plant has a short payback period of 3-5 years against a life of 25 years. Moreover, the lifetime savings are as much as 3-4 times.
1 KWp Off-grid Solar Power Plant can generate approximately 5 units on a normal sunny day.
Space required for installation of 1 KWp system is approximately 150 sq ft/KWp
A 100 KWp Off-grid Solar Power Plant can reduce CO2 emissions by 250 tons per year.
Optimized and Low maintenance system
Providing stable and reliable power increases the overall efficiency of electronic components.
Export quality modules warranted for 25 Years
True MPPT (maximum power point tracking) charge controller to efficiently convert the power generated at the module level.
Smart electronics to effectively manage usage of solar power based on load requirements. High-efficiency inverters capable of supplying load directly (in the daytime) without storing in the batteries all the time.
Tubular deep discharge batteries are designed for longer life
Mounting frame with seasonably adjustable tilt angle which is expected to give an additional 6 % increase in power output.
DC cables and junction boxes are designed to minimize power loss.
Galvanized steel structure design by a professional structure consultant is utilized for longevity and robustness.
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nexgenenergia1 · 4 years
Waste to Clean Fuel | Bio Ethanol Diesel-Nexgen Energia
Biogas is a type of biofuel that is naturally produced from the decomposition of organic waste. When organic matter, such as food scraps and animal waste, break down in an anaerobic environment (an environment absent of oxygen) they release a blend of gases, primarily methane and carbon dioxide.  Because this decomposition happens in an anaerobic environment, the process of producing biogas is also known as anaerobic digestion. Biogas upgrading or purification is the process by which contaminants in the raw biogas stream are absorbed or scrubbed, leaving more methane per unit volume of gas. This final product is called biomethane.
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biogascompany · 2 years
Nexgen Energia is providing CNG/CBG Pump dealership in India
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What is Bio CBG (Compressed Biogas)? What are its benefits?  
Biogas is an environment-friendly renewable energy source. The gas is produced naturally through a process that breaks organic matter like municipal solid waste, animal waste, sugarcane press mud, industrial bio-waste, and agricultural biomass and converts it into Biogas, which can be used as an automobile fuel, industry gas, and electricity in the market. 
With the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and making more our nation environment-friendly, Government of India has introduced many key government programs like SATAT scheme, Waste to energy program, National policy of Bio-fuel, Biogas scheme to have a green planet, developing rural economy while enhancing farmer’s income, Reduction in Crude and LNG imports thereby huge savings in forex, utilisation of domestic feedstock to produce biofuels, climate change mitigation, introducing upgrading technology to generate biofuels, and enabling India to create more employment and business opportunities. 
Is CNG pump profitable in India? 
The Compressed Biogas (CBG) market is expected to grow from USD 1.47 billion in 2022 to USD 2.25 Billion in 2029 at a CAGR of 6.3% in the 2022- 2029 period, in India. As per Oil and Natural resources minister, India will receive Rs 2 Lakh in investment to develop 5000 biogas plants by 2023-24. 
Why to invest in Bio CBG plants of NGE?
Nexgen Energia has created a future roadmap for converting waste to energy India and making our planet energy independent by introducing a concept of CBG (Compressed Bio Gas). 
The company has already been acknowledged for providing best entrepreneurial opportunities in clean fuel energy, world-class team to assist startups, extensive branding and marketing, committed to the partner's growth along with a successful business module.  
NexGen Energia is India’s fastest growing integrated clean fuel energy company with its vision to redefine the manufacturing & distribution of alternate future energy sectors. The company has its major presence in almost all the streams including license for CNG/CBG production, green diesel production & its retail outlet distribution, Bio coal, EV charging station, Lubricants, etc. a high caliber team, state- of- the- art technologies, and cutting-edge R&D, quality consciousness, and transparency; creating an ecosystem where all energy in all its forms is tapped most responsibly and delivered to the consumers/stakeholders most affordably. The company lines up with a massive expansion plan to launch 40,000 production plants & retail outlets on CBG on the DODO Model by 2027 which is aligned with the SATAT (Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation) scheme initiated by the Government of India. 
