#grimoire tag;
ostolero · 11 months
in 2024 you and your friends need to be talking about grimoires
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tangle-twer · 6 months
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"Don't worry... you look better without it."
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grimoiremanifest · 25 days
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deadlock has had me in brainrot for the past few months and now im finally allowed to post about it
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ottosbigtop · 1 year
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“We just can’t catch a break, can we?”
“I mean… isn’t this like… your job?”
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DETECTIVE GRIMOIRE FANCASE because I’ve been seeing others do their own recently! Would’ve liked to put my sally and Grimoire outfits up here as well but I don’t have those ironed out just yet! But here’s the cast for the case!
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nimarts · 4 months
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Next in the cast of Big Top Bullet Trap (finally named it lmao) is Colleen!! Our primary suspect. While her confession seems definitive on the surface, evidence and testimony from her fellow troupe members gradually begin to paint a different picture. What is she hiding? And who or what could she be protecting?
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months
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with summer fast approaching and graduation a mere week away, the growing excitement at chumbridge college had quickly morphed into anxiety when that year's valedictorian, victoria valentine, is found dead in the campus's grand auditorium. grimoire and sally are called in to get to the bottom of things, but will they be able to successfully navigate the secrets of the storied campus and the complex interpersonal lives of its students & staff? perhaps, the keen eye of a certain junior detective could help with that...
finally finished up the character line-up for my dg fancase. coming up with 10 unique character designs was one hell of a challege, but i had a lot of fun creating these guys! i'll try sharing more about them soon, (probably after a rest my hand for a lil bit lol)
[ character names (and roles) from left to right : sally spears & detective grimoire (detectives), j.b. decker (librarian), drew decker (junior detective), charles cadwell (chancellor), victoria valentine (valedictorian/victim), angie archer (archivist), harris henly (heir), georgie grover (groundskeeper), donna dowdy (dorm mother), dr. conrad caligari (counselor), hugh henly (benefactor) ]
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candles-by-mokosh · 1 year
Hey! This was my picrew chain but I’d love for you to check out my Etsy :) you can find the original post in the reblogs. I’m a small minority owned business. thanks! 🤍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
My birthday is coming up soon and would love to celebrate this year... if you see something on my Etsy you really like I offer discounts and bundle options! Please help an LGBT witch celebrate 🥺‼️
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struggle-bugg · 8 months
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the book of grimoire weiss
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mellow-yellow1213 · 2 months
Tangle Tower hyperfixation go brrrr, have some headcanons about my favourite character (Fitz)
Born at the tower. His mum left soon after he was born and his dad, alongside other ambassadors, left when he was still a kid (can't decide on a specific age, but before he was teenaged)
Was a talkative and high energy kid, and if given the chance he would talk about plants for hours. Eventually realised that none of the adults in the tower were actually listening to him, or really cared about what he was talking about, so he withdrew in on himself
After Flint (his dad) left Fitz was given his room. Ya know how in game it says that the ambassadors took or destroyed everything before they left? Yeah that's why Fitz's room is so bare, can't bring himself to decorate it much
Did not know about Poppy's crush on him. He was just happy that someone had the same interest as him
Autistic 👍
That's all I have right now, may return if I think of more. Also if anyone in the fandom is still alive, please I beg of you drop the discord link. I need to consume more content of this game
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my masterwork, tag yourself, i’m the top row
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oc-beehive · 1 year
An intro to SHOPAHOLIX (+ The trio)
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SHOPAHOLIX takes place in a pocket dimension somewhere in between this world and the next - a liminal space that stretches onward into forever, trapping mall patrons in an inescapable series of hallways and stores. whether they succumb to natural causes, die by someone else's hand, or fatigue themselves trying to evade one of the abstractly incomprehensible monsters that roam the shops, they eventually fall...
... and find themselves waking up as something entirely different. Still themselves, but with no knowledge of their name, and spotty memory of their past life... And a few extra limbs, here and there. Maybe computer chips, or maybe fiberfill. It really all depends on the store your human self last stepped into. Whatever it may be, you'll be surprised to see that the twisted, hostile labyrinth of the mall has become the roots for a neo-society. Those monsters you were running from? Those were previous humans - you just didn't have the proper eyes to see what they were yet. The decades of humanity imprisoned in this mall have started from scratch, rebuilding a facsimile of the world they remember - one so familiar, yet so different.
Nobody ages. Nobody's ever left this place alive. None of them are even human anymore. But here they are, thriving anyway.
Satin Grimoire is the Mall's most recent arrival - a young adult who really just wanted to get his holiday shopping over and done with. He's understandably upset and confused when he wakes up from a fainting spell with horns and wings, being looked down on by an actual angel. Like it or not, he's gotta learn all the rules and social standards of this wildly isolated eldritch-purgatory culture... As if that wasn't hard enough back home.
Cotton Principality is one of the Mall's longest-standing residents at this point in time. Not that there aren't "older" Employees - just that most of them died on account of civil society not being fully formed yet. Utterly emotionless and intimidatingly level-headed, Cotton is greatly respected for their work in studying and documenting the history of the Mall and its humanoid inhabitants. Some of their storemates claim they weren't always that way...
