anyway if you're trying to weaponize the concept of poor poc running donation posts against ao3 fundraisers you are both deeply insensitive & (willingly or not) ignorant of the *massive* attention and reputation gap between any given tumblr blog and a registered nonprofit
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ellipsesarefun · 7 years
Because I’m a Tododeku maniac who can’t stop gushing about this beautiful, wonderful pairing aside from otayuri, it is my civic duty (and because someone out there *coughs*wintermoon*coughs* needs to sleep; aka me lol jk but seriously) to share and spread the love of Tododeku fanfics. At least some since there’s 99 fics in my bookmarks hahahaha
1. Someday, I'm sure, our hands will reach the far-off sun series by MadamRed (WIP) | Beautiful short pieces!! Even lyrical and fluid passages, it’s nice to tuck in to bed and snuggle into the covers with some warm, fluffy (and possible angsty) fics such as these. (Note: That haircut needs to be canon. Period.)
2.  I Want Some Coffee with a Kiss, Please series by AvaRose (WIP) | ANOTHER FLUFF EXPLOSION. Coffee AU, need I say more? Yes! Fluff fluff more fluff and wonderful writing style that delivers pining and fluff to the maximum!!
3. Amaryllis by Greenerscreams | Hanaki AU. Hanaki AU as in vomiting flowers over unrequited love. unrequited feelings as in angst, angst, angst. This has a happy ending, though, so you’ll probably cry in happiness at the end.
4. count your blessings, not your flaws by PitViperOfDoom | MISCOMMUNICATION EVERYWHERE. It’s written so well, so much, that I cry whenever I read this. It’s gradually, achingly, heartbreaking, but at the end of it all... just read it, it’s really good!! In a way it’s because it’s relatable, and because the way they wrote Izuku-kun and Shouto-kun’s perspectives of the matter are meticulous and every single word used counts. Really builds up the image of the story.
5. centered on you by celestialfics  | If you like humorous and vivid images of Izuku blushing and bumbling in a dancing class, here you go! Enjoy yourselves as this beautiful Deku tries to waltz.
6. a drop of ink may make a million think by pellucidpilgrim | Pining! More pining hahaha with sleep deprived Izuku writing a poem (btw, the poem is written by the author themselves!! It’s really good, I swear) and Shouto-kun tucking his roommate and singing him to sleep. It’s beautiful and precious GO READ THIS.
7.  Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm series by PitViperOfDoom | Featuring Deku roasting Endeavor behind his back and being good friends (and boyfriend) with Shouto-kun. I feel like this is recommended by a lot so dive in and read!!!!
8. Standing Locust, Forward Fold by mousapelli | Cute adorkable idiots who still pine from the distance are being set up by the wonderful friends! It’s cute and fluffy and funny all in one!
9. Subscapula by mousapelli  |Three years into Biology, and words like subscapula are written in my cardiac muscles. Here’s a Masseuse!Deku and an injured Shouto-kun falling for Deku’s smooth smooth words and soothing hands. mhmm.
10. He was dumb enough to die on him by mmok | Reincarnation AU. Deku dies and Shouto cries. Deku reborns and there’s more angst, more tears, and more angst. Not exactly for sleepy time, but it can be (just that there’s a lot more to gush about this but I’m a bit sleep deprived hahaha). The author did a great job in manipulating this concept into a wonderful work of art (and a great job for bringing me to tears for every single chapter). Character development is well done and is scenes for each chapter are well detailed and well paced. I’d love to read it again (and cry about it for the nth time hahaha).
11. Inconsequential by FlowerPrints (WIP) | MY FAVORITE AU.  See that bold font? yea, it’s my ultimate favorite AU. Meet cute with Quirkless!Deku and a Curious!Todoroki at a train station. I’ve bookmarked this the minute I finished the first chapter because it’s beautiful and awesome and AH! The pacing’s well done too. There’s nothing quick about this. There’s this step by step process coming along with the developing friendship between Deku and Todoroki and I’m excited for more chapters~!
12. Wait Time by InsomniacArrest (WIP) | Interesting AU. There are still people who do have quirks but are not handled through a hero/villain universe, but are handled through suppressors. Mostly the setting is situated in a hospital and Deku, who is quirkless, works as an intern under Yagi Toshinori (All Might), a VIP in the hospital. He meets a grumpy kid who sits by the corner named Shouto, who apparently flirts in the most awkward way possible. His backstory hasn’t been fully covered yet and it’s still at its sixth, but it’s good. It’s reaaal good.
There’s probably more to tackle but I’ll place the others on a second part.
Here are my fics though.
13.  Boku no Hero Academia x Yuri!!! On Ice crossover  | where in Deku meets Yuri Plisetsky for the first time and mumbles a lot.
14. Cast those sunbeams unto my uncertainty | where Deku overthinks and Shouto arrives with a flowercrown on his head.
aaaaand that’s it
so read, cry, cry some more, and share.
gonna tag @els-main, @eclair, @madamredwrites, @blameotayuri and @pllsetskyonice since ya’ll know bnha (and if you do love tododeku, read and cry and share)
and @wintermoo-n, go read and cry and sleep bwahahahahaha
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have a mutual on a different site post about their ed relapse....