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nexgenenergy · 4 years
Nexgen Energia Ltd to start 1000 CNG (CBG) production units in India | Top CBG Plant Manufacturer in India
New Delhi [India], February 15 (ANI/NewsVoir): With the aim to re-define the manufacturing and distribution of alternate future green fuels NexGen Energia Ltd., a leading clean fuel energy company is exploring opportunities to establish green diesel refineries and CBG production units in North India.
In the first phase company established 1000 CNG (CBG) production units in India through franchise route with a special focus in Uttar Pradesh. Company has already established one first CNG (CBG) production unit in Ambala where production has already started.
Nexgen Energia Ltd. has pioneered the art of making CNG (CBG) from locally sourced waste and agricultural waste in India and distribute CNG (CBG) in the same market through its locally established distribution channels. NGE is one of the leading organisations to have achieved this feat. Nexgen Energia Ltd. has initiated this disruptive idea to bring on board a band of entrepreneurs, distributors and marketers for production, storages and marketing of green fuel and bring a revolution in alternate green fuels sector.
As per Bio-fuel policy, 2018 Govt of India has to promote production, storage and distribution of Bio-fuel and encouraging participation of private entrepreneur in the green energy sector. Govt also giving investment subsidy and many policy incentives to increase the participation of young entrepreneurs.
For the proper utilisation of garbage and give a relief from garbage mountains and pollution spread all over the country Government of India has given many policies supports and promoting waste to the Energy sector. As the processing for CBG and green diesel from garbage is being popularised Nexgen Energia has planned to open 300 CNG (CBG) production plant/Retail outlets in the first phase in Uttar Pradesh along with its storage marketing and distribution networks.
Elaborating about the business plan NexGen Energia Founder and Chairman Dr Piyush Dwevedi said, "Our aim to boost Local for Vocal & Make in India initiatives based on Swach Bharat mission through the production of energy from the waste and provide an innovative entrepreneurship opportunity for the business aspirant. We are going to establish a CNG (CBG) production plant through franchisee route with production buyback guarantee. It is a unique and an Ideal profitable business opportunity on very low risk."
Read More
Tags: Top CBG Plant Manufacturer in India, Top CNG Plant Manufacturer in India, Bio CNG Plant cost, Bio CNG Plant Manufacturer, Biogas to CNG Conversion Plant cost,Bio CNG Plant Subsidy, Bio CNG Plant Manufacturer in India,CNG Pump Dealership,CNG Filling Station Dealership,CNG Pump Dealership in Uttar Pradesh,CBG plant cost,Franchise Opportunities in India,Franchise Opportunities in Renewable Energy,Renewable Energy Franchise Opportunities
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mikegranich87 · 3 years
Hitting the Books: How a radio telescope cost this West Virginia town its modernity
Deep in the heart of Appalachia, modern science and America's bucolic past meet at a unique crossroad of scientific discovery and luddite lifestyles. The Quiet Zone, by journalist Stephen Kurczy, is the story of a sleepy small town that hosts the Green Bank radio telescope. But the presence of this installation comes at a price: due to the telescope's exceeding sensitivity, virtually every device and appliance that emits radio waves, Wi-Fi signals, or microwave radiation is banned for square miles around. That means that Green Bank, West Virginia has about as much tech today as it did in the 1950's (maybe even a little less) — and some people very much like it that way. But not everybody. In the excerpt below, Pocahontas County attorney, Robert Martin, recounts the challenges of attempting to modernize the region without loosing a horde of gentrifiers upon it as well.        
Harper Collins
Excerpted from the book THE QUIET ZONE: Unraveling the Mystery of a Town Suspended in Silence by Stephen Kurczy. Copyright © 2021 by Stephen Kurczy. From Dey Street Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Reprinted by permission.
For every electrosensitive who wanted radio quiet, there were probably one hundred residents who wanted WiFi and cell service, and they elected the county’s officials. In early 2018, the Pocahontas County Commission passed a resolution in support of cell service throughout the county, a challenge to the very notion of a Quiet Zone. The commission assigned its attorney, Robert Martin, to contact all major telecommunications providers asking them to invest in Pocahontas.