Corduroy Keystroke is the only surviving Employee from RadioShack. Why? Well... It turns out it's pretty hard to breathe or eat when your head becomes a laptop. They aren't very compatible with human organs. If anything, she's a medical miracle - a testament to how far the Mall has come in innovating on previous human medical knowledge. It's inspired her onto her new career path - studying mechanical anatomy and physiology, so that one day she can save lives the same way hers was!
Their little social pocket is the lens through which the Mall is explored... Which is to say they're mostly conduits for worldbuilding. I've written guides to xeno physiology and cultural holidays for this Infinite Ikea homage. Send help.
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lanternagainstthedark · 2 months
"The Force is With(in) Me" Spell
This is an extremely simple spell, requiring very little. It is meant as a reminder and a very quick check-in with your heart.
Paper(small, pocket size!)
Pen(in your favorite color, bonus points if the color matches your dream lightsaber)
A symbol representing you.
First, you need to clear your mind. It doesn't have to be a lot, just allow your focus to fall inwards. I recommend focusing on your breathing.
Draw the symbol representing you onto the center of your pocket sized notebook paper. Think something you can slide into your wallet.
Focus on sensing your own heart. What do you feel is the right thing to do? What distracts or stops you from following that baseline? Think of these things, and then let those roadblocks go. Pass them to the force after you have examined why you feel this way. Write around your symbol "The Force is a guide. It is a connection from me to the world, and the world to me. If the Force is in everything, the Force is within me. I can trust my heart to the Force, and that the Force will guide my heart. I trust my heart. I trust the Force."
Once you have written these things, fold it up. Draw a symbol that represents the force, and slide it to a pocket or place in your wallet where you can pull it out and remind yourself.
Trust is hard. Trusting yourself is harder. Allow the Force to help you find trust easy again.
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foundfamilyhq · 5 months
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chibishortdeath · 3 months
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Went to an arcade in a mall recently and they had a Marble of Souls in there, so I played it and won some cards hehe. Those things are LOUD, like piercingly LOUD. I could hear it screeching bitcrushed vampire killer throughout the whole arcade, partially because of how loud it was and partially because I heard vampire killer and immediately tuned out everything else. Had a really nice conversation with the people at the ticket counter too, one of them was a fan of the games and they were all really nice :). Really interesting experience, I guess now I get to say I’ve fed Konami’s gambling addiction 💀💀💀. I’ve got Simon and Maria in card protectors rn (only had two) and I plan to get more protectors to put cute little stickers on them lol. Might put Simon in a lanyard or my wallet XD. But for now they’re just sitting on a shelf for display :3.
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nimarts · 4 months
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Quick reference for one of the characters from my Grimoire fan case that takes place in a traveling circus… Detective Blackhurst!!
An old friend of the victim, Finnick Fiyero, who happened to be traveling briefly with the circus crew when the murder took place. In the past, Finnick described him as a reserved, thoughtful person. This greatly contrasts his loud, proclamatory self in the current day.
After the circus’s resident contortionist- 20 year old Colleen Carter- immediately confesses to the murder, the detective takes it upon himself to put together a packet of evidence before Sally and Grimoire even arrive on the scene. Now that they’re here, he almost seems eager to wrap up the investigation as fast as possible. Something isn’t quite adding up…
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
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V FOR VALEDICTORIAN character introduction :
VICTORIA VALENTINE, the valedictorian & victim.
after dragging my feet on finishing her chara intro, here's some more info on victoria! the basic idea behind her design was "60's girl-next-door meets elle woods & cher horowitz." it's a bummer that she's not really present in the story because i ended up liking her a lot, too bad she got caught up in something much bigger than what she thought it was.
( alt text for vic's bio below! ) ⤵
Victoria Valentine, Also known as Vic
The Valedictorian of Chumbridge College’s Postgraduate Class, known for being a kind-hearted and passionate person who was extremely active in campus life and local outreach projects. She was about to graduate with a Masters in Law.
Found dead at 6:26 in Chumbridge College’s Grand Auditorium by Georgie Grover, hung by one of the stage curtain’s counterweights.
According to her partially recovered Valedictorian speech, she was going to expose someone on campus. Who this was exactly is still unknown.
Her father was a former business partner of Hugh Henly, but was convicted of accounting fraud and embezzlement 6 years ago. Her mother left him not long after his conviction and Victoria hadn’t had much contact with either of them since.
Harris was one of Victoria’s closest friends, having known each other since childhood, as well as her #1 academic rival. The two also dated for a brief time, which ended in a nasty fight, but had since reconciled.
Angie was Victoria’s roommate and closest confidant. Having met in one of their undergraduate classes, the two had become extremely close friends and were rarely seen apart. Though, it seems their relationship was a bit deeper than just friends.
Recently, she had been seeing Dr. Conrad to help mitigate some of the stress related to her role as Valedictorian.
For some reason, she seemed very concerned about J.B.’s safety lately.
Like Drew, she had a very strong sense of justice. Due to this, she intended to work as a Civil Rights Lawyer after graduation.
According to Harris, while Victoria was always well-intentioned, she had a bad habit of getting overly involved in other people’s business (whether they wanted her to be or not.)
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