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friendly reminder that narcissistic abuse as a concept is *built* on the ableism + dehumanization of ppl with personality disorders and lacks literally any specific traits that separate it from the already established forms of abuse. It feels good to separate yourself from your abuser. I know it does. but it's not helpful and you're doing harm to those around you.
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Listen if your argument against transmasc-specific terms comes down to general misandry not being a thing then congrats you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what we're talking about!
transandrophobia/transmisandry doesn't rely on a systemic oppression of men. Like transmisogyny, it's also a way of describing the intersection of transphobia & misogyny, but from the experience of being afab. We are forcibly assigned into womanhood. This is treated as a permanent fixture of our lives (unlike the perceived conditional nature of transfem womanhood) and we're still targeted based on our bodies & ability to blend in with the cisgender majority. We're discriminated for being "faulty" women, for failing at being our assigned gender, for daring to transition towards masculinity. Bioessentialist rhetoric leads others to treat us both as vulnerable & impressionable women and as violent & aggressive men when we medically or socially transition, whichever is more convenient for the argument being had. We're barred from necessary healthcare (especially reproductive care) based on incorrect assumptions of our bodies and needs. We're assumed to gain privilege for being men (which doesn't really happen for many of us but that's a different discussion), and often accused to weaponizing this advantage against women & other trans folks for talking about our own struggles.
Like. I've literally seen transmascs discussing their *own* experiences with misogyny being labeled as transphobic. Every term we create to discuss this intersection is denied out of hand by those who declare themselves our allies. We're minimized in our own communities.
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Listen I know we're supposed to completely disregard agab gendered socialization theories but I am out of patience for people who truly believe that the environment you grew up in has *nothing* to do with how you view your own gender/other people's gender.
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The least appealing parts of the ao3 discourse is people claiming that ao3 is scamming people (because they surpass donation goals), while also refusing to acknowledge that there are literally /millions/ of registered users (and also completely ignoring people that never create accounts) and a small number of the user base will be inclined to donate to any cause they believe in, care about, or gain benefit from.
ao3 is a safe& reputable place to donate to. The archive has nonprofit status. and published a report of budgeting. and has already proven that the ao3 will continue improvement projects while also hosting //millions// of published fics on the site itself and protecting&importing other collections of fics from other groups! And thousands of people donating is definitely an accomplishment but out of 4+ million users.... it's not a lot for what they're doing!
the second least appealing part of this ~discourse~ is people refusing to accept the first point (huge number of people seeing a donation open will result in a least a small number donating) and then becoming enraged whenever a fundraiser with only a tiny view count doesn't magically meet the goal when tumblr is a notoriously unsafe& scam-filled website. and has none of the oversight that ao3 does. Like. I'm sorry. truly. But trying to compare these situations as though it's anything close to an equivalent is just going to make everybody miserable.
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listen we try not to get into syscourse but the ppl crying about being called sysmed are so fucking funny dude. your using the exact same arguments as transmeds, and yeah, trans plurals can tell.
being trans being plural is RARE and SERIOUS and DEBILITATING and if you claim to be trans plural without the SUFFERING you're clearly a faker for attention. gender dysphoria DID is ~trendy~ now and everyone wants a piece of the action.
What? Pushing for a medical model that fails to account for ppl who don't need or desire outside intervention? Ignoring and fakeclaiming ppl who aren't in distress? Refusing to acknowledge that diagnostic guides aren't the be-all-end-all on atypical experiences? Creating a whole community to cling to medical validation for an identity & experience they hate?
no thanks.
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Hey maybe the normalization of violent & graphic threats (jokingly or not) on the internet is bad, actually.
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purrhaps this is a personal beef but the 'i love x I love you y" & adjacent memes are particularly hellish bcuz i struggle to make my brain stop reading them but I can't fuckig filter them out
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ugh. relapse ""recover"" get stressed relapse relapse relapse lie on the floor and die
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when will we admit that the ace disk horse was just a harassment campaign
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Sometimes i think about how the diagnostic criteria for anorexia & other restrictive eating disorders still rely on weight loss and how that continues to feed into sufferers measuring & comparing to others with ""successful"" weight loss who are afforded any level of validation and care when those with heavier bodies or who have not lost a significant amount of weight are very rarely afforded the same courtesy. And how the weight based component of ED diagnosis is likely not going to be changed or removed because then we as a society would have to seriously address the amount of people who do not become dangerously emaciated who engage in very severe restrictive and compensatory behaviors regarding food instead of congratulating them for becoming thin or maintaining thinness. or mocking and deriding those who continue to be fat while engaging in disordered behaviors.
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The whole proship vs antis is also stupid in a lot of ways becuase its really just dumb fuckin ship wars with morality hats! that's it! One group wears hats that say "fiction is not the same thing as real life" and one wears hats that say "bad fictional things are equally as bad as the same thing happening to real people" and somehow we have not collectively realized that one of those concept is ridiculous
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the most exhausting thing about Hamilton discourse is that so many of y'all screeching about how awful it is never seem to realize that the founding fathers are already glorified in America. Constantly. fucking christ hamilton does a better job of acknowledging slavery than actual textbooks for schools and you're coming at fans for liking this musical? America's been holding shitty white dudes on a pedestal forever and you're mad that one historical fiction succeeded? get over yourselves.
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Me internally: I love hearing about you and your interests even when they do not coincide with my interests
Me externally: *accidently ruins everything & makes the other person feel bad*
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