“I’m doing my level best to get another company in here,” Martin told me in the spring of 2018. He’d invited me to his house to discuss the new cell service ordinance, and we were swigging Bud Lights at his kitchen table.
“How many cell companies have you written to?” I asked.
“All of them,” he said. “I promised the companies that we’ll get everybody in the damn county to sign up with them. I’ll sign up first! . . . I wrote a letter to everybody and said, ‘We have shit for cellphone service here, we want you to come in here, we’ll partner with you, we’ll help you however we can. Come in here.’”
At our feet were two boxers and a basset hound. In the adjacent mudroom was a 250-pound Vietnamese potbellied pig named Pig, who was snoring. Pig knew how to open the front door and pull a blanket over himself. “I’m the true image of West Virginia, aren’t I?” Martin laughed. “I got a pig living in the house.” Despite his home literally being a pigsty, Martin was always the best dressed at county meetings, usually wearing tight designer jeans, leather boots, and a crisp dress shirt, top buttons undone and a few chest hairs curling out. A blustery guy, Martin was once jailed in Marlinton for contempt of court for arguing with a circuit judge. He had a history of getting into fights at West Virginia University football games. For years, he’d also operated a hotel in Belize, paying “tens of thousands of dollars in bribes” and putting the payments on his tax returns so the U.S. government could see the corruption he was dealing with (even if he was admitting to violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act). Martin came across as a dogged lawyer who knew how to get things done. And he wanted cell service.
“You seen that commercial saying Verizon has more coverage than anyone else?” he asked me. “Pause and look at it real closely, and you’ll see right where Pocahontas County is because almost the entire Eastern Seaboard is all yellow [signifying cell coverage] and right there in southeastern West Virginia there’s this hunk about this big—it’s Poca-fucking-hontas County. I swear to God. Right fucking there we are on Verizon’s commercials.”
Martin knew well what connectivity was like outside the Quiet Zone. He had earned his law degree from West Virginia University in 1979, married a girl from Marlinton, and started his career in Pocahontas County before becoming a well-heeled insurance defense lawyer in Charleston. He’d gotten his first cellphone in 1986—it was the size of a beer bottle, with a three-foot-long antenna, and it went to bed with him every night. That attachment ended in 2012 when he moved back to Pocahontas, where he only carried an iPhone so he could listen to music in his truck. I asked if he was concerned about the impact of cell service on the electrosensitives.
“Wackos that are afraid of their brains getting fried and all that?” he responded. “Yeah, I know about them.”
“They see Green Bank as a haven,” I said.
“So? So?” He said he wasn’t going to let the electrosensitives keep Pocahontas “behind the curve” for cell service.
“But I’m here because you’re behind the curve,” I said. “That makes this place unique.”
“You think we want to deal with stone knives and axes for the rest of our existence? You’re like these fucking people who move in here and don’t want it to change, that it? We have people who have moved here in the last five to ten years and they don’t want anything to change. They’ve ‘discovered’ Pocahontas County and now nothing can change. Well, fuck, that ain’t the way of the world. We have limitations because of the observatory, because of our topography, because of our insignificant population. But we need to do what we can as government entities to make things available to people.”
“Of course,” Martin added, the cell service would have to comply with the Quiet Zone.
“We believe in the observatory, we don’t want to fuck with them,” he said. “Right now, as you and I are sitting here bullshitting, they’re up there looking for fucking E.T. And I want to give them every opportunity to do that. But I’ve got emergency services I’ve got to render in this county.”
In addition to trying to bring in cell service, Martin was assisting the county’s emergency services director, Michael O’Brien, to improve communications. The 911 center in Marlinton had difficulty broadcasting any emergency radio communications toward the northern end of the county, where Green Bank was located. O’Brien found a partial solution by installing an internet-controlled radio system just north of Green Bank in the town of Durbin, but it had minimal range and failed altogether when internet or electricity went down. Pocahontas was also one of the only counties in the state unable to adopt a “smart radio system” that integrated radios with smartphones.
On the off chance that someone made an emergency 911 call from one of the county’s few pockets of limited cell service, authorities had an especially hard time pinpointing the person’s location. “We had a dispatcher spend two and a half hours on the phone one night with a lady that was trapped in her car in a creek,” O’Brien told me. “She didn’t know where she was or how she got there. We were just keeping her calm while we sent the department to look in all the areas that had cell service.”
ACCORDING TO DELOIT TE, a 10 percent increase in mobile penetration increases total factor productivity—a key component of economic growth modeling—by 4.2 percentage points over the long run. In Pocahontas, businesspeople like Kenneth “Buster” Varner felt they needed all the help they could get to keep the county’s economy puttering along, which meant bringing in cell service.
I first met Varner in early 2017, while eating breakfast at the counter at Station 2. A heavy, jowly man, he had leaned over and asked, “Do you think the gravy is too salty?” As we shoveled down heaping plates of biscuits and sausage gravy, he told me about his various businesses. Aside from owning Station 2, he operated a half dozen enterprises involved in logging, excavation, towing, septic pumping, and auto repair. He was also a fire chief. I told him that I imagined a lot of headaches trying to manage all those things within the restrictions of the Quiet Zone.
“You have to realize that we never had cellphone service when everybody else had it, so it wasn’t anything to us,” Varner said. “It’d be more convenient, of course, if it was so you could use your cellphones all the time. But it’s a unique place to live where you don’t have them, and we take a little pride in that.” He noted how the observatory provided jobs and shared its resources, such as lending one of its diesel generators to a funeral home during a recent power outage. “That to me means a lot,” Varner said. “And having the largest telescope in the world out your back door, that’s a pretty neat conversation piece.”
“People can get ahold of me the old-fashioned way,” he added. “Call me on the landline or come look for me.”
Spending more time with Varner, however, I realized that he was hardly a Luddite. When we met again months later in his cluttered office, I found it hard to keep his attention. He kept glancing down at his iPhone to check texts and alerts he was receiving over WiFi. When he took a call, I was left to stare at a poster of a busty woman in a red bikini and firefighter helmet. When he finally put down the iPhone, I told him I was confused. Hadn’t he said he took pride in not using a cellphone?
“I thought it was rude to have a smartphone,” Varner said of his “old” perspective, apparently from just a few months earlier. “I do a lot of business on that phone, more than I ever thought in my wildest dreams that I would do.” I asked if he could ever go back to living without one. “Wouldn’t want to. It’s so handy.”
Varner had an AT&T data plan. He used Siri. He wished all his employees and volunteer firefighters could always be connected through smartphones. Instead, because of the Quiet Zone, he’d invested more than $30,000 in a specially approved radio repeater system to allow his workers to communicate via low-band radio. “I don’t want the observatory to close and for people to lose their jobs,” he said, “but it’d be more convenient for everybody.”
from Mike Granich https://www.engadget.com/hitting-the-books-the-quiet-zone-stephen-kurczy-harper-collins-153030420.html?src=rss
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nexgenenergia1 · 4 years
Waste to clean fuel | Eco Friendly Energy-Nexgen Energia
Nexgen Energia Ltd is a new GREBE report has now been published titled “Commercialization of ready-to-deploy renewable energy technologies.The energy industry is changing, fast. There’s a new and exciting development almost every day, and we are dedicated to keeping you up to date. After all, the better informed you are, the better choices you can make. So keep an eye on this section and be in the know!
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biogascompany · 2 years
Nexgen Energia is offering a Franchise of Bio-CNG Plant, Green Diesel
What is Bio CBG (Compressed Biogas)? What are its benefits?
Biogas is an environment-friendly renewable energy source. The gas is produced naturally through a process that breaks organic matter like municipal solid waste, animal waste, sugarcane press mud, industrial bio-waste, and agricultural biomass and converts it into Biogas, which can be used as an automobile fuel, industry gas, and electricity in the market. With the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and making more our nation environment-friendly, Government of India has introduced many key government programs like SATAT scheme, Waste to energy program, National policy of Bio-fuel, Biogas scheme to have a green planet, developing rural economy while enhancing farmer’s income, Reduction in Crude and LNG imports thereby huge savings in forex, utilisation of domestic feedstock to produce biofuels, climate change mitigation, introducing upgrading technology to generate biofuels, and enabling India to create more employment and business opportunities.
Is Bio-CNG pump profitable in India?
The Compressed Biogas (CBG) market is expected to grow from USD 1.47 billion in 2022 to USD 2.25 Billion in 2029 at a CAGR of 6.3% in the 2022- 2029 period, in India. As per Oil and Natural resources minister, India will receive Rs 2 Lakh in investment to develop 5000 biogas plants by 2023-24.
Why to invest in Bio CBG plants of NGE?
Nexgen Energia has created a future roadmap for converting waste to energy. India and making our planet energy independent by introducing a concept of CBG (Compressed Bio Gas). The company has already been acknowledged for providing best entrepreneurial opportunities in clean fuel energy, world-class team to assist startups, extensive branding and marketing, committed to the partner's growth along with a successful business module. 
NexGen Energia is India’s fastest growing integrated clean fuel energy company with its vision to redefine the manufacturing & distribution of alternate future energy sectors. The company has its major presence in almost all the streams including license for CNG/CBG production, green diesel production & its retail outlet distribution, Bio coal, EV charging station, Lubricants, etc. a high caliber team, state- of- the- art technologies, and cutting-edge R&D, quality consciousness, and transparency; creating an ecosystem where all energy in all its forms is tapped most responsibly and delivered to the consumers/stakeholders most affordably. 
The company lines up with a massive expansion plan to launch 40,000 production plants & retail outlets on CBG on the DODO Model by 2027 which is aligned with the SATAT (Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation) scheme initiated by the Government of India.
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climatesamurai · 3 years
Vision Mechatronics delivers Mega Watt Scale Hybrid Energy Storage Project to Brahmakumaris
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Vision Mechatronics has offered a ZeroBlackout Solution to Brahmakumaris at Om Shanti Retreat Centre. The Retreat Centre have opted for a Solar based unique combination of MW scale Hybrid Battery storage system i.e., Lithium-Lead hybrid which has utilized the existing old batteries with the fresh new Lithium Batteries to have a long duration backup to ensure that there is a smooth power transition when the grid fails. Dr Rashi Gupta, Managing Director, Vision Mechatronics said, “All our work and products are developed & manufactured in India. Using a hybrid battery energy storage system has ensured that there is maximum utilization of existing resources at the time of addition of new ones to achieve a cost of energy at Grid Parity. Opting for hybrid energy storage model can help commercial entities reduce their initial capex investment by 35 to 40% for a long duration energy storage project. With the recent launch of ACC battery scheme, India offers a great opportunity for energy storage and e-mobility market and this is our contribution in making India truly Aatmanirbhar.” Often weaker grid in remote areas cannot handle the loads connected to them and gets overloaded. Integrating solar with energy storage, a micro grid is formed which supports the conventional grid and can supply load even in absence of the grid. Lithium-based energy storage is usually commercially viable only upto 4 hours, so it was important to have a commercially viable solution for 8 to 18 hours and we could achieve this by Hybrid Energy Storage which is a combination of “Worlds Smartest Lithium Batteries” together with tubular gel batteries (lead-acid variant). This microgrid effectively performs the functions of Backup, Frequency Regulation, Grid Feed, Voltage Regulation, Black Start, Smooth Power Transition, Diesel Replacement.  The system also has preventive and predictive monitoring to detect faults in advance to ensure smooth and reliable functioning. Thus, this power generated from the Sun through solar panels then stored in the batteries can be used for any purpose like running the heavy-duty studios, electric irons, induction cooktops, computers, washing machines, community kitchen appliances, baking ovens, air-conditioners, submersible water pumps etc. and of course the lights and fans. It is clean and green energy to the campus. The Director of the Om Shanti Retreat Centre, Sister BK Asha said, “This unique project will add a lot of value to the campus and enable us to offer wide and uninterrupted services to the society. Just as Supreme Soul is the Sun of Knowledge and offers unlimited knowledge, purity, peace and happiness to all His children, similarly Sun is also the source of unlimited light and energy for mankind and this planet. It is always beneficial to revert back to the original source for receiving energy, whether it Is spiritual energy or solar energy. Thus, this project has enlightened new hopes in all of us that we can live peacefully and in harmony with nature in a sustainable way”. Read the full article